Evans vitae, p. 1 CURRICULUM VITAE: Susan Toby Evans
[email protected] • Office address: Department of Anthropology, 409 Carpenter Bldg., The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pa. 16802-3404 814-865-1897, department: 865-2509, fax: 863-1474 EDUCATION: Ph.D. 1980, The Pennsylvania State University (Anthropology) dissertation: A Settlement System Analysis of the Teotihuacan Region, Mexico, A.D. 1350 - 1520. William T. Sanders, tHesis advisor. M.A. 1975, THe Pennsylvania State University (AntHropology) B.A. 1966, University of California, Berkeley (English) ORIENTATION OF WORK AND AREAS OF INTEREST: n ancient Mexico and Central America (see Ancient Mexico… [2013], Society for American ArcHaeology Book Award, 2005, and, witH David Webster Archaeology of Ancient Mexico… [2010],); n Aztec period (ca. A.D. 1150 to 1521) culture and customs, including palace architecture and dynastic power; landscape design; monumental gardens; and elite goods; n the Teotihuacan Valley: Classic period Teotihuacan, and Aztec period settlement; n Cihuatecpan (Woman Palace) an Aztec village, its domestic architecture (including the only complete AZtec palace ever excavated in tHe Basin of Mexico), substantial artifact repertoire, and maguey farming practices; I interpret material culture remains from a holistic and culture-ecological perspective, treating all significant aspects of cultural adaptation, from hydrology and agriculture to ritual practices, from tenant farmers in their Huts to lords in tHeir palaces. PUBLICATIONS: Books, book-length and multi-chapter monographs, authored and edited: Susan Toby Evans (editor) [forthcoming 2016] Ritual Processions in the Ancient Americas. To be published in Occasional Papers in Anthropology, Department of AntHropology, Penn State University. Susan Toby Evans (coordinadora) 2015.