X86 bus time schedule & line map

X86 Bathford - Bath - Ralph Allen School View In Website Mode

The X86 bus line (Bathford - Bath - Ralph Allen School) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Box: 3:25 PM (2) Claverton Down: 7:18 AM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest X86 bus station near you and nd out when is the next X86 bus arriving.

Direction: Box X86 bus Time Schedule 31 stops Box Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 3:25 PM Ralph Allen School Grounds, Claverton Down Tuesday 3:25 PM Flatwoods Road, Claverton Down Wednesday 3:25 PM Oakley, Claverton Down Thursday 3:25 PM

North Road, Bathwick Hill Friday 3:25 PM North Road, Bath Saturday Not Operational Woodland Place, Bathwick Hill North Lane, Bath

Smallcombe House, Bathwick Hill X86 bus Info Youth Hostel, Bathwick Hill Direction: Box Stops: 31 White Lodge, Bathwick Hill Trip Duration: 40 min Line Summary: Ralph Allen School Grounds, Cleveland Walk, Bathwick Hill Claverton Down, Flatwoods Road, Claverton Down, Oakley, Claverton Down, North Road, Bathwick Hill, Woodland Place, Bathwick Hill, Smallcombe House, Raby Gardens, Bathwick Hill Bathwick Hill, Youth Hostel, Bathwick Hill, White Lodge, Bathwick Hill, Cleveland Walk, Bathwick Hill, Henrietta Court, Bathwick Raby Gardens, Bathwick Hill, Henrietta Court, Bathwick, Snow Hill, Walcot, Morrisons, Walcot, Snow Hill, Walcot Balustrade, Grosvenor, Lambridge, Bailbrook House, Bedford Street, Bath Bailbrook, Clarence Gardens, Bailbrook, Bailbrook Lane, Bailbrook, Vale View Terrace, , Morrisons, Walcot Stambridge, Batheaston, Morris Lane, Batheaston, Hanover Street, Bath The Crown, Bathford, Dovers Park, Bathford, Bathford School, Bathford, Dovers Park Loop, Balustrade, Grosvenor Bathford, The Crown, Bathford, Bathford Bridge, 3-4 Balustrade, Bath Bathford, Westwoods, Batheaston, Shockerwick Lane, Box, Northey Arms, Ashley, , Box Lambridge 13 London Road, Bath

Bailbrook House, Bailbrook

Clarence Gardens, Bailbrook London Road West, Bath

Bailbrook Lane, Bailbrook 168 London Road West,

Vale View Terrace, Batheaston Avonvale Place, Batheaston Civil

Stambridge, Batheaston London Road East, Batheaston

Morris Lane, Batheaston

The Crown, Bathford

Dovers Park, Bathford

Bathford School, Bathford

Dovers Park Loop, Bathford Dovers Park, Bathford Civil Parish

The Crown, Bathford

Bathford Bridge, Bathford

Westwoods, Batheaston

Shockerwick Lane, Box

Northey Arms, Ashley

Cemetery, Box Direction: Claverton Down X86 bus Time Schedule 37 stops Claverton Down Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:18 AM Post Oce, Box Gregory Close, Box Civil Parish Tuesday 7:18 AM

Primary School, Box Wednesday 7:18 AM Market Place, Box Civil Parish Thursday 7:18 AM Pharmacy, Box Friday 7:18 AM

Cemetery, Box Saturday Not Operational

Northey Arms, Ashley

Shockerwick Lane, Box X86 bus Info Westwoods, Batheaston Direction: Claverton Down Box Road, Bathford Civil Parish Stops: 37 Trip Duration: 47 min The Crown, Bathford Line Summary: Post Oce, Box, Primary School, Box, Pharmacy, Box, Cemetery, Box, Northey Arms, Dovers Park, Bathford Ashley, Shockerwick Lane, Box, Westwoods, Batheaston, The Crown, Bathford, Dovers Park, Dovers Park, Bathford Bathford, Dovers Park, Bathford, The Crown, Bathford, Bathford Bridge, Bathford, Morris Lane, The Crown, Bathford Batheaston, Stambridge, Batheaston, Vale View Terrace, Batheaston, Bailbrook Lane, Bailbrook, Clarence Gardens, Bailbrook, Bailbrook House, Bathford Bridge, Bathford Bailbrook, Lambridge, Balustrade, Grosvenor, Morrisons, Walcot, Snow Hill, Walcot, Henrietta Morris Lane, Batheaston Court, Bathwick, Bathwick Street, Bathwick, St Mary's Church, Bathwick Hill, Sydney Buildings, Stambridge, Batheaston Bathwick Hill, Cleveland Walk, Bathwick Hill, White London Road East, Batheaston Civil Parish Lodge, Bathwick Hill, Youth Hostel, Bathwick Hill, Smallcombe House, Bathwick Hill, Woodland Place, Vale View Terrace, Batheaston Bathwick Hill, North Road, Bathwick Hill, Oakley, High Street, Batheaston Civil Parish Claverton Down, Rainbow Wood Farm, Claverton Down, Brassknocker Hill, Claverton Down, Flatwoods Bailbrook Lane, Bailbrook Road, Claverton Down, Ralph Allen School Grounds, Claverton Down Clarence Gardens, Bailbrook

Bailbrook House, Bailbrook


Balustrade, Grosvenor

Morrisons, Walcot 4a London Road, Bath

Snow Hill, Walcot Bedford Street, Bath

Henrietta Court, Bathwick Bathwick Street, Bathwick

St Mary's Church, Bathwick Hill A36, Bath

Sydney Buildings, Bathwick Hill

Cleveland Walk, Bathwick Hill

White Lodge, Bathwick Hill

Youth Hostel, Bathwick Hill

Smallcombe House, Bathwick Hill

Woodland Place, Bathwick Hill North Lane, Bath

North Road, Bathwick Hill Bathwick Hill, Bath

Oakley, Claverton Down

Rainbow Wood Farm, Claverton Down

Brassknocker Hill, Claverton Down

Flatwoods Road, Claverton Down

Ralph Allen School Grounds, Claverton Down X86 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in South West. Check Live Arrival Times About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved