Matermorphoses: Motherhood and the Ovidian Epic Subject Mairéad McAuley University of Cambridge
[email protected] nec perit in toto quicquam, mihi credite, mundo, sed variat faciemque novat, nascique vocatur incipere esse aliud, quam quod fuit ante. Ovid Met. 15. 254-2561 Rather than treating women as somehow exceptional, I start from the question of what would have to change were we to take seriously the notion that a ‘person’ could normally, at least always potentially, become two. What would happen if we thought identity in terms that did not make it always spatially and temporally oppositional to other entities? Could we retain a notion of self-identity if we did not privilege that which is self-contained and self-directed? Christine Battersby, The Phenomenal Woman2 1 — I am grateful to the journal’s editors and anonymous reviewers for their helpful sugges- tions in improving the argument of this paper. I would also like to thank Andrea Doyle, Lawrence Hamilton and the audience of the University of Johannesburg’s Greek and Latin Studies Seminar for feedback on an earlier version. 2 — Battersby (1998) 2. Elsewhere Battersby argues: ‘We need to think individuality differ- ently, allowing for the potentiality for otherness to exist within it as well as alongside it. We need to theorise agency in terms of potentiality and flow. Our body-boundaries do not contain the self; EuGeStA - n°2 - 2012 124 MAIRÉAD MCAULEY Ovid’s Metamorphoses; my mother gave it me. Shakespeare, Titus Andronicus 4.1.42 In Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus, the association of women with the Latin language and with Ovid’s Metamorphoses is figured explicitly through Lavinia, daughter of Titus, who is raped and then mutilated by attackers who have read Ovid’s story of Philomela.