Question 9: Use Nyakabungo and Pamba rock hills illustrate how human settlements on rock pose threat to the environment component.(APPOSTLE’S GROUP)


Environment, the environment is derived from “environ” which means “surrounding “ whereby our surrounding including biotic factor like human being , plant , animals microbes a biotic factor such as light, air, water and soil. In general we can say the environment is a complex of many variables, which surrounds man as well as the living organism (Kalavathy 2004)

Settlement in geography statistics and archaeology. A settlement, locality or populated place is a community in which people live. The complicity Settlement can change from a small number of devilling grouped together to the largest of cities with surrounding urbanized area. Settlement in geography can be defined as the description and analysis of the distribution of buildings by which people attach themselves in land (Kumarasamy 2004)


Nyakabungo street and Pamba street are the among of the street which are found in Mwanza city council, whereby Nyakabungo is one of the street which is found in Isamilo ward. The Nyakabungo rock hill involve different street like Nyakabungo A, Nyakabungo B, Nyakabungo C and Nyakabungo plain Nyakabungo street and Pamba street are the among of the street which are found in Mwanza city council, whereby Nyakabungo is one of the street which is found in Isamilo ward. The Nyakabungo rock hill involve different street like Nyakabungo Nyakabungo B, Nyakabungo C and Nyakabungo plain. It comprises of 320 houses and house hold 700. According to chair person of streetand also pamba it involve the street like ,Miembeni Avillage, MiembeniB village, sahara viilage, bugando milimani, misheni, bugarika A, Bugarika B, Bugarika C M kanyenye,jeshini and bugandonkani. The pamba street according to the census of 2012 it comprise of household 351 whereby the total number of people are 3586, whereby means are 1687 and women are 1899.(According to chair person of the street).

At Nyakabungo and Pamba are among of streets which are found in Rock hills at Mwanza city council, due to their arrangement can lead to cause the threat to the environment through various ways such as following Poor settlement plan, according to Cole (1995), is define as resident of buildings on “planed “or “unplanned” areas which do not have formal planning of approval. Poor settlement contributes environment pollution due to poor controlled settlements development. The results cause problem in the environment and health problem through uncontrolled settlement causing the environment pollution (liquids and sold) which promotes the physical disorder, eruption of disease. And also due to lack of collection points piles of garbage are scattered that tend to affect the environment. At Nyakabungo and Pamba rock hills are among of the streets that facing the problem of poor settlement and result caused environmental problem through shanty settlement slums that facilitate environmental pollution from solid and liquid waste. Poor settlement existed due to the growth of squatter and informal houses all-around the rapidly expansion of human settlement population.

Pollution from liquid and solid wastes materials, pollution according to lyke (1987) is the addition of any substance solid, liquid, gas or any form of energy such as heat, sound, to the environment at a rate faster than it can be dispersed, diluted, decomposed, recycled or stored in some harmless form. Also pollution is the introduction of contaminant into the natural environment that causes adverse change. The major kind of pollution usually classified by environment are air pollution, water pollution and land pollution. Pollution may be in the form of gas, liquid and solid. At Pamba and Nyakabungo rock hills have high production of domestic wastes which lead to land pollution due to poor waste disposal of liquid and solid wastes which later cause bad smell at Pamba and Nyakabungo rock hills. Inaccessibility problem, (Jenkins,1996) due to poor transport that caused by poor planning of settlement leads to inaccessibility of transporting the wastes from the domestic area to the dumping place At Nyakabungo and Pamba rocky hills there is a problem of a transport system that thus why it could be difficult to transport the wastes from domestic to dumping place. So through facing this problem people produce high amount of wastes, leads to contribute the threats to an environment because of poor accessibility at Nyakabungo and Pamba rock hills from the domestic to the dumping places, it cause the high accumulation of wastes to an environment. So that it promotes the environmental pollution which produces the bad smell at Nyakabungo and Pamba rock hills. Poor sanitation; according to WHO(2010).The word sanitation came from the Latin word sanities that means health refer to the maintenance and delivery of clean hygienic condition that help to prevent diseases through services such as water supply , garbage collection and safe disposal of human waste. At Pamba and Nyakabungo rock hills as our case study the people living in poor sanitation because of the high population, houses have been very closely to one another and the nature of area covered by the rock hence it difficult for them to create the places for dumping the wastes. Poor sanitation affects the environment since the people does not make regular cleanness surrounding the environment. So leads to effect on health such as cholera and diarrhea diseases. The fallowing is the picture which shows poor sanitation at the Pamba and Nyakanungo rocky hills.

Poor sewage system, According to the Caimcross & Breman(2006) is the term used for waste water that often contain feces, urine and laundry waste. The people of Pamba and Nyakabungo have produces the liquid waste which includes water from washing, laundry, kitchen, bath and other domestic uses is hazardly to an environment. This disposal practice which pollutes the groundwater that is a major cause of water born diseases that influencing the cholera and diarhoea. This water may be contaminated with the chemicals like from the different soaps. Also this had threatening the life of other living organism in the soil. There are billions of people in the world affected from sewage waste once the system under certain area is not good arranged and organized.

Loss of biodiversity; according to Convention on Biological Diversity (1992), the term biodiversity thus refers to the variety of all life on earth, and explicitly recognizes how the interaction of the different components results in the provision of essential ecosystem services on the one hand, social and recreational opportunities on the other, including being a source of inspiration and cultural identity. This was occurred during the preparing the area for creating the new settlement in Pamba and Nyakabungo rocky hill, because people had cleaning the different species of plants and some animal and insect species were killed and others died due to the changes of the environment. This had caused the some species to disappear around those areas due to the different human activities which are continueining around. In those areas there are many houses which indicate that the cleaning of the areas for settlement was higher in order to get the bare land to build. Also the pollutant produced in the home stead like water contaminated with the different chemical soap are threat the biodiversities. In order to remove or to reduce those problems that associated or face people of Pamba and Nyakabungo rock hill are needed to come up with the solution. Example of those solution are town planers should provide settlement plan, to build the qualified toilets, also provided education to the people of Pamba and Nyakabungo hill on how to store waste, how to clean their environment. To encourage them to participate on the meeting in order to share about environmental conservation, introduction of campaign about environmental conservation, also those work collected should be removed at a time. Through those solutions at helps as to reduce or to remove several problems such as spread of diseases, pollution like air pollution, water pollution and land pollution, also it makes the settlement to be attractive. REFERENCE

Archie, M.(2003), Advancing Education through Environment Literacy. Alexndaria: VA association center.

Cole, L. (1995). National land use plan: Planning policies and proposal. (NLUP_S.01) Zanzibar

Jenkins, H.(1996).Access to Environmental Justice in Africa and Asia cities. A Comparative Research methodology, Working Paper No 7School International of Oriental and Africa Stuctus.University of Landon.

Lyke, E (1987) Mechanisms for the presentation of pollution . Statement of conference on Constitutional law. Laval university: Quebec October 3.

Mensham, B. JG. et al (2006). Discus Control priorities and in developing Countries, 2nd ed. New York: Oxford University press. (pp771-792)

Vaddmanis, C.S.( 2006S) Supply Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion. In Jamison DT.

WHO(2010).Progress on Sanitation and Drinking over 2010 Update. German: word Hearth organization .Gap water.


This study is going to illustrate the effects of human settlements on the environment, as the study topic states that ‘how human settlements on rock hills pose threats to the environment components’ this because now days human activities contributing much in destruction of the environment components. This study is going to provide the background of case, effects of human settlement to the environment components and suggestion on what to do in order to reduce and combat these problems.

Environment refers to all physical, chemical and biological factors external to the human host and all related behaviors (Business dictionary). Environment includes total surrounding of human being that is water, air, land and living organisms. Human settlement is defined as a place that contains buildings in which people live, this may contain many or few houses and may cover somekilometers and can be temporary or permanent. There are various types of settlement these are isolated dwelling, villages, hamlets, towns and cities. Also settlement can be rural or urban settlement whereby can be planned or unplanned (Singh, 2013).

The main concern of this study is about unplanned settlement, whereby unplanned settlement is the area where housing is not in compliance with current planning and building regulations (Prostor, 2015). Unplanned settlement is characterized by poor services such as water, sanitation facilities roads and proper waste management. This study is concerning two streets in Mwanza Region which are expected to pose threats on the environment components. These are Nyakabungo and Pamba streets which are located in rock hills.


In the realsense the problem of environmental destruction has been the big problem in and in the world at whole. This involve the effects from human activities poses more threats in the environment such as agricultural activities, industrial activities and domestics activities. By considering the two streets in Mwanza region which are Nyakabungo and Pamba Hills as the case study areas to study how human settlement poses threats to the environment components

Nyakabungo is a street located in Mwanza region, in Nyamagana district and in Isamilo ward. Nyakabungo is among of eleven streets in Isamilo ward. According to census of 2012 there were 1832 dwellers and there are 328 families and 108 houses. The dwellers of Nyakabungo are engaging in social and economic activities such as smallentrepreneurships, carpentry, kiosks, street venders etc

Pamba Hill is one among the street found inMwanza region. It is found in Nyamagana district, in Pamba “A” ward. Pamba Hill is one among of two streets in Pamba“A” ward. According to 2012 census there were 3586 dwellers and 351 families. Again, people are involved in social and economic activities such as small entrepreneurships.

Methods The methods used to gatherinformation from the people of Nyakabungo and Pamba Hills was field survey, directobservations and interview methods. An interview was used as guided conversation between group members and people from Nyakabungo and Pamba Hill Streets as well as surveying and observation on the environments and how the people of Nyakabungo and Pamba hills pose threats on it.


As the results, the following are ways through which the human settlements at Nyakabungo and Pamba Hills pose threats to the environment components

Poor sanitation;sanitation refers to the condition relating to health involve the provision of clean drinking water and adequate sewage disposal (The World Bank, 2018). People of Nyakabungo and Pamba Hills pose threats to the environment because there are poor sanitationwhich through polluting watercourses in contamination of water channels with wastewater and the pollution of surrounding land. Therefore the environmental impacts of poor sanitation at Nyakabungo and Pamba Hills includes the pollution of watercourses Poor waste disposal; waste disposal is the proper disposition of waste materials in accordance with local environmental guidelines and laws,wastes involve both solid and liquids state wastes

(information plus, 2019). In Nyakabungo and Pamba Hills streets there is poor waste management; people tend to throw waste products improperly around their houses place.

Although there are damps but there is poor wastes management. The impacts of this improper dumping to the environment include pollution of land and air pollution due to bad smile from wastes as well as diseases like cholera. The improperly dispose of solid wastes leads to environmental hazards in surrounding environment.

Absence of sewerage systems; Sewerage system is a network of pipes, pumps and force mains for the collection of wastewater from household families (Britanica, 2018). Sewage is the part of waste water that is contaminated with feces or urine. In accordance with Nyakabungo and Pamba Hills there is no sewerage system for collection and redirection of water wastes from toilets and other domestic activities, this is due to nature of environment is rocky structure in that case, the liquid wastes are more contaminated to the human’s environments around houses and in streets roads. This problem poses threats to the environment in one way or anothersuch as diseases, oxygen depletion and ecological damage Destruction of rocks. Through weathering process, that is caused by human activities which involves the breaking of rock. In Nyakabungo and Pamba Hills people destructs rocks through different activities they undertake over there. Since these areas are located in rock hills people breaks rocks so as to establish buildings through various methods such as burning of rocks which is harmful to the atmosphere, biosphere and lithosphere. This has results to disappear of animal and plant species as well as micro organism which are most important components to the environments.

Poor house planning and arrangement. This is due to the nature of areas of Nyakabungo and PambaHills are rocky characterized in nature which leads difficulty in improper housing arrangements and proper access roads, basic infrastructural services and community facilities which tend to cause unnecessary pollution which pose threats to human health


Therefore the impact of environmental damages in Nyakabungo and Pamba hill streets is caused by poor government administration system incase of proper planning for houses which result into poor wastes management, also there is lack of general awareness about environmental conservation to the majority shortage of education among people cause a poor waste disposal which is dangerous to environment and threats to health of individual due to diseases such as cholera, diarrhea, malaria


There are many challengesfacing the environment in these streets (Nyakabungo and Pamba) such as loss of biodiversity, bad smell, conflicts among dwellers, and unpaid roads during rain seasons, contaminated water throughout people’s settlement, diseases and others. Then, there should be good ways which can be adopted to reduce these threats in these streets like; the government should build lager enough dustbin in each street which would satisfy to manage wastes produced, due to the nature of areas are rocky it is difficulties to have deep toilets so the government should support them by putting pipes which connected to each family toilets up to the main large hole which will be easily to re-clean. Also environmental education should be provided to the people of Nyakabungo and Pamba streets to make them aware about it and responsible in management REFERENCES

Encyclopedia Britannica (2017).Sanitary system, sanitation system, sewage system

Information plus (2019).Waste disposal.Retrived from Encyclopedia com. / reference/ culture-magazines/waste disposal

Mwang, K. (2012). Effects of unplanned housing developments on environmental infrastructurein an urban residential neighborhood. A case of Mlangokubwa, Nairobi: University of Nairobi

Proctor (2015).Unplanned settlements the concept and meaning.

Singh, S. (2013).Geography and environment: what is environment?

The World Bank (2018).Sanitation.Understanding povert. Question:

Visit Buhongwa dumping site and report on the nature and sources of municipal wastes in Mwanza city.

Municipal waste

Municipal waste it consists of waste collected by or on behalf of municipal authorities, or directly by the private sector not on behalf municipalities. Actually the waste originates from households, industries, and commercial, agricultural and from other similar waste sources such as offices, public institutions, shops and markets (Salah &Haggar, 2007).

The background of Buhongwa Dumping Site

Earlier the Dump site was at Nyakato Street where now there is filling station near Mwatex factory. Later on after the increase in number of residents (settlements) around the dump area, the municipal authorities were agreed to shift the dump area to another area which is favorable for locating another landfill which is Buhongwa. Buhongwa area is assigned because the area have good topography for establishing the sanitary landfill and there is plain few residents were found besides the areas.

In 2005 it was called crude dumping site because the wastes was covered by soil on pits around the area. Therefore, from that moment in 2007, the dumping was gradually shifted from crude dumping to the sanitary landfill as like today. The site is currently located about 18km from the city center, with a total area of 33.81ha, the dumping site is demarcated and all nearby dwellers were told to leave the area.

Before it was in function, the pit for construction of the cell was dug but there were no enough facilities and resources to construct the proper cell. So, the process was done through compaction and addition of soil covers by city vehicles and some hired trucks by at least to improve the environment of dump site. The area is divided into different cells and the filling of the waste were properly planned and monitored by dump manager and other city stuffs.

The scavengers have been limited to one location where all recyclable waste is kept. Currently, wastes are dumped in one of the pit onsite, a pit which was left by road constructors during the construction of Mwanza-Shinyangaroad. Now the site is on construction to upgrade the dump site to a sanitary landfill where the project is facilitated by World Bank. Now the weighbridge to measure the weight of waste is built but is still not in use and the fence around the dump site is now under construction to prevent animals and people from encroaching.

The nature and sources of waste at Buhongwa Dumping Site

The nature of wastes at Buhongwa Dumping Site is solid wastes as follows;

Plastic waste

Plastic waste is the accumulation of plastics materials like bottles, bags, nylons and flingers. Its sources are from households, industries and markets places.

Example of plastic waste at Buhongwa dumping site

Source: Buhongwa dump site.

Paper and package waste

Paper and package waste this includes wastes like boxes and papers. The source of these wastes is including from public/private institutions, industries, markets, shops and commercials.

Example of paper and package waste at Buhongwa dumping site Source: Buhongwa dump site.

Glasses and metal waste

Glasses and metal waste these are waste where we found that are collected and kept for recycling, and these wastes are like glass bottles. The sources are from industries, shops and most from households.

Example of glasses and metal waste at Buhongwa dumping site

Source: Buhongwa dump site.

Organic waste

Organic waste this are waste includes foods, fruits and breads. Are commonly produces from households, hotels, restaurants, markets and from foods factory. Example of organic wastes at Buhongwa dumping site

Source: Buhongwa dump site.

Waste management

Waste management is activities and actions required to manage wastes from its inception to its final disposal. These include the collections, transport, treatment and disposal of wastes together with monitoring and regulation of the wastes management processes (United Nations Statistics, 2017). Therefore, for Mwanza city (Nyamagana district) the wastes are collected from various street bins (collection points) by the municipal trucks and other private trucks and transported to dump site (Buhongwa). When trucks reach the dump site, wastes are checked before entered by trucks on site for determination of the waste natures.

Then if the wastes arrived are hazardous or non-hazardous wastes; hazardous wastes are not allowed to entered on site rather the non-hazardous wastes only. After the wastes to be dumped by city trucks, the recyclable wastes are collected by dump authorities and others wastes by scavengers and kept for the recycling and reusable processes and the remaining unwanted wastes are buried.

Example of waste truck at Buhongwa dumping site Source: Buhongwa dump site.

Challenges at Buhongwa dumping site

 Challenge of inadequate fuel  Smelling  Fire outbreak  Challenge of inadequate facilities.


In order to preserve our environment every individual is supposed to conserve and preserve the environment to save the nature of today and for future prosperity, now the government declared the law to stop using plastic bags and the law is operating now.


 Construction of fence around the site  The nearby dwellers should be given areas away from dump site  Provision of enough fuel  Availability of facilities REFERENCES

Sarah, M. &Haggar, EL. (2007).Learning more about municipal solid waste. USA: El Sevier Publisher.

United Nations Statistics Division (2017).The ministry of health: National Policy. Dar es Salaam. WASTE DISPOSAL AND LOCATION HASHAMJAMAL INDUSTRIES IN RELATION TO SOCIAL AND NATURAL ENVIRONMENT


This report is about waste disposal and location of Hashamjamal industries in relating to social and natural environment, the main objectives of this report is to understand the waste disposal and location of Hashamjamal industries in relating to natural and social environment. Thus,

The report contain an introduction on waste, waste disposal as well as short summary of the method of disposal according to various scholars and brief introduction about Hashamjamal industries, main body on this kind of waste produced in Hashamjamal industries, method used for disposal of such waste produced as well as location in relation to the social and natural environment and lastly the report contain conclusion about report. INTRODUCTION

Waste; according to Basel (2006) define waste as unwanted or unusable material thus any substance which is discarded after primary uses or it worthless, defective and of no use. Oberle,(2004) identified three types of wastes including liquid waste, solid waste like plastics, papers, metals that are useless and gaseous waste like smokes from industries.

Waste disposal according to Basel (2006),waste disposal is the removing and destroying unwanted materials through various methods like recycling methods, preventing reducing waste generation, sanitary landfills.

Hashamjamal industries is located near Mwalo-Mswahili at Mkuyuni within Nyamagana districts in Mwanza based on manufacturing and production of Comfy mattress. The location of Hashamjamal industry is located near with people’s settlements at Mkuyuni for instance there is Al Jumaa Mosque few meter near the factory, thing that prove the factory is within the people’s settlements .Within Hashamjamal factory we observed three types of wastes that are solid waste, liquid waste and gaseous waste.

Solid waste, the solid waste we observed within Hashamjamal industries are plastic or nylon and hard papers resulted after processing activities as well as piece of mattresses that remain after finishing process.

Liquid waste, within the factory we observed different form of liquid wastes like chemicals and dirty water resulted from linkage during processing, manufacturing and mixing of chemical before the process of production of mattress.

Gaseous waste, we observed smokes from machines as well generator in Hashamjamal factory that resulted during production of mattress.

In Hashamjamal industry we observed three different way of disposal that are recycling, sanitary landfills and preventing or reducing waste generation.

Recycling method; In the Hashamjamal industry they recycle the piece of mattress that before the piece of mattress seem as solid waste after finishing goods to manufacture another usable product called orthopedic mattress used for medical treatment especially for those people with backbone problems, also hard papers that resulted after manufacturing or processing activities used for constructions and carrying hardware material.

Sanitary landfill, is another method that we were told from Hashamjamal industry where by the all waste from the industry that is hard paper, nylons and other unusable pieces of mattresses is taken to the dumping area that is Buhongwa dumping area, according to them every Saturday of a week is the day to send those waste to the dumping area.

Preventing or reducing waste generation; In Hashamjamal industries this method of waste disposal done by National Environmental Management council (NEMC) especially for liquid waste which are dirty water with mixture of chemical in a special tanks.


In relation to the social and natural environment the location of Hashamjamal factory at Mkuyuni within Nyamagana distict in Mwanza has both positive and negative achievement in relating to those social and natural environment aspect as follows

a) Social aspects

Employment opportunities this industry it plays a role of employing the people around the industry by regarding their skills, and that employment help to raise living standard of them.

Medical support; Hashamjamal industry provide support especially distribution of some product like orthopedic mattress used for medical treatment for the people with back borne problem in different hospital in Mwanza things that reduce cost by insure availability and accessibility of such product.

Provision of aids and assistances to the society .The Hashamjamal industry provided different aids like books, desks and chairs to the nearby schools also they provided the assistance to different organization and foundations that are responsible in helping people with various problems. Noise pollution, another thing that we have observed in this industry was the noise pollution which during the production of mattress engines and the generators they tend to give out unwanted sound which in one way or another they disturb the people who are living near the industry who also have other social and economic activities b) Natural aspect

Air pollution, the production activities in Hashamjamal industry lead to emission of different gases which comprises some chemicals especially during the production of mattress which later resulted to disturbances of atmosphere and people around the industry.

The water pollution, The Hashamjamal industry is located near water source that is Lake Victoria that is not friendly with the environment in case of water source. Also in other way there are some pipe of dirty water directly were directed to the water source (lake) thing that is great extent after marine organism like fish also surrounding societies because they use those water for different uses especially domestic uses.


Based on the location of Hashamjamal industry, This industry is located near the water source especially lake Victoria, not only that but also it is closely to people’s settlement. Therefore the government should identify the proper area for allocation of industry so as to reduce the cause that can lead to the loss of aquatic living organisms. Actually this action will reduce the negative impacts to the society near the Hashamjamal industry.

Generally, the field trip to Hasham jamal industry of Mwanza which produces mattresses especially comfy mattress have helped us, as students-teachers to understand deeply some things that we were not much aware about them such as how does the industry benefit the society that it surround them. As we have mentioned earlier that it helps society through providing aids and assistances to the society. REFERENCES

Basel(2006)‘’Role of informal sector recycling in waste management in developing countries’’.Habitant international.

Oberle (2006). Antimicrobial Resistance in Wastewater Treatment. UK. Wiley Publishers. ROLEPLAY

Role play is the technique that allows students to explore realistic situations by interacting with other people in a managed way in order to develop experience and trial different strategies in supported environment.

Role play is a way of working through a situation, a scenario or a problem by assuming role and practicing what to say and do in a safe setting.

Role refers to the part learners and teachers are expected to play in carrying out learning tasks as well as the social and interpersonal relation ship between the participants (Richard and Rodgers 2001)

Role play is a piece of activity exploited by different approaches to language teaching. It is useful tool since through this activity, as Tateyama (1998) point out, more cognitive demands on learner’s comprehension and production system are made and learners ability to instantaneously incorporate social pragmatic and pragma linguistic knowledge in material in interaction are examined. This technique is virtually one of the ways we can give our learners the opportunity to practice improving a range of real-life spoken language in the classroom. (Chen-jun, 2006)

Role-playing takes place between two or more people, who act roles to explore a particular scenario. It’s most useful to help you or your team prepare for unfamiliar or difficult situations. For example, you can use emotionally difficult conversation such as when your solving conflict.

By acting scenario like these out you can explore how other people are likely respond to different approaches, and you can get a feel for approaches that are likely to work and for those that might be counterproductive. You can also get a sense of what other people are likely to be thinking and feeling in the situation.

Also, by preparing for a situation using role-play, you build up experience and self confidence with handling the situation in real life,and you can develop quick and instinctively correct reactions to situation.This means that you will react than making mistakes or becoming over whelmed by events. You can also use role-play to spark brainstorming session, to improve communication between team members, and see problem or situations from different perspectives.


It is easy to set and run a role-playing session. It will help to follow the five steps below.


To start the process, gather people together, introduce the problem, and encourage an open discussion to uncover all of the relevant issues. This will help people to start thinking about the problem before the role-play begins.


Next, set up a scenario in in enough details for it to feel “real” make sure that everyone is clear about the problem that you are crying to work through, and that they know what you want to achieve by the end of the session.


Once you have set the scene, identify the various frictional characters involved in the scenario. Some of these may be people who have to deal with the situation when it actually happens.


Each person can then assume their role, and act out the situation, trying different approaches where necessary, it can be useful if its scenario build up in intensity.

For instance, if the aim of your role-play is to practice a sales meeting, the person playing the role of the potential client could start as an ideal client, and through a series of scenarios, could become increasingly hostile and difficult. You could then test and practice different approaches for handling situations, so that you can give participants experiences in handling them.


When you finish the role-play, discuss what you have learned, so that you or the people involved can learn from the experience. For example, if you are using it as part of training exercise, you could lead a discussion on the scenarios you have explored, and ask for written summaries of observation and conclusion from everyone who was involved.


According to Richard and Rodgers (2001) explain the following advantages as follow;

1. It is social and communal, role-play is the social activity. Players interact within the scenarios they are given, which encourages individuals to come together to find solutions and to get to know ow their colleagues think, because role-play training sessions have this communal atmosphere. It’s not only the trainer who can give feedback. Employees can study how their colleagues perform and provide tips or take notes. 2. Prepare for real life, in some cases, role-play can prepare groups of scenarios that occur in real life. Not only does this exercise offer staff a glimpse of the situations they may encounter, but participants also receive feedback on how they have performed. The group can discuss ways to potentially resolve the situation and participants leave with as much information as possible, resulting in more efficient handling of similar real-lifescenario. 3. Indicates current skills level, when an individual participant in a role-play scenario, he/she is demonstrating the way that she would actually handle a similar situation in a real life. Role playing allows much of the hypothetical nature of training to be removed so that the leader of the session can see how staff react and can make notes on each employee’s level of competence. Trainers can work with individuals on their particular weaknesses. DISADVANTAGES OF ROLE PLAY 1. Makes some unconfutable, not everyone is comfortable with role-play scenarios, this can affect performance, some staff will feel intimidated by the ideas of what they see as theatrics and may be anxious about the training session if they know it contains a role play exercise. This impede an individual’s confidence and contribution to such a session. 2. May not be taken seriously, while some employees will be comfortable role-play they are less adapt at getting into the required mood needed to actually replicate a situation individual may find the whole experience funny or else be unable to pretend to be angry. For example, when speaking become overwhelming and the chance to learn is forgotten in favor of turning the session into pure entertainment. (Richard and Rodgers 2001).


The role-play helps to the teachers to simplify the lessons and learners to be more creative on the uses of role-play model to ensure he/she understand well. We invite the teachers to use role-play for teaching learners to ensure their lesson is well understand to learner


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COMPETENCE: To demonstrate an understanding on the concept of forest and its importance on the environment.


SUB TOPIC: Sustainable use of forest resources

GENERAL OBJECTIVE: To show an understanding on the use of forest resources to the environment.

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: Within 20 minutes each student should be able to;

(i) To list effect of forest destruction on the environment. (ii) To mention ways used to conserve forest resources on the environment.

EDUCATION MEDIA: Realia, Projector, Written document. REFERENCES: Herman, G. (2016). Mastering the classroom. Teaching process; Methods, approaches and techniques; Mwanza Mahelo Book Centre.

STAGES TIME TEACHERS ACTIVITY LEARNING ACTIVITIES ASSESSMENT INTRODUCTION 01 To ask student question To respond through To observe if min about mention the effect and student can To assign student to start a used to conserve forest answer. play. resources on the To observe if environment student can play. NEW 10 To listen what student are To act as; To observe if KNOWLEDGE/PR min. doing or playing. Family member 01. student can play ESENTATION. To observe the players. Family member 02. according to A poor family their character. A village chairman A charcoal burner. Charcoal buyer. A law interpreter. Environmental officer. Police officer.

REINFORCEMENT 3 Passing few question to To mention the causes To check if student concerning the and impact of forest student can impact of forest exploitation and ways to answer the exploitation and ways to conserve the question asked. conserve the environment. environment. REFLECTION 3 To allow student to give To give out their views, To observe if out their views, opinions opinions about the student are able on their lesson. importance of forest to reflect the conservation on how it play in real life reflect on their daily life. situation. CONSOLIDATION/ 3 To emphasize on forest To listen and to take To check if CONCLUSION conservation and to important points student can take summarize the lesson as concerning the lesson summary and to well as to give them task to and to do the task given. do task given. do.


TEACHERS EVALUATION------. Question 10; Using ethnicity differences in your group (identify not less than four) explain how tradition, believes and attitudes in your tribe(s) have a source of either conservation or destruction of environment. Believes means to think that something is true, correct, or real (Cambridge Dictionary). Traditional are the beliefs, principles or way of acting that people in a particular society or group have continued to follow for a long time (Cambridge Dictionary). In African ethnicities, the Africans have different traditions, believes and attitudes especially in utilizing environments. This study is focusing on the four ethnicities (tribes) which are Ha, Sukuma, Sambaa and Matengo and how they either preserve or destruct the environment as explained below;-

Background of Ha tribe

Ha is an ethnic and linguistic group found in in northern western Tanzania bordering with Lake Tanganyika. The language of this tribe is Bantu language called Ha or Kiha language. The Ha people are animists who revere their ancestors as well as nature sprits. Their traditional religion believes is in Imana (God) deity as their Supreme Being and creator like God in Christianity. Moreover Ha traditions associate religion believer with environment. Ha tribe affect the environment through the use of fire in different activities like farm preparation, honey hunting or harvesting, charcoal making, burning of grazing land illegal logging and children playing with fire.

Traditions, believes and attitude in Ha tribe and how they either conserve or destruct environment.

In Ha tribe, fire is used fortune telling (Kulaguzilaumulilo). This need a lot of fire wood since it becoming a big fire which is continuously for every evening for many days. So through this tendency lead destruction of forest (trees) to run it.

Another believes is burning forest; in Ha tribe they believe that, when an individual sets the forest vegetation ablaze and the fire burns for a long time. It was indicative that individual’s spans life (an individual will live a long life). This belief among Ha is a root cause of simultaneous disappearance of biodiversity in the occurrence of calamities like drought, desertification and soil erosion even shortage of rainfall. Fire is common during dry season (Kiangazi in Kiswahili) November and September. Waha hunters use fire in hunting and gathering. This practice done among Ha. During hunting the fire is set up to discover the position where hunted animal is hiding. The fire is not put off until it stop to burn, so it many species and thus cause disappearance of vegetation and finally decrease in number, hence, it destroy environment.

In agriculture; the Ha farmers prefer to use fire to prepare farm. In the Ha tribe, Bateko deride farms for the people for agriculture. The Ha farmers have been using fire for preparing farm when they burn forest for searching away dangerous species like snake and lion. This in turn cleans the vegetation and leaves the land with no vegetation Hence destruction of environment.

Ha people believe in keeping water sources like river. Mchele (2014) argue that the rulers in Ha tribe like Mwami Gwasa in Heru Juu restricted baha from temper with the river sources like crossing the river sources, cutting down tree around the river fearing that would be accursed by spirit, Ibisigo. Furthermore, Mchele (2014) postulates that Mwami(King) of Heru Juu feared of Ibisigo ( spirits) of Bogwe river to the extent that he could neither cross nor look at the river. That belief implied the intention of conserving water which influenced even the ruled Ha to practice the same like Mwami.

Shifting cultivation was prohibited among Ha people. According to IJHS,(2015) postulates that the cultivated lands were connected with spirits (ibisigo) which enhance production. For instance, Muteko (The ruler) is only whose responsibility is to request the spirits the lands where bateko (Ha) could settle and cultivate. The act of shifting interpreted that is abandonment of the land spirits which could result to many problems including poor agricultural production. This practice and believe ensured people towards conservation of lands.

The practice of annual thanksgiving ceremonies; these ceremonies (indolegwaz’impeshi) have been practiced to maintain territorial unit and peace in the kingdom. These ceremonies take seven (7) day on the buteko hill, where ceremonies involves dances, drinks, foods near the head quarter which accompanied with rituals of the king (tambiko la mwami). It has been practiced in the forest. The trees in the sacred grove (iholezo) could not cut down. This practice proves that some Ha beliefs ensure to conserve forest. In other side, Bateko prohibited burning forest in relation to spirits. In Ha tribe, It believed that the burning of fire especial in the sacred groves it was a sin to the spirit (Ibisigo) According to IJHS (2015), the women were allowed only to collect natural and dried fire wood dropped from the tree and never cut the tree while men were prohibited to cut down tree for building houses believing that if they could cut the spirit could collapse the houses. This belief emphasizes on the keeping of environment from destruction.


Sambaa is an ethnic group which also known as shambala or shambaa. This ethics group found in Tanga mainly on the west Usambaa mountain range in Tanzania. Majority of usambaa people found in Lushoto, Son, Bumbuli, Mgwashi as well as Son. Some of shambaa people have migrated into other region like Arusha, Kilimanjaro as well as Manyara. The population of Shambaa people is estimated to be 445,000 this is according to the census of 2012

The traditional believe of Samba people believe in Mufika as their Gods. Mufika believed to the power of rainmaking and prevention it. Also this ancestor believed to heal the land and people. The culture practice include;-

Healing ceremonies; these healing ceremonies in Sambaa tribe associate with traditional dance which main conducted during night. Some Sambaa people have no culture of sending a patient to the hospital. They believe that when a person acquires serious diseases it believes that a person has gone against the ancestors will instead of sending a patient to the hospital they prepare ceremony which is done throughout the night where they use drums and traditional song. Geographically this situation causes noises pollution to the neighboring society that is against with the traditional practices.

Ritualistic; These are alms which is provided to the God, Gods and Ghosts alone or through God during worshiping their Ghosts ( Kirama, 1953). Ritualistic give believes that the ancestors who died many years ago have ability of seen the behavior of their children and grandchildren who are still alive. They believe that when the ancestors resenting their children may attack by diseases, death and overwhelming. This practice is conducted in the forest under the big trees, in the caves as well as Lake and Rivers. They believe that these ancestors live in these places and they term them as holy place where by no one is not allowed to go there to establish any activities. When a person needs to go to these places he or she should ask permission from the elder then he/she may be given condition. This practice geographically helps to prevent deforestation, land degradation as well as water pollution (Wikipedia 2013).

Sacrifice; this is the act of offering something valuable to get at least a possibility to gain something else of value or to avoid an even greater loss, problems or hazards. Sambaa people have this practice where they provide sacrifice to the ancestor through slaughtering animals to offer their blood and fresh meat, cooking a lot of food and preparing alcohol pour them into the river, Lakes, under the big tree as well as in the crossway. This practice lead to the environmental pollution as they poor animal blood in the sources of water bodies something which lead to water pollution and land pollution through pouring food in some areas believing that their ancestors or Gods are living there and will receive their scarifies.


The Sukuma are a Bantu ethnic group inhabiting the southeastern African Great Lakes region. They are the largest ethnic group in Tanzania, with an estimated 8.9 million members or 16 percent of the country's total population. Sukuma means "north" and refers to "people of the north." The Sukuma refer to themselves as Basukuma (plural) and Nsukuma (singular). They speak Sukuma which belongs to the Bantu branch of the Niger-Congo family (Brandström, 1990).

The Sukuma live in northwestern Tanzania on or near the southern shores of Lake Victoria, and various areas administrative districts of the Mwanza southwestern tip of Mara Region, Region and Shinyanga Region. The northern area of their residence is in the famous Serengeti Plain. Sukuma families have migrated southward, into the Rukwa Region and Katavi Region, encroaching on the territory of the Pimbwe.

A case of Sukuma tribe; traditionally burn forest for various reasons such as getting areas for keeping their animals and for the purpose of getting new pastures for their animals. Sukuma people believe that burning of the forest will lead to the growth of new grasses during rainy season whereby these grasses will be used for grazing their animals. The practiced of burning forests lead to destruction of environment because forest is the habitats of wild animals and other species, when they burn forest, animals and other species disappear by either migrating or die. In addition to that, more than 90% of all fires are caused by human activities such as agricultural activities like farm preparation and shift cultivation, logging, charcoal burning, hunting and collection of honey (smoking is used as a pushing factor for animals from hideouts and bees from their hives) (Nssoko, 2002).

On top of that, Sukuma people have a traditional of cutting trees for building huts especially for the business of treatment which is used by witchdoctors and making traditional chairs known as Nsule in Kisukuma. Most of Sukuma people who are witchdoctors believe on those small huts which are built by using trees. They cut trees and build those huts for traditional treatment but also they use trees to make traditional Chairs (Nsule) whereby these traditional chairs are used when they are making treatment to people. The action of cutting trees leads to destruction of environment (Dery et al, 1999).

Apart from that, Sukuma people they conducting harvesting ceremonies after harvesting time. They have their traditional dancing which cause destruction of environment, this is due to fact that, various groups of people gather together in a certain area for celebration of those ceremonies. Through this, they cut down trees for building small huts and fencing the whole area necessary for ceremony. In those areas there is no toilet in that way they take long and short call at anywhere, this also leads to environment destruction (Nssoko, 2002).

Furthermore; Sukuma people believe on traditional medicine. Many of the traditional medicine which is referred as “BHUGOTA” in Kisukuma. This is used for treatment of various diseases; therefore, there are some trees which are specifically for traditional medicine and those trees are conserved and thus are used sustainably. Those trees are more conserved for the purpose of future uses. Also other trees areas are conserved because they are used for rituals, the action of conserving those trees for medicine uses and rituals leads to environmental destruction (Dery et al, 1999).

Sukuma people traditionally construct a “Ngitili” a Sukuma term which mean “enclosure”. Sukuma people set aside some areas for conservation; this is a traditional form of forest management among Sukuma people in which an area near a village is closed off at the beginning of wet season to preserve fodder and of open during summer season for grazing cattle when fodder is scarce in other areas. A soon as an area identified for such an enclosure, the villagers will plough strips around areas for demarcation purpose, these trips of ploughed and bare land can also function as fire lines (Mlenge et al, 2001).


The matengo is ethnic and linguistic group found in Mbinga- Ruvuma rgion in South western of Tanzania. The Matengo highlands are located in mountainous area found at Mbinga and it found at latitude degree of 300 souths and longitude of 340 east elevation is 1250m above the sea level. have been practiced the traditional activities which are always affect the environment into two perspectives which are positively and negatively.

Among Matengo’s traditional activities which affect the environment in positive way is through NGORO FARMING practice. Allan (1965) explains Ngoro as the local name for the pitting conservation system of the Matengo tribe in Mbinga district and it has been in use for over 200 years. The system is indigenous and ingenious means of soil, water and nutrient conservation for land cultivation on steep slope. It consist of series of regular pits traditionally it about 1.5m2 by 0.1-0.5m deep with the crop grown on the ridge (bund walls) around the pits. Therefore, Ngoro practice this method through the following ways which leads to environment conservation.

It proves conservation attributes on steep slope, water and soil entrapment in the pits whereby it reduce erosion of runoff whilst encouraging infiltration and sedimentation.

Brandy (1990) Ngoro help in soil fertility from the continuo incorporation of land residues into the soil. This increase soil organic content and increase soil water holding capacity. Ngoro is believed to be the most method in agriculture system because it gives more yields than any other methods.

Traditional dances; these are the dances which are conducted by Matengo tribe specifically during crops harvest from farms. These activities are done from June through September. The dances involve Kioda for women and Mganda for men. Dances group are known as “BOMA” from nearby or distant village which invited to a host village and dancers could stay in two or three days eating, drinking and dancing together. Mganda and Kioda need a special area to conduct, therefore it require the preparation of such area where it involves cutting trees as well as grasses. In this area it consist of slums building where these slums are built for storing drinks like alchohol (ULANZI) and also in slums is where people stay during sunny time. Therefore, the environment is being destructed since the slums need a lot of trees to be constructed.


From the traditional, believe and attitudes of various ethnics (Ha, Sukuma,Sambaa,Matengo), some traditions and beliefs are helps in preserving environments , but most of them were associated with the destruction of environment like burning of fires in Sukuma and Ha are destructive in nature . So, from this discussion, there should be provision of education among the people who practice those destructive actions.


Brandström, P. (1990). Boundless universe: The culture of expansion among the Sukuma- Nyamwezi of Tanzania. Dept. of Cultural Anthropology, Uppsala University

Dery et al. (1999). Indigenous knowledge of medicinal trees and setting priorities for their domestication in Shinyanga region, Tanzania.

IJHSS (International Journal of Human and Social Science), Vol.5, No.9 (1); September 2015.

Kirama, Kh. (1953). The information about Kilindi people, Lushoto: Vuga press.

Mlenge et al. (2001). Ngitili- as Sukuma method to store wood and grass lands in Shinyanga- Tanzania.

Nssoko, E. (2002). Fire in Miombo woodland: A case of Bukombe district, Shinyanga- Tanzania.

Nyato S.S. Indigenous Belief, Rituals and Environmental Consciousnessin Heru Kingdom of Buha , Western Tanzania, 1800-1980.

Wikipedia, Free Dictionary. (2013). The history of Sambaa, https://sw.wiipediaorg/w/indexphp? Wasambaa & oldid=889928 jamii (21/112/2013, 07: 58). Question: Do you think clouds should be classified as part of the atmosphere or part of the hydrosphere? Explain why.


Clouds according to NASA state that, a cloud is made of water drops or ice crystals floating in the sky. There are many kinds of clouds which divided into three form lower, middle and High level .According to Meteorologist defined cloud is an aerosol consisting of visible mass of minute liquid droplets, frozen crystals or other particles suspended in the atmosphere or planetary body or similar space. The clouds are formed as result of saturation of the air when it is cooled to its dew point.

The origin of the term clouds can be found in the English Old as clud or clod meaning hill or mass of rock and around beginning in the 13th century, the word came to be used as metaphor for rain clouds because of similarity in appearance between a mass of rock and cumulus heap cloud. Ancient cloud studies were not made in isolation, but were observed in combination with other weather elements and even other natural sciences. In about 340 BC the Greek philosopher Aristotle wrote Meteorological, a work which represented the sum of knowledge of the time about natural science, including weather and climate. For the first time, precipitation and the clouds from which precipitation fell were called meteors, which originate from the Greek word meteors, meaning 'high in the sky'. From that word came the modern term meteorology, the study of clouds and weather. The sky can be full of water. But most of the time you can't see the water. The drops of water are too small to see. They have turned into a gas called water vapor. As the water vapor goes higher in the sky, the air gets cooler. The cooler air causes the water droplets to start to stick to things like bits of dust, ice or sea salt. Clouds get their names in two ways. One way is by where they are found in the sky. Some clouds are high up in the sky. Low clouds form closer to Earth's surface. In fact, low clouds can even touch the ground. These clouds are called fog. Middle clouds are found between low and high clouds.

The atmosphere (Air)

According to Oliver and Hidore .(2002) . State that the atmosphere is the blanket of gases which surrounds Earth. It is held near the surface of the planet by Earth's gravitational attraction.Without the atmosphere there could be no life on Earth. The atmosphere contains the air we breathe, protects life from harmful radiation from the Sun, helps to keep the planet's heat from the Sun from escaping back into space, is a major element of the water cycle, keeps the climate on Earth moderate compared to that of other planets. The atmosphere is made up of a mixture of gases, mostly nitrogen, oxygen, argon and carbon dioxide. It reaches over 500km above the surface of the planet. There is no exact boundary between the atmosphere and outer space. Atmospheric gases become thinner the higher up you go. The atmosphere just keeps getting less and less dense, until it "blends" into outer space. The atmosphere is divided into four layers based on temperature: the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, and thermosphere.

It may be considered as a transport component that moves substances from atmospheric sources to receptors. Its storage for matters is small compared to other spheres but it has an immense capability for spatial re-distribution of matter. The atmosphere contains all the air in Earth's system. It extends from less than 1 m below the planet's surface to more than 10,000 km above the planet's surface. The upper portion of the atmosphere protects the organisms of the biosphere from the sun's ultraviolet radiation. It also absorbs and emits heat. When temperature in lower portion of this sphere changes, weather occurs. As air in the lower atmosphere is heated or cooled, it moves around the planet. The atmosphere is made up of many layers that differ in chemical composition and temperature.

The Hydrosphere (Water)

According to Britanic (2002) The hydrosphere is the component of the Earth that is composed of all liquid water found on the planet. The hydrosphere includes water storage areas such as oceans, seas, lakes, ponds, rivers, and streams. Overall, the hydrosphere is very large, with the oceans alone covering about 71% of the surface area of Earth. The motion of the hydrosphere and the exchange of water between the hydrosphere and cryosphere is the basis of the hydrologic cycle. The continuous movement and exchange of water helps to form currents that move warm water from the tropics to the poles and help regulate the temperature of the Earth. The exchanging of water is thus a vital part of the hydrosphere.It is important to note that although the hydrosphere is primarily composed of water, there are also some "impurities" or additions to this water that include dissolved minerals, dissolved gases, and particulates. Some of these can be considered pollution, while others are necessary for health of ecosystems. For example, too much sediment is harmful to the surrounding ecosystems, while insufficient levels of dissolved oxygen in the water lead to hypoxic conditions that can harm ecosystems. Thus a delicate balance is needed for healthy ecosystems that surround different components of the hydrosphere example in human being. Living organisms use water for different purposes in one way or another. They use all available water sources- inland waters, ground water and even ocean water.

The clouds as part of atmosphere and hydrosphere because of the following evidence

Clouds are the part of atmosphere because all types of clouds are located above to the atmosphere and this clouds has been ranging in different height of the atmosphere namely;

High clouds, this is the type of clouds where by base or characterized by the clouds above the16, 500-45,000 feet (5,032-13,725) and these clouds including cirrus, cirrocumulus and cirrostratus clouds. Also this has been form into highest and coldest region of troposphere and in this zone their presence of cirrus high cloud is a genus of atmospheric cloud and as characterized by thin, wispy strands, this cloud can form at any altitude 16,500-45,000 and as found in above feet of 18000 in the troposphere layer. And this indicate that weather conditions may soon deteriorate, while indicate the arrival of precipitation(rain), cirrus clouds only produce falls streaks( falling off the ice) that evaporate before landing on the ground. Also presences of cirrocumulus high clouds usually occur at an altitude of 5kilometers (16000 feet) to 12 km (39000 feet) this contains a small amount of liquid water droplets, Thus cirrocumulus clouds are short lived and it found in above 18000 feet on the troposphere zone, appearance of cirrocumulus are small, high, patched clouds, in rows.

Middle clouds, refers as a form of clouds whereby found on the troposphere have the prefix alto, the height start from 6500 feet(2000 meters) to about 23000 feet( 7000 meters) in this there two clouds which has founded such as;

Altostratus clouds are usually a gray or blue-gray cloud that covers the entire sky. In thinner sections of this type cloud the sun or moon may be dimly visible as a round disk which is sometimes referred to as a "watery sun". Altostratus clouds usually form ahead of storms, and have widespread and mostly continuous precipitation. This has found in the atmosphere at a troposphere layer known as troposphere at 8000 to 17000 feet.

Altocumulus clouds as the form of middle clouds which as appear a gray, puffy mass, sometimes rolled in parallel waves or bands. If these clouds appear on a warm, humid summer morning there will usually be thunderstorms by late afternoon. As been found at the troposphere layer on the atmosphere at the height of 7000 feet to 17000 feet.

Nimbostratus clouds are a dark gray, "wet" looking cloud layer.Height of base 1500-10,000 They are usually associated with mostly steady rain or snow, but the precipitation falling from these clouds usually isn't very heavy.

Low clouds form in the lowest part of the atmosphere, from the ground up to 7000 feet ,in this there are four forms of clouds founded such as;

Stratus clouds are low laying clouds that form close to the ground the height of base. They are usually flat and formless and a uniform grayish ,color. Many times they cover the entire sky. Normally no precipitation is associated with these clouds, but sometimes a light mist or drizzle falls from them. The name stratus means layer. When stratus clouds touch the ground they are called fog. This as been found in troposphere layer at height of below 6000 feet on the troposphere.

Stratocumulus clouds form in low, lumpy layers that appear in rows, patches, or round masses with blue sky visible between individual cloud masses. They often appear at sunset. Usually no precipitation is associated with these clouds, also this kind of clouds as been found in the a troposphere layer in height of below 6000 feet

Cumulus, Height of base: 1,200-6,000 feet White on its sunlit parts but with darker undersides. This cloud appears in the form of detached heaps. Shallow cumulus may appear quite ragged, especially in strong winds, but well formed clouds have flattened bases and sharp outlines. Large cumulus clouds have a distinctive "cauliflower" shape. Well developed cumulus may produce showers and has been found in troposphere layer at below of 6000 feet on the atmosphere layer

Cumulonimbus, Height of base 1,000-5,000 ft White upper parts with dark, threatening undersides. A cumulus-type cloud of considerable vertical extent. When the top of a cumulus reaches great heights, the water droplets are transformed into ice crystals and it loses its clear, sharp outline. At this stage the cloud has become a cumulonimbus. Often, the fibrous cloud top spreads out into a distinctive wedge or anvil shape. Accompanied by heavy showers, perhaps with hail and thunder. By convention is usually reported if hail or thunder occur, even if the observer does not immediately recognise the cloud as (it may be embedded within layers of other cloud types).This type of low cloud as been found in troposphere layer from near the ground to above 50000 feet

Clouds are the part of hydrosphere because the process that takes place in the formation of clouds on the earth`s surface which is based on a water cycle processes which are evaporation Eva-transpiration and condensation in this process take place on the water.

Evaporation as process in which water from the water bodies move up into the atmosphere inform of water vapour or gases. The amount of evaporation depends on the temperature and it also depends on the amount of water there is to evaporate. Eva-transpiration is the process by which water is transferred from the land to the atmosphere by evaporation from the soil and other surface and by transpiration from plants. Condensation is the process by which water vapor in the air is changed into liquid water. Condensation is crucial to the water because it is responsible for the formation of clouds. These clouds may produce precipitation which is primary route for water to return to the earth’s surface within the water cycle.

Generally, Clouds are technically part of both Atmosphere and Hydrosphere due to the process concerning on the formation of clouds and location of clouds, one cannot separate these two concept because they are depending to each other, hence the absence of hydrosphere and atmosphere no the existence of clouds formation. REFERENCES

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