Bathford Council

Parish Plan October 2005 Bathford Parish Plan CONTENTS PAGE



1 Bathford Parish Plan INTRODUCTION


Bathford is the third largest of the which surround the city of Bath. The special rural In December 2003 Bathford Parish Council considered character of the area has been retained but the village community is large enough and sufficiently undertaking a village appraisal to assess priorities for the varied to support many thriving local community groups and ventures. Parish Council. After consultation with the Countryside The Parish extends four miles from north to south and one mile from east to west. It consists of three Agency, a public meeting was called in January 2004 at rural divisions: Bathford, Shockerwick and Warleigh. The village of Bathford is at the centre of the which unanimous support was given to the project. Parish and is divided by the A4 and a main railway line. The population of the Parish is 1753 (2001 A Steering Group was formed to undertake a public survey census) of whom 1414 are on the electoral roll. to identify the issues to be addressed. Two questionnaires The Parish is physically defined by the River along the western boundary and by the Wiltshire were designed, distributed and collected by parishioners county border to the south and east. To the north Bathford shares a boundary with the neighbouring over the following 18 months. (Q1 June 04, Q2 April 05) village of and is sometimes known as “the last village in North East ”. The Steering Group collated the results and comments and, Land use and the economy are dominated by farming but the majority of the working population together with the Parish Council, prepared this plan. travels outside the parish for employment. The two largest employers in the Parish are Portals Nothing on the scale of this survey has been attempted in (Bathford) Ltd (Papermakers) and Whitehaven (Christian Science Care Home). Few retail businesses Bathford before and this Plan is a major achievement for the remain within the village but numerous small businesses operate from the area. people of the Parish.

THE ACTION SURVEY METHODOLOGY The participation of parishioners enabled the Steering Group to produce a plan which An initial questionnaire (Q1) was delivered to all households in the Parish. describes what local people value and provides a suitable framework for change if and Q1 was returned by 76% (546 households) and, in addition to giving when it is needed. Thanks to the very high response rate to both questionnaires the specific answers to many general issues, also provided essential Steering Group has confidence that the Action Plan strongly incorporates the views of background in identifying main issues for a second questionnaire (Q2). It also the vast majority of parishioners. gave the Steering Committee experience in constructing questionnaires. Analysis of the questionnaires identified a set of issues for each section of the plan and Q2 was delivered to all households in the Parish and a return rate of 67% was an action plan has been formulated for each issue. The issues and actions for each obtained. As Q2 allowed more than one response per household, the views section are listed on the following pages. of 804 adults and 74 young people were obtained. Some actions are already moving forward. It will be up to members of the community Prior to each question Q2 provided brief information and a background to (many of whom volunteered via Q2) to make these projects happen. The partners for the issue. Often, a preliminary question was asked to eliminate respondents the individual projects will be drawn from the Parish Council, Local Authority and with no experience or knowledge of the issue. This approach helped to various volunteer or focus groups within the Parish, together with other agencies minimise the number of returns that did not provide a response to an issue where appropriate. Action Groups will be formed from those who volunteered. Groups and, where the response rate was low, the reason for it could be identified. to be formed are shown in red throughout this document. Through this approach the Steering Committee believe that the response to The document provides the partners with action plans and proposed timescales to each issue is representative of the population as a whole, irrespective of the assist with budget planning, making applications for funding and carrying the projects number of respondents. forward.

2 Bathford Parish Plan COMMUNITY SERVICES — 1


Neighbourhood The Neighbourhood Watch scheme has been Parish Council to appoint a new Parish Council End 2005 Watch running for several years but many households Co•ordinator to liaise with local are not covered – possibly due to patchy local contact persons and the police. Avon & Somerset Scheme inactive in organisation combined with the loss of two Extend current network to cover the Police Ongoing parts of the Parish co•ordinators from the Parish. whole parish. Co•ordinator

Village A high proportion of respondents are not fully Publish and maintain a Parish Directory aware of all the services available locally. Directory to list the services available Parish Council A number of people have expressed an interest and organisations based in the village Volunteer Group Spring 06 Lack of awareness of in becoming involved with the production of a together with appropriate contact Local Authority certain services Parish Directory. details.

Housing There was strong support for low cost housing to Lobby Local Authority on the issues Parish Council be allocated, as a priority, to people with village involved with a view to promoting low Local Authority Ongoing Popularity of retaining connections. cost housing where sites may be Somer Housing housing for occupancy identified. by local people. Tyndale is now used temporarily as a day centre The Parish Council will monitor closely by B&NES (renamed as Carrswood RAC). Many any planning applications for the people favoured the eventual conversion of Ongoing Tyndale site with a view to securing Parish Council Tyndale to low•cost housing. this property as low cost housing.

Recycling & Over 75% of respondents think that the streets Monitor Local Authority street Street Cleaning are swept often enough while almost 75% believe cleaning and collection services to Parish Council Ongoing there should be more litter bins provided around maintain or improve current Environmental B&NES provides its resi• the parish. standards. Focus Group dents with a compre• Local Authority Most residents are satisfied with B&NES recycling hensive recycling ser• Short/ vice. service. Many commented on the fact that the Lobby B&NES to include all plastic medium term service will not take all types of plastic waste. waste in their service.

3 Community Services Continued Ļ Bathford Parish Plan COMMUNITY SERVICES — 1


Neighbourhood The Neighbourhood Watch scheme has been Parish Council to appoint a new Parish Council End 2005 Watch running for several years but many households Co•ordinator to liaise with local are not covered – possibly due to patchy local contact persons and the police. Avon & Somerset Scheme inactive in organisation combined with the loss of two Extend current network to cover the Police Ongoing parts of the Parish co•ordinators from the Parish. whole parish. Co•ordinator

Village A high proportion of respondents are not fully Publish and maintain a Parish Directory aware of all the services available locally. Directory to list the services available Parish Council A number of people have expressed an interest and organisations based in the village Volunteer Group Spring 06 Lack of awareness of in becoming involved with the production of a together with appropriate contact Local Authority certain services Parish Directory. details.

Housing There was strong support for low cost housing to Lobby Local Authority on the issues Parish Council be allocated, as a priority, to people with village involved with a view to promoting low Local Authority Ongoing Popularity of retaining connections. cost housing where sites may be Somer Housing housing for occupancy identified. by local people. Tyndale is now used temporarily as a day centre The Parish Council will monitor closely by B&NES (renamed as Carrswood RAC). Many any planning applications for the people favoured the eventual conversion of Ongoing Tyndale site with a view to securing Parish Council Tyndale to low•cost housing. this property as low cost housing.

Recycling & Over 75% of respondents think that the streets Monitor Local Authority street Street Cleaning are swept often enough while almost 75% believe cleaning and collection services to Parish Council Ongoing there should be more litter bins provided around maintain or improve current Environmental B&NES provides its resi• the parish. standards. Focus Group dents with a compre• Local Authority Most residents are satisfied with B&NES recycling hensive recycling ser• Short/ vice. service. Many commented on the fact that the Lobby B&NES to include all plastic medium term service will not take all types of plastic waste. waste in their service.

3 Community Services Continued Ļ Bathford Parish Plan AMENITIES — 1


Village Green 75% of respondents felt that more use should be Review possible uses of the green. Parish Council Spring 2006 made of the green as a focal point for the Parish. Questions were asked Promote greater use of the green. Parish Council about use of the green Installation of a path and the addition of benches Residents as a community focus point. would promote further use of the area. Any interested groups A boules playing area was suggested.

Village Green Almost 90% of respondents would be in favour of a Install footpath across the green. Parish Council July 2006 Footpath footpath across the green from Ashley Road and Local Authority 66% would use it.

These figures include many residents who do not necessarily live on the Ashley Road side of the village.

Sponsor a Bench 72% of respondents would like to see more Form a Bench Group to assess Parish Council End 2005 benches in different areas of the Parish. funding for benches and identify best Bench Group positions. 54 people have offered to sponsor a bench and many made suggestions for their location. Provide more benches in different End 2006 areas of the parish.

General Car Park Only a minority of respondents felt that a village The Parish Council will look at the Parish Council Long term car park was a good idea. issue in greater depth. However results indicated that certain outlying areas of the Parish perceived a greater need.

5 Amenities Continued Ļ Bathford Parish Plan AMENITIES — 2


Playing Field 74% of households said the quality of the playing Continue current maintenance Parish Council Ongoing field was good and 89% said that the field was programme for equipment and field. The playing field is a ‘important to the village’. Replace benches which have fallen into Parish Council Action vital facility in the disrepair. Completed centre of the Parish Many suggested improvements that might be which is used by many made to the area. Take steps to reduce incidence of dog Parish Council Ongoing people. fouling on the field. Residents

Children's Play Many users thought this a good facility but in Start a programme of repainting older Parish Council Completed Area need of a makeover. equipment. Spring 2005 Extend play area and add new Some new equipment was needed and older units Parish Council equipment. (Started Autumn 2004) needed maintenance. Local Authority Spring 2006

POLICY STATEMENTS — The Parish supports:

· The wide variety of groups providing leisure and recreation activities for all

· Increased use of the village green by local people for local events

· Provision of more benches where a need is identified

· Continuing upgrading of the Wynne Wilson War Memorial Playing Field

· Provision of a high quality play area for the parish

· Continued use of the Parish Hall for a wide variety of activities Playing Field play area — partly refurbished following comment from Q1

6 Bathford Parish Plan HEALTH & WELFARE


Health & Welfare The majority of respondents said that they were Explore formation of a community Mental Health Spring 2006 Services satisfied with healthcare service provision, especially support Group co•ordinating LINK, Group the Batheaston Medical Centre and the Pharmacy. mobility concerns and mental Mobility Focus A majority considered that co•ordination of different health needs to promote effective Group volunteer activities would enhance existing mental liaison between the different LINK health support. volunteer groups. Churches

Mobility People affected reported that they had mobility A Mobility Focus Group will identify Mobility Focus Spring 2006 problems within Bathford and 21 problem areas were problem areas within the Parish and Group 5% of respondents identified. Most of the problems referred to a lack of report back to the Parish Council. Parish Council are unable to make dropped kerbs and ramps, difficulties with steep Local Authority independent journeys accesses and a lack of available footpaths. Carrswood RAC outside the village. Lobby Local Authority to improve Seven people said that they would join a focus group to problem areas and implement End 2006 identify problem areas. changes.

LINK Support LINK is the major voluntary service currently provided Expand the helper base of LINK LINK Spring 2006 Group within the Parish. Many people rely on LINK drivers for from the volunteers responding to day to day practical help. Q2.

Mental Health The results from Q1 identified that 78% of respondents Form a Support Group from the Mental Health Spring 2006 Support considered that people with mental health problems did volunteers responding to Q2. Group not get the support that they needed. LINK

POLICY STATEMENTS — The Parish supports: Preparing for the St. Swithuns service ·The co•ordination of health & welfare support groups on the village green ·Action to improve access for those with mobility problems Sunday July 17th 2005 ·Continued support for LINK

7 Bathford Parish Plan BUSINESS


Post Office/Shop A very large proportion of the village consider the Post An Industrial Provident Society Shop Steering Ongoing Office and shop to be important or very important to (Co•operative) has been set up to Group The Post Office and the village. The shop is losing money and the present run the village shop as a benefit to Volunteers shop is threatened with owners wish to close it. This would also result in losing the community. Parish Council closure unless the shop the Post Office and newspaper business. Current owners can be run by Recruit a management Nov 2005 volunteers. The Shop Steering Group is exploring alternative ways committee and raise £20,000. of running the shop. Start running the shop. Jan 2006

Encourage New 82% of respondents said that new business should be Set up a local business network. Parish Council Local Business encouraged. Promote ways in which Bathford is Business End 2005 a suitable place to set up or Community relocate. (e.g. Transport links and Local Authority infrastructure, etc.)

Bathford 29% of respondents expressed interest in knowing more Start a Business website. Parish Council Business about local business opportunities. Start networking meetings. Business End 2005 Network Encourage people to promote and Community support local businesses. Local Authority Share resources.

The New Inn POLICY STATEMENTS — The Parish supports: (Now the Post Office) · The creation of a Community Co•operative to take By Vera Dyer over the running of the village shop

From her booklet of drawings · The promotion of Bathford as a suitable place for ‘A Little Map of relocation and to set up a small business Bathford Village’

8 Bathford Parish Plan TRANSPORT & ROAD SAFETY — 1


A third of households have family members who rely on A Focus Group will seek to improve Parish Council Spring 2006 Bus Services the bus service. Most people feel that the service is the service. Bus Focus Group good but concerns were expressed regarding reliability Local Authority The bus service is a Lobby to extend the service to the Ongoing and punctuality. First Bus vital link for the village Mountain Wood and Meadow Park Many made suggestions for improving the current into Bath. areas. service. There was some support There is support for a lobby group to influence bus Relocate Crown bus stop and Spring 2006 for a direct Bradford on provide a shelter. Avon/Trowbridge bus at services with 11 residents expressing an interest in this. least once per week. Concerns were expressed about the lack of shelter at Provide a Dovers Park drop off point. Ongoing the Crown bus stop.

Cars Few respondents have problems finding a parking space Publicise Initiatives that promote Parish Council Short/ although many felt other people’s parking was a journey sharing . Local Authority medium Almost half of the problem. Environmental term households in the Parish Focus Group own two cars. Most respondents did not expect car sharing to reduce the number of vehicles they owned.

Cycling Almost a third of households (31% in Q1) had someone Lobby for improvements and Local Authority Medium who would consider cycling if more routes were additions to existing cycle paths and Parish Council term available and existing cycle routes were improved. their access. Environmental Explore initiatives for new cycle Focus Group paths.

Road Safety There was a strong response in Q1 on road safety issues The Parish Council will continue to Parish Council Ongoing in the Parish. Many people would like to see speed monitor road safety issues. Local Authority limits reduced within the village areas. A number of people have volunteered to be part of a Lobby Local Authority and the Parish Council group to monitor road safety issues in the Parish. Spring 2006 Highways Agency to reduce road Local Authority Traffic speeds on the A4 and A363 are deemed to be speeds in the areas affected. much too high for a village environment.

9 Transport & Road Safety Continued Ļ Bathford Parish Plan TRANSPORT & ROAD SAFETY — 2


Traffic Calming The effectiveness of the traffic calming measures Parish Council to continue to lobby Parish Council Medium/ resulted in a split vote, with slightly more than half for removal of Legion pinch point. Local Authority long term of respondents considering that the measures had not helped. Monitor future support for traffic Many comments on this issue were regarding the calming signage and its adverse effect on the rural quality of the High Street. (Ref. page 12— Street signage)

Park and Ride Charmy Down is the favoured location for a Park & Continue (with neighbouring Parish Council Ongoing Initiatives Ride by almost 60% of those responding. villages) to support the Other villages Car parking problems in Lambridge was considered undesirable as a Park & establishment of a Charmy Down Bath and the effect on Ride location by two thirds of respondents. car park. Bathford

Potential Link Half of residents had concerns regarding the impact Lobby to reflect Parish concerns Local Authority Medium/ Road on the parish of an A36/A46 link road. where necessary. Parish Council long term Focus Group Other villages

POLICY STATEMENTS — The Parish supports: · The removal or relocation of the traffic pinch point adjacent to the British Legion building

· The extension of user friendly cycle paths

· The continued improvement of bus services

· Lowering of speed limits within the Parish where appropriate Pinch Point at the British Legion British the at Point Pinch

10 Bathford Parish Plan ENVIRONMENT— 1


General The general feeling amongst residents is that Form a group to campaign for Parish Council Spring 06 Environment Bathford is a lovely place in which to live but the environmental improvements. Environment and ongoing A4 and the railway can provide a barrier to full Focus Group integration of the community. Local Authority Landowners and Natural areas such as Brownes Folly Reserve, the custodians By Brook and the allotments are regarded as important to Bathford.

Keep Bathford Some people have shown willingness to get Form a Keep Bathford Tidy group KBT Group Short/ Tidy involved at grass roots level. from those interested in this project. Parish Council medium term More than a third of respondents would take part Landowners and in a ‘Keep Bathford Tidy’ campaign. custodians

Young People 64 young people responding expressed an Include a youth section in the Parents End 2005 and the interest in environmental issues with 26 wanting to environmental team set up to Environment Environment join in associated activities. address these issues. Focus Group Church Youth This could lead to an independent Group Ongoing Youth Group. Local School

Aircraft Nuisance Although almost two thirds of respondents are Practical solution difficult at this Parish Council Ongoing aware of low flying civilian aircraft, only one in stage. Local Authority Bristol Airport is to be nine say this affects their everyday life. developed over the No action required at present, but next ten years. Little perceived problem at the moment. monitor aircraft noise in future as Bristol Airport is developed

11 Environment Continued Ļ Bathford Parish Plan ENVIRONMENT— 2


Planting Scheme 90% of respondents would be pleased to see more Initiate a project on this topic. Environment Autumn 2006 trees and bulbs planted in public areas. Focus Group Parish Council

Car Sharing Less than 10% of respondents would consider Raise awareness of possible car Environment Short/ joining a car•sharing scheme at present although sharing and car pool initiatives. Focus Group medium term almost half would consider sharing a car for work Interested journeys. Residents Parish Council Local Authority

Street Signage There are too many road signs on Bathford Hill Review necessity of current signage Parish Council Short/ and the High Street. and reduce their number where Local Authority medium term practicable

POLICY STATEMENTS — The Parish supports:

· Environmental improvements

· Youth interest and involvement in environmental issues

· A ‘Keep Bathford Tidy’ campaign

· Planting more trees and bulbs in the Parish

· Promotion of car sharing initiatives

The By Brook at Bathford Bridge Too many traffic signs on Bathford Hill?

12 Bathford Parish Plan YOUNG PEOPLE— 1


Information for Those who responded to Q2 do not feel well Include a Youth Section in any new Parents Spring 06 Young People informed about events, news and activities. Parish Newsletter. News Group Bathford School They are keen to be better informed, develop Create a youth editorial team. their own information and be able to access it in Instigate a young peoples section on a variety of ways. a Parish Website.

Swap Shop Majority of young people responding favoured a Set up a swap shop in a central Parents Spring 06 “Swap Shop” in the village. village location. Shop Management Such a facility could be based in the shop and The Shop Management Committee Committee encourage greater use of the shop by young are considering this issue. Bathford School people and their parents.

Young People’s Many young respondents feel that there is no Endeavour to find a suitable safe Parish Council Summer 06 Meeting Place central place at which to meet their friends in all location centrally in the village. Local Authority weathers. Young people Parents Provision of a sheltered facility would help build Bathford School the community spirit of children & young people. This could be combined with other facilities.

Music Q2 indicated that 35 young people Identify a project leader Youth Groups Summer 06 Opportunities responding play a musical instrument. Seek volunteers to establish a music Parents group. Bathford School They also indicated that many would like to join Initiate a register of musicians, some sort of band or orchestra. identify local venues and arrange performances.

13 Young People Continued Ļ Bathford Parish Plan YOUNG PEOPLE— 2


Drama There was interest in the opportunity to get Identify a project leader Bathford Players Summer 06 Opportunities involved in drama activities. Encourage the formation of a youth Youth Groups and ongoing section of the Bathford Players. Young people A Drama Group exists in the village (Bathford Parents Players) which assists with providing facilities and Establish youth drama activities. Bathford School opportunities for young people. Arrange performances.

After School Club The survey indicated significant demand for Partners to monitor government Parents Ongoing after•school childcare services. initiatives in this area and respond Local Authority appropriately. Bathford School The nearest services at present are in Batheaston; more local services are needed in Bathford.

POLICY STATEMENTS — The Parish supports: · The development of a range of opportunities for young people

· Increased youth participation in Parish life

· The improvement of communication options for young people The former Scout / Youth Club hut on the · The provision of an After School Club for playing field has recently been acquired by Bathford Avonvale RFC and is to be converted for Pepperpot Pre•School Building in Dovers Park use as a changing facility for young people for all village sports.

14 Bathford Parish Plan RECREATION & LEISURE


Sport Facilities There was a perceived need for improvement in both Set up a Sports Focus Group to Sports Focus Group Spring 06 Findings from both indoor and outdoor facilities. investigate improvements to Parish Council and ongoing current facilities within the Sport bodies questionnaires showed 86% of respondents felt that Bathford should explore the a strong feeling for village and the means to raise Local Authority setting up of a charitable organisation to manage and improving sporting funds for any improvements. facilities in Bathford. operate all sport and leisure facilities within the village.

New Sports 35 people said they would help to form a Tennis Club Encourage formation of a group Local residents Ongoing (Tennis attracted more and a volunteer has come forward to lead the group. to set up a tennis club. Parish Council interest than any other Volunteers will be encouraged Local Authority Some interest was expressed in other sports. sport). to explore other sport further.

Bathford There was significant interest in the Bathford with Provide support for twinning Twinning Ongoing Twinning Kingsdown Twinning Association. arrangements as practicable. Association Association Formal twinning with Artannes•sur•Indre is to be signed Encourage closer ties with other Parish Council later this year. Bathford groups. Bathford groups

Sports Car Park Eight out of ten respondents were in favour of a Investigate the feasibility of a Whitehaven Medium/ The Parish Council used dedicated sports only car park. sports•only car park, taking into Parish Council long term the survey to consult on There were 61 critical comments, the gravest concerns account the concerns raised. Local Authority the need for a car park included the spoiling of the setting and distant views, Sports Groups solely for sport the generation of more traffic and possible antisocial facilities. If constructed, monitor to Environment Group behaviour. ensure correct use of car park. Ongoing

New benches on the Playing Field (Parents watch as young people take part POLICY STATEMENTS — The Parish supports: during a Bathford Cricket Club Youth · The continued improvement of sports facilities training night)

These benches, recently installed by the · The Twinning Association activities Parish Council and sponsored in part by Bathford Cricket Club, were made under a scheme to retrain prisoners in new · The provision of a sports only car park skills at Dartmoor Prison.



General A Village Design Statement has been prepared Present the VDS to the Local Parish Council End 2005 alongside the Parish Plan and approved by the Authority for inclusion in the B&NES Parish Council. The VDS emphasises the need to local plan. maintain the environmental fabric of the Parish Ensure that any future planning Environment for future generations and to maintain the high Ongoing development follows the guidelines Focus Group quality of buildings and scenery within the laid down in the VDS. Parish Council settlement area. Local Authority

VDS— Parish Existing local landscape character is important Instigate a Group to survey the Residents End 2005 Landscape and should be preserved and enhanced where existing landscape (especially the Parish Council possible. important but unprotected features) Environment to support and defend against erosion Focus Group of the existing character. Local Authority Ongoing

VDS— Parish Traditional stone buildings make up the Historic buildings should be Residents End 2006 Buildings foundation of the built character of the Parish, maintained using appropriate Parish Council adding to the attraction and distinction of materials, details and techniques. Environment Bathford. Lobby the Local Authority to Focus Group grant— aid repairs to historic fabric. Local Authority Ongoing

POLICY STATEMENTS — The Parish supports:

· The protection and enhancement of the existing environment and Parish fabric Hanover Square, Warleigh Square, Hanover A view towards Shockerwick towards view A

16 Bathford Parish Plan ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

THE CO— FUNDERS The Steering Group

Lennie Almond Hugh Baker Hendrik Bebber Bathford Stan Cherry Jill Gigg Robin Harragin WHITEHAVEN Jeanette Kremer Peter McCowen Bob Palmer Parish Council Diana Smith Viv Summerill Arnie Whitfield Ceri Williams Vivienne Summerill Architect Fund Raising Our fund raising events were shared with: The Bathford with Kingsdown Twinning Association The Friends of Bathford School Bathford Parish Hall THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION Management Committee The Friends of the Gambia Pepperpot Bathford Pre•School The ‘Road Testing’ Group The Crown BATHFORD CLUB Holistic Family Practice at Bathford The ‘Road Testers’ checked the (almost) completed document for Presentation and Readability. Their comments were greatly appreciated and led to some final adjustments prior to printing. The members of the community of Bathford Parish who contributed Jean Scott Fae Hall Sheila & Jack Fielden Jim Jack towards fund raising and donated many hours of their valuable time. Anne & Derek Brown Eric & Susan Gadras & Family Mary & Bob Hesketh & Family Rosie & Simon Hodgson & Family Rosamund & Tim Ling & Family

Pictures in this Document

Front cover Aerial view across Bathford towards the vineyard Hugh Baker Page 14 Pepperpot Pre School, Dovers Park Stan Cherry Page 4 Aerial view of Dovers Park & Mountain Wood from above Hugh Baker Page 14 Former Scout Hut on the playing field Stan Cherry Page 6 Children's play area— partly refurbished Stan Cherry Page 15 New benches on the playing field Stan Cherry Page 7 Preparation for the Service on the Green David Howells Page 16 A view towards Shockerwick Hugh Baker Page 8 The New Inn (Now the Post Office) (watercolour) Vera Dyer Page 16 Hanover Square, Warleigh Stan Cherry Page 10 Pinch Point at the British Legion Hugh Baker Page 18 Distributors Badge Night at the British Legion Jean Cherry Page 12 The By Brook at Bathford Bridge Jan Hooker Page 18 Church St. in July Hugh Baker Page 12 Too many signs on Bathford Hill? Hugh Baker Back Cover Sketch map of Bathford Viv Summerill

Published by: Bathford Parish Council— September 2005 Printed by: Corsham Print Ltd • Units 4/5, The Pickwick Workshops, Park Lane, Corsham, Wilts. SN13 0HN

17 Bathford Parish Plan DISTRIBUTION

Our special thanks go to the 40 volunteers The distribution of the Parish Plan is limited due to who achieved such a high return rate of costs of production. questionnaires

A summary leaflet containing all the plan policies Alec Allen Joan Angus will be distributed to all households in the Parish. Hugh Baker Phillipa Bevan Maureen Breeze Inspection copies are available from members of the Wendy Chambers Stan Cherry Tony Coffin Steering Committee and from Dickie Dodsworth A few of the (40) volunteers at the Badge Sheila Fielden Jill Gigg Night in the British Legion to receive Clerk to the Parish Council Eric Green their ID badges and Q2 packs for Fae Hall distribution Address: c/o Bathford Post Office Robin Harragin David Harris Bathford Jill Heeley Jan Hooker Bath Emma Jackson Jeanette Kremer Jean Ling Peter McCowen Patricia Mills Isabel Mundy•Mortensen This Plan (together with other Parish information) Bob Palmer Ian Plain will be available on our Parish web•site: Margaret Reid Mo Rice Alan Saunders Judy Sharman Diana Smith Monica Stockwell Vivienne Summerill Personal copies of this document are available for purchase Jan Tatem at a charge of £2 (to cover the cost of any future production run) from the address above Frances Turner or via the contact page on the Parish Website Henri Vermorgen Church Street in July Jean Vesey Susan Watkins Jean Wright

18 1 Grubbins Wood 2 Lower Shockerwick Farm 3 Shockerwick House 4 Shockerwick Farm 5 Mumford’s Vineyard 6 Morris Lane 7 Bathford Bridge 8 Crown Field 9 Crown Inn 10 Bathford Hill 11 Ostlings Lane 12 Paper Mill 13 Whitehaven 14 Folly Field Recreation Ground 15 Titan Barrow 16 Church Street 17 Pump Lane 18 Court Lane 19 St Swithun's Church 20 Manor Drive 21 Post Office 22 Ashley Road 23 High Street 24 Dovers Lane 25 Dovers Park 26 Mountain Wood 27 New Road 28 Garstons 29 Chapel Row 30 Prospect Place 31 Warleigh Lodge 32 Warleigh Lodge Farm 33 Warleigh Manor 34 Manor Farm 35 Sheephouse Farm 36 Warleigh Weir 37 38 Brownes Folly 39 Allotments 40 Prospect Place / Pleasant Place

Sketch Map of Bathford Parish If you look carefully at the outline you will see the ‘Bathford Pixie’