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Jjmonl 1602 A.Pmd alactic Observer GJohn J. McCarthy Observatory Volume 9, No. 2 February 2016 Armageddon A galaxy in a cosmic death spiral. See inside, page 23 The John J. McCarthy Observatory Galactic Observvvererer New Milford High School Editorial Committee 388 Danbury Road Managing Editor New Milford, CT 06776 Bill Cloutier Phone/Voice: (860) 210-4117 Production & Design Phone/Fax: (860) 354-1595 www.mccarthyobservatory.org Allan Ostergren Website Development JJMO Staff Marc Polansky It is through their efforts that the McCarthy Observatory Technical Support has established itself as a significant educational and Bob Lambert recreational resource within the western Connecticut Dr. Parker Moreland community. Steve Barone Jim Johnstone Colin Campbell Carly KleinStern Dennis Cartolano Bob Lambert Mike Chiarella Roger Moore Route Jeff Chodak Parker Moreland, PhD Bill Cloutier Allan Ostergren Cecilia Detrich Marc Polansky Dirk Feather Joe Privitera Randy Fender Monty Robson Randy Finden Don Ross John Gebauer Gene Schilling Elaine Green Katie Shusdock Tina Hartzell Paul Woodell Tom Heydenburg Amy Ziffer In This Issue OUT THE WINDOW ON YOUR LEFT .................................... 4 SOVIET MOON PROGRAM ............................................... 17 LUNAR EXPLORATION ...................................................... 6 JUPITER AND ITS MOONS ................................................. 18 LRO EARTHRISE ........................................................... 7 TRANSIT OF THE JUPITER'S RED SPOT ............................... 18 NEUTRINOS .................................................................... 7 SUNRISE AND SUNSET ...................................................... 18 EUROPA CLIPPER ............................................................ 8 ASTRONOMICAL AND HISTORICAL EVENTS ......................... 19 PLUTO AND CHARON ....................................................... 9 COMMONLY USED TERMS ............................................... 22 PLUTO (PICTORIAL) ........................................................ 9 REFERENCES ON DISTANCES ............................................ 22 CHARON (PICTORIAL) .................................................... 10 INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION/IRIDIUM SATELLITES .......... 22 JASON 3 ON LAUNCHPAD ................................................. 11 SOLAR ACTIVITY ........................................................... 22 JASON 2 AND EL NIÑO .................................................... 12 IMAGE CREDITS ............................................................ 23 MEASURING SEA SURFACE HEIGHTS ................................. 12 SECOND SATURDAY STARS ............................................... 24 DAWN UP-CLOSE .......................................................... 13 FEBRUARY GRAPHIC CALENDAR ...................................... 25 FINAL APPROACH .......................................................... 14 JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF JUPITER ............................... 14 JOHN GLENN AND THE FLIGHT OF FREEDOM 7 ................... 16 FEBRUARY HISTORY ....................................................... 16 SUPERNOVAS ................................................................. 17 2 • Feb 2016 http://www.mccarthyobservatory.org February Astronomy Calendar and Space February 2016 Calendar and Space Exploration Almanac http://www.mccarthyobservatory.org Feb 2016 • 3 (which would later be renamed for from the Soviet Union that Luna “Out the Window Neil Armstrong). The final image 15’s trajectory, and the communi- on Your Left” taken before impact had a resolu- cations with the spacecraft, would T’S BEEN ALMOST 45 years tion of 5 feet (1.5 meters). not interfere with the Apollo 11 Isince we left the last footprint on Surveyor 5 landed 9 miles (15 mission.) the dusty lunar surface. Sadly, as a km) to the west-northwest of crater Apollo 11 accomplished a na- nation founded on exploration and Sabine D (which would later be re- tional goal set forth by President the conquest of new frontiers, we named for Michael Collins). The Kennedy before a special joint ses- appear to have lost our will to lead Surveyor program was intended to sion of Congress on May 25, 1961 validate the technology for soft land- (“… this nation should commit it- ing on the Moon, assess landing site self to achieving the goal, before conditions and perform an in-situ this decade is out, of landing a man analysis of the lunar regolith. Sur- on the moon and returning him veyor 5 was the third successful Sur- safely to earth.”). Astronauts veyor mission. Following its land- Armstrong and Aldrin spent less ing on September 10, 1967, Surveyor than 24 hours on the lunar surface returned a total of 19,118 pictures and only a little more than 2½ during its three (Earth) months of hours outside of the Lunar Excur- operation (four lunar days). sion Module (LM) exploring the Surveyor 5 was also the most landing area. In that short time, successful of the Surveyor landers, they set up scientific experiments, beginning with a precision landing including a Laser Ranging Retrore- Lunar seas are actually expansive on the slope of a small, rimless cra- flector, and collected almost 50 low-lying plains formed by ancient ter. It was the first to chemically pounds (22 kg) of material, includ- lava flows analyze the lunar regolith. Data ing rocks, regolith and two core as a space-faring nation. But, what returned from the lander’s instru- tubes (the first geologic samples if the average citizen had the means ments established the volcanic ori- from the Moon). to visit our only natural satellite; gin of Moon’s surface. It also con- Luna 16 was the Soviet Union’s what would they see out the firmed the stability of the soil for first successful sample return mis- window of their spacecraft as they future landings. sion. The spacecraft soft-landed on entered orbit around the Moon? This Launched 3 days before, and Mare Fecunditatis (the Sea of Fer- column may provide some thoughts arriving in lunar orbit 2 days prior tility) on September 20, 1970, after to ponder when planning your visit to Apollo 11, the Luna 15 robotic the Sun had set (first night landing). (if only in your imagination). spacecraft was the Soviets’ second The lander’s drilling rig collected 3½ The Moon’s eastern hemisphere attempt at a sample return mission. ounces (101 grams) of lunar regolith was the focus of considerable activ- On July 20th, both Luna 15 and which were placed in a hermetically ity in the first decade of exploration. Apollo 11 were in lunar orbit. Luna sealed container. The spacecraft’s The Ranger program launched 15 remained in orbit during Apollo ascent stage carried the container an armada of robotic probes to the 11’s successful landing before be- back to Earth where it made a bal- Moon, taking close-up images of ginning its descent approximately listic entry before landing under the lunar surface in the last few 2 hours before astronauts Neil parachute in Kazakhstan. minutes before impact. The images Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were NASA and the Soviet Academy were used to evaluate and select ready to leave the lunar surface. of Sciences exchanged lunar samples potential landing sites for the According to archived records in 1971. The Soviet Union provided Apollo program. Ranger 8 was the from the Jodrell Bank Observatory, 3 grams of the material collected by second successful Ranger mission. which monitored both missions Luna 16 to NASA scientists and The spacecraft transmitted 7,137 with its radio telescope located in NASA provided 6 grams of mate- photographs from its six television northwest England, Luna 15 de- rial from the Apollo 11 and 12 mis- cameras before impacting on the scended too fast, crashing into sions to Soviet scientists. plains of Mare Tranquillitatis (Sea Mare Crisium (Sea of Crises) on The Soviets attempted another of Tranquility) on February 20, July 21, 1969. (NASA had re- sample return mission a year later 1965, north of crater Sabine E quested, and received, assurance with Luna 18 (Luna 17 had suc- 4 • Feb 2016 http://www.mccarthyobservatory.org cessfully delivered a rover to Mare The Apollo 16 astronauts brought about 100 million years ago that Imbrium). The spacecraft landed in back some of the oldest rocks col- may also date the Tycho impact. the rugged terrain northeast of lected by the Apollo missions, in- Apollo 17 was also the second Mare Fecunditatis. Communica- cluding one that formed between mission to be “saved” by duct tape tions were lost upon landing. Luna 4.44 and 4.51 billion years ago, (Apollo 13 being the first). During 20 also targeted the Appolonius shortly after the formation of the the first excursion, one of the Highlands in February 1972, suc- Moon. lunar rover’s rear fenders was dam- cessfully setting down less than 3 Astronauts Young and Duke aged. The plume of dust kicked up miles (1.8 km) northeast of the collected 731 rock and soil samples by the unshielded wheel threatened Luna 18 crash landing site. Less in their 71 hours on the Moon, re- to shower the rover and the astro- than 2 ounces (50 grams) were re- turning 212 pounds (96 kg) back nauts with abrasive grit, clog deli- turned to Earth in this second of to Earth for analysis. cate machinery and cause equip- three successful sample return mis- Apollo 17 was NASA’s last ment (and space suits) to overheat. sions by the Soviets. NASA was manned mission. A narrow valley The fender was eventually repaired provided approximately 2 grams of in the Taurus Mountains on the by clamping laminated
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