ASSOCIATION OF NEWSLETTER ANCIENT HISTORIANS No. 62 December 1993 NOTICES sia, (2) problems in ancient social history (especially sexuality, Calendar-year 1994 dues are due on January 1. family, demography), and (3) the Christianization of the Roman Paid-up members of AAH are entitled to a $12.80 (20% dis• Empire. We hope that each session will include a paper provid• count) annual subscription rate to the American Journal of ing a broad introduction to recent research and controversies. Ancient History. Write to: AJAH, Dept. of History, Robinson Two-page abstracts for papers of about twenty or thirty minutes Hall, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA 02138. (Please do not length should be sent to Robert Drews or Thomas J. McGinn no direct questions concerning AJAH to the Secretary-Treasurer; the later than October 1, 1994 (we hope to have a program com• journal is an entirely separate operation.) posed by December 1). Address: Dept. of Classical Studies, Van• Members with new books out, honors, or positions should derbilt University, Nashville, TN 37235. FAX 615-343-7261. E• notify me at the return address on the Newsletter (through April Mail
[email protected]. 1994, that is; subsequently notify my successor). What is report• ed is largely determined by what you submit. Jack Cargill PUBLICATIONS OF THE AAH Copies of PAAH 4 = Carol G. Thomas, Myth Becomes Histo• SECRETARY·TREASURER ELECTION ry: Pre-Classical Greece must be purchased from Regina Books, A new Secretary-Treasurer is to be elected at the AAH meet• P.O. Box 280, Claremont, CA 91711. Similarly, anyone interest• ing in Dayton in May 1994, at which time my own service reach• ed must deal directly with University Press of America, 720 es its constitutional two-term limit.