Ankenym Powysjournal 1996
Powys Journal, 1996, vol. 6, pp. 7-61. ISSN: 0962-7057 © 1996 Powys Society. All rights reserved. Drawing of John Cowper Powys by Ivan Opffer, 1920 MELVON L. ANKENY Lloyd Emerson Siberell, Powys 'Bibliomaniac' and 'Extravagantic' John Cowper Powys referred to him as 'a "character", if you catch my meaning, this good Emerson Lloyd S. — a very resolute chap (with a grand job in a big office) & a swarthy black- haired black-coated Connoisseur air, as a Missioner of a guileless culture, but I fancy no fool in his office or in the bosom of his family!'1 and would later describe him as 'a grand stand-by & yet what an Extravagantic on his own our great Siberell is for now and for always!'2 Lloyd Emerson Siberell, the 'Extravagantic' from the midwestern United States, had a lifelong fascination and enthusiasm for the Powys family and in pursuit of his avocations as magazine editor, publisher, writer, critic, literary agent, collector, and corresponding friend was a constant voice championing the Powys cause for over thirty years. Sometimes over-zealous, always persistent, unfailingly solicitous, both utilized and ignored, he served the family faithfully as an American champion of their art. He was born on 18 September 1905 and spent his early years in the small town of Kingston, Ohio; 'a wide place in the road, on the fringe of the beautiful Pickaway plains the heart of Ohio's farming region, at the back door of the country, so to speak.' In his high school days he 'was always too busy reading the books [he] liked and playing truant to ever study seriously...' He 'enjoyed life' and was 'a voracious reader but conversely not the bookworm type of man.'3 At seventeen he left school and worked a year at the Mead Corporation paper mill in Chillicothe, Ohio and from this experience he dated his interest in the art and craft of paper and paper making.
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