The Inventory of the William Cameron Forbes Collection #1518 [BU]
The Inventory of the William Cameron Forbes Collection #1518 [BU] Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center Forbes, William Cameron #BU 1518 Preliminary Listing I. Printed materials. Box 1 A. Page proofs 1. AS TO POLO, by William Cameron Forbes, TS, 221 p., n.d. [F. 1] 2. AS TO POLO, fragment of 6th Edition, by William Cameron Forbes, TS, 138 p., 08/14/1929. [F. 2] B. “Polo in the Philippines,” by William Cameron Forbes, Polo Monthly and Clubman, 06/1912. [F. 3] C. Approx. 50 newspaper clippings re: relations between U.S.A./Japan/China from various newspapers, 1932. [F. 4] D. Miscellaneous [F. 5] 1. “Addresses of the Hon. Secretary of War and his Party, during their stay in Manila, 1905.” 2. “Governor-General Forbes,” The American Chamber of Commerce Journal, n.d. 3. “Message of the Governor-General to the Second Philippine Legislature,” by William Cameron Forbes, 10/17/1910. 4. “The Constitution of the United States,” Old South Leaflets, n.d. 5. “American School in Japan: History and Financial Requirements,” by Mr. R. F. Moss in Tokyo, Japan, 04/24/1926. 6. 4 leaflets containing images of various polo moves, n.d. 7. “American Relief Clearing House, Comité Central des Secours Américains” booklet, n.d. 8. Advertisement in The Trotter and Pacer for the sale of “The J. Malcolm Forbes’ […] 15 head of yearlings,” 02/24/1916. 9. 9 newspaper clippings re: Major-General Leonard Wood, Japan Advertiser, 10/1921. 10. “The Truth About the Philippines,” by Katherine Mayo, Boston Evening Transcript, 12/03/1924. 11. 2 copies of “The Philippine Islands as a National Asset,” by William Cameron Forbes, Boston Evening Transcript, 03/15/1929.
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