Convention Preview Solving Air Show Traffic Charitable Giving
Convention Preview Solving Air Show Traffic Volume 46, Number 4, Fourth Quarter, 20151 Charitableair shows Giving 4Q 2015 air shows 4Q 2015 2 Message FROM THE CHAIR What Have You Done For Me Lately? BY: RALPH ROYCE know you’ve heard that R Continued to manage, with standard for aircraft rescue and question -- or some deriva- a staff of four -- yes, you read firefighting (ARFF) response I tive of it -- a hundred times correctly, four -- the entire na- at air shows that requires a 60 in your life. I have, mostly in jest. tional industry central resource second emergency response, and But the times it was not asked and business focus of associated then coordinated with asso- in jest, it really annoyed me. It organizations and governmental ciations and organizations that implied that the product of the oversight agencies, and the daily might be impacted by the new work was not really necessary or 101 things that keep an associa- standard to explain the initiative of any value. tion of ~1,000 members moving and generate support for it; along; So, in the same vein, hearing R Responded to inconsisten- Association members ask, “What R Successfully led the industry cies in federal guidance identi- has ICAS ever done for me?” thru the doldrums of sequestra- fied by FAA and Transport drives me a little bonkers. My tion, including an aggressive and Canada (TC) by proposing immediate answer is, “LOTS, you ongoing effort to restore military changes to current guidance; and pinhead,” but then I realize that participation in air shows to its leading the development and they really don’t know about all pre-sequestration level; implementation [in 2016] of a of the little nit-noid things and “dynamic maneuvering” (forma- all of the huge issues their Asso- R Developed and imple- tion changes, daisy chains, steep ciation takes on in their behalf.
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