

Vol. 167 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 2021 No. 70 Senate The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY One important message is to the called to order by the President pro LEADER Asian-American community. By pass- tempore (Mr. LEAHY). The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- ing this bill, we say to the Asian-Amer- jority leader is recognized. ican community that their government f is paying attention to them, has heard f their concerns, and will respond to pro- PRAYER COVID–19 HATE CRIMES ACT tect them; and, second, by passing this The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, bill, we will send a message to the fered the following prayer: after nearly 2 weeks of Democrats and country that should be all too obvious Let us pray. Republicans working together, the by . Hate crimes will not be toler- Eternal God, nature speaks of Your Senate is going to take a final vote on ated, and Federal law enforcement will glory. With every sunrise and sunset, the anti-Asian hate crimes bill later do everything in its power to detect, we are reminded of Your power and this morning. The vote today on the deter, and, if necessary, prosecute majesty. anti-Asian hate crimes bill is proof crimes to the full extent of the law. Lord, we think of You when we watch that when the Senate is given the op- So this bill has a one-two punch, to the birds You guide through the bound- portunity to work, the Senate can assure the Asian-American community less skies with flawless flight. We hear work to solve important issues. we are going after the bigotry against Your voice in the pattern of the falling In the wake of the COVID–19 pan- them and to tell the American people, rain and the shouts of the thunder. demic, Asian Americans across the particularly those bigots, we are going after you in a legal way, of course. Great and marvelous are Your works. country have been victims of the surge Now, yesterday, we reached an agree- Today, rule in the lives of our law- of discrimination and racially moti- vated violence and bigotry. In New ment to consider three more Repub- makers with the sovereignty You hold lican amendments to the bill before a over nature. Guide our Senators with York, I attended rally after rally and heard one story after another about final vote. The legislation, as is, al- Your perfect and trustworthy precepts, ready includes significant bipartisan bringing joy to their hearts because of Asian Americans who were afraid to ride the subway, afraid to go to work, input, including modifications from Your love. Senator COLLINS and bipartisan legisla- We pray in Your mighty Name. afraid to walk down the streets, and having to adjust their daily lives for tion called the No Hate Act developed Amen. fear of being spat upon, glared at, or by Senators MORAN and BLUMENTHAL f even worse. This was not an occasional and modified by Senator SCOTT of Flor- occurrence. It is occurring every day in ida. Senator WARNOCK has also made PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE just about every corner of America. sure the bill recognizes the recent trag- Now, racism has always existed in edy in Atlanta in which six women of The President pro tempore led the America, unfortunately and sadly, and Asian descent were killed. Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: the legacy of anti-Asian sentiment Through it all, Senators DURBIN, I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the goes back centuries to dark chapters in DUCKWORTH, and especially the bill’s United States of America, and to the Repub- our history like the Chinese Exclusion sponsor, Senator HIRONO, have dem- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Act and the internment of Japanese- onstrated exceptional leadership; the indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. American citizens during World War II. same for Representative MENG in the The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Now, we have made great strides House. Senator from Nevada. since those days, but over the past sev- Over the past 6 years, we have had Ms. ROSEN. Mr. President, I suggest eral years, the forces of hate and big- too few opportunities to work together the absence of a quorum. otry seemed to have gained strength, on timely, bipartisan legislation. Let The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The too often encouraged by our former this be a reminder that when Senators clerk will call the roll. President. It is time for all of us to of good will work with each other, at The senior assistant legislative clerk stand up. the end of the day, we can achieve a proceeded to call the roll. By passing this bill, the Senate good result. We can do it again in the Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I makes it very clear that hate and dis- next few weeks with a bipartisan water ask unanimous consent that the order crimination against any group has no infrastructure bill, which will be on the for the quorum call be rescinded. place in America. Bigotry against one floor next week, and soon thereafter, The PRESIDING OFFICER (Ms. is bigotry against all, and I believe another bipartisan package of legisla- ROSEN). Without objection, it is so or- that passage of this bill will send two— tion concerning American competitive- dered. two—very important messages. ness.

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.


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VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:49 Apr 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22AP6.000 S22APPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S2138 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 22, 2021 Let’s continue the bipartisan mo- make it harder for minorities, poorer climate crisis to begin preparing for mentum as we move into next week, Americans, and younger Americans to landmark legislation. I repeat once but today I want to thank my col- vote. again that any infrastructure bill we leagues who have worked together to The far right, the hard right—which consider here in the Senate must in- bring this bill to the finish line. I look seems to be so dominant in the party clude green infrastructure, create forward to seeing the anti-Asian hate on the other side—is so afraid of losing green jobs, and make significant crimes bill passed by this Chamber political power and so unwilling to ap- progress toward the reduction of green- today and move one step closer to peal to anyone who doesn’t already house gases. reaching the President’s desk. agree with them that their strategy Luckily, the Senate will have an op- f has become to restrict voting rights portunity to address another serious and deny equal representation in Con- climate-related issue next week. The WASHINGTON, D.C. ADMISSION ACT gress to hundreds of thousands of Senate will consider a Congressional Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, on Americans. So DC statehood, unfortu- Review Act bill before the end of the DC statehood, another matter, today nately, is part of a continuing thread work period to reimpose critical regu- the House of Representatives will pass of not allowing people their right to lations concerning the release of meth- a bill granting the District of Columbia vote, to representation, that seems to ane into our atmosphere. official statehood. I applaud my House be growing in the Republican Party, Methane gets less attention than its Democratic colleagues for taking this particularly here in the Senate and in big bad brother, carbon dioxide, but in important step toward recognizing the legislatures throughout the country, truth, methane is like carbon dioxide full citizenship of more than 700,000 unfortunately. on steroids. Over 20 years, a ton of residents of the District of Columbia. Self-government, voting rights: methane will warm the atmosphere This is a matter of just representa- These are not Democratic rights. These more than 86 times as much as a ton of tion. Our system of government is de- are not Republican rights. They are carbon dioxide, but because it breaks signed to give everyone in our country American rights. They are issues of down much faster than carbon dioxide, a voice in forging their own destiny. fairness and democracy. It is not about the gains we make in the reduction of Most citizens do that by voting for right and left; it is about right and methane emissions can reduce global Members of Congress and Senators wrong. warming even faster. Many of the from their States to represent them in DC statehood is an idea whose time things we need to do to reduce methane this temple of democracy to advocate has come. emissions are fairly cheap and cost-ef- for their interests and to voice their f fective, like plugging leaks in fossil concerns. fuel infrastructure. So this made com- CLIMATE LEGISLATION The District of Columbia has more mon sense, especially when our globe is residents than Vermont and Wyoming Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, at risk. and nearly the same as Delaware, Alas- now on climate, this year’s celebration The Obama administration had insti- ka, and several other States, and they of Earth Day comes with an ambitious tuted these commonsense rules of the bear the full responsibilities and duties new goal from the Biden administra- road to encourage that sort of activity. of citizenship, like residents in all tion: The United States should aim to It was widely supported, even by indus- those other States. DC residents can be cut its greenhouse gas emissions in try. The Trump administration, so summoned for jury duty. They have half by the end of the decade. It is a typically and so unfortunately, re- served in every war since the American great goal. I fully support it. versed those rules in an act of pure idi- Revolution. They pay Federal income Not only is President Biden finally ocy. The Senate Democratic majority taxes, just like residents from every returning the United States to a posi- will soon put a bill on the floor to re- other State. You can learn that from tion of global leadership in the fight vert back to the original policy, which any license plate outside this building. against climate change, but he is show- should never have been tampered with Yet they are denied real representation ing that America is ready to ramp up in the first place. in Congress—in the words DC borrowed our climate ambition beyond—be- Reducing methane emissions will be from the Founding Fathers, ‘‘taxation yond—the Paris Agreement. only the first of many actions this Sen- without representation.’’ Now, it will take extraordinary ac- ate will take to combat climate Sadly, the debate over DC statehood tion to meet the marker that President change. has taken a rather dark turn. Some of Biden laid down, but he was exactly f my colleagues on the other side, rather right to do it. If we need any reminders than fashion any argument on the mer- about what America can achieve when ARMENIAN GENOCIDE its, have taken to denigrating the basic it puts its mind to something, Presi- Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, worth of residents of the District of Co- dent committed to landing on one final issue. It has come to my at- lumbia—a part of our country that is 47 the Moon over the course of a single tention that President Biden intends to percent African American. decade. If America could reach that have the United States formally recog- One Member of the minority party lofty goal in the name of ingenuity, in nize the Armenian genocide, becoming went so far as to say lawmakers should the name of exploration, surely we can the first sitting U.S. President to do ‘‘go out to where the real people are achieve this goal in the name of saving so. Great news. It is a long time com- across the country and ask them what the planet on which we live. ing and a step that I have called on they think [about DC statehood].’’ Now, I believe the best way to Presidents of both parties to take. ‘‘[Get] out to where the real people achieve this ambitious goal is through Each year, I gather with Armenian are.’’ Bigotry, bigotry, bigotry. I bold action by this Congress through Americans in Times Square to com- shouldn’t have to remind my col- legislation to reduce carbon pollution memorate the annual anniversary of leagues that it is shockingly inappro- while creating millions of jobs and eco- this atrocity. Every year, my heart priate to imply that lives and occupa- nomic prosperity in a new clean energy breaks for the victims of the genocide tions and rights of DC’s residents are economy. Any legislation without a se- and their descendants. There are very somehow less than their fellow citizens rious and bold climate component will few left, but some very elderly people in other ‘‘more real’’ and almost al- make it much, much harder to achieve are sitting in the audience each year, ways more White parts of the country. President Biden’s goal, and we must reminding us how painful and how real We all know that the minority party work to have a strong green climate that genocide was. The Turkish Gov- opposes DC statehood because it fears component in the American Jobs Plan. ernment’s idea of saying there was no giving political power and representa- The Democratic majority here in the genocide just defies history. I have tion to American citizens if they might Senate is eager to get to work. One of seen the victims. I have talked to the not vote for Republicans. It smacks of the very first things I did when Demo- victims. the effort going on right now in Repub- crats took the majority was to instruct Saturday marks the 106th anniver- lican legislatures all across the coun- every committee chair—the new com- sary of the Armenian genocide. I am so try to pass laws that overwhelmingly mittee chairs—to hold hearings on the relieved, grateful, and moved that we

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:49 Apr 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22AP6.002 S22APPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE April 22, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2139 can finally commemorate the anniver- significant change in worldwide emis- checkers. The real, unmistakable pic- sary with the knowledge that the Gov- sions or global temperatures. ture is that the bill would expand early ernment of the United States, led by The cost of these misplaced priorities voting and make no changes to current President Joseph Robinette Biden, has is already hitting Americans hard. Re- election day hours—none. Ironically, recognized of the Armenian member, revoking permitting for the Democrats’ own star witness at this genocide at last. Keystone XL Pipeline and killing thou- week’s hearing once sponsored and sup- I yield the floor. sands of jobs was a day-one priority for ported an earlier effort that would I suggest the absence of a quorum. this new administration. Now their so- have cut early voting days in Georgia The PRESIDING OFFICER. The called infrastructure plan would aim at in half. clerk will call the roll. completely decarbonizing our electric The facts puncture the left’s big lie. The senior assistant legislative clerk grid, which means hurting our coal and Much of this overheated rhetoric seems proceeded to call the roll. natural gas industries and putting like simple projection because there is, Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, good-paying American jobs into the indeed, a piece of legislation that I ask unanimous consent that the order shredder. would create a stunning one-party for the quorum call be rescinded. Borrowing money in order to kill takeover of voting laws and elections The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without jobs, now, there is a concept. Mean- in our country, and that would be objection, it is so ordered. while, a mountain of redtape would Washington Democrats’ darling, H.R. 1. f keep public works projects smothered, This is the bill that was first intro- literally smothered in endless environ- RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY duced back in 2019, with many Demo- mental reviews, and their plan would LEADER crats still in denial that a Republican thrust the west coast obsession with had won the White House in 2016. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Re- electric vehicles onto the entire Na- It was marketed at that time as a publican leader is recognized. tion, onto rural school districts, onto wholesale transformation designed to f industries, whether they like it or not. salvage a broken democracy. But now CLIMATE LEGISLATION Next week, President Biden is set to that Democrats got an election out- address a joint session of Congress for come they liked better in 2020, what is Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, the first time. I expect we will hear yesterday, I mentioned that the DNA essentially a xerox copy of the same more claims like the ones that have overhaul is now being marketed, oh, as of the far-left Green New Deal is all been debunked by fact checkers that over President Biden’s spending bills. a modest step, just a modest step to all this Green New Deal DNA would ac- maintain the status quo. That wasn’t just my opinion; it was the tually create a lot of American jobs. The first sales pitch was actually verdict of our colleague the junior Sen- Fact checkers are debunking that more honest. This 800-plus-page take- ator from Massachusetts. claim. over would give Washington Democrats Today, the President is scheduled to But even the most favorable anal- unprecedented control over 50 States’ meet virtually with a group of the yses, even the administration’s favor- election laws, over a newly—listen to world’s leaders on climate policy. His ite projections, suggest that the Presi- this—a newly partisan Federal Elec- agenda, reportedly, is to encourage dent’s plan would be terrible, just ter- tion Commission, over policing Amer- them to expand their countries’ Paris rible at creating jobs. The rosiest num- ica’s political speech. That is what it climate agreement commitments to bers you could come up with suggest it would do. meet even more ambitious emissions might cost American taxpayers more goals. The problem, of course, as our than $800,000 for every job it might cre- Now, Democrats know that the same colleagues, no doubt, remember, is that ate—more than $800,000 per job. Senate rules they happily used for the the hollow commitments these coun- And Ivy League economists have cal- last 6 years will not make it easy to tries made back in 2015 carry no seri- culated that the plan’s long-term ef- launch this awful proposal, so there is ous means for enforcement. fects on GDP, capital stocks, and hour- another important piece in their plan. Under the last administration, even ly wages would all be negative. Let me They are aiming the same wild rhetoric from outside this agreement, the U.S. say that again. These multiple trillions at the Senate’s own rules—at our rules economy proved more than capable of of dollars would buy us less GDP, less here in the Senate. meaningfully reducing CO2 emissions. investment, and lower wages. It almost The legislative filibuster which sen- But many of the signatories within the takes talent to craft something that ior Democrats have loudly and proudly supposed deal have largely ignored completely disastrous. defended in the past, which Democrats their stated commitments and con- So this is quite a one-two punch: used repeatedly in recent years, all of a tinue to emit with reckless abandon. toothless requests of our foreign adver- sudden has become an offensive and As the Biden administration climate saries and maximum pain for American outdated relic overnight. Isn’t it amaz- envoy, John Kerry, once lamented, citizens. ing how this new awakening only hap- ‘‘[M]ost countries are . . . not getting f pened when Democrats felt they had a the job done in living up to Paris.’’ chance to retake the majority. ELECTIONS China, for example, has just kept emit- Now, the American people can see ting more and done it shamelessly. Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, right through this. Nobody is fooled. Their share of greenhouse gas emis- now, on another matter, earlier this Nobody is fooled by their desperation sions is now nearly double—double— week, the Democratic leadership of the to rewrite 50 States’ election laws or that of the United States. Judiciary Committee convened a hear- the campaign to pack the Supreme On a recent trip to Shanghai, Kerry ing with the embarrassing title of ‘‘Jim Court or the attempt to pack the Sen- tried to echo President Biden’s encour- Crow 2021.’’ It was the latest effort to ate with new blue States, rewriting the agement on emissions reduction, but use shocking rhetoric to distract from rules of American politics to exclu- the kid-gloves approach didn’t seem the specific details of actual voting sively benefit one side: their side. That too successful. China’s Vice Minister laws in States like Georgia. was the Democrats’ false charge in for Foreign Affairs said: ‘‘I’m afraid Amazingly, one of our Democratic Georgia, but it is exactly what they are this is not very realistic.’’ A direct colleagues testified before the com- trying to do in this Capitol on a na- quote from the Chinese Government. mittee that people actually shouldn’t tional scale. Democrats’ zeal for imposing costly bother combing through the specifics environmental agendas on our own of the law—don’t bother reading the f country is not something our biggest actual law. He suggested that ‘‘narrow foreign competitors seem to share. If analysis only obscures the larger, un- RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME that is true, our colleagues could in- mistakable picture.’’ Put another way, flict as many painful policies on Amer- the facts deflate the narrative. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under ican workers and American industries Misrepresentations of Georgia’s elec- the previous order, the leadership time as they want and still not achieve a tion law have been debunked by fact is reserved.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:49 Apr 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22AP6.003 S22APPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S2140 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 22, 2021 CONCLUSION OF MORNING or possession of the United States during the lines, leaves millions of homes under- BUSINESS COVID–19 pandemic. water, and produces recordbreaking (b) CONTENTS.—The report required to be droughts, floods, and other climate ca- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning submitted under subsection (a) shall in- business is closed. clude— tastrophes. Hundreds of millions of people will be pushed into poverty be- f (1) an analysis of whether the same restric- tions applied to religious institutions also cause of this, and climate-related fam- LEGISLATIVE SESSION applied equally to secular organizations or ine and conflicts would trigger a global businesses; and refugee crisis worse than anything we --- (2) an analysis of whether each imposed re- have ever seen. That is the future if we COVID–19 HATE CRIMES ACT— striction complies with the ruling of the Su- do nothing. That is something we must Resumed preme Court of the United States in Tandon avoid, and the United States needs to v. Newsom, No. 20A151, 539 U.S. lll (2021). The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under show leadership. The senior assistant legislative clerk the previous order, the Senate will re- President Biden does that today with read as follows: sume consideration of S. 937, which the this meeting. One of his first official clerk will report. The Senator from Tennessee [Mrs. BLACK- acts as President, on his first full day BURN] proposes an amendment numbered 1458 in office, was starting the process of re- The senior assistant legislative clerk to amendment No. 1445. read as follows: committing the United States to join (Purpose: To improve the bill.) every nation in the world in the Paris A bill (S. 937) to facilitate the expedited re- (The amendment is printed in the view of COVID–19 hate crimes, and for other Agreement. If you will remember, the RECORD of April 21, 2021, under ‘‘Text of purposes. previous President decided that Amer- Amendments.’’) Pending: ica would step away from that. Mr. MCCONNELL. I suggest the ab- At the White House Leaders Summit, Schumer (for Hirono/Collins) amendment sence of a quorum. the President will announce a new No. 1445, of a perfecting nature. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The goal: to reduce U.S. greenhouse gas The PRESIDING OFFICER. The mi- clerk will call the roll. emissions by at least 50 percent by the nority leader. The senior assistant legislative clerk year 2030. The Biden administration’s AMENDMENT NOS. 1456, 1425, AND 1458 TO proceeded to call the roll. leadership stands in sharp contrast to AMENDMENT NO. 1445 Mr. DURBIN. Madam President, I ask what we have seen over the last 4 Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, unanimous consent that the order for years. We saw a President withdraw I ask unanimous consent that the order the quorum call be rescinded. from the Paris Agreement, ridicule be executed with respect to the report- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without science at every opportunity, deny the ing of the three amendments under the objection, it is so ordered. existence of a growing climate threat, consent agreement. EARTH DAY and even censor the remarks of govern- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Mr. DURBIN. Madam President, ment scientists that might suggest objection, it is so ordered. today is Earth Day, our planet’s larg- otherwise. The clerk will report the amend- est annual civic event. More than 1 bil- Fortunately, the disengagement by ments by number. lion people in 192 nations are expected the previous administration didn’t pre- The senior assistant legislative clerk to participate in activities to draw at- vent the American people, scientists, read as follows: tention to the urgency of the climate real business leaders and entre- The Senator from Texas [Mr. CRUZ] pro- crisis and environmental degradation. preneurs, and cities and States from ig- poses an amendment numbered 1456 to From the South Side of Chicago to noring President Trump and moving amendment No. 1445. South America and South Asia, ordi- ahead. The amendment is, as follows: nary citizens—schoolchildren, sci- There is no substitute, though, for [Purpose: To prohibit Federal funding for entists, environmental activists, busi- leadership at the top. The American any institution of higher education that ness and government leaders, and oth- Jobs Plan, which President Biden plans discriminates against Asian Americans in ers—are calling for help for our ailing to pass, and I hope there is support, is recruitment, applicant review, or admis- planet. a plan to secure America’s global eco- sions] This year, the most important Earth nomic leadership, strengthen Amer- At the end, add the following: Day gathering is just 16 blocks from ica’s working families, and build the SEC. 6. PROHIBITION OF FEDERAL FUNDS FOR where we meet. At the White House infrastructure of the future we can INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDU- today, President Biden is hosting a 2- count on. The American Jobs Plan, of CATION THAT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST ASIAN AMERICANS. day virtual summit of leaders from 40 course, will rebuild America’s crum- Notwithstanding any other provision of Nations—leaders from the highest bling rail lines, roads, bridges, ports, law, no institution of higher education (as emitting countries, China, India, Rus- and water systems; strengthen Amer- defined in section 102 of the Higher Edu- sia, as well as leaders from countries ica’s power grid; and invest in 5G cation Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1002)) may re- that suffer the worst consequences, broadband internet for every commu- ceive any Federal funding if the institution such as Bangladesh and Kenya. The nity in America. The previous Presi- has a policy in place or engages in a practice leaders are coming together, after a dent promised it but didn’t deliver. that discriminates against Asian Americans year of staggering pandemic hardship This President wants to deliver, with in recruitment, applicant review, or admis- and climate-related crises, to renew sions. our help. their commitment to save our planet I have heard those on the floor who The senior assistant legislative clerk from irreversible climate catastrophe. then criticize that part of the Amer- read as follows: With this Earth Day Leaders Sum- ican Jobs Plan, which goes further. The Senator from Kentucky [Mr. MCCON- mit, President Biden is sending the President Biden also wants to invest in NELL], for Mr. LEE, proposes an amendment world a clear message: The United green energy, wind, solar, and other re- numbered 1425 to amendment No. 1445. States is back and is ready to be a newable energy projects. To hear that The amendment is, as follows: leader again in combating climate described by some of his Republican [Purpose: To require a report on State re- change. The White House Leaders Sum- critics, it is just pure socialism. Social- strictions on religious exercise during the mit is meant to encourage countries to ism? It is a realistic response to the COVID–19 pandemic] make strong commitments under the 21st challenge of climate change. section 3 and insert the following: Paris Agreement to prevent the global American Jobs Plan includes billions SEC. 3. REPORT ON RELIGIOUS RESTRICTIONS average temperature from rising more of dollars to retrain any workers who DURING THE COVID–19 PANDEMIC. than 1.5 degree Celsius above are dislocated if they work in the fossil (a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 180 days preindustrial levels. This sounds tech- fuel industry and to find better, well- after the date of enactment of this Act, the Attorney General shall submit to Congress a nical and dry and wonky, but here is paying jobs with a future in clean en- report on the restrictions on religious exer- what it means. At 11⁄2 degrees Celsius of ergy and other fields. Just this week, cise imposed by States, the District of Co- warming, much of the world will likely the president of the United Mine Work- lumbia, Puerto Rico, and any other territory see sea level rise that swallows coast- ers of America—a sixth generation

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:49 Apr 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22AP6.004 S22APPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE April 22, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2141 West Virginia coal miner—announced he said: ‘‘So long as the human species so hard for the principles and values that his union was going to support inhabits the Earth, proper manage- that are embodied in the Jabara-Heyer President Biden’s American Jobs Plan ment of its resources will be the most NO HATE Act, which is part of the leg- in exchange for training his coal min- fundamental issue we face. Our very islation. It is, indeed, bipartisan, and, ers in how they can be effective and survival will depend upon whether or hopefully, we will pass it today. also have good jobs in a cleaner energy not we are able to preserve, protect, The fact is that this August marks future. That union understands clean and defend our environment. We are two excruciatingly sad anniversaries. energy. Most Americans do. I hope Sen- not to decide about whether or not It will be 4 years since Heather Heyer ators on both sides of the aisle will. our environment matters. It does mat- was killed when a White nationalist American business gets it. I have in- ter. Apart from politics, it is funda- drove his car into a crowd of peaceful troduced two bills that would bring ef- mental to survival. We disregard the protesters, and it will be 5 years since ficiency and innovation of the market- needs of our ecosystem at our mortal Khalid Jabara was shot and killed on place and the financial clout of the peril.’’ That was the lesson of Earth his own front porch by his neighbor, an Federal Government to reduce green- Day, and it should never be forgotten. avowed and virulent racist. house gas emissions and create a more S. 937 The temptation is to get lost in the sustainable economy that works for Madam President, this morning, we numbers and statistics about hate the people and the planet. My bills are are going to take up the COVID–19 crimes. Make no mistake, these statis- called the America’s Clean Future Hate Crimes Act that Senator HIRONO tics are horrifying, especially the surge Fund Act and the Climate Change Re- and Senator DUCKWORTH bring before in hate crimes directed against Asian siliency Fund for America Act. us. Americans and Pacific Islanders. We talked about investing in Amer- In the wake of the COVID–19 pan- The FBI reported just over 7,300 hate ican infrastructure so we can tackle demic, we have, unfortunately, wit- crimes in 2019. The Department of Jus- climate change and create renewable nessed an appalling rise in hate inci- tice’s Bureau of Justice Statistics esti- energy jobs and the industries of the dents targeting the Asian American mates that there was an average of future. But I want to make it clear and Pacific Islander community. The 198,000 hate crime victimizations in that our highest priority is to create numbers are shocking. Between March 2017. Hate crimes are vastly under- those jobs right here in America. I 2020 and February 2021, the Stop AAPI reported. One of the objectives of the hope my colleagues will work with us Hate Initiative documented nearly Jabara-Heyer NO HATE Act is to spur and won’t filibuster the President’s ef- 3,800 hate incidents in the United greater reporting so we know the horri- forts to move our economy forward in States, and a recent analysis by the fying dimensions and magnitude of this a dramatic way. Center for the Study of Hate and Ex- problem and we can better fashion so- We can’t afford denial, defeatism. We tremism found that while hate crimes lutions to fight them. can’t afford people who say it is too in 16 of America’s largest cities de- But what is most important to re- late to do anything about climate dis- creased overall by 7 percent in the year member about each of these 198,000 in- aster. We owe it to our children, grand- 2020, those targeting Asian Americans cidents is that they involve real people, children, and future generations to do increased by nearly 150 percent. real communities, lives torn apart, everything in our power to save this Our friends and neighbors in the communities torn asunder. In the most planet from what is obviously coming AAPI community are facing an urgent, heartbreaking cases, they involve real our way. imminent threat. It is time to do some- lives that are lost forever, real families Safe, effective vaccines have brought thing about it. That is why I am proud who will never see their loved ones us so far in fighting this pandemic. We to support the COVID–19 Hate Crimes again. have developed in a short period of Act. This will provide State and local The NO HATE Act that the Senate is time under this President not only the law enforcement with guidance and considering today is named for two of vaccines but also their delivery and ad- tools to track and address hate crimes those people: Heather Heyer and Khalid ministration to the people of our coun- and hate incidents. Jabara. For just a few moments, I try at a rate no one ever expected. The I am grateful for the bipartisan sup- would like to spend this time on the research that led to this was good sci- port, which Senator COLLINS and others Senate floor honoring them and their entific research. Two of the leading have brought to this bill to strengthen families. We are here because of them. vaccines were developed using some- it. These efforts include Senator Heather Heyer was counterprotesting thing called messenger RNA—mRNA— BLUMENTHAL’s and Senator MORAN’s the Unite the Right rally in Char- and it worked. The basic science that NO HATE Act, critical legislation that lottesville, VA, on August 12, 2019, led to the discovery of mRNA was will improve hate crime reporting and when she was murdered by a White su- largely funded by American tax- expand assistance and resources for premacist who purposefully ran his car payers—government programs—and ap- victims of hate crimes. into a crowd of protesters, also injur- plied by the private industry with There is so much more we can do and ing 19 other people. great success. And now, because of our should do to address the broader issue Heather is remembered as a young investment in science and belief in of domestic terrorism, identified by the woman with a big heart. She devoted science, people’s lives are being saved Director of the FBI as one of the her life to the fight for justice and in the United States and around the gravest threats to security in our coun- equality. The foundation named in her world. Imagine solutions we can find if try. That is why I introduced the Do- honor notes that ‘‘Heather was a young we harness the power of public partner- mestic Terrorism Prevention Act ear- woman deeply involved in taking a ships together with science and citizen lier this year, and I will continue with stand against injustice when she didn’t engagement to address climate change. my efforts to send that legislation to have to do so,’’ who ‘‘spoke passion- The first Earth Day was 51 years ago. the President’s desk. ately’’ about what she believed in. She It was proposed by a Senator from Wis- But today, we have an opportunity to was just 32 years old when she was consin named Gaylord Nelson. It come together—Democrats and Repub- murdered. brought 20 million Americans together licans, Americans—and support our Khalid Jabara was shot on the steps at the time, put preservation of our friends, our siblings, and our fellow of his own home, his family’s home in planet on the national agenda, and ush- Americans in the AAPI community. Tulsa, OK, by a neighbor who had been ered in a decade of remarkable environ- Millions of Americans count on us to harassing the Jabara family for mental progress. That decade saw the do that. Let’s show them that we can. months. That family had come to creation of some of our most important I yield the floor. America to flee civil war and religious protections of clean air, land, and The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. MUR- persecution in Lebanon, only to be ter- water. PHY). The Senator from Connecticut. rorized here by their racist, murderous Ten years later, Gaylord Nelson Mr. BLUMENTHAL. Mr. President, I next door neighbor. looked back on that first Earth Day am honored to follow our distinguished Khalid is remembered for his sense of and the decade that followed. His words Judiciary Committee chairman and humor and unfailing devotion to his bear repeating today, And this is what whip, Senator DURBIN, who has fought family.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:49 Apr 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22AP6.007 S22APPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S2142 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 22, 2021 He cared for our entire family, our friends, It is particularly encouraging to see orities. I hope that after she releases and people he didn’t even know. He created the Drinking Water and Wastewater this proposal, Democrats and Repub- every Jabara family joke and filled their bill—a bipartisan effort from start to licans will be able to sit down and en- lives with love and laughter. finish and a too-rare example of legis- gage in serious negotiation on our two Jabara was 37 years old when he was lation that went through the com- plans. murdered. mittee process, which should be our Our Founders established a demo- Today’s vote honors the memory of goal for most bills in the Senate. I hope cratic republic instead of a pure de- those two individuals and the thou- this trend will continue. mocracy because they wanted to bal- sands of other individuals who have Democrats want the Senate to take ance majority rule with protection for been victims of similar hate crimes— up infrastructure legislation in the minority rights. They knew that ma- un-American, abhorrent, unacceptable. near future—a goal that Republicans jorities could be tyrants, so they wove Today, we make a statement that we support. What we don’t support is protection for minority rights into our will not accept those kinds of hate Democrats’ threat to shove through system of government. The Senate was crimes in America. I am grateful to the entire Jabara another massive, partisan bill—this one of those protections. That is why family and to Susan Bro, Heather’s time on infrastructure—using rec- we should be preserving rules like the mother, for their unfailing devotion to onciliation rules to ensure Republicans filibuster, which ensures that the mi- ending hate and their courageous advo- don’t have a voice in the legislation. nority party and the many Americans The Senate was designed to promote cacy in support of the NO HATE Act. I it represents have a voice in legisla- also want to thank my partner in this moderation and consensus. It was in- tion. tended to be a check on the more par- legislation, Senator MORAN of Kansas. It is always important that the mi- We would not be here today without tisan—or as the Founders would put it, nority party’s voice be heard and the his support and bipartisan cooperation factious—House of Representatives. Senate engage in bipartisan negotia- on this bill. The Senate fulfills its constitutional tion and discussion, but it should be es- There will always be hateful people role best when it engages in serious, bi- pecially obvious that in a 50–50 Senate, who want to lash out violently at the partisan consideration and negotiation any major legislation should be bipar- world. They will lash out at Muslims, and ensures that Members of both par- tisan. If one thing is for sure, it is that at Jews, at African Americans, at ties are heard. This is the framework a 50–50 Senate is not a mandate for one Asian Americans, at Pacific Islanders. we should adopt for infrastructure. side to force through its agenda un- But America is above it. America is I am encouraged by President Biden’s checked. better than they are. And we owe decision to meet with Republicans to It is absurd for Senate Democrats or Heather Heyer, Khalid Jabara, and discuss infrastructure legislation. Re- House Democrats to pretend they have every other victim of hate crimes— publicans have now met with the Presi- a mandate for a partisan revolution. from the Orlando nightclub massacre dent at least twice, and more meetings Yet much of the legislation that they to the shooting in El Paso—the kind of are expected. I anticipate meeting with have been pushing since taking office action we are taking today. the President and other Senators soon appears to have been drafted by Mem- Thank you, Mr. President. to discuss broadband infrastructure bers of the extreme left wing of their I yield the floor. priorities. I hope we can reach bipar- party. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- tisan agreement on priorities in this In his inauguration address, Presi- ator from South Dakota. area, including closing the digital di- dent Biden appeared to recognize the BIPARTISANSHIP vide by increasing broadband access in bipartisan character of his mandate Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, today we rural America and removing obstacles and his obligation to work with Mem- are wrapping up consideration of the to digital infrastructure deployment. I bers of both parties and promote unity COVID–19 Hate Crimes Act. Next week know it can be done. in the country. Unfortunately, to date, the majority leader has indicated the When I served as chairman of the his administration has not delivered on Senate will take up the Drinking Commerce Committee, for example, we that promise of bipartisan leadership. Water and Wastewater Infrastructure passed bipartisan legislation that re- As I said, I am encouraged that it ap- Act of 2021. These are both bipartisan duced the redtape associated with pears he may be changing that when it pieces of legislation. building broadband networks. I intro- comes to infrastructure. I hope the The COVID–19 Hate Crimes Act was duced bipartisan legislation to accel- Senate and House Democrats will fol- an initially partisan bill that has now erate 5G infrastructure deployment. low his lead. been improved by input from Repub- There was a lot of bipartisan agree- The ball is in Democrats’ court. We licans and I expect will receive strong ment to be found on infrastructure in can pass a substantial, bipartisan in- bipartisan support on final passage. general. frastructure bill, or Democrats can The Drinking Water and Wastewater Congress has a history of bipartisan continue down the extremely partisan Infrastructure Act has been 100 percent collaboration on infrastructure legisla- path that they have been pursuing. For bipartisan from the very beginning. tion. Our last major infrastructure bill, the sake of our country, Mr. President, Senators DUCKWORTH and CAPITO devel- the FAST Act, went through regular I hope they will choose bipartisanship. oped this legislation, along with Demo- order and several committees, includ- I yield the floor. cratic Senators CARPER and CARDIN and ing the one I led at the time, and was The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Republican Senators LUMMIS and supported by both Democrats and Re- ator from Kansas. CRAMER. The legislation went through publicans, and it was a remarkably regular committee consideration and successful bill. S. 937 was reported out of the Environment Not long thereafter, our committee Mr. MORAN. Mr. President, I thank and Public Works Committee to the spearheaded enactment of the largest my colleagues who worked diligently full Senate with a unanimous vote. It reauthorization of the FAA since the to enhance the legislation that we are is a model of how we should work here early 1980s, including critical programs considering on the floor here this in the Senate. to improve airport infrastructure. morning. I commend them for the work Mr. President, after a very partisan Last Congress, the Environment and they put into this effort. start to this Congress, with Democrats Public Works Committee here in the I have an amendment that has been and the President steamrolling Senate developed bipartisan infrastruc- included in a vote we are going to take through a massive, partisan COVID bill ture legislation. here momentarily, a NO HATE amend- packed with non-COVID-related prior- There is no reason that we shouldn’t ment, and I would like to speak for just ities, it is encouraging to see the Sen- reach bipartisan agreement on another a few minutes about this topic. I will ate working the way it should: Sen- substantial piece of infrastructure leg- limit my remarks to speaking in sup- ators from both parties talking, negoti- islation. Senator CAPITO and other Re- port of the amendment’s language, ating, coming together to work out publicans will be releasing a Repub- which simply seeks to collect better legislation that both parties can sup- lican proposal today that will reflect a data on hate crimes under existing port. lot of the bipartisan infrastructure pri- statutes.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:49 Apr 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22AP6.009 S22APPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE April 22, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2143 We know that crimes committed We continue to strive to make a more ter than to hire somebody who has against specific groups increased in re- perfect union. This amendment is but a made a specialist out of listening to cent years. Anti-Semitic attacks hit a small step in that direction. other people. record high in 2019. There are gaps in I urge my colleagues to support the He said: Well, you may not have a de- our knowledge of how prevalent these amendment. gree, but you have answered that in a crimes truly are. I yield the floor. wonderful way, and I am going to hire The language included in this amend- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- you. ment, based upon the NO HATE Act in- ator from Virginia. He hired Heather. Heather ended up, troduced by Senator BLUMENTHAL, has Mr. KAINE. Mr. President, I rise be- as he described at her funeral service, bipartisan support in this Chamber and cause it is a historic day. It is a his- kind of becoming like the office den for its companion in the House. It toric day because the House is sched- mother, manager, et cetera, who was so would establish incentives for State uled to pass H.R. 51, the Washington, good dealing with clients who were so and local law enforcement to submit D.C. Admission Act. My original intent very worried when they came to see and complete hate crime re- was to speak about that, but before I him. ports, create grants for State-run do, I want to honor my colleagues who One night after she had been working crime hotlines, require the Department have worked very hard on the hate with him for a while, they worked late of Justice to collect and analyze data crimes legislation that we will tackle and they left the office. As they left on hate crimes, and allow judges to re- later today. the office, Heather’s relatively new quire community service or edu- I want to thank Senators HIRONO and boyfriend was waiting outside. Heather cational programs for individuals con- DUCKWORTH and Senator COLLINS for introduced him to her boss. victed under existing statutes. working with them. I want to thank The next day, the attorney noticed I would also take a moment to ex- Senators BLUMENTHAL and MORAN and that Heather wasn’t her normal, talk- press my gratitude to Senator RICK all the Senators who have worked to ative self, that she wasn’t in a very SCOTT for working to help improve the get us at the threshold where we will good mood. text, and that improvement, in fact, is do something bipartisan that will send At the end of the day, he said to her: also found in this agreement. comfort to people around the country Heather, is something wrong? Kansans have personally been who are worried about being targeted She said: . I broke up with my touched by incidents during my time in because of who they are. boyfriend last night. the Senate. In honor of my colleagues who have He said: Well, I just met him last In 2014, a neo-Nazi killed three at the worked hard, I just want to tell you a night outside the office. He seemed like Jewish Community Center of Greater story about Heather Heyer, the Vir- a wonderful guy. Kansas City and a Jewish retirement ginian for whom the NO HATE Act is She said: Well, I thought he was a home, both in Overland Park. In late partially named, who was killed when wonderful guy, but when he saw that I 2016, the FBI thwarted a bomb plot she was 32 in 2017 by a White suprema- was working for a Black man, he start- against an apartment complex housing cist in Charlottesville. ed to criticize me for that, and I had no Somali immigrants in Garden City, and I didn’t know Heather—I know her choice but to break up with him. the following year, a man shot two In- mother Susan pretty well—but I went She is Heather Heyer. She is the dian immigrants, killing one, at a res- to Heather’s funeral. Let me tell you woman whom we are honoring in pass- taurant in Olathe, KS, after shouting, this amazing story about Heather ing the NO HATE amendment as part ‘‘Get out of my country.’’ Heyer. of the hate crimes bill today, and I ap- These were high-profile, well-pub- Heather was a waitress, and she saw preciate my colleagues for including licized incidents of hate. It is impor- an ad in the newspaper to apply to be her in the NO HATE amendment that tant that the incidents that do not a paralegal at a local law firm special- will be part of this bill. gain broad attention are nevertheless izing in bankruptcy. A Charlottesville WASHINGTON, D.C. ADMISSION ACT recorded properly so that the Depart- attorney, an African-American man, Mr. President, our colleagues in the ment of Justice can properly analyze had a bankruptcy firm. He needed a House today are acting on H.R. 51, and the data. paralegal, put an ad in the paper, and there is an equivalent bill, S. 51, the A bipartisan group of attorneys gen- got a lot of applications. He got this Washington, D.C. Admission Act. As eral for 35 States and territories, in- application from Heather Heyer. The somebody who represents a State just a cluding Kansas Attorney General other applicants had paralegal degrees. few miles from DC, I didn’t want to let Derek Schmidt, have endorsed the NO Heather Heyer was a waitress who this historic day pass without saying a HATE Act. It is also backed by Major didn’t have a paralegal degree, but word about it. Cities Chiefs Associations and the Na- something about made him The bill would, as everyone knows, tional District Attorneys Association. think, well, I at least have to talk to make Washington, DC, the Nation’s No statutes are expanded by this this person. 51st State. I am proud to serve as an amendment, nor are there any man- He interviewed those with the para- original cosponsor of the Senate dates. Instead, it will allow for State legal degrees, and then he interviewed version, led by my colleague Senator and local entities to voluntarily seek Heather Heyer and was very struck CARPER. The bill was introduced earlier grants to better provide data on spe- with her personality but said: Look, I this year after many previous efforts cific crimes in their jurisdictions and am interviewing for people to be a with a record number of cosponsors, to give judges flexibility in sentencing paralegal. You don’t have background and I am proud to say that statehood violent offenders. in this area. You are a waitress. Why for DC is enjoying the largest support I condemn the recent attacks on do you think you can do this job? in years. Asian Americans, and assaults on mi- Heather said: Because I am a wait- The right to vote is the cornerstone norities are an assault of our Nation’s ress, I listen to people all day long, and of our American democratic society. creed of ‘‘e pluribus unum’’—out of I want to tell you about some of my Through free and fair elections, ordi- many, one. That is what our country customers—the elderly widower who nary citizens choose the leaders and di- is—out of many, one. comes in every Tuesday for lunch, and rection of our country; yet some 712,000 The crimes Senator BLUMENTHAL and I know his order, and I know how to residents of the Nation’s Capital do not I seek more information on tear at the converse with him to lighten his mood. enjoy the right fully. fabric of our Nation. But out of many She went on to describe some of the For too long, Virginia’s neighbors in crimes, it is time we speak as one to people in the restaurant she had served DC have been denied their civil rights condemn the perpetrators and their for years. Then she looked at this at- and have been subject to taxation with- ideology, to support the communities torney and said: You are a bankruptcy out full representation in Congress, that live in fear despite that all of us— lawyer. The people who come to you which is a founding principle of our Na- all of us—are made in God’s own image. are hurting. They need to be listened tion. Committed to unifying principles, to. They are worried about losing ev- Virginians love history. So, on May our diversity is our country’s strength. erything. I think you couldn’t do bet- 29, 1765, Patrick Henry gave his famous

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:49 Apr 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22AP6.010 S22APPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S2144 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 22, 2021 speech before the Virginia House of DC has also demonstrated its desire hate crimes declined in those cities Burgesses, encouraging the passage of to be a State over and over again by overall. resolutions, commonly re- popular referendum. Most recently, in Racially motivated discrimination ferred to as the Virginia Resolves, to 2016, a statehood referendum was sup- and violence should never be tolerated. address the Stamp Act. The act that ported by 86 percent of DC residents. I want to thank Senator GRASSLEY was passed the following day included So DC meets the traditional test for and Senator WARNOCK for their con- four of his resolves. statehood. Its people are both taxed tributions to this section of our amend- Everybody remembers that the and regulated by a Congress that does ment. Stamp Act of 1765 levied an unfair tax not include representatives who can Second, the Hirono-Collins amend- on American Colonies on paper goods, advocate on their behalf. ment directs the Attorney General to newspapers, almanacs, pamphlets, and Finally, I support adding a 51st star assign a point person at the Depart- legal documents. The Crown was wor- to the American flag because it will ment of Justice to expedite the review ried about the content of those docu- show that we are still a thriving na- of these hate crimes and requires the ments, so it levied the tax. tion. We haven’t added a State in near- Attorney General to issue guidance to In his first resolve, Henry declared ly 70 years. This is the longest period State, local, and Tribal law enforce- that Virginians should be entitled to in American history without adding a ment partners about how to address ‘‘all of the liberties, privileges, fran- State. Adding DC as a State will show them. Our amendment would also im- chises, and immunities’’ that other the world that America is still a con- prove data collection and expand pub- British subjects enjoyed. He wanted for fident and growing nation with our lic awareness about hate crimes and Virginians the same rights enjoyed by best days ahead of us, not a fixed, in- ways to support victims. With better people living in Britain, thousands of ward, and static nation with our best information, we can help prevent these miles away. crimes before they occur and assist law I can’t help but notice the parallel. days behind us. With that, I stand here today to call enforcement in bringing the perpetra- We stand in the District of Columbia, the seat of our Nation’s Federal Gov- on my colleagues in the Senate to give tors to justice. Third, our amendment incorporates ernment. Not thousands of miles away full and fair consideration to H.R. 51, the Jabara-Heyer NO HATE Act, au- but just across the Potomac River or which will pass today, and S. 51 and just over the border in Maryland, hun- provide the more than 700,000 residents thored by Senators BLUMENTHAL and dreds of thousands of American citi- of our Nation’s Capital the full and MORAN. This bipartisan bill, which I zens don’t enjoy the same ‘‘liberties, equal citizenship that Patrick Henry have cosponsored, provides State and privileges, franchises, and immunities’’ demanded in 1775 and that the rest of local governments and law enforce- as those in Virginia, Maryland, or the country enjoys today. ment agencies with additional tools other States. I yield the floor. and resources to understand, identify, In his third resolve, Patrick Henry The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- and report hate crimes. It provides stated: ator from Maine. grants to State and local governments The taxation of the people by themselves, Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, I ask for training and for using the FBI’s na- or by persons chosen by themselves to rep- unanimous consent that I be permitted tional hate crimes database to create resent them, who can only know what taxes to speak for 5 minutes, as well as Sen- reporting hotlines and to support com- the people can bear, or the easiest method of ator HIRONO and Senator COTTON for 5 munity engagement around prevention raising them, and must themselves be af- minutes each, prior to the order for and services for victims. This is impor- fected by every tax laid on the people, is the 11:30 a.m. tant because far too many hate crimes only security against a burdensome tax- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without go unreported, and without data, it is ation, and the distinguishing characteristic objection, it is so ordered. of British freedom, without which the an- difficult to investigate and prosecute cient constitution cannot exist. S. 937 them. To date, DC pays more in Federal Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, I rise Again, let me thank the Senator taxes per capita than any State. Its to speak in support of Senate amend- from Hawaii for her leadership on this residents pay more in Federal taxes per ment No. 1445 that Senator HIRONO and amendment. I enjoyed working with capita than any State and more total I have introduced. her to strengthen and improve the bill, Federal taxes than 22 States. Yet, for I want to begin by thanking my col- and I urge my colleagues to support it. more than 200 years, the people of league from Hawaii for working with In doing so, we can send an unmistak- Washington, DC, have been denied me on this amendment and acknowl- ably strong signal that crimes tar- what Patrick Henry urged on the Vir- edging her leadership. I also want to geting Asian Americans and Pacific Is- ginia House of Burgesses as a reason thank Senators GRASSLEY, landers in our country will not be tol- for American independence. DC not BLUMENTHAL, MORAN, and WARNOCK for erated. only pays more per capital Federal their contributions as well. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- taxes than any State, it is also subject Crimes motivated by bias against ator from Arkansas. to a higher degree of congressional reg- race, national origin, or other charac- Mr. COTTON. Mr. President, our Na- ulation of its internal affairs than any teristics simply cannot be tolerated. tion is in the midst of a historic crime other State. So it is both taxed and Our amendment both denounces these wave that is affecting Americans of overregulated without representation. acts and marshals additional resources every background and walk of life. This DC meets the two criteria that have toward addressing and stopping these surge in violence includes a shocking always been the test of admission of a despicable crimes. rise in hate crimes against our fellow new State into the Union: sufficient The amendment that the Senator citizens of Asian descent. Last year, population and a demonstrated desire from Hawaii and I are offering today the total number of hate crimes in by the population for statehood. will improve the underlying bill in a America’s largest cities dropped by 7 Congress used to establish minimal number of key ways, while it will af- percent, but they surged by nearly 150 required populations for statehood. The firm our steadfast commitment to percent against Asian Americans. Northwest Ordinance of 1787, for exam- stand with the Asian-American, Pacific Often, these hate crimes target the ple, incorporated territories into the Islander community against all forms elderly and the frail—people who can’t United States in the upper Midwest of violence and harassment. fight back against their vicious assail- and allowed that they could become First, our amendment strongly con- ants. States once their populations exceeded demns the hate crimes targeting the Just last month, a 65-year-old Asian- 60,000. While there is no such statutory AAPI community. In the past year, American woman was knocked to the minimum today, all would acknowl- Stop AAPI Hate reported nearly 3,800 ground and repeatedly kicked in broad edge that DC, because it has a larger cases of anti-Asian discrimination. The daylight on the streets of New York population than both Wyoming and Center for the Study of Hate and Ex- City while her attacker shouted anti- Vermont and is close to the popu- tremism found that the reporting of Asian slurs. We later learned that her lations of the two Dakotas, is suffi- anti-Asian hate crimes increased by 145 attacker was a convicted murderer who ciently sizable to be a State. percent in 16 major cities even though was out on parole, thanks to criminal

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Apr 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22AP6.012 S22APPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE April 22, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2145 leniency policies. Instead of being in about the spread of the coronavirus due These attacks have not ceased in the prison, locked up, where he belonged, to the surge of illegal immigration at 2 weeks since the Senate began debat- he was brutalizing an innocent victim our border. ing this bill. Last Sunday, an 80-year- in broad daylight—yet more proof that According to the mainstream media, old woman and her 79-year-old hus- being weak on crime doesn’t reduce if you so much as ask a question about band, both of Korean descent, were crime; it only invites more crime. the unvaccinated and untested persons taking an evening walk in a local park A civilized society can’t ignore such who are entering our country at the near their home in Southern Cali- attacks on our innocent citizens. We border every day, you are somehow big- fornia. Suddenly, without warning, an have to protect them. We have to pro- oted or nativist or xenophobe. In the assailant approached the couple and tect every citizen and get tough on vio- original version of the bill, the lan- punched them in their faces. That same lent hate crimes. guage ‘‘COVID–19 hate crimes’’ could assailant is also suspected of threat- Unfortunately, in response to this have resulted in individuals opposed to ening Sakura Kokumai, a Japanese- terrible rise in anti-Asian hate crimes, illegal immigration being reported for American Olympic karate athlete, who, the Democrats initially introduced an merely expressing an opinion. incidentally, was born in Hawaii. extremely partisan bill intended to Yet I am happy to report that this These unprovoked, random attacks score political points. This flawed piece process, which had a bitter, partisan and incidents are happening in super- of legislation that the Senator from beginning, will soon have a rather up- markets, on our streets, in takeout res- Hawaii originally sponsored contained lifting and unifying end. Thanks to the taurants—basically, wherever we are. provisions tailor-made to muzzle free diligent work of one of the hardest These disturbing and horrifying at- speech. working Senators in the U.S. Senate, tacks are in many ways a predictable For example, the bill would have di- the Senator from Maine, these offen- and foreseeable consequence of the use rected the Department of Justice to sive provisions of the Democrats’ origi- of racist and inflammatory language tell Americans how they were supposed nal bill have been removed. The Sen- like ‘‘Chinese virus’’ or ‘‘Kung flu’’ to to talk about this virus. I voted ator from Maine has helped turn what describe the pandemic. against proceeding to this bill, in part was a bitter, partisan piece of legisla- I have been heartened by the steps because of this crazy, radical idea to tion into something that now Members President Biden has taken to denounce impose a speech code on how Ameri- of both parties can hopefully support. this language and confront this epi- cans can talk about this virus. Some Thanks to her efforts, this legislation demic of hate. Under his leadership, say: How could you vote against it? is specifically focused on the crisis at the executive branch is doing its part, Very simple. I will never support a hand and will improve the reporting of and in a few short hours, Congress will speech code imposed on the American anti-Asian hate crimes. do ours by passing the COVID–19 Hate people on how they can exercise their Soon, we will also vote on a series of Crimes Act. This is not a controversial bill. It fo- First Amendment rights to talk about amendments from some of my fellow cuses Federal leadership to investigate this pandemic. Senators to improve this legislation and report hate crimes and other inci- This whole idea is deeply concerning, even further. I look forward to voting dents, and it provides resources for our especially because some in the media for those amendments, for the sub- communities to come together to take and some of our Democratic friends be- stitute amendment, and for the bill, as lieve that even pointing out that the a stand against intolerance and hate. amended. Over the past 2 weeks, I have worked virus came from China is somehow in- Today, this Chamber will take a step with Senators in both parties to make citing violence. That is as foolish as it forward in fighting the rise of anti- changes that broaden support for this is dangerous. Calling this virus—which, Asian violence. I hope that we continue bill while retaining its original pur- yes, came from Wuhan, China—the to make progress so that every victim pose. In particular, I want to acknowl- Wuhan virus is not racist, and it gets justice and that further attacks edge and thank Senator COLLINS for doesn’t incite violence. You may re- are deterred. her good-faith efforts to amend this call, after all, that last year, journal- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- bill and build support for it in the Re- ists from such esteemed outlets as ator from Hawaii. publican caucus. CNN, Reuters, the Washington Post, Ms. HIRONO. Mr. President, as the I also want to thank Senator author of this bill, I totally disagree and the New York Times all used the DUCKWORTH for her leadership on this terms ‘‘Chinese virus,’’ ‘‘Chinese with characterizing it as having had a issue; Senators BLUMENTHAL and coronavirus,’’ and ‘‘Wuhan bitter partisan beginning, but my col- MORAN, whose NO HATE Act is now in- coronavirus.’’ Were they inciting vio- league is exercising his free speech cluded in our legislation; and Senators lence? Were they racist? No, of course right, so there you go. WARNOCK and GRASSLEY, who contrib- not. They were following the centuries- After 2 weeks of hard work and bipar- uted important findings to this bill. old practice of referring to diseases by tisan collaboration, the U.S. Senate is This moment would not have been their geographic names. poised to take real action to confront possible without the determined efforts It wasn’t anti-Spanish to call the in- the wave of anti-Asian hate sweeping of Leader SCHUMER and Chairman DUR- fluenza outbreak of 1918 the ‘‘Spanish our country. Although we still have BIN and the excellent work of my friend flu’’ even though it didn’t even start in some damaging amendments to defeat, and colleague in the House, Congress- Spain. It was not anti-Egyptian to use I am confident that, in a few hours, the woman GRACE MENG. the term ‘‘West Nile virus.’’ What Senate will pass the COVID–19 Hate I am grateful that the Senate will about the variants of this virus from Crimes Act, as amended, with the sub- soon be taking action to confront anti- Brazil? from South Africa? from Great stitute Hirono-Collins amendment. By Asian hate in our country, but ours is Britain? We use those terms. Is that doing so, we will send a powerful mes- not the only community suffering right somehow going to have to be banned sage of solidarity to the AAPI commu- now. Earlier this week, a jury in Min- from polite society’s lexicon as well? nity that the Senate will not be a by- neapolis delivered justice and account- Second, I also want to point out that stander as anti-Asian violence surges ability for the murder of George Floyd, the Democrats’ original bill, sup- in our country. but make no mistake: One conviction posedly about the violence against Over the past years, hate crimes tar- cannot and will not erase the enduring Asian Americans, never actually used geting the AAPI have risen 150 percent, legacy of systemic racism and dis- the term ‘‘Asian American’’—not once. as noted. More than 3,800 incidents parate policing in our country. It is my Instead, it had some new, manufac- have been reported across all 50 States sincere hope that we can channel and tured, mysterious term called ‘‘COVID– and the District of Columbia. These sustain the bipartisan work done on 19 hate crimes,’’ which could have set a statistics paint a disturbing picture of this important piece of legislation into precedent for the even wider suppres- what is happening in our country, but debating and passing the George Floyd sion of free speech against citizens who they only quantify part of the problem. Justice in Policing Act, and I under- have no animus toward Asians and who Why? Because hate crimes and other stand that bipartisan talks are under- haven’t committed any crimes—citi- incidents are notoriously underrep- way. We are in this together. We are in zens, for instance, who are concerned resented. this together.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Apr 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22AP6.014 S22APPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S2146 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 22, 2021 Senator COLLINS, I really appreciate sion policies that serve to increase di- Under the previous order requiring 60 your work on this bill. We would not be versity and provide opportunity to stu- votes for the adoption of this amend- here without your support. dents of color in our institutions of ment, the amendment is not agreed to. I yield the floor. higher learning. This amendment also The amendment (No. 1456) was re- VOTE ON AMENDMENT NO. 1456 threatens colleges and universities jected. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under with the loss of all Federal funding for VOTE ON AMENDMENT NO. 1425 the previous order, there will now be 4 pursuing or using policies that our The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under minutes of debate equally divided prior courts have upheld repeatedly. the previous order, there will now be 4 to a vote in relation to amendment No. I urge everyone to reject this amend- minutes of debate, equally divided, 1456. ment. prior to a vote in relation to amend- Who yields time? I yield back. ment No. 1425. The Senator from Texas. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- The Senator from Texas. Mr. CRUZ. Mr. President, I rise in ator from Texas. Mr. CRUZ. Mr. President, I rise to support of amendment No. 1456, which I speak in support of Senator LEE’s ADDITIONAL COSPONSOR have introduced, along with Senator amendment No. 1425. Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I ask KENNEDY from Louisiana. Despite the protections of the First unanimous consent to be added as a co- ADDITIONAL COSPONSOR Amendment, over the course of the sponsor to this amendment. Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- pandemic, many States have placed The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without sent that Senator HAGERTY also be heavy-handed restrictions that have objection, it is so ordered. added as a cosponsor to the amend- limited Americans’ freedom to gather Ms. HIRONO. Mr. President, I yield ment. for worship, to meet in smaller groups back the remainder of my time. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without for religious purposes, or even to sing The PRESIDING OFFICER. The objection, it is so ordered. praise and worship. Mr. CRUZ. Mr. President, this question is on agreeing to the amend- At first, many Americans accepted amendment is straightforward. It tar- ment. these restrictions. Our Nation was gets the ongoing discrimination that is Mr. CRUZ. I ask for the yeas and grappling with the new and deadly being directed against Asian Ameri- nays. virus, and the restrictions were only cans by colleges and universities across The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a supposed to be temporary. But as the the country, including preeminent in- sufficient second? weeks and months dragged on, States stitutions such as Yale and Harvard, There appears to be a sufficient sec- lifted restrictions on restaurants, on which are denying admission to quali- ond. casinos, on museums, while keeping The clerk will call the roll. fied Asian-American applicants in tight restrictions in place for syna- The bill clerk called the roll. favor of underrepresented minority gogues, for churches, for temples, for Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the groups. The U.S. Department of Justice mosques, and other religious gath- Senator from Minnesota (Ms. KLO- was suing Yale for its discrimination erings. BUCHAR) and the Senator from Min- Senator LEE’s amendment requires against Asian Americans until the nesota (Ms. SMITH) are necessarily ab- the Department of Justice to inves- Biden administration dismissed that sent. tigate whether the government applied lawsuit. the same rules to religious groups that My amendment, simply put, would Mr. THUNE. The following Senator is necessarily absent: the Senator from were applied to similar nonreligious or- prohibit institutions of higher edu- ganizations and businesses and whether cation from receiving any Federal Utah (Mr. LEE). The result was announced—yeas 49, those restrictions complied with the funding if they have a policy or if they First Amendment. engage in discrimination against Asian nays 48, as follows: [Rollcall Vote No. 162 Leg.] Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- Americans during the recruitment re- sent that Senator LEE’s written re- view of applications or admissions. YEAS—49 marks on his amendment be inserted I urge the adoption of the amend- Barrasso Graham Risch into the RECORD. ment. Blackburn Grassley Romney The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without I yield the remainder of my time to Blunt Hagerty Rounds Boozman Hawley Rubio objection. Senator KENNEDY. Braun Hoeven Sasse Mr. CRUZ. I urge adoption of the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Burr Hyde-Smith Scott (FL) amendment. ator from Louisiana. Capito Inhofe Scott (SC) The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, in Cassidy Johnson Shelby Collins Kennedy jority whip. Sullivan 2021, the year of our Lord 2021, we have Cornyn Lankford Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, if you Thune major universities in this country that Cotton Lummis Tillis believe the COVID–19 Hate Crimes Act Cramer Marshall are discriminating in admissions Toomey is a good piece of legislation—and, ob- against Asian Americans. Now, I know Crapo McConnell Cruz Moran Tuberville viously, over 90 Senators voted to move they think they know how to discrimi- Daines Murkowski Wicker to proceed to this bill—then you can’t nate in the right way, but discrimina- Ernst Paul Young vote for the Lee amendment because tion is discrimination. Fischer Portman the first thing he does before he puts At one of these universities in 2013, NAYS—48 out his own idea of what we should Harvard admitted that if it admitted Baldwin Heinrich Peters consider instead is to strike key sec- Asian Americans purely on the basis of Bennet Hickenlooper Reed tions of the COVID–19 Hate Crimes Act academic achievement, it would have Blumenthal Hirono Rosen that require the Attorney General to Booker Kaine Sanders doubled the number of Asian Ameri- Brown Kelly Schatz issue guidance to establish online re- cans. Now, this is wrong; it is con- Cantwell King Schumer porting of hate crime incidents, collect temptible; it is odious. This amend- Cardin Leahy Shaheen data on hate crime incidents, and ex- ment doesn’t go nearly far enough. It is Carper Luja´ n Sinema pand public education in campaigns. Casey Manchin Stabenow a baby step, but at least it is a step. Coons Markey Tester The Lee amendment strikes that. He The PRESIDING OFFICER. Who Cortez Masto Menendez Van Hollen doesn’t want us to do that. yields time? Duckworth Merkley Warner He wants us to assign the Attorney The Senator from Hawaii. Durbin Murphy Warnock General the responsibility, in the next Ms. HIRONO. Mr. President, I rise in Feinstein Murray Warren Gillibrand Ossoff Whitehouse 180 days, to survey every COVID–19 re- strong opposition to this amendment. Hassan Padilla Wyden striction in every State in the Union. Discrimination against Asian-Amer- I urge a vote against the Lee amend- NOT VOTING—3 ican students or any students on the ment. Klobuchar Lee Smith basis of race is already prohibited by VOTE ON AMENDMENT NO. 1425 Federal law. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The This amendment is a transparent and SCHATZ). On this vote, the yeas are 49, question is on agreeing to the amend- cynical attack on longstanding admis- the nays are 48. ment.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Apr 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22AP6.015 S22APPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE April 22, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2147 Mr. CRUZ. I ask for the yeas and and make sure the Agency officials Thune Toomey Wicker nays. who will be responsible for running this Tillis Tuberville Young The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a program know what they are supposed NAYS—51 sufficient second? to be looking for and what they are Baldwin Hassan Padilla There appears to be a sufficient sec- supposed to be doing with all that in- Bennet Hawley Peters ond. Blumenthal Heinrich Reed formation. Blunt Hickenlooper Rosen The clerk will call the roll. I can guarantee my colleagues that Booker Hirono Sanders The legislative clerk called the roll. support of this change will result in a Brown Kaine Schatz Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the Cantwell Kelly Schumer bill that will fulfill its purpose to pro- Senator from Minnesota (Ms. KLO- Cardin King Shaheen tect victims and potential victims of Carper Leahy Sinema BUCHAR) and the Senator from Min- hate crimes, and it will stop their Casey Luja´ n Stabenow nesota (Ms. SMITH) are necessarily ab- attackers. Collins Manchin Tester sent. Coons Markey Van Hollen Mr. THUNE. The following Senator is I urge adoption of the amendment. Cortez Masto Menendez Warner necessarily absent: the Senator from The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Duckworth Merkley Warnock ator from Connecticut. Durbin Murphy Warren Utah (Mr. LEE). Feinstein Murray Whitehouse The PRESIDING OFFICER. The re- Mr. BLUMENTHAL. Mr. President, I Gillibrand Ossoff Wyden sult was announced—yeas 49, nays 48, strongly urge my colleagues to oppose NOT VOTING—3 this amendment because it essentially as follows: Klobuchar Lee Smith [Rollcall Vote No. 163 Leg.] shreds the bill. It removes core provi- sions. The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this YEAS—49 vote, the yeas are 46, the nays are 51. Barrasso Graham Risch It would prevent the Department of Justice from tracking hate crime inci- Under the previous order requiring 60 Blackburn Grassley Romney votes for the adoption of this amend- Blunt Hagerty Rounds dents that don’t rise to the level of Boozman Hawley Rubio criminal conduct. That provision is ment, the amendment is not agreed to. Braun Hoeven The amendment (No. 1458) was re- Sasse contrary to policy of the International Burr Hyde-Smith Scott (FL) jected. Capito Inhofe Scott (SC) Association of Chiefs of Police. It VOTE ON AMENDMENT NO. 1445 Cassidy Johnson Shelby would eliminate a provision from the Collins Kennedy Sullivan The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Cornyn Lankford NO HATE Act that I have advocated Thune the previous order, amendment No. 1445 Cotton Lummis that funds creation of State-run - Tillis Cramer Marshall lines so we know more about these is agreed to. Toomey Crapo McConnell hate crimes. The amendment (No. 1445) was agreed Cruz Moran Tuberville to. Wicker It would eliminate a judge’s ability Daines Murkowski The bill was ordered to be engrossed Ernst Paul Young to order that a person convicted of for a third reading and was read the Fischer Portman hate crimes undertake educational third time. NAYS—48 classes and provide that kind of rem- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The bill Baldwin Heinrich Peters edy as a condition for supervised re- having been read the third time, the Bennet Hickenlooper Reed lease. question is, Shall the bill pass, as Blumenthal Hirono Rosen In short, it eliminates some of the Booker Kaine Sanders amended? Brown Kelly Schatz most important provisions of this bill. Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, Cantwell King Schumer I strongly urge opposition to this today, I express my support for S. 937, Cardin Leahy Shaheen amendment. Carper Luja´ n Sinema as amended by Senators HIRONO and Casey Manchin Stabenow The PRESIDING OFFICER. The COLLINS. Coons Markey Tester question is on agreeing to the amend- Every single one of us is horrified to Cortez Masto Menendez Van Hollen ment. Duckworth Merkley Warner see our fellow Americans attacked be- Durbin Murphy Warnock Mrs. BLACKBURN. I ask for the yeas cause of their race or ethnicity. We are Feinstein Murray Warren and nays. united in our opposition to this des- Gillibrand Ossoff Whitehouse The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a picable violence and to seeing it inves- Hassan Padilla Wyden sufficient second? tigated and prosecuted to the fullest NOT VOTING—3 There appears to be a sufficient sec- extent of the law. I have introduced a Klobuchar Lee Smith ond. resolution to this effect and asked for a The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. The clerk will call the roll. hearing to learn more about Attorney KING). On this vote, the yeas are 49, the The assistant bill clerk called the General Garland’s review of hate nays are 48. roll. crimes committed against Asian Amer- Under the previous order requiring 60 Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the icans and Pacific Islanders. votes for the adoption of this amend- Senator from Minnesota (Ms. KLO- It is good to see my Democratic ment, the amendment is not agreed to. BUCHAR) and the Senator from Min- friends acknowledge that bipartisan- The amendment (No. 1425) was re- nesota (Ms. SMITH) are necessarily ab- ship is still the way to solve problems jected. sent. in the Senate. We have come together VOTE ON AMENDMENT NO. 1458 Mr. THUNE. The following Senator is and, with a bipartisan amendment, im- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under necessarily absent: the Senator from proved this bill and made it more use- the previous order, there will now be 4 Utah (Mr. LEE). ful. We have gone beyond merely look- minutes of debate, equally divided The result was announced—yeas 46, ing at COVID-related hate crimes to all prior to a vote in relation to amend- nays 51, as follows: hate crimes, and we have increased ment No. 1458. funding for reporting hate crimes. [Rollcall Vote No. 164 Leg.] The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- I would be remiss if I did not say that ator from Tennessee. YEAS—46 more bipartisanship could have made Mrs. BLACKBURN. Mr. President, I Barrasso Fischer Murkowski the bill even better. I think a com- rise in support of amendment No. 1458, Blackburn Graham Paul mittee markup would have been useful. Boozman Grassley Portman which I introduced. It will narrow the Braun Hagerty Risch I think if Democrats had allowed us to scope of the tangled web of regulatory Burr Hoeven Romney bring a Republican amendment extend- guidance that the bill calls for and Capito Hyde-Smith Rounds ing the Violence Against Women Act keep politics out of the process of re- Cassidy Inhofe Rubio for a vote, that would have been useful. Cornyn Johnson Sasse porting and addressing hate crimes Cotton Kennedy Women are suffering from terrible vio- Scott (FL) Cramer Lankford against Asian Americans. It addresses Scott (SC) lence during this pandemic, and this Crapo Lummis crimes, not incidences. Shelby was a missed opportunity. Cruz Marshall I don’t think it is out of line to intro- Daines McConnell Sullivan Passing amendments by Senators duce a little precision to the process Ernst Moran KENNEDY, CRUZ, LEE, and BLACKBURN

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Apr 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22AP6.017 S22APPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S2148 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 22, 2021 would guarantee even more support for waii, as well as my colleague from Illi- Warnock Whitehouse Wyden marginalized communities, by ensuring nois, and so many others who have led Warren Wicker Young Asian Americans are not discriminated on this issue. NAYS—1 against by institutions of higher learn- In a moment, the Senate will vote on Hawley ing and that religious Americans are final passage of the anti-Asian hate NOT VOTING—5 free to worship in peace during the crimes bill. Blackburn Lee Smith pandemic. This long overdue bill sends two mes- Klobuchar Paul But I hope nonetheless that this is a sages to our Asian-American friends: moment where the Senate speaks to- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. VAN We will not tolerate bigotry against HOLLEN). On this vote, the yeas are 94, gether about the importance of fight- you; and to those perpetrating anti- ing hate crimes. We all believe that, the nays are 1. Asian bigotry, we will pursue you to The 60-vote threshold having been even though we have different ideas the fullest extent of the law. about the best way to do it. This bill is achieved, the bill, as amended, is We cannot—we cannot—allow this re- passed. the product of that collaboration. I will cent tide of bigotry, intolerance, and be voting for it, and I hope my col- The bill (S. 937), as amended, was prejudice against Asian Americans go passed, as follows: leagues will do the same. unchecked. A bedrock value of our The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- S. 937 multicultural society is that an attack ator from Maine. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, the on any one group is an attack on all of resentatives of the United States of America in Senate’s passage of this legislation af- us. Congress assembled, firms our commitment to stand with By passing this bill, we tell our law SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. the Asian-American and Pacific Is- enforcement agencies to prioritize This Act may be cited as the ‘‘COVID–19 lander community against hate crimes. anti-Asian violence and wield the Hate Crimes Act’’. I urge a ‘‘yes’’ vote. sword to detect, deter, and prosecute SEC. 2. FINDINGS. I thank my colleague from Hawaii for hate crimes of all varieties. We send a Congress finds the following: (1) Following the spread of COVID–19 in working with me to improve the Asian- clear message, a unified message, that hate has no place in America. And so, 2020, there has been a dramatic increase in Americans Hate Crimes Act. Crimes hate crimes and violence against Asian- motivated by bias against race, na- by passing this bill, we recommit our- Americans and Pacific Islanders. tional origin, and other characteristics selves to the most American of creeds, (2) According to a recent report, there were cannot be tolerated. ‘‘e pluribus unum,’’ out of many one. nearly 3,800 reported cases of anti-Asian dis- The Center for the Study of Hate & I urge a unanimous ‘‘yes’’ vote on crimination and incidents related to COVID– Extremism found that reporting of this legislation, and I ask for the yeas 19 between March 19, 2020, and February 28, anti-Asian hate crimes increased by 145 and nays. 2021, in all 50 States and the District of Co- percent in 16 major cities, even though The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a lumbia. sufficient second? (3) During this time frame, race has been hate crimes declined in those cities cited as the primary reason for discrimina- overall. There appears to be a sufficient sec- tion, making up over 90 percent of incidents, The amendment we adopted today ond. and the United States condemns and de- and the bill we are about to pass de- The clerk will call the roll. nounces any and all anti-Asian and Pacific nounces those acts and marshals addi- The senior assistant legislative clerk Islander sentiment in any form. tional resources toward stopping these called the roll. (4) Roughly 36 percent of these incidents despicable crimes. The bill directs the Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the took place at a business and more than 2,000,000 Asian-American businesses have Department of Justice to expedite its Senator from Minnesota (Ms. KLO- review of hate crimes and to issue guid- contributed to the diverse fabric of Amer- BUCHAR) and the Senator from Min- ican life. ance that will both help prevent them nesota (Ms. SMITH) are necessarily ab- (5) More than 1,900,000 Asian-American and from occurring and improve their re- sent. Pacific Islander older adults, particularly porting. Mr. THUNE. The following Senators those older adults who are recent immi- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- are necessarily absent: the Senator grants or have limited English proficiency, ator from Hawaii. from Tennessee (Mrs. BLACKBURN), the may face even greater challenges in dealing Ms. HIRONO. Mr. President, in just a with the COVID–19 pandemic, including dis- Senator from Utah (Mr. LEE), and the few moments, the Senate will take a crimination, economic insecurity, and lan- Senator from Kentucky (Mr. PAUL). strong stand against anti-Asian hate in guage isolation. The result was announced—yeas 94, our country. (6) In the midst of this alarming surge in Passing the COVID–19 Hate Crimes nays 1, as follows: anti-Asian hate crimes and incidents, a [Rollcall Vote No. 165 Leg.] shooter murdered the following 8 people in Act sends a clear and unmistakable the Atlanta, Georgia region, 7 of whom were YEAS—94 message of solidarity to the AAPI com- women and 6 of whom were women of Asian munity, and this moment would not be Baldwin Gillibrand Ossoff descent: possible without the collective efforts Barrasso Graham Padilla (A) Xiaojie Tan. Bennet Grassley Peters (B) Daoyou Feng. of so many people, including, of course, Blumenthal Hagerty Portman (C) Delaina Ashley Yaun Gonza´ lez. my Republican colleagues—one person Blunt Hassan Reed (D) Paul Andre Michels. in particular who just spoke before me. Booker Heinrich Risch But I want to especially thank Ma- Boozman Hickenlooper Romney (E) Soon Chung Park. Braun Hirono Rosen (F) Hyun Jung Grant. jority Leader SCHUMER for making this Brown Hoeven Rounds (G) Suncha Kim. bill a priority for the Senate and work- Burr Hyde-Smith Rubio (H) Yong Ae Yue. Cantwell Inhofe ing closely with us to shepherd its pas- Sanders (7) The people of the United States will al- sage. Capito Johnson Cardin Kaine Sasse ways remember the victims of these shoot- I also want to thank my colleagues Carper Kelly Schatz ings and stand in solidarity with those af- in the House, especially Congress- Casey Kennedy Schumer fected by this senseless tragedy and inci- woman GRACE MENG for being - Cassidy King Scott (FL) dents of hate that have affected the Asian ged advocate for our community during Collins Lankford Scott (SC) and Pacific Islander communities. Coons Leahy Shaheen SEC. 3. REVIEW OF HATE CRIMES. this process, as well as Members of the Cornyn Luja´ n Shelby Congressional Asian Pacific American Cortez Masto Lummis Sinema (a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 7 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Caucus, led by Congresswoman JUDY Cotton Manchin Stabenow Cramer Markey Sullivan Attorney General shall designate an officer CHU. Crapo Marshall or employee of the Department of Justice I urge all of my colleagues to vote for Tester Cruz McConnell Thune whose responsibility during the applicable this legislation. Daines Menendez Tillis period shall be to facilitate the expedited re- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- Duckworth Merkley Toomey Durbin view of hate crimes (as described in section Moran Tuberville jority leader. Ernst Murkowski 249 of title 18, United States Code) and re- Van Hollen Mr. SCHUMER. I thank my colleague Feinstein Murphy ports of any such crime to Federal, State, Warner from Maine and my colleague from Ha- Fischer Murray local, or Tribal law enforcement agencies.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:43 Apr 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22AP6.012 S22APPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE April 22, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2149

(b) APPLICABLE PERIOD DEFINED.—In this identification and reporting of suspected (II) shall waive the requirements of clause section, the term ‘‘applicable period’’ means bias-motivated crimes. (i) if compliance with that subparagraph by the period beginning on the date on which (7) The problem of crimes motivated by a State or unit of local government would be the officer or employee is designated under bias is sufficiently serious, widespread, and unconstitutional under the constitution of subsection (a), and ending on the date that is interstate in nature as to warrant Federal fi- the State or of the State in which the unit of 1 year after the date on which the emergency nancial assistance to States and local juris- local government is located, respectively. period described in subparagraph (B) of sec- dictions. (B) FAILURE TO COMPLY.—If a State or unit tion 1135(g)(1) of the Social Security Act (42 (8) Federal financial assistance with regard of local government that receives a grant U.S.C. 1320b–5(g)(1)) ends, except that the At- to certain violent crimes motivated by bias under paragraph (1) fails to substantially torney General may extend such period as enables Federal, State, and local authorities comply with subparagraph (A) of this para- appropriate. to work together as partners in the inves- graph, the State or unit of local government SEC. 4. GUIDANCE. tigation and prosecution of such crimes. shall repay the grant in full, plus reasonable (a) GUIDANCE FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT AGEN- (c) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: interest and penalty charges allowable by CIES.—The Attorney General shall issue guid- (1) HATE CRIME.—The term ‘‘hate crime’’ law or established by the Attorney General. ance for State, local, and Tribal law enforce- means an act described in section 245, 247, or (e) GRANTS FOR STATE-RUN HATE CRIME HOTLINES.— ment agencies, pursuant to this Act and 249 of title 18, United States Code, or in sec- (1) GRANTS AUTHORIZED.— other applicable law, on how to— tion 901 of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 (A) IN GENERAL.—The Attorney General (1) establish online reporting of hate U.S.C. 3631). shall make grants to States to create State- crimes or incidents, and to have online re- (2) PRIORITY AGENCY.—The term ‘‘priority run hate crime reporting hotlines. porting that is equally effective for people agency’’ means— (B) GRANT PERIOD.—A grant made under with disabilities as for people without dis- (A) a law enforcement agency of a unit of subparagraph (A) shall be for a period of not abilities available in multiple languages as local government that serves a population of more than 5 years. determined by the Attorney General; not less than 100,000, as computed by the (2) HOTLINE REQUIREMENTS.—A State shall (2) collect data disaggregated by the pro- Federal Bureau of Investigation; or ensure, with respect to a hotline funded by a (B) a law enforcement agency of a unit of tected characteristics described in section grant under paragraph (1), that— local government that— 249 of title 18, United States Code; and (A) the hotline directs individuals to— (3) expand public education campaigns (i) serves a population of not less than (i) law enforcement if appropriate; and aimed at raising awareness of hate crimes 50,000 and less than 100,000, as computed by (ii) local support services; and reaching victims, that are equally effec- the Federal Bureau of Investigation; and (B) any personally identifiable information tive for people with disabilities as for people (ii) has reported no hate crimes through that an individual provides to an agency of without disabilities. the Uniform Crime Reports program in each the State through the hotline is not directly (b) GUIDANCE RELATING TO COVID–19 PAN- of the 3 most recent calendar years for which or indirectly disclosed, without the consent DEMIC.—The Attorney General and the Sec- such data is available. of the individual, to— retary of Health and Human Services, in co- (3) STATE.—The term ‘‘State’’ has the (i) any other agency of that State; ordination with the COVID–19 Health Equity meaning given the term in section 901 of (ii) any other State; Task Force and community-based organiza- title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and (iii) the Federal Government; or tions, shall issue guidance aimed at raising Safe Streets Act of 1968 (34 U.S.C. 10251). (iv) any other person or entity; awareness of hate crimes during the COVID– (4) UNIFORM CRIME REPORTS.—The term (C) the staff members who operate the hot- 19 pandemic. ‘‘Uniform Crime Reports’’ means the reports line are trained to be knowledgeable about— SEC. 5. JABARA-HEYER NO HATE ACT. authorized under section 534 of title 28, (i) applicable Federal, State, and local hate (a) SHORT TITLE.—This section may be United States Code, and administered by the crime laws; and cited as the ‘‘Khalid Jabara and Heather Federal Bureau of Investigation that com- (ii) local law enforcement resources and Heyer National Opposition to Hate, Assault, pile nationwide criminal statistics for use— applicable local support services; and and Threats to Equality Act of 2021’’ or the (A) in law enforcement administration, op- (D) the hotline is accessible to— ‘‘Jabara-Heyer NO HATE Act’’. eration, and management; and (i) individuals with limited English pro- (b) FINDINGS.—Congress finds the fol- (B) to assess the nature and type of crime ficiency, where appropriate; and lowing: in the United States. (ii) individuals with disabilities. (1) The incidence of violence known as hate (5) UNIT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT.—The term (3) BEST PRACTICES.—The Attorney General crimes, or crimes motivated by bias, poses a ‘‘unit of local government’’ has the meaning shall issue guidance to States on best prac- serious national problem. given the term in section 901 of title I of the tices for implementing the requirements of (2) According to data obtained by the Fed- Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act paragraph (2). eral Bureau of Investigation, the incidence of of 1968 (34 U.S.C. 10251). (f) INFORMATION COLLECTION BY STATES AND such violence increased in 2019, the most re- (d) REPORTING OF HATE CRIMES.— UNITS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT.— cent year for which data is available. (1) IMPLEMENTATION GRANTS.— (1) DEFINITIONS.—In this subsection: (3) In 1990, Congress enacted the Hate (A) IN GENERAL.—The Attorney General (A) COVERED AGENCY.—The term ‘‘covered Crime Statistics Act (Public Law 101–275; 28 may make grants to States and units of local agency’’ means— U.S.C. 534 note) to provide the Federal Gov- government to assist the State or unit of (i) a State law enforcement agency; and ernment, law enforcement agencies, and the local government in implementing the Na- (ii) a priority agency. public with data regarding the incidence of tional Incident-Based Reporting System, in- (B) ELIGIBLE ENTITY.—The term ‘‘eligible hate crime. The Hate Crime Statistics Act cluding to train employees in identifying entity’’ means— and the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, and classifying hate crimes in the National (i) a State; or Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act (division E Incident-Based Reporting System. (ii) a unit of local government that has a of Public Law 111–84; 123 Stat. 2835) have en- (B) PRIORITY.—In making grants under priority agency. abled Federal authorities to understand and, subparagraph (A), the Attorney General (2) GRANTS.— where appropriate, investigate and prosecute shall give priority to States and units of (A) IN GENERAL.—The Attorney General hate crimes. local government that develop and imple- may make grants to eligible entities to as- (4) A more complete understanding of the ment the programs and activities described sist covered agencies within the jurisdiction national problem posed by hate crime is in in subsection (f)(2)(A). of the eligible entity in conducting law en- the public interest and supports the Federal (2) REPORTING.— forcement activities or crime reduction pro- interest in eradicating bias-motivated vio- (A) COMPLIANCE.— grams to prevent, address, or otherwise re- lence referenced in section 249(b)(1)(C) of (i) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in spond to hate crime, particularly as those title 18, United States Code. clause (ii), in each fiscal year beginning after activities or programs relate to reporting (5) However, a complete understanding of the date that is 3 years after the date on hate crimes through the Uniform Crime Re- the national problem posed by hate crimes is which a State or unit of local government ports program, including— hindered by incomplete data from Federal, first receives a grant under paragraph (1), (i) adopting a policy on identifying, inves- State, and local jurisdictions through the the State or unit of local government shall tigating, and reporting hate crimes; Uniform Crime Reports program authorized provide to the Attorney General, through the (ii) developing a standardized system of under section 534 of title 28, United States Uniform Crime Reporting system, informa- collecting, analyzing, and reporting the inci- Code, and administered by the Federal Bu- tion pertaining to hate crimes committed in dence of hate crime; reau of Investigation. that jurisdiction during the preceding fiscal (iii) establishing a unit specialized in iden- (6) Multiple factors contribute to the pro- year. tifying, investigating, and reporting hate vision of inaccurate and incomplete data re- (ii) EXTENSIONS; WAIVER.—The Attorney crimes; garding the incidence of hate crime through General— (iv) engaging in community relations func- the Uniform Crime Reports program. A sig- (I) may provide a 120-day extension to a tions related to hate crime prevention and nificant contributing factor is the quality State or unit of local government that is education such as— and quantity of training that State and local making good faith efforts to comply with (I) establishing a liaison with formal com- law enforcement agencies receive on the clause (i); and munity-based organizations or leaders; and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Apr 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22AP6.002 S22APPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S2150 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 22, 2021

(II) conducting public meetings or edu- (B) EXTENSIONS; WAIVER.—The Attorney may order, as an explicit condition of super- cational forums on the impact of hate General— vised release, that the defendant undertake crimes, services available to hate crime vic- (i) may provide a 120-day extension to a educational classes or community service di- tims, and the relevant Federal, State, and State or unit of local government that is rectly related to the community harmed by local laws pertaining to hate crimes; and making good faith efforts to collect the in- the defendant’s offense.’’. (v) providing hate crime trainings for agen- formation required under paragraph (3); and The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- cy personnel. (ii) shall waive the requirements of para- jority leader. (B) SUBGRANTS.—A State that receives a graph (3) for a State or unit of local govern- grant under subparagraph (A) may award a ment if compliance with that subsection by f subgrant to a unit of local government with- the State or unit of local government would in the State for the purposes under that sub- be unconstitutional under the constitution EXECUTIVE SESSION paragraph, except that a unit of local gov- of the State or of the State in which the unit ernment may provide funding from such a of local government is located, respectively. subgrant to any law enforcement agency of (g) REQUIREMENTS OF THE ATTORNEY GEN- EXECUTIVE CALENDAR the unit of local government. ERAL.— (3) INFORMATION REQUIRED OF STATES AND (1) INFORMATION COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS; Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, I UNITS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT.— REPORT.—In order to improve the accuracy of move to proceed to executive session to (A) IN GENERAL.—For each fiscal year in data regarding the incidence of hate crime consider Calendar No. 59. which a State or unit of local government re- provided through the Uniform Crime Reports The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ceives a grant or subgrant under paragraph program, and promote a more complete un- question is on agreeing to the motion. (2), the State or unit of local government derstanding of the national problem posed by The motion was agreed to. hate crime, the Attorney General shall— shall— The PRESIDING OFFICER. The (i) collect information from each law en- (A) collect and analyze the information forcement agency that receives funding from provided by States and units of local govern- clerk will report the nomination. the grant or subgrant summarizing the law ment under subsection (f) for the purpose of The senior assistant legislative clerk enforcement activities or crime reduction developing policies related to the provision read nomination of Deanne Bennett programs conducted by the agency to pre- of accurate data obtained under the Hate Criswell, of New York, to be Adminis- vent, address, or otherwise respond to hate Crime Statistics Act (Public Law 101–275; 28 trator of the Federal Emergency Man- crime, particularly as those activities or pro- U.S.C. 534 note) by the Federal Bureau of In- agement Agency, Department of Home- grams relate to reporting hate crimes vestigation; and land Security. through the Uniform Crime Reports pro- (B) for each calendar year beginning after gram; and the date of enactment of this Act, publish CLOTURE MOTION (ii) submit to the Attorney General a re- and submit to Congress a report based on the Mr. SCHUMER. I send a cloture mo- port containing the information collected information collected and analyzed under tion to the desk. under clause (i). subparagraph (A). The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clo- (B) SEMIANNUAL LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY (2) CONTENTS OF REPORT.—A report sub- ture motion having been presented REPORT.— mitted under paragraph (1) shall include— under rule XXII, the Chair directs the (i) IN GENERAL.—In collecting the informa- (A) a qualitative analysis of the relation- tion required under subparagraph (A)(i), a ship between— clerk to read the motion. State or unit of local government shall re- (i) the number of hate crimes reported by The senior assistant legislative clerk quire each law enforcement agency that re- State law enforcement agencies or other law read as follows: ceives funding from a grant or subgrant enforcement agencies that received funding CLOTURE MOTION awarded to the State or unit of local govern- from a grant or subgrant awarded under We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- ment under paragraph (2) to submit a semi- paragraph (2) through the Uniform Crime Re- ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the annual report to the State or unit of local ports program; and Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby government that includes a summary of the (ii) the nature and extent of law enforce- move to bring to a close debate on the nomi- law enforcement activities or crime reduc- ment activities or crime reduction programs nation of Executive Calendar No. 59, Deanne tion programs conducted by the agency dur- conducted by those agencies to prevent, ad- Bennett Criswell, of New York, to be Admin- ing the reporting period to prevent, address, dress, or otherwise respond to hate crime; istrator of the Federal Emergency Manage- or otherwise respond to hate crime, particu- and larly as those activities or programs relate ment Agency, Department of Homeland Se- (B) a quantitative analysis of the number curity. to reporting hate crimes through the Uni- of State law enforcement agencies and other form Crime Reports program. Charles E. Schumer, Gary C. Peters, Ron law enforcement agencies that received fund- Wyden, Jack Reed, Benjamin L. (ii) CONTENTS.—In a report submitted ing from a grant or subgrant awarded under Cardin, Patrick J. Leahy, Michael F. under clause (i), a law enforcement agency paragraph (2) that have— shall, at a minimum, disclose— Bennet, Tim Kaine, Christopher Mur- (i) adopted a policy on identifying, inves- phy, Richard J. Durbin, Christopher A. (I) whether the agency has adopted a pol- tigating, and reporting hate crimes; icy on identifying, investigating, and report- Coons, Cory A. Booker, Martin Hein- (ii) developed a standardized system of col- rich, Chris Van Hollen, Edward J. Mar- ing hate crimes; lecting, analyzing, and reporting the inci- (II) whether the agency has developed a key, Sherrod Brown, Bernard Sanders, dence of hate crime; Robert P. Casey, Jr. standardized system of collecting, analyzing, (iii) established a unit specialized in iden- and reporting the incidence of hate crime; tifying, investigating, and reporting hate f (III) whether the agency has established a crimes; LEGISLATIVE SESSION unit specialized in identifying, investigating, (iv) engaged in community relations func- and reporting hate crimes; tions related to hate crime, such as— Mr. SCHUMER. I move to proceed to (IV) whether the agency engages in com- (I) establishing a liaison with formal com- legislative session. munity relations functions related to hate munity-based organizations or leaders; and The PRESIDING OFFICER. The crime, such as— (II) conducting public meetings or edu- (aa) establishing a liaison with formal question is on agreeing to the motion. cational forums on the impact of hate crime, The motion was agreed to. community-based organizations or leaders; services available to hate crime victims, and and the relevant Federal, State, and local laws f (bb) conducting public meetings or edu- pertaining to hate crime; and cational forums on the impact of hate crime, (v) conducted hate crime trainings for EXECUTIVE SESSION services available to hate crime victims, and agency personnel during the reporting pe- the relevant Federal, State, and local laws riod, including— pertaining to hate crime; and (I) the total number of trainings conducted EXECUTIVE CALENDAR (V) the number of hate crime trainings for by each agency; and Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, I agency personnel, including the duration of (II) the duration of the trainings described the trainings, conducted by the agency dur- in subclause (I). move to proceed to executive session to ing the reporting period. (h) ALTERNATIVE SENTENCING.—Section 249 consider Calendar No. 54. (4) COMPLIANCE AND REDIRECTION OF of title 18, United States Code, is amended by The PRESIDING OFFICER. The FUNDS.— adding at the end the following: question is on agreeing to the motion. (A) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in ‘‘(e) SUPERVISED RELEASE.—If a court in- The motion was agreed to. subparagraph (B), beginning not later than 1 cludes, as a part of a sentence of imprison- year after the date of this Act, a State or ment imposed for a violation of subsection The PRESIDING OFFICER. The unit of local government receiving a grant or (a), a requirement that the defendant be clerk will report the nomination. subgrant under paragraph (2) shall comply placed on a term of supervised release after The senior assistant legislative clerk with paragraph (3). imprisonment under section 3583, the court read the nomination of Janet Garvin

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Apr 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22AP6.002 S22APPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE April 22, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2151 McCabe, of Indiana, to be Deputy Ad- nard Sanders, Robert P. Casey, Jr., Act to reauthorize programs under those ministrator of the Environmental Pro- Martin Heinrich. Acts, and for other purposes. tection Agency. f CLOTURE MOTION CLOTURE MOTION LEGISLATIVE SESSION Mr. SCHUMER. I send a cloture mo- Mr. SCHUMER. I send a cloture mo- tion to the desk. tion to the desk. Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, I The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clo- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clo- move to proceed to legislative session. ture motion having been presented ture motion having been presented The PRESIDING OFFICER. The under rule XXII, the Chair directs the under rule XXII, the Chair directs the question is on agreeing to the motion. clerk to read the motion. clerk to read the motion. The motion was agreed to. The senior assistant legislative clerk The senior assistant legislative clerk f read as follows: read as follows: EXECUTIVE SESSION CLOTURE MOTION CLOTURE MOTION We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the EXECUTIVE CALENDAR Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby move to bring to a close debate on the mo- move to bring to a close debate on the nomi- Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, I tion to proceed to Calendar No. 34, S. 914, a nation of Executive Calendar No. 54, Janet move to proceed to executive session to bill to amend the Safe Drinking Water Act Garvin McCabe, of Indiana, to be Deputy Ad- consider Calendar No. 58. and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act ministrator of the Environmental Protection The PRESIDING OFFICER. The to reauthorize programs under those Acts, Agency. question is on agreeing to the motion. and for other purposes. Charles E. Schumer, Thomas R. Carper, Charles E. Schumer, Thomas R. Carper, The motion was agreed to. Tammy Duckworth, Jeff Merkley, Ron Wyden, Jack Reed, Benjamin L. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Cardin, Patrick J. Leahy, Michael F. Debbie Stabenow, Richard Blumenthal, Bennet, Tim Kaine, Christopher Mur- clerk will report the nomination. Jacky Rosen, Michael F. Bennet, Amy phy, Richard J. Durbin, Cory A. Book- The senior assistant legislative clerk Klobuchar, Mazie K. Hirono, Richard J. er, Martin Heinrich, Chris Van Hollen, read the nomination of Jason Scott Durbin, Tammy Baldwin, Alex Padilla, Edward J. Markey, Sherrod Brown, Miller, of Maryland, to be Deputy Di- Maria Cantwell, Sheldon Whitehouse, Bernard Sanders, Robert P. Casey, Jr., rector for Management, Office of Man- Cory A. Booker, Patty Murray, Eliza- Richard Blumenthal. agement and Budget. beth Warren. Mr. SCHUMER. Finally, I ask unani- f CLOTURE MOTION mous consent that the mandatory Mr. SCHUMER. I send a cloture mo- LEGISLATIVE SESSION quorum calls for the cloture motions tion to the desk. filed today, April 22, be waived. Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, I The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clo- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without move to proceed to legislative session. ture motion having been presented Mr. SCHUMER. The question is on objection, it is so ordered. under rule XXII, the Chair directs the Mr. SCHUMER. Thank you. agreeing to the motion. clerk to read the motion. The motion was agreed to. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- The senior assistant legislative clerk ator from Washington. f read as follows: COVID–19 HATE CRIMES ACT CLOTURE MOTION EXECUTIVE SESSION Ms. CANTWELL. Mr. President, I We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- come to the floor to talk about the rise ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the in hate crimes in the Pacific Northwest EXECUTIVE CALENDAR Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby move to bring to a close debate on the nomi- and to thank my colleague the Senator Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, I nation of Executive Calendar No. 58, Jason from Hawaii for her tremendous leader- move to proceed to executive session to Scott Miller, of Maryland, to be Deputy Di- ship in guiding us through this process consider Calendar No. 68. rector for Management, Office of Manage- to get this legislation passed in the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ment and Budget. U.S. Senate. question is on agreeing to the motion. Charles E. Schumer, Gary C. Peters, Ron I want to thank her for her incredible The motion was agreed to. Wyden, Jack Reed, Benjamin L. work as a member of the Judiciary The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Cardin, Patrick J. Leahy, Michael F. Committee and for getting this out and Bennet, Tim Kaine, Christopher Mur- clerk will report the nomination. phy, Richard J. Durbin, Christopher A. moved to the floor and to thank Sen- The senior assistant legislative clerk Coons, Cory A. Booker, Chris Van Hol- ator SCHUMER and Senator MCCONNELL read the nomination of Colin Hackett len, Edward J. Markey, Sherrod Brown, for both helping us to get to this point Kahl, of California, to be Under Sec- Bernard Sanders, Robert P. Casey, Jr., today and our colleagues for passing retary of Defense for Policy. Martin Heinrich. this incredible legislation. But, again, CLOTURE MOTION f thanks to Senator HIRONO for know- Mr. SCHUMER. I send a cloture mo- ing—knowing and understanding and LEGISLATIVE SESSION tion to the desk. being a great member of the Judiciary The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clo- Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, I Committee—that we needed to get this ture motion having been presented move to proceed to legislative session. legislation done now. under rule XXII, the Chair directs the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Asian Americans and Pacific Island- clerk to read the motion. question is on agreeing to the motion. ers have a long history in our country. The senior assistant legislative clerk The motion was agreed to. And their contributions have been sig- read as follows: f nificant, both in cultural vibrancy to CLOTURE MOTION our economy and to our way of life. DRINKING WATER AND WASTE- But, unfortunately, that has also We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- WATER INFRASTRUCTURE ACT been marked by periods in our history ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the OF 2021—Motion to Proceed Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby of hate and damaging stereotypes and move to bring to a close debate on the nomi- Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, I xenophobia, and we saw this again with nation of Executive Calendar No. 68, Colin move to proceed to Calendar No. 34, S. COVID–19. That is why we needed to Hackett Kahl, of California, to be Under Sec- 914. act today, to pass hate crimes legisla- retary of Defense for Policy. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The tion to protect Asian Americans in the Charles E. Schumer, Patrick J. Leahy, clerk will report the motion. United States of America and to make Richard J. Durbin, Christopher A. sure that they have tools to protect Coons, Ron Wyden, Jack Reed, Ben- The senior assistant legislative clerk jamin L. Cardin, Michael F. Bennet, read as follows: them. Tim Kaine, Christopher Murphy, Rich- Motion to proceed to Calendar No. 34, S. Our AAPI communities are facing ard Blumenthal, Edward J. Markey, 914, a bill to amend the Safe Drinking Water the same challenges we face in the pan- Cory A. Booker, Sherrod Brown, Ber- Act and the Federal Water Pollution Control demic. And trust me, we have lost

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Apr 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22AP6.026 S22APPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S2152 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 22, 2021 some incredible Asian Americans, who dren the history of the Asian-American and universities. I mean, if there ran markets, who ran restaurants, who community in the United States, men- weren’t double standards around here, were small business leaders and contin- tal health support in multiple lan- there would be no standards at all. ued to work during this crisis and ulti- guages, investing in community So I strongly encourage—Senator mately paid the price with their lives. groups, and this legislation that was CRUZ and I offered an amendment to But they also, in addition to facing the passed today that will give us better Senator HIRONO’s bill to try to fix this. pandemic, have had to face a range of tools to prosecute those individuals Unfortunately, we couldn’t get 60 hate and racism against them during who participate in hate crimes. votes. In fact, I don’t think a single— this time period. This bill would designate a point per- maybe I am wrong in saying this, but According to Stop AAPI Hate, nearly son within the U.S. Department of Jus- not very many of my Democratic 3,800 incidents of violence and hate tice to expedite the review of hate friends voted for it. against AAPI individuals were reported crimes and continue to work with all of But I would say to President Biden, nationwide over a year since the pan- us. now, if you are serious about ending demic. And sadly—sadly—women made It requires the Attorney General to discrimination against Asian Ameri- up over half of this. Nearly 68 percent issue guidance to State, local, and cans, tell your Justice Department to of the reported incidents of violence Tribal law enforcement to establish an get off its ice cold, lazy rear end and do against Asian Americans were against online hate crime reporting and data something about it. Stop the quotas in Asian-American women. This must collection system. These are all impor- higher education. stop. tant tools. Anyway, that is not, really, what I And it is very important that we So I, again, want to thank our col- came up to talk about. think about how a fraction of these leagues, and I want to also thank Sen- f statistics that are the reported infor- ator BLUMENTHAL. His bipartisan DISPOSE UNUSED MEDICATIONS mation—how many more are out there amendment would authorize the Attor- AND PRESCRIPTION OPIOIDS ACT that go unreported. ney General to provide grants to States My State, the State of Washington, and localities to better train law en- Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, you has the seventh largest Asian-Amer- forcement on identifying, inves- are aware, as we all are, of the scourge ican population and the third largest tigating, and reporting hate crimes and of opioid abuse in this country. It is Pacific Islander population in the Na- to operate State-run hate crime report- horrible. It is terrible. We sometimes tion. And like the rest of the United ing hotlines. lose as many as 50,000 of our people a States, we have seen an increase in So this legislation will help us in year. these incidents. shining a very bright light on an And as you also know, many people In fact, in 2020, the State had the alarming rise in violence against the who become addicted to opioids don’t third highest rate of hate crimes tar- Asian American-Pacific Islander com- necessarily buy the opioids on the geted against AAPI community mem- munity and help us with new tools to street. They get the opioids from fam- bers. That is why I am for getting a combat that crime. ily and friends. So one of the best full slate of people over at the Depart- I, again, thank my colleagues. We all things you can do to try to stop the ment of Justice, including Kristen must work together to stop this kind scourge of opioid abuse is to clear out Clarke, to deal with hate crimes. Why? of violence. your medicine cabinet so that people Because my State is plagued by these I thank the President. aren’t tempted to use the drugs. Turn issues, and we are not going to tolerate I yield the floor. them in, if they have been prescribed it. We are going to fight back and The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- to you, and you don’t need them any make sure that we have the infrastruc- ator from Louisiana. longer. ture in place to recognize these things. Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, I want To make this easier, our DEA, as you Just this past February, a teacher to join my colleague Senator CANT- know, Mr. President, holds pretty regu- driving in the Seattle International WELL in congratulating Senator HIRONO larly what we call Take Back Days. On District was assaulted with a sock con- and all of us for almost unanimously a Take Back Day, any person can go taining a rock. The attacker was passing this bill that would try to stop into his or her medicine cabinet, find charged with felony assault but not a discrimination against Asian Ameri- drugs, including opioids, that they are hate crime. cans. I am happy that passed. There not using anymore, that could be dan- We have been told that there are was only one vote against it. gerous if abused, and they can take widespread reports of AAPI elders and I just don’t think it goes far enough. those unused medications and drop women throughout Western Wash- I think it is ludicrous, it is odious to them off at a previously announced ington who have been verbally har- me, that in the year 2021, we have DEA drop site. assed and randomly physically as- major universities in the United States Take Back Day is this Saturday, saulted. The King County Coalition of America that are setting quotas on April 24. I want to encourage all Amer- Against Hate and Bias is collecting in- their admissions for Asian Americans— icans and Louisianans to do this. Go formation about these attacks. But we not quotas to have enough Asian Amer- through your medicine cabinet. If you know that there have been many icans, quotas to keep Asian Americans have opioids that have been prescribed throughout many communities in our out. They are, and everybody in this to you—legally, of course—and you State. body knows they are doing that. don’t need them any longer, don’t just Just a few months ago, a woman in Harvard is in litigation over it. Har- leave them hanging around. Turn them King County and her two children were vard officials have already stated that in, please. accosted with a man yelling, screaming but for their quotas, there would be But not every day is Take Back Day, at them just to get out—‘‘Get out! Get twice as many Asian Americans at and last year Congress, in its wisdom, out!’’ And a man was captured on video Harvard as there are now if they base passed a law, a very good law, instruct- in downtown Seattle attacking an the decision solely on academic ing the Department of Veterans Affairs Asian couple, spitting on them, slap- achievement. And that is wrong. to ask—well, actually to require—VA ping the man’s face, and yelling at There is no way to discriminate in medical centers to have these drop them: ‘‘It’s your fault.’’ So we know the right way. Discrimination is dis- boxes permanently so that American these incidents are happening. crimination. Judge people on the basis veterans can throw away medications, In fact, just a week or so ago, I par- of their academic achievements. including but not limited to opioids, ticipated in a roundtable of the Asian President Biden has talked an awful that they don’t need. And it has American-Pacific Islander community lot about the error of discriminating worked out really well. from my State to talk about the need against Asian Americans, and he is ab- The question that occurred to me for this national legislation and why it solutely right. What is the first thing after we passed the bill was why limit is so important we have community- he did? He pulled his Justice Depart- that kind of access only to our vet- based solutions, which include more ment off of filing litigation to try to erans. So I have a bill to basically open cultural education to teach our chil- stop these quotas on Asian Americans up the Veterans Administration drop

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Apr 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22AP6.034 S22APPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE April 22, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2153 boxes for unused drugs, including but Mr. KENNEDY. I suggest the absence In just 40 hours, the Coast Guard cov- not limited to opioids, at VA medical of a quorum. ered more than 1,440 square miles of centers to anybody who wants to go get The PRESIDING OFFICER. The the Gulf of Mexico, searching for miss- rid of these unused drugs at any time. clerk will call the roll. ing crew members. To put that in per- You don’t have to wait until Take The senior assistant legislative clerk spective, that is an area larger than Back Day. This would be a permanent proceeded to call the roll. the State of Rhode Island. By Friday, program. Mr. CASSIDY. Mr. President, I ask this area grew to a size larger than Ha- The name of the bill is the Dispose unanimous consent that the order for waii, searching through sea and air. Unused Medications and Prescription the quorum call be rescinded. Late last week, the National Trans- Opioids Act. And before I offer this bill The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without portation Safety Board announced they up, let me just give one more plug. I objection, it is so ordered. will open an investigation. The team would remind everyone that this Sat- f arrived in New Orleans on Thursday, urday, April 24, is Take Back Day. If and a preliminary report will be re- DRINKING WATER AND WASTE- you have unused medications, includ- leased within the next 2 weeks. WATER INFRASTRUCTRE ACT OF ing opioids, that you want to get rid of, We deeply appreciate the volunteers 2021—MOTION TO PROCEED—Con- it will have been publicized in your who assisted the men and women from tinued community by the DEA. You can go the Coast Guard and many others in drop them off, and I hope people will do SEACOR POWER LIFT BOAT the search and rescue, particularly dur- that. Mr. CASSIDY. Mr. President, the ing the terrible weather. In the light of Mr. President, toward that end, I ask year 2020 was a year filled with sadness this tragedy, this team effort dem- unanimous consent that the Com- and grief for me, but, unfortunately, onstrates the best of humanity. mittee on Veterans’ Affairs be dis- that sadness and grief struck again in We grieve with the families. We shall charged from further consideration of the year 2021. always remember the lives of those we my bill, S. 957, and the Senate proceed Last Tuesday, 100-mile-per-hour lost. to its immediate consideration. winds capsized a lift boat with a crew May God watch over their souls. May The PRESIDING OFFICER. The of 19 off the coast of Grand Isle, LA, they find eternal peace. clerk will report the bill by title. just south of Port Fourchon. The U.S. Thank you, Mr. President. The senior assistant legislative clerk Coast Guard and a group of Good Sa- I yield the floor. read as follows: maritan boats rescued six crew mem- I suggest the absence of a quorum. A bill (S. 957) to direct of bers as winds continued between 80 to The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Veterans Affairs to ensure that certain med- 90 miles per hour and waves were 7 to clerk will call the roll. ical facilities of the Department of Veterans The senior assistant legislative clerk Affairs have physical locations for the dis- 9 feet high. posal of controlled substances medications. The Coast Guard credits those Good proceeded to call the roll. Samaritans with saving four of the six Mr. LANKFORD. Mr. President, I ask There being no objection, the com- unanimous consent that the order for mittee was discharged, and the Senate rescued crew members. So, fortunately, in the midst of a terrible tragedy, it the quorum call be rescinded. proceeded to consider the bill. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, I fur- turns out a crew of Coast Guard men objection, it is so ordered. ther ask that the Kennedy substitute and women were on a boat doing a trial amendment at the desk be considered run when the SOS went out. And al- CORONAVIRUS and agreed to, that the bill, as amend- though technically not Coast Guard, Mr. LANKFORD. Mr. President, I ed, be read a third time and passed, and they were coastguardsmen, and they bring news back from Oklahoma to this that the motion to reconsider be con- went out and aided in the rescue. We body and a request for dialogue. The sidered made and laid upon the table are eternally grateful for their efforts, COVID bill that was passed a little with no intervening action or debate. their hard work, and for the risk they over a month ago—that bill provided The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without took to themselves to bring those crew all kinds of relief. As this body knows, objection, it is so ordered. members back to shore safely, who re- we were deeply divided on that bill and The amendment (No. 1459) in the na- turned safely. some of the issues within it. ture of a substitute was agreed to, as In this tragedy, which affects us in One of the issues stretched out the follows: Louisiana but, in a sense, affects us all, debate all the way to the last moment, [Purpose: In the nature of a substitute] any loss of life is heartbreaking. But and it was the additional unemploy- Strike all after the enacting clause and in- there are some who may not be found, ment assistance. The conversation sert the following: and we pray their families find closure. about the additional unemployment as- SECTION 1. DESIGNATION OF PERIODS DURING To date, six have been confirmed dead, sistance is this: The economy is re- WHICH ANY INDIVIDUAL MAY DIS- including Anthony Hartford of New Or- opening. Is this the time to extend ad- POSE OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES leans, James ‘‘Tracy’’ Wallingsford of ditional money above and beyond State MEDICATIONS AT FACILITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS Gilbert, Captain David Ledet of unemployment assistance, what we AFFAIRS. Thibodaux, Ernest Williams of normally do? With unemployment Section 3009 of the Johnny Isakson and Arnaudville, Lawrence Warren of rates going down, should we add more David P. Roe, M.D. Veterans Health Care and Terrytown, and Quinon Pitre of Frank- money on top of it? Benefits Improvement Act of 2020 (Public lin. No one really knew what would hap- Law 116–315; 38 U.S.C. 8110 note) is amended— Seven are still missing. Each day pen when that occurred, but we had (1) by redesignating subsection (b) and (c) as subsections (c) and (d), respectively; and that passes, the prognosis—the chance some suspicions. The 2 weeks I spent (2) by inserting after subsection (a) the fol- of finding them—obviously decreases. I traveling around the State, the week lowing new subsection (b): would like to take a moment to recog- before Easter and after Easter, in town ‘‘(b) DESIGNATION OF PERIODS FOR ANY INDI- nize those still missing: after town after town after town after VIDUAL TO DISPOSE OF MEDICATION.— Jay Guevara, Dylan Daspit, Gregory town, I heard the same thing from em- ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall des- Walcott, Chaz Morales, Jason Krell, ployees and employers. ignate periods during which any individual Darren Encalade, and Chris Rozands. Employees would tell me that some- may dispose of controlled substances medi- body who used to work next to them is cations at a covered Department medical fa- Our thoughts and prayers are with cility. the crew members of the capsized ves- now at home because they are making ‘‘(2) PUBLIC INFORMATION CAMPAIGNS.—The sel, their loved ones, and their commu- as much money at home on unemploy- Secretary may carry out public information nities. ment assistance as they would when campaigns regarding the periods designated While we mourn this loss, we also working. So the person standing there under paragraph (1).’’. rise to recognize the heroic efforts of working at the factory, the person The bill (S. 957), as amended, was or- the Coast Guard, the Good Samaritans, standing there working at the res- dered to be engrossed for a third read- and all involved in the search-and-res- taurant is ticked off at the person who ing, was read the third time, and cue efforts that continued for 6 is at home watching TV, making as passed. straight days. much money as they are.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Apr 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22AP6.036 S22APPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S2154 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 22, 2021 The employer is just as frustrated or fourth day, they did the same thing had nine Supreme Court Justices— more because they have all kinds of or- again—called him in, wrote it up. By nine. Now, we started out originally ders coming into their business, say- the fifth day, they fired him. with six, and then it dropped for just a ing: Can you send us more of this? And His exact words to his manager on little while to five and then went right they could, except they don’t have the floor: What took you so long? back to six again. enough labor. There is a restaurant in Oklahoma When we added a seventh circuit An additional $300 a week was added City that told us they were preparing court in 1807, it popped from six to on top of the unemployment assistance to reopen. Finally, the pandemic is seven, and there was some discussion and extended out all the way to the over. We have a very high percentage about whether it would just continue first week of September. At the same of folks in Oklahoma who have re- based on the number of circuit courts. time, checks were sent out to every in- ceived the vaccine. We are one of the It was determined that, no, that was a dividual. Then they were told they top 10 States in the country for distrib- bad idea. would get a $10,000 tax break. The com- uting the vaccines. Then it went to nine in 1837. Lincoln bination of those three things together Our State, our county, our local of- actually added 1 to make it 10, and has caused some folks to do what peo- fices, our hospitals, and our Tribal they determined that was really too ple do in a free market: They look to areas have done a fantastic job getting many and brought it back down to 7, see where they are going to work based the vaccine out. We are open. actually. One of the restaurants trying to re- on where they can make the most In 1869, we went back to nine again, open in the Plaza District of Oklahoma money at that moment. That is what a where we were most of the time before City, a beautiful cultural district, free market is like. That is why em- that and where we have remained, nine couldn’t reopen because they couldn’t ployers continue to pay a little more to Supreme Court Justices. That is not hire people because they got larger un- get good employees. But the problem just a random number; it seems to be a employment benefits, and they remain is, in Oklahoma, where there is a low pretty good number—nine—to be able closed. cost of living, many of our employers The mayor of Muskogee told me that to open up debate. are struggling to find workers because most employers in their town are I don’t just think it is a pretty good they are competing against this body. struggling to be able to get employees number. There is a rather famous and The employees are ticked because to get back to work. some would say ‘‘notorious’’ Justice they are at work working, paying In Northern Oklahoma, in Perry, named Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She made taxes, and the person who used to work there is a restaurant that was talking this statement in 2019 when asked next to them and probably will return to one of my staff this week that said about Court-packing and asked about this October got several months off and they are having to close early because increasing the size of the Court. In is making the same, except for the per- they can’t get enough business. 2019, Ruth Bader Ginsburg said: son working is paying for the person I would tell you, a couple of Sundays Nine seems to be a good number. It’s been not working, and they are a little ago, my wife and I drove to go eat that way for a long time. . . . I think it was ticked off about it. lunch after church, and we went to two a bad idea when President Franklin Roo- I bring this to you because this is not restaurants before we had to go to a sevelt tried to pack the court. . . . If any- hypothetical. In Oklahoma, our unem- third to find a restaurant that was thing [it] would make the court look par- tisan. ployment rate dropped again to 4.2, but open. The second restaurant literally we still have 100,000 people. Our rates had a sign on their door: ‘‘Closed Due That is not just one Justice. Early in continue to rise for people filing first- to Labor Shortage.’’ April this year, Justice Breyer was time claims, but I promise there is not This is a real issue that was created speaking at the Harvard Law School, a town you can go to in Oklahoma that in this room that is impacting my and he addressed this issue of Court- doesn’t have ‘‘help wanted’’ signs all State trying to reopen. I have no idea packing while this body is in the mid- over town. I heard it from every single if my Democratic colleagues will ac- dle of a conversation about Court-pack- town that I went to, from employers in knowledge this as a real problem or ing—extremely rare for that to occur. every single place that they cannot will just say: That is a hypothetical Justice Breyer stated: compete with what the government is issue; it is not real. But this is going to I’m an optimist. The rule of law has weath- just mailing to people for staying at continue all the way through Sep- ered many threats, but it remains sturdy. I home. tember, and my State is not going to hope and expect that the Court will retain The very first day I was out a couple be able to reopen. This will get even its authority, an authority that my stories of weeks ago, I was in Tulsa at a busi- worse in the days ahead when addi- have shown was hard-won. But that author- ity, like the rule of law, depends on trust, a ness there that does manufacturing. He tional money will start being shipped trust that the Court is guided by legal prin- told me that for the first time ever— out to families in the change in the ciple, not politics. . . . Structural alteration and he has owned the business a long child tax credit, when people will lit- motivated by the perception of political in- time—for the first time ever, one of his erally start getting checks in August fluence can only feed that latter perception, managers came to him and said: You on top of the other checks they are re- further eroding that trust . . . There is no are not going to believe what just hap- ceiving. shortcut. Trust in the courts, without which pened. I bring this to this body because I our system cannot function, requires knowl- They had an employee who came up would like for us to have a conversa- edge, it requires understanding, it requires to them and said: I would like for you tion about it and for somebody in this engagement. In a word, it requires work. Work on the part of all citizens. And we to fire me. body to acknowledge that a mistake must undertake that work together. . . . He said: Well, why in the world would was made and we need to fix this. What I’m trying to do is to make those I do that? We all agreed last year to be able to whose initial instincts may favor important He said: Well, I just figured out, with help during the time of the pandemic. structural change or other similar institu- the tax break and what I would get on People needed help. Everyone was out tional changes—such as forms of court-pack- unemployment assistance, I could of work, and there were no options for ing—think long and hard before they embody make as much staying at home as I work. That is not true anymore; yet those changes in law. could working. But I need you to fire these larger benefits are still coming That was so well received, by Justice me so I can go file for unemployment. out. Breyer, that progressive activists He literally said to him: I am not This needs to be addressed. For the started calling for him to take early going do that. Go back to work. sake of getting our economy going retirement. So the next day, the guy showed up again, this needs to be addressed. I Court-packing is not a new conversa- 30 minutes late to work, and at lunch- would hope we could have a reasonable, tion in this body, but it has not been time, he took an hour and a half off. He rational, fact-based conversation about well received in the past. did the same thing the next day. The it. The Court has always ebbed and third day, according to protocol in U.S. SUPREME COURT flowed in its liberal or conservative their company, they called him in, Madam President, for most of the bents. President Obama spoke openly talked to him, and wrote it all up. The history of the United States, we have when he was President about the Court

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Apr 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22AP6.038 S22APPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE April 22, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2155 in the 1960s. That was a very progres- lished traditions as a way of stopping that Our careers in the Senate will one day sive Court in the 1960s that drove con- activism. end—as we are only the Senate’s temporary servatives crazy with some of the deci- In May 1937, the Senate Judiciary Com- officeholders—but the Senate itself will go mittee—a committee controlled by the sions they made, but there was no on. Will historians studying the actions Democrats and supportive of his political taken in the spring of 2005— packing of the Court to try to change ends—issued a stinging rebuke. They put out When Joe Biden stated this in the the direction of the Court in the 1960s a report condemning Roosevelt’s plan, argu- and 1970s. There was a frustration but a ing it was an effort ‘‘to punish the Justices’’ Senate— realization that nine was the right and that executive branch attempts to domi- [Will they] look upon the current Members number. nate the Judiciary lead inevitably to an of this Senate as statesmen who placed the Over time, the Court, as it does, as it autocratic dominance, ‘‘the very thing institution of the United States Senate above party and politics? Or will historians ebbs and flows over the decades, has against which the American Colonies re- volted, and to prevent which the Constitu- see us as politicians bending to the will of flowed to be more conservative. In the tion was in every particular framed.’’ the Executive and to political exigency? I, days ahead, at some point, it will flow Our predecessors in the Senate showed for one, am comfortable with the role I will to be more liberal. It just will. But the courage that day and stood up to their Presi- play in this upcoming historic moment. rule of law is important. It is not a new dent as a coequal institution. And they did Then he stated this, from Senator concept that is being addressed, but it so not to thwart the agenda of the President, Joe Biden: which in fact many agreed with; they did it is one this body should think long and I hope . . . my colleagues [will] feel the hard about. to preserve our system’s checks and bal- ances; they did it to ensure the integrity of same. Quite frankly, I agree with Joe Biden the system. When the Founders created a So do I. Less than the days ahead, on this concept, but not the President ‘‘different kind of legislative body’’ in the history will look at the unwinding of Joe Biden, the Senator Joe Biden. Senate, they envisioned a bulwark against the judiciary based on a season in the With this body’s permission, let me unilateral power—it worked back then and I Supreme Court, as we have had seasons hope it works now. read Joe Biden’s speeches when he was and cycles before. Don’t unwind the ju- in the U.S. Senate and he stood right Said Joe Biden during that time. diciary for a season. over there and spoke on this floor or The noted historian Arthur Schlesinger, I yield the floor. spoke in committee hearings when he Jr.— The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- was in the Judiciary Committee, Joe Biden, continuing as Senator— ator from Ohio. speaking often about this issue. has argued that in a parliamentary system OPIOID EPIDEMIC Joe Biden, once speaking, made this President Roosevelt’s efforts to pack the statement. He said: Court would have succeeded. Schlesinger Mr. PORTMAN. Madam President, I appreciate the thoughtful comments President Roosevelt clearly had the right writes: ‘‘The Court bill couldn’t have failed if to send to the U.S. Senate and the U.S. Con- we had a parliamentary system in 1937.’’ A from my colleague from Oklahoma of gress a proposal to pack the Court. It was to- parliamentary legislature would have gone the need for us to have an independent tally within his right to do that. He violated ahead with their President, that’s what they judiciary. no law; he was legalistically absolutely cor- do, but the Founders envisioned a different I am on the floor to talk about a dif- rect. But it was a bonehead idea. It was a kind of legislature, an independent institu- ferent issue, and it is the latest, very tion that would think for itself. In the end, terrible, terrible mistake to make. And it troubling information that we are re- put in question, for an entire decade, the Roosevelt’s plan failed because Democrats in Congress thought court-packing was dan- ceiving regarding the addiction epi- independence of the most significant body— demic and specifically drug overdose including the Congress, in my view— gerous, even if they would have supported the newly-constituted Court rulings. The in- deaths in the United States. I am also The most significant body in this stitution acted as an institution. going to talk about some of the steps country— In summary, then, what do the Senate’s we can take right now to address that —the Supreme Court of the United States of action of 1795, 1805, and 1937 share in com- reality. America. mon? I believe they are examples of this One of the top priorities I have had in body acting at its finest, demonstrating its The President had the right to do that. He this body and in the House has been was totally within his power, and his objec- constitutional role as an independent check tive was seen clearly. on the President, even popularly elected this drug addiction issue. Frankly, this Well, the President clearly has the right to Presidents of the same party. is a moment of frustration because we do what he is doing, in my view. That was from Senator Joe Biden. were making progress, and then But he also called it ‘‘bonehead.’’ His challenge to this body was to think COVID–19 hit. Unfortunately, the drug Joe Biden, as Senator, also continued long and hard before they destroyed an epidemic has hit my State of Ohio par- with this statement. He was discussing institution of our government. It was ticularly hard. The latest data from the same issue. He said: ‘‘The Senate right then; it is right now. the Centers for Disease Control and again stood’’—by the way, this was two In a final statement from Joe Biden, Prevention, the CDC, show that it is a decades later, after Joe Biden made he spoke about the filibuster—often, pretty grim picture right now, and it that statement I just read. Two dec- actually, about the filibuster. Senator should be a wake-up call to all of us. ades later, Joe Biden still has the same Biden stated this: Overdose deaths rose nearly 30 percent passion. He stated this: The Framers created the Senate as a nationwide from September 2019 to unique legislative body designed to protect September 2020. During this time pe- The Senate again stood firm in the 1937 against the excesses of temporary majority, court-packing plan by President Franklin riod, you can see the overdose deaths including with respect to judicial nomina- Roosevelt. This particular example of Senate numbers going up dramatically. tions; and they left us all the responsibility resolve is instructive for today’s debates, so This is heartbreaking for me because of guaranteeing an independent Federal judi- let me describe it in some detail. It was the we were making progress. After lit- ciary, one price of which is that it some- summer of 1937. President Roosevelt had just times reaches results Senators don’t like. erally decades of increases in drug come off a landslide victory over Alf Landon, It is up to us to preserve these precious overdose deaths every single year—dec- and he had a Congress made up of solid New guarantees. Our history, our American sense ades—going back to the 1990s, we fi- Dealers. But the ‘‘nine old men’’ of the Su- of fair play, and our Constitution demand it. nally here in the 2017, 2018, 2019 periods preme Court were thwarting his economic agenda, overturning law after law over- Joe Biden continued. As Senator, he began to make progress in reducing whelmingly passed by the Congress and from said: overdose deaths. In fact, in Ohio, we statehouses across the country. I would ask my colleagues who are consid- had a 24-percent decrease in overdose In this environment, President Roosevelt ering supporting the ‘‘nuclear option’’— deaths during 1 year, 2018, but, right unveiled his court-packing plan—he wanted those who propose to ‘‘jump off the preci- now, the numbers are getting higher to increase the number of Justices on the pice’’—whether they believe that history will and higher, and it is everywhere. Court to 15, allowing himself to nominate judge them favorably. In so many instances As you can see from this chart, if these additional judges. In an act of great throughout this esteemed body’s past, our something is in any of these colors, courage, Roosevelt’s own party stood up forefathers . . . stepped back from the cliff. against his institutional power grab. They In each case, the actions of those statesmen this means that there is an increase in did not agree with the judicial activism of preserved and strengthened the Senate, to overdose deaths. If it is in blue, it the Supreme Court, but they believed that the betterment of the health of our constitu- means there is a decrease, and this was Roosevelt was wrong to seek to defy estab- tional republic and to all of our advantage. just during this period of September

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Apr 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22AP6.039 S22APPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S2156 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 22, 2021 2019 to September 2020, the latest data troversial, but I hear it from the ex- substantial, several billion-dollar com- for which we have good information. It perts—and those are the people on the mitment we made here in this Chamber doesn’t even include all of 2020, and as ground, in the field, who are dealing for more prevention, treatment, and we know, the pandemic, unfortunately, with this issue—is that, when we here longer term recovery with naloxone went all the way through 2020 and into in Congress provided lump sums to all and so on, made a difference, but it has 2021. All of the data show that, as you Americans under a certain income— been 5 years. got further into the pandemic, we had and you will remember the individual During that time, I have visited with higher rates, so we expect, when the payments—they didn’t go out right literally hundreds of different organi- final data come out for 2020, it will be away because our State offices couldn’t zations in my home State. I have also even higher. process them quickly enough, particu- just talked to a lot of experts about Here is where we are now. Look at larly with regard to unemployment in- this. I have been to a lot of nonprofits, this. Other than the State of South Da- surance, wherein our workers’ comp from Cleveland to Cincinnati and from kota, every single State has seen an in- and our unemployment offices could Portsmouth to Toledo. I have talked to crease—and a substantial increase in not get out the door on a literally hundreds of recovering addicts many cases—in overdose deaths. This weekly basis but could retroactively about what works and what doesn’t is in 49 of 50 States. In my own State of provide those funds. work for them. Ohio, there has been about a 25-percent We had individuals getting—instead There is legislation that we are in- increase in overdose deaths during this of $300 a week or $600 a week—$10,000 a troducing now, which we call CARA 3.0. period. week because it was an accumulation We had the first Comprehensive Addic- Only a few years ago, again, we were of many weeks. People were owed that, tion and Recovery Act, and we had a making progress. One reason that we but getting these big lump sums was second one back in 2018, a smaller one. had begun to turn the tide was because not helpful in the context of many peo- Now we have this new, bipartisan of work that had been done here in the ple who were in recovery because it led CARA 3.0 legislation. Senator SHELDON U.S. Congress. Right around this time to their purchasing drugs and it led to WHITEHOUSE is my coauthor, but we period, we passed legislation called the what we are finding out—again, back have a number of Members who have Comprehensive Addiction and Recov- home—in talking to the experts, were joined up to help, and it addresses ery Act. We also passed legislation some of the reasons you had this spike. three major areas. called the 21st Century Cures Act. Both So there are a lot of reasons here. One is research and education. We were signed into law in 2016. So it I guess what we need to focus on now still need to find out more, and we still would have been in this period. It be- is, How do we get beyond this? need to get better research and better came effective in this period and actu- These deaths are happening away alternatives to opioids to deal with ally helped to reduce overdose deaths from the national headlines because pain because much of this is being driv- for the first time in decades. the coronavirus is taking the national en, as you know, from opioids—both I commend my colleagues for that headlines, understandably. A story just heroin and prescription drugs but also legislation. It was the first time we had last week, from a news station in Day- these new synthetic opioids, which are ever funded recovery, as an example. ton, OH, summed it up perfectly with a the deadliest of all. We also funded prevention and treat- quote from Lori Erion, who is the Second, we focus on education. Get- ment and provided our law enforce- founding president of Families of Ad- ting the prevention message out there ment with more naloxone, this miracle dicts. is incredibly important to keep people drug that reverses the effects of an She said: from coming into the funnel of addic- overdose. Many of my colleagues have During the pandemic, addiction and fami- tion in the first place, which is incred- had the opportunity to speak with lies struggling with it haven’t gone any- ibly powerful and effective. their local addiction boards or have where. We have been here the whole time. Third, of course, are treatment pro- been with law enforcement or other But they have not gotten much no- grams. first responders—firefighters—who tice. There were 87,000 people who died The fourth is recovery. Again, Con- have used this naloxone effectively to from overdoses in the September 2019 gress had never funded recovery before; save lives. to the September 2020 period we talked yet all of the best science shows that So things were getting better until about. There were 87,000 Americans these recovery programs, when done we saw this big increase in connection who died. If not for the COVID–19 pan- properly, can be incredibly helpful, and with the coronavirus pandemic. The demic, I don’t think we would have longer term recovery, unfortunately, is stresses of this unprecedented time, seen this increase—from everything we needed, which is costly, but the alter- clearly, have contributed to the spike are hearing if the correlation is almost native is worse. in drug abuse. People have felt precise—but also we would be hearing a Finally, there is criminal justice re- lonelier. People have felt more iso- lot more about the addiction crisis and form, which I will talk about in a mo- lated. Specifically, people have not doing more about it here. ment. been able to get access to recovery pro- We did put some funding into the It will bolster our work to prevent grams. Being in person with a recovery CARES Act and into the two most re- drug abuse before it happens through coach is a whole lot different than cent COVID–19 packages to help with funding for research and education. A being on a Zoom call. That is what I behavioral health, people’s mental new national drug awareness campaign hear from recovering addicts, and it health, and also with addiction. That is part of this legislation, and the re- makes sense. has been helpful, but we need to go search and development of alternative I will say that people have turned to much broader and do something much pain treatment methods that don’t drugs to cope during this tough period, more comprehensive to take this mo- lead to addiction is part of it. but also, many of those who are in re- ment to recommit ourselves to fighting CARA 3.0 will also take the impor- covery have been stalled in their addiction and ensuring that more tant step of addressing the dispropor- progress because of their inability to Americans don’t continue to lose their tionate effect the addiction crisis has be with other recovering addicts. So lives to overdoses. We have bipartisan had on people in poverty and commu- part of the best practices and best sci- legislation that has been introduced nities of color. Unfortunately, during entific evidence we have is that an ef- that we have been working on with a this increase, we have seen a higher fective way to help people overcome lot of people on the outside to try to percentage of overdoses in commu- their addictions is to be with other come up with some new ideas, some nities of color. A national commission people who also have those addictions. ways to address this problem. has been formed to look at this issue to We have known this for years in terms In the 5 years since this Comprehen- better develop treatments and best of alcohol treatment programs—AA sive Addiction and Recovery legisla- practices to avoid overdoses. and so on—but this has been one of the tion has become law, which was in part Second, our bill will build on what problems. the reason we saw this reduction—also, works and how we treat addiction. It Another issue I am going to raise, a lot of great work was done at the will double down on proven, evidence- which apparently is somewhat con- local level and the State level—the based addiction treatment methods

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Apr 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22AP6.045 S22APPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE April 22, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2157 while expanding treatment options for addicted, and it certainly makes sense tions aren’t there. I think it is a bal- groups that are particularly vulnerable for the community, with fewer crimes anced approach that makes sense. to addiction, including young people, being committed. It also makes a lot of Second, our bill will allow for Medi- new and expecting mothers, rural com- sense for the taxpayer because that care to bill for audio only or telephone munity residents, and communities of treatment, although there is an addi- telehealth visits for mental health and color—individuals who live in those tional expense while in the criminal substance abuse if it is not the pa- communities. One of the things that we justice system, will have a much better tient’s first visit. Due to access to the have learned through, again, evidence- chance of getting those people back to broadband or distance, in-person or based research into what works and lives wherein they can go back to even video appointments aren’t always what doesn’t work is that medication- work, back to their families, be in re- possible, particularly for our seniors. assisted treatment, when done prop- covery, and not be back in the expen- We need to focus on safety and robust erly, can be very effective. sive criminal justice system. So it is a treatment options, but in order to bal- It will also make permanent the cur- win-win-win. ance the needs of patients, we have rent expanded telehealth options for CARA and CARA 2.0 gave States and proposed to allow our Nation’s seniors addiction treatment that were created local communities new resources and under Medicare to use phones for sub- temporarily in response to the social authorities to make a real difference in sequent mental health or behavioral distancing required by the COVID–19 my State and others. CARA 3.0 renews health visits when they don’t have ac- pandemic. This is really important. and strengthens those programs, and cess to the internet and where fact-to- Telehealth is one of the few silver lin- given the recent spike in addiction we face interaction isn’t possible and isn’t ings in an otherwise very dark cloud of see here, it provides a significant boost as necessary. the coronavirus pandemic. Yet, for in funding as well. When added with I believe the TREATS Act will make many individuals, telehealth was effec- the existing CARA programs that were a difference in the addiction treatment tive, particularly with regard to behav- authorized through 2023, we will be in- space and will help us prevent more un- ioral health and addiction services. So vesting well over $1 billion per year to timely overdoses. we want to be sure that the temporary address this longstanding epidemic, So the legislation I have laid out so ability to pay for those telehealth vis- putting us on the path toward a bright- far—CARA 3.0 and the TREATS Act— its, as an example, through Medicaid as er future free from addiction. cover an important aspect of the addic- an example or Medicare, can continue Another important part of CARA 3.0 tion crisis: the addiction treatment ef- past the pandemic. is our bipartisan legislation to build on forts that help lessen the demand for CARA 3.0 will also bolster the recov- this expanded telehealth option for ad- drugs, which is the single most impor- ery options for individuals who are diction services. tant thing, reducing that demand. working to put addiction behind them It was necessary during the pandemic But there is also more we have to do through funding to support recovery to have it because of social distancing. on the supply side because as drugs are support services and networks. It will We found out that, although there is no pouring into our country, they are at a enable physicians to provide medica- substitute for face-to-face interaction, lower price on the streets of Cincinnati tion-assisted addiction treatments, telehealth has kept patients in touch or Columbus or Cleveland or Dayton or like methadone, to a greater number of with their doctors and allowed physi- Toledo. So we do need to do more to patients and change the law to allow cians to prescribe medication-assisted curb the supply of these dangerous sub- these drugs to be prescribed via tele- treatment remotely. stances. This is especially true right health for a greater ease of access. This It doesn’t make sense to get rid of now because there is such a critical cri- will require a change in legislation to these options once the pandemic goes sis ongoing, and there is a looming allow people to provide these kinds of away, so again, CARA 3.0 included leg- deadline to keep one class of very dan- treatments. Our bill will also destigmatize addic- islation we had previously introduced gerous drugs illegal and off the streets. tion recovery in the workplace by en- separately called the Telehealth Re- I am talking about the kinds of suring that taking one of these medica- sponse for E-Prescribing Addiction opioids that are—like fentanyl, that tions—again, medications to get people Therapy, or the TREATS Act, to make are synthetic opioids but have a slight over their addictions—will not count as permanent a number of temporary molecular change. So unless we act a drug-free workplace violation. This waivers for telehealth services and bol- here in Congress, they will no longer be may seem like an obvious change, but, ster telehealth options for addiction scheduled, no longer be illegal. unfortunately, it will take a change of treatment services. Data from the CDC, again, shows law to be able to make that happen. Specifically, it does a couple things. that the biggest driver to this surge in Finally, CARA 3.0 reforms our crimi- First, it allows for a patient to be pre- overdose deaths that we see here comes nal justice system to ensure that those scribed these lower scheduled drugs, from fentanyl, comes from these syn- who are struggling with addiction, in- like SUBOXONE, through telehealth thetic opioids. They are often far more cluding our veterans, are treated with on their first visit. You can’t do that deadly than traditional opioids, like fairness and compassion by the law, now. Current law requires you to go in heroin. In fact, fentanyl is 50 times putting them on a path to recovery in- person for a visit when needing an ini- more powerful than heroin. A pound of stead of into a downward spiral of drug tial prescription for controlled sub- fentanyl is lethal enough to kill a half abuse. stances, but this has been a deterrent a million people. And fentanyl, as you Importantly, CARA 3.0 funds a De- to patients in crisis and in urgent need will find out talking to your law en- partment of Justice grant program to of treatments from schedule III or forcement folks and others in the help incarcerated individuals who are schedule IV drugs, like SUBOXONE or treatment space, it is often now being struggling with addiction to receive certain other drugs for a co-occurring laced with other drugs, like cocaine, medication-assisted treatment while mental health condition. like crystal meth or heroin. they are still in the criminal justice It also limits abusive practices by Most of this synthetic opioid is being system. Again, that may seem like a both audio and visual capabilities to be illegally manufactured in China and pretty obvious solution, but there are able to interact with the treatment then smuggled across our borders, ei- people who go into the system ad- providers to reduce fraud and abuse ther coming in through the mail sys- dicted, and they come out addicted. when it is your first visit, and it would tem or going to Mexico and then being They are not given the treatment op- also keep the existing requirements for smuggled across. tions when they are incarcerated, and in-person visits when prescribing There is also evidence now that it is they simply go back to lives of addic- schedule II drugs—these are the harder also being produced in Mexico, which is tion. Those people have high rates of drugs, like opioids and stimulants— a change and a major concern. recidivism, clearly. Most are rearrested which are much more prone to being In order to avoid prosecution, prior and are back in the system within a abused through these telehealth visits. to 2018, scientists in China—evil sci- relatively short period of time. So we have a provision in there to entists in China—and drug traffickers So this will reduce recidivism, repeat avoid abuse, but it is also important to started making slight modifications to offenses. It makes sense for the person continue this telehealth when other op- fentanyl, sometimes adjusting a single

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Apr 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22AP6.046 S22APPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S2158 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 22, 2021 molecule and creating what are essen- creases the cost on the street, which is we got the vaccine, the highest per cap- tially fentanyl copycats. an important step toward rededicating ita in the country. Despite our huge While these fentanyl-related sub- our efforts to stop these drugs from challenges in terms of size, limited stances have the same narcotic prop- stealing thousands of lives and causing population, it is really kind of a erties as fentanyl, their tiny variations so much pain. minimiracle—No. 1 vaccination rates allowed them to evade prosecution. But In conclusion, I urge my colleagues— in America in Alaska. We did it by dog oftentimes, these similar substances, our Nation faces a crisis. It is the sled, snow machine, small airplanes to like carfentanil, which some of you are coronavirus pandemic that is finally make that happen. aware of, are even deadlier than winding down, but it is also the addic- So if you are watching, America, fentanyl itself. tion crisis. It has been happening un- please come on up to Alaska. It is safe. To address this, the Drug Enforce- derneath the coronavirus. As was said It is open for tourism. This summer we ment Agency in 2018 used its authority by my constituent—this woman who want you to come on up. to temporarily classify all fentanyl-re- unfortunately has faced addiction in By the way, not only will you have lated drugs as schedule I substances, her own family—we have been here the an amazing experience, our State just which allows law enforcement to ag- whole time, and it hasn’t gotten better; announced a few days ago you will get gressively intercept and destroy these it has gotten worse. a vaccine if you come to Alaska. If substances. Unfortunately, this des- Many of its victims are suffering in your State is too inefficient or bureau- ignation was only temporary. That is silence. We know a lot about what is cratic to actually get a vaccine, come all DEA could do. going on with COVID. We don’t know a on up to Alaska. You can have So, in 2019, Congress extended that lot about what is going on with this of a lifetime, and you and your family designation until May 6, 2021, so a 2- pandemic, this epidemic of drugs. can get vaccinated. We want you up year extension until 14 days from now. So let’s act now, without delay. We there. We are open for business. We If that deadline lapses 14 days from have 14 days until DEA loses the au- want to see Americans come on up and now, criminals who run labs in China thority to go after dangerous fentanyl enjoy our great State as we are getting and Mexico will be able to avoid law copycats, but we can do something through this pandemic. enforcement as they flood the United about it. We can pass legislation right It is a naturally beautiful place, you States with unlimited slight variants now that will help people at their point will see, but the people in my State of fentanyl that are just as deadly. We of pain, as well as provide law enforce- work hard to keep it pristine and are can’t let that happen. ment the tools to cut off the source of really what makes it such a great Let me say that again. At a time their suffering—both the CARA 3.0 leg- place. when we are experiencing an alarming islation to deal with the demand side So, today, in honor of Earth Day, I rise in overdose deaths that we see and the legislation to be sure this poi- wanted to honor Homer, AK, resident here, and fentanyl is the major culprit, son can’t come into our communities Beth Trowbridge, who has spent her ca- the No. 1 killer, we may face a situa- freely. reer—about 40 years, four decades— tion where law enforcement will lose As the CDC data shows, this is an working to keep our waters in Alaska the ability to aggressively stop these issue that affects every single one of and our beaches clean and pristine. fentanyl copycats in the United States us. Forty-nine States have seen a big So let me tell you a little bit about unless Congress acts in the next 14 increase. We know we need to do it. Beth. Originally from St. Louis, Beth days. Let’s not wait any longer to get to first came to Alaska in 1981 as a college Fortunately, we have legislation to work once again turning the tide on student to work on the Youth Con- do that. Our bipartisan FIGHT our addiction crisis. servation Corps in Fairbanks, AK, the Fentanyl Act, which I introduced with I yield the floor. interior. Senator JOE MANCHIN, will fix this The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- She only intended to stay a year or problem by permanently classifying ator from Alaska. so—by the way, this is a very common fentanyl-related drugs as schedule I TRIBUTE TO BETH TROWBRIDGE story—only intended to stay a year or drugs. It would give our law enforce- Mr. SULLIVAN. Madam President, it so, but as so many do, she got to Alas- ment certainty to go after synthetic is Thursday, and by now many know— ka and fell in love with the State so opioids in all their forms and show we particularly our members of our press she transferred to the University of are committed to addressing the threat corps—that it is time for what I feel is Alaska in Fairbanks where she got her posed by this dangerous class of drugs. probably one of the best moments in degree in Northern and Alaska Native Our proposal is the one bipartisan ap- the Senate each week. It is time for the studies. proach to this in the Senate. We struc- ‘‘Alaskan of the Week.’’ Now, Beth loves the wilderness. She tured it to address concerns from the We get to talk about Alaska, talk loves living off the land, studying the criminal justice community and made about somebody who is doing extraor- plants, studying the animals. She said: sure it does not impose mandatory dinary things for our State, for our ‘‘There are beautiful and amazing peo- minimum sentencing under criminal country a lot of times, and I like to ple and amazing resources’’ in Alaska. charges brought under our bill. That give an update when I do my ‘‘Alaskan She said she always loved the sense has been one of the concerns expressed, of the Week’’ speech on what is going that, while we can all live there, na- particularly by some on the other side on in Alaska. ture in Alaska is always in control— of the aisle. So we took that out. It is spring, of course. The Sun is the earthquakes, the volcanoes, the ex- I urge my colleagues on both sides of high in most parts of the State—actu- treme weather, the coldness. They are the aisle to come to the table and sup- ally, in all parts of the State. Spring— a constant reminder that, in her words, port this urgent legislation. we call it breakup, actually, relating to in Alaska ‘‘there are the bigger forces The House just passed a 5-month ex- the ice on the rivers—it is upon us. out there’’—a lot bigger, and she wants tension this week. That is, to me, very Now, of course, it can still snow, and to keep it that way. sad. Let’s make this permanent. There it still gets pretty cold in a lot of So she became a steward of her envi- is no reason to do a short-term exten- places in Alaska, but winter is on the ronment and dedicated her life to edu- sion and to create the uncertainty with run. The promise of summer is in the cating others so that they, too, could law enforcement, and, frankly, to tell air, and what a glorious summer it is become stewards. these evil scientists in places like going to be. With all the talk about climate China, in 5 months, you are going to be We aren’t out of the woods yet on the change, I fear that not nearly enough able, potentially—to be able to sell this pandemic in Alaska, but we have man- attention is given to those outside of substance again without worrying aged—we are proud of it, I am proud of politics, like in this town, who work about the law. This makes no sense. my fellow Alaskans—the pandemic, the day in and day out to care for the envi- Let’s make it permanent. Let’s give virus, as well as possible. ronment in the place they call home— the DEA the authority to do what they One of the things that is happening in their communities, in their States, need to do. And by doing so, let’s re- right now, our vaccination rates have every day on the ground at home, mak- duce the amount coming in, which in- been, almost from the beginning when ing a difference.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Apr 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22AP6.047 S22APPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE April 22, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2159 That is what Beth has done. After anymore. Senator WHITEHOUSE, I am (The remarks of Mr. CORNYN, per- college, she got a job as the education not sure what happened. But Senator taining to the introduction of S. 1358, coordinator for the Prince William WHITEHOUSE and I have worked closely are printed in today’s RECORD under Sound Science Center, where she au- on this kind of legislation—ocean de- ‘‘Statements on Introduced Bills and thored the ‘‘Alaska Oil Spill Cur- bris, ocean cleanup, and to help organi- Joint Resolutions.’’) riculum.’’ zations like CACS with marine debris Mr. CORNYN. I yield the floor. Then, in 2000, she began her work—in cleanup and to call attention to this The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. many ways, her life’s work—for the issue that is solvable. We can solve WARNOCK). The Senator from Maine. Center for Alaskan Coastal Studies, or this—marine debris, ocean plastics— (The remarks of Ms. COLLINS per- CACS, in the drop-dead gorgeous com- and it is bringing a lot of people in taining to the introduction of S. 1345 munity of Homer, AK, surrounded by America and across the world together. are printed in today’s RECORD under the beautiful Kachemak Bay. Some One of CACS’s biggest annual events ‘‘Statements on Introduced Bills and people call Homer ‘‘the place where the is the annual Kachemak Bay Coast Joint Resolutions.’’) land ends and the sea begins’’; others, Walk. It involves more than 200 volun- Ms. COLLINS. I yield the floor. ‘‘the cosmic hamlet by the sea’’; and teers who adopt a section of Kachemak I suggest the absence of a quorum. others, ‘‘the halibut capital of the Bay shoreline. And, again, you have The PRESIDING OFFICER. The world.’’ got to visit Kachemak Bay, one of the clerk will call the roll. If you haven’t visited Homer, Amer- most beautiful places on the planet The legislative clerk proceeded to ica, you have got to go to Homer. My Earth. Trust me. Surveying changes, call the roll. goodness, it is beautiful. In Alaska, we collecting data on marine life and Mr. CARPER. Mr. President, I ask just call it awesome, in part because of human impact and cleaning up beach unanimous consent that the order for people like Beth and organizations like litter and marine debris is what people the quorum call be rescinded. hers that keep it that way. do every year with the Kachemak Bay The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without In 2012, Beth became the organiza- Coast Walk. It is the kind of great objection, it is so ordered. tion’s executive director and helped ex- local work that really makes a dif- EARTH DAY pand the good work that CACS has ference. It brings people from all across Mr. CARPER. Mr. President, today is been doing since 1982. Alaska together—people who know how a special day. It is Earth Day. I had the Now, this organization is primarily special and beautiful Kachemak Bay privilege of actually being at the first an educational organization and offers is—and it creates community. It cre- Earth Day, at Golden Gate Park, a mil- people of all ages, really from across ates community, and that is so impor- lion years ago. The speaker there that the globe—not just Alaska, not just tant, not just for our State but for our day was Ralph Nader, and there was a America, everywhere—opportunities to oceans and the coastline. huge crowd. Hundreds of thousands of connect with the outdoors, learn about So that is one of the many things people were there. coastal environments through guided Beth has done. Ralph Nader made a lot of fame and walks, tours, educational programs, Beth and her husband, Charlie, who is fortune writing a book called ‘‘Unsafe overnight school programs, and so a retired shellfish biologist with the at Any Speed,’’ about the Corvair much more. Alaska Department of Fish and Game Monza. That was my first car, a So think about this impact. Homer, have four children. The youngest is fin- Corvair Monza. And as he was there where CACS is located, is a town of ishing eighth grade, and the oldest is speaking that day, I couldn’t help but about 6,000 people. CACS educates 33. think about how much I loved my roughly 16,000 people through these Beth develops environmental cur- Corvair Monza and couldn’t believe he science-based programs every year. riculums for schools. She is a Rotarian, wrote that book about it. That is a big impact. They have camps a Girl Scout leader, and keeps CACS He actually made a lot of sense and, for everyone, and I would encourage running seamlessly. She says she does certainly, it was a rallying point for anyone who is listening who is going to all of this because she has a passion for people in this country who realized go to Homer to sign up for one of these sharing the outdoors with people— that we were going the wrong way in camps to explore the unique marine Alaskans, Americans, people from all terms of the cleanliness of our air and ecology, the tidal pools, and the abun- over the world, but especially the next the cleanliness of our water. dant sea life; to watch whales, seals, generation—and she hopes that her I had gone to Ohio State and was a and sea lions; to swim against the work not only will have an immediate Navy ROTC midshipman there, and I backdrop of the Kenai Mountains; and impact on the environment but helps ended up in Southeast Asia. I remem- to go into the forest and learn about people to understand the challenges of ber being over in Southeast Asia on the forest, wildlife, and adaptation in our oceans and to focus more on clean- one of our deployments, and the Cuya- the forest. There is so much to do. up, because who doesn’t want to clean hoga River, up the road from Ohio One of the big initiatives of this im- up our oceans? State, in Cleveland, OH, caught on fire. portant organization is to deal with Local businesses, she is noticing, are They had too many people drinking the marine debris. So today, on Earth Day, using more recyclable material. People dirty water. let me put a plug in for the marine de- are leaving less trash behind. People I liked to run outside. I know our bris programs in my State and across are talking more about cleanup and Presiding Officer is a big athlete as the country. This is an issue that I ownership, and that is how you make a well. I know there were days that I have been very focused on since my difference at the local level, and it would run outside, in the 1960s and time as a U.S. Senator, working with spreads out all over the State and the 1970s—and in some places, even now, my colleagues on both sides of the country. around the world—and I was doing aisle. We have gotten a lot done. Beth said: more damage than good by breathing We passed the Save Our Seas Act a I hope that, through my work, we can pro- the air in those places. couple of Congresses ago, and we vide the opportunities to understand and ap- But some amazing things happened passed the Save Our Seas Act 2.0, preciate nature. I am proud of where I live. in 1970, right around 1970. We saw the which the Congressional Research I love Homer. I want to take care of it. I creation of the Environmental Protec- Service called the most comprehensive hope that others [in the community] feel tion Agency. I don’t think it was done ocean cleanup legislation ever in the that way too. initially as a bill. I think it was actu- history of the Senate. It was just Beth, that is a great sentiment, and ally done sort of as an Executive order. passed and signed into law in Decem- it is also one of the many reasons we Richard Nixon was the President then. ber. So we are making progress. are proud to honor you today with this I think the Congress came along a I do want to give a shout-out to one very prestigious award, being our Alas- few years later and sort of passed legis- of my good friends, Senator SHELDON kan of the Week. Congratulations. lation to implement the Executive WHITEHOUSE. You know, some of us I yield the floor. order. The Clean Air Act was signed miss his weekly ‘‘Wake Up’’ speeches. I The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- into law. The Clean Water Act was think mine is the only weekly speech ator from Texas is recognized. passed. I think Richard Nixon initially

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Apr 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22AP6.049 S22APPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S2160 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 22, 2021 vetoed the Clean Water Act. But they powerplants that provide electricity our mail, they drive around in vehicles had huge support—overwhelming sup- for us, a lot of them powered by coal or that are, on average, 25 years and port, Democrat and Republican—for natural gas—mostly coal. And another older. Almost all of them are diesel or both measures. large source of carbon emissions is gasoline powered. We didn’t give a whole lot of concern from industries. Think of cement The Postal Service realizes that they in those days to climate change. No- plants, if you will. If you add those need to upgrade their fleet, and they body really talked, in the 1960s and the three together, it is about 75 percent of need to do that sooner than later. It is 1970s or the 1980s, about climate the carbon emissions in our country— not cheap. It is not a cheap thing to change. But something started hap- just those three sources. do—165,000 mail trucks that need to be pening on our planet. People said: I There used to be a guy, a bank rob- replaced in the next several years. think it is getting warmer. The weath- ber, whose name was Willie Sutton. There is a 10-year plan that the Post- er seems to be a bit more extreme as You may or may not have heard of al Service has put out—how they plan time goes by. him. He lived during the Depression, to, sort of, and return to, if not to prof- Then scientists reported that a hole before either of us. But he robbed a lot itability, at least to improve over time was being formed in the ozone layer of banks. He finally got caught and to a break-even situation. One of the over the North Pole, and it started off ended up in trial before the judge. things that is in their plan is to buy small and got bigger and bigger and And the judge said: Mr. Sutton, why and replace their existing fleet of cars, bigger. And people a lot smarter than do you rob all those banks? trucks, and vans—mostly trucks and me said: This is not good. We have to And Willie Sutton replied, famously: vans. figure out what is going on here. That is where the money is, your They are apparently in a contract They finally figured out that it was Honor. That is where the money is. with a company up in Oshkosh, WI, something called CFCs, or Well, one of the reasons why we focus called Oshkosh, and the idea is to build chlorofluorocarbons, which were actu- on carbon emissions and global warm- a bunch of vehicles, tens of thousands ally found in our air-conditioners, our ing emissions coming from mobile of them, over the next decade or so. freezers, and refrigerators. They did a sources is that that is 28 percent of the We had three nominees today before really good job in keeping things cool, emissions. That is not where the us who have been nominated to be including us, but, unfortunately, it led money is, but that is where the emis- members of the Board of Governors of to the hole in the ozone. sions are, where a lot of them are com- the Postal Service. In all, there are So some really smart scientists got ing from. nine members of the Board of Gov- to work, and they came up with some- And we are getting really exciting ernors, nominated by the President, thing called HFCs, hydrofluorocarbons. announcements from American compa- confirmed by the Senate. They have HFCs did a really good job keeping us nies, auto companies. GM has an- three vacancies, and we had three cool. They also did a good job in terms nounced this year that starting in 2035, nominees to fill those vacancies before of the hole in the ozone going away. they will not be manufacturing cars, us. But the bad thing about HFCs, or trucks, or vans that are burning gaso- I wished them all a happy Earth Day, hydrofluorocarbons, is that they are a line or diesel fuel. They are just going and then I talked to them about what thousand times worse for climate to be electric. They will be using hy- lies ahead in terms of replacing 165,000 change, the warming of our climate, drogen and fuel cells. That is huge—by vehicles. And, apparently, originally, than carbon, carbon dioxide. So some 2035. That is only like 14 years away. the first couple of thousand vehicles good but some bad as well. Ford has made similar kinds of that will be produced will be gas and We passed the legislation, and it was pledges. I think Volkswagen and a diesel, and then, after that, the vehi- signed—I think unbeknownst to him— number of other companies have made cles could be gas, diesel, or electric—or last December, by the President. It is similar pledges. And they are not hydrogen, for that matter. legislation that phases down HFCs, or pledges for things that will take place There is an extra cost when we hydrofluorocarbons. So now we are in like 40 or 50 years. We are talking switch to electric, extra costs when we going to have American-made products about right down the road, right down switch over to, say, hydrogen, if that is that will keep us cool and will be good the road. That is great news because the technology that is chosen, because and positive with respect to climate the threat of climate change is immi- you need electric charging stations and change, and will create a lot of jobs— nent, and we don’t have a lot of time to you need the hydrogen fueling stations. tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of meet it. It is easy to take your gasoline-pow- thousands of jobs, American jobs with I was in a hearing this morning. One ered vehicle or your diesel-powered ve- American technology—and strengthen of the committees I serve on is Home- hicle to a gas station. It is on the cor- our economy in a variety of different land Security and Governmental Af- ner. It is in your town. But if you need ways. fairs. One of the issues that we have to get the electric charger for your bat- So on this Earth Day, there is a lot that we are responsible for is the Post- tery or you need the hydrogen for your to be concerned about, but the HFC al Service. I think, maybe for reasons fuel cell vehicle, then that costs some phase-down that I just talked about that go back to my time in the Viet- money. And it can’t all be on the Post- was signed into law and was part of a nam war, of being overseas in the war al Service. It can’t all be on the Postal much bigger package in December, and how, every week, when we would Service. that is worth a half a degree Celsius. get the mail over there, it was the best As we put together this next infra- Scientists will tell you that what we part of the week. You would hear from structure package for our country—and want is to be careful to not see the your families, loved ones, friends, we are going to be debating here legis- Earth temperature go up by more than newspapers, magazines, care packages. lation that Senator CAPITO and I on the 2 or 3 degrees Celsius, and if we do, it It was a great day. Environment and Public Works Com- becomes sort of irreversible and we are So I have great affection for the mittee have been working on with our in real trouble then on this planet. Postal Service, even today. I love the bipartisan team next week, a big pack- But this one thing that we did, voted idea of mail-in voting, and I know my age on wastewater treatment and on on here in this Chamber, phasing down friend from Georgia has some affection drinking water, clean drinking water. HFCs, is worth about a half a degree for people being able to participate and That will be the first big infrastructure Celsius. There is still more to do, but exercise their constitutional rights bill that we pass, I think, in the Sen- that is a good start. through the mail. And, hopefully, we ate—hopefully, next week. But there The greatest source of carbon dioxide will do more of that in smart ways like will be, hopefully, a lot more. And part on our planet is not HFCs, but it is the that in the future. of that will be roads, highways, and emissions from our cars, trucks, and But the Postal Service still provides bridges coming down the road. And vans—our mobile fleet. About 28 per- a valuable service. We were reminded part of that will be charging stations cent of carbon emissions come from of that during the election last year. in densely populated corridors all over our cars, trucks, and vans. About an- But the Postal Service, the men and the country—charging stations for other 25 percent comes from utilities, women who drive around and deliver electric vehicles and fueling stations

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Apr 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22AP6.055 S22APPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE April 22, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2161 for hydrogen vehicles, which have a lot Mr. President, with that, I am going of the most precious rights guaranteed of potential, too. to bid you adieu. Great weekend to you by our Constitution: the right to freely I just want us to keep in mind, when and the staff. God bless you. Thank you exercise their religion. There is, per- that day comes—I want the Postal so much. haps, no freedom more intertwined Service to keep in mind that we need I suggest the absence of a quorum. with our nation’s history. It was reli- for them to set an example—for the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The gious freedom that drove persecuted Postal Service to set an example. If clerk will call the roll. settlers from England to America just they go out and two-thirds of the new The legislative clerk proceeded to over 400 years ago. And they were not vehicles they buy are gasoline- and die- call the roll. the last. Over the centuries, countless sel-powered, shame on them, and, Ms. BALDWIN. Mr. President, I ask religious minorities from across the frankly, shame on us in this body for unanimous consent that the order for world have come to America, seeking allowing that to happen. the quorum call be rescinded. refuge from religious warfare and big- But we have to remember that the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without otry. Postal Service is fighting for its life, objection, it is so ordered. To be clear, we haven’t always lived and we need to be there and be helpful The Senator from Wisconsin. up to this ideal. Members of the church to which I belong were forced to flee in terms of helping to pay for the infra- f structure that they will need when across the country due to religious per- they buy these new vehicles. EXECUTIVE SESSION secution, to name just one example. I will close with this. Mr. President, Despite these aberrations, however, no I am not sure where Home Depot is --- nation in the history of the world has headquartered. Are they not EXECUTIVE CALENDAR protected and preserved the rights of religion and conscience like the United headquartered in Georgia? If they are, Ms. BALDWIN. Mr. President, I ask States.And that’s not an accident. The nod your head. I think they are. I love unanimous consent that the Senate First Congress recognized the profound to talk about Home Depot. proceed to executive session to con- Whenever I go down to Central Amer- importance of religious freedom by sider the following nomination: Cal- protecting it in the very first sentence ica, to places like Honduras, Guate- endar No. 59, Deanne Bennett Criswell, mala, and El Salvador—we call them of the Bill of Rights. That provision— of New York, to be Administrator of called the First Amendment—states the Northern Triangle countries—we the Federal Emergency Management have something in place called the Al- that ‘‘Congress shall make no law re- Agency, Department of Homeland Se- specting an establishment of religion, liance for Prosperity program. It is de- curity; that the cloture motion be signed to help fight corruption, their or prohibiting the free exercise there- withdrawn, the nomination be con- of.’’ The Supreme Court has applied crime, their violence, and their lack of firmed, and the motion to reconsider be economic opportunity there. this prohibition to State and local gov- considered made and laid upon the ernments through the 14th Amend- And we provide money—taxpayer table with no intervening action or de- money—to help these countries down ment. bate; that no further motions be in So what does this mean, practically? there, so people will stop feeling like order to the nomination; and that the First, governments cannot discrimi- they have to come up here to escape President be immediately notified of nate against religion or single it out the violence, the corruption, the crime, the Senate’s action and the Senate for worse treatment than similar non- and the lack of economic opportunity. then resume legislative session. religious activities. But, second, if a So we provide some money, and then The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without government does treat religion dif- we expect them, for every dollar we objection, it is so ordered. ferently than other similar activities, provide, to provide four or five dollars f it must ’pass’’ the ‘‘strict scrutiny’’ on their own. We want foundations to test. That means that the government put up money. We want businesses to LEGISLATIVE SESSION must show that there was absolutely put up money to help produce this as The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- no other way to achieve an extremely well. ate will now resume legislative session. important goal than restricting the re- I say to the people of Honduras, Gua- f ligious activity in question. temala, and El Salvador, who live in The First Amendment is clear. Reli- some really terrible situations, when I UNANIMOUS CONSENT AGREE- gious exercise must be protected. Nev- talk to them about the Alliance for MENT—EXECUTIVE CALENDAR ertheless, over the course of the pan- Prosperity, which has been in place Ms. BALDWIN. Mr. President, as if in demic, governments throughout the now for several years: You can do it. country have placed heavy-handed re- You, those three countries—Honduras, executive session, I ask unanimous consent that the cloture motions pre- strictions on this fundamental free- Guatemala, and El Salvador—you can dom, restricting Americans’ freedom to do it. We can help, and I think we have sented earlier be considered to have been presented in the following order: gather for worship, to meet in smaller a moral obligation to help. groups for religious purposes, or even I think at the Postal Service, they Miller, McCabe, and Kahl. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without to sing. can do it. They can update their fleet. At first, Americans accepted these objection, it is so ordered. They can do so in a way that is sus- restrictions. We understood the ex- tainable and is actually good for this f traordinary difficulties facing our lead- planet. This is the only planet we are MORNING BUSINESS ers as they struggled to grapple with a going to have. We have to take care of new and deadly virus. And we were as- it or, otherwise, face huge, huge chal- Ms. BALDWIN. Mr. President, I ask sured that these restrictions would be lenges. unanimous consent that the Senate be temporary, lasting no longer than nec- So I would, on this Earth Day, say to in a period of morning business, with essary. But as the weeks and months my colleagues that the anniversary Senators permitted to speak therein dragged on and the prohibitions on re- provides opportunity. The Postal Serv- for up to 10 minutes each. ligious exercise continued, we began to ice is going through its share of adver- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without see a startling trend. As restrictions on sity, as well, but there is real oppor- objection, it is so ordered. restaurants, casinos, and museums tunity, as well, to help the Postal Serv- (At the request of Mr. CRUZ, the fol- began to thaw, in many states, syna- ice and the men and women who work lowing statement was ordered to be gogues, churches, temples, mosques, there to do a better and a more reliable printed, in the RECORD.) and other religious gatherings were left job of delivering the mail to all of us f out in the cold. but, also, to do so in a way that is good In May 2020, the Governor of Cali- for our planet. COVID–19 HATE CRIMES ACT fornia allowed some restaurants and That would be a very, very good ∑ Mr. LEE. Mr. President, over the retail businesses to operate indoors thing and make this Earth Day espe- past 13 months, Americans have en- with up to 50 Percent capacity. Mean- cially memorable. dured extraordinary constraints on one while, all indoor religious services—of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:43 Apr 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22AP6.056 S22APPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S2162 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 22, 2021 any size, and even with identical pre- NOTICE OF THE VOTE UNDER S. mate are no different. An under- cautions—were outright banned. RES. 27 standing of our impact in determining California was not alone. In Nevada, Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, I ask our collective future will only help us the Governor allowed gambling estab- unanimous consent to print the fol- in our pursuit of a healthier planet. lishments to reopen in June, 2020. As Fortunately, our communities have lowing letter in the CONGRESSIONAL thousands flooded into casinos along proven resilient and adaptable. Over RECORD. the Las Vegas strip, religious gath- the past year. Americans have been There being no objection, the mate- erings in Nevada remained strictly lim- burdened with collective grief, fear, rial was ordered to be printed in the ited to 50 people. Likewise, in New and uncertainty. Through it all, our RECORD, as follows: York, houses of worship were explicitly Nation has demonstrated a grit and in- singled out for worse treatment. In To the Secretary of the Senate: genuity unlike anything we have seen some areas, religious gatherings were PN 124, the nomination of Chiquita in generations. We saw parents step up restricted to only 10 people, while train Brooks-LaSure, of Virginia, to be Adminis- trator of the Centers for Medicare and Med- as teachers, corporations pivot their stations, acupuncture facilities, and icaid Services having been referred to the business models to keep people safe, factories in that same area could allow Committee on Finance, the Committee, with and an entire population of office entry to as many as they wished. a quorum present, has voted on the nomina- workers transition to working from And I could go on. Again, and again, tion as follows— home. In terms of action on climate COVID lookdown rules left religious (1) on the question of reporting the nomi- change, this flexibility proves that a Americans on the outside looking in. nation favorably with the recommendation departure from the status quo is not as Despite several opportunities to over- that the nomination be confirmed, 14 ayes to unrealistic as we may have thought 14 noes; and turn these clear, discriminatory re- previously. In fact, a change from strictions, for most of 2020, the Su- In accordance with section 3, paragraph (l)(A) of S. Res. 27 of the 117th Congress, I ‘‘business as usual’’ can have unfore- preme Court failed to intervene. In seen benefits for our quality of life and South Bay v. Newsom, five Justices— hereby give notice that the Committee has not reported the nomination because of a tie our planet. without explanation-declined to halt vote, and ask that this notice be printed in Equipped with the lessoned learned California’s ban on all religious serv- the Record pursuant to the resolution.’’ from the COVID–19 pandemic, I am ices. Likewise, in Calvary Chapel v. f more confident than ever that our Na- Sisolak, the Supreme Court left Ne- tion in ready to commit to action on EARTH DAY vada’s discriminatory ban on houses of climate change in earnest. Addition- worship in place. And again, they did Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, today I ally, the Biden administration is al- so without explanation. rise to join my friends in celebrating ready pursuing an aggressive climate The pandemic stretched on. Some Earth Day. Senator Gaylord Nelson agenda by reversing President Trump’s States eased restrictions, allowing wor- began the tradition in 1970, making shortsighted decisions and doubling shippers to gather. Others did not. Dur- today the 51st celebration of Earth down on President Obama’s environ- ing that time, countless weddings, bap- Day. While it is always important to mental regulations. The Build Back tisms, holy days, and, perhaps most set aside a day to pause and reflect on Better agenda recognizes both the need heartbreakingly—funerals—were ob- our relationship with the natural to mitigate emissions and prepare for served in isolation from family, world, I consider this Earth Day one of the impacts of climate change that are friends, and community. Or not at all. the most important yet. As we begin to Finally, in November of last year— already harming our communities. A emerge from the chaos of the COVID–19 great and overdue need to update our after over 8 months of lockdowns—a pandemic and reset our new ‘‘business ray of light broke through. In Roman Nation’s infrastructure provides an op- as usual,’’ we are stepping into a new portunity to address some of our soci- Catholic Diocese v. Cuomo, the Court world, ripe with opportunity for held that ‘‘even in a pandemic, the ety’s most insidious sources of pollu- progress on climate change with a Constitution cannot be put away and tion. more meaningful understanding of forgotten. [New York’s] restrictions Emissions from passenger and freight what it means to live in a global com- . . . strike at the very heart of the transport makes up the largest propor- munity. Our Nation and planet are at a First Amendment’s guarantee of reli- tion of our Nation’s total greenhouse crossroads in determining the future of gious liberty.’’ Subsequent decisions gas emissions—nearly 30 percent. The our climate. With a new administra- earlier this year resurrected the First Federal Government can and must tion that understands the threat of cli- Amendment’s robust protections of re- work quickly to address climate mate change and the role of the United ligious liberty. Just a few weeks ago, change through transportation and in- States as a global leader, we are at the in Tandon v. Newsom, the Supreme frastructure policy. As chair of the Court resoundingly affirmed religious precipice of bold action. Transportation and Infrastructure Sub- freedom, summarily rejecting Califor- The scientific consensus is that cli- committee of the Senate Environment nia’s discriminatory restrictions. mate change will have devastating and and Public Works Committee, I am Thanks to God, the First Amendment far-reaching impacts on the environ- committed to ensuring that any legis- lives. ment, public health, and national secu- lation the committee considers ad- It’s been a long road to get here. But rity, and we must mitigate and adapt. dresses greenhouse gas emissions re- we can’t ignore the lessons of the past In 2018, the United Nations U.N. Inter- ductions in a meaningful way. In 2019, 13 months. That’s why I offered an governmental Panel on Climate the Senate Committee on Environment amendment to S.937, the COVID–19 Change, IPCC found that if a concerted and Public Works unanimously re- Hate Crimes Act, which would require multilateral effort is not made to keep ported an innovative surface transpor- the Attorney General to create a re- global temperatures from rising 1.5 de- tation reauthorization that indicates a port detailing the restrictions imposed grees Celsius 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit by genuine bipartisan interest in action on religious exercise imposed during 2100, we will cross a tipping point and on climate change. I am confident the the pandemic. cause the worst damage by climate newest iteration of this bill will be This amendment directs the Depart- change. The scientific community has even more ambitious. ment of Justice to look into: first, been sounding the alarm for years, The imperative to address climate whether governments applied the same which too many of our colleagues have change through transportation and in- rules to religious groups that they ap- chosen to ignore. frastructure is particularly important plied to similar nonreligious organiza- The ongoing COVID–19 pandemic to Maryland, a highly developed, low- tions and businesses, and, second, highlighted the challenges and oppor- lying coastal State with aging public whether those restrictions complied tunities of our increasingly globalized works systems, which makes it par- with the First Amendment. The goal world. More than ever, we are under- ticularly vulnerable to the impacts of here is simple-we need to understand standing how decisions governments, climate change. My constituents and and remember how Americans in 2020 corporations, and individuals make future generations have a right to good lost their religious freedoms in order to have real-world impacts and con- air quality, water quality, and the re- ensure that it never happens again. sequences. Actions that affect our cli- silience of infrastructure assets like

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:43 Apr 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22AP6.051 S22APPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE April 22, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2163 roads, bridges, and storm and waste- climate changes. Saltwater intrusion the city of Springfield’s incredible his- water systems. on agricultural lands and fragile fish- tory. Throughout her nearly four dec- In recent years, Marylanders have eries make it harder for Maryland ades of service, Mary has developed seen firsthand the effects of climate farmers and fishers to earn a living. In many different approaches to pre- change in my State. Intense rain- some cases, Marylanders are seeing serving and honoring the history of the storms have caused unprecedented their communities disappear before area. She also developed the city’s first flood damage to homes and businesses their eyes from the dual threat of sea capital improvement program, which in Prince George’s County, Southwest level rise and subsidence. A healthy facilitated a change in the review proc- Baltimore, Ellicott City, and Hagers- Chesapeake Bay watershed is essential ess for protecting architecturally sig- town. The cost of rebuilding our infra- to a thriving economy. Additionally, nificant historical properties. structure after these storms is signifi- the Chesapeake Bay’s wetlands are Mary leaves behind a legacy for the cant. Unless we change the way we Maryland’s best defense against cli- city of Springfield to be enjoyed by all think about infrastructure in the fu- mate change-induced flooding, as they for years to come. For her many years ture, taxpayer investments will be act as natural buffers to storm surge of service, she has earned her retire- washed away with the next big storm. during severe weather. ment. As she enters this new chapter of I requested a Government Account- The good news is that action on cli- her life, I offer Mary best wishes.∑ ability Office GAO report on the Fed- mate change, through international f eral Government’s fiscal exposure to commitments, domestic infrastructure TRIBUTE TO ROD OSTERMILLER the effects of climate change. GAO improvements, and restoring regional found that in 2018, 14 separate natural natural resources like the Chesapeake ∑ Mr. DAINES. Mr. President, this and weather disasters occurred, costing Bay, will stimulate our economy. week I have the honor of recognizing the Federal Government a total of $91 Stewardship of our environmental can Rod Ostermiller of Yellowstone County billion. Unsurprisingly, GAO deter- and should go hand in hand with eco- for nearly 30 years of service in law en- mined that this amount will rise as cli- nomic development. Our Nation will be forcement in Montana. mate change causes more frequent and grappling with the economic fallout of Rod first entered law enforcement in more severe weather events. Inaction the COVID–19 pandemic for years to 1991 at the age of 21 and moved up the on this issue amounts to a gross neg- come, and bold Federal action is a ranks swiftly. In 2004, he became Chief ligence by Congress in our manage- time-tested practice for economic re- Deputy Marshal and later served as ment of taxpayers’ funds. I consider it covery. A truly bold investment in ac- acting U.S. Marshal when his prede- my duty to ensure that the Federal tion on climate change will pay divi- cessor retired. In 2018, I had the distinct honor of Government takes full advantage of dends for generations to come, but it nominating Rod to become the U.S. the opportunity before us to make must meet the size and urgency of the Marshal for Montana, which received long-sighted upgrades to our systems. challenge before us. unanimous approval in the U.S. Sen- In addition to building back physical I am certain that our Nation can ate. He was then officially appointed infrastructure better, the Nation is in honor our planet and our future gen- by President Trump. the process of rebuilding its reputation erations with urgent, thoughtful deci- Rod is a Montana native from the on the international stage as a leader sion-making. Earth Day is one of the south side of Billings. He later at- on climate change. By rejoining the most celebrated secular holidays in the tended Montana State University to Paris Agreement, the United States is world and for good reason. We are all earn his bachelor’s degree in criminal signaling its commitment to the global stewards of our planet and now more community. As I speak, the President justice. than ever understand that we are on a Since his retirement from law en- is hosting the Leaders Summit on Cli- journey together. I will embrace this mate, where world leaders will outline forcement, Rod went on to become the Earth Day and the opportunities for executive director of the Mental how their countries will commit to progress that lie ahead. I hope my Sen- their own ambitious goals. The United Health Center in Billings, where he ate colleagues and all Americans will continues to help combat the meth cri- States is committing to a bold 2030 join me honoring our planet through emissions target as its new nationally sis we have in Montana in a different diligent work, today and every day. capacity. He exemplifies what it means determined contribution under the f Paris Agreement. This summit rep- to make one’s community better. It is my honor to recognize Rod for resents the formal return of the United ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS his decades of service to Montana’s law States to its leadership position and an --- enforcement and for his continued ef- opportunity to regain the trust from TRIBUTE TO MARY LILLY SMITH forts to make Montana a safer and bet- our international partners that Presi- ter place for all.∑ dent Trump decimated. ∑ Mr. BLUNT. Mr. President, I rise When President Trump withdrew the today to honor a Springfield, MO, resi- f United States from the Paris Agree- dent who has dedicated 38 years of her MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT life in service to the city of Springfield ment, I helped to maintain relation- Messages from the President of the by helping facilitate economic develop- ships with our partner-members by in- United States were communicated to ment, creating and retaining thousands troducing a bipartisan resolution that the Senate by Ms. Roberts, one of his of jobs, and bringing life to the down- expressed support for the Paris Agree- secretaries. ment and assuring the international town area. Mary Lilly Smith started community that, despite President her career in 1983 as a city planner for f Trump’s abdication of his duties, lead- downtown Springfield, where she EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED ers on climate change in the U.S. Sen- helped create the city’s initial neigh- As in executive session the PRE- ate remained. I previously led the U.S. borhood conservation office. During SIDING OFFICER laid before the Sen- congressional delegation to the con- the next 38 years, Mary played an in- ate messages from the President of the ference where the Paris Agreement was strumental role in nearly 100 key eco- United States submitting sundry nomi- adopted and will continue to position nomic initiatives. nations which were referred to the ap- our Nation as a strong partner in the Mary is best known for her 17 years propriate committees. international fight against warming as the economic development director. (The messages received today are global temperatures. Along with her commitment to the printed at the end of the Senate Domestically. this Earth Day, I will downtown area, she created the Eco- proceedings.) recommit to my long-term endeavor to nomic Development Incentives Policy f preserve and restore the Chesapeake Manual, which became a template for Bay. The Chesapeake Bay is the life- other towns and cities across the State MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE blood of the State of Maryland, and the to implement development policies. In ENROLLED BILL SIGNED communities that depend on it are see- addition to her economic development At 10:32 a.m., a message from the ing their livelihood threatened as the initiatives, Mary made sure to preserve House of Representatives, delivered by

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Apr 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22AP6.014 S22APPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S2164 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 22, 2021 Mrs. Alli, one of its reading clerks, an- H.R. 1251. An act to support United States lishing an employee engagement steering nounced that the Speaker has signed international cyber diplomacy, and for other committee, requiring action plans, and au- the following enrolled bill: purposes. thorizing an annual employee award pro- H.R. 1395. An act to require the Secretary gram, and for other purposes; to the Com- S. 422. An act to allow Senators, Senators- of Housing and Urban Development to dis- mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- elect, committees of the Senate, leadership count FHA single-family mortgage insurance mental Affairs. offices, and other offices of the Senate to premium payments for first-time home- H.R. 965. An act to establish a comprehen- share employees, and for other purposes. buyers who complete a financial literacy sive United States Government initiative to The enrolled bill was subsequently housing counseling program. build the capacity of young leaders and en- signed by the President pro tempore H.R. 1491. An act to amend the Fair Debt trepreneurs in Africa, and for other purposes; (Mr. LEAHY). Collection Practices Act to provide enhanced to the Committee on Foreign Relations. protection against debt collector harassment H.R. 1251. An act to support United States At 11:07 a.m., a message from the of members of the Armed Forces, and for international cyber diplomacy, and for other House of Representatives, delivered by other purposes. purposes; to the Committee on Foreign Rela- Mrs. Alli, one of its reading clerks, an- H.R. 1528. An act to require the Securities tions. nounced that the House has passed the and Exchange Commission to carry out a H.R. 1333. An act to transfer and limit Ex- study of Rule 10b5–1 trading plans, and for ecutive Branch authority to suspend or re- following bills, in which it requests the other purposes. strict the entry of a class of aliens; to the concurrence of the Senate: H.R. 1532. An act to require a review of the Committee on the Judiciary. H.R. 1333. An act to transfer and limit Ex- effects of FHA mortgage insurance policies, H.R. 1392. An act to protect Saudi dis- ecutive Branch authority to suspend or re- practices, and products on small-dollar sidents in the United States, and for other strict the entry of a class of aliens. mortgage lending, and for other purposes. purposes; to the Committee on Foreign Rela- H.R. 1392. An act to protect Saudi dis- H.R. 1565. An act to create an interdivi- tions. sidents in the United States, and for other sional taskforce at the Securities and Ex- H.R. 1395. An act to require the Secretary purposes. change Commission for senior investors. of Housing and Urban Development to dis- H.R. 1573. An act to clarify the rights of H.R. 1602. An act to direct the Commodity count FHA single-family mortgage insurance certain persons who are held or detained at Futures Trading Commission and the Securi- premium payments for first-time home- a port of entry or at any facility overseen by ties and Exchange Commission to jointly es- buyers who complete a financial literacy U.S. Customs and Border Protection. tablish a digital asset working group, and for housing counseling program; to the Com- H.R. 2630. An act to amend the Temporary other purposes. mittee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- Reauthorization and Study of the Emer- H.R. 2523. An act to amend the American fairs. gency Scheduling of Fentanyl Analogues Act Rescue Plan Act of 2021 to improve the H.R. 1491. An act to amend the Fair Debt to extend under October 2021, a temporary COVID–19 Veteran Rapid Retraining Assist- Collection Practices Act to provide enhanced order for fentanyl-related substances. ance program, to make certain technical protection against debt collector harassment corrections to the Johnny Isakson and David of members of the Armed Forces, and for At 1:09 p.m., a message from the P. Roe, M.D. Veterans Health Care and Bene- other purposes; to the Committee on Bank- House of Representatives, delivered by fits Improvement Act of 2020, and for other ing, Housing, and Urban Affairs. Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- purposes. H.R. 1528. An act to require the Securities and Exchange Commission to carry out a nounced the House has passed the fol- f lowing bills, in which it requests the study of Rule 10b5–1 trading plans, and for concurrence of the Senate: MEASURES REFERRED other purposes; to the Committee on Bank- ing, Housing, and Urban Affairs. H.R. 51. An act to provide for the admis- The following bills were read the first H.R. 1532. An act to require a review of the sion of the State of Washington, D.C. into and the second times by unanimous effects of FHA mortgage insurance policies, the Union. consent, and referred as indicated: practices, and products on small-dollar H.R. 367. An act to amend the Homeland mortgage lending, and for other purposes; to Security Act of 2002 to establish an acquisi- H.R. 367. An act to amend the Homeland the Committee on Banking, Housing, and tion professional career program, and for Security Act of 2002 to establish an acquisi- Urban Affairs. other purposes. tion professional career program, and for H.R. 1565. An act to create an interdivi- H.R. 370. An act to amend the Homeland other purposes; to the Committee on Home- sional taskforce at the Securities and Ex- Security Act of 2002 to make technical cor- land Security and Governmental Affairs. change Commission for senior investors; to rections to the requirement that the Sec- H.R. 370. An act to amend the Homeland the Committee on Banking, Housing, and retary of Homeland Security submit quad- Security Act of 2002 to make technical cor- Urban Affairs. rennial homeland security reviews, and for rections to the requirement that the Sec- H.R. 1573. An act to clarify the rights of other purposes. retary of Homeland Security submit quad- H.R. 396. An act to amend the Imple- rennial homeland security reviews, and for certain persons who are held or detained at menting Recommendations of the 9/11 Com- other purposes; to the Committee on Home- a port of entry or at any facility overseen by mission Act of 2007 to clarify certain allow- land Security and Governmental Affairs. U.S. Customs and Border Protection; to the able uses of funds for public transportation H.R. 396. An act to amend the Imple- Committee on the Judiciary. security assistance grants and establish peri- menting Recommendations of the 9/11 Com- H.R. 1602. An act to direct the Commodity ods of performance for such grants, and for mission Act of 2007 to clarify certain allow- Futures Trading Commission and the Securi- other purposes. able uses of funds for public transportation ties and Exchange Commission to jointly es- H.R. 397. An act to amend the Homeland security assistance grants and establish peri- tablish a digital asset working group, and for Security Act of 2002 to establish chemical, ods of performance for such grants, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Bank- biological, radiological, and nuclear intel- other purposes; to the Committee on Home- ing, Housing, and Urban Affairs. ligence and information sharing functions of land Security and Governmental Affairs. H.R. 2523. An act to amend the American the Office of Intelligence and Analysis of the H.R. 397. An act to amend the Homeland Rescue Plan Act of 2021 to improve the Department of Homeland Security and to re- Security Act of 2002 to establish chemical, COVID–19 Veteran Rapid Retraining Assist- quire dissemination of information analyzed biological, radiological, and nuclear intel- ance program, to make certain technical by the Department to entities with respon- ligence and information sharing functions of corrections to the Johnny Isakson and David sibilities relating to homeland security, and the Office of Intelligence and Analysis of the P. Roe, M.D. Veterans Health Care and Bene- for other purposes. Department of Homeland Security and to re- fits Improvement Act of 2020, and for other H.R. 408. An act to amend the Homeland quire dissemination of information analyzed purposes; to the Committee on Veterans’ Af- Security Act of 2002 to establish a mentor- by the Department to entities with respon- fairs. prote´ge´ program, and for other purposes. sibilities relating to homeland security, and H.R. 490. An act to amend the Homeland for other purposes; to the Committee on f Security Act of 2002 to improve morale with- Homeland Security and Governmental Af- in the Department of Homeland Security fairs. ENROLLED BILL PRESENTED workforce by conferring new responsibilities H.R. 408. An act to amend the Homeland The Secretary of the Senate reported to the Chief Human Capital Officer, estab- Security Act of 2002 to establish a mentor- that on today, April 22, 2021, she had ´ ´ lishing an employee engagement steering protege program, and for other purposes; to presented to the President of the committee, requiring action plans, and au- the Committee on Homeland Security and thorizing an annual employee award pro- Governmental Affairs. United States the following enrolled gram, and for other purposes. H.R. 490. An act to amend the Homeland bill: H.R. 965. An act to establish a comprehen- Security Act of 2002 to improve morale with- S. 422. An act to allow Senators, Senators- sive United States Government initiative to in the Department of Homeland Security elect, committees of the Senate, leadership build the capacity of young leaders and en- workforce by conferring new responsibilities offices, and other offices of the Senate to trepreneurs in Africa, and for other purposes. to the Chief Human Capital Officer, estab- share employees, and for other purposes.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Apr 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22AP6.037 S22APPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE April 22, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2165 EXECUTIVE AND OTHER ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- and second times by unanimous con- COMMUNICATIONS titled ‘‘Post-Employment Conflict of Inter- sent, and referred as indicated: est Restrictions; Revision of Department The following communications were Component Designations’’ (RIN3209–AA58) By Mr. WYDEN (for himself, Ms. STA- laid before the Senate, together with received in the Office of the President of the BENOW, Mr. SCHUMER, Ms. CANTWELL, accompanying papers, reports, and doc- Senate on April 19, 2021; to the Committee on Mr. CARPER, Mr. CARDIN, Mr. BENNET, uments, and were referred as indicated: Homeland Security and Governmental Af- Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Ms. HASSAN, Ms. fairs. CORTEZ MASTO, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mr. EC–824. A communication from the Direc- DURBIN, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mrs. SHA- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, EC–833. A communication from the Comp- HEEN, Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Mr. Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- troller General of the United States, Govern- BLUMENTHAL, Mr. SCHATZ, Ms. ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- ment Accountability Office, transmitting, HIRONO, Mr. HEINRICH, Mr. KAINE, Mr. titled ‘‘Metaflumizone; Pesticide Toler- pursuant to law, a report relative to the Of- BOOKER, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Ms. SMITH, ances’’ (FRL No. 10018–60–OCSPP) received in fice’s audit of the United States govern- Ms. BALDWIN, Ms. ROSEN, Mr. LEAHY, the Office of the President of the Senate on ment’s fiscal years 2020 and 2019 consolidated Mr. KING, and Mr. MURPHY): April 19, 2021; to the Committee on Agri- financial statements; to the Committee on culture, Nutrition, and Forestry. Homeland Security and Governmental Af- S. 1298. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- EC–825. A communication from the Senior fairs. enue Code of 1986 to provide tax incentives EC–834. A communication from the Chief of Congressional Liaison, Bureau of Consumer for increased investment in clean energy; to Staff, Media Bureau, Federal Communica- Financial Protection, transmitting, pursu- the Committee on Finance. tions Commission, transmitting, pursuant to ant to law, the report of a rule entitled By Mr. YOUNG (for himself, Ms. COR- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Television ‘‘Debt Collection Practices in Connection TEZ MASTO, Mr. SCOTT of South Caro- Broadcasting Services; Corpus Christi, with the Global COVID–19 Pandemic (Regu- lina, Mr. BENNET, Mr. CARDIN, and Texas’’ (MB Docket No. 21–396) received in lation F)’’ (RIN3170–AA41) received in the Of- Mr. GRAHAM): the Office of the President of the Senate on fice of the President of the Senate on April April 19, 2021; to the Committee on Com- S. 1299. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- 19, 2021; to the Committee on Banking, Hous- merce, Science, and Transportation. enue Code of 1986 to provide for the tax-ex- ing, and Urban Affairs. EC–835. A communication from the Chief of empt financing of certain government-owned EC–826. A communication from the Execu- Staff, Media Bureau, Federal Communica- buildings; to the Committee on Finance. tive Director, Federal Energy Regulatory tions Commission, transmitting, pursuant to By Mr. CARDIN (for himself, Mr. Commission, transmitting, pursuant to law, law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Television PORTMAN, Ms. STABENOW, Mr. CRAPO, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘WECC Regional Broadcasting Services; Jefferson City, Mis- Ms. CANTWELL, Mr. DAINES, Mr. Reliability Standard BAL–002-WECC–3 (Con- souri’’ (MB Docket No. 21–10) received in the BROWN, Ms. COLLINS, Mr. CASEY, Mr. tingency Reserve)’’ ((RIN1902–AF75) (Docket Office of the President of the Senate on April RISCH, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Mr. BLUNT, No. RM19–20–000)) received in the Office of 19, 2021; to the Committee on Commerce, Ms. HASSAN, Mr. BOOZMAN, Mr. the President of the Senate on April 21, 2021; Science, and Transportation. LEAHY, Mrs. FISCHER, Mrs. MURRAY, to the Committee on Energy and Natural Re- EC–836. A communication from the Deputy Ms. ERNST, Mr. SANDERS, Ms. KLO- sources. Division Chief, Wireline Competition Bu- BUCHAR, Mr. TESTER, Mrs. SHAHEEN, EC–827. A communication from the Direc- reau, Federal Communications Commission, Mr. KING, Mr. BOOKER, Mr. PETERS, tor of Congressional Affairs, Office of Nu- transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of Mr. VAN HOLLEN, and Ms. clear Regulatory Research, Nuclear Regu- a rule entitled ‘‘Auction of AM and FM DUCKWORTH): latory Commission, transmitting, pursuant Broadcast Construction Permits Scheduled S. 1300. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Regu- for July 27, 2021: Notice of Filing Require- enue Code of 1986 and the Small Business Act latory Guide (RG) 1.105 Rev 4, Setpoints for ments, Minimum Opening Bids, Upfront Pay- to expand the availability of employee stock Safety-Related Instrumentation’’ received in ments, and Other Procedures for Auction ownership plans in S corporations, and for the Office of the President of the Senate on 109’’ (AU Docket No. 21–39) received in the other purposes; to the Committee on Fi- April 19, 2021; to the Committee on Environ- Office of the President of the Senate on April nance. ment and Public Works. 19, 2021; to the Committee on Commerce, By Mr. BROWN (for himself, Mr. EC–828. A communication from the Direc- Science, and Transportation. tor of Congressional Affairs, Office of Nu- WICKER, and Mrs. CAPITO): clear Regulatory Research, Nuclear Regu- f S. 1301. A bill to provide for the publication latory Commission, transmitting, pursuant PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS by the Secretary of Health and Human Serv- to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Regu- ices of physical activity recommendations latory Guides (RG) 5.75, ‘Training and Quali- The following petition or memorial for Americans; to the Committee on Health, fication of Security Personnel at Nuclear was laid before the Senate and was re- Education, Labor, and Pensions. Power Reactor Facilities’’ received in the Of- ferred or ordered to lie on the table as By Mr. BROWN (for himself, Ms. COL- fice of the President of the Senate on April indicated: LINS, Ms. MURKOWSKI, Mr. CASSIDY, 19, 2021; to the Committee on Environment POM–12. A petition from a citizen of the Ms. SMITH, Ms. WARREN, Mr. BENNET, and Public Works. State of Texas relative to private prisons; to Mr. REED, Mr. LEAHY, Mr. CASEY, Mr. EC–829. A communication from the Senior the Committee on the Judiciary. MURPHY, Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. MENEN- DEZ, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Ms. STABENOW, Wildlife Inspector, Department of the Inte- f rior, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- Ms. CORTEZ MASTO, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, port of a rule entitled ‘‘2021 Inflation Adjust- EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF Ms. HASSAN, Mr. MERKLEY, Ms. BALD- ments for Civil Monetary Penalties’’ COMMITTEES WIN, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mr. VAN HOL- (RIN1018–BF11) received in the Office of the The following executive reports of LEN, Mr. BOOKER, and Mr. SANDERS): President of the Senate on April 19, 2021; to nominations were submitted: S. 1302. A bill to amend title II of the So- the Committee on Environment and Public cial Security Act to repeal the Government By Mr. WYDEN for the Committee on Fi- Works. pension offset and windfall elimination pro- EC–830. A communication from the Acting nance. *Andrea Joan Palm, of Wisconsin, to be visions; to the Committee on Finance. Assistant Secretary of State, Legislative Af- By Mr. BROWN (for himself, Mr. fairs, Department of State, transmitting, Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Services. PORTMAN, Mr. PETERS, and Mr. pursuant to law, a report entitled ‘‘Cuban BRAUN): Compliance with the Migration Accords (Oc- By Mr. TESTER for the Committee on Vet- S. 1303. A bill to ensure that certain Fed- tober 2020 through April 2021)’’; to the Com- erans’ Affairs. * Richard A. Sauber, of the District of Co- eral infrastructure programs require the use mittee on Foreign Relations. EC–831. A communication from the Direc- lumbia, to be General Counsel, Department of materials produced in the United States, tor of Regulations and Policy Management of Veterans Affairs. and for other purposes; to the Committee on Staff, Food and Drug Administration, De- * Nomination was reported with rec- Homeland Security and Governmental Af- partment of Health and Human Services, ommendation that it be confirmed sub- fairs. transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of ject to the nominee’s commitment to By Mr. VAN HOLLEN (for himself, Mr. a rule entitled ‘‘Medical Devices; Amend- respond to requests to appear and tes- WYDEN, Mr. MURPHY, Mr. MERKLEY, ments to Medical Device Classification Reg- Mrs. GILLIBRAND, and Mr. tify before any duly constituted com- BLUMENTHAL): ulations to Conform to Medical Software mittee of the Senate. Provisions in the 21st Century Cures Act’’ S. 1304. A bill to establish jobs programs (RIN0910–AI45) received in the Office of the f for long-term unemployed workers, and for President of the Senate on April 21, 2021; to INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND other purposes; to the Committee on Health, the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, JOINT RESOLUTIONS Education, Labor, and Pensions. and Pensions. By Mr. BOOKER (for himself, Mr. EC–832. A communication from the Direc- The following bills and joint resolu- BROWN, Ms. SMITH, and Mr. VAN HOL- tor, Office of Government Ethics, transmit- tions were introduced, read the first LEN):

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Apr 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22AP6.040 S22APPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S2166 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 22, 2021

S. 1305. A bill to promote equity in ad- Mr. HOEVEN, Mr. COONS, Mr. SCOTT of risks associated with the abortion procedure vanced coursework and programs at elemen- Florida, Mr. MENENDEZ, Mr. and the major developmental characteristics tary and secondary schools; to the Com- LANKFORD, Mr. BENNET, Mrs. FISCH- of the unborn child, before giving their in- mittee on Health, Education, Labor, and ER, Ms. CORTEZ MASTO, Mr. GRAHAM, formed consent to receive an abortion; to the Pensions. Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. CARPER, Ms. WAR- Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and By Mr. PORTMAN (for himself and Mr. REN, Mr. BOOKER, Mr. KING, Mr. DUR- Pensions. PETERS): BIN, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Mr. TESTER, By Mr. INHOFE (for himself, Mr. S. 1306. A bill to provide for domestic Mr. WARNER, Ms. ROSEN, Mr. TILLIS, Mrs. HYDE-SMITH, and Mr. sourcing of personal protective equipment, PADILLA, and Mr. KELLY): LANKFORD): and for other purposes; to the Committee on S. 1315. A bill to amend title XVIII of the S. 1326. A bill to prohibit the Adminis- Homeland Security and Governmental Af- Social Security Act to provide for coverage trator of the Environmental Protection fairs. of certain lymphedema compression treat- Agency from issuing greenhouse gas emis- By Mr. MORAN: ment items under the Medicare program; to sions rules or regulations until China, India, S. 1307. A bill to amend title 38, United the Committee on Finance. and Russia adhere to the same emissions re- States Code, to direct the Secretary of Vet- By Mr. PETERS (for himself and Mr. duction targets as the United States under erans Affairs to enforce licensure and related PORTMAN): the Paris Agreement, and for other purposes; requirements for health care professionals of S. 1316. A bill to amend the Homeland Se- to the Committee on Environment and Pub- the Department of Veterans Affairs, and for curity Act of 2002 to authorize the Secretary lic Works. other purposes; to the Committee on Vet- of Homeland Security to make a declaration By Ms. WARREN (for herself, Mr. erans’ Affairs. of a significant incident, and for other pur- BLUMENTHAL, Mr. MARKEY, Mr. VAN By Mr. WICKER (for himself, Mr. BEN- poses; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- HOLLEN, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mr. , Mr. BLUNT, Ms. STABENOW, Mrs. rity and Governmental Affairs. WARNOCK, Mr. REED, Mr. SANDERS, CAPITO, Mr. KAINE, and Ms. LUMMIS): By Mr. KELLY (for himself and Ms. and Ms. CORTEZ MASTO): S. 1308. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- SINEMA): S. 1327. A bill to amend the Federal Re- enue Code of 1986 to provide a credit to S. 1317. A bill to modify the boundary of serve Act to add additional demographic re- issuers of American infrastructure bonds; to the Sunset Crater Volcano National Monu- porting requirements, to modify the goals of the Committee on Finance. ment in the State of Arizona, and for other the Federal Reserve System, and for other By Ms. COLLINS (for herself, Mr. purposes; to the Committee on Energy and purposes; to the Committee on Banking, CARDIN, Mr. MARSHALL, and Mrs. Natural Resources. Housing, and Urban Affairs. SHAHEEN): By Mr. KELLY (for himself and Ms. By Mr. LEAHY (for himself, Mr. TILLIS, S. 1309. A bill to provide payments for SINEMA): Mr. BROWN, and Ms. COLLINS): home health services furnished via visual or S. 1318. A bill to reauthorize the Yuma S. 1328. A bill to amend the Richard B. Rus- audio telecommunications systems during Crossing National Heritage Area; to the sell National School Lunch Act to reauthor- an emergency period; to the Committee on Committee on Energy and Natural Re- ize the farm to school program, and for other Finance. sources. purposes; to the Committee on Agriculture, By Mr. WICKER (for himself and Mrs. By Mr. KELLY (for himself and Mrs. Nutrition, and Forestry. SHAHEEN): BLACKBURN): By Mr. PORTMAN (for himself and Mr. S. 1310. A bill to oppose violations of reli- S. 1319. A bill to direct the Secretary of BROWN): gious freedom in Ukraine by Russia and Veterans Affairs to make certain informa- S. 1329. A bill to amend the National Avia- armed groups commanded by Russia; to the tion publicly available on one internet tion Heritage Area Act to reauthorize the Committee on Foreign Relations. website of the Department of Veterans Af- National Aviation Heritage Area, and for By Mr. COTTON (for himself, Mrs. fairs; to the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. other purposes; to the Committee on Energy BLACKBURN, and Mr. TUBERVILLE): By Mr. KELLY (for himself and Ms. and Natural Resources. S. 1311. A bill to secure the research enter- SINEMA): By Ms. SINEMA (for herself and Mr. prise of the United States from the Chinese S. 1320. A bill to establish the Chiricahua LANKFORD): Communist Party, and for other purposes; to National Park in the State of Arizona as a S. 1330. A bill to facilitate the reskilling of the Committee on Foreign Relations. unit of the National Park System, and for Federal employees, and for other purposes; By Mr. MURPHY (for himself, Ms. other purposes; to the Committee on Energy to the Committee on Homeland Security and ERNST, Ms. HASSAN, Mrs. SHAHEEN, and Natural Resources. Governmental Affairs. Mrs. CAPITO, Mr. BLUNT, Mr. By Mr. KELLY (for himself and Ms. By Mr. LUJA´ N (for himself and Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Ms. SINEMA): SCOTT of Florida): SMITH, and Mr. TESTER): S. 1321. A bill to modify the boundary of S. 1331. A bill to require the Secretary of S. 1312. A bill to amend title II of the So- the Casa Grande Ruins National Monument, Transportation, acting through the Adminis- cial Security Act to eliminate the waiting and for other purposes; to the Committee on trator of the National Highway Traffic Safe- periods for disability insurance benefits and Energy and Natural Resources. ty Administration, to prescribe a Federal Medicare coverage for individuals with meta- By Mr. MERKLEY: motor vehicle safety standard for advanced static breast cancer and for other purposes; S. 1322. A bill to establish the Financing drunk and impaired driving prevention tech- to the Committee on Finance. Energy Efficient Manufacturing Program at nology, and for other purposes; to the Com- By Mrs. GILLIBRAND (for herself, Ms. the Department of Energy to provide finan- mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- MURKOWSKI, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, and Ms. cial assistance to promote energy efficiency tation. SMITH): and onsite renewable technologies in manu- By Mr. LUJA´ N (for himself and Mr. S. 1313. A bill to amend title 38, United facturing facilities, and for other purposes; SULLIVAN): States Code, to establish a mission state- to the Committee on Energy and Natural Re- S. 1332. A bill to amend title V of the Pub- ment of the Department of Veterans Affairs; sources. lic Health Service Act; to the Committee on to the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. By Mr. MERKLEY: Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. By Mr. DURBIN (for himself, Mr. S. 1323. A bill to require the Secretary of By Mrs. GILLIBRAND: WYDEN, Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. BROWN, Health and Human Services to establish ref- S. 1333. A bill to address maternal mor- Mr. REED, Mr. MERKLEY, Mr. erence prices for prescription drugs for pur- tality and morbidity; to the Committee on BLUMENTHAL, Mr. MARKEY, and Ms. poses of Federal health programs, and for Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. HIRONO): other purposes; to the Committee on Health, By Mrs. GILLIBRAND: S. 1314. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- Education, Labor, and Pensions. S. 1334. A bill to amend the Toxic Sub- enue Code of 1986 to provide tax rate parity By Ms. ROSEN (for herself and Mrs. stance Control Act to codify a Federal cause among all tobacco products, and for other BLACKBURN): of action and a type of remedy available for purposes; to the Committee on Finance. S. 1324. A bill to establish a Civilian Cyber individuals significantly exposed to per- and By Ms. CANTWELL (for herself, Mr. Security Reserve as a pilot project to ad- polyfluoroalkyl substances, to encourage re- GRASSLEY, Mr. MERKLEY, Mr. YOUNG, dress the cyber security needs for the United search and accountability for irresponsible Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. BLUNT, Ms. States with respect to national security, and discharge of those substances, and for other DUCKWORTH, Mr. WICKER, Ms. SINEMA, for other purposes; to the Committee on purposes; to the Committee on Environment Mr. RUBIO, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Ms. Homeland Security and Governmental Af- and Public Works. ERNST, Ms. SMITH, Mrs. HYDE-SMITH, fairs. By Mr. MARKEY: Mr. REED, Mr. TILLIS, Mr. BROWN, Mr. By Mrs. BLACKBURN (for herself, Mr. S. 1335. A bill to establish a Global Climate SULLIVAN, Mr. MARKEY, Mr. DAINES, DAINES, Mr. BRAUN, Mrs. HYDE- Change Resilience Strategy, to authorize the Mr. CASEY, Mr. SCOTT of South Caro- SMITH, Ms. ERNST, Mr. CASSIDY, Mr. admission of climate-displaced persons, and lina, Mrs. SHAHEEN, Mrs. CAPITO, Ms. CRAMER, Mr. SCOTT of Florida, Mr. for other purposes; to the Committee on For- STABENOW, Ms. MURKOWSKI, Mr. ROUNDS, Mr. LANKFORD, and Mr. eign Relations. CARDIN, Mr. BOOZMAN, Mr. INHOFE): By Mr. BOOKER (for himself, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. ROUNDS, Mr. S. 1325. A bill to ensure that women seek- SCHATZ, Mr. MERKLEY, Mr. SANDERS, SCHATZ, Mr. INHOFE, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, ing an abortion are informed of the medical and Mr. DURBIN):

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Apr 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22AP6.029 S22APPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE April 22, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2167 S. 1336. A bill to discontinue a Federal pro- S. 1347. A bill to require the Administrator National Institutes of Health to make gram that authorizes State and local law en- of the Environmental Protection Agency to awards to outstanding scientists, including forcement officers to investigate, apprehend, continue to carry out certain programs re- physician-scientists, to support researchers and detain aliens in accordance with a writ- lating to environmental justice, and for focusing on pediatric research, including ten agreement with the Director of U.S. Im- other purposes; to the Committee on Envi- basic, clinical, translational, or pediatric migration and Customs Enforcement and to ronment and Public Works. pharmacological research, and for other pur- clarify that immigration enforcement is By Mr. HAWLEY (for himself and Mr. poses; to the Committee on Health, Edu- solely a function of the Federal Government; BRAUN): cation, Labor, and Pensions. to the Committee on the Judiciary. S. 1348. A bill to require the Director of Na- By Mr. CORNYN (for himself and Ms. By Mr. HEINRICH (for himself, Mr. tional Intelligence to declassify information SINEMA): SANDERS, Mrs. GILLIBRAND, and Mr. relating to the origin of COVID–19, and for S. 1358. A bill to establish regional proc- BLUMENTHAL): other purposes; to the Select Committee on essing centers, to improve the asylum and S. 1337. A bill to address the impact of cli- Intelligence. credible fear processes to promote fairness mate change on agriculture, and for other By Mr. HOEVEN (for himself, Mr. and efficiency, to require immigration court purposes; to the Committee on Finance. LEAHY, Mr. BOOZMAN, Mr. SANDERS, docketing priorities during irregular migra- By Mr. BLUMENTHAL (for himself, Mr. ROUNDS, Ms. HASSAN, and Mr. tion influx events, and to improve the capa- Mr. MURPHY, Mr. DURBIN, Ms. CRAMER): bility of the Department of Homeland Secu- DUCKWORTH, Ms. WARREN, Mr. REED, S. 1349. A bill to amend title 10, United rity to manage migration flows, and for Mr. SANDERS, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mr. States Code, to authorize concurrent use of other purposes; to the Committee on the Ju- MENENDEZ, Mr. MARKEY, Mr. CARPER, Department of Defense Tuition Assistance diciary. Mr. BOOKER, Mr. CARDIN, Mr. VAN and Montgomery GI Bill-Selected Reserve By Mr. COONS (for himself, Mr. GRA- HOLLEN, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mr. benefits, and for other purposes; to the Com- HAM, and Mr. LUJA´ N): MERKLEY, Mr. PADILLA, Mr. WHITE- mittee on Armed Services. S. 1359. A bill to establish the Foundation HOUSE, Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Ms. BALD- By Ms. HASSAN (for herself and Mr. for Energy Security and Innovation, and for WIN, Mr. KAINE, and Mr. CASEY): SASSE): other purposes; to the Committee on Energy S. 1338. A bill to repeal the Protection of S. 1350. A bill to require the Secretary of and Natural Resources. Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, and provide Homeland Security to establish a national By Mrs. MURRAY (for herself, Mr. for the discoverability and admissibility of risk management cycle, and for other pur- CASEY, Ms. HIRONO, Mr. SCHUMER, Ms. gun trace information in civil proceedings; poses; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- BALDWIN, Mr. BENNET, Mr. to the Committee on the Judiciary. rity and Governmental Affairs. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. BOOKER, Mr. By Ms. CORTEZ MASTO (for herself By Mr. PORTMAN (for himself, Mr. BROWN, Ms. CANTWELL, Mr. COONS, and Mr. TOOMEY): CARPER, Mr. RUBIO, Mr. COONS, Mr. S. 1339. A bill to amend the Victims of Ms. CORTEZ MASTO, Ms. DUCKWORTH, BARRASSO, Ms. CORTEZ MASTO, Mrs. Crime Act of 1984 to ensure crime victims are Mr. DURBIN, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mrs. BLACKBURN, Ms. HASSAN, Mr. GRASS- not denied compensation because of rape kit GILLIBRAND, Ms. HASSAN, Mr. HEIN- LEY, Mr. MANCHIN, Mr. HAWLEY, Mrs. backlogs, and for other purposes; to the RICH, Mr. KAINE, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mr. SHAHEEN, Mr. JOHNSON, Mr. Committee on the Judiciary. LEAHY, Mr. LUJA´ N, Mr. MARKEY, Mr. LANKFORD, Mr. RISCH, Mr. ROMNEY, By Mr. TILLIS (for himself and Mr. MENENDEZ, Mr. MURPHY, Mr. PETERS, Mr. SCOTT of Florida, and Mr. BURR): Mr. REED, Ms. ROSEN, Mr. SCHATZ, S. 1340. A bill to amend title 28, United TILLIS): Ms. SMITH, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Mr. S. 1351. A bill to strengthen the security States Code, to redefine the eastern and mid- WHITEHOUSE, and Mr. WYDEN): and integrity of the United States scientific dle judicial districts of North Carolina; to S. 1360. A bill to amend the Child Care and and research enterprise; to the Committee the Committee on the Judiciary. Development Block Grant Act of 1990 and the on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- By Mr. CARDIN (for himself, Mr. BOOZ- Head Start Act to promote child care and fairs. MAN, Mr. MARKEY, and Mr. INHOFE): early learning, and for other purposes; to the S. 1341. A bill to amend the Water Re- By Ms. MURKOWSKI (for herself, Mr. Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and sources Research Act of 1984 to reauthorize SULLIVAN, Mr. CRAMER, Mr. RISCH, Pensions. grants for and require applied water supply Mr. TILLIS, Mrs. CAPITO, Mr. CRAPO, By Mr. MARSHALL: research regarding the water resources re- Mr. DAINES, and Mr. LANKFORD): S. 1361. A bill to reduce the size of the seat search and technology institutes established S. 1352. A bill to improve the quality and of the Government of the United States to under that Act; to the Committee on Envi- timeliness of Federal permitting and review the area comprised of the principal Federal ronment and Public Works. processes with respect to critical mineral monuments, the White House, the United By Ms. HASSAN (for herself and Ms. production on Federal land, and for other States Capitol, the United States Supreme ERNST): purposes; to the Committee on Energy and Court Building, and the Federal executive, S. 1342. A bill to establish an interagency Natural Resources. legislative, and judicial office buildings lo- committee on the development of green alert By Mr. PETERS: cated adjacent to the Mall and the United S. 1353. A bill to promote United States systems that would be activated when a vet- States Capitol, to provide for the retroces- values and fulfill agency missions through eran goes missing, and for other purposes; to sion of the remaining area of the District of the use of innovative applied artificial intel- the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. Columbia to the State of Maryland, and for ligence technologies, and for other purposes; By Mr. REED (for himself and Mr. VAN other purposes; to the Committee on Home- to the Committee on Homeland Security and HOLLEN): land Security and Governmental Affairs. Governmental Affairs. S. 1343. A bill to amend the Fair Credit Re- By Mr. MARSHALL: By Ms. MURKOWSKI: porting Act to require that a consumer au- S.J. Res. 18. A joint resolution proposing S. 1354. A bill to amend the National Trails thorize the release of certain information; to an amendment to the Constitution of the System Act to designate the Chilkoot Na- the Committee on Banking, Housing, and United States to repeal the twenty-third ar- tional Historic Trail and to provide for a Urban Affairs. ticle of amendment to the Constitution of study of the Alaska Long Trail, and for other By Mr. DURBIN (for himself and Ms. the United States; to the Committee on the purposes; to the Committee on Energy and DUCKWORTH): Judiciary. S. 1344. A bill to redesignate the Pullman Natural Resources. National Monument in the State of Illinois By Mr. BLUMENTHAL: f as the Pullman National Historical Park, S. 1355. A bill to amend the Consumer and for other purposes; to the Committee on Product Safety Act to strike provisions that SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND Energy and Natural Resources. limit the disclosure of certain information SENATE RESOLUTIONS By Ms. COLLINS (for herself and Mr. by the Consumer Product Safety Commis- The following concurrent resolutions CARPER): sion; to the Committee on Commerce, and Senate resolutions were read, and S. 1345. A bill to establish a national mer- Science, and Transportation. cury monitoring program, and for other pur- By Mr. WYDEN: referred (or acted upon), as indicated: poses; to the Committee on Environment and S. 1356. A bill to amend the Food Security By Mr. INHOFE (for himself and Mr. Public Works. Act of 1985 to create permanent payments LANKFORD): By Ms. BALDWIN (for herself, Mr. within the environmental quality incentives S. Res. 171. A resolution expressing the RISCH, Ms. COLLINS, Mr. CRAPO, Mr. program for soil health practices and carbon sense of the Senate that the International KING, Mr. LEAHY, Ms. SMITH, and Ms. sequestration monitoring, and for other pur- Olympic Committee should correct the STABENOW): poses; to the Committee on Agriculture, Nu- Olympic records for Jim Thorpe for his un- S. 1346. A bill to require enforcement trition, and Forestry. precedented accomplishments during the against misbranded milk alternatives; to the By Ms. ERNST (for herself, Mr. COONS, 1912 Olympic Games; to the Committee on Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Mr. CASEY, Mrs. HYDE-SMITH, Mr. Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Pensions. WICKER, and Mr. BENNET): By Mr. BROWN (for himself, Mr. BOOK- By Ms. DUCKWORTH (for herself, Mr. S. 1357. A bill to amend the Public Health ER, Mr. PADILLA, Ms. DUCKWORTH, Mr. BOOKER, and Mr. CARPER): Service Act to authorize the Director of the WARNOCK, Ms. HIRONO, Mr. MARKEY,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Apr 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22AP6.032 S22APPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S2168 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 22, 2021 Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS S. 558 KAINE, Mr. MERKLEY, Mr. CARDIN, Mr. S. 40 At the request of Mr. WICKER, the MENENDEZ, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mr. WAR- name of the Senator from Iowa (Ms. NER, Mr. CASEY, Mr. BENNET, Ms. At the request of Mr. BOOKER, the ERNST) was added as a cosponsor of S. WARREN, Ms. SMITH, Ms. STABENOW, name of the Senator from Wisconsin Mr. WYDEN, Mr. CARPER, and Mrs. (Ms. BALDWIN) was added as a cospon- 558, a bill to establish a national inte- MURRAY): sor of S. 40, a bill to address the funda- grated flood information system within S. Res. 172. A resolution declaring racism a mental injustice, cruelty, brutality, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric public health crisis; to the Committee on and inhumanity of slavery in the Administration, and for other pur- Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. United States and the 13 American poses. By Mr. SCOTT of Florida (for himself, colonies between 1619 and 1865 and to S. 617 Mr. CRUZ, and Mr. RUBIO): establish a commission to study and At the request of Mr. THUNE, the S. Res. 173. A resolution commending the consider a national apology and pro- names of the Senator from North Caro- actions of Cuban democracy and human posal for reparations for the institu- lina (Mr. BURR) and the Senator from rights activist Jose Daniel Ferrer Garcia and Pennsylvania (Mr. TOOMEY) were added the pro-democracy and human rights group, tion of slavery, its subsequent de jure the Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU), to and de facto racial and economic dis- as cosponsors of S. 617, a bill to amend uphold fundamental freedoms in Cuba and crimination against African Ameri- the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to re- condemning Cuba’s brutal authoritarian cans, and the impact of these forces on peal the estate and generation-skipping Communist regime; to the Committee on living African Americans, to make rec- transfer taxes, and for other purposes. Foreign Relations. ommendations to the Congress on ap- S. 657 By Ms. STABENOW (for herself and propriate remedies, and for other pur- At the request of Mr. BOOZMAN, the Mr. THUNE): poses. names of the Senator from Michigan S. Res. 174. A resolution designating April S. 168 (Mr. PETERS) and the Senator from 2021 as ‘‘Parkinson’s Awareness Month’’ ; to At the request of Mr. MURPHY, the the Committee on the Judiciary. Georgia (Mr. WARNOCK) were added as By Mr. LUJA´ N: names of the Senator from Maryland cosponsors of S. 657, a bill to modify (Mr. VAN HOLLEN) and the Senator S. Res. 175. A resolution supporting the the presumption of service connection goals and ideals of National Public Health from North Carolina (Mr. TILLIS) were for veterans who were exposed to herbi- Week; to the Committee on Health, Edu- added as cosponsors of S. 168, a bill to cide agents while serving in the Armed cation, Labor, and Pensions. provide temporary licensing reci- Forces in Thailand during the Vietnam By Mr. JOHNSON (for himself, Mrs. procity for telehealth and interstate era, and for other purposes. SHAHEEN, and Mr. RISCH): health care treatment. S. 659 S. Res. 176. A resolution urging all parties S. 204 At the request of Mr. YOUNG, the in Georgia to seek prompt implementation At the request of Mr. SCHATZ, the name of the Senator from Missouri of the agreement signed on April 19, 2021, and name of the Senator from Maryland reaffirming the support of the Senate for (Mr. BLUNT) was added as a cosponsor (Mr. CARDIN) was added as a cosponsor of S. 659, a bill to require the Secretary Georgia, the territorial integrity of Georgia, of S. 204, a bill to establish the Office of and the aspirations of Georgians to join the of Transportation to promulgate regu- Euro-Atlantic community; to the Committee Press Freedom, to create press freedom lations relating to commercial motor on Foreign Relations. curriculum at the National Foreign Af- vehicle drivers under the age of 21, and By Mr. REED (for himself, Mr. SCOTT fairs Training Center, and for other for other purposes. of South Carolina, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, purposes. S. 789 Mrs. BLACKBURN, Mr. DURBIN, Mr. S. 231 At the request of Mr. ROUNDS, the CASSIDY, Ms. HASSAN, Ms. ERNST, Mr. At the request of Mr. PETERS, the names of the Senator from New Mexico WICKER, Mr. COONS, Mr. BARRASSO, name of the Senator from New Hamp- Mr. CRAPO, Mr. TILLIS, Mrs. MURRAY, (Mr. LUJA´ N) and the Senator from shire (Mrs. SHAHEEN) was added as a co- Mr. MARSHALL, Mr. YOUNG, Mr. North Dakota (Mr. CRAMER) were added sponsor of S. 231, a bill to direct the CARDIN, Mr. MANCHIN, Mr. BRAUN, Mr. as cosponsors of S. 789, a bill to repeal Administrator of the Federal Emer- DAINES, Ms. ROSEN, Mr. BOOZMAN, Ms. certain obsolete laws relating to Indi- gency Management Agency to develop LUMMIS, and Mr. PETERS): ans. S. Res. 177. A resolution designating April guidance for firefighters and other S. 792 2021 as ‘‘Financial Literacy Month’’ ; consid- emergency response personnel on best ered and agreed to. practices to protect them from expo- At the request of Mrs. FISCHER, the By Mr. WYDEN (for himself and Mr. sure to PFAS and to limit and prevent name of the Senator from Arkansas MERKLEY): the release of PFAS into the environ- (Mr. BOOZMAN) was added as a cospon- S. Res. 178. A resolution honoring the life ment, and for other purposes. sor of S. 792, a bill to amend the Motor and legacy of award-winning children’s au- S. 306 Carrier Safety Improvement Act of 1999 thor Beverly Cleary; considered and agreed At the request of Mr. VAN HOLLEN, to modify certain agricultural exemp- to. the name of the Senator from Oregon tions for hours of service requirements, By Mr. SCHUMER (for himself and Mr. and for other purposes. MCCONNELL): (Mr. MERKLEY) was added as a cospon- S. 810 S. Res. 179. A resolution to make tem- sor of S. 306, a bill to provide a process porary appointments to the Select Com- for granting lawful permanent resident At the request of Mr. TESTER, the mittee on Ethics; considered and agreed to. status to aliens from certain countries name of the Senator from Illinois (Ms. By Mr. MERKLEY (for himself, Mr. who meet specified eligibility require- DUCKWORTH) was added as a cosponsor BOOKER, Mr. MARKEY, Mr. VAN HOL- ments, and for other purposes. of S. 810, a bill to amend title 38, LEN, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Mr. WYDEN, S. 386 United States Code, to expand the list Mr. PADILLA, Ms. WARREN, Mrs. MUR- At the request of Mr. BENNET, the of diseases associated with exposure to RAY, and Mr. SANDERS): name of the Senator from New Jersey certain herbicide agents for which S. Con. Res. 8. A concurrent resolution rec- (Mr. BOOKER) was added as a cosponsor there is a presumption of service con- ognizing that the climate crisis is dispropor- of S. 386, a bill to establish a public nection for veterans who served in the tionately affecting the health, economic op- Republic of Vietnam to include hyper- portunity, and fundamental rights of chil- health plan. dren, expressing the sense of Congress that S. 444 tension, and for other purposes. renewed leadership by the United States is At the request of Ms. COLLINS, the S. 828 needed to address the climate crisis, and rec- name of the Senator from Ohio (Mr. At the request of Mr. BARRASSO, the ognizing the need of the United States to de- PORTMAN) was added as a cosponsor of name of the Senator from Minnesota velop a national, comprehensive, and S. 444, a bill to amend title 38, United (Ms. SMITH) was added as a cosponsor science-based climate recovery plan to phase States Code, to authorize the Secretary of S. 828, a bill to amend title XVIII of out fossil fuel emissions, protect and en- hance natural sequestration, and put the of Veterans Affairs to provide or assist the Social Security Act to provide for United States on a path toward stabilizing in providing an additional vehicle the coverage of marriage and family the climate system; to the Committee on En- adapted for operation by disabled indi- therapist services and mental health vironment and Public Works. viduals to certain eligible persons. counselor services under part B of the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Apr 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22AP6.034 S22APPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE April 22, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2169 Medicare program, and for other pur- (Mr. PETERS) was added as a cosponsor of Action with Iran unless the Presi- poses. of S. 1039, a bill to amend title 38, dent commits to submitting any suc- S. 839 United States Code, to improve com- cessor agreement to the Senate for its At the request of Mr. CASSIDY, the pensation for disabilities occurring in advice and consent as a treaty. names of the Senator from West Vir- Persian Gulf War veterans, and for S. 1238 ginia (Mrs. CAPITO), the Senator from other purposes. At the request of Mrs. SHAHEEN, the Texas (Mr. CORNYN), the Senator from S. 1086 name of the Senator from Arizona (Mr. North Dakota (Mr. CRAMER), the Sen- At the request of Mr. BLUMENTHAL, KELLY) was added as a cosponsor of S. ator from Iowa (Ms. ERNST), the Sen- the names of the Senator from Hawaii 1238, a bill to amend title 10, United ator from South Carolina (Mr. GRA- (Ms. HIRONO), the Senator from Cali- States Code, to ensure that members of HAM), the Senator from Iowa (Mr. fornia (Mrs. FEINSTEIN), the Senator the Armed Forces and their families GRASSLEY), the Senator from Missouri from Connecticut (Mr. MURPHY), the have access to the contraception they (Mr. HAWLEY), the Senator from Mis- Senator from Massachusetts (Ms. WAR- need in order to promote the health sissippi (Mrs. HYDE-SMITH), the Senator REN), the Senator from New Hampshire and readiness of all members of the from Utah (Mr. ROMNEY), the Senator (Ms. HASSAN), the Senator from New Armed Forces, and for other purposes. from North Carolina (Mr. TILLIS), the Hampshire (Mrs. SHAHEEN), the Sen- S. 1251 Senator from Kansas (Mr. MARSHALL), ator from Oregon (Mr. MERKLEY), the At the request of Mr. BRAUN, the the Senator from Alaska (Mr. SUL- Senator from Massachusetts (Mr. MAR- names of the Senator from Michigan LIVAN), the Senator from Wisconsin KEY), the Senator from Oregon (Mr. (Mr. PETERS), the Senator from Illinois (Ms. BALDWIN), the Senator from New WYDEN), the Senator from Wisconsin (Mr. DURBIN) and the Senator from Ha- Jersey (Mr. BOOKER), the Senator from (Ms. BALDWIN), the Senator from New waii (Mr. SCHATZ) were added as co- Ohio (Mr. BROWN), the Senator from Jersey (Mr. MENENDEZ), the Senator sponsors of S. 1251, a bill to authorize Pennsylvania (Mr. CASEY), the Senator from Virginia (Mr. WARNER), the Sen- the Secretary of Agriculture to develop from New Hampshire (Ms. HASSAN), the ator from Nevada (Ms. ROSEN), the Sen- a program to reduce barriers to entry Senator from Virginia (Mr. KAINE), the ator from Vermont (Mr. SANDERS), the for farmers, ranchers, and private for- Senator from Minnesota (Ms. KLO- Senator from Colorado (Mr. BENNET), est landowners in certain voluntary BUCHAR), the Senator from Connecticut the Senator from New York (Mrs. markets, and for other purposes. (Mr. MURPHY), the Senator from Min- GILLIBRAND), the Senator from Virginia S. 1255 nesota (Ms. SMITH), the Senator from (Mr. KAINE), the Senator from Mary- At the request of Mr. CARDIN, the Delaware (Mr. COONS), the Senator land (Mr. CARDIN), the Senator from names of the Senator from New Jersey from Illinois (Ms. DUCKWORTH), the Maryland (Mr. VAN HOLLEN), the Sen- (Mr. MENENDEZ) and the Senator from Senator from Colorado (Mr. BENNET) ator from Rhode Island (Mr. REED) and Vermont (Mr. SANDERS) were added as and the Senator from Nevada (Ms. the Senator from Michigan (Mr. cosponsors of S. 1255, a bill to require ROSEN) were added as cosponsors of S. PETERS) were added as cosponsors of S. the Minority Business Development 839, a bill to establish a postsecondary 1086, a bill to provide incentives for Agency of the Department of Com- student data system. hate crime reporting, provide grants merce to promote and administer pro- S. 919 for State-run hate crime hotlines, and grams in the public and private sectors to assist the development of minority At the request of Mr. SCHATZ, the establish alternative sentencing for in- name of the Senator from New Mexico dividuals convicted under the Matthew business enterprises, to ensure that such Agency has the necessary sup- (Mr. LUJA´ N) was added as a cosponsor Shephard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate of S. 919, a bill to establish duties for Crimes Prevention Act. porting resources, particularly during economic downturns, and for other pur- online service providers with respect to S. 1106 poses. end user data that such providers col- At the request of Mr. BOOKER, the lect and use. name of the Senator from Hawaii (Mr. S. 1279 At the request of Ms. STABENOW, the S. 926 SCHATZ) was added as a cosponsor of S. name of the Senator from New Jersey At the request of Mrs. MURRAY, the 1106, a bill to prohibit the sale of shark (Mr. BOOKER) was added as a cosponsor name of the Senator from New Jersey fins, and for other purposes. of S. 1279, a bill to amend title XVIII of (Mr. BOOKER) was added as a cosponsor S. 1123 the Social Security Act to provide for of S. 926, a bill to plan, develop, and At the request of Mrs. BLACKBURN, an option for any citizen or permanent make recommendations to increase ac- the name of the Senator from Iowa resident of the United States age 50 to cess to sexual assault examinations for (Mr. GRASSLEY) was added as a cospon- 64 to buy into Medicare. survivors by holding hospitals account- sor of S. 1123, a bill to preserve non-in- S. RES. 97 able and supporting the providers that terference under the Medicare part D At the request of Mr. RISCH, the serve them. Prescription Drug Benefit program. name of the Senator from Illinois (Mr. S. 927 S. 1135 DURBIN) was added as a cosponsor of S. At the request of Mr. TILLIS, the At the request of Mr. MARKEY, the Res. 97, a resolution calling on the name of the Senator from New Hamp- name of the Senator from California Government of Ethiopia, the Tigray shire (Mrs. SHAHEEN) was added as a co- (Mr. PADILLA) was added as a cosponsor People’s Liberation Front, and other sponsor of S. 927, a bill to improve the of S. 1135, a bill to amend the Immigra- belligerents to cease all hostilities, provision of health care and other ben- tion and Nationality Act to require the protect human rights, allow unfettered efits from the Department of Veterans President to set a minimum annual humanitarian access, and cooperate Affairs for veterans who were exposed goal for the number of refugees to be with independent investigations of to toxic substances, and for other pur- admitted, and for other purposes. credible atrocity allegations pertaining poses. S. 1180 to the conflict in the Tigray Region of S. 951 At the request of Mr. MERKLEY, the Ethiopia. At the request of Mrs. FISCHER, the name of the Senator from New Jersey S. RES. 148 name of the Senator from New Hamp- (Mr. BOOKER) was added as a cosponsor At the request of Ms. WARREN, the shire (Ms. HASSAN) was added as a co- of S. 1180, a bill to provide for the es- name of the Senator from Arkansas sponsor of S. 951, a bill to direct the tablishment of Medicare part E public (Mr. BOOZMAN) was added as a cospon- Secretary of Veterans Affairs to make health plans, and for other purposes. sor of S. Res. 148, a resolution recog- grants to eligible organizations to pro- S. 1205 nizing the importance of paying tribute vide service dogs to veterans with se- At the request of Mrs. BLACKBURN, to those individuals who have faith- vere post-traumatic stress disorder, the name of the Senator from Okla- fully served and retired from the and for other purposes. homa (Mr. LANKFORD) was added as a Armed Forces of the United States, S. 1039 cosponsor of S. 1205, a bill to prohibit designating April 18, 2021, as ‘‘Military At the request of Mr. MENENDEZ, the the use of Federal funds relating to re- Retiree Appreciation Day’’, and en- name of the Senator from Michigan joining the Joint Comprehensive Plan couraging the people of the United

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Apr 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22AP6.046 S22APPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S2170 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 22, 2021 States to honor the past and continued (CARES) Act. This law, which I cham- issue guidance on the authorization of service of military retirees to their pioned for 13 years, will improve the and payment for home health services local communities and the United access Medicare beneficiaries have to provided via telehealth. States. home health care by allowing physi- Home health serves a vital role in AMENDMENT NO. 1456 cian assistants, nurse practitioners, helping our Nation’s seniors avoid At the request of Mr. KENNEDY, his clinical nurse specialists, and certified more costly hospital visits and nursing name was added as a cosponsor of nurse midwives to order home health home stays. The COVID–19 amendment No. 1456 proposed to S. 937, services. Far too often seniors experi- emergencyhas further underscored the a bill to facilitate the expedited review ence unnecessary delays in accessing critical importance of home health of COVID–19 hate crimes, and for other home health care. To avoid these need- services and highlighted how these purposes. less delays, it is common sense that agencies are able to use telehealth to At the request of Mr. CRUZ, the name other medical professionals who are fa- provide skilled care to their patients. of the Senator from Tennessee (Mr. miliar with a patient’s case should be The Home Health Emergency Access to HAGERTY) was added as a cosponsor of able to order these services. Telehealth (HEAT) Act would ensure amendment No. 1456 proposed to S. 937, Home health professionals have con- that seniors in Maine and across the supra. tinued to provide face-to-face services country retain access to remote home At the request of Mr. CORNYN, his during the COVID–19 public health health services during the COVID–19 name was added as a cosponsor of emergency, but this crisis has created emergency and future public health amendment No. 1456 proposed to S. 937, additional challenges, including the emergencies. supra. need to maintain an adequate supply of Thank you, Mr. President. personal protective equipment to pro- --- f By Mr. DURBIN (for himself, Mr. tect themselves, their patients, and WYDEN, Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED their patients’ families. The use of BROWN, Mr. REED, Mr. BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTION telehealth and virtual visits can help MERKLEY, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. By Ms. COLLINS (for herself, Mr. address these challenges. Unlike other MARKEY, and Ms. HIRONO): ARDIN ARSHALL Medicare providers, however, home C , Mr. M , and S. 1314. A bill to amend the Internal HAHEEN health agencies are not eligible to re- Mrs. S ): Revenue Code of 1986 to provide tax S. 1309. A bill to provide payments ceive Medicare reimbursement for tele- rate parity among all tobacco prod- for home health services furnished via health services during the COVID–19 ucts, and for other purposes; to the visual or audio telecommunications emergency. Committee on Finance. systems during an emergency period; Last May, I chaired Congress’ first Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask to the Committee on Finance. hearing examining COVID–19’s dev- unanimous consent that the text of the Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, I rise astating impact on seniors. During the bill be printed in the RECORD. today, along with my colleagues Sen- hearing, Dr. Steven Landers, President There being no objection, the text of ator CARDIN, Senator MARSHALL, and and CEO of the Visiting Nurse Associa- the bill was ordered to be printed in Senator SHAHEEN, to introduce the tion Health Group, testified that, de- the RECORD, as follows: Home Health Emergency Access to spite this lack of Medicare reimburse- S. 1314 Telehealth (HEAT) Act. This bipar- ment, his organization has found tele- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- tisan bill would help ensure that sen- health to be an essential part of pro- resentatives of the United States of America in iors who rely on home health care have viding high quality home health care Congress assembled, the choice to receive these critical during the COVID–19 public health SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. services through telehealth during the emergency. He urged action to ensure This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Tobacco Tax COVID–19 pandemic and future public that home health providers can con- Equity Act of 2021’’. health emergencies. tinue offering these critical services re- SEC. 2. INCREASING EXCISE TAXES ON CIGA- RETTES AND ESTABLISHING EXCISE COVID–19 is the greatest public motely. TAX EQUITY AMONG ALL TOBACCO health challenge since the flu pan- Maine home health care providers PRODUCT TAX RATES. demic of 1918 and has claimed the lives have also shared their stories about (a) TAX PARITY FOR ROLL-YOUR-OWN TO- of more than 565,000 Americans. This how telehealth is helping them to con- BACCO.—Section 5701(g) of the Internal Rev- public health emergency has under- tinue caring for their patients during enue Code of 1986 is amended by striking scored the need for older adults and COVID–19. Through a combination of ‘‘$24.78’’ and inserting ‘‘$49.56’’. (b) TAX PARITY FOR PIPE TOBACCO.—Sec- other at-risk populations to have ac- video visits and care calls, one provider tion 5701(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of cess to health care in the home setting. has been able to care for a woman with 1986 is amended by striking ‘‘$2.8311 cents’’ Home-based care is crucial to ensuring severe heart and lung disease and keep and inserting ‘‘$49.56’’. that this pandemic does not create dev- this patient out of the hospital. The (c) TAX PARITY FOR SMOKELESS TOBACCO.— astating long-term health con- nurse would speak with the woman by (1) Section 5701(e) of the Internal Revenue sequences due to delayed care. The phone a couple of times per week to as- Code of 1986 is amended— highly skilled and compassionate care sess any symptoms that needed follow (A) in paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘$1.51’’ and inserting ‘‘$26.84’’; that home health agencies provide is up. If the nurse identified an issue dur- (B) in paragraph (2), by striking ‘‘50.33 an important component of this in- ing the call, she would schedule a video cents’’ and inserting ‘‘$10.74’’; and home care. visit and also work with the patient’s (C) by adding at the end the following: I have been a strong supporter of physician to modify medications as ‘‘(3) SMOKELESS TOBACCO SOLD IN DISCRETE home care since my very first home needed. SINGLE-USE UNITS.—On discrete single-use visit, which took place in my home- The bill we are introducing today units, $100.66 per thousand.’’. town in Aroostook County early in my would authorize Medicare reimburse- (2) Section 5702(m) of such Code is amend- Senate service. This experience gave ment for home health services provided ed— through telehealth during an emer- (A) in paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘or chew- me the opportunity to meet and visit ing tobacco’’ and inserting ‘‘, chewing to- with home health patients, where I saw gency period. The services would not be bacco, or discrete single-use unit’’; first-hand what a difference highly reimbursed unless the beneficiary con- (B) in paragraphs (2) and (3), by inserting skilled and caring visiting nurses and sents to receiving the services via tele- ‘‘that is not a discrete single-use unit’’ be- other health care professionals make health. To ensure that the Medicare fore the period in each such paragraph; and to the lives of patients and their fami- home health benefit does not become a (C) by adding at the end the following: lies. I have been a passionate advocate telehealth-only benefit, Medicare reim- ‘‘(4) DISCRETE SINGLE-USE UNIT.—The term for home care ever since. bursement would only be provided if ‘discrete single-use unit’ means any product Last year, my bipartisan home the telehealth services constitute no containing, made from, or derived from to- bacco or nicotine that— health legislation, the Home Health more than half of the billable visits ‘‘(A) is not intended to be smoked; and Care Planning Improvement Act, be- made during the 30-day payment pe- ‘‘(B) is in the form of a lozenge, tablet, pill, came law as part of the Coronavirus riod. The Secretary of Health and pouch, dissolvable strip, or other discrete Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Human Services would be required to single-use or single-dose unit.’’.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Apr 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22AP6.048 S22APPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE April 22, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2171

(d) TAX PARITY FOR SMALL CIGARS.—Para- amounts provided under this chapter shall extent as if such taxes were imposed by such graph (1) of section 5701(a) of the Internal each be increased by an amount equal to— section 5701. The Secretary may treat any Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by striking ‘‘(A) such dollar amount, multiplied by person who bore the ultimate burden of the ‘‘$50.33’’ and inserting ‘‘$100.66’’. ‘‘(B) the cost-of-living adjustment deter- tax imposed by paragraph (1) as the person (e) TAX PARITY FOR LARGE CIGARS.— mined under section 1(f)(3) for the calendar to whom a credit or refund under such provi- (1) IN GENERAL.—Paragraph (2) of section year, determined by substituting ‘calendar sions may be allowed or made. 5701(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 year 2020’ for ‘calendar year 2016’ in subpara- (l) EFFECTIVE DATES.— is amended by striking ‘‘52.75 percent’’ and graph (A)(ii) thereof. (1) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in all that follows through the period and in- ‘‘(2) ROUNDING.—If any amount as adjusted paragraphs (2) through (4), the amendments serting the following: ‘‘$49.56 per pound and a under paragraph (1) is not a multiple of $0.01, made by this section shall apply to articles proportionate tax at the like rate on all frac- such amount shall be rounded to the next removed (as defined in section 5702(j) of the tional parts of a pound but not less than highest multiple of $0.01.’’. Internal Revenue Code of 1986) after the last 10.066 cents per cigar.’’. (k) FLOOR STOCKS TAXES.— day of the month which includes the date of (2) GUIDANCE.—The Secretary of the Treas- (1) IMPOSITION OF TAX.—On tobacco prod- the enactment of this Act. ury, or the Secretary’s delegate, may issue ucts manufactured in or imported into the (2) DISCRETE SINGLE-USE UNITS AND PROC- guidance regarding the appropriate method United States which are removed before any ESSED TOBACCO.—The amendments made by for determining the weight of large cigars for tax increase date and held on such date for subsections (c)(1)(C), (c)(2), and (f) shall purposes of calculating the applicable tax sale by any person, there is hereby imposed apply to articles removed (as defined in sec- under section 5701(a)(2) of the Internal Rev- a tax in an amount equal to the excess of— tion 5702(j) of the Internal Revenue Code of enue Code of 1986. (A) the tax which would be imposed under 1986) after the date that is 6 months after the (f) TAX PARITY FOR ROLL-YOUR-OWN TO- section 5701 of the Internal Revenue Code of date of the enactment of this Act. BACCO AND CERTAIN PROCESSED TOBACCO.— 1986 on the article if the article had been re- (3) LARGE CIGARS.—The amendments made Subsection (o) of section 5702 of the Internal moved on such date, over by subsection (e) shall apply to articles re- Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by inserting (B) the prior tax (if any) imposed under moved after December 31, 2021. ‘‘, and includes processed tobacco that is re- section 5701 of such Code on such article. (4) OTHER TOBACCO PRODUCTS.—The amend- moved for delivery or delivered to a person (2) CREDIT AGAINST TAX.—Each person shall ments made by subsection (g)(1) shall apply other than a person with a permit provided be allowed as a credit against the taxes im- to products removed after the last day of the under section 5713, but does not include re- posed by paragraph (1) an amount equal to month which includes the date that the Sec- movals of processed tobacco for exportation’’ $500. Such credit shall not exceed the retary of the Treasury (or the Secretary of after ‘‘wrappers thereof’’. amount of taxes imposed by paragraph (1) on the Treasury’s delegate) issues final regula- (g) CLARIFYING TAX RATE FOR OTHER TO- such date for which such person is liable. tions establishing the level of tax for such BACCO PRODUCTS.— (3) LIABILITY FOR TAX AND METHOD OF PAY- product. (1) IN GENERAL.—Section 5701 of the Inter- MENT.— --- nal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by add- (A) LIABILITY FOR TAX.—A person holding By Mr. REED (for himself and tobacco products on any tax increase date to ing at the end the following new subsection: Mr. VAN HOLLEN): ‘‘(i) OTHER TOBACCO PRODUCTS.—Any prod- which any tax imposed by paragraph (1) ap- S. 1343. A bill to amend the Fair plies shall be liable for such tax. uct not otherwise described under this sec- Credit Reporting Act to require that a tion that has been determined to be a to- (B) METHOD OF PAYMENT.—The tax imposed bacco product by the Food and Drug Admin- by paragraph (1) shall be paid in such man- consumer authorize the release of cer- istration through its authorities under the ner as the Secretary shall prescribe by regu- tain information; to the Committee on Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco lations. Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. Control Act shall be taxed at a level of tax (C) TIME FOR PAYMENT.—The tax imposed Mr. REED. I am joined by Senator equivalent to the tax rate for cigarettes on by paragraph (1) shall be paid on or before VAN HOLLEN in reintroducing the Con- an estimated per use basis as determined by the date that is 120 days after the effective sumer Credit Control Act, which gives the Secretary.’’. date of the tax rate increase. consumers greater control over when (2) ESTABLISHING PER USE BASIS.—For pur- (4) ARTICLES IN FOREIGN TRADE ZONES.— Notwithstanding the Act of June 18, 1934 and how their consumer reports are poses of section 5701(i) of the Internal Rev- shared by consumer reporting agencies. enue Code of 1986, not later than 12 months (commonly known as the Foreign Trade Zone Act, 48 Stat. 998, 19 U.S.C. 81a et seq.), Our current consumer reporting sys- after the later of the date of the enactment tem is backwards. Consumer reporting of this Act or the date that a product has or any other provision of law, any article been determined to be a tobacco product by which is located in a foreign trade zone on agencies collect massive amounts of the Food and Drug Administration, the Sec- any tax increase date shall be subject to the personal information on consumers, retary of the Treasury (or the Secretary of tax imposed by paragraph (1) if— often without their knowledge, in order the Treasury’s delegate) shall issue final reg- (A) internal revenue taxes have been deter- to compile consumer reports. These re- ulations establishing the level of tax for such mined, or customs duties liquidated, with re- ports are then shared with financial in- spect to such article before such date pursu- product that is equivalent to the tax rate for stitutions and others, often without cigarettes on an estimated per use basis. ant to a request made under the first proviso of section 3(a) of such Act, or consent. (h) CLARIFYING DEFINITION OF TOBACCO Following Equifax’s failure in 2017 to PRODUCTS.— (B) such article is held on such date under secure troves of valuable personally (1) IN GENERAL.—Subsection (c) of section the supervision of an officer of the United 5702 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is States Customs and Border Protection of the identifiable information it collected on amended to read as follows: Department of Homeland Security pursuant approximately 147 million Americans, ‘‘(c) TOBACCO PRODUCTS.—The term ‘to- to the second proviso of such section 3(a). it remains clear that this system needs bacco products’ means— (5) DEFINITIONS.—For purposes of this sub- to change. Indeed, the National Con- ‘‘(1) cigars, cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, section— sumer Law Center’s Chi Chi Wu stated pipe tobacco, and roll-your-own tobacco, and (A) IN GENERAL.—Any term used in this subsection which is also used in section 5702 in her October 2017 testimony before ‘‘(2) any other product subject to tax pur- the House Financial Services Com- suant to section 5701(i).’’. of such Code shall have the same meaning as (2) CONFORMING AMENDMENTS.—Subsection such term has in such section. mittee that the Equifax breach ‘‘means (d) of section 5702 of such Code is amended by (B) TAX INCREASE DATE.—The term ‘‘tax in- half of the US population and nearly striking ‘‘cigars, cigarettes, smokeless to- crease date’’ means the effective date of any three-quarters of the consumers with bacco, pipe tobacco, or roll-your-own to- increase in any tobacco product excise tax active credit reports are now at risk of bacco’’ each place it appears and inserting rate pursuant to the amendments made by identity theft due to one of the worst— ‘‘tobacco products’’. this section (other than subsection (j) there- if not the worst—breaches of consumer of). (i) INCREASING TAX ON CIGARETTES.— data in American history. These Amer- (1) SMALL CIGARETTES.—Section 5701(b)(1) (C) SECRETARY.—The term ‘‘Secretary’’ of such Code is amended by striking ‘‘$50.33’’ means the Secretary of the Treasury or the icans are at risk of having false new and inserting ‘‘$100.66’’. Secretary’s delegate. credit accounts, phony tax returns, and (2) LARGE CIGARETTES.—Section 5701(b)(2) (6) CONTROLLED GROUPS.—Rules similar to even spurious medical bills incurred in of such Code is amended by striking the rules of section 5061(e)(3) of such Code their good names.’’ To make matters ‘‘$105.69’’ and inserting ‘‘$211.38’’. shall apply for purposes of this subsection. worse, the risks of identity fraud may (j) TAX RATES ADJUSTED FOR INFLATION.— (7) OTHER LAWS APPLICABLE.—All provi- only increase with time. As Ed Section 5701 of such Code, as amended by sions of law, including penalties, applicable Mierzwinski, U.S. PIRG’s federal Con- subsection (g), is amended by adding at the with respect to the taxes imposed by section end the following new subsection: 5701 of such Code shall, insofar as applicable sumer Program Director, explains ‘‘un- ‘‘(j) INFLATION ADJUSTMENT.— and not inconsistent with the provisions of like credit card numbers, your Social ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—In the case of any cal- this subsection, apply to the floor stocks Security Number and Date of Birth endar year beginning after 2021, the dollar taxes imposed by paragraph (1), to the same don’t change and may even grow more

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Apr 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22AP6.016 S22APPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S2172 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 22, 2021 valuable over time, like gold in a bank (b) AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS.—Any funds ests in land), buildings, or structures owned vault. Much worse, they are available for purposes of the Pullman Na- by the State, or any other political, private, to ‘new account identity theft.’ ’’ tional Monument shall be available for pur- or nonprofit entity by donation, transfer, ex- The Consumer Credit Control Act poses of the historical park. change, or purchase from a willing seller. (c) REFERENCES.—Any references in a law, aims to address these concerns and fix SEC. 9. MANAGEMENT PLAN. regulation, document, record, map, or other Not later than 3 fiscal years after the date the current upside down system. Our paper of the United States to the Pullman on which funds are first made available to legislation, at no cost to the consumer, National Monument shall be considered to be carry out this Act, the Secretary shall com- seeks to give Americans greater con- a reference to the historical park. plete a general management plan for the his- trol over when and how their consumer (d) PROCLAMATION.—Proclamation Number torical park. reports are released when applying for 9233, dated February 19, 2015, shall have no new credit, a loan, or insurance. It also force or effect. By Ms. COLLINS (for herself and requires consumer reporting agencies SEC. 4. PURPOSES. Mr. CARPER): to verify a consumer’s identity and se- The purposes of the historical park are to S. 1345. A bill to establish a national preserve, protect, and interpret Pullman’s cure the consumer’s permission before mercury monitoring program, and for nationally significant cultural and historical other purposes; to the Committee on releasing consumer reports in in- resources associated with— stances that are particularly suscep- Environment and Public Works. (1) the Nation’s labor history and creation Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, today tible to identity theft and fraud. Addi- of a national Labor Day holiday; is Earth Day, and there are many tionally, our legislation requires every (2) the first planned industrial community issues, environmental challenges, that consumer reporting agency to take ap- in the United States; each of us could be discussing here on propriate steps to prevent unauthor- (3) the architecture and landscape design of the planned community; the Senate floor. ized access to the consumer reports and I have chosen to speak on a bill that personal information they maintain. (4) the pivotal role of the Pullman porter in the rise of the African-American middle I am introducing today that is called These changes are intended to make it class; and the Comprehensive National Mercury tougher for criminals to open new (5) the entirety of history, culture, and his- Monitoring Act. I am pleased to be fraudulent credit or insurance accounts toric figures embodied in Presidential Proc- partnering, once again, with my col- in other people’s names. lamation Number 9233. league from Delaware, Senator CAR- I urge our colleagues to cosponsor SEC. 5. ADMINISTRATION. PER, who serves as the chairman of the the Consumer Credit Control Act, and I The Secretary shall administer the land Senate Environment and Public Works thank Senator VAN HOLLEN, the Na- within the boundary of the historical park in accordance with— Committee. Our bipartisan bill would tional Consumer Law Center (on behalf help ensure that we have accurate in- of its low-income clients), U.S. PIRG, (1) this Act; and (2) the laws generally applicable to units of formation about the extent of mercury Americans for Financial Reform, the the National Park System, including— pollution in our country. Center for Digital Democracy, Con- (A) section 100101(a), chapter 1003, and sec- Mercury is a potent neurotoxin. It sumer Action, the Consumer Federa- tions 100751(a), 100752, 100753 and 102101 of poses significant ecological and public tion of America, Consumer Reports, title 54, United States Code; and health concerns, especially for children Demos, the NAACP, the National Asso- (B) chapter 3201 of title 54, United States and pregnant women. Mercury expo- ciation of Consumer Advocates, the Na- Code. sure has gone down as U.S. mercury tional Fair Housing Alliance, Public SEC. 6. COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS. emissions have declined. However, the Citizen, Tennessee Citizen Action, and To further the purposes of this subsection levels remain unacceptably high. the Woodstock Institute for their sup- and notwithstanding chapter 63 of title 31, It is estimated that nearly 200,000 United States Code, the Secretary may enter children born in the United States have port. into cooperative agreements with the State, other public and non-profit entities, and been exposed to levels of mercury in By Mr. DURBIN (for himself and other interested parties— the womb that are high enough to im- Ms. DUCKWORTH): (1) to support collaborative interpretive pair their neurological development. S. 1344. A bill to redesignate the Pull- and educational programs at non-Federal This exposure can impose a lifelong man National Monument in the State historic properties within the boundaries of disability. of Illinois as the Pullman National His- the historical park; and In addition, the societal costs of torical Park, and for other purposes; to (2) to identify, interpret, and provide as- neurocognitive deficits associated with the Committee on Energy and Natural sistance for the preservation of non-Federal mercury exposure are estimated to be Resources. land within the boundaries of the historical approximately $4.8 billion per year. Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask park and at sites in close proximity to the In Maine, some of our lands and bod- unanimous consent that the text of the historical park, but located outside the ies of water face higher mercury pollu- boundaries of the historical park, including bill be printed in the RECORD. providing for placement of directional and tion compared to the national average. There being no objection, the text of interpretive signage, exhibits, and tech- Maine has been called the tailpipe of the bill was ordered to be printed in nology-based interpretive devices; and the Nation, as the winds carrying pol- the RECORD, as follows: SEC. 7. USE OF FUNDS. lution, including mercury, from the S. 1344 The Secretary may use appropriated funds West drift into the State of Maine Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- to mark, interpret, improve, restore, and A system for collecting information, resentatives of the United States of America in provide technical assistance with respect to such as we have for acid rain and other Congress assembled, the preservation and interpretation of the forms of pollution, does not currently SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. properties. Any payment made by the Sec- exist for mercury, which, ironically, is This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Pullman Na- retary under this clause shall be subject to a more toxic pollutant. A comprehen- tional Historical Park Act’’. an agreement that the conversion, use, or sive mercury monitoring network is SEC. 2. DEFINITIONS. disposal of the project for purposes that are inconsistent with the purposes of this sub- needed to protect human health, safe- In this Act: guard our fisheries, and track the ef- (1) HISTORICAL PARK.—The term ‘‘historical section, as determined by the Secretary, park’’ means the Pullman National Histor- shall result in a right of the United States to fect of emission reductions. This moni- ical Park. reimbursement of the greater of— toring network would also help policy- (2) MAP.—The term ‘‘map’’ means the map (1) the amount provided by the Secretary makers, scientists, and the public bet- entitled ‘‘Pullman National Historical Park, to the project; or ter understand the sources, con- Chicago, Illinois, Boundary’’, numbered (2) an amount equal to the increase in the sequences, and trends of mercury pollu- llll, and dated lllll. value of the project that is attributable to tion in our country. (3) SECRETARY.—The term ‘‘Secretary’’ the funds, as determined by the Secretary at Specifically, our legislation would do means the Secretary of the Interior. the time of the conversion, use, or disposal. the following: SEC. 3. REDESIGNATION OF PULLMAN NATIONAL Any cooperative agreement entered into First, it would direct the EPA, in under this subparagraph shall provide for MONUMENT. conjunction with the Fish and Wildlife (a) IN GENERAL.—The Pullman National reasonable public access to the resources Monument, established by Proclamation covered by the cooperative agreement. Service, the U.S. Geological Survey, Number 9233, dated February 19, 2015, is re- SEC. 8. ACQUISITION OF LAND. the National Park Service, the Nation- designated as the ‘‘Pullman National Histor- The Secretary may acquire for inclusion in al Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis- ical Park.’’. the historical park any land (including inter- tration, and other Federal Agencies, to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:01 Jul 07, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD21\APRIL\S22AP1.REC S22AP1 sradovich on DSKJLST7X2PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE April 22, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2173 establish a national mercury moni- grants and for the migrants them- On the House side, we have two of my toring program to measure and mon- selves. friends in the Texas delegation—Con- itor mercury levels in the air and wa- Unfortunately, the administration gressmen HENRY CUELLAR, from La- tersheds, water and soil chemistry, and has not yet figured out how to stop this redo, and TONY GONZALES, who rep- in marine, freshwater, and terrestrial flow of illegal immigration. The Presi- resents one of the largest border dis- organisms at multiple sites across the dent and his team are telling migrants: tricts in the country. So we truly have Nation. Don’t come. But when it comes to his a bipartisan, bicameral piece of legisla- Second, it would establish a sci- policies, all of his policies say: Come tion. entific advisory committee to advise while you can. Our knowledge of this crisis doesn’t on the establishment, site selection, They haven’t figured out how to re- just come from the news or political measurement, recording protocols, and place Trump-era policies, and so what talking points but, as I suggested, from operations of this monitoring program. they have done is left a void that is real conversations with the real people Third, our bill would establish a cen- being exploited by everybody from the who are dealing with this and have tralized database for existing and coyotes, the human smugglers, the peo- dealt with previous surges. We have newly collected environmental mer- ple who smuggle in drugs into the heard from State and local leaders, law cury data that can be freely accessed United States, as well as the people enforcement, NGOs, as I said, and a on the internet and that is compatible who understandably want a better life. range of property owners whose prop- with similar international efforts. Maybe they are fleeing poverty or vio- erty is being overrun by the coyotes Fourth, our bill would require a re- lence. We all understand why people and those who are involved in this ille- port to Congress every 2 years on the want to come to the United States, but gal immigration process. So their input program, including trend data, and an we also believe the safest and fairest has been the driving force behind the assessment every 4 years of the reduc- sort of immigration policy is legal im- bill, which includes, I believe, common- tion in mercury deposition rates that migration into our country. sense measures to address this crisis. needs to be achieved in order to pre- We are the most generous country in It is not, admittedly, a comprehen- vent adverse human and ecological ef- the world. We have naturalized about a sive immigration bill, but we need to fects on our environment. million people a year. It is one of our put out first and then build on Fifth, our bill would authorize $95 comparative advantages compared to our success, once we have passed that million over 3 years for these purposes. the rest of the world that restricts mi- legislation, to do the other things that We must establish a comprehensive, gration. Over the last few months, like I think we can probably agree on, on a robust national mercury monitoring many of us, I have spent a lot of time consensus basis, such as we discussed network. Otherwise, we will lack the listening and learning from the folks with the majority leader and others data we need to help make informed on the ground in Texas who know the last evening. decisions that can help protect the peo- ins and outs of this topic better than The Bipartisan Border Solutions Act ple of Maine and the Nation, particu- anybody else. is not about scoring political points. It larly our children and pregnant I have visited border communities is about solving a problem, and that women. and heard from Border Patrol officers, problem is getting bigger every day. I urge my colleagues to join me in mayors, county judges, and nongovern- The most immediate problem is our in- supporting this bipartisan bill, the mental organizations that try to help ability to properly process the sheer Comprehensive National Mercury Mon- these migrants once they make their number of people crossing our border. itoring Act. way to the United States, and whose Our Border Patrol and Health and Thank you. experience precedes this current surge. Human Services, and the Office of Ref- --- I visited five of the facilities in Texas ugee Resettlement are simply over- By Mr. CORNYN (for himself and that are helping take care of the record whelmed. In March, we saw the highest Ms. SINEMA): number of migrant children in Carrizo number of border crossings on record: S. 1358. A bill to establish regional Springs, Donna, Houston, Midland, and 172,000 individuals. That was a dra- processing centers, to improve the asy- Dallas. I have heard about the heart- matic increase from the eye-popping lum and credible fear processes to pro- breaking circumstances under which numbers in February, which totaled mote fairness and efficiency, to require many of these children have arrived on 100,000. immigration court docketing priorities our doorsteps. I have seen the incred- As I said, we have seen these surges during irregular migration influx ible ways that our nongovernmental before but never a surge like this mag- events, and to improve the capability organizations, like Catholic Charities, nitude. Now, the busiest months for of the Department of Homeland Secu- are trying to ease the burden of this people to cross the border typically are rity to manage migration flows, and crisis, even after a year of supporting April, May, and June but not February for other purposes; to the Committee their communities through a global and not March. So we know that this is on the Judiciary. pandemic. only going to get worse based on our Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, over the The reality of this situation is that historical experience. last few months, we have been spending we are quickly nearing a breaking If our facilities and people are al- a lot of time talking about the surge of point. We lack the facilities, the per- ready overwhelmed, imagine how the migrants at our southern border and, sonnel, the resources, and the policies strain will intensify if we do nothing. as the Presiding Officer knows, we are needed to manage this crisis. Law en- We already know that, in processing having bipartisan meetings here to try forcement in border communities are these migrants, important steps are to figure out how to address that and being overwhelmed by the sharp in- being skipped in an effort to expedite other challenges of our broken immi- crease in migration, and unless some- the process. gration system. thing changes, the entire system could Normally, if someone comes across We know the spike in migration is collapse. the border seeking asylum, for exam- not a new phenomenon, and sadly, nei- The light is flashing red, and the ple, they will be processed and released ther is the increase in the number of time for action is now. That is why with a notice to appear for a future unaccompanied children. But the cur- today I am proud to introduce the bi- court hearing. That document includes rent surge is unlike anything we have partisan Border Solutions Act, along important information like when and experienced in the past. We are break- with Senator SINEMA, to address this where their first court date is set. In ing all the wrong kinds of records, in- crisis. many cases, right now, it just isn’t cluding the numbers of unaccompanied It is no accident that both of us rep- happening. children, total monthly border cross- resent border States and that both of Many migrants are being released in ings, and capacity levels at care facili- us have heard from our communities the interior of the United States with ties. And, of course, all of this is hap- and stakeholders on the ground about incomplete paperwork, and they are pening during a pandemic which cre- how important it is for Congress to not given any notice to appear for a fu- ates serious risks for our law enforce- step up and provide some way to miti- ture immigration court date. And, you ment and for those caring for these mi- gate the current crisis. know, if they don’t show up in court, a

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Apr 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22AP6.044 S22APPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S2174 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 22, 2021 default order of deportation will be en- erally were dropped over the border be heard and dismissed for lack of tered even if they have a meritorious wall by human smugglers? merit resulting in your return? That is claim for asylum. So it has real con- The truth is, migrant children endure one of the pull factors that we can es- sequences. unimaginable abuse and trauma in the tablish and we can improve to deter But what else can our government of- hands of these criminal organizations. people from wasting their hard-earned ficials and our local communities do? We need to try better, and we need to money with nonexistent or weak asy- Unfortunately, they do not want us to do better to provide protections to lum claims. continue releasing people to the inte- these children and ensure that they And, finally, the bill will ensure that rior without a court date or informa- will not continue to be traumatized or migrants are treated fairly and hu- tion on what is needed in order to as- abused once they cross our borders. manely so we can be confident that our sert your claim. And as I said, without For example, our bill also provides asylum system is working as we in- appearing in court, a migrant with a that children cannot be released into tended. This legislation includes a valid asylum claim won’t be able to re- the custody of a relative or sponsor large number of other commonsense ceive the relief that U.S. law provides who could potentially inflict even more measures to alleviate staffing short- for them. harm upon them. No sex offender, no ages, improve coordination between At one point, the situation was so child abuser, and no other dangerous Federal, State, and local officials, ex- bad, the Biden administration consid- criminal should be given the responsi- pand language translation and legal ered flying migrants to less busy loca- bility to care for one of these children. orientation services for migrants, and tions on the northern border to be We also need to remove some of the the list goes on. processed. So there is really no ques- pull factors that encourage migrants to Former Border Patrol Chief Carla tion we need to improve our capacity make this dangerous journey to our Provost once described this surge in and our process to handle these mi- border in the first place. Many smug- migration as like holding a bucket grants more thoroughly and effi- glers, known colloquially as coyotes, under the faucet. It doesn’t matter how ciently. know our immigration laws better many buckets you have if you can’t Our bipartisan bill here in the Senate than most Americans, and they know turn off the water. In the short term, and in the House will establish four re- how to exploit them, as I said. we do need a bigger bucket. That in- gional processing centers in high-traf- There is no doubt our backlogged cludes facilities to process these mi- fic areas along the border to streamline legal system is one of the pull factors grants and personnel to adjudicate the intake of migrants. One reason for these migrants. One of the biggest their asylum claims. But it won’t mat- that is so important, just beyond ca- selling points for the smugglers is the ter how big that bucket is if we don’t pacity issues, is that the smugglers immigration court backlog, which is stop the flow or at least reduce it. who smuggle people into the United currently 1.3 million cases. On average, We need to eliminate the pull factors States for a price—part of it takes 21⁄2 years to get from the bor- that encourage migrants who do not transnational criminal organizations— der to an immigration judge. qualify under our law for asylum from they make a lot of money doing this, A person or family can come here il- even attempting the dangerous journey and they are smart. They know if they legally and present weak or virtually to our border in the first place. That is flood the zone with unaccompanied nonexistent asylum claims with an al- exactly why the Bipartisan Border So- children, that the Border Patrol will go most certain guarantee that they will lutions Act is the answer or an answer offline in order to take care of those be able to stay in the United States for to the crisis at hand. children, which we want those children years while their claims are being ad- This bill will deter illegal immigra- taken care of. But what the smugglers judicated. That needs to change. Our tion without interfering with legiti- know and what the transnational legislation takes a number of steps to mate claims. It will ensure that mi- criminal organizations know is once reduce the wait times and eliminate grants’ claims are processed effi- those Border Patrol come off the front- the backlog as a draw for even more il- ciently, without skipping important line, they are going to exploit that legal immigration and ensure that steps, and it will provide critical pro- loophole by running drugs into the meritorious claims are recognized in a tections for children who come here United States or more migrants. timely manner. alone. Last year alone—or the last 12 The first part of this is, we need to The fact that we have a bill that is months alone, 88,000 Americans have hire more people. We need more immi- bipartisan and bicameral is a testa- died from drug overdoses. And 92 per- gration judges. We need more asylum ment to the commonsense reforms in- cent of the heroin that comes into the officials. We need litigation teams and cluded in this legislation, and I have United States comes from Mexico, to- other staff who play a role in these been proud to work with Senator gether with a lot of methamphetamine, legal proceedings. The only way to SINEMA, Congressman CUELLAR, and fentanyl, cocaine, and you name it. So eliminate this backlog is to work Congressman GONZALES on this bill, we are dealing with incredibly shrewd through it, and this bill allows us to and we would invite our colleagues to and crafty people who understand the hire hundreds of people to do just that. look at the bill and join us in cospon- border perhaps better than most of us Our legislation includes another im- soring it on a bipartisan basis. do. portant change to remove this backlog Now, one thing I can guarantee is One of the worst parts of the current as a pull factor. During surge events this is not the end-all, be-all. This is crisis is the tens of thousands of unac- like we are experiencing now, the cases not some silver bullet that is going to companied children who are making of those arriving will be prioritized. In solve all of our problems, but what I the dangerous trip from Central Amer- other words, we will put them at the think it will do is help restore public ica or Mexico without their parents. front of line, not the back of the line confidence that we are serious about Many of us have seen the heart- where we will never get to them. For enforcing our laws, while remaining breaking video of a young boy, aban- those with legitimate asylum claims, generous in providing legal claims the doned by smugglers in the Rio Grande that should be good news. About 10 or benefit of a hearing and validation. Valley, and he was asking for direc- 12 percent of the people who show up We are, in fact, the most generous tions because he was lost. Smugglers on our front doormat have legitimate Nation in the world when it comes to left him behind. I don’t know why. asylum claims that are upheld by im- legal immigration—naturalizing, Maybe he was injured or ill or slowing migration judges, and we should pro- roughly, a million people a year. But them down, but these smugglers don’t vide them a timely hearing in front of the truth is, my State and all our care about this young boy or any other a judge so they can receive the benefit States, those of us on this bill cur- human being. All they care about is of U.S. law. rently, have borne the brunt of this cri- the money. But this will also serve as a deterrent sis because of the failures of the Fed- And we have also read the story for those who know their asylum eral Government to deal with them. about a young girl who drowned trying claims are weak. Why pay smugglers So we have developed a list of bipar- to cross the river. And who can forget thousands of dollars to reach the tisan cosponsors, and I hope the chair- the young girls, ages 3 and 5, who lit- United States if your case will quickly man of the Judiciary Committee and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Apr 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22AP6.042 S22APPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE April 22, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2175 the minority leader will commit to sional Football Association, now known as economic disparities faced by Native Amer- working with us to solve this crisis in the National Football League; ican people, and the inaccessibility of many a fair and humane way. Whereas Jim Thorpe was voted America’s Federal public health and social programs in And the last thing I will say is, we Greatest All- Around Male Athlete and cho- Native American communities; sen as the greatest football player of the Whereas people of Mexican and Puerto are all ears if somebody has a better half-century in 1950 by an Associated Press Rican descent, who became Americans idea, but so far we haven’t seen any- poll of sportswriters; through conquest, were subject to, but never body step up and say: I have got an an- Whereas Jim Thorpe was named the Great- full members of the polity of the United swer or at least a partial answer or re- est American Football Player in history in a States and experienced widespread discrimi- sponse that has bipartisan and bi- 1977 national poll conducted by Sport Maga- nation in employment, housing, education, cameral support. zine; and health care; So I hope our colleagues will take a Whereas because of his outstanding ath- Whereas the immoral paradox of slavery and freedom is an indelible wrong traced look at this, will work with us, and if letic achievements, Jim Thorpe was the first Native American inducted into the National throughout the history of the United States, they have got a better idea, as I said, Track and Field Hall of Fame, the Profes- as African Americans lived under the oppres- we are all ears. sional Football Hall of Fame, the Helms Pro- sive institution of slavery from 1619 through f fessional Football Hall of Fame, the Na- 1865, endured the practices and laws of seg- tional Native American Hall of Fame, the regation during the Jim Crow Era, and con- SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS Pennsylvania Hall of Fame, and the Okla- tinue to face the ramifications of systemic racism through unjust and discriminatory --- homa Hall of Fame; Whereas the Amateur Athletic Union of structures and policies; SENATE RESOLUTION 171—EX- 1973 restored the amateur status of Jim Whereas, before the enactment of the PRESSING THE SENSE OF THE Thorpe for the years 1909 through 1912; Medicare program, the United States health SENATE THAT THE INTER- Whereas the International Olympic Com- care system was highly segregated, and, as NATIONAL OLYMPIC COMMITTEE mittee returned duplicates of gold medals late as the mid-1960s, hospitals, clinics, and doctors’ offices throughout Northern and SHOULD CORRECT THE OLYMPIC won by Jim Thorpe to his family in 1982, but did not list him as the sole gold medal win- Southern States complied with Jim Crow RECORDS FOR JIM THORPE FOR laws and were completely segregated by HIS UNPRECEDENTED ACCOM- ner for his achievements during the 1912 Olympic Games; and race—leaving Black communities with little PLISHMENTS DURING THE 1912 Whereas the failure of the International to no access to health care services; OLYMPIC GAMES Olympic Committee to update the records Whereas, between 1956 and 1967, the Na- tional Association for the Advancement of Mr. INHOFE (for himself and Mr. regarding Jim Thorpe disregards the unprec- edented achievements of one of the best ath- Colored People (NAACP) Legal Defense and LANKFORD) submitted the following Education Fund litigated a series of court resolution; which was referred to the letes in the history of the United States, the only athlete in Olympic history to win both cases to eliminate discrimination in hos- Committee on Commerce, Science, and the pentathlon and the decathlon during the pitals and professional associations; Transportation: same year, the first Native American athlete Whereas the landmark case Simkins v. S. RES. 171 to win Olympic gold medals for the United Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital, 323 F.2d States, and the contributions of the Sac and 959 (1963), challenged the Federal Govern- Whereas Wa-Tho-Huk or ‘‘Bright Path’’, ment’s use of public funds to expand, sup- known as James Francis Thorpe or ‘‘Jim Fox Nation in the history of the United States: Now, therefore, be it port, and sustain segregated hospital care, Thorpe’’ of the Thunder Clan of the Sac and and provided justification for title VI of the Fox Nation, was born May 22, 1887 on the Resolved, That it is the sense of the Senate that the International Olympic Committee, 1964 Civil Rights Act and the Medicare hos- Reservation of the Sac and Fox Nation in pital certification program—establishing Prague, Oklahoma, and died March 28, 1953 in through the president of the Committee, should officially recognize the unprecedented Medicare hospital racial integration guide- Lomita, California; lines that applied to every hospital that par- Whereas Jim Thorpe attended the Carlisle athletic achievements of Jim Thorpe as the sole gold medalist in the 1912 pentathlon and ticipated in the Federal program; Indian School in Pennsylvania and estab- Whereas, in 1967, President Lyndon B. lished his amateur football record playing decathlon events and correct these inaccura- cies in the official Olympic books. Johnson established the National Advisory halfback, defender, punter, and place-kicker Commission on Civil Disorders, which con- f while a student and was subsequently chosen cluded that White racism is responsible for as Walter Camp’s First Team All-American SENATE RESOLUTION 172—DECLAR- the pervasive discrimination and segregation Half-Back in 1911 and 1912; in employment, education, and housing, re- Whereas prior to the 1912 Olympic Games, ING RACISM A PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS sulting in deepened racial division and con- Jim Thorpe placed second in the pentathlon tinued exclusion of Black communities from at the Amateur Athletic Union National Mr. BROWN (for himself, Mr. BOOK- the benefits of economic progress; Championship Trials in Boston, Massachu- ER, Mr. PADILLA, Ms. DUCKWORTH, Mr. Whereas language minorities, including setts; WARNOCK, Ms. HIRONO, Mr. MARKEY, Latinos, Asian Americans, and Pacific Is- Whereas Jim Thorpe represented the Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. landers, were not assured non-discriminatory United States as an enrolled member of the access to federally funded services, including Sac and Fox Nation, the largest of 3 feder- KAINE, Mr. MERKLEY, Mr. CARDIN, Mr. MENENDEZ, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mr. WAR- health services, until the signing of Execu- ally recognized Tribes of Sauk and tive Order 13166 (42 U.S.C. 2000d-1 note; relat- NER, Mr. CASEY, Mr. BENNET, Ms. WAR- Meskwaki (Fox), in the 1912 Olympic Games ing to improving access to services for per- in Stockholm, Sweden; REN, Ms. SMITH, Ms. STABENOW, Mr. sons with limited English proficiency) in Whereas at the 1912 Olympic Games, he WYDEN, Mr. CARPER, and Mrs. MURRAY) 2000; won a Gold Medal in the pentathlon, became submitted the following resolution; Whereas the Patient Protection and Af- the first athlete from the United States to which was referred to the Committee fordable Care Act (Public Law 111–148; 124 win a gold medal in the decathlon, in which on Health, Education, Labor, and Pen- Stat. 119)— he set a world record, and became the only sions: (1) included provisions to expand the Med- athlete in Olympic history to win both the icaid program and—for the first time in the S. RES. 172 pentathlon and the decathlon during the United States—established a Federal prohi- same year; Whereas, since its founding, the United bition against discrimination on the basis of Whereas at the time Jim Thorpe won 2 States has had a longstanding history and race, color, national origin, sex, age, or dis- Gold Medals in the 1912 Olympic Games, and legacy of racism, mistreatment, and dis- ability in certain health programs, building not until 1924 under the Indian Citizenship crimination against African Americans, on other Federal civil rights laws; and Act, Native Americans were not recognized Latinos, Native Americans, and other people (2) required reporting to Congress on as citizens of the United States; of color; health disparities based on race, color, na- Whereas Native Americans were not grant- Whereas the United States ratified over 350 tional origin, sex, age, or disability; ed the right to vote in every State until 1957; treaties with sovereign indigenous commu- Whereas several Federal programs have Whereas Jim Thorpe was a founding father nities, has broken the promises made in such been established to address some, but not all, of professional football, playing with the treaties, and has historically failed to carry of the health outcomes that are dispropor- Canton Bulldogs, which was the team recog- out its trust responsibilities to Native Amer- tionately experienced by communities of nized as world champion in 1916, 1917, and icans, including American Indians, Alaska color, including sickle cell disease, tuber- 1919, the Cleveland Indians, the Oorang Indi- Natives, and Native Hawaiians, as made evi- culosis, infant mortality, and HIV/AIDS; ans, the Rock Island Independent, the New dent by the chronic and pervasive under- Whereas the National Center for Chronic York Giants, and the Chicago Cardinals; funding of the Indian Health Service and Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Whereas, in 1920, Jim Thorpe was named Tribal, Urban Indian, and Native Hawaiian works to raise awareness of health dispari- the first president of the American Profes- health care, the vast health and socio- ties faced by minority populations in the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Apr 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22AP6.042 S22APPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S2176 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 22, 2021 United States, including Native Americans, Whereas Black and Native American American households that suffer from dis- Asian Americans, Black Americans, and women are 2 to 4 times more likely than proportionately higher rates of food insecu- Latino Americans, aiming to reduce risk fac- White women to suffer severe maternal mor- rity; tors for groups affected by such health dis- bidity or die of pregnancy-related complica- Whereas Black and Latino workers make parities; tions, and implicit racial biases and lower up a disproportionate number of frontline Whereas the United States health care sys- quality care are contributing factors to the workers, are less likely to receive paid sick tem and other economic and social struc- health care disparities that lead to these leave or have the ability to work from home, tures remain fraught with racism and racial, outcomes; and have been excluded from many forms of ethnic, sex (including sexual orientation and Whereas Black and Native American in- relief readily available to other groups; gender identity), and class biases that lead fants are twice as likely to die as White in- Whereas people of color are disproportion- to health inequity and health disparities; fants, and the Black infant mortality rate in ately impacted by the criminal justice and Whereas life expectancy rates for Black the United States is higher than in 97 coun- immigration enforcement systems and face a and Native American people in the United tries worldwide; higher risk of contracting COVID–19 within States are significantly lower than those of Whereas researchers have developed the prison populations and detention centers due White people in the United States; analytical framework of ‘‘weathering’’ to de- to the over-incarceration of people of color; Whereas disparities in health outcomes are scribe how the constant stress of racism Whereas, during the COVID–19 pandemic, exacerbated for LGBTQIA+ people of color; leads to poor health outcomes for Black an increased use of anti-Asian rhetoric has Whereas disparities in health outcomes are Americans; resulted in Asian Americans being harassed, worsened for people of color with disabilities Whereas the daily experience of racism is assaulted, and scapegoated for the pandemic; due to bias and inequitable access to health associated with stress, depression, and anx- Whereas communities of color continue to care; iety, and may cause physiological reactivity bear the burdens of inequitable social, eco- Whereas several States with higher per- or contribute to chronic health conditions; nomic, and criminal justice policies, prac- centages of Black, Latino, and Native Amer- Whereas racism is linked to mental health tices, and investments that cause deep dis- ican populations have not expanded their challenges for children and adolescents; parities, hurt, harm, danger, and mistrust; Medicaid programs—continuing to disenfran- Whereas children of color are overrepre- Whereas over 40 percent of Latinos report chise minority communities from access to sented in the United States child welfare being discriminated against or harassed be- health care to this day; system, and up to 80 percent of children in cause they are Hispanic; Whereas 16 States have failed to take ad- foster care enter State custody with signifi- Whereas approximately 24 percent of the vantage of the Federal option to expand ac- cant mental health challenges; Latino population in the United States iden- cess to Medicaid and the Children’s Health Whereas disparities in educational access tifies as ‘‘Afro-Latino’’ and is thus poten- Insurance Program to lawfully residing im- and attainment, along with racism experi- tially subject to both race and national ori- migrant children within the first 5 years of enced in the educational setting, affect the gin discrimination; lawful status, and 26 States have failed to do trajectory of academic achievement for chil- Whereas, because of racism, Black people so for similarly situated pregnant women; dren and adolescents, and ultimately impact in the United States share a unique set of Whereas, between 2016 and 2018, the child health and racial inequities in school dis- challenges and experiences that require uninsured rate increased from 4.7 percent to cipline, which has long-term consequences heightened levels of awareness and risk 5.5 percent and the Latino child uninsured for children; while performing everyday tasks—such as rate increased from 7.7 percent to 8.1 per- Whereas racism and segregation in the jogging in neighborhoods, driving while cent, and children of color are far more like- United States contribute to poor health out- Black, or playing in a park—that are not ex- ly to be uninsured than White children; comes by segregating Black, Latino, and Na- perienced by other populations; Whereas a climate of fear and confusion for tive American communities from oppor- Whereas Black people in the United States immigrant families due to the public charge tunity; are 3 times more likely to be killed by police rule discourages such families from enrolling Whereas, for decades, discriminatory hous- than White people in the United States, and eligible children in Medicaid and the Chil- ing practices, such as redlining, systemically police violence is the 6th leading cause of dren’s Health Insurance Program; excluded people of color from housing, rob- Whereas Pacific Islanders from the Freely bing them of capital in the form of low-cost, death for young Black men; Associated States experience unique health stable mortgages and opportunities to build Whereas the police brutality and violence disparities resulting from United States nu- wealth, and the Federal government used its experienced by Black people in the United clear weapons tests on their home islands, financial power to segregate renters in newly States adversely impacts mental health but such people have been categorically de- built public housing; among Black communities; nied access to Medicaid and other Federal Whereas environmental injustices, such as Whereas Black communities led the United health benefits; proximity and exposure to toxic waste or States in mourning the killings of Ahmaud Whereas the United States has historically hazardous air pollutants, continue to harm Arbery, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Eli- facilitated outsider status toward Asian the health of communities of color, low-in- jah McClain, and countless other Black Americans and Pacific Islanders, such as the come communities, and Indigenous commu- Americans—calling for justice and long-term authorization of the internment of Japanese nities around the United States; changes to dismantle systems of oppression; Americans during World War II, which re- Whereas social inequities such as differing Whereas, throughout the history of the sulted in profound economic, social, and psy- access to quality health care, healthy food United States, people of color have been at chological burdens for the people impacted; and safe drinking water, safe neighborhoods, the forefront of civil rights movements for Whereas the history and persistence of rac- education, job security, and reliable trans- essential freedoms, human rights, and equal ist and non-scientific medical beliefs are as- portation affect health risks and outcomes; protection for marginalized groups and con- sociated with ongoing racial disparities in Whereas, during the COVID–19 pandemic, tinue to fight for racial and economic justice treatment and health outcomes; the effects of racism and discrimination are today; Whereas implicit racial and ethnic biases seen in COVID–19 infection, hospitalization, Whereas a public health issue is defined as within the health care system have an im- and mortality rates—disproportionately high meeting the following 4 criteria: pact on the quality of care experienced by among Black, Latino, and Native American (1) The condition affects many people, is communities of color, such as the under- populations compared to the overall popu- seen as a threat to the public, and is con- treatment of pain in Black patients; lation—exacerbating health disparities and tinuing to increase. Whereas the historical context of unethical highlighting barriers to care for Black, (2) The condition is distributed unfairly. practices and abuses experienced by Black Latino, and Native American patients across (3) Preventive measures could reduce the patients and research participants, such as the United States; effects of the condition. the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, serve as sym- Whereas discrimination and harassment bols of the Black community’s mistrust of relating to the COVID–19 pandemic is on the (4) Those preventive measures are not yet the medical system; rise, particularly discrimination and harass- in place; Whereas women of color continue to face ment directed towards the Asian American Whereas racism meets the criteria of a attacks, documented throughout history, on and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community; public health crisis, and public health ex- their prenatal, maternal, and reproductive Whereas, because of racial and ethnic dis- perts agree; health and rights; parities, people of color are more likely to Whereas the Centers for Disease Control Whereas enslaved Black women were have pre-existing, preventable, and chronic and Prevention— forced to endure egregiously unethical and conditions, which lead to higher COVID–19 (1) declared racism a serious threat to pub- cruel treatment, as subjects of insidious morbidity and mortality rates; lic health; and medical experiments, to advance modern Whereas people of color are overrepre- (2) acknowledged the need for additional gynecology; sented in the number of people in the United research and investments to address this se- Whereas, through the late 1960s and early States living under poor air quality condi- rious issue; 1980s, physicians routinely sterilized people tions, which can increase the likelihood of Whereas a Federal public health crisis dec- of color, performing excessive and medically COVID–19 morbidity and mortality; laration defines racism as a pervasive health unnecessary procedures on patients of color Whereas the COVID–19 pandemic has wors- issue and alerts the people of the United without their informed consent; ened barriers for Black, Latino, and Native States to the need to enact immediate and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Apr 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22AP6.019 S22APPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE April 22, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2177 effective cross-governmental efforts to ad- them, kept them from meeting, and blocked Whereas, as of March 2021, there is no ob- dress the root causes of institutional racism their attempts to distribute aid, food, and jective test or biomarker with which to diag- and their downstream impacts; and medical care to fellow desperate residents of nose Parkinson’s disease; Whereas such declaration requires the re- Santiago de Cuba; Whereas there is no known cure or drug to sponse of the Government to engage signifi- Whereas, on March 20, 2021, Jose´ Daniel slow or halt the progression of Parkinson’s cant resources to empower those commu- Ferrer Garcı´a and other courageous members disease, and available treatments are limited nities that are impacted: Now, therefore, be of UNPACU began a hunger strike to protest in their ability to address the medical needs it the constant harassment, human rights vio- of patients and remain effective over time; Resolved, That the Senate— lations, and the police siege of the head- Whereas the symptoms of Parkinson’s dis- (1) supports the resolutions drafted, intro- quarters of UNPACU in Santiago de Cuba; ease vary from person to person and may in- duced, and adopted by cities and localities Whereas the hunger strike underscored the clude— across the United States declaring racism a importance of defending the right of the (1) tremors; public health crisis; members of UNPACU to deliver food and (2) slowness of movement and rigidity; (2) declares racism a public health crisis in medication to a group of approximately 250 (3) problems with gait and balance; the United States; residents of Santiago de Cuba as the need for (4) disturbances in speech and swallowing; (3) commits to— aid, food, medicine, and basic necessities has (5) cognitive impairment and dementia; (A) establishing a nationwide strategy to risen during the global pandemic; and (6) mood disorders; and address health disparities and inequity Whereas, on April 10, 2021, Jose´ Daniel (7) a variety of other nonmotor symptoms; across all sectors in society; Ferrer Garcı´a and several activists from Whereas volunteers, researchers, care- (B) dismantling systemic practices and UNPACU ended the hunger strike after 21 givers, and medical professionals are work- policies that perpetuate racism; days after Cuban security forces lifted the ing to improve the quality of life of— (C) advancing reforms to address years of police siege on the headquarters of UNPACU (1) individuals living with Parkinson’s dis- neglectful and apathetic policies that have in Santiago de Cuba: Now, therefore, be it ease; and led to poor health outcomes for communities Resolved, That the Senate— (2) the families of those individuals; and of color; and (1) commends the actions of Jose´ Daniel Whereas increased research, education, and (D) promoting efforts to address the social Ferrer Garcı´a and his unyielding resolve to community support services are needed— determinants of health—especially for advance democracy and defend freedoms and (1) to find more effective treatments; and Black, Latino, and Native American people human rights for the Cuban people; (2) to provide access to quality care to in- in the United States, and other people of (2) honors the vital contribution and hu- dividuals living with Parkinson’s disease: color; and manitarian efforts of the Patriotic Union of Now, therefore, be it (4) places a charge on the people of the Cuba (UNPACU) and all of its members for Resolved, That the Senate— United States to move forward with urgency their tireless work to defend fundamental (1) designates April 2021 as ‘‘Parkinson’s to ensure that the United States stands firm- freedoms and human rights in Cuba; Awareness Month’’; ly in honoring its moral purpose of advanc- (3) condemns the repression of Jose´ Daniel (2) supports the goals and ideals of Parkin- ing the self-evident truths that all people are Ferrer Garcı´a and other brave Cuban activ- son’s Awareness Month; created equal, that they are endowed with ists; (3) continues to support research to find certain unalienable rights, and that among (4) condemns Cuba’s brutal authoritarian better treatments and a cure for Parkinson’s these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of hap- Communist dictatorship and demands an end disease; piness. to the suffering of the Cuban people and the (4) recognizes the individuals living with impunity of the regime’s human rights abus- Parkinson’s disease who participate in vital f ers, including Miguel Dı´az-Canel and Rau´ l clinical trials to advance the knowledge of SENATE RESOLUTION 173—COM- Castro; the disease; and (5) commends the dedication of the organi- MENDING THE ACTIONS OF (5) calls for the international community to stand with the Cuban people and against zations, volunteers, researchers, and millions CUBAN DEMOCRACY AND HUMAN of individuals across the United States who ´ Cuba’s authoritarian Communist regime for RIGHTS ACTIVIST JOSE DANIEL infringing on the freedom of thought, expres- are working to improve the quality of life FERRER GARCI´A AND THE PRO- sion, assembly, association, and prosperity of— DEMOCRACY AND HUMAN of the Cuban people; and (A) individuals living with Parkinson’s dis- RIGHTS GROUP, THE PATRIOTIC (6) commends the courage of the pro-de- ease; and UNION OF CUBA (UNPACU), TO mocracy movement and activists in Cuba for (B) the families of those individuals. UPHOLD FUNDAMENTAL FREE- risking everything to bring freedom to the f Cuban people. DOMS IN CUBA AND CON- SENATE RESOLUTION 175—SUP- DEMNING CUBA’S BRUTAL AU- f PORTING THE GOALS AND THORITARIAN COMMUNIST RE- SENATE RESOLUTION 174—DESIG- IDEALS OF NATIONAL PUBLIC GIME NATING APRIL 2021 AS ‘‘PARKIN- HEALTH WEEK Mr. SCOTT of Florida (for himself, SON’S AWARENESS MONTH’’ Mr. LUJA´ N submitted the following Mr. CRUZ, and Mr. RUBIO) submitted Ms. STABENOW (for herself and Mr. resolution; which was referred to the the following resolution; which was re- THUNE) submitted the following resolu- Committee on Health, Education, ferred to the Committee on Foreign tion; which was referred to the Com- Labor, and Pensions: Relations: mittee on the Judiciary: S. RES. 175 S. RES. 173 S. RES. 174 Whereas the week of April 5, 2021, is Na- Whereas Jose´ Daniel Ferrer Garcı´a is a Whereas Parkinson’s disease is a chronic, tional Public Health Week; Cuban democracy and human rights activist progressive neurological disease and the sec- Whereas the theme for National Public who has worked tirelessly to ensure funda- ond most common neurodegenerative disease Health Week in 2021 is ‘‘Building Bridges to mental freedoms for the Cuban people; in the United States; Better Health’’; Whereas Jose´ Daniel Ferrer Garcı´a was Whereas, although there is inadequate data Whereas the goal of National Public Health born in Cuba on July 29, 1970, in Santiago de on the incidence and prevalence of Parkin- Week in 2021 is to recognize the contribu- Cuba and has spent most of his adult life son’s disease, the disease is estimated to af- tions of public health in— fighting for Cubans to have a voice in the fect between 500,000 and 1,000,000 individuals (1) improving the health of the people of matters of their own country and against in the United States, with that number ex- the United States; and Cuba’s brutal authoritarian Communist dic- pected to more than double by 2040; (2) achieving health equity; tatorship; Whereas, according to the Centers for Dis- Whereas, as of the date of introduction of Whereas Cuba’s authoritarian Communist ease Control and Prevention, Parkinson’s this resolution, the United States and the regime retaliated against Jose´ Daniel Ferrer disease is the 15th leading cause of death in global community are responding to the Garcı´a over decades by repeatedly impris- the United States; COVID–19 pandemic, which requires support oning, beating, and torturing him and con- Whereas millions of individuals in the for— stantly threatening and harassing his family United States are greatly impacted by Par- (1) a robust public health infrastructure and members of the pro-democracy and kinson’s disease, including the caregivers, and workforce; human rights group that he founded, the Pa- family members, and friends of individuals (2) State, territorial, local, and Tribal triotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU); living with Parkinson’s disease; health departments, health care workers, Whereas, in March 2021, Cuba’s brutal au- Whereas research suggests that the cause public health laboratories, and first respond- thoritarian Communist regime committed of Parkinson’s disease is a combination of ers; the latest human rights violation against genetic and environmental factors, but the (3) diagnostic testing of new and potential Jose´ Daniel Ferrer Garcı´a and members of exact cause of the disease in most individ- COVID–19 cases and activities related to epi- UNPACU, as Cuban security forces harassed uals is still unknown; demiology and public health data;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Apr 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22AP6.019 S22APPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S2178 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 22, 2021 (4) complying with appropriate social Whereas 81,000 drug overdose deaths oc- they care for their health by avoiding to- distancing and quarantine recommendations; curred in the United States during the 12- bacco use, eating healthier, increasing phys- (5) relieving financial burdens for individ- month period ending May 2020, the highest ical activity, and preventing unintentional uals in the United States hurt by the level ever recorded during a 12-month period; injuries at home and in the workplace; and COVID–19 pandemic, including through pub- Whereas cigarette smoking is the leading Whereas efforts to adequately support pub- lic health emergency leave; cause of preventable disease and death in the lic health and the prevention of disease and (6) State Medicaid programs and commu- United States, accounting for more than injury can continue to transform a health nity health centers to ensure care for vulner- 480,000 deaths every year, including more system focused on treating illness into a able populations; than 41,000 deaths resulting from secondhand health system focused on preventing disease (7) collaboration among the Federal Gov- smoke; and injury and promoting wellness: Now, ernment, State and local governments, Whereas the percentage of adults in the therefore, be it schools, businesses, and employers to sup- United States who smoke cigarettes has de- Resolved, That the Senate— port public health measures to decrease com- creased from 20.9 percent of the population (1) supports the goals and ideals of Na- munity spread of COVID–19; in 2005 to 13.7 percent of the population in tional Public Health Week; (8) investments in the Centers for Disease 2018; (2) recognizes the efforts of public health Control and Prevention, which support infec- Whereas, in 2020, according to data from professionals, the Federal Government, tious disease outbreak preparedness and crit- the National Youth Tobacco Survey 19.6 per- States, Tribes, municipalities, local commu- ical public health infrastructure for State cent of high school students (3,020,000 stu- nities, and individuals in preventing disease and local health departments and public dents) and 4.7 percent of middle school stu- and injury; health laboratories; dents (550,000 students) reported current e- (3) recognizes the role of public health in— (9) a comprehensive effort to ensure a suc- cigarette use; (A) preventing and responding to infectious cessful COVID–19 vaccination campaign that Whereas data from the National Youth To- disease outbreaks, such as the COVID–19 boosts access to vaccines for vulnerable pop- bacco Survey showed that in 2020 almost 40 pandemic; ulations and trust in vaccine safety and ef- percent of high school e-cigarette users were (B) mitigating short-term and long-term fectiveness; and using an e-cigarette on 20 or more days out (10) efforts to address racism as a public impacts of infectious disease outbreaks on of the month and almost a quarter of high the health and wellness of individuals in the health crisis and reduce racial and ethnic school e-cigarette users were using e-ciga- health disparities related to COVID–19 United States; rettes every day, indicating a strong depend- (C) addressing social and other deter- deaths, vaccine access and testing, and im- ence on nicotine among youth; portant health outcomes outside of the pan- minants of health, including health dispari- Whereas in the past 2 decades heat-related ties experienced by minority populations; demic such as maternal mortality; mortality for older persons has almost dou- Whereas, in 2020, the life expectancy for and bled, reaching a record high 19,000 deaths in (D) improving the overall health of individ- the population of the United States dropped 2018; a full year, which is the largest drop in life uals and communities in the United States; Whereas from 2018 to 2019 the United (4) encourages increased efforts and re- expectancy since 1943; States spent nearly $13 per person on climate Whereas many of the leading causes of sources to— change adaptation in the health sector, far (A) improve the health of individuals in death for individuals in the United States re- less than what is needed to prevent the grow- sult from chronic conditions, which are the United States; and ing health impacts of climate change; (B) make the United States, in 1 genera- among the most common, costly, and pre- Whereas, in 2016, fine particulate air pollu- ventable of all health challenges; tion, the healthiest Nation in the world by— tion led to more than 64,000 premature (i) providing greater opportunities to im- Whereas there are significant differences deaths in the United States and Black and in the health status of individuals living in prove community health and prevent disease Hispanic individuals in the United States and injury; and the most healthy States and those living in were disproportionately impacted; the least healthy States, including dif- (ii) strengthening the public health system Whereas public health organizations use and workforce in the United States; and ferences in obesity rates, the prevalence of National Public Health Week to educate pub- (5) encourages the people of the United chronic disease, and the prevalence of infec- lic policymakers and public health profes- States to learn about the role of the public tious disease; sionals on issues that are important to im- health system in improving health across Whereas racial and ethnic minority popu- proving the health of the people of the the United States. lations in the United States continue to ex- United States; perience disparities in the burden of illness Whereas studies show that small strategic f and death, as compared with the entire popu- investments in disease prevention can result SENATE RESOLUTION 176—URGING lation of the United States; in significant savings in health care costs; ALL PARTIES IN GEORGIA TO Whereas violence is a leading cause of pre- Whereas vaccination is one of the most sig- mature death and it is estimated that more nificant public health achievements in his- SEEK PROMPT IMPLEMENTATION than 7 individuals per hour die a violent tory and has resulted in substantial de- OF THE AGREEMENT SIGNED ON death in the United States; creases in— APRIL 19, 2021, AND REAFFIRM- Whereas deaths from homicides cost the (1) the number of cases, hospitalizations, ING THE SUPPORT OF THE SEN- economy of the United States billions of dol- and deaths associated with vaccine-prevent- ATE FOR GEORGIA, THE TERRI- lars and the violence of homicides can cause able diseases; and TORIAL INTEGRITY OF GEORGIA, (2) health care costs associated with vac- social and emotional distress, community AND THE ASPIRATIONS OF trauma, injury, disability, depression, anx- cine-preventable diseases; iety, and post-traumatic stress disorder; Whereas each 10 percent increase in local GEORGIANS TO JOIN THE EURO- Whereas emergency department visits for public health spending contributes to a— ATLANTIC COMMUNITY suicidal thoughts or self-harm increased 25.5 (1) 6.9 percent decrease in infant deaths; Mr. JOHNSON (for himself, Mrs. SHA- (2) 3.2 percent decrease in deaths related to percent between January 2017 and December HEEN, and Mr. RISCH) submitted the fol- 2018, with substantial increases occurring in cardiovascular disease; (3) 1.4 percent decrease in deaths due to di- lowing resolution; which was referred younger age groups; abetes; and to the Committee on Foreign Rela- Whereas an estimated 1 in 7 children in the (4) 1.1 percent decrease in cancer-related United States experiences child abuse and tions: deaths; S. RES. 176 neglect, which imposes an annual lifetime Whereas public health professionals help economic burden of approximately communities prevent, prepare for, mitigate, Whereas, on April 9, 1991, Georgia declared $428,000,000,000 on the population of the and recover from the impact of a full range independence from the Soviet Union, and on United States; of health threats, including— March 24, 1992, the United States and Geor- Whereas, despite significant progress in re- (1) disease outbreaks, such as the COVID– gia established formal diplomatic relations; ducing the infant mortality rate in the 19 pandemic; Whereas, since 1993, the territorial integ- United States to a historic low of 5.8 infant (2) natural disasters, such as wildfires, rity of Georgia has been reaffirmed by the deaths per 1,000 live births, in 2017 the infant flooding, and severe storms; and international community and numerous mortality rate in the United States greatly (3) other disasters, including disasters United Nations Security Council resolutions; varies among States; caused by human activity and public health Whereas, at the 2008 Summit in Bucharest, Whereas women die from pregnancy-re- emergencies; the North Atlantic Treaty Organization lated complications in the United States at a Whereas public health professionals col- (NATO) recognized the aspirations of Geor- higher rate than in many other developed laborate with partners outside of the health gia to join NATO and agreed that Georgia countries and an estimated 60 percent of ma- sector, including city planners, transpor- would become a member of the Alliance; ternal deaths in the United States are pre- tation officials, education officials, and pri- Whereas, on January 9, 2009, the United ventable; vate sector businesses, recognizing that States and Georgia signed the United States- Whereas Black mothers experience a ma- other sectors can influence health outcomes; Georgia Charter on Strategic Partnership, ternal mortality rate 3 to 4 times higher Whereas in communities across the United affirming the close relationship between the than White mothers; States, individuals are changing the way United States and Georgia based on the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Apr 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22AP6.025 S22APPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE April 22, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2179

shared principles of democracy, free mar- mocracy . . . Georgia’s commitment to de- S. RES. 177 kets, defense and security cooperation, and mocracy and the rule of law is a fundamental Whereas, according to the 2019 report enti- cultural exchanges; element of our strategic relationship, as well tled ‘‘Economic Well-Being of U.S. House- Whereas Georgia has made significant con- as the precondition for the country’s further holds’’ by the Board of Governors of the Fed- tributions to the wars in Iraq and Afghani- progress.’’; and eral Reserve System, 37 percent of adults in and remains the largest troop contrib- Whereas international mediation efforts to the United States cannot cover an unex- utor among NATO partners to the NATO-led resolve the political impasse in Georgia led pected expense of $400; Resolute Support Mission in Afghanistan; to an agreement signed on April 19, 2021, by Whereas, according to the 2019 report enti- Whereas the United States supports the representatives of several political parties tled ‘‘How America Banks: Household Use of sovereignty and territorial integrity of Geor- and individual Members of Parliament: Now, Banking and Financial Services’’ by the Fed- gia within its internationally recognized bor- therefore, be it eral Deposit Insurance Corporation, approxi- ders and condemns the continued occupation Resolved, That the Senate— mately 5.4 percent of households in the by the Russian Federation of the Georgian (1) calls on Georgian Dream, United Na- United States are unbanked and, therefore, regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia; tional Movement, and the other parties have limited or no access to savings, lending, Whereas, in March 2020, the United States elected to the Parliament of Georgia to fully and other basic financial services; and several embassies of European countries implement the compromise proposed by Eu- Whereas, according to the 2020 Consumer in Georgia brokered an agreement among the ropean Council President Michel on April 18, Financial Literacy Survey final report of the major political parties in Georgia, which in- 2021, and signed on April 19, 2021; National Foundation for Credit Counseling cluded changes to the electoral system and (2) calls on all elected Members of Par- that was conducted prior to COVID–19 called on all sides to address the appearance liament to take their seats in parliament lockdowns— of political interference in the judicial sys- and begin work without further delay on the (1) a majority (62 percent) of adults in the tem; challenges facing Georgia, including con- United States had credit card debt during Whereas, on June 29, 2020, the Parliament sequences of the COVID–19 pandemic, a the 1-year period ending on the date of publi- of Georgia adopted constitutional amend- weakened economy, and challenging regional cation of the report; ments, establishing a more proportional dynamics; 2⁄5 (43 percent) of adults in the electoral system and promoting greater po- (2) over (3) calls on the Government of Georgia to United States carry credit card debt from litical pluralism in future parliaments; institute systemic reforms, developed Whereas the United States Embassy in month to month; and through an inclusive and transparent con- (3) approximately 47 percent of adults in Tbilisi applauded Georgia’s electoral reforms sultation process with stakeholders, to en- and urged the Parliament of Georgia to pass the United States maintain a budget; sure that the judicial system is impartial Whereas, according to the statistical re- additional legislation that fully incorporates and independent and not used for political or all of the recommendations of the Office for lease of the Board of Governors of the Fed- partisan ends, including by fully adopting eral Reserve System for the fourth quarter Democratic Institutions and Human Rights and implementing the recommendations of of the Organization for Security and Co-oper- of 2020 entitled ‘‘Household Debt and Cred- the European Commission for Democracy it’’— ation in Europe (OSCE/ODIHR) and urged through Law (commonly known as the ‘‘Ven- Georgian authorities to effectively imple- (1) outstanding household debt in the ice Commission’’) and other experts; ment such legislation; United States has been increasing steadily (4) calls on the Government of Georgia to Whereas, on October 31, 2020, Georgia held since 2013 and was $414,000,000,000 higher than institute inclusively and transparently de- its first parliamentary elections since adopt- at the end of 2019; and veloped systemic electoral reforms to ad- ing the electoral reforms in June 2020; (2) outstanding student loan balances have dress the underlying causes of the political Whereas the OSCE/ODIHR limited election more than doubled in the last decade to ap- impasse and avoid a recurrence of such a cri- observation team detailed a number of flaws proximately $1,560,000,000,000; sis, including by fully adopting and imple- and partially or completely unimplemented Whereas, according to the 2020 report enti- menting the recommendations of the Office OSCE/ODIHR recommendations, but also tled ‘‘Survey of the States: Economic and for Democratic Institutions and Human concluded that the first round of the October Personal Finance Education in Our Nation’s 2020 parliamentary elections in Georgia was Rights of the Organization for Security and Schools’’, by the Council for Economic Edu- ‘‘competitive and, overall, fundamental free- Co-operation in Europe (OSCE/ODIHR); cation— doms were respected’’; (5) recognizes that the political situation (1) only 25 States require students to take Whereas the United States Embassy in in Georgia has been exacerbated by the ef- an economics course as a high school gradua- Tbilisi shared the OSCE/ODIHR’s assessment forts of the Russian Federation to sow chaos tion requirement; and of the first round of elections and stressed throughout Georgia, including the illegally (2) only 21 States require students to take the importance of fully addressing the defi- occupied territories of Abkhazia and South a personal finance course as a high school ciencies noted by the OSCE/ODIHR Limited Ossetia; graduation requirement, either independ- Election Observation Mission Preliminary (6) expresses concern that impediments to ently or as part of an economics course; Report before the second round of elections strengthening Georgia’s democratic institu- Whereas, according to the Gallup-HOPE in November 2020; tions and processes will slow its progress to- Index, in 2016 only 57 percent of students in Whereas the Georgian opposition refused ward achieving its aspiration of Euro-Atlan- the United States had money in a bank or to recognize the legitimacy of the October tic integration and strengthening its econ- credit union account; 2020 elections, boycotted the second round of omy and could result in conditions placed on Whereas expanding access to the safe, elections, called for public voter intimida- United States assistance to Georgia; and mainstream financial system will provide in- tion of anyone voting in the second round of (7) emphasizes that the United States sup- dividuals with less expensive and more se- elections, and declined to take their seats in ports a more robust democracy in Georgia, cure options for managing finances and parliament; with governing institutions that dem- building wealth; Whereas, on February 23, 2021, Georgian onstrate integrity, checks and balances, Whereas quality personal financial edu- authorities entered the headquarters of transparency, the capacity to counter Rus- cation is essential to ensure that individuals United National Movement (UNM) and ar- sian and other malign influence, and the are prepared— rested its leader Nikanor Melia on a bail vio- ability to achieve the Euro-Atlantic aspira- (1) to manage money, credit, and debt; and lation; tions of the people of Georgia. (2) to become responsible workers, heads of Whereas, on March 23, 2021, the Sub- household, investors, entrepreneurs, business committee on Europe and Regional Security f leaders, and citizens; Cooperation of the Committee on Foreign Whereas increased financial literacy— Relations of the Senate held a hearing on SENATE RESOLUTION 177—DESIG- (1) empowers individuals to make wise fi- Georgia to examine the political situation NATING APRIL 2021 AS ‘‘FINAN- nancial decisions; and and to highlight the actions that the Gov- CIAL LITERACY MONTH’’ (2) reduces the confusion caused by an in- ernment of Georgia and the opposition could creasingly complex economy; take in order to resolve the impasse and Mr. REED (for himself, Mr. SCOTT of Whereas a greater understanding of, and move the country forward; South Carolina, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Mrs. familiarity with, financial markets and in- Whereas, in that hearing, Deputy Assistant BLACKBURN, Mr. DURBIN, Mr. CASSIDY, stitutions will lead to increased economic Secretary of State George Kent testified Ms. HASSAN, Ms. ERNST, Mr. WICKER, activity and growth; and that the Russian Federation uses its illegal Mr. COONS, Mr. BARRASSO, Mr. CRAPO, Whereas, in 2003, Congress— occupation of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, Mr. TILLIS, Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. MAR- (1) determined that coordinating Federal ‘‘economic leverage, cyber attacks, and SHALL, Mr. YOUNG, Mr. CARDIN, Mr. financial literacy efforts and formulating a disinformation to try to force Georgia to national strategy is important; and MANCHIN, Mr. BRAUN, Mr. DAINES, Ms. abandon its Euro-Atlantic aspirations and to (2) in light of that determination, passed sow division and distrust’’; ROSEN, Mr. BOOZMAN, Ms. LUMMIS, and the Financial Literacy and Education Im- Whereas, at the same hearing, Deputy As- Mr. PETERS) submitted the following provement Act (20 U.S.C. 9701 et seq.), estab- sistant Secretary Kent testified, ‘‘Georgia resolution; which was considered and lishing the Financial Literacy and Education has real work to do in strengthening its de- agreed to: Commission: Now, therefore, be it

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Apr 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22AP6.024 S22APPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S2180 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 22, 2021 Resolved, That the Senate— Whereas Beverly Cleary won numerous SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLU- (1) designates April 2021 as ‘‘Financial Lit- awards and accolades throughout her career, TION 8—RECOGNIZING THAT THE eracy Month’’ to raise public awareness including— CLIMATE CRISIS IS DISPROPOR- about— (1) the Laura Ingalls Wilder Medal in 1975 TIONATELY AFFECTING THE (A) the importance of personal financial education in the United States; and for substantial contributions to children’s HEALTH, ECONOMIC OPPOR- (B) the serious consequences that may re- literature; TUNITY, AND FUNDAMENTAL sult from a lack of understanding about per- (2) a Newbery Honor in 1978 for ‘‘Ramona RIGHTS OF CHILDREN, EXPRESS- sonal finances; and and Her Father’’; ING THE SENSE OF CONGRESS (2) calls on the Federal Government, THAT RENEWED LEADERSHIP BY States, localities, schools, nonprofit organi- (3) a National Book Award in 1981 for ‘‘Ra- mona and Her Mother’’; THE UNITED STATES IS NEEDED zations, businesses, and the people of the TO ADDRESS THE CLIMATE CRI- United States to observe Financial Literacy (4) a Newbery Honor in 1982 for ‘‘Ramona SIS, AND RECOGNIZING THE Month with appropriate programs and activi- Quimby, Age 8’’; ties. NEED OF THE UNITED STATES (5) a Newbery Medal in 1984 for ‘‘Dear Mr. TO DEVELOP A NATIONAL, COM- f Henshaw’’; PREHENSIVE, AND SCIENCE- SENATE RESOLUTION 178—HON- (6) of Congress ‘‘Living Leg- BASED CLIMATE RECOVERY ORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY end’’ award in 2000 for her creative contribu- PLAN TO PHASE OUT FOSSIL OF AWARD-WINNING CHILDREN’S tions to American life; and FUEL EMISSIONS, PROTECT AND AUTHOR BEVERLY CLEARY (7) the National Medal of Arts in 2003, the ENHANCE NATURAL SEQUESTRA- highest award given to artists by the United TION, AND PUT THE UNITED Mr. WYDEN (for himself and Mr. States Government; and STATES ON A PATH TOWARD MERKLEY) submitted the following res- Whereas Beverly Cleary died on March 25, STABILIZING THE CLIMATE SYS- olution; which was considered and 2021, at the age of 104, leaving a behind a leg- TEM agreed to: acy of relatable characters and skillful sto- Mr. MERKLEY (for himself, Mr. S. RES. 178 rytelling: Now, therefore, be it BOOKER, Mr. MARKEY, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Whereas Beverly Atlee Cleary was born Resolved, That the Senate— Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Mr. WYDEN, Mr. Beverly Atlee Bunn to Chester Lloyd Bunn (1) honors the life and legacy of award-win- PADILLA, Ms. WARREN, Mrs. MURRAY, and Mable Atlee Bunn on April 12, 1916, in ning children’s author Beverly Cleary, in- and Mr. SANDERS) submitted the fol- McMinnville, Oregon; cluding— Whereas Beverly Cleary grew up on her lowing concurrent resolution; which (A) the lifelong commitment of Beverly family’s farm near Yamhill, Oregon, and ti- was referred to the Committee on Envi- Cleary to brightening the lives of children; tled her 1988 memoir ‘‘A Girl From ronment and Public Works: and Yamhill’’; S. CON. RES. 8 (B) the outstanding contributions of Bev- Whereas Beverly Cleary moved north to Whereas a stable climate system at the Portland, Oregon, with her family when she erly Cleary to children’s literature; (2) expresses its profound regret at the an- founding of the United States allowed human was 6 years old; life and human civilization to flourish; Whereas Beverly Cleary attended grade nouncement of the passing of beloved author Beverly Cleary; Whereas the United States was founded on school in Portland and graduated from Grant the deeply rooted principle of securing ‘‘the (3) extends its sympathy to the family of High School in 1934; Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Beverly Cleary; Whereas Beverly Cleary attended Chaffey Posterity’’; College in Ontario, California, and then grad- (4) recognizes Beverly Cleary as one of the Whereas the Constitution of the United uated from the University of California, most significant and successful authors of States protects the fundamental rights to Berkeley, with a bachelor’s degree in English the 20th century; and life, liberty, property, and equal protection in 1938; (5) directs the Secretary of the Senate to of the laws; Whereas, in 1939, Beverly Cleary earned a transmit an enrolled copy of this resolution Whereas a climate system capable of sus- master’s degree in library science from what to the family of Beverly Cleary. taining human life— was then the School of Librarianship at the (1) is fundamental to a free and ordered so- University of Washington; f ciety; and Whereas, in 1940, Beverly Cleary eloped (2) is preservative of fundamental rights, with Clarence Cleary, whom Beverly Cleary including the rights to life, liberty, property, met while studying at the University of Cali- SENATE RESOLUTION 179—TO personal security, family autonomy, bodily fornia, Berkeley; MAKE TEMPORARY APPOINT- integrity, and the ability to learn, practice, Whereas Beverly Cleary worked as a chil- MENTS TO THE SELECT COM- and transmit cultural and religious tradi- dren’s librarian in Yakima, Washington, and MITTEE ON ETHICS tions; later at an Army hospital in Oakland, Cali- Whereas the Federal Government sets the fornia; Mr. SCHUMER (for himself and Mr. energy policy of the United States, which Whereas, in 1950, William Morrow pub- has resulted in a national energy system in MCCONNELL) submitted the following lished the first book by Beverly Cleary, which approximately 80 percent of the en- ‘‘Henry Huggins’’, which is about the adven- resolution; which was considered and ergy in the United States comes from fossil tures of a young boy who lived on Klickitat agreed to: fuels; Street in Northeast Portland, Oregon, and Whereas the national fossil fuel-based en- S. RES. 179 was the first book in the Henry Huggins se- ergy system has led to carbon dioxide emis- ries; Resolved, That (a) for matters before the sions from the United States constituting Whereas, in 1955, William Morrow pub- 1 Select Committee on Ethics involving Pre- more than ⁄4 of cumulative global carbon di- lished the first book in the Ramona series, liminary Inquiry Case Numbers 30094 and oxide emissions; ‘‘Beezus and Ramona’’, which is about 9- Whereas the United States is the largest 30226, and subsequent action by the Com- year-old Beatrice ‘‘Beezus’’ Quimby and her producer of oil and gas in the world, due in 4-year-old sister, who, like Henry Huggins, mittee with respect to these matters, if any, substantial part to the Federal Govern- also lived on Klickitat Street in Northeast the Senator from Delaware (Mr. Coons) and ment— Portland, Oregon; the Senator from Oklahoma (Mr. Lankford) (1) opening up Federal public land and Whereas Beverly Cleary’s books earned shall be replaced by the Senator from New water for fossil fuel extraction; and praise for engaging young readers and cap- Mexico (Mr. Luja´ n) and the Senator from Ar- (2) actively supporting fossil fuel energy; turing the world as children saw and under- kansas (Mr. Boozman). The Senator from Ha- Whereas there is an overwhelming sci- stood it; waii (Mr. Schatz) shall act as Chairman and entific consensus that— Whereas Beverly Cleary wrote more than (1) human-caused climate change is occur- the Senator from Idaho (Mr. Risch) shall act 40 children’s books, which sold more than ring; and 85,000,000 copies by enchanting readers of all as Vice Chairman for those matters only. (2) the rate of global heating and ocean ages with the adventures of Ramona, Henry, (b) The membership of the Select Com- acidification as of April 2021 is a result of the and many other memorable characters; mittee on Ethics shall be unchanged with re- buildup of atmospheric greenhouse gas emis- Whereas Beverly Cleary’s books continue spect to all matters before that Committee sions, primarily carbon dioxide emissions, to resonate with audiences across the United other than the matters referred to in sub- largely from the combustion of fossil fuels; States, sparking the imagination of count- Whereas atmospheric carbon dioxide levels section (a). less children and instilling a lifelong love of of over 400 parts per million as of April 2021 reading; have caused a dangerous planetary energy

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Apr 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22AP6.053 S22APPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE April 22, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2181 imbalance, equivalent to the quantity of en- Whereas long-term exposure to fine partic- Whereas multiple Federal departments and ergy of exploding more than 400,000 atomic ulate matter, including from sources of air agencies can exercise authority delegated by bombs of the kind dropped on Hiroshima, pollution and smoke from wildfires, is asso- Congress to prevent and respond to climate Japan, per day, 365 days per year, across the ciated with higher COVID–19 mortality change, including— planet; rates; (1) the Department of Energy; Whereas the latest climate science and Whereas extreme weather events can nega- (2) the Department of the Interior; real-world observations of that energy im- tively impact the mental health of children (3) the Department of Agriculture; balance demonstrate that the approximately due to— (4) the Environmental Protection Agency; 1 degree Celsius of warming that has already (1) family loss or separation; (5) the Department of Commerce; and occurred as a result of human-caused cli- (2) school interruption; (6) the Department of State: Now, there- mate change is already dangerous and nega- (3) scarcities of food, water, and shelter; fore, be it tively affecting all aspects of society and the and Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- (4) public service outages; economy of the United States; resentatives concurring), That it is the sense Whereas, without immediate steps to ad- Whereas the last time that atmospheric of Congress that— dress human-caused climate change, the concentrations of carbon dioxide were over (1) renewed leadership by the United States health effects of climate change on children 400 parts per million— is needed immediately to address the human- (1) the seas were 70 to 90 feet higher; will— (1) increase in severity and in terms of the caused climate crisis that is disproportion- (2) Greenland had no ice; and ately affecting the health, economic oppor- (3) coral reefs suffered a major extinction; number of children impacted; and tunity, and fundamental rights of the chil- Whereas similar conditions will result if (2) cost the United States billions of dol- dren of the United States; and the United States does not drastically reduce lars per year by the end of the 21st century; (2) there is an urgent human-caused cli- carbon dioxide emissions and naturally se- Whereas children will largely shoulder the mate crisis that— quester excess concentrations of atmos- costs of human-caused climate change; (A) has inspired children across the United pheric carbon dioxide during the 21st cen- Whereas further increases in global tem- tury; perature will saddle children with an enor- States to organize and demand immediate Whereas climate change is a threat to na- mous, perhaps incalculable, cost burden, un- government action to protect their funda- tional security, as climate change contrib- dermining their economic security and the mental rights from the perils of climate utes to and exacerbates global instability economic security of the United States; change; and and conflict; Whereas children are deserving of special (B) demands a national, comprehensive, Whereas the generation of today’s children consideration and protection with respect to science-based, and just climate recovery plan was born into a climate system made haz- human-caused climate change; that— ardous to their health and well-being be- Whereas children on the frontlines of (i) is prepared by Federal departments and cause of human-caused climate change; human-caused climate change across the agencies pursuant to delegated authority Whereas children are uniquely vulnerable United States and globally have risen up and over energy and climate policy; and to human-caused climate change because of called upon government leaders around the (ii) upholds the fundamental rights of chil- their developing bodies, higher exposure to world to take concrete, science-based, and dren and puts the United States on a trajec- air, food, and water per unit of body weight, equitable action— tory consistent with reducing global atmos- unique behavior patterns, dependence on (1) to address human-caused climate pheric carbon dioxide to less than 350 parts caregivers, and longevity on the planet; change; and per million by 2100. (2) to ensure environmental and climate Whereas human-caused climate change is a justice for their generation and future gen- f public health emergency that is adversely erations, including children from vulnerable impacting the physical and mental health of AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED AND communities that have borne the brunt of children through— climate change; PROPOSED (1) extreme weather events; (2) rising temperatures and increased heat Whereas children within environmental SA 1459. Mr. KENNEDY (for himself, Mr. exposure; justice communities, including communities MORAN, and Mr. TESTER) proposed an amend- (3) decreased air quality; of color, low-income communities, and indig- ment to the bill S. 957, to direct the Sec- (4) altered infectious disease patterns; enous communities, that have contributed retary of Veterans Affairs to ensure that cer- (5) food and water insecurity; and the least to emissions— tain medical facilities of the Department of (6) other effects; (1) have long suffered from systemic envi- Veterans Affairs have physical locations for Whereas the best scientific information ronmental racism and social and economic the disposal of controlled substances medica- available projects a 15- to 30-foot rise in sea injustices; tions. level by the year 2100 if current trends con- (2) are disproportionately burdened by ad- tinue, with ever greater rises and accelera- verse health or environmental effects; and f (3) are subjected to disproportionate en- tion in subsequent centuries, resulting in in- TEXT OF AMENDMENTS creased erosion and the loss of land, causing ergy burdens; the loss of communities, homes, infrastruc- Whereas members and children from front- SA 1459. Mr. KENNEDY (for himself, ture, agriculture, and coastal ecosystems for line and environmental justice communities, Mr. MORAN, and Mr. TESTER) proposed children affected, until such time as levels of who are more likely to reside in areas with an amendment to the bill S. 957, to di- carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are dra- greater exposure to air pollution, are dis- rect the Secretary of Veterans Affairs matically reduced and steps are taken to proportionately impacted by the COVID–19 pandemic; to ensure that certain medical facili- cool the upper portion of the ocean; ties of the Department of Veterans Af- Whereas infant mortality increases 25 per- Whereas global atmospheric carbon dioxide cent on extremely hot days, with the first 7 concentrations must be reduced to less than fairs have physical locations for the days of life representing a period of critical 350 parts per million by the end of the 21st disposal of controlled substances medi- vulnerability; century, with further reductions thereafter, cations; as follows: Whereas heat illness is a leading cause of to restore the energy balance of the planet, Strike all after the enacting clause and in- death and illness in high school athletes, stabilize the climate system, and protect the sert the following: with nearly 10,000 episodes of heat illness oc- ice sheets and oceans for posterity; Whereas existing and future adverse public SECTION 1. DESIGNATION OF PERIODS DURING curring annually; WHICH ANY INDIVIDUAL MAY DIS- Whereas 8.4 percent of children suffer from health and other impacts and costs to chil- POSE OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES allergic rhinitis, and the ragweed pollen sea- dren and the United States can be signifi- MEDICATIONS AT FACILITIES OF son in North America has grown 13 to 27 days cantly mitigated if the United States acts THE DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS longer since 1995 due to higher temperatures promptly to reduce emissions from fossil AFFAIRS. and greater atmospheric carbon dioxide lev- fuels in the United States; Section 3009 of the Johnny Isakson and els; Whereas numerous experts have concluded David P. Roe, M.D. Veterans Health Care and Whereas children are especially susceptible that there are multiple technically and eco- Benefits Improvement Act of 2020 (Public to air pollution given their developing lungs, nomically feasible pathways to place all sec- Law 116–315; 38 U.S.C. 8110 note) is amended— higher ventilation rate, and higher levels of tors of the economy of the United States on (1) by redesignating subsection (b) and (c) physical activity; an emissions-reduction path consistent with as subsections (c) and (d), respectively; and Whereas children exposed to smoke from returning global atmospheric carbon dioxide (2) by inserting after subsection (a) the fol- wildfires, which have increased in frequency to 350 parts per million by 2100; lowing new subsection (b): and severity due to rising temperatures and Whereas producing energy in the United ‘‘(b) DESIGNATION OF PERIODS FOR ANY INDI- droughts, suffer substantial— States with non-carbon emitting sources will VIDUAL TO DISPOSE OF MEDICATION.— (1) eye symptoms; and result in energy costs within the range of re- ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall des- (2) upper and lower respiratory symptoms cent experience, ultimately saving con- ignate periods during which any individual that lead to increased rates of asthma-re- sumers money and stabilizing the cost of en- may dispose of controlled substances medi- lated hospitalizations and emergency room ergy, while increasing the number of jobs in cations at a covered Department medical fa- visits; the energy sector; and cility.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Apr 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22AP6.042 S22APPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S2182 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 22, 2021 ‘‘(2) PUBLIC INFORMATION CAMPAIGNS.—The COMMITTEE ON VETERANS’ AFFAIRS The preamble was agreed to. Secretary may carry out public information The Committee on Veterans’ Affairs (The resolution, with its preamble, is campaigns regarding the periods designated is authorized to meet during the ses- printed in today’s RECORD under ‘‘Sub- under paragraph (1).’’. sion of the Senate on Thursday, April mitted Resolutions.’’) f 22, 2021, at to be determined, to con- f AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO duct a hearing on nominations. MAKING TEMPORARY APPOINT- MEET COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY MENTS TO THE SELECT COM- Mr. BALDWIN. Mr. President, I have The Committee on the Judiciary is MITTEE ON ETHICS 11 requests for committees to meet authorized to meet during the session Ms. BALDWIN. Mr. President, I ask during today’s session of the Senate. of the Senate on Wednesday, Sep- unanimous consent the Senate proceed They have the approval of the Majority tember 30, 2020, at 10 a.m., to conduct a to the consideration of S. Res. 179, in- and Minority leaders. hearing. troduced earlier today. Pursuant to rule XXVI, paragraph f 5(a), of the Standing Rules of the Sen- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The FINANCIAL LITERACY MONTH ate, the following committees are au- clerk will report the resolution by thorized to meet during today’s session Ms. BALDWIN. Mr. President, I ask title. of the Senate: unanimous consent that the Senate The senior assistant legislative clerk read as follows: COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE, NUTRITION, AND proceed to the consideration of S. Res. FORESTRY 177, submitted earlier today. A resolution (S. Res. 179) to make tem- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The porary appointments to the Select Com- The Committee on Agriculture, Nu- mittee on Ethics. trition, and Forestry is authorized to clerk will report the resolution by meet during the session of the Senate title. There being no objection, the Senate on Thursday, April 22, 2021, at 9:30 a.m., The senior assistant legislative clerk proceeded to consider the resolution. to conduct a hearing on nominations. read as follows: Ms. BALDWIN. I ask unanimous con- A resolution (S. Res. 177) designating April sent the resolution be agreed to and COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE, NUTRITION, AND the motion to reconsider be considered FORESTRY 2021 as ‘‘Financial Literacy Month’’. made and laid upon the table with no The Committee on Agriculture, Nu- There being no objection, the Senate intervening action or debate. trition, and Forestry is authorized to proceeded to consider the resolution. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without meet during the session of the Senate Ms. BALDWIN. Mr. President, I know objection, it is so ordered. on Thursday, April 22, 2021, at 9:30 a.m., of no further debate on the resolution. The resolution (S. Res. 179) was to conduct a hearing. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there further debate? agreed to. COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES (The resolution is printed in today’s The Committee on Armed Services is Hearing none, the question is on adoption of the resolution. RECORD under ‘‘Submitted Resolu- authorized to meet during the session tions.’’) of the Senate on Thursday, April 22, The resolution (S. Res. 177) was f 2021, at 9:30 a.m., to conduct a hearing. agreed to. Ms. BALDWIN. Mr. President, I ask COMMITTEE ON BANKING, HOUSING, AND URBAN ORDERS FOR MONDAY, APRIL 26, AFFAIRS unanimous consent that the preamble 2021 The Committee on Banking, Housing, be agreed to and that the motions to reconsider be considered made and laid Ms. BALDWIN. Mr. President, I ask and Urban Affairs is authorized to unanimous consent that when the Sen- meet during the session of the Senate upon the table with no intervening ac- tion or debate. ate completes its business today, it ad- on Thursday, April 22, 2021, at 9:30 a.m., journ until 3 p.m., Monday, April 26; to conduct a hearing. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. that following the prayer and pledge, COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND NATURAL The preamble was agreed to. the morning hour be deemed expired, RESOURCES (The resolution, with its preamble, is the Journal of proceedings be approved The Committee on Energy and Nat- to date, the time for the two leaders be printed in today’s RECORD under ‘‘Sub- ural Resources is authorized to meet mitted Resolutions.’’) reserved for their use later in the day, during the session of the Senate on and morning business be closed; that Thursday, April 22, 2021, at 10 a.m., to f upon the conclusion of morning busi- conduct a hearing. HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY ness, the Senate proceed to executive COMMITTEE ON FINANCE OF AWARD-WINNING CHILDREN’S session to resume consideration of the The Committee on Finance is author- AUTHOR BEVERLY CLEARY Miller nomination; finally, that the ized to meet during the session of the Ms. BALDWIN. Mr. President, I ask cloture motions filed during today’s Senate on Thursday, April 22, 2021, at unanimous consent the Senate proceed session ripen at 5:30 p.m. on Monday. 9:30 a.m., to conduct a hearing on to the consideration of S. Res. 178, sub- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without nominations. mitted earlier today. objection, it is so ordered. COMMITTEE ON FINANCE The PRESIDING OFFICER. The f The Committee on Finance is author- clerk will report the resolution by ADJOURNMENT UNTIL MONDAY, ized to meet during the session of the title. APRIL 26, 2021, AT 3 P.M. Senate on Thursday, April 22, 2021, at The senior assistant legislative clerk 9:30 a.m., to conduct a hearing. read as follows: Ms. BALDWIN. Mr. President, if there is no further business to come be- COMMITTEE ON HEALTH, EDUCATION, LABOR, A resolution (S. Res. 178) honoring the life fore the Senate, I ask unanimous con- AND PENSIONS and legacy of award-winning children’s au- The Committee on Health, Edu- thor Beverly Cleary. sent that it stand adjourned under the previous order. cation, Labor, and Pensions is author- There being no objection, the Senate There being no objection, the Senate, ized to meet during the session of the proceeded to consider the resolution. at 5:05 p.m., adjourned until Monday, Senate on Thursday, April 22, 2021, at Ms. BALDWIN. I ask unanimous con- April 26, 2021, at 3 p.m. 9:30 a.m., to conduct a hearing. sent the resolution be agreed to, the f COMMITTEE ON HOMELAND SECURITY AND preamble be agreed to, and the motions GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS to reconsider be considered made and NOMINATIONS The Committee on Homeland Secu- laid upon the table with no intervening Executive nominations received by rity and Governmental Affairs is au- action or debate. the Senate: thorized to meet during the session of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without the Senate on Thursday, April 22, 2021, objection, it is so ordered. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY at 10: 15 a.m., to conduct a hearing on The resolution (S. Res. 178) was JILL HRUBY, OF NEW MEXICO, TO BE UNDER SEC- RETARY FOR NUCLEAR SECURITY, DEPARTMENT OF EN- nominations. agreed to. ERGY, VICE LISA GORDON–HAGERTY, RESIGNED.

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