Jewish Historical R. I. Assn. 130 sessions st. providence, R.I. 02906

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VOLUME LVII, NUMBER 51 20¢ PER COPY Sapir At World Jewish Congress M·ethodist Clergyman Urges US Insists Jewish Education To Leave The United Notions PHILADELPHIA: A widely­ kill , they have in fact killed Must B'e Based On known Methodist clergyman and the United Nations." : Unless Jewish devote a set period of service for teacher, who has served on Dr. Littell then asks, "Why 'youth throughout the world are the Jewish people. "Is , it nol numerous co.mmittees of the should the United Nations, which given "a Jewish-Zionist education" conceivable that Jewish young National Council 'of Churches and so shamelessly betrays the terms of w i t h e m p h a s i s o n • • t h e people from California might serve the World Council of Churches, its own charter, which so grossly revolutionary act of aliya" diaspora six months leading a youth group has urged that the United Statef imitates a lynch mob rather than a Jewry is doomed to "self- in Maalot or teaching arithmetic in lea~e the United Nations. rational and responsible assembly." liquidation" through assimilation, a Jewish school in Bagota?" he Dr. Franklin H. Littel, professor Hee notes that the governments, Pinhas Sapir, chairman of the declared. of. religion at Temple University, _which set up the assult on Israel, Jewish Agency and World Zionist Mordechai Bar-On, director of who admits he had strongly . "voted to welcome Yasir Arafat Organization Executives, told the the WZO's youth ·department, ;aid supported the UN since its into their club publicly, as they Sixth Plenary Assembly of the that a central place most be found founding, says that he has reached have been financing and arming World Jewish Congress. '"Jewish for Israel in the lives of young Jews "the painful conviction that the him secretly for years, because his education based on a di.aspera all over the world and that their UN Assembly now resembles a is the political style they ideology is simply no longer ultimate identificaiion with Israel thoughtless mob and no longer understand, and he would run their possible," Sapir declared. must be a Ii ya_ Dr. pa u I conducts its affairs as a reasoned or kind of government. He said that "anybody who still Warszawski, of Argentina, TO SPEAK: Rabbi Jacob Neusner, rational body." The public action was taken now believes that it is possible to assistant director for the alienation professor of · religious studies al Dr. Littell expresses his views in because they feel certain. that by strengthen the Jewish identity of of Jewish youth from the Jewish Brown University since 1968, will an editorial in the current issue of using oil as a weapon and by acting the younger generation without its community is the "extremely high speak ol the Temple, Emanu-EI In­ CCI Notebook, a newsletter while America is badly damaged _ stitute of Jewish Studies Lecture internally they can strangle or mute stressing the revoluti,nary act of degree of intolerance toward new, Series on Sunday,· March 2, al 8 published by Christians Concerned aliya, lives in a very dangerous or merely different ideas by the for Israel, an organization of some any protest. p.m. His subject will be "Jewish '"Unless the present course of illusion." H_e said the greatest Jewish communal establishment Education: Aspirin? Penicillin?''~ 7,000 members in the Unitei! problem facing the continuation of which has set very narrow limits for States, Europe, Canada, South appeasement is rapidly reversed, Jewish existence is education in the dissent." Robbi Heusner was graduated Africa and Australia. Dr. Littell is . there is a logical time for the diaspora. He said it was essential to from Harvard College, magna C!,lm president of the organization. to terminate its establish without delay , a 'POTENTIAL TINDERBOX' laude, in 1953. He continued his membership in the United Nations: studies al Oxford University in ·"The recent diplomatic assault July 4, 1976," Dr. Littell said. · movement for Jewish education WASHINGTON: The United on Israel in the United Nations and England in 1953 lo 1954; the Dr. Littell's editorial concludes, that embraces all the organizations States "may be facing a situation Jewish Theological Seminary from UNESCO," the ,editorial reads, "As American citizens we are of the Jewish people. where the Middle East is the 1954 to 1957, and . the Hebrew "reminds us of how few engaged in the painful process of Rabbi Arthur Hertzberg, potential tinderbox that the University in Jerusalem in•1957 lo governments, there are in the world purging the republic's high offices president of the American Jewish Balkans actually were in 1914," 1958. He was ordained rabbi at that have any concept whatever of of those who sought to betray it Congress, urged the W JC to take Defense Secretary James R . the Jewish Theological Seminary, the dignity and integrity and liberty the lead in formulating programs Schlesinger told the.-Senate- Armed and received his Ph.D. from Co­ from within. Why should we lumbio University in 1960. of the human person, or any idea apologize for standing firmly for aimed at universal free Jewish Services Committee. Testifying on that governments are finally Israel, the only -pluralistic and education for Jewish youths in the Administration's. $92.8 billion He has written many textbooks answerable to the informed will of multi-party state that practices · diaspora countries. He noted that defense budget for fiscal 1976, as well as scholarly volumes in the the governea." republican principles and respects " Jewish education is becoming Schlesinger said further reductions field of Jewish history and · Dr. Littell notes that '"The Judaism. He is the author of a human values in the Middle East? more and more expensive and in American armed forces would Communist bloc and the Arab five volume "History of the Jews "Why should we delay dealing therefore, increasingly not -advance arms control and League bloc and their fellow inaccessible." Rabbi Hertzberg also detente. He said the U.S. had been in Babylonia;" a three volume his­ vigorously with those tyrannies that tory of "The Rabbinic Tradiiions travelers among the new nations are not only mo,unting a fifth attack called for the establishment of a surprised by the ability of the put together an overwhelming vote about the Pharisees before 70;" a on Israel but are also trying to cut Peace Corps type of system Soviet Union to increase its naval two volume work on "Eliezer ben to make a small gang of terrorists off the energy lifeline of our own whereby Jewish youths would forces in the 1973 Middle East war. Hyrcanus," and various a~ticles (12,000 members at high tide) the people?" both in the area of his scholarly spokesmen for some 2,100,000 Dr. Littell,- an internationally PURIM SERVICES field and concerning contemporary Palestinian Arabs." Jewish problems. known scholar and chairman of the CONGREGATION presented by the Youth Choir will "The most cruel aspect of the International Scholars Conference SHAARE ·zEDEK­ be at 6:45 p.m. action was betraying some 375,000 on the Church Struggle and the SONS OF ABRAHAM The evening service and the Smallest Number Of loyal Arab citizens of Israel to the _Holocaust, and is a former Providence reading of the Meqillah will begin · lowest elements of a romantic president of Iowa Wesleyan The Megillah will be read at at 7 p.m. Russian Immigrants myth: the Arab nation .. . thinking to College. Congregation Shaare Zedek-Sons ... Work In Agriculture of Abraham on Monday, February TEMPLE BETH DAVID­ Report On 0.cto_ber War 24, at 7 p.m. ANSHEI KOVNO KFAR SILVER: According to The Book of Esther will be re­ Providence - Israel's Ministry of Immigrant read on Tuesday morning, Febru­ Purim services at Temple Beth Absorption, Russian immigrants Leaves Dayan 'Relieved' ary 25, at 6:30 a.m. David-Anshei Kovno will hold comprise the smallest proportion of TEL A VIV: , the opponents. A collation will be he ld in the their servi ces on Monday, Febru­ new immigrants working in ' former Defense Minister, was The former Defense Minister, vestry immediately following the ary 24 at 6 p.m. when the Megil­ agriculture. After one year in the reported to be "relieved" by the who was a hero for his leadership read_i ng of the ;gjllah. lah will be read. Children are in­ / !'f country only I% of the total findings of an inquiry into Israel's in the wars of 1956 and 1967, came vited to attend. number of Russian newcomers lack of preparedness for the Arab under sharp criticism after the 1973 CONGREGATIO N Services on Purim morning, work in this field, compared with attack in October, 1973. He had war. SONS OF JACOB Tuesday, February 25, will start at 13% from the Western countries said repeatedly that he was staking Mr. Dayan made no mention of Providence 6 a.m. Cantor Charles Ross will and 20% to 25% from Latin his political future on the the report but a close associate said At Congregation Sons of Jacob officiate. America. Nevertheless, there are conclusions of the commission. Mr. Dayan had known he could Maariv services on Monday, Feb­ ... signs that the young generation of The co·mmission, headed by not expect praise from the ruary 24. will start at 6:30 p.m. CONGREGATION Ru ss ian immigrants is more , President of the commission and felt that it could and the reading of the Megillah MISHKON TFIWH interested in agriculture than its Supreme Court, found that Israeli have expressed criticism and will start at 7 p.m. Pro,ldence parents. law had never defined whether any damaged his political future. The Megillah will be reread a t The Megillah reading on Purim This is the opinion of Shmuel minister was responsible for morning services on Tuesday, Feb­ The final report of the will be on Monday, February 24, Hirshfeld, Director of ZOA 's Kfar directing the defense forces on the commission thus removed an ruary 25, which will start at 6:30 at 6:30 p.m. and will be reread on Silver campus near Ashkelon, operational level or for the order of a.m. obstaele to a possible political Tuesday morning, February 25, where some 400 high school youth forces and their deployment. The comeback. Breakfast will be served follow• immediately following the Sha­ learn agriculture and related commission said the Defense ing the services. charis service scheduled for 6: 15 subjects. He points out that for the Minister had never been made "a Yaakov Hazan of the Mapam ... a.m. party, reacting to the report, CO GREGATION second successive year- immigrants sort of super Chief of Stall" ... from Russia represent the major Israel's Chief of Staff, during the stressed that tradition, if not law, B'NAI ISRAEL TEMPLE EMANU-EL part of the Aliyat Hanoar war, Lieut. Gen. , established the responsibility of W-itet . defense ministers. At Congregation B'nai Israel Pro,Welltt (immigrant youth) studying resigned after an interim report by the reading of the Megillah will be There will be a family service agriculture on the campus. On the the commission founil him In a lecture in , Mr. Hazan at 6:45 p.m. on Monday, February held at Temple Emanu-EI on basis of the continuing interest of responsible for shortcomings. Mr. recalled that during the six-day war 24. Monday, February 24. young Russian immigrants in Dayan retired from the of 1967, Mr. Dayan ordered u ... There will be a dinner served at studying agriculture, Hirshfeld feels Government later under strong Israeli assault against the Golan TEMPLE SI Al 5:45 p.m. and the reading of the confident that the low proportion public pressure. Heights of Syria without informing 0.MtOII Megillah will be at 7:30 p.m. of I% presently working in the field The commission's silence on the the late Premier Levi Eshkol or the The family ppcr at Temple The Megillah will again be read will soon rise and will eventually issue of ministerial responsibility then Chief of Staff Lieut. Gen. 'nai wiD n at 6 p.m. on Mon­ on Tuesday, February 25, at 6:45 reach the proportions of other for military action wu denounced Yitzhak Rabin, who now i1 day, Febna ry 24. A Purim Spiel a.m. Western immigrants. by Mr . Dayan's political Premier. 2-THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1975 Also there is a waterfront activi- A subscription to the Herald can national stories, everything is cqv- Q RG·AN IZAT IQ N_NEWS ty wogram with instruction avail- mean a lot of different things to dif­ ered in your weekly Herald. For in- . ·I I able in swimming, water skiing, ferent people. News from home, formation about a subscription call •------• sailing, snorkeling, boating and ca- recipes, local happenings, inter- 724-0200. noeing which are taught by a staff PLAN PAGEANT Sholom on February 21 at 8 of more than 20 American Red The names of your The annual Little Miss Rhode o'clock. Cross Certified Water Safety in- Island Model Pageant will be held A presentation will be made to structors; ice skating, basketball, loved ones can be perpetuated on May 31 at the Cranston High Bernard Schwartz in recognition tennis, golf, volleyball, softball , School East auditorium at 7 p.m. of his service to the temple. riflery, soccer, street hockey, foot- in the synagogue of the The pageant is open to girls be- ball and archery; horseback riding, Jewish Hom·e for the Aged tween the ages of five and nine. REGISTRATION CONTINUES overnight camping trips and eve- Contestants will be judged on . Enrollment for Camp Young ning activities. FOR INFORMATION CALL modeling ability, poise and person- Judaea's 36th anniversary season The camp is for boys and girls MITCHELL SUGARMAN, Chairman ality and beauty and appearance. continues, with registration in aged nine to 15 and is located on ./ Further information may be ob- some of the age-grade units al- 168. acres on Lake Baboosic in of the Memorial Co111mittee tained by writing Miss Connie most completed, according lo Dr. Amherst, New Hampshire. Jewish Home for the Aged Robynn, a professional model at Charles B. Rotman, director. Further information may be ob- Res.:_274-12'24 Office EL 1-4750 P.O. Box 2728, Providence, R.I. Camp Young Judaea conducts a tained by writing 10 Dr. Rotman 02907, or calling 461-6856. full program for campers which in- at 8 1 Kingsbury Street, Wellesley, eludes Israeli folk songs and danc- INT.,RNATIONAL W.,.,K d' · 1 d ft Massachusetts or calling 617 237- .,harles H. W,e,·tz, "'d,~rector es, ,scuss,ons, ar s- an era s, 9410. Dr ' C dramatics, Sabbath services and of the New York liaison office of observance of dietary laws. Stay informed. Read the Herald. MELZER'S RELIGIOUS GOODS the Food and Agriculture Organi­ \%%%%% $$\$$$$$\$$ %%$$$$ %$$$%\J\$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 831-5813 EAST SIDE LOCATION 831-1710 zation (F AO) of the United Na­ tions will start off the 16th annual HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL YOUR International Week on Monday, 'Obituaries RELIGIOUS AND PASSOVER NEEDS February 24, with a talk on the \%$$%$%%%%% . \% sisss sssss:sssss SUS U\S COMPLETE LINE OF recently held Food Conference in BENJAMIN MA YBERG of Kaplan's Radiator Works in Rome. The program which will last Funeral services for Benjamin Providence for 40 years until retir­ ISRAELI SEDER PLATES MATZO COVERS from February 24 through March Mayberg of 180 Burlington Street, ing 16 years ago. HAGGADAHS WINE CUPS I is sponsored by International who died February 13 after an ill­ Mr. Kaplan was past Treasurer of Temple Beth David-Anshei ALL AT DISCOUNT PRICES House, the University of Rhode ness of two years, were held the I • island's international students' or­ following day at the Sugarman Kovno, a member of the Jewi sh ALSO ganization _a nd will be held at the Memorial Chapel. Burial was in Home for the Aged, past treasurer IMPORTED CRYSTAL WINE DECANTERS university. Lincoln Park Cemetery. of the Young · People's Benevolent WASHABLE PASSOVER TABLECLOTHS The husband of Freda (Shaul­ Association, a member of the MATZO BASKETS• AND MANY OTHER ITEMS PLAN MEETING son) Mayberg, he was born in Providence Jewish Community NOWIN STOCK Miss Jeri Cokin will speak on Russia, a son of the late Jacob Center and the Golden Agers. NEW BASKINS HAGGADAH "The Kibbutz Life-Style" at the and Clara Mayberg. He had lived Besides his wife, he is survived IN PAPERBACK meeting of the Pawtucket-Central in Providence for more than 50 by one son, Leonard Kaplan of Falls ·Chapter of Hadassah on years. Providence; one daughter, Miriam Monday, February 24, at 8 p.m . at Mr. Mayberg was the founder Snell of Providence, and four the Jewish Community Center. and owner of the former Sterling grandchildren. Program chairmen are Mrs. Coal Company. He was a membe_r ... NEW ENGLAND Harold Schwartz and Mrs. of Congregation Mishkon Tfiloh MRS. SAMUEL GRA YELL Charles Woolf. and Congregation Sons of Zion, a Funeral services for Blanche VISITS ISRAEL Purim refreshments will be member of the Providence He­ Gravell of 383 York Avenue, who served following the meeting. Hos­ brew Free. Loan Association and died Sunday after an illness of .two l~B pitality chairmen are Jeanne Eis­ Homogeneous groups: Congregations, Institutions; the Chevrah Kadisha of Provi­ weeks, were held the following day Organizations, Communities, Clubs, Professionals enberg and Miss Ida Rubenstein. dence. at the Sugarman Memorial Chap­ GOING TO ISRAEL - Mrs. David Horvitz, chairman, Besides his wife, he is survived el. Burial was in Lincoln Park has announced that the Donor by one son, Morton Mayberg of Cemetery. February IO-February 24 - Bloomfield Group led by Mrs. Brunch will be held on Sunday, Miami Beach, Florida; three The wife of Samuel Gravell, she _Madeline L.ichter. March 23, at "Temple Emanu-EI. daughters, Sessile Winograd of was born in Russia, a daughter of l'ebruary 12-February 26 - Temple Beth Am, Warwick, led Providence, Ray nah King of the late Max and Freida Bolvin. ~ Rabbi Bernard Rotman. _ FASHION SHOWS Nashville, Tennessee, and Shirley She had lived most of her life in February 17-March IO - Fiiirwood Group, lect by Rev. Luncheon Fashion Shows will Weinreb of South Fallsburg, New Providence. Victor Abram. be resumed at Camille's Roman York; one brother, Abraham She was a member of Temple February 17-February 27 - Randolph tour led by Rabbi Garden at 71 Bradford Street Beth Israel. Dr. and Mrs. H. Joseph Simkes. Mayberg of Providence; two sis­ starting Wednesday, February 19, Besides her husband, she is sur- February 23-March 5 - Temple Beth Avodah, led by Rab­ ters, Lillian Reuter' of Providence bi and Mrs. Robert M. Miller. from 12 noon to 2:30 p.m. and and Rose Tubman of Miami , vived by a brother, Jacob Bolvin, February 23-Ma~ch 5-'EMBO Workshop continue every Wednesday Beach, and 19 grandchildren. and two sisters, Miss Esther Bol­ February 24-March 10 - Temple Israel of Sharon, led by through Easter. ... vin and Eva Pearson, all of Provi­ Rabbi Shamai Kanter. Professional models from the ABRAHAM KAPLAN dence. February 16-February 26 - Interchurch Council of Greater Rhode Island Model Agency will Funeral services for Abraham New Bedford, led by Rev. Pamela Cole. show a spring and cruise collection Kaplan, 74, of 59 Huxley Avenue, February 22-March 4 - Grandberg Bros. Trip, led by Mr. of designer fa'shions which will in­ In Memoriam who died February 15 after an ill­ 1955-1975 Grand berg. clude Diane von Furstenberg, ness of three months, were held Fall River Jewish Community LEBA ACKERMAN February 26-March 13 - Francesca for Damon, Kimberly, Sunday at the Sugarman Me­ Mother dear, you are not forgotten, Council, led by Rabbi Norbert Weinberg . _ Fred Rothchild, Domini, Cabot morial Chapel. Burial was in Lin- Though on this earth you are no - February 27-March 13 - Ecumenical Journey to Israel and and Goldworm Knits. All fashions more. Rome, led by Father Gregory, Rabbi Salzmann, Rev. Teik­ coln Park Cemetery. • Still in spirit you ore with me manis. will be from Jackie's in Seekonk, The husband of Fannie (Was­ As you always were before. March 3-March 13 - Jewish War Veterans, led by Mr. Al Massachusetts. serstein) Kaplan, he was born in Even now come days of IOdness, Scholossberg. Donna and Bill DelSanto, own­ Russia, a son of the late Joseph lean in secret often flow, ers of the R.I. Model Agency, will Your cherished memory never March 3-March 17 - Temple Emanuel, Lawrence, led by and Etta Kaplan. He had been a leaves me, Rabbi Harry A. Roth. handle all shows. Providence resident for 65 years. Though you died twenty years ago. March 4-March 18-. American Israel Numismatic Associ­ He was the owner and operator LOVE, DAUGHTER, THELMA ation, led by Mr. Morris Bram . . NUTRITION March 6-March 16 - New England Dental Convention, led Barbara Long will speak on by Mr. Walter Guziewicz. "Nutrition" at the next meeting of March 13-March 23 - International Academy of Legal the Providence Chapter, Women's Medicine and Social Medicine. American ORT, which will be .. .and now there ar-e April 3-Aprll 17 - International Symposium on Molecular held on Thursday, February 27, at StrJJcture . . April 9-Aprll 24 - Pilgrimage Tour, led by Pastor Paul 7:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Weidger. Steven Gollis of 324 Rochambeau ·Aprjl 14-April 28 - Rachel's Israel, led by ~rs. Rachel Avenue. TU)o Batron. · . Seco d AprB- 14-Aprll 28 - Hartford Community Center n TO ATTEND CONVOCATION Timers, led by_ Mr. Leonard Fr~man. Philip Rosenfield, PDC and April IS-April 28 - Decalogue. NEC of the First Region, Jewish A,ril 15-May t - Pilgrimage Tour to Israel and Rome, led War Veterans of the USA, and his SUGARMAN MEMORIAL CHAPELS by i:'ather Richard Lonsdale _ . wife, Rose Rosenfield, PDP of the "THE JEWISH FUNERAL DIRECTOR" April 23-May 8 - American Physicians Fellowship's Semi­ Women's Auxiliary of the JWV, nar on Trauma in Medicine and Tour of Israel, led by Dr. 451 HOPE STREET 1924 !lMWOOD AVE. Mltnuel Glazier. left for Israel on February 20 to PIOVIDENCE, R.I. WARWICK, R.I. Aprl 24-May 5 Diabetes and Adipose Symposium attend the Fifth Annual Con­ 331-1094. 467-7750 No. I. vocation of the Jewish War April 24-May 8 Diabetes and Adipose Symposium Veterans of the United States LEWIS J. BOSLER No. 2. which will be held ip Jerusalem Ma:, I~- 2 - Beth El Synagogue Waterbury led by from February 20 through March IN FLORIDA (305) 86-l-9066 Rabbi and Mrs. A. Joseph Hcckelma11, 2. Ma:, zw- 5 - Merrimac Valley Jewish Community, led by Mrs. Sylvia Robinson TO GIVE REPORT Tilh Is a partial llstl91 of hofflOI-• JrOllps. Ethel Chi nitz will give a report Aho a ..llallle are El Al's dally croup t09n. on "An Academic Mission in Is­ rael" at the ne~l meeting of the SUGARMAN MONUMENT CO: For -e w-tloe. COlltad yoar FJ Al ti:a,el agent or: Business & Professional Group of " WE ARE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION Hadassah. The meeting will be AT YOUR CONVENIENCE ... AT YOUR HOME El Al ISRAEL AIRUNES held on Sunday, February 23, at 2 OR AT OUR DISPLAY YARDS. p.m. at the YMCA. 607 IOYLSTON STRHT 314 HANCH AW. 1924 EIMWOOO AVE. PIOVIDINCE, R.I. WARWlCK, R.I . BOSTON Tel.: 6J 7-267-9220 WOMEN'S LIBERATION 331-1094 467-7750 THIS~ LISTING IS A SERVICE OF THE Rabbi Ira A. Korff will speak ISRAEL GOVERNMENT TOURIST OFFICE on "Women's Liberation in Jewish EASTERN REGION Law and Tradition" at late Friday I0IIRT M. G0lDllA TT IIWIN M. IOSLll evening services at Temple Beth -~~~- ~- ~------~- --~---.--1,1 ·~-~~·,..,,,...... ------~- ~-----.-~--..c••·-~~lfllNl".':,.=-.:.i-•--~ .. -..-,,,-.r-•-~-·....,_,.._.".!:,.~ ... -:-... _ - --,------·-J

THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1975-3 Snci11.t11- SHARON TRAVEL CAMP CROSS COU_NTRY CAMPING• AIR CON.DITIONED BUS• COED 12-16 YRS. ON DEAN'S LIST jUNE 29-AUGUST 9, 1975: Mt. Rushmore, Yellowstone Son ~ronci.co, Disneyland, Universal Studios, CBS, lion Countr; Michael A. Hecker of 89 Pres­ Safari, Los Vegas, Grand Canyon, Juarez, Rapids Trip Horseback ton Drive, Cranston, has been ' Swiimming and much more. ' ' named to the Dean's List at the AUGUST 17-26, 1975: Upstate New York, Montreal, Quebe<, Uni~ersity of Rhode Island for Acadia Notionof·Pork, Northern N.E. and much more three consecutive years. FOR COMPlETE BROCHURE, CONTACT He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hecker. He has also re­ WARREN AND DOROTHY KLINE ceived a letter of congratulations 23 LYNDON ROAD, SHARON, MASS. 02067 617 784-2084 from Mayor James L. Taft of Cranston. • • • 4 Doy,, 3 Night• 1204 • k, c1 _lu r Fore. To11 HONORED Ho1el1 . 2 meol1 doily & Miss Carol D. Bader of Church lrondeo . Etbo Beach "204 Street, East Providence, was hon­ Bermudio'no '206 ored recently by the Rhode Island Sone1to "206 Hospital Trust Club at a cham­ Princen '223

pagne receptio n. She was the 7Nislht1pk9. recipient of the award for her SP£CIAL Pl'inatH Hotel prize winning desig n of a new club everything incl . emblem. '340 Miss Bader, the daughter of Mrs. Nathan Bader and the late IOI ParkAve. Mr. Bader. is a n employee or the Cranston 785-2300 Cranston 785 2300 Rhode Isla nd H ospita l Trust Bank , Consumer Credit Depart­ ment. NINE FULL DAYS 5 175 ORGANIZATION RESERVE EARLY FOR PASSOVER NEWS MIUIS, MASS. Mrs. Stephen N. Brown NOVICK'S 02054 TO HEAR PASTOR Andrea Joy Schwartz, daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Ben Schwartz of Relax -Vacation -Have Fun Reverend Cornelius Williams, Marshalltown, Iowa, became the bride or Stephen Nelso·n Brown on Sunday, February 16, at the Continental Plaza Hotel in , 11- Hos~itab_!e • Friendly • Warm • Daily Social Program • Entertainment Nightly pastor or the Olney Street Baptist • Special Diets • Kosher Cuisine • Dietary Laws Strictly Observed Church, will be the guest speaker hno,s'. The_, bndegroom is the son or Dr. and Mrs. Edward Brown or • Traditional Seders• The Public ts Invited• The Synagogue on Premises at the next meeting of the Temple Pawtucket. , Modern Comfortable Accommodations Beth Sholom Sisterhood on Rabbi Sol Serber ofriciated at the 11 :30 a .m. ceremony which was rol­ Door to Door Service Available 617 376-8456 Wednesday, February 26, at 8 lowed by a brunch. All Sports and Activities•Guest Sightseeing to All the Famous Places p.m : at the temple. The bride, who was escorted down the aisle by her father, wore a Chairmen for the evening are traditional gown of French reembroidered Alencon lace which was ·de­ Mrs. Sumner L. Woolf, program; signed exclusively for her by Phyllis or the House of Bianchi. The em­ Mrs. Herman Weinstein, publicity; pire bodice featured a high mandarin neckline and long fitted sleeves Mrs. Martin · Wexler, hospitality, and the A-line silhouette of the skirt was enhanced by the deep lace GIRLS HEAD COUNSELOR scallops or the hemline, which ended in a chapel length train. The bead­ and Mrs. Charles Kaufman, ex-of­ N.H. resident coed comp, one hour from Boston, is seeking a college ficio. ing of the gown added dimension to the floral motif of the imported lace. A full length illusion veil fell from a headpiece of matching Alen­ graduate or professional educator lo supervise female stoff and con lace jeweled in reed pearls and crystals. She carried a hand picked campers. BOARD MEETING bouquet of white roses, tulips, French carnations and babies' breath. Preyious comp, educational or social work administrative ex­ A regular board meeting of the Mrs. Clair Wall, matron of honor, wore a gown of salmon-rose and perience---desiro ble, Ale ph Chapter of Hadassah will carried a matching bouquet of Woburn Abbey roses. Robert Brown Accommodations for a married couple available. be held on Monday, February 24, served as best man for his brother. Paul and Harry Schwartz, brothers Excellent solory and fringe benefits. at 10 a.m. at the Jewish Commu­ of the bride, seated the guests. · nity Center. Following a honeymoon trip to Lake .Geneva, Wisconsin. the couple CALL ( 617) 237-9410 will be at home in West Des Moines, Iowa. PURIM FILM FESTIVAL A Purim film festival will be CANTOR ABRAHAM MEHLER held at Congregation Shaare Ze­ CPAs Reassure Tax payers & Th• lrvin9 Lopa Symphonic ChClir dck-Sons of Abraham on Satur­ WiUOfficiat•otR•li9iovs & s.ct.rs.rvitfl • TOP IROAOWAY SHOWS day, February 22, at 7:30 p.m. Fretting Over IRS Audits • INDOOR I OUTDOOR POOLS Featured will be an Israeli film, • INDOOR "YIAR 'ROUND" IQ SKATING ( By the Rhode Island Society of raised. However, this does not Lupo. in English, starring comic AT INDOOR IOWLING • CHAMPIONSHIP GOif Certified Public Accountants) mean you should try to avoid at­ Ail WEATHER IlNNIS COURTS Yehuda Barkan and directed by HOMOWAC:K ! Mcnahem Golan. ... tracting attention b·y failing to SUPlRI DAY CAMP• DIETARY CUISINE IRV I fLORENa ILICllSTIIN, your H.. h Although an Internal Revenue make proper deductions that Celebrate This A coffee hour which will include HOTEL PEOPLE WHO CARE, ?urim refreshments will follow. Service audit is by no means a might exceed the average amounts Joyous Holiday Louis Sacarovitz is chairman. sure signal of big trouble ahead, for taxpayers in your income cate­ as Never Before gory. HDMDWA[K many taxpayers look on it that OftN AU YLU LODGE way. On the unpleasantness scale For one thing, the government Spring GS.n N. Y. T.t: t1W47-6IOO INTERIM MEETING CALL US FREE The Rhode Island Jewish His­ they rate a tax audit down among does not expect anyone to pay a DIAL DIRECT 800'411-2212 torical Association will hold an in­ lhe contagious diseases. penny more in taxes than is ac­ terim meeting on Tuesday, Febru­ Such individuals should be reas­ tually owed. For another, playing ary 25, at 8 p.m . al the Jewish sured by a few simple facts about the averages is no guarantee -ONE OF NEW ENGLAND'S FINEST PRIVATE CAMPS Community Center. Benton H . tax audits and suggestions for against an audit, since a number SWIMMING under highest Am . Red Cross in • of returns are selected randomly struction. Canoeing, Soiling, Fishing . Rosen, vice president of the asso­ avoiding them. BASEBALL, basketball, soccer, tennis, Riding , oll ciation, will speak on " Wedgwood First, play by the I RS rules. for auditing anyway. land sports expertly taught, overnight Commemorati ve View Ware." That means following all the in­ If circumstances cause a sharp comping, Bike Touring, Pioneering cov­ Mr. Rosen has made an exten­ structions and providing all the in­ change in your tax return over ering LI. Sound, the rivers and country previous years - a change that side of 8 states in the North East. sive study of these ceramics which formation called for on Form ART, pottery, batik, leothercroft, woodworking, tell a story. He will show slides of 1040, or the short form, 1040A. you feel will be questioned - you dance, drama, Guitar instruction, pho­ plates, cups, saucers, teapots, crea­ For example, the instructions might try to answer possible ques­ tography. mers a nd s ugars of co m­ call for the attachment of all W-2 tions in advance, by enclosing HADAR is known for its high standards, mature documentation to support the un­ staff, excellent food, worm personal memorative Wedg wood which form s, your employers' notifica­ attention and above all its reputation depict scenes taken from Ameri- • tions if how much they paid you usual entry on your return. for providing children with o truly won• can and Rhode Island Jewish his­ and what taxes they withheld. The It isn't required or even recom­ derful summer. WrifrrlforBroctivr9 Coll(203) 3-4 7-l 459 tory as well as other series, such government will have received this mended by the I RS, but it 64 VI- u. MW.oteww, c~ 1164S7 IS"°""' ro HADAr as t he coll ege building series, one information from the employers couldn't hurt. .,..,.,..,ss series being that of Brandeis Uni­ directly, so failure of a person In th~ meantime, don't fret over versity. Mr. Rosen is preparing a holding more than one job to at­ the possibility or a tax audit. If manual on classifications of the tach all W-2s will not go unno­ you have done a conscientious job 36th Year 1975 various Wedgwood senti menta l ticed; it will a lmost certainly cause in lilling out your return a letter CAMP YOUNG JUDAEA and decorative items. the return to be fl agged for cl oser from IRS could cost you some Lake laboo1ic, Amherst, New Hampshire-1 Hour from lo1ton money in the form of a tax delj­ examination. Ideal Camping for Boys and Girls 9-15 ciency. but that's all . And even EW HEADQUARTER S Other IRS instructions that 168 Acres of Scenic Beauty The Touro Fraternal Associ­ sometimes arc overlooked, and re­ that isn't necessarily the case; Onr SO A1ttt ri, on Rurtotionol encl lsrotli Cvltvrol Acti•itiu ation will hold its fi rst meeting in sult in the return being questioned , many audits actually lead to re• its new quarters in the ortek include listing of correct Social funds. 8 WEEK SEASON OR TWO 4 - WEEK PERIODS Building. 8 I 5 Reservoir Avenue. Security num bers and the signing FILM TRUE • Out5tandlng Waterfront & Athletic ActlvltlH Cranston. Suite on Wednes­ of the return - by both parties in PARIS: The film , "The Odessa 201. • Overnight Camping • S to 1 Camper Coun1elor latlo the case or a joint return. day. February 26, al 8 p.m . File," based o n the novel or the • luaell-Polk1ong, Dance, Dramatlu & Dl1eu11lon ,rogram Delore being mailed. returns same name which depicts a wo rld­ e Golf • Arts and Crafts e Horseback Riding • lcology should be checked to eli minate D ERT MEET! G wide o rganization or Nazi war • Ice Skating • I, Tennfl Court, • Street Hockey The arragansctt Chapter of such easily avoided errors as criminals and fo rmer SS officers, is • Competent, Mature & lxperlenced Staff Women's merican ORT w,11 laulty arithmetic or use or a wrong nol fi ction but the truth, according • Dietary laws Observed • Modern ,hyslcal Plant hold a de ert meeting on Thurs­ column of tables. to Pierre Bl oc, president o r the Accredited Camp: American Camping Association day, February 27, at 12:30 p.m. al Anything that attracts attenlion Co!Jl mittee A gainst Racism a nd Call or Send for Brochures and Appllcatlon1 to: to a return can cause an examiner the home of Mr Reuben le.an• Anti-Semitism. " We believe there CHARlU I . ROTMAN , ld.D., Director der of 6) Mauran Street in Cran- to devote more time to it than he arc still about 100 war criminals 11 Kingsbury StrHt, WellHley, Mau. 0211i ton. Thi will be an open board otherwise might. thus increasing who are free and we want to lind Tel., 617,237,9410 or 332-6592 meetin . the chances of que tion being · the," Bloc said. ~ ---=-~--...,....-=---~=----~-=----,-~~---~~~'!191111!111111111111111~'- ■ - -.______------

4-THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1975 FROM-FRIDAY TO FR_IDAY ,W!hfm The World m Crisis )e::~ ';:ll.":1:\•1.,,1::ny By BERYL SEGAL MAILING AOOHSS: a.a 6063, ,..,,Wence, U . 02904 T~ephone 724-0200 l'lANT: HeroW W•y, eff Web1ter St., flrawt ., I.I. 02861 OFACf: 141 Ta1,1nton Awo., htt hovtdonco, 1,1. CIUA ZUCICIIUltO...... •.•...... •...... •...... Monoaln9 Id Itor The Saturday Review of -last can be saved if . . . stars wear or TV celebrities pa­ December devotes the entire issue Each in his own field recom­ rade in them. S.C.nd Ckln ,..,ago f'aid ot P'toYWonco, lhodo blond to an Inventory of Home for the mends remedies to save the world, We throw away refrigerators, SubKriplien lotet: Tw..,ty Centi thti copy; ly Ma~. '7 .00 per annum; ouhWo Ntiw En9land, '9.00 ,., washing machines and dryers be­ -"'· hlk rotn on Nqvetl. lt.. H.rolcl oHumH 1ulttc:ripOon1 oN c.onllru,1ou1 unlen notified to tho world. ' some are in the realm of fantasy, -nrylnwritwl9, Representatives of business and some suggest reliance on tech­ cause there is no one willing to fix The. tt.rold •""'"'" no financial ffl-poniibility for typographical ouon in advortisemont,, but will industry, heads of government and nology, while others are hypocri­ tl)em. Buy a new one, they advise f91NW't that port of tho odvertiMmont In which tho typographical orror occur,. AdvortiMn will pleaM us. We will have to train our -tify the ""'fklleffifflt lmmediotoly of any emu whkh may .ccu,. eminent scientists are represented tical, as in the case cil Indira Gan­ in that issue and all of them see dhi of India, who spends millions young people to fix things. Even the world on the brink of a catast­ on an atomic bomb while her rural now, with unemployment affecting FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1975 rophe unless it mends its ways. population dies of hunger and pes­ few of us, we hear of movements But they all agree that the world tilence. We can do without her ad­ in this direction. People fix -up vice. Coretta King, widow of Mar­ their cars. Shops are opened tin Luther King, sees the only sal­ where radios and TVs and house­ vation to the ills of tbe world in hold machines can be made as race equality. good as new. There might come a ISRAEL AND YA~NEH A few, very few, are not time when we will be able to get a alarmed by the state of the world plumber or an electrician to come today. The world changes but it to the house and repair things, as THE PERSPECTl~E OF TIME will not perish as long as it turns in the old days. on its axis. Only some natural ca­ We will earn less and spend JACOB NEUSNER to wonder whether it is also the The destruction marked the utter tastrophe, such as collision of the less. Brown Uni,ersity intent of God. For Israel, bearer disorientation of the Jews, for the stars, can bring an end to the Must we change the furniture in ( This concludes a three part series. of redemption of humankind, place from which the lines of world. We are in a crisis, but it is our homes just because the neigh­ Professor Neusner's two volume makes its way through time structure and organization, both not worse than the one of 40 years bor across the street has changed anthology. Understanding Ameri­ unending, as God promised so social and cosmic, had radiated · ago or the crises the world has her furniture? The Salvation Army can Judaism, will be published long ago to the prophets and as was no more. What now is sacred? trucks and the Volunteers of next month by K tav Publishing survived in its long history. the apocalyptists foresaw. We who What takes the place the Temple As I, a common man, see it, the America warehouses. are bulging House. Inc.) in our own day are the "afflicted, once held? What now stands at the world suffers because of over-in­ with discarded beds and tables, ... storm-tossed and not comforted," center of things? dustrialization and too much chairs and sofas because we have Let us try to describe our age we bear witness to this truth: "For The rabbis of Yavn~h answered mechanization. We produce more no one to come and overhaul them by its largest and most encompass­ the mountains may depart, and that question. What now is holy is cars than we need, more clothing for us. Try and get a carpenter to mg traits. First. this is a time of the hills be removed, but my the people of Israel, whose life is than we can wear, more gadgets come to the house to fix a door, to surviving. We all are brands steadfast love shall not depart set apart aud sacred as was the than we can use, more of every• adjust a window, to stop a leak in plucked from the burning. Second, from you, and my covenant of life of the Temple, whose life is thing. the roof. The old artisans are get­ this is a time of rebuilding. The peace shall not be removed, says the life of sacrifice. To take one Pass by houses-on your street ting fewer, and we don't trust lives of all of us have been touch­ the Lord who has compassion on trivial iliustration of this cosmic and you will see three and four young ones to take their place. ed by troubles. We all have to you." I see in the age begun in concepti.on, the rabbis alter 70 cars standing in the dricveway. We We should have more technical construct a capacity to live beyond 1933 and come to climax in 1948, held that "leprosy" was caused by can no longer use our garages be­ schools. the damning gnosis of holocaust. an~ continuing to this day evi­ arrogance or gossip. What does cause' they are too small for the The waste of food in our restau­ Third, this ·is a time of affirmation dence that, though afflicted, we that mean? "Leprosy" was a dis­ number of vehicles we need, or rants and in our homes is appall­ of Israel, the Jewish people, not are the people whom God loves ease which kept a person out of think we need. The world will mg. Every day we are subjected to only against the destroyers of the steadfastly and with whom the the Temple. To say it is· caused by have not only to tighten its belts another TV "celebrity" advising past, but the enemies of the covenant of peace endures. gossip, we now claim that a person but to curb the appetites for su­ us to buy new cereals, new present. Just as Pharoah told us who commits a sin against the But more: Let us ask about a perfluous things. vitamins, different foods in pre­ not to have children, so Fahrni community is kept out of the com­ still more concrete analogy, a spe­ We will learn to live with less pared forms. ijut we also hear of tells us not to have children, not munity, just as a person who was cific moment in the history of the cars and more walking. It will · bread being baked in the house, to populate the Land. a "leper" was kept our of the Jewish people to which we com­ mean less pollution of the streets more fresh foods being asked for In this time of desperation, of pare our own day, through which Temple. And the reason is that and more enjoyment for ourselves. at the s1ores, less waste in the untold danger, of crisis which is at we may understand the age in the community, the Jewish people, We are wasting money on cloth­ kitchen. once chronic and acute, we live, in which we live. That time comes now is sacred as is the Temple. ing. Our closets are full of gar­ We learn the value of foods. a single moment, the whole of with the destruction of the Second The rabbis who survived the de­ ments we do not wear. We ought This is good. We must live a Jewish history. For when have the Temple, the end of the sacred cult, struction of the Temple preserved to buy new clothes because we simpler life. Jewish people known peace• When inaugurated by God through but took over into their system the need them, and not because of ad­ And the profits, the obscene have we known that we could look Moses in the wilderness (to speak wide range of Temple symbols and vertisements, or because the movie profits, as somebody called the an­ forward to years, to centuries, of in the language of biblical myth). (Continued on page 10) nual · and semi-annual reports of security in the lands of their habit­ 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 the big companies, will have to be ation? The age in which we live is curtailed. If they are not curtailed the single moment, a single hour, Your COMMUNIT1 by the government, we must cur­ in which all Jews have lived from CALENDAR tail them ourselves, by buying less, the end of the holy Temple and in Money's wasting less of their products and A SERVICE OF THE which all Jews will live until the by. repairing, overhauling, renovat­ Messiah comes: an age of risk and JEWISH FEDERATION OF RHODE ISLAND ing, salvaging what we can. ruin, of moderated hope and cal­ Worth and the If as a result of this world crisis culated chance, a time which calls a simpler way will have emerged for probity and caution, judicious­ By Sylvia Porter R.I . JEWISH HERALD for Usting Call 421-4111 the pain and the deprivation it ness and sane concern, not panic, causes will not have been in vain. not complacency. There is a deep chasm between Yet it is not wholly like those SAVE ON TAXES type, you pay an insurance com­ SUNDAY, FHRUA.RY 23, 1975 pany a fixed amount in exchange 11 :00 a .m. the industrial West and the so­ long Jewish centuries from 70 to Medical Expenses Temple lmanv•EI, l'vrim Carnrtal called backward world. The West · I 948, because of what happened in If you're among the millions of for which the company agrees to 2:00 p.m. pay the practitioner who originally lullneu & l'rttfenional Group of Hodcmoh, Pu­ will have to give in a little and the 1948 and what continues to hap­ individual taxpayers who itemize rim C:.lebrotion dispensed the lenses or another one backward nations will have to pen to this hour: the advent of an your deductions, you received five MONDAY, RHUA.RY 24, 1975 come out of poverty and igno­ act of Jewish daring and defiance, extremely helpful medical deduc­ selected by the company (if the 10:30 a .m. original practitioner is no longer in Aleph Group of Hoda,1ah, loard Meeting rance. W.e will have to live more an act of spite in the face of his­ tion rulings last year. 12:30 p,m . simply so that the rest of the tory, the making of the Jewish (I) There's the good news for the business at the time of the loss) for ~:.tl:'nc1MI~:.~ ShtefhMd, M.r&h the cost (less deductible amount) of world will have a chance to come state in the holy Land. If I argue countless hundreds of thousands of 7:00 p.m. up to us. replacing your contact lenses for 1:00 p.m. that the State of Israel is not our you who pay some form of insur­ ,.wtudet-C:.ntral r.ll ChapMt" ef Hodouah. The end of the crisis is not yet spiritual center because geogra­ ance against loss of, or damage to, one year if the lenses are lost or damaged. r.!:;:t:a;!."t Miln'• Out., IMrd MNHne here. It will probably be worse phical and spatial analogues do your contact lenses. For the Inter­ Temple Sinai SltMrfteed, leord Me.tint than it is today. But it docs not not serve, that is not to suggest nal Revenue Service ruled in 1974 (2) The next 1974 change that 1:15 p .m . can boost your medical expense de­ Temp .. leth Am ShterhNd, ...lo, MoeHng mean the end of the world. The nothing has changed. On the con­ that this qualifies as medical care TUISDAY, flllUAIY 25, 1f7S crisis is man-made, and man will trary, no analogy is possible which insurance. duct ions involves the increased mileage rate that the I RS allows &..liet' Aua....,, ,..:.:.::·...... _w Day Scheel, have to solve it. In the process of does not take account of the in­ Note that you can take an item~ "'""' 1u,..., .... Play solving it we may learn to be a effable fact that, for once and at izcd deduction for 50 per cent of you to deduct for driving your car to and from your physician, den­ Che-4 Sh.I lfflff71:0..=thtft AMM9 Ceffl. little more compassionate with the last, there is a refuge and bastion your medical care insurance, up to poor; a little more sympathetic to for our people. $150, without having to " waste" an tist, hospital, etc. The rate was 6 . --... tieftln•- others' misery, a little more un­ cents a mile. For 1974, he rate is 7 Rhe4eW.MIJe...:1:::...... In the long sequence of time, of amount up to 3 per cent of your ad­ lffl MNtlftl ' derstanding of other people's age upon age, one time docs differ justed gross income, as you must cents a mile. PIIIUAIY 26-, lt7S (3) A third Treasury change problems. from another, even though all find do for your regular medical and 10:00 · ·'"· adopted in 1974 will help the large ...... _... I don't believe in Utopias. But a place within the largely undiffe­ dental expenses. The rest of the in­ numbers of you who must make neither do I believe that the world rentiated continuum of unredcmp­ surance cost which you didn't de­ ,..,.._ lfflenu - ■ ~!:,.':9~~-._... -.....- medically prescribed capital im­ kkll-"'- l-.h lltflCheen will go back to the same com­ tion. And what differentiates our duct as medical care insurance, you provements to your homes - such l iOO P·'"· placency, carelessness, and the de­ age from the eras that lie behind include as part of your other regu­ c.:::::.w- o.p,...... "'""' - vil-take-the-hindmost as before. In us is the presence of the State of lar medical expenses which arc de­ as special ramps interior elevators, special bathroom facilities, similar = :"'...:::::-...:::... ""::..,.-,:;,.~•. this we hope. Israel, the promise of the State, ductible only to the extend that the improvements. The basic rule is .... ,.... . When we achieve this, the crisis but, above all, the challenge of the total exceeds 3 per cent of your ad­ ~o.p,...... ·- w- ...... will not have been in vain. Slate. Curiously, we who arc justed gross income. that the cost of these improvements becomes a deductible medical ex­ TMUltDAY, JIIIIUAIY t7, lt7J ••• amoag the smallest and the weak­ Under this favorable IRS ruling, ti ...... ( Mr. Sqa/'s opinions art his own pense only to the extent that the est peoples of the world find our­ you arc allowed the deduction for and not ntetssarily thou of tltis cost exceeds any increue in value '""..:: .. ".'!""'"'· - ·· - Olt, ,ei.es precisely where the prophets two forms of insurance. In one 11,11,.... ntwspaptr.) of the property due to the improve­ ..i apocalyptists of old saw us, type, you pay a non-refundable N.::: l' ::-• - •• - Olt, SlrlMC-Sllerlap wllidl is at tbe CCtlter of the stage fixed amount to your optometrist ment. LONDON : A strike by Under a 1974 regulation change, _,, .,... ol history and at the focus of hu­ in exchange for the optometrist's __ slaughterers employed by the the full cost of operating and main­ __.. .:~- ...... - destiny. It is ID cmbarrusing qRelllCl!t to replace your contact ----=.= ...... _c • .. Jewish Ecclesi11tic1l Authority taining I capital improvement of .. tr09btilll t Md. if we ~ for one year if your len9a here ii cauting a ICYa'C lbortage or -W -, it, we •illll IIOC llesilale are loll OI' dam..-1. In the otw (Continued on page I) ltosheJllilal. _i

1• • • • • • • • -. If - • ..... • / ;.. ' • ' I I 'I J' 1 f 'i' •• J ,',/ I ,:; t • , I " I • ' ~, • I f THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 191S-S SUCCESSFUL IN~ES.TIN8 ~IYNTS_ " DA~ID R. SARGENT How Safe Is Safe? dcnd payments. Cll,AitMGJN§ .. Q: I ••e abollt $50,000 Ill die A: I have about $24,000 in a mu­ llult ud would like to bow If It Is tual fund whose published cost for ..Ce. WOllld die FDIC make 1ood doipg business is .6% docs that for It If tllere was a crash and die mean I am paying $144 annually UNEXCELLED QUALIT llult failed? F.M. for investment am management? Q: I ••e -y to pat Into AY• P.C. UNBELIEVABLY . lap. Sal'hlp and Loans pay more A: On average, the annual man­ Ht are diey as ..Ce as banbT M.R. agement and operating expense of a PRICED A: Following the insolvency of mutual fund is between ½ % and the Franklin National Bank, there ¾ % of as.set value. So, if you have was an outpouring of material in $24,000 invested, the expense for the press discussing the instability having your money professionally of the banking system in this coun­ managed would be, as you cor­ try and abroad. While some criti­ rectly surmise, $144 per year. This cism of the unbridled expansion does not include the brokers' com­ which has been indulged in by some mission on buying and selling por­ bank holding companies is justi­ tfolio securities, which is added to fied, our banking system "is much the acquisition cost of those secu­ stronger than the press has in­ rities. Of course, the fund's share­ dicated," according to Justin T. holders pay indirectly for such bro­ Watson, first deputy for the U.S. kerage, the cost of which is identi­ Comptroller of the Currency. fied in the fund's prospecJus. Savings deposits in banks and in Yellow Freight Systems savings and loans are insured up to A Growth Buy $40,000 by the Federal Deposit In­ Q: I !hall !hortly be working for surance Corporation in the first in­ Yellow Freight. I do not find this stance and by the Federal Savjngs company listed on the New York or & Loan Insurance Corporation in American Exchanges. Would you the latter case. The depositor is advise Investment In this stock over a protected against loss should the seven year period? W.S. bank fail. Both of these insurance A: Shares of this general com­ corporations are instrumentalities modities trucker are traded in the of the U.S. Government and have over-the-counter market. · Recent access to borrow from the U $. quotes have been in the low Treasury should their reserve funds twenties, only 18% below the issue's be insufficient. That need has never all-time high and 50% above the arisen in the more than 40 years December low. The company, with these insurers have existed. its 37% five-year average return on In the case of a failure, deposits equity, is considered one of the best are paid in cash, usually within ten managed in the industry. Yellow days, or by the transfer of accounts Freight also enjoys a low average to another solvent insured bank or operatingTatio while tonnage, reve­ association. Both banks and sav­ nue and profit growth are high. For ings and loans are safe and sound the year just ended, Yellow Freight repositories for your money. was able to sustain a good rate of Q: I will soon have $20,000 from improvement"in the final quarter to maturing term deposits. I do not end the year with a 36% gain in want again to lose liquidity, but need earnings on a 17% increase in reve­ die highest yield, with the least pos­ nues. Net per share was a record sible risk. What do you su11est? $1.69, which could be improved W.H. modestly this year. In all probabl­ A: Although short-term interest ilty, as an employee you \I/ill be ac­ rates arc declining, short-term quiring shares advantageously, money market funds are still ap­ making purchase especially attrac­ propriate for anyone in your posi­ tive. Buy. tion. There are more than a dozen We have a few shares of Teledyne of these funds including: Money (NYSE) for which we have received Market Management, Kemper several exchange offers from the Money Market Fund, Anchor company. The 10% debenture they Daily Income, and Dreyfus Liquid offered Is only rated B, we are told, Assets, all no load. so we refused to exchange. Now we Defense Outlays read that when a company wants to Could Mu!hroom buy up Its shares, this jeopardizes Q: Is General Dyanamlcs a good the position of sharholders. Should lnnstment? TIiey were just awarded we have converted? E.E. die Air Force fighter plane contract. A: Under terms of the exchange c.o. offer completed January 6, 62.5 A: Yes. General Dynamics common shares would have been (NYSE), last year's winner of the require~ to acquire a $1,000 face Trident submarine pact (a potential amount debenture. At recent S 15 billion program) and builder of quotes, these 62.5 common shares the still ongoing F-111, on January have a value of $910, while the 13 was named prime contractor for Teledyne IOs of 2004 are trading at LADIES' the Air Force's new YFl6 Air Com­ $765. . bar Fighter. The latter program Thus far, this particular debt is­ DESIGNER BLOUSES could involve a total buy of 3,000 sue has not been rated by either of Long sleeve Banlons & Polyester Knits in planes, worth more than S 15 bil­ the major rating services, although lion . This program should get an Teledyne's subordinated debenture a beautiful assortment of free spirited "easy ride" in Congress, as it will 7s of 1999 carry a B or speculative prints in vivid combinations. See the generate billions in new business rating. Famous Labels in eyery garment. Don't for suppliers and subcontractors Despite the 3.8 million share July miss this incredible fashion buy. Early over the next decade. In fact, total offer and the I. 9 million share De­ defense spending could balloon to cember exchange offer, there arc shopping advised for best selection. S95 billion in fiscal 1976. still over 18 million shares of com­ These garments sell in leading The Electric Boat division has mon outstanding. With such a sub­ department stores as high as over SI billion of orders for attack stantial equity position still extant $35.00 each, if perfect. submarines; DC-10 fuselage work in Teledyne, you need not worry · Sizes 8 to 18 is now profitable; and Quincy ship­ about being a minority stock­ building, with a S7SO million back­ holder. log for LNG tankers, may shortly make a contribution. GD's non-de,. OVER 3 MILLION fense businesses (nearly 40. of earn­ JERUSALEM: At 1974's end the inp) have a mixed outlook this total Israeli population was year with orders for 1clc­ 3,402,000, of whom 2,888,000 were communications equipment now Jews and 514,000 non -Jews, slowing dramatically while the coal according to figures released by the mining subsidiaries are ex­ government's Central Statistical periencing excellent demand. With Bureau. The growth factor for the several major programs moving year was a mere 2.3%. The Jewish into the profit.I column and strikes sector grew 2%, and the non-Jewish hopefully ab9ent, prospects favor sector by 3 . 5% . The exact higher results in 1975 for the fifth increment for the year was 71 1000 cofl9CIClltiYC year. This could very persons, of whom 53,000 were Jews well foster the resumption of divi- and 17,SOO non-Jews. .... •. .r...;.. ..~

.- 6--THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY., FEBRUARY 21, 197S When in doubt, you need look no further for the perfect gift. The Herald subscription is always' ap­ ORGANIZ·ATION NEWS preciated for birthday or holidays. I . . '(: ·. ·, Call the Herald at 724-0200. NAMED CHAIRMAN will cosponsor a M'Laveh Malkah ,. .. ,, Mayor Vincent A. Cianci, Jr., on Saturday, February 22, at 8 China Garden Ii .• ) of Providence will be overall p.m. in the social hall of the Cen­ RESTAURANT JOE ANDRE'$ ~)'.;,~,. . ,.,_ . .,\ chairman of the beoefit _perform­ ter. & COCKTAILS , 'J• . f'· ORCHESTRA ance of Funny Lady for the John Professor Erich Goldhagen of V ;,4: Music for thqt v~ry Sf)eciol affair E. Fogarty Center for the Re­ the Harvard University Russian 16018, Mineral Spring _ .. / Weddings Bar Mitzvahs tarded. Research Center will lecture on Ave., Providence -~,,, ""f'f No. ··' :831-3739 Res. 944-7298 ; The performance will be held on "Terror and Assimilation - -at Pilgrim Plaza Wednesday, March 12, at the Trends in the History of Soviet Shov:case Cinema, Fall River Kv­ Jewry.'-' , . enue, Seekonk, Massachusetts. .Professor Goldhagen has lectur­ PU~PU-PLATTER ed throughout the world on the to shore wltli your s·w"etle. HAVE BUYERS FOR Commercial ·• lndustriaf TO PERFORM subject of Soviet Jewry and has Cantor Norman Gewirtz of written extensively for periodical TRY OUR SPECIALS or Residential Proper-ty · Temple Beth El and harpist Ruth literature. Double Happiness, King for a day_, Saltzman of the Rhode Island Cantor Natan Subar of Temple PLEASE CALL Beth Am will perform the Havda­ Shrimp Wor Mein, Beef Wor Mein, Philh_armonic Orchestra will pro­ Herbert L. Brown vide the music for the regular Sab­ lah ceremony and Wendy Billig Parle Strip Wor-Mein, and more. bath evening service on Friday, will conduct community singing. Lunch From 11:30 421-5350 February 21, at 8: IS o'clock at Refreshments will be served. The Residence Phone Temple Sinai. The special pro­ community is inited to attend. to 3 PM Mon. to Sat. gram is in honor of Jewi•h music month. DOG SHOW Holidays 11;30 a.m. to ·11 p.m. 861-5601 Sun. and Included in the music by Le­ There will be 1,548 dogs exhib­ Mon. to Thurs; 11;30 a.m. to 11 p.m. wandowski, Sulzer, Gewirtz and ited at the Providence County Fri. and_Sat. 11 ;30 a.m. to Midnight HEHRYW(l>ou(I Castelnuevo-Tedesco will be selec­ Kennel Club's Dog Show and tions specially composed for voice Obedience Trials on Saturday, 353-2123 353-2120 REALTORS and harp. February 22, at the Providence TAKE OUT ORDERS • •• FREE PARKING Hospital Trust Bldg. Civic Center. Judging will start at Real Estate Since J 891 M'LA YEH MALKAH 9 a.m. The Bureau of Jewish Education and the Jewish Community Center ELECT OFFICERS George Morton was named l. recently as president of the Rhode ! . . _ Island Chapter of the National Foundation for Ileitis and Colitis, Inc., at a meeting of the executive board. Mr. Morton. succeeds Mu­ riel Zuckerberg as head of the lo­ cal chapter. The aim of the organization is to raise funds for research into the diseases which affect over a mil­ - lion persons, many of them young people. -- Also named at the meeting were John Butler, vice president; Lori Schulm·an, treasurer; Ellen Mor­ ton, secretary; Anna DiMaio, doc­ Lastchancetocbange tor liaison; Mrs. Zuckerberg, fund raising chairman; Mary Hogan, membership chairman, and Frank Titus, public relations and public­ yom current listing ... ity. The foundation will sponsor a meeting on Tuesday, February 25, at 8 p.m. at the Jewish Commu­ nity Center. Featured speakers adllnew listing for home will be Dr. H.T. Randall, profes­ sor of surgery at Brown Univer­ sity, and Julia Stevens, dietician. Dr. Walter R. Thayer will moder­ or-business in the ate the session. The public is in­ vited to attend. FUND KICKOFF The Temple Emanu-EI Sister­ Providence hood will hold their Torah Fund kickoff on Wednesday, February 26 at 12:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Manfred Weil of 29 Holly Street. Funds raised will go to the Telephone Directory Jewish Theological Seminary of ~~;...... ,,,:,";;:~-;;:_::,,.,,-, r;:;:-µ -·µ America. TO HOLD MEETING The Sisterhood ol Temple Beth /" Am will hold its February meeting on Tuesday, February 2S. Mort White of Hort House will give a demonstration of all types of house plants and terrariums.-

FRIENDS OF PARI The Friends of PARI (Para­ plegia Association) will hold a benefit theatre and dinner party at lhe Chateau de Ville in May. A kickoff meeting for the donor af­ fair and ad book will be held at the Four Seasons East clubhouse on Wednesday, February 26 at 8 P-ll! ,This meeting will be the be· ginning of PARl's fund raising drive to provide transportation for paraplegias in the state ol Rhode Island and to aid their building fund . Mrs. Alfred Abrams is donor Now is the tirre to notify the Teleplione Business Office of any changes to be chairman and reservations chair­ made in your listing in the white pages of the telephone directory, and to men are Mr. and Mrs. John Fee­ ley and Eleanor Botvin. The com­ arrange for additional residence and business listings. mittee will be formed at the meet­ ing. Further information may be ob­ tained by writing Friends of PARI, BOit 4714, Rumford, R.l. @New England lelephone 02915. Prospects who buy often are much more likely to sec your news­ paper ad than occasional buyen. THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1975-15

THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1975-7 • .. --.... • TO RECEIVE PAYMENT the floor leaders of t\e three l BONN: Jewish victims of Bundestag parties. Doelling said the Nazism are to receive a final payment would be made to payment of apout DM 600 million persecutees who could not claim ' from West Germany, the Bonn reparation under existing BRIDGE government spokesman, Klaus legislation. The DM 600 million Doelling, said in a statement that would be paid in six annual followed a meeting between installments, probably to the By Robert E. Starr Chancellor Helmut Schmidt and Jewish Claims Conference. • • • • • • • • • • • • We have discussed Hold-up more damage. JULIE'S KOSHER plays in No Trump several times With that in mind he should DELICATESSEN in this column. Most Declarers are have taken the second lead, not aware of them and use them, waiting for West to wake up and 731 HOPE STREET 621-9396 sometimes when they really make that deadly switch. Mean­ shouldn't. What often happens is while, West should also be alert to BUIINEIIMAN'I SPECIAL that when the Defender, on lead, what is going on and if he didn't sees that the Declarer is holding switch at trick two, certainly he TONGUE SANDWICH ON BREAD, $ up, he feels that he has come upon must at the next opportunity. Ev­ POTATO SALAD, COLESLAW AND his weakness and therefore contin­ eryone of them were given that 1 7S ues that suit for dear life. Many second chance but none took it. I COFFEE NO SUBSTITUTION • . D.A. Gunning Photo times it would have been better don't really know which player ENGAGED: Mr. and Mrs. Neville E. for him to switch when given the was more guilty; the Defender sit­ Winkler of 139 Lorimer Avenue chance. Today's hand is interesting ting West or the Declarer who SUPER SPECIAL' announce the engagement of their ------REG I >9 in that it shows how both the De- · gave West the chance to do some­ daughter, Min Heidi J. Winkler, to clarer and Defender on lead thing which could have been pre­ Mark Bradford Decof, son of Mr. should have reacted to what was vented. and Mrs. Leonard. Decof of Cran­ 8 going on. When I watched, the Moral: Remember, to be able ston. KNOC KW uRS 1 ~KF~ 89 c Declarers all gave the Defender a to cash good tricks you must have Miss Winkler, a graduate of chance to switch but none of them an entry to be able to use for that Hope High School, is presently a M&S KOSHER COOKED took it resulting in the hand being purpose, otherwise it is hopeless. junior al Lesley College in Cam­ made when it could have been set. Govern yourself accordingly. bridge, Massachusetts. · Mr. Decof was graduated from ..:m.s3 · S9 . e 11. North Adults read one or, more news­ Moses Brown School and is cur­ BEEF TONGUE ♦ 53 rently attending Georgetown Uni­ papers in markets of all sizes. • 864 versity in Washington, D.C . M&S KOSHER ♦ KJ7 7ft ♦ A J 10 9 4 Boycott Of Jewish Bank~ West East BREAKFAST BEEF R:; 7P~ ♦ J 10 6 ♦ K Q 9 4 .K Q J 10 5 .92 Touches Off Controversy ' IMPORTED ROY Al SllD ♦ 6 4 2 ♦ 10853" LONDON: Arab effo~ts to investment banker. "The Arabs are ♦ K85 ciNs ♦ 72 ]Sc exclude Jewish banking interests perfectly happy to go along if ·SARDINES FOR South from financial deals on the you're fir·m . I would say ♦ A 8 7 2 international loan market have Kleinwort's is in a fairly isolated .A 7 3 touched off a controversy in the position now." ALL SALE ITEMS WHILE THEY LAST ♦ A Q 9 London financial community over Another source noted that the whether to oppose such moves with Rothschild and Warburg ♦ Q 6 3 SUCCESSFUL PARTIES BEGIN a united front. · investment banks had placed loan East-West were vulnerable, East Some of the investment banking issues in the Middle East in recent · WITH A JULIE'S PARTY TRAY Dealer with this bidding: houses identified with Jewish months. families are preparing to lodge a "It's been amply demonstrated s w N protest with the Bank of England. that the Arabs really don't mind lNT p JNT But a minority took the position appearing on tombstones with us," The bidding was quit,e simple. that the Arab's economic . power he said in a reference to Under the vulnerability conditions, was too great to resist. advertisements of financing, which West didn't dare mention his · The British central bank said it are known as .. tombstones." Hearts at the two level, preferring was keeping track of the situation. Banking sources had listed at The Herald is now accepting to possibly be on lead against a But it was not clear whether the least seven financings on the "Younger Set" Photos No Trump contract. That was ex­ · bank had any power to intervene. Eurodollar market in recent actly what happened, he was and Meanwhile, another instance of months in which Arab interests, For .early publication and For our Files did lead one, the King. East Arab pressure came to light. principally Kuwait and Libya, had played either the 9 or the 2 de­ Kleinwort, Benson, Ltd., an . prevented one or more of the major pending on whether he was simply investment bank confirmed that it Jewish-owned banks from The R. I. Jewish Herald giving count or playing a very fine had agreed under Arab pressure to participating. convention called the Foster Echo. exclude certain banks from a Most bankers are eager to attract MAILING ADDRESS : BOX 6063, PROVIDENCE, It I. This means that he plays his sec­ financing now being arranged for investment funds from the PLANT AND OFFICE: HERALD WAY (OFF WEBSTER ST.) ond highest card on his partner's the Japanese trading company increasingly wealthy Arab PAWTUCKET, It I. honor lead. Either way, both West Marubeni. countries following a fourfold rise and South should be able to deter­ No Choice Is Seen of. oil prices. As a result, they mine that East had but two Hearts The bank said that as co­ sometimes feel vulnerable to Arab but apparently neither took cogni­ manager of the loan syndication it pressures in the arranging of loan zance of it. felt constrained to leave S. G. syndications. West led another high Heart Warburg & Co. and N . M. French Loan al Issue which Declarer again ducked and Rothschild & Sons out of the PARIS: The floating of a now came the key play for the De­ Marubeni deal because the Libyan $50-million loan by the state-run fense, West did lead still a third Arab Foreign Bank and the French Electricity Board is high Heart, having a one track Kuwaiti Foreign Trading, repprtedly being held up because mind and feeling he was doing Contracting and Investment prospective Arab participants want fine, why switch? Why indeed? He Company had refused to to bar the Jewish-owned bank . should have realized he had no en­ participate with them. Lazard Freres from joining the tries and that from here on Hearts Banking sources reported last issue syndicate. were useless for the Ace had to be week that Warburg, Rothschild Final terms of the planned new played on the third round and af­ and Lazard Freres were among a loan involving the elect board­ ter that his band was out of it. He number of banking houses that Electricite de France - arc said to should have switched after winning certain Arab governments wanted be awaiting a decision by the the second Heart. And certainly kept out of any financing that had borrower on whether the issue his best bet would be a Spade. Arab participants. should go ahead. Had he done so, leading the Lazard led a loan for the Jack, top of an honor sequence, Klcinwort contended that it had electricity board several years ago East would have given him an en­ had no choice in the Marubeni and was a co-manager in a more couraging signal and now see what financing, and Sir Cyril Kleinwort, recent issue would happen to Declarer. Spades the chairman of the banking house, would also be established but now, said the London financial ENDORSES STATEMENT when the Club finesse is taken and community was in no position to PHILADELPHIA: The loses to East, . he can cash what­ oppose the Arab boycott. Philadelphia AFL-CIO adopted a EDWIN S. SOFORENKO ever Spades arc still left depend­ Other bankers differed with Sir resolution endorsing the statement ing on which round the Ace was Cyril's position, pointing out that on the Palestine Liberation Michael H. Silverman Howard S. Greene taken. We st German bank s had Organization adopted by the AFL­ Robert J. Janes Charles D. Gauvin The Wests, on lead, should have successfully resisted Arab boycott C 1O Executive Council in seen tbis on time and given that efforts. They said a financing being Washington last month . The Murry M. Halpert John Edge chance, shifted but the Declarer arranged in Paris for Volvo, the statement described as an outrage C. Fred Corbett, CLU should also have seen this possi­ Swedish automobile company, the UN General Assembly decision bility and denied his opponents would involve both Arab and to give the PLO observer status and AU UNES OF INSURANCE FOR IUSINESS criticized the Assembly for inviting that second chance. He should re­ Jewish participants. INDUSTRY, HOME AND l'HSONAL ,WOTECTION alize, first, that if East has a third Most of the exclusions of Jewish­ the PLO to participate in the Heart, the suit can only produce owned banking houses


HOME I PROFESSIOMAL OFFICE , Your Money's FOl :SALE Hello Again! Worth 14 Room House (4 room office, 10 room house) (Continued from page 4) FOIi IOCTOI ·- HNTIST Ill l,JWYEII this nature is a deductible medical living Room :..:_ Sunk~n Dining Area -:-- Den - large O

THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1975-9 ATTACK STER!I! HOUSE LONDON: Jewish sources in the USSR report that hooligans attacked the house of Dr. Mikhail Stern in Vinnitsa. The impression of local people was that the police "YOUR TRAVEL AGENT" Inc. were not going out of their way to find the culprits. Dr. Stern's cl~er son said that -he was permitted to see his father, who told him, "In the conditions that I am being kept I do not expect to survive for more than three of four months." 7 6 6 C JIMMY'S A H 0 l p PIZZA l _ Houst. 11 the !: Home Made Piu1 2 ''1 7 Israel Travel Expert s 2 T. ~ 6 \ ...,::. 2 O, ~-::Jr-.'iii:::::--.,~---~ ~ 0 (-,_ PIIEMlttNG FOi IOLANTHE: Costume fittings are all part of the work involved in putting together a real Gil­ bert and Sullivan operetta. Brown University students in th!• year's Brownbrokers production, Iolanthe, have been rehearsing patter songs and comic dialogue for weeks. The production opened February 14 al Faunce House Theater and will be repeated from February 20 through· 23. Sara Dagleish stands in the foreground. Behind her, left to right, are Debi Jacobson, Kathy Morath, Andy Jarosz, Caludia Flynn, Woody Howard, JSRA&LAIRLINE Amy Litt and Andrew Tonks. ... El AL flies yeor ·round from, , USA _to Israel ~ . _ ...... 7 6- .. . EL Al makes it so easy for you C Gilbert And Sullivan's Iolanthe .. I I . A Only 6 to v1s1t sroe . L At Brown Is Spirited, Charming P..~ H .. .El AL offers .2!!.i]y group de- L In America partures to Israel year-round. Iolanthe. surely one of Gilbert A purist might object that Come As You Are ~ 2 and Sullivan's most delightful op­ there's more spoofing ,han Gilbert Just For Fu(I E ... EL AL knows Israel best. 7 erettas, will be offered again this really intended, but it is well with­ By . Every Variety of .Pizza • s CALL for Special 2 weekend at Brown University's in the libretto's · scope and it Vou Can Thirik Of Faunce House Theatre by works. Indeed, the only irrele­ Harry T. 10 day trip $ 6 Brownbrokcrs, a student group. vance is the wild laughter be­ The Family Pizza Parlor p to Israel 5 1_9 2 The production is charming; it stowed by younger members of Golden For Dining R 2 weeks, 3 weeks, etc. 0 moves without flagging from the the audience on some of the lines Grinders; 0 PRICES HIGHER 0 first chorus of fleet-footed peris to in which fairies are referred to. ~ v. AFTER MARCH 15 the final merging of peris and Valerie Gebert is responsible for Italian Dinners Fine Wines, peers. (Subtitled "the Peer and the the musical direction, and Eliza­ t DELTA-PANAM . Peri," Iolanthe concerns the prob­ beth Armstrong for the dramatic a o·· a a o o o t t a t , Draft Beer BERMUDA lems of a handsome young shep­ and overall directing. Their team­ The $12 Million Award YOUR HOSTS ARE 7 DAY MIN . STAY work is apparent in the clean The citizens of Washington D.C. herd who is madly in love with a TONY ond MARY PALUMBO 510300 RD. TRIP ward in chancery. The lad's moth­ meshing of the seen and heard, have just been pinched for $12 mil­ IS IENEVOUNT 5TIIHT Weekdays O~ly! er, Iolanthe, has been banished and in the fact that neither d"3- lion by a local jury. The suit was · (Corner 8r6ok Strffl) ' OFFER EXPIRES from fairyland for marrying a matic nor musical effects and in­ brought by the American Civil Lib­ PROVIDENCE, RHODUSlAND MARCH 15 ,I ' mortal, but things gradually rear­ tegrity are ignored. erties Union on behalf of those un­ . •• OPEN range themselves in the cousse of They are fortunate in their com­ justly arrested during the May All Credit Cords Accepted a -very pleasant two hours.) pany, too. Phyllis, the ward in. Demonstration in 1971. DILIVIR ~~(!~'!· 766 HOPE ST. Some of the most-loved Gilbert chancery, is a little dab of a thing Some of the folks are howling. Fri. l Set: 'Til 4 a.m. PROVIDENCE and Sullivan gems are in Iolanthe: with corkscrew curls and a petu­ The Vietnam war protesters came "The Law is the true embodiment lant foot; she has a fl air for man­ to Washington determined by their 121-•o· CALL of everything that's excellent," nered flirting, and her voice is ex­ presence and dissidence to close the DUI VERY S I' .M:-CL0SING 272-6200 "When I went to the Bar as a very actly right for the role. Strephon, city down for a day. They did. HOW OPEN young man," " When you're Tying her shepherd is charming; if not as Many of them were arrested for va­ awake with a dismal headache," strong vocally as Phyllis, he is as ndalism and assorted acts of mut­ and "Faint heart never won fair dramatically believabie. The Lord iny. lady" arc among them. A spirited Chancellor is played in a wry, al­ Trouble was thousands of people amateur production like this of most bemused fashion, and one who were neither demonstrators, Brownbrokcrs is the result of ex­ falls in love with him at once. His participants nor even dissidents. lM4LLCO\JERINGS cellent casting, hard musical and train-bearer is an elegant man who They were people on their way to dramatic work, careful choreogra­ needs no words to be very much a work who happened to be in the WHEN YOU WANT phy, and the directors' ability to part of the action. Lords Moun­ street. They were on their way to put everything together coherently. tararat and Tolloller, aRd Private work because the Nixon-appointed THE UNUSUAL This Iolanthe is good - among Willis of the Grenadier Guards, heads of agencies threatened them other advantages, it has a splendid turn in excellent performances, as with punishment if they stayed male chorus who both look and do the fairy queen and Iolanthe. home because of the disturbance. f sound as they oughl. The costumes The orchestra, recruited for this There were also dozens of news- arc beautifully in keeping with the production, docs a commendable . papermen who were busted. No total effect, and the lighting brings job. precinct has ever been happier than l,J~Rzli. effective variety to an imaginative In short, Brownbrokers has the Washington precinct which was stage set. A reconstruction of the mounted an Iolanthe that has given carte blanche to arrest every­ 92 NAIIRAGANSETI AVE. vigor, color, good singing and body. Da;ly 8,30 lo 5,30 'TIL 9 TUESDAY London skyline in 1882, when this ,CLOSED 'll'EDNESDA Y 781-7070 .. Savoy opera.. was firs~ per­ dancing, much· humor and a gentle When the suit was brought in­ formed, forms the lower half of liveliness that can obviously be itiall y, the government argued the the backdrop against which the transported to this century. arrests were necessary, that it was a peers swirl their capes, wheeling in time of stress and frightful eme­ semi-military formation. LOIS ATWOOD rgency. The court ruled that the ~,WJ'MW)W////,W/,W////u'/,X-7..mW&;m;r/,¥&£,g,7,-p,a=m,;,;~7..z duty of government government Scene design was by B.W. Brockmann and D.A. Mic hel; lighting by was to preserve rights in times of S. Ehrlich and E.S. Goldman; costumes by Misses C.A. Wilson, B. Gar­ stress and frightful emergencies, ner and J . Colaluca; and the skyline reconstruction by Misses K.E. not aboli sh them. This ruling, of AIART Grassmuck and D.S. Pook II. The cast members: course, paved the way for the re­ Framing & Gallery, Ltd. Lord Chancellor Jonathan C. Mills cent judgment. Lord Mou ntararat Elwood J . Howard In this instance the court is not Lord Tolloller Andrew M . Jarosz awarding money to reward in­ nocence: is awarding money pun­ New Location Private Winis David R. Krimm It 1078 PONTIAC AVE., CRANSTON ish the guilty, the Washington po­ Strephon A.F. Tonks (Rt 95 MEDICAi. CENTER EXIT 14) Train Bearer Charles W. Fornara Ill lice and the Administration. That Phone 467-4430 Fairy Queen Amy J . Litt particular Administration is rapidly Iolanthe Kathryn A. Morath vanishing into jail ce ll s. The only Celia M . Jane Milne agency left to punish is the police • CUSTOM FRAMING Leila Claudia J. Flynn· and one can hardly fire them. • PRINTS • PAINTINGS Fleta Deborah L. Jacobson But what the award does reall y is what the constituency did to Ni xon • READY MADE FRAMES Phyllis Sara J . Daglcish • PICTURES/DOCUMENTS Peers K.V.R. Barry. R.O. Hawkins, W.K. Lyons Ill. and his cohort. The law told men J .J .S.M. Chomsky, D.R. Krimm and D.C. Olson who committed crimes in the name LAMINATED F iri J .A. Owens, L.J. Stottcr, C.A. Wilson. of the President of the United D.A.N. Scolnik, E.J . Smucker IV States that the excuse cut no ice. Free Parking Orchestra member arc Misses 0 . Luclt , P. Davidson, A. Glowacki, D. We are about to instruct the C IA Peterson. R. Solnit, M. Schneider, A.E. Lorber, E. Riordcn, S. Gallop, that if they violated the charter, it C. Ma tein; and Messrs. D. Klein, A. Woodruff, J . Brown, M. Rear, will be held aa:ountablc. R. Ri tow and 9. lt-.h. Twelve million dollars ou~ht lo (Continued on page 12) --·-Ill

10-THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 197.5 . 7 out or 10 teenagers . read a newspaper on an average day. L~x Discipline, Command Breakdown PUBllC INVITED ADMISSION FREE Meeting Sponsored by THE RHOl)E·ISL-AND CHAPTER Among Problems During NATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR ILEITIS JERUSALEM: An official partly. rehabilitated, Mr. Dayan outside. AND COUTIS, INC. commission investigating the will be free now to comment more He emerged 20 minutes later and October, 1973, war between Israel forcefully on the performance or left without making any comment. and the Arabs said here that Premier Yitzhak Rabin's Mr. Rabin left his office at 8 p.m., "I Have Colitis, What Can I, Eat?" also declining to say anything FEAT\JRED SPEAKERS: Israel's initial setbacks resulted Government. Mr. Dayan is still a from, a series of command, control member ·or Parliament, and thus about the commission or its report. DI. H.T. UNDALL, Professor of Surgery and communication failures in the has a forum from which to speak. Begin Reacts Critically Brown University face or unexpected assaults on two But he is unlikely to return to the There was a str.ong and caustic MS. JULIA STEVENS, Dietician fronts. Government as long as Mr. Rabin reaction, however, from Menahem DI. WALTEI I. THAYEI, Moderator Submitting a 1,512-page final remains Premier. Begin, the leader of the right-wing report to tlie Government, the The commission's report was Opposition bloc, the Likud. Tuesday, Feb~uary 25, at 8 p.m. commission also ciied faulty delivered to Premier Rabin by its Noting that the commission had JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER intelligence, lax discipline and chairman, Shimon Agranal, said that Israel had been taken by 401 Elmgrove Ave., Providence, R.I. inadequate performance by top President of the Supreme Court. surprise, Mr. Begin said: "This commanders in the field as The dour, heavy-set jurist arrivea surprise caused a historic disaster." REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED FOLLOW/1'/G Tl)! 1'jEE>TJN,G, contributing factors to Israel's al the Premier's office in a white "We shall overcome it, but our defeats in the early days or the war. sedan precisely at 6 p.m. He strode whole generation will continue to The five-member commission, into the office carrying a blat k live under the shadow," he added. oh\ THE DESI( which included two former Chiefs briefcase and_ declined to speak "Therefore, this political leadership ~1" THE BIG TEE O,; of Staff, held 156 meetings over the with a crowd of reporters and should walk modestly in its 438-4400 last 14-months. It heard testimony television cameramen waiting proposals regarding the future." by 90 witnesses and received The b_ufk of the final report was depositions from 188 other army Report Shows Exodus classified as secret and delivered officers and men. only to· the Government and the ll issued two interim reports Of Jews From Galilee Defense and Foreign Affairs Committee of Parliament. before in which it cited major JERUSALEM: The growing FLOOR COVERING CO. failures on the part of Israeli The commission directed that the exodus of Israelis from towns and transcripts of the testimony it intelligence in analyzing the selllements in Galilee, if not CARPET LINOLEUM information it had collected on received should be sequestered for 0.0, Fri,nds: reversed, may lead lo an Arab 30 years, and that only then should PN-sentty I hove in stock for immediate delivery a seledion of eight colors of a Egyptian and Syrian pr_eparations majority in that part of Israel, a decision be made as lo making it Scotchgorded dense pile Nylon Shag for '9.99 o square yard. (Cushion and for the attack. according to an Interior Ministry public. It also urged that parts of installation extra) . document released here. The tf you ore contemplating a change but ore waiting for a real good value, ,top by a?ld , , . ~" . Political Issues Ev.aded the report should be made The commission evaded the issU:e document, prepared as part of the . browse whr+e our inventory lasts. This special sole would be an excellent opportunity to compulsory reading for army 10►1e your Bedroom, Living Room or Dining Room remodeling needs. Hope to see you of political responsibility for Ministry's general plan for a officers down lo the level of ot our NEW location: 1 Waterman Avenue, Eas1 Providence side of THE OLD RED Israel's unpreparedness on the eve national population of four million lieutenant "so that necessl\ry BRIDGE. Sincerely, of the war, except to not~ that the by early I 980's, · said there was a lessons will be drawn for the future Murray Trinkle law failed to define which minister steady Jewish emigration from in the Cabinet, or the Cabinet as a Galilee. · OPEN: MON.-FRI. 9 a~m.-5 p.m. EVES. or SATS. By Appt. A Variety of Failures whole, was responsible for It cited as an example Kiryal In the published digest of its operational control of the armed Shmona, founded m 1953, in which report, the commission cited a forces. some 80,000 persons were settled. variety of personal and institutional q.1 Pc,tteJ al A 42-page synopsis of the report In 1965, however, its population failures in the early days of the war, made no mention whatsoever of the was only 15,000. Kiryal Shmona, ranging from poor administration role of former Premier near the J.E!>anese l)order, has been ASSOCIATED of the army's emergency supply or former Defense Minister Moshe the target of terrorist attacks in the · depots to the inability of individual Dayan. u.cile PfanlerJ past year. commanders lo control their forces>. of As a result it came as something The Interior Ministry reported "A central problem was the of a political anticlimax after 14 that many Jewish youths leave their system of control of commanders m.o n l h s o f i n t e n s e p u b I i c home towns in Galilee, especially at different levels over the situation speculation about the outcome. after completing military service, and the troops at their disposal," Nonetheless, the completion of while Arab residents show a much the commission said. "At this the the commission's work is expected higher degree of attachment lo outset of the war, this derived to a lo clear the way for Mr. Dayan lo their home villages. The proportion great extent from a difficulty in return lo active political life. The of Arabs in Galilee rose from 44 applying the theories of control and former Defense Minister was percent of the population in 1968 lo reporting in the sudden and drastic delivering a lecture in Tel Aviv 46 percent in I 973. The. latest switeh, with no warning, from a when the synopsis was made public figures show th a t Arabs now situation of peace to one of total al 7 p.m. He declined lo comment consitiute 49 percent of Galilee's war." on its contents. population, the Interior Ministry With his reputation al least said. (Continued on page 12)

726-0038 IS RAEL AND YAf NEH 19 SUMMER STREET, PAWTUCKET rites. Study of Torah is the new predominant, though it is signifi­ weight of. the sinfu I deeds of man­ PRESENT THIS COUPON FOR DISCOUNT mode of sacrifice. The rabbi is the cant. It is Israel which is central, TED lOEBENBERG SHELDON BLOOMBERG kind . We are despised and re­ new priest. Deeds of loving kind­ it is Israel which is, in the context jected by men, we are a people of ness are the new freewill ollerings. ol Judaism, predominant. The sorrows and acquainted with grief. And, it follows. the community State ol Israel is just that, contin­ We are those from whom the na­ formed on the basis of the rabbis gent, uselul, serving valuable ends. ti ons hid and hide their faces. We Torah. the Jewish people. also is The people of Israel is uncon­ are despised, and we are not es­ going to be protected from social tingent, absolute. more than mere­ teemed. We bear the griefs and uncleanness. just as the old ly useful. The State is ,the means carry the sorrows ol the nations. Temple was protected from cultic to an end. The end is determined This I take to be the meaning of uncleanness. True, the Temple is by the Jewish people. the present moment. destroyed, and we hope and pray Yet we have need lo dwell upon And who stands forth among Is­ DOWNSTAIRS! it will be restored. But Israel, the the meaning of -that people, rael, who represents Israel, the Jewish people, now is the Temple, form:1 4242 people. The Slate is not central, makes mankind whole." God has High product interest doubles thoogh it iJ important. It is not made us suffer for, and 1,,-..ar the new paper ad reader hip. • - ____ _ IH E..IUlD.OE.JSLA!WJ:iERALD. ERi DAY. F EBRUARY 21. 191.5- J

THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1975-11 ;ssssssssssssssssssssss IMMIGRATION DECLINES leading Experts To Discuss JERUSALEM: Immigration lo Israel declined by nearly 23,000 in 'Jew In American Society' What 1974, including a 50 percent drop TRAVtL from the Soviet Union, according A one-day symposium on "The Brown University will be among lo figures rele a sed by the Jew in American Society·· will those· who will read papers at the ANYWHERE Absorption Ministry. The ministry bring some of the world"s leading symposium. Other who will deliver Air t,c,kets . hotels and Is The reported that immigra1;on this year scholars on American Jewry lo papers arc Professor Ben Halpern totaled about 32,000 as compared resorts. value Hebrew College in Brookline, of Brandeis University, Allred to 54,890 in 1973 . There were package vacations Massachuscus. on March 3. Kutzik ol the University of Penn• 17,100 Jews from the Soviet Union. The symposium is intended 10 sylvania, and Milton Himmellarb Reason? cru,ses honeymoons - see our travel bring together major scholars in ol "Commentary" magazine. SSSSSjSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSi HEARING AID various disciplines to share the Discussants will include Profes­ BY RABBI YAAKOV UVSITZKY professio nals - findings of their leaching and re• sor ·Nathan Glazer and Professor BATTERIES no service c harge search in areas vital to the proper Michael Walzer ol Harvard Uni­ ( Rabbi Uvsitzky has requested the COMPARE OUR PRICES understanding of American Jewry, versity, Paul Riuerbrand ol the following space to present the Or-· 675 ...... $1.85 576 ..... $2.15 said Dr. Eli Grad, Hebrew College City College ol New York and thodox viewpoint on certain Jew­ 13 ...... $1.65 513 ..... $1.85 president. Professor Marshall Sklare ol ish customs and procedures./ -41...... $1.75 541.. ... $1.95 Professor Jacob Ncusner of Brandeis. ... DISCOUNTS ON AU AIDS Why don't we say Malter on the MIRACLE-EAR Dayan And Eban To Promote New Moon, Chanukah and Purim? htk lliflht al our Door Open Dail y and Saturday The reason that we don't say JORDAN MARSH Malter al these times is because EMPIRE HEARING AIDS WARWICK MALL Immigration To Israel we. don't want to prolong the time 241 RE SERVOIR AVE PROV 2nd Floor Near Gen Office 467 -5730 ROBERT J BARRIE Former Israeli Cabinet Min­ all over the country to 'discuss people are away lrom their work, TEL 738-0100 isters Moshe Dayan ancf Abba various aspects ol life in Israel. However, on Tish B'Av we do say Eban will highlight the upcoming Over 3,000 such meetings wil,I be Malter because since the people Aliyah (Jewish immigration 10 Is­ conducted during ""Aliyah Month" are in synagogue until noon saying CAROL & SANDY rael) ,drive scheduled to begin in by the regional Israel Aliyah Cen­ Lamentations ii is not an added announee the birth of the the United Slates and Canada on ters localed throughout the US­ burden. AL DeA.NDRA.DE ORCHESTRA. February 25 and 10 continue until and Canada. Every major Jewish Why is it a custom to eat Kreplach FINE MUSIC FOR ALL OCCASIONS · March 25. Israel's outgoing Am­ organization and all three religious three times a year on· Purim, Hash­ bassador Yosel Tckoah will also movements have already pledged ama Rabba and the eve of Y om To Congratulate CAROL & SANDY be among the speakers during their cooperation with the Israel Kippur? Call G& R PRODUCTIONS AT "Aliyah Month ... Aliyah Centers during this month. Because these days are holidays 942-2208 or 821-3693 The goal sci by the World Zion­ in regards 10 eating and drinking; • ist Organization is lo double Is­ Connrm Complaint however, not as pertains to work ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: rael's Jewish population within 25 TEL AVIV: The United Nations and trade. The holiday is therefore - years, with the hope that 25,000 Disengagement Observer Force hidden. The Rabbis learn lrom the people from the United States and (UNDOF) has confirmed a sentence ··and you shall rejoice on GHAZI ACCAOUI, M.D. Canada will immigrate to Israel compiaint by Israel that Syria your holiday" that the lood eaten per year. In a lcller addressed to violated the disengagement on a holiday is meal and since the Pinchas Sapir, chairman of the agreement by placing more tanks in holiday is a hidden one, the meal GYNECOLOGY WZO, Israel's Prime Minister the limited forces zone than the is also covered - by dough; hence Wishes to announce the re-location Yitzchak Rabin said, " Aliyah is accord allows. the-eating ol " Kreplach." of his Cranston Office to the lilcblood ol the Jewish State. The story ol the rebirth and build­ Sponsored By NCCJ, Prov. Public Library w... slty North Smithfield ing ol Israel is, in essence, the sto­ Meclcalc.nter Professi01181 Bldg. ry of Aliyah. Western immigration 1515 Smith St.. 250 Eddie Dowling Highway It is one ol its chapters. must be No. Prov .. R.I. No. Smithfield, RJ. made a larger one because ol what Final Winners Of Essay Contest immigrants from the West can . 363-3240 Tel. 766-8080 contribute to Israel and because ol Announced in Award Ceremony Hours: TUISday and Holn: Monday. what Israel can contribute to Thurlday Wednesday and Friday them. Aliyah was never an easy The final winners in the essay gustine 's School in Providence, act. But to any Jew, conscious ol contest sponsored by the National grade 7; Catherine Allamby ol St. bis b¢tagc and laith, and sensi­ Conference of Christians and Jews Augustine's School, grade 8. and the Providence Public Library The committee which chose the tive to the major Jewish responsi­ CANTOtUS-E& bilities ol our times, it is the ulti­ to highlight Brotherhood Week, final winners included Scoll Cor­ mate challenge. With each passing February 16 tbrough February 23, bett, local author ol children's AMERICAN FOODS were announced at the award cere­ books; Dr. Raymond Picoui, pro­ year, the centrality ol Israel to Exotic Dishes and Drinks For Jewish life and the universality ol mony which was held on Monday, fessor ol elementary education at Jewish responsibility towards it be­ February 17, at the Providence Rhode Island College. and Dr. The "Epicurean" came ever more self evident. In Public Library. The winners from Joan Glazer, assistant professor of Beautiful New Cocktail lounge each grade as well as their librar­ elementary education al Rhode ls­ the end, the strength and peace ol Take-out Service For All Foods Israel, and hence ol the· Jewish ians received a gill certilicale for land College. world, depend upon the growth ol purchasing books. The a wards were made by Rte. 136, 549 Metacom Ave., Bristol The winners included David NCCJ's director, Charloue I. Israel and the quality ol its lile. Ample Parking 253-4484 The Jewish communities of the Cannistraci ol West View School Penn, and the children's coordina­ ,West have, as always, a decisive in Cranston, grade 5; Jill Lyons ol tor ol the Providence Public . Li­ A Fl,NE RESTAURANT TO ENJOY role to play." Richmond School in Wyoming, brary, Cynthia Neal, who coordi­ When You Enjoy Dining Out Mr. Rabin concl uded his lcner grade 6; James Malloy ol St. Au- nated the entire program. Serving the Best Chinese Cuisine and by saying, " I call , therefore, upon our fellow Jews in the free world Philharmonic To Present Our Famous Pupu Platters to join wi th us here, 10 sliare in PARTY FACILITIES AVAILABLE the building ol our society a nd to Sun. thru Fri. 12 to 12 Saturday 3 to 12 make their direct, personal contri­ All Tschaikovsky Concert bution to Israel, whatever the The Rhode Island Philharmonic delssohn's Violin Concerto. hardships. For Israel is the central will present an all Tchaik ovsky Playing a 1734 Guarneruis, said historic, human and moral enter­ concert on Saturday, February 22, to be one of , the bcsl instruments prise ol ou r generation. It beckons al 8:30 p.m. al Veterans Memorial of the Cremona school, · his tone is the best of our people lo take up Auditorium. The concert will be remarkable lor both control and the challenge and come." conducted by Francis Madeira a nd beautiful shading. WELLESLEY Mr. Sapir said during a recent the guest artist will be Ruggiero He has become well-known visit to the US that increased Jew­ Ricci, violinist. throughout the world not only for ish im migration to Israel is crucial The concert will include the his appearance with orchestras, X-RAY ASSOCIATES to the Jewish state's future, ad­ Polonaise from the opera " Eugene but for hi s many solo recitals. ding, "it is even more important Onegin," the Violin Concerto in D Further information may be ob­ than the su pply of arms and rais­ Major and Symphony No. 4 in F tained al the oflice ol the Philhar­ ing money." Minor. monic, 19 the Arcade, or by ca ll ­ MICHAEL A. DeLUCA, M.D. In addition to Mr. Dayan and Mr. Ricci, born in 1920, began ing 831 -31 23. and Mr. Eban, a selected group of studying the violin al live with his OIL RESERVOIR speakers, among them former lather and made his debu t in San T E L' AVIV : Oil geologi s ts NICHOLAS D. IANNUCCILLI, M.D. Americans who immigrated to Is­ Francisco, California at the age of drilling in the Ramall ah region of rael, Israeli intellectuals, scientists eight. A year later, he made his the West Bank have indicated they and others will meet with groups New York debu t playing Men- arc about to lap a rescrvior of oil Wish to Announce the Opening estimated to contain seven billion Jeune Afrique Editor Says No Mid East War barrels, 100 times Israel's annual of their Practice in the Specialty o il requirements, The news touched Ben Ahmed, editor-in­ A""°rding to Ahmed the Arabs PARIS: off a slight ri se in o il shares on the of Diagnostic Radiology chief of Jeune Afriquc, writes that have become a mighty financial Te l A viv stock excha nge, but at in his opinion there will be no war power, thanks to their o il , and in investors wi th past experience of oil between Israel and the Arab states. this position of vested strength arc Wellesley Medical Center fi nds that fai led to materiali ze arc In a recent leading article Ahmed less and less interested in war. acting wi th caution. The director of declared that he has not met a According to the writer the Israel is the oil exploration and investment in arc also aware that the Arabs of single rcspon iblc offteal Egypt, department of the Treasury said to 1975 - inclusive of Arafat - arc Syria or I rael who i "prepared p la ns a re ready to develo p the desirous of solving their dispute 1515 SMITH ST. Ille the respon ibility for involving Ramalla h site if positive resul ts arc with Israel and arc "prepared to this country. and perhaps the entire achieved. He added, however, that recognize a state of Israel with NO. PROVIDENCE, R.I. world , in the catastrophe that it would take more than a year to borders of 1947, or even of 1967. If would follow from a military raise the necessary money to start only Israel were to give up its confrontation between America working the site. 353-1600 and the Soviet Union, which is a dream of taking over all of real possibility in case of renewed Palestine, then peace would surely cwspapers bring you closer to fightin1 in the Middle East." come,'" Ahmed concludes. your community, i • H f. ; T 12-THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1975 FLU IN JERUSALEM Lax Discipline, Command Breakdown, JERUSALEM: . Despite the private firms are all feeling the Health Ministry's insistent denials, pinch as the highly communicable an epidemic of innuenza seems to disease rages through departments. be sweeping the nation's capital. Health officia l s deny the Among Problems During Yom Kippur War Thousands are bed-ridden, running "epidemic," but local doctors are (Continued from page 10) The commission was particularly General Gonen of insubordination high fevers and suffering the unanimous in their assessment that The commission's main points harsh in its conclusions about Maj. when he resisted an order to attack torments of aching limbs and heavy there is indeed a bug on the loose in included the following: Gen. Shmuel Gonen, who was a dense concentration of Egyptian heads. Government offices and the capital. BREAKDOWN OF FIELD commander of the southern front . forces in the closing days of the INTELLIGENCE - noting that at the time and was suspended from war. this branch, like all others, was active duty a year ago. -It found that General Sharon caught by surprise, the report It found that he had failed to had been justified in his efforts to STOREWIDE CLEARANCE stated: "To a great extent, prepare adequately for a suprise have the order countermanded at a intelligence was responsible for the attack, deployed his forces badly, higher level and that his protests faults during the fighting. In the failed to check the bttle plans of his over what he was being asked to do ANGIE'S DRESS SALON opening days, field intelligence subordinate commanders. The were "consistant with with military practically did not operate." commission concluded that it was discipline." Dresses--Coats--Suits LAX DISCIPLINE - Noting up to the army to decide General In addition to Justice Agranat, that "an undisciplined army is Gonen's future but said that he was the commission was composed of 44 1 Angell St. Prov. doomed to sink in a swamp of not capable of holding a regional Prof. Yigal Yadin and Haim faults and mishaps," the command such as the one he held Laskov, both former Chiefs of during the war. , Staff: Yitzhak Nebensahl, the Open 9-5:00 daily Mon. thru Sat. commission concluded that the generally relaxed attitude toward The commission exonerated Maj. Comptroller, and , a discipline in' the Israeli Army Gen. Ariel Sharon, accused by Supreme Court justice. during routine periods adversely affected its performance during the Says Israel Has Nuclear Capacity / war itself. "Thanks to a readiness SAN FRANCISCO: Dr. Hans Israeli-Arab connict will erupt by VI'S BEAUTY SHOPPE to ' sacrifice and the ability to Morgenthau, former adviser to the spring. He forcast that such a new improvise," the commission said, 516 WARWICK AVE: U.S. Defense Dept., declared here war would· be even bloodier than "the army got out of the fix to a at a press conference that Israel has the last, and equally indecisive. He great extent. But who knows what ALL PHASES of BEAUTY CULTURE the definite nuclear weapons was confident that Israel could faults could have been prevented capability, if faced with a threat to withstand the ordeal and preserve from the outset if there was more ELECTROLYSIS TREATMENTS her existence in a new war, of its national existence. Dr. discipline." smashing the Aswan Dam from the Morgenthau further declared that INADEQUATE DEFENSIVE Af6t 'Bee& ReHfot6 Aooifolife. air and inundating a large part of the major powers will be unahle to MEASURES ON THE SYRIAN Miss Dottie Miss VI · Egyptian soil. avert a new war, because the FRONT - The commission Israelis and the Arabs have vital conclu~ll'ihat although the north­ 781-5270 467-5563 Dr. Morgenthau was willing to interests in the area that are ern command had detected some lay odds of 10 to I that a new " irreconcilable." of the Syrians' preparations for war, it misread the enemy's in ::: tentions and failed to take the steps necessary to prepare for to­ HARRY GOLDEN t a) war rather than a limited at­ tack. as bad shape as it is now. The farm­ COMMANDBREAKDdWN (Continued from page 9) ers were laden with debt and the ON THE SOUTHERN FRONT be a powerful incentive for the cap­ working man with long hours. - The commission concluded that ital's constituency to instruct the Strikes were bloody and prices the southern command had failed police to study proper police proce­ went up at planting and down at to ~arry out the major objectives dure. harvesting. outlined by the Chief of Staff in the Since it was this constituency in William Jennings Bryan, the early days of the war, failed to the main who was arrested, one Democratic presidential nominee, control its forces adequately and cannot predict how far they will go. proposed to remedy this by the in­ failed to understand the battle We Need Another Bryan novation of bimetalism. The coun­ correctly as it developed. Back in 1896 the country was in try operated on the gold standard. • Our craftsmen wdl make oil chips disappear The argument was that the gov­ Israeli Military Men Reluctant ernment also conserve silver, an RHODE ISLAND. GLASS equally precious metal, and issue money against its reserves. This 375 WASHINGTON ST 421 -41 31 would create more money to help PLENTY OF FREE PARKING To Give Up Egyptian Passes farmers reduce debt and workmen MILTA PASS, Israeli-Occupied A Strategic Bastion Jo earn overtime. Egypt: Israeli authorities sought to He stressed that from the heights Bryan proposed a ratio of 16 to I underscore their reluctance to give Israeli forces could repel· a n - for every $16 in gold the govern­ up the Milla Pass and the nearby Egyptian force as much as seven ment issue $ I in silver. This con­ Gidi Pass in the current round of times larger and could carry out vinced the rank and file of the op­ PIERCE & ROSENFIELD two American-sponsored Egyptian­ counterattacks. pressed that if they had one silver MEAT & POUL TRY MARKET , Israeli negotiations. General Evan said that in I 956, dollar upon Bryan's election it ., e,• l c· . While Mr. Kissinger was meeting when Israeli forces first captured would magically turn into 16 silver 136 OAKLAND AVE . (across from Temple Beth David) with Israeli leaders in Jerusalem to the Milla Pass, only to return it dollars. exp lore Israel' s negot iat ing later, their losses had been heavy. It was a harebrained scheme. po si tion , the 14 reporters He predicted that the losses again Bryan intended no such transfor­ accompanying him on his current would be heavy if Israel returned mation. But he never learned that it Middle East tour were ferried by the pass to Egypt a nd then had to does not really matter how much 1.99 helicopters to a military strip near take it back. money there is. it matters how fast here. They were then taken by bus At present, he said, Israel's it circulates. up a winding mountain road to a regu lar forces could hold the passes In advocating free silver, how­ military observation post about 25 and a general mobilization would ever, Bryan also advocated other miles from the Suez Canal and not be needed if there was some reforms - an eight-hour work day, 2.69 about 15 miles from Egyptian suspicious activity in Sinai. Also, the right of working men to strike forces o n the eastern side of the he said the passes were equipped without federal injunctions, the JA 1 3888 WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE canal. with electroni c detection devices abolition of child labor. These re­ - OF KOSHER FROZEN FOODS On this slightly overcast day, that provide Israel with intelligence forms went on the agenda and in the canal and the town of Suez on Egyptian movements. some way they helped revive a cou ld be seen on the horizon. In the " I think it's very clear what is my stalled economy later. The dis­ foreground, a dozen Israeli tanks answer," he emphasized in regard covery of gold in Alaska also practiced desert manuevers, raising to relinquishing the pass. helped and the failure of the world clouds of dust. Because of the general's firm wheat crop made life easier for El Dorado Restaurant The Israe li s' purpose in view on the passes, a representative American farmers, if not other arranging the seven-hour trip was from the Ministry of Information farmers. Elegant dining at reasonable prices. not merely to show the pass but interrupted to remind the visitors We need some harebrained rather to emphasize how important the general was not speaking for scheme today which will preoccupy they considered the passes to the Government. our attention by promising ease Complete dinners Israel's security. "Jackie speaks of the passes from and comfort and will make more President Anwar cl-Sadat has a military point of view," said palatable the reforms we need. It is as low as $4.00 said that he wants to recover the David Farhi, director general of the amazing the good people will do passes in this round of Ministry. " The political side has to themselves if they think they will do with the intentions of the other get rich by doing them. Children half price negotiations. Israel has said that they can be turned over only in side and this has to be provided Taxing imported oil SJ a barrel is on a II dinners except lobster return for a written longterm with negotiations. " not harebrained enough, nor arc in­ pledge of non-belligerency. There arc found important come-tax rebatrd.rebates. We tried Dinners served The briefing officer was Brig . passes in the· western Sinai General war and wound up going broke. Tuesday thru Saturday 5-10 Gen. Jacob Evan. the 40-year-old Evan said. Besides Milla and Gidi, If you come down it free silver Sunday 12-8 commander of an armored division the most critical, there are two to might do. We need a candidate to in the Sinai. He fought in the 1967 the south of Milla - Wadi Ras Sur promise we will pay our deficits in and 1973 wars in this area and and Wadi Garandal. silver and do our shopping in gold. LuncMOn 11 :30-2 Tues. thru Fri. made it clear in blunt talk that he General Evan stressed what was saw no military reason for Israel lo apparent to the newsmen nying give up the Mitla Pass or any other over the area - its desolation and Herald advertisements bring to EL DORADO RESTAURANT pass. inhospitable bleakness . Its your doorstep a wide variety of 401 Clinton St., Woon., R.I. Asked whether Israel should be importance, he said, is that it gives merchandise and services. Take ad­ for ReservaI.ions Phone 767-196/ willing to give up the pass, General Israel 120 miles of additional vantage of the Herald before you - Evan said: "I. as a military man, protection against any Egyptian go out on your next shopping trip. ""ould like to remain in this area." attack . You may be ple-d antly ~urprised. ~~------:------~------THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD FRIDAY, F~BRUARY 21, 1975-1~ --- _ . -- .. ------1 .


American Nazi Party Member Wins Police Brutality Case Jews. resisting-arrest charge last summer A strapping former marine who 31, violated the civil rights of commemorating the Warsaw · During the fighting, Manley after four Nazi party members is now a lieutenant in the American Cedric N . Syrdahl, 36, of 3817 W. ghetto uprising of World War II. spofted Syrdahl with his fist testified in the federal case that Nazi party won a police-brutality Wrightwood, by breaking his nose Testimony during the. two day upraised over an elderly man, Manley did not shout the order. case in U.S . . District Court last with a nightstick. trial before Judge Prentice according to the testimony. - ELECTED . week stemming from a 1973 fracas Syrdahl, a member of the Marshall showed \hat before the The policeman said in court that HAIFA: Colonel (Res . ) here between Nazis and Jewish National Socialist White People's fighting broke out the 6-foot- Syrdahl ignored a command to Menahem Zehavi has been elected survivors of the Auschwitz Party, was charged with resisting 3-inch, 240-pound Syrdahl had' "break it up" during the fight, but to the post of Vice President for concentration camp. arrest after a brawl outside the been marching in front of the hotel said he did not remember clubbing Administration and Finance at the A six-member jury found that Pick-Congress Hotel, where a and shouting anti-Semitic threats the plaintiff. Technion - Israel Institute of Chicago Police Lt. Frank Manley, Jewish group was holding a service and obscenities at the arriving Syrdahl was acquitted of the Tech!lology. \

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of our 49 convenient offices. He'll show you 100,000 500.00 541 .67 804.17 62!1.00 how to start getting something c.lcullllll1N11lO-,-lACWl-wlw,~tolfll,_Gldlylinlldl-. extra from your savings ... monthly FEDERAL LAW AND REGULATION PROHIBIT THE PAYMENT OF TIME DEPOSITS PRIOR TO MATURITY UNLESS THREE MONTHS OF THE INTEREST THEREON IS FORFEITED AND interest payments by mail. INTEREST ON THE AMOUNT WITHDRAWN 18 REDUCED 10 THE PASS900K RATE. INBANK Industrial National Bank Something extra ' .' \ • ~ \ ,' r I i 1 , • 1 ~ •, I n ~\ , ., 14-THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1975

MAY NOT BE KOSHER JERUSALEM: The possibility FBI Investigation Of Arab Terrorists ORGANIZATION · that a large quantity of sacramental wine made in Israel and exported To Be Scrutinized By Senate Committee for Passover use may not be NEWS "Kosher l'Pcsach" is being WASHINGTON: Efforts of the woul d be provided with evidence of Center in Dallas. He was not an investigated by the Chief Federal Bureau of Investigation lo F.B.I. domestic intelligence American citizen, although he was TO TALK ON PLANTS Rabbinate. The mailer is not one of combat Arab guerrilla terrorism - ope r ations against a lleged a graduate of Southern Illinois Richard of Raymond 'Frye Flor­ intentional fraud but the unwilling the efforts a ll egedly included a Palestinian terrorist groups. The University. ist will speak on the care of house use of alcohol fermented from burglary of the Arab Information evidence was said lo include Dr. Munir Bayoud, an American plants and floral arrangements at cornstarch instead of fruits. Center in Dallas by Government statements by L. Patrick' Gray, 3d citizen of Palestinian descent and ihe meeting of the Mothers' Asso­ Cornstarch is " hamclz." agents - are likely to come under former director of the F.B.I. the present director of the Dallas ciation of Temple Beth David-An­ the scrutiny of a new Senate C.I.A. Request Reported office, said in a telephone interview shei Kovno on Monday, February committee, according lo Senate According to sources on the now that he did not believe that Dr. 24, at 8 p.m. sources. defunct Senate Watergate Ramahi was in any way involved in The new commitlee, 'Select committee, Mr. Gray testified that terrorist operations. "He wouldn't APPOINT COMMITTEE Commillee lo Study Governmental as acting F.B.I. director he hurl a fly ," Dr. Bayoud said. A commitlee has been appoint­ Operations With Respect to authorized an illegal entry of the He added that Dr. Ramahi had ed t6 plan The Miriam Hospital's Intelligence Activities, headed by Arab Information Center in Dallas mentioned to him that he "lost" a 49th Annual Meeting to be held Senator Frank Church, Democrat in the fa ll of 1972 to obtain a list of briefcase that contained a mailing on Tuesday, May 13, at the Led­ SPECIALISTS IN THE o f Ida ho, has not begun active 94 alleged Al Fatah agents. The list li st of names of Arab students a"nd gemont Country Club in · Seekonk, WORLD'S FINEST CHEESES investigations or fini shed selecting allegedly belonged to Dr. Seif Wadi others of Arab descent in the Massachusetts. 116 Wayland Ave. 274-7177 a staff. But well-paced Capitol Hill Ramahi, the director of the center. United States. "I think the F.B.I. Committee members include sources said that the committee Mr. Gray, according to the u sed this li s t lo harass these Jane Nelson, chairman; Dr. Alden Watergate committee sources, gave people," Dr. Bayoud said. Blackman, Dr. Abraham Horvitz, , the same information to the Recently Visa Denied Bette Brown, Marilyn Danger and - I Watergate special prosecutor. It is Dr. Ramahi, Dr. Bayoud said, is Lawrence Zelkind. TENNIS PRACTICE now charge d'affaires in Libya for flVE INDOOR PRACTICE COURJS the Watergate committee's material on F.B.I. operations that will the United Arab Emirates. He said TO INSALL OFFICERS WITH TENNIS IALl MACHINES ADJUSTED reportedly be given to the Senate that Dr. Ramahi was out of the Officers and members of the TO MATCH YOUR GAME. committee. country in the fa ll of 1972 on a board of directors of Congregation 1 The operation was mounted, Mr. honeymoon and was refused a re­ Mishkon Tfiloh and its Men·s 2.50 PER Va HOUR Gray reportedly said, because the entry visa by ·1he United States Club will be installed on Sunday, 1 PER HOUR F.B.I. had been told that the authorities. Government sources February 25, at 7 p.m. A suppe­ 4.00 documents might contain a list of confirmed this. rette will be served. IIVERDILE TENNIS RANGE names of men involved in planned assassinations in the United States. Former senior United ~tales intelligence officers said that they ARRANGE FOR LECTURES The operation, which was The Minyanaires of Temple v1=.:,~~ :.rt~~l a2a-102.s mentioned briefly in Newsweek believed the Dallas operation was Emanu-EI have arranged for a magazine in 1973, obtained a list of "full y justified" in the light of information the United States had special series of lectures on the 94 names written in Arabic with challenges facing the State .of Is­ addresses in the United States and received and the acts of terrorism occurring a lm ost weekly in this rael today. Canada, according lo Watergate The first speaker wi ll be Profes­ STEVEN MEDICAL BLDG. committee sources. period. They pointed out that in July, 1973, a n Israeli military sor Steven Ross of the faculty of "EW BLDG. FOR PHYSICIANS The F.B.I. was acting on a altache, Col. Yosef Alon, was the Naval War College at New­ CRANSTON - 712 OAKLAWN AVE. requesi from the Central murdered by gunmen in his home port who will speak ·on "The Mili­ Intelligence Agency, according to in C h evy Chase, Md., near tary Situation in the Middle CUSTOM DESIGNED SUITES - 1000 SQ. FEET committee sources. The CJ.A., in Washington. The killers have never East. " He will appear on Sunday, CARPETING - AIR CONDITIONED - PARKING turn, was following up on been found. February 23, at 10 a.m. intelligence received from foreign NOW 'LEASING FOR JUNE 1 OCCUPANCY A spokesman for the F.B.I. Other speakers will be Professor governments that believed the declined to comment on these Marshall Goldman of the faculties CALL FOR APPT. 121-3343, 944-1469 international Palestinian · terrorists various activities before Clarence of Wellesley College and Harvard were operati ng in the United M. Kelley, director of the F.B.I., University on March 2; Dr. Mor­ States, these sources said. gives his testimony. ton Siegel of the Jewish Theo­ The Dallas operation was part of Mr. Jabara sued the F.B.I. in logical Seminary on Sunday, slepp~d-up counterintelligence 1972, after becoming convinced March 9, and Professor Yair acti vities against Arab terrorists that the agency had put him under Mundlak of Hebrew University, a LllNDSCllPIN6 following the massacre of Israeli surve ill ance, he said in the visiting professor at Harvard Uni­ athletes at Munich in the Olympic interview. He was later joined in versity, and Professor Benjamin Games of 1972. At the same lime, a the suit by the American Civil Chinitz on March 16. WALDEN Governmentwide operation against Liberties Union. COMPLETE LANDSCAPING SERVICES terrorist ac tivities, dubbed In answer to Mr. Jabara's PURIM CARNIVAL LIGHT TRUCKING "operation boulder," was ordered "interrogatories" in his suit, the The Temple Emanu-EI USY FREI SPRING CLEANUP WITH by President Nixon. F.B.I. said that it had kept track of will hold its annual Purim Carniv­ SEASONAL LAWN MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT There a ppea red to be a link his activities as far back as August, al on Sunday, February 23 from between the Dallas incident and the 1967. The F.B.I. said th at it 11 :30 a.m. to 3:30 p.11) . surveillance of Abdeen M. Jabara, monitored his conversations when There will be games and prizes CALL 231-4909 a Detroit lawyer, which the F.B .I. it picked him up as a result of and an added atlraction of a has acknowledged in Federal cour.l. " lawful national security electronic "Slave Auction" where members The F.B.I.' said that it monitored 40 su rveillance conducted to obtain of the USY will be auctioned off conversations of Mr. Jabara, an foreign intelligence." to do odd jobs for the purchaser. American citizen, when he talked with persons being wiretapped. LES PETITS FOURS Questions Were Asked Syrian President Urges Arabs "I-TISSERIE PAl'IISIENNE It also acknowledged asking questions about Mr. Jabara and To Resist 'Partial Settlement' CROt·S!!ANTS • BRIOCHES making reports on his speeches 111511 HOf'E ST. PIIOVIOENC:IE, R. I. 0290!1 even though it said he is not the BEIRUT, Lebanon: President visited Damascus last week and subject of a criminal investigation. Hafez al-Assad of Syria is urging reportedly brought no prospect of TEL ,3 t-'1011 Mr. Jabara said in a telephone other Arab nations lo resist any new Israeli withdrawal on the .,30 f',M . Of'EN SUNDAY I A,M, TO 9 f'.M. interview that he was in contact "partial settlements" in the Middle Golan Heights in the near future, if 1 CLOIE0 MON0AY with Dr. Ramahi in 1972 on "Legal East that could divide the Arabs. at all. problems that Dr. Ramahi had." 'Foreign Minister Abdel Halim Al Baath, the official organ of Dr. Ramahi was a Palestinian Khaddam has carried messages President Asaad·s ruling Baahlist who was employed by the Arab expressing the Syrian President's party, called for greater Arab unity League lo run the Information concern over Secretary of State "on all fronts," either for the Eaton's Kissinger's step-by-step approach establishment of peace or to BREEDS RADICALISM toward a peace setllement to King prepare for the "coming battle." Boxed Stationery BONN: Economic recession and Faisal of Saudi Arabia, Sheik Syria wants the negotiations to decreasing dissatisfaction with the Sabah al-Salem al-Sa bah of Kuwait be transferred immediately lo the NOW AVAILABLE AT West German government have and Sheik Zayed bin Sultan a l­ Geneva peace conference for a 1 established the pre-conditions for Nahiyan, the ruler of Abu Dhabi comprehensive round of talks on ASSOCIATED radicalism which makes victims of and President of the United Arab all the territorial and political 19 SUMMER ST. PAWTUCKET 726-0038 Jews, Heinz Galinski, leader of the Emirates. issues, including the rights of the West Berlin Jewish community, According to diplomatic sources Palestinian people to form a state. (ACROSS FROM THE Y ANO NEXT TO THE t/lRARY) said at a ceremony marking the in Kuwait, Mr. Khaddam has " We shall continue to provide all PRESENT THIS COUPON FOR DISCOUNT 30th anniversary of the liberation warned against the danger of a chances for a just political TED LOEBENBERG SHELDON BLOOMBERG of Auschwitz. He charged that military "neutralization" of Egypt settlement, but we will not hesitate West German universities were the through a partial withdrawal by for a single moment lo prepare for breeding grounds for radicals who, Israel in the Sinai Peninsula linked the battle." Al Baath declared. he claimed, exploited the apathy of to a commitment lo nonbeligerency Soviet arms deliveries to Syria A NICE PLACE FOR LUNCHEON OR DINNER the mass of students. He said il is a by President Anwar el-Sadat. since the war in October, 1973, FF .\ Ff "/U.\'f,' sad fact that 30 years after 011 Countries Giving Aid have reportedly more than replaced Auschwitz, Jewish properly in West GOOD FOOD ( at realistic, reasonable prices ) The importance of Saudi Arabia, all weapons lost by Syria in the Germany had to be protected by Kuwait and Abu Dhabi is that they fighting and some advanced COCKTAILS. HEINEKEN 'S on draught, WINES the police. Galinski, who is a are major oil producers and are weapons, such as M IG-23 aircraft OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK survivor of Auschwitz, urged the providing billions of dollars in and improved air defense systems West German government lo take JO A M Tu ,o P M MON TU THUTI S OPIN TO I A Ill . FR I & SA T military and economic support to have also been delivered to the action al!ainsl German elements Egypt, Syria and to a lesser extent, Syrians. who describe the horror of lhe Jordan and the Palestine Liberation Ara b leaders are engaged in 12 WATERMAN AVENUE concentration camp as a " lie ." Organization. intensive consultations on issues EA ST PR O VIDEN CE Syria·, concern over the course raised by Mr. Kissinger's visit, with 0 1/ER THE BRIDG E 3 out of 5 housewives read news­ of Dr. Kissinger' s step-by-step representatives of President Sadat FTI O M THE EA ST SIDE paper food ads prior lo shopping approach lo a Middle East and King Faisal delivering for groceries. settlement sharpened after he messages lo Arab capitals. THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1975-15 -✓ TARTAKOWSKYS TO LEAVE the Studenl Struggle for Soviet NEW YORK: Yuli Jewry. Tartakowsky, who was one Jacob Ashkenazi Insists On Remaining Tartakowsky, a Soviet Jewish of the main organizers of the Babi­ activist, and his mother, Esther, Y ar demonstrations, and his In Abandoned Town Of El Tur In Israel have been given permission to leave mother have been seeking exit visas the Soviet Union and are expected for 2 1/, years. Tartakowsky was EL -TUR: Israeli-occupied General Sharon, who is opposed to 20,000 Moslem pilgrims who to depart by February 3, it was under intense pressure from Soviet Egypt-Jacob Ashkenazi knows any kind of Israeli withdrawal from pass~d through each year on their reported by the National authorities and recently was in that everyone thinks he is crazy and Sinai, is also an old friend of w a y t o M e c c a . T h e Conference on Soviet Jewry and hiding, the SSSJ reported. he is delighted about it. Cobi's. pilgrims-mostly from Egypt and "The crazier they think I am, the "As far as Arik is concerrled, I o I h e r N o r I h A fr i c a n better," he says with a foxy smile. can stay here forever," Cobi says countries-came by ship from Suez "Then maybe they'll leave me alone with a selfsatisfied chuckle. and put in at El. Tur on both legs of sybll,,. goldman and let me live in peace." Cobi has ignored several official the journey to be immunited pers.onolized stationery If Mr . Ashkenazi-by his notices ordering hirii to vacate El against various diseases that were nickname, "Cobi"-has his way, he Tur and has refused, he says, a cash prevalent in Saudi Arabia at the and invitations will go on living in this abandoned offer from the government to time of the annual Haj pilgrimage. Egyptian town on the eastern shore rel ocate in Israel. Cobbi first came here in the 1956 of the Gulf of Suez, lolling on the Most recently he has lodged a Sinai campaign as a paratrooper fine sand beach, hauling fresh suit demanding that he receive the fighting with the units that pushed lobsters from the blue water and same tax credits and other benefits down the east coast of the gulf to by oppointment pulling dates down from the tall that are extended to the residents of Sharm el Sheik. He fell in love with royal plams that fringe the 'nearby the development town that is under El Tur then, but it wasn't until after phone 942-2216 oasis. construction at Sharm el Sheik. June, 1967, when Israel seized the 331-0753 "I love this place," he says. "It's Shmuel Tamir, a prominent lawyer area, that he ·could leave his home heaven." who also happens to be a leader of in Zikhron Yaaqov, near Haifa, Cobi's days in his own private the rightwing opposition an d and move here. heaven may be limited. The Israeli opposed to Israeli withdrawal, has " I was bored in the north," he MU SIC ... styled by ernment is pressing him to agreed to take the case says. "It was all so dull and ndon El Tur and move to the "Tamir will win it if anybody co nventional. People don't realize ~ town at Sharm cl Sheik, near can,"Cobisaysconfidently. it, but Is rael can be a very southern tip of the Sinai Cobi believes reasons other than 'i conventional place." ~ Ir Glenn insula, or back to Israel proper. security are behind the campaign to - - ' ~~ His solitary presence here creates a oust him from El Tur...... security problem for the "Bureaucrats h ate authorities, since he would be easy nonconformists, " h e says, .• .,.,,....~ -~~17•,R,.,-r ·,·.,•.·. Jordan prey for an Egyptian raiding party "particularly Israeli bureauccats. It GOOD FOOD from across the narrow gulf. drives them crazy when people MODERATELY PRICED WEDDINGS-- DANCES insist on doing things their own MENU Because of this danger, the military FLAMING PUPU government in charge of Sinai way." _ PLATTER FOR 2 •s ~ BAR MITZVAHS decided after the October, I 973, Al th ough he admi ts he is war to ban any Israel settlement in stubborn , 38-year-old Cobi insists El Tur. that he is no hermit. " I like people Cranston Israeli Families Gone and enjoy having company," he Private Parties Our Specialty The five Israeli families who had said. He is currently staving off been living here as an experiment loneliness with lllana, a 22-year-old 785-0434 since 1971 agreed to go quietly. Israeli whom he introduced as his They had all had a bad scare on the housekeeper. morning of October 6, 1973, when They make their home in a small the Egyptians launched their but comfortable house near an old surprise attack. They were hotel that someone has dubbed ,. evacuated to Tel Aviv by the Israeli "Eitur Hilton." Cobi has decorated Army. When the fighting was over the house with ships' clocks, sea they returned, packed their chests and giant turtle shells, which belongings and moved ·out of El he found on the beach and in Tur. deserted houses. A bathtub sits in But not Cobi, who is fast gaining his frontyard and he takes a a reputation as the stubbornest sunbath in it every day. Howtos~end man in Israel-or rather, Egypt. He El Tur is a ghost town. Only a dug in his heels and refused to few Bedouin camp occasionally in leave, arguing that he had a valid the buff-colored buildings, most of residence permit issued by the which are roofless now and full of , 2weeksin the sun military government in February, bats and birds' nests. I 971, that can be cancelled only by Before the I 967 \var, El Tur was mutual agreement or by order of a thriving port with a permanent Maj. Gen. Ariel Sharon, who was population of about 5,000. It without getting then commander in the area. served as a quarantine station for Relations Cool that Secretary of:- Defense James R. Schlesinger favors an American Between Clergy, military base near Sharm el Sheikh b -ed. on the Sinai peninsula. the denial Israeli Authorities came after MK Shulamit Aloni, JERUSALEM: Prior to the Yorn head of Israel's Civil Rights Party, Kippur War, relations between the told a Tel Aviv press conference Israeli authorities and the Catholic that Schlesinger favored such a clergy were excellent. In the historic move after Sinai has been demilitarized and the Suez Canal Those exciting, exotic, carefree meeting at the Vatican between v.acations you read about always cost Pope Paul VJ and Golda Meir, the reopened to world shipping. more than it says in the travel folders. Pope twice thanked the Israeli Ms. Aloni, who recently returned And if you haven't saved enough Premier for the manner in which to Israel after a speaking tour. in the to cover the extra expenses, your dream Israel was caring for _the shrines U.S., did not disclose the source of vacation could turn into a nightmare. holy to Christendom. her information. She said the So start building your vacation · Now, after the Yorn Kippur Israeli government should fund now. With U.S. Savings Bonds. War, with the Arabs feeling a encourage the establishment of Buy them through the Payroll Savings such a base-:-"r he leader of the Civil Plan where you work. greater confidence, the formerly That way, your money will work as good relations between the Rig~ts Party, who resigned from the government after the National hard as you do.' And you'll have a solid -Catholi1, clergy and the Israeli nest egg tucked away to cover your author ities have considerably Religious Party rejoined Premier big holiday in the sun. cooled. The arrest and conviction Yitzhak Rabin's coalition U.S. Savings Bonds. Because a of Archbishop Capucci, who was government, asserted that vacation shouldn't break your heart. found guilty of collaborating with Schlesinger had the suJ11)ort of Or your budget. other U.S. leaders, including a the terrorists, has also been a Now E Bonda pay 6,ig interest when held to m11turit.Y of factor. Not only the Catholics but number of Senators, for the idea of 6 years (4.H" the finl year). Bonda are replaced if loet, atolen or destroyed. When needed, they ca n be cashed al other Christian sects as well establi shing a base. your bank. Interest is not subject to at.ate or local income taxes, and federal tax may be d.eferred until redemption. refrained from condemning his Family Jump deeds. It even went so far that an TIBERIAS: In a recent military official representative of the exercise four brothers of a single Vatican joined a delegation which family participated in a parachute formally petitioned the Israeli jump. Two of the four had served government to release Father in a parachute brigade during the Capucci. Those pleading his case in Yorn Kippur War. The other two no way disassociated themselves had just completed their training. from his criminal acts. Their mother, who witnessed the The culmination point came mass parachute jump said, "Of later, in a rebuff which has no course I was very proud. But when precedent in the history of Israel: I saw all of my children jumping The Catholic clergy Ignored an out of airplanes I felt my heart o fficial invitation from the beating very fast". Their father, President of Israel to visit him so who also witnessed the maneuver, that he could greet them on the new remarked that if the army would year. only allow it, he would have been DmlesUSfa-,_, prepared to jump together with his WASHINGTON: A Pentagon sons. This parachuting family came spokesman has stated that "there is to Israel from Iraq and settled in nothing to substantiate the report" Tibcrias. ' • 16-THE RHODE ISI:..A;ND'HERi\:LD; FRIDAY, FEBRUARY'21, 1975

Adults read one or more news• Herald subscribers comprise an TO ESTABLISH FOREST LOS ANGELES: A Jack Benny papers in markets of all sizes. active buying market. For excellent Israeli Cabinet To Se.I Up , Memorial Forest will be established results, advertise in the Herald. on the outskirts of Jerusalem "so Call 724-0200 or 724-0202. Committee On Military Matters Michael's that the name of . one of America's ~ . TEL A VIV: The Israeli Cabinet various parties and factions that greatest sons will be forever in Originals ADMINISTRATOR voted to set up .a ministerial make up Premier Rabin's coalition Israel." CAMPTEVYA committee to decide on military Governmenl. presents Brookline, N.H. operations. Aharon Yariv, who resigned last Administrator to handle physical si~e of This authority had resisted week as Minister of Information, camp management working clos~ly with ' officially with the full Cabinet but · cited the delay in creating the "THE the director of this highly regarded co­ ed Jewish Summer Camp "in its 36th i n practice ' the cabinet was committee as one of hi~ grievances TANK" season. Comp related experience A sometimes bypassed. over the Government's "mode of by plus. A commission that conducted an operation." Cartier's WRITE OR CAU: inquiry into th'e reasons for Israel's The late Premier Levi Eshkol set Arnold Cohen unpreparedness for the Arab up a small ministerial committee in c/o Camp Tevya assault in October, 1973, reported the nineteen-sixties. But when he 66 Prospect St. that full and up-to-date security brought Moshe Dayan and his Rafi Manchester, N.H. 03\04 information could not be provided party .and Menachem Begins Gahal Tel: 603-668-7610 ,ORDER to the entire Cabinet because of a bloc into his Government on the "serious problem of leakage." • eve of the I967 war, the committee ' According\y the report said a had to be enlarged to accommodate Having A Party? "focus of consultations" took place all the parties and the factions in in special groups selected by the the parties. - ·NOW! CALL Premier - Golda Meir at the time The committee then comprised For the new year ••• of the war - without Government 17 of the 24 members of the • PERSONALIZED U RENT-ALLS authorization. Cabinet and had virtually ceased to The Cabinet decision provided exist. CHRISTMAS CARDS that Premier Yitzhak Rabin should for less than regular cards Tables Chairs D.ishes head the ministerial committee. He • W,2 FORMS Champagne Fountains is expected to nominate the SHADES Your Company Nome lmj,rinted members, next week. The cabinet • CALENDARS decided the committee should not DRAPERIES 725-3779 be larger than half the size of the • LEDGER BOOKS full Cabinet, meaning there will be CARPETS • PAYROLL BOOKS a maximum of lO members. AYAIIAIII FROM SJOQ, T• ., I ,...... -r-. -.-- .. .,. .. ..-1,~-- IIOWI Wide Range of Authority W • nc.-. 819 Westi111ns1er St. A Cartier classic for all In addition to military 1195 No. Main St., Prov. Pr,,. ft.I. time. Cartier's famous operational matters, the committee Ol'EN MON. THRU SAl. TO 5:30 •511-5800. tank watch, the Roman will . decide on the military TUES, TILL 9 P.M. Free Parki~g numerals, the distinctive structure, deployment, GA l-395$ preparedness, equipment and case, the baby lizard supplies, research and development strap .. . need we say and will deal with basic matters of more? 17 jewel move­ 'intelligence. ment. At the correct The commission of inquiry into' the 1973 war, headed by Shimon price of $180.00 Agranat, President of the Supreme \11CHI\H D\\ARl:S Court, recommended the formation of a sm·all committee of min'isters.to Michaels · Originals deal with security affairs. Fine Jewelry The delay in implementation of the recommendation, made last 834 HOPE ST., PROV. April, was apparently due to 521-6519 pressures ~or inciusior by the Hours: Mon.Thro Sat: IQ lo 5:30 .Israel To Establish Semi-Official Agency Barrington Country Shop JERUSAL;EM: Israel is to have a . semi-official news agency which officials say will run on the lines of Egypt's "Middle East News Agency" (MENA) and of other - "government-guided" news · agencies that exist · in several countries. To be called "Israel News All STORES PRICES GOOD FEB. 21 TO FEB. 27 Service" (INS) , the new agency will offer a daily news and analysis service to local correspondents, KOSHER-HEBREW NATIONAL media-men and news agency SAVE bureaus. It will commission top MAY16-JUNU, 1975 PASTRAMI 1.00 LB. Israeli newsmen to write articles $2150 + 10%TAX&5HVIQ SLICED AS YOU LIKE ITI and assessments on major political, p.p.dbl.-. economic and social developments • Fllll T ESCOIITID FROM IOSTON aild will convey their material by • COWijuoslVE SIIIITTEf.iNG telex to news bureaus to make for • EVENINGS WITH ElITTJITAIIIMUT • NORTHWEST AIRllNES IUMIO 1m COHEN'S KOSHER fast transmission overseas. Stllll fer FIN Ir...... er NI 752-174' SAVE n c Details of the scheme were 19 1 revealed by information Minister BOW TIESwnHKASHE • 7PKG. Aharon Yariv, who is in overall charge of JNS. Yariv said a "dry . run" had begun two weeks ago to CITt_.__ ...;... __STATE ______iron out operational and technical MADE IN OUR OWN KITCHEN problems before the service as such MAIL 70.t.lPLES TIIAVE . IUIIUII. Mt ... St~ "-1or, 1111;, tlNI SAVE starts, perhaps within a month or -~----- _,.. ______COLESLAW 20'LB. two. POUND Senator Implies Israel Will Not Get CLASSIFIED HOPE STREET ONLY HOPE STREET ONLY All s2.5'Billion Aid CALL 724-0200 KOSHER FRESH MEATS TEL AVIV: S:n. James McClure. UNDER SUPERVISION OF VAAD HAKASHRUTH (R. Idaho) implied here that Israel should not expect to get all of the 3-Apartments for Rent 23 Painting, Papering OUR FRESH MEAT DEPT IS CLOSED S2.5 billion in American economic AT NOON ON FRIDAY AND ALL DAY SATURDAY CAMPBELL TERRACE, Pawtucket. Six SPEOAll Pointing, paperhanging. $55. o room. 10 days only. Trustworthy and military aid it has requested. rooms, second floor, boseboord service. 738-1974. Arriving here on a three-day visit, heat, recently -renovated. Minutes McClure noted that Israel's request lrom the East Side. Call 723-6670 3-)4 KOSHER-CUT FROM HEAVY STEER IEEF ofter 3 p.m. WHOLE came at a time of severe economic 41a-Situations Wanted difficulties in the U.S. 1,!~ He said that while he believed 19-General Services MOTHER TO BABYSIT in my home. SHOULDER ROASTS U.S. support for Israel would u.,,. in East Providence. low chil• continue, there were indications of SINAPI CONSTRUCTION CO., Now dren. -438-1S--9 . reluctance among Americans to commercial and residential. All kinds of remodeling. Vinyl siding. 43-Special Services KOSHER-CUT FROM HEAVY STEER IHF continue massive military 924-7804. assistance to Israel, especially in WHOLE GLASS BROKEN? Plexigloss, oturni- view of the controversy over the num storm doors repaired. For tef· _BRISKETS 1,!~ continuation of such assistance to 23-Palntlng, Papering vice call 27••9172 o, 72._3421 . South Vietnam and Cambodia. 2-28 The Senator also expressed PAINTING: Int.nor ond exterior. Wallpapering Hpertfy do,., Gener• HflNIStflNG: Furniture ond kite-hen doubt that Congress would agree to cobinets in antique or woodgrain PIO¥MIICI ,.,'"ffl