Rincon Mountain District, Vegetation Inventory, Mapping,andCharacterization Report,Saguaro National Park inclusions dominance. of nica). While notconsistent across the community, Lehmann lovegrass (Eragrostis lehmanniana) canprovide grama (Boutelouacurtipendula), slender grama (Boutelouarepens), and cottontop ( Digitaria califor thy bunchgrasses, including bush muhly (Muhlenbergia porteri),tanglehead (Heteropogon contortus), sideoats 1–2% each, with occasional inclusions upto 8%. The grass component isdiverse, with at least five notewor and sangre de cristo (Jatropha cardiophylla ) are the next most-common, low-cover associates, providing most dominant these of species, providing consistent average cover 4%.Fairyduster of (Calliandra eriophylla) cover issplit between adiverse small mixof , subshrubs, and grasses. Slender janusia (C. gracilis ) isthe farinosa), which isthe most consistent and highest-cover (10–20%)species inthe community. The remaining not become aconsistent dominant inthis community. The field is characterized by dominant brittlebush (E. contribute upto 4%cover. Teddybear cholla (C. bigelovii ) should only provide small, patchy inclusions and ( gii), Berlandier’s wolfberry ( ), teddybear chollaCylindropuntia ( bigelovii ), spiny hackberry shrubs and succulents, including staghorn cholla (Cylindropuntia versicolor ), catclaw acacia (Senegalia greg to almost absent inareas high of grass cover. The remaining vegetation isadiverse low-cover mixof associate is primarily composed cactus apple of (O. engelmannii),providing aconsistent 5–10[20]%cover, dropping Saguaro (Carnegiea gigantea) ispresent throughout the community, contributing <1%cover. The subcanopy inclusions where it competes for dominance with velvet mesquite. sonia microphylla) provides aconsistent 1%cover, with uncommon cover around of 5%,sometimes over 10%.Yellow paloverde (Parkin- ( m) dominated by brittlebush ( farinosa) with slender janusia mixed associate shrubs, and adense (20–40% cover) field layer (<0.5 cover) subcanopy cactus apple (0.5–2m)of (Opuntiaengelmannii)with canopy velvet (>2m)of mesquite (Prosopis velutina), avariable (10–20% This wooded shrubland ischaracterized by asparse (<10%cover) Velvet mesquite/CactusappleBrittlebush(Slenderjanusia)Wooded Shrubland Association(P) Shrubland Association(P) 33. The ground surface iscovered with very coarse gravel and rock with vast bedrock expansesof outcrops/shelves. Madrona ranger station. It occupies low-angle varying slopes aspects of from 840to 1,350meters (2,755–4,429ft). Rincon Mountain District and iswidespread throughout the low slopes of Tanque Verde Ridge and above the This community iscontained within atwo-association map class that covers the 12% (3,225ha/7,969 ac)of Celtis ehrenbergiana), and Wright’s beebrush (Aloysia wrightii ). When present, these species cansometimes Cottsia gracilis). Velvet mesquite (P. velutina) provides consistent low Prosopis velutina/ Opuntiaengelmannii/ Enceliafarinosa( • • • • Common species Cottsia gracilis)Wooded

Cottsia gracilis Encelia farinosa Opuntia engelmannii Prosopis velutina - - - Rincon Mountain District, Saguaro National Park