Albuquerque Evening Citizen, 03-02-1906 Hughes & Mccreight
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 3-2-1906 Albuquerque Evening Citizen, 03-02-1906 Hughes & McCreight Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Hughes & McCreight. "Albuquerque Evening Citizen, 03-02-1906." (1906). 3221 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ,1 w VOLUME 20 AL1SUQUEKQUE, NEW MEXICO, FKIDAY EVENING, MAKUH 2, 11)0(3. NUMUEK 58 WAR CLOUD YET I THE SIEGE OF THE SENATE BIG DEAL MADE OUR SUNSHINE 7 LOWERS DARKLY AT SIOUX CITY TERRITORY IS Pekin Is Quite and the Great Northern Buys the Sent to Washington by Police Lay Aside Union Depot and the Bureau Immigration Their Rifles. Terminal Lines For the Senate PRICE PAID IS INDIAN AFFAIRS DISCUSSED PREPARING FOR THE WORST $1,250,000 Fifty While Hoping For Best, is Per Cent of. Cars Or Senate Committee Kills Phil- dered Last Year Were ippine Bill by Refusing Uncle Sam-Ca- use of Boycott. Made of Steel. to Report It. B)TH PASSENGER AND FREIGHT PRIVATE CLAIMS HELD IN FRANCE TALKS OF GERMAN WAR HOUSE Sioux Clly, la., March 2. The Special to The Evening Pekin, 2. The city !s per- Citizen. March Washington, D. 2. quiet today ap- Union passenger station here and C, March Th fectly and the police bill peared Officials ex- tho connecting terminals, passed into statehood was again temporarily without rifles. laid aside today to give right plain that the police were armed to the possession of the Great Northern the of protect gov- way to the bill for settling the af- foreigners, although the railroad today. Tho price paid was ernment did not expect any further fairs of the five civilized tribes of In- trouble. ll.2iu.UOO. dians in the Indian Territory. Koraker claims to have forty-eigh- t RUSHING PREPARATIONS STEEL CARE BECOMING for hia amendment, which leaves but HERE AND PHILIPPINES. STANDARD OF EQUIPMENT. forty In Its support. Washington, D. 2. Be- Delegate peti- C March Pittsburg, Pa., 2. Andrews presented a sides making preparations In the March tn the tion from report of the Pressed Steel com- the Santa Fe board of Philippines to dispatch an army to Car trade far the preservation of pany for the year 1905, Hof-sto- t the China to protect American Interests, President Pajarito cliff dwellings says that of cars ordered by as a national the Secretary of War, In accordance the park. The petition was referred to with Instruction of president, has tne railroads in the United States in the 1905 almost fifty per the committee on public lands. :iven orders for troops in the United cent were all Andrews also reported a petition states to be ready at a moment's no-- i steel or steel under frame construc- from MARCH BLIZZARDS BANKER WALSH IS tion, and that this class of rolling the black citizens of Silver City, ice for service in the far east. The In favor of the gambling bill for the -. stock Is rapidly becoming stan- 1 resident Is hoping that these pre- the CASES DECIDED TODAY dard for railroad equipment. territories. mtlonary steps will have, the effect IN MIDDLE WEST NOW UNDER ARREST Less Fifty "Sunshine Territory" books of causing the empress dowager to than ten years ago the company built all-ste- have arrived for distribution among adopt repressive measures imme- tne first car used In the reg- senators. They ular freight traffic; while at end the were aent for diately and thus avert an outbreak. the that purpose by the Immigration bu- of 1905 there were approximately 500,-00- 0 The president has found that while Telegraph Telephone, Autopsy Physician Says Pug AGAINST THE HUBBELLS reau of New Mexico. the Chinese government ostensibly and all steel and steel underframe promised suppress It cars In use. The all steel passenger to the boycott. Wires Down in Kansas Hist Tenny Died From SHARP DEBATE OVER actually had taken no steps in that car, having the general Indorsement '4 n LA FOLLETTE'S BILL. direction. The foreign office at Pekin and Colorado Blow. i t t i i ) i i 1 1 ) y 1 1 1 y ) y of both steam and electric lines. insists that It simply agreed to Btop the Special to Thei iEveningi Cl'izen. ri itii i should make Its way rapidly into the Washington, D. C, March 2. The the disorders which result from the Santa Fe, N. M., March 2. The territorial supreme court handed puiiiic favor, works for the construc- senate began Its session today by boycott., and that it is not possible to down today thirteen opinions, among them the following: tion of passenger, cars separate from agreeing to the conference report on order Chinese subjects to buy of one NEBRASKA BLIZZ4RD AWFUL MURDERED MAN IS FROZEN Thomas S. Hubbell, sheriff, relator, vs. Ira A. Abbott, Judge of the freight car shops are now almost the Joint resolution extending the time merchant instead of another. the Second judicial court; writ of prohibition dissolved. completed, and soon will be In actual of tribal government for the civilised F. A. Hubbell, appellant, vs. J. R. Armljo, Injunc Hon; operation, as a number of orders have Indian tribes In the Indian Territory. ANOTHER REASON FOR Eslavlo Railway Traffic De'aycd in Wjom-- Vigil, appellant, vs. A. B. Stroup, injunction; Territory of New already been booked for all steel The settlement of the affairs of the THE CHINESE BOYCOTT. Patrick Case Goes Over Till April. Mexico, ex rel, Thomas S. Hubbell, appellant, steam and electric cars. five civilized tribes was then laid be- San Francisco, Cal., 2. vst W. E. Dame, clerk March of the district court, mandamus, S. Hubbell, The report says that the operation fore the senate. La Follette's amend William Hancock, past thlrty-ti- e ing Sixteen Hours in Will and Thomas appellant, for the Reprieve be Extended vs. of the forge plants at Allegheny ha-- s ment 'prohibiting years a Perfecto Armijo, Injunction. The Judgments of the lower court the sale of coal a resident of China, and in the were Doen satisfactory, and difficulties lands In Indian Territory rail- commissioner of customs there, ar- Forty Six Miles. above cases affirmed. the the to "For the Purpose. The case of vhe board of county commissioners of Bernalillo heretofore experienced In procuring a road companies, pending the question. rived here on the liner Hong Kong, proper supply forglngs on of county, vs. F. A. Hubbell, appellant, is not yet decided. This case of have lieen La Follette continued his speech la his way to England. Speaking eliminated. - building support se- -' Is the suit of commissioners against The of a forge of tho proposition. He said situation in he Kansas City. Mo., March 2. A , the the treasurer and collec- the China, said: March 2 plant at McKee's or- The principal cause of the present vere blizzard raged today in the west- - WaUlXmerly" Chicago tor of Bernalillo county, to recover the commission of 4 per cent of Rocks has been that senators had said to him that his president of a the amount colleeeti from liquor and gaming dered, and this, when finished, will amendment went too far, but la meet- unsettled conditian, Is the dissatis- sas't ex,te"ding National tank, which closed some licenses. faction in over the vml lULln '?mCity. The court adjourned until June 27, next. relieve the forge situation, and opera- ing that contention, lie would say that southern China time waa placcd unuer armjt tions In Jollet, 111., foreign re- into Colorado Although but to remove all legislation to bo effective, miiBt be Indemnity paid countries, the weather tolav b the federal auluorltle8i on the machinery sulting from the Boxec outrages, Is not very cold, a stiong wind played bst could be profitably positive. To attempt td do less thaa a warrant cuargiag violation of the employed Allegheny ! which occurred In northern China, havoc with the telegraph and tele-- at and McKee's Is proposed by his amendment,-- la banking laws. Much mystery as ORCHARD Rocks, 'to be used In connection with to give husks instead of kernels to and the outrageous treatment accord- phone wires No serious delay in tnrown ubout the affalr by the united BEFORE L0U1S1ANIANS ARE ed a wealthy King family of China, railroad traffic Is reported, however. the additions to. Increase the output the people who are crying for relief. statea offlolals ail(i uis,rict Attornev of these plants. With these additions Senator Clapp, of Minnesota, said by the customs officer in IJoston, Morrison declined to discuss the mat THE GRAND JURY WARNING NEGROES when he and his family were STORM RAGES IN and Improvements the McKee's Rock In reply to La Follette, that the In- NEBRASKA ter, saying that he was under pledge In- England 1o by plant will have Us daily output dian committee had hesitated to ac- en route from China, FOR TWENTY-FOU- R HOURS. not to do so. way of this country. King and his creased to fifty cars. cept the amendment because It dealt family were as ordinary Lincoln. Neb., March 2. Dispatches with the regulation of the roads, treated from Alliance, Norfolk DEAD PUGILIST WAS Cipher Code Found, in His Must Reconize Law and Or coolies, and the head of the family and other IN CONDITION.