Clingendael Spectator
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INTERNATIONALE pectator De internationale spositie van Nederland Nederlands gewicht op wereldschaal onder de loep Nederlands invloed in de Europese Unie ‘Nederland Gidsland’ revisited Democratisch gehalte van Nederlands buitenlands beleid Energiediscussie aan beide zijden van de Atlantische Oceaan Balkanbeleid internationale gemeenschap op de schop De tweede intifada en interne Palestijnse politiek Jaargang 55, nr 7/8, juli-augustus 2001 Instituut Clingendael COLOFON Uitgave van Koninklijke Van Gorcum BV Inhoud juli-augustus 2001 (Assen) namens het Nederlands Instituut voor Internationale Betrekkingen ‘Clingendael’ (Postbus 93080, 2509 AB Den Haag), dat COBY VAN DER LINDE samenwerkt met het Koninklijk Instituut voor Energie en milieu in aller belang 349 Internationale Betrekkingen (Liefdadigheidstr. 13, B-1210 Brussel). ROB DE WIJK Balkanbeleid van de internationale gemeenschap op dood spoor 351 De Euronummers (3, 6, 9 en 12) van de Internationale Spectator komen tot NEDERLAND KOPLOPER OF GIDSLAND? stand i.s.m. de Europese Beweging Nederland (EBN). A.VAN STADEN Verschijnt maandelijks en wordt uitgegeven Het onweegbare opnieuw gewogen: 354 op de grondslag van een redactiestatuut. Nederlands gewicht in de internationale schaal REDACTIEBUREAU HANS H.J. LABOHM Instituut ‘Clingendael’ Nederland in de internationale pikorde 361 Redactie Internationale Spectator Postbus 93080, 2509 AB Den Haag LEENDERT JAN BAL tel. 070-3245384; fax. 070-3282002 De invloed van Nederland in de Europese Unie: email-adres [email protected] of enkele impressies op transportgebied 368 [email protected] Website Clingendael www. ALFRED PIJPERS KERNREDACTIE Gidsland achter de dijken 372 A. van Staden (hoofdredacteur) Peter A. Schregardus (eindredacteur) BAS DE GAAY FORTMAN Gerard J. Telkamp (eindredacteur) Nederland gidsland in Noord-Zuidbetrekkingen? 375 ALGEMENE REDACTIE LEO VAN MAARE C.J.M. Arts, Y. Vanden Berghe, F. Bergman, Niet Nederland, maar de Wereldbank kan beter stoppen W. Hout, M. van Leeuwen, J.C. Mulder, met ontwikkelingshulp 380 C.W.A.M. van Paridon, H. Renner, F. Roelants (redacteur voor België) WARD FERDINANDUSSE J.Q.Th. Rood, S. Vanhoonacker, R. de Wijk, E.B. Zoomers. Kosovo en het democratisch gehalte van Nederlands buitenlands beleid 383 ADMINISTRATIE-ADRES Koninklijke Van Gorcum BV HANS SCHIPPERS Administratie Internationale Spectator De tweede intifada en het Palestijnse politieke spectrum 388 Postbus 43, 9400 AA Assen tel. 0592-379555; fax. 0592-379552 BESPREKINGSARTIKEL NIEUWE ABONNEMENTEN Opgave bij Koninklijke Van Gorcum BV A.C.G.M. ROBBEN 395 Abonnees ontvangen een factuur Zorreguieta: méér dan technocraat RESPONS ABONNEMENTSPRIJS MICHIEL BAUD f 105,60/ € 48,00 per jaar studenten (max. 5 jaar) f 85,80/ € 39,00 De interpretatie van het beeld van de positie van Zorreguieta 398 studenten-startersabonnement (1 jaar) f 49,50/€ 22,50 BOEKBESPREKINGEN instelling f 121,00/ € 55,00 BERT KREEMERS OVER buitenland f 151,80/ € 69,00/$ 76 Journalistiek op het randje 399 studenten f 127,60/ € 58,00/ $ 64 J.R. SOETENHORST OVER instellingen f 171,60/ € 78,00/ $ 86 Scherpenzeelprijs is goed terechtgekomen 400 Betaling via Belgisch gironummer is mogelijk. ANIQUE VAN GINNEKEN OVER Abonnementen worden automatisch verlengd, tenzij Aspecten van geschiedenis van de diplomatie 401 voor 1 december schriftelijke opzegging heeft DANIËL PRINS OVER plaatsgehad. Ontspoorde internationale betrekkingen 403 ROB ASPESLAGH OVER ADVERTENTIETARIEVEN (EXCL. BTW) 1/1 pg ƒ 1150,=; 1/2 pg ƒ 675,=; Indonesië: ‘radeloos, redeloos en reddeloos’ 404 1/4 pg ƒ 425,= LEONTINE VISSER OVER Het buitenland en de mensenrechten in Indonesië 407 LOSSE NUMMERS: ƒ 12,50 EXCL. PORTOKOSTEN JOHN KLEINEN OVER Nieuw licht op Dien Bien Phu-debâcle 408 Richtlijnen voor auteurs zijn verkrijgbaar op MARCEL RUTTEN OVER het redactie-adres. Tropisch Afrika vanuit een geografisch perspectief 411 P.S.VAN KONINGSVELD OVER ISSN 0020-9317 Islam en grondrechten 412 Alle in dit maandblad uitgesproken meningen en inzichten blijven geheel voor verantwoor- BOEKAANKONDIGINGEN 415 delijkheid van de schrijvers. AGENDA 397 SUMMARIES Omslag Niets uit deze uitgave mag worden verveel- voudigd en/of openbaar gemaakt d.m.v. druk, fotocopie, microfilm, of op welke wijze dan ook, zonder voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van de uitgever. Rob de Wijk concludes that the policy of the international community vis-à-vis the Balkans is in deadlock. The envisaged peaceful, democratically govern- SUMMARIES ed and multi-ethnic Balkans did not come about. On the contrary, there is a virtual threat of desintegration. As regards possible solutions to break the deadlock, the author, from two recent meetings in Belgrade and Brussels in which politicians and experts from the region, NATO for domestic consumption than for foreign export. Dutch coalition countries and Russia participated, draws the conclusion that there are governments often take refuge to the moral highgrounds in order to two schools of thought. The first school argues that the agreements cover up serious internal policy differences. Hence, the unique Dutch made (i.e., the Dayton Accords and Security Council Resolution 1244) legislation on drugs, family law, prostitution, or euthanasia of recent should be complied with more strictly. The second school advocates a years has not been designed to become a model for the world, but comprehensive and more flexible approach. The Balkan peace process rather as a set of ethical instruments to paper over some serious contra- needs a new dynamic that would more closely correspond to demands dictions of the present socialist-conservative coalition government. of local leaders, in particular as regards redrawing of maps. This second school is likely to win the argument. Bas de Gaay Fortman claims to have coined the concept of Nederland gidsland (the Nether- A. van Staden lands: model country, or: leading/guiding country) in an article in the evaluates the international position of the Netherlands, and in particu- Internationale Spectator in February 1973, when he was leader of a lar addresses the question to what extent Dutch opportunities to stimu- new, small, progressive Christian-inspired radical political party. In this late desired developments or to obstruct undesired ones in internation- essay he looks back and assesses the idea of the Netherlands as a guid- al affairs and in the evolution of the European Union have witnessed a ing country in international affairs and foreign policy, taking a critical positive or negative evolvement. He concludes that during the last two account of the role of the Netherlands in North-South relations and decades the margins of Dutch foreign policy have become narrower. development cooperation, concluding that the concept of a vanguard Hence, more than before it is advisable not to give way to illusions function soon lost any sense with the failure of the efforts to establish a about the weight of the Netherlands position. Over-estimation of New International Economic Order (NIEO), and discussing whether national capacities will only result in frustration. Nevertheless, it Dutch participation in poverty alleviation, the global environment remains worthwile - in view of the scope of the country’s interests and debate and human rights policies can indeed be labelled models of the continued tendency within Dutch society to promote universal international behaviour in these areas. values - to consider how such margins that can still be perceived could be fleshed out most effectively. Leo van Maare discusses the future role of the World Bank in the so-called middle- Hans H.J. Labohm income countries in light of the conclusions of last year’s report of the in order to assess the international position of the Netherlands, surveys Meltzer Commission. The author finds that the World Bank’s arguments the Dutch rankings in several world tables, such as the socio-economic for its continued financial involvement in the middle-income develop- indices (Gross National Product, economic growth, competitiveness, ing countries are flawed and that an increased selectivity in develop- development assistance, climate for investment, etc.), the UNDP’s ment cooperation, focussing on the poorest developing countries, is Human Development Index, and the Corruption Perception Index. He required. The Netherlands government, with its long history and cre- also discusses to what extent Dutch officials are occupying prestigeous dentials of supporting multilateral organizations, is in a good position positions in international monetary and economic institutions. The to advocate such a radical change in the policies of the World Bank for conclusion is that today the Netherlands are holding respectable posi- the benefit of poverty eradication world-wide. tions in the world rankings, but that its economic potential could be more effectively used in order to retain or even improve that position in Ward Ferdinandusse the future. discusses the public accountability of Dutch involvement in the NATO action in Kosovo in light of the traditionally undemocratic character of Leendert Jan Bal the realisation and evaluation of foreign policy. He notes that in the presents his personal impressions of the negotiating process in the government’s ‘Kosovo Evaluation’ not all information has been made European Union, in particular the Dutch participation in the preparato- public. Furthermore, important information from the report of the par- ry work of the Council of Transport Ministers. He deals with