Appendix B Cultural Resources Survey
I NITIAL S TUDY G ANAHL L UMBER P ROJECT M AY 2019 S AN J UAN C APISTRANO, C ALIFORNIA APPENDIX B CULTURAL RESOURCES SURVEY P:\JCA1803\CEQA\Initial Study\Draft IS.docx (05/21/19) I NITIAL S TUDY G ANAHL L UMBER P ROJECT M AY 2019 S AN J UAN C APISTRANO, C ALIFORNIA This page intentionally left blank P:\JCA1803\CEQA\Initial Study\Draft IS.docx (05/21/19) Cultural Resources Survey for the Ganahl Lumber Project San Juan Capistrano, Orange County, California Prepared for: GANAHL CONSTRUCTION 1220 East Ball Road Anaheim, California 92805 Prepared by: Roger D. Mason, Ph.D., RPA ECORP CONSULTING, INC. 1801 Park Court Place, B-103 Santa Ana, California 92701 October 2017 Revised January 2019 U.S. Geological Survey 7.5-minute Quadrangle: Dana Point, California (1968, photorevised 1975) Area Surveyed: Approximately 16 acres Keywords: Cultural Resources Survey, San Juan Capistrano, Orange County Cultural Resources Identified: None CULTURAL RESOURCES SURVEY FOR THE GANAHL LUMBER PROJECT SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA MANAGEMENT SUMMARY A cultural resources survey was conducted for a 16-acre parcel of land in San Juan Capistrano, Orange County, where Ganahl Lumber Company plans to construct a retail lumber facility. The survey was completed September 29, 2017 by ECORP Consulting, Inc. under contract to Ganahl Lumber Company. The purpose of the investigation was to identify cultural resources that could be affected by the proposed commercial development project, pursuant to regulations implementing the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). To identify previously recorded cultural resources that could be affected by the proposed project, a cultural resources records search was conducted at the South Central Coastal Archaeological Information Center (SCCIC) and a search of the Sacred Lands File of the Native American Heritage Commission was requested.
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