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Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

3-2-1906 Albuquerque Evening Citizen, 03-02-1906 Hughes & McCreight

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Pekin Is Quite and the Great Northern Buys the Sent to Washington by Police Lay Aside Union Depot and the Bureau Immigration Their Rifles. Terminal Lines For the Senate


Fifty While Hoping For Best, is Per Cent of. Cars Or Senate Committee Kills Phil- dered Last Year Were ippine Bill by Refusing Uncle Sam-Ca- use of Boycott. Made of Steel. to Report It.


Sioux Clly, la., March 2. The Special to The Evening Pekin, 2. The city !s per- Citizen. March Washington, D. 2. quiet today ap- Union passenger station here and C, March Th fectly and the police bill peared Officials ex- tho connecting terminals, passed into statehood was again temporarily without rifles. laid aside today to give right plain that the police were armed to the possession of the Great Northern the of protect gov- way to the bill for settling the af- foreigners, although the railroad today. Tho price paid was ernment did not expect any further fairs of the five civilized tribes of In- trouble. ll.2iu.UOO. dians in the Indian Territory. Koraker claims to have forty-eigh- t RUSHING PREPARATIONS STEEL CARE BECOMING for hia amendment, which leaves but HERE AND PHILIPPINES. STANDARD OF EQUIPMENT. forty In Its support. Washington, D. 2. Be- Delegate peti- C March Pittsburg, Pa., 2. Andrews presented a sides making preparations In the March tn the tion from report of the Pressed Steel com- the Santa Fe board of Philippines to dispatch an army to Car trade far the preservation of pany for the year 1905, Hof-sto- t the China to protect American Interests, President Pajarito cliff dwellings says that of cars ordered by as a national the Secretary of War, In accordance the park. The petition was referred to with Instruction of president, has tne railroads in the in the 1905 almost fifty per the committee on public lands. :iven orders for troops in the United cent were all Andrews also reported a petition states to be ready at a moment's no-- i steel or steel under frame construc- from MARCH BLIZZARDS BANKER WALSH IS tion, and that this class of rolling the black citizens of Silver City, ice for service in the far east. The In favor of the gambling bill for the -. stock Is rapidly becoming stan- 1 resident Is hoping that these pre- the CASES DECIDED TODAY dard for railroad equipment. territories. mtlonary steps will have, the effect IN MIDDLE WEST NOW UNDER ARREST Less Fifty "Sunshine Territory" books of causing the empress dowager to than ten years ago the company built all-ste- have arrived for distribution among adopt repressive measures imme- tne first car used In the reg- senators. They ular freight traffic; while at end the were aent for diately and thus avert an outbreak. the that purpose by the Immigration bu- of 1905 there were approximately 500,-00- 0 The president has found that while Telegraph Telephone, Autopsy Physician Says Pug AGAINST THE HUBBELLS reau of New Mexico. the Chinese government ostensibly and all steel and steel underframe promised suppress It cars In use. The all steel passenger to the boycott. Wires Down in Kansas Hist Tenny Died From SHARP DEBATE OVER actually had taken no steps in that car, having the general Indorsement '4 n LA FOLLETTE'S BILL. direction. The foreign office at Pekin and Colorado Blow. i t t i i ) i i 1 1 ) y 1 1 1 y ) y of both steam and electric lines. insists that It simply agreed to Btop the Special to Thei iEveningi Cl'izen. ri itii i should make Its way rapidly into the Washington, D. C, March 2. The the disorders which result from the Santa Fe, N. M., March 2. The territorial supreme court handed puiiiic favor, works for the construc- senate began Its session today by boycott., and that it is not possible to down today thirteen opinions, among them the following: tion of passenger, cars separate from agreeing to the conference report on order Chinese subjects to buy of one NEBRASKA BLIZZ4RD AWFUL MURDERED MAN IS FROZEN Thomas S. Hubbell, sheriff, relator, vs. Ira A. Abbott, Judge of the freight car shops are now almost the Joint resolution extending the time merchant instead of another. the Second judicial court; writ of prohibition dissolved. completed, and soon will be In actual of tribal government for the civilised F. A. Hubbell, appellant, vs. J. R. Armljo, Injunc Hon; operation, as a number of orders have Indian tribes In the Indian Territory. ANOTHER REASON FOR Eslavlo Railway Traffic De'aycd in Wjom-- Vigil, appellant, vs. A. B. Stroup, injunction; Territory of New already been booked for all steel The settlement of the affairs of the THE CHINESE BOYCOTT. Patrick Case Goes Over Till April. Mexico, ex rel, Thomas S. Hubbell, appellant, steam and electric cars. five civilized tribes was then laid be- San Francisco, Cal., 2. vst W. E. Dame, clerk March of the district court, mandamus, S. Hubbell, The report says that the operation fore the senate. La Follette's amend William Hancock, past thlrty-ti- e ing Sixteen Hours in Will and Thomas appellant, for the Reprieve be Extended vs. of the forge plants at Allegheny ha-- s ment 'prohibiting years a Perfecto Armijo, Injunction. The Judgments of the lower court the sale of coal a resident of China, and in the were Doen satisfactory, and difficulties lands In Indian Territory rail- commissioner of customs there, ar- Forty Six Miles. above cases affirmed. the the to "For the Purpose. The case of vhe board of county commissioners of Bernalillo heretofore experienced In procuring a road companies, pending the question. rived here on the liner Hong Kong, proper supply forglngs on of county, vs. F. A. Hubbell, appellant, is not yet decided. This case of have lieen La Follette continued his speech la his way to England. Speaking eliminated. - building support se- -' Is the suit of commissioners against The of a forge of tho proposition. He said situation in he Kansas City. Mo., March 2. A , the the treasurer and collec- the China, said: March 2 plant at McKee's or- The principal cause of the present vere blizzard raged today in the west- - WaUlXmerly" Chicago tor of Bernalillo county, to recover the commission of 4 per cent of Rocks has been that senators had said to him that his president of a the amount colleeeti from liquor and gaming dered, and this, when finished, will amendment went too far, but la meet- unsettled conditian, Is the dissatis- sas't ex,te"ding National tank, which closed some licenses. faction in over the vml lULln '?mCity. The court adjourned until June 27, next. relieve the forge situation, and opera- ing that contention, lie would say that southern China time waa placcd unuer armjt tions In Jollet, 111., foreign re- into Colorado Although but to remove all legislation to bo effective, miiBt be Indemnity paid countries, the weather tolav b the federal auluorltle8i on the machinery sulting from the Boxec outrages, Is not very cold, a stiong wind played bst could be profitably positive. To attempt td do less thaa a warrant cuargiag violation of the employed Allegheny ! which occurred In northern China, havoc with the telegraph and tele-- at and McKee's Is proposed by his amendment,-- la banking laws. Much mystery as ORCHARD Rocks, 'to be used In connection with to give husks instead of kernels to and the outrageous treatment accord- phone wires No serious delay in tnrown ubout the affalr by the united BEFORE L0U1S1ANIANS ARE ed a wealthy King family of China, railroad traffic Is reported, however. the additions to. Increase the output the people who are crying for relief. statea offlolals ail(i uis,rict Attornev of these plants. With these additions Senator Clapp, of Minnesota, said by the customs officer in IJoston, Morrison declined to discuss the mat THE GRAND JURY WARNING NEGROES when he and his family were STORM RAGES IN and Improvements the McKee's Rock In reply to La Follette, that the In- NEBRASKA ter, saying that he was under pledge In- England 1o by plant will have Us daily output dian committee had hesitated to ac- en route from China, FOR TWENTY-FOU- R HOURS. not to do so. way of this country. King and his creased to fifty cars. cept the amendment because It dealt family were as ordinary Lincoln. Neb., March 2. Dispatches with the regulation of the roads, treated from Alliance, Norfolk DEAD PUGILIST WAS Cipher Code Found, in His Must Reconize Law and Or coolies, and the head of the family and other IN CONDITION. TEXAS INDEPENDENCE which Is provided for In another bill western and northern points in Ne- PERFECT became furious. I think he was the San Cal., 2. DAY ANNIVERSARY. before the senate. Senator Stone, of braska say that the worst storm of Francisco, March The Trunk is of Great der Another Klu Klux real instigator of the boycott." direct cause of, the death of Harry Austin, Tex., March 2. Today Is the Missouri, announced his concurrence the winter has been raging there for Tenny. in the views of Clapp, but expressed twenty-fou- after his tight with Frankie Value seventieth anniversary of the declara- FRANCE OBSERVES ON r hours. At Alliance, con Klan Started. independence Texas, the opinion that there should not only GERMANY'S BORDER. ditions are growing worse, wire " "' tion of of which while a u T" was proclaimed 2, 1836. be no present sale of coal lands, but Paris, March 2. today facilities are demoralized in west- - ",T'7i,Lthe on March In The Journal the Dr. Karach. autopsy physician",""n4Kat honor of the day all public offices that further leases also should be publishes the result of an Investiga- ern part of the state. Western Ne TRUESDALE GETS DEMANDS prohibited. tion made by its correspondents PATTERSON HAS RtSlGNEu throughout the state are closed today, of flags are waving from all public and Teller, of Colorado, doubted tne along the German frontier. The of years. right ef congress to say that railroad paper sr.ys that the Germans do not Neil's blows and the eye was sunk thousands of private buildings, and the into the head. Had the pugilist sur- citizens of the state are generally stocKtiolders Bhall not become owners desire war, but that the German army WICHITA REPORTS WORST Nominations Closed For Successor Aged Journalist of Pittsburg is of coal lands. He believed In restrict- with its superior mobilization plans, vived, he never would have had sight observing the day as a holiday. Spec- STORM OF THE WINTER. phy- ing, but would proceed in an orderly again in the injured optic. His of Dead-W- as ial celebrations were held in nearly would permit a rapid Invasion of the Dolantiis Eyes Director of way, and ,not in u way that would cre- French territory. The Journal coun- Wichita, Kan., March 2. The worst sical condition was perfect. all the public schrwls this morning and thlsmorn-Ing- . ate greater evils than it would elimi- sels the abandonment of French re- storm of the season, began are All Right. Assoc atcd Press. In the afternoon there will be parades The temperature is below freez- MISSING MAN'S BODY and meetings by patriotic organiza- nate. liance 'On fortifications and the adop- Messrs. Mallroy, Patterson and in- ing point and a stiff wind prevails. FOUND FROZEN T I F K. tions, with addresses by prominent tion of the German plan of rapid New-land- Telegraph Des Moines, Iowa, 2. speakers. A special also found legal difficulties vasion of the enemy's territory. communication with the March The Caldwell, Idaho. March 2. Tho La., 2. Forty celebration lias impaired. body which was In the Shreveport, March arranged univer- in accepting the prohibition upon the southwest is found frozen grand jury, today, continued the In- masked citizens, riding horses, made been at the state WILL CONSULT MERIT IN Ice near Harvey last night, was Ident- sity. holders of stock in railroad com- vestigation of Ihe as.issiuation of the. rounds of the negro district last panies, although professing sympathy WEST POINT APPOINTMENTS. SIXTEEN HOURS IS LOST ified today as George Chapman, an Former Governor Steuneiiberg. Pris- 'light, negroes As today is also the anniversary of Milwaukee, Wis., 2. Con Emmittsburg disap- and warned the that Sam great with tho purpose of the resolution. March IN FORTY-SI- MILES. merchant who oner Harry Orchard was before the they must recognize Jaw and orde the birth of Houston, the gressman W. H. Stafford has decided peared on February 19. patriot, special will be Cheyenne, Wyo., March 2. The from his home grand Jury all the morning. When A strong organization hus been ef Texas services to deviate the customary mehod body grave Hunts-vill- e GILLETTE'S RESIGNATION from northbound passenger train on the The was clinging to a cuke of Orchard came from the Jury room he fected and it is declared that all dis held at Houston's at of making appointments of cadets for ice when discovered. It Is believed appeared in good spirits. orderly negroes be summarily by the students of the Sam Hous- ACCEPTED BY PRESIDENT. West Point his district upon Oheycnne & Northern branch of the bhall from w that he was murdered. It is stated that the cipher code ton Normal school. Washington, D. C, March 2. The personal favors, Colorado Southern railroad, hich left dealt witti. grounds and as mere Cheyenne morning, book found In Orchards trunk after president today accepted the resigna- without regard for the fitness of ttie yesterday reached FURTHER IS St. Wool. x REPRIEVE his arrest is proving to be of great Louis tion of Major Casslus Gillette, who young Iron Mountain, forty-si- miles north CHICAGO COMMISSIONER OF men recommended. Under his NECESSARY FOR PATRICK. value, as by It the detectives are able PUBLIC WORKS RESIGNED. St. Louis. Mo., March 2. Wool mar- has been appointed superintendent ot direction numerous applicants for of this city, at midnight, having been the storm. New York, March 2. The hearing to decipher the code letters and tele Chicago, 111., 2. ket, steady and unchanged . the Philadelphia filtration plant. such appointments will be submitted delayed sixteen hours b ythe grams, - March Commis- There were thirty passengers on the of the motion for a new trial in the which previously were mean- sioner of Public Works Joseph Medll to a regular civil service examina- case of Albert T. Patrick, adjourned i ingless to them. This cipher, it Is - train. Patterson, has tendered his resigna- tion and those showing the best per- today until April 3d. This will make said, throws a new light on the work-necessa- ry l Mayjr Dunne. resigna- fMi t :i ira nf ,ritnt I1.1 aotfinteri fnr Ings tion to The a further reprieve by Oov- - of the men under arrest. was sent hy Patterson the appointments by competi- - ST0LTZMAN WAIVED tion to him. The J. ernor Higgins, as Patrick Is under' mayor last Wednesday, but nothing IS tive examinations began here this sentence of death for March 19th. I RAILWAY PRESIDENTS GET ACTOR MANSFIELD EXAMINATION TODAY i was publicly of it, however, morning at the civil service examina- District Attornev Jerome informed "HE DEMANDS OF MINERS. known New York, March 2. W. W. Trues- - i ntil a copy mailed by Patterson at tion rooms in the Federal building Recorder Goff, before the hearing! Washington, by days. competi- President of the Delaware, was received the mid will last two The J. Stoltznian the railroad man who was held, that he would Join withlal' jvess association here. tion Is open to all young men from was found with some new Winchester Patrick's attorney in the application t.acKawanna & western, and uaviu ARRANGING TO RETIRE age I Wilcox, president of the aware ii 17 to 21 years of who are resi rifles in his possession, and which for the reprieve. DIES Congressional dis- Hudson, announced todav that they NOTED JOURNALIST dents of the Fifth he fails to satisfactorily explain to AGE OF SEVENTY-FOUR- . trict. the police, was arraigned in police RIVALRY BETKEEN NORTHERN had revived copies of the demands - l,lu .ft,.rnnnn on the rliarire1 AND SOUTHERN SHIP YARDS. formulated ,y the ant in nclte miners' Pittsburg. Pa., March 2. Joseph New York, March 2. The report ' Canada and the northwest. The see- - r..- propri- Kansas City Live Stock. I Brooklyn, N. Y., March 2. Tae bat committee of seven. Siebivnlk, former editor and Mansfield has expressed ond season will be final on the raclfio of grand larceny. Pittsburg that Richard Kansas City, Mo., March 2. Cattle . was I'onnecucui wnicn is now oe etor of the Chronicle, and closing his remark- cotist and the third season a fare- He waived examination and uenii DOLAN RAYS THAT HE years his intention of Receipts, 2,'i0. including 4iH) south- held in sum of $:it0 bail for his ing built under government auspices tl)l i,. editor in chief of the ably successful carter as an actor well to the south and the largest the "WlLt. Cl'.roniele-Telet'ran- erns; market bteady; native steers. appearance next grand at the Ilro.iklyn navy yard, will prob- NOT BE REPLACED, died todav. of three more snort seasons, ha.s cities in general. He will also play la before the PltUhurg, March L'. Nomina- - after S4ii 5.10; southern steers. $3.73f! 3.40; Juiy. Stoltznian says be can find a ably be completed before the sister- - Pa.. nneutiionia. after an illness of a few aused no particular surprise on the Paris, pesides his present repertory tions for officers in I'i .Tict No. 5. v years dl- - foutliern cows, 2.2oii 3.ho; native ..bondsman, but at this writing has stap , under contract con .,ivs. He was for man a Rialto. It has been known In theatri- of nine plays, he will revive "Cyrano," l'nl,,'d Mine Workers. closed last u('.t()r oI tlie Press. He I cows and "ueifcrs. t2.25i5; stockers failed to do so. struction at Newport News. It has Associated cal circles for some time that Mans-tiil- d pi dine "Macbeth" and wo new plays. UIIU I Cilliuiintl-- years iind feeders, $3ffi4.80; bulls, $2.7:'fi been claimed all along by the naval "Hi", lie nam i; :il wils 71 ' of UJJO. stage Mr. Mansfield not yet It is believed by railroad detectives to be voted for on March 24th, are intended to retire from the has decided 1.23; calves, 4.40; western fed ; const rue tors that the C..nn ctlvut 1: iij ? $3.25 that the rifles were stolen from a now In secretary's bands. There in two three years but, up to the ui. '.l v.iil u'ter t! close of hi .steers, fed cows, way de- - would be finished first, and much in- the fOUR VOTED WITK ir is; lc on $3fili; western $2.50 Santa Fe car and bill eiu-li- t present time no details were ar career the stage. Two large the ere from five to candidates for! SENATOR McCR Y. defini'e M 1.23. I st rivalry EAR j profes-th-e royed. terest has attached to the t w known as to his plans. According to universities have offered him eacn omce, and ti'.t.t'.t or I- the two thips. although the Washington, - C., March 2. The Mr. sorshlps, but It Is doubtful whether the delegates to tin- - recent conven- Information obtained from advantage of time wil! be very slistit senate committee today refused to re-- 1 Mansfield himself he will play during be w ill accept either of the offers. Hist wi;i tion have been renominated. bill, anil the comiisrison oi cost Patrick I)olt':'s name appears port the Philippine tariff lly a the liex! three seasons in New York, versatility In many otlur fields Is well diltlciilt, since so many things are to i s t .1, tne occu- - among those suggested for the presi- ciiinnmue decided Poston, Chicago, and Philadelphia. In know n and he will find diverting a a I ABLE TO DRAW HIS be considered in connection wi'h the dency, but l.e refuses t;i take any favorable report, and by addition to these engagements bo will pat ion in music and painting, besides work on the Connecticut. Naval ot 7 to f, i refused to report (he m ;:art. in the i lection and declares he M.'e probably play two re engagements devoting nimseir to tne education oi especially in he eerps of .;!l a ;v, for consideration. The one-wee- en- - those v.:'i continue at the l. 'd of the or- In titles accustomed to bis son. Mr. Mansfield is a construction, do mr claim that the 1. ate thus effectually disposes ot Next season he will make paratively young man, lielng less than , ganization, let the re.'Ult i,e what it way otht-r- t . demonstration, one or the mny. Vice iVesirter- - 'Illnghnm and mi astir-'- his final appearance in New IJnglaud, '.Mi years old. WAGES TO THE LAST will be convincing, or that it will set- fcvtral members of the district board At ef the bill had been thus dis-- p which prevailed I of. Mi of Kentucky, tle the question has l'.a.c taken the Maine Mf.Ull. anil a i- t- im t'teaiy, ad- - bill, all along regarding the relative Bert that thov uill no v. tire from f- - inoved the report of his whicn iMitages t iiuiniing waisinp miner fire jr defeated. . .;s ,,,! likely that provide.--, for free trade with the Phil- SOMETHING NICE FOR OF Sa.-k- us Harbor. N. Y.. March 2 he was to receive In the course of the gov RADES construction ami at eminent annhinir further will ! e d iw until ippines immediately. This motion death of Albirt H. Metcalf. the succeeding year. His salary was $1 a I Conn'-c- Tne plants. On January the Ihe proponed election, when the mill- wa lost, only four nctia'ors voting FASHION AND HOME DRESSMAKERS (ommandatr oi ine navai station ai t'ay. and the only variation from the H.V10 wa per cent ompleied, ers "III Co'-'- to for it. Vj point, bas removed an interest t amount of was in leap years ?sk 'h'' remove juis ml the Louisiana Hl.L'l per c.nt. During prqsent ,fflcf r.s. report unannoueu when he tie Th" that ' ing human relic irom mis nceived an additional dollar. ; ' ' the niont:i of February remarkable f'strick Dolan wa-- stricken with TWENTY-EIGH- PRIVATE J 4 i o M.tcalf lived at the station Metcalf did some farming on the reser la-e- - Id post. progress has made on the Con- blin ilnens. Is untrue. Imlan BILLS ARE PASSED. ago by wife, and had been there vatjon an 1 kept the place in repair. taxed his Following up the innovation inaugurated some weeks The wiih his It is Prl-iati- - of old IIU report iliectieut. unders'ooi. tiowevir. "s r"niitly hy night work and has Vas:ur.cM!i. C. March 2 Evening Citiztn, that of having each Saturday's issue of this pa- since IV'3, occupying one the of the operations of complete ), the ( onn. ctl- - been speVlal place year was tha', when under tr :nient, it c:.iii:. '. .'.'. from the committee per a page devoted exclusively to women, their fa ib ions; frills and of the reservation. The a record of the odd jobs and , , t g jv Is hi housts in ,., tlie eminent taid that he is n. in of rij. Pari-ia- .c - dancer c'.ai:::-- ha the lit of way In the furbelows; in millinery, latest trodes of dress- o for active .e. c an industrious, vigilant em j , - i 'on the lati. long abandoned 111 Iami- was 13 iv than the i w- ,)t.r silit. t d;iv. 1; as desire of toilet," many purposes, and Metcalf was retainer hlove. llt flit, li'Mi.l house the the; making, arrangements of new coiffeurs, "my lady's and tana. get twenty-eigh- t bills to women of The a ship's Keeper, although the New York Volunteer Infantry, audi S eoii'.tnit'ee to other subjects of special interest the readers here as Chicago Live ock. i. 1.1 4 , , , n 1.'...'..i ..i ili.w...... with cuts, written ex- ilj which gave him the excuse was a member of Joseph K. liarnes! ''ci- Man-- I.lin j r..i i'i " iurru. Evening Citizen, profusely illus rsted and hulk Money Market. cotnpara'ivelv small amount, the paper by one of recognized authorities on worn, lung ago dropped po:,t, A. K.. of this - eeiptH pressly for this the Mr an oiflci'il title C town. New York, 2.- Money n t,:Viii; marl,!; ia the He many in March 'i'fers. ,tt"",y arrln ' en's fashions In New York city. The Evening Citizen wl!l on tomor- pieces, Laving r mained ca had friends this locality call, steady; 3 to ti: prime mercantile. IV!i!if,G.4i; cows an I"''"'" ,h' of 1S12. Me- anil visitors to Sackett's sei- -. i $S nun row devote an entire page to this fea ure, which, since its inception, a relic of the War HarUir li'.'j stockers t -I- II mix ks I paper, j o silver, and fee O Lull tuilMit t , among sex. If you estimates as unvk- -J Ihul. r,iu I.. il,u j Texans. $:!T,0-T- has gained many friends and readers th fair tcalf sublimit d his annual ,tt.v.a i.,i 4.2a. copy Ma-ke- t. Gcpper. see New York and Parisian styles, secure a oltlcer.s at other stations, llts old 'commandant," who was t ver Soelter Sheep Receipts. S w a wish to the latest .lo the I ": market modi-si- 2 Kp. 2 cop-stud- of containing the women's page. wire uniformly ready l receive them with official St. Louis. Mo , Man h ."er, situiy; sheep. : iti.lo; lambs, N v Voil., March Lead and tomorrow's issue , being (( l to the pay which dignity. higher, ?.; fil.Ou. ?4"t3. per, and unchanged. ! U H HM t f fl t !f t t t I H H M Ul PAGE TWO. ALBUQUERQUE EVENING CITIZEN FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1906.

- - and has notr faltered or wavered In THE EVENING CIIIZI N that course. y Ilia lamer was Judgo Antonio Jose Evening Dally Weekly Albuquerque Citizen institution:; NWIikel M ly Otero, aud uis motlicr was Francisea bank The Citizen Publishing Company tiiaves, Uiota ae-- endanw of Illus- trious fepauisll families, who were 4. K inong lue early settlers of New Mex Oriter&DQfQr POPULAR COLUMNS I TjtAm tat traiiinWM throne Um WANT atter. ico, tils lamer was associate Justice of the firat supremo court or the ter ""tlTTf - - J ritory of New Mexico, and presiding Jmlge of tne third Judicial district. Ho other legitimate business Montezuma Trtist Co. CUNIONl LABEL Him niotner wan a daughter of Hon. preposition on earth wilt guar- The Citizen's Classified Columns Promote Business Francisco Chaves, governor of the antee you euch bio; profits. ALBUQUERQUE, NET MEXICO 4 prownce ot New Mexico under tn If you buy bonds, or put your paniHh government. money in Savings Banks, you ORIelil Paper of Bernalillo County Mr. Otero received a classical edu can get at the most only 4 per Here you'll find One cent per word, each In- Make your wants and City of Albuquerque. and cent. cation at tho tit. Louis university what you've been sertion. known ttirougn Dltpatcriea. was in tlie senior class, about to YOU Pratt Aflame IF DEPOSITYOUR looking for. MINIMUM CHARGE, 15c. these columns. City County Cimlatlo. graduate, when he was called home Itfeat tni or MONEY WITH US, YOU Capital and Surplus $100,000 Tee LarrMt Hesr Maike Clrcuhtlem on account or the iieatn ins larastt Norther Arifina Cirrulatle. mother. He entered political life GET 12 PER CENT ON K while very young, and has held many I TIRMI or SUBSCRIPTION: positions of trust and honor. He was EVERY DOLLAR. Citizen Ads Will Reach Them tfeRy St Mil. ewe r la alTe.iK- - ta.n" probate clerk of Valencia county for fattl? Wr mail. per month ft frmr consecutive terms, probate Judge We do not deal in stocks or klr by one raw too in- PERMANENT SALARIED POSITIONS FOR SALE OR TRADE 2 rooming for one term, deputy sheriff for one speculate in any way. Our Interest Allowed on Saving? Deposits fnrmenof train-ntln- s hIHr- - w l "" houses. T. L. McSpadden, 300 South are sound and secure. proposl-turn- s by Carrier. 60c per month terui ,aud was a prominent candidate hundreds of men who can present high trade Broadway. Pay for the republican nomination for Your money is absolutely safe. and produce results. Previous experience not tn do essential. Choice of desirable location. fcireJlent Tmu tvnnm Cinnii will be delivered the delegate congress in 1882, In dealing with us you opportunity for advancement. We also have luted In BUSINESSEXCHANGE. DO u to when Hr t Um low rmto of par week, or (or incor- office Clerical and Technical 5t x paidmumonthly. the republican party nominated Tran-quiil- business with a regularly urts meer r.ecutive. TO'eXCHANGE I have some ranches onto per month, whw company. positions and food opportunities lor men havine; 'ff'lL Luna for the position. During porated money to invest with their aemcea. Writ ua to trade for city property. T. L. Adrertlilng Kates Hide tnoTn op Application that campaign Mr. Otero gave valu BANK REFERENCES. statinf position desired. Mcflpadden. 300 South Broadway. able and strong support to tho re HAPOOOOS (Inc.), Brain Brokers IU fcJXCHANUE I have property time will eeeifec 1 fivor by nntlfrtnr a Mention this paper and write it I With Ample Means and Unsurpassed Facilities. Been publican candidate. He always Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, j bwnwrtteflT on r nn-tliT- r of th per r. Kansas strongly supported and fought for re today for complete information. WANTED. Colorado and Arizona to trade for VH lettor and remittanree thou Id bo nddrniwd to good Turn CmtiM I'lui.iBHiNO Company. Dreft. publican success. LOS ANGELES CITY REALTY CO. WANTED Barber, at once; Albuquerque property. Talk wltn ihockn, poatoftlee and expreee mono? ordVr Mr. Otero was appointed register of Job; city. Address "A," this office. me. T. L. McSpadden, 300 South We Fay Buildlns mot mad payable te Um order of tM the United States land office In Santa II WANTED Typewriting and steno Broadway. mQ Qi QfovssmoQ fi npnny. . California 1 Fe, by President McKinley in Jan Los Anfslss, graphic work. Miss Blackall. The MCSPADDEN exchange man. X. a. . talk The uary, 1898. He has held office ever Alvarario. See him for exchangee. I IV I IR3 Colorado I T business n,iiimwtitTpiirmrti Win,, Automatic since; was in January, WANTED Roomers and boarders In 300 South Broadway. 1902, and again a few private family; two blocks east of weeks ago. He has proved himself hospital. 815 POUND. ASYLUM very Santa Fe South Edith THE INSANE efficient, capable and honest street. Extends to Depositors official, and In every respect merited FOUND Photo pin, gold frame. Pic every Proper Accommodation, and Solicits New He had the support AN EARLY SPRING WANTED Highest casn price paid ture of lady and child. Owner can Accounts Capital, $190,000.00. AGAIN BEFORE PUBLIC of the party organization and of the for second-han- household goods. M. recover same by calling at this Ellison, 405 South First street. Colo, office and paying for this notice. lending and best republicans in the AND GIVES HIS territory. HUNTER HENRY phone. Red 131. FOUND Lady '8 gold ring, ruby set, OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: REASONS FOR HIS BELIEF. Mr. Otero la happily married, and WANTED Installment collector for by Howard Mann, of 723 North SOLOMON LUNA, President. W. 8. STRICKLER, V. P. and Cashier And the Officials Will Have to has a family of bright sons and merchandise accounts; good salary Fourteenth street. Owner can have W.J.Johnson, Asst. Cashier. Wm. Mcintosh J. C. Baldrldgs daughters, one of his daughters being The well known duck hunter, Col. and expense's. Address Manufac same by calling at office and this 8olomon Luna A. M. Answer Charges of Mi- the wife of Hon. Solomon Luna, mem- Arthur A. Henry, has this to say about turer, P. O. Box 1027, Phlla., Pa. paying for this notice. Blackwell George Arnot O. E. Cremwell com- ber of the national republican, the spring: WANTED Gentlemen's second-han- d mittee from New Mexico, and one of flight Is any sign streatment of Patients. "If the cf ducks clothing. No. 615 South First street, DEPOSITORY FOR THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA A 8ANTA FE RY. the leading citizens and the largest to be trusted this is to be a remark- south of viaduct. Send address and Money Co Loan sherp owner In the territory. ably early spring, Of course the mal- will call. R. J.. Sweeney, proprietor. Mr. Otero is a first cousin of ex- - frequently stay winter, On Furniture, Pianos, Organs, Horses DISCHARGED NURSE COMPLAINANT lards here all Wagons Governor M. A. Otero, his father. when It Is not too cold, bo It. Is noth FOR RENT. and other Chattels; also on Judge Antonio Jose Otero, and ing remarkable to see many of them. FOR RENTTfoTileasunt rooms for SALARIES AND WAREHOUSES RE- Otero's father, Miguel A. But the early arrival of tho pintails, light housekeeping. 517 South Broad- CEIPTS, as low as $10.00 and as high For some time past ugly rumors Otero, having been brothers. way. as $200.00. Loans are quickly made which have been here some time and private. concerning the conduct of affairs at The many people of the territory the green wing teal which came a little Briek and strictly Time: One FIRST NATIONAL FOR RENT house, with balh. month one year given. Goods re- BANK Oie Insane asylum at Las Vegas have who have known Mr. Otero and had are 207 street. Maynard to ago, later. Indicate that these birds at North Fifth main In your possession. Our rates been In circulation. A few days official and personal relations with not afraid of what may happen. The Gun8ul. AJLHUQUBRQUa, N. M. la understood, Governor Hagernian him during many years of his of are reasonable. Call and see us be- It the pintails usually come to the south Four-roo- making ficial were in re-a- FOR RENT furnished fore borrowing. received a communication life favor of his February 10 to 15, and the green wing specific charges against certain off- pointment. He has gained their re- house. 215 Atlantic avenue. Apply THE HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO, teal abaut February 25 to 30. After on premises Officers aa4 Dtieotosa, icials connected with the asylum. The spect and good will by his uniform Steamship tickets to and from all courtesy, these come the widgeon and two varie- FOR RENT Two pleasant rooms for parts of the world. JOSHUA 8. RATNOLM New Mexican has also received a com strict attention to busi ties the Bcaups, M. ness, thorough knowl- of which frequently housekeeping. See them at 208 Rooms 3 and 4, Grant Bldg. W. FLOPRNOT .Ytee TrmMmmt munication which it republishes, not fairness and arrive soon first of March. FRANK .... correctness, sim edge of the duties of his office. after the South Arno street. 3U West Railroad Ae. McKZB ...... CesMer Touching for its but I do not remember, however, to have A ntOHT s ... . . ply as a matter of news. U is repro FOR RENT New three-roo- cottage, PRIVATE OFFICES. sfft.t ... seen VL JLATMOCiDS a canvass back or red head much Open Evenings. F. . . . ew - ...... , i duced in The Evening Citizen below, CASES BEFORE earlier than the middle of March. They furnished complete, for light house re It is understood that the board of usually arrive March 15 to 20. After keeping. Inquire at 506 South Arno v. DEPoerroaVt. gents of which Jefferson Raynolds, SUPREME COURT wing street. FINE RANCH ISSSfF'"" these come the blue teol, the NT president of the First National bank FOR-RE- One mile from Postoffice. spoon bill, the butter ball and the LIrIiT airy, furnished AeOsortMe) Capital of Las Vegas, is president, has taken ruddy duck, all of which may frequent front room at the Roosevelt house, up and is giving it careful AND THOSE DISPOSED OF YES ??d U Coital, Surplus sad Prof the matter TERDAY NOTHING OF GREAT ly be fcund here during the entire by day, week or month. 309 West attention. In this connection it Is summer as many of them breed here. Railroad avenue. 14 ACRES R- - Tipton, IMPORTANCE. ALFALFA well to state that Dr. W. These seldom arrive before the last FOR cottage flats, mcMorjr fer Atchison, Topek et Santa Fe Railway Compear, has been pjyslclan In charge RENT Furnished LARGE ORCHARD who The supreme court continued Its of March or the first of April, and one ta three rooms, from $5 to $15; since the institution of the asylum, ye a fellow killed a fine specimen of HOUSE years ago, was recently super adjourned session in the chambers In also furnished tent. Apply to Mrs. earC II sixteen building. yes spoonbill a-- few days ago. This, and 524 M. Is now the capitol Santa Fe, Norrls, John street, east end of ceded by Dr. E. Smith, who terday. the fact that the canvass backs are all viaduct. in charge. ready coming, Just the place for a Sanitarium or OOOCXOOOOOOOOOX0OCOXXX5000i fallowing makes me think, that Four-roo- niod-ern- , The communication reads: The business was trans FOR RENT cottage, a home place. the spring is to be unusually early." six-roo- "Charges are preferred against acted: with water, J20. A Must be sold at once. Case No. 1141, M. MI83 Bessie Sherrad, of the insane in re J. Palmer modern house, furnished or unfur Prosecuting Attorney S. B. an attorney of Farmlngton, against Torture by Savaaes. nished, for sale or rent. Call or ad asylum, to whom "Speaking The State National Bank Davis, Las Vegas, by Miss Francis Ad disbarment proceedings were of tho torture to which dress J. E. Haines, corner of Fruit PORTERFIELD CO., beating a patient to such an brought; report of committee from some of the savage tribes In the Phil avenue and North Third street. Office, 110 West Gold Avenue. dleman of Bar adopted ipplnes subject extent Is thought It resulted la her association and case re their captives, reminds Mew it manded to the First Judicial district me of the intense suffering I endured FOR SALE ol Albuquerque, Mexico death two days later. FOR SALE Two- tents; corner of Tipton, superintendent, pro court of San Juan county for hear for three months from inflammation Notarial work and conveyancing. "Dr. tag. of kidneys," says M. Mountain road and Fourth street. Capital Paid in $100,000 00 exhaustion, al- the W. Sher nounces it 'nervous 1108, Cushlng, Surplus Profits. though see patient from Case No. entitled Andres Can man of Me. "Nothing helped FOR SAIyE Good heavy farm am and 17,000 00 he did not the delarla, by me I coal she took seriously ill until an infant, Andres Cande until tried Electric Hitters, three work horses. Call at Hahn's the time laria, his natural and statuiory guar bottles of which completely cured me." yard. ehe was burled In the little grounds o asylum. dian, appellee, vs. Eplmenio A. Miera Cures liver complaint, dyspepsia, blood FOR SALE Oue saddle mure, cheap. c to OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: back of the appellant; rehearing disorders malaria; 30 "On Friday, December 29, 1905, at motion for de and and restores J. V. McQuade, 234 North Walter 5 10 i he weak nervous to O. X. MARROX, President; Wm. FARR, B. E:30 a. m., 'getting up time, the two nied; motion for per cent damages and robust health street. X Vice President; J. denied and Judgment rendered on Guaranteed by all druggists. Price a I McDOXALD, said nurses resumed their duties as FOR SALE All iota iu Coronada 3 3 HERXDON, Cashier; Roy Assistant Cashier; appeal bond. 50c. IT A I A I A I A I KJ (VA A usual, Miss Addleman attending the on Place. T. L. McSpadden, 300 South CD rS t? AS C Al C PTDAMO Case No. 1109, jbed. "Rtlents, Miss Sherrad the entitled Patillta Can Broadway. and delaria, an Infantry LEGGINGS. JAY A. HUBBS and D. II. CARNS. X remaining ones in me wara. vvuen Emlcran Cande LADIES' SELL, RENT OR TRADE usi your 2m laria, her natural and statutory guar- In canvas. Cut to fit foot and I 300 02 Marie Espinosa de Baca, a poor little the property with T. McSpadden, PI "O " PAID ON SIX MONTHS DEPOSITS AT THE RATE OF 0 patient, came out dian, appellee, vs. Epimenio Miera, ankle. Simon Stern, the Railroad South Broadway. INTEREST delicate Mexican appellant; rehearing r FIVE PER CENT PER ANNUM. 6 of the room, she being very insane motion for de Avenue Clothier. FOR SALE OR TRADE A good busi- O although no; violent, and began dress- nied; motion for 10 ier cent damages ness for city property. T. L. Mc- 5 K Judgment on se- She Miaht Have Died from Paralysis 2 ing in patient's clothing, Miss denied and rendered Spadden, 300 South Brondway. m OOOOXXXOCK0OCXXXXX30 another curities on appeal bond. Caused by Scarlet Fever, but Was Sherrad took her by the nape of her Cured by Sloan's Liniment. holt SAT.R Indian tradine Dost: z neck and threw her en the floor and Case No. 1143, entitled C. E. Don good a paying business. H elly, et al. vs. R. B. Kelly, al, mo Biloxi, Miss. location and Io 0 "OLD RBLIABLE" ESTABLISHED 187$ her head on the hard, oiled floor et L. 300 uroaa !eat tlon to vacate Judgment and reopen Dr. Earl S. Sloan: T. McSpadden, South until it was almost beaten to a Jelly Dear Sir Four years ago my little way. until there case denied. ., O. then arose and kicked her girl was dangerously 111 with Scarlet FOR SALE Horse, buggy and har PUTNEY was a large number of Mack spots on Case No. 1031, entitled Elias Chaves PROFESSIONAL CARDS and Emilia Chaves de Armljo, apiel Fever. She seemed to bo dying: her ness. Also good frame room, 12x14, her body, as well a on the head when was back sho suffered with shingle roof. Apply at 140 lees. vs. Hen Myers, administrator, head drawn and DENTISTS. interred. A agony. The doctor trltM remedy after West Roma avenue. WHOLESALE' GROCER It is firmly believed by Addle and Maria de Lucero and J. Was Mis remedy, but failed to relievo the pain, Cheap, &. - man, who was an eye witness to Lucero, appellants; niMion to remand FOR SALE Fairbanks the case to lower court sustained. until as a last resort he used Sloan's Morse power gasoline en- DR. J. E. KRAFT, scene on Friday morning, and who My experi- Dental Surgeon. Flour, Grain and Provisions Case No. 1131. entitled Peter Kit Liniment. ehlld began to gine, suitable for small pumping "was the patient's special nurse, on Is living Rooms 15 16, Grant block, over chen, appellee, vs. George Schuster, ence relief immediately, and plant. Enquire .1. W. McQuade. and Sunday afternoon, that she died from well today. I always keep Sloan's the Golden Rule Dry Goods company. Carries Largest and Most Exclusive Stock ot Staple Groceries appellant; argued submitted. Ro- and FOR SALE Jersey cow, fresh the the Injuries inflicted by Miss Sherrad and In now, mid use It Fine Both 'phones. Appointments made by in Southwest. len and Field and Lester, attorneys Liniment the house about April 1; young, and in her the . nurse disliked patient every emergnecy. mall. The latier the for prime, E. of very much because she was noisy and for appellant. Gratefully yours, $ri(. J. Haines, comer 1132, Levi R. Third street. Edmund J. Alger, O. D. S. troublesome. She said she would like Case No. entitled P. A. St. AMANAT. Fruit avenue anil North avenue. Office FARM AND FREIGHT WAGONS Thompson and A. B. McMillen, apiyl No. 306 Railroad to kill her. Miss Sherrad had handed FOR SALE OR TRADE A good hours, 8:30 a. m., to 12:30 p. m.; 1:30 lants, vs. Maria Inez Garcia de Sny A bargain. T. In her resignation when threatened NOTICE. Scliumaker piano. p. m. to 5 p. m. Telephone 462. Ap RAILI DAD AVENUE ALBUQUERUE. N. M. n law. was consequently der, appellee; argued and submitted. If you want your money's worth try L. McSpadden, 300 South Broadway. with the It Raynolds, attorneys polntments made by mail. VV. K. Tipton, superin McMillen and for out 15 cent meals. Cordova restaur- FOR SALE Small slock merchandise carried to Dr. attorney for tendent, who reinstated her, and she appellants, and Clancy, ant, 315 South First street. at a bargain. T. L. McSpadden, 300 LAWYERS. now on duly In F. appellee. South Broadway. Is still ward Rodey. This is only one instance of cruelty KUR SALIi A handsome rianiman Bernard 8. PROFESSIONAL CARDS A A W. Albuquerue in this institution. There arc many Doctors Are Puzzled. piano, In fine condition and almost TTO RN E 040C0C04K00 0 recovery Kenneth X. M. Prompt given to all others, and I Insist that the public The remarkable of new, at a bargain. For particu- attention Mi Me., BEAUTY CULTURE. pertaining to profession should know exactly how badly they lver of Vanceboro, is the sub lars, call at this office. business the Letter Hmd t upon. Jik--' of much Interest to the medical Will practice In all courts of the terri- e are imposed MRS. M. HELENA LEONARD, FOR SALE A good paying hotel In tory before United State Envelope FRANCES ADD1.EM AN. fraternity and a wide circle of friends. umall town. T. L. McSpadden, 300 and the 0 Me says of case: "Owing to severe Graduate of Parisian Institute. land office. Note Nurse at Asylum. his Late of New York city. The latest South Broadway. Meade Inflammation of the throat and con- M. Bond. scientific appliance and up to date FOR SALE 125, duo rancn al a 'ar-gai- Ira Programe z ion of the lungs, doctor ATTORNEY-AT-LAW- . 32 F street MANUEL OTERO, test three methods fo-- treating the hair, face will small property in Correct Invitation K. HON. nave me tip to die, when, as a last re-so- take Washington, D. C. Pensions, 0 ad scalp. Complexion steaming aad exchange. Write, wire, phone or X. W., Catalogue t I was induced to try Dr. King's lands, patents, copyrights, caveats Co merci LAND al REGISTER OFFHE bleaching; manicuring and shampoo L. McSpadden, 303 in 0 New Discovery ami I am happy to Bay, talk with F. patents, marks, claims. Blank Book inc. Electrolytic automatic water South Broadway. letter trade it saved my life." Cures the wors' w. D. Keoelpt Book WELL-GOVERN- - massage, til3 West Gold avenue. r. Brvan A BRIEF SKETCH OF A coughs and colds, bronchitis, lonsili-lis- , FOR SALE A good general merchan- . yl Auto phone 279.. iTTnnvF.v.AT-i.AW- Albuauer i n i g o dise and grocery business, with meat r la t lungs, P KNOWN. POPULAR weak hoarseness and que, N. M. Office, First National Krlpiw. Guaranteed at all drug stores. market included, and buildings for MENT OFFICIAL. ASSAYERS. M. Dragoie, 300 Bank building, s TiOc ami $1.00. Trial U ttlo free. rent. Inquire, In other word North Broadway. E. W. Dobson. T h e CITIZEN JOB Room mro turn out The New .Mexican of yesterday CORBET A. COLLINS. ATTORXEY-AT-LAW- . Office Crcra 0 half-ton- e Office Quartermaster. Denver. Foil SALE Hotel, European plan; every th Inge contains a fine cut of Hon. Chief Civil and Minlna Enalneers. United well block, Albuquerque, N. M. z Manuel R. Otero, the popular and Colo., March 1st, 19'itl. Sealed pro- Surveyors, 20 rooms, newly furnished In new printer know States Deputy Mineral In city; a to tifnclent register of the United Staled posals in triplicate, will lie received ASSAYERS. building; best location ARCHITECTS. how do .... iu here 11 a. in., on March 31, '.tin;, N. M. fine business proposition. Reason W. Spencer aDd V. O. Walling land office for ihis district, aud until Kant Klrla of l'laza. Santa Fe. poor F. connection therewith has the follow- lor transiHirtalion of Military Sup- o for selling, health. Address, ford, rooms 46 47, Barnett building s t!. F. J , office. ing to say about the gentleman : plies. Routes Nos. 1, 2, .'I, 4. and UNDERTAKER. this Albuquerque, N. M. Both 'phones. R. recently drayage Colo., dur- F O il S A I . E - $ 700 v. ill buy '"equity iu Oil Manuel Otero, who was add for at Denver. Red 115 NOTARY PUBLIC. C00K0OeC040 appointed for the third lime register ing the fiscal year commencing July Auto 'phone 310. .Colo. flrKt.ilnca rAnlilnnrn rn tK ltoar 0000000X00 f the United States land office In 1, 19O0. U. S. reserves ri;lit to ac- A. BORDERS, street In the city; will rent for $45 Thoa. K. D. Maddison, reject any proposals, City Undertaker. owner leaving town. F. L B. CUilders, 117 Sam a Fe, is a man of quiet and cept or or all BlacK month: Office with W. t character, but, neverthe- .'nloi uiatiou furnished on application. Commercial Club Building. McSpadden, 303 South Broadway. Gold avenue. white liearse, $5. 13. less, strong iu his purpose of doing Envelopes containing proposal should and FOR SALE A Drst-cias- double-ba- r RTJPPE Transpor- o CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. RIGHT right. He has lived and is living be marked: "Proposals for reled, shotgun; bran new PRESCRIPTIONS NEXT TO BANK OF COMMERCE on " Hd- - LAND MATTERS. an exemplary life, and bis conduct of tation Route No never has been used: one of th A. L. Morgan, 'Iressed C. A. H. McCaulev, Chief 1 i the office which he has filled for the H. W. 8. Otero, best makes. Call at The Citizen of tiih ivncPifijnEVT CONTRAC years, Im- At Consistent Prices 203 W. RatfroAd oast eight uud which is au United States Court Commissioner, flee for particulars, TOR AND BUILDER Estimates are A. portant one to people, Two-6tr- y the has been 703 West Silver avenue. Will attend FOR SALE l.nck building, cheerfully furnished: Job work solic very efficient and tttrict. Ills life is A Lively Tussle. land office. sixteen rooms; hot water heat, hot pnone. with old enemy of race, con to matters before the ited. Automatic as follows; that the o and cold water; gaa and electric 11 North Second street, AiDuquer"i He was born in 1841. in the little rHlpaliou, often ends hi appendicitis. lights ENGINEER. in each room; lot 75x142 feet; que, N. M. , Va- To stom- CIVIL C. town of Peralta, in the county of avoid all serious trouble with elosH in; tho " hst rooming and J. BALDRIDGE lencia, the county which has stead- ach, illver and bowels, tako Dr. Klng'u J. R. Farwell, lxwdlng house location in the city; PHYSICIANS. NATIVE AND CHICAGO LUMBER fastly and solidly voted New Life 1111s. They perfectly reg- Building. for the Room 23. N. T. Armljo hous-- nicely furnished; price and SHERMAN-WILLIAM- Always party since the organiza- ulate these organs, without pain or A. L. MAHAFFEY, M. D. PAINT BUILDING PAPER terms reasonable. Address, H. C, Homeopathic Physician and 8urgeon Covers more, looks best, wears , tion of thai party in the territory, discomfort. 25c at all drug atores. DrTrTl. MUST. care ,tock- - time. Corneal, of Citizen. Room 25, Whiting building, over longest, most economical. Mil "t. Office, 6-- N. T. Armljo Bldg. FOR SAI.B OR TRADE Are you in- Venn's drug store. Automatic measure. Paint, Glass, Sash Doers, ete. Tuberculosis treated with Hlgh-Frequen- cy terested In mines? I have some telephone. 410. Ger- FIRST HTREET AND COAL AVE. ALBUQUERQUE H. M. Eloctrical Current and said t0 be good deals. Talk with "DR. W. G. SHAORACH, USE micide. Treatments given each day we. T. L. McSpadden, 300 S. Broad- from 8 a. rn. to 4 p. in. Trained nurse way. Practice limited to Eye, Ear, Nose In attendance. Both 'phones. FOR SALIC A ulue-KKjin- , to-,tor- y and Tnrost. COLD COIN COLD COIN brick dwelling lu tho Hlhlanda; ii.. - - , anrtat. for Santa Fa COBS &. D. NUSBAUM, DRS. W. H. J. close in; bath, electric lights, cel- lines Office. 31SV4 West Railroad SUBSCRIBE FOR THE CITIZEN IF YOU WANT THE NEWS lar, burn. A bargain if taken at FLOUR. FLOUR. Physicians and Surgeons, 5 o o if di sired, l'ost-otllc- e 9 to 12 m. and to Office over Hickox Mayuard's Jew- mice. Easy terms Hour: elry Store, Second utreot. Box 218. p. m. . . FRIDAY, MARCH I, UOS. ALBUQUERQUE EVENING CITTZKIn

E OTHER EQUALS THE GOLD COIN FLOUR A A ILast PIRATE tfa AND ALONG CAME A REAL 0W 75 A IN TOE PEREA ADDITION Time A the Six on New Chance for Profit Offered The Even- beautiful lots York Avenue ing Citizen Reader. Let No One Fail to Benefit. A adjoining Luna Place If one can only recognize the symp- toms of Indigestion In the early stages, he la then In a position to pro- tect himself by proper attention. "He is twice armed who la fore warned." A Now Is tho time to be benefitted. Just as soon as you find that your food can be tasted after eating, when A Down the abdomen swells of bloats, whon $100 Balance $25 a Month the tongue Is furred, the breath heavy, the appetite poor, the head A dull and aching occasionally, then Is the time for treatment with a. This reliable remedy Is a perfect A restorer and strengthener of the whole digestive system. It restore! Office Surety lost functions to the stomach, investment Co strengthens tho nervous system, and enables one to eat what he likes with- D. K. B. SELLLRS, Agent. out fear of distress or trouble. So uniformly successful has Ml-o-- na been In curing all stomach troubles that J. H. O'Reilly & Co. give a sign- ed guarantee with every 60 cent box to refund the money if It does not NOTICE cure. The risk is all theirs. CARRIED HIS GUN Notice Is hereby given that an elec- FOR TEACHER'S BENEFIT. tion will be held in the City of Albu A special dispatch from Raton, ta querque, New Mexico, on Tuesday, To place your order the Denvqr Nrtw. dated February April 3, 1906, between the hours of 9 fcays: Arthur Ruby, a student in o'clock a. m. and 6 o'clock p. m., of I 1 FOR 1 the eighth grade of the public schools said day, at the following polling ar this place, today while handling a places; revolver, accidentally dis First Ward City Hall. charged It in the schoolroom. Second Ward At office of Chas. It occurred a few minutes before Chadwick & Co., on Gold avenue. PRINTING noon, which no little excite Third Ward At office of K. II. ment among the students. The ball Dunbar, on South Third street. struck a metal brace, splitting Fouith Ward Near corner of Cop- seat it per one-hal- f of the ball penetrating the avenue and Third street. npor while the other half glanced At which said election the qualified Don't wait until upward, inflicting electors of the said City of Albuquer- your supply a flesh wound in que, the arm of Miss Edna Leeny, a 14 New Mexico, residing within the H:nit8 of tho said city, shall choose year-ol- d girl on the opposite side of is entirely gone. Remember the aisle. This lad has the following officers: caused his One Mayor For a term of two teacher no small amount of trouble. years; r .e- - cif&ShJiJ and It Is stated that he has been carry City it takes time to execute good ing gun One Clerk For a term of two a to school sinoe receiving a years ; severe punishment from his teacher One City Treasurer For a term of a conspicuous place tomorrow, so that last week. two years. lob Printing and you TRAINS FAIRLY FLY FOR there will be no excuse for those on Two Members of the City Council the list not paying. TOUR FREE from the First Ward One for a term should Actions ordered against the 1905 of four years and ono for a term of demand the delinquents are being brought dally. two years, to fill out an unexpired A PRIZE OF $7,000,000 and an effort will be made to complete THE COURIER -- JOURNAL TO TAKE term. the list, which contains several bun NINETEEN YOUNG WOMEN One Member of the City Council dred names, some of them business ABROAD AS ITS GUESTS. from tho Second Ward For a term men. before April 1. If the court is of four years; GREAT SPEED CONTEST OF TWO RAILROADS OUT OF ST. LOUIS, not able to reach all delinquents Courier-Journ- One Member of City TOO HOT A FIGHT the The al is conducting the Council FOR MAIL CONTRACTS TO SOUTHWEST by that time, there will be some dis from the Third ward For a term of COLD-HEARTE- a popularity any- EVEN FOR THE POSTOFFICE DEPARTMENT. contest that eclipses years. franchised voters at the spring elec thing of the kind ever promoted In four CITIZEN tion, for, according to the attorney mat section. Briefly, the Courier One Member of the City Council general of the territory, the man who Journal proposes to take on a seven- - from the Fourth Ward For a term of JOB DEPARTMENT produces doesn't pay his poll tax, forfeits his weeks' tour abroad nineteen young four years. right t; vote. This law will likely women from Kentucky and southern One Member of the Board of Edu work disqualify a large number of voters Indiana, all expenses paid, from the cation from tho First Ward For a that pleases its cus- at the city spring election, which day the party leaves Louisville, July term of four years; comes on April 2. iz, until it returns to "The Old Ken Two Members of the Board tof Edu- tomers. A 'phone call will tucky Home." August 29. To give all cation from the Second Ward One for a term of four years, one a MORE NEwImISeT a chance the Courier-Journ- al has di and for vided Louisville term of two years, to fill out an un- have our man at your place and Kentucky and expired FOR ALBUQUERQUE Southern Indiana into eighteen dis- term. tricts, and the most" popular young One Member of the Board of Edu of business to talk this mat- woman from each district Is to be the cation from the Third Ward For a II ict A r U AftTrn iki rue mm r. one to make the tour. The nineteenth tern of four years; New ING HISTORY OF A RAPIDLY young lady Is to be selected in an One Member of the Board of Edu ter over. series of job GROWING TOWN. other way. Readers of the Courier- - cation from the Fourth Ward For a Journal are to select the guests for terti of four years; type, just the kind for all Architect La Driero yesterday let the paper, by ballot. It Is estimated FRANK McKEE. Mayor. contract, two-stor- the for n eight that the trip alono will cost the Cour commercial ier-Jour- work, have been - - J room residence, to be built for W. about $15,000, to say NOTICE Allison, at the corner of West Stl nothing of Incidental and other neces- Y ver avenue and Seventh street. The sary expenses. There may be a young Notice Is hereby given an elec- received at this office the first will be that c ' cement blocks woman from this section who Is a tion will be held In the City of Al- I Jk 7 while story will m O the second be built candidate for this tour. Write the buquerque, New Mexico, on Tuesday, past few days. of lumber and shingles. John Hart Courier-Journa- l, Louisville, Ky., for a April 3, 1906, between the hours of 9 g ... . has the contract. 1st of candidates and full details of o'clock a. m. and C o'clock p. ni.. of aM Mr. La Drlere recently let the con the tour. said day, at the following polling j two-stor- y tract for a brick residence places: for Ambroslo Candelarla, to be built PROPOSALS FOR BARN. Depart First Ward City Hall. near the corner of West Tljeras ave ment of the Interior. Office of Indian Second Ward At office of Chas. nue and Sixth street. Wallace Hes Affairs, Washington, D. C, February Chadwick & Co., on Gold avenue. seldcn secured the contract for the 5, 1906. Sealed proposals, endorsed Third Ward At office of E. H. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. building and the Standard Plumbing "Proposals for Barn, ZunI School, New Dunbar, on South Third street. (Homestead company will do the plumbing, which Mexico," and addressed to the Com- Fourtn Ward Near corner of Cop- Entry No. 8687.) (Small Holding Claim No. 69S.) will c:nslst of a sanitary system of missioner of Indian Affairs, Wash- per Third street. Department of tho Interior, Ijind Of Department of the Interior, i.venuo and flee Unite hot and cold water throughout the ington, D. C, will be received at the At which election the question of at Santa Fe, New Mexico, Jan States land office, Santa Fe, N. M. nary 30, building. Indian office until 2 o'clock v. m.. authorizing the Issuance of Three 1906. January 29, 1906. fol- The specifications for new tele March 20, 1906. for furnishing de- ($300,000) Notice Is hereby given that the Notice is hereby given follo- the and Hundred Thousand Dollars lowing that the phone building, which is to be built livering the materials and labor nec of bonds of said City of Albuquerque, named settler has filed notice wing-named claimant bat filed no- of final on North Third street, will be on essary to construct and complete ft ."'ew Mexico, to purchase and extend nis Intention to make proof in tice of his intention to make final their way to Denver for epprova stone barn at the ZunI Indian school, to vater works now owned by the support of bis claim, and that said proof In support of hlg claim under within a few days. Mr. I.a Drlere, New Mexico, In strict accordance with Water company of said city, proof will be made before the probate sections IS and 17 of tbe act ot March who Is the architect, expects to have plans and specifications and instruc v.111 be submitted to the qualified clerk at Albuquerque, New Mexico, on 3, 1891, (26 Stats., 854), amended 6, 1906, at them back within ten days, and be tions to bidders, which may be exam- voters of said city, who ore the own- March viz.: by the act of February 1, 1893, (27 aide to ask for bids for the e nstrue ined at thfs office, the offices of The ers of real nnd personal property, John A. Sweeney, of Bernalillo Stats., 470), and that tald proof will county New Mexico, 1, 6 ' tion of building by the termlna Citizen. Albuquerque, X. M.; Improve subject to taxation, within tho City for the lots be made before United State ft ft' 4 ft' the tbe 4 " tlon of that time. ment i.ulieMn, Minneapolis, Minn.; of AH)uue--(uc- and 7. of section 1, township 8 north, court commissioner at Albuquerque, CONDITIONS OF CONTEST. range 2 American Contractor, Chicago, 111.; FRANK McKEE, Mayor, east. N. M., on March 9, 190C, vis.: following CRUSHED BY HEAVY Construction News, Chicago, 111.; o He names the witnesses Placido Salazar y Otero, for tbe S. -- Belt, against the 'Frisco Competitors Iron Mountain aiU CcttJn PIECES OF LUMBER & to prove his continuous residence H. C. No. C98, for lot 1. 25 "Katy." Builders Traders' Kxchaugea at NOTICE upon sections and Word was telephoned to the HI Paso St. Paul. Minn., Minneapolis, Minn.; and cultivation of said land, viz.: and 26; lots 3 and 4, sections 23, 24. Course From St. Louis to Dallas and Fort Worth, ubout 700 ews of a saa accident, which James R. Bingham, John W. Bar-net- t, 25 26; 2, tiaic .Milwaukee, Wis., and Omaha, Neb.; 1s and lot section 25, township Notice hereby given that un Can-troll- , miles. pened at Jarilla Junction, N. M. J tne As- Manuel Iopez and Ell A. 7 north, range 2 east. hours, frotu dusk. Northwestern Manufacturers' election will be held lu the City of Time About seventeen dawn to W. Bailey, of that place, while work sociation. Paul, Minn.; S. all of Albuquerque, New Mexico. He names the following wltnettee Mail to be worth $7,000,000. St. the U. Albuquerque, New Mexico, on Tues- MANUEL, Prize contract estimated Ing on a pile of lumber, was struck Indian 119 R. OTERO, to prove bis actual continuous adverse Mail 4,000 postofflces advanced from Warehouses at Wooster day, April 3rd, 1900, between tho Results far southwestern by some heavy timbers and instantly street, New York City. 205 Register. possession of said tract for twent: twenty-fou- r South hours of 9 o'clock a. in. and 6 o'clock twelve to hours. killed. Canal street, Chicago, 111., 602 years next preceding the turvey ot Races are run daily, rain or shine. Postal employes are time- South p. in., of saTU day, at the following Details of tho accident are lacking Seventh street, St. Louis, Mo., 815 places: MERCHANT TAILORING tbe township, viz.: keepers. Uncle Sam is the Judge. Excuses don't go. Results count. but It Is presumed removing voting that the Howard street, Omaha, Neb., and 23 Hist Ward City Hall. Jesut Garcia, of Valencia, N. M.; of some pieces of lumber dislodged Washington street, San Francisco, Meliton S. Otero, of Peralta, N. M.; otiiers, Bllpped Second Ward At office of Chas. UPSTAIRS. OVER NO. 209 WEST Mo., 2. tt competitors will a sched- which and fell on the Cal., and at sc'iool. For further & Co., Salvador M. Gonzales, of Albuquerque, Kansas City,miintitMarch A; the establish the Chadwick on Gold avenue. RAILROAD AVENUE, O. BAM- to worth $7,000,000 ule beating other by half an hour unfortunate man. Information, apply to Douglas B. Third Ward At office of E. II. N. M.; Juan Sanchez y Apodaca, of jrize estimated be the uauey anil ran res BINI, PROPRIETOR in th shape of payments for handling or so, and (he next day the rival will air. nis wire a Graham, superintendent, ZunI, New Dunbar, on South Third street. Feralta. N. M. taurant at Jarilla, and besides bis Any person who i he St. Louis to Texas, have clipped off forty-fiv- e minutes and Mexico. C. F. larraljee, Acting Com- Fourth Ward Near corner of Cop- desires to protest mails from wife, he boy, who Is 12 inspired speed con- again first place. Then the de- leaves a years missioner. per avenue and Third street. My mercaant tailoring mop is up against tbe allowance of said proof, or has a series of take of age. any tests In the southwest which have feated line will start its train thirty At wMr'i said election the question stairs over No. 209 West Railroad ave who knows of substantial reason a The deceased was a native of Ark HEAVEN REVEALED. authorizing Thirty nue, where I solicit the patronage of under tho laws and regulations of the broken all rfrransmlssissippl speed minu'es tarlitr and cut out couple ansas, of the of records for sustained distances, ann of stops and win again, only t: be from which state he moved to By Benjamin Fiske Barrett. Thous.uiii ($:ii),o0) Dollars of bonds the public. All work guaranteed first Interior department why such proof New Mexico some time ago. class, as I have had fifteen years' ex should not be allowed, will be given have endanged the laurels of eastern met with a new schedule by tho other. pp. large of tin said City of Albuquerque, New is arrange 5Vx" inches; type; ie-i- t an Toads for fast runs. The competition has reached a point it slated that definite Mi ) erect and build a city perlence in the business. Suits made opportunity at tbe above mention- ments for the fin ral have not yet flee cloth.) to ed time and place to cross-examin- e by where the depart meni U building, will ie submitted to the order. Clothes cleaned, pressed and The distance traversed daily the been made, and so It b not yet known repaired. specific I use will not the witnesses of said claimant, and said to have it Is time of- qualilied voteis of said city, who are The to rival flyers the Iron Mountain and that w For a limited period till book Is t'lft-- r v liU - of hether the n mains will be shinned e t prop- Injure garments iii o in rrLuiial of tub- to stop. fered at rates, 50 cents, with t! vntrs of real or personal the cloth. Ladles' that Cotton Belt railways on one hand and to Arkansas or the Interment take trade erty, subject to taxation, within tbo also cleaned and walking skirts madeimitted by claimant. i he 'Katy"-'Frlsc- on is 9 centi postage for mailing, the other place at Jarilla. dl City of Albuquerque, New Mex- to order. Give me a trial. MANUEL R OTERO, about "oit miles. The average time VOTERS MUST PAY CONTENTS. O. BAMBINI. Register. The Origin Essen-tb- l ico. made, including stops, is forty miles A Scientific Wonder. of At.els The McKEE, Mayor. Nature of FRANK tin hour. The actual average running THEIR POLL TAX The cures thai stand to its credit of Ik.iven Character Mrs. Bambini, at her parlors, No. NOTICE FOR M;o Angr-l- Scripture PUBLICATION. lime is close to sixty miles an hour. make Bucklen's Arnica Salve a scien- of Tbe national ski tournament at 209 West Railroad avenue. Is pre- Individual instances are rejHirted lu tific wonder. It cured E. R. Mulford, The Sure Way to Heaven Practical Mich., l.u.i week bruught out pared to give thorough scalp treat- (Homestead Entry No. 6048.) whit-I- NEW LAW BRANDS DODGERS DE- Tendency of En- Or-tle- much higher speed is inauu. lecturer for the Patrons of Husbandry, This Disclosure some o! the cm talent In thi line ment, do dressing, corns, Department of the Interior, Land e LINQUENT AFTER 1 In Heaven, hair treat For ins, the 'Frisco goes down APRIL Waynesboro, Pa., of a distressing case vironment and What De in th north. The best Jump was bunions Ingrowing She ot Santa Fe, New Mexico, Jan ARE DISFRAN- In A and nails. onie of the grades In tho Ozarks In of piles. It heals the worst, burns, termines It Sorlotbs Heaven made by Die Handsel h or Red Wing, gives massage manicur- uary 30, 1906. CHISED. Heaven N'en treatment and i he early morning hours at a rate ot boils, ulcers, cuts, wounds, chil- for the Christian World Minn., who cleared '.'i feet. ing. Mrs. UuniMnl's own preparation Notice is hereby given that tne 4 d which the engineers 2Tic at. Are Earthly Relationships contin- lowing .spei estimate In keeping with the new poll tax blains and salt rheum. Only of complexion cream builds up the named settler has filed notice to In eighty-liv- miles an hour. all drug stores. ued in Heaven? Mee'lng and Recog- of his intention to make final proof lu law passed by the last legislature, to UIM I DCDC A skin and improves the complexion, I: re February 12 that nition of Friends In the Hereafter MMtiMMIlldfiItin UCI support claim, was rted the take 1, 1906, poll Is guaranteed not to be injuri of his and that tald hail effect after March MAIL CONTRACTS AWARDED. Personal Appearance of the Angels proof will train made as much en- prepares tonic be made before the probate tax for the present year and all Heav-o- willing? Willingness ous. She also a hair a.--, miles an hour, the day The contract for carrying the mail uejuvenesceure and Orowth lu he isn't It clerk at Albuquerque, New Mexico, on suing years is due after March 1. and al- - that cures ami prevents dandruff and before. the star routes out of Ijis Vegas, en Houses and Homes In Heaven an ample mantle which will e March C. 1906, viz.: must be paid penalty be- - ' under of suit fr:m July 1, 'M6, to July 1. 1910. hav Carments in Heaven Children in rntMt cover ail tbe sins of serv- " """" y Ber- Mail w.iglurs have Just started in April 1, removes moles, su- - Manuel Chaves Turrleta, of fore and in accordance with Heaven Marriage Heav-i- But a classified advertise-- liair: wans and ; Pr. how much the government been awarded Bi follows: Las Vegas Sex and In ice. nalillo county. New Mexico, for tbe inn . I1'' Also a powder, a this law, Charles White, clerk of the Rix-iada- ' hair. face jihall pay fur the next four years for Kugeuio Romero; I. as Ve en Work In Heaven Thro Three i n:ent In Tbe Evening Citizen Is a lot 4, and the southeast quarter of the beard oi eduction, began yesterday - -.- only xltreckle cure and pimple cure and pile irausportliig the mails from St. Louis gas to Mineral Hill. An'onio M. Lu- Heavens and How llelated Eternal iiiintf. helner thai Is not southwest quarter of section 19, town- gathering In the 1I06 assessments. A Vegas Progress a. aiiariliitc'vr rnmiifetent. hut ilea la Pure, of these preparations are thi-- ee'ro; La?: to tJuilinas Springs, In Heaven Consociation of t ship 9 north, range 3 east. u southwest. i vegetable compounds revised list of the lno.l roll, upon !'.;fael Lucero. Angels With Men. ulllinir worker. It workt all purely Hate No one can f2y Jus; what the which are yet many names, just a vibrator machine for He names the following witnesses the loo theiv that Addrest, the time for you. It It the best addel to prove weights will be for next do not have the little mark following Switzcr, manager ,;f the treatment of scalp, face, and cure of his continuous residence . n Herman THE NUNC LICET PRESS, and most economical publicity In f upon ful calculations based , and cultivation of said land, viz.: days, but cart them, signifying owner ha-- t wrinkles. It is also used f3r rheuma- average amount carried, that the is not local Harvey curio rminw, re 42 West Coulter Street, the wor!J. Gregorlo Apodaca y Candelarla, of the piesttit a school tax dodger, will be posted In turned from a visit Callup. tism, pains and massage. and the existing rate of pay. makes lj Philadelphia. Pa. Albuquerque, New Mexico; Francisco seven days in the week. Orlego, of Albuquerque, New Mexico; it $o0o u day. COMING EVENTS The contract runs for four yeais, Manuel Antonio I'ena, of Ptjarlto, total amount New Mexico; Ramon Lopez, ot Albu which would make the . J7,yiMi,(Hiit. March 9 Kerry from O-rry- querque. New Mexico. The fast mail trains of b th sys March 'Jl Eilerys Royal Italian MANUEL R. OTERO. terns leave St. Ixniis between 2 and 3 ASK YOUR GROCER FOR GOLD COIN FLOUR liand. Register. a. m Both rea-- Dallas and Fort Match 31 Charles HanforJ Com- o Worth between fi:8u and 8. One ot pany lu ShaUspearlan Plays. Try a Citizen want ad. PAGE FOUR. ALBUQUERQUE EVENING CITIZEN f R I DAY, MARCH 2, 1906.

CITIZEN XOOX0OXXOXXXXXXOXCOXXO0 LOCAL PARAGRAPHS THE ALBUQUERQUE Some Sfraowiimj Dally Dd Weekly of Published The American Food Products com- Cy The Citizen New Mexico Growfclhi 9 pany today filed Its articles of Incor- PuhinCompany poration with the probate clerk. Santa Fe New Mexican. O K. I). w7 W. T. MoCREIGHT William T. McCrelght, Thamaa sTstrickler" Plondln, Milton President Business Manager Maddison, Joseph A. ring 00XOX)XXXX000000MXXX)0X)00 M. W. H. Chibbrs are pring Dutcher and The New Mexican pleads guilty to optimism In the named ns the Incorporators. The new company Is capitalized at $2,500,000. The Coal Strike affairs of this territory. Some people think It. carries Tho coal consuming capnclty of the fifty largext Y. Walton this too far and that tho facts da not Justify such Ideas ' Roderick Stover and W. something appalling. They expect this evening for ft cities In the United States Is as this paper declares and advocates, on to leave Spring the other hand duck hunt In the vicinity of Sablnal. consume one-thir- d of all tho coal mined in the United I AM SHOWING A FINE web-footer- LINE the New Mexican Insists that everything that has been whfm the s are reported OF they but one-niM- h of the pop- States, although contain said by it Is more than borne out by plentiful. A railroad mm who arrived actual conditions, as yesterday morning ulation of the entire country. This is duo to the fact official figures from the south amply prove. - saw n large flock o that nianiifacuring concerns are concentrated iu the cen- said tha- he New Mexico is attracting more attention today than geese on the S.tldnal i nd as the train Young Men's Suits, Boys' Suits of population. and ters at any former timo on account of its agricultural possi- passed. The blow event of an effective strike hardest lnthe bilities. Home seekers are coining to in The spicinl committee of the Elks' the territory chair- would lo felt by tho working people. l,ack of coal would great numbers, up lodge, of which L. C. Bennett is taking and purchasing large areas ot man, will hold an Imnortnnt meeting Children's in down large Industries. Out of work, the em- Suits the latest styles shut the land In valleys, and building new agricultural communi- at the Surety Investment, company's ployes would not have an equal chance with the better ties of considerable Importance. office on Second s reet, this evening, at tho higher at o'cl It Is wish of A Fiffe faring ones to buy .food much less coal Forty-on- e per 7:45 rk. the Given Away With Every Boy's Satt cent of the people in the territory pur- Mr. all of the will prevail. Were 500,0(10 miners to quit work Hcnnelt that members price that suing gainful occupations are engaged in agricultural committee nttend this meeting. He Jong enough, one of them could put out of employ- not each pursuits quite a creditable showing. In the great agri- promises that the meeting will DUNLAP OPENING DAY FEBRUARY ment three men In some other path of labor dependent last over half an hour, but he would 17 theni-"uelve- s. cultural upon steam. This would make, with the miners state of Illinois, having n papulation of 2.804,040, like to see all present. engage In gainful occupations, 7S1 2,000,000 of men, not counting the women, chil'dren there are 826. persons, Mr. Mapes, an undertaker, formerly and aged men dependent upon them. The following table or only 31 per cent, as against 41 per cent in New Mex of Chicago, has arrived in tho city shows the total weekly consumption of coa! In tho largest ico, who are engaged in agricultural pursuits. and purchased the Euehr Undertaking W cities and the number of employes a coal famine would parlors on West Railroad nvenue, m Tho area and valuation of farm lands and the value AND In ELL affect: which he will conduct the mture. of farm property In New Mexico has materially increased Mr. Mapes Is a thoroughly experi- Tons used Employes since 1S!0, as Is shown In the following table: enced undertaker and embalmer, and FINE CLOTHING and FURNISHINGS Cities. Per week. Affected. will no doubt, secure his portion of business in Albuquerque. It Is New York 300,000 150.000 isao the 200,00 250.0041 rumored that still another undertaker Chicago Total number of farms 1,438 is to enter the local field. A gentle- rhlladclphia .. 175,000 150,000 Acres in farms 782,822 man from the east has made arrange- o o - 120,000 80,000 SL Louis Total value of property $33, 543, 14 1 ments to open up undertaking par- ooo Boston 95,00(1 60.000 Lands, fences, buildings 8,140,800 lors in the W. W. Strong building, Baltimore 120,000 40.000 Implements and machinery 291,140 particulars of which will be an- 0 Cleveland 100,000 50,000 Live stork, June 1 25.111,202 nounced in these columns later. Policy 20.000 tiMs Buffalo 50.000 1900 With passing of February and 0 of Stoire the Sa"n Francisco 17,500 3,oihi Total number of farms 11.834 the beginning of March, people of Al- 0 Cincinnati " Acres In farms 5,130,878 buquerque have ceased asking them- Pittsburg 348,000 KKt.Ooo Total value of property $53,737,824 selves the old question, "When are 0 10,mK) up 25,000 fences, buildings 20,888,811 ;he Santa Ke yards to lie moved 5fo clean stock 30,000 south?" This question has been agi- Detroit 00,000 Implements and machinery 1.1 51 .RIO 0 tin.UOO tated so often fruitlessly, It Milwaukee 33,000 - Live stock, June 1 and that once yearly open 0 31.727,400 Is and Washington 15.000 1,000 getting to be somewhat of a chest- nut. Santa Fe officials refuse y dis- Newark 1M0U fiO.OoO 0 These figures cuss the matter or to offer any yiew. seasorrwith new goods. 0 2O.O0O 19.00 give an idea of the rapid development Jersey City A prominent official who was In Al- 25,000 20,000 and they are also Indicative of what may be expected in Louisville buquerque today,, stated he did 3.0(H) tne future. that 0 Minneapolis 30,000 Anotner matter that is worthy of record here not know when the yards would be 0 '. is fact producing capabilities per Indianapolis . 35.0OO 37,000 the that the capita of moved to a point south of city. engaged agricultural the f Kansas City 42.n0 "0,000 those In pursuits have increased "We have been contemplating such 0 0 St Paul ) 35,000 10,000 amusingly. The aunual value of farm products Increased a move for same time," Baid this offi THE NAME in tho ten years, 1890 to 1900, $2,00(i,0U0 cial, Rochester 12,000 2,000 from nearly tn "but the time Isn't rine vet." 0 Denver 25,000 25.000 a little over $310,000,000, or an increase of 400 per cent 0 Toledo 77 30,000 . 20,000 in ten years, while the agricultural population lias not WELL KNOWN LOCALITIES 14,000 increased greatly. Columbus 35.000 SECURE LICENSE TO WED 0 Win. CHAPLIN 0 Syracuse 13.200 2.000 One of the arguments against the admission of New Fall River l.m 15."00 Mexico as a state, is that mineral properties are not r'.(MH always reliable, as mines have and do become exhausted, J. W. Masters and Mary R. dross 0 Omaha paid 0 ' 13.000 in.000 and when that happens the value of the country in which the probate court a visit today, Not only means Memphis smiled upon the deputy clerk, jingled the 6cranton 50,000 5.(100 such mines have existed decreases in proportion to the 0 exhaustion of such mines, Is a dollar on the counter, and lelt with it therefore clear that New a best shoes butit 0 Mexico is greatly wronged document which will permit them to stands These figures are appalling. Yet they do not begin when that rule is applied to wed when they so desire. him her; 41 to show the evil extent of a coal strike. Every dealer in when it is considered that per cent of her people Mr. Masters was, until recently, a 0 (mi equally for honest 0 the land would feel the effects In the Immediate and are engaged in agricultural pursuits, that between the clerk at the store of the Mclirian material decline in his business, while every family In census of ISaO and 1900 the number of farms increased Furniture company. He is per cent, 0 broad country would be touched by It. In the In- 15 the area of farm lands increased 550 pjr a home furnishing store of 0 this cent, his own, on Gold avenue, opened creased cost of fuel and of manufactured articles of every the value of farm products 400 per cent, the value to bo 13(1 March oth. His prospective wife has rise, regard- of farm lands with their improvements per cent, the X- X- X x- x-- x-x character, the price of which will at once in - -x value of implements machinery 2!)." been engaged ilrtSsniaking In the - less of the quantity which might be on hand. and per cent and the city, for some time. apartments value of live stock 2(i per cent. Her Yet it seems now even more than probable that the are in the new Arniijo building, over 0 first of April will bring the coal strike, with all its And probably better than nil, as showing the pro- the Phoenix Dry Goods store. 3000 pairs men's fine shoes 0 evils. The telegrams represent the operators ducing capabilities of the soil under the skillful man- fairly falling over themselves in their haste to declare agement of its present tillers is the gratifying fact that TENTH ANNIVERSARY AT 0 AWi "WWCr ifcx I'M 10CO pairs women's fine shoes 0 they never will consent to the small increase of the annual value of farm produce has Increased during that THE HARWOUD wages demanded by the miners to meet the undeniable the same decade from nearly $2,000,000 to a little over SCHOOL Impairs misses' and children's fine advance in the cost of living. .According to the tele-gra- 10,0110,000, or an increase of 400 per cent, while the agri- 0 one of the most vociferous of these refusers to ad- cultural population has not Increased lOo per cent. These The anniversary' exercises which shoes. vance wages Is the representative of the J. plerpont figures nre worth cutting out and preserving for future marked the completion of ten years of work at In production business. It will reference. Right here, it is more thun gratifying to state the Harwood Home are 0 Morgan interests the coal worthy of more than passing notice. was over that statistics, since the census of 1H0O, gathered by the x-x-z- X -x-x 1)0 remembered that the anthracite coal strike The exercises of last Tuesday af- wages, that Census Bureau and the Bureau of Immigration of this a demand for a 20 per cent Increase of and ternoon were in recognition of t lie 0 the operators swore by all that was holy such increase territory, indicate that a greater advance than the one ten years of successful work through Our would bankrupt every mother's son of them. When which has taken place between 18!)0 and 1900, is' the which this intsltution has passed. window display will President Roosevelt shamed them into accepting arbitra- order of the day, and that the census of 1910 will place there aie about da girls enrolled give you an inkling of the 0 tion, the arbitrators gave tho men 10 per cent. The re- New Mexico far ahead of the 1900 census, especially In and most of theiu are iu constant been in the two year's since then, the op- tho lines of agriculture, horticulture and slock raising. shapes sult lias that The faculty of the school is compe that stylish dressers erators have declared the largest dividends In their his- 0 00OOCK0000X300XXOOCKOC0OC O tent and faithful. will wear, come tory. In spite of the inclement weather a but in and The facts set forth In this article, clearly show that large number of visitors were pres carefully inspect arbitration is the proper remedy for strikes which deal SecdH Grtfanira Dssy as ent. The exercises were varied and the shoes 0 with the necessities of life; and that instead of waiting exceedingly interesting. We Evidences of themselves. feel confi- till vast suffering and loss have been inflicted upon tho Asifted! For iSclhools the handiwork as well 0 people, such should be compulsory and em- is the culinary skill of the students you arbitration were abundant. were dent that if are a man ployed before begins, when it first becomes Refreshments the strike served In the spacious dining room who wants money manifest that the disagreeing parties will not or cannot ooxcxooxxx:oocoooocooc by the Woman's Home Missionary the best 0 come to an agreement based on compromise. Corn, '"king of grains," has issued an official Society of the First Methodist Epis- can buy we will have your that every school throughout the land shall ob copal church. serve Seed Day in April bouth of latitude of St. ibis school is supported bv the trade. 0 drain Woman's Home Missionary Society Heed of Renai&iioEa Louis, April is line, April 11th, Yesterday, an ocean steamship, carrying both freight 4th the day; north of that of the Methodist church and is rap or as near these dates as possible. passengers, was to leave San Pedro, Cal., direct to idly growing. 0 and All children are requested to at once test selected Honolulu. This should be the beginning of great, new Mrs. archow, the superintendent seed grain. To do this, take two dinner plates and two In charge, is an experienced commercial routes, involving many Important changes and pieces of thick cloth or blotting paper of the highly succesful manager and the - developments. Speuking of this fact, tho Denver! the size 0 and part of plate. drain stltiuion Is in a most encouraging SHOE Times says: inner the Wet these thoroughly and ' STORE extra Put one piece on the plate condition. "To have a harbor connecting the southern shores of off tho waier. of cloth Win. CHAPLIN and the grain over it evenly cover the 121 0 dlie country, not only with the islands of the Pacific and scatter and with SMALL PIECE OF WIRE PUTS Railroad Ave. doth. Turn plate over prevent orient, but more directly than ever before with the second the other it to OUT CATTLEMAN'S EYE. the evaporation set in warm place. Examine fre- southern portions of the American coast line, will mean and a D. L. Walker, a well known cattle quently and if It grows dry'add a water. six much to countless interests alt over the southern and little After man from Dragoon Summit, Is con or eight days remove cloths and the per southwestern states. The development of southern Cali- the determine fined to the hospital, at Tucson, Ariz., centage of germination. To test kernels from several as the a very peculiar and fornia, especially Los Angeles ami the country suround-io- g result of oooooooooo ooooooooo ears of corn iu same plate, off blotting paper unusual accldellt. He was operated it, has been unprecedented within the past few years, the mark the THE CELEBRATED into squares and number each one to correspond with the upon Saturday afternoon, and his but the future progress will be still greater if the nat- right eye was removed. Mr. Walker THE NEW YORK FAIR - ear from which the kernels are taken. Report of possibilities of this IiuiIkm- me allowed to assert results was cutting wire, ANTONIO ARMIJO, Prop. ural test in school on Seed Grain Day. bring to school a piece of barbed Uiemselves. Already, however, there is danger that rail- AIo and in some manner u piece of it a sample car of luo keruals of corn or other grain seed O. F. O. way compacts will interfere with the free play of natural was broken 0ff. It flew up, and jag- to study good poor varieties HOME GROWN PURE CHILE movement, and l.os Angeles Is beginning to talk of an- their and point, tell which ged the cattleman in the eye, blind- are best and why, figure In cost profit of ing A nexing San Pedro and Wilmington in order In Iter to con- differenco and him. physician was summoned good vs. poor yields, carry of many plans and go Special Sale Every Saturday. Auto Phone 601. 121 N. matters of this nature. It is an outrage that or out any the advised Mr. Walker to to the WHISKEY Third Street. trol there may be hospital, to have an operation per- any question new hurbors, new of for the day arranged in the proclamation, which Is ever but that lines writing liuikling, formed. The operation is reported com hail free by King Corn, 1443 Marquette to8ooeooooocoo ooooeooootooi steamships and new railroads will mean effective Chicago. successful. Bottled In Bond. petition, yielding advantages, to ;i!l Interests in all parts A young foll-s- grain is organized by the of the country. Experience has shown the folly of ex club to be boys and girls of at h or district, a harvest peeling this, however, unless there is the vigilance school and SOMK OK TJ festival is to be hold autumn, by each school, for IK AlVANTAUKS and resistance in case of unjust iliscriiniuai ion. If ll next TheGeo.T.StaggCo. TRADING WITH US: which many and valuable are offered. The THE JAFFA GROCERY CO. opening of this new route to the orient and the south nrizes DlaUUera, We Have the S'.ock We Make the Price Right stare of Colorado gives $2,500 In Minne . should reduce the price of goods shipped from this part special prizes, We Deliver Goods Promptly We Remedy any Dissatisfaction a like .amount, officially promoting FRANKFORT, KT. of the country, as it naturally should do, ro'orado'i sola other states are We Compound Medicine With Skill Immediately manufacuritig agricultural the idea u various ways, and the children may also com- and products would be gleii pete add 13. TI. better shipping opportunities. The lower grades and equilly with the grown ups, in the contest to Good Things to Eat. BIvKiGS Si COMPANY lar millions to grain growers' profits. a new ME LIN I & EAKIfi more direct, routes between here, and the lower coast port This plan adds PKOP'S. ALVAKADO PHARMACY fascination to nature study and introduces agriculture First St. and Gold Ave. should .greatly reduce transportation to any t tans-Pacifi- c Sole Agent. Both Phone. point." into schoots 'ii a interesting and practical way. FRESH ASPARAGUS. FRESH GREEN BEANS. Albuquerque, N. M. All there advantages will not I.c ailow l if the trans- FRESH WAX BEANS. Automatic Phone, 199. Not to Be Quoted. continental railways cau prevent it; and yet, Koraker FRESH SUGAR PEAS. oococcoccoocooooooocooco When you want something In the nd Aldrich, and others of that ilk, will stand up in the The Imarded a Chestnut street car at llroai FRESH CAULIFLOWER. senate and demand that there shall lie no control if rail- street. Two minutes later u bulky gentleman dropped FRESH TOMATOES. Wootton & Myer, House Furnishing Line roads, either in rate or otherwise. into i hi- - seat by Is side, and lammed blni against the FRESH WATER CRESS. Go To window. The reporter grunted, but ihe newcomer was FRESH LETTUCE. Melville l". Stone, manager of ihe Associated Press: choi rful. FRESH RADISHES, ETC. Chas. L. Keppeler Turkeys. Crown Studio It is from the great public that we g, t tin. new s w hich we '1 knew Client nut before It hud car tracks." he Geese. Real 323 South Second St. street Ducks. Hens. OVER POST HARDWARE CO. Estate distribute and print, and it thus iieconu Importaui that, announced, pleasantly. to run omnibuses, up one Highest price paid for household I'sed Spring Chickens. Broilers. Ave. goods. goods in dealing with the newspapers, you side down 213',i West Railroad AND New and second band should be fair and and the other." SMOKED HERRING. RENTALS Ixmght Store reporters. For an intelligent virtuous press, The reporter Int. Auto Phone, 320. and sold. Phones: accurate and wasn't THREE SIZES OF MACK- Ued 282; House Black 263. honest and truthful editors are far less needed than an "Yes," he co il imieil," -- I've lived here all m.V bf-'- - 1 EREL. Ranches and Farms puTTIlc. on honest and truthful When we live in (he coming like to see the old Knvn grow. 1 was Isirn iu 1S11 COO FISH. & CO. Utopia the laws will make li a crime to tell a lie to un the L'd of 1844." SALT HERRING. Novelty Works RANKIN Albuquerque Correspondence Solicited. REAL ESTATE ditor. My experience leads me to believe that, as a rule, The reporter tried to hnigliie just when the moment- A LARGE VARIETY OF FIRE INSURANCE. F. 8. HOPPING, Proprietor . 1L'3 S. Third St., LOANS la your journalist, ,e CANNED FISH FOR it not but his Informant, who should ous event happened. 'phe information was somewhat THE 321 ALBUQUERQUE . . . . LENTEN SEASON. South Second Street N. 451. sued for libel. hazy. received, large shipment ot OOCOOOOCx) Automatic phone Swiss Cheese, Just Room 10. Armllo Building "Yes, those are facts," lie went "1 went to school Camembert Cleveland, Rambler, Columbia, and N. T. oil. Cheese. Neuchatel Cheese, Senators Aldrich, Foraker, Kean. ICIkins and Crane What, not going?" Tribune Biovcles. Repairing of all JEMEZKOT SPRINGS STAGE Cream Cheese and twelve other LINE FURNITURE EXCHANGE reported to have laughed heartily, or at replied I belong. kind. Before buying give u a call are least to hae "Yes." the reporter, "In re's when' kincs. All kinds of smoked chuckled mirthfully, at thtlr frolic in putting the presi- "Say, young man, whai':; your business?" sausages, tongues, etc. Carries the Unner State mall; PIONEER BAKERY only with a AND STORAGE CO. dent's rate bill into Tillman's bands. What a merry lot "1 am u reporter. "Good Things to Eat." line change of stock en of wags, to be sure! What facetilious fellows! Whal "A reporter? (ireat cried, "and here SIMON BALLING, Proprietor. route; good rigs, horses and drivers; heavens:" he BalllnB Broa.) rig leaves Albuquerque Monday genial tribunes of the people! Hut, in the end, the peo- I've been talking so freely you. Say, now, don't quote The Grocery Co. (Successor to every to Jaffa WKDDINQ CAKES A SPECIALTY Wednesday and Friday 6 a. m. For Furniture Crated For Shipment and ple will make them laugh on the other side of their faces; me. wasn't talking for publication." at Good Thing to Eat. Wa desire patronage and we guar particulars, address V. L. Trimble a Said on Comf'ssion. for lie laughs best who laughs las, and the last has not Hut he was. even f didu't know it. Philadelphia an clab baking. Co., agents, Albuquerque, N. or J. W. MASTERS. - ten first M.. J. jet come. Telegraph. jmaaajiai mm m on1 inauaaaaa 207 S. First Street. Albuquerque. B. BLOCK, Proprietor, Perea, N. M. 118 West Cold Ave. ' ALliUQUEKOUE EVENING CITIZEN PACE FIVE.

G M Coiim Flow Jbeeim sold im JUST RECEIVED ftweimfty AllbuEiequii for Fears A LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF

ACCUSED IN WILL ALBUQUERQUE BOOSTING FOR ANARCHIST BLIZZARD EAST , MURDERER IS HAVE SPRING RACtS JOINT STATEHOOD ENROUTE EAST DELAYS ALL TRAINS HANDED TO SHERIFF RUGS AND CARPETS IWM M1WB11 WUI.ULHIIIIIT Patrons of the "Sport of Mayor Gibson, of Santa Fe, Benadetto Tordini Handcuf- California Limited Not Re- j Carlos Baca Arrived vLast Kings" Making Efforts to Submits to Interview at fed to Officer Passes Portod as Due Until Night and Took in Cus- The Latest Designs and Colorings. Arrange Matters. San Bernardino. Through City. 7:30 Tonight. tody Victor Telles. GOOD HOUSES IAN BE SECURED A ORIGINAL JOINTURE ADVOCATE WILL BE DEPORTED AT NEW YORK OTHER WF.STB0UND TRAINS LATE TO HAVE PRELIMINARY HEARING Mlbert Faher Will Albuquerque have a spring A. H. Gibson, mayor of Santa Fe. Th mas M. Crawford, United States As the result of a severe blizzard In Carlos Baca, sheriff of Valencia race mwl? N. M., is stopping at. the Stewart insiMHtor of immigration at San Fran- Illinois, Kansas and Colorado, traffic county, arrived In Albuquerque last Not only are the I :eal horsemen Hotel, San Bernardino, having re- cisco, passed through Albuquerque on the Santa Fe at that end of the evening in No. 1 to take in custouy and other lovers of the game asking cently returned from New York. Mr. this morning handcuffed to Benadetto road Is about paralysed. Victor Telles, the slayer of Peter Slo- Furniture, Carpets and Draperies this question, but the merchants are Gibson, on his eastern trip, has been Tordini, a convicted anarchist. No. 3, the California Limited, for cum, the lumber Jack; employed at also taking It up. A movement has hobnobbing with lawmakers and Tordini Is on his way home to Italy today, has not reached this city, yet, Camp 5 of the American Lumber com- been eft on foot to hold a spring race promineut men of the United States only this visit to the old country Is and is not reported due until 7:15 pany, and who, during a quarrel, meet here and the probabillles and every opportunity has been Im- through n choice of his own, nor will o'clock this evening. Other trains hammered Slocum to death with the ait siate-hoo- tl reaching that If the movement Is encouraged by proved in favor of the joint It cost Tordini any money of his own will be greatly delayed in butt of a the merchants, Albuquerque will see bill. In making the long trip, for Uncle Sain here. Deputy Sheriff Joo Padilla, who has There has been no mail or express some good racing this spring. In an Interview with a representa- is to be real kind to Tordini on this had Telles in charge since the con- We carry a complete stock of Times-Inde- x, received from the east, today, and "We had an excellent meet last tive of the San Bernardino occasion, and stand all his expenses. fessed murderer gave himself up to motors for alternating and dire the other morning, Mr. Gib- The Italian was In Santa consequently the postoffice nnd him, at ence Telles over spring," said a prominent merchant arrested Wells-Farg- turned to currents. son said: Rosa, Cal., some months ago on the o forces have leen taking Sheriff Baca. today, "that was entirely lift easy, any Ke was In charge cf being an anarchist, convict- or easier than usual. This morning the sheriff and his HOUSE WIRING A and did not cost the citizens "Santa the first city the The blizzard which has caused all SPECIALTY. money, besides affording much pleas- territories to officially declare for the ed and ordered deported. Inspector prisoner left by freight train for Ket-ne- r. Crawford Is on his way to New York the tnuble came from the chilly "I visiting Electric, Gas & Combination ure to lovers of the race horse. There Joint statehood bill, and we have north snow along the intend the lumber we Non- city with Tordini to carry out or- and drifted the camp where the alleged hap- is no reason In the world why we formed there what term the the Santa Fe badly. In places trains murder Fixtures should not have a good race meet here partisan Joint Statehood a ders of the court. were some pened," said Sheriff Baca this morn-- U It is blockaded for time. The a reporter from Citi- this spring without any expense to territorial organization, stirring both said that the Italian hits been Santa Fe company does not permit The Evening anybody. Iet'8 all get togeiher, any- heaven and earth to get the bill possessed with anarchlal tendencies zen, "or the purpose of subpocanlng - through. some such a thing as snow to lay Its trains all way, and see what we can do. for time, but which he stoutly out for any length of time and by witnesses and gathering all neces- Southwestern It seems to be the desire of most "Ninety per cent of the voter!" of denies. The prisoner was convicted sary Information relative to the kill- In dint of hard work they have their ing. people approached on the subject, to New Mexico and from 35 to 40 per Petaluma, Cal., for setting fire to trains moving In the snow belt, If I will also conduct a preliminary have a race meet here In the spring, cent of the voters of Arizona are in a large warehouse there which was slowly. huarlng that Telles may be formally Electric & but no one seems to be pushing the favor of the joint statehood. The destroyed. He was sentenced to serve It Is expected that all trains will committed to jail to await trial. This jiroject. with the exception of a cer- Hamilton bill, if passed, without ten years' Imprisonment, which was begin arriving in the city some time hearing will also bo the means of get- tain few. amendment, will call for a vote of done. Tordini develoiod a lIUeT tonight, with the Limited at the head ting at the facts In the case." I0H.-P- . 6. E. Induction Motor Construction Go. The spring race meet can open first the two territories on the proposi hatred for the Petaluma officers who of the procession. The biggest, share Sheriff Baca stated that following at Phoenix, come north to Albuquer tion of joint statehood. Many of the helped to convict him and threatened of the trouble has been encountered tho hearing; he would take Telles to 216 South 8econd Street. que, thence Las Vegas, Trinidad, eastern representatives and senators o kill then when the opportunity pre-o-f between Chicago nnd Kansas City. the Ixs Lnnas Jail. The prisoner is Pueblo, Colorado Springs, and thence California are pulling for the For- - sented Itself. The fellow returned, to as Jolly and free from care apparently Agents General Electric Co., Crocker, Wieeler Co. aker amendment, which calls for a Italy, however, after being released as a school boy. He feels that he to Denver, where the horse owners TELLES MAKI5N0 tatBMttiHtilUHHBaWK; will Bend their Btrlngs of trotters, pac- separate vote of each territory, and In the penitentiary, where he was was perfectly justified in murdering ers and gallopers to the various cir- case either votes a majority, against arresled for carrying concealed weap-th- e EFFORT TO ESCAPE Slocum and attaches no great amount cuits of the east and south that Is, project, there will be no joint ,ons. Shortly afterwards he returned of seriousness to the terrible charge horsemen will, as Is the usual custom, statehood. j to Petaluma. with the intention of dis- - preferred against him or the fact that 9 scatter in all directions after the "The amendment is denounced l'sing of tae officers there who were Victor Telles. who Is accused of he put to death a human being. Albuquerque Foundry and Machine Works spring or summer meet at Denver. loudly by representatives and sena- - resKinsible for the ten years he put beating Peter Slocum over the head 1 Mr. Barnett, whose string cf horses tors from the middle western states in behind the bars. Of course he was with a revolver, from the effects of FUNERALS R. P. MALL, Proprietor 9 ns outrage. charge of anarchy which he died, quite Iron and Brass Castings; Ore, Coal and Lumber Is wintering In Ixjs Angeles, states i an President Roosevelt arrested and the later attracted Can; ShafUsn. 1 lhat the local circuit will be more apt in his message to congress, recom- tagged against him, the sentence of a ,blt of attention last, night and to- Pulleys, Orade Bars, Babbit Metal; Column and Iron Front for mended that immediate action bo the conn llng that of deportation. day, on the streets, after the publica- The funeral ceremonies over the Buildings. 9 to secure good horses in .the spring r mains of y Otero, taken in regard to the bill and that Tordini is a dangerous looking in tion of his statement In yesterday's Juan Salazar Repmlrn on Mining mnd mill Machinery m Bpoclmlty than in the fall, for the reason stated who died nt tho family residence in l' 1 issue of Evening Citizen. Telles, above, and he is one of the local horse- it be passed at once without amend dividual and certainly resembles an The Foundry east wide ot railroad track. Albuquerque, H. M. . . together captor. Deputy Martinez, Wednesday morning, took men anxious for a spring race meet ment Ho said time enough had been anarchist whether he is or not. He with his 9 wasted in congress over the bill ns one as a man whom you Sheriff Padllln. visited the different place this morning, at' 10 o'clock, to take in the above named cities. strikes would In- presented. much prefer to meet behind' the bars. gambling rooms, walked around the from the Sacred Heart church. At present, a large number cf trot- him- terment was In Barbara ceme- ' "Senator Bevcridge, of Indiana, and If such was absolutely necessary. streets, and thoroughly enjoyed Santa ters, pacers and gallopers, all with self. At times, was nowhere tery, 'i be funeral was a double one, o o o o good Congressman Hamilton strongly favor Padilla records, are in winttr quarters In sight, but Telles, although with tho ceremonies over the remains of California, the bill as Introduced, and are fighting WITH THE LEN I EN SEA- Finest Whiskies in the southwest and in to passage. the penitentiary, and possibly, the llto late IVlieitas S. Do Chavez tak- and these horses will be moving east- obtain Its ing "Santa Fe favors the union of the SON COMES THE FASTING gallows, staring him in the face, made place nt the same time and place, The St. Elmo ward shortly, so it behooves local two territories for many reasons more no attempt to get way, and the free- and ihosn attending the two funerals Wines, Brandies. Etc. horse admirers to get together ns particularly dom with which captor nnd captive forming one line to the cemetery at BARNETT, soon as possible, ball because of the diversified RELAXATIONS OF THE GENERAL l JOSEPH Prop'r. and start the interests in the two territories. These roamed around, Independent of each Santa Barbara, where interment took rollinz. There Is no rpasnn 111 the LAWS COVERING THIS SEASON movements, was wonder place. , SAMPLE A NO Interests are so diversified that they QUOTED BELOW. other's the world why Albuquerque stiouhln't have way. sou: of many who saw them and who were X 12 0 West Railroad Avenae CLUB ROOMS com clash in no In the h western The funeral services of the late a successful rare meet here this part of the we familiar with the case. t lng spring. Think and talk it over. combined territories With Ash Wednesday the Lent en William Ilurbeit Bull, who died in have mineral interests; in the north- season was ushered In, and until the tills city, yesterday morning, at 3 : 30 ern part, timber and coal interests, days' MAMMOTH BULK OLIVES at THE SCOUT end cf the forty fast the social SWEET STUFFED MANGOES o'clock, took place this afternoon POET and in the southern and central part side Alhuqmrquo 2 :'.0 o'clock, Borders' chapel. of will be somewhat CALIFORNIA RIPE OLIVES from Wholesale llqtiot and Oar Dealers GOT MIXED IN DATES tanning, fruit and stock raising inter- neglected. During this season ol Rev. Barron of the Congregational MEL1NI & EAKIN, est?. MIXED SWEET PICKLES officiating, at forty days there will be special serv- BULK APPLE BUTTER church, with Interment Exclusive Agents for Yellowstone and O. F. C. Whiskies, Moet Jb "Owing to the scattered interests ices in all the Catholic and Episcopal I'n:-vie- w cemetery. Chandon White Seal Champagne. Bt. Louis A. B. C. Bohemian and Captain Jack Crawford, the well the joint statehood would make one BULK PRESERVES Any Flavor churches throughout the city. It has GERMAN DILL PICKLES Jos. Schlttz Milwaukee Bottled Beers, and owners and distributors known "poet scout" of San Marclul, great commonwealth. The two would been decreed (lining period The Sandoval barlior shop changed or the Alavarado Whiskey. Write for our Illustrated Catalogue and who many that this A LARGE LINE OF BOTTLED today, P, O. being and has friends scattered come In jointly with a population of those of the faith shall abstain from hands Snnehes the Price List. Automatic Telephone, 199. Salesroom, 111 South First all ever the territory, was scheduled 4iMl,imo a PRESERVES, OLIVES, PICKLES, purchaser. Mr. Sanches was wit'n and territory third in sine tho partaking of all flesh meats. How- ETC. Street. Albuquerque, New Meilcj. to appear Monday night last in a lec- in the Union, Texas and Montana be- ever, the following exceptions, Thelin Bros, for five years and Is one which THE JAFFA GROCERY CO. of city. ture entertainment at San Antonio, ing first and second. may be Epis- the best barbers in the Texas, appears, got as of interest to the many "Good Things to Eatt."' but it mixed "Private interests are back of tho copalians and Catholics in the. city, SERVES HIM RIGHT. to his dates. A telegram on the sub- fight against joint statehood. The Mrs. A. P. Jones having returned says: are quoted, which, according to those TOE GUM, AT RUPPE'S. from a year and a half stay In Wash- ject Santa Fe and the Southern Pacific high in power in If a man insists on smoking "rope" 1. the above churches, ington, V. C, wishes to say that she a San Antonio, lexaa; March The and other railroad corporations, to- ure the only Captain Craw- relaxations allowed: will be ready for business In tho dress- when good cigars arc obtainable At whereabouts of Jack gether wiih large mining interests, Use of flesh meat at the several ford, poet, scout and lecturer, was a are not against the bill, supposedly making line about the 15th of this small cost no punishment Is too severe meals, on Sundays and at the princi- ELKS' THEATRE month In Boom 22. In tho "Elite,' burning question here Tuesday and because they believe the taxes will pal meal only on Mondays, Tuesdays. 10 bo meted out to him. Placate preceding evening. Captain Craw- where she will be pleased lo meet her the be increased by a union of the two. Thursdays und Saturdays, except Sat- angry wives by smoking only WHITE ford was booked for a lecture at the 4 6V& customers. The present tax rate is from to urday in Ember week and Holy Sat- One Night Only 1'IL.Y CIGARS. Their aroma will Grand opera house Monday night un- per cent, which is outrageous. The urday. W. TRIMBLE & CO. soothe the nerves of even most der the auspices of the San Antonio union of the states and the lessening Use of eggs, milk butter, L. the Lyceum ma- and FRIDAY, MARCH 9 unquiet bureau, but he failed to of expenses by supporting one instead cheese and food seasoned with lard LIVERY, SALE FEED AND TRAN woman. Five cents the one, terialize, and all sorts of inquiry fail- :f two governments, will reduce this at the collation and the principal FER STABLES tl per box of fifty. ; ' to elicit any one-hal- ed information. rate at least meal on the several days of the week, Horses and Mules bought and ei It was feared that possible he was "In the Hamilton Mil it is stated and on Saturdays ut all meals. PATTEN AND PERRY changeu detained by a railroad wreck, but. the that in case of union of the two ter- onrer may BEST TURNOUTS IV THE CITY opera The of the dally repasts audience that gathered at the ritories, Santa Fe will be named as be Inverted, s that when the princi- IN Second street, between Railroad and house anticipating a literary treat, the capliol joint until Copper avonnes. A. J. RICHARDS of the state pal meal be taken even- V dispersed disappointed. Captain Jack's cannot until cf WEST RAILROAD lltlu. Arizona last year produced ing the collation may be taken In the 113a AVENUE. however, did not pre- in mineral wealth and New morning. report- vent the morning paper from Mexico $10,000,000 in farming and . These dispensations do not imply JERRY Albuquerque ing the lecture, and it even quoted one grazing. the use, which is forbidden, of both a of his verses. It has since been as- "There are other states that have Mesh meat and fish at the same meal Hardware THE FIRST LESSON certained lhat Captain Jack's non- bieti admitted with lesser population in I.ent, Sunday Included. IN BREAD MAKING. : appearance was caused by a mixing than we have. California came in Worklngmen nnd families have Company Is Important up their AND RAILROAD AVE. the most of all; that of the dates. with a great deal less, und Utah and the privilege of using flesh meat once FROM FOURTH ST. Is the selection of proper flour. originally Isxiked to CiO.000 He had been Nevada had only and 40,000 re a day on all days and. days of ab- There no difficulty about If Monday night, bu- fast ls this apear here but the spectively when t'uey were admitted. stinence throughout 1he year, with Empress flour Is choeen. It Is so reau at the other end, which attends There is every possibility jf the bill the exception of all Fridays, Ash good sweet, white changed and on and makes such to the routings, the date passing in the near future, but Wednesday, the Wednesday and Satur- KERRY and nutritious bread as to be un- failed to notify the hueau here. In whether it is passed with or without day of Holy week. surpassed by any milled. The best the meantime, the attraction was ad- amendment will depend our admission bread makers use it for very vertised. Now, Captain Crawford is that as a joint state." IMPROVEMENTS GOING ON reason. in the city, as per routing, and efforts Mr. Gibson will stop in San Ber- - I are being made to secure a suitable nardino for a week or ten days and IN TORRUCE COUNTY A roaring musical fare, comedy and hall, the opera house lieing occupied iihen leave for Santa Fe. He confl- - vaudeville attraction Introducing by another attraction. 'dently told a Times-Inde- reporter many new features. M. BERGER, t WORK ON THE CUT-OF- EAST- mixes and kneads Wholesale Agent, this morning that it was his intention ERN A Superior Uniformed Concert Band J CAPITALISTS DRILLING 114 West Copper Ave. SAMUEL SCHULTZ DANGEROUSLY to make San Bcrnardina his home FOR OIL. and Orchestra. thoroughly ' soon. bread a i ILL AT EL PASO HOME Surveyor H. F. Duval has returned n Three Minutes. 'JERRY FROM KERRY' to Santa Fe from the sheep ranch People CHILDREN IN THIS CITY CALLED owned by the Salado Live Stock 20 20 The hands do TO HIS BEDSIDE LAST EVEN- company, controlled by All touch the ING, Patten and Perry's funny Musical Miguel A. Otero and Territorial Sec- Special Scenery net attrac- nrTK Farce Comedy and Vaudeville retary .1. W. Raynohls, In Guadalupe Watch for Street Parade. Samuel Schuu, a prominent and Kerry," in which douuh. tion, "Jerry from county, where he went to make sur- Prices: ",o, 7T, and II; Children 2oc wealthy bushiest) man of El l'aso. Is Unit cheerful, comic, cachiuuatory veys. Mr. saw a Duval quite stretch Seats on Hi Mats'iu's Tuisday, dangerously ill at bis home there. A character Is the central figure, is to on salt' of tiie work being done the Belen 0, U OLD ALBUQUERQUE telegram yistenlay afternoon called bo presented shortly in this city. This reports March at o'clock. CATHEDRAL . cut off. mar Torrance, and the children to the bed-side- Mrs. will be welcome news to all classcts of that the construction is being rushed. ALVARADO HOTEL B. nnd Mrs. Noa llrVld. Mrs. Spitz theater goers. The interest in the railway engineers con- - COMMERCIAL CLUB BUILDING. daughter of "The are .lames (irunsftdd, the ' imeimig KU.ll0ling a temporary bridge across mm AUSTRIAN CHINA Si El of Mr. hut, left last evening for modems, ..yen.s and hapin nings ana ,() t),K.rate trainB They were accompanied by l'aso. over it week, says Mr. j of this city. and its success has been little short next imval. lavbl Rsenwnld bridge costing $10'mmmi will be erect- Crockery Mr. is TS old and has of amazing. Undoubtedly profuse! Furniture and Schuu ytars the ion work n suffering complication comedy it has to ed later. Const met this been from a contains had much near Torrance is being bandied of ailments. His recovery Is unlooked do with securing popular favor, and road scenes by the contract firm of Kggleston & Albuquerque for. the and adventitious Incidents Matthews, are building about BORRADAILE CO., bustling in animated action, bristling who "KNOCK" & 11? Gold Avenue is here and we are prepared in effervescent humor, bubbling with eleven miles of the line. Lent company is sinking a Hardware this year better than ever to supply unadulterated mirth and permeated "An eastern IS A you with anything in the canned or uhh tl:. rllincr nun.llliu ,,r.l, nrti'. WI'll Oil 1 I1C ArrOW) in Guada- - county in search of oil. The drill Company smoked fish line. We have Inality in catchy music, and elaborate Ile FOURTH ST. AND RAILROADAVE. CODFISH costuming, and presented by a cast of ls " ' d"w al,"ut 'J0 Jllst what MACKREL the very best and highest salaried success will reward the efforts of "BOOST. "I made $350 on that 60c," said i ls HERRING j artists possible to secure, have all 'those enterprising people hard to prominent Albuquerque business man, SHRIMP phenomenal sue - predict. I hope they will succeed, as on the completion of his conversation CANNED contributed to its ' W. Strong's Sons CANNED SALMON cess. This company also carry their they have spent considerable time 0. over the Long Distance Telephone. CANNED LOBSTER own Superior Uniformed Concert and mofiey. CANNED OYSTERS Hand and Orchestra, which is a "On my return I passed through the UNCLE JOHNNY." STRONG BLOCK. MONEY IN YOUR POCKET CANNED CLAMS special feature. lXm't miss the free Estancia valley and saw a number of by using the toil lines of CANNED CRABS band concert at noon and 7:30. He - bomeseekers looking over the land for ETC member the date. Plans of seats now locations. Twelve of them told me THE JAFFA GROCERY CO. ,open. Elks, Opera House, Friday. i hey had decided t fl'e on homesteads UNDERTAKERS The Colorado Telephone Co. Good Things io March Kth. at tan. once." Room 18 N. T. Armljo Building.

S.ipermtendeBt Falrvlew ud LOW RATES San'a liarbara Cemeteries. MONUMENTS ooo ooo o oomooomooomo9om Host St.. The N. Second Both Phones. and Cheapest. '01 :il Subscribe for the Citizen and Get the News i

PAGE SIX. ALHUQUEKQUE EVEMlNCt CITIZEN. FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 190s. OBn't Let Your BHerchant Give You Mmy ECONOM Y AY Other FBour Except Gold Com Flout CALIFORNIA

NUMEROUS MEETS BOSS OF LIBRARY OF CONGRESS You do not sacrifice com- fort for economy when you OF VARIED KIND A JOB HOLDER FOR FAIR go in a Santa Fe Tourist V Pullman, Supt. Green' Salaries. ALL THE WAY Religion, Charity, Ath- Library superintendent 5,000 Museum architect 2,000 Pennsylvania capltol 4,000 letics, Naval and library Carnegie 2.000 Spring the Memphis meet players, who will make the nuecleus Extra government work ???? dates sSpdrtfor $25.00 FOR A COLONIST TICKET, ALBU- April 0 t an City. Is Raleigh have been announced is of eleven for the Duke It Ask Santa Fa Agent Other Fields. hotel ???? May Ifi, Inclusive. a little early to talk foot ball for next QUERQUE TO CALIFORNIA. DAILY, Willard lutel ???? 0 season, but a good team even that far at Albuquerque FEBRUARY 15 to APRIL 7. Twenty-fiv- men will be taken by away. Is something to anticipate. Totnl $13,000 the Pittsburg team on its southern o for tourist extra charge for berth, Seat In chair car CONGREGATION CENTENARY training trip. Slight And then some. Efforts to bring Sam Berger and Al sleeper booklet Washington, March 2. Some men Kaufnmnn together may succeed at free. have a large sal- "Billy" Phyle has been reinstated rapacity for drawing Hp last. The two heavies are great aries; havp none. for- ' by the Southern league. is the friends fight DUSTLES9 ROADBED HARVEY MEALS fencing Revived in Navy, others Of the I property Memphis and have refused to each mer class Is Bernard R. Green, super- ft of the club. other, but recently both men have ex- kJ O-- - Midwinter Swimming, intendent of the library of congress Belle Meade, widely known as a pressed a willingness to try conclu- at nn annual salary of $5,000 per year. ?f J: farm devoted to the breeding of trot- sions In the roped arena. They may Aid That is main salary. He owns to ting horoughbreds. Is to be cut up into fight at the big athletic carnival to be State in Charities by In several others. town lots and become n residence su- held the Olympic club 'Frisco Congressman Tawney noticed that Nashville, early In April. it burb of takes $8,000 a year to keep the O Communication Made Easy TO HAVE CHARGE OF THE LEPERS library clean and tidy. That much "Kid" Bolt, who beat "Kid" Bean The national baseball commission Just tor labor. Tawncy wanted to here two years ago In one of the hard- Is going to tackle the covering up evil, know how It happens that It costs so est fights ever witnessed In New Mex- and It Is said several big club man Annapolis, Mil., March 2. During much. Incidentally he asked Mr. ico, Is plying the shovel on "hogs" agers will be called on the carpet for El Paso & Southwestern System the last six or fight nnnths there Green If he gave all his time to his over the Raton hill these days. concealing a number of promising work tit library. Being answered !T -- men. Covering up players Is becom- lias been a remarkable revival of In the J O Between Great and Kansas City, St. Louia, Chicago, terest In fencing here as well as In In the affirmative, he asked: Lloyd Nephew, a Carlisle Indian ing more generally practiced each the Southwest West. Point and the officers of the "Put you are the architect employed first baseman, has signed to play with year, and It Is time the commission as- and all points North and East by the two institutions are strenuously pre in tin! const ruction of the nulional Lit Ho Rock t he coming season. He serts Its authority, if it. has any, and wiring for ths coming fencing tourna- museum building?" belongs to Pittsburg, but. was turned puts an end to ihe practice. The num-l.e- r System ment between expert teams from "I am doing that as general con- tlon which is soon to be added rj the over to the Arkansas team to be devel" of clubs that turned back large Rock Island West Point and the naval academy. tractor for the government. 1 have Raleigh hotel?" oped. bunches of players last week shows The contest will take place In New been In the business so long that I do To which Mr. Green assented. o how general the covering up system Shortest, quickest, therefore, the beet. The only way with two through Then Mr. Green admitted he Three prominent Boston yachtsmen York about the middle of thin month business tor Uncle Sam in that way," that has become. daily, carrying sleepers, observation din was also "general adviser" on the con- hnve glvn orders for boats to defend O trains standard and tourist and the efflcers are awaiting tho event responded Green. any with "You get extra compensation for struction of the Carnegie library at a tho Roosevelt cup from In The death of Henry Tenney at San Ing cara, chair cart and coaches. For any trip, anywhere, tiia considerable Interest. The exact the. off late has not yet been fixed. that over and above your salary?" salary of $2,000 a year. In addition International .races to be held Francisco yesterday, as the result or TAKE THE SOUTHWESTERN. "I get $2,000 a year for that." he has been engaged by the govern-me- Marblehead, Mass., the coming sum- a bating be received at the hands of to plans superintend mer.. The boats will be sailed by Nell go ONE MILLION TO BE Asked If he did work for outside make and Frankle in a in Mechanics' the construction of a general power three of the best skippers in the coun- pavilion on evening, will RAISED FOR CHURCH. parties, Mr. Green replied that he had Wednesday For full particulars see any agent, or address friends and sometimes did work for plant on the "mall" to serve the vari- try. doubtless put a damper on fighting In Minneapolis, Minn.. March 2. The ous government buildings In that O 13 very well them. Jacob Schaefer, the blllWid 'M Ina 'Frisco for a while. It Congregatlonallsts of this city will "You superintended construction neighborhood. that It should, too. Eddie Grany and CARNETT KING V. R. STILES hold a great rally at Plymouth church the an son who is said to give of the Willard hotel?" "But," said Mr. Green, when asked being a with the the Brltts have engineered a number General Agent. Gen. Pass. Agent. today In conjunction with the move It, a man Is smart can prrp'.se of marvel of questionable fights In west "I did look after it for the owners. about "If and cue. ilays regularly at his fath- - the the ment of the American Board of For- I I am He few years, ex- - EL PASO, TEXAS. They are friends of mine. have not do It, what Is the objection? . I.ll1ln.l in In Phloilirn Dnd "n O (t past growing fat at the eign Missions of the Congressional time to do business of that sort regu- earning all my salaries, and no law f he "ublic and malch 100th anniversary shown an adaptability that maks him "nie Pri' church to celebrate its law - larly, that Is, to make a business of it, Is being violated. There is no n nn nvtranti nam iiorfnrmpr fni nnP " ' with the raising cf a round against a man being industrious Is to but" so young. which be devoted to "And you are to lock after the addi- - even if he is paid for It. Thc riding of Ratke at Hot Springs spread of the gospel In foreign was Feb- the will probably be a storm one of the turf sensations of lands. The arrangements for rally There ruary. 21 In a the when the question of the referee for He landed winners were In the hands of the five Minne- 2. stage week, and the talent played his mounts Railway Nelson-MeGover- System Cleveland, March The n mntch Is raised. Fe Central apolis members of the American board, the irrespective past perf :rmances. Santa hands here have been plunged into McGovern wants Jack McGulgnn, but of The Mayor D. P. Jones, Dr. L. H. Hallock, n result were- ANYTHING grief by Mansfield's announcement of Nolan will have none of him. McGui-ga- has been that the bookies SUNSHINE ROUTE, via TORRANCE GATEWAY. mOST y E. Jopson, George H. RiiBt and retirement. They had intended to cm-plo- Philadelphia, and bard hit. So hard, In fact, that a dele- .George is well liked in Steamship parts l)r R. Merrill. Hundreds of Jim Jeffries to assist them at Mc- gation of bookmakers waited upon the Fast passenger and freight service. tickets to all Congregailonallsts fight fans there are backing the prominent. from all future Mansfield engagements, and that he shall be the stewards and asked that better riding of the World. parts of the northwest are here to at- Govern demand talent be imported to the track. They Connections at Torrance, N M., with the El Paso ft Southwestern, surgeon now, they fear Mansfield will never third man In the ring. tend the rally and tt Is expected to be The general of Japan says have an opportunity of meeting him. claimed that Ratke was matched and Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railways. At Kennedy and Santa by proper Jap- . & highly successful. thau eating food the New Y:rk, March 2. "If Mr. Mans- Alva. Coehr-in- well known here. against a most Inferior lot of Jockeys. Fe, N. M.. with the Atchison. Topeka Santa Fe railway. At Santa anese will stat- - & of the future have the field retires, and I have no doubt he writes from Bombay, India, where he The bookmakers said If new and bet- Fe with the Denver Rio Grande railroad. mat- passengers freight. y. M. C. A. ASSOCIATION ure of the Caucasian. What's the will," said a super one of the well is sight seeing, that he will be here ter riders were not brought on they Special attention given to handling of snd for- at your Chicago, rail- HOLDS ATHLETIC CONTEST. ter? Don't the Japs get enough known theaters, "I shall present to next winter with six f:ot ball would cut out Oaklawn. Send freight via the Rock Island ft Pacific maldehyde and boraclc acid? Metropolitan museum spear way, via Torrance, N. M. Norfolk. Va.. March 2. The second the the respectfully solicited. arrang- with which he beat me last time I Your business nf the 'series of athletic meets "Ah," said the Judge in a kindly the ed between sections of played with him. Although cracked, HOSTILE WAR CORRESPONDENT W. H. ANDREWS, 8. B. GRIMSHAW, the athletic manner, "are nr.t you the man. who CHINA NOT Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Asst. to Pres. and Gen. Mgr. the Y. M. C. A. associations of New- reporters it Is In good shape for exhibition 0 port has been telling the he saw HAS DISAPPEARED FRANK DIBERT, Asst. Secy, and Treas. News. Portsmouth and Norfolk, a robin a week ago?" SAYS E. H. CONGER will take place here this evening. The "I decline to answer," replied the J. P. LYNG. A. L. GRIMSHAW, first meets was held New- - SALOON KEEPER City and Pass. Agt. Traveling Frt. and Pass. Agt 0 of these at prisoner defiantly. ' UNITED STATES THOUGHT TO HAVE BEEN MUR- Frt. vort News on January 27, and the KILLS A MINER. FORMER N. M. "On what grounds?" ISTER WHILE DERED IN MACEDONIA NOTH- GENERAL OFFICE8 SANTA FE, IS next and last one will be held at Ports- might disgrace me, Word has Just" been received at Ell "That It tend to Paso Reed, a well known AT PASADENA. ING HAS BEEN HEARD FROM mouth on April 7. your honor." that L..B. HIM. According to the program for these mining man, 'was instantly killed at meets, athletic teams representing the WHAT SURPRISED GROSVENOR'S the new town of Portal, Ariz. The physical departments of the three as- VICTOR. fatal shot was fired by a man named Hoclatlons will participate in each of The reception tendered to Hon. Al- Boswell, who runs a saloon in that these meetings. The teams are cum bert Douglas on Wednesday afternoon place. The shot was fired at close posed of the best athletes of the n- - upon his return from Lancaster wltn range and penetrated Reed's head, in- DENVER pectlve cities. The list of events for his delegation proved to be consider- flicting a mortal wound. No statement this evening will Include running. able of a surprise to him, for he had was made by him previous to death. & jumping, apparatus exerciser relay not been informed that the band had The authorities are engaged In Inves- races and basket ball games. been engaged. Chlllicothe (O.) News. tigating the tragedy, and several dif- ferent rumors are afloat as to the cir- f A "Are you hungry?" she asked. cumstances surrounding the killing. MIDWINTER SWIMMING ' ;'"-h- NOW "You've guessed It, ma'am," an At this time it is imiosslble to fur- GRANDE MATCHES ARE ON. RIO tramp. nish tragedy Sit ) O., March 2. Is swered the bearded accurate details. The lias Cincinnati. This you to earn a meal? caused considerable excitement, as the day for the annual mid-winte- 'Are anxious SYSTEM swimming contest at the Cincinnati 'Not exactly, ma'am, lleln' hun both men are well known In tho com- I I gymnasium and, Judging from the gry, lm. anxious to eat it. munity. Both men have their friends, r and consequently there has been nu- Line of World" large number of entries it will be one W. predicts John "Scenic the Thomas Iawson merous opinions expressed and differ iwll of the most Interesting affairs of that D. Rockefeller wearing stripes i 'i program will be ent versions of the difficulty given. f kind ever held here. The in prison within a year. Tom's place i will include following events: 100 II the is not In the financial world. He THOUSANDS OF ACRES OF Shortest and qulcksst ns frsm yard swim, CO yard swim, 20 yard RANGE GRASS BURNED Ewyarq wTCoNOEa. Santa Fa to Dsnvsr, Pusblo and Colo- swim, graceful dive, men's relay swim- bureau. ' ming race, Junior relay swimming The second prairie Are since the Pasadena, Cal., March 2. "The rado Spring, and all Colorado points. race. Among the individual conte FROM YE SINFUL CORRESPON new year is reported from Roy, Mara United States government, in my Connection at Donvsr and PuoMo with tants are some of the best swimmers DENT. county. Sparks from the locomotive opinion, need not look for any serious all line east and west. Ttmo as qwlak an El & special difficulty gov of the middle west. A good Interest is reported In the of Paao Southwestern in China. , The Chinese and rates as low aa by othsr llnsa, meetings at the M. K. church con- over the Dawson line set fire to the ernment apprecines well the neces- range north of Roy. A high wind was sity of keeping peace with coun- STATE IN ducted by the pastor. Rev. Woodruff, this PULLMAN SLEEPERS, DININQ cJiurcn, blowing at the time, and the flames try to permit any acts which will lead PHILANTHROPIC WORK. Rev Lindley, of the Friends CARS, is giving all his spare time in aid of were carried rapidly toward the build to severing the friendly relations of TOURIST CARS, CHAIR St. Louis, Mo., March 2. Amos W. many praying for ings nf the Evans ranch. Fortunately the two countries. CARS. Butler, secretary of the Indiana State the effort, and are Oakland, Cal., March 2. Albert a shower of grace to fall on this com the wind changed, and the only dam Such is tho opinion of Edward H. Board of Charities will deliver an ad age 100 of Conger, Sonnlchsen, newspaper writer, au- munity. I have not attended any or waft the burning of tons former United States minister On sll through trains. No tlroaoms tlress before School of Philan , thor, war correspondent and soldier of the corresopnd-ence- fodder stacked at the Canada Ancho to China, who is visiting his brother, delays thropy this evening on the subject of the services. Zanesfleld fortune, who hails from this city, Is at any station. Bellefontaine (O ) Examiner. ranch and the destruction of the Rev. E. L. Conger, of this city. 'The Relations of the City or State to grass on several thousand acres of "The present troubles have arisen thought to have met with foul play by For Illustrated advertising matter Problems of Charitable or Philan KNEW ALL ABOUT FATHER'S. range. Claims for damages have been since I left China, last April," said in Macedonia, where ae was sent throple Work and the Whys in Which Miss Uttleton a dainty filed against the railroad company Mr. Conger. "However, as my juris the New York Evening Post as special or Information, address or apply to way "Hasn't Vo-- Citizens and Officers of the State diction extended over the whole Chin- correspondent. He arrived at foot?" on in Such Work." "Yes, she has," and he added sadly, "PINK" IN IDAHO MURDER. ese empire, I have a fair knwledgs dema, forty miles from Monastlr, S. K. HOOPER, G. P. & T. A.. Denver, Colo. "she must take after her mother." of the present crisis and and the clr- - February 15th, disappeared from bis of hotel, two days later, and has. not HEALTH OF FAMOUS McFaifand is the western chief eimisances leading up to it. The fV., PIANIST NOW RESTORED. the Plnkertons who caused the de-- whole trouble has grown out of the since been heard from. A. S. BARNEY, T. P. Santa Fe, New Mex. Chicago, III., March 2. The condl liortation U Idaho of President Moyer attemped boycott of American goods. S nichsen, though but 28. has had tlon Mrs. Bloomfleld Zelsler, and Secretary Haywood, of the West- American missionaries are only af- an unusually adventurous career. Dur of Fannie n n r ing war, com tht famous pianist, who recently suf ern Federation of Miners, for alleged fected incidentally. In time of riot. the Philippine he and a fered a nervous collapse which gave if missionaries are In the way. they rade were captured by Aguinaldo, and rise to the apprehension that her con are liable to attack, but there is no imprisoned for ten months. RAILROAD TIME TABLE dltion was hopeless and would put an organized hostility to them as a body. About 18 months ago, he went to D.5R.G.sysfem 'nd to her brilliant artistic career, is "Northern China Is as quiet as ever. Macedonia, and contributed a series (In effect November 12, 1305.) reported greatly Improved, Is as The trouble originated in southern of brilliant articles on the troubles It may have Eastbound. er.ed on good authority that Mrs China, and showed Itself must ut there. It Is thought that he No. 2, Atlantic Express, arrives 7:55 I dis- ...SANTA nFBRANCII... Zelslt-r'-s fears of losing her eyeslgut Shanghai. Judging from the past, been assasinated to prevent the a. m., departs 8:i'o a. Is believed ni. are fortunately unfounded. The pa don't believe there will be any seri- closure of state secrets he No. 4, Chicago Limited, arrives 11:59 tient who is ij.)w south is rapidly re ous dittlculty. tj have unearthed. p. ni., departs 12:09 a. ra. "I government Effective December gaining her xuvngth and has quieted believe the Chinese 0,t905 No. 8, Chicago & Kansas City Ex- is strong enough to control the situa- NEWSPAPER CHANGE press, down to such an extent that strong Eastbound. Westbound. arrives 0:45 p. w., departs hope Is entertained that she will be tion, and that all foreign interests REPORTED FROM ROSWELL. 7:45 p. m. will In' finally respected and protect- Henry F. Vermillion, editor of the No. 10, able to resume her concert work next No. 426. Stations. No. 425. Chicago Fast Mall, arrives winter. ed. Baptist Workman at Roswell, has pur- 6:60 a. m., departs 7:30 a. m. "It is the part of wisdom of the chased the plant of the Roswell Reg- United States government not to bo ister, in connection with his pub- 3: 00 am Pueblo 11:05 p m Westbound. and 1, DIRECTOR OF LEPROSY surprised again, as it was in lttoo. We manage a first-clas- s job 4:35am Colo. Springs 9:40 p m No. California Express, arrives 7:30 lication will p. RESEARCH HOSPITAL. can kciu our troops in Manila and printing office in the county seat of 7:30 a in Ar. Denver Lv. 7:00 p m in., departs 8:15 p. m. Boston. Mass., March 2. Dr. Walter JAMES McFARLAND. our ships In Asiatic waters as well as Chaves eouuty. The subscription list 12:51 p m lpanola 1:26pm No. 3, California Limited, arrives H. Brlnckerhoff of the Howard Med- conspiracy in of anywhere else. Thus safeguarded, if good will of Register have 11:00 am Lv. Santa Fe Ar. 3:30 pm 11:10 a- - tn., departs 11:20 a, m. the murder and the No. ical school, left here today for New unenlierg, was blown up serious trouble were to arise, we been by him to the Roswell 3:00 p m Uarranca 11:36 p in 7, Mexico & California Express, ernor St who sold 11:59. York and Washington, to complete DAILY with a dynamite bomb. would be prepared for it. new republican paper re- 4:02 p m Servilleta 10:29 p m arrives 10:45 p. m., departs TAKING HIS NIP. Tribune, the No. 9, p. lis preparations for his departure for "li'tt I think there Is no need of cently started In that town. The ad- 4 :32 p m Trfs I'iedras 10:00pm Fast Mail, arrives 11:35 in. 1be Hawaiian inlands, where e will Yes, why don't the Ohio V. will not cost you a cnt to try sending troops to China, for the Chin- dition nf the subscription lis' of tne G:45 p m Antonito 8:10 pm Southbound. assume the position of director of the fight the e law? Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver ese vuvei nment Is watching us and Register will give the Tribune quite 8:30 p ni Alamosa C:40am No. 9, Mexico Express, departs 12:15 proposed United StateB Government Tablets, and they are excellent for wouldn't do anything to arouse our a circulation, which will prove a ben- 2:11 pm Erabudo 12:26pm p. ui. Ijepresy Research hospital to be erect- TEARS FOR RICHARD. stomach troubles and constlpatLon. animosity. Any further trouble wui efit to republican party in Chaves Local freight train, No. 99, south- 2. Mutton the car- ed under his supervision in the leper Chicago, March The (lit a free sample at any drug 6tore. come from local organizations, stu- county. C. E. Mason, from whom Mr. Trains stop at Embudo for dinner, bound, departs at 6 a. m., and vp.v lenient. Dr. Hrinckerh ff will ar- Chop Throwers association has adopt- dents and like bodies. The Chinese Register where goo4 meals are served. ries passengers. representing Vermillion purchased the range for the plans and equipment of ed resolutions regretting Richard Max Hear, of El Paso, government realizes the necessity of plant, is connected with the Pally Arrives From South. UUttf li Hroe., U in the Connections. the hospital and the selection of bis Mansfield's diclslon to retire in the :use of Paulsen keeping peace with us." Record as business manager. No. 10, Mexico Express, arrives 6:50 departure Hawaii, It a Dt'ouo.setl to make Mr. Mansfield city In connection with a proposed At Antonito. for Durango, Silvertoi a. m. taff before his for points. which will take place in about two or an honorary member upon Ills retire sal,, of new billiard tables to the local Subscribe for The Citizen and get GARBAGE CANS. SEE WHITNEY and intermediate No. 10 makes all local stops east or At Alamosa, Denver, three weeks. I tnent. Elks. the news. COMPANY. for Pueblo and Albuquerque. Intermediate points, via either the No. 1 runs direct to Los Angeles. standard gauge line via La veta PaS No. 7 runs direct to San Francisco. or the narrow gauge vis Sallda, uak No. 3 runs direct to Los Angeles snd ing the entire trip in daylight and San Francisco. "ARNOLD'S BEOT" Floor is made from choiceTurkey Kansas SiARD passing through the FAMOUS ROYAL All trains dally. GORGE. Also for all points on the ,T. E. PURDY. Agent. Ask your neighbor about "ARNOLD'S BEOT." "ARNOLD'S Creedo branch. Wheat. li. BARNEY, Traveling Freight A. Anyway, hoping Anna Gould BEST" is beginning' to make 'em all go some. nd Passearer Agent. here's S. K. HOOPER. Q. P. A.. end Mrs? Mlzuer never go to th Insist upon having' "ARNOLD'S BEST." from all grocers. Denver. Colo. j lecture platform. FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1906. ALHU 3UKKQUE EVENING CITIZEN. PAGE SEVCN THIRD STP.EET Meat Market GROSS, KELLY & CO., INC. All Kind of Freeh and Salt Meat. Steam Sausage Factory. EMIL KLEINWORT, Masonic Bulldiug, :ortn Third Street Wholesale NEW ARCHBISHOP TRY TO FIRE STUYVESANT FISH. Thos. F. Kclchcr Grocers OF NEW ORLEANS. PAINTS. OILS. VARNISHES AND A movement, backed by strong BRUSHES. The First Rose of Summer Dr. nienk, who is at present bishop financial Interests, is on foot to force Wool, Hide and Pelt Dealers ?f Porto Klco, has been selected by Stuyvesant Fish out of the presidency Leather. Harness, Saddle, Lp the pope as the successor of the late of the Illinois Central railway, be Robe, Home Blanket. Etc. Pal 1 VVs fw , WVfv Archbishop Chapclle, who died hero-- because he opposed an attempted metto Roof Paint; lasts five year and whitewashing of Mutual Life insur top leak. Cash paid for Hide and ance officials. Mr. Fish was a mem- Pelt. ALBUQUERQUE AND LAS VEGAS W9 WEST which is replUe with All that la ber of the Mutual RAILROAD AVENUE. new and original In DeBlgn and Established In 1882 Colors of Carpets and Ruga. F. G. PRATT esco. GROSS, KELLY & CO., INC. We also carry a large lino of sam- Sole agents for Caalno Canned Oood ples and can have any size Rugs Ja. Hiekln & Co.' Coffees. Im Doden'a Granite Flour. made on shore notice. -i-su.i Staple and Fancy FOUND AT LAST J. D. EMMONS. Groceries Woolens laundered without ahrinklng. W 1st added to our al- HHUboro ready well equipped lsundery machine wRh which ws can handle Both Phone Cor. Coal and Second Creamery Butter Beat on woolens Earth. without shrinking. When we are through with them they Sole Agerva for Hooeier Kitchen are Just like new. If other laundries shrink them, bring them to as Cabinet. Order Solicited. Free Delivery. nd we will straighten them out for you. 214 Sooth Second Street. IMPERIAL LAUNDRY CO. Red Wagons" RT. REV. JAMES BLENK. B. A. SLEYSTER BACK OF P. O. Ically durinj the yellow fever epi- INSURANCE REAL ESTATE-NOTA- RY demic at New Orleans last summer. PUBLIC. some one flred five shots under the Bishop Blenk was born in New Or- Room S, Cromwell Block, Albuquerque CLERKS ARE BUSY a night ago leans in 1867. "C Automatic Telephone. viaduct and or two this I" 174. performance was repeated In the OOAf'T SEND AWAY WEIGHING MAIL same locality. When the yard officers PRESSED BRICK PLANT A.D. JOHNSON made an investigation no one was in for your vehicles and harness wis sight. It is thought that yard men or FOR ALBUQUERQUE you can buy them at home and see some one employed In the round .K 4 A. what you are getting, and we are Carried by Santa Fe Trains house is thus amusing himself, but STUYVESANT FISH. should he be caught "with the good" ALBUQUERQUE PRESSED BRICK A right here to stand by them. committee, and when he sought to lav Albu- and fined, It will not be so funny. TILE COMPANY TO LOCATE Running Out of HERE INSTEAD OF ALGODONES. nare tne rottenness of the management of the company, he was opposed by, LOW PRICES EASY TERM 3 querque. MUCH CHEAP LABOR Although a pressed brick plant at President Charles A. Peabodv and1 Algodones other members of the committee. Some COMING FROM MEXICO would be or great benefit to Albuquerque, on within the city Mutual Life director are also direc- O.N limits would be of still greater bene- tors of the Illinois Central railway, Albuquerque INTERES1ING DATA OPERATION notably Carriage Co ONLY LABOR THAT CAN COM- fit. This Is what will happen as a E. H. Harrlman. Corner rittt and Tijtrmt Road. PETE WITH JAPANESE FOR result in a change in the plans of RAILROAD WORK, the Albuquerque Pressed Brick Alway Keep Chamberlain' Cough The government weighers of the Tile company.. Remedy in Hi House. Sampcon wind United mail, who are now en- mill, ranch pumpe stales 10 The "We would not be without Chamber- and supplies horse-powe- r gaged in working on Santa Fe trains Train No. this morning carried original plans were to erect a and pump- its usual consignment of Mexican large plant at Algodones whom th lain's Cough Remedy. It Is kept on ing outfit. RIO GRANDE out of this city, are fast getting hand continually In our home," says LUMBER CO. taings systemlzed, so that by the peons. The gang numbered about shale is located, and make exclusively Auto. Phone 308, Colorado Red 131. Of ty and was in charge of a well fed, i'i caseu oricK, Dut upon W. W. Kearney, editor of the Inde- time the ninety days' period is up, consideration pendent. rather intelligent looking Spaniard, the company discovers propo- Lowry City, Mo. That la General Building ScppHes they will have found a basis upon that the Just what every family which to determine "the railroad's who herded his proteges in a manner sition will be more profitable if locat- should do. pay." that reminded one of the fabled story ed at the seat of the chief market for When kept at hand ready for instant SCREEN DOORS use, a cold may out- The railway mall service for the of the slave herder. A dozen boxes their product, which is Albuquerque, le checked at the of cracKerg and cheese done up in and make the common clay set and cured in much less time than Both Phones Third and Marquette weighing of mall is divided into four fire brick after it districts, New Mexico and all states small parcels were put aboard the with shale mixed with adobe, as well has become settled In the train at the local station with which, as manufacture ihe pressed system. This remedy Is also without and territories west of the Missouri brick. The peer croup being In fourth presumably, they were to be fed until railroad has been interviewed it a for In children, and will river the district. Once and prevent goon IS NOW every four years, for a period of they reach their destination. These is found that the raw material can be the attack when given aa IT TIME FOR YOU TO low-bre- d as ninety days, all mail, carried by the Mexicans are the only labor- shipped at less cost than the finished the child becomes hoarse, or eveu trains, Is weighed, for the purpose of ers who can compete with the hordes product, which Is a strong argument after the croupy cough appears, which THINK ABOUT PLEASURE car- of Japanese are being shipped in favor of a plant can only bo done when the remedy Is ascertaining how much mail is that located at the seat kept ried over each railroad, so a Into the United States for railroad of market. There is very no at hand. For sale by all drug- that little or gists. and you pay basis can be established for the work. shrinkage in shale from the time it is should look over our very mixed it following four years. ' until has been transformed large new stock The Tucumacrl says; A of the latest style Car. The amount of mail on board a Times Into the finished product, and this Is NEW SPRING HATS. train, when it leaves Its terminal sta- corps of El Paso & Southwestern rail- another argument in favor In all the new and popular styles, rlages, Buggies, Driving Road Wagons, surveyors are in city, sur- of the PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH tion, the amount picked up during road the change In plans, as adobe, which will $2.B0 to $5.00. Simon Stern, tho Rail- etc., Saddles and Harness. run, veying out sidetracks and grounds be in Kmp warm and enjoy th oold the and the amount carried used the common brick. Is road Avenue Clothier. n per(oct-ttltln- , for the establishing on the division found d.r. br win tnrongh to its terminus, is recorded, au""li to tne city In plenty. It is ,.llorm.d. SPECIAL LOW PRICES NOW. and forwarded to the department at ut this point, which is to be moved easily seen that a plant Try a Citizen want ad. from Rbsa, In near future. located here Frost King Everybody Washington. On the big lines special Santa the would rave the haul of all the Invited to Look Through The ground a ten-sta- ll round- adobe weighers ar..t hfcsigned to certain cars, for m tne manufacture of common MENANOWOMEn. 6r Frost Queen Our Large Three Floor Repository. imt on the branch lines postal clerks house has been selected and the sur- brick."a Cm Bl CJ for unnatural Chamois Vest ; veyors are now busy trying get a diwharTM,lnfltiimtioDv, . & make the record. If pouch mail Is to This change of ,o irritation or ulceration Made KORBER CO., lower grade from Pajarito creek nlans of chamois, KlnforeaS sent out of here as express, Post- the some time ago, but mmtrinl with flannel light, aoft and into TucunicMri. , for reasons known riwiaMlictoi. Palulaaa. and not ALBUQUERQUE. NEW MEXICO master Hopkins makes the record. pnly to tiie promoters 1..1TK IVANS CHEMtrn CO. gut or m:ooodi. themsedves , ClrlOINNATI,o Mao ewrythlnB aim In thla The average amount of mail carried has not been Sold PmnrliU, olore, tha vnsta a re Day Ticket Clerk Harry Fouts, of made public, though very r or trt gaarantood per anl plain wrapper, U (In antlre l lafaotion, mile is thus computed, and ihe the local st.aticn, off duty suffering u klmju news peo-- bt cxpreM, frpatd, lor WE HOLD UP THE IDEA is ? n A 11... . ior tne tvim, S3. 00 raflioads paid accordingly. from an Illness which nfi Albuquerque, i be securing 00. or bott'ii 7Y More Mail, Less Pay. attacked bis a of Circular taut on rouneaftt FnnfcULlbt that meritorious materials and pains- stomach last night. Mr. Fouts par- site for the plant was probably one taking workmanship plumbing Contrary 'to the general opinion, o uy news was in at a more took of some veal chops last evening ,e not given The Williams Drug Co. fair price will satisfy more customers the volume of mall carried the gave him cramp out. This land has been obtained now Kninller the thou- that a in the stomach BLUE than inferior attention to the matter rate thereon. Five thaf was so severe as and it Is understood to be dlrectlv T. A. Lucero FRONT STORE. sand pounds per day Is the maxi- at first to cause 117 W. Railroad Ave. Both phones. In hand Jobs secured by promises of anxiety, but resting me o mum for which the government will he is much easier machinery for economy. At any rate that's how we-d- this morning. the plant has been imrnhnuorl l o pay, and this is carried at a smaller Louis, JaXX)COCXXXXXOCOCXDCOOOCOOO plumbing the best that In us lies. and will be put on the cars UP TO DATE SIGNS If you Tate per pound than would one hund- David L. Mayers mere The Best Place to believe our oldest patrons yoi is t,he present witnia a few days. Eat will us for an red pounds. The smaner the amount traffic manager of the Pecos Valley ask estimate the next of mail handled .the higher the rate lines Eczema, 208 WEST SILVER AVE. time you want anything done in our per pound. of tho Santa Fe railway, with Tetter, Salt Rheum, Itch, line. headquarters at Amarillo. Tex. He Ring Worm, Herpes, Pollock9s "Uncle Sam, in the mail depart- Barber' IF YOU WISH TO EAT A. trnnri X an m m m mm S. has succeeded A. L,. Conrad In that Itch. 13 & ment," said an employe of the local position. All lunch and enchiladas on the Mexican' b CJff & post of these diseases are attended style, go fCdfctiUr120 The Standard Heating office, to a Citizen representative by intense to South Third street, corner '.X WEST SILVER AVENUE. today, royal spender, It Itching, wnich is almost in- or "Is a when Engineer Harry Rehder and Fire- stantly Silver avenue. No. 215. Will he ; CXXOCOOOCXXXXXXXX)OCOX)0 comes to facilitating the rapid deliv- man Torrey relieved by applying Chamber- served promptly any Plumbing Company returned this morning lain s Salve, and by at hour of the ery of mail, and it's the road 'hat from a Its continued use night. Prices will TOT A ORAPI Both - hunting trip down the Rio a permanent cure may be from 25c to 30c. 'Phones: Colo Red 284; Auto- gets the mail to its destination quick- Grande river. A bulging game bag be effected. matle, 671. gets has, in fact, cured many cases that M. GRENADINO 8c Dealers In Groceries, Provisions, Hay, est that Uncle Sam's shekels. told the tale of their success. had CO. Grain "Of course, out f here, we've got resisted other treatment. Price and Fuel. COCOCCOOCOCCXDCOCOCOCXOOO 25 Ikjx. Fine line of Imported Liquors xxxzxxxxrxxxxxxxxxxrxxrxxx It over Fe, ami It R. J. Arey, cents per For sale by all Wines, m to send the Santa resident engineer of the druggists. and Cigars. Place your Q inunnu pi no iivcdv nun looks like a 'cinch' for that road. But coast lines of the Santa Fe, with orders for WE GIVE W LUItUUIl ULWU rtllU STEAM CARPET CLEANING this line with us. You look deeper. If the Santa Fe doesn't headquarters at Williams, Ariz., will T. best satisfaction In mill FEED STABLES Y. .Maynard, officii!) watch In- NORTH THIRD STREET, make what the government thinks is remove his ofTlee from the latter town spector THORNTON The Clamnmr work. Corner Second nd Marquette. enougn it Is against (o Kan Bernardino, for the Santa Fe. left lant Cleans everything. i fast time, counted Cal. night for a trip He Is the A CXXX)COCOCOCXXXXXXXX)000 ALBUQUERQUE PLANING MILL t'.tem In their endeavor to secure con- over the Rio Grande Furniture Man. Moving, pack-- V W. K, division. tracts tor hauling mail out of Chi- Elter, superintendent of the ing and chipping, unpacking and X Cerrllio American Block Q aKXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOCOOOOOO cago. KansaH City, 'Frisco, etc., where Rio Grande division of the Santa Fe. setting up, and is no upstart at 9 you see was in the city yesterday Afflicted With Rheumatism. there are rival roads. So from his "I was and am yet the business. There is no oth- - A, E. WALKER, Albuquerque mall receives as much headquarters a' San Martial. afflicted with er just Thornton. f - rheumatism," says Mr. J. C Bayne Both 'phones. 0 riRE consideration as any other city's editor of 737 South Walter Street. 4 COAL INSURANCE. Judge Henry I. Waldo, solicitor of the Herald. Addlngton, In- Secretary Mutual Building Associa- mall." the dian Territory, "but thanks to Cham- More Than 35,000 Routes. Fe railway for New Mex- $6.00 Per Ton tion. Office at J. C. Baldridge's Lum- C. GRANNIS, ico, has returned to Las Vegas, berlain's Pain Balm am aide once yard. Prep. R According to a recent report of the from more to ber Auto Phone, 311. Colo 300 Red. are more a two weeks' visit to Kansas Citv. attend to business. It is the postmaster g'eneral, there best of liniments." COKE - MILL WOOD Day and Night Hack. 35,i"ii routes of domestic mall If troubled with than C. A. Tlllotson, telegraph operator, rheumatism give Pain Balm M. DRAGOIE Albuquerque, New Mexico. Fervlce in operation In the United a trial KINDLING formerly with the Santa Fe in the lo- and you are certain to be more i7 Dealers In xzxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx States. The total length of these cal office, than num- has accepted a iosition pleased with the prompt relief It af GENERAL MERCHANDISE, routes is 490,948 miles. The with the road at Grants. fords. One application a year Is 5. relieves the N. PEACH & CO. ber of miles traveled pain. pale JL. " of expendi- For by all druggist. A I Groceries, Cigars and Tobacco, and The annual rate W. W. Webster, connected with the - W.H.Halin&Co ture for transportation of the mull is Santa Fe o B. D. all kinds ef Fresh Meat REAL ESTATE DEALERS at San Bernardino, Bpent A busl-nss- a. F. COPP, D. S. DOTH 'PHONES Automatic 'phone, 635. Office, 208 Mi- - 153,07(1,413. of a mile Citizen want ad will get the 800 North Broadway, Corner of Wash- The rate cost yesterday in this city. Try ons. Room 17. N. T. Armljo Building. Is 11.9 cents. Of the sum expended CXXOCOCICOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOO ington Avenue. ALBUQUEKUE.N. M. West Gold ATsnue. for domestic mall service, $31,942,1 SO is paid to the railroads. This does not Include the salaries of the mall clerks, which aggregates more than $10,(1(10,(1(10 a year. The count of the ( ieces of n ail handled in the year 1899 showed a total of 7,118,422.840 pieces of first class matter, (!,233,-5(19,8- n pieces of all other kinds of ILci EST. matter, making a total of 13.351.992.-72- 5 Ed, pieces. BUSINESS STILL KEEPS UP. The Future Railroad Metropolis of New Mexico Financial Report of Santa Fe Shows Big Cain. Cut-o- According to the financial repent of Located on the Belen ff of The Atchison. Topeka & Santa Fe Railway the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Hallway company for the month of January,' th business handled by the is 31 miles south of Albuquerque, N. M., at the junction of the Main Line of the Santa Fe systemleading east and west from Chicago, rosd W'ls fnr in excess of what it was H'.ring the same mouth a year ago. Kansas City, Galveston and points east to San Francisco, Los Angeles, El Paso and Old Mexico Tl.e gn!-"- s arnings for the month were $d, 536.985; an increase of net earnings, $2,2Sii,437; an increase of $718,027. These figures The Belen Town and Improvement Company Own the Belen Townsite bring the pros earnings of the com- pany for the last sexen months, Of 1.000 butlness sod residence lots, size 25x112 feet, laid out with 80 70-fo- wide, which are the first of the fiscal year, broad sod streets, with alleys 20 feet with beautiful lake sod public para and grand old shade trees; publle school honst, cost- up to $45,137,777; an Increase of ing $16,000; churches. Commercial club; a population of 1,600 Inhabitants; largest mercsntile establishments In Now Mexico; the Belen Patent Roller mill, capacity. 150 barrels dally; large winery; three hotels, net earnings. $17,lS4.8m',; an restaurants, etc. Delen Is the largest shipping point for wool, flour, wheat, wine, beans and bay la Central New Mexico. Its Importance as a great commercial railroad city in the nesr future cannot be estimated. Increase of $3,01 0.(133. Evidently, some one fond of th? ALL FAST LIMITED EXPRESS. MAIL AND FREIGHT TRAINS OF THE SANTA FE ROUTE WILL GO OVER THE MAIN LINE THROUGH TO BELEN. EAST AND WEST, NORTH AND SOUTH, sound of fire aims. Is trying to create some excitement in the neighborhood The lots offered are In the center of the city, well graded, (many of 'them improved by cultivation); no sand or gravel We need a first-clas- s bakery, tailor shop, shoe bouse. Jeweler, plumbing shoe, slsnlni mUl. street, by first-clas- s of the viaduct on First cost and wood yard, drug store, bsrnem shop, etc , etc. Also a modem hotel. firing a revolver. Several days ago OUR PRICES OF LOTS ARE LOW AND TERMS ON EASY PAYMENTS; TITLE PERFECT; WARRANTY DEEDS. APPLY AT ONCE FOR MAP AND PRICES, IF YOU WISH TO SECURE THE CHOICEST LOTS TO USE

- - COLD COIN - - ' ' - - "w ww m m m m W m m m ar- w - - - - v. m w mmw 'w - m rar m-- m m m w . . JOHN BECKER, Prcsident'J WM. M. BERGER, Secretary flfl FLOUR. 1 '. M 4 Sf'niHai EICHT. PAGE ALBUOUEHOUE EVENING CITIZEN FRIDAY. MARCH 2, 1906.

west stree.ts have been cut through, OOCOOCCCOC)OOOC)OOOOOC)CXDOO r In accordance platting the entire tract 8 SPRING, 1906 LOCAL AND with other streets of the city. The USE SPRING, 1906 doing Arm of W. L. Trimble & C, Is SOW OX DISPLAY TIIK NEW STYLES IX the work. GOLD PERSONAL W. F. Schoeiihard. a wealthy citizen COIN of St. IauIs, who was out In south- ern California on n pleasure visit. t FLOUR. BOYS' DAY a couple SUITS AND WEATHER. t WEST RAILROAD AVE. 8 opped over hero enjoy ty 314 days with It's old friend. Colonel Tl e rose of Two nml Ihroo Pieces, single? and douMe breasted in 0 tun this morning at 6:30 W. D." The colonel Is showing oooc ;C :0 XOOOOOCOOOOOOOOW will set Jones. till the fancy colors and new fancy and at 5:55 this evening, giv courtesies to t.'ie visitor, and the lat- shapes of the eastern ing sunshine day of 11 hour and ter nun expressed himself well pleas- Notice to Property Owners. markets. 25 minutes. The moon will rise at anil the people The midnight ed with Albuquerque law makes it the duty of every tonight. The day has been whom he met yesterday and to- person, firm or corporation owning J50YS' SUITS. ACES Till! EE TO FIFTEEN decidedly less windy than yesterday here day. The gentleman will probably or having any Interest In real estato Some Shoe Sense but cooler in the morning and much evening r to. this or property noon. on continue homeward other on the first day of $4 to, $7.50 modified by This is the day morrow morning. March, to see property Is 1836, that such which Texas, in declared her left last night properly listed for taxation on Independence from Mexico, an event Hon. F. A. Hubbcll the NOW OX DISPLAY, TIIE NEW STYLES IX Every fIkh" Is advertised to !e the lest and cheapest. It la so easy to for Silver City, where he goes to se assessment rolls. Property returns and Important In its con now as- claim everything. Our e to you is that ours a a dependable Shoe cure sheep herders and send tnem to are being received at the sequence. county sessor's office, in the court house. store where and even justice is done to every customer. We lo his ranges in western Socorro Mr. Hubbcll. while at Silver City, will GEO. F. ALURIGHT. not perform miracles or sell It-O- shoes for fl.SW, but we do carry a com-jilet- e REPORT OF TRAINS. su- Assessor. BOYS' some business with the CAPS transact o I) everybody. on re- stock aud give good service Take one chance us The 4 o'clock report of arrival of pervisor of the Gila river forest ALFALFA SEED, NO. 1 OR NO. 2, A host of new fancy shapes, colors and designs, Featur- we are you will come again. San: a Vc passenger l as fal- serve. He will return to the city to and sure trains AT INTERESTING PRICES. E. W. 1 : 3 p : m.' rrow morning. ing the new Spring Patent Leather Tarn O'Shanter lows: No. 3, about ni FEE, 620 SOUTH SECOND. STREET. special, 10:4." p. m.; The Roswell Record announces the and Oolf Caps at 7"h N'os. , 7 aud 9 nt 1 a. ni.: N. 8 and candidacy for sheriff of Chaves county GARBAGE CANS. 4, on time. of Colonel Charles 1.. Hallard, on the HOYS' CAPS IX ALL SIZES a democratic ticket. Mr. Hallard was FOR GOOD, STRONG Don't Forget to Use Hough Rider under JTesldent Roose CANS AT 35c to $1.00 Mens Shoes from $1.75 to $4.00 COIN FLOUR. LOWEST PRICES PHONE OR CALL FAMOUS GOLD velt during Spanish-America- n war, and Slippers $1.23 $4.00 the ON ALBUQUERQUE HARDWARE Women's Shoes to Best and Cheapest. and afterward served In the Eleventh Hoys Olils $1.00 $2.75 CO. Shoes for and to Chapter, cavalry In the Philippines. He has XEW DOUGLAS SHOES XEW ELGIN S1IIKTS Shoes for HaMes 50 to $1.25 Regular meting of Adnh No. 5. O. E. S., this evening, at 7:3" been offered positions by President o'clock. Roosevelt, but as he was a democrat TICKETS BOUGHT. SOLO and would not give up his party for AND $3.50 $1.25 Col. W. M. Merger, the Hi-In- real EXCHANGED OOOOO'v. v v a AJOOOOOOOOOOO appointments, declined all D estate boomer. Is sptnding the day federal he in metropolis. offers from his military colonei. Association Office the delay California limited mining Tiie of the Transactions John Llvezy, the operator, train of today was occasioned by some R left last night for Old Mexico, Mrs. trouble between Chicago and Kansas Guaranteed I.lvtzey going ta Denver. City. It was reported nine hours late ROSENFIELD'S, 118 W. R. R. Ave. 009000009000000 Colonel Francisco Perea. of .lemez into Newton. Kan., last night, and ac- f5fo2 Hot Springs, Is in the city to spend a cording to the latest report received Railroad Avenwe Clothier New few days with his daughters. here, it is Kt 111 running about, nine Goods l Regular services at Temple Albert. hours late, making it due at the lx-a- s 7 8 this - r t'trr'JB. us tonight. Subject of Uabbl Kaplan station between and o'clock re Deing constantly received, which nddiess will be, "Why Are We evening. A Rai'mond-Whiteom- b spe- oooocooooo ocooototocooto Insures our customers receiving per- Ethical?" cial Is following close behind the IJ. Rudolph, shop barber, fectly fresh articles. We handle only J. the Oak ORIOLE CANNED GOODS ARE THE BEST the best and most reliable brands of left last night for San Diego, Cal wheie he goes for a couple of months' Black Cat Stockings look nicer, every kind of food products, and aell vacation. fit better and above all wear longer them at bed-roc- k prices. District Attorney Clancy has return than any other brand. This has been ed from Santa Ke, where he has been proven by years or practical demon looking after legal matters before the stration. All sizes for men. women supreme court. ar.d children from 15c to 50c, at C. GOLD COIN FLOUR F. F. TROTTER May's Shoe Store, 314 West Rail- Captain W. E. Dame, clerk of the road avenue. N'os. 118 and 120 South Second St district court, who Is now sojourning ORIOLE t v )Sf A bsolutcly in Mexico, is expected home mid- THIS FLOUR HAS RFPN SOLD the TO CLASSIFY ooooooooooooooo dle of the month. TOO LATE FOR TWENTY YEARS IN ALBU MAPLE I (pTjg I PURE Rothen-berg-Schlos- QUERQUE AND IS BEST SOFT David Rosenwald, of the s THE SYRUP I 3m0yii-- Cigar company, lett last WANTED Competent girl for gen- WHEAT FLOUR ON THE MARKET i MAPLE Geo. W. Hickox T. Y. Maynard nfgnt for EI Paso, on a matter of per- eral housework in family of three. TODAY. sonal importance. Apply at 108 North Eight street, between 10 and 12 o'clock. Ladies of the Grand Army of the GOLD COIN FLOUR Republic met this afternoon, at 2:30 FOR RENT A lour room brick The Hickox - Maynard Co. o'clock, nt the home of Mrs. Hugh house, on North First street, close Allison, 214 AVest Silver avenue. In. Call nt Rankin & Co.'h, or at Miss Grace Dale, of Pasadena, Cal., f17 North First street. TR Y NEW MEXICO'S LEADING JEWELERS was the guest of friends In this cify IT for a while last evening, en route to SATURDAY'S SPECIAL SALE. her home from Marietta, Ohio. IT IS THE PLACE TO FIND EVERYTHING THE NICEST AND Strictly fresh Kansas ranch eggs.. 20c During the sickness of F. J. Wen Newton Creamery Dutter 30c OUR WATCH REPAIRING AND DE- dell, who contracted a severe cold the 8 cans of 25c THE BEST. OPTICAL Hilly Sangulnette Is Sardines other day, helping Codfish, per l ib brick 9c PARTMENTS IN CHARGE OF MEN OF HIGHEST QUALIFICA- out on the day watch at the St. Elmo. See us for garden hose new stock. Services at St. John's Episcopal 3 Chow-Cho- o TIONS. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO ORDERS BY MAIL, AND bottles of 25c qoooooocooo church, this evening, at 7:30 o'clock. 2 pkgs of Force 25c ooooooooooo SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. The first of a series of lectures' on 2 cans of Clams 25c the prayer book will be delivered by 2 ten-ce- pkgs of Oald Water the . Starch 15c o The Arch Front Sooth Second Street Judging from telegraphic reports Try our new burlap sack roasted BIRDSELL WAGON s received today from the east, telling Coffee, loc, 50c and II sacks; THE of Know st.rms and blizzards, the something new and good. It. "THE WORLD'S BEST." ground hog knew what it was talking will 'please you. about on February 2d, when it pro- 2 cans of California Apricots. .. .25c phesied six weeks more winter Chilimae, per pkg...-.- ' 10c weather. Sago, per pkg 8c JUST IN A regular meeting of G. K. Warren Large can of Cream 9c o Post. G. A. R.. will be held in I. O. O. See us for flower, garden and field P. Hall, tomorrow evening, March 3d, seeds that will grow. at 7:3o o'clock. Visiting comrades THE MAZE. cordially invited to attend. J. G. William Kieke, Proprietor. O Caldwell, P. C.: W. W. McDonald, Whitman's Candies Adjutant. "ARNOLDS BEST" HIGH PATENT E. Scheele, formerly with Fred FLOUR MAKES TEETH, BONE AND Scholle at Helen, has come to Albu- MUSCLE. o The finest candy made at any price; absolutely pure; always fresh, querque to reside, and has engaged In grocery .business, of KDOCXDOOOCXXXXXXXX(XOOCOOO o healthy and wholesome. Choo olates and bon-bon- the purest of the the as a member the firm of Gruner & Scheele, who o purt. have a store at. the corner of North USE Fourth street and Mountain road. o Milton Dow, In a letter to J. E. J. H. O'RIELLY CO, Druggists Barnett Building Hakis, states that many easterners GOLD COIN o j are taking up homesteads on tne s plains, and he. (Dow), predicts that 6' i0 families will soon locate in FLOUR. Torrance county. THE CUSHIONED DOUBLETREE SAVES THE HORSE'S SHOULDER. Solomon Spiegelberg, for many OCO0O00COC000CX3OCX000CO00 years a well known and popular resi- -- Sash, Doors, dent of Santa Fe, but naw living at THINKERS, ATTENTION! WHITNEY COMPANY' Ijis Vegas, Wednesday celebrated his Don't fall to hear Dr. J. H. eighty-secon- d Sunday, March 4th, at the 113-115-1- 401-40- Lttmbei? birthday anniversary. 17 3 North First Street Glass, vigor and of the New Christian church. South First Street He retains remarkable Gold Broadway. health a man so aged. and He is one of the for most progressive religious thinkers In Wholesal Distributers for New Mexico and Arizona. Rex A. P. Tarklngton, adjutant general America and an eloquent speaker. Cement and Flintkote of the territory, passed down the road Writ for Wholesale Prices on Plows and Other Farm Implements last night for Silver City, where he TOE GUM, AT RUPPE'S. 2 The largest stock west of Kansas City. Roofi ng. Mail Orders Promptly Pilled. will conduct small arms practice on the target range. From Silver City GARBAGE CANS. Roswell he will go to Las Cruces ad FOR GOOD, bifore returning Fe. STRONG CANS AT to Santa LOWEST PRICES PHONE OR CALL ALBUQUERQUE LUMBER CO. A. superintendent no Rev. P. Morrison, ON ALBUQUERQUE HARDWARE ooooocoo oooooonooo of English missions of the Methodist CO. Episcopal church in New Mexico and USE First and Marquette, Albuquerque, N. M. Arizona, left this morning for Santa COOCXXXXXXXXXXXXDOOClCOCXXiO LISTEN Fe. Rev. Morrison had been a guest a moment here of Rev. Rollins of the Lt'ad Av- USE COLD COIN For enue Methodist Episcopal church. and then the Purchasers of lots in the new Grant GOLD FLOUR., "iti"pti Tmm addition opened by the Surety Invest- COIN por- A Diamond ment company, in the northwest Palace tion f the city, will be pleased to THINK! learn that work of grading the stree FLOUR. of YANOW, the Railroad Ave. Pawnbroker, who is selling Diamonds at and LADIES' RIDING GLOVES. 1 RAILROAD AVE. of the addition has begun. Fifth In buck. Guarantewl. Simon Stern, JljJllll which cross the Grant KXXXXDCOOC)CXXXXXXXXXX)OOC a pledge prices, paying no attention to the recent 100 per cent raise Sixth streets, tho Railroad Avenue Clothier. Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Cut Glass, Clocks, Silverware, We Invite tract north and south, have been cui o on them. HE INVITES INSPECTION AND COMPARISON. 10 f your trade and guarantee A SQUARE DEAL. ill rni from New York avenue oooooooo GARBAGE CANS. SEE WHITNEY and 2 'Mountain road, and in Cue east COMPANY. ooooooooko oooooooooo