By David Holmgren

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By David Holmgren by David Holmgren Peak Oil & Permaculture Australian Tour Spring 2006 9/5/06 © 2006 2 A design system for sustainable living and land use Based on universal ethics and design principles A grass roots and international movement of practitioners, designers and organisations An empowering process for reclaiming our place in nature 9/5/06 © 2006 3 Permaculture One (1978) Bill Mollison & David Holmgren Permaculture: A Designers’ Manual (1988) Bill Mollison Permaculture: Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability (2002) David Holmgren 9/5/06 © 2006 4 Climax (post-modern Techno-Explosion cultural chaos) Green-Tech Stability Energy & Resource Use Creative Descent Population (Permaculture) Pollution Industrial(Modernism) Ascent Earth stewardship Pre-industrial Collapse sustainable culture Historical Time Future Time Agriculture Industrial Baby Boom Great Grand Old Growth 10.000yrs9/5/06 BP Revolution © 2006 Forest 5 HHooww wwiillll wwee ccooppee wwiitthh tthhee eenneerrggyy ddeesscceenntt ffuuttuurree?? 9/5/06 © 2006 6 Gardening for Food security, Garden greens & vegetables, greenhouse tomatoes Health & Conservation Kitchen garden raised beds Melliodora Harvesting pears Potatoes: staple food from the garden 9/5/06 ©2003Holmgren Design Services 7 Organic soil fertility building & maintenance Worm Farming Living soil; the basis of food security Mulching potatoes with cut grass Hot 9/5/06Composting ©2003Holmgren Design Services 8 Seasonal Food Culture Pasta making with children Sun drying fruit Pasta making 9/5/06 ©2003Holmgren Design Services Bottled fruit in earth cellar 9 Planinca eco community Slovenia Working with animals: yields & ecological services Black Australorp poultry; old breed suited to free range systems Milking goats: healthy food & living 9/5/06 ©2003Holmgren Design ServicesDucks in garden pond: suburban Sydney10 Tree crops: a perennial agriculture Fungi: food from recycling biomass Pistachio nuts, Food Forest, South Australia Shitake mushrooms on oak 9/5/06 ©2003Holmgren Design Services Swalmann Netherlands 11 Water and nutrient harvesting Galvanised rainwater tank, Melliodora Compost toilet, Food Forest, South Australia Gravel reed bed treating grey water;9/5/06 Fryers Forest ©2003Holmgren Design Services 12 Passive solar design & natural materials New Construction Melliodora: Mud brick thermal mass floors & load bearing walls, Salvaged timber flooring & joinery Eco retrofit CERES Melbourne attached greenhouse 9/5/06 ©2003Holmgren Design Services 13 Energy from wastes and forest thinnings Austrian wood pellet furnace/solar central heating cabin, Kinsale Ireland Melliodora wood supply for cooking & hot water 9/5/06 ©2003Holmgren Design Services 14 (gas back up for cooking) Motorbike “prime mover” Frugal transport solutions Vietnam Photo Darren Doherty Chinese electric bicycle Pig tractor Krameterhof Austria (Sepp Holzer’s) Wood gasifier powered ute Finland 9/5/06 ©2003Holmgren Design Services 15 Carpooling & Hitchhiking Creative Reuse & Recycling New fashion clothes made from Hand9/5/06 basin cabinet made from metal ©2003Holmgren drum Design Services recycled fabrics Olympia,16 USA Fairview Gardens Santa Barbara Urban Agriculture USA 2005 & Community Gardens 9/5/06 ©2003Holmgren Design Services CERES Melbourne 1984 17 Northy St Brisbane 2003 New ways of Community Supported Agriculture Trading & Finance LETS local currency9/5/06 © 2006 18 New ways of sharing land •Ecological building •Common infrastructure •Community governance Village Terrace Co-housing at Earthaven N. Carolina Earthsong Co-housing Community, 9/5/06 ©2003Holmgren Design Services 19 Auckland N.Z. Seven Domains of Permaculture Action Living Source Land & Nature Built Infrastructure Stewardship Environment Craft, Tools Technology Ethics Land Tenure and W & t e Community h a Design e v Governance Principles 7 in d g o t m o g a e i t n h s e Culture and r Finance and Education Economics Health and Spiritual Emerging applications Well-being (Invisible structures) 9/5/06 © 2006 20 Can Permaculture Design save the Suburbs? 1. Understand the history and obstacles 2. Read the landscape and resources 3. Sidestep the obstacles, grasp the opportunities 4. Turn the problem into the solution Lets start at the beginning SSuubbuurrbbiiaa iinn tthhee 11995500’’ss The typical elements of suburban living • Single income ($250/week in today’s money) • Housewife & three children • 12 square house on 1/4 acre block (1000m2) • House proud self reliance & domestic frugality (Vegies, fruit trees, chooks, the septic and lawn) • Consumer icon of cleanliness, leisure and mobility 9/5/06 © 2006 22 FFoouunnddaattiioonnss FFoorr GGrroowwtthh ooff SSuubbuurrbbiiaa The post war economic boom of the 1950’s • Cheap and abundant fossil fuel and timber • Australia riding on the sheep’s back (wool $2.40/kg) • War service homes and low interest rates • Public infrastructure for suburban growth (Sealed roads, power, water and sewerage) 9/5/06 © 2006 23 Vegie Chook pen People Count garden19 Vegie garage Vegie garden garden shed Fruit trees Gravel shed Drive shed Back yard mechanic Fruit trees Fruit trees garage Hills hoists verandah verandah verandah verandah 1Married4 squa rcouplee Married couple Married14 squa couplere Married14 squ acouplere carport 14 square bnori ckidsk & tile b&r i3c kidsk & tile &b r5ic kidsk & tile &b 3r ikidsck & tile war service war service war service war service home home home home porch porch porch porch Ornamental garden beds Gravel Drive Gravel Drive 1 234 Aussie9/5/06 Street (bitumen) 1950’s: ©The 2006 Golden Age of Suburbia North 24 Sewerage main Vegie Chook pen People Count garden17 Vegie 70’sgarage double Vegie garden garage/ garden shed Fruit trees games room ConcreteGravel shed drive Drive shed Back yard Fruit trees mechanic Fruit trees garage Hills hoists 70’s addition 60’s verandahverandah enclosure verandah 60’s verandahverandah enclosure & verandahrenovation Married couple Married couple Married couple Married couple carport New owners: carport no kids & 3 kids couple& 5 kids & 3 kids & 3 kids porch porch porch porch Ornamental garden beds 70’s native garden Gravel Drive Gravel Concrete Drive Drive 1 Nature strip and234 native street trees Kerb & Channel 9/5/06Aussie Street 1960’s © &2006 70’s: Rising Affluence & Addition North 25 PPrroobblleemmss wwiitthh SSuubbuurrbbaann GGrroowwtthh Urban sprawl •Poor use of public infrastructure (sewerage) •Car based transport •Loss of agricultural land 9/5/06 © 2006 26 PPrroobblleemmss wwiitthh SSuubbuurrbbaann GGrroowwtthh Dysfunctional Economics •Unproductive capital investment •Speculative land values •Declining household production (food, crafts etc) •Household debt and consumer addiction 9/5/06 © 2006 27 PPrroobblleemmss wwiitthh SSuubbuurrbbaann GGrroowwtthh Dormitory suburbs •Declining household size •Empty houses and streets •Lack of community & increased crime 9/5/06 © 2006 28 CCoonnvveennttiioonnaall RReessppoonnsseess Planning Regulations to encourage increasing density •Smaller house blocks (500M2) •Dual occupancy infill development •Medium density redevelopment 9/5/06 © 2006 29 CCoonnvveennttiioonnaall RReessppoonnsseess Lifestyle responses • Holidays away • Live out; the mobile lifestyle • The renovation obsession • Move to inner city: apartment living • Move to country living (the super suburb) 9/5/06 © 2006 30 CCoonnvveennttiioonnaall RReessppoonnsseess Environmental responses • Improved public transport • Building insulation and energy efficiency • Urban green space, water sensitive urban design • Native landscaping for water conservation & biodiversity 9/5/06 © 2006 31 Veggie Chook pen People Countgarden 11 70’s double garage/ Fruit trees games room 1990’s infill development Unirrigated mown grass Concrete 180sq brick veneer drive Fruit trees Young working couple, no kids garage Concrete drive & garage 70’s addition & renovation Separated Empty nest New developer carport carport working Elderly couple Elderly couple baby boomers motherowner & 2 Moving to nursing retiring to Qld teenage kids home Storm water Drip irrigated Detention tank ornamental 70’s native garden garden Gravel Concrete Drive drive 1 2341 Native street trees Aussie Street Kerb & Channel 9/5/061990’s:Aging © 2006 & Infill North 32 Falling Energy • A falling energy base – Expands the problems (services, food, water) – Brings problems home ( terrorism, refugees, recession) – Make current urban design strategies ineffective • Positives of energy descent – Drive creative adaption and innovation – Help overcome obsessions and addictions – Renew community spirit and solidarity 9/5/06 © 2006 33 SSuubbuurrbbaann PPrroossppeeccttss ?? The End of Suburbia or the Retrofit of Suburbia? • Home based work, telecommuting, cottage industry • Extended families, lodgers and shared households • Fertile soils, water supply & infrastructure
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