Age: 58

Birthdate: December 23, 1944 in , Illinois

Current Position: Chairman and CEO, Wesley K. Clark and Associates consulting firm. Also, Chairman of WaveCrest Laboratories, which develops hybrid motors.

Career Highlights: Fellow; instructor and assistant professor at West Point; investment banker at Stephens Group; military analyst for CNN

Education: West Point Military Academy (1966, 1st in his class); Oxford University (1968, Rhodes Scholar, Master’s Degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics)

Military service: U.S. Army, 1966-2000; retired as a four-star . Served in from 1968-70. Was lead military negotiator for 1995 Dayton peace accord. Was of NATO and U.S. European Commander-in-Chief from 1997- 2000.

Hometown: Little Rock,

Religion: Born Jewish, raised Baptist and converted to Catholicism around the time he married in 1967.

Announcement: September 17, 2003 Little Rock, Arkansas

Spouse: Gertrude "Gert" Kingston Clark

Age: 59

Birthday: December 1, 1943 in Brooklyn

Career Highlights: Executive assistant turned military wife; Arkansas Cancer Research Center Foundation Fund Board

Education: High School Graduate

Hometown: Little Rock, Arkansas

Religion: Catholic

Family: One son, Wesley Jr. (34)


12/23/44 WESLEY CLARK: Born Wesley Kanne in Chicago, IL to B.J. and Veneta Kanne. His father died when he was 4 years old and shortly thereafter, his mother moved home to Little Rock, AR and moved in with her parents. Eventually, his mother married a banker named Victor Clark. Wesley Kanne was born Jewish and raised Baptist after his mother remarried. He later converted to Catholicism after his marriage in 1967.

1962 FIRST IN HIS CLASS: Graduated first in his class from Hall High School in Little Rock.

1966 FIRST IN HIS CLASS - AGAIN: Graduated first in his class from West Point. In August, he begins at Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar. While at Oxford, he defended U.S. policy in Vietnam on speaking tours around Britain. Also while at Oxford, he learned of his Jewish heritage when a long-lost Kanne cousin got in touch with him.

1967 MARRIES: Clark marries Gertrude Kingston who he met in 1963 at a Navy dance that he and his friends crashed in . The West Point cadet met Kingston, a native of Brooklyn, during her days as a Wall Street executive assistant.

8/68 Earned a Master’s from Oxford in Philosophy, Politics and Economics.

1968-70 CLARK IN VIETNAM: Served in the Army in Vietnam. On Feb. 19, 1970, while he was a commander with the 1st Infantry Division, his unit was involved in a firefight. Clark was hit four times. He initially recovered in Japan, but returned to the U.S. and rehabbed for a year, eventually receiving a and .

11/1969 Son, Wesley K. Clark, Jr., born.

1971-74 Instructor and, later, assistant professor of social science at West Point

1975 Received Masters in from U.S. Army Command and General Staff College.

1975-76 IN THE WHITE HOUSE: Served in the Ford Administration as a White House Fellow and worked as a special assistant to the director of the Office of Management and Budget.

1976-78 Army operations officer in .

1978-79 Assistant executive officer to the Supreme Allied Commander in .

2/80-6/82 Commander of the Army’s 1st Battalion, 77th Armor, 4th Infantry Division at , .


7/83-9/83 Chief, Plans Integration Division, Office of the Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans, U.S. Army.

10/83-7/84 Chief, Army Study Group, Office of the Chief of Staff of the Army.

8/84-1/86 Commander, Operations Group, National Training Center, Fort Irwin, Calif.

4/86-3/88 Commander of the Army’s 3rd Brigade, 4th Infantry Division at Fort Carson, Colorado.

4/88-10/89 Commander of the Battle Command Training Program at Fort Leavenworth, KS.

10/89-10/91 Commander of the National Training Center at Fort Irwin, Calif.

10/91-8/92 Deputy Chief of Staff for Concepts, Doctrine and Developments with the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command at , VA.

8/92-4/94 Became commander of the Army’s 1st Calvary Division, , TX.

5/20/93 Named by President Clinton to the President’s Commission on White House Fellowships for 1993-94.

4/94-6/96 Director, Strategic Plans and Policy, J5, in Washington.

1995 Served as the senior military member of the U.S. team crafting the Dayton peace accord to end the war in Bosnia.

4/18/96 Nominated by President Clinton to be Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Southern Command in .

6/26/96 Officially becomes Commander-in-Chief, Southern Command, Panama.

3/31/97 SUPREME ALLIED COMMANDER: Nominated by President Clinton to be Supreme Allied Commander of Europe and Commander-in- Chief of the U.S. European Command.

7/10/97 Took over as Supreme Allied Commander of Europe and Commander-in-Chief of the European Command.

3/24/99 : NATO begins its effort to stop the Kosovo conflict.

4/1/99 Clark speaks out about three American soldiers captured by Serb forces on 3/31. "We've all seen their pictures," he said. "We don't like it. We don't like the way they are [being] treated, and we have a long memory about these kinds of things."


6/20/99 NATO ends air war against Yugoslavia after Serb forces pulled out of Kosovo. NATO Sec. Gen. saluted Clark and NATO's men and women in uniform.

9/24/99 Receives Defense Distinguished Service Medal at a Pentagon ceremony. Defense Secretary said: “General Clark's leadership and personal demeanor created an atmosphere of cooperation within the North Atlantic Treaty organization Alliance that ensured accomplishment of the largest military and humanitarian operation in Europe since World War II.

5/2/00 CHANGE OF COMMAND; CLARK REPORTEDLY UNHAPPY: Clark is replaced as Commander in Chief of the European Command and NATO Supreme Allied Commander by former Joint Chiefs Vice Chairman Gen. at an official event in Stuttgart, Germany. reported that Clark was “stunned” by the move, which occurred two months early, and said it was one of the low points of his career. There were reports that Clark clashed with Cohen and other administration officials about the strategy. On September 23, 2003, Retired Gen. , former chairman of the Joint Chiefs referred to his early retirement as one of the reasons he would not vote for him for president. "I will tell you the reason he came out of Europe early had to do with integrity and character issues, things that are very near and dear to my heart," he said. Clark responds in November 2003 saying that Shelton’s comments were a “smear” and that the problem was a “policy dispute” over Bosnia.

6/00 RETIRES: Clark retires from the military and joins the Washington office of the Stephens Group Inc., an Arkansas investment banking firm, on 7/5/00. He left Stephens in 2003 to open his own consulting firm. 8/9/00 Awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Clinton. 5/11/01 PRAISE FOR THE GOP: Clark praises past GOP presidents, including and George H.W. Bush, and goes even further and praises the current Bush administration. "If you look around the world, there's a lot of work to be done," he said. "And I'm very glad we've got the great team in office . . . , Don Rumsfeld, and . . . people I know very well - our President George W. Bush. We need them there because we've got some tough challenges ahead in Europe." The RNC conveniently sent out transcripts and tapes of the fundraiser at Clark’s first in NYC (Clark responds 11/5/03).

7/2001 Clark’s first book, “Waging Modern War: Bosnia, Kosovo and the Future of Combat,” is published


8/27/01 PRESSED INTO TV SERVICE: Clark becomes a military analyst for CNN. Interestingly, he was signed just two weeks before the 9/11 attacks.

10/5/01 DINES WITH CLINTON; QUESTIONED ABOUT ARK GOV RACE: Dined with the former president and others in Little Rock. Following the dinner, he was asked if he was considering running for governor of Arkansas. “I just haven’t seriously considered it,” Clark said.


3/2003 Re-joined CNN as a military analyst for the war. Also became chairman and CEO of Wesley K. Clark & Associates, a consulting firm.

3/9/03 “I AM NOT A CANDIDATE”: In a Washington Post interview, Clark said: "I am not a candidate. This is my story, and I'm sticking to it. ... I have not taken any money; I am not a member of a political party. I have no political consultants on the payroll. . . . I am just a concerned citizen participating in the dialogue."

5/12/03 NH VISIT: Visits Manchester, N.H. and again says “I am not a candidate.” While in Manchester, he spoke to the Rotary Club, met with Segway inventor Dean Kamen and even took a swim in the YMCA pool.

5/31/03 NY VISIT: Spoke to the Democratic Rural Conference in Lake Placid, NY and criticized the current direction of the country. “I believe we need to redefine not only what America stands for abroad, we have to redefine what America stands for at home," he said.

6/15/03 CLARK ON “”; ACCUSES WH OF MEDDLING IN TV ANALYSIS: Clark insinuated the White House called him on 9/11 to pressure him to link the attacks to while on CNN. “Well, it came from the White House, it came from people around the White House. It came from all over. I got a call on 9/11. I was on CNN, and I got a call at my home saying, 'You got to say this is connected. This is state-sponsored . This has to be connected to Saddam Hussein.' I said, 'But-I'm willing to say it, but what's your evidence?' And I never got any evidence.” Clark later told it was not the White House but “a fellow in Canada who is part of a Middle Eastern think tank.” On 7/18, published a letter from Clark that reiterated his later claims that the White House did not ask him to link 9/11 to Saddam Hussein while he was on the air September 11.

When asked by Tim Russert if he was running for president, Clark said: “I’m going to have to seriously consider it. ... In many respects, I would like a chance to help this country. I’ve spent my entire life in public service,


except for the last three years, and it’s very hard not to think in terms of the welfare of the country. And when you see the country in trouble, in challenge, yes, you’d like to pitch in and help.” When asked if he would run as a Democrat, Clark dodged the question but he did say he would “not have supported” the Bush tax cuts.

6/17/03 Speaks to the annual meeting of the centrist .

6/19/03 MEETS WITH UNION LEADERS: Clark meets behind closed doors with leaders of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) in Washington, DC.

6/19/03 MEETS WITH CONGRESSIONAL DEMOCRATS: On Capitol Hill, he met privately with Senate Minority Whip (D-Nev.) and Reps. Gene Taylor (Miss.), Baron Hill (Ind.), Steve Israel (N.Y.), Jim Matheson (Utah), Dennis Moore (Kan.) and Mike Ross (Ark.), according to Roll Call. According to the article, Senate Minority Leader (S.D.), and Reps. Ronnie Shows (Miss.) and Harold Ford (Tenn.) praised him while Sen. (Iowa) was a bit critical saying, “He can't even answer a question on television on Sunday ["Meet the Press"] about what party he belongs to. ... It sounds like he is too ashamed to be a Democrat."

6/27/03 PRAISE FROM CLINTON: Clark said in an interview with the that President Clinton’s scandals wouldn’t affect a Clark candidacy: “As I look at what we did when I was in in the 1990s and later when I was overseas working on many of these issues, I'm very proud of the things we accomplished.” Meantime, President Clinton praised Clark saying, “While I cannot take sides in the Democratic primary, I believe Wes, if he runs, would make a valuable contribution because he understands America's security challenges and domestic priorities. ... I believe he would make a good president.”

7/4/03 No Party Affiliation, Though a Gore Operative Supports Him: In an interview with the Times, he was coy about which party he is aligned with. “I’ve been nonpartisan my whole life. ... I served in the Ford administration.

8/24/03 ON CBS “”: When asked about why “he was being so coy” about his presidential ambitions, Clark responded: “It's not a matter of being coy. It's a matter of making a complete career transition.”

8/26/03 CLARK 49%, BUSH 40%? NOT SO FAST: In a Zogby poll commissioned by, likely voters were given the bios of Clark and President Bush, but not their names. Clark’s bio received 49.4% to Bush’s 40.2%. And in a “blind bio” poll among just the Democratic candidates, Clark came in first. But in the portion of the poll that used names, Clark came in 5th place among the Dem field with only 5%.


8/28/03 announced its “General Fund” had topped $1 million in pledges.

9/1/03 STRONG SHOWING IN STRAW POLL: The Dallas (TX) County Democrats held a straw poll in which Clark received 107 votes to come in second place. was in first with 266.

9/3/03 HE’S A DEMOCRAT: Clark announces in an interview with CNN’s Judy Woodruff that he’s a Democrat.

9/6/03 TWO STARS: The New York Times reports that is overheard saying the national Democratic Party had "two stars": his wife and retired general, Wesley K. Clark, who at the time was considering a run for the presidential nomination.

9/8/03 THANKS SUPPORTERS: In a videotaped message to supporters, Clark calls their support “a tremendous inspiration” and that it’s encouraged him “to really give serious consideration to joining this race.” He also notes that tonight will be the first “ Clark” meeting, indicating that he made a decision.

9/12/03 IT’S A GO?: Sources indicate Clark is ready to jump into the presidential race.

9/16/03 JUMPING THE GUN: Clark advisors hold a conference call with reporters telling them Clark has decided to enter the race and will make a formal announcement the next day. The pre- announcement comes on the same day that Edwards is making his official announcement in North and .

9/17/03 I’M RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT: Clark formally enters the race at a campaign rally in Little Rock.

9/18/03 COUP: Kym Spell joins Clark’s press operation after quitting as 's New Hampshire communications director. Her former boss, follows suit and joins the campaign as a senior communications counselor in October.

9/18/03 HAVING IT BOTH WAYS: When asked if he would have supported the congressional Iraq resolution he stated, “At the time, I probably would have voted for it, but I think that’s too simple a question. … On balance, I probably would have voted for it." Clark’s comments came in a 90-minute airborne interview with journalists Adam Nagourney of the New York Times, Newman of USA Today, Joanne Weiss of the Globe and Jim VandeHei of the Washington Post. At one point things got so hairy that he called out for help from his then press secretary, Mary Jacoby.

9/19/03 LET ME CLARIFY: He clarified his statement telling the AP: “Let’s make one thing real clear, I would never have voted for this war, never … I would have voted for the right kind


of leverage to get a diplomatic solution, an international solution to the challenge of Saddam Hussein.”

9/22/03 BIG FUNDRAISER: The NYT reports that Clark has raised $750,000 in unsolicited contributions since he announced his candidacy.

9/22/03 USA TODAY/CNN/ POLL: Clark not only leads all Democrats with 22 percent among Democratic voters but he’s one of two who would beat President Bush among registered voters nationwide.

9/23/03 DEMS (AND A MILITARY MAN) UNLOAD: After Clark’s comments on Iraq and other remarks in which he said he had voted for both Nixon and Reagan, some candidates took swipes at him. Howard Dean said he was “shocked” about the Iraq comments and that he “was even more shocked that he switched the next day.” John Kerry on Clark’s past GOP voting record: “I have fought against the very people that General Clark and others have supported. I think that’s important to Democrats.” all but called Clark (and Dean) flashes in the pan saying: “If you're looking for the flavor of the month or a fresh face, I'm not the guy. If you're looking for experience... then I may be your candidate.”

In addition, former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Hugh Shelton was asked if he’d support Clark as a candidate. He responded, “I've known Wes for a long time. I will tell you the reason he came out of Europe early had to do with integrity and character issues, things that are very near and dear to my heart. I'm not going to say whether I'm a Republican or a Democrat. I'll just say Wes won't get my vote.”

9/25/03 FIRST DEBATE: Clark participates in his first debate sponsored by CNBC & Wall Street Journal. When asked about whether he would vote for the $87 billion supplemental spending bill for the , he called the question a “hypothetical” and said he doesn’t answer hypotheticals.

9/26/03 FIRST TRIP: Clark makes his first campaign trip to New Hampshire.

10/1/03 Campaigns separately with embattled Gov. Gray Davis and Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante. Later in the day heads to Hollywood for fundraisers at the homes of Norman Lear and childhood friend, Mary Steenburgen.

10/06/03 IT’S OFFICIAL: Clark officially became a Democrat, nearly three weeks after announcing his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination. Clark’s campaign filed the paperwork at the Pulaski County, Ark., elections office changing his voter registration from unaffiliated to Democrat. Clark has consistently come under fire from fellow Democrats who question his allegiance. According to


voting records, Clark did not list a party affiliation in his December 2001 renewal for his voter registration. In an interview with the Union Leader newspaper in Manchester, he brushed this off saying "I wasn't anything. In Arkansas, you don't have to register for parties. You vote in primaries, and, of course, I voted in Democratic primaries."

10/09/03 FIRST CAMPAIGN MANAGER OUT: Clark replaces first campaign manager Donnie Fowler with Ex-AmeriCorps CEO Eli Segal. Acxiom announces Clark’s resignation from the Acxiom Board of Directors, effectively immediately.

10/10/03 PHOENIX DEBATE: In the DNC-sponsored debate, Clark was the subject of harsh criticism from virtually all of his opponents, particularly over his support for Bush in previous years. Clark appeared a bit out of sorts during the debate and the campaign later said that he was sick with a fever over 102.

10/12/03 MEETUP: Clark appears at a gathering of supporters in Miami dubbed a “MeetUp”. He is beamed via webcast to meet ups around the country. This was his first MeetUp appearance.

10/13/03 CLARK BACK IN FLORIDA: Among several FL Dems, Clark said, “been reckless, radical and wrong" and “invoked his grandfather from Minsk" and his father, the Chicago Dem boss, and said he was a Dem "genetically, too."

10/14/03 FIRST POLICY ADDRESS: In the first of four addresses on “New American Patriotism,” Clark unveiled a massive service program.

10/15/03 THIRD QUARTER FUNDRAISING: In just two weeks, Clark managed to raise $3.5 million since announcing his candidacy. Clark said he was “humbled by the generosity."

10/16/03 Clark releases his Army records – 1.5 inches thick – and all glowing. The records did not include evaluations from the end of Clark’s career or information on the apparent controversy surrounding his departure from the Army.

10/17/03 CLARK IS SICK: Citing a serious viral infection, Clark decides to take the day (and the following three as it turns out) off and rest his voice. Com. Dir. Matt Bennett denies “far right” allegations of throat cancer.

10/20/03 CLARK SKIPS IOWA: Saying the organizational challenges were too large to overcome, Clark (and Lieberman) decided not to participate in the IA caucus.

10/21/03 GOOD NEWS DAY FOR CLARK: New polls are out from New Hampshire and . The Arizona poll has Clark in second with 24% to Dean's 32%. In New Hampshire, Clark is in third at 11%, behind Dean at 25% and Kerry at 19%.


10/22/03 SECOND MAJOR SPEECH ON ECONOMICS: Clark makes the second of his “New American Patriotism” speeches, vowing to save $2.35 trillion for deficit reduction and investments.

CLARK TARGETS SC AND OTHER 2/3 STATES: Clark added two former Graham staffers in SC, Scott Anderson and Joanie Lawson. Kym Spell told Hotline, “The next priority for us was South Carolina”

10/23/03 CLARK AS LOBBYIST: While working for Stephens Group Inc., a merchant banking firm, Clark also worked for Acxiom as a registered federal lobbyist beginning in 2002 and ending in September 2003. He worked on and defense issues, with Stevens receiving $300,000 from Acxiom for Clark’s services. Acxiom and JetBlue Airways are the subject of a FTC complaint that charges both improperly leaked personal information about 5 million passengers to a defense department contractor.

10/24/03 TYCO STOCK STORY SURFACES: While Clark was managing director at Stephens Group Inc., the group bought more than 50,000 shares in Tyco. Tyco is of particular importance to New Hampshire, where the company moved from to Bermuda in 1995 to avoid paying taxes. Such offshore loopholes were a major feature of the 2002 Shaheen v. Sununu senate race and as one politician put it, “Tyco is to New Hampshire as Enron is to Houston.” The Clark campaign says opponents are “grasping at straws."

10/25/03 Opens headquarters in Manchester, NH and participates in AFL-CIO forum.

10/26/03 DEBATE: At his third debate, Clark came under fire from and Howard Dean. Lieberman accused Clark of taking six different positions on whether going to war with Iraq was the right idea and four days to decide how to vote on the $87 billion. In the end, Clark said he would have voted against the $87 billion.

10/28/03 THIRD MAJOR POLICY ADDRESS: Clark makes the third of his “New American Patriotism” speeches, vowing to improve healthcare with a plan that has three pillars at its foundation.

10/29/03 Unveils his plan for health care that is similar to other Democratic candidates like mandating parents provide health care for their children for example.

11/1/03 Clark pulls ahead of Edwards in the polls in South Carolina with 17% to Edwards’ 10%. Comments on late-term abortion ban, "I applaud Planned Parenthood's efforts to stop the enforcement of an act that would take the decision of late term abortion away from women and their doctors."


11/6/03 FOURTH MAJOR POLICY SPEECH: Clark makes the fourth of his “New American Patriotism” speeches, vowing to improve the situation in Iraq by ending the U.S. monopoly in the reconstruction of Iraq, increasing intelligence resources, increasing Iraqi security forces, and improving border protection.

11/11/03 FLAG BURNING BAN: Clark tells an American Legion meeting that he backs a constitutional ban on burning the American flag. "I’m very proud of it," he said of the flag, "and if we’re going to emphasize a symbol of this country, that’s my symbol and that’s the symbol we should have across America. I’m absolutely in favor of anything that strengthens the American flag."

11/16/03 Hard Rock Casino king Peter Morton, Norman Lear and Irving Azoff will host a fund-raising Eagles concert for presidential candidate Gen. Wesley Clark in Los Angeles.

11/19/03 CLARK ON 60 MINUTES II: Clark interviewed by Dan Rather on 60 minutes. During the interview, Clark cries when showing Rather pictures of Kosovar refugees saying that he felt the US should intercede because “when you can do good, you should.” Clark also blames criticism of him by other generals on a “policy difference.” In a lighter moment, Clark demonstrates how to do push-ups while balancing on three chairs to “avoid scuffing your shoes.”

11/20/03 SMEAR CAMPAIGN: David Letterman touched a nerve when he asked Clark about criticism from retired Gen. Hugh Shelton, a former military colleague. “It's a smear, that's all it is," Clark responded. "And it doesn't have anything to do with the military. It's the kind of stuff of politics."

11/23/03 FACE THE NATION: Clark responds to RNC that defend President Bush, saying that he’s “not attacking the president because he’s attacking terrorists. I’m attacking the president because he’s NOT attacking terrorists.”

Clark also raises eyebrows by saying that many Americans “love” President Bush. He explains, “They love what he represents, a man who's overcome adversity in his life from alcoholism and pulled his marriage back together and moved forward."


Age: 55

Birthdate: Nov. 17, 1948 in New York, New York

Current Position: Presidential candidate

Career Highlights: Governor and lieutenant governor of ; Vermont state representative; family practice physician.

Education: (B.A., 1971); Albert Einstein College of Medicine (M.D., 1978)

Military Service: None. Received a medical deferment because of a bad back.

Hometown: Burlington, Vermont

Religion: Baptized Roman Catholic, raised Episcopalian but is now a practicing Congregationalist.

Announcement: June 23, 2003 Burlington, Vermont Spouse: Dr. Judith Steinberg

Age: 50

Birthday: May 9, 1953 in

Career: Private practice, internal medicine, 1985- present; fellowship, McGill University; residency, Medical Center Hospital of Vermont.

Education: M.D., Albert Einstein College of Medicine, 1979; A.B. in biochemistry, Princeton University, 1975.

Hometown: Burlington, VT

Religion: Jewish

Family: Two children, Anne (19), Paul (17).


11/17/48 HOWARD BRUSH DEAN III: Born in New York City to the late Howard Brush Dean Jr., a stockbroker and Andree Maitland Dean, who now works as an art appraiser. (Adnree can trace her family back to Richard Maitland, who was born in Scotland around 1234.)

1966 Attends the Browning School in Manhattan and then graduates from St.George’s School, Newport R.I.

1967 Before starting Yale, he spent a year in Britain.

2/70 NO MILITARY: Receives a medical deferment from the draft because of a back condition called spondylolisthesis, which is caused by an unfused vertebra. According to the Boston Globe, medical records show he was classified 1Y, meaning he was exempt from service for the duration of the war. When he was diagnosed with the condition four years earlier, he was cleared for all sports except long distance running.

1971 Receives bachelor’s degree from Yale University. As a senior at St.George’s, Dean requested that Yale pair him with black roommates to give him another view of the world. He ended up rooming with two African-American roommates, Ralph Dawson and Don Roman and a young man from rural Pennsylvania. He often refers to these roommates when challenged about whether he can relate to African-American voters after governing one of the whitest states in the country. Dawson, a South Carolina native, is an attorney in New York City and Roman is a financial planner in Atlanta.

SKI BUM: After graduation, Dean heads to Aspen, Colorado where he spends the year skiing and pouring concrete. He has since come under fire for skiing rather than going to Vietnam, but refers to his medical deferment.

1973 WALL STREET: Spends a year working as a stockbroker at Clark Dodge in NYC, but then decides to switch to medicine. He secretly starts taking pre-med classes at Columbia without telling his parents and then enrolls full-time at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx.

12/74 LOSS: Dean’s brother Charlie is killed in , possibly by communists who thought he was a spy. It’s been rumored that he may have been working for the CIA, because he is listed as a POW/MIA, but the agency won’t discuss the theory and the family isn’t sure. The U.S. military believes they recovered his body in November 2003.

1978 DR.DEAN: Receives MD from Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City. According to the Boston Globe a senior doctor write in a 1977 evaluation of Dean’s residency at the UVM Medical Center that “his major problem continues to be one of impulsive synthesis when problems


are approached- he should take care to be more deliberate in making assessments and deciding upon plans. Because of this trait, he is not quite the superior physician that he is in other respects.”

1978 RIDING POLITICS: Dean and other Burlington residents wanted a place to go bicycling, so they formed a group to buy up land and clean up the abandoned barges and boxcars littering the lakefront. The effort produces a nine-mile- long recreation area with views of the Adirondack Mountains. When Dean’s wife, Judith Steinberg, thinks back through her husband’s political career this is her first memory.

1979 CAMPAIGN FEVER: During the second year of his residency in Vermont, Dean called neighbor Esther Sorrell, ’s local organizer and started helping out with the campaign. Sorrell, later known as “the mother of the ”, and Dean formed an immediate bond. According to the Boston Globe, Dean started leaving Judith at home on Friday nights to spend them at Sorrell’s house with the party faithful to watch and talk politics. As governor, Dean appointed her son Bill as state attorney general after failing to name him to the state Supreme Court. Esther Sorrell died in 1990.

1/31/81 MARRIES: After a long courtship Howard Dean and Judith Steinberg are married by a judge at the Fifth Avenue Hotel in Manhattan. The two met while students at Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

Early 80s COUNSELING: Dean undergoes counseling to deal with the loss of his brother. “I did have grief counseling for a while. It was here in Vermont. I was not hospitalized or any of that crap. I never missed a day of work. It was for a reasonably short period of time," Dean said in an interview with .

82-91 NEW BEGINNINGS: Opened an internal medicine practice with his wife in Shelburne, Vermont.

11/2/82 FIRST TASTE: Elected to the Vermont House.

11/6/84 Re-elected to the Vermont House, elected assistant majority leader in 1985.

11/4/86 Elected lieutenant governor.

1987 GEPHARDT TIES: Dean serves as Gephardt’s Vermont campaign chair in his ’88 campaign.

11/8/88 Re-elected.

3/28/90 UNION MAN: Dean encourages Vermonters to boycott Vermont Transit while Greyhound Bus Lines drivers are on strike.


4/10/90 RUN FOR GOVERNOR?: LG Dean announces he will not seek the Democratic nomination for governor because it was not a good time for his family.

11/7/90 RE-ELECTED: Howard Dean, two-time incumbent, re-elected LG with 58% of the vote, the largest percentage statewide.

8/14/91 PROMOTION: from August 14, 1991 to January 9, 2003. Dean assumed office after the sudden death of Republican Governor Richard Snelling. He heard about the Governor’s death while seeing a patient and decided to finish the exam before assuming office. In a press conference with reporters he said, “He [Snelling] was doing a terrific job, and I intend to do my very best to continue his program of responsibility in fiscal matters".

12/91 FUN? I DON’T THINK SO: Sometimes Dean talks as if he wouldn't mind being defeated - especially when he is asked whether being governor is fun. "Fun? Absolutely not," Dean said. "The job has been an incredible opportunity for me, but it's also very hard work and a lot of pressure. Now there are 560,000 people who depend on me. He said he doesn't care for the trappings of power either. "I've never been somebody that enjoyed the perks," he said. "I don't like being driven around." (AP)

2/3/92 OPPOSITION: Democratic governors, including Howard Dean, took over a White House ceremony and criticized President Bush’s economic-revival plan.

05/11/92 : Dean signs a health care reform bill that will provide universal health care by 1995. It creates a governor-appointed state agency empowered to bargain for lower health insurance rates and draft ideas on how to pay for universal health care. The most immediate impact of the law is a provision expanding the Dr.Dynasaur program to cover children up to 18.

07/16/92 NATIONAL STAGE: Dean speaks at the DNC meeting in New York.

11/3/92 ELECTED: Dean wins the election with 75 percent of the vote over Republican John McClaughry. It was Dean's first election to the job, which he assumed after the death of Republican Gov. Richard Snelling.

12/16/92 STAPLES OF POWER: Dean chosen by his fellow New England governors to serve as chairman of the New England Governors' Conference.

4/12/93 WELFARE CHANGES: The Clinton administration gives the OK for an experimental program in Vermont that will cut benefits for people who don't find jobs or accept public service work after 2 years on welfare. Dean says he is eager to proceed with the program after getting word of the approval from Health and Human Services Secretary Donna E. Shalala.


5/28/93 NO SMOKING: Dean signs “The Clean Air Act,” the country's toughest statewide anti-smoking law. The Clean Air Act bans smoking in airports, shopping malls, church bingo games, video arcades, sports arenas, laundry mats and retail stores and soon after bans smoking in restaurants, motels, hotels and bars.

10/14/93 SPARED: A Texas appellate court spares the life of Robert Drew, a Vermont man, hours before he was scheduled to be executed by lethal injection for the 1983 killing of a teen-ager who picked him up as a hitchhiker. Prior to the decision, Howard Dean called on Texas Gov. to commute the death sentence. Vermont does not have the death penalty.

10/18/93 CLINTON TIES: President Clinton appoints people, including Howard Dean, to the Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations (ACIR). The Commission was created during the 1970s to foster better relations between all levels of government.

Early 90s Dean spends a considerable amount of time helping shape the Clinton health care plan. He was a national spokesman for the plan and according to the Burlington , he was sitting just behind Hillary at the 1994 State of the Union address.

7/19/94 Dean takes over as chairman of the National Governors Association.

11/8/94 Dean wins re-election with 69 percent of the vote.

12/12/94 DEFENDS ELDERS: In a press conference Dean says he was sorry to see Dr. Joycelyn Elders fired. "She said a lot of things that needed to be said," Dean said. "The role of the surgeon general is to say things that nobody else can dare to say."

1/95 NOT ON MY TAB: As the Republicans get ready to push a constitutional amendment that would demand balanced budgets starting in 2000, Dean spoke up for the governors and said he favored the legislation as long at the states wouldn’t have to pick up the bill.

1995 GUN CONTROL? Passed a law forbidding guns on school grounds.

1995 MEDICARE: Dean supports the Republican-backed, balanced- budget effort that would have cut $270 billion from Medicare, which he says he did to keep it financially solvent. Eight years later, Gephardt accused Dean of being Gingrich-like at a DNC sponsored debate. Dean also supported a balanced-budget plan in 1997, which cut $200 billion from Medicare. Gephardt also pointed out that at one point, Dean called Medicare a dreadful program, which Dean partly conceded. "I did say that Medicare was a


dreadful program," he replied, "because it's administered dreadfully."

5/20/96 CLINTON FUNDRAISING: President Clinton headlines fundraisers for Democratic causes and candidates, including Howard Dean.

11/96 Howard Dean re-elected with 178,032 votes or 71 percent.


1997 DEAN 2000?: Computer entrepreneurs in Arizona buy the domain names for possible presidential candidates, including "" and "".

1998 WHITE HOUSE HOPES DASHED: Dean was eyeing the White House and considered challenging , but then backed off.

11/98 REELECTED: Dean survives a challenge from farmer and wins with 55.6 percent of the vote.

4/21/99 THE GUNS AREN’T THE PROBLEM: After the 1999 rampage at Columbine, Dean said, "The remedy is not simply in the law. It's mostly in the community and in the home."

8/11/99 After a man walked into a Jewish community center and fired more than 30 bullets from a semiautomatic weapon, wounding three children, a teen-ager and a woman, Dean said "Gun laws wouldn't have helped in Los Angeles. . .Better enforcement would have helped."

1/19/00 GORE: Dean endorses Vice President Al Gore for President.

4/26/00 CIVIL UNION: After a Vermont Supreme Court decision, the legislature sends Dean the civil union bill, which he signs without a public ceremony. The bill gives gay partners hospital visitation and inheritance rights.

11/2000 CLOSE CALL: Dean barely wins the election with just over 50 percent of the vote, mainly because of the backlash against the legalization of “civil unions”.

9/5/01 GOODBYE VERMONT: Dean announces he will not seek re- election in 2002. In his last year in office he requests that the state keep his gubernatorial records sealed for 10 years—four years longer than standard.

11/8/01 PAC: Forms a leadership political action committee, “The Fund for a Healthy America”, dedicated to advancing “the principles of fiscal stability, universal health insurance, better environmental protection, and equality for all Americans”. 12/01 PROBLEMS WITH GEORGE: Dean says tough measures are needed during wartime, but he criticizes the Bush administration’s anti-terrorism measures, saying they are eroding civil rights. He went on to say that although he hadn’t studied


all the measures that are being put in place, he knew the general outline. “It is discomforting. It is a significant erosion of the Bill of Rights,” Dean said. “This is a war. In war, security issues and the preservation of innocent life is something that rises to the forefront.” (AP) 2/02 TRYING FOR CLOSURE: Dean traveled to Laos, visiting what’s believed to be his brother’s gravesite and joining volunteers excavating other sites for American remains.

2002 MEDICARE: Dean threatened to cancel a state drug assistance program for 3,000 seniors early in 2002 if the Vermont Legislature to did not agree to raise the cigarette tax. Dean said the threat was an exercise in political leverage that saved the drug plan and brought higher taxes.

3/16/02 Dean speaks to the Human Rights Campaign dinner, Nashville, TN.

5/2/02 COURTING GAYS: Dean keynotes Mass. Gay and Lesbian Bar Association Dinner in Cambridge, MA.

5/8/02 Dean speaks to DNC’s Gay and Lesbian Leadership Council dinner.

5/15/02 Dean attends the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee and ’s fundraiser to benefit Iowa Democrats’ efforts to win back the state Senate and state House. Daschle, Gephardt, Lieberman, Kerry and Edwards also attended.

5/30/02 MAKES IT OFFICIAL: Mails the FEC papers establishing “Dean for America”, making him the first candidate to enter the race for the Democratic nomination.

6/7/02 KEYNOTES: Dean speaks at the University of Medical School’s graduation ceremony.

6/8/02 KEYNOTES: Dean speaks to Dartmouth College’s medical school graduation in Hanover, N.H.

6/22/02 FUNDRAISER: Dean fundraises in Fire Island, NY.

6/23/02 Dean speaks at the exclusive Maidstone Club in East Hampton, NY. Growing up his family belong to the golf club, which for didn’t allow minority or Jewish members.

7/21/02 DEAN ON GUN CONTROL: "We have national laws. I'm not in favor of repealing them, but I think additional gun control ought be to be done on a state-by-state basis if the state wants it..." (Meet The Press)

8/18/02 GRANITE STATE: Dean in New Hampshire at N.H. Democratic Network brunch.


9/4/02 IOWA FACE TIME: Dean raises money for Gov. Tom Vilsack and Lt. Gov. Sally Pederson in Des Moines, Iowa.

9/20/02 COURTING THE UNIONS: Howard Dean speaks to AFL-CIO in Michigan.

10/5/02 IA JEFFERSON-JACKSON DAY DINNER: Dean, Edwards and Kerry speak to the crowd about the economy and foreign policy.

10/11/02 Dean campaigns in Georgia; meets with state legislators and speaks to South Carolina NAACP convention in Savannah.

10/26/02 COURTING THE UNIONS: Dean speaks to the SEIU conference in Waterville Valley, N.H.

11/11/02 FUNDRAISING COUP: Dean signs on former State and DNC Chairman and AIPAC President Steve Grossman to help him raise money.

12/15/02 GORE’S OUT: Al Gore announces he will not run for President in 2004.

1/5/03 FACE: Dean appears on CBS News' "Face The Nation".

1/9/03 LAST DAY: Vermont Gov. Howard Dean leaves office and then travels to Brattleboro, VT, for a presidential fundraising event.

1/10/03 : Howard Dean accepts the AFL-CIO's "Paul Wellstone Award" in Washington.

1/21/03 NARAL: Dean, Kerry, Edwards, Gephardt, Lieberman and Sharpton attend the NARAL Pro Choice America. Dean relays a story of a 12-year-old patient whom he believed had been impregnated by her father as an argument against parental- notification laws and receives applause. Weeks later Salon and USA Today reported the father had not impregnated the girl, and Dean knew it.

1/23/03 Dean speaks to the Linn County Democratic Party Dinner in Iowa, the “unofficial” start of Iowa’s first-in-the nation caucuses.

1/27/03 In a meeting with Roll Call editors and reporters, Dean said that if President Bush presented evidence that Saddam Hussein possesses weapons of mass destruction, “Then I’d go back to the U.N. and get a new resolution that [Hussein] either disarms in 60 days or we go in.”

1/28/03 STATE OF THE UNION: Responding to the State of The Union, Dean said "The president continues to threaten war without making a case for war; he promises to stimulate the economy yet runs the federal budget deep into debt; and he proposes no serious health care reform." (AP)

2/21/03 CONFEDERATE FLAG: Dean speaks at the Democratic National Committee's winter meeting in Washington. Dean was


applauded when he revived a line from the late Sen. Paul Wellstone, “I'm Howard Dean. And I'm here to represent the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party.” He also received applause when he said "White folks in the South who drive pickup trucks with Confederate flag decals in the back ought to be voting with us and not [Republicans], because their kids don't have health insurance either, and their kids need better schools, too." This line went unnoticed by rivals at the time, but he was not so lucky months later when he said a similar line to a reporter in Iowa.

2/21/03 SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS: Dean speaks to in Washington.

2/22/03 Dean speaks at Human Rights Campaign dinner in Los Angeles.

2/25-2/27 Howard Dean, Sen. and Rep. Richard Gephardt individually attend the AFL-CIO's three-day meeting at the union-owned Diplomat Hotel and Spa in Hollywood Beach.

3/2/03 FACE: Dean appears on CBS News' "Face The Nation".

3/9/03 MEET THE PRESS: Throughout the interview he was grilled on his anti-war stance, and Social Security.

3/11/03 BURLINGTON FREE PRESS EDITORIAL: Dean "could never claim expertise in foreign affairs" as VT gov., but he "has emerged" as the Dems' "most eloquent adversary" to Pres. Bush's Iraq war plan. Dean’s 3/9 "Meet The Press " appearance "confirmed" this.

3/13/03 CELEBRITY FUNDRAISING: Barbra Streisand hosts a fundraiser for Dean at her home in Malibu, CA.

3/14-3/17 RALLYING THE TROOPS: Dean speaks to the California Democratic State Party convention in Sacramento. Dean electrified the audience saying "What I want to know is what in the world so many Democrats are doing voting to support the president's unilateral attack on Iraq?"

3/15/03 APOLOGY: During the speech to the California Democratic Convention, Dean criticized Edwards and Kerry for backing the Iraq war and failing to stand by their positions when they addressed the group. Dean later sent a note of apology to Edwards after finding out that he did in fact address his support for the resolution and was booed and jeered by many in the crowd for doing so.

3/19/03 AL COULD LEARN FROM ME: "If Al Gore had my position on guns, I wouldn't be here and he'd be in the White House." (Washington Post)

3/20/03 COURTING THE PRESS: Dean speaks to the National Newspaper Association Breakfast and attending Radio and Television Correspondents' Association Dinner.


3/23/03 UNIONS: Howard Dean speaks at the UAW Legislative Conference in Iowa.

3/31/03 Dean and Lieberman speak to the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism at the Cannon Office Building in DC.

4/03 Dean apologizes to Gephardt for a campaign press release that labeled the congressman's health care proposal "pie- in-the-sky." (Hotline)

4/4/03 Dean speaks to New York State United Teachers Representative Assembly in Washington.

4/7/03 HIPPIE ENDORSEMENT: Crosby and Nash support Dean’s candidacy and play at an informal reception in Cedar Rapids; Dean attends via speakerphone from Vermont.

4/9/03 SADDAM: At the Children’s Defense Fund debate, Dean did not seem convinced that getting rid of Saddam was a good thing. "We should've contained Saddam. We've gotten rid of him, and I suppose that's a good thing, but there's going to be a long period where the United States is going to need to be maintained in Iraq, and that's going to cost American taxpayers a lot of money."

4/9/03 Dean, Sharpton, Kucinich, Kerry, Gephardt, Moseley Braun, Edwards, Lieberman speak at the Building and Construction Trades Union’s annual conference in Washington.

4/15/03 SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS: Dean speaks to Women's National Democratic Club in Washington. In his speech he criticized Bush’s foreign and economic policy. He also spoke about gun control and called the NRA one of his biggest allies.

4/24/03 Dean speaks to the U.S. Conference of Black Mayors Conference in Houston.

4/28/03 A story posted on quoted Dean as saying, "We have to take a different approach [to diplomacy]. We won't always have the strongest military" drew fire from the Kerry camp who questioned his ability to serve as commander in chief.

4/30/03 HEALTH CARE: Dean previews his health care plan before the SEIU in NY. His plan calls for states to make aggressive efforts to provide health care, which includes making everyone under 25 eligible for Medicaid and extending prescription drug benefits to those over 65 years old.

5/3/03 FIRST DEBATE: First Democratic presidential debate among presidential candidates in Columbia, S.C. The beginning of the debate was dominated by a testy Dean Kerry exchange over who was more fit to be President.

5/13/03 HEALTH CARE: Howard Dean unveils health care plan at in New York. Dean’s plan would provide nearly universal access to health care coverage by using


federal assistance to help those without insurance and penalizing large, profitable corporations that fail to offer coverage.

5/15/03 DLC FEUD: Leading moderate Democrats criticize Dean and Gephardt at the end of its two-day strategy session, even as former President Clinton called for an end to intra- party squabbling. A memo from and Bruce Reed, the chairman and president of the DLC, suggested that Dean is an elitist liberal in the tradition of former senators George McGovern and . "What activists like Dean call the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party is an aberration: The McGovern-Mondale wing, defined principally by weakness abroad and elitist interest-group liberalism at home," the memo said. According to campaign manager , tens of thousands of dollars and emails poured into the campaign as a result.

5/17/03 Dean, Edwards, Graham, Sharpton, Braun, and Kucinich attend the AFSCME of Iowa Presidential Town Hall Meeting in Des Moines.

5/20/03 EMILY’S: Dean, Edwards, Gephardt, Kucinich, Lieberman, Moseley Braun attend EMILY's List presidential forum in Washington. Dean tried his hardest to relate to the audience by saying, "Based on my record in Vermont, you won't find a better feminist running for president."

5/28/03 TAXES: Howard Dean denounces President Bush's tax cut in Manchester, NH.

6/17/03 FIRST ON TV: Dean is the first candidate to air campaign commercials. He chooses Iowa for his debut.

6/19/03 Howard Dean campaigns in , where he speaks to San Francisco Bar Association.

6/20/03 ARREST: Dean’s 17-year-old son Paul was cited in court for being the getaway driver for a group of teenagers who were caught trying to steal beer from the Burlington Country Club. As his punishment he agreed to participate in a court diversion program for first time offenders. Afterward, Dean refused to discuss how the incident might affect his candidacy according to the AP. "I don't want to mix things," he told reporters. "We're not going to be talking about politics and family business at the same press conference."

6/22/03 MEET THE PRESS: Dean appears again on Meet the Press. His appearance was described as below par by many and he was criticized by the Congressional Black Caucus when he responded to what he considered frivolous questions by saying they were "like asking me who the ambassador to is." He also came under fire for not being very familiar with the U.S military and the number of active soldiers who were deployed. Supporters thought otherwise


though and panned Russert and collectively donated $93,000 to the campaign.

6/23/03 AS IF YOU DIDN’T KNOW: Dean formally declares his candidacy, saying to the crowd "You have the power to take back the Democratic Party! You have the power to take our country back!"

6/24/03 COURTING THE YOUNGINS: Howard Dean attends Young Professionals Meet and Greet Event in Washington, D.C.

6/25/03 Howard Dean speaks at Council on Foreign Relations and attends Dem. Nat’l Committee Gala in Washington.

6/27 MOVEON: Dean topped the list of Democratic presidential hopefuls in the first online primary with 44 perecent. Representative of finished second with 24 percent, or 76,000 votes, and Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts got 16 percent, or 49,973 votes.

6/29 FUNDRAISER: With $6 million raised and less than 48 hours before the reporting deadline, the Dean website posted a challenge for supporters to raise $500,000. Site nearly crashes as $1.6 million poured in.

6/30 SECOND QUARTER: Dean cements his standing as a top-tier candidate by raising $7.5 million between April and June, first among the nine Democratic candidates for the quarter. This gives him a total of $10.1 million raised since the beginning of the year.

7/4/03 4th OF JULY: Dean, Graham, Kerry, and Joe Lieberman march in the Amherst, NH July 4th parade. Meanwhile, according to the Washington Post, was standing along the route at the Palisades Citizens' Association route (also in NH) trying to stir up enthusiasm for Dean. As Dean supporters marched by, Rove told a neighbor, “Heh, heh, heh. Yeah, that's the one we want." He even went as far as to encourage the crowd telling the audience “Come on, everybody! Go, Howard Dean!”

7/14/03 LA RAZA: Dean has breakfast with the National Council of La Raza in Austin, Texas, and then travels to Florida.

7/14/03 NAACP: Dean, Edwards, Graham, Kerry, Moseley Braun, Sharpton attend NAACP Presidential candidate Forum at the Miami, Florida Convention Center. Kucinich, Lieberman, Gephardt did not attend.

7/15/03 ANOTHER DAY, ANOTHER FORUM: Dean, Moseley Braun, Gephardt, Kerry, Kucinich, Lieberman and attend Human Rights Campaign Presidential Candidate Forum in Washington, D.C.

7/19/03 FAMILY AFFAIR: Jim Dean, the brother of former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, leaves the Republican Party to help his


brother campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination.

7/22/03 WEBATHON: Dean campaign announces it has collected more than $5 million over the Internet this year.

7/25/03 BRING OUT THE BAT: The Dean campaign asks its supporters to match the fundraising prowess of Vice President Dick Cheney who is expected to raise $250,000 for the Bush-Cheney reelection effort at a $2,000 a plate fundraiser in Columbia, S.C. today. Dean’s campaign posted a picture of the candidate eating a $3 sandwich on its website. After "bringing out the bat" -- "the icon that tracked online donations on the Dean for America website at the end of the second quarter" -- the Dean camp "met the original $250,000 goal in only two days" and eventually raised $500,000, mostly over the Internet.

7/25/03 Dean and Kerry attend Iowa’s AFSCME annual convention in Four Points.

7/28/03 DLC FEUD: The DLC "renewed its three-month feud" with Dean. In the bimonthly newsletter distributed after the meeting, Randolph Court wrote, "The Internet may be giving angry, protest-oriented activists the rope they need to hang the party," and obvious reference to the Dean campaign.

8/03 NO FAMILY PICTURES PLEASE: Wives and children and grandchildren playfully pose with presidential hopefuls in an Esquire magazine photo spread of Democrats who are seeking the 2004 nomination. Except in the photograph of former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, who appears in the August issue not with his physician wife and two children, but with campaign workers at his South Burlington headquarters.

8/6/03 MEETUP: According to the Dean website, supporters attended nearly 500 Dean meetups throughout the world. (Figure includes meetups in all 50 states as well as five international meetups for Americans abroad in Tokyo, , Paris, Montreal and Toronto)

8/8/03 ENEMY TERRITORY: Dean goes up on Austin television as the President vacations in nearby Crawford.

8/11/03 BIG WEEK: First cover stories in Newsweek and Time magazines.

8/11/03 COURTING THE UNIONS AGAIN: Dean attends rally with local supporters in Philadelphia before heading to a forum sponsored by the Sheet Metal Workers Union.

8/12/03 CHEER FIRST PLEASE: Dean attends meet and greet with supporters in before attending the Oklahoma Democratic Party Presidential Candidate Forum.

8/16/03 GOING AFTER THE YOUNGINS: Dean speaks to the Young Democrats of America National Convention in Buffalo. Other


speakers at the convention: Sen. , Terry McAuliffe and Jerry Springer.

8/19/03 PULLS AHEAD: Dean pulls ahead of his Democratic rivals in a poll of voters who say they plan to vote in the 2004 New Hampshire presidential primary. Dean leads with 28 percent in the poll of 600 respondents surveyed by American Research Group of Manchester, Kerry was second with 21 percent and Gephardt had 10 percent. None of the other six candidates polled more than 4 percent; 32 percent said they were undecided.

8/23/03 SLEEPLESS SUMMER: Dean begins his “Sleepless Summer Tour”. The 6,147 mile, 10-city rampage played on the idea that Americans are sleepless over unemployment and the lack of jobs and health care, while President Bush sleeps soundly at his Texas ranch.

8/24/03 MATCHING FUNDS: Dean toys with the idea of rejecting federal matching campaign funds during the Democratic primaries in an interview with .

8/27/03 Howard Dean holds a commanding 21-point lead over rival John Kerry in the latest New Hampshire poll in which voters said they prefer a take-no-prisoners Democrat to one who could oust President Bush.

8/29/03 MORE TV: Started airing ads in six early voting states: Arizona, , Oklahoma, South Carolina, Washington state and Wisconsin. The total buy was $1 million.

9/3/03 NOT TAKING SIDES: Dean tells a crowd of people in Santa Fe that the United States should not "take sides" in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Lieberman immediately went on the attack, saying Dean’s policy overturns a 50-year-old U.S foreign policy.

9/4/03 TEXAS 11: Dean meets with 7 of the Texas 11 in Albuquerque ahead of the Presidential debate sponsored by the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.

DEBATE: Most of the Democrats seemed to stick to the party line of attacking President Bush rather than each other, but Lieberman did try to attack Dean’s call for fair trade standards, which Lieberman said would override existing treaties and cost millions of jobs. "If that ever happened, I'd say the Bush recession would be followed by the Dean depression” Lieberman said.

9/5/03 BIG MOUTH: Responding to a reporter’s question asking him whether he was surprised Kerry didn’t come after him in the first debate. "I wish he'd say to my face what he says behind my back," Dean said. Later realizing that his comment was a newsmaker he came back with, "I just wish he had given me a chance to respond to all that stuff - the zero experience on foreign affairs, the NRA stuff, the tax cut stuff," Dean said. (AP)


9/6/03 Dean campaigns in California; addresses San Francisco SEIU Local 250 at the Downtown San Francisco and then holds press conference.

9/6/03 THE GENERAL: Dean meets with retired Gen. Wesley Clark in Los Angeles and asked him to join his presidential campaign in some capacity if he decided against making the run himself, aides to both men said. 9/8/03 Dean, Edwards, Gephardt, Graham, Kerry, Kucinich, Lieberman, Moseley Braun and Sharpton address Service SEIU meeting. Dean impressed the group and remained in the top tier of candidates they were thinking about endorsing.

9/9/03 CONGRESSIONAL BLACK CAUCUS DEBATE: Dean got off one of the best lines of the night when asked if he thought he was having trouble connecting with blacks because of the small minority population in Vermont. "If the percent of minorities that's in your state had anything to do with how you can connect with African-American voters, then would be Martin Luther King," Dean responded. It was later discovered that fed Dean the line during debate prep for the HBO series, K Street. Dean’s camp had said the line was a Dean original. He also claimed that he was the only candidate to talk about race in white audiences. He was later slammed by Edwards who said that as a man of the south, he talks about race regardless of the audience.

9/10/03 Dean calls on President Bush to send former President Bill Clinton to the .

9/12/03 NRA SPEAKS: NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre said Dean’s efforts to please everybody leave him "schizophrenic" on guns. "You can't be rated `A' in Vermont and earn an `A' with liberal anti-gun Democrats in Washington," he said. (AP)

GINGRICH LIKE: Gephardt attacked rival Howard Dean for endorsing efforts by “Gingrich Republicans” to cut Medicare and Social Security eight years ago in order to balance the budget.

9/20/03 CELEBRITY HEADLINERS: Dean attends a fundraiser and rally in Hudson, New York and then a fundraiser in New York City, with performances by Whoopi Goldberg, and Gloria Gaynor.

9/25/03 DNC DEBATE: Leading the polls in New Hampshire and Iowa, Dean came under attack more than any other candidate, saying "You know, to listen to Senator Lieberman, Senator Kerry, Representative Gephardt, I'm anti-Israel, I'm antitrade, I'm anti-Medicare, and I'm anti-Social Security. I wonder how I ended up in the Democratic Party."

9/29/03 HOUSE CALL: Dean sets a Guinness World Record by holding the largest conference call in history. Supporters


attended more than 1,440 house parties across the country. A total of 3,557 calls were placed into the conference call and at least 10,000 people listened in as Dean gave a brief speech and took a few questions.

9/30/03 3rd Quarter Spending: Dean sets a record for Democratic presidential fundraising in a quarter, collecting $14.8 million.

10/1/03 Generation Dean Tour kicks-off with “Howard at Howard” Town Hall Meeting at Howard University.

10/4/03 HUMAN RIGHTS: Gave the keynote speech at the Human Rights Campaign Gala at the Westin.

10/9/03 Attended the DNC facilitated presidential debate in Phoenix, AZ, hosted by Gov. and the . Dean came under fire from Gephardt who compared him to because he supported Republican-backed Medicare cuts in the 1990s. Dean later responded, "First they said I was George McGovern and I couldn't win," Dean said. "And now they're saying I'm Newt Gingrich and I couldn't win."

10/16/03 ECONOMIC PLAN: Dean delivers his economic plan at . In the plan he calls for an enforcement of U.S. unfair trade laws against foreign countries and foreign companies that dump and subsidize exports to the U.S. and opposing legislation that encourages YS corporations to move overseas; restore fiscal discipline and to balance the budget.

10/22/03 HOWARD IN HOWARD: Dean becomes the first candidate to visit all 99 counties in Iowa, finishing the tour with a stop in Howard County.

10/26/03 ENDORSEMENT: California Teachers Association (CTA) endorse Dean. President Kerr said the 335,000-member association came out with an endorsement earlier than ever before because this primary is too important.

10/27/03 ENDORSEMENT: The International Union of Painters and Allied Trades became the first international union to endorse Dean. The union brings 140,000 members to the campaigns and was named the most effective political organization in the labor movement in 2001.

10/27/03 ENDORSEMENT: Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. announces that he will soon endorse Dean, saying "I'm not wasting my time with any more non-straight-talking candidates". Sharpton later decries the endorsement saying that Dean’s different stances amount to an “anti-black” agenda.

10/28/03 METROSEXUAL: Dean uses an anecdote about being called handsome by a gay man to declare himself a “metrosexual,” the new buzzword for straight men who are in touch with their feminine sides. Shortly after he backtracked a bit,


calling himself a “square... I like (rapper) Wyclef Jean and everybody thinks I'm very hip, but I am really a square, as my kids will tell you. I don't even get to watch television. I've heard the term (metrosexual), but I don't know what it means.”

11/1/03 CONFEDERATE FLAG: In an attempt to defend his stance on guns, Dean told the Des Moines Register “I still want to be the candidate for guys with Confederate flags in their pickup trucks.” Rivals immediately jumped on the comment saying it was offensive and that they alternatively wanted to represent people with American flags in their trucks. The Dean campaign countered with a statement Dean made at the DNC meeting in February of 2003. "I intend to talk about race during this election in the South. The Republicans have been talking about it since 1968 in order to divide us, and I'm going to bring us together. Because you know what? White folks in the South who drive pick-up trucks with Confederate flag decals on the back ought to be voting with us because their kids don't have health insurance either, and their kids need better schools too.” At a campaign speech designed to talk about campaign finance at Cooper Union, he said he regretted the pain his remark about "guys with Confederate flags" may have caused, but vowed not to shy away from serious discussions about race. This was not the first time Dean had used the line, that was in

11/4/03 ANOTHER DAY, ANOTHER FORUM: Braun, Clark, Dean, Edwards, Kerry, Kucinich, Lieberman, Sharpton participate in the Rock the Vote Forum aired on CNN and hosted by Anderson Cooper. Dean was on the defensive for the first half of the night as he fended off rivals and audience members who were upset with his confederate flag statement.

11/5/03 PUBLIC FINANCING: Dean campaign sends an email to supporters at midnight on Tuesday to tell them he is allowing them to decide whether he should accept public financing for the primary. The campaign is leaving the decision up to about 600,000 supporters who they contacted via email, phone and old-fashioned U.S. post. In the letter to protesters, he claimed to support public financing as it was designed, but went on to imply that it was a better decision to decline the funds. "We have two choices. The first will be for us to decline federal matching funds. This will place the burden of funding the campaign entirely in the hands of the people, but with a conviction that this may be the only way to win this election and reform our political system." People start to vote Thursday and the campaign will announce its decision on Saturday the 8th.

11/12/03 Dean wins the endorsements of the AFL-CIO’s two largest unions, the SEIU and AFSCME.


11/17/03 HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Supporters celebrated his birthday the previous weekend with 331 house parties, dubbed "Dean's Birthday Bashes" around the country. According to the campaign, over 5,700 people attended the house parties, each with the goal of raising $555 and ranged from Alaska to the governor's mother's house in New York. His mother, introduced Dean during the Saturday call, and his brothers, Bill and Jim, led the house parties in singing.

11/16/03 CHARLIE DEAN: The Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command (JPAC) informed the Dean family that they located what they believe to be the remains of Dean’s brother Charlie, and his traveling companion, Neil Sharman, in Laos.


Age: 50

Birthdate: June 10, 1953 in Seneca, S.C.

Current Position: U.S Senator from 1998-present.

Career Highlights: Attorney 1977-1998; Committees in Senate: Health, Education, Labor & Pensions, Judiciary, Small Business & Entrepreneurship, select intelligence.

Education: North Carolina State (1974); University of North Carolina Law School (1977)

Military Service: None

Hometown: Raleigh, North Carolina

Religion: Methodist

Announcement: September 16, 2003

Spouse: Elizabeth Anania Edwards

Age: 54

Birthday: July 3, 1949 in Jacksonville, Fla

Career: Attorney, Merriman, Nicholls and Crampton, 1984-96; attorney, North Carolina Attorney General's office, 1981-84; judicial clerk, U.S. District Court Judge Calvitt Clarke, Jr. in Norfolk, , 1977-78. Wade Edwards Foundation.

Education: B.A. in English, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1971; J.D., UNC Law School, 1977.

Hometown: Raleigh, NC

Religion: Methodist

Family: Four children, Catharine (21), Wade (deceased), Emma Claire (5), Jack (3)


6/10/53 JOHN EDWARDS: Born in Seneca, SC. His father, Wallace, worked in textile mills and his mother, Bobbie, ran a small furniture shop and later worked as a postal employee. According to the Boston Globe, Wallace Edwards couldn't pay the $100 bill to bring his wife and son home. To satisfy hospital officials and bring home his family he took out a $50 loan, at 100 percent interest.

1973 CLEMSON FOOTBALL: Edwards lived with his grandparents and played football at Clemson but couldn’t get a scholarship so he left after the first semester. He started at N.C. State in the winter because he could get in-state tuition.

1974 Graduates from North Carolina State University with an honors degree in textiles. He was the first person in his family to go to college.

1977 Earns a law degree at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he met his wife Elizabeth. According to the Charlotte Observer, he titled a school paper "Why I Want to Be a Lawyer" at the age of 11, which read "Probably the most important reason I want to be a lawyer is to help protect innocent people from blind justice the best I can."

7/30/77 Marries Mary Elizabeth Anania who is three years his senior. Elizabeth kept her maiden name until her son died, at which time she legally changed it to Edwards.

1978-81 Works as an associate at Dearborn & Ewing in Nashville, TN.

1981-83 Works as an associate at Tharrington Smith & Hargrove.

1990 Named one of the top 100 trial lawyers in the country. Between 1990 and 2001 Edwards accounted for more than one- quarter of the $448 million in medical malpractice awards reported in North Carolina according to the Medical Mutual Insurance Co. of North Carolina. (Edwards practiced law through 1998.)

1984-92 Works as a partner at Tharrington Smith & Hargrove.

1993-99 Starts his own law firm Edwards & Kirby in Raleigh, NC.

4/16/1996 SON DIES: Edward's 16-year-old son, Wade, dies in a car accident on his way to his family’s beach house in North Carolina. In his honor the Edwards' establish a nonprofit foundation and an after-school computer center, the Wade Edwards Learning Lab, where kids could do homework and receive technical training.

11/3/98 WINS ELECTION TO U.S. SENATE: Edwards is elected to the U.S. Senate, defeating D.G. Martin in the primary and incumbent Republican Sen. Lauch Faircloth in the general, 52 percent to 47 percent.


1/6/99 OATH OF OFFICE: Edwards is sworn into office.

1/27/99 FIRST VOTE: Edwards sided with Democrats in their failed effort to dismiss the case for Clinton’s impeachment. He said that he did not condone Clinton’s actions, but that he voted for the dismissal on legal grounds: the House managers did not prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt.

1/29/99 CLINTON IMPEACHMENT: Edwards was one of three Democrats and three Republicans named to oversee Monica Lewinsky and two other witnesses’ depositions.

2/12/99 PRAISE FOR EDWARDS: Republican Sen. Gordon Smith from Oregon along with several other Senators complimented Edwards’s closing remarks during the Clinton impeachment . The trial was a boost for Edwards’ profile.

2/16/99 ENDORSE AL: Edwards endorses Al Gore for president.

2/23/99 MILITARY HEALTH CARE IMPROVEMENT: Edwards cosponsored a bill to improve health insurance for military service members, their families, and retirees.

3/2/99 Y2K: Edwards appointed to a Senate panel on the Year 2000 computer bug. He also cosponsored legislation that would help small businesses prepare their computers for Y2K.

3/31/99 YUGOSLAVIA: Visiting western North Carolina, Edwards said he supported the U.S. air strike in Yugoslavia, but did not support sending ground troops.

4/20/99 TAR HEEL TUESDAYS: Edwards held his first Tar Heel Tuesday, a town hall style meeting that allows North Carolina constituents visiting Washington to speak with their senator every other Tuesday when the Senate is in session.

6/4/99 KOSOVO: Edwards was cautious in his support for the Kosovo peace agreement, but said that NATO should continue the air strikes and keep an eye on Yugoslav President Milosevic.

6/15/99 PATIENTS BILL OF RIGHTS: Edwards fought for the Patients’ Bill of Rights, but was disappointed when the bill was adopted without a key amendment that would have given patients the right to sue HMOs and insurance companies when mistakes they make have serious medical consequences and hurt patients.

9/9/99 EDWARDS PRAISE: Debating the Patients Bill of Rights, Sen. James Jeffords, R-Vt., yielded the floor to Edwards who blasted each of Jeffords’ arguments in what was called a brilliant speech. Later, Jeffords was quoted as saying, “Never yield the floor to Edwards,” giving the freshman Senator some buzz for his trial lawyer skills on the Senate floor. A Roll Call article even named him as the potential next chairman for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.


1/8/00 NEW BABY, NEW HOME: Edwards and his wife Elizabeth announce they are expecting a fourth child who will join Cate and Emma Claire. The news came a few weeks after they purchased a $2.2 million mansion on Massachusetts Ave. in Washington. Edwards commuted from NC for his first year in the Senate so that his daughter Cate could finish high school in Raleigh.

5/00 IT’S A BOY: Elizabeth gives birth to John Atticus Edwards, whom they call Jack, at the age of 50. Atticus refers to the Atticus of ancient Rome, not Atticus Finch in "To Kill a Mockingbird."

5/8/00 YUCCA/NUCLEAR WASTE: Reversing an earlier vote, Edwards votes in favor of a nuclear waste depository in the Yucca Mountains of Nevada. Environmentalists were quick to criticize the move, but Edwards said he had to change his vote to prevent a similar North Carolina nuclear waste depository from expanding. Edwards vote brought the Senate one vote away from overriding Clinton’s veto of the bill.

6/00 VP CONTENDER?: Edwards was on the shortlist of running mates for Al Gore.

7/23/00 EDWARDS JOINS MADD: Edwards joined Mothers Against Drunk Driving to push Congress to make .08 blood alcohol content the national standard for drunk driving.

8/15/00 EDWARDS SPEAKING TOUR: Edwards gives speeches in New Hampshire, Iowa, New York, and California as part of the Democratic National Convention. The buzz surrounding the speaking tour hinted at Edwards’ presidential aspirations.

11/3/00 SEXIEST MAN ALIVE: Edwards is named People magazine’s “Sexiest Politician” in the annual Sexiest Man Alive issue.

2-6/01 BIPARTISAN PATIENT PROTECTION ACT: Edwards was a chief sponsor of the Bipartisan Patient Protection Act that passed in the Senate in 2001 along with Sen. John McCain. The Edwards-McCain proposal would address persistent complaints from patients in managed care programs, ensure ER treatment, specialists, and clinical trials. The bill passed the Senate on June 29, 2001.

3/3/01 CAMPAIGN 2004: Edwards heads to Des Moines to speak at a Drake University Law School dinner, fueling the already loud rumors that he was considering a presidential run.

8/9/01 MIDDLE EAST: Edwards spends a week traveling through the Middle East with stops in Israel and Egypt to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and other high-ranking Israeli, Palestinian and Egyptian leaders. He called the visit personally moving as well as necessary to understand the crisis in the area.


12/1/01 CAMPAIGN IN CALIFORNIA: Edwards spoke with the CA League of Conservation Voters and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. Although Edwards had not yet announced his interest in a presidential run, the trip signaled a return to the campaign trail since he turned to more serious matters after Sept. 11

12/14/01 BACK IN IOWA: During his second trip to Iowa, Edwards spoke to the Quad City Federation of Labor. He urged Democrats to focus on traditional issues like education, health care and social security, rather than the war on terrorism. While in Iowa, he attended a lunch to help re-elect Sen. Tom Harkin, D-IA.

12/15/01 HIRES OPERATIVE: Edwards hires Steve Jarding, an influential Democratic political strategist, to head his political action committee. Jarding later leaves to work for the Graham campaign.

1/7-10/02 : Edwards, along with eight other U.S. senators, are part of the first congressional delegation to Afghanistan since American bombing started. Sens. John McCain and Joe Lieberman invited him because of his Senate duties.

2/1/02 FIRST N.H. TRIP: Edwards makes a three-day weekend visit to New Hampshire appearing at the homes of Democratic activists saying he hasn’t decided whether he will run for president because “politics will take care of themselves.”

2/26/02 OPPOSES CONFIRMATION OF PICKERING: Edwards aggressively questioned Mississipi District Judge Charles Pickering, focusing on judicial ethics and civil rights.

3/11/02 COMMUNITY CORPS: Edwards announces legislation that would establish a nationwide competitive grant program to provide assistance to states or local school districts that require community service commitment as a condition for high school graduation.

4/4/02 IOWA FACE TIME: Edwards makes his third appearance in Iowa at the Buchanan County Democrats’ annual banquet, an event that has featured Sen. Tom Harkin and Rep. Dick Gephardt in recent years.

4/12/02 DEMOCRATIC CONVENTIONS: Edwards speaks at the Florida convention, but insists he has not made plans to run for president and is only playing the role of spokesman for the Democrats. He then traveled to Charleston, WV to headline the state Democratic Party’s annual dinner.

4/16/02 FUNDRAISING: Edwards took in nearly $1 million in political donations in the first quarter of the year. Edwards raised a total of $658,750 for his political action committee, the “New American Optimists,” giving him $1,082,495 in that account and he raised $310,341 for his Senate 2004 re-


election fund, giving him $1,565,609 in the bank, bringing his total to about $2.6 million.

4/19/02 ANTITERRORISM: The Senate passed Edwards’ “Name Matching for Enforcement Security Act” that would require the FBI and other agencies to develop new lookout databases. The measure was included in the Enhanced Border Security Act.

4/22/02 WOMEN’S HEALTH: Edwards introduced two bills to improve care for women who are victims of sexual or domestic violence. The Women In Trauma Act would focus on federal efforts on improving metal health and substance abuse.

HIV PATIENTS: Edwards introduced legislation that will help patients who received an HIV-infected transfusion or transplant.

5/1/02 PURCHASES IA DEM LIST: Edwards paid the Iowa Democratic Party $65,000 for its database on voters in the state. The move was called a clear signal that Edwards is seriously seeking the presidential nomination.

5/4-5/02 SOUTH CAROLINA DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION: Edwards, along with Sen. John Kerry, spoke at the S.C. Democratic Convention. He laid out his populist vision of America and took on President Bush.

5/5/02 MEET THE PRESS: Edwards appeared on NBC’s Meet the Press. The interview brought criticism from the media, specifically conservative columnist , who called the appearance a stumbling performance that proved he was “unready for prime time.”

5/25/02 U.S. TRADE BILL: The Senate passed a trade bill giving the president renewed authority to negotiate international trade agreements. It includes an amendment by Edwards that provides nonbinding instruction to U.S. negotiators to seek fairer deals for the textile industry in future trade talks as well as two measures to help laid-off workers.

6/23/02 TESTING THE WATERS?: Edwards makes his second trip to N.H.

6/26/02 WEEKEND RETREAT: Edwards allies gathered at St. Simons Island, GA to discuss where his money would come from if he should decide to pursue the WH. Edwards’ PAC director Steve Jarding, pollster Harrison Hickman, two ex-Clinton staffers, domestic policy adviser Bruce Reed and economic adviser Gene Sperling, attended.

7/11/02 PRESCRIPTION DRUG PROPOSAL: The Senate Health Committee passes Edwards’ proposal that would make prescription drugs more affordable by removing barriers to competition from low-cost generic drugs. The Senate passed the bill on July 31, 2002.

7/25/02 BUSH V. EDWARDS: President Bush visited N.C. to help in her Senate race, but he also made a


comment that many thought was aimed directly at Edwards, “What we want is quality health care, not rich trial lawyers.” Edwards responded within the hour saying, “I spent most of my life before I came to the Senate fighting for kids and families against big insurance companies – and I think that’s the right side to be on. If the president wants to take the side of the big insurance companies, we’ll let him do that.”

7/28/02 SECOND QUARTER: Edwards reported raising $2.7 million, bringing his cash on hand total to $4.4 million.

8/02 ALLIES: Sens. Edwards, Kennedy and McCain gave up on negotiations with the White House on a bill they authored to define patients' rights because they couldn’t reach agreement on creation of a federal right for patients to sue for injuries caused by the decisions of an H.M.O.

8/31/02 BOOK DEAL: Simon & Schuster announce it had signed an agreement with Edwards to produce a book “on the lessons learned during his distinguished legal career.”

9/12/02 ON IRAQ: Edwards called for the overthrow of Saddam Hussein, saying Iraq defied the UN and represents a grave threat to the U.S.

9/20/02 IRAQ OP-ED: Bush met with Congress and asked for broad war- making authority. The Washington Post published Edwards’ op-ed, urging quick action to give Bush military authorization. “The resolution should be strong and unambiguous. It would not be a blank check for the administration, but neither should it try to micromanage a war from Capitol Hill,” he wrote.

9/22/02 EDWARDS BACKERS MEET: About 125 supporters gather in Pinehurst, N.C. for a “weekend retreat” that included everything from foreign policy briefings to a performance by Hootie & The Blowfish.

9/26/02 AD CAMPAIGN: Edwards’ PAC, the New American Optimists, launched a television ad campaign with a get-out-the-vote message. One features Edwards walking through his hometown Robbins, N.C. and another has Edwards speaking directly to the camera about his experience visiting the soldiers in Afghanistan.

9/27/02 NEW HOUSE: Edwards bought a $3.8 million home in Georgetown, saying that their old house did not have a yard where the children could play. They listed their previous home near Embassy Row at $3.9 million, which would earn them 74 percent profit for the two years they owned the home.

10/5/02 IA JEFFERSON-JACKSON DAY DINNER: Edwards landed a speaking role as a special guest at the Iowa J-J dinner, marking his sixth visit to the state. Edwards, Dean, and Kerry spoke to the crowd about the economy and foreign policy.


10/7/02 BLAST BUSH’S FOREIGN POLICY: Distancing himself from the Bush administration, Edwards makes a speech at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, accusing Bush of “arrogance without purpose” that is marked by “gratuitous unilateralism.” He also detailed his foreign policy strategy, calling for action to win the war on terrorism.

10/11/02 VOTES FOR IRAQ RESOLUTION: Edwards was one of 77 senators to vote to authorize President Bush to use military force in Iraq, if necessary.

10/14/02 ELIZABETH’S FIRST SPEECH: Elizabeth Edwards gives her first major speech addressing several hundred Democratic women at the annual fundraising Vance-Aycock weekend in Asheville. Edwards spoke at the dinner and was booed by some in the audience who opposed his war stance.

10/18/02 N.H. JEFFERSON JACKSON DAY DINNER: Edwards spoke at the J-J dinner in Manchester.

11/8/02 SOFT MONEY BAN HITS EDWARDS: The new campaign finance laws took effect, causing Edwards to change his fundraising and spending strategy. Of the $5.5 million raised, $4.3 million (80 percent) was soft money contributions to his PAC.

11/18/02 FLORIDA BLUE KEY: Edwards keynotes the annual banquet of the exclusive club, Florida Blue Key. He was introduced as a “hunky heartthrob” and then he talked about everything from cutting taxes for the middle class to problems from drugs and poverty.

11/21/02 EDUCATION POLICY ADDRESS: Edwards lays out his education reform agenda that includes a proposal to provide students with a tuition free year at college and create incentives to attract teachers. He calls for universities to ignore legacies in the admissions process and proposes increasing federal spending on education to $7 billion annually.

11/26/02 BAR HOPPING: Edwards “connects” with young voters at a trendy bar in Manhattan called Eden.

11-12/02 TO RUN OR NOT TO RUN: According to Walter Shapiro’s book “One Car Caravan,” Edwards is rethinking whether to jump in the race. One of the reasons against running is that it may be too early in his political career. He planed on having a decision by Thanksgiving weekend when he met with advisors, but after the meeting they decided that they needed to meet again. He didn’t decide until the end of December to run. It was during this indecision that both Bob Shrum and Jim Kennedy left the campaign and eventually signed up with John Kerry.

12/2-5/02 TRIP TO EUROPE, MEET WITH NATO: Edwards met with top NATO officials – Javier Solana, Gen. Joseph Ralston, and Lord


George Roberston – in Brussels to talk about international politics and Iraq. While in London he met Tony Blair and said the two of them “hit it off” while they talked about topics from Iraq to presidential politics. Edwards described the trip as work for the Senate Intelligence Committee.

12/9/02 ENTERTAINS NH DEMS: Edwards hosts about a dozen party activists from N.H. at his home in Washington, including state Rep. Linda Foster, her husband Scott Foster, and state Rep. Jim Craig.

12/15/02 ARIZONA: Edwards criticizes Bush’s handling of the economy while in Phoenix.

1/2/03 ANNOUNCES PRESIDENTIAL EXPLORATORY COMMITTEE: In Raleigh, North Carolina, Edwards announces the formation of a committee to explore a bid for the Democratic nomination. He said, "I believe I can be a champion for regular people."

1/21/03 NARAL DINNER REMARKS: Edwards spoke about his pro-choice stance at the NARAL Roe v. Wade 30th Anniversary Dinner in Washington, D.C.

1/28/03 RESPONSE TO STATE OF THE UNION: Edwards attacked Bush's tax cuts to "the richest Americans" in response to President Bush's State of the Union Address.

2/1/03 ELIZABETH TO NH: Elizabeth Edwards made her first solo visit to NH.

2/13/03 NEW INTELLIGENCE AGENCY: Edwards introduced legislation that would create the Homeland Intelligence Agency to track down terrorist cells in the U.S. and replace the FBI’s domestic intelligence operation since they did not detect the terrorists before Sept. 11. He called Director Mueller’s FBI reform proposal “too little, too late.”

2/25-27/03 AFL-CIO: Edwards attends the three-day meeting at the union-owned Diplomat Hotel and Spa in Hollywood Beach, but was not part of the official events.

3/8/03 GRIDIRON CLUB: Edwards spoke at the annual dinner.

3/15/03 CALIFORNIA DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION: Edwards speaks at the CA Democratic Party convention in Sacramento along with five other presidential candidates. The crowd applauded his stance on abortion, affirmative action, and college tuition assistance, but when his speech turned to his support of the war in Iraq, the audience booed him chanting “no war!” After the convention Dean sent a letter of apology to Edwards for falsely claiming that Edwards consciously did not talk about the war because he was speaking to a left- leaning audience.


4/9/03 CHILDREN’S DEFENSE FUND FORUM: Edwards attended the Children’s Defense Fund Presidential Candidates Forum.

4/15/03 FIRST QUARTER: Edwards filed the first quarter FEC report, and topped the list, raising $7.4 million between January and April.

4/17/03 CRITICIZES BUSH’S ECONOMY: During campaign stops in Waterloo, Dubuque, Davenport, Clinton, Iowa City, and Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Edwards blasted the Bush Administration’s “misguided” economic agenda.

4/24/03 LAWYER CONTRIBUTIONS INVESTIGATED: The U.S. Justice Department started an investigation into contributions made by several employees from an Arkansas law firm to Edwards’ campaign.

4/26/03 PENSION PLANS: In a speech to a group at New England College in Henniker, N.H, Edwards outlined a plan that would prohibit companies from cutting workers' pensions and benefits while protecting their CEOs' perks.

5/3/03 COLLISION IN COLUMBIA: The nine presidential candidates meet in Columbia, S.C. for the first presidential debate, hosted by ABC. Edwards played to the South Carolina crowd, reminding them that he was born there and he had the small- town values that were needed to take on big interests.

5/7/03 “” INVESTIGATIVE REPORTING: “The Hill” looked into the questionable donations to the Edwards’ campaign from a number of paralegals, secretaries, and people with scattered voting records and no prior history of contributing to political campaigns. The Department of Justice has begun a criminal investigation into donations to the Edwards campaign from an Arkansas personal injury law firm. Michelle Abu-Halmeh, a legal assistant at Turner & Associates, told The Washington Post last month that she expected to be reimbursed by her boss for her $2,000 contribution.

5/14/03 HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN DINNER: Edwards keynoted the 16th annual HRC dinner in Atlanta where he announced his support for gay adoption.

5/14/03 ANTI-EDWARDS ADS: Republican group, Americans for Job Security, launched an attack ad campaign that calls Edwards an obstacle to tort reform because of his close ties with trial lawyers. The first ads ran in North Carolina and the group plans to begin a negative billboard campaign in NH and Iowa.

5/17/03 WORKER’S BILL OF RIGHTS: While campaigning in Iowa, Edwards outlines a proposal for a Worker and Shareholder Bill of Rights. The plan would secure equal treatment for CEO and worker pensions, reduce CEO pay, and enable shareholders to control Boards of Directors.


5/20/03 EDWARDS ON IRAQ: Edwards called U.S. policy in Iraq “confused and chaotic” and said the U.S. should involve the UN and NATO, create a NATO-led peacekeeping force, ensure that the Iraqi people govern, and make it clear that we are not going to exploit their oil reserves.

5/21/03 RURAL POLICY: Edwards unveiled his rural policy plan in Nevada, Iowa. The plan aims to encourage investment in small towns, boost rural economy with technology, and improve education and health care in rural areas.

6/2/03 ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION: Edwards brought his “College for Everyone” plan to Manchester, NH to discuss it with students, parents and teachers at Manchester Central. The plan offers free tuition for the first year at a community or public university for students who work at least 10 hours/week at a part-time job or community service program.

6/10/03 HAPPY 50th BIRTHDAY

6/17/03 TAX POLICY: Edwards announces his economic proposal to a group at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. His proposal would cut middle class taxes by $160 billion over 10 years and eliminate some of Bush’s 2003 tax cuts to pay for his plan. It would also include a $5,000 tax credit for first time homebuyers with moderate incomes. The government would match or nearly match contributions to retirement plans, much like many businesses do for their employees. He would use the excess money to pay down the federal debt.

6/30/03 BEACH BOYS: Edwards holds a backyard fundraiser in Los Angeles, CA featuring the Beach Boys.

6/30/03 2ND QUARTER REPORT: Edwards’ campaign raised $4.5 million, bringing the year to date total to $12 million. He also reported $8 million cash on hand. According to the Raleigh News and Observer, $2.3 million came from lawyers and others from the legal profession.

7/4/03 JULY 4TH: Edwards made his fifth annual beach walk in Wilmington, N.C.

7/7/03 KICKS OFF SUMMER TOWN HALL TOUR: In a speech to the Manchester Rotary Club, Edwards endorsed expensing stock options as a way of standing out on the issue of corporate responsibility while in Manchester, N.H.

7/11/03 PROPOSED HOG WASTE PLAN: In Iowa, Edwards unveils a proposal that would put limits on pollution from large hog farms by confining feeding operations and strengthening regulations on spraying the waste as fertilizer.

7/14/03 NAACP PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE FORUM: Edwards along with five other presidential candidates attend the forum, but the real fireworks came when NAACP President Kweisi Mfume chastised Kucinich, Lieberman and Gephardt, who did not come, calling them persona non grata. Edwards and Kerry had


originally been part of the agreement not to appear, but decided to attend the night before.

7/15/03 COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: Edwards calls on the Senate to help American farmers compete in the meat market by supporting the implementation of country-of-origin labeling rules included in the 2002 farm bill.

7/15/03 TOWN HALL TOUR: Edwards spoke to a crowd of over 200 in Portsmouth, N.H. during his second town hall meeting. The crowd’s reaction was mixed.

7/18/03 LOBBYIST DONATIONS?: Edwards has vowed not to accept campaign money from Washington lobbyists in his presidential campaign as he did in his 1998 Senate campaign. But, the Charlotte Observer reports that 39 lobbyists in Washington and ten other states have given $40,792. But, after a closer look, it turns out that Edwards gladly accepts money from state lobbyists and the four lobbyists from Washington are not registered for 2003.

7/26/03 ON POSTWAR IRAQ: Edwards called the Bush administration’s postwar policy “irresponsible,” but stopped short of saying he would vote differently today.

7/28/03 HEALTH CARE POLICY: Edwards unveils his health care plan featuring a new set of tax breaks that would make it easier for parents to provide insurance to their children.

8/5/03 UP IN IOWA AND NEW HAMPSHIRE: Edwards launched three TV ads in Iowa and New Hampshire, the first spots of his presidential campaign. In the ads, Edwards touts his working-class roots and his ideas for job creation and college tuition, while one spot takes a shot at President Bush. In Iowa, the ads were airing in Cedar Rapids and Des Moines, which covered 80 percent of caucus voters. For New Hampshire voters, the spot is airing in Boston, Manchester, N.H., and White River Junction, Vt.

8/12/03 Edwards takes part in Oklahoma forum.

8/13-8/18 REAL SOLUTIONS: John Edwards’ starts his “real solutions” tour and hits the road with a family bus trip to 21 Iowa counties. 8/18/03 UP IN SOUTH CAROLINA: Edwards became the first presidential candidate to launch TV ads in South Carolina, where his campaign is up with three spots. In one of them, Edwards sits in front of his South Carolina boyhood home and promises, "I will never forget where I come from and who I'm fighting for." The other two ads, titled "Plan" and "Jobs," have already aired in Iowa and New Hampshire. 8/20-25 Edwards’ brings his “Real Solutions Express” to New Hampshire.

8/25/03 NEW AD: "Hometown," began airing in the Mason City, Ottumwa and Sioux City markets. The ad opens with a shot of


Edwards in his hometown of Robbins, N.C., which Edwards describes as "a place where values like hard work, family, faith and community mattered."

8/26/03 Edwards holds town hall meetings in Columbia and Greenville, South Carolina.

9/4/03 ZOGBY: Edwards barely leads the pack in the latest South Carolina poll with 10 percent; Dean comes in with 9 percent, Kerry and Lieberman both come in with eight percent. 501 likely voters were interviewed and the poll had a margin of error of +/-4.5%.

9/7/03 I’M OUT: State Democratic Party chairwoman Barbara Allen received a letter from Edwards stating he would not seek re-election to the U.S Senate so he could devote all of his energy to running for President.

9/8/03 Edwards holds town hall meeting in Merrimack, New Hampshire.

9/8/03 SEIU CONFERENCE: Edwards impresses conference participants and a survey of 1,500 SEIU conference participants found Dean and Gephardt the top contenders along with Edwards, who pushed John Kerry off the list. (AP)

9/9/03 CONGRESSIONAL BLACK CAUCUS DEBATE: Howard Dean upset Democratic rivals during the debate when he told the crowd: "I'm the only white politician that ever talks about race in front of white audiences." Edwards camp responded the next day saying: "I think what Howard Dean said last night does a disservice to everyone he stood next to and all the people before us who have raised this issue over and over again in front of all audiences." Edward "urges racial tolerance in nearly every speech he gives on the campaign trail, including addresses to white crowds."

9/16/03 NOW IT’S OFFICIAL: Edwards formally announces his candidacy for president in front of the old Milliken Mill where his father, Wallace, worked, in Robbins, N.C. and then he headed to Columbia, South Carolina to continue the tour. However, Wesley Clark trumped his big day by announcing that he would officially enter the race the following day.

9/25/03 Edwards’ camp released their new polling that shows Edwards leading in SC with 23%; next up is Clark with 13%; all others in single digits. 9/30/03 3rd Quarter Spending: Edwards raised $2.1 million, and transferred $460,000 from his almost Senate reelection campaign to his presidential fund, for a total of $2.6 million. He spent more than twice that, $5.9 million, leaving him a cash balance of $4.8 million, down from the $8.1 million he had at the end of June.


10/22/03 Edwards’ pollster Harrison Hickman conducts his own South Carolina primary poll that shows Senator Edwards on top with 23 percent. Clark trails him at 13 percent.

10/26/03 McLaughlin Group selects Edwards as the Democrat “most likely to leave the race next.” Others claim that he is not out of the game and that poll numbers are rising.

10/29/03 Attended a fundraiser in Southern California hosted by Dennis Hopper.

10/31/03 HELP IN THE GRANITE STATE: Edwards gets the endorsement of influential NH state senator, Lou D’Allesandro.

11/1/03 The American Research Group conducts a poll that shows Edwards falling behind Clark in South Carolina with 10% as compared with Clark’s 17%.

11/3/03 While serving on the Senate Intelligence Committee that was investigating intelligence failures between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia, Edwards entered negotiations with a PR consultant for the Saudi Arabian government to sell his D.C. house. Both Edwards and the consultant, Michael Petruzzello, claimed the deal was strictly about the house and nothing else. The sale did not occur for other reasons.


Age: 62

Birthdate: January 31, 1941 in St. Louis, Missouri

Current Position: Member of the US House of Representatives from Missouri, 1977-present.

Career Highlights: Attorney at Thompson & Mitchell (now Thompson Coburn) Firm, 1965-1977; Chairman of Democratic Caucus 1985-1989; House Majority Leader, 1989- 1995, and Minority Leader, 1995-2003.

Education: B.S. Northwestern University (1962), J.D. University of Michigan (1965)

Military Service: Air National Guard, 1965-1971

Hometown: St. Louis, Missouri

Religion: Baptist

Announcement: February 19, 2003 St. Louis, Missouri Spouse: Jane Byrnes

Age: 61.

Birthday: June 2, 1942 in Grand Island, Neb.

Career Highlights: Office manager, Northern Virginia Medical Associates, 1990-2000; account manager in advertising, Brown Shoe Company, St. Louis, Mo.; 1966-70; office manager, advertising and design division, Container Corporation of America, 1964-66.

Education: B.A., Northwestern University, 1964.

Hometown: Columbus, Neb.

Religion: Baptist

Family: Three children, Matt (32), Chrissy (30), and Kate (26)


1/31/41 DICK GEPHARDT: Born to Louis and Loreen Gephardt and grew up in the same working class neighborhood that he represents today.

1958 Graduates from Southwest High School in St. Louis.

1962 Graduates from Northwestern University with a B.S. in speech. While in college he served as student body president.

1965 Gephardt graduates from the University of Michigan Law School, and joins Thompson and Mitchell, a law firm in St. Louis, where he practices until 1976.

1965 MILITARY: Gephardt joins the Air National Guard, serving as a captain and legal adviser.

1966 MARRIES: Gephardt marries Jane Byrnes who he met on her first day on campus as he and friends were helping freshman move in.

1972 CANCER: Gephardt’s 2-year-old son Matt is diagnosed with what doctors said was terminal cancer. Gephardt often refers to this experience and his good fortune having a job that provided a good health care plan. “That insurance plan, great doctors and nurses, and the grace of God, saved Matt's life,” he said in an op-ed piece in the St. Louis Post.

1971-76 PUBLIC SERVICE: Gephardt is elected to the St. Louis Board of Aldermen. He is re-elected in 1975, but leaves before the end of his term to begin his first term in the US House.

11/2/76 THE HILL: Gephardt elected to his first of 14 terms in the US House with 64% of the vote and quickly becomes a member of the Ways and Means Committee in 1977.

1977 ROUND 1 WITH CARTER: Just elected to the House, he makes an impassioned plea on the House floor to reject President Jimmy Carter’s proposal to pardon draft resisters.

1977 UNIONS: As early as 1977 he begins sounding alarms about the effects of the growing U.S. trade deficit on the American work force. As a member of the newly formed House Auto Task Force, he co-sponsored “domestic content” legislation.

11/7/78 REELECTED: Reelected to the House with 82% of the vote.

11/4/80 Reelected to the House with 78% of the vote.

8/81 EARLY DAYS: “President’s position on Abortion, Busing, School Prayer Criticized,” the headline said – in a release that reproached then-President Ronald Reagan for not


doing enough to end abortion, to block school busing and to promote prayer in school.

1981 REGANOMICS: After the Democratic alternative tax bill fails in Congress, Gephardt supports Reganomics by casting his vote for the Administration’s tax-cutting proposal.

8/82 TAXES: The Bradley-Gephardt Fair Tax Act is introduced. The Bradley-Gephardt bill never passed, but it had an impact and spawned rival tax simplification plans from Republicans and became a model for the landmark Tax Reform Act of 1986, with its across-the-board reductions of tax rates and elimination of many tax breaks.

11/2/82 REELECTED: Reelected to the House with 78% of the vote.

1984 Gephardt is elected chairman of the , the number four leadership position.

11/6/84 100%: Reelected to the House with 100% of the vote.

1985 “NEW DEMOCRAT”: In an article headlined “The Middlest Middle-of-the Road Democrat,” Fortune Magazine highlights Gephardt’s willingness to challenge his party’s liberal traditions. “With his Robert Redford good looks, telegenic personality and relative youth, Gephardt is the very picture of a New Democrat,” the magazine proclaimed.

3/85 Gephardt founds and chairs the centrist Democratic Leadership Council, giving him leverage in the South for a presidential bid.

5/86 FLIPS: Gephardt announces he no longer supports a constitutional amendment to ban abortion, though he had previously co-sponsored such amendments in 1981 and 1983. He still does not support federal funding of abortions, except for cases of rape, incest or life endangerment.

10/18/86 KEYNOTES: Gephardt delivers keynote address at the Jefferson-Jackson dinner in Ames, Iowa.

11/4/86 Reelected to the House with 69% of the vote.

2/3/87 FIRST ONE IN: At Union Station in St. Louis, Gephardt becomes the first Democratic presidential candidate in the 1988 race, using “Make America First” as the theme of his announcement speech.

3/5/87 MY FATHER WAS A MILK TRUCK DRIVER: Clarifying confusion that arose when a reporter checked his father’s obituary and found that he was listed as a real estate agent, Gephardt issues a fact sheet stating that his father drove a milk truck and then worked as a real estate agent. Gephardt’s stump speech since 1985 included the line “my father was a milk truck driver.”


5/13/87 Gephardt sponsors an “anti-colorization” bill giving screenwriters and directors the right to control what happens to their films.

5/17/87 LEADING THE POLLS: Gephardt receives 24% in a Des Moines Register Iowa poll of 401 Democrats, taken right after dropped out of the race. The poll shows 37% undecided. In a previous Iowa poll, Hart received 56%, Gephardt 9%.

6/3/87 The New York Times reports that when asked by a reporter whether he had ever committed adultery, Gephardt says “no.”

7/20/87 ONE OF US: Gephardt debates at Drake University in Des Moines. The two disagree on trade, taxes and Social Security, but find common ground on one issue.

10/22/87 CBS EVENING NEWS runs a Gephardt profile, which says he’s switched his position on abortion, visited 48 states already, been to Iowa 61 times since 1986.

10/26/87 FUNDRAISER: Gephardt’s campaign claims it has raised more money than the other “ candidate” Al Gore, by a margin 2-1.

11/3/87 FIRST IN SHOW: Gephardt is the first candidate to visit all 99 counties in Iowa.

11/11/87 TANKING OUT: Washington Post reports that Gephardt may be “out of gas in Iowa,” saying the campaign is low on money and the candidate appears exhausted from his grueling campaign schedule.

11/23/87 OOPS: Time magazine reports that in an effort to contradict talk that the Gephardt campaign has stalled in Iowa, the campaign “scams a secret poll” during the annual Jefferson- Jackson dinner by hiring a small town newspaper publisher as a front man to pay Iowans $20 an hour to distribute and collect straw poll ballots. The Iowa Democratic Party banned such beauty contests and the poll is aborted.

11/30/87 HARD TIMES: In a national CBS News/New York Times poll, Gephardt receives 5% of the vote among registered Democratic voters.

12/87 Gephardt makes a comeback with a sharpened, populist message and an ad campaign that started shortly after Christmas. He also scored points with laborers when he explained that a $10,000 Chrysler K-car costs $48,000 in South Korea because of the government's taxes and tariffs whereas Hyundais are sold for $7,000. However, in the United States he said South Koreans could sell their Hyundais in the U.S for $7,000. He went on to say that he would even the playing field and would force the South Koreans to remove their taxes and tariffs. If they don't, he threatened, they'll have to ask themselves: "How many Americans are going to pay $48,000 for one of their Hyundais?”


2/8/88 GEPHARDT WINS IOWA: Official party totals, with 82 percent of the precincts reporting, showed Gephardt with 30 percent of the delegates, Sen. of Illinois with 26 percent and Massachusetts Gov. with 23 percent.

2/23/88 GLORY DAYS: Gephardt trounced Massachusetts Gov. Michael S. Dukakis in a hard-fought, head-to-head showdown in the South Dakota Democratic presidential primary. But Dukakis overpowered other Democratic challengers in the other Tuesday contest, the caucuses in Minnesota, a state Gephardt did not emphasize.

3/8/88 SUPER TUESDAY: Lost every state but his home state of Missouri.

3/26/88 BAD SIGN: Gephardt, who had said he had to win in Michigan to remain a strong candidate came in a distant third to Reverend Jesse Jackson and Dukakis. He met with family and close aides to discuss whether to pull out of the race.

3/28/88 TILL NEXT TIME: Gephardt withdraws from the Democratic presidential race, just seven weeks after his victory in Iowa had thrust him into front-runner status after running out of money.

3/29/88 CANDIDATE AGAIN: A day after he dropped out of the presidential campaign, Gephardt files to run for reelection to the House.

11/8/88 FAMILIAR TERRITORY: Reelected to the House with 63% of the vote.

6/89 MAJORITY LEADER: Gephardt won a decisive victory in the Democratic Caucus for majority leader over Georgia’s Ed Jenkins, 181-76.

11/6/90 Reelected to the House with 57% of the vote.

1/1991 VOTES NO ON I: In his second year as majority leader, he spearheads the losing battle against congressional resolution authorizing the use of force against Iraq. Gephardt was not completely opposed to military action against Saddam, but rather favored instilling economic sanctions and giving him more time to comply. In October 2002, he said “None of us is all-wise, none of us knows the truth, none of us knows everything... We see through a glass darkly. In 1991, I did my best. In retrospect, it was probably the wrong decision.”

1991 NAFTA: Traveled to Mexico a number of times to see the border towns on Mexican soil where American companies had moved operations in search of low-wage labor. He was opposed to the NAFTA plan being pushed by American businesses and the White House because he saw it as a way to accelerate the exodus of U.S manufacturing jobs.


8/1991 NOT HIS TIME: Gephardt decides not to run for president in 1992 after concluding he would face long odds against a popular president and might have a better shot at the House speaker’s chair.

1/92 FLIP: Calls for an overhaul of American health care and says he was wrong to have opposed cost controls during the Carter administration.

11/3/92 Reelected to the House with 64% of the vote.

8/93 DEALMAKER: In a very close vote, Gephardt helps pass the Clinton economic package, which includes a tax increase of about $240 billion. A year later, Democrats lose the majority and Margolies-Mezvinsky, the Republican who voted with them, also lost her seat.

11/17/93 NOT GOOD ENOUGH: Gephardt lost his fight against NAFTA 248- 200 on the House floor.

11/8/94 DEMOTED: Re-elected to the House with 58% of the vote, but a Republican landslide left them with more House seats, meaning Gephardt would become Minority Leader when the new session begins January 4.

11/5/96 Reelected to the House with 59% of the vote.

10/1998 IRAQ: Votes to authorize funding to Iraqi opposition groups.

11/3/98 Reelected to the House with 56% of the vote.

2/3/99 STEPS ASIDE: Gephardt announces he will not challenge Vice President Gore for president in 2000.

1999 AUTHOR: In his book “An Even Better Place,” Gephardt wrote that he had come to believe “it’s time to join Republicans in their call to scrap the tax code and start all over.”

11/7/00 Reelected to the House with 57.8% of the vote.

6/4/02 FOREIGN AFFAIRS: Gephardt delivers a foreign policy speech at Center of the Council on Foreign Relations and signals support for a pre-emptive strike on Iraq. Up until this point, Gephardt has had a relatively dovish and somewhat low profile on international issues other than trade. After the speech he wins compliments from people pining for the return of Scoop Jackson. The Conservative Reform Project praised the speech for filling the “Scoop Gap.”

7/22/02 Gephardt speaks to National Council of La Raza in Miami.

7/30/02 Gephardt and Edwards make speeches to DLC in NYC.


8/14/02 IOWA FACE TIME: Gephardt campaigns in Des Moines. Attends the state fair with Sen. Tom Harkin and continues to campaign in the state’s eastern region.

9/4/02 Gephardt addresses the Alliance for Retired Americans’ national conference.

9/14/02 Gephardt, Gore and Lieberman attend the Congressional Black Caucus Dinner.

9/28/02 PUTTING IN THE MILES: Gephardt campaigns in Boston, Philadelphia, New York and then to Los Angeles for DCCC event.

10/2/02 ROSE GARDEN WITH BUSH ON IRAQ: Gephardt appears with President Bush in a Rose Garden ceremony introducing the final agreement between Congress and the President, which gave President Bush authority to strike Iraq. Authorized the use of force against Iraq after negotiating commitment to see United Nations support first. Many House Democrats were outraged with Gephardt’s negotiations with the President and the ultimate deal. To many it seemed like a political calculation that proved he was running for president.

10/11/02 VOTES FOR IRAQ RESOLUTION: Gephardt is one of 296 House members to vote for the resolution, which authorized President Bush to use military force in Iraq, if necessary.

11/5/02 Reelected to the House with 59.1% of the vote.

11/7/02 STEPPING DOWN: Gephardt announces he is stepping down as House Democratic leader after eight years, one day after his party suffered historic losses in midterm elections.

1/6/03 GOODBYE: Gephardt files papers to create an exploratory campaign for the White House, and associates said he would focus his efforts on the White House and not run for re- election to the House.

1/18/03 Gephardt, Dean and Kerry speak at the Linn County (Iowa) Democratic Party's Third Annual Sustaining Banquet.

1/21/03 NARAL: Gephardt, Dean, Edwards, Kerry, Lieberman and Sharpton attend NARAL Pro Choice America event. Gephardt, who opposed abortion before his 1988 run for president, told the group that his “eyes were opened” on the abortion issue by his wife, Jane.

1/23/03 Gephardt, Dean, Edwards, Kerry, Lieberman and Sharpton address National Conference of Democratic Mayors.

2/19/03 THE BIG DAY: Gephardt announces his candidacy for president at Mason Elementary School in St. Louis in the modest neighborhood where he grew up, offering a sweeping indictment of President Bush and promising health care for


every working American. Flies to Iowa and New Hampshire immediately following the announcement.

2/21/03 NATIONAL AUDIENCE: Gephardt is booed at the Democratic National Committee's winter meeting in Washington on Friday for telling the group, "We must disarm Saddam Hussein," and that he was proud to sponsor a congressional resolution authorizing Mr. Bush to use force, if necessary.

2/25/03 COURTING THE UNIONS: Gephardt attends the AFL-CIO winter gathering. Although he has not missed one in 20 years, this is seen as one of his most important appearances as he tries to convince the country’s most powerful union to support his presidential quest.

2/2003 CAN I HAVE IT BOTH WAYS?: Defends Bush’s stance on Iraq, but criticizes the president for not building broader support.

4/9/03 UNION SUPPORT: Gephardt receives endorsement of the International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers after Gephardt's speech to the Building and Construction Trades meeting.

5/3/03 FIRST DEBATE: First Democratic presidential debate between presidential candidates in Columbia, S.C. Defending his health care plan, Gephardt told the audience, "If you like George Bush's tax cuts, stick with him, vote for him. But if you want to finally solve this problem that's bedeviled our people for a hundred years, let's get it done. Let's get everybody in this country covered with good health insurance."

5/8/03 COMING OUT: Capitol Hill newspaper, Roll Call runs a story saying Gephardt’s daughter Chrissy is a lesbian and will be active in his campaign.

5/15/03 DLC FEUD: Leading moderate Democrats criticized Dean and Gephardt at the end of its two-day strategy session, even as former president Bill Clinton called for an end to intra-party squabbling.

5/16-5/19 Gephardt campaigns in Iowa. Discusses health care plan in Des Moines and attends AFSCME reception.

6/21/03 Gephardt, Dean, Edwards, Graham, Kerry, Kucinich and Sharpton participate in the “America’s Hometown Forum” hosted by Jasper County Democrat in Newton, Iowa.

6/23/03 CELEBRITY: Barry Manilow headlines Gephardt fundraiser in New York.

6/03 NO REGRETS: Says he has no regrets over his support for war and that he remains confident that weapons of mass destruction in Iraq will be found.


7/17/03 PERSONA NON GRATA: After being called persona non grata by NAACP President, Kweisi Mfume, for missing the NAACP presidential forum three days earlier, Gephardt flew down to Florida to apologize to the conference.

8/1/03 Teamsters hold conference call to confirm Gephardt endorsement.

8/4/03 Gephardt delivers economic speech to business leaders in NYC.

8/9/03 Gephardt appears with Teamster President James Hoffa who officially announces the union’s endorsement in . Afterwards the two fly to Iowa and New Hampshire for Teamster rallies.

9/24/03 ENDORSEMENT: Gephardt gets the endorsement from the 800,000 member Laborers' International Union in Chicago.

9/25/03 FIREWORKS: Gephardt and Dean clash over Medicare at the DNC sponsored debate in New York. Gephardt compared Dean to then-House Speaker Newt Gingrich charging that he backed a proposal for deep cuts in Medicare in the 1990s. Dean brought to light Gephardt’s early support for making Social Security benefits subject to caps based on income. Gephardt later acknowledged this was true, but said he has consistently opposed them since the 1980s.

9/30/03 AFL-CIO DEALS A BLOW: The AFL-CIO announces it will not make a presidential endorsement in the near future and were canceling a mid-October meeting to discuss the issue. Many people saw this as a blow to Gephardt’s hopes to secure the powerful union.

10/2/03 MISSED VOTE: Gephardt missed the 281-142 House vote to end late-term abortions.

10/3/03 CALIFORNIA: Gephardt and Gov. Vilsack of Iowa campaign against the recall with Gov. Davis.

10/9/03 DNC DEBATE: Gephardt and Dean clash again over Medicare and Gephardt tries to encourage voters by invoking memories of the Clinton administration's economic policies, saying "If you want to live like a Republican, you've got to vote for the Democrats."

10/11/03 ANOTHER ENDORSEMENT: Gephardt attends rally with Teamsters president James Hoffa.

10/15/03 FUNDRAISING: Gephardt’s campaign spins the $3.8 million he raised in the third quarter as a good sign for the campaign, despite the fact that he's fourth among the Democrats in the money battle.

10/17/03 Gephardt addresses the Arab American Institute’s National Leadership Conference in Dearborn and the Michigan State AFL-CIO COPE dinner in Detroit.


10/17/03 $87 BILLION: The House and Senate approved the $87 billion request for U.S. efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan, with the Senate challenging President Bush by imposing conditions that part of the money come in the form of a loan. Gephardt voted for the $87 billion request for U.S. efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan because he said doing otherwise would send an ambiguous message to troops in Iraq. (The provision was later dropped.)

10/18/03 BUSY DAY: Gephardt addresses parents, families and friends of lesbians and gays (PFLAG) in Pontiac, Michigan and delivers major policy speech on jobs and the economy teamsters local 238 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

10/21/03 FIRST TO FILE: Gephardt AND Bush’s campaigns were the first to file to be a candidate in Missouri’s presidential primary scheduled for Feb. 3.

10/28/03 Gephardt sharpens his attacks on rival Howard Dean and compared his position to President Bush, while giving a speech at a center for the elderly in Des Moines.

10/30/03 Gephardt launches Students for Gephardt organization and website to focus on youth issues.

10/31/03 Gephardt campaign in argument with Dean campaign as a Dean aide (who is gay) claimed that a Gephardt aide called him a “faggot.” Gephardt’s stances on gay and lesbian issues is scrutinized and lesbian daughter, Chrissy Gephardt, comes out in defense of her father’s position and the aide whom she is friends with.

11/2/03 Gephardt on CBS’ Face the Nation. When asked if he could win the Democratic nomination without winning Iowa, he responded, “I’m going to win Iowa.”

11/4/03 Gephardt is the only candidate not to attend the CNN “Rock The Vote” forum at Faneuil Hall. Gephardt sent a statement saying he could not attend because of pre-arranged meetings in Iowa.

11/7/03 PAY CUTS FOR STAFF: The Hotline reports that “senior staff with the highest salaries on the campaign volunteered to take a pay cut in order to keep the campaign on target in other parts of the budget.”

11/18/03 DEAN ATTACKS GEPHARDT’S IRAQ RECORD: In an Iowa TV ad titled “Different View,” Dean attacks Gephardt because he agreed “to coauthor the Iraq War resolution,” giving George Bush the authority to go to war. A photograph on screen shows Gephardt standing alongside Bush and Trent Lott during a Rose Garden ceremony announcing the measure's approval. This was the first negative ad aimed at a Democratic candidate in this election.


11/21/03 GEPHARDT RESPONDS: Gephardt responds to a new RNC commercial that attacks the Democratic candidates. He states, “Once again, the president has chosen to politicize the war on terror for partisan gain. I supported his decision on Iraq because I believed it was the right thing to do. But, I have told him he was wrong to go without our allies and leave us isolated and alone in the world. Debating national security is fair game, but questioning other's patriotism is beneath this president.”


Age: 59

Birthdate: December 11, 1943 in Denver, Colorado

Current Position: U.S Senator from Massachusetts, 1986-present

Career Highlights: Lt. Governor, 1983-1985; lawyer, county prosecutor

Education: Yale University, B.A.; Boston College, J.D.

Military Service: Navy, 1966-70

Hometown: Boston, Massachusetts

Religion: Roman Catholic

Announcement: September 2, 2003 Charleston, S.C.

Spouse: Married to Kerry. (Divorced first wife who he was married to for 18 years.)

Age: 64

Birthday: October 5, 1938 in Mozambique in East .

Career: Philanthropist, $1.2 billion Heinz Foundation endowment

Education: BA in Romance Languages, Literature, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, 1960; Interpreters School of the University of Geneva, 1963.

Hometown: Boston, MA

Religion: Catholic

Family Two children from his first marriage, Alexandria (30), Vanessa (26); Teresa has three children– Andre, Christopher and John from her previous marriage to Sen. John Heinz of Pennsylvania (deceased).


12/11/43 JOHN FORBES KERRY: Born at Fitzsimmons Military Hospital in Denver, Colo, where his father, Richard, who was a World War II test pilot, was recovering from a bout with tuberculosis and Rosemary Forbes, a member of prominent .

Early ‘50s ON THE STUMP EARLY: According to the Boston Globe, Kerry handed out buttons for Adlai Stevenson and as a teenager he campaigned for state and local candidates.

1953-61 Boarding School: Kerry started boarding school in Switzerland at age 11, when his parents were living in Berlin. Over the next eight years he was educated at boarding schools in Switzerland and New England.

1957 Kerry attends the Fessenden School in West Newton, MA, where he meets Richard Pershing who becomes one of his best friends.

1958-62 Enrolls and eventually graduates from St. Paul’s School in Concord, NH.

Summer ‘62 KENNEDY TIES: Kerry handed out leaflets for Edward M. Kennedy’s U.S Senate campaign, but he never met the candidate.

8/1962 Kerry traveled to Hammersmith Farm in Rhode Island with his then-girlfriend Janet Auchincloss, Jacqueline Kennedy’s half-sister. Kerry met President John F. Kennedy for the first time and after talking for a little while, he went sailing with the president and a few others in Narragansett Bay.

9/1962 Kerry met President Kennedy again at the America’s Cup race off the coast of Rhode Island.

1962-66 YALE: Kerry studied at Yale University for his undergraduate studies and as a senior was one of 15 students inducted into the secret Skull and Bones society, an exclusive club for Yale men who were well connected or expected to do well in life. As Vietnam was heating up, Kerry and three of his fellow Skulls decided to join officers’ training. On his way to becoming a commissioned officer in Vietnam, he was chosen to deliver the class oration. Critical of the war he said, “The United States must, I think, bring itself to understand that the policy of intervention that was right for Western Europe does not and cannot find the same application to the rest of the world”.

1966-69 IN UNIFORM: Served in the U.S Navy, 1966-1969. Decorations include a Silver Star for bravery for leading his patrol boat into enemy fire, a Bronze Star for saving the life of a Special Forces lieutenant and three Purple Hearts for sustaining wounds on three occasions.


2/1968 SHIPPED OUT: In early February 1968, Kerry shipped out to the Gulf of Tonkin aboard the USS Gridley, a guided-missile frigate.

2/17/68 BAD NEWS: Kerry receives a telegram that informed him that his childhood friend and fellow Skull, Richard Pershing, died due to wounds he received while searching for the remains of a missing member of his unit.

6/6/68 Kerry returns to Long Beach, Calif., the day that RFK died from a gunshot wound.

4/1969 EARLY TRANSFER: Kerry returned from Vietnam early after earning a silver star, bronze star and three purple hearts. Although none of his wounds were life threatening, he won an early exit because of his three purple hearts. He was transferred to Brooklyn where he served as an admiral’s aide.

10/15/69 FIRST TASTE: Kerry flew with Adam Walinksy, a leader in the New York anti-war protest movement, around the state to deliver speeches against the war. Kerry did not wear his uniform and did not speak at the events, but the experience helped convince him that he wanted to become a public leader of the antiwar movement. (Kerry met RFK aide Walinsky through his sister who was involved in the anti- war effort)

1/3/70 EARLY EXIT: Kerry requested that his superior grant him an early discharge so he could run for Congress on an anti-war platform. The request was eventually approved.

1970 LOSING BATTLE: Gave up on a three-month bid for Congress in Massachusetts’ Third District, when it became clear he wouldn’t get the Democratic nomination. Rev. was the eventual nominee. During his run, he was quoted in the Harvard Crimson as saying he would like to “almost eliminate CIA activity” and wanted US troops “dispersed through the world only at the directive of the United Nations.”

5/1970 MARRIES the wealthy Julia Thorne, the sister of his best friend and the woman he had been dating for six years.

1971 Kerry publishes book, “” featuring Vietnam vets.

4/28/71 NIXON: Kerry was on Nixon’s radar and according to tapes and memos, Nixon and his aides worried that Kerry had the pedigree and talent to undermine support for the war. In a secret memo, Nixon’s counsel revealed his mission to target Kerry: “Destroy the young demagogue before he becomes another .”

4/20/71 LEADER: Kerry becomes the unofficial coordinator of the antiwar movement’s Washington protests.


4/22/71 TESTIFIES IN WASHINGTON: Kerry testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and asked the committee, “How do you ask a man to be the last man to die in Vietnam? How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?” In this famous speech he also claimed that Vietnam vets had committed various atrocities and war crimes.

4/22/71 NIXON PROPS: The “real star” of the hearing was Kerry, Nixon told chief of staff H.R. Haldeman and national security advisor Henry Kissinger according to the secretly taped W.H recordings. “He did a hell of a great job,” Haldeman said. “He was extremely effective,” Nixon agreed. “He did a superb job on it at Foreign Relations Committee yesterday,” Haldeman said. “A Kennedy-type guy, he looks like a Kennedy, and he, he talks exactly like a Kennedy.”

4/23/71 ANTI-WAR LEADER: Kerry was a leader of the Vietnam Against the War and a co-founder of Vietnam Veterans of America.

4/23/71 MASSIVE PROTEST: With Kerry leading the charge, vets lined up to throw their military medals over the White House fence. (Kerry claims that he opposed the returning of medals as a tactic and saved his own. Instead he threw his ribbons, but someone else’s medals.)

4/24/71 KERRY SPEAKS: Kerry addresses an estimated 250,000 people at an anti-war rally from the steps of the Capitol.

5/25/71 60 MINUTES: In a segment titled “First Hurrah” Kerry was portrayed as an eloquent man who had a Kennedy-esque future in an interview with Morley Safer.

Mem Day 71 ARRESTED: Kerry and a group of antiwar protesters are arrested on the green in Lexington, Mass, but was released after paying a $5 fine. At the time, Kerry’s wife, Julia, kept $100 under her pillow just in case she needed to bail Kerry out of jail on short notice.

6/30/71 DEBATE: On “The Dick Cavett Show,” Kerry debated a young Navy named John O’Neill, who the White House found, to discredit Kerry’s anti-war movement. Kerry stole the show.


10/21/71 DOONESBURY: During the anti-war movement Kerry received frequent criticism from people who believed he felt the anti-war movement was all about him. His image as a self- promoter became the subject of a Doonesbury comic strip penned by fellow Yale alum Garry Trudeau. A character in the strip is heard urging his friends that if they care about the anti-war effort they had to go hear John Kerry's speech. The character goes on to say, "He speaks with a rare eloquence and astonishing conviction. If you see no one else this year, you must see John Kerry!" "Who was that?" another character asks. "John Kerry," comes the response.

10/22/71 The strip the next day shows Kerry soaking up the adulation after a speech, smiling and thinking, "You're really clicking tonight, you gorgeous preppie."

1972 DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE FOR HOUSE: Kerry spent $279,746 on the primary and general election (the fifth district was the most expensive congressional race in the country that year). He had moved to the fifth district – the main cities were Lowell, where he and his wife rented an apartment, and Lawrence – earlier in the year. Kerry won the primary by more than 5,000 votes, but lost in the general election by more than 18,000 votes to former state Rep. Paul Cronin after he was portrayed as un-American and un-patriotic. Kerry is convinced that Nixon operatives had something to do with him losing the election.

9/5/73 NEW BEGINNINGS: Julia gave birth to their first child, Alexandra, and in a matter of days he started classes at Boston College Law School. While in school, Kerry moonlighted as a part-time radio talk-show host on WBZ, and, for a few months, served as executive director of MassAction, a private government watchdog.

1976 Graduates from Boston College Law School at the age of 32. Kerry worked as a student prosecutor in the Middlesex District Attorney’s office while earning his law degree and joined the staff after graduating and passing the bar.

12/31/76 NEW BIRTH: Kerry’s second daughter, Vanessa, was born.

1976-79 DAYS AS A PROSECUTOR: Soon after starting his job full- time, Kerry was promoted to the position of first assistant. As a top prosecutor in Middlesex County, Kerry took on organized crime and he is credited by many for modernizing the District Attorney's office.

1979-82 PRACTICE: Kerry and former assistant DA, Roanne Sragow opened their own practice in Boston. Over 2 ½ years, they built a successful practice that specialized in litigations involving wrongful deaths, medical malpractice, corporate trade secrets, and what Kerry describes as “a string of relatively notorious hair implantation cases.”


Kerry and Sragow won freedom for George A. Reissfelder, who was 15 years into a life prison sentence for a murder he said he didn’t commit.

OTHER INTERESTS: While working as an attorney, Kerry joined WCVB-TV as a regular public affairs commentator and in 1979 co-founded the Kilvert & Forbes cookie shop at Quincy Market with K. Dun Gifford. (The shop is still there, but Kerry sold his interest in 1988.)

1982 ELECTED LT. GOVERNOR: Kerry didn’t declare victory in the primary until 3:30 in the morning and after winning that election was paired with gubernatorial candidate Michael Dukakis and the two rode to victory. The environment became a pet issue for him and in his first year in office, his schedule shows at least 23 trips out of state on official business, nearly half related to acid rain.

1982 TROUBLE AT HOME: Separates from his wife, although the divorce doesn’t become final until 1988. Although they separated before election day, she played the happy wife for the cameras on election night.

1984 REFUSES PAC MONEY: Kerry, along with the other leading contenders in the Mass. Senate race – Democratic Rep. Jim Shannon and Republican – refuses money from political action committees. Kerry would refuse PAC money for all of his subsequent campaigns.

2/1986 Nine Senate Democrats, including John Kerry, wrote a letter to President Reagan asking him not to renew military aid for rebels fighting the Sandinista government in Nicaragua, saying it could draw U.S troops into the conflict.

1987 FUNDRAISER-IN-CHIEF: Kerry became the chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee for the 1988 campaign cycle.

3/1987 FIRST RESPONSE: Kerry became the chairman of the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Narcotics and International Operations. Because of his new role, he was investigating months before the -contra scandal made headlines and Manuel Noriega before he was indicted by the Justice Department.

1988 MONEY WOES: After his divorce to Julia Thorne was finalized, it was apparent how much she helped the family financially. The divorce left him strapped for cash and he soon took out a $473,000 loan to buy a home in DC, which he later sold to buy a condo in Boston, which he also sold after a couple of years. Before finally renting apartments in Washington and Boston, he was a bit of a roamer, crashing at friends’ places when available. To make ends meet he started collecting speaking fees during his first 5 years in the Senate.


1989 AMERICANS AND TERRORIST: In 1989, he voted against the death penalty for terrorists who kill Americans abroad.

1990 CAMPAIGN FINANCING: As he campaigned, questions about his dealings with wealthy donors arose. One inquiry focused on David Paul, who was later discovered to be a major player in the savings and loan scandals of the time and who had ties to BCCI. When their relationship became known, Kerry acknowledged that Paul had asked for special consideration on a banking amendment CenTrust needed. Kerry ultimately opposed Paul’s request, which also failed to win support in Congress.

1990 ENJOYING BACHELORHOOD: The Boston Globe reports that Kerry has been linked to actresses Morgan Fairchild and Cornelia Guest as well as Patti Davis, the daughter of Ronald Reagan.

1991 GULF WAR I: After Iraq’s invasion of , Kerry suggested the U.S needed to give Saddam enough wiggle room to leave Kuwait without losing face. He ultimately voted against the resolution authorizing the Persian Gulf War, calling it “the right vote at that moment in time”.

1991 LIVE SHOT: By the time Kerry began his second term, his nickname among Massachusetts politicians was “live shot” a reference to his constant courting of the press.

3/1991 Kerry is among a group Senators who traveled to Kuwait to promote democracy and to request greater cooperation with Israel.

1991 OOPS: When Kerry challenged Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell's get-tough bill on China, it took Mitchell just a few hours to embarrass Kerry by revealing to the press that Kerry was an original co-sponsor of the legislation. Kerry ultimately blamed his staff for the foul-up. In a similar situation earlier in the year Kerry blamed his staff when a computer glitch sent outdated letters to his constituents, giving the misleading impression that he was taking both sides on the Desert Storm debate.

1992 Decided against a 1992 White House run.

1994 Worked on the 1994 crime bill, persuading the Senate and the Clinton White House to finance a campaign pledge to put 100,000 more police officers on the street.

1994 LINKED TO HEINZ: Rumors begin to surface about a relationship between Kerry and millionaire Teresa Heinz, the widow of Sen. John Heinz, R-Pa.

5/26/95 MARRIES: Kerry marries Republican Teresa Heinz at Heinz’s home on Nantucket. Mrs. Heinz, widow of Sen. John Heinz, R-Pa., who died in a 1991 helicopter accident, is one of the wealthiest women in America, with a fortune inherited from her husband worth upwards of $500 million.


1995 Kerry and McCain stood with President Clinton in the East Room at the White House as he announced the U.S would normalize diplomatic relations with Vietnam.

11/1996 RE-ELECTION: Kerry endured a grueling battle for reelection against popular Republican Gov. Bill Weld. Kerry won by 7 percent and says he learned some important lessons: "One of the reasons I had the race that I had with Bill Weld was because people didn't know me. And I think one of the reasons I won the race was because people got to know me." Kerry spent $12.6 million on the election, the second highest of any Senate race that year. After the election Kerry told the Boston Globe that if he had lost to Weld, he might have tried his hand at a new career, possibly as a movie director or even as a journalist.

2/26/99 2000 OUT: After some speculation, Kerry announced he would not run for President in 2000.

4/1999 LESSONS LEARNED: Came out in strong support of the bombings of Bosnia saying, "One of the lessons of Vietnam is: If you are going to send American forces into harm's way, you don't do it in a limited way. You don't do it tying your hands behind your back ahead of time. You don't ask people to give their lives for something less than the prospect of success".

2000 A participant in the original earth day in 1970, he helped organize the 30th Earth Day celebration.

7/2000 Running Mate: In the running for the vice presidential nomination and on the short list with Sen. John Edwards, but was eventually passed over for Joe Lieberman.

12/17/01 STARTS HIS OWN PAC: Kerry, long an opponent of PACs, opens the Citizen Soldier Fund, a leadership PAC, to help Democratic candidates and pay for his political travels.

6/29/02 FACE TIME IN IOWA: Sen. John Kerry attends Truman Day Dinner in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

7/2002 He interrupted Secretary of State Colin Powell at a July 2002 Foreign Relations Committee hearing and complained that the administration's nuclear arms agreement with Russia "neutered" previous arms control agreements and contained a "huge contradiction."

7/29/02 NATIONAL CONVERSATIONS: Kerry speaks at the DLC’s “National Conversation” in New York City. Daschle and Lieberman also spoke.

9/4/02 FACE TIME IN NEW HAMPSHIRE: Kerry attends a fundraiser for New Hampshire Democratic gubernatorial candidate Martha Fuller Clark (who later endorses him in his presidential pursuits).


10/5/02 IA JEFFERSON-JACKSON DAY DINNER: Dean, Edwards and Kerry speak to the crowd about the economy and foreign policy.

10/11/02 VOTES FOR IRAQ WAR: Kerry was one of 77 senators to vote to authorize President Bush to use military force in Iraq, if necessary.

11/5/02 REELECTED: Kerry is overwhelmingly reelected to a fourth term and beat Libertarian challenger Michael Cloud, 81% to 19%. He had no Republican challenger. Kerry’s re-election campaign raised about $13.5 million for the race and spent some $8.6 million, $3.2 million of which went to pay off debts from his tight 1996 campaign against William Weld.

11/13/02 DEMS IN BOSTON: The Democratic National Committee announced Boston will be the site of the 2004 Democratic Convention.

12/1/02 EXPLORES: Kerry announced the formation of an exploratory committee for a possible run for President on “Meet The Press.”

12/3/02 Kerry delivers a powerful indictment of President Bush’s economic policies to the City Club of Cleveland.

12/4/02 FILING TIME: Kerry files papers to open an exploratory committee for a possible campaign for the 2004 Democratic presidential nomination.

1/9/03 STAFF WOES: Top graph of a Boston Globe article, “Senator John F. Kerry has the appearance of a tall, lean politician. But throughout his career, the Massachusetts Democrat has presided over some flabby campaign organizations marked by friends who doubled as high-priced consultants, meetings that stretched on without resolution, and a cadre of former aides who were not shy about criticizing him anonymously in the newspapers.”

1/21/03 KENNEDY ENDORSEMENT: At the National Press Club, Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., said he would endorse Kerry. “I expect to support him, and I expect he'll win,” Kennedy said.

1/21/03 ABORTION: At the NARAL Pro Choice dinner in Washington, Kerry told the audience, "If I get to share a stage with this president and debate him, one of the first things I'll tell him is: ‘There's a defining issue between us. I trust women to make their own decisions. You don't. And that's the difference.’ "

1/23/03 NO “RUSH TO WAR”: Kerry makes foreign policy speech at Georgetown University. “I believe they must take the time to do the hard work of diplomacy. ... They must do a better job of making their case to the American people. ... Mr. President, do not rush to war," Kerry said.


2/3/03 JEWISH? The Boston Globe reports that there is truth to Kerry’s belief he is half Jewish. Kerry had said he knew his paternal grandmother was Jewish for the past 15 years. But he informed about ancestral records that showed his grandfather, Frederick Kerry, who committed suicide in 1921, was born Jewish in the as Fritz Kohn.

2/9/03 FINDING HIS ROOTS: Kerry joined the American Israel Public Affairs Committee at B’nai Israel Synogogue in Palm Beach Florida, to celebrate his newfound heritage.

2/11/03 ANNOUNCES PROSTATE CANCER: Kerry announces at a Senate news conference that he has prostate cancer. He was diagnosed on 12/24/02 but waited to make it public so he could tell his family and wait for his doctor to answer questions publicly. Shortly before his announcement, he had told suspicious reporters he had no health problems.

2/12/03 SURGERY: Undergoes surgery to treat an early form of prostate cancer.

2/26/03 RETURNS TO CAMPAIGN TRAIL: Attends two fund-raisers in California, his first campaign events since his prostate surgery.

3/11/03 SHOW ME THE MONEY: New York City Fundraising kick-off

3/12/03 Boston Fundraising kick-off

3/13/03 San Francisco Fundraising kick-off

3/15/03 During the California Democratic Convention, Kerry said he did not regret his war-authorizing vote, a position that won him scattered antiwar shouts from the left-leaning crowd.

3/18/03 Kerry speaks to International Association of Firefighters in Washington.

4/9/03 Kerry speaks at the Building and Construction Trades annual conference at Washington. Dean, Sharpton, Kucinich, Gephardt, Moseley Braun, Edwards and Lieberman also attended.

4/15/03 1ST QUARTER FUNDRAISING: In his first major fund-raising quarter, Kerry raised $7 million bringing his total haul to $10.2 million. Prior to Jan. 1, he had raised about $500,000 and had transferred $2.65 million from his Senate campaign account.

5/3/03 DEBATE: First Democratic debate between presidential candidates in Columbia, S.C. The beginning of the debate was dominated by a testy Dean-Kerry exchanges over who was more fit to be President. "I don't need any lectures in courage from Howard Dean," complained Kerry, citing the former Vermont governor's recent criticism that the senator lacked "courage to stand up on issues."


5/16/03 HEALTH CARE: Kerry unveiled his $80 billion health care plan to a room of health care professionals in Des Moines. Kerry’s plan calls for slashing the price of medical coverage and nearly universal health care. "Focusing on coverage without reducing the costs of health care for all Americans is treating the symptoms and ignoring the cause," Kerry said. "We cannot make health care affordable by tiptoeing around the edges, hoping to make progress without raising the wrath of the guardians of the status quo."

5/17/03 Kerry gives graduation address at Law Center in Concord, N.H.

5/17/03 Kerry participates in the AFSCME of Iowa Presidential Town Hall Meeting in Des Moines via satellite. Edwards, Dean, Graham, Sharpton, Braun, and Kucinich attended.

6/4/03 MASS CONGRESSMEN BACK KERRY: All 10 House Democrats from Massachusetts endorse Kerry. Sen. previously endorsed him bringing the state’s entire congressional delegation behind him.

6/13/03 ENERGY PLAN: Kerry unveils his energy policy in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Telling the audience "today we have an energy policy of big oil, by big oil, and for big oil," Kerry criticized President Bush and Republican’s policies, which he believes will make the nation permanently reliant on foreign oil.

7/4/03 4th OF JULY: Kerry, Dean, Graham and Lieberman marched in the Amherst, NH July 4th parade.

7/12/03 VETS: Kerry pays a visit to veterans at the Disabled American Veterans Lodge in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

7/13/03 LA RAZA: Kerry addresses the National Council of La Raza in Austin, TX.

7/14/03 NAACP: Kerry, Dean, Edwards, Graham, Moseley Braun and Sharpton attend NAACP Presidential Candidate Forum at the Miami, Florida Convention Center.

7/15/03 2ND QUARTER FUNDRAISING: Raises $5.8 million bringing his total since Jan. 1 to $16 million.

7/25-27/03 Kerry and Dean speak at Iowa’s AFSCME annual convention in Four Points, Iowa.

7/30/03 REAL DEMOCRATS: Kerry holds fresh air forum at Hilton Park in Dover, New Hampshire, which includes his “real Democrats” dig aimed at Howard Dean and Dick Gephardt. In his speech, Kerry talked about candidates who want to "take away a tax credit for families struggling to raise their children or bring back a tax penalty for married couples who are starting out or penalize teachers and waitresses by raising taxes on the middle class. ... Real Democrats are


straight about who they'll fight for. Real Democrats don't walk away from the middle class," Kerry said. Only Dean and Gephardt want to roll back all of Bush’s 2001 tax cut plan.

9/1/03 LABOR DAY: Kerry travels to the Granite State to celebrate Labor Day with New Hampshire voters.

9/2-3/03 FORMAL ANNOUNCEMENT & STAFF SHAKE-UP?: Kerry announces candidacy for president. Announcement tour stops in Charleston, Des Moines, Manchester and Boston. While in Des Moines, there’s word that a shake-up in Kerry’s campaign staff is imminent. While Kerry and his campaign deny it, eventually communications director Chris Lehane winds up leaving 10 days later.

9/10/03 MOBY: Senator Kerry is in Boston for an “unplugged” session with pop star Moby.

9/11/03 REMEMBRANCE: Kerry attends memorial service in Boston and then prepares meals at Veterans’ center.

9/12/03 TROUBLES IN PARADISE: Chris Lehane, Kerry’s communications director resigned over differences in the direction of the campaign, the AP reported. The departure came at a time of increased speculation of a wider shake-up in the Kerry campaign. 9/14/03 FACE THE NATION: Kerry challenges Dean to a one-on-one debate. Schieffer offers to moderate, they just need to hear from Dean. The Dean campaign declines the offer saying the present debate schedule is sufficient.

9/15/03 NAMING NAMES: Kerry singles out Dean and Gephardt for favoring a rollback of Bush’s tax cuts. Up until this point, Kerry would challenge the other candidate’s position without referring to them by name.

9/17/03 CALIFORNIA RECALL: Kerry campaigns with Gov. Gray Davis against the recall. 9/18/03 SWITCHING TEAMS: Kym Spell quit as John Kerry's New Hampshire communications director just days after her boss, Chris Lehane, stepped down as Kerry's national communications director. Spell signed on with the Clark campaign soon after.

9/22/03 USA TODAY/CNN/GALLUP POLL: In the poll, Kerry’s one of two Democrats who would beat President Bush among registered voters nationwide. Among just the Dems, Kerry comes in third. Clark had 22 percent, Dean was at 13 and Kerry and Gephardt were at 11. In the nationwide survey, Kerry would beat Bush, 48-47. Clark was the other Dem who polled better than Bush, 49-46.

9/22/03 DIARIO: Kerry launches the first official presidential campaign website to cffer “” postings in Spanish.


9/23/03 ENDORSEMENT: Kerry receives the endorsement of former Small Business Administration administrator Aida Alvarez, who served under President Clinton. Alvarez is the first Latina to hold a cabinet-level post.

9/24/03 FIRST MAJOR LABOR ENDORSEMENT: Kerry receives the backing of the 214,000-member International Association of Fire Fighters. The IAFF is the first union to endorse someone other than Rep. Dick Gephardt so far.

9/30/03 HART ENDORSEMENT: Receives the endorsement of former presidential candidate Sen. Gary Hart, D-Colo.

9/30/03 SPEECH ON IRAQ: Kerry speaks at the Brookings Institution about Iraq. He also criticizes the Bush administration for leaking the name of the CIA agent wife of former Ambassador Joe Wilson. Wilson later endorses Kerry.

9/30/03 FUND-RAISING ESTIMATES: His campaign says they’ve raised “between $4.5 and 5 million” in the third quarter of 2003 “exceeding” $20 million total. On 10/15, his FEC filings show that he raised $4 million in the quarter and $20 million overall.

Fall 2003 “TOUR OF DUTY”: Kerry agrees to help promote Douglas Brinkley’s book, Tour of Duty: John Kerry and the Vietnam War.

10/14/03 HEALTH CARE FOR CHILDREN PLAN: During stops in New Hampshire, Kerry outlines his plan “to expand health insurance for children.” His plan would expand CHIP, “protect Medicaid” and “make private health insurance affordable for all Americans.”

10/15/03 3RD QUARTER FUNDRAISING: Kerry raised $4 million in the third quarter bringing his total raised to $20 million. He has raised the second most behind Howard Dean who had pulled in $25 million total.

10/16/03 OPPOSES IRAQ SUPPLEMENTAL: Announces his opposition to the $87 billion supplemental spending bill for Iraq and Afghanistan.

10/20/03 UNVEILS ENVIRONMENT PLAN: At the University of New Hampshire, Kerry announces his environment plan that includes “a new and permanent commitment to 'Green and Clean Communities,'” a focus on conservation, reducing emissions, efforts to clean up the nation's waters, focus on climate change and other global environmental issues.

10/23/03 Holds a press conference in front of Tyco Communications announcing that he is proposing legislation to "crack down on companies that incorporate offshore to avoid paying US taxes."

10/27/03 Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) endorses Kerry.


10/29/03 Kerry severs ties with supporter state AZ Rep. Ben Miranda who has been accused of trying to sway Lieberman supporters by using claims that Lieberman cannot campaign as intensely since he is an observer of the Sabbath. Miranda and AZ Kerry manager, Mario Diaz, claim the accusations are false.

11/5/03 PUBLIC FINANCING: Dean says he’ll ask his supporters if he should opt out of the federal primary matching fund program – he opts out on 11/8. Kerry responds by saying he’ll seriously consider opting out if Dean does but challenges Dean to pledge to spend only $45 million. Kerry spokesman says: “Should Senator Kerry decide to opt of the public finance system, he will comply with the spirit of the law by pledging to limit his spending to no more than $45 million until a nominee is effectively chosen.” On 11/14 he announces he will forgo public financing for the 2004 presidential primaries.

11/9/03 FACE THE NATION: When asked about Dean’s opting out of the federal primary matching fund program, Kerry said he may do so as well and he would make up his mind in “the next day or so.”

11/10/03 CAMPAIGN MANAGER OVERHAUL: Reports surface of the 11/9 firing of campaign manager Jim Jordan. Jordan is replaced with Ted Kennedy chief of staff Mary Beth Cahill.

11/11/03 MORE STAFF SHAKEUP: Press secretary Robert Gibbs and Deputy finance director Carl Chidlow quit after Jordan’s firing. The campaign announces former Kennedy spokeswoman and current Democratic National Convention spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter will leave the DNC to replace Gibbs.

11/14/03 OPTS OUT OF FEDERAL FUNDS: Less than a week after Howard Dean rejected federal primary matching funds, Kerry does the same. He later admits that he will take out a loan against his assets as well as against assets he holds jointly with his wife to use in Iowa and New Hampshire. There’s no official word on how much the loan would be but it’s assumed it would be at least enough to bridge the $5 million fund-raising gap between he and Dean.

11/15/03 IOWA J-J DINNER: At the Iowa Jefferson-Jackson Dinner, Kerry unveils a new stump speech and a new slogan: “The Real Deal.”

11/21/03 CAMPAIGN RELAUNCH, AGAIN: Expanding on his Iowa J-J speech, Kerry gives a more detailed stump speech in Concord, New Hampshire as an attempt to jump start his campaign. In the speech he outlines what he’d do in the first 100 days of a Kerry presidency including sending a health care bill to Congress in his first days as well as implementing new lobbying disclosure rules by executive order. Kerry also officially files for the NH primary at the State House in Concord and then heads out on a bus tour of the state, which will continue until the primary.


Age: 57

Birthdate: October 8, 1946 in Cleveland, Ohio

Current Position: U.S. Representative from Ohio, 1996-present, co-chairman of the Progressive Caucus

Career Highlights: Mayor of Cleveland, 1977-1979; Ohio Senate 1994-96

Education: Case Western Reserve U., B.A., M.A.

Military Service: None

Family: Twice divorced. One daughter Jackie (21).

Hometown: Cleveland, OH

Religion: Catholic

Announcement: October 13, 2003 Cleveland, Ohio


10/8/46 DENNIS J. KUCINICH: Born in Cleveland, OH, to Frank and Virginia Kucinich, the eldest of seven children. His father is a truck driver and moves the family 21 times to various parts of Cleveland, including a couple of cars.

1967-70 Attends Cleveland State University

1973 Case Western Reserve University, B.A., M.A in speech communications.

1970-75 CLEVELAND CITY COUNCIL: He is elected to city council in 1969 at the age of 23. Kucinich pictures himself as a defender of the working man. He challenges Cleveland’s business establishment.

1976-77 Clerk, Municipal Courts

1977-79 BOY MAYOR: Nicknamed “the boy mayor” when he was elected mayor at age 31 and his tenure was plagued with controversy. He fired the police chief on live television, survived a recall effort and served while the city defaulted on around $14 million in loans. He also stuck to his guns and decided against selling off the city-owned electric company to a private company, a move that was credited with saving consumers millions.

1979 Kucinich runs for re-election and is defeated.

1979 Radio talk show host

1980-83 LECTURER: Teaches at Cleveland State U. and Case Western Reserve.

1983-85 Cleveland City Council

10/85 A DIFFERENT KIND OF THERAPY: Kucinich admits in an interview that he met with a spiritual adviser he met through Shirley MacLaine, to help him overcome his negative attitude about politics. The adviser, Ms. Griscom said she helps people better understand themselves, partially by helping them remember their past lives. Kucinich said he neither accepted nor rejected a belief in reincarnation and he declined to talk about an acupuncture technique Ms. Griscom practiced to help her clients learn about "earlier experiences of the soul." (AP)

1986-94 Media consultant

1989 Radio talk show host

1989-92 TV news reporter and commentator for local news channel.

1995-96 POLITICAL COMEBACK: Kucinich is elected to the Ohio Senate, a move that signals his return to politics.


1996 ELECTED TO HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES: Defeats two-term Republican incumbent Martin Hoke by campaigning against NAFTA and GATT and emphasizing strong ties with labor.

1999 A self proclaimed pacifist, Kucinich opposes U.S. bombings in Kosovo and is described as the “leading Democratic dove.”

8/2002 Kucinich is one of six House Democrats to file a lawsuit against the Bush Administration in an attempt to stop a U.S. led pre-emptive war with Iraq. He argues that a formal declaration of war is required from Congress.

8/2002 EXPLORES: Kucinich establishes an exploratory committee to seek the 2004 Democratic presidential nomination. He declares himself an “FDR Democrat,” who wants to “return the Democratic Party to its roots.” He emphasizes his strong ties with organized labor and his anti-war position. His platform promises full employment, national health insurance, and canceling international free trade agreements.

10/11/02 VOTES NO ON IRAQ RESOLUTION: Kucinich was one of 133 House members to vote against the resolution, which authorized President Bush to use military force in Iraq if necessary.

2/23/03 Announces on Meet The Press that the Iraq War is a battle for oil in which oil companies will benefit. “I believe most sincerely that one of the motivating factors involved in this effort to strike against Iraq is the desire on the part of some to be able to control the oil interests in Iraq.”

5/11/03 After long opposition to abortion, Kucinich changes his position and states, “No one will be appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court if they don’t commit to supporting Roe v. Wade and a woman’s right to choose.”

6/27/03 VIRTUAL PRIMARY: Took second place in the virtual primary and is credited by many for preventing Howard Dean from winning 50 percent of the vote, which was required to win the organization’s endorsement. Kucinich won 24% of the vote with 76,000 votes. During the online primary, voters had the opportunity to pledge contributions to the candidate of their choice and according to campaign sources Kucinich received roughly $500,000 in pledges.

6/30/03 Campaign raises $1.7 million to date.

7/31/03 WILLIE NELSON ENDORSES KUCINICH: Two radio ads are launched in Iowa in which Nelson says that Kucinich “speaks up for Americans who need a stronger voice, for family farmers and workers, for the environment. He will put the interests of heartland Americans above the greed of big corporations.”


9/7/03 Kucinich is in Columbus at Farm Aid with Willie Nelson. Nelson states, “I am endorsing Dennis Kucinich for president because he stands up for heartland Americans who are too often overlooked and unheard. He has done that his whole political career. Big corporations are well- represented in Washington, but Dennis Kucinich is a rare congressman of conscience and bravery who fights for the unrepresented.” Nelson vows to raise Kucinich’s profile at his concerts.

9/18/03 Kucinich attends the Democracy Rising "People Have the Power" rally with Ralph Nader and Patti Smith in Washington. The meeting touched on D.C. Statehood, more money for libraries, D.C. health care, school vouchers and affordable housing.

10/7/03 Kucinich attends Democracy Rising rally with Ralph Nader in Washington where the entertainment is provided by various hip hop artists.

10/13/03 FORMAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Kucinich returns to Cleveland City Hall where his political career began 34 years ago to make his formal campaign announcement. In his speech he stressed his opposition to the war and to international trade pacts and his support for a single-payer, government-run health care plan.

10/18/03 Kucinich campaigns in Maui, attends a concert to support Montessori education and attends the United Filipino Community Council Meeting to install new president and Board.

10/27/03 GREENS FOR DENNIS: Kucinich receives endorsement from New Hampshire’s Green Party.

11/4/03 ANOTHER DAY, ANOTHER FORUM: Braun, Clark, Dean, Edwards, Kerry, Kucinich, Lieberman, Sharpton participate in the Rock the Vote Forum aired on CNN and hosted by Anderson Cooper.


Age: 61

Birthdate: February 24, 1942 in Stamford, Connecticut.

Current Positions: U.S. Senator from Connecticut, 1989-present. Ranking Democrat on the Government Affairs Committee, 1999-present.

Career Highlights: Connecticut Attorney General, 1983-1989. Connecticut State Senator, 1971-1981. Private practice attorney, 1964-80.

Education: Yale University, Bachelors of Arts (1964). Yale Law School (1967).

Military Service: None. He received student and family deferments during the Vietnam War.

Hometown: New Haven, Connecticut.

Religion: Jewish, Orthodox. He observes the Jewish Sabbath from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday and is ostensibly prohibited from working, traveling, using electricity, or writing during that period.

Spouse: Hadassah Freilich Tucker

Age: 55

Birthday: March 28, 1948 in Czechoslovakia

Career Highlights: Consultant, American Committee for Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem, 1998-2000; Director, HFL & Associates (consulting firm), 1997-1998.

Education: Master's degree in and American government, Northeastern University, 1971; B.A. in government and dramatics, , 1970.

Hometown: New Haven, CT

Religion: Jewish

Family: Two children from his first marriage to Elizabeth “Betty” Haas, Matt (36) and Rebecca (34); one son from her first marriage, Ethan Tucker (27) and the couple have a daughter together Hana (15). They also have two granddaughters by son Michael and daughter-in- law April Leffler, (b.1996) and Willie D (b. 1999).


2/24/42 JOSEPH ISADORE LIEBERMAN: Born to Henry, a liquor store owner, and Marcia Manger Lieberman in Stamford, Connecticut.

Childhood Lieberman attended public schools, including Stamford High School. There, he was prom king and president of his sophomore and senior classes. Teachers remember him saying his dream was to someday become a U.S. senator.

1955 Lieberman’s bar mitzvah, the Jewish ceremony that marks the passage from boyhood to manhood. He read from the book of Exodus, telling how the Amalekites attacked the Children of Israel from the rear, an act that the Bible says could neither be forgiven nor forgotten. Lieberman says this lesson helped shape his foreign policy views.

1964 Graduates from Yale University. It was at college that Lieberman first became involved in politics. Also, he helped found the Caucus of Connecticut Democrats, an anti- Vietnam War group, and served as the Chairman of the Yale Daily News and student body Treasurer. His senior thesis, a biography of DNC Chairman John Bailey, was published in 1966.

In his college summers, he worked at the Democratic National Committee and for Senator Abraham Ribicoff. During the summer of 1963, when Lieberman worked for Ribicoff, he lived in a run-down Capitol Hill group house with fellow Yalies, stuck to a kosher diet, and learned the ways of the world. He’s said, “I was awestruck, thrilled, to be in the capital” when his hero John F. Kennedy was beckoning a new generation to public service.

Summer ‘64 CIVIL RIGHTS: Travels to to participate in the civil rights work of what was called “Freedom Summer.”

1965 FIRST MARRIAGE: Marries Elizabeth “Betty” Haas. Lieberman met Betty while at Yale and the two interned in Ribicoff’s office together.

1966 AUTHOR: “The Power Broker,” a “revealing yet admiring biography” of Democratic Party Chairman, John Bailey is published. The book was an expansion of his senior thesis at Yale.

1967 SENATOR: Graduates from Yale Law School. His nickname in law school was “Senator.”

1970 Worked with Bill Clinton on the losing Senate campaign of liberal Connecticut Democrat Joe Duffy.

1970 AUTHOR: “The Scorpion and the Tarantula,” a study of the early efforts to control nuclear proliferation, is published.


11/1970 CLINTON TIES: Elected to the Connecticut State Senate by beating the incumbent candidate, the Senate Majority Leader. Bill Clinton, then a student at Yale Law School, volunteered on Lieberman’s campaign.

1974 Elected as Majority Leader of the Connecticut State Senate. He retained the post until 1980.

1980 Ran for an open seat in the U.S. House of Representatives and lost to Republican Lawrence Denardis 52%-46%. His campaign slogan was “Lieberman - a proven leader you can count on.”

1981 AUTHOR: “The Legacy,” a history of Connecticut politics from 1930 to 1980, is published.

1981 DIVORCED: Elizabeth “Betty” Haas and Lieberman divorce. The divorce was amicable enough that the two stayed in the same New Haven neighborhood to share child-rearing duties. Later, in 9/98, after Lieberman criticized Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky, some critics accused Lieberman of having an affair that broke up his marriage with Haas. Haas went on the radio denying the rumor.

3/20/83 NEW BEGINNINGS: Marries Hadassah Freilich Tucker whom he met through a mutual friend. Hadassah, a former math and science education researcher is the daughter of Czech Holocaust survivors who brought her to the U.S. from Czechoslovakia when she was young. Hadassah is the Hebrew name of the biblical figure Esther and both names mean myrtle, referring to the shrub or tree.

11/1983 Elected Connecticut’s Attorney General. He focuses on consumer rights issues, taking action against fake charities, crooked car dealers, and gouging merchants. He also made headlines getting stiffer enforcement of hazardous waste disposal laws and child support payment requirements. Lieberman also started a newspaper column called “Connecticut Law in Plain Language, which contained consumer tips.

1986 AUTHOR: “Child Support in America,” a guidebook on methods to increase the collection of child support from delinquent fathers, is published.

1986 Lieberman’s father, Henry, dies. Lieberman’s 88-year-old mother Marcia still lives in Stamford, Connecticut; Lieberman calls her daily and she occasionally serves as his spokeswoman on seniors issues.

11/1988 NATIONAL STAGE: Elected to the U.S. Senate. Lieberman beat incumbent , a Republican, 50%-49%, scoring the only Democratic upset of 1988. Highlighted during the campaign were Lieberman’s pro-death penalty stance, his opposition to Weicker’s proposed 30-cent gas tax increase, and his support for a moment of silence in schools. Also distancing him from Weicker was his support of military


involvement in drug interdiction and the 1983 invasion of Grenada. Lieberman ran witty ads, one likening Weicker to a bear sleeping through his work. His election makes him the only Orthodox Jew in the U.S. Senate.

1992 Lieberman is the first politician in the Northeast to endorse Bill Clinton’s presidential bid.

1994 LANDSLIDE: Re-elected to the U.S. Senate in Connecticut’s biggest landslide victory (for Senate), beating Republican Gerald Labriola 67%-31% -- more than 350,000 votes.

1995 GORE-CLINTON-LIEBERMAN: Lieberman selected as chairman of the Democratic Leadership Council, a centrist group Gephardt and Gore helped found in 1985 and that Clinton formerly headed.

1996 NDN: Lieberman and Breaux establish the New Democrat Network. The NDN serves as a political venture capital fund for the Democratic party.

1997 AGAINST THE CLINTON WHITE HOUSE: As the ranking Democrat of the Governmental Affairs Committee, Lieberman questioned contributions to the Clinton-Gore campaign from the foreign-owned Lippo Group. “Here's a clear trail of money coming from abroad,” he said, “To me, it's illegal.” He also joined Republicans in voting to give immunity from prosecution to two witnesses when every other member of his party opposed it. When the hearings ended, Lieberman wrote an addendum to the Senate's report on the fund-raising controversy; in it, he accused Clinton and Gore of using “the White House as a marketing tool.”

1997 WHAT I MEANT WAS: Lieberman defend Gore’s role in the fundraising scandal, saying, “It is unfair to attempt to hold the vice president accountable in any way for the wrongdoing... that probably occurred at the Hsi Lai Temple."

9/3/98 GOES PUBLIC: Lieberman was the first Democratic senator to publicly scold President Clinton for the Monica Lewinsky scandal, but called for him to be censured rather than impeached. In his Senate floor speech, Lieberman said of Clinton's sexual affair, "Such behavior is not just inappropriate, it is immoral and it is harmful, for it sends a message of what is acceptable behavior to the larger American family, particularly to our children." He eventually voted to acquit Clinton in the impeachment trial. After Lieberman’s floor speech, he became one of the Democrats’ most sought-after speakers, stumping for Congressional candidates from Nevada to New York.

1999 Lieberman becomes the ranking Democrat on the Government Affairs Committee.


2/2000 AUTHOR: “In Praise of Public Life,” a defense of public life that draws on Lieberman’s personal experiences, is published.

4/2000 A Quinnipiac College poll shows Lieberman had a 71% approval rating among Connecticut voters. He is running against Philip Giordano, the Mayor of Waterbury, Connecticut. Lieberman is considered to be a shoo-in.

8/7/00 MAKING HISTORY: Selected as Gore’s running mate, making him the first Jewish running mate in history. Lieberman beat out five other finalists: Senators of Indiana, John Edwards of North Carolina, John Kerry of Massachusetts, House Minority Leader Dick Gephardt of Missouri and New Hampshire Gov. Jeanne Shaheen.

8/7/00 DECISIONS: Connecticut law allows Lieberman to continue his Senate race while campaigning with Gore, however, a promotion to vice president would require resignation from the Senate –assuming he is re-elected - and mean Connecticut’s Republican governor John Rowland would be able to appoint Lieberman's successor to serve until the next state election in 2002. Lieberman could also quit the Senate race as late as Oct. 27 and be replaced by another Democratic Party nominee, when he chooses what to do.

8/29/00 ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE ASKS LIEBERMAN TO TONE DOWN RELIGION TALK: The Anti-Defamation League, on the heels of Lieberman’s 8/27 remarks to a Detroit church congregation, asks him in a statement to avoid expressing religious values and beliefs in his campaign. “Candidates should feel comfortable explaining their religious convictions to voters,” says the statement signed by national chairman Howard Berkowitz and director Abraham Foxman. “At the same time, however, we believe there is a point at which an emphasis on religion in a political campaign becomes inappropriate and even unsettling in a religiously diverse society such as ours.”

9/13/00 TESTIFIES AT HEARING ON MEDIA VIOLENCE: At a Senate Commerce Committee hearing looking at the marketing of violent entertainment to children, Lieberman says that Columbine, “was a warning that the culture of carnage surrounding our children may have gone too far, and that the romanticized and sanitized visions of violence our children are being bombarded with by the media has become part of a toxic mix that has actually now turned some of them into killers.” Lynne Cheney, wife of GOP VP nominee Dick Cheney, also testifies at the hearing.

10/5/00 LIEBERMAN AND CHENEY DEBATE: In Danville, Ky., Lieberman debates Dick Cheney. The debate is widely praised for its calm, almost conversational tone, especially coming on the heels of a contentious debate between Al Gore and George W. Bush the previous evening. "I'm going to be positive


tonight," Lieberman pledged at the start of the debate. Cheney echoed that promise.

11/7/00 ELECTION DAY: Initial reports indicated that Gore and Lieberman had won; however after multiple recounts and Supreme Court rulings, George W. Bush was inaugurated President of the United States of America on January 20, 2001.

11/8/00 FLORIDA BEGINS: Early in the morning, Florida, with its 25 electoral votes, finds they have a razor-thin difference of a few hundred votes between Gore/Lieberman and Bush.

11/9/00 RECOUNT: An incomplete count puts Bush’s lead at 1,784. Because of the narrow margin, a mandatory machine recount is ordered in 67 counties.

11/11/00 HAND COUNT: Bush sues in U.S. District Court in Miami to bar manual counting when Palm Beach County announces it will manually recount all 462,657 ballots cast there.

11/13/00 KEEP COUNTING: Federal court refuses to stop manual recounts. Election officials announce plans to certify statewide results on Nov. 14. Gore sues for an extension.

11/19/00 REPUBLICANS CHARGE DEMS WITH DISSING THE MILITARY: Lieberman responds to the claims on Meet the Press: “Let me just say that the vice president and I would never authorize, and would not tolerate, a campaign that was aimed specifically at invalidating absentee ballots from members of our armed services. And I've been assured that there were more absentee ballots from non-military voters overseas that were ultimately disqualified. We're all about exactly what you said, having every vote counted fairly and accurately, and I think that was the end aim of what happened with the absentee ballots, and it's our aim as the hand counts go on in these three counties in Florida.”

11/20/00 HAND COUNT: Lawyers for Bush and Gore/Lieberman argue before the Florida Supreme Court on whether hand counts are to be included in the final tally.

11/21/00 FLORIDA SUPREME COURT RULING: Florida justices rule unanimously that hand count must be included.

11/26/00 WINNER?: Florida Secretary of State Katharine Harris declares Bush winner in Florida by 537 votes.

11/27/00 RECOUNT REDEUX: Gore/Lieberman sue to contest the election in Florida.

11/29/00 APPEAL: Gore/Lieberman appeal to the Florida Supreme Court.

12/8/00 RECOUNT 3: The Florida Supreme court justices, on a 4-3 vote, order immediate manual recount of all ballots,


approximately 45,000, in the state where no vote for president was machine recorded.

12/9/00 BUSH APPEALS TO U.S. SUPREME COURT: On Bush’s appeal, U.S. Supreme Court halts the manual count pending a hearing.

12/10/00 Lawyers for both sides files briefs with the U.S. Supreme Court.

12/12/00 The Florida House of Representatives votes to appoint electors for Bush. The U.S. Supreme Court overturns the Florida Supreme Court, ruling 5-4 that there may be no further counting of Florida’s disputed presidential votes.

12/13/00 WINNER TAKES ALL: Gore/Lieberman concede; Bush wins.

1/3/01 TOGETHER AGAIN: Vice President Al Gore swore Joseph Lieberman into the U.S. Senate, where he was elected to a third term with 63 percent of the vote.

2/1/01 ASHCROFT: A Senate majority voted 58 to 42, largely along party lines, to confirm to be attorney general. Lieberman was strongly opposed to his nomination. Lieberman votes no.

2/1/01 RELIGION: Sen. Lieberman endorses Bush’s plan to expand the role of religious groups in social programs and describes it as the next movement in welfare reform.

3/2/01 Lieberman made a statement asking MTV to cancel the controversial show, “Jackass,” saying it inspired a 13- year-old child to imitate program host Johnny Knoxville as he and his friends re-enacted the stunt in which Knoxville put on a fire-resistant suit covered in meat and threw himself over a barbecue pit, while friends squirted him with lighter fluid and lit him on fire. The boy suffered serious burns after imitating the stunt without wearing a fire-resistant suit.

3/22/01 JOINS THE D.C FIGHT: Sen. Joseph Lieberman signed on as the principal sponsor of a bill that would exempt District of Columbia residents from federal income tax if their representatives are not granted full voting rights.

5/5/01 GUN CONTROL: Lieberman and John McCain team up to unveil a Senate bill that would require criminal background checks for all firearms sales at gun shows.

10/11/01 HOMELAND SECURITY: Lieberman announces a bill to create a Department of National Homeland Security saying, "This cabinet-level agency would bring the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Customs Service, the Border Patrol, the Coast Guard, and certain offices responsible for critical infrastructure protection under a single administrative umbrella.”


3/13/02 COFFEE WITH AL GORE: At the Florida state party's annual conference in Orlando, Lieberman and Gore – both of whom addressed the boisterous crowd over the weekend – share a private cup of coffee Saturday morning, at which they presumably discussed where Gore stood on running in 2004.

3/24/02 Lieberman, meets with Gov. (D-SC) who had impressed him earlier in the month by signing a homeland security bill that allows for more cooperation between state and federal agencies and more wiretapping capabilities for law enforcement.

4/1/02 ENRON: Lieberman discusses the ethical dimension of the Enron scandal at ’s Stern School of Business.

5/19/02 Lieberman raises money for his political action committee, ROCPAC, in Milwaukee, Wis.

9/30/02 Lieberman attended a Florida fundraiser for ROCPAC.

10/11/02 VOTES FOR IRAQ RESOLUTION: Lieberman was one of 77 senators to vote to authorize President Bush to use military force in Iraq, if necessary.

10/13/02 Lieberman in Charleston, South Carolina where he gave a speech to students and attended fundraisers for Rep. James Clyburn, and for Attorney General and Secretary of State candidates. Lieberman also spoke at the dedication of The Center for Jewish Studies in Charleston.

11/24/02 FACE: Lieberman appears on “Face The Nation” and makes a speech in New Haven, CT to a meeting of the Anti- Defamation League.

12/15/02 GORE WITHDRAWS: Al Gore announces he is not running for president in the Democratic presidential election nomination for 2004. Gore first shared his decision with CBS 60 Minutes anchor Lesley Stahl and made his former running mate aware of his decision in a message on his BlackBerry pager. The decision freed Lieberman from a political limbo the Connecticut Democrat entered when he pledged not to run against the man who selected him as a running mate in 2000. In a statement shortly after, Lieberman said, "I expected this decision by the former vice president to come in January, early January," Lieberman said yesterday. "So, I'm going to take a few more weeks to do some final thinking. This is a big decision - it has to come not just from my head, but from my heart and soul - and then to announce it in early January."

12/20/02 MIDDLE EAST: Lieberman traveled the Middle East for ten days, stopping in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain and Israel.

1/1/03 CO-AUTHOR: “An Amazing Adventure: Joe and Hadassah’s Personal notes on the 2000 Campaign” by Joe and Hadassah Lieberman, published.


1/13/03 NOW THAT AL’S OUT: Lieberman announced his plans to run for president at Stamford High School in Connecticut.

2/7-9/03 Lieberman travels to Germany for Munich’s annual Wehrkunde Conference on international security policy. Defense Secretary William S. Cohen led the high-powered U.S. delegation that included 10 lawmakers, including Lieberman and John McCain. The conference showed just how divided the major European nations were about their visions of future trans-Atlantic relations with the United States, and the growing crisis over Iraq is increasing those divisions.

2/14/03 HOMELAND SECURITY: Lieberman gives speech on Homeland security at George Washington University.

4/10/03 ENDORSEMENTS: 11 House Democrats officially endorse Lieberman: Reps. Dennis Cardoza (CA), Brad Carson (OK), Ed Case (HI), Rosa DeLauro (CT), Cal Dooley (CA), Eliot Engel (NY), John Larson (CT), Bill Lipinski (IL), Steve Rothman (NJ), Ellen Tauscher (CA), Robert Wexler (FL).

5/3/03 FORUM: First Democratic presidential debate between presidential candidates in Columbia, S.C., Lieberman tells the audience, "I am the one Democrat who can match George Bush in the areas where many think he's strong, defense and moral values, and beat him where he is weak, on the economy and his divisive right-wing social agenda."

5/7/03 ENERGY: Lieberman announced his energy platform, which proposes cutting U.S. oil imports by almost two-thirds within a decade and spending billions of dollars on an emerging process for turning coal into pollution-free hydrogen.

5/11/03 MOTHER’S DAY: Lieberman travels to Des Moines and Ames, Iowa to visit with his mother who he flew in to celebrate the holiday.

5/13/03 BOOED: Lieberman trumpeted his vote to give President Bush the authority to strike Baghdad in a speech to young Democratic voters at the New York chapter of the Democratic Leadership for the 21st Century and was interrupted by hissing.

5/21/03 HEALTH CARE: Sen. Joe Lieberman unveiled a portion of his health care plan in Washington. The centerpiece was a $150 billion, 10-year plan to accelerate medical research and to bring new treatments to patients.

5/26/03 TROUBLED: Lieberman said he was troubled by the failure to find weapons of mass destruction, and he called the Bush administration's handling of postwar reconstruction "remarkably unprepared."

5/28/03 TECHIE: Lieberman went to San Diego to unveil his tech- friendly economic stimulus plan. He also announced


endorsements from a dozen high-rolling Silicon Valley leaders including John Doerr.

5/29/03 COURTING THE GAY VOTE: Lieberman traveled to Los Angeles to speak to ANGLE, a gay and lesbian political group.

5/29/03 In a speech at the University of California in San Diego, Lieberman said "The administration of George W. Bush has an old economic plan for a new economy . . . And in so doing, it has let the sparks of innovation fall to the floor.”

5/31/03 TOURIST v. TERRORIST: Lieberman addresses reporters outside the DeConcini Port of Entry in Arizona saying, "Particularly after Sept. 11, we've got to reform our homeland security and immigration systems. If you put them together, it almost seems as if the American government can't tell the difference between a tourist and a terrorist, or an immigrant and an invader."

6/8/03 OPENING DAY: Official Opening of his Des Moines office.

6/18/03 In an appearance in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Lieberman accused President Bush of 'wiping out the middle class.' He also told supporters that he planned to open a campaign office in Oklahoma City.

6/26/03 Lieberman misses Medicare vote to attend the League of Conservation Voters/California League of Conservation presidential candidate forum in Los Angeles. Braun, Dean, Kerry and Sharpton also attend.

7/1/03 Grand opening of his Arizona headquarters.

7/14/03 PROBLEMS ON THE CAMPAIGN FRONT: Lieberman’s campaign financial director Shari Yost stepped down from her post. It was also revealed that two of his children who were working for the campaign were being paid six-figure salaries.

7/15/03 Lieberman attended the Human Rights Campaign Presidential Candidate Forum at the International Trade Center in Washington. Also present were Moseley Braun, Dean, Gephardt, Kerry, Kucinich, and Sharpton.

7/16/03 Lieberman campaigned in Charleston, SC and attended a fundraising dinner in Savannah, GA. Hadassah Lieberman campaigned in Tennessee.

7/17/03 PERSONA NON GRATA: After being called persona non grata by NAACP President, Kweisi Mfume, for missing the NAACP presidential forum three days earlier, Lieberman flew down to Florida to apologize to the conference. Instead of attending the conference, Lieberman was in New York for a fundraising event and talk show appearance.


7/18/03 MANUFACTURING POLICY: Joe Lieberman unveils a “major manufacturing policy” speech in Salem, NH and campaigned in Epping and Manchester, NH.

8/8/03 Lieberman takes “Joe’s Jobs Tour” to Nashua and Manchester, New Hampshire; makes remarks and meets with Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield Employees in Manchester and then remarks and meets with employees and tours Delta Education in Nashua.

9/9/03 CONGRESSIONAL BLACK CAUCUS DEBATE: Lieberman was the only presidential candidate to aggressively go after frontrunner Howard Dean, by accusing him of abandoning Israel. The accusation follows a comment Howard Dean made the previous week in Santa Fe, in which he said the United States should not take sides in the Israeli Palestinian conflict.

10/9/03 Attends the DNC facilitated presidential debate in Phoenix, AZ, hosted by Gov. Janet Napolitano and the Arizona Democratic Party.

10/13/03 Lieberman jumpstarts his campaign with his “Leading with Integrity” tour in CT, then NH.

10/20/03 Lieberman decides to bypass the to focus on places where he feels he will have a chance of fairing better. Will focus on states like Arizona since Iowa, according to a Lieberman adviser, “will never be Lieberman country.”

10/21/03 After opting to bypass the challenge of the Iowa Caucus, Lieberman opens four new offices in New Hampshire.

10/22/03 Lieberman makes his second campaign stop in Delaware with Sen. in an attempt to secure an early primary win there on Feb. 3.

10/24/03 Three fundraisers leave the campaign. Lieberman’s campaign responded by saying the campaign was “streamlining.” Lieberman tells radio personality Imus that if elected, he would appoint Republican Sen. John McCain to Secretary of Defense.

10/25/03 Participates in DNC/Congressional Black Caucus debate at the Fox Theater in Detroit.

10/26/03 Sen. Joseph Lieberman, D-Ct., on CBS' Face The Nation. In an apparent dig to rival Howard Dean, he said the Democrats would have a hard time winning the election if they moved too far to the left and didn’t have a platform that relied on more than anger. “America wants leadership that has more than anger. They--they want strength. They--they want conviction and they want hope and optimism, and that's my campaign.”


10/27/03 Published letter in op-ed of Wall Street Journal outlining his tax proposal and attacking Bush’s current tax policy. Announced new website as he tries to focus his campaign on an issue of integrity.

10/29/03 Lieberman campaigns airs first television advertisements. One outlines his tax plan; the other defends his decision to vote with Bush concerning the War in Iraq. Lieberman- McCain Climate Change Bill Introduced on Senate Floor

11/3/03 Lieberman campaigns heavily in South Carolina including publishing an op-ed about tax cuts, encouraging and helping more students go to college and fighting the violence in the video game industry.


Age: 56

Birthdate: August 16, 1947 in Chicago, Ill.

Current Position: Attorney

Career Highlights: U.S. Senator, 1993-99; U.S. Ambassador to New Zealand, 1999- 2001; Cook County Recorder of Deeds, 1989-92, IL House or Representatives, 1978-88; Asst. Majority Leader, 1983; Assistant U.S. Attorney, 1973-77.

Education: University of Chicago, J.D. (1972); University of Illinois, B.A. (1969).

Military Service: none

Family: Divorced Michael Braun in 1988; one son, Matthew (26).

Hometown: Chicago, Illinois

Religion: Catholic


8/16/47 Carol Moseley: Born in Chicago, IL, the oldest of four children, to Joseph and Edna Moseley. Her father was a policeman and her mother was a medical technician. Her parents later divorced and she lived at her grandmother’s house in Chicago with her mother and her siblings.

1969 Graduates from University of Illinois, B.A.

1972 Graduates from University of Chicago, J.D.

1973-77 Assistant United States Attorney, Northern District of Illinois

1978-88 IL House of Representatives: Elected at the age of 31. Both Republicans and Democrats acknowledge her good performance.

1983 Assistant Majority Leader

1984 Proposes death penalty moratorium, 18 years before the moratorium is instituted by Gov. George Ryan.

1986 Failed bid for lieutenant governor.

1989 Elected as Cook County Recorder of Deeds.

1992 U.S. SENATE PRIMARY: Defeats incumbent Sen. Alan Dixon in the primary. During the campaign, she was critical of Dixon’s support of Supreme Court nominee of Clarence Thomas.

9/1992 Election Trouble: Revealed that Braun split among herself and siblings a royalty inheritance of $28,750. The money was owed to her mother, a nursing home resident, who was supposed to reimburse Medicaid with the money. After an investigation, Braun paid the state $ 15,000 to satisfy the debt.

11/1992 “Year of the Woman”: Despite the minor scandal, Braun is elected as the first black woman to the US Senate, with 53% of the vote, in what is referred to as the “Year of the Woman” election.

1992 More Scandal: Braun’s staffers accuse her campaign manager and fiancé of sexual harassment. Records reveal that Braun accepted more than 100 campaign contributions that exceeded the $1000 limit. More than $240,000 of her expenditures were not accounted for. The Federal Election Commission investigates Braun’s campaign finances and eventually clears her of any wrongdoing. The FEC audit cited, at most, a $311.28 misunderstanding that appeared to benefit a campaign official, not Braun.

1995 Braun visits Nigerian dictator General Sani Abacha without consulting the State Department. The incident drew heavy criticism, including a rebuke from State and criticism from


the Congressional Black Caucus. Braun visited Nigeria at least six times while in the Senate in privately financed trips.

11/1998 OUT OF THE SENATE: Defeated for re-election. Loses with 47% of the vote to Republican state Sen. Peter Fitzgerald, who received 51% of the vote.

1998 Appointed as consultant to the Department of Education on school construction by President Clinton.

1998 Nominated to be U.S. Ambassador to New Zealand and Samoa by President Clinton and confirmed by the Senate.

Professor of Business Law, DePaul University Graduate School of Business.

12/2002 NO TO SENATE RUN: Braun considers entering a rematch with Fitzgerald for the Senate, but by December she announces her candidacy for president.

2/19/03 Announces the creation of her presidential exploratory committee at the University of Chicago, where she graduated law school. Says she will campaign as “peace dove and a deficit hawk.”

5/22/03 In a forum sponsored by EMILY’s List, Braun urged the women’s organization to support her. “We need your help, we need your checks, we need your networking, we need your support,” Braun said. “Without it, really it will be a lonely effort to try to carry the burden of empowering women totally on the backs of a little campaign.”

6/16/03 REORGANIZATION: Braun’s campaign manager, Andrea “Andi” Pringle, announces that she “may be used as a consultant” in the future after the reorganization of the Braun campaign.

6/30/03 FUND-RAISING: Ends quarter having raised $217,109 and less than $25,000 cash-on-hand.

8/7/03 Andi Pringle announces her position as a new deputy campaign manager for Team Dean. She will help to increase Dean’s outreach to African American voters.

8/25/03 ENDORSEMENTS: Braun speaks at the National Organization for Women in Fort Lauderdale. “Together we will take the 'men only' sign off the White House.” Accepts endorsement from National Organization for Women and National Women's Political Caucus. “Not only is a woman's place in the House and the Senate, it is in the White House, too.”

9/22/03 “An American Renaissance”: Braun formally declares her candidacy for the president at Howard University in Washington, DC. She states, “I am uniquely qualified to do the job of president, and I offer the clearest alternative


to this current administration, whose only new idea has been pre-emptive war and a huge new bureaucracy.”

10/13/03 Braun appears in a candidate forum sponsored by the Arkansas Black Legislative Caucus. She hopes “to stop a White House that strips Americans of individual freedoms and perpetuates poverty.”

10/21/03 Braun “predicted that in 20 years the death penalty will be abolished.” She attends a meeting in Nashville by the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty.

10/31/03 In a non-political address to Wright State University students, Braun emphasizes that “small acts-not momentous events” will aid the fight against and sexism.

11/04/03 Braun proposes her plan of a single-payer health care system in order to fix the troubled system and to prevent the rising costs. She announces her plan to a presidential primary forum Every Child Matters in an unusual campaign stop in New Hampshire.

11/18/04 NEW CAMPAIGN MANAGER: Braun reshuffles her team, making former NOW-head Patricia Ireland her campaign manager. Ireland says, "this is someone whose kitchen table served as a planning location for the Equal Rights Amendment campaign in Illinois." Ireland says her focus will be that "the campaign qualifies next year for federal campaign matching funds in as many states as possible." Braun says she chose Ireland because she has "vast connections and resources around the country and we're going to bring those to bear."

Despite the move, Braun declined to call herself the “feminist” candidate when questioned on “Hardball”.


Age: 49

Birthdate: October 3, 1954; Brooklyn, NY

Current Position: Founder/President, National Action Network

Career Highlights: President, National Action Network, 1991-present; Minister, 1963- present; U.S. Senate candidate, 1992 and 1994; NYC mayoral candidate, 1997

Education: Attended Brooklyn College (1973)

Military Service: None

Hometown: Brooklyn, New York

Religion: Pentecostal

Spouse: Kathy Jordan

Age: Not available

Birthday: Niagara Falls, NY

Career Highlights: US Army sergeant for 15 years; directs a school choir; a former backup singer for James Brown

Education: Not available

Religion: Baptist Church of Christ

Family: Two daughters, Dominique and Ashley


10/3/54 Born in Brooklyn, NY.

1963 Ordained a Pentecostal minister at age 9 at Washington Temple Church In Brooklyn, NY. Toured the United States with legendary gospel singer Mahalia Jackson. Met his hero, Adam Clayton Powell, New York City Congressman and pastor of Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem.

1964 Fragmented family forced a move to the Brownsville housing project in Brooklyn and needed to go on welfare. His teenage half sister Tina - his mother’s child by a previous marriage - became impregnated by his father, and the two moved away together.

1969-71 Appointed by Jesse Jackson as Youth director of Operation Breadbasket, an organization that demonstrated against businesses that did not hire blacks.

1971-86 Founder of National Youth Movement

Late 70s Youth organizer for boxing promoter Don King - Early 80s

1981 Records “God Has Smiled On Me” with James Brown.

1987 Tawana Brawley Case: Sharpton accuses Dutchess County Prosecutor Steven Pagones of kidnapping a 15-year-old black teenage girl, abusing, and raping her. A grand jury declares insufficient evidence and clears Pagones, who later wins a $65,000 defamation suit against Sharpton. To this day, he refuses to apologize for the slander directed at Pagones. In Jan. 2003, Sharpton appeared on NBC's "Meet the Press," where the moderator asked if he would apologize for his role in the affair. Sharpton replied: "I think all of us need to take women's claims more seriously." The moderator pressed: "No apology for Tawana Brawley?" to which Sharpton replied: "No apology for standing up for civil rights." Asked again by a reporter in Oct. 2003 whether he had any regrets about his involvement in Brawley's allegations, Sharpton said: I think I was right on that case then and I think I'm right today. Something happened to Tawana Brawley. She should have been given due process but was not. Any case where you go in, there's a risk that a jury, or the public, won't believe you. You go by the information you have ... In the Brawley case a jury didn't agree with me, but I still believe I was right."

1990 Acquitted of charges he stole from the National Youth Movement, which he founded.

1991 Founder of National Action Network


1/1991 Leads a protest in the Bensonhurst section of New York City following the 1989 shooting death of Yusuf Hawkins, a black youth who was attacked by a white mob. Sharpton is stabbed in the chest.

1992 Failed campaign for U.S. Senate: The U.S. Senate primary in New York is Sharpton’s first political campaign. He came in third among four Democrats with 14.5 percent of the vote, trailing behind former Democratic vice presidential nominee .

1993 Pleads guilty to not filing state income tax return in 1986.

1993 Serves a 45-day jail sentence for leading a protest march in 1987 that resulted in the Brooklyn Bridge shutting down.

1994 Another failed campaign for U.S. Senate: Sharpton challenges three term incumbent Sen. Patrick Moynihan. Despite losing, Sharpton’s numbers improve since 1992. He receives 26% of the vote.

1997 Failed campaign for New York City Mayor: Sharpton garners 32% of the vote, almost resulting in a run off election.

1997 NYPD allegedly tortures Haitian immigrant Abner Louima. Sharpton leads mass demonstration against police brutality.

1999 Continues to lead demonstrations against police brutality in the Amadou Diallo case.

2000 Organizes a debate between Al Gore and at Harlem’s Apollo Theater during the 2000 pPresidential campaign.

2002 Jailed for protesting U.S. bombing exercises on Puerto Rico's Vieques Islands. Sharpton receives a 90-day sentence. During his incarceration at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn, Sharpton engages in a hunger strike under the guidance of Dick Gregory.

7/2002 A 19-year-old video surveillance tape is released showing Sharpton discussing a drug deal with an undercover FBI agent.

8/2002 Sharpton announces that he will establish a presidential exploratory committee by November 2002.

1/12/03 MEET THE PRESS: A guest on Meet The Press, Sharpton declares his intentions on running for president. “On January 21, I will be filing the exploratory committee and I intend, early spring, to make a formal announcement to run.” He wants to be president “because the United States today sits in a global village. The world, because of technology and communication, is one village. And I, more than anyone talking about running, understands the village


and I feel represents the priorities that the village must deal with in order to survive as a planet.”

1/21/03 Creates presidential exploratory committee.

4/28/03 Files the financial disclosure documents with the FEC and is an official candidate.

7/6/03 FACE THE NATION: A guest on Face The Nation, Sharpton criticizes the Iraq War. “The only way that I would commit US forces unilaterally if I were president is if we were under direct attack. And we had no choice but to do that to defend American lives, which was suggested to us in Iraq, and I think has been proven to be totally unfounded.”

7/20/03 Sharpton heads Liberia in an attempt to bring stability to a between two warring factions. While in Ghana on 7/21, he canceled his trip after the U.S. embassy in Liberia could not guarantee his safety.

9/4/03 Sharpton is a no show at the first Democratic debate held in Albuquerque, NM. The following night he explains his absence to Chris Mathews on CNBC’s Hardball. “I sat on a runway in La Guardia airport in New York, for three hours. And when we got to Atlanta, the connection was gone. We tried to get a private plane over in Mercury Aviation, and because of the weather, we just could not get out. So we missed that debate.”

9/23/03 Sharpton participates in a forum with the Dalai Lama at Town Hall in New York.

9/24/03 Sharpton meets with Robert Johnson, the CEO of Black Entertainment Television in New York City. Soon after the meeting, the two announced BET would join Sharpton’s National Action Network to help encourage young people to register to vote. Their goal is to register a million new voters by spring 2004. Johnson did not endorse Sharpton.

10/1/03 Sharpton announces a new campaign manager, Charles Halloran, after two top aides, Frank Watkins and Kevin Gray, resign. Watkins said he was leaving for personal reasons and will vote for Sharpton. Watkins now works as a spokesman for Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. who has indicated he will endorse Dean.

10/14/03 Sharpton attends a birthday party thrown by Rap moguls, Russell Simmons, P. Diddy, and Jay-Z in New York. Proceeds from the party will go towards Sharpton’s presidential campaign.

10/16/03 Financial reports as of this date had not yet been filed with the FEC.


10/29/03 Sharpton criticizes fellow black leader, Representative Jesse L. Jackson, Jr., for his plans to endorse Dean. He also accused Dean of having an “anti-black” agenda and attacked his record on affirmative action and gun rights. Jackson announced that his decision to endorse Dean would not change despite Sharpton’s complaints.

12/6/03 Sharpton is scheduled to guest host Saturday Night Live.