PARLIAMENT: Following up on our commitments to the people.

Vol. 17 ISSUE 1 2017

20 YEAR REUNION Some Constitution drafters together again at State of the Nation Address Vision

An activist and responsive people’s Parliament that improves the quality of life of South Africans and ensures enduring equality in our society.


Parliament aims to provide a service to the people of by providing the following:

• A vibrant people’s Assembly that intervenes and transforms society and addresses the development challenges of our people; • Effective oversight over the Executive by strengthening its scrutiny of actions against the needs of South Africans; • Participation of South Africans in the decision-making processes that affect their lives;

• A healthy relationship between the three arms of the Provinces of Council National of Black Rod of National Assembly National of Mace State, that promotes efficient co-operative governance

between the spheres of government, and ensures

appropriate links with our region and the world; and • An innovative, transformative, effective and efficient parliamentary service and administration that enables Members of Parliament to fulfil their constitutional responsibilities. Strategic Objectives

1. Strengthening oversight and accountability 2. Enhancing public involvement 3. Deepening engagement in international fora 4. Strengthening co-operative government 5. Strengthening legislative capacity contents 5 ­5 BILL TRACKER 7 PARLIAMENT CELEBRATES 20 YEARS OF CONSTITUTION AND ESTABLISHMENT OF NCOP


COVER: Special guests at the State of the Nation Address on 9 February 2017 were (from left) Prof Wally Serote, Ms Mavivi Myakayaka-Manzini and Mr . They were invited as this year marks the 20th anniversary of the adopting of the Constitution and the formation of the NCOP. They had been among the negotiating team that drafted the Constitution. REGULARS

Presiding Officers Ms , Ms , Mr and Mr Raseriti Tau Read about what’is Secretary to Parliament Mr Gengezi Mgidlana Editor-in-Chief happening in your Moloto Mothapo Editor Moira Levy Parliament Production editor: Mava Lukani Design and layout: Kim Davids/Bright Ideas Get your free copies of Parliament's publications. Copy editors: Jane Henshall and Vusumzi Nobadula To subscribe, email [email protected]

Writers: Mava Lukani, Sibongile Maputi, For print copies, include your postal address. Sakhile Mokoena, Justice Molafo, Malatswa Molepo, Abel Mputing

Photography: Mlandeli Puzi

Distribution & subscriptions: Jacqueline Zils Archivist: Zwelethemba Kostile siSwati translator: JJ Ncongwane Publisher: Parliament of the Republic of South Africa Printer: Capitil Printers Copyright INSESSION is a monthly publication, which is published by the Information and Content Development Unit of the Parliamentary Communication Services of the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa. All material published is copyrighted and cannot be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. EDITORIAL ENQUIRIES Telephone 021 403 8738 Fax 021 403 8096 E-mail [email protected] Subscriptions [email protected] Post PO Box 15, , 8000

OUR IDEALS VISION An activist and responsive people’s Parliament that improves the quality of life of South Africans and ensures enduring equality in our society.

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Strengthening oversight and accountability; enhancing public involvement; deepening engagement in international fora; strengthening cooperative government; strengthening legislative capacity. VISIT US ON

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BOOK A TOUR To tour Parliament Tel 021 403 2266 Fax 021 403 3817 Email [email protected] ISSN 2227-1325 (Print) ISSN 2227-3778 (Online) BILL TRACKER REGULARS bill tracker Bills tabled in Parliament recently

79 to conduct enquiries into the efficiency and integrity of traditional Road Accident Fund mental condition of accused persons; courts in the resolution of disputes; and Amendment Bill and to provide for matters connected (f) Facilitate the full, voluntary Introduced by the Minister of Transport, therewith. and meaningful participation of all this Bill seeks to amend the Road members in a traditional community in Accident Fund Act, to create a scheme This Amendment Bill, among others, a traditional court. that facilitates effective financial emanates from the judgment of the management and enables the timely, Constitutional Court in the case of Performers’ Protection efficient and cost-effective delivery of De Vos N.O. and Others v Minister of Amendment Bill compensation. Justice and Constitutional Development This Bill seeks to amend the and Others [2015]. On 26 June 2015, Performers’ Protection Act, No. 11 of It will also provide the Fund with the the Constitutional Court declared 1967. It addresses issues relating to power to determine and amend the section 77(6) (a)(i) and (ii) of the the payment of royalties to performers; form; and regulate the manner in which Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 (Act safeguarding the rights of contracting a final court order against the Fund No. 51 of 1977) to be inconsistent parties; promotes performers’ moral must be satisfied; to provide for the with the Constitution and invalid to and economic rights for performances Minister to prescribe a list of injuries the extent that it provides for the in audio-visual fixations. Thus, the that are deemed serious; to authorise compulsory imprisonment of an adult proposed provisions in the Bill are the Fund to offer a cost contribution accused person and the compulsory strategically aligned with the priorities with the offer of compensation; hospitalisation or imprisonment of outlined in the National Development to provide for the Fund to pay accused children. Plan (NDP), with the aim of ensuring compensation for accommodation, effective governance, social protection, treatment and the rendering or Traditional Courts Bill employment creation, recreation and supplying of a service on a no-fault The aim of the Traditional Courts Bill leisure. basis for an initial period; to provide for is to replace the current legislative the Minister to prescribe a single tariff; framework in terms of which disputes The Bill outlines the policy proposals to provide for the Fund to pay only are resolved in terms of customary law, that intend to review the structure specified funeral expenses on a no-fault in line with constitutional imperatives of the Tribunal in order to broaden basis, limited to a maximum proven and values. access to justice, which is hampered by amount; to harmonise the prescription The objects of the Bill are, among the delays in allocating the dates for regime for claims; and to provide for others, to: hearing and making findings. The Bill’s matters connected therewith. (a) Affirm the values of evolving proposals are premised partly on the customary law and customs in the World Intellectual Property Organisation Criminal Procedure resolution of disputes, based on (WIPO) treaties, such as the Beijing Amendment Act restorative justice and reconciliation Treaty for the Protection of Audio The aim of this Bill is to amend the and to align them with the Constitution; Visual Performances, the Performers Criminal Procedure Act, 1977, so as (b) Affirm the role of traditional courts and Phonograms Treaty and the WIPO to provide the courts with a wider in terms of customary law; and affirm, Copyright Treaty. range of options in respect of orders among other things, the right to freely to be issued in cases of findings that and voluntarily elect to abide by The Bill seeks to address the challenges accused persons are not capable of the various applicable practices and facing the creative industry from understanding criminal proceedings customs; non-payment of royalties; lack of so as to make a proper defence; or (d) Create a uniform legislative formalisation of the creative industry that accused persons are by reason framework regulating the structure and which exposes it to abuse; piracy; of mental illness or mental defect or functioning of traditional courts in the and rights of performers by making for any other reason not criminally resolution of disputes, in accordance provision for: The protection of responsible for the offences they are with constitutional imperatives and performers’ moral and economic rights; charged with; to clarify the composition values; written agreements where rights of of the panels provided for in section (e) Enhance the effectiveness, performers are involved; the protection


LEGISLATIVE PROCESSES: The Traditional Courts Bill is currently making its way through Parliament. These women were in Parliament to attend the opening of the House of Traditional Leaders.

of rights of producers of phonograms; Court, even under circumstances where Court Act, 2002, was adopted shortly and the prohibition of conduct in the Republic of South Africa is actively after the Diplomatic Immunities and respect of technological protection involved in promoting peace, stability Privileges Act, 2001, and in effect measures and copyright management and dialogue in those countries. negates the immunities and privileges information. required to manage diplomatic The Republic of South Africa wishes to relations. As such, the Implementation Implementation of the Rome give effect to the rule of international of the Rome Statute of the International Statute of the International customary law which recognises the Criminal Court Act, 2002, is in conflict Criminal Court Act Repeal Bill diplomatic immunity of heads of with and inconsonant with the This Bill aims to repeal the state in order to effectively promote provisions of the Diplomatic Immunities Implementation of the Rome Statute dialogue and the peaceful resolution of and Privileges Act, 2001. of the International Criminal Court conflicts wherever they may occur, but Act, 2002; and to provide for matters particularly on the African continent. In order to continue to provide connected therewith. immunity to heads of state of foreign South Africa has adopted the Diplomatic countries in which conflicts take place, The Republic of South Africa, which is a Immunities and Privileges Act, 2001, the Implementation of the Rome founder member of the African Union, which provides for the immunities and Statute of the International Criminal plays an important role in resolving privileges of diplomatic missions and Court Act, 2002, will be repealed. conflicts on the African continent and consular posts and their members, encourages the peaceful resolution of heads of state, special envoys and In order to give effect to Article 127 conflicts wherever they occur. certain representatives, the United of the Rome Statute, clause 2 of the Nations, and its specialised agencies, Bill provides for a transitional clause The Republic of South Africa, in and other international organisations to deal with cooperation with the exercising its international relations and certain other persons. International Criminal Court, established with heads of state of foreign countries, by Article 1 of the Rome Statute, in particularly heads of state of foreign It also makes provision for immunities connection with criminal investigations countries in which serious conflicts and privileges pertaining to and proceedings in relation to which occur or have occurred, is hindered international conferences and meetings; the Republic had a duty to cooperate by the Implementation of the Rome and enacted into law the Convention and which commenced prior to the Statute of the International Criminal on the Privileges and Immunities of the date on which the withdrawal became Court Act, 2002, which together with United Nations, 1946, the Convention effective. In terms of the clause such the Rome Statute of the International on the Privileges and Immunities of the proceedings must be dealt with and Criminal Court compel South Africa Specialised Agencies, 1947, the Vienna concluded in terms of the provision to arrest heads of state of foreign Convention on Diplomatic Relations, of the Implementation of the Rome countries wanted by the International 1961, and the Vienna Convention on Statute of the International Criminal Criminal Court for the crime of Consular Relations, 1963. Court Act, 2002, as if the said Act has genocide, crimes against humanity not been repealed. and war crimes and to surrender those The Implementation of the Rome persons to the International Criminal Statute of the International Criminal


Parliament celebrates 20 years of Constitution & NCOP

has launched a year-long commemoration of the 20th Anniversary of the Parliament Constitution and the establishment of the National Council of Provinces. At the event to mark the occasion, many of the people involved in drafting the Constitution were on hand to talk about their experiences in creating these remarkable symbols of democracy, writes Abel Mputing.

Among the guests invited to share to as the “finest moment of our violent context. We might try to their experiences were Mr Valli Moosa, country”. wipe this from our memory, but that Prince , Mr Mac is a reality. We decided that we as Maharaj, Mr Roelf Meyer, Ms Geraldine “The ultimate adoption of our South Africans had to find a solution Fraser-Moleketi, Ms Sheila Camerer, Ms Constitution should be understood to our problems. Hence we were in Brigette Mabandla and Rev Kenneth within the context of an imminent charge of our own negotiation process. Meshoe. Their work helped to creat disaster. The struggle was escalating This was to ensure that when an the Constitution and the formation on all fronts. The situation was agreement was reached, we were of the NCOP. degenerating into a civil war and ready to embrace its dynamics and how the regime realised that to address them ourselves. The reconciliatory mood was enhanced it could not rely on the strength by the African National Congress (ANC) of its military to stay in power. “Both sides had to make compromises. and Democratic Alliance (DA) Chief These are stark realities that led It had to be done to accommodate Whips, Mr Jackson Mthembu and Mr to the negotiations to form our others. We had to do that because we , who for the first new Constitution and ultimately its had to find each other, implement what time sat together on the same bench. adoption,” she said. was agreed upon and live together. That is why our Constitution is called Present also were judges, leaders of Ms Mbete elaborated on the role of a ‘peace pact’. It contained all the fault Chapter 9 Institutions, religious leaders Mr and his foresight as lines and flaws of our society, many and university students who came to revealed in his seminal biography of which are still evident to this day.” observe and pay tribute at this august Beyond the Engeli Mountains. Ms event and moment in history that Mbete told of how Mr Tambo was She further added: “The fault lines paved the way for our constitutional bothered by a recurring nightmare of class differences, of economic democracy. which she related. inequalities along racial lines still exist. This can be traced back to In her opening remarks, one of the “The apartheid regime would one day South Africa’s past which had a deeply House Chairpersons of the National want to talk and make an agreement to divided society with untold injustices Assembly (NA), Ms , end the system of apartheid. Tambo’s and legacy of hatred. stated that Parliament had decided nightmare was that the ANC would not to mark the 20-year anniversary of understand such a message because “Today, we are here to pay tribute the Constitution with an opportunity they (the ANC and National Party) to the crafters and drafters of our to reflect on it. Ms Didiza said what don’t speak the same language. And Constitution. What they bequeathed us makes the Constitution unique is that this would lead to a great disaster. will underscore our country’s greatest it was a result of a participatory process. achievement and its finest hour. The “Tambo always thought ahead and led youth of this country must appreciate “As beneficiaries, we are here to listen strategically. This was no more evident the sacrifices made by those who came to the pioneers and have a conversation than his appointment of a constitutional before them.” with them to gain an understanding of committee, which lead the ANC's where we are today.” constitutional negotiations and Addressing the youth attending the resulting in our current Constitution. event, Ms Mbete said: “Bear in mind The Speaker of the National Assembly, Our Constitution came at a great human you are standing on shoulders of heroes Ms Baleka Mbete, gave a broad cost and sacrifice,” she said. and heroines who made great sacrifices overview of the making of the for us to be where we are today. Leave Constitution and the milestones that “The negotiations between the warring your own mark. The fate of this country marked its adoption, which she referred parties took place in a very volatile and is in your hands.”



Jacob Zuma’s 2017 State of the Nation President Address outlined the challenges facing South Africa and provided a summary of the government’s initiatives to deal with them. The speech focused on the theme of radical economic transformation, the programmes aimed at achieving this and the government’s commitment to this goal, writes Sibongile Maputi.

The President dedicated his speech to Delivered at a time when the the father of the liberation struggle, economy is growing at a slow pace, Mr Oliver Tambo, and made a call for the speech defined radical economic South Africans to unite in driving radical transformation as “fundamental change economic transformation. in the structure, system, institutions and patterns of ownership, management “Political freedom is incomplete and control of the economy”. without economic emancipation. The The focus areas for the plan include, objective of our struggle, as set out President Zuma outlined many among other things, industrialisation, in the , encompasses government programmes aimed at mining and beneficiation, energy and economic emancipation. It is giving meaning to radical economic growing the ocean economy. inconceivable for liberation to have transformation and expediting the meaning without a return of the wealth implementation of this vision. A “Work is continuing to ensure energy of the country to the people as a few of these include government’s security. Renewable energy forms whole,” said the President. commitment to continue pursuing an important part of our energy direct state involvement in mining, mix, which also includes electricity “To allow the existing economic forces the minimum wage, the lowering of generation from gas, nuclear, solar, to retain their interests intact is to mobile communication data costs, wind, hydro and coal. Government is feed the roots of racial supremacy and developing the ocean economy, a committed to the overall independent exploitation, and does not represent black industrialist programme and power producer programme and we even the shadow of liberation. a support programme for 450 black are expanding the programme to other Government will utilise the strategic smallholder farmers. sources of energy, including coal and levers that are available to the state. gas, in addition to renewable energy,” These include legislation, regulations, “It is for this reason that we decided to he said. licensing, budget and procurement as focus on a few key areas packaged as well as broad-based black economic the nine-point plan to reignite growth There was an outline of major empowerment charters to influence so that the economy can create the government initiatives that relate to the behaviour of the private sector and much-needed jobs . . . The skewed the theme and how government will drive transformation. nature of ownership and leadership seek to influence greater participation patterns need to be corrected. There in the economy by all South Africans. “It is therefore a fundamental feature of can be no sustainability in any economy President Zuma said the state will our strategy that victory must embrace if the majority is excluded in this play a role in driving economic more than formal political democracy manner. In my discussions with the transformation. and our drive towards national business community, they accepted emancipation must include economic these transformation imperatives,” “Government has established InvestSA, emancipation,” President Zuma said. President Zuma said. an investment one-stop shop nationally


RADICAL TRANSFORMATION: President used his State of the Nation speech to address the urgent need for social and economic transformation to assist the poor and dispossessed. and will open provincial centres in implementation of SADC-Comesa-East (TVET) colleges in 2017,” he said. KwaZulu-Natal, and the African Community free trade area. “All students who qualify for the . The message is clear to We will continue to partner with the National Student Financial Aid Scheme the affected government departments: United States and work together on (NSFAS) and who have been accepted there must be no undue delays and no issues of mutual interest, such as the by universities and TVET colleges will be unnecessary red tape. We should make full renewal of the African Growth and funded. The university debt of NSFAS- it easy to do business in South Africa,” Opportunity Act (Agoa).” qualifying students for 2013, 2014 he said. and 2015 academic years had been President Zuma said South Africa values addressed,” he said. The President acknowledged that its relationship with China and supports South Africa had avoided credit rating the “One China” policy. President Zuma acknowledged the downgrades that would have had a tragedy in which 94 psychiatric patients significant impact on the country’s He also addressed the important issue who died after being transferred from economy. “In the 23rd year of our of tertiary education fees. He revealed Esidimeni Life Hospital to non-profit freedom, our mission remains the that government had prioritised R32bn organisations. He said the government quest for a prosperous South Africa. to support higher education, and said was committed to the implementation Guided by the National Development “it was for this reason that when of National Health Insurance, a flagship Plan (NDP), we are building a South university students expressed genuine project aimed at providing South Africa that must be free from poverty, concerns about being excluded from Africans with universal health coverage. inequality and unemployment.” universities, our caring government responded”. “Families of those who passed away He said South Africa will utilise its will be provided with support,” he tenure in the role of Chair of the “The government has provided funds said. “Working together as fellow Southern African Development to ensure that no student whose South Africans, we have it within our Community (SADC) to fast-track the combined family income is up to power to transform this country into a implementation of the SADC Industrial R600 000 per annum will face fee land of plenty for all. The time is now Strategy. “We are accelerating the increase at universities and technical to move beyond words to practical integration agenda through the and vocational education and training programmes,” he said.


Debate on the State of the Nation Address

the President’s State of the Nation Address, political parties had an opportunity to debate After the speech during a Joint Sitting of the National Assembly (NA) and the National Council of Provinces (NCOP). The South African Local Government Association (Salga) is also allowed to participate in the debate, because of its representation in the NCOP. InSession provides a short excerpt of the key points of some MPs’ arguments during the debate.

Mr Jackson Mthembu, African Mr , Democratic Mr , African Independent National Congress (ANC) Alliance (DA) Congress (AIC) Honourable President, we proudly As we reflect on the state of our nation, The AIC believes that the punted join all ANC Members of Parliament we need to ask ourselves: How many “radical transformation of the who have welcomed your State of South Africans enjoy the freedom that economy” mantra, echoed in President the Nation Address, in particular Madiba spoke of on that day 27 years Zuma’s State of the Nation Address, your emphasis on fundamentally ago? While the connected few gorge is pie in the sky. We believe that the changing the ownership patterns themselves on caviar and champagne, ongoing review of the Mining Charter of the means of production of the the young people are yet to taste the and the Mineral and Petroleum South African economy in favour of fruits of freedom. They are the “born- Resources Development Act is not a Africans in particular, and blacks in frees”, but are everywhere in chains. panacea to addressing problems in general. The time is indeed now for They have been forgotten by the ANC, the mining sector. our government to use our political the enemy of the young people. They authority to advance the radical are our “lost generation”. The lost The AIC believes that the mining sector economic transformation in our country. generation is the nearly six million can transform when the state directly We have not been negligent in pursuit mainly black young South Africans mines about 50% of the country’s of this transformative goal, and many who can’t find work. The half a million mineral and petroleum resources: who have previously benefited took it mainly black children who disappear mere ownership of mineral and as a given that black people will never from our education system each year. petroleum resources without actively ascend to the point of economic control The three million South Africans under being involved in their extraction and and ownership. the age of 25 who are not in education, revenue collection is self-defeating. employment or training.


Mr Petrus Groenewald, Freedom Mr Luthando Mbinda, Pan Africanist Rev , African Front Plus (FF+) Congress of Azania (PAC) Christian Democratic Party (ACDP) If I refer to your policy of radical Mr President, when our youth is The ACDP believes it is a shame and an socioeconomic transformation, you unemployed and unable to pay indictment against the ANC government repeated what the ANC said at its university fees you call them the that 22 years into our democracy, lekgotla – that you want to replace a “missing middle” just as the DA is the majority of black people are still capitalist economy with a state-run calling them with apartheid terms economically disempowered and have developmental economy. such as the “lost generation”. not made any gains from liberation.

What does that mean? We have to go Our people remain poor, unemployed As a caution, we do not believe that and look at your track record because and marginalised from economic the implementation of affirmative what you are actually saying is that you activities while white monopoly capital action policies alone is enough for the want a state-run economy ... What have enjoys comfort over our God-given transformation of the economy. Taking you done to the public enterprises? resources. Section 25 of the Constitution from the haves to give to the have-nots Government is in control of those public is where the stumbling block is and does not grow the economy or increase enterprises. we know that you know, hence we the size of the economic pie. continue to throw into the nearest What happened to SAA? What political bin all this empty political The ACDP believes that the people happened to SA Express? What rhetoric of “radical transformation”. should be given comprehensive training happened to Eskom? I can tell you, so they can acquire the necessary skills Honourable President, if that is to We are challenging you that you will and knowledge to meet the unique happen, the economy will be bankrupt. have the support of the PAC and many demands of a growing economy and opposition parties the day you get global competitiveness. serious about the future of our people and bring section 25 of the Constitution to this House for amendment.


Ms Deidre Carter, Congress of the Mr , United Mr Sibusiso Mncwabe, National People (Cope) Democratic Movement (UDM) Freedom Party (NFP) What we are faced with in South Africa The most disturbing reality is that The President’s speech attempted is an incumbent at war with his own we see an increase in the politics to cover many important issues and country, aided and abetted by a corrupt of patronage, uncontrollable corruption, we welcome the feedback and progress elite, and his corrupted and captured the collapse of government institutions, report he included in his report. party; at war with our Constitution; at a high unemployment rate, lack Despite the positive picture painted war with the rule of law; at war with of development, failing health by the President during his address, the organs of government; at war and education systems, widening elaborating on how the government with Members of his own Cabinet; at inequality, chronic poverty and has responded to the #FeesMustFall war with Parliament; at war with our ineffective provincial governments. campaign, we already see violence Institutions Supporting Constitutional flaring up at the DUT (Durban University Democracy; at war with our Judiciary; With regard to provincial governments of Technology) and at war with our economy; at war with the question is, do we really need University campuses. our business sector; at war with the these glorified homelands or should media and; ultimately at war with us, we rather strengthen the local Our higher education is at risk of the people! sphere of government and let the upheaval and disruption whilst national government take control? government seems to be no closer to The Congress of the People refuses We believe that no individual party’s solving the dilemma than last year. We to be complicit in breaking our oaths policy conference could proffer all the call on the President today to impress of office by being part of these serious sustainable solutions to the challenges upon the Fees Commission, which violations of the Constitution. Cope we face as a nation. This is even more has been tasked to research ways to is not prepared to legitimise the apparent when the governing alliance facilitate free tertiary education, the continued occupation of the Office lacks policy coherence, thus threatening urgent need to speed up its inquiry. of the President by Mr Zuma, and investor confidence. we will accordingly not respond directly to his address.


Mr , African People’s Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi, Mr Andries Plouamma (Agang SA) Convention (APC) (IFP) On 9 February 2017, the nation was In a country with such high levels of I must thank you, Mr President, for abused by a shameless State of inequality we welcome the minimum finally explaining what is meant by the Nation Address. The nation was wage accord as but a small step in the “radical economic transformation”. addressed by a man who is a disciple of right direction. It is obscene that five Unfortunately, while the intention has greed and patronage, a President who billionaires in this country own wealth merit, the approach is flawed. personifies moral degeneration and equal to 26 million South Africans. works without substance or practical That vision was not carried through in action. Under his leadership we are It is a mockery to speak of democracy Gear (the Growth, Employment and worse than conquered people, we are with these levels of poverty and Redistribution) plan. It was not carried governed by parasites and vultures. It inequality. However, our concern through in ASGISA (the Accelerated is this administration’s unwritten policy as APC is that ECD (Early Childhood and Shared Growth Initiative for South to empower the Guptas and friends and Development) educators, HIV Africa). And it won’t be carried though family. To them that is black economic counsellors and home-based carers in the new plan of radical economic empowerment. To us as Agang SA, are not included. And yet they work transformation. Gear didn’t fail. It was we view it as using black economic more than 40 hours a week. abandoned by the ANC. ASGISA wasn’t empowerment to fill the pockets of the flawed, it simply lacked the sustained ruling elite. The APC demands their inclusion in the and strategic leadership needed to minimum wage category. Economic implement it. The Economic Freedom Fighters did transformation must not just be radical, not participate in the debate. They were it must be revolutionary. The same might well be said about the suspended from Parliament after the NDP (National Development Plan) in State of the Nation Address. years to come. It didn’t fail and it wasn’t flawed, it just wasn’t carried through.


Pushing for new agenda of radical economic transformation Jacob Zuma’s response to the State of the Nation Address debate at the President Joint Sitting of the National Assembly and the National Council of Provinces emphasised that the political gains of 1994 must be accompanied by economic freedom for all South Africans, reports Abel Mputing.

“The message of the 2017 State of the “The ownership figures of companies enterprises (SMMEs), especially those Nation Address is clear and simple: at the Stock Exchange owned by black entrepreneurs, as the political gains of 1994 must be should worry any leader in our country auxiliary catalysts of this programme. accompanied by the economic freedom who wants to see a sustainable future. These will also function as a base of the majority of South Africans. At The fact that there is no proliferation to nurture a new cohort of black the heart of that is our new agenda of of successful black-owned mining industrialists. radical economic transformation. We companies 23 years into our freedom are not going to be apologetic about should unite us all into finding “Minister Zulu provided more that,” stated the President. solutions.” information on the 30% compulsory subcontracting that I announced “Radical socio-economic transformation He agreed with the views expressed in the State of the Nation Address. will help us to grow the economy in during the debate on the state of The Department of Small Business an inclusive manner, ensuring true the nation that the radical economic Development will work with state- reconciliation and prosperity.” transformation programme must be owned companies and enterprises, as revolutionary in nature. “It will not be well as government departments to In the same breath, he hastened to only rhetoric. It will find expression in ensure that SMMEs benefit from this dispel negative sentiment against government procurement systems and new development,” he said. this new economic blueprint. “This policies. As Honourable Minister Radebe serves as a confirmation that some pointed out, radical socio-economic The President conceded that the of our compatriots are determined to transformation is not just political sustainability of this new economic defend and protect the status quo and rhetoric. agenda depends on education. To ensure that the ownership, control and that end, government has revised the management of the economy remains This programme will be implemented funding of higher education and has skewed in favour of a racial minority. by government using the strategic now reprioritised R32bn to support levers that are available to the state. education. He assured the higher The founding principle of this These include legislation, regulations, education sector that successive programme is to ensure that we all licensing, budget and procurement government policies will respond to have a sustainable future. The fact as well as broad-based black economic concerns raised by students. that white households earn five times empowerment charters,” he said. more than black households cannot “Education is an important instrument guarantee a sustainable and prosperous The President likened the government’s for socio-economic transformation. future for all,” he said. radical economic transformation to Education was used as an instrument Operation Vula, the African National of subjugation, and we are using it as The President cited other examples Congress’ covert military operation to an instrument of economic freedom. to emphasise the urgency of the new destabilise the apartheid government Over the coming months, government economic agenda stating, among other during the liberation struggle. policies will respond directly to the things, that the racial characteristics concerns raised by the students, of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange Mr Zuma identified provinces and including consideration of raising the and the mining sector remains a cause municipalities as its core drivers National Student Financial Aid Scheme for concern. and small, micro and medium-sized threshold of R122 000,” he said.


PRESIDENT’S REPLY: President Jacob Zuma responds at a Joint Sitting of Parliament to the debate on his State of the Nation Address, in a session presided over by the Speaker of the National Assembly, Ms Baleka Mbete (top left) and the Chairperson of the National Council of Provinces, Ms Thandi Modise (top right).

Defending the values of affirmative institutions, the President emphasised “The Land Expropriation Amendment action and black economic that government will act against any Act, when finalised, will also assist in empowerment (BEE), the President form of untoward behaviour in the fast-tracking land reform and economic dispelled the notion that they private sector that can have an adverse transformation. This government has discriminate against white people. impact on the economy. the interest of the people at heart, and will do all in its power to ensure “The Constitution enjoins us to heal the “Recent developments hasten the that land is returned to the people. divisions of the past and to establish need for the establishment of a a society based on democratic values, state bank as a means to diversify “We have it within our power to social justice and fundamental human our financial sector. We are looking complete the transformation of our rights. Radical economic transformation, forward to working with the financial country. And we will pursue radical of which affirmative action and BEE sector towards diversification and socio-economic freedom with vigour, form part, is one of the ways we can transformation of the sector so that so that we can achieve prosperity, unity help heal the divisions of the past,” new players can enter the market and true reconciliation in our country. he said. as part of the radical economic We shall do this in memory of Oliver transformation,” he said. Reginald Tambo and all who sacrificed Making a veiled reference to the life’s comforts for a free, just and equal recent findings by the Competition The President also referred to the society,” he concluded. Commission on price fixing and currency importance of land ownership for collusion by banks and other financial radical economic transformation.


‘We have a shared responsibility to address our challenges’

his 2017 Budget Speech, the Minister of Finance, Mr , said Delivering that the country is facing various financial challenges amid an uncertain and complex global economic environment while, at the same time, dealing with transformation challenges that need to be addressed with great urgency. Abel Mputing reports.

The Minister of Finance, Mr Pravin time we face immense transformation He further emphasised how intertwined Gordhan, tabled a much-anticipated challenges which need to be addressed our country’s growth is with its Budget Speech, where he had to with great urgency,” he said. “We must transformation agenda. “Our growth tread a tight rope of fiscal discipline overcome the inequalities and divisions challenge is intertwined with our amid low economic growth and of our society. All South Africans must transformation imperatives. We need a budget shortfall. share in a more prosperous future. to transform in order to grow, we We have a plan for a more inclusive, need to grow in order to transform. He said that this was a situation “that shared economy. Its implementation Without transformation, growth will impresses upon us the stark realities requires greater urgency and effective reinforce inequality; without growth, facing our country’s developmental collaboration among all social transformation will be distorted by agenda, which seeks to uproot stakeholders.” patronage,” he said. poverty, unemployment and economic inequality.” The Minister presented the key features He outlined the contributory factors to that constitute the central thrust of our moderate GDP growth recovery. “These commitments impose the 2017 Budget. “The key features of “Our expectation at this stage is that obligations on government – and have the framework for the 2017 Budget GDP growth will increase from 0.5% implications for the business sector include the fact that expenditure is last year to 1.3% in 2017, and will and all stakeholders. We have a shared within the projections of last year’s continue to improve moderately over responsibility to address the social and Budget. An additional R28bn will be the medium term.” economic challenges before us,” he raised in taxes. The budget deficit said. for 2017/18 will be 3.1% of the GDP He then listed sectors and economic (gross domestic product), in line with activities locally and abroad that Financially, our country finds itself our fiscal consolidation commitment. supported our country’s economic between a rock and a hard place – and Government debt will stabilise at growth in 2016. we require more than ever before the about 48% of the GDP over the next wisdom of our elders to help us make three years. “The services sector was the main the right choices and keep the trust of contributor to growth in 2016, our citizens. “Tough choices have to “If we are to improve, we must not bringing nearly 120 000 new work be made to achieve the development lose the moral vision and intent that opportunities. The manufacturing outcomes we seek amid slow economic drive our fiscal policy framework. There output was supported by buoyant sales growth, high unemployment rate, and is a larger purpose, a moral vision in petrochemicals, food and beverages a business sector that is under stress,” and intent behind these plans and and motor vehicles. We expect he said. programmes. We need to build a new somewhat higher growth in the coming national consensus and commitment to year on the strength of a number “Worst of all, we face these challenges deliver, focused on the triple challenges of favourable trends in commodity amid an uncertain and complex global of poverty, unemployment and prices and an exchange rate that has economic environment. At the same inequality,” he said. recovered from its rapid depreciation


last year, which bodes well for capital “For many years we have enjoyed Framework). All poor students who flows, inflation, business and consumer the benefit of tax revenue collections applied and qualified for NSFAS confidence,” he said. outstripping economic growth. This awards, and who have been accepted year, revenue has lagged behind the by a university or a TVET college, will “We need to finalise legislation economy, leading to a R30bn shortfall be supported.” relating to mining development and by comparison with the Budget land redistribution. To implement the estimate a year ago. It is hoped that However, to achieve sustained transition from analogue to digital this year’s tax proposals will raise an higher growth, there are also radical television, which will release spectrum additional R28bn,” he said. economic transformation measures for broadband services. To continue that are needed to bring about a our independent power producer The Minister delivered the 2017 Budget morally justifiable and sustainable programme, both in renewables Speech against the funding crisis that society. These relate, in particular, to and non-renewables – and to engulfed universities and technical the equitable distribution of economic take advantage of gas investment colleges last year. He promised to inject power, he said. opportunities. To further strengthen more funds this year to help students economic regulatory functions and in this financial year. “The relationships between labour and streamline investment approval capital, rich and poor, black and white, processes, to ensure a balanced and “Government recognises the needs still reflect the entrenched legacy of sustainable recovery, Treasury needs articulated by students in universities colonialism and apartheid. Wealth is to raise an additional R28bn in tax and TVET (technical and vocational produced and allocated along lines revenue. It also needs to reduce education and training) colleges. In that remain fundamentally unjust. spending by a total of R26bn over the addition to the increases of R32bn The ownership of assets and the next two years,” he said. we made in the higher education distribution of income is captured allocations in last year’s Budget and by a minority of the population – Treasury has incurred this budgetary the 2016 Medium Term Budget Policy a situation that is morally wrong deficit because for the first time in Statement (MTBPS), we have added and economically unsustainable,” many years, tax revenue collections a further R5bn in the outer year of he said. failed to outstrip economic growth. the MTEF (Medium Term Expenditure

FINANCIAL MATTERS: The Minister of Finance, Mr Pravin Gordhan, arrives in Parliament to present the budget for 2017. He was accompanied by his Deputy Minister‚ Mr Mcebisi Jonas (far left) and the Director-General Mr Lungisa Fuzile (far right).


Is there any hope for poor black South African youth? National Assembly (NA) recently held a debate on the government’s failure to improve the lives of The young South Africans with regard to employment, education and training, where opposition parties blamed the government for failing the youth and the majority party Members of Parliament (MPs) defended the government’s policies on youth empowerment, reports Sakhile Mokoena.

Democratic Alliance (DA) Member of Mr Cassim said it was no coincidence Sea Point, can accuse our organisation the NA, Mr Yusuf Cassim, who proposed that young black South Africans face of creating a lost generation. the topic, opened the debate with unemployment levels of more than the question: “Is there any hope for 60% or that there are more than “Perhaps, in an alternative universe, a better future for poor black South three million South Africans are not in where you strip and dehumanise the Africans?” education, employment or training. lived experience of other humans, their offspring do not suffer. In this nation, “This is the question that should have “It is certainly no coincidence that however, that, in itself, is the creation preoccupied every administration more than nine million South Africans of a ‘lost generation’. The ANC has seeking to build a just society in the are unemployed. These are the ‘lost always placed the youth right at the more than two decades since we generation’. The children who have centre of this country’s trajectory. At the attained liberation, yet today, as I long been forsaken and forgotten, heart of this nation’s reconfiguration address you, a black child in South without hope of succeeding in an and development is the youth, our Africa is still 100 times more likely to unjust society. The youth of this country future,” she said. grow up in poverty than a white child,” who have been set up to fail and never said Mr Cassim. make it out of poverty,” he said. Mr of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) said his He attributed this to “the direct The African National Congress’s (ANC’s) party did not “expect the lost ANC to consequence of subsequent Ms Thandi Mahambehlala did not take recognise the lost generation”. administrations caring more about kindly to the use of the phrase “lost setting up political patronage networks generation” by Mr Cassim to describe “South Africa is at a crossroads. South than caring about what hope they can the youth who are not in education, African youth, black youth, who should give to a poor black child. This is why employment or training. be the bedrock of our socio-economic we have an entire generation that has life, are trapped in a system that seeks given up any hope of finding work,” “The concept of a lost generation is a their destruction. At school, they have he added. Western one. It was a phrase coined to face the daily dehumanisation of by [the writer] Gertrude Stein who, having to study under trees in the “The reality is that if you had the after the First World War, referred to , or having to study misfortune of being a poor black child expatriates who returned after the war without textbooks in , or of growing up in South Africa, you would as being ‘a desperate, directionless, having unqualified teachers teaching most likely be one of the 50% of Grade unemployable mass of youth who them in KwaZulu-Natal,” said Mr 1 pupils who never write a matric see no future for themselves’. This Paulsen. examination. Most certainly you would generation was lost in the sense that be one of the 80% of children who its inherited values were no longer He argued that South African would receive an education that is relevant in the post-war world. youth were the most vulnerable to considered among the very worst in the unemployment, to diseases and to world – an education that will consign “I would urge DA members to take crime because the government has you to a lifetime of poverty,” heed of this because I find it mind- not presented and implemented any he said. boggling that their party, that is aiding vision for ensuring full participation the rich by gentrifying Woodstock and of young people in the economy.


OUR FUTURE: Member of Parliament for the Democratic Alliance, Mr Yusuf Cassim, proposed the debate on the future of South Africa’s young people.

“As things stand, young people are loitering about because they are unemployed and mostly unemployable. Most are in jail because the economic system would not have them anywhere else. In this very wicked system, it is okay for the Department of Correctional Services to use R9.8bn a year to keep mostly young black prisoners behind bars instead of investing in comprehensive development of our young people to ensure that they do not resort to crime.

“We need the state to provide free quality, decolonised education which will break the cycle of an intergenerational colonial curse condemning black people to a lifetime of glorified slavery. colleges, and not what the market sector, have an important role to play “Young black people, with full access needs, that tells us that something is in helping to find solutions to these to quality education, will have no fundamentally wrong,” he said. problems. However, we should pose incentive to resort to crime and a more fundamental question. Does will contribute immensely to the Prof Nhlanhla Khubisa of the National our education system provide the development of our country. We need Freedom Party (NFP) said: “The fact youth with educational experiences to reopen teaching and nursing colleges that our young people are now more and skills that equip them with which were foolishly closed down by educated than the previous generations the necessary tools they need to this corrupt ANC. This will ensure that does not automatically mean that understand and impact on what is from this basic level, our education the government has succeeded in happening in the world around them, system is of enough quality. This improving the lives of our young people and more importantly, on the African will also ensure that young rural people through education. Our education is continent? have access to good quality health care, grappling with the problems of poorly provided by properly trained nurses.” qualified educators who have to teach “We should use our education system under a crumbling infrastructure and as a tool to search not only for our Making an input from the Inkatha lack of resources. road, but also for our direction. In Freedom Party (IFP), Mr Mkhuleko other words, we should develop an Hlengwa said all the plans for “Our students are performing poorly in overarching national narrative, not development have not alleviated mathematics, science and reading. Our only on education, but on all matters the plight of young people. education system has an unacceptably of national importance. For instance, high dropout rate, which severely as the biggest and most sophisticated “Unemployment remains high at undermines skills building and economy in Africa, we should be 27.2%, to an extent it is at 35%. So, employability.” producing graduates that contribute in the final analysis jobs continue to to Africa’s development.” be lost and young people continue to Mr of the United be jobless. Young people are given Democratic Movement (UDM) said: “The Adv Anton Alberts of the Freedom no opportunities. Yes, strides may challenges facing South Africa at the Front Plus (FF+) said: “While developed have been made, but ultimately when moment such as youth unemployment, countries are struggling with an ageing you have young people who are not poor education and training and alcohol population and have to deal with the gainfully employed, where there and drug abuse are not just problems complex problems of immigration to is a mismatch in terms of what we for government alone. ensure the continuity of a younger work are producing in our technical and force, South Africa is blessed with what vocational education and training “All stakeholders, including the private is called a ‘demographic dividend’.


NCOP calls for improved coordination of oversight

NCOP held a review and planning session at Parliament recently with the nine provincial The legislatures and the South African Local Government Association (Salga). The theme was Celebrating 20 Years of Democracy and 20 years since the establishment of the NCOP to find ways to synchronise the work of these institutions to avoid oversight duplication, write Abel Mputing and Sakhile Mokoena.

The Chairperson of the National Council People programme in the Eastern Cape, “What is the reach of Parliament? Can of Provinces (NCOP), Ms Thandi Modise, was a good experiment and has saved we bring a municipal head to account wants to see more coordination us millions,” she said. The planning before a Committee? What do we mean between national Parliament, provincial session also marked 20 years since the when we say provincial interest is the legislatures and municipalities for establishment of the NCOP. business of the NCOP? There is a need effective oversight that will impact on for synergy of the work of the NCOP service delivery. “It was on this day, 20 years ago, when and the provinces,” Ms Modise said. the NCOP came into being,” said Ms Ms Modise said the coordination Modise. “We need to look back and ask Secretary to the NCOP, Adv Modibedi of programmes will result in more ourselves if we are on the right track. Phindela, told the session that effective oversight and save the Are there lessons which we should coordinated oversight by the legislative legislative sector millions of rands. have learnt? We need to look at our sector should have a positive effect on relationship with the provinces and the the lives of the people. “The legislative “The recent Taking Parliament to the municipalities and evaluate the way in sector must ensure that the executive People, which was hosted jointly with which we do business with the national implements the National Development the province’s Taking Legislature to the executive,” said the Chairperson. Plan, the Sustainable Development


COORDINATION IS KEY : The Chairperson of the National Council of Provinces, Ms Thandi Modise, and the Secretary to the NCOP, Adv Modibedi Phindela, preside over the planning and review session.

because of low population numbers,” said Mr Ngangelizwe.

The improvement of the relationship and the establishment of synergies in the law-making and other administrative responsibilities between the NCOP and other role-players was also considered during the session.

One of the issues that came under consideration was the Constitutional Court’s judgement on 28 July 2016 about the unconstitutionality of the Restitution of Land Rights Amendment Act. The judgement arose from a complaint brought before the Constitutional Court by the Land Access Movement of South Africa (Lamosa). In Goals (SDGs) and the Agenda 2063 said: “Our programmes are not its application, Lamosa claimed that in Master Plan. The Taking Parliament coordinated properly, yet we have passing this Act, the NCOP did not pay to the People Programme should be all the mechanisms. As the NCOP, we due diligence to public participation, conducted by taking the legislature take oversight for granted. We do as required by the Constitution. to the people so that we do not go not follow up on findings to make A unanimous judgement by the to different places at different times sure the executive implements our Constitutional Court upheld Lamosa’s or, even worse, to the same place at recommendations. The Committees challenge. different times,” said Adv Phindela. of Parliament and provincial legislatures must meet and identify the priorities The Constitutional Court stipulated that House Chairperson for Committees and of the country and come up with it would not be prescriptive about how Oversight in the National Assembly, a coordinated oversight plan. Our the NCOP conducts public participation Mr , also participated in problem is coordination,” Mr Moiloa in the passing of laws, but the NCOP the discussion. He commended the said. must find ways of improving it because improving working relations between that is its constitutional prerogative. the National Assembly and the NCOP. Salga Deputy President Mr Sebenzile To remedy this, the NCOP has since “We have cut out the unnecessary Ngangelizwe proposed full participation proposed practice notes for provincial duplication that occurred in the past,” of Salga members in NCOP Committees. legislatures to consider. he said. Currently they only participate in debates of the House. “We propose The proposals state that: “All Bills Limpopo Legislature Speaker, Ms that our members should participate received by the NCOP must be widely Polly Boshielo, echoed the call for in NCOP Committees so that we can advertised either in print or on better coordination of oversight by have a local government voice when electronic or social media or on all the legislative sector. “Let us not do developing policies and legislation for those platforms. Bills’ summaries must oversight just to comply with the that sphere of government. be compiled in at least three languages Constitution, but to hold the executive that are spoken in a particular province. accountable and oversight should have “We also have to review legislation The NCOP must determine whether an impact on the lives of the people,” that impacts negatively on local a Bill requires public hearings. If yes, she said. government. We feel we are being the advertisement must indicate that overregulated. The equitable share public hearings will take place in the Mr Uhuru Moiloa, the Deputy policy is not addressing service delivery provinces.” Speaker of Gauteng Legislature, challenges. Poor areas get less money


Citizens call for Bill binding all traditional leadership

countrywide public hearings on the Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Bill, the Portfolio During Committee on Local Government and Traditional Affairs visited the North West, and KwaZulu-Natal provinces to give people living in those provinces a chance to express their views on the Bill, report Abel Mputing and Sakhile Mokoena.

Residents of Mafikeng and surrounding “We are not here because we are draft such a Bill before. Now we have areas in the North West Province asked scared to go to the Constitutional Court, such information and now we are for more time to study the Traditional but because the Constitution enjoins prepared to include the Khoi-San in the and Khoi-San Leadership Bill in order to us to consult the public. We are here traditional system of governance. As a make meaningful contributions on the also to learn because we do not know result, draft legislation. They told the Portfolio everything. We value the views of our this is a very important Bill for the Committee on Cooperative Governance people,” he said. Khoi-San. and Traditional Affairs that the time allocated for the public hearings on the Khoi-San communities in the North The title of the Bill was challenged in Bill was inadequate, as some citizens West Province are optimistic that the Free State. had not had enough time to go through the draft Traditional and Khoi-San Mr Thabang Tsotetsi of the Batlokwa the Bill. This Bill is about extending Leadership Bill will restore their dignity. tribe said the title of the Bill is recognition of traditional leaders to They urged Parliament to revoke all the problematic because the Constitution include the Khoi-San. laws that refer to them as “coloured” recognises some traditional leaders, but people. not Khoi-San traditional leaders. “The time is not enough for the community to engage on the Bill. In the Free State, Mr Mdakane said the “African and Khoi-San traditional Some of us only saw it for the first time inclusion of the Khoi-San was instigated leaders may have different customary today. Can you please allow us more by former president Mr laws, but they are all part of the time to go through it and come back in 1996. Mr Mandela had expressed traditional governance system of for the public consultation,” said one concern about the exclusion of the this country and they must not be resident, Ms Dipuo Matlhonoko. Khoi-San in the traditional framework discriminated against – or be seen to of traditional leaders. be treated differently,” he said. Other members of the community told the Committee to host more “He asked us how the issue of Khoi- There was also a strong objection to the public education sessions on the Bill, San traditional leadership could be use of the term “Khoi-San branches” especially in rural areas that were addressed and urged lawmakers to in the Bill, as people said the Khoi-San already under traditional and Khoi-San come up with ways of addressing the traditional leadership system has clans, leadership. This was important, they issue as a matter of urgency,” not branches. argued, as these were the communities Mr Mdakane explained. mainly affected by the draft legislation. “We have been waiting for this “However, Khoi-San traditional opportunity since 1652. We are glad The Committee Chairperson, Mr Richard leadership is a complex matter. We that now the time for the recognition of Mdakane, said the Committee will are now determined to include the our heritage and its legacy has finally return to the North West Province Khoi-San into the existing traditional come,” said King Seka Majara of the to meet with traditional leaders to leadership governance framework. Nama tribe. address issues raised by the public that It took so long to do so because we are unrelated to the Bill. did not have sufficient information to


MAKING THEIR VOICE HEARD: The citizens of Kokstad in KwaZulu-Natal attended public hearings on the Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Bill to share their views on the proposed legislation.

Welcoming the Committee in the Adam Kok. “That process is on course, the customary laws governing the Greater Kokstad Local Municipality, we will name that building after King principles of traditional leadership. also in the Free State, the Mayor, Mr Adam Kok as recognition of the Khoi- The kings are governing by consensus. Bheki Mtolo, said the Khoi-San always San ancestry in this region. We will They derive their mandate from their complained that they were not white do so to honour the letter and spirit subjects through communal resolutions. enough during apartheid and now of this Bill.” This Bill overlooks that and is bound to not black enough in the democratic disturb our peace because it contradicts dispensation. In KwaZulu-Natal, Committee our customary laws that dictate our Chairperson Mr Mdakane told people mandate and govern our traditional Mr Mtolo said the Bill seeks to that the Bill was introduced to authorities.” recognise every cultural group’s rights Parliament in August 2005 to ensure to self-determination. It also promotes that one Bill recognises all spheres of Reflecting a general feeling that the the fundamental principles of the South African traditional leadership Bill should be renamed the Traditional Freedom Charter, which states that and governance. He then explained Affairs Bill, the Chairperson of the South Africa belongs to all those who that in 2016 a decision was taken that KwaZulu-Natal Provincial House of live in it, he said. the Committee should conduct public Traditional Leaders, Chief Phathisizwe hearings throughout the country to Chiliza, summed it up: “Why are we To acknowledge the ancestral heritage get people’s views on how best to calling this Bill the Traditional and of the Khoi-San in Kokstad, Mr implement it. Khoi-San Leadership Bill? This title Mtolo said the Great Kokstad Local renders the Khoi-San ‘other’. We need Municipality will erect a statue and Community member Mr Sinegugu a Bill that binds the entire traditional name its building after a Khoi-San Zukulu stated that this Bill seeks to leadership.” leader who fought bravely against turn kings into servants of the state. He colonial forces in the 19th century, Mr said: “And as it stands, it contradicts


Science and technology research to develop the National Development Plan

National Research Foundation (NRF) appeared before the Select Committee on Communications The and Public Enterprises to explain its mandate and role in research and development in South Africa, writes Abel Mputing.

The mandate of the NRF, according chairs that are meant to protect our with the imperatives of various to Chief Executive Officer Dr Molapo environmental assets. departments within the National Qhobela, is to promote and support System of Innovation.” research through funding, human “We have 30 South African chairs resource development and the focusing on environmental research Another project he mentioned in his provision of the necessary research in areas such as agricultural sciences, presentation is iThemba Laboratory for facilities. agro-chemistry, evolution biology, as Accelerator-Based Sciences, based in well as climate change which looks Mfuleni near Cape Town, which is the Its mandate is to facilitate the at Earth system science, maritime only project of its kind on the African creation of knowledge, innovation ecosystems and paleo-environmental continent, he claimed. and development in all fields of science studies.” and technology, including indigenous “Its core research centres on knowledge, and thereby contribute to The NRF builds on its brand and nuclear physics, material research, the improvement of the quality of life reputation to foster international radiation biophysics and radionuclide of all South Africans. research partnerships and scientific research. This national facility is the collaboration on the African continent only producer of accelerator-based Leading the presentation to the and globally, thus playing a role in radiopharmaceuticals for nuclear Committee, Dr Qhobela said the creating a better South Africa and medicines,” he told the Committee. NRF contributes to a range of fields Africa. One of its international projects that are adding value to the national is the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), The Chairperson of the Committee, system of innovation, some of which which has increased the scientific Ms Ellen Prins, said it would be good involve food security and the protection reputation of South Africa, Dr Qhobela to see what the NRF is doing in of environmental assets. said. universities in terms of transforming their research personnel. And what “There two UK (United Kingdom) He also spoke about the South African interventions are needed to ensure and South African research chairs Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity, that all universities are in line with focusing on food security. And there which is working in the field of aquatic our country’s developmental agenda. are two other chairs focusing on research. systems biology of food security and Committee member Mr Phello Parkies phytochemical food networks from a “Its research agenda includes a broad was interested in the link between nutrition perspective.” spectrum of aquatic environments, government goals and NRF objectives. from marine exploration to continental “Given the significance of Operation It also has significant research freshwater catchments. This is aligned Phakisa [a government programme


Committee Chairperson Ms Ellen Prins Committee Member Mr Phello Parkies Committee Member Mr (ANC) (ANC) (DA)

to speed up the implemention of determining our research course. Is it such, 80% of those we offer research the National Development Plan] as government or the universities? I am funding to are South Africans and many one of the apexes of our country’s worried we might be going in different of them are black. However, we have a development agenda, how much work directions than those stipulated by the share of funding for the SADC [Southern do you do in terms of career guidance National Development Plan.” African Development Community] in this regard?” asked Mr Parkies. and the African continent for obvious Dr Qhobela replied that government bilateral and multilateral reasons and Dr Qhobela replied: “There is a bias is involved in determining the relations. In all, there is government towards increasing the input and output direction of higher education research. involvement in determining who gets of black students in, for example, “The universities make their own funded.” aquatic field or ocean economy. Some recommendations, but we also have of our aquatic funding seeks to address our own criteria to determine who is When Mr Julius voiced the opinion the racial imbalance in this field and to eligible for funding,” he said. that this area needed more funding, ensure that there are black scientists Dr Qhobela agreed strongly. “We need in this field who can contribute to the Mr Julius went on to ask: “Who more funding in this regard and we realisation of this sector’s potential.” determines who gets funded by the appeal for adequate funding. We try NRF? We see more and more foreign to protect our core while we are Another Committee member, Mr students doing post-doctoral research. mindful of the financial situation our Jacques Julius, asked: “What is your Do we have enough local doctoral and country finds itself in. But we must be socio-economic impact on economic post-doctoral researchers?” careful of cutting funding to an extent transformation? I cannot see where that we cripple the mandate of NRF,” the economic development, innovation Again Dr Qhobela replied: “Our mission Dr Qhobela concluded. and products produced for export in is to transform the profile of those who the fields you have covered. Who is can bring change to our society. As


Agricultural co-ops in KZN set ball rolling for radical economic transformation

a time when the government has emphasised radical socio-economic transformation, including the At redistribution of land to the previously dispossessed, 12 Balemi primary co-operatives in KwaZulu-Natal are already using farming to work towards this goal in their communities, reports Justice Molafo.

Members of the Portfolio Committee can achieve a successful project in sign transversal agreements with local on Small Business Development, led isolation. She gave as an example the and district municipalities, as well as by Chairperson Ms Nozabelo Bhengu, coordinated role played by all spheres with relevant provincial and national embarked on a week-long oversight of government and departments in departments in order to outline what visit to KwaZulu-Natal earlier this preparation for the successful 2010 role each one of them needs to play in year to assess progress made by World Cup project. order to provide sufficient support to 12 cooperatives since they were the co-operatives. given start-up funding by the Putting the point across, Ms Bhengu Department of Small Business told her audience that she was the “One cannot begin to understand how Development in 2015. Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee a co-operative, aimed at bringing about on Sport and Recreation in the years socio-economic transformation, can Since its inception after the 2014 that preceded the international operate without it being part of the elections, the Small Business showpiece, and therefore had seen Integrated Development Plan (IDP) Department has established a Co- the results yielded by effective co- of the concerned municipality,” said operative Incentive Scheme (CIS) aimed ordination. Ms Bhengu. at proving start-up financial assistance to farming cooperatives. It can fund up She said the Department of Sport and She was highlighting the fact that to R350 000 per single co-operative. Recreation had the enormous task some municipalities and provincial of delivering a successful World Cup departments had not heard about The Committee held meetings with tournament with little budget and no the co-operatives before the the City of eThekwini, Impendle and competence in other fields – including Committee’s visit. She reiterated Msunduzi local municipalities as road infrastructure, traffic, tourism and that the Department of Small Business part of its week-long oversight visit hospitality management – and yet it Development needs to do more to to KwaZulu-Natal. The Committee produced positive results. bring all the role players on board. discovered that there was a lack of co- ordination between local and district Ms Bhengu said the department pulled All the co-operatives are receiving municipalities, as well as between together resources from different technical support from Kohwa Holdings provincial and national government departments that specialised in under the leadership of Mr Trevor in relation to assisting cooperatives. different fields – as well as pulling Tshuma, which assists them with resources from local and district information and guidance on the types Ms Bhengu emphasised that no municipalities. “The Department of of crops to be planted, maintenance sphere of government or department Small Business Development must of the crops and the type of irrigation


BEAUTIFUL HARVEST: Chairperson of the Selulele primary co-operative, Ms Nosimo Mbanjwa (second from right), and Members of the Portfolio Committee on Small Business Development hold some of the spinach harvest from the Selulele primary co-operative farm. system suitable, as well as the markets. including soil preparation, fencing and that involves state-owned and private installation of irrigation systems. companies, as well as co-operatives. Selulele Co-operative in Readsdale in “The co-operatives are crucial for the Umzimkhulu Municipality is the Ms Bhengu, on behalf of the bringing about radical socio-economic most advanced project. It has harvested Committee, said the co-operatives development in communities and and supplied fresh spinach from a one were important following the new changing the patterns of control hectar farm to the local supermarket. shift in the economy, whereby the and ownership of the economy,” The rest of the co-operatives are still country is moving from a capitalist she said. at varying initial stages of farming – system to a mixed economy system


Speed needed to eradicate title deeds backlog

eradication of the title deeds backlog was identified by the Minister of Human Settlements, Ms The , as a major priority area of her ministry after her assumption of office in 2014. The Portfolio Committee visited the Free State to track delivery, writes Malatswa Molepo.

The strategic ownership of a valuable The eradication of the title deeds coherent, inter-governmental response asset like land and property is backlog was identified by the Minister is necessary if we are to achieve this desired by many. In South Africa, the of Human Settlements as a major daunting task. It is for these reasons government plays a significant role priority area of her ministry after her that the Committee has called for the within the property sector, building assumption of office in 2014. “Our redoubling of efforts to ensure that more than four million houses for people have a right to their title deeds people receive their title deeds and the poor – valued at R1.5 trillion. But and the fact that they do not have their dignity,” said Ms Nocawe Mafu, despite recipients receiving houses, them is a sad indictment, because the Chairperson of the Committee. many did not have documentable proof this is supposed to be an entry into that indeed the houses belong to them the economy for the poor,” Minister In its plans, the national department in the form of a title deed. Lindiwe Sisulu said during her first committed itself to eradicating the Budget Vote speech for the ministry in 900 000 title deeds backlog – starting The department’s 2016-2017 Annual 2014. with clearing 100 000 title deeds in the Performance Plan estimated that the 2016-2017 financial year. This would be title deeds backlog affected more Three years down the line, that followed by eradicating 400 000 each than 900 000 recipients. This led to commitment was re-emphasised by year in the succeeding two years. the establishment of the Title Deeds President Jacob Zuma during his 2017 Restoration Programme aimed at State of the Nation Address to a Joint However, the Committee was eradicating the backlog. One beneficiary Sitting of Parliament. “Among key unimpressed by the revelation that the of this programme is Ms Nomayini priorities this year, government will Free State was performing poorly in Rebecca Masana, a 74-year-old also address the increasing delays and achieving the set targets. The provincial resident of Phase 5 in Heidedal, near backlogs in registration and issuing of department had set itself a target of Bloemfontein. She was a beneficiary of title deeds to beneficiaries of housing eradicating 29 474 title deeds after a house in 2011 and has been waiting projects funded by the capital subsidy,” 1994 and 780 title deeds before 1994. for a title deed since then. President Zuma said in Parliament. Some of the impeding factors that the department raised included the fact She finally received her title deed when This pledge made by the President and that some municipalities do not have the Portfolio Committee on Human the Minister prompted the Portfolio ownership of property, unregistered Settlements visited the Free State as Committee to probe the progress townships, wrongly captured property part of the Committee’s oversight role in implementing this priority area, descriptions, disputes over sites over the executive. particularly in the Free State. During and illegal sale of property as well the visit to the province, the Portfolio as deceased beneficiaries whose “I will sleep peacefully knowing that Committee highlighted the dire need estates had not been registered and I officially own this house and my for speed in realising this priority area accordingly divided. children will inherit it once I pass on. mainly because it represents the return Thank you very much for this honour of dignity to the poor. “It is concerning to find out that only that you have bestowed on me three municipalities attend Provincial today,” a jubilant Ms Masana said after “The issuance of title deeds talks to Steering Committee Meetings that receiving her title deed. returning dignity to the people. A have been set up to find solutions to


the backlog. All municipalities must The Committee said it was always of collaboration between all levels recommit to attending these meetings under the impression that the backlog of government in ensuring that and find urgent solutions to this was caused by delays at the Deeds the process be speeded up. “It is challenge,” Ms Mafu emphasised. Office. “This engagement with all encouraging that there are already stakeholders has been helpful because interventions aimed at resolving some Ms Mafu further highlighted the now the Committee fully understands of the blockages causing the backlog. many advantages of having a title the extent of the problem,” Ms Mafu We hope Ms Masana is the first of deed. “Having a title deed will enable said. many who will get their title deeds a person to leave their property soon,” Ms Mafu concluded. to their children or spouse in the She was saying this following a event of death, reducing conflict and revelation that a major causal factor Despite the scorching sun, Ms Masana contestation. Added to this, security of to the backlog was that a could not stop dancing and ululating tenure and having an asset that can register was not developed for many with her title deed in her hand. “I am be used as collateral represent the townships in the country. In the the happiest person in the world today importance of a title deed. All these Free State this affected about 17 because I can proudly say that I own a benefits don’t filter through to our municipalities in total. house and the land on which it is built. people,” Ms Mafu said, when calling for I can die now knowing that my children the eradication of the backlog. The Committee encouraged a culture have a place to call home,” she said.

A HOME OF HER OWN: Heidedal resident Ms Nomayini Rebecca Masana was a beneficiary of the Title Deeds Restoration Programme when she received the title deed to her home.


Tikhungo Letisekela Intsandvo Yelinyenti: Ikhomishini yaseNingizimu Afrika Yemalungelo eLuntfu

Tesehluko Semfica tisungulwe ngekulandzela Umtsetfosisekelo kute tisekele Tikhungo intsandvo yelinyenti kanye neKhomishini yaseNingizimu Afrika Yemalungelo eLuntfu (i-SAHRC) ngulesinye saleletiyimfica. Lisekela laSihlalo leKhomishini, ummeliMohamed Shafie Ameermia, usitjela ngemsebenti wayo wekusekela emalungelo etakhamuti ekuba netindlu ngekulandzela tivumelwane lokwafinyelelwa kuto kukhomfa yemave emhlaba lemayelana netindlu. Le-atiklili ingulenye yalamanye ema-athiklili etikhungo teSehluko Semfica letishicilelwe liphephabhuku i-InSession.

Inkhomfa Yamhlabuhlangene (i-UN) kutsi iphumelele. Nanome ingasilo umsebenti lonesitfunti futsi bugebengu Lemayelana Netindlu Nentfutfuko nje lithulusi lelinako konkhe, kodvwa bubahlasela lula, basuswa ngenkhani Yasedolobheni Lesimeme, nome lisinyatselo lesicondze lapho kufanele etindzaweni labakhe kuto babuye futsi i-Habitat III, lebeyibanjelwe eQuito, kuyiwe khona ekufakeni bonkhe babukane nesimo sekubete emakhaya. e-Ecuador, ngeMphala kulomnyaka bantfu, ekubeni nemandla, ekuvikeleni lophelile. kanye nasemadolobheni lasimeme. Luhlelo Lwavelonkhe Lwekutfutfukisa (i-NDP) lwaseNingizimu Afrika lungena Lenkhomfa yemave emhlaba ibanjwa Lenkhomfa ive kutsi i-New nje lutsi khaca ku-New Urban Agenda. njalo emva kweminyaka lenge-20 Urban Agenda itsatsa ngekutsi Ikhomishini yaseNingizimu Afrika kantsi ngesikhatsi ibanjwa kulomnyaka emadolobhakati atinjini tekukhula Yemalungelo eLuntfu (i-SAHRC) inikwe lophelile beyigcile endzabeni yekwenta kwemnotfo, kodvwa nanome kunjalo sibopho sekugcugcutela, kuvikela kanye tindzawo tibe ngemadolobha, kutfutsa iyakwemukela lokutsi emadolobhakati nekucaphela emalungelo eluntfu lapha kanye nekwandza kwelizinga lekuhlala lamanyenti asagucuke aba tindzawo eNingizimu Afrika, futsi itawucocisana etindzaweni letingemadlokololo tekukhiphela labanye ngephandle nahulumende mayelana nekulungisa letisiminysminya futsi letingcolile. kanye nekungalingani. letinye taletinsayeya.

Ihlose kuvusetela kutinikela Nakuvulwa lenkhomfa, Mabhalane Ikhomishini yaseNingizi-SAHRC kwemhlaba wonkhe ekwenteni Jikelele losawuphuma esikhundleni ikucinisekisile kutsi lilungelo tindzawo tibe ngemadolobha futsi sakhe waMhlabuhlangene, Umnu lekufinyelela tindlu ngalokwanele letitawutfutfuka ngalokusezingeni Ban Ki-moon, uphawule watsi lelitfolakala ngekwemtsetfosisekelo lelisetulu kakhulu ngekwemukelwa “emadolobhakati atinjini letigcamile liyincenye lemcoka ekutfutfukiseni kwe-New Urban Agenda, lokuhloswe tekukhula, tikhungo tekwehlukahlukana temnotfo taseNingizimu Afrika ngayo kugcugcutela kutsi kube kanye netindzawo tekucamba lokusha.” ngekusho kweLuhlelo Lwavelonkhe nemadolobhakati lafaka konkhe Lwekutfutfukisa (i-NDP). ekhatsi, lacinile, lavikelekile, lasimeme, Nome kunjalo, uchubeke watsi ikota lahlanganyelako nalahlangene. yebantfu labahlala emadolobheni Luhlelo Lwekutfutfukisa Lwavelonkhe bahlala etindzaweni letingemadlokololo luyakubona kutsi linyenti lebantfu Mabhalane Jikele we-Habitat III, Dkt futsi letingcolile kantsi futsi abakhoni labaphuyile baseNingizimu Afrika Joan Clos, utsite le-New Urban Agenda kufinyelela tinsita netikhungo bahlala etindzaweni letikhashane, yi-ajenda leyinshisekelo yekuphumelela letisisekelo. Baphindze futsi bakhishwe letikhashane nemisebenti, bafinyelela ledzinga kutinikela lokubanti kute inyumbatana ematfubeni ekutfola kancane tinsita letisisekelo kanye


netekutfutsa letiyimphumelelo, Ikhomishini i-SAHRC itawusebentisa kwesigidzigidzi emaveni lasatfutfuka ngenca yemshiyandvuku wekuhlela i-New Urban Agenda bahlala etindzaweni letingemadlokololo ngekwebuhlanga belubandlululo. yaMhlabuhlangene kanye Netinjongo letisiminyaminya futsi letingcolile, Loku kuvimbela bantfu labaphuyile Tentfutfuko Letisimeme (ema-SDG) naletihlaseleka lula. INingizimu Afrika kutsi bakhone kufinyelela umnotfo. kutsi ente emadolobhakati kanye ifanele kutsi ibukane nekungalingani Ngaleyo ndlela-ke, bantfu labanengi netindzawo tekuhlalisa bantfu kutsi kwasesikhatsini lesengca kanye baseNingizimu Afrika batikhandza tifake konkhe ekhatsi, tivikeleke, nekusilela emuva kwsikhatsi lesengcile, babanjwe “bosochaka bebuphuya” ticine futsi tisimame. Ihlose ngesikhatsi lesifanako iphindze ilinge lapho khona kunelizinga lelisetulu kwesekela umbuso kutsi emalungelo kulungisa tindzawo tekwenta tindzawo lekungasebenti lelindlondlobalisa eluntfu ayahlanganiswa kulenchubo kutsi tibe sidolobha. lobuphuya lobukhona. yekulandzelela tinjongo, lokuhloswe kutsi kwentiwe kanye netinkhomba NjengeSikhungo seseSehluko Semfica, Ngenca yekubakhona kwaletinsayeya, ngekwelive lonkhe. Ikhomishini yaseNingizimu Afrika Luhlelo Lwekutfutfukisa Lwavelonkhe Yemalungelo eLuntfu (i-SAHRC) inikwe lusho kutsi akube khona kuhlela Ikhomishini yaseNingizimu Afrika emandla ngekwemtsetfosisekelo kutsi “lokutawuholwa yimitsetfomgomo Yemalungelo eLuntfu (i-SAHRC) ibekwe icocisane nahulumende kucinisekisa letawenta kutsi kube netindzawo ngendlela leyehlukile kutsi isebente kutsi kute umuntfu loshiywa ngemuva lekuhlalekako kuto, leticinile njengelithulusi kucinisekisa lendlela ngesikhatsi kunjintjelwa ekufakeni naletinemphumelo, naletisekela yentfutfuko yavelonkhe lesimeme konkhe ekhatsi, kucina, kuvikeleka, ematfuba etemnotfo kanye njengaloku ingumbononchanti kusimama kanye nakumadolobha nekubumbana ngekwetenhlalo.” wema-SDG, we-New Urban Agenda latimbandzakanyako futsi nalacinile kanye neLuhlelo Lwavelonkhe njengaloku kusho i-New Urban Agenda. Embikweni wayo wa-2015 Lomayelana Lwekutfutfukisa kutsi iyahlelwa, iyacala Nekulalelwa Kweluvo Mayelana kusetjentiswa futsi icashelwa ngendlela Ummeli Mohamed Shafie Ameermia Nekutfola Tindlu, Hulumende yekumbandzakanya, lesebaleni unguKhomishina kanye neLisekela Wasekhaya Nekuletfwa Kwetinsita, nangendlela yekutilandza leyeyame laSihlalo weKhomishini yaseNingizimu Ikhomishini yaseNingiz i-SAHRC igceke emalungelweni eluntfu. Afrika Yemalungelo eLuntfu futsi umshiyandvuku welubandlululo kusibopho sakhe kucinisekisa lilungelo lomayelana nendzawo, kususwa Kwengeta kuloko, leKhomishini lekubanendlu kanye nekufinyelela ngenkhani etindzaweni tekuhlala iyakhona kutsi inike hulumende bulungiswa. kanye nesimo sekubete emakhaya. teluleko letimayelana nemalungelo eluntfu macondzana nendlela Lombiko ufike esiphetfweni lesitsi yekucala kusebentisa ema-SDG, tindlela tetinhlelo tetindlu tite Luhlelo Lwavelonkhe Lwekutfutfukisa litfutse lelifanele lekufezekisa kanye ne-New Urban Agenda, kugcile ngenchubekelembili lilungelo lekuba kakhulu ekugcugcuteleni kulingana netindlu ngalokwanele kanye, nekutsi nekungabandlululi. ngaletinye tikhatsi, letindlela tiholela ekwephulweni kwemalungelo eluntfu. Kwanyalo, kunebantfu labangetulu

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