Culver Community Spring Cleaning to Be May 7Th to 14Th
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Spritcpcrtj i'J.o)u*an m A weekly report of the events that are making local history vjS'eminq m the commmtitu I.IT since 1894 I H 7FNM H I p m ■ ■ ■ ■ '^pr ■ I Ilk f a ll Home Of Culver Military Academy - 1979 State Hockey Champions Volume 82 Culver, Indiana 46511 Thursday April 12, 1979 Number 7 AMBULANCE FUND DINNER CHANGED CCHS Honor Roll Monterey News Culver - The VFW Culver Community Spring Culver - The Culver Auxiliary has announced Reinholt. Eileen Singleton, by Pat Weaver Community Building that the Friday evening Community High School Peggy Stone, Susan The Pulaski County fair dinner to benefit Culver- honor roll following the 3rd Weisenberger. Kathie White. Congratulations to Mr and board will be meeting on Unior. Twp. am bulance Fund nine weeks of study, are as 1A, Jayne Ahlenius, Susan Mrs. Ron Fox of Monterey on Monday. April 16th, in the 4- will be changed from the last follows: Bauer. Renee’ Beach. the birth of a new son H Community Building in Cleaning To Be Friday of the month to Kathy Bigley, Kevin Bonine, Saturday, April 7th. Mrs. Winamac. Friday, April 20. The menu Honor Roll Amy Coffin. Mark DePerte, Fox is the former Thelma will be homemade noodles "6A. Holly Bowman, Marv Jo Dollahan. DcWaync Feltner of Monterey. Henry Drang. with beef, mashed potatoes, Doty. Sarah Fox, Charles Monterey will be getting a Hulmes. Edward Keller. new Doctor in town on May peas, bread and butter and Michelle Knarr. Abby Law Good. Diana Good. Debbie The United Methodist May 7th To 14th homemade pie or cake. Take son. Kelly Lawson. Jennifer Grover. Ronald Harris. Mike 1st. The office will be next to out is available and the Kelly Lawson, Jennifer Jamieson. Laura Keyser, church of Monterey and the Post Office. Thanks to Culver - In years past, the We encourage all Club, Maxinkuckee Jr. Leiters Ford will hold Easter donation is $3.50 for adults Lewis, Steve Mattison. Tony Kozlowski, Lisa the Mont trey Lions Club for Culver Chamber of Com organization members to Sunrise Services in the Women's Club. and $2 for children. David Quivey, Lisa Ran- Kozubik. Mike Loehmer, this achievement. m erce has taken respon support this important loiters Ford Methodist 1973, Culver Brownie sdell, David Taiclet. Terry McCoige. Dawn sibility to conduct a spring community undertaking. By Troop 1206 Oiurch, Sunday morning at 4A, Christine Bailey, Gale Mishler. Jill Morgan. Tim clean up week. This year the the way, any community 1974, Maxinkuckee Jr. 6:30 a.m . A combined choir The United Methodist Craft, W illiam Dehne. Steve Overmyer, Tom Rakowski, Chamber is suggesting minded individual may VVomens Club. from both churches will sing. Church Women will meet Jaycees Fretting er. Cassie Hinsey, Lesa Reinhold. Eva Ruiz. p a rtic ip a tin g projects be participate either jointly or 1975, Culver Fire Dept. Breakfast will follow the Thursday night April 12th in Kevin Mallory, Sandra Alfonso Salary, Lori Shaffer, established by each of the alone if they have a specific 1976, Culver Brownie services. th e home of Virginia Reinholt, Tina Riester, Gail Kit Shei, Susan Stayton, Rita various area civic and Troop 1206. Rosenbaum Hope to see all “Pet Project” they would To Hold Ruhnow. Susan Snyder. Toni Ulch, Robin Wiggin, Shelley fraternal organizations, as like to see completed. 1977, Culver Girl Scouts Wynn. Jason Young. Joseph Pulaski County 4-H ‘Share members there, also the well as, Jr. High and High Weldon. Neil Winn. As in the past, a very 1978, None Young, August Zehner. the Fun Night'’ was held in church women will be School Students. A letter has 3A, Francine Bauer, beautiful traveling trophy 1979 ??? Easter Winamac cn Thursday. April holding a rummage sale on Cynthia Bonine, Patricia b e e n sent to each May 5th. will be awarded the group or Bonnell. Jeff Borg. Jennifer Honorable Mention 5th, Shirley Poort of Mon organization President April organization that completes Jack Keldenich. who is the Crowel, Christine Fields, terey won first place for her 9th, asking for their support the most outstanding project Chamber’s co-ordinating Egg Hont baton twirling. Shirley will Tom Girton. Kim Hamman, Carolyn Bauer, Steve of this community endeavor. as seen in the eyes of three chairman this year, would Don’t forget the Food and Jeff Hansen, Jorja Jones, Bauer. Dennis Boschce, go on now to represent As these organizations like to hear from concerned Culver - The JC!s annual Bake Sale Saturday. April judges. Prior recipients of Deborah Kornblith, Susan Diane Braasch, Lora Pulaski County on May 5th in make their project known to persons about project ideas Easter Egg Hunt will be heltl 14th at Master’s Hardware. the trophy are as follows: Linhart. Robin Middleton, Brooks, Lisa Cissna, Paul Rensselaer, indiana. Paul the Chuinber, notification 1970 Maxinkuckee Auto Saturday afternoon at l This is sponsored by the to suggest to the various Greg Mishler. Brian Musial, Cummins, Don Darda, Lori Kline and John Zehner of will be printed here in the Club organizations, he can be o’clock in the Culver Park. ladies ot the Monterey Lisa Reinholt, Eddie DeVos, Joy Doty. Glenn Monterey played their Culver Citizen as to which contacted at The State There will be plenty of Methodist Church. Rickman, Colleen Sage, Dunfee, Diane Fieldhouse, U’umpets and received a B projects are being conducted 1971 Culer Boys Scouts Exchange Bank at 842-3321 eggs for everyone and some Melanie Sage. Linda Spoor, Raymond Forest, Jeff Foust, grading. Beth Nies, Shiela and by what organization. between 8 and 4 or at home at special prizes. Troop. Todd Welling, Anne Wiggin, Jerry Frasa, Rex Harness, Kraft, Bennie Dubois and This will help in elimination 1972 Maxinkuckee Auto 1 golden egg worth $5. for Remember the Monterey 842-3134. Lisa Wynn. Kelly Young. Becky Hawk, Patrick Margie Nies received a B on of duplication. each age group. Girl Scouts w'ill be selling 2A,. Cindy Bennett, Kevin Hinsey, George Hopple, their dancing act. We have a 3 silver eggs worth $1. for subscriptions for the Culver Berger, Jennifer Collins, Mark Hyde, Lisa Hyndman, great group of 4-H’ers in our each age group. Citizen on Saturday April Dennis Cultice, Bonnie Debbie Justis. Carol Ludwig, community and they do a Ages 9-12 east end of park. 2lst. They hope for a good Storm Damages Colver Area Fisher, Ulysses Good, Linda Chad Master, John Mc- good job for the community Ages 5-8 middle of park. response. Hart, Fred Hoesel. Randy Farlane, Walter Nehls, and Pulaski C ounty. Keep up Ages 4 and under west er.'i James, Brian Lewis, Susan Tammi Overley. Susan the good work k id s !!! of park. Mahler, Shawn Master, Personette, Tim Posthuma, Anyone wishing news put Cindy McVicker, Scott Mike Reinholt, Toni Salzer, in the paper, may call Pat Mersch, Sue Nehls, Ed John Singleton, Daniel The Pulaski County fair board will be meeting on Weaver - 542-2252. during the THE CULVER CITIZEN Newman, Geri Newman, Smith, Crystal Stacy, morning or evening hours. Loretta Rausch. Glenna Martha Trusty, Joan Ver- Monday. April 16th in the 4-H “your hometown paper” Ready, Lewanna Ready. num, David Warner. Laura Linda Reinhold, Duane Zehnr. Taiclet Appears On Monterey Girl Scouts To Sell Leadership Conference “Citizen” Subscriptions Culver - Gordon Taiclet, Council Winners of 1978. Also Left to right, front row are The G irl Scout Troop in Toyer Thomas. Gloria Moss, president of The Buckeye attending from The Buckeye I Monterey will be selling Kelly Hunneshagen, Lisa Angie Schmidt, Melissa F eed a n d Supply, Inc., Feed and Supply Co. were Last week’s wind storm on Citizen subscriptions door to Huber. Diane Bauer. Jamyc Zehner, Nancy Keller and Monterey, was recently Bill Strauch of Culver and Thursday evening took its door in Monterey as a fund Pugh. Shari Weldon and Debra Penksa. chosen to appear on a Purina Red Fisher of Monterey. toll in trees. raising project for the trooD. Mandi Weaver. Back row. Dealer Leadership Con ference held annually for MONTEREY GIRL Young and Larry Harness. all young people do. They Ohio. Indiana, and Michigan BAKE SALE SCOUT NEWS In the future the troop really keep us on our toes. Purina Dealers. by Valerie Hainess plans to entertain the We try to plan a project a M r . Taiclet is past month and we always have Culver • The Sophomore A t t h e Norm Kelly Mothers and Grandmothers president of The Indiana Monterey - The Monterey something to look forward Class at Culver Community residence on College Ave., with a Talent Show on May Grain and Feed Dealers to. We also try to make it so High School will hold a Bake the wind tore the center out Girl Scouts will be selling 8th. On April 20th they will Assc and is a Director of the we can earn badges at the Sale at the John Elliott of this tree. subscriptions to the Culver attend a Mother-Daughter National Grain and Feed Building on F’riday, April 13, Citizen, Saturday morning. Tea in W inamac for all the same time. New girls are Dealers Association. from 8:30 to 11 a.m. April 21st. The cost will be' are Girl Scouts. May 25th always welcome. They are The Panel was part of a $7.00 per year. The proceeds they have a hay ride plan 4th, 5th and 6th graders Our three day conference held in from this will help the girls ned, this is to celebrate the meetings are on Tuesdays Indianapolis for the Honor The wind blew down this with several activities end of School.