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IN RE SAMANTHA JOHNS * PRO SE * 75 Woods Drive Apt. 1 * Supreme Court No West Milton, Ohio 45383 * (937)751-9893 * * Relator, * * * V. * PETITION FOR ALTERNATIVE WRIT * WRIT OF PROHIBITION OR * OTHER APPROPRATE RELIEF THE HONORABLE MARY L. WISEMAN * MONTGOMERY COUNTY * COMMON PLEAS COURT * 41 N. Perry Street Dayton, Ohio 45402 * y WARD BARRENTINE

KARINA KOROSTYSHEVSKY * t {.i N ^;^^j %s ^`.s. a^ HEATHERJANS MATTHEW T. CRAWFORD ASSISTANT PORSECUTING ATTORNEYS * ------Dayton-Montgomery County Courts Bldg. P.O. Box 972, 301 W. Third Street Dayton, Ohio 45422 (937)225-5757

ALYSIA A. GOSS BOBBYJOECOX LAW OF PUBLIC DEFENDER ATTORNEY AT LAW 117 S. Main Street, Suite 400 130 W. Second Street Suite 800 Dayton, Ohio 45422 Dayton, Ohio 45402 (937)225-4652 (937)228-1975



Now comes, Samantha Johns (Harrison) Relator, pursuant to S.Ct.Prac.R. 12.01 through

12.10, Supreme Court under Article IV, Section 2. File this Original Petition for Alternative Writ,

Writ Of Prohibition or other appropriate relief. Under Ohio Rules of Appellate Procedure 21, file

this Original action, requesting that this Court prohibit the Honorable Mary L. Wiseman, Judge

of the Montgomery County Common Pleas Court, from further participation in the case below,

State v. Samantha Harrison (Johns) Case No. 2012 CR 00138. S.Ct.Prac.R. 12.05. Alternative

Writs. Unless the Supreme Court orders otherwise, issuance of an alternative writ in a

prohibition case stays proceedings in the action sought to be prohibited until final determination of the Supreme Court.

Relator seeks an Alternative Writ as an emergency stay preventing Judge Wiseman from proceeding with the trial in this case below, until the Writ of Prohibition is resolved. This court lacks jurisdiction from proceeding any further.

Relator seeks Writ of Prohibition to prevent Respondent from preceding any further from the case below, this relator has an unequivocal doubt she will not receive a fair a trial. This court has already set the schedule for and how this trial wi/l be ran according to this courts filed, ORDER AND ENTRY SETTING TIME LIMITS FOR TRIAL. This action in its self, shows the bias this court has on this case. This court plans on holding Jury Selection in Chambers. Just one of

the many rule violations by this court.

Relator states that absent the granting of the Alternative Writ now sought, the court

could act in this Relators detriment and in violation of her Constitution Rights afforded her,

which this Relator has no adequate remedy at law. Relator also seeks the Writ of Prohibition

from this Court directing this lower court to vacate/cease or dismiss this case below.


Petitioner, reasonably fears that the court, will not be impartial in the case below. The well- founded fear that Relator, would not receive a fair trial is under scored by the extraordinary issues in this case. This relator will provide a copy of this lower courts motion for ORDER AND

ENTRY SETTING TIME LIMITS FOR TRIAL, among the many things that are injustice about this motion thus instilling she will not receive a fair trial. The very reason it is imperative this Court grant this Emergency Stay of Proceedings and grant this Writ of Prohibition. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere" (Martin Luther King, Jr.) This trial will cause continued great detriment to this relators health and well-being and an undue burden of the tax payers of this County of Montgomery. This relator has also lost 3 jobs, due to these unlawful acts, one being at the Wright Patterson Air Force Base. When the law is clear and unambiguous does not lead absurd consequences, the law shall be applied as written and no further interpretation may be made in search of the intent of the legislature. Acts 1987, No. 124, 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1988. To hold nothing but contempt for human rights as resulted in barbarous acts

which this relator has had to suffer and endure at this courts mercy for almost a year now.

Which involve no less than the office of the Montgomery County Prosecutor; Ward Barrentine,

Karina Korostyshevsky, Heather Jans and Matthew T. Crawford. My court appointed counsel; J.

Allen Wilmes, Bobby Joe Cox, Richard Butch Barnes and Alysia A. Goss. Attorneys are expected

to represent their clients to the best of their abilities, using all reasonable, available, ethical and

legal means to achieve their client's goals. The court lacks jurisdiction in the case below, so it

has no authority to reach merits, but rather, should dismiss the action. The court has acted in

judicial misconduct in ways that are considered unethical and impartial conduct. These actions

include: conduct prejudicial to the effective and expeditious administration of the business of the court. This court and my attorney's have been, for lack of a better term, builing, threatening, and using cohesion to intimidate this relator. Treating this relator in a demonstrably egregious and hostile manner. Violating other specific, mandatory standards of judicial conduct; due process, the principle that an individual cannot be deprived of life, liberty, or property with appropriate legal procedures and safeguards. Such as judicial rules of procedure and evidence, acting outside the jurisdiction of the court. This court is guilty of excessive bail. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. The point of bond (or bail) isn't to ensure that the defendant cannot post it, but rather to ensure that he has enough invested in the posting of that bond that it provides an incentive for him to return to court and thus avoid forfeiting that amount.

The courts performance of official duties that the conduct would have a prejudicial effect on the courts among reasonable people. These prosecutor's have continued to prosecute this case having full knowledge the state is without jurisdiction, and within the bounds of the law. They

are failing to provide exculpatory evidence that would exonerate this relator. Not one of this

relators attorneys have raised a Constitutional shield to protect my rights or amendment's.

They have aided in this injustice to violate this relator and condone this outrageous behavior

from this court. This relator has been deprived of her rights, under the United States

Constitution, to due process and equal protection of the law by all respondents in the case

below. This relator will also prove that these respondents have only brought this scandalous

case to cover up the heinous and atrocious behavior of Montgomery County Children Services

and The Montgomery County Common Pleas Court Juvenile Division. Whereas it is essential, if

man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and

oppression, that rights should be protected by the rule of law. The allegations in this Motion for

Emergency Stay and Writ of Prohibition are supported by the affidavit of Samantha Johns, relator. This relator prays upon this Court to grant such other and further relief as the Court deems equitable, just and proper. In that petitioner has no knowledge or background in such extensive law, petitioner respectfully requests this Court to view this petition in a manner that will most efficiently accomplish petitioner's stated objectives; whether that be this Emergency

Petition for Writ of Prohibition and Motion for Stay of Proceedings or otherwise.


This unique and most extraordinary situation involving the closeness of this criminal case and a civil custody case that involve my children. The United States demands strict adherence to the Rules of Judicial Conduct. Where a judge's impartiality might reasonably be questioned, disqualification is required, regardless of the judge's impartiality, or weather this court would question the judge's impartiality, but instead, weather an ordinary litigant would readably question the judge's impartiality. "A determination must be made as to whether the facts alleged would place a reasonable prudent person in fear of not receiving a fair and impartial trial." Livingston v. State, 441 So. 2d 1083, 1087 (Fla.1983). If ever there were a situation which required the Appellate Court to strictly adhere to the standards long enunciated in the opinions of the Courts of this state, that situation has arrived.


1. This relator will first try and show this Honorable Court how this investigation has

been done illegally. Please bare with me because this case starts with my civil case

that started in August 2012. It is imitative I prove that all the evidence in this

criminal case has been obtained illegally.

2. August 28, 2012 Civil Ex Parte Hearing at Montgomery County Juvenile Court

Detective Isaiah Keller Montgomery County Sheriff's Office, Unit Assignment Sex

Offenders/Internet Crimes and Pornography with Care House was present. This

relator was never told who this person was, during this hearing however. This man

was allowed to sit in this hearing and feed questions to the prosecutor Ann Gramza,

while this relator was on the stand testifying. I was not Mirandized in anyway. My

attorney asked for separation of witnesses before this hearing began. Everyone

agreed to this stipulation. 3. Detective Isaiah Keller was allowed to sit in the first 5 hearings that took place at

Montgomery County Juvenile Court. During these hearings he would feed questions

to Ann Gramza, prosecutor for Montgomery County Children Services. He also

attended every meeting that was with the Montgomery Count Children Service

Agency during this time. He would ask this relator many questions during these said

meetings. I was never Mirandized in anyway.

4. This Detective testify in 2 separate hearings and testified about the criminal

investigation. He also testified to being in said meetings. This detective also obtained

Medical record for a criminal investigation for this relators son, not only did he pass

my son's privileged and private medical records out to everyone involved, he

obtained medical records from Cincinnati Childrens Medical Center with no

subpoena or rights to said medical records. The Praecipe and Subpoena this

detective obtained from the Grand Jury was also obtained by the very doctor that

made false statements about me and my son, Doctor Bob Shapiro. This Subpoena is

dated July 26, 2012 The reason this date is so significant, is because this detective

testified he had no knowledge of this case until after Montgomery County Children

Services filed for the Ex Parte Order on August 27, 2012 (See Exhibit 1)

5. On October 23, 2012 Detective Isaiah Keller obtained an IN RE: ORDER AND

JOURNAL ENTRY for this relators bank records from Chase Bank. (See Exhibit 2)

Detective Keller's investigative supplement, on October 23, 2012 the Honorable

Judge Barbara Gorman approved the court order. This report is dated October 24,

2012. (Exhibit 3) These records where obtained illegally. These records where obtained with false testimony from a doctor Bob Shapiro with Cincinnati Childrens

Medical Center. Then this detective broke the Rules of Evidence by distributing this

relotors bank records to Mongomery County Children Services, and their prosecutor,

the Gardian at Litem, Robin Traywick, my children's attorney Douglas Haun, and

everyone involved in the case. An officer who obtains a warrant through material

false statements which result in an unconstitutional seizure may be held liable

personally for his actions under 1983. Aponte Matos v. Toledo Davilla, 1st Cir. 1998)

6. On November 20, 2012, My Civil attorney Denny Gump asked the Court to dismiss

him from my civil case because I could not afford him any longer due to my case

getting out of control, and due to the Sheriff°s Office now talking about criminal

charges for fraudulent fund raising and or well-fair fraud. This is the first I had heard

anything about this.

7. January 28, 2013, My Civil, Court appointed attorney Shawn Hooks told me in a

meeting that I was being investigated by the Sheriff's Office for embezzling funds for

the fundraising and well-fair fraud.

8. March 5, 2013, My Civil, Court appointed attorney Marcy Vonderwell handed me my

application from Job and Family Services for cash and food assistance. She told me

that the Sheriff's office was investigating me for well-fair fraud. I started asking

questions about it and she said I can't tell you much but they had to provide this in

in the discovery packet. (See Exhibit 4)

9. Over the next year my caseworker on many occasions would not let me forget that I

was being investigated by the Sheriff's Office right in front of my 3 little boys. 10. On January 14, 2014 Montgomery County Ohio Clerk of Courts - Indicted Charges

Theft ($1000 But Less Than $7,500) ( By Deception) 2014 CR 00138 - STATE OF OHIO


11. On February 08, 2013, Detective Keller testified in my Civil Case, not only did this

detective commit Perjury on the stand after he was swore to tell the truth. He is also

the Detective on the criminal case below. He testified he did not become aware of

this case until after the sheriff's office assisted with removal of my children not once

but twice, he testifying to that fact. The subpoena for the Dayton Children Medical

records came back on July 26, 2012. This subpoena states: to call Detective Keller

when ready to be picked up 225-6296. 32 days before my children were removed

from my home. His testimony is imperative to this case because if he committed

perjury on the stand testifying and admitted to obtaining a subpoena for Medical

records, for criminal investigation purposes only, to find out if a criminal act had

been committed. Then admitted that the subpoena did not give him the permission

to give it out freely to whom ever wanted it, which he also admitted to giving it out.

However, he only obtained one subpoena for Dayton Children Medical Center only.

However, somehow this detective had received medical records from Cincinnati

Childrens Medical Center and had these in his possession, and distributed them as

well. When questioned about how this happened, he couldn't give an answer. Then

lied about the date he obtained the subpoena. He also admitted to conducting a

forensic interview on my child of 7 years old, without a parent or an attorney

present for approximately 45 minutes. This detective stated my son told him, "he suffered from loss of balance, weakness, and dizziness" This is kind of ironic because

the school testified this 7 year old had the intellect of a pre-kindergartener, 3 to 4

years old, I would say those are some pretty big words. Detective Keller testified he

interviewed my 7 year old on August 31, before speaking to me or their (suspected)

father, he was asked by the prosecutor, and "did you know what he was referring to

when he said he got a hundred dollars for the fish fry?" This Detective said, "Yes, I

did." Then he was asked, "how were you aware of that fish fry?" He answered,

"from speaking to the (suspected) father, he said that there was a fish fry fund raiser

for him." But Mr. Rezabek caught him in this lie and he had to recant his statement.

His interview with the (suspected) father was just a few days before this hearing. He

also admitted to only starting the criminal investigation after his illegal interview

with my son, but then how did he obtain the subpoena on July 26th 2012, 36 days

before this interview? He also testified to evidence he obtained through his criminal

investigation, after my son's interview but the prosecutor failed to provide it in the

discovery stage. The prosecutor told the court that it was introduced in the ex parte

hearing on August 28, 2012, however, because this was evidence that this Detective

obtained after his interview with my son, following up on a lead my son told him. I

feel this detective had a moral obligation to tell this court that it was impossible

because that was well after his interview and the ex parte hearing, but he stood

silent and the judge allowed the evidence to stand. He also admitted to the criminal

investigation being open since August 27, 2012. This detective did not testify he had any medical background what so ever. However, he testified to looking at my son's medical records to see if he was diagnosed with a Mitochondrial Disease. He was

asked if he reviewed Doctor Bennett's records. He stated '1 subpoenaed Doctor

Bennett's records, or asked for them, but I was never sent them.'° This is also a lie

because Melissa Lowe (case worker with MCCS) testified she obtained Doctor

Bennett's medical records form Detective Keller. He was specifically asked "Okay, At

any point was it relayed to you that Doctor Bennett substantiated a diagnosis of

Mitochondrial Disease?" His answer was "I believe that doctor Bennett -there was

discussion that she was treating him for it or looked -looked at him for that. But, I

don't know as far as a diagnosis, no." The reason that this statement is so incredibly

valuable is because not only would this kind of proof have proven my case on the

civil side, because the state supposedly proved my son was not sick or diagnosed

with any kind of medical issues, thus the reason they said I was committing

Munchausen By Proxy and putting him through unnecessary medical procedures.

Emphatically stated he did not have or was ever diagnosed with a Mitochondrial

Disease. This is why today all 3 of my little boys have been permanently taken away

from me. These are only some of the illegal behavior of this supposed Law

Enforcement Officer.

12. But this is all one big lie, Detective Keller has full knowledge that my son was

diagnosed with a Mitochondrial Disease, and many other health issues. In his

criminal investigation below he obtained the records from the Job and Family

Services Department to try this very case of theft. And in these records from he has

obtained, and that he is failing to disclose to everyone, this (EXCULPITORY EVIDENCE). Montgomery County Dept. Of Job And Family Services Participation

Ability Request Form - Primary Caregiver, this form states: Medical Practitioner

please complete the items below: PATIENT DIAGNOSIS: Mitochondrial Disease

(MELAS) (TERMINAL) Kidney reflux Disease, Dementia, Bleeding Disorder,

Syringomyelia Disorder (CYST IN SPINE) Enlarged Aortic Root, Prolonged QT Interval

Syndrome, Lactic Acidosis, Neurogenic Apathy (MUSCLE). 1. Does this Patient

require a relative to provide medically necessary, full care? YES, If yes, name of

caregiver: Samantha Harrison (Johns) 2. Does care for the patient prevent careRiver

from participatinR in the following: working, volunteering, training or attending

school? YES. If yes, please indicate onset of inability and for how long inability to

participate in the above activities will last: Onset: JUNE 2009 Duration: LIFETIME 3. If

patient is under the age of 6 , can the patient attend a child facility for at least 20

hours per week? N/A Practitioners Name (please print) Dr Barbara Bennett DO.


THIS DOCUMENT WITH HER SIGNITURE Date 12-28-11 Address 8700 Old Troy Pike

Suite 50 Phone 937-233-4252 City Dayton State OH Zip Code 45424 via fax: 937-233-

7605 Please note her signature stamp is also on this form as well as her true and

factual signature. See (Exhibit 6)

13. This Detective Keller, also is failing to disclose a signed affidavit from Martin

Stringfellow, (supposed father) that reads: My name is Martin Stringfellow, I am the

father of Samantha Harrison's 3 children; Zachary Stringfellow, Samuel Stringfellow,

and Matthew Stringfellow. I do not live with them at 516 Caleb Drive Brookville, Ohio. However, due to my name being on the house, I am allowing her and the

children to live there, rent free. I will pay the house payment and all utilizes. I will

also give her $150.00 a week to help take care of my boys. I also provide the primary

medical insurance for the boys, but none for her. If you have any questions, please

feel free to call me. I do work 3rd shift, so I may be a little hard to get a hold of. I will

do my best to get back to you as soon as possible. Sincerely, Martin Stringfellow.


14. On February 14, 2014, this relator was attending a Semi-Annual Review Meeting at

Montgomery County Children Services. During this meeting Kim Bayless (supervisor)

at Montgomery County Children Services and Vicki Carter (case worker), told me

that the Sheriff's office went to the Grand Jury and they indicted me and charged me

with felony theft. Kim Bayless stated she ran a police background on me and I was

charged, but stated she didn't know when. (Exhibit CD number 1)

15. April 30, 2014, Montgomery County Electronically filed, IN THE COMMON PLEASE



(Exhibit 8)

16. April 30, 2014, Montgomery County Electronically filed, DIRECT THE STATE OF OHIO,

MONTGOMERY COUNTY - This would be my INDICTMENT, however, I was never

served. See (Exhibit 9) 17. May 12, 2014, Montgomery County, Received my RETURN OF SERVICE REQUESTED

WITH MY FOWARDING ADDRESS ON IT. This notice was sent to: 516 Caleb Drive

Brookville, Ohio 45309. My return address came back to: P.O. Box 13 Brookville,

Ohio 45309. I have had a post office box for years because, I was a Police Officer

until the warrant was issued. The most gregarious thing about this is the fact that

the Detective Keller was sitting in the Montgomery County Common Pleas Juvenile

Court room in September of 2012, when Magistrate Paula Durden ordered me to

leave my home, and has full knowledge I moved out in October, 2012. He also has

been in subsequent Hearings and has personally asked me for my address, and has

full knowledge I have not lived in Montgomery County for almost 2 full years now.

See (Exhibit 10)

18. May 15, Montgomery County filed a separate motion for ENTRY AND ORDER FOR


19. May 16, 2014, Montgomery County Electronically filed IN THE COMMON PLEASE


ORDER FOR ARRAINMENT CONTINUANCE The Court hereby orders a continuance

sua sponte in the following matters from May 15, 2014, 2014 CR 00138 ST. v


APPEAR See (Exhibit 12)

20. May 29, 2014, Montgomery County Electronically filed IN THE COMMON PLEASE


(Exhibit 13) 21. May 29, 2014 Montgomery County Electronically filed IN THE COMMON PLEASE


(Exhibit 14)

22. May 31, 2014, this relator checked her mail at the Post Office Box in Brookville, and

hand nothing form the court.

23. June 2, 2014, Went to Post Office Box to check my mail, and received a letter from


addressed to my Post Office however, the letter still had my previous address on it.

Dear Samantha Harrison, On May 15, 2014, you were scheduled for arraignment in

case number 2014 CR 00138 for Theft ($1000) (By Deception), for which you failed

to appear. Your new court date has been scheduled for May 29, 2014 at 8:30 A.M. at

the Montgomery County Common Pleas Court, 41 Perry Street, Dayton, Ohio 4522,

Courtroom #7, 4th Floor. Please be sure to check the display monitors in the lobby

for any change in the courtroom number. Failure to appear for this arraignment will

result in a warrant being issued for your arrest which may result in incarceration.

Sincerely, Tracy Geyer Pretrial Officer (937)496-3283. See (Exhibit 15). This relator

called Ms. Geyer and she stated I could come in on either Tuesday or Thursday and

go in front of the Judge.

24. Indictment by a Grand Jury.

FIFTH AMENDMENT No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

Due Process Motion as a motion to dismiss the Indictment pursuant to Federal Rule

of Criminal Procedure 12(b)(2). See United States v. Nguyen, 250 F.3d 643, 646 (8th

Cir. 2001) ("[T]his circuit has held that 'outrageous government conduct' should be

raised as a pre-trial motion to dismiss the indictment pursuant to Rule 12(b)(2) of

the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure ...." (citations omitted)).

25. On June 5, 2014, I went to the Montgomery County Common Pleas Court to answer

to the indictment. I was in front of Common Pleas Court of Montgomery County,

Ohio Criminal Division, Judge Timothy N. O'Connell. Upon approaching the stand to

give my plea, an unidentified women was standing at the podium and spoke to the

judge on my behalf. From sitting in the court room listening to the proceedings, this

women was giving a speech to the court every time it called a defendant. Her speech

was giving up defendants' rights. "The defendant here within waives the

requirement that the case be tried or a preliminary hearing be held with the time

limits prescribed by Ohio Revised Code 2945.71. The first thing I said to this women



BY THIS STATE. However, this court recorded, I stood mute on record. In the

statement made on this entry it states I plead not guilty. This also states I received a

copy of my indictment, however I did not. I did tell the judge I was indigence and

could not afford counsel. (See Exhibit 16)

26. Judge Timothy N. O'Connell, released me on PERSONAL OWN RECOGNIZANCE BAIL. I

was booked in and out of jail within the same day. I received a date June 12, 2014 to

come back in one week so I may inter my plea. Even though I accreted my rights to

enter a plea to start the speedy trial process.

27. June 12, 2014, returned to court, and was told to come back in one week, however, I

did meet my public defender Alysia Gross. Public defender Alysia Goss received my

(CCH) and 42 pages of discovery.

28. June 19, 2014, SCHEDULING CONFERENCE, went back to court in front of Judge

Wisemen, Public defender asked for more time so she might meet with me. Judge

set next hearing for July 3, 2014.

29. June 23, 2014, met with M. Goss, she explained to me that the state will not offer

diversion in this case, due to the fact my ex was a police officer, and the fact that I

am a certified police officer as well. Received a copy of the police report by her. She

asked me question of my residence and when I left my ex, and when I left my home.

I explained to her I could not give her the dates because it was a long time ago, that I

would have to look at my calendar. She did talk about me doing a program called (ILC) Intervention In Lieu Of Conviction. This attorney did not ask me one question

about my side or if I was innocent, she only pressed me to do (ILC), I asked her, so

you are already saying I am going to be convicted, she said no, I am just giving you

your options. And I would have to plead guilty on the charge, and I would have up to

5 years to complete the process but a minimum of 1 year. I asked her if I did do this,

what would happen to my Police, EMT, Fire Certifications. She said she would have

to look into it. But if I was convicted, I would not have any of them. But even with

the (ILC) Police Dept. would still be able to see the conviction no matter what. This

women had full knowledge of my Police Certification before I told her anything

about it. Then she told me no matter what I choose to do my law enforcement

career is over. I told her in this meeting I didn't even know what the charges were.

She said that was the point of that meeting today. However, this was 18 days after my arraignment. I told her I wanted to file a motion for a change in venue, she said on what basis, I told her I was not going to get a fair trial or a fair hearing. She said ok, that's something we can talk about. She asked me what started my case with everything (meaning my children services case) I explained to her it started with a

Malpractice Law suit against a doctor, He filed a complaint 2% months after discharging my son as a patient, the complaint accused me on Munchausen by

Proxy. She said Okay. I went on to explain to her the situation. She showed me the police report was the very same police report that brought these criminal charges against me, would be the very same police report that brought my civil case against me. And that the prosecutor would be sending a bunch of medical records over to her for this criminal case. And the Care House interviews of my children, from this

same Detective Keller. I said why? She said they are just giving me everything. So I

am not sure how this information would not bias the judge in her opinion. More

reason I told her I need a change in venue. She asked me if my service dog was mine

or my son's dog, I explained to her he was my service dog for seizures and diabetes.

She said Okay, I read somewhere that your son had a service dog. I will provide the

meeting by CD marked as (Exhibit CD Number 2)

30. July 3, 2014, SCHEDULING CONFERENCE with M. Goss, M. Goss made a motion to

excuse herself because she stated, "My client wants to go to trial, and does not want

to plead to this case. Due to my schedule I do not have time for a trial." So the judge

said Okay, and set the next hearing for July 10, 2014.

31. July 7, 2014, Record reflex I was in court that day and was appointed counsel.

However, this is not possible.


Richard Barns, as I was walking up to the podium when my name was called. He

asked the Judge for more time so he may meet with his client. (However, this courts

record reflects that this hearing did not take place on this date, the record reflects

that this hearing took place on July 7 , 2014. Because this attorney that was

appointed to me by this court let this attorney file a waiver of my Rights to a Speedy

Trial on July, 8, 2014, Stating The Defendant here within waives the requirement

that his case be tried on a preliminary hearing held with the time limits prescribed

by Ohio Revise Code 2945.71.) This is a total lie, how can this man enter this when he was not yet appointed to me as my counsel. Let alone I was in Sandusky, Ohio for

a birthday party on this day. More proof this court is acting without legal authority.

33. July 4, 2014, R. Barns scheduled a meeting in his office, on this holiday, and when I

drove the 45 minutes one way to his office, he was not there. So he called me and

apologized and scheduled the appointment for, July 6, 2014. In my meeting this

attorney talked to me about my evidence and said he was eager to try my case.

34. July 7, 2014, Scheduling Conference at court, my attorney met me out in the hallway

just before court and wanted me to read and sign a paper he had prepared. He told

me if I do not sign it he could go no further with my case. After reading this letter my

attorney walked back up to me and said, "sign it now or else!" I said, "Or what!" He

said, "You will see!" So I told him I need a copy of it and he said I could have a copy

after I signed it. So I brought my phone out to take a picture of this letter, and he

tried hitting my phone out of my hand. I told him "I am not signing it!" So he said

"give me the letter, NOWI" I tried to hang on to it and a struggle ensued. But, he

took the letter from me anyway. I began to get scared because I didn't quite know

what his threat meant, and by his reaction to not letting me keep the letter, I just

knew it couldn't be good. The letter was a Waiver of Claims of Ineffective Assistance

of Counsel. We both then proceeded into the court room and I was called to the

podium, Mr. Barns told the court he could no longer represent me. The judge said

"Okay", didn't inquire as to why this attorney was quitting or wanting off my case.

This attorney had an obligation to have the record complete by 30 days. However,

he failed to do so. But so did Miss Goss, so it just must be in this courts habit to not care about that. This attorney gave nothing in writing to this court either. The court

simple said I will set the next hearing for August 21, 2014.

35. August 19, 2014, I received a call from a Bobby Joe Cox, telling me he was my new

court appointed counsel. He stated he was in the Judge's chambers the other day on

a different case and the judge asked him if he would take my case, and he said sure.

He said she filled him in on my case with Children Service and that basically this case

just stems from that case. I asked him how is that, and he said "mama, it just is, just

what the judge told me. So he asked me to meet him outside the court room 15

minutes before the hearing on the August 21, 2014. I said, "Okay". Even though this

attorney told me he was just appointed a few days ago, the record today reflects he

was appoint on the same day Mr. Barns asked to be dismissed from my case.

However, that motion did not appear on the docking statement until I had brought

this point up 2 months later to my attorney in private.


minutes early for court, However, my attorney was 25 minutes late for court, so I

could not meet with him prior to going in front of this judge. Upon approaching the

bench when I was called the judge stated she was going to order me to have a

Psychological Evaluation because of my inability to keep counsel. I told the judge'°I

OBJECT!" She said "it is within her right to do so, so it is ordered!" I said but your

honor, how is this fair when Mr. Barns tried to get me to sign a waiver exonerating

him of any wrong doing to me. The judge read from a law book that stated, a judge

has the right to ask for such hearing anytime it sees fit, 2945.371 (G)(3) ect... She ordered that the Forensic Psychiatry Center for Western Ohio examine me. Then she

begain to tell me if I did not take the PSY exam, that she will have me committed

indefinitely or a time she sees fit, or I take the test, which ever came first. I said

"your honor, I object!" She screamed at me and said "it is ordered, if you don't

show up to the evaluation and give your full cooperation, I will issue a warrant and

have you it in jail until you take it, get out of my court room, your next court date is

August 25, 2014!" My new attorney said we need to go, I will talk to you outside.

We went out in the hallway and sat down, he advised me she had every right to do

so and I must take it or go to jail. He began to ask me question that pertained to

Competency to stand trial. I answer all of his question and he said you got all of the

question right, you have nothing to worry about. He said you are a Police Officer this

should be a walk in the park to you. But I did not tell him I was a police officer. I also

asked him if I had to take the MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory)

He said no, that has nothing to do with competence, we just went over what they

are going to ask you, it is that simple and you got them all right, you are good to go.

Anything that has to do with anything else and you can plead the 5th. I said ®kay.

37. Dusky v. United States, 362 U.S. 402 (1960)

Test of defendant's competency to stand trial is whether he or she has sufficient

present ability to consult with his or her lawyer with a reasonable degree of rational

understanding and whether he or she has a rational as well as a factual

understanding of proceeding against him or her; it is not enough that he or she is

oriented to time and place and has some recollection of events. 38. Cooper v. Oklahoma, 517 U.S. 348 (1996)

Oklahoma law presuming defendant is competent to stand trial unless he proves

incompetence by clear and convincing evidence violates due process because the

rule allows the State to try a defendant who is more likely than not incompetent.

39. O'Connor v. Donaldson, 422 U.S. 563 (1975), was a landmark decision in mental health law.

The United States Supreme Court ruled that a state cannot constitutionally confine a non-

dangerous individual who is capable of surviving safely in freedom by themselves or with

the help of willing and responsible family members or friends. Since the trial court jury

found, upon ample evidence, that petitioner did so confine respondent, the Supreme Court

upheld the trial court's conclusion that petitioner had violated respondent's right to liberty.

40. Clearly Erroneous Law & Legal Definition - An appellate Court should apply the clearly

erroneous standard in judging a trial court's in judging a trial court's treatment of factual

issues. A judgment becomes reversible if the factual issues are reviewed in a clearly

erroneous manor.

41. August 12, 2014, Bobby Joe Cox has record by way of Receipt for Electronic

Supplement Discovery of my evidence.

42. August 2, 2014 1:43, Received call from Bobby Joe Cox, I asked him if he could get

me the dates of the Grand Jury, when the case went to Grand Jury and when the

Grand Jury indicted me. He said, he would try and get but he is not sure. He acted

like he didn't know what the forensic evaluation was all about. He explained to me

that I was not served in this case, he went on to tell me about the grand jury process

and how I was not served in this case. He then went on to tell me that the clerk's

office picks and chooses who they want to send notices to, and if they don't like you or you make them made, they will just say they sent it to you but then they never

do, and then you are made to suffer the consequences. Bobby Joe Cox "That's why

when I deal with the clerks all the time in all the courts over all these many years, I

always try and be polite and courteous to them and they will come in there because

I am an attorney that I'm more important than anybody else because if they really

want to jack me around they can inadvertently fail to send me a notice and say oh

yea, notice was sent to Mr. Cox and I don't know why he's not hear. You understand

what I am saying? Please listen to the CD that I will provide you with, because there `

is a lot more. I am running out of time to file this so please bare with me. See

(Exhibit CD 3)

43. September 2, 2014, I received the appointment notice to be at the forensic center. It

stated my appointment was to be on September 3, 2014, at 9:00 a.m... 12:35 p.m., I

called the forensic center to tell them I could not make it on such short notice, the

secretary said I have to call my attorney because it is court appointed they could do

nothing. 12:43 p.m., I called Mr. Cox and told him he said, Okay I will get back to

you. I explained to him, I can't believe I received it because the court sent it to the

wrong address. They sent it to P.O. Box 15, not P.O. Box 13. He asked me what

schedule do you have available for next week, I told him September 11, but it would

have to be in the morning because I have my visitation with my boys at 3:00. He

said, Okay I will call you back.

44. September 2, 2014, 2:48 Bobby Joe Cox, called me back and said on September 11,

was not available. September 12, 9:00 a.m. was available, so I took that. He asked me my correct address Of P.O. Box 13, Brookville, Ohio, 45309. Mr. Cox said and one

more thing, I told her (women from the psy center) you had a service dig and she

said you must bring all of your paper work as to why you have a service dog. I

explained to him they cannot make me provide that to them. He said mama, I am

just telling you what they said you must do. He said I am only the messenger, I said

NO, you are my attorney. He said mama I am your attorney on a criminal case, and I

am trying to get you through it, I am not getting in a battle, if they just want the

papers, just show them the papers, you have a service dog so just take them and

show them. And do the simple little test they want. I said okay so I can plead the

fifth if they try and make me take the MMPI, he know started back tracking and

saying that I have to complete the examination be whatever it may be. Please see

the CD, for the full recording of the phone call. He said if I do not take their test I will get locked up until you take the test, he also stated this is for Competency not a

psychological profile, you have not plead not guilty by reason of insanity or temporary insanity, this is only are you competent to work with your lawyer, and defend yourself, I said Okay. I asked him when are we going to get a competency

Hearing he said 5 weeks from the court date. I said that will be the hearing he said there will be no hearing because you are competent so as long as I get a report from a doctor saying you can work with me then, and we know we will because we know you are competent. I tried to explain to him the law states I get a competency hearing he said after the report. He said to bring it up to the court when we go back, he was admit about we have to get a report first. Please listen to the CD of this conversation, where he threaten me if I do not take the test, I will go to jail. He said

if I don't take these test the judge will throw me in jail so, if I don't take them then I

will pay the consequences if I don't. I brought up that they can't even try this case

because of time, the one year rule. He said the statue is 6 years except murder and

there is no statue on that. Then I quoted him 2901.13, he said Okay down the road

that might be a motion we need to file then. I said down the road, he said nothing is

going to happen until this competency hearing.

45. September 12, 2014, Bobby Joe Cox has record by way of Receipt for Electronic

Supplement Discovery of my evidence.

46. September 12, 2014 My appointment with the Forensic Psychiatry Center for

Western Ohio at 9:00, I sat down and the evaluator, asked me what I thought

brought me to her today, I explained to her my side and she said I was delusional

and paranoid because the judge and my attorney are only in place to help me, not

do anything that would ever go against me in anyway, at that point I just said okay.

She also said that my attorney was the one that raised the complaint to bring me to

her today, because he doesn't feel I am competent enough to work with him. At that

point I knew for sure I was not going to take their tests on the MMPI and the MMPI

2, So, she explained to me all the tests I would be taking, which 2 of the test were

called the MMPI and MMPI 2, then she asked me to sign a waiver to my rights for

previous mental health evaluations or providers and a Medical release of

information, when reading this form, she said that this information was for the

court. However, I realized the release had Montgomery County Children Services on it. So I refused to sign this release because, Children Services has been wanting this

evaluation since September of 2012. So I was not about to sign this release to give

this information to that agency. So when I told this women, I refuse to sign this, she

said then we are done with this evaluation and you can deal with whatever the

judge does to you. I said okay, she said we are done with this evaluation.

47. During one of my supervised visits with my boys, the case worker said to me before

leaving, you will submit to the psy eval. I just ignored her and kept walking to my

truck to leave. But proving to me they were involved with this as well.

48. September 25, 2014, I filed a motion for MOTION TO DISMISS FOR INEFFECTIVE


judge about this motion during the hearing and she seemed at me and said it was


49. September 25, 2014 My Competency hearing, I spoke with my attorney right before

we went in, I asked him why he has not returned any of my calls and he said he has

been busy. He said well, since you didn't take the psychological exam she is very, I

mean very anger with you! I told him about the release and he said who care about

that, I told you to just do whatever they say. I said well, I am not doing a test that

this court has no right to ask me to take. If it was just about competency then I will

do it, but I called the Attorney General's Office and the lawyer I spoke to said I

should not give Children Services any information either. She also told me that it

should be biased on competency only and not an MMPI. He said so you called the

AG's office? I said, yes I did, why can I not do that? He said are you just trying to really piss this judge off, trying to get other people involved? I said, you and I both

no this is not right, I have to do something. He said I will try and talk to the judge and

see if she will give you one more chance to take their tests. You are a nice lady and I

don't want to see you go to jail one something like this, especially because you are

fully capably to do this, hell, I bet you know more than half of the idiots in the

prosecutor's office. Then he began to tell me about an attorney that had my same

conviction about the law. She was put in jail because she would not take a

psychological and she went to jail for a year. I just sat there while he kept going on

and on. We went into the court room, and he was right the judge was really mad

and was actually screaming at me. (I tried to get the CD's of the hearings to give to

this Court but I was told no, not until this matter has come to an end.) The judge

gave me one more chance to take it, she said if I don't take it she will lock me up

indefinitely, so I better take it. Even my attorney started telling the judge in open

court that I called the AG's office and they told me I don't have to take her tests, but

of course that is not what I said. But with both of them yelling at me I didn't stand a

chance. So she set the next evaluation for October 10, 2014. See (exhibit CD 5 AG's

conversation, I spoke to her about my civil case, I didn't want to disturb the

recording so the criminal part starts around 12:20)

50. October 10, 2014, FORENSIC PSYCHIATRY INTERVIEW, I went to my meeting,

because I was actually really scared because the judge said she would lock me up

indefinitely, so I knew if that would happen I would not get my appeal filed in time

for my children. However, this time I was not asked to sign any release of information. She asked me if I was willing to take the MMPI, and the MMPI 2, I told

her no, I am not but she is more than welcome to ask me anything about

competency to stand trial, and that I would answer any of those question for her.

She started with a list that was in front of her, I asked her where the questions came

from, my attorney? She said no, the court sent them over for you to answer. She

asked questions of: How many witnesses are you going to call on your side. Who are

these witnesses? What are these witnesses going to testify to? What are their

names? What kind of question are you going to ask them on the stand? What kind of

evidence do you have to fight these charges? What have you spoken to your

attorney about? What have you asked your attorney to file on your behalf? What

has your attorney advised you to do? ALL of these questions were extremely

inappropriate but my fear of going to jail was more, so I answered the best I could.

However, % of her findings in her report she had to get from some other source

other than me because I didn't answer hardly any the questions that she came to

her conclusions about.

51. October 30, 2014, COMPITINCY HEARING, I knew when I got to the court room, it

wasn't going to be good. When I walked in Captain Landis from the Sheriff's office

and a Sargent and 3 more deputies walked in right behind me and stood in the court

room, when normally there are only 2 court deputies. So a Captain and a Sargent

and 5 deputies were all stand in there with me. So the judge came in and instead of

the bailiff running down the docket, I was called first. I can't even begin to tell this

Court just how bad it was. Thank God I brought a friend with me because they had me hand over my service dog. And proceeded to take me into custody. All 5 deputies

moved into me so they could take me into custody. This judge remanded me to jail

until I could pay bond then, I would be transferred to Summit Behavioral Health Care

Hospital for 21 days, or indefinitely if I didn't take the evaluation. My bond was

10,000 cash surety. My family posted bond almost immediately. While I was in jail, I

had gotten very sick in booking, and had a seizure, when I came out of my seizure I

was laying face down in a holding cell. The cell had blood and urine and feces

everywhere, the toilet was clogged up and over flowing onto the floor. When I came

to I realized I could hardly move my right arm. One of the girls in the cell with me

said I had a seizure and the nurse told the guard I was faking it, so he kicked me and

picked me up by one are because I was so limp I couldn't walk. He threw me in the

cell and one of my shoes came off, so she said he threw the shoe at me and hit me

with it. She said he was calling me a piece of shit and a faker and said I should be

ashamed of myself because there are real people with real disabilities in this world

and I was nothing but a fucking cunt for faking it. After seeing this deputies after I

had come out of my seizure he continued to call me names and was very derogatory

to me. It was so cold in the holding cell my body was purple. I finally got to go

upstairs for a few hours, but I had sat in the holding area, all day and all night, didn't

get to go up to a bed until wee hours in the morning, after getting there at 9:30

a.m.. See (Exhibit 19, 20, 21)

52. October 31, 2014, I was released from jail to go to Summit. On the drive down to

the Hospital from Dayton to Cincinnati the transport deputy refused to buckle me in a seat belt and said I don't need one and made me sit all the way in the back of the

van, I was the only one in it.

53. 1 booked into summit, my clothes were taken from me and I was told I would have

to earn them back. I was examined by a doctor first, she was very concerned about

my right arm and asked if I would get an x-ray because she was worried the bicep

muscle was damaged, it was extremely swollen and black and blue. I asked if they

would take picture of it for me, however, they said no they could not do that. The

treatment I received at this facility was not much better than the jail. I had to have

my daughter contact the American Civil Liberties Union in my behalf, I made them

aware of all of my food allergies and was made to eat food that I was allergic to,

which I had a reaction to and had to have medication to stop the reactions. I was

only given 4 oz of water 3 times a day. Only when this hospital refused to allow me

to have my service dog with me did anything happen as far as my evaluation. The

ADA was threating if they did not allow me to have my dog, they were going to file a

Federal Lawsuit against the Hospital. So they did my evaluation in just a couple of

hours and released me on the 11t" day I had spent there. I can't even describe how

unbelievable the treatment was that I had to suffer through. It was quite ironic

however, that the evaluation I was put through had nothing to do with the MMPI

and the MMPI 2, the very tests I refused to take in the first place when all this

started. I asked the doctors at the hospital about these tests, and all the doctors said

the same thing. Those test were not used to measure competency. So it looked like I

was there for nothing, oh besides to try and miss my appeal to. 54. When I was placed into this facility I was trying to prepare my appeal to file through

the court. If I had to stay in this facility the whole time, I would have missed my

appeal, time to file.

55. November 20, 2014, 4:00 p.m. Hearing on the Psychological Evaluation. I was told

due to my service dog I could no longer have a public hearing, she said she was

taking me off of her docket and that my hearings would be at 4:00 so there was no

chance of any disruptions. I said but my dog has done nothing but be a perfect dog,

including when this court took me into custody. She said she was not going to take

any chances. The judge made a speech and said I was competent to stand trial. She

asked me if I wanted legal representation or I wanted to go Pro Se. I asked the new

lawyer she had standing there if he was going to help me in my defense and he said

yes. I said okay I will use him then. I asked for a copy of both psychological exams.

See (exhibits 22, 23, 24) 1 gave J. Allen Wilmes, gave me his card, I gave him my

phone number and address, he said he would call me next week.

56. After reading the first Psy exam, I was a little perplexed because all the questions I

had answered about the court process, I had answered all the right questions to

measure competency. The exact same questions that Summit had asked me. So the

big question is, why I was denied my right to due process when this court did not

hold a hearing to measure my competency. How did the first exam not answer to

the Competency to stand trial? Why were my Civil Rights to Freedom violated?

Obviously, this is more reason why this Court needs to hear and make a

determination on this case. 57. November 25, 2014, a letter from Mr. Wilmes my new attorney sent me a letter,

however, the postmark was dated December 10, 2014. I called and left a message,

but didn't get a call back. See (exhibit 25)

58. December 02, 2014, 4:00 p.m. Scheduling Conference, set dates for trial, the clerk

said I would be notified. Mr. Wilmes said he lost my number and my address, and he

said he didn't get my messages.

59. January 10, 2014, Letter from Mr. Wilmes, however, the postage was dated January

19, 2015. The letter said he cannot locate the address I had given him (in West

Miton) He enclosed 2 Motions he filed. Called and left another message for him.

Defendant Motion In Limine and Defendant's Motion for Bill of Particulars. Called

and, left message.

60. February 5, 2015, Status Conference, I failed to show because I had been sick and

had multiple seizures on this day and the next. I left a message for Mr. Wilmes with

no return call. It was the weekend so I thought I would call Mr. Wilmes Monday

morning. I was starting a new job at Wright Patterson Air Force Base on Monday and

had to be there at 8:30 so I was going to start calling him at 9:00.

61. February 9, 2015, during my process to get my security clearance, I was taken into

custody because I had a warrant for Larceny, with a $100,000.00 bond with home


62. I was arrested by people I see on a weekly basis, I lost my job that was going to pay

me almost 20.00 an hour also with great medical benefits. 63. I sat in jail for 3 days before my attorney came to see me and said well the judge will

agree to let you go if you start behaving, No more of this trying to do the law

yourself, just let me do my job. He asked me why I didn't show, I explained to him I

was sick and was having seizures and he said well let's just keep that between me

and you. Just tell the judge you are sorry, you forgot and we move toward the trial. I

asked him if she was going to reinstate my bail. He said I don't know, she may

reduce it back down to the $10,000.00, so you would just have to get another bond.

64. February 11, 2015, I was brought in front of Judge Wismen at 4:00, she said she

would reinstate my bail but I would go home on home detention, I asked for work

privileges, she said yes. However, because it was so late in the day, I wouldn't get

out until the next day. When I was questioned about my situation from Pre-trial

services, they told me I would have no way to have my dog unless I have someone

come walk him because I would not be able to leave to do so. Only for work 7:00

a.m. to 5:00 p.m... They sent me back to my floor and didn't come get me until the

next day at 3:30 p.m.

65. February 12, 2015, pre-trial services came and got me, said I would be going home

with no home detention. And it would be a few hours before I could leave.

66. I had to go to see pre-trial service in Downtown Dayton, I was told to be prepared to

"drop" I was not familiar with this statement, so I had to ask her what she meant,

she said give urine. I said Okay.

67. When I got to my appointment the work was very scared of my dog so she did my

interview in the lobby because she refused to come to the other side of the counter. She this person read my questions and answers out loud with people being in the

lobby to hear everything I had to answer. All of my private business, family,

relationships, and she reminded me I was to not be in possession of any firearms. I

asked her what about my Civil Rights, to bear arms, she said you have no Rights

because you committed a crime, I said what about my Rights to privacy, she said you

don't get it yet do you, you have no more Rights. I said what about the fact I have to

be convicted first, she said that's just a matter of time. This women didn't know me

nor my situation to judge me in such a manor.

68. February 03, 2015, Meeting with Mr. Wilmes, we talked about the pre-trial coming

up in a few days, he said he filed a couple of papers. And said the prosecutor

responded to the Bill of Particulars, and stated he feels he doesn't have to respond

to the Bill of Particulars. I asked him how about dates, when I was indicted when it

went to Grand Jury, he said that didn't matter. This attorney said they have 6 years

to indict me on a Felony Charge. I explained to him they only have one year to

investigate this crime he said it will be dismissed so don't plan on going anywhere

with that. He said he would raise that issue. I asked him why he had not asked me

for a witness list or anything, like evidence or my side or anything. He said because

he is no good, this whole meeting is totally unbelievable. I could give you another 6

pages on this meeting, however, it would just be best for you to listen to the

recording. Along with the letter, See (Exhibit 26, 27, 28, 29) (Exhibit CD 6) 69. February 5, 2015, Final Pre-Trial, my attorney brought up several motion to the

court including the time 2901.13 (A)(B)(1) Mr. Wilmes brought up these issues and

the judge denied all of my evidence.

70. February 10, 2015, met with Mr. Wilmes, he stated he will bring no witnesses to my

side, he will present no evidence to my side. This is also a recording that is totally

unbelievable. I could go on and on about how this attorney said he will not fight my

case and told me that the judge set the time limits for the trial and that is the way it

is going to go, including her choosing the Jury in her Chambers. The States Witness

list has the police officer that took my kids, the GAL, and the police officer that was

in some of my visitations and the detective that broke so many laws just to try this

case and my civil case. See the rest of the (Exhibits 30-38) (CD 7)

71. Now the court has set an ORDER AND ENTRY SETTING TIME LIMITS FOR TRIAL, this

judge has so ordered that this trial be done by schedule, down to the very last

second. See (Exhibit 39)

DR 6 - 102 (A) of the Ohio Code of Professional Responsibility prohibits a lawyer

form attempting to exonerate himself or herself from liability for personal


DR 6 - 102 (A) A cause of action for legal malpractice is distinct from an action to

vacate a criminal judgment based on ineffective assistance of counsel. An action

based on ineffective assistance of counsel is not based on Constitutional guarantees

and seeks reversal of Criminal conviction. IV. LAVV AND ARGUMENT

In order to discourage unreasonable delay in bringing criminal prosecutions, statutes of

limitations provide time limits for beginning such actions. These time limits begin to run when

the right to take legal action arises or when a crime is committed. In general, the unexcused failure to start a case on time bars a court from hearing the case.

On March 05, 2015

2901.13 Statute of limitations for criminal offenses. Ohio Revise Code

(A)(1) Except as provided in division (A)(2) or (3) of this section or as otherwise provided in this section, a prosecution shall be barred unless it is commenced within the following periods after an offense is committed:

(a) For a felony, six years;

(b) For a misdemeanor other than a minor misdemeanor, two years;

(c) For a minor misdemeanor, six months.

(2) There is no period of limitation forthe prosecution of a violation of section 2903.01 or 2903.02 of the Revised Code. (B)(1) Except as otherwise provided in division (B)(2) of this section, if the period of limitation

provided in division (A)(1) or (3) of this section has expired, prosecution shall be commenced for

an offense of which an element is fraud or breach of a fiduciary duty, within one year after

discovery of the offense either by an aggrieved person, or by the aggrieved person's legal

representative who is not a party to the offense.

The State had no right of claim to bring this case against me because they had full knowledge

this case was ripe. When 1 brought this up to the court, (through my attorney Mr. Wilmes) Judge

Wiseman said 1 have never heard of such a law, after Mr. Wilmes read it to the court. Then, she

simply looked at me and said it doesn't pertain to this case. This is also part of my basis

contending this court is lacking jurisdiction to even hear this case. The other reason would be

because I was never served with an indictment, this court has to properly serve me. Even though

all parties involved had full knowledge of my whereabouts every Thursday at 3:30 p.m. for my supervised visitation with my boys at Montgomery County Children Services. This is the location is where 1 was served with several court hearings notices.

State v. Thompson (1994), 97 Ohio App. 3d 183 -- To preserve the issue for appeal, a speedy trial claim must be raised by motion prior to commencement of trial. Where counsel has failed to do so, defendant must demonstrate a reasonable possibility that the motion would have been sustained, had it been raised, in order to prevail on a claim of ineffective assistance of counsel. "Abuse of discretion does not necessarily imply a willful abuse, or intentional wrong. In a legal

sense, discretion is abused whenever, in its exercise, a court exceeds the bounds of reason -- all

the circumstances before it being considered." Sharon v. Sharon, 75 Cal. 1 (Caf. 1888)

Subject matter jurisdiction. Questions of subject matter jurisdiction are reviewed de novo. Pillow

v. Bechtel Const., Inc., 201 F. 3d 1348, 1351 (11th Cir. 2000).

Determination that a case is not ripe. Reviewed de novo. Tamiami Partners, Ltd. V. Miccosukee

Tribe, 177 F.3d 1212, 1224 (11t" Cir. 2001)

State v. Young (1981), 2 Ohio App. 3d 155 -- Headnote: "The state bears the burden of proving

that the time when the crime was committed comes within the appropriate statute of

limitations. A five-month investigatory period will not be validated as a reasonable period of

time necessary for 'discovery of the offense' of welfare fraud for purposes of the one-year saving provision of R.C. 2901.12(8)" Department had been slow in processing information leading to filing of charges and unless this period could be excluded, time had run.

State v. Morris (1984), 20 Ohio App. 3d 321 -- Headnotes: "(1) A prosecution is not commenced so as to toll the running of the statute of limitations merely by the issuance of a summons or warrant, unless reasonable diligence is exercised to execute the same. (2) Where a summons is sent to the defendant by first class mail and returned as undeliverable, the prosecution has not exercised reasonable diligence to execute the summons within the contemplation of R.C.

2901.13( E) . The prosecution is required to demonstrate that an effort has been made to serve the summons in a manner provided by Crim. R. 4(D)." Abuse of discretion occurs when a court does not apply the correct law or if it bases its decision

on a clearly erroneous finding of a material fact. A court may also abuse its discretion when the

record contains no evidence to support its decision. Abuse of discretion is one of the reasons a

court of appeals may use to reverse the trial court judgment.

State v. Brown (1994), 99 Ohio App. 3d 604 - Indictment, successive bills of particulars, and jury

instructions shifted somewhat as to specific conduct alleged to have constituted theft in a

Medicaid fraud prosecution, Compare majority and dissent analysis of whether nature and

identity of the offense was charged, and whether grand jury minutes should have been examined to determine what conduct the grand jury meant to be for indictment.

State v. Stepp (1997), 117 Ohio App 3d 561, 564-567 - The State must supply specific dates in a bill of particulars when it possesses such information. The failure to supply known dates is fatal to a prosecution only if the absence of specifics prejudices the accused's ability to fairly defend himself.

Subject matter jurisdiction. Questions of subject matter jurisdiction are reviewed de novo. Pillow v. Bechtel Const., Inc., 201 F. 3d 1348, 1351 (11t" Cir. 2000).

Determination that a case is not ripe. Reviewed de novo. Tamiami Partners, Ltd. V. Miccosukee

Tribe, 177 F.3d 1212, 1224 (11th Cir. 2001)

An alternative writ operates as a stay of the judicial or quasi-judicial act sought to be prohibited. Green v. Kubicki, 120 Ohio St.3d 1521, 2009-Ohio-698. "After the time for filing an answer to the complaint or motion to dismiss, the Supreme Court will either dismiss the case or issue an alternative or a peremptory writ, if a writ has not already been issued. ° St.Ct.Prac.R.

X(5). Although this Court "generally wait[s]for a response before rending this

determination . .. under S.Ct.Prac.R. XIV(4), a party may request emergency relief° State ex

rel. Stern v. Mascio (1998), 81 Ohio St.3d 297,298, 691 N.E.2d 253. It is then a matter of

discretion whether a "case merits an expedited determination. " Id.

Because criminal prosecutions generally implicate a well-defined constitutional guarantee,

criminal discovery is much more focused on automatic disclosure principles, which if found to

be violated, will trigger the dismissal of the charges.

Office of Disciplinary Counsel v. Greene (1995), 74 Ohio St. 3d 13 -- Syllabus: "When a lawyer intentionally misrepresents a crucial fact to a court in order to effect a desired result to benefit a party, the lawyer will be suspended from the practice of law in Ohio for an appropriate period of time." Assistant prosecutor misrepresented reason for dismissing traffic ticket issued the wife of a Highway Patrol officer.

State v. Walden (1984), 19 Ohio App. 3d 141 -- Headnote 4: "If the prosecution, prior to or during trial, knows of the existence of exculpatory evidence and fails to provide it to defense counsel despite a request for production of all exculpatory evidence, this prosecutorial misconduct amounts to a denial of due process sufficient to support an R.C. 2953.21 petition for relief after judgment."

State v. Lang (1995), 102 Ohio App. 3d 243, 252-253 -- When the prosecution has failed to disclose a statement of the defendant during discovery, the statement should be excluded if (1) the failure to disclose was wilful, (2) foreknowledge of the statement would have benefited the

accused in preparing his defense, or (3) the accused was prejudiced by admission of the


Brady v. Maryland (1962), 373 U.S. 83, -- As a part of the defendant's due process right to a fair

trial, the prosecution is under an obligation to disclose to the defendant any favorable evidence

that is material to either guilt or punishment. Also see Jencks v. United States (1956), 353 U.S.

657. For cases on remedies for Brady violations, see United States v. Agurs (1976), 427 U.S. 97;

Wagster v. Overberg (6th Cir. 1977), 560 F. 2d 735.

Kyles v. Whitley (1995), 514 U.S. 419 -- State's duty to turn over evidence favorable to the

defense extends to material which remained hidden in police files, not turned over to the

prosecutor. To warrant reversal, evidence withheld must have been material, meaning that it

negates guilt or mitigates the crime to the point that there is a reasonable probability that disclosure would have produced a different result. Also see State v. Hesson (1996), 110 Ohio

App. 3d 845, 847-853.

"The term as used in the decisions of courts and in the books, implying, in common parlance, a bad motive or wrong purpose, is not the most appropriate. It is really a discretion exercised to an end or purpose not justified by, and clearly against, reason and evidence." Murray v. Buell,

74 Wis. 14 (Wis. 1889)

Abuse of discretion occurs when a court does not apply the correct law or if it bases its decision on a clearly erroneous finding of a material fact. A court may also abuse its discretion when the record contains no evidence to support its decision. Abuse of discretion is one of the reasons a

court of appeals may use to reverse the trial court judgment.

State ex rel. Stern v. Mascio ( 1998), 81 Ohio St. 3d 297 -- Under the current version of P.C.

2701.03 the mere filing of an affidavit of disqualification in the Supreme Court divests a judge

of authority to act in a case until the Supreme Court rules upon the affidavit, the only possible

exception being to determine a matter which does not affect the substantive rights of the


Code Of Conduct For United States Judges

Canon 2A. An appearance of impropriety occurs when reasonable minds, with knowledge of all

the relevant circumstances disclosed by a reasonable inquiry, would conclude that the judge's

honesty, integrity, impartiality, temperament, or fitness to serve as a judge is impaired. Public

confidence in the judiciary is eroded by irresponsible or improper conduct by judges. A judge must avoid all impropriety and appearance of impropriety. This prohibition applies to both professional and personal conduct. A judge must expect to be the subject of constant public scrutiny and accept freely and willingly restrictions that might be viewed as burdensome by the ordinary citizen. Because it is not practicable to list all prohibited acts, the prohibition is necessarily cast in general terms that extend to conduct by judges that is harmful although not specifically mentioned in the Code. Actual improprieties under this standard include violations of law, court rules, or other specific provisions of this Code.

McMann v. Richardson (1970), 397 U.S. 759, 771 -- "(l)f the right to counsel guaranteed by the

Constitution is to serve its purpose, defendants cannot be left to the mercies of incompetent counsel, and that judges should strive to maintain proper standards of performance by

attorneys who are representing defendants in criminal cases in their courts."

Strickland v. Washington (1984), 466 U.S. 668, 687 -- Two part test for determining whether

defendant received ineffective assistance of counsel: "First, the defendant must show that

counsel's performance was deficient. This requires showing that counsel made errors so serious

that counsel was not functioning as the 'counsel' guaranteed by the Sixth Amendment. Second,

the defendant must show that the deficient performance prejudiced the defense. This requires

showing that counsel's errors were so serious as to deprive the defendant of a fair trial, a trial

whose result is reliable. Unless a defendant makes both showings, it cannot be said that the

conviction or death sentence resulted from a breakdown in the adversary process that renders

the result unreliable." Also see State v. Lytle (1976), 48 Ohio St. 2d 391, 396-397; State v.

Johnson (1986), 24 Ohio St. 3d 87; State v. Brooks (1986), 25 Ohio St. 3d 144; State v. Decker

( 1986), 28 Ohio St. 3d 137; State v. Bradley (1989), 42 Ohio St. 3d 136.

State v. Smith (1987), 36 Ohio App. 3d 162, 163 -- A properly licensed attorney is presumed to execute his duties in a competent and ethical manner.

State v. King (1995), 104 Ohio App. 3d 434 -- Whether raised by written motion or in open court, if a defendant questions the effectiveness of assigned counsel, the court must inquire, on the record, into the merits of the complaint.

State v. Marinchek (1983), 9 Ohio App. 3d 22 -- It is the trial court's duty to balance the defendant's right to counsel of his preferential choosing against the public interest in the administration of justice. See 73 A.L.R. 3d 725. State v. Moss, Hrometz, appellant, Stark App. No. 2003CA00218, 2003-Ohio-6053 -- Though the

prosecutor may believe a privately filed complaint is without merit, if the complaint is in proper

form the complainant is entitled to have probable cause judicially determined.

Code Of Conduct For United States Judges

Canon 2A. An appearance of impropriety occurs when reasonable minds, with knowledge of all

the relevant circumstances disclosed by a reasonable inquiry, would conclude that the judge's

honesty, integrity, impartiality, temperament, or fitness to serve as a judge is impaired. Public

confidence in the judiciary is eroded by irresponsible or improper conduct by judges. Ajudge

must avoid all impropriety and appearance of impropriety. This prohibition applies to both

professional and personal conduct. A judge must expect to be the subject of constant public

scrutiny and accept freely and willingly restrictions that might be viewed as burdensome by the ordinary citizen. Because it is not practicable to list all prohibited acts, the prohibition is necessarily cast in general terms that extend to conduct by judges that is harmful although not specifically mentioned in the Code. Actual improprieties under this standard include violations of law, court rules, or other specific provisions of this Code.

McMann v. Richardson (1970), 397 U.S. 759, 771 -- "(1)f the right to counsel guaranteed by the

Constitution is to serve its purpose, defendants cannot be left to the mercies of incompetent counsel, and that judges should strive to maintain proper standards of performance by attorneys who are representing defendants in criminal cases in their courts." Read US v. Lopez and Hagans v. Levine both void because of lack of jurisdiction. In Lopez the

circuit court called it right, and in Hagans it had to go to the Supreme court before it was called

right, in both cases, void.

Challenge jurisdiction and motion to dismiss, right off the bat. If you read the Supreme Court

cases you will find that jurisdiction can be challenged at any time and in the case of Lopez it

was a jury trial which was declared void for want of jurisdiction. If it [jurisdiction] doesn't exist,

it can not justify conviction or judgment. ...without which power (jurisdiction) the state

CANNOT be said to be "sovereign." At best, to proceed would be in "excess" of jurisdiction

which is as well fatal to the State's/ USA 's cause. Broom v. Douglas, 75 Ala 268, 57 So 860 the

same being jurisdictional facts FATAL to the government's cause ( e.g. see In re FNB, 152 F 64).

Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 60. Relief from Judgment or Order below"Once jurisdiction is challenged, the court cannot proceed when it clearly appears that the court lacks

jurisdiction, the court has no authority to reach merits, but, rather, should dismiss the action."

Melo v. US, 505 F2d 1026.A judgment rendered by a court without personal jurisdiction over

the defendant is void. It is a nullity. [A judgment shown to be void for lack of personal service

on the defendant is a nullity.] Sramek v. Sramek, 17 Kan. App. 2d 573, 576-77, 840 P.2d 553

(1992), rev. denied 252 Kan. 1093 (1993)."Court must prove on the record, all jurisdiction facts related to the jurisdiction asserted." Latana v. Hopper, 102 F. 2d 188; Chicago v. New York, 37 F

Supp. 150."The law provides that once State and Federal Jurisdiction has been challenged, it

must be proven." Main v. Thiboutot, 100 S. Ct. 2502 ( 1980). "Jurisdiction can be challenged at any time." and "Jurisdiction, once challenged, cannot be

assumed and must be decided." Basso v. Utah Power & Light Co., 495 F 2d 906, 910.

"°Defense of lack of jurisdiction over the subject matter may be raised at any time, even on

appeal." Hill Top Developers v. Holiday Pines Service Corp., 478 So. 2d. 368 (Fla 2nd DCA 1985)

"Once challenged, jurisdiction cannot be assumed, it must be proved to exist." Stuck v. Medical

Examiners, 94 Ca 2d 751. 211 P2d 389.

"There is no discretion to ignore that lack of jurisdiction." Joyce v. US, 474 F2d 215.

"The burden shifts to the court to prove jurisdiction." Rosemond v. Lambert, 469 F2d 416.

"A universal principle as old as the law is that a proceedings of a court without jurisdiction are a nullity and its judgment therein without effect either on person or property." Norwood v.

Renfield, 34 C 329; Ex parte Giambonini, 49 P. 732.

"Thus, where a judicial tribunal has no jurisdiction of the subject matter on which it assumes to act, its proceedings are absolutely void in the fullest sense of the term." Dillon v. Dillon, 187 P

"A departure by a court from those recognized and established requirements of law, however close apparent adherence to mere form in method of procedure, which has the effect of depriving one of a constitutional right, is an excess of jurisdiction." Wuest v. Wuest, 127 P2d

934, 937.

"Where a court failed to observe safeguards, it amounts to denial of due process of law, court is deprived of juris." Merritt v. Hunter, C.A. Kansas 170 F2d 739. This court lacks jurisdiction, this usually means that the defendant was not served with

the legal papers by my rights to due process. State ex rel. Koren v. Grogan (1994), 68 Ohio st. 3d

590 - Through appeal might have furnished a remedy had the trial court determined its

jurisdiction "a writ of prohibition will issue where there is a patent and unambiguous restriction

on the jurisdiction of the court which clearly places the dispute outside the court's jurisdiction."

The Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees criminal defendants the right to a

speedy trial. Consequently, prosecutors cannot wait an inordinate amount of time before filing

charges or proceeding with the prosecution after filing charges. To create more precise rules for

ensuring a speedy trial, Congress passed the federal Speedy Trial Act, which requires that a trial

begin within 70 days of the prosecutor filing the indictment.

Due Process requires that criminal defendants receive a fair trial. In high-publicity trials, trial judges

have the responsibility to minimize effects of publicity, perhaps by implementing a gag-order on the

parties and to eliminate outside influences during the trial. An interesting question of outside

influence went to the U.S. Supreme Court in 2007 in Carey v. Musladin, 549 U.S. 70 (2006). After

the victim's family wore pictures of the victim on buttons during the trial, the jury convicted Musladin

of murder. The Supreme Court overturned the Ninth Circuit's grant of post-conviction habeas relief

for a lack of due process because no clear federal rule existed regarding spectator conduct.

Due Process further commands that defendants have the right to call their own witnesses, mount their own evidence, and present their own theory of the facts. In order to properly mount a defense, the prosecution must turn over all evidence that will be presented against the defendant and have pre-trial access to depose all of the prosecution's witnesses.

Pre-trial would also be the point at which the defense might raise a defense of double jeopardy, if such a defense existed in the particular case. The Fifth Amendment, through the Double Jeopardy Clause prohibits states from charging the same defendant with substantially the same crime on the same facts.

V. Conclusion

This relator prays upon this court to consider what injustice is being done by this

lower court and all the respondents. This Court can unequivocally see that this is not

only a case that violates my Constitutional guarantees, but that of the greater good

of public interest. Also, this Relator will not receive a fair trial. The lower court is not

acting by the laws that governs our great nation, but on a belief of her own set of

rules. That is why I am praying upon this Court the grant this Petition for Alternative

Writ, Writ of Prohibition or Other Appropriate Relief. This injustice would be to let

this court get away with such due regard of the law she took an oath to uphold. This

court has already alluded, in a pre-trial hearing said she is going to impose a jail

sentence in this case. With this courts prior history of maltreatment, I put nothing

past her despite that until this charge, I have been a stellar pillar of the community,

being a Police Officer, Emergency Medical Technician. I had my own construction

company. I had obtained an amazing opportunity to work at the Wright Patterson

Air Base, with great medical benefits. I have not so much as even receiving a ticket

on my driver's license. However, I have lost everything trying to fight this case in the

almost year that has pasted. To not grant this petition will succeed in this courts attempt to prevent me from bringing my appeal in my civil case with Montgomery

County Children Services. Which has been this courts agenda this whole time. This relator prays upon this Court to look at the totality of circumstances and grant this petition and stop this lower court from proceeding on this case. Due to the extraordinary circumstances of this case, I ask the court to allow me to file this petition with more pages than the rule specify. Respectfully submitted,

Samantha John Petitioner, Pro Se 75 Woods Drive Apt. 1 West Milton, Ohio 45383 (937)751-9893


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Oiane L. Tiieya ,f.. Am' Ftx thw SWO Of ft Mv Gommission Ex^^w--,->e z! 15). g® i CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Emergency

Petition for Writ Of Prohibition and Motion for Stay of Proceedings has been

served upon said Judge and Counsel of record listed below. By way of mail or by

personal service. Filing with the United States Supreme Court of Ohio on this

Friday, March 16, 2015.

JW4;Samantha Johns 75 Woods Drive Apt.1 West Milton, Ohio 45383 0fte L^ Nowypw*Tiieyq (937)751-9893 isorthe Stateof iu^^ ' urtlmsssion Explres- ^^.F^nf^ •

sCaie af..,®^ f ,E ^ . ...

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rne canrth-i^sjte

prrn=ed to rae on the basis of satisfae.tor,, ev{denc.etcs be i3?e Personfs) who appeared before me. THE HONORABLE MARY L. WISEMAN MONTGOMERY COUNTY COMMON PLEAS COURT 41 N. Perry Street Dayton, Ohio 45402

WARD BARRENTINE KARINA KOROSTYSHEVSKY HEATHERJANS MATTHEW T. CRAWFORD ASSISTANT PORSECUTING ATTORNEYS Dayton-Montgomery County Courts Bldg. ALYSIA A. GOSS BOBBY JOE COX LAW OF PUBLIC DEFENDER ATTORNEY AT LAW 117 S. Main Street, Suite 400 130 W. Second Street Suite 800 Dayton, Ohio 45422 Dayton, Ohio 45402 (937)225-4652 (937)228-1975

RICHARD BUTCH BARNES J. ALLEN WILMES ATTORNEY AT LAW ATTORNEY AT LAW 41 E. Main Street 7821 N. Dixie Drive Enon, Ohio 45323 Dayton, Ohio 45414 (937)340-2226 (937)278-0652 Respondents, AFFIDAVIT OF INDIGENCE

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF OHIO Affidavit of Indigence

. dostate hereby that I am without the necessary funds to pay the costs of this action for the following reason(s): [Note: S.Ct.Prac.R. 3.06 requires your affidavit of indigence to state the reason(s) you are unable to pay the docket fees andfor security deposit. Failure to state specific reasons that you are unable to pay will result in your affidavit being rejected for filing by the Clerk.] Pursuant to Rule 3.06, of the Rules of Practice of the Supreme Court of Ohio, I am requesting that the filing fee and secu it^ deposi^,a.if app(,^ ble, be waived. ^r-_


Sworn to, or affirmed, and subscribed in my presence this '^ day of ^^^6' -, , 20 iI-S

Notary Public

My Commission Expires: 12011 2D11 T[Note: This affidavit must be executed not more than six months prior to being filed in the Supreme Court in order to comply with S.Ct.Prac.R. 3.06. Affidavits not in compliance with that section will be rejected for filing by the Clerk.]

L i iiey, Naiuyp*k For tk Sto of ;.;«rnmission Explr",_ ^^ DC.c 1; ^:^^^ 1

il- c^'(• +


^.c "'p'1 .^ `°^^`,10^•^' A.l ,€x wt- ^ '-' e-"^9^"s^ '^^„+^' ^.S 1C^"^n^ IN THE COMMON^"c^^€^ PLEA S^ ^,^^;:^ ":^ ^^°' ^'A^^^,2^ ^^^.: . ..^ s^^a ^ ^ , ^

STATE OF OHIO CAS= N0. 2012 C^ : 000019


JOHN DO` Gi `^ S ° ^ ^ IURY


t.+'?"so, h;i"P bJ eJilpea- the issl3a,l:;e of the £Ol!Gw1n^ T f"ie undersigned, PrOsecU}Er1C,^. Attorney con behalf of ;h",.--'. -Sf3i2 Subpoena(s) ?LJr the herein below named wi}ness1es; to apr,ucf in this Ca+l-1vt cs« the t1nne as ?aY fJi'i't4:

^...... OF^ TYPE W$ a N^^^^S ADDRESSES __ c^^t ^ T6 ^LLfiJ-Fc^a-\a^s^A^ T £-'E C H 6t.rR E ^N'S M E d'C'A a, .lE N , 6_t, ^F P, AS',;"O N 3 MANAG EMENT DEPy.IK.cEPEP 0 N E t..,t-{1.L:.'t-^.E ^ti' P^,.i-^ _'FS OF RECC-)RDa DAYiON. OH 4W4 _..e..._ ' 3n Ppa°-? - -.3 aIl iTaE s..a^ YE:,>„3 $a"ftrt+.''i9ii e periC3dil oi ^UC;s^^J' Tt ^a^'i^YOU o ARE - HEREBYDkt-,Q,* }' 't 1-7 any d?ia birth to the preseii4 on pr:itier?t, Samuei St3 ingfe14^^ S. Addrss 51R ^ o©r^vi^9e^C. e 45309,,--- ^^ OFFiCc, 3:0 BY,P,ELEa^SIa^GSa^^5 9^i^£D'.^r^^'8ONTC3 D^,^'. €S''z 0$^?^'GOP;,AE2^.Y^'b T.;. lf 5^^:^Rfiy WEST SECOND STREET, DAYa ONa OH 45402 (PHON .a , ^ .. PAY.:. 937-224-r YO^ ^ILL BE EXC?aSED FROM AT" ="^H"°y11"^ ^ ^^ ^RM-41l) JURY H, Azoen ^ .

Y'ou are required to be and appear be¢ore Xhe DA'°?TON M O3c a ^OMERY 8w3" A.M. to 1esticy COU NT°^ COURTS BU9LD6NG, Lower Levei, 30'i West Third Street, Daytvn, Ohio A'-J 7 and 'o not °pa.,-t from 1;-ie COURT witholit as a witness on behalf of the State of Ohio T1ainfi'sff in the a.bov^.^-en:iiied cpase` leave 3,arzder pcNALT" OF LAW

aV,N-7'e'•.f^aC- FL HECK, P9'^sp-1cuaEYag Attorney Ta i^n, i9'^^'A;;'6"sic, ry a''+3i.fe:aj; «'+hiv`'

t3'' 8y: RraA E"'i^'`^.^' E M m i-N" n h?E-',L Assistant Prossewutirla Attorney (937) 225-5757 t TO THE SHERIFF OF AMON^`GO%^ER`^' COUNTY, OHIO

You are Comil•iarlded so SEat"flr7lor': thP, witness(es) whose f"laii^e(s) and addrQss(r:'s) a°1- Sei forth above to be and ^v.^.^ SG's) Zo p." ^ C^1^.i arlc ^^..^It,llt^.l 4o ORDER said app..-.a;,^ be3or'UR-' this Court aS lhe `irE^e Carlf' place ^iLl forth above for said 4fJll^i\."s /: ^nritness(es) NOT depa^safd^Coaart wiittout leave UNDER ^ENA1-`i-^` OF ^AVJ. , e^^^ ^P1^Tr^ESU my 7ar^d and tne seai of the saiu Cc;ur a^ Dayton, O";o inin __„_ O^^,^:^x ^ '' ._.7('^^ A. 20112:

'^REEV'LA;,RY A„ BRUSH, C:...E-FK P;ionfi6or;nery County Cour; of Cor°li-Tion Pieas

E^^,^. . - .-- • D E ?'tJT':' NiKIClO'7-26-12 ' ^ki .^!-• . ' . . . . ^ { 1 TJ^k,ION`^^^TMERY CO7'^Y CO1^^^^I^.^N PLEAS ^.'OURT ^ ^; MONTGOMERY COUNTY, 0^O i ' '4t__ °'

`L. hc^ x^^ ^OF^^^^ ^ ^ I


WHEREAS, this matter came before the Court on the motion. of the Mortgomory County u:3er;ff's Office scr an order compeiiinq the fol:o9rrinQ business or s:aitity to producm records or more of its customers or subscribers;

I. The co^pany or entity in possession of said recor dstand or information being sow:gb'a is:

Chase Bank Custodian of Records Legal i:'s-oca.ss Departnqe:it I Chase Manhattan Plaza New York, Ne-w York 1 00i35

18. The records being sought pY€tain to the eoiAowina account:

Bank Records forAcco,snt No: 3033736509 Baak Records for AccQubet No: 752075127

IRi. The pedod focwbich these records ase being .souo t is:

Date the account was open through the present.

IV. The records being sought are:

Aii account hofidaa- information indi.5ding address and aii otghor idorsrq€n^ informatso ^aa;i' nanries; addresses and phone numbers associated to the account. : o also =a?cRuda any int'i^rm atiun on dates of rrione;y deposits and witta drawismada to the account.

WHEREAS, there appeared persosaas9y baFore me oria QE?^QTiVL I. KELLAR and svsRorp to the faac"bs set forth in an Afiidavit on iida with the Cou' in this matter.

WHEREAS, based upo; s speoitic facts aaicuia;ted to the Cv'ur', in the a.ffidaton.;°

WHEREAS, it is accoordirsgiy ordered and adiudged that Chase Bank sbaiN produce to Deteutiva' Kellar of the Montgomery County SfiierifPs Office, Dayton, Ohio, the records andCor in¢ormiatio:ri dps&,b4d above.

WHEREAS, it is accordingly ordered and ad;udgod that pursuant te a, afiticxai cdminal io-v : stigation being conducted by the ^i?^aa^tgoa^e€y Coas^at^o, Ohio Si?ar'i^s Q^^, you afe aot to disc9oso a cf this request. Any such disclosure could impede the i s^sasti^at€^^ being co^d^

Dated the 23rd day of October, 2012. wrtp, MY hand a4d seag this g d ^^^- ^^ ^. ^`^^^^- 4, e ^

^S^i :[.i •JI S S^dcAA.A^^!ty CAl^s.^ 5


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g^0t° r 'S_.ou Y.FOAd..^iA)

^, ^.^1^TTER OF T^ ^TAN^^...^ O^'f^ ^;Q!ii?}. O?^^.^r^... ^'o:r^p^„!zng ; 4e Kee:^e: of Redoxc^s for C,^ase Ba*-,...egai Wo^!epaa'i<.^ieut, s Chase Marhatcs,.a i'd2J>a, New York-,Ne^w 'r3

S TA."I'E i' OHIO, MC3NTGE^IO-T-RY COL?N . x' SS: ^ 2 C R 06013 ^ A. Before me, the undersigned Judge, personally appeared Detective Isaiah Kelia.r, -^v:ao being frs^ duIy cautioned a.ad sw®zmz on oath, deposes atad says:

L That in Y.^ae City of Brookville, Montgomery County, Obio, the Lz4m.ina.! C.feu,e = rheft as defined by Ohio Revised Code sewiiop, 2913.x 32, has oc,-;4-red.

IL That Detective Isaiah a5:ellar recuestw the issuance of a Co-a-, Order FaorupP -li:;.g tnQ reF::ase of- eezt.a.in iasformadon speei-5calI;{ listed in paraggrapia n T ofthe Couft Oxr-fer :,r's €:is Matter, Tuis inivrmaiiusa is reiewaraE and mater. -ai to an ongointr crihinai irriestigayion beir-g conducted by the Montgomery County, t °b io Sbe:iTs Ofn-ce.

Ill. The iaformation being sought is in the possession or custody of Chase saodkl I (1-:tase Manhattan Plaza, New YorY, New York, i^0015e

I'V. That the facts upon which the A€fiaza,t bases said be;je3.s are:

TL-e Afflant is a swo_T'Zl, police offi^.erwii.h the State c ^ O- hi :bs and is J.'"esenitiy emp.:.oye$7.with fne Mcsuttgoinery County Sheriff s Offiee, assigned tsa the Sp4eiax Invesdgrdons TJdk. `? he Affiant has been a Sworn i'ezt.ee Officer since 1997, a^er-;uty Sioer-^' -wi-fla Montgomery Cojmt-y Sheriff s O'Lfiee since 2001, and has been aDetecFive since 20,08. 'i _e j-4-fdano- has reeekyeci speeiaiized training i.n th;, investigations of Violbn,. al°mes, Sev-7aily0nieszied Crimes, iutem e^ Ciiines againsL Cbiidre.T.jzCAC-IT, CbOd Obscenity an^; Exp:a=tador, Undercover Peer 2 Peer invesLigatio-as, Forensic Interviewing of Cbiid:een;. Pr,opeAly Cx;,,^es aad Narcotics Related ^.'^=es,

QnAug-^st 27, 20i2, Montgomery Ce^^^-ty ChI;&en Serviees Casewue,-er ^e^- ssa 3^®^ar^ received an Ex Parte Court Order frcsrr^ ^/Iantgotnerf Ce^^^^ Juvenile Court for removal of Zachary Stringxeliow, Sainaze^ S^^ello^r and I^1a^b.eX,^r S<:^gfel^ie=^r fro^ their p;e^^`s,^vf a^^ Stringfellow and Samantha. H&rr'isou-^oh-?as; custody at 516 Caleb St, Brookvilie; Ohio, 45309, due to possible medical child abuse.

Montgemery County Sheriffs Office Road Flatrog Dep-ataes; Deputr R Brown, Deputy J Caito and Deputy M Williams and BrookviIlv Police Depafament assigLtd T6.%ontgeme,z:y7 County Ch-1dren's Serr-3iees w?taa the removal of the C^ffld&°exi. The h•o^ the residence and placed ^ ^ontgoine^^ County Childsen. Servyees Custody.

Montgomery County Children Services began this investigation after bemg contx-,Ved by Dr. Bob Shapiro from Cincinnati Children's Hospitax. 'Dr. Bob Shapiro reported lklonwgomes: u Counly Children's Services that he was made aware of this case after sa,.^uei Nose, and Tbioat Specialist; Dr. Choo had e^ntaeted hi: with oe4eem-s about ^amnuel's, rnoyb:e4. Samantha Harrison-Johns. Dr. Choo repe.-ited Sauaantha -11-j^anisen-.^ohn's was being evasive and aanLraath-fuP with his medical practice regarding the medical history and medxeai.tre3tments of Samuel Strin^eHow_ Dr. Shapiro eon-Lac$ed additional medical p-fovide<-s for Sarnue^ S'Lri.ragfelle^ within 'Lhe C^°zeL^ati Cbild.rvja's Hospital Network to inves6gµte Dr. Choo's complaint fuitber. Dr. Shapiro reported atter speaking wRth additional medical p:rovzders for Sainuel Staingfellow he was concerned because the subjecied ruediWall complaints made by Samantha.Hanison-John's were not substantiated by the clinical a-ad -meda ^^ ^^dings. A4a'dit'Fotially, °aZF3a33tIa ^T5,yaSon-ao' hnS'laS Se°k5^"33e.'., - -tMwA1+S Wb'--D TeSS mvasi^e medical treatrner. vere r^^oomxz-acudc'd by the physaclans.

Di1I'k^'ag'^f'3e c/.:i'"5e of tl3e investigation, o^gFS Mfianf ei^ R information s"F^ ^ had been opened f^s^u, Chase Ba.ak, Brookvxi;w,,> Ohio, to ass:^'L with the me^ica; for Samv.e1 Stz-,rig$'elicw, under the false Pre-tense 'a^ ^^nn.'e< vvas diagnos^-d with (1^F.^^ch£3F:d^-1alEa'1Cq€).uaxC'im--v43pa^llyy. This A ^'_fianne jaaS also rec eived infsr^s'^aiz;;n that °r'?EiOi?S fundraaserS have been set up within ^^he MoF^tgomu rCo^^:-,,; Oh-do cormrnumkty; for donatz>zm^ s of medical equipment ne,ded for Saimuua Striu^,-^^How due to hi.s m°diwaA diagnoses.

FF.i?a.-aciai i11fOrmatiC1Y& is requested fi7oF.. "^. -0he Chase baFsk acc^'S;.'sLitS of Sa7 Fli>°l ^^Aa'^^i r3^a a-r,d Sa,.. ^arAtha HarTison-JohnS, wb.^^h may ^onta,n. th-u do;nadipn;s ma.c.le to Samuel S` ingfex^^w f-or tie purpast^ of paying for medical expenses und.°z a false medical d?a,"poses.

^ R Q^ Y

FuMrther.th&Affiant saith naught.

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^^^F 4 ^^33^4SB. Pleas Court ^ ^ ^.a..,.^. ^^..s..x._ ^



^..^ ^^-8^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Suppierne,rt ^01^ No MONTGOMERY ^^^^rf ^^^ERIFF#^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ ReWwd Date

9,. 330 ^ ^^cxz sT

DAYTON^ ^^^O 44:^^42.^ PMA?^ ^ECR

'9 ^i'. ..Vv^w-^` ^SAZA^'^.l. w (937)225-•^v^^^i (937) 496-71175.

^ , ^:- : :: ^. : . . , .vazs•^ a.c P... ^ ` ..^ . ^ ^:^,,,.^^`x<- ..72?^ 'iH ^.9[i ,a^.,,. . ... MOF-MMORY COUN^^ SEERIFF ° S 442012 .....- ..._...... ^_._.^.w... ,M_....,T._...". 122400969 ^ ^y-acm ,^^ s2 I ,qma. aeai rs ^-ccc ^r.i;^ (^-arim s ^s*^. i^ M ,...... ^^ _,..... ^..._.,,.. _ , ._.....;M."_.., ?^ ^^^^:^^^^^^^ 14^a9/w^^ g ii2...... _....-.. ..:. . . .,..m... ..; . . @ ^^'S'^ 3 ...... ,...,..,_...._...... _...... ",..".....,.,...... :,....,...._._ ...... u. ASS'E^7'âff^' ^ ..`. ^ :^e3SiQS1CtiCTd'.. MUMI5TIGRTIO25^ ^^STIGATIONS ... 7L r^...... ___...... ,..,,.,.m,., ,...... :i. .---,.,... ^ ^-.--,_...--.-..,,--..».,..-_..-..,...-._.-..,x ,...,.„.,^ ^^> ._ ._ _ z ;>z,a ez 4c.J7Q^s 3qctprosaE 4JatE ( 10/24/201

_ -...i^` ^_ f .- . ! .. .. M , , . . ,.^.,.. ^^^^^^ ^'3GA'(g^^ SC" ME^^

On October 23, 2012, & met ^^^h Montgr^mr;^,ry QoL7ni; ^0 -^jmon ^'A^ Cc^^^, Hcno ,a N^^ j^,^gA Saxb^:Aa Gc^r^^an; to receive approval on a cour'a order for ^^elfinepc¢a? ^^^^^^ of ^wrna;m;^a. H^^son-Johns and Samuel ^^^ipgfei4o,Ws bank account is^^orrnatiOs^ th^^^^^i Chase ^ank. The bank a;6:>ou^t-c ^.yeree repc^^^^^^ s_'A up for donations to purchase med^^l equipment for ^^^^eVs m_,ica^ issues. Honorable Judge Barbara Gorman Pev4^we the court ^.3rlder end appro5.&dcsA!^;.^^ed ofs ^n C)Ctober 23; 2(3 2, 1415 hours. The court order was sent to Chase ^^nk's, ^^^poeM:^ ^^ocaSs^rkg; 7610 'M Washington Ist Floor, Indianapolis, In, 46231, to be ^^^^^^^ed by the begal de,^^rtimeqn.. Ow.ce, the financial information is received from Chase Ba,> k, ^^^ proper paperwork w,?.. i1 i^^ f^^^p^lefed. Status: Pending Detective ?, Ke4la; #489

14891MLLAR,1SA„"^^W.^^ _" _...... s."a1 _....w...y^28620' 3 €.9 : 3^a ^_^ P^ge ^ 3.^ a^^ ...... 2. _^ \^

J ...^^a.n...__. t1 3 i -fl

I_. ^ Scarraec3 by 8v9cntgcrrte^iy Ccui~:ty JFS 4n gei Shepard 12f7712011 i1;04;58 A`=A ¢>^ . ^` t^^` ^ ^ t d ^LQ f

^^^^^^ ^ ^^^ C A S 1q, F cD; .^^^^ ^ ^^^^01 A^ A r ^ ^ pm If you a re rlot regts+ered to vote wtipr'c you rrvc itow,'„^ra! ^ou I;I

^ YES, 1Vb ll? I91 ('qt`i4f to vote. [..,!fi J(> not vv^d ^i?ot'Gc7'ffiriO vCi^fS; If yoti do iaot clieck a:$lher box, jrita yv;i Jbe coi sIdk:rcctd ho .,,R7<- .,....,.,,^.,_ .doelc#ed , .€.oR ._..to rog?sm€* . ac vole_^:^: Ms ,tmm

^omp€e'o this secFtron fQ, you or Por ^r ljcrscn ff^r

i __...- _. .. . _ .._.. ,...... ;. 4..=.,G ;^3^IrlE.:tY a.asfMfriE ...... ^ _. .... : ^ ^- ^..f`,...... ^...f 9N^ . _, _..^-^=_'t._.^"..._^•^....^_ ^.YpGn"Ji6{;.3_ _fc7oi: __ Aia Srt'ai2%e: _ .? I y 2ay i Pkl.h Are you: Do ycta .rvza aFay caf t3io 3s dd*wrsnq sa rvlca>u? No

Visuallyis;,ic'?!i}^ rP.1pfllrLG` L..^ 1rUprpr4t9fsr ^:hli(S i.".gs,j$ '^°&'?S ^`^D Hearing dmpairsa Styii i_.afaqUS:ga __^._ . . .. _..__..._ .._..._. ...._... .._.._...... _...... ,...... , . , t^^e^ ^C[3E^^ Cl e° YrJ€1 i? ^iP^G ^^3 ^t^l ^J^IU'I $'pcuaw3G.^C ds^l, '^oc i;z or Yd oU:ci9i ^" Ms t I No li ^eS, hoG"^.^ t ^ ^ U`'ll'tc'f V . ^:. . , :^_ _ . . .. ., . . Complele fh3s sec4oon for you or for 2ho persorr, for wrrwm you are app1y[ u___ - ._,..... _ __..._._.. ^ Sts&rsf ^^'cfress ; ? Chack hare If yO>~ arO siuMalOss

...._ ,. _...... ,.. ? 1€y Cacarfy

...... Phon e N:sr^ue, Oesl Time io Cart Add, ona' Ph one Ntaar,bDr F"l u,o A d ira: s » ._.^._-.. ^_.._. __..._._.__._.... _._.._._..... _. ._ :. _._._.... ^aai3irr^ ^ ;^ra^ss 3IY' ^i^f^rµns} _ .._.;.... _.__..__; S#r®ci Address , VY'? (-'_ _..^._..__ . . .,.._... __..... __._^...... , ___...... __ __...... ,.. ._..... _. ._. .-._... i ZI5 ...... ( w^4rY3f "54do ^ ^

An au9hor1 ad r6presonfaYrva i s sornaona who ass;si.s r^ -siicar by compics appu.a4io', n .^. !r you , iltir'ip us ?o.m as an auki~>v^ ,^Ia.'14^ ^ S 4 _.._._^.^...m__._._^..._ ...... :..._...... _...._....,....__-____._L... _ .._...._. _ ...._:._.....___.._...... _ _,.,,._:...... _....__._._.._...... :_._...____._ . ^ Stfti°xr".dd;6s5

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pplicant or Ass€tiorPa6d RRpresenfa.ilue iprinY Nan:a # Lafs ^

JFS 07200 i'Rtiv. i1'20U9; t 5gv ;,?f4 PURSUANT TO SUP.R 45(C)(2), THIS DOCUMENT OR PORTIONS OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE NOT AVAII-ABLE 'I'[IROUGHREMOTE ACCESS. S :an€^ed by Mont^om, er y County JFS Angel S?^^pas C , 2/712cl , 1 .115' a^ AM'

T k ^r i x ^myans, 6t? year^ Of 200 or oldor? f Yes No t'^c S, ^{T51h^F ^}d^ {^GStIORa in t7dIS St 0,i 3 t j" ^7G ^klf,sG sY^l^t ti7 f^^psilt7f' I t

ks this Ee;s©rr{s} recei^airi 3^., t y^^ `..i' c^is^i^(Pttf E1^'^., 1 u.^3J.}3 ¢ ^^ - v ...J4a b n'^„7V4^ . . ..._ . If yGS, ,rorn what source? -- ._. ...__ ..... Y tS .Ctr'a(s) k2r) u^;ls? to pre?^..,€h? , :^__...-...._ __ !. yss No . . _ ._ . .. .a

W6t yos., or the people Rn y^^u, hot,TD r'ocef 3 ia.c! n a ffiis mc ^ ^? l Ees N c ^ .. ^^ Inconne refers to aIE the money that you and the pea, r:. in your ^on^o rect)sve srlc,! ,,, 0nirtg4 from ernPloyrnsni, c^lE^dIS}7GtiSr.^^:`lT:^dlCi3^ SuEJ^7Qoi, d15i3`UI^I".Jf e)8E7C, 'i)t'^, rA.,kar i:€i11;it ^}i;(1G(ii&, ^1}() Jet^i^t,s Senefks, etc. k.C.'f;r ^{1PiT^^;d.aiTiln7r;, ^C7ct E? ^^.",q^,f;11rlt^`, SS# l:..=...f __.y3as,ptease cnipPate the kub€e tauiow- ! __^ ... # M ] f cu^t^ an^^rte ^ 3 c^ fSc a^s.0'ua4 I f .._._.,^2^6Y^.._...... _. b^t7A3L`r6$'i D:$1°u6,'tSr iC4^GY7& ! f13.'3Pt^+^:^ f.^a ^. _...__ . . _ ...... _^. _-...._._.,.__...J..^ d A,;i^ ..,.. ^hl^l J^ r L..^.t 3 1 ^, .3C.U'^v^,*`,^ i ., ,,...._ ...... Y ^.._.

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Yvt?r^t r^s'.sCfi? _. (S aS'l"yftiTl2 irl VCt.BE` ho;pe oil st ^ ._.77777_ - o 4i; a Ye° If y+"s, wP?o;'

^lGUTx .k,^,y'..^.`. ^ o K ^ ^J M^ •_^ s ^1^Tich experaaes do y^r ar-^d t}^e ^ ^. ; tivt , ri"uI^ ^.,'ak r ita • BX^^l3s^ t3cK s iSi i178 ^ft tl^4;i% ior dacT _...^ ._._:...... ^..._-- .._ .... _ _ ...... _._...... _.._..... ,._.., ...... _....., ._,. .. c-^ {^ {.^ j ^,i q 3/4^4,! .Ti"^i 8 C°^'^'>.+ Na'^3. !^ a ^i! kE l63 or other ,.:e^Iai^t.^wzi Cfi^Ca) Estimated arncr^rt paid per nT;n•rh: $ ^ C8^ }T^Ip YYtdat c^ll^^ care costs, C2rrt8Gi }t4u" local t...D __?FS i43.Pl ch.!l t._ ...,. ___. _... . ,. _ _....._ .. _.d_.Ca;e u;pp! ^_. Cit.ldispoLrsallrnodir.at support EsP;eTiatec# amaunt paid ;:er month: $

iRrMEd(cc^l ig?$p?I1SeS ff? tat?ia0 ?s a'.s a b l eba or u, 38 60 O fdpr. TEz ..ce a GS^ fYpc-r`asxv5 SulCh as a71saaGH bills, prescriptions, P;ealth tsssurance p, eniiurfls, or ctrTa.• meoicaI se;^iccs, i?c .,o, ;n r^!r

JFS 0'20C (r.t^•4' '. v JEr 3 OI 4 Scanned by iv,ortgr rrsery Coun'tvJFS Angei Shepard 12:7/2014 11.U5;^.s3 ANA

t By signing thiis app€,caflon, 1 uf3der5taPid the C{uesllQrt`i orj 'ti31s fo,,`'1 and certify, ta7Ut .:L I CGrrsrri and complete to ih,°. best Of; 4ykliC}weQ0 lTlclla"og 2.n,iCtm..ipp2a?i eti"oâ'c rne6S1 agency, a m&PrM,'Eii bG' sUD3T,lt$edtp U,eaf4^.nyof3 m}+` k'}etl:'if dit3u Lls^} "3; aRL ^i?x., 1, °. , ' lti.. . K 7J7,''^a^ tC7 C2G 2+'^,[? filftrl the child support enM:cz.ner;t ac,zenuy f:nay reques! abd supaar's sMNs es byFo. a ati°,g th:^^ JFS 07076 "App18catiDfi for Child ;aupport Se;vices." I UtB.^.'rstir$1d that f^ sci1+: Bi7s'ia7(eCEt €ma; be iSsWC; t,;!' r +t.?Isd:1'1% i.'.? the L,i,lJi"a`. to tr.ax' vAa%?'`uEv/'.i GoCloC.t'.a af6'' necessary to determine my ¢:..:.._..____ ._.. ...:. . ._...._.,._....._ ...... _...._.. .,...._._...... _..... ___... .. f _....._ ...... , .. .,...... _...... , ...... _ ..,:^ ^f+..fmr"b aft # v s+'° ^ _ _ ^,.^. ^ . .__. . _... ,,.. . . _.._._...... _. _. _ ... _ ti _

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F£?C9eraI Ia+Jv'a.kldth? pUf(CIt.^s of ;ele U.S. 0 r`.p a rA^?e ni: o /tg r,^ ^ilire (li `Dt'k}, the !„k.S i ^(' >Ttt C?f ' ' e0lWi and idk,ill?aft Services ^HHS}, the (i`i:f0 Department C5i , or aiC?Ci Fari:,;y' Se, .lCes (f}ONS) arfdEia_ ,. Gp?rfia?P,rlt of Job tx d'al3iliy Services {i DJFS) say that M!e must rt3i uibcr iirlfi;ale +n tt1e uaSis of m&z, vCz Cq nai.,n,.i o;?glii, sex, age, or disability. USy4eqf't}'.e Food and n,'idtriti0fl Act and USDA p[)kYI, c7!_^ dr?e.ri„7.;p!i is pr{1i~b2d ?,.>v on le bmIc Of s"E"stt',Jim or pC7E%a1 be68':s. -- ^, t t3, r• a "''^°...... _: dis^rarr;^rat,o .__.__...__._._ R curn^ .__.___ a^r,^ ^kt^ . car__... ^^s ... ^ ^.. ^. S.. U^..: . _..._ •^...... _ __ _.______.__ _...... _ ...... t _ . wrdta' or Call: IVrUs or Ca,1. 'ftx, t,o or CaT USDA j H H,^ 0DJF8 Director, 0`:,rce of Civil Rsghts Ra&n, V, 'r'.r::e of Qv7's f<;;ghls bu€'eas of CRi€ QV Room 3264V,JUt~ kst'ten Building ! 233 N iV' ch q-.^^ :c:ve Suite 240 10 r Bic zd sR., yts Faoer 1400 Independence ,rti.verGe, S.W. ch!cagn lEkn0jS ^a0;Cf' Cow, nb_s Oki 43215 u"'^eshingian,20253 D.C. -,k^ 10 t t;,r3g8£^2;59 ^ ,v^i.^^^ (614) 6a4 2t a3 lvlcay ,....;.y r. ,t, Z^ , r ^ d `v! l !f' 3 , («0n.`I ,,t?.s^. 0-5e.}^ 4 ('dQ1o tr a n TDE7 ) 7 a<21 92r w -rJS9 31Y^k.1, ; V 060 206 3 63 ;eC^at fir:..' ^I (312)886-1907 t04t 752-0301 y'Eax)

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Uc.'.',DA, HH,.'+. ,

.lFS 07200 (3tiev I 1J1Cu7ts-) 5'E;.u ^ U( 4

j'". Scanned bY Mcntgar;7eqa Ccau, iFFIS Jan Shaw "1s` s 5,`w0-11 3 3:52:55 PM

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------Oefend _°»___-__-_- M Ss:?AAt`3THA,t-.?i^RRf3C?a DOBs 12-SEP-69 rap&u=g 52'a.aaa: 516 CALEB ------°; ©R.BRCOKb?LLEt'-t-I 45309 ArresL €2at2: 05-JUN-14 Pvosect;car: t~icArF?E R N ,fANS ____..-. __._ ,Ea:^^_ MARY U+?3SEfU:AN ^@^; ivot DisQdaysci ° „csrbs@^at^s^: e Dli-:

F@ie Date:09-,^AN-14 Sta?aas: OPEN

THEFT ($1000 But Less f har $7,500) 3 (By Gviceationj AA _ ^

r _.^ ...... _...... ^ .' ^,..`l:.i. ^ v'.S,. . .. '...^ ' ,i;;;. .

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P ' tiff



Surnmons is hereby issm', iri accordance with criminal rale 4 yD) :?dv?siil-9 SAMANTHA HA SON


THAT SAMANTHA HARRISON has been andicte;^ by the Grand Ju^^ of Moritgo:sr^^ry County and that the person ^amed in the indictment is i:er^lby ordered to pel*sona.lay appear at 8:30 A.M. on. MAY 15, 2014 before a Presiding Judge of the P^^ontgor^^^^ County Common Pleas Cu-uy'c, Coa:mra€^m A THYRD FLOOR, 41 North Pe^,= Street, Dayton, Ohio, and that FAILURE TO AI'PEr^.I^ WILL RESI_,T1:1- IN A WARRANT FOR ARREST, FORFEITURE OF BOUND,. IF ANY, OR ADDDI`I'IONAL CRIMINAI, CHARGES FOR. FAILURE TO APPEAR UNDER :^e--t^3n 2937.99, Os;.io Revised Code. I ^^er°tify tiiat the attached indictrnent is a true copy ofthe original indictment or^ file in this officM. You have the right to an attorney. If you are unable to hire an att€^rney; ^fl the Montgomery

^^^^^ A. Brush, ^^^^^^ Pleas Clerk of ^^urts Montgomery County, Ohio

By: /s/ Gr^^^^ ^ h Clerk of Couq

I ^xecut^. ihis Surn-m®ns by maiiiiig a copy oI'the within Lndictmes-it to t,b.e defendant(s) herein by CERTIFIED MAIL. ,°..a....,^ ^.d...^^,



^ ^.

^ ^)

^^ MDNTGOMERY COUNTY DEPT. OF JOB AlY.I} FAMILY SERVICES Participation Ability Request Farrn - ff'm-imary Caregiver °^--- -. .--^---^. -_^ . .^-^- { - -_ - --"- t -t'afz: rt^ ^ ^ ^efa#^ores^z^ ^ W^^ .Id 1 r 5^3Z6^,^^^$v . , _ _ - _-_ - -- - - ^^ , lt is our goal to assist the MCDJFS client named above in preparing for his/her transition from welfare to work. This client states that he/she must serve as the primary caregiver for the patient named above and is therefore unable to participate as required. Please give careful consideration in completing this form. The information that you provide will be used to determine activities this client may be able to parlicipate in and duties he/sh.e may be able to perform, even if there are some limitations.

My signature below authorizes the release of medical data to the Montgomery County Dept. of Job and Family Services.

Patient if 18 years old):

Medical Practitioner please comnlete the items below

tY1;}ockeo^^dr^al t^tiseas^ CmELAS -CQr,n^,1a K"^ r^c y r i^x seclze Pat3entDlagnosis:kyrN e,n+:%.cL, 3leedrnt^^:,strd^r; ^^r,nr^^r^^^l+c^ ^liserde.r (c ysf r-- ntOLr^^t^ Aork^e r^oci, ^rc`c:^c}^c^ ^t 1.n4-9,rvcLlsYndro^ne' l_c^c.k;c A c 'i c4os,5,

1. Does the Patient-require a relative to provide medically necessary, fufl-time care? q No. ^Yes. If yes, name of caregiver. Comments:

2. Does carang for the patient prevent caregiver from participating in the followzng: working, volunteering, training or attending school? q No. es. If yes, ple^se za cate anset o ilit3 a€ad foiha^t long f` participate ui tdie abc3ve actsvittes ^ill last: Qnset^jV ^ - . ..Dnration:. - ^ 3. If patient is :under the age_ of 6, can the patient attend a cliilldcare facaiiiy for af least 20 hours per week? 0 No. Unable to attend months from this date q Yes. V N/A

Practitioner Name (please print) Physician Signature Phone Ciiy 1?Gc.lf ^1f'I State 8_ Zip Code Please retwn this form to no later than w^^ ,^937) *f or ]b}- mail. 113onfgomen Cotan#t= Dep#, of Job andFHruitt sens-5ces 1 I I1 S. Fchs in C Moses -ton,Bh tLQIl ^~ MCDJFS 10795 Rev. 9/2011 4 1^^"^ '-,i-' f^f^^.^ ':^.P^j• 25"2 Ul n ^r ^;° ..,^ ^ ^ ` ^`-N ^ti^^; ^'?^ffi^,^z^'°^ 'ao THEFT ($1000) ;Bv Deception;i F5

A3^ ^^L

^4 . ^ mam. . . _.nr.^^xvrs+s.arrF+ ^^ ^

f (I^(4^7 ^"j

Foreman of the Grand Jury vLEu"TR^MCALLY F.^ED COUR's," ^^^= '^ OM^^^^^ PLEAS Wet:nasdc t, .%Hpr s 30, 2014 2:24:04 PPe3 ';ASENUNNIBER; 2014 a,,^ 00 138 E_;ockei 0 : 19061148 ^`°• R^o.a^...;^. ^d^<'a^°ur ^': ^sRUS.. tl_' CLERK Q.F s:..CURs S a Oh' e GOMERY COUNTY 0:IO


THE S`^AT^ OF OH,10, ^^^^^ ^ GOME.^^^ ^^^^TY

2014 CR 00138 THE COURT OF ^^^^^^^^^ ^^EAS

(January f`errrr in the year "NIVe Thousand and Fnu%feun)


THE GRAND JURORS of the Ccunity of Mointgv mPrjr in the r,arnR, and by the authority of the State of Ohio, upon :„ ^ef^ oaths do fs^d and Presunt ^^^at. SA;0ANT HA HARRsSON, befiween the dates ^^^^^^riber 1, 2011 through October 31, 2012 in the U:;vnzy of Montgomery, aforesaird, and State ci` Ohio, vvr z`h PE,,rpose to ni prWe the owner, to-wit: Montg^me;°y County Job & Family Ser,Juev of property or Service^.^, did knowingly and by deception, obtain or exeE i control over said owner's Prope; ty or services, Ao-wfz:

Cash ^s.^. en^^'its and/or f^'r^d a5SlsianGE: hfa`3inu a value di One Thousand "Do6{a3"s (-'^ 1,000) or more bu'L less than $7,500; ;c^n'Lrary IL-o the form of the statute (in ^,;;.o;.atiorl ;^ ^eeLion 291 3.02(A;(3} of the Ohio Revised %Codle; r such case made and pa (,,ri^ee^, an,' against the peace and dignity of the State of Ohio,

Respectfully subm:.ied,

'WF?H,5G^5 Fl. HECK, ".%R.a P i ose cutin g Atio , Montgomery County, Ohae

By IS / M at'6heV1% T c't`awfor^., Assistant P'rosecu}ing A`^omey y^^^ u^de Court ^ C^08v;.;.<:^^' ..,^i

\^ T^.__.^eJE ^ ^ ^-

- _ ^ ^^ December 27, 2011

To whom it may concern:

My name is Martin Stringfellow, I am the father of Samantha Harrison's 3 children; Zachary Stringfellow, Samuel Stringfellow, and Matthew Stringfellow. I do not live with them at 516 Caleb Drive Brookville, Ohio. However, due to my name being on the house, I am allowing her and the children to iive there, rent free. I will pay the house payment and all utilizes. I will also give her $150.00 a week to help take care of my boys. I also provide the primary medical insurance for the boys, but none for her. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me. I do work 3rd shift, so I may be a little hard to get a hold of. I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible.

Sincerely, ,^• ^ Martin Stringfellow

^vbab MiA aMS* b NK s #ya df e's^r. ^,. #^ ^l ^ -_i >< -a


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BR-00z^.`•,t ILE E L±!'; 45v03

^^^316 ^^433095049. }.913 . 05107M f$^iT^bTO c"<3^'a^7?.'^..,'. ^^^^ov- pv sox ;.^ ^ ^ ^ Baoo^,^'v:^z^ aa 0;^'^^'°.^ ^`^^... RETU`^'.^j To ^^^^^a ^s A t p a^

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2PM TMaA`^ ^ 5i peg 31 N,

4f°_r ..^'k'^11 ^^^RrK LIF COURTS 11ONTGOMr,E, R^cY• Cu. -+ ON9O ^ g^7 ^ i!'^:.^E^.^ ^.,f^0^^^^5^'e°'.PLEAS ii ^.^i"3..9i ^,' ;4i'`^^ T`'..G^.JkSE•.`s,YCOUN}.^^ ^, OHIO

STATE OF 01-110 C'-A^ E'NO. 21^14CR00I 38 J1; ^^E MARY WISEMAN Pla;;:^iff,


S!^:6'V9ANE Hd'•.. S'iP'2,Ae.CaI:3ON

c° Def';nd=t.

The c^eft-ndanw is hereby OPbDEP-^7: 70 m: xz;r- Monkgawer^ Cogsn4r S:^^^ ^ ^ ^ffgcg; 330 W S°^,°ou°P.^.d ..`^1~t?'eet, Pr37:fl^ Offi/s:S~:&', on $h .01. ? vs the p'..r,nposG^s 433' 3ia:g^.'P,36`^3''tfl^:s photographing and other F".^^''u7m^,'^Zt^^'aA^24 ^k . .. . . ??' ;p.., .^ i ¢° ^ ^ 3^w32 . dd^'e?^ " 6' 0 action ffake^ by the Grand .^ury: E Ti2d;. defendant w9.43 be ?eqaE4.aed to oasS eh5w3u^h sec$?i uty, rz"0.ec.k5 pnor to processing. E 0 F?s.3^^re to appear way result in ^he 'SMM^e OCZ 'W%- the ^^len£'AMR$9S 36"re-3^^



-:r- .^...^.^. aSA i± '`^'.'^i"tF^,.^i^^'.^E^•5a

Arresting Agency M^'JAr'tgo^'4:i.r'^'i"'a°-_'a?.'.'.^'.4:y :J.h%«6'[ff'b'. 1`%a"r^,'..^,',,.' Date ^

^ On __ i fiys^erpyijarec_"a and ^^ ^^jogrF phe d bi3^ defendant as Orde.k ed'^^ the ^^^^ for record-kFePznS Purposes.

On the d?Kwf7da$3Y ha'1'$t"'kg been LidAm-a to appear fbr nwqgLm3'fl;2tbEig,w'.s not fingerprinted for the faiko-^^^^ ^eason°

Preyaous^^^ Fingerprinted, Ia'N

Did not Appear for P^-igerpr=$_?tanr

Pbil Plummer, Sheriff Moa^^go-n^rycou:¢°;, On io

ORAL -^ cc; Pres;eca^tor',^ Ofi-ice ...... ^. F F

. ,. . .-. , . ^ ...... ,. ^^.:! , . .^ . ,. ..

.. .'.^-. ^- .^ . . .e t ^ ^. . . ^ .. . ' ^^ r ._ ....., . n ^... . ^



T^^ Couz°c ixee°eby a-a°dece°^ a cendnuar.ace sum apent^ In the fa^^^orving s^^aVee^^ ^rodsx May 15, 2014

Case a'aumber ggkol^a.se '^o Rwton

2014 CR 480543 S z.v. ADAM. C KINCADE May 22, 20 14 CPC -^O, N'T.W6J&D -DF^^EN33,ANT TO RETAat+? COUPdSFL,

2034 CRQQ i 3& ST, v. Sa'aNf r1N'EI3A. HA,k'tRiSOt^3 May 29, "24S i 4 CK-S3ErEP8D!NT FA:LEfiDT29 APPEs6&

2014 CR 00954 ST. ^a BFtELN-A'f A JOiNES May 29, 2014 4'PC :3MPlb69.t+1T F:a9LED TO APPEAR 2014 C£t 00964 A ST. ^. TA3ATHA R. DEN4OREST May 29, 2034 : P^-M 'F33DANT PAZLFf3'^O APPPAR 2014 CR 4DU96412 ST. ^. aglsEC'iAN E WTAVER iviay 29; 2014 CPC-OeFP2vDAS f¢' FRSLED TO APPE,AP

2014 CR 00981 ST. v. AMAaRJO;ME Ni. NELSON msay 29, 20+^.d (`n -i3Ef -t KL?AN°t" FA ff.,P€8 TO caPPFA R 2014 CR 01165 Sn a. .^k-MY S. RB^MHART iv9a}r 29,2014 CRC•DEFEN8>A?PEra6SUD TO APPEAR

2014 CR 01313 ST. v. C9i5tffSTOmHEE$. Be^'^.R May22, °^^14 LF'i.°-¢?EFENk}:3a"Y Fra&E.EG3 YO @PP'e"A4$


. . . . .sa...-.sa....n>^


âS9.'2Q07 ^^^f,.,.^.^„^ a ^ ^`'°"` _ ^ ^ ° m...^°^°^-^ , ^.^^ 4^^^^ ^ ^o

I^ ^ 1=-, Redacted by 1-42rk of Coasri'. , OUR';' , :'7 M 4 PLEAS J14 12:^:^3 PM `'AS E , 3 a . iit ;,a CR e,0138 Do&e^ ^^`'e. 19 GRfi„" CLERK ^ ^GVFi'TS 'MOIN MO^EPY C^UN17Y


STATE OF ^MHHO. C ^A S F N(i. 2 0 ^ 4 uy''' rZ) ^^ 3 c^', PR^ta,tii$(4,'^, z; W1 ^ a i'^.'^.{ ;?t^A?Y ^E A?tAN .-'Vc..

^a!^ ^,3!^.° Ii i.^?^;'^?.^iUs`'dT SAMAI`I'IHA HARRISON, D f:3 Cnd a il' V`s j. 0 ^ T 0 AN Y s1AW ENT :+i.R, C E 'M'^ F N T 0 fl F I C^^ 0 F Y0 N '3`;^CB4 E aY C 0 wiNI "e, Q..:2H 10,

Whereas, a3`v IndiL'.n'e?`'3'e£ Ci:f`'i f.3c.5., ir€'."'13n3oC'}., a !.',63py of's^Ii Es,'l^â, ,.i e'^i. qai;fed hereto, r,: earg3Blfi that the a°f3ft'~hea'tent;

YOU ARE sL .'n9MMIAND"L.'D to ?AvT(:si i"t; '.elmFt-it-a.^'a "43^G^F ^,v t in this `3i' 2i1i^ ^5.dj^3^"ix_.,i^'^'C, county 2t"'1 '^Vhi^°£ vL?E^. sh^,lp ^{fllG.^i d^'f€ae''^.«i7t e£n^% `3Taa;,g .^k f ^ 31^3? x b^'s^.^3 hIs £^^f'.' (,^ ? s^:^er uri£^ £+te^'s^ 35^;^(c) se5 E forth OA''s, :b i;n_ad dcaFfl,.da?'ii be aE23Ind Lx_ a_2y +r£.,,efl^ thwT rfirS or an aidji) , .,i;.; ..ou... ^, "_'Cr ^m.,- sE and take said defendant l3t.ZP3Py6.',, a co?.iBi of ri.ct^3,,,^`'^t i''i'"a^::ext. having jdi.E:;Ci.c,n2C21 of ^'a3 5 . r d,^; t:ee.d+.F'w^iE^? according $o E law, ^R.Yl*'.^ to do i?x`^"5^^ t2°t^.',.°'`r u%rtSl^'i3d.FC'an^.^i] cej.;a°"y C."o'ia'. 02

m Given ^^^er mg^ ^^nd ^^s 29TH &ya° --.: A',,.'

C C ^P;;orv A. z T-,,.:.h, Com-ms_?n P;va: >vicr?>: of Co'.:rt,, 00 ,°,!?:{'M`i1 ,^a:F"`t t..^^?t:.P;f.^7, Ohio ^

J^r.. t^^i^v A. B -ms3i ^ C 'Is# "r> [fiY ;`,^,i3 I

0 ID^'+.' Na :FI<, RS NAMB S): ^amakx^.^^ 11,xmsen RACE: C-aa:casmra ^rT^Ni ER. Fg;rz;?ale 0 L:^STKN0VVNA_I,_)`,_^RES:4:

:2, ;^^^AL SECURP?"'j NO.: 7 97Y- ^.Cp..1 'e^y!^'^ DOB. ^n-.W2s'a969 ^'sEa:sH , . S` W' s30 Aflk: B? v',^r{!: E` :S. B3.70Yin Iri3Ei'*3TIFYrNCn MARKS O.T-s.' PHYSiCAL WFOR'v4A {.?;yi^'.: E M 's^i_,0 y E ?:: 3NVE9 i IGA.TO'd2.S1Pi?1.,aC^ AGENCY: .'u'tON?'r'aOiAEid Y ^ OUi'•iTY `aHrRF^ 1-"'S FXTRA DIa iO1'+TS: (X) 1. ( ) AS ( ) NW

cc: MCSOVIiara-a.r.£ Sevtian, (3) pr

^_ ^- .. . . _..'^.,/{^. ..e.i-:...... r •.

.- J ^ r .. . .. 1 ^^' _. . ._

...... ^ :^ ^:

.. .. ` . 3 .3 .t ^ .. . .. , ^ £^.J^^ . ^ 'x ^


STA A E OF OHIO CASE NO. 2014 CR 00138

^ ^laintz^°.

-i•s- ,9UDG^: MASA.j^^ WiS$.".^MAN 0 ^ S^^ANU^ ^ HARRISON ENIRY A^^ ^^^ER. SETTIN-G RAIL Defen&at

On this 29TH DAY OF MAY, 2014 the ^^our, ORDERS 'cakl set for ^^^e abwve-umz^ed :^ef^ndant, in this case, 0 as follows:

®wn R%g °zance of the accused, ^^^er 4 .. C. 293°,'.22-9. (Notice: Facduse to ^ppear as ^^qvixed stiafl ^^onsa^^^e an etfense su^gect to pepalr)

Bail Bond Unsecured in the amount of ^ 0 CD Secured ^^^ 10IN, deposit in the -. a^tou-nt of S L x Sua^tv b^a^a^ nnta^ ^^^un.^ o-f $ ^,,,5orG 0 'llic fbi^o^Mng cc^nditioixs of bail are inap-nsGd: E 0 Pretrial EHDP p S11 RLC C^^^mu^ity ControU'Probation

0 Special Conditions: You are to subm:tao D^iA collection.

Any warrant/capias pa°eviously issued ^..^ to this Defendant and t1lus case is hereby a^^thdrawn,



^;15711 - -

cc Montgomery CountyPaos^cutor's Office

TAF I ^i . . . . ^N

f ^

]_ ^ COURT Si:;RVIi:'FS ^^^^^^^^ ^ ^^ ..d-finC `no^^' R€ 1t3(y1,07rii i=LOOfZ } t;I, vz ;i?;'ii, s..i`aliSi(.?N 4 i Notrth Pex'r'v Street b1:lN. C;(3i'3ta_ AY (:^E.)f Iid' i"?' ko<,rn 103 DI VISION 01i CO OR T SER VIC'ES i N;,ton, OII ia 45422-2 100 Va31;:SS

Pi"e6"iak SC;rb'fiC.E',S

N/1t)L:tgs?6i cfl+/CiDll2?ty Common Pleas Court N W4st Fourth StTect, Suite 700 $.7ax id:rr, Oi^io 45422 51:ay 15, 2`k14.

^AMiAINi i'^ ^^ ^IA:ZRiSON

..! '. 4D i. A .i... i .J{O. BROOrzVIL-LE, 01-; 453og9

Delki Samantha Harrssoji

On May hJ., 2014 j'U'L1 were scheduled fdr 'sPli'

Your diC;`e4% Lxi.irt Ca3te has been 5t;he,r.L^EYd for ^,A:^^ 29, 2^ii^ , ?ik`. ?^:^±^'t ,^.1^^. at ig"^5: I"f^o',1t^?€^3?ti?"y County ^`^ 9 v n ^.^Common^i;f ^ c`1S a{)L^.i'f.,^ 7 ^ ^^-? ^^^ N. Perry yo,i's .`L3°C^.^`, Ohio ti'.^3.,}/.,, 45421 ':1fle^ '0~'^ .^3^1^"")"+;i.l,?,v ? ^ ^ ^tr ^/ , ^-s 1-, Floor. n ^.e`^d^.^'^M ^^ sure W ciEG°e^a" the d8spla2 imEAnhGFrs in the iobby for any changes in the cou'sbroQ)ni ok,Lye?ben FatP.:?:Ye to appear .Or . /^, ih1.5 3a'."a37;` et13e31^: .^ will "aCSt1ik: ilt^tle^iJL a ^^8:iai:i kDel^i'_? 2.StE.:c^...; f^RN ^i..'^t?s: arrest U '1^^! i .,'^' s^_ k?",^G1yM1.^ rC'.^3L^ t3f: in^^iGil.r.vao P t KJn..

C"C ^ _ ^sstCuc_y,

zuS. c €i=Z

Tracy ;jeyMr

6Ga :i

(937)496- i 2('i3 >


I 3 ^^^,-! C _^'^.' ..:4•k'.:9^'^,^il'^ . ^::R:,'> 0 . ,. 14 ;^,^s>$:.E.. FM, Cia.SFE ^^R OC138 Docket ID: 19155364 ^R E 2`°-C,^R`? ^ ;j s VLERK OF F >.Jffs ^ MONa ^`^'.OMERY COUNTY OHIO

IN TffE Ca NE'vPOI"^ PL EAS CO^ R:d" a.21•6.+^.^j'?'A''`', ^^. r;'^ ..^..1 s:;-i^ ^ W, iN A L D i a , ° ^ ('-,'N


^Pn.s:AD ;^OT aWILT's' - STOOD MU3E

Cisi June 05, 2014, the defendants below appsaredin opas, uourt anid efttP; waived 'he syd-±rg or tl?e ^da ",en;, had ;B read by the Court, or the subssance of the chaige %m'as saa:rc, ane! received a =^olpy os ,he is:d30nent, gMsred a piea of m`; utAty, and had bond sn°.

2013 r? 02848 ST X.t^rA^ t3HM`'Ys. ''ritz H;:A5' t A; ; E;

11^33 C ;11JJif1 3 STAt t OF OHIO vs. aO 1 x D5.:•` K, JilY.^iA

210a4 CR 0007t}!7 STr,'?':^. {',^' 011s10 vs. A?vSrt:"ai::i: :K7N'F

20:4 (2 k,';0 128

2P 'd:;R' fir, 138 S?;iT'7FC3H`3;s. St3s:Yiii riN,:RT

2014 CR <10637 SI'.; IVE t?^-'OH'0 3°s. ,<3.^.-$i:N;ir: ;sF'Lt.

2,03 4 CR i.3^'^+7 7 ^ STr','s'F'ii a)£SI0-s. r"1':z'€' f-iUa:0N

2 t?4vR 00548 S'f•r i :.., ';E' Ox f tQ- .,. B2.ANJC;-" ;k; i ..^..

21?14 wIR 00964 /? STs°x':': OF 03 H1:3 vs. z; 111_7A4''z;K

2iJ14 t'ft 03^'53 S'TA`1'f; ,,')F i:,tik. vs.

2 Sr' S4 i.. t'e 0 1073 S`T r` Ts: fJN 0 i-I3i1 v s. C ';tZ{:Y A. 1EA :) E^. sA,' ,'..

2014 <;120.J83 S1"t,'TTE OF 01?10 vs. KFN; If:'':i M}:17 2014 CR 01 73O STATE OF OH;t)','s. Si•.Aid;;Ls.'.N C's..F'.R'z{.

2WW R(31kJ8 STATE C1=On't'IO vS. F^5".it',':9A tiW^.' .nMNMN i.'MS

204 Ci+'i'rl359 STA:LC3F'7ii3O'..,, ^1? v<.=ii:3t^: ":

2014 CR :}N69 STATE (W O'd't10 vs. ,'"<{ii;f`'si,t) '..^OL..,i':Z

2W4 CR OM02 7ih;'r, OF (33i10 vs. .;g..)f3'1 Ll. 3,+!U- Y

2014 CR 0577 STA"1'<; i?FOMOv.>.

204£''a`',.vgG?2 STATE OF O}:FOva ;:•t'.L HIA%=z. Lr Nf;z;^^ AWAFtDWEE

2t2 â 4Ct', (3N47 S'FAT',F OF OHIO vs.Ts: iv I°; a:. .-rtit;%.?tia 0101),

Ni-'. i.I? MM;> STATE ,F Os:Irf vs. 4"df"Ml-.ki, r`. .2 N .":'':^:r

2W4 CR (DM> f ,ci"!', S EOF:Jf-!IOC's. STEPHEN a`".O.. i-.R7Se 3}.C:;.F..t1;`i1j

2fi)34 r^., F$ ^lzi^C.6S i f STATE^L OF ti;L?'rfI'? `^? vs. s^}^ s ^:;rsn ,.^i +^:., ^', iRrs

2014 CR 0080 STATE OF OHIO vs. SFAN ?":iF3N°AS PLESS

20W CR0t6ci'U' STATE OF 0'.-110 o-s. CUR#'i5 r_.s)'tVATSL's<.

2M4CRON17;: S`''A"i'r°uF'^JH1E3vs. f?t`.R.f.Nz..STAR;s;:LL

2014 CR 01917 i2 STATE OF t3-Hi`3,-s. MAk'IT? D. :R3^^`1' -- ^ • ^^ ...-^ ^

; -- _,^


^ i ^B..,T^"r. ^ ? 3'S^.J6^kP,%u.^ &.,6.., 9 ^e 2&.,g'..7.a7 °^+,:^^' ^ ^' d`e^ '''^^? .^y^'a^ ^y ^p ^. ^ •.^,'i ^'hs ^,'^^^ b ' I^ ^'t^,^Ei. ^7.^ 3^iYe.^ll ;-?^. F^?^ ^€^^^^ a^^^^^^ ^^rt ^?^^^^^?'^ ^ ^+,}`it19^ Ft^}•j, ^^ .,^ .t °, ^¢^_-^^° 1 c^ ^' ^^ ^ ^^^ ^z^ 9 ^^'3^^^^^ ^^@.^^^°^ ^^^^ ti ^ ^ • `' _":.^'"" a _ ^. ^,^ '^i. ^° ^'^'^^. ^c^°^ ^^°^'^e^^ ^a, ?^^;^^ ^^, ^^r ^^^"a^^^^^ ^^^^^^

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^^'€^ o;' p^u^Q^ra^k:^s:

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^e^^r^^!^;^ a^ ^? ^ ^.ais^s^, . €sss^r ;i ^^5. ^^:^^^ r^r^^:^,^, ;^^v^i^y;:

^ ^:3$th^r it^^s t^^^ ^:^^r±^,^x ^ ^^^^ ^^^-^u#^^;ri^:,aysl; s^> l^^+t ^ ;; ;v^ ^ ; ^t?; %^g^^ ^a s^s'^^?€^^rr^^; u^^ro^#y ^^;;:-^.^`^ ^?^;^:^ .-^^c^^< ^;^ z^^:^;^ {`^€.^^^}^^:^^; ;s ^^^^^;>.;3 f^ _^^r:^;y- ^a^^;} ss^c^a.^r^a^ ^^^c^r^^ ^r^^ ^rti^ ^^;^ ^rc^^r^^, ^^a. ,^,.:;^^ ^:^^^P^^, ^ ^t #s^;^^ f^^+r^r, ^ep. ^^; ^2^^'[ ! .^^ad s ^ia^`t,

^ ^^^^^ ,^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ y^^te: ^^ ^ ^w ^..^^ g -^- : '^..__..._ _.._.:__^.^-____ r^^a'a:^':'^'^ r ^^^ ^ . ^^^^ 3 ^^^^^^^ ^z^^^ ^3^.. ^A °^^^ ^K`>^_,^ ^ ^ ^

^ ^^ ^^^ ^^..^. ^ -^,..^^ ^^^z^^C^^3 ;^^p "^'^ r^.^"^^^r^'^'^ ^` ^ ^,€^^'H£^s^.^^e..

_ ^_ ^^^^^ ^,; ,^ ^^ ^ •q ^^ «,. {^ z 4^^. ^^-r^ '^:a^ . yo £^x ^^^^^^^^ `°-^------^---•-^-.^^^^_.__? ^,

^ ^\ ^ L ^ CCiJ'_ ; 4 9:12o02 AM %C: : 001 38 Docket ID; 19157281 £;z Cfi..&R : ::Os.^^TGOMERY CO$3Nr. OHSO

-^ r- r^: F-, *^ r-° ^ ^. -r --r^^ ,,w' n^'«^ THE ^1COMMON ^^.^^">,^U ^ ^".^^- ^^^^r^°^ ^ ^ :^^ ^. ^^^^N^i^^, ^^IO

^^°`^'^^^^°^^A^_h....n 3 ,: a^ D"^,^"a ^ ^^ds^>: ^'


PbP.:'.iii8.sitl';. ^ C, A ,,°"i' N 0,2 14 --CR fi•:,d§'? ^ vs-

SAMA^ ^HA HARRISON, N.0^^ECE A17..^",^R^.^EY

^ Defendant.

Now comes cou .s'vJ or, ber:ak$ of De+e%`:^ant her^in.q and enters appearance as t^'0aI a^o ^^s s^..^P^^ ^^^^y tr the^prG^?^ee^A ^'^,^:.^^^^ 'r: a tt°3e 4:

R^.'^w--'Pa°w",.''',A^f ; su^`;nn;tt?d,

LM.AV ,^F F ? 11-- -€ . 0 F T H E

^:.^z^^^,^^ ^^p I^^ ^^'DEFENDER _.-°^^s^,^^J^

6YeE^^^ JP A . G-os°;, ALR^,'- D rA A.GO®3^.."^^'

Ii 7 & ^"1%a4-. St9e^'.^i., Suite 400 D%^^r^^'''"^^Gu, ^:^+e si^^,+ 45422

(937°^ ^x25' 4652

rr•;..^ d"or Defendant ,, C _ ^ ;^ 1 ^',> -^ -^----

` ^o ^ i" ^.^""m ^ ^ 3 ^ ^° S ° ^^ 3 f ''T '_° ^ r ,'a0; ^`D^q ^ ^ L L ^ ^°1 e^ ^. ^^^ ^v^..^.^(^ }^ r l^J .^ L.,^ A.. 7,... ^"``a/ i....e11i..; ! .^^. ^ lL> dl_'b^

NAME: S A.^^ATN^"^..1^^,^. ^. x.. ^_ t^.a^^ ^.^ S ^^^fi^

CASE NO(S): 2014-^R-


THE COURT HAS ^^^^^ ^^^ YOU TO AP;^EA.-,,,,- ^ EFO^", .^.^ .; ^^D^^^,

WISEM^..^.^d^ AT THE CO^3^^^^J?NTPL^,i^ S ^.:s^^^..`^`S B L^ ^:NG,^^aD ^ ^ NORTH

PERRY STRIEET IN D.^ ^ ^ ^^ ON `^ HAURS.^ AY, ^^ ^ NE & 9.. !91^, A ^r




PHO^TE NUMBER: 2 :^^^^^^^^^^

^^DRESSA I 1 1 SOUTH MAIN STREET. SUITE 400 ^,^.?. ^ ^^' ^^Nn ^ s OHI ^ 2^O ^^ ^' -.^,^5 °,^^'^'^ Y


^ ^

^. ji:f- ELFCTRQp^;;'.^"ALLY FfLED COURT OF COMMON PLEAS TI^uasda''.', 6'aepeembea 25, 2014 9:42:53 AM 2,^.^s1`€ CR00138 [email protected] ^De 19460267 . x;f s€ S MONTGOMERY COUNTY OHgO


SAMANTHA HARR z^^^ v.^^.^S E ,tiri. 2=:) 14 C R 00'A 3 8

Defendant JUDGE lvfiARY ^^^ zSEhIAN

_vsp TJ < T F'; "Pk`w M^^^ FIDR :^ CO^=sY,^g.,^ ^EL

,^ . . --. .. ^. ..^.^.,.. . ,:. , ... ,> >^.sa.c^.'... . m.



MO ^X EON TO DRS.t AsSS FOR ^t.^''^u'^f i kCTIVt.''^,,'^'', .rnS`^'`,1::::^^N`^.(Es^ OF "a^.^OU7,^0'18.`.^Wa, AND ABi1 ^,^.3E OF ?./.4.3s, a ET19N

Samantha Har'ison ^,°^"^og.3es a"'xe Court to °''7,k'Y:a?Ss alb °'en.R`as Lg dh^^^^^ apin*t the Defendant

for ineffecti6^^ assistance of cow-isei a.;ad den:ai ox her. Fi^^sG t`,a s^ ^^,^y tpia'l ii'n' dh bavmrs

A. Ineffective Assis°^iceof 5.,o"^.sel a^',,la&ms of HY"ae'a''ti?+p- assistance of counsel areiev.eweed ^^^^^xa, two-panmne (1) ^. demonstration that "e^l below an objec"^ives ori pTer'o3nirig gerofessit2nctill nomi,.^^ asid (2) a showing %h^s^', ^ffiw d•'^c:-nt S: vs"dz^'a°''^. in prejudice. This requires showing ^"^k counssel'°J" ea'^'ors wen H so sedo4a as ^^ dep'ri've the de'^s"Eda.^'^9t of a fair trial, whose result is reliab!e. citing Stricki^id v. 466 a.;e ;o 668, 687®889 ^^4

&tit. 2052, 80 LEd.2d 674 (1994);. (^) A DEMONSTRATION ^ KAT:OUNSEL' ^ ^ER-F^..^^RIVIA.^4CE FELL KILOOW ^ ^^.^_

y ^ 7^"' 68BJAn.^^ pm•C,. f$ L^p 1 V*^ d ^^^^^.^JG ^y OF^y^' ^a 2^.Nw;{4 y°,3'e '''^.A >^.54^^.a^S e^..^ t^r.m..^^%.x.,?^.3.f,^,^^s^^ ^ 'a^ ^'^' ON^A+'" T^ . "'^^t. 4^a^e,t `'^"^^'^N^`"^`A^hF..r^V^^ad FT


'^^ Defendant had Ll-zMe p3x£3!kc R.d^n'.A9ers ass&^a.ed to represent &,' s,!^fen:'mt In :-hi s maner.

^t fi$'^a. public "^defender ^.s^^ire`"^? d by^> .^a^^ ^y e Ti^;^^v.^`z„,^ ' a^..^' '^^ ^,i ^^ ix^^ 't%Y'^.1^^`^^ c t^ a y^. a The S „.8

public defender assigned by Judge Mary Wiseman was R ^ch?u'dd, Barns, public `v^^,^;^'^'•itde:'

assigned by Judge Mary Wflsemk's.bs was B'..';bt3;y Joe '^^^..ox. The legal a;>i vcce p;o? idcd by ^'h.. ^°' p.R^ssaic

Defender's fell below an objective standard of reasonableness based on

a. Ohio Rules of Professional Conduct- Rule 1,1

"C^^^^^^^ handling of a particc.^ley matter M^^lud^^ ^^qiui^u ^^as^ anb anaaysis of :he :.acti^l

and I e,^^ ^^^^^^ ^ oltrthe pz^o ble-TY1a &-id use of ^^thods and p-m-,e^.^uums :. ;,^d"ard:^ of

com$etgna practitioners. 'kt also s^cWed adequate prep^:^^aion. The v^ ^^ten^^ioi and

prepae'atfio3i ar^P' determined in part b'? -Mhw,.c. is a.^'i stake; major litigation txzn=s''..ti'..l'^''is

ora^^nwily require more ex^^^^ive treamNnt Uhan -m:^^ers of ^asnr co:s^piexi°y and consequence."

During the p^^od, of ^^^re^^^^tawn by G oss, Barns w3d CoX, :a B.iefevdwk^ Ina^ -i£'st hatil any

dasca3,ssil^"^' n vdith eEt.^er GossY Bam. s and Cox, ^ona::'bri`43^''i.^ ^^e 'iat'1e.;.> before av:^ ±..-E ;,&^: in any detail,

neither Goss, Barns or Cox 1„ave ^::^^^^^^ed ^.^,e Derea ^^^^t w^^^^^. zzy In,^^rmas3^^ cMnx:.emanq -f'^ctual or legal elements of t1he bh&rges asserted ^^^^.^ .;%a,.^a ^ ^^. ta^he ^'^'^ 2e^,,, ^?.^2 ^^a., ^^;ti.s«not o^ .3xe ^ ^. 5, 2014 or provided ^^ Defendant ^th the ^^^^^^^ or ^^^ced:rb^ to be used :mehe defen;^^^ of the charges.

The Defendant zs indigent w^^ entidpei tz hand"Affig ;; the cha--ge:;^s asseried agx;.s3 her. T-he public dek^^^^m assigned to the ^ef^^darit's c^..^^ hpnm . ^.^t hnquinf^-,d of the De&x^danz concerning e"i^^^ facts rel ated to th^.' cha?'g'a,'^.s. have no6. GSaquf'.redl, ^'..^'., dw „ za ^Lhe W::`na,ss°s necessary for vi&! to 4^su,wa,^ ^ ^ ei^a ` aes.^fi ^.a,^^^-e»fl.e^^`^^,Y ^^. ,^^tk.^?^:, c^^° fs ^"..,.^tMn.P^^a s3$ >s the ^sr .z^,,r. az5.dams.° ;;^ u ^ a^° ^>.^..^ ^"^

Vv^^.esses necessary ^^^ the trial of ths^ ^^aner. T^ e Defendant has 'been dertz.e,' effective assistance of ^^unse° as neither >3oss, ^^^s x, Cux '^ave -a knowledge of the basic a^^qua^eraen^ of the Ohio Rux^^ of Profe:,^^^nal Coxdu,,x,G as, tl^^ Defe:dama has not receive

*ie benefit of the public ^ef^^^^^ ^erno:^^^^^^^ the ability of ^e Publi; de:^^^^^^ to In.and3e tl,,e

Defendant's case as ne3d^c£' Goss, ,.''^fian "s. a.'^. r ^.'^.,ox, have knquA2e4z. of ^.s.a° D.^'efe''F^dzmi Kh', [^crd^^ issues regarding the charges ol- explained to ,Ah,^ De'gendeE''s'; ^'^e legal ^'rz:^enns of vle Q-'?^:^`ges^ A^,'o>ti3St `'s ie

Defendant. b. Oh.a^ Rules of Professional ^^^^wo----- Rule L2

â9.^. ls''^'tsi^'yeY 4 shal l abide b^' a client's -s'^^3:^2t^Eu^'ns,^ c^,?;;e",--m ^ angtae objectives and, as required by Rule 1,4g shall consult 'vriQ^^^ dhe client z, tio dhe a^^anis b'f' ^-y are to be

â^;.n^g^^' ^ , ^ ^ G^,^'y a ^,^ t ps.LN, u^',£d. A law;°^°s^•.. st^^ j ^?^^ w such s'"sr^^k&^e ^^len ^ ^^} o ^f the m. a.3.ris, .,3"^ ^sacp^.^fl..^,.hai r^'M^.,,^%^i3^"'3^',<.3 ^,+'' ^^ ^

out the representation. A lawyer sha%^ abide by a client's decflsi:^.^^ wh.exhed I;, zN''s"^^^ a. maneR4 In a

a p^ a^9."Y^..-0s"&^.n case, the lawyer shall E4P,e5kd'"' by t:.^w 06w'.^t'"s:5s diYb`,Rs?`;n,^ aftea om^^im.;Psc:;, with the Sari'^ye:"y as

P^a a plea to be e^E2e g^^ 3,s^, ^r e4'^"^a^eT ^i:S to a^.ve 9 a3, ^,-y5 tr ,^^^ nr,'^'p and ^z ^,m^: +` eY ^hd ^?a; ` pa^ I>:r", n: ^ ^^t.:^^`. the period of ^^pres^^^^^^on. ney&.er Goss, ^^ ^^^ or e o;^^ lilmls^ ^onf^^:^d w^th, the in$ the objectives of representation or ffie means b;^ W'Plia:h a.he of Tek+rese;wu.

^umed. 'rne D'^^^^^^^ ^^ been ^eWe €^ Immpiied'Va au^..^:n-Ti^e Coa, ^o 'd^s anything as there is no F,ortact bet..a^mr, _be Defendant and Cox.. Furffipr, mnµtiw^ filed bv Ctie

Proa^ctitS3r or NS 'ou'» are appro,"--ld or 's^...oyp"med, by a3 ^id! the

Defendant. i. Rule 3.4. F;emesss to Opposing

"^ lawyer shall not ¢alls`^^ evidence; co-^^^^ or assist a wr'Lnes to ^

inducement to a Vi^^^^ that is prohibited by ^^^^C` ^^^ ^^^^^^^^ acqu;sm^ ^^^orm:n the

` evidence presented ^y Clie Pxosec'^^^r C^^ ^ernt:^^ ^ ^^ ^ I a_..^,....dnV,. "'D.V° . ^ ._._....^ds6; ^ ^;s,.^.^^ Yn' :^^..8s^M ° ^?^^

false^' ^n ° ^ $&:^"€^s &,?^'^:as^^^d'4`6'p,'-1.^.",r^. ^^' di^'"^`-w to lQ`^0^'^sy,^oa =:.^ ^"E^:k:^:43?° ^;^.^i4;'^'^' of 1'. i `^'rc5^.^^^£ ° n+.< t^...^'TM En''^.^'-^"o,,,^^3 ^`a}^t.^r"r''

the 3nllbr.^^'`^kation was presented as w'"AaWn the prose;':uloa a,v'r-,:I rn<+es'.:.Sanor ''m-3 LV or should

have kftown t°'k ;° testimony waz' N^^ -De 'M,'^..`?v-1, Sr^t bo':.^'i.u ^'r%' i""^^,^a d to ^ede.zc^' D:, x^t°^^^°'' based^, on the.

false ^^^on-nata^^ supplied by 0^.e Prose:uf^r ay^ :^.^ ^nvestiigmtor,

On J3..s1'8.e 5, 21014 1 ap^-,neS°n^^ in front of Jandgm'a. O' CoLr-ei"u''e to ra ? 49%^ ^nd%.^^ en°,a. that

I received via ^^l titroug^^a my post ofr6ce boz on i'nn 1, 2014. '11e lene. I n=:3;ed stated,; a-Al

Mfaa :5, 2014 you wb'= scIned-uae,d% for amaj mmenc Hn. case s'x=vtr 2^14 CR 00138 x^s'''",.su '^'^ ^fen.^

.a ,^( ." ." .. '. . ' a^' f .. ^ ^,t 3 da^¢? ^ 'd3001' 'ti'^'^a Deced ^ption), d^, „ . ° ^'"S^a.St^`.. '4^ i.,,.,^'„.. . ?:.+.^a . "4^;^ Y.„ r^,.,4:^.:,1^^ . has ^t]"f,iA s''^'^ e +,s+.Lb.cnamt..o^a'^''r^^''P''^^'

F .r °.` v^'y.,^y'. $}, for May ^9,u ^s';•°^ 2014,^ Wa,, at k^ t^ '!93^ncfigsQ'"$@`^a^' y.t,} ^.^.°•^ ^ a^i,;^a'^v^' dn.saand z l^a..^ ^^i^.^ou`^^'e^'^ « ^3t^

^dress,.. Fc"^r.3'luG"e to appear worth:ts :J.7?^,i"^' ,Me:%l wi^^ ^^sul" 8.^:

whac`^'a ^^^^ result in incarceration.

As yoL^ can ima.gA:ne I was ve^^ al^ed .'^^^a this &ez^^en x got ^^ 'ibe County PRO

System and I ^^ntfi^ed I had a warr-f.r.3 a^suzed *ba r'n-Y -arest. ^:Rhz, als' ww the fact

that just two days prior to this I wn, fired s s5-rn cn, r" ?avi en

On^qw^KAriSM June 5, 2'Sr`..^ ^ 4 E'r^^.S^ my ^C^a?^FgS..t^?^q/-°A'^4.^,^,. S.. ^ I plead '^.hn^:'^W^n t^ a^^Y^'^.L^J^. ^ '^ ^.yx,{ dA1`^r'C9 ^t'"rY, ^• /" '^'^^5 9-F^^r rn i,.'3'&H^ ^,^ ^s,.,^af1 ^^.L(.?:6` ^f^^^.hd that^' g 4'^' rywas not the time for r:"&^ to 'Ei's,er i:Ci.^° ple^., I ee+r^,iiaib^e^n o-s.^^ k^^i^a. &a^-. e ^Ja^r.' 'a :»" ^0 ^''^"x^ h pR^ead9e'^ ^^^$^^`'rsl because that -wher a den^n.dan€ ini&ns their Ple<^ th^.'^. starts the prwsea'3.xsa.^Ps tL :x.`.^ fo?' a Speedy Trial. libe pu°^'ik Defender tried to -waim7e rr,?n.y dghas to `s °il! i.he tLme zzia^`9 I s'+^;"^rs^:;.^.aa.^^ .5 her andd a^ d her. to waive not one of rny ragb4si The on.^^^ ^^^^ I -wanv^^^ ^^as, the reainPT ofi:.^.^ ndfi€;^^e-w., and meivcd

b:^ecopy cof the 3ndi^;^eat ^C.; ^d ^e^.^ e^te^ ^^ ^e ^x^pleaof z^*b^;. ,.,y^,c^ i ls^^ects^^^ ^ E^ . a^:r'^.r^,^--^r, k, ^^^kh-c€t,¢. €^^ 3 I

stood mute. ^is Co^..^ has also miss :-e "^^a.^y ^ e^F oa" ^^^^^^gs,of by .^^^^^^g to provide the

m^' reason the hearing -w-a-c aelip5_7 hMld„ Like ;rdlher s ^.;^ c "rwR;€ ted and

t^ !s ^ ., .n _„`.` F,E3 ! KA 1 ^TC• discharged. .^^ 'c^, ^^ ' ^'.^a ^%^^ ^s°^i^: ^. S^^s,^',^,%^,s.et s took ;^a^`^^A^.'^'"°^'^.^^ s, .A^ Qu-^;'^ also ^^^ s

my second attorney t,; file a T.zvnc Waiver for Discovery ^^^^^ ^,;.is court --)n July 8. 2014. Vs^^ ir,

fact on July }''r' 3 we were an. fi'o2st oy Judgt'; Mary W'^^^^^ and '- i< I , -. arr,-,; jF,,s`^^d this ^oun, to be,

erfr,.c^c r'^ ^sa.°°^ °^^f ^'^^.e ^' ^The ^^^s^;an^'^ ^u ^° - this is t1^s^t^.'"'^. ' m""w^.^^^s t o' ^'^a&^}.:1 u`^t 'N"rT^vf°'-^.'i ^z"^v^",> a^^T* n^a^ c_ ^. ',.^',^ ^`^3;i^rA

and all &"uTo's"^g doings on his ^'*.am Thic^?,k^,ge^i^iowed to be ^.:xcaased, off v'^,-ny ,;!:aae, So how ^,^fia

^ouxt aa1owed him u) i2le this as a 3ixoz aios9. of ,^,; Dae P3"1 "ss i ig, . ePs z?^^^n as kkAeffec's2ve

^a,ounsele The next tim'^.^, I was aa, `:"Aonb of r'hvsa was August :iay . . ^ wx ^^ I uw^t my^ ^;e&ia•.^^ ''

, . . 9 ^ , publ^r^^9^Zric d.a^''.tesd^er Coi'^, ^.^'i.. '^.^^r"^;^: ^d^ ^':`^°'^F^',^u .»i.^..,,^'S ^ ^,^1:°p R^' ^^,^ ^^'.^`• ..^ _.^:^,^ ° '^ ^a ,^$ ..,..: ^.^'^^' ° ' r ^,^ ^.,:+^ _ a,r,r r,^ , ^ ^'^2,.^c`a^" veY'y from Bawns. This a^.oun0l2)wedthe 4xv ?ixuan+",^,.`'`' N wew':kse?'..^ ,r,-. :^' have a .. ..^ ^^°<'3^^^;,.,ss k^ 3I seem to not bp- able to ^^^^ ^^^^^^^ I olqjcc ^^d,: to order dk^ ^::ng, 4^-^^e

"'s av, v r I t is ane^^^^'^ ^ ^Y^^'{^,,na^"^^.v"6.r^"v^tufl"^ ^Od w:ikx•" 2 ^i+... o,1i^A`k'^£ ^,"to S^^uS. «^":°: '^Tx-^..e ,aca+.^c^Es s.. lAaa+v. ^.k^.^'r' "^ "'^G"?c.,a"" ,£9` ^^ .c..v.a .^ ^. i^^ L.^•en4,^^:n Y^ii 7.-Py part

t thetwarnavwd this f^^n2 offc^,.:M*^io^'ae Also to, pJioav nn;;r '^o d.' x,t.' f^,-,ess Gasbera I assyned vnR' of compeeercy to n ot hold a hewin?g so I c^^'y' Psesen° e* idle3,°.•`.,^' Z"Aq Also it vaaa :,^'a`; abuse

e^ allow this ^otm to y^^^ the ti,,n,-- to oU>v^d^ such a

^°"6`^@e ^.,otut has ^'sppo %^^ed tAgree ^^e ^ ^E :he^f^' dery to :.epre yrP M ^ D ,n s. ^^^w D"n,_avS"^R:.d^.^' a^

. has^A9 FTef^^:se^^.,^^.^" be" served by the a^"..'>•3u1.sca. ?^^ 2aE^`^'^a 'r ^d ^°^^'4f ° o a,r^A^R^ to Aa.A^s^a'^Ss the Hndic°'^`'kPent where Lhe grand jw7° was overy^chs';d -w3 1 deA't i *Ted ?r a sig:ik^can'L manner by the

Prosecutor. ^es,=^'"^;a^^^ suba^^^ed by,

ei.,.r, go n /

P.O. °^^^ ^ ^

^^^^ kvslle9 Ohio


n.ERTIFICAT.+.^"'~^°U^i'F -^3-ER^VICE

I hereby certafy a copy of the foregoa^ g was hand deli•^^^^ to ^^on adl pandi^^ or ^ownsel of

41 W4'.^kshd%S^T^''. ' E: 34r?s^ ^^^ n

And Bobbd Joe Cox

My QbI^^ Ddend^^ A, handed a copy tka hinm °

"^. A ii:

^ .i -- ( ^, ^ --^

-A __ C I Cct, 10. 2414 125 PM, No, -78! P. i

t. c - - •- r°^,^i ^^ ^s^f ^b ^sd,^s P^^..^,f^., ^^^^ ^^^ 3 110 ^H M 01 ^^T^^ ^^^^^N PUEAS COURT O° ^^^ ^ ^ONIER°; ^H'10 @ ^(^e' ^. n ^,^ L ^^ ^y^^^ ^^ ^^^^8^°h^+ ^^^^^.^g:aA ^.;4..'^il^ OF ^e^^^^ff9^ MONT? faMPRv Ta2

STATE OF OHIO ^AZE^, ^¢Oo fi pI^^nfiffe

L ^ RE^^^^"^^e^•^^^ ^ ^^^^^ E f^^8-a-^.,. ^^'^?,•F,^z,/,g^tf ^^^,^.^ ^^s`:^-ps,;/^.^s (^^^^^ Or, - 7 .)


The 'State of ^^^^^ ^^^^g=M-Y COUab/, ss,

^^ ^^^ ^ p^wR a-Q ^rincipq1, ^3^^ ^ -- f^ w4 as surety, pos^^na^^^ appeared ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ awu org their goods, the State of Ohio the ^^^ afl$ ^^attelsE 12nds and tensmenta, f d^^^ ^{- ; The ^^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^g rer-09ViZ^ pp,l peraonally appears before the ^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ur'- bT ^^ - Pasp is fiPal$y ftp^^^^ ofp and then arsd r^^^^ answer ^^ ^^ and ^^^de the Judgment of ^^^^ ^^urtg ^^^^^ not d'i hA^ ^ ^^^ ^^izance shaai be void; ^^^^^^^^ ^^ shalE aamar^ ^^ ^^^ s^^ns 223722, Weacj.R ^^^^ ^ewsed Coda^

^^f L'^L3fC ^.y'^^^^^ ^^1 r Addff ^s-9 ;,j X I/ tI AddreM z,^ lde Shul, A -L i% - ,^cn

^emulty Noo - Te„^^ ^^^n-,;

I hereby cert^fy tha'^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^emp^^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^een and ^^knic^,4r^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^d t^e secufty approved th6s"30 - dev of 20D

d$ ^p B ^., yq ^7^, n..F^,, pte'39 r^,.,^a•^^' ^^ P^ Gre^'"§.,+-,a9 ^^,' <-'a2 ,^C^.'a s i By°

31-g^^ ^^+^-^^y+^^ '^^ •.4Jltl^f9lQ anAe"^j,^^i° ^^

d'^ ®Ope 6NaCa ^ ^q^y°'°

^^a®F6A37a,972A9P^ P Oet. 30. 2014 119: 56PM i; ^^, 35 P) 1 P. 3

COLMUS) BUMDLNG : i. . , ^^.`.^i ^ ^^^ ^F^ ,.. I ^^ ^^^^ PY^^^ t^;^-`ii' ^ ^ ^ t^ 14 "V FouT.^ ST^m.7T a-. " as^a ^ m,, I:j:-V TM: S=2 'i0Cf i^°^.^.^^.^'^0.^^R_l:` aky-jaN, OPiO 45422-21 50

Ma syb^^ ^^I i-a g Ca^^^^ 6;..^^..^f r ^^^^^^^i.^^ ari^ r ^c; (937)225-34 c 9 21:3STdID. hlaL•3g'".Z ^AX(M)^^5°492S 3 da ^ ^'^ ,orlEr, 3'flg.tklg

Tl7Y T 'S p"'9 S•^rt rn. ".^+y . MO^ i G'b`).I+OoP} ^^^ C O^^1,„ ^^ : z ^^,^.V°. 11-1

^.^ ^`^'^^:^ ^ OF ^"^F^.^.^^ ^ ^^ a^^^ ^^i:^^^ ^^ Ef^ ^.'^^` ^,^ ' ;^,^^^^ ^M.

^^ R de as ^D at f,- L ^ . ^ L Cpa

Yo-o fare r^'?;'^ ^.P- to y:Tn^^.` by

ro'^'j- .^l &"° __to evt.u.^ jv'3^,^ 'a'^xw ^"-^+^ c^ti ^ a^^^,o date^

_ , ; . .

^^ilu r e t o d o y^ ^^^ ^ ^^^^t in. ^^si-ag y ki ux s'0 m7 t d .^^^ ^^bl;lh ;^ aq A^l?, s^0 ^-,a 0 f M^* -a r b a 11 ^n d.

*. 4 f r tl r' '{{" ^\ i ^-'sa (^a ^^, ^" '^ ^s6 '^`•, *,, ' .•;as '^r' . f% .'^ '` y ^^^ U` ..,..J^ 7^ a^^ g/^a^'^ ^ ^'"--- /^d' -- ^^^ . ^i' ^ ^ ^^^.^d'^ ,•^^ ^.^^ ^J/ Vrivnvsvcd by. ^^^^tuze, bye ^igmamoz^

e € ^^opoitso ,.,ounL,v jP.r.etjj;fl SeA^. C, ' <.,es. 14 °^!^n^v. 5_ .^"., «.e. ,J 4,.;^^ae's8s^"'^.^^.a^.^^+ ''^" ^ i.d,LP Dayton, Ohio 454,22

S !N^a1?''^. St^c^e'C, 1 ot4 Plooza Day^on, Ohio 45422 iff ih-i s :.s a, Pr^b at^^^ ^^olod= Cae le.

PLEASE F.^ ^^^^^EMED FORM TO PREE`P_^All', - . _^:..^.-p ....^ .

^_.. F -.

4 3. * -\



^ _^ IN i ;. ^IE ^.^..OzJR r'Ok P;_..^^.^.%, S OH10

TH,.^3vE STATE OF v:flO, ^S : ; N 0 . 2 0 4 f. R , Q ^

t'4a3aGesr.^f, „ :Je..k^^ ^^ fi ^$t.=^^'^'^.x'^i'.^f^'/s ^^9 _<^;',^" F":^^^^^'i


D e fic't'd. a raa..

The Court finds ihat, the Dw,eeie fim; ha..>

The ^ ^ '' ° 2^^ ^ ^ ,..^' ^, t_* p ^^^^: ^ ^;^^^±-^^.,, ^^:^^^r Sect i on t f' . j r e (G) (3) o f ^.^^. ,_ ^^^ ^•..^.^ E.^^,. Y^ . de, K3;zi the Forerasic

3 00 Psychiatry Center for We5U,-r'`i't Ohio ex'u'°saai33e th.? Defendant apd_a°,tu3:: a :.dn. iF"3eiiFig;, to ia'i° i. vldt^, The i'e^3£)"-

i.s to i&""sdS.i.id+^ facts found by th e ^xc d??aa.esq'-'i. „ ts ^i";e.eaPons, and conclusions aa t^^ the De%enG'ias0.t`^

Ca E '3i^petei?ea $t? stand "raa^ ai'^^ee present ^.iza?e. °:^:^.€i^^s,^c4 '° ep:i^s that `c;i,c ; ^e?^^;33dar.z: is pi'eSir^3^i^^ 0 mcompeP+renty qA.^^e opinEorK should b,- IDiL ,^. '?'.i Qi' ule 'a:°f :?:hs ^aife..h.'P,-^t cor1^'t.ietvnt Z^ to stand

gt y p Y,rfiG;^ ^Ii'^i^. '^i5i^m. ^{ D 3^a'>c^L3' c:d Ad sf tN,}M ^ .t +„'r" m;.'0.it`Gr°.ifly ...... -"^, '3 ^' !'>, 0 `^. ^ A a;C; t^i£ the repo,^o^rt 3.Se ^. 2 b €.' forwarded to the d eFe i'As n..', vsi1n :3^,'b Tn d. 3,P' t'a,'s. ;s.°'s^`y^4^.^_ ' iZ to r^%Ss wa.^ =^.

I.^'wNpoin:.men4.s set by v, na For^.^^''sn`^JE °v 'E'^4.}k Wvstei'u Jp$i p ^a- xjc., e:z noLed 4ii^v the

the Adult Probation Department is b.. b-z :s.-.;;rmea Anariedlatc€v. 37he F : can p-resan^^^^ be reached

Pg P.O. BOX 15 BRQOKVa$.LE, 0H 4530,33

S ; g.-- ._,^ .,"^ ^al .•ii^`, ^- ,._. :;i.,-<.

a UDG' -IM AR'° ^ Y "i EM. N

ce: .'orP:asPc p, cllia:; ::,fat,.r'r.rr Ves:c;,Y.'?h:cs. 6)t) .. ;, .., , bnc? D<.y:ors, Olt?;c iSZE:i 36-r9^3

^^SPOSIT iON DATE: 109./25f ^ 4 DUE TO 00UfZT : 09118,114 `^ ^.., _..®..^..^-,• ^""_..^. .^ _ ^.^ 1

A.-- °LECYtaa^''aitaiOFw'. Y FiL?-D C Os^R T ^s^^ C d?n 3:,^^ P L E A S Friday, Now 0:7, 2014 3:16:34 PM C rSE °'.,^ CR 00138 Docket 0; 1957 GRE ^ s . i,LF-RK OF ^ ..`. -3MON3°^^^^^^Y COUNTY 0

;.,•..''vl'vi s^` T s^ 3k^5 C R ':^MIN .r.,^ D JV :S;CYN

STh' i'F OF OHIO, CASi=; :"dO.. 2014CR00i 3s

P lai nt?f;(s)., JUDGE PVIA? `z' V,liv^:iVIA:N

^ -vS_ ^ SAMAItiiTHA HARRISON, ORP,ER F'G.'R APP,EAIi^,N^''E Deteindainf(s).


Defezadar?t Samantha Harr?sen:s ordered to appear in. Cc .,: { o, t^retvf;:? c:- 20, 2014 at 4:.00pam. :-or a E

hearing on a forensic report regarding ci'ii!a.'iei.e?1ce and Stix?e:"_'+tJ.fii'i, .

Defendarz'L is required to be present aT ±:ne date and tirre speei ied :n i'.f"Ie coa?-troor?n ofJudge MarY

00 a Wiseman, C®UYtS'®odnn 8. MiC'titi,nt;me"'v County Ct",.


J: `D'.^3 E iVAR':r i,h,t;.SEEMAN

This document is eleetron;eally fiiad byusi7ngtrhe Clerk of Courts e-Filing system. The system w^l', post a record of the filing to t;`4e, e-T?i3ng a;cS",^'.^ur.t "FNot1fac ^io°3.s" tab ^,?i'l.he following case pa.rtie t^an^.s:

HEATHERNANS A^^^STANT PRO^EC'UTTtt^^G ATz ORM5 "' (937)A225-575571 Attorney for Plajnti^^

BOBBY JOE COX ATTORNEY AT LAW i 30 Wr1^ ^ SECOND S ;. RLET , SUITE 800 DAYTON, OH 45402 .^r'^..:...EH.n T RC^` .- .. Y b.`';l F-!D :.O'Rp '3F m,x;. N PLEAS F s°yd a; , No m ,u ^, 2014 a° n6:,^^ ^IM CASE Nm,6 ; 2034 OR O^IYS Docket M, 19575 :REGOR;^ A F-'-;.sSH CLERK OF C01..°^ ^ ^ il,,'0NTGWMERY COUNTY 01-

IN THE COMMON PLs-^:AS ^:O^ i:^ A OF iw^ON^';; GCi,!;.^R°;' L `ti;UN : Y, OHIO CRsM;iyiAx., D. I;,S: O?ti

SiA"f^ OF OHIO, UASENO., 204'4 : R00138

3 Piains?ff(s), i; s -.., i+,^ ^. ^. ` ;;^! i S^^ i^-i?''^

^ - ds- ^r SANiAN € HA. HARRiSON, ORd^^^ R FOR APPEE;.RANCE Def eC3dai1t(s).

^ a 0 Deferdar`+_ Samantha liarrison is o-de:-ed to ap;?ear f-7. Cot,n. oPx Nove:-nbeµ 2nq 201.4 a- ^ , 400 p,m. for a ^ ^ heaiixs£^,' on a fod°,"-.I1s1.^', repor, regarding ;otTl^'Iei.et Ce and scs'^edU.9%f14.

Deferadant ^s :oq:.^ired to'^e p:^-ser; al the ciaie a3.d n?.t,e specified .p `:i ^fl'w^ro

Wisemari, Courtroom 8. Montgo?r^er ^ Co,.^ntiy Cou~tr3.ouso, 41 `.^>om::. ;Peu1 ^,.:Aer Dayton, Ohio 45422.


.i U.s,^iGE YP.t^'^.. RY ^.'^3 G S Ei'"f .('., i'V

This doCi.il.iAent is e;PctiC7i21"aflkj' :?4e`",s b^3 us i ng the Cl o f '^r..•w:?"?5 ^. ^:aing system. The sys'Leia"1 Wi;.i'°a.,'sr'sa 2. rae..o°Y.°Li of"L`°A^.E fi"sxng to the e--Hfli g acr`ou:' ' ^:C :^:.•c; K{ r.^ raiiof :?i-- foll.?w4ng case participants:

Hz,A:'HERJANS ASSISTAN T ?RO^ECuf^!G ATTORNEY f93 ;1-225-5 /57 Attorrae-v for Plaintiff

BOBBY JOE COX A'fT ORNEY AT i AV,% 13O WvS, SECONF) S"RrEf SUITE 800 DAYTON., OH 45402 (937)-228- : 975 Attoney for Defenda-nt, Sarnantha Ha>-iser,

TANDI DANKLEF, Bailiff (937) 225-4384da.,sklP,t cv%monfeourt.,3rg -Th ^ ^- --_-;.


► ^ - ^ _ ----

^ ^ .i ^. ^.. -- ., .>^ , . _. . . .,.^.:^^ ^`,`^^^ <. • - ^

O^^ober 29, 20' 4

The Honorable Mary L. '0,!iseman Mom,gomery `"loun:;^ Common Pleas I.-our= 41 N, Perry Street Dayton, OH 45402

RE Samantha M. Hasdmon CCN: 20149CRe00138

Dear judge Vifisemam

Attached, please find a report detailing h^ results ofk ;he <^^^^^^^,nc;; t^."u Stand Trial °val:,?atd®n completed in the rC"e"°nG: d case. Rea;;.e d;z ;;s;ta"e to contact me if yQlA have any q^.,^estIGB?s regarding fls'e „€tach°,^'a r£-',}:;ort'

We would be happy to make the examiner avaf;aNe for any upcor^^^^g hearings, should he/>h-- be subpoenaed to provide testimony. "{;vi'eVe"; vie 1ti%ouiv apprpCBaie :^i if this pifice coijld be contacted during the scheduianN p;owess so r:^at, we can verify fhe examiner's avaglabilrty.

Thank you fC)i` this r eferral. ^ hope ii Ea"', the attached re -pGY': i;,^ of a:,sl,^tar's.-I`e to ; oi.E.


Kara E.A. Marciani, Psy.D., F^BPP Licensed Psychologist Board Certified in Forer,sY^ Psychology Director of Forensic Serv€uea

KEAMii Ir uC: File ^^NR'^^^^^^^AL


/; f ^-5 ^ NAIME: Samantha M. Harrison ^VrYS4i.^t;T,^.^"ii5 ;,.iar'...!'+nA. Be9gifjCln, Ph.D.

DATE OF BgRTH: 9/1 2,`1969 (45 years) DATE OF 'EVALUA7 s u /'i 0/14

"IO^^T CASE NO: 2014-CR-00'r 38 ^4^P"^•$^''4 ^"+. r '-""' c^. *

^ ^ { ^ #^ COUNTY. N`ion6gomerv JUDGE : 'e.^'aP-^^4 g >rfV^C_^e!l-PGn

^,"'. F^ ^{^ ^ p° ^y.."'a ^ ?' y^a „/ '^,. ,."'" r4s? 'b1 3 c"9 ^ G'^'2'M1'k.:,,, Y TO +._.q he A^^^Ea^.v^'^ ^'i 7'^"^^b,PlL*n^..e.,ryq '•" "^',Q^., ^G^".1^ .'^:G%^ .fvs^ qv!^ ^S ^^ ?i'sp,^^!^^ ^^ C e^k^q`p 9f ^^w, ) October 2 9, /_ i' ", z

Ms. Harrison, a 45-year-o:d sinw^^ Caucasian feanaye, vras referred to the Forensic Psychiatry ;enier :'`or Western a " i:3 by -tse H:38 orabir ',?'iary L. ^lVisei;^an, judg° of the ^'^onigomery County t,c^^g^

Mis. Harrison was wvaaua[ed at the officles oft4e Forensic ^syE, r-:ial.: y Ohio on 10!110114 ^^^ approximately two ""OL,;r:.

T h^ evaluation consisted of an :r,tie Y;^tecn' ^^.,.,9n;;ca;^ ..Ikerv'Ievv, ,. Mentai Status Examination,and aa ^ '^'^".^,rrEpe": t'^.-'3"w^,,. ^;! S-'r";: a n;^',u telephone, c^.^ ^^ "+,^t^r ;,^ a ^: corsultaaion w9th deserAse ;^^ ^sel on 9112i`14- and on ^10l10E141

^^^^^MA^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^D

(^'+ a ,{^ 5; V ^ 1 . Entry ^.^.f pGS,,i e 9r ^^^tl^ fp ^'^ •ia l Ex `^P^'.^f£ ^ i Q `^.r^i.i.fe.lif ^' ,,.r;} p3 e.,. ^,^.,tj. ^.? u^i^{"3 .. ;l.:^^t`9^3^ i^f L. V^e^+Q,^i C^.fi (8/26/14). 2. 8n d a; L m e n t (4 /3 F11'14}. `? r' `Z ^3. Appo i n t ment le tter ^^^t t.! %''^ °;^;. ij,^'.f r^°'a r r i ^^1 ^^^^ro ; 8! !2LJp I 1' ,u ; 3'+^,^,t 9!",^r'4;. r F"^^^,^^*,, ' ^ 4. Mcantcornetlry CodaF n<^^ ^^^,"" ^,_^ri^ 's O^^' .;.,^ R_,^.;^,_ . and :^,^^^x^ t ,°,'/^;: R o d ^ A. BrownS (8l2ff12).

^°. /^, Y3$ (^y/y 'ry?[^^ ^{,e ^ ^/°/^ r 6? ^`' -,,,7 ^9r^'^ii ^lL ] iG1^y C oun ty 1 ^3tr e^^;f'`0fi '0 O(^.w" ffice ^^^qofy: ard;/,i' ^^^^'l!`s.k,i.3i,'^'V •. *3S.`t/ ^^p A . e3`^'^?.^I^;,.Lk... "^'.^P:7 (9/4/12). c. Montgomery County Sher;fii'';,^ Off,ce Rupo: an'-14 NarracGv;; ^s&2h' VV. Kellar 19041112, 9F7112, 9i14I12, 10/4/12. 10,241'12, 10129r`1^2, 1,%29/1'3, 2l^!-13, 2r1`x3113, 2/26/13, 9i24113, 10/28/13, and r 1i's 4/ i •:3}. 7 . Montgomery County Sheriff 's Office ^^po^^ zari' Nar;-afi;>re ' He;;^eq H. ThornWn (9/4/12). COMPETENCY TO STAND TRJAL Samantha M. ^^rftQn Page 2

8. Telephone contacts with defense c;aumsei. 9. Mental Saatus Examination +1'>:sh, Ms. 'sa:'Pas^s"? s `=0l1N;` §41, ^, °1rbs. 10.Competency CScres..:. e n i ng i ^l te^. V -; e''^1 v^i.lf i ^v^ ^^. C7, 9 ^9s 4.•^r• r ^1^ 1 ^1.J.% ^^'s. ^ ui^.`r,


i n fi^ , 3^r ' ^ ^ee^n„ S ''<' " ^_' ' ' ''-r P r i or to G 9Pf, x..%^ 1n:.^'(vi^:11t?, t hepa ram et ers, ;.;s'^'r ^.. ^._, and,^"'^l ,.^ o3' .. .s+.''sqst..:Qs Jf'^.B aI:y.lC11o fo^" 4 S^«. ^ evaluation were eXQ.9ained to Ms. Hai i"9 ;Qti. She 'i sd


^^^^^^^^fiwl Circumstances

Ms. Harrison offered as hQr address a post office box 4n. :'SrQQ k'^^i^'Q, 01-'.o. 'si'b°hQn asked '^aQG^% :Q; 4U^y" she has iP'J'-^„Q ii , her E.;a:rr.^'Qi;. ^t lQ+^.?^iaQ she ;' ^ ^^ ^ '^i?^ she ff 3c^c . alone and ha`...^°' lived ?n her current residence ;^or one vv<;c:{. &he adf:'sed that whe re ss!-_ iives Es "nQt T °. ^n, ys ^ 'e'.,.¢ ns ^^'d?`^sE'a^r'.r^'.^^ l '^ ^ si^ +^ YQ C? ^ss^(C%^ : ^<. r dab ^out , ;.^f ry^'ii sQ^' ^Fj vels^ ^;s-^'s^^^^ ^ts ' ^ ^^dAA.s, k ^ N^ ^. ^'^^; .. Q; 11,11as reYi luctant to provide any specific 4i'i'?Qi m',^,tt1:en. but sfa£Qd that sh e a'..a+„k i;`t ^'`^'. er, a previous..^iQC'E?:;, ;^^ 'sFoi nine months and that before living at that =:Qcatiib"', she had ;:ve'd at a different location with her grandmother for some mo.rs'ths. NIs. Harrison ^ ^po; ^^^ that she was born and raised in the Dayton area.

^^^^^y Hastory I

^ey4f ir ^ hel^. ask ed^'0'^ about^'l^,.^i her parents, 9"+! lir 1vv`s. S"`^^ ...^`%^' ^ ^"^;..d^^° stated ..t^C.i^. ,`^.`.c f.C':S e, :^'`, r in ° ...+^'c.,:^^'°Z ez sd ?ha$ her mother lives in t the Dayton area. She reported thal her priQa ;s" s dR".fQmQd whQ',"'s ahP, was a ChilCi, but that she does not i€3Qw the Yea;aos, ': }`•`;e dl^N:!"i:e_ Fo?3s,rw!;"3g the divorce,s.^a., '^ r ar^"!;;Q^'? V^v".^..^^ was in the.`sc;,euEQ Q^p of sle', ;?"y, :J:, a„^: and r.. st^s's"^a- some had^.5 QQe't(?.Qt with her noncustodial fal:heE•, bu' ,,h.at it was jo: ie-uxar. She s+csttQ; that her mother rer nareieU wtl !.en, Mi..^.>. HS.i1i r£so,waiJ ani w?uu°t @, VvrtFen Chskl¢,.,.A. xais, i viaa4r`lshi,J^,r' bQtNQQn her biological ^,,',areit}s whQn t"?e4' were to gether, she s e.:^^,'^ th,.,' they did 's'1Qt get along. She c'?a"'s.,'Q.E^ that there was ,^"^.QiiiQstE;.; ti;iok; oc^..' bQ ,v%e.`n h.'ux pase-ItS duri ng her childhood years.

At that pQ=ntin the interview, Ms, Harrison stated thaf .:he did inQt believe that any of that information wouid have anything hQ do with her cQrn;:,e-ten:y to stand trial and declined to proceed Wl'Lh the clinical interview. She ais:' added that "a"?t' S`a,^,e t=,i'so,uney General's Office had `Qlra .,? her ?.''^a¢that M'Q3^,r'sx'r,+.^^^? Qe^,?.'^,9c..^i.3 ^^e:t!;`^^'t^tl °V, ^ Ft^ v^(^.., `'^' f e ^.^,°^ a^^^s^^.; r\r ^% sord er fo r ^ a n Q\ialR°ats0o! of her CQ^pe'QV^iv` to saaf1.Q i;'FGi. 1 3f^s, s3 ; Csi ;F ^:Q,'`.^' '`wa`^; tihe was :';?` `f,dilsing COMPETENCY TO STAND TMAL ^1AL Samantha M. Harrison Page 3 ^- ^;._.,^

to take the psych c,og ica l test tlh.at is ^ou°,+nei^ ^dminxste; ed , , fioFe::;^^c afuat;ons ;fihe Minnesota Mi,3ltepisaS€c Pe, so6°a?IT: 4 i`3ventos"y-2j.


^,n?C°^sfi^,3a^^or's Reports

The same investigator an°sEesilgatev the current criminai case and the Fai"gatpons of child abuse by lMunuhauaei: by Proxy in'vo€tf^;g obtaining med;CaE pT°oc :?^i:rea and medical equipment by reporting sympforns of mediuaE p^^i^lem^ (which later We„e shown by i»EedicaE kes?s to not e?'ist). As a. resu5 of 'h;: ch:^^ abuse a°ie <;r,^'rns ^;z:e hiid Gn V41es"e

3Ww f d^^^^.5ho from 1^^iim e s^i^^ and have^'' ^^^;P6^^^^^^ :' : ^^'^'+;r care. . The is ^a°es i^,^ ye`3df„^^ of thr^ i^^dei^ offense indicated ap*scat;on ^`or benefits with no report c.,f':'rie f.,a'.her a ;-i;,ome - although the parents had a J^oip^ bank account.

Consult With Attorney

Bobby Joe ^..''.ox, defense ci unsei, was consulted br'eli,' via, te?ep`';o:-e. He indicated " ^ ' that Ms. Harrison liaz a hsMtoS"v of c°°^'^'^"`^l`s°^,'S',:^,+s. t i3a^,^i t+.a 4 ci.^1^:!;s °J.^'^e1 ' " t J''..^L ^t^i'^i^.r^ r` ^. bo G."i in i"^th e p('e,",er;t cas-^.-^ and i:n a pre`®ivl;s case d#R,s:)M;n^'up,. he^ d.:^h?sdren. F=e ha; eXpla3n:°'d zhe purpose and process of a co;-r;p^^ency IL'o stand tria: pva!±a`:on and ts;.e reason that the s5`ud^e ordered €t and Ms. Hariis'L°ii3 'v.'6'a: very hG;9^fl£?. He i^raS'^e.^i'iSr^^4; '•^1d'^n ^i`^.e previous attorneys. The second aztanney v4Fas apeempti,jg t1o discuss wi?l-^ Ms. ^-Earrison a plea bargain ^^^^^d by the Prosecutor -s wh9ch g,jaYa: ^^eed Pr^^aVor ^ and Ms. Harriso;^ threate4^ed to sue him so he withdrew irom t€`^e case. T '.'e ti"s} a''ztemptev to e,;pla;r, to 11-5er about an ofFer of Diversion ^ a-id Ms. Har: ;, tr,^siste^- on f a ^ria;. M.r. C.ox sent a mi::t9()C; ^o the eXaF"i'?Enef' ''t'{ ia^ s11€s. ,--lat"i"3son had »5weg' ai°';; ^. ^a. -I thE,-' mot1on, she accused ^,he (-'oui^ olf abuse of discretion because the judge ordered the competency ev^luatiC'srn over IMa. ^'ca"'?uC;^n's, "ob,€ecvoz;.,, ih,";, '`^ros^'^`^,uu.^o''3 of supplying ^,^ ,^ a'b" <

g^^^ ^ ^^ STATUS ^^^ANUNATr.ON

Ms. Harrison was a small, slender Caucasian female d"'^^^^d neatly in : asuaI clothing. She was accompanied by a hafn'ssed German Shep€";ef^ ^er^f§^^ dog. 110s. Harrison 'In$G;racts d woth the exai"nEi ie'' in a suspicious, guarded ?"nar4ner uos itr'JiaeC$ 'Lh° process of the evasi.cs'L€on by refusing "4o i:3ar-icipa"P ir, cOmmon piou^^^"'u"e:;a. The ^,^,YP9'a^^ effect was one of Qbstrd.dctio"Bism. She a,.stifiyd her 1bsti"Saw^tPo?:"1isi",''` u . ta^ii'.g ',.;?at ih^.' .^t'corney General's office toFd her that such procedures (C,lir;:ca^nte;view and psychol+?gi:a0 testing) were "no, necessary bo d8d;+.^.'m.n-e coif.putE;nGy ta stand trial." ^^^^^^^CY TO STAND 3^^AL Samantha M. ^^rnsod V^ E

Page 4 c ... , -, . . . , . . ..e Cl/y^ .... ffl-.

s^,^s. Harrison ap^;eared to be oriented, "i..!: ^ei awa reness of ^;eC .e° rent si 7ua^ic^^;

s^ y^ F'% Cl p Y ._5 `ud w^^ ^ be distorted ^^'.l/'Y^''4r6 her ^e,^^y^ ^ lz:'•^i.J'r/R}`'"' '^'^'^• She •,^!^,, ^a.^i..'t1^^ ^, r^ti.'^.3J^i N^ °^9`it9. procedures that she uei"^•ao:`iaiEy dwemed necessary. S-: o,ror)^; ta'y^, contact and displayed average activity le ue?. She appeared preoc.;;: ^.: :°.°?h vsew that she is being treated unfairly and that her ^^ghts are be=ng ;asoiate.-'. She app^^a;°ed to be unable to take ai NC?she8''s view in order to ,r deistsao?d the actions a" $ i e s !'son ; of her att orney and the judge.

Although Ms. Harrison's view of Ehe current situation was di t^^^ed by her sUsp'c9okisness, she expressed he, :'+.°k;?E;aN€-As s"n a ^o,^icaf, cow+^leni m40n"'"^r for the most ,t,^,art. There did not appear 'io be a s0i°i"?a! ':is;.:+ugh?` aa.so,,-;s t(„ e f.ius^':tns} or ^",^`^3ssl.,

4Ldo.1VN tA43 i.eiA t! 1'4i5.l,gi :^4 pr"ali^'^Gsw.§^s^. E^1 tS./kg; 89^ lf^+.ln°."•t 3!, ?i Y som e i,^^i . , e e3ss 'CP"XS.^ji.i odd ^ da8h. L1./ Harrison's distorted views of sI'[ua:.i. € °:s as:,'s°,bli ig 64> mrdf'v'id? .3als er"'dp^oylng common p>m bedur^^ pr3ct?ce:, However , sil%c .i d.iu.qht C,.o? sa";"'^t ^,%k'as not noted.

Mood appeared to be even and contm°'^d w;th ;r,s^^iv anxious affec' . -3.yed. T here was no observation or 6-^por 6 of qmssF'w dEs?orte^.^. o^`;rceps, ri ha9pucinateons).

Met;^or4 funcicons <^',G'uk^^ not be asses:sed, since Mls. Harr',.aori istioi,:Bd-1 i?--} participate in an interview about he$ ^^^^^^^ound.

intellectual functioning was estirric:tei - b^'sed of s -c.,nis., .d obiv;"rat. ios"s of a^'`^^tral-t thinking and manner oi +ferbai c£'im?'?r#uniCaS's^o4i - to be iC3the aveiaC,... :ange.

Judgment appears to be impaired by i'v1s. ? :a`s^' Svn 'a SU5QK.,s0US.ness and ''.:"iies that she is being treated unfairly.

Mental Status Summar;l^

Present meE 6tr l status e'a" Bi3 3a4.so3 was ,C;;:oE c;::l^'i' ;i^ sr"a'ti ca € a ext c^i information was s.^'3rss&ng d^'^'.'^.' to Ms. Harrison's ?"^l'usa' to fully cooperate we:s? the evaiua:`on". Thus, a diagnostic formulation c;ou-Id not be :madle.


Comprehension of Charges and Poss^^le, ^^^aREes

Ms. Harrison was abie to state the cha3 ae aga:nst ; s ;r as Jv FG au.d. A feiony of the fifth de^"acee ;" VVhe?i asked as.;-oi,;t the 4s e:;:i'ce b^.'tAnre':'" a. f"^^od"'?i an^'' a +''a nd "`^, t h"^d^s §°>demeanoa , ^+fkS. Harrison ^u^,"^^..^ teu tha tc the di ffere n ce r' i s in degree, i s. hehe sentencing. She stated that $^lori3es u'oui.`"`,+. carry a. sPnteF,ce of Mjpriso„ment and the sentence fnY a misdemeanor would be "a ^esser degree „ ^°,^^^^PE9 ^^CY TO SIFAN^ ^RIIA:^ ^^^^^^^^^a M. Page 5 <

^^` 1^s;, a°s ked about^the ^E^^^iEiC^^,`.^^ of^ the^i?^ charge c "ii^a ; 'E^ " ^'f•r^ ^i"^'.E.;i^ inhere ^r€ ^:^^"S2f3n,nt EsFaP'an . Ms. Harrison rc^^or-ted that the aCGusaEioc" is that st'.c obt?;n,,etii benefits io^rr her and her child^^^ from Montgomery ^OUn*v Job and Family Serv^:(,-es by ^^^eptici-i, "A°her, asked why she was charged W3^^ the offense, Ms. ^^arr'sson. Ent:iaisy stated 'a'ai her attorney has

not explained anythi'ig about the case t'aa her. Hoi{:aevei, whe7^. -ior her undes"standing of the current cs 9.^-'1.s"ce, Ms. Harrison ^ ep;,e^.,^.`s: B'^^.cawse saying the kids' fathEMs- flv®";; with. me when I app;'^ed for the ^enya^ts-.

.^^`::^" asked what c'^9,,ld happen if ^;s1.^.^. . convicted of :°?s-„ ,N"i^^i"g^;, . , a°s'^so 5t^^^^ a that she has already had consequences , s;:s^e- - as scon as a warrant for he: arrest was issued ^ the polic; department where she was work;n, ^ed he.M. ^zhe also add^^ that if convicted of the charge, she '.rvo'S.'id n^.? €Ui3ger be able I; be a a::°?EiC;e off;4;er and wCxr.i^^ ^s4 her lose EMT-^ ^^'"u', certification, o^-"`'i askedthe r,^5,^^,s;' ^^?++,^ ^,,^ ^ ,,.^^^^^ 3 ^r;o ^+.^-ti °"" '=^. involved if? a conviction for the charge, Ms. H.a''c"€son said there cou''d '?e fines and ;ai^ ^ensei"€Ce, but she was faot aware of the length of ,^.. p:'ssib@C, ;a!^ ^en`es;cE', She aiso ti'~^ted: "D°.,,',£.? to ^bama's legislation, I wcauldn'k be ;^^^^^^--." 'V^i Een asked aboi 3; the meaning of a Suspended Sentence, Ms. Harrison repfled: I'^ entai^; PrC) ;at:^v€°e. They suspend the sentence in lieU of Probation. if you do uo"'P°thii;g el;.e. 's'3ey caE`' apply th,,e s°,,"ze'rce,; When asked for am exp5anaf.9e?i"G oi Viu concept of Pt'ob"^,., i"€^. ^i;.; ^^;"; said:s^3rs: have to be 2cco4antab1e "t'^'°i the Court and the laws. if you u;o `'s seV can, come

back and you wQuhLn be f^'^,ced wrEth the suspended senf^.rce "

^omprehe>^^^^^ of Various Possible ^^^^s

Ms. Harrison was able to s;l,tir.Eabn the Q=ffe;°e?'?ce bEa•?:wce;? .. G,..';E^'° .^ x: Not GuE?';.y1 plea. p i°-s '•,$ m Her ^.'XplG',i"+,a}iGi's of a pyer': of No C-or, l y'^ st 'M n L^ ^'"^r f is gt.;EIE.. 3^lCi,Nor A ,,,^y ^ s ^ s 3 are+w you ^13.s,.^"..t19 you're v nots.e "il^^'a{, . ,Ar °U^' e ^li?i$^':GA t o ,.^`u^;^.14 E:E d t,^t%^s:,' r''^^-,^' gives 16o^°." ^%4I^t^'€? asked to ^x;^3aEs^ the i+eck"!€?.^ of a plea G ` "^^ol G^3r'''^, by ''^^.u?;.^^? of °?`^a^^s2^'^V, Ms. Harrison .Sa€d: "It rneai"HS it's a ty.,^"'ie of defense - by s'ea so? i of Msa;'s?;y." 101hen asked to explain the tei m "bC?^an?ty " Ms. HaY"'si,Yi r ..`'a€d: `6ac mua"'sa ^,t^e Ce^elnd.a''C s^ incapafJ9e of standSng trial rjr of c;ompi^er,end;ng the sit;.;ation."

When asked aboua hier €; yiei eded P!ea, Ms. Harrison waz, abR':., to s 1.;, "^ s^ Ds°ea. T'Ue?^ she '* 'y , E +.^'' ^^ i"'^` '.^.h^`^.` to °^':^ ^ i ^^4E^^ to e^'^ enter and sJJu^ .^ a ^EE ' e to^i ^E^'^ 1^ ;^^«" c^i fa? gXc^sl a;E^ ^i i +^6a•'(^.a ,31".^,F° E ^°.' io" the intended plea. °AfheiE asked if her at±orrie" agrees 'flzEV;^^ her p6ea, -she rep';ied "?'ve not spoken 'C rn,y at'^oa n^,^ ^2'", 0 r°^^°,.3` ai'.r ^` "_ ' V'^C Pe s f3s re+..^^. .. .. ; ; b and her :;attoa ney have d€s< assa d any other E ^ea, AAs. Hsx: ,' on srt es . `^1-ie rse; • m:9 be ^^:, ,,, ^ cic into court. He haan't- met with me ;sukside of ;'°,.^'ur`f:. He hasn 't Ki:ed an ;! mo4:uns. ? have f ^ ,^ ^,s C n ^ i ^a"7^ asked h i m^ to file a B ill^ of P a,rt i cu l a i^rs a n d fo r ^^^:^a^ ^s;1 , a^,:'r" e o ^w^.^- the ^^'^4 s being unreasonable or biased. a'i^^^e are seve ra^ i71o':€o^s ,.:a` ° , e wai",ted him to file, but they're at home." ^^^^^PE^^^^^Y TO SRANID THA'.. ^^^^^^h"a M. ^arrisor:., Page 6 T:.::...

When asked if she ^^^F^, aware of what coN?µh„^pp;n .fth>; Judge w^u,., find a ^^^eridant to be Not Gui^^^ by Reason of ^i3san?ty. Ms. Harrison stated that she has stud i ed ih^ law books ^ th'^.,.°' U.D. La1(4' i.'bi"ap"y aiid 4s a+luare x,raathe uisd,^'4;e P,.;a4 ^ .^ .. ;he ;,`teienuant ;nt^,"^°i ^'r.tie a"i.tfii{{e's uus:ody &or Po s sqbFe ^d ^^p^P L^ ^:^6.^ '^^ a s9`'e?lt^ii

Wi i^^ ^^lked about the concept of a `=';ea Bai`gaiP :'vI,:. Hai: ;^. ;'"' ^ define - ,, ^'-i: ,£^s-^" Barg ai n^ u 7 as ^^.^`r''i"3"'^et^^ x,:^i t hat the^^ ^'^'v°.w^^'^^ ^.^, .^ ^)offers s^ p s;e'''.,.^^,^,3..:f a ^^ sr^?i^ . Ai^ ^..,di'^.'^^• ^'i^ i h., ' P^'^ or ^s^^t'^k;ed°i',^R z^"`F 'r,; J S 6nSZead of a maximumsentence. s. .,^ e;^?stds::( ^:^,^°uid enter a ^^94;'^ ^)! ^''u,. .L^ ',h'^k^e added: "Ther'ra not offering ^.o expunge r'` ^;: 4"u.,^.fd, ^,"'on't i"eme` n u'i the^. " r^ tha`F, ''^s"f te p0ose4.katof made. BU"" ;"aidY? s: do ?t a3,; ha"+le '^.-`./idenf.,,,-. that 9 dP'-^i,^? ., .;c, ?a, so "''?"i not going to accept a PEea BaYgain,,.

CE:^^prehenslon of the Ada^er^ar s^ PD,f?icess

Ms. Har'oison i'epi.i'lted i."'Eai ther-- was a .'

n rs °'a r ^-'.,,,^'r^ 'r. b <^ ^€^^^ she ^ ^^c^ ^^^d^ had not ^.C^ s ., ^^ G! i, .. .^ ^ ';^'. ' ? ^&-.. ^1'` f ^' ^rih, i.«^°::,d^ ^ ' a-LY a^; she did 4 3o ^Gpti E E6Pylv JtS.BViA L the w:...?t rCld ps, uui. B;.Ebcu'. l YLeh en sh.`. w• .D her Chief of '^^^i^c who "^^^^ her that she was S^^ '^1 :a'1k.,; 'sio.. ^ei`: ^?e: 'if;^;"iv and o€^i'}? iii1.a^' ^°'"_ , ^^:; ^'f''P_s'^.'` r' "^5 she wo°;.i:d i'eceive "^u ^ett::". She stated ^u'., .a did ge«. a :e%fei' from Court ah^1s a y after she was fired. The letter i..dica$a,i tr¢a : she had i"zo',; appeared for a court date and as there oQu ^ ^ be a `eJ^ '^ ^ s^ i^ . She ss.^,.e,^'if t,^,M G she .C;gg'"+..ed .^i.., ^,^sbn'^^o"i^Pey' Couzisy system and Pourid a warran,. ;';cco. d,na to k1s. she ro a€ied C=ey k's Office an d ;f1fa5 told that she c cf €4C appear t 'u4 . She .; . . ; i t^?at ^Eti; went to Ju dge ^'Co€;nell's courti°oo:^ and said that s:-!e . . ^i^'/^ to ^'.+ .t...^.k'^..1^ ^ r f°^' ':,a; ^t°}^' . d tta,,.,'n r'f a fs'^i'^ Ft^:' +u3..9^,, ^ . Harrison, this occurred on 5/5/14. She u4 K:^r SN'?e, was `°booKed M. az Frd booked out" and was given an OR bond.

According to Ms. Harrison, when first . aLoYi'1e`+,' 4c, E,'k . -c:,'nC} out t'^"'''sa'. ,^-M {; # ^ ^^€^ had pled N^^^^inot ' tt^ and ^r^^s$'^es ^,. go t'^^ ^e; .^.,t o -ri,^ ^,.,?.,; P .3ia ; ¢^°^ ff ^'' ^^; ^ s ,-.:^^^` k^ - ^^^;e X F^ ^M'^'' ^^r r^t6 ^' '^'^ the ^se, beccause t^'?a^, atb^''^^r^'i^9 e^ ^ ;;doe^Y^``^,.at f"^„ ' ?;3'0,^"."s'%.ds. %.^a, ,st:^. s .`'es: -'d wi`ii^t s t:l?e i...^Cius'.'^^

^ii^b.i^1yi^"+.. i', a second .a^'^'^^.i'^i^! „F^ i^: ^ ^the i:.' :^a'"i^' ^ a;. ^`17'^,.!'v+^Y^e:^, ''7,^ ca' ^:^. , '^`^i"ric ^.i,, F_.^6 hasa: also removed himsels,ror;i'^^^ case an^ she ha> a .h, ; a..ornt.:y, ^^bby .;c: Cox. Ho'YrreveP° > she ss:ate£^ ^^at :re has "fi$; G'i. a `rru`'oc i ;; o e

'sNhei4 a5^^d. how many times she has met 4•1,^.i : ef pae`bc:n'; atto,`."e°f s`he stated 'tha¢ she hi:as 31ad a telephone cC94"dv:'r;aa`oi~i ^iim as'°'sG e?as r',.e1 w'.rt .s;r whiF'n st1e haa gone to court. °VViieda asked how i ;f?g he hc3.s, uec'F3;,, her ^^to6'n^esl, P'.:,.. Harrison stated ihei'Fsh:V does noP, i"eCa^a how long 'l..i`'sa;^ been fai"sd her notes vtl^';s^^: F.'l ;^so ti-^.

r^ ,^^., ;-^;9i^ Ms. Harrison was1 ;able .,^^.i^iK°i^J.s^'* to P;"o4'ide ?.icv'.,Js ".:^.c: ° ^ `" i3^.., 9,^ ^'^'' s r oles.!",? "^; functions of "^^f the F' r^ ... ^ Defe n s e Atiorney, Judge, ^,'^' r ^,}9^^^b^^,c,^"+;'.m ^ ^: ., .^.^.^^. ;^^^`T was ^ ..xi,.,,t, ,. ^ a^ '^^...f exp la i n thec.^',.' purpose of sa ti-'sal and w^.s able to `;aieaci'G+N:e si,cc S.:GtiV` What b ckPpess at ;t i%:sl. C0^PETENCY TO STAND TMAa ^ .., ^^^aretlia FA. Harrison Ftge 7

' any wfli. eeises aga.r:st i'ie!, Harrison saad: "May:;+e7 'z^'"hen asked if there woudd b'^. the de's`,eu'c'.ve." ViffaeE^ asked what, she thinks the d£ ee.r';9!.re ! €v it say R ' "-.Fs te' eif :or§4'- sh^',, ^r'a^^r^ € c, ^ ^- .a€ C}° : `^^ have ,^'. 94riz^,:^. f €R^^^^?'^ seen anyJ ^:of^. ,^ E<''.,^t;C9id^;. ,.S he ^^then he"`. ''^d that she

has .`'a'ven a por`ct: s"`-p^s^,oi:. 'wh"scis referenced her ' fo;and .,i''Nb ^er^ a^.2 i.' `'.>?o9^' benehts for 2011 to 201Z ShEt Wso added^: ^sC. thati,.°" a. ^,:i.^.#,^. .i,°'.^? re1.: i. c`'` "..r!^ ! ^ a^r^ 4Sst:7ren'ta case with CSB." t1 :%hp"r asked w#"Eti.s she , iyht AonE her attorney tc MaA as a w€tI'^es`.a` oni her behalf, Ms. Hara €^on said: I don't ^^ow..,

Ms. Ha€"'$sCr, was aware tat she could ?"'sot. be i„:C?mpeR;':;^ to ans'tPPe" quesi.iwns at her own trial because of the Fifth Am^^^^^nt She a'so, =;aas a'o?ar^ ^^nat !yang under oath constitutes the crime of Pee il.€ty. ,rVhen a?led whaf, w'^'.. v,' ouicl dio if she thought one of the other witnesses %ms i;'°k 2g or making a 9"s"Yl.."g':ake in their testimony, € ^ase",,,^,^^^a ,^o ^? .a^^ was (1° would convey it to the attorR:e;'.'

lMs. Ha."; Eson was able to g ive an r'3ccu; „ t: aepla..,"' i`scn y'f ;Ne concept , f to Elaa 8d T€"Faa° and was We to spec:uiate as to m..at t .,u,.. ;? ..nce CMLP.#u . endi:.a a ^;.,^^ ^ ^"^, ^^ ^.^'; to be ft"1GoN•mpw'te'4a`'. 'o stand triai. lB^ acJdto€ , she a! C,,:;`::;3re^1 stated tha t d,?e j5..:&"^ge could

"Y?, f°' o {`. 3 :^^ f %. a s en d a person to a ". ^$^^ F^^^ ^i'^.,^ ^a ""`v ^t s":Ci ^"^^ '+ '^^r .s f frv'^ ^...`3^^ ^'1 t be ^a R^;t'.?; q'€ pe ^;^r;s :o ss^^^ trial.

â ¢^ }_ii R ^ e , 3Sr^'^'^€eR^v , ask€^9e d ^ s he ha s ^ evervY 9a^. P e3°B ^:•...^^» L^^,' €:rB ^^/ ^^^n^ ;.^rr a,a^^ ^".,^^f et^ ^, i'" . a,rsi'^ ^s ^^ s 4er.:^^^ ^^ d that;. ^:_ s^`,eh e was a federal employee in a G.h'^°^ past c.nG'' was ':`+Z3'i;;,^ted :^' ';1z to 7 years ago ,r..,^'k €o" to ^et;.ed'i,,.. the iob. She aus: stated that ah: ei i.es eu the Po°€*"e A°:adep" 1f .n 2000 and was evW:,°ed°d as part of the application. Add€'.'fo: ia.€jr`, Pv's. - 3 ;,rr;s^.'°; sxa<;eC,,,at she had a u^^^^^^ogta€ evW^abmi about 9 years auo ddF fng 7, 7 - ^endencj, cF arvth tier `5-

^'?`e+r24^r'6l3SA i7V i. R.dC.i'a. stated that she does r6'4 L ^em4s1: En.'er . 5y- 3?ng .,H6-- w u,..ti .%t evWuabL'sn. She then s stated that the sheri^^^^ off; ;e has tr ;e report the e'iak^at"?n which was .,o€^^^^^^^ 9 years ago. She s ,bed that =rhe Chi`s.^^en SeC;.r Fwar„ „en-. the repc;^ „s^^^^eHy" to D^^^ct^^e Ka&Gaq who had younger c€:dren ^ ^, ^ i-' ^ and ads+'^ 4^;^' s?o was €i"'°^t?.^a^^s''^c^.€E"?; ^:,^`^e .>,.?^^±€'^^r§; c^^`., ag^.^.^^.. her. ."hwn asb,^iedl how she ^ k^ievv that Dexects5,ie Ke;?aP $^aci the r^^^^rt s€:e said xha, he made that s.ata€^^enn: on the

wlbn n.^.o'is s6£slh.d,

Relationship w.^,"i Attorney ^Abi;ity ip C^ wn^ell,,

". ^g' ^^ During,sthe RB^'^'°sent el^c l;..ic^f€',.^, , ^^;'.s. F-, a°iis^'.i? ^i^:3m^:a^is^c^^. v'C,i^° rE^.. ^^ k^ E. 5^`, expres s `"^6'a,^{6 verbally in an effen%^€°^fe^,rmanner. She 'u'41v3, -^',^e^ to<-. 6 „^'-^a€o 3^^?^'use^.,,focused^ ^";.:^ns woas able^'''4 >.^ con,cent;a6c on th e ips o" €S^ ti^.n3 `^^.!', at e .c,^-^^s.t a^e; :a`ci al a ^^. i ?^'^we ^?.F:^-^^^^'^J ^r; i^.,. ,^~^e hU^"'',ld ior was appr^pMate.

However, during the present evalua tion, ^',,/i.;, Hat"s€s:n res:>i:ted to engage in ;^r`€°oc^.'t.^^'Ei"?s which a3''^,°' common to any psa1C'hr ogica, evaluai;on, A Cibn€ca^ lrn#:ed°'",e'vv (in oi de€° to provide background P^formalt€om; and p:ayclr-.oRog:cal testing (to ;myi^ de :,3fo'r, iatifan about pr.ych;^^o&al aurictto^."^€^;;a.^; She ^.' clear..,^^ ts.^',^ide;^ ^. it'n ^;,.x^.,'^.nr^ :^ e "'^ €:^ ., .^^f " ,^-^ ^.^e rea,^^ c^ra^' ^OM^^ ^^^^ TO STAND TRJAL Samantha M. ^arrison Page 8

that the ex-:mirer needed 14he :;;T^ra..to, N,^^at would be prus?d^d "by ;;Fod,edures) in order to render an opinion "n 1ega„";3 %o competency to stand 4 :,. €`"ov4ev;',€', .'he i4 ststed that^ 34^^..^^^ ^ A^^r ^.^a^s y ^a'^' ^ s '^^^ , ^^,e r^^ ,A ^e r ^ ?^s^'s'^. ^;^ ^: ,a^. f r° re ?:^snot d e 2^,cessat y to d;lerm?ne competency to stand tr;aE,'

Ms. Harrison's reactions to attorneys who have represented her at various points in 'Lhp currrtint case (as described by her current ar.`{or ney; P uv-= been 6 qu r w u,usuar and even seif-defeating, (Le. refus;ng D3lpers;on, and ahreatenano to sue h^ atto;ney who

presented her with the Prosecutor's PiAe'v2 Bargain bdffp9 of "qF.a:Jnveud PrSJ2.{ab64FiC."l ! Threatening to sue the attorney who presented laer w,t;, a v+rr'^ten stae^.:";^en., regarding the offered Plea Barga:n, appears to be Mf: <^^^^^-,na' M,500;nse. ..,in:;: attor;Se^J* a ^.. ^ offer advice and ; 4^:^ ^"^ 3eY i. 3tl^ s. ? ^.r? cs^.a ;r has .i^^•^^^^ ^_.^ ' -.-^'to Y^'^c 4..^u ..`^i^ ,s;e.^^;^ ^^ ^`",..A ^..d ^t• ith hostility when he e,Y ^4aI'9^,'i^ th to °s?f;re i°e^:essits! of ci s"i'i°^'"1^ ^i y^:g ^`^;1^'st+^'' ^the ^ ^, .:§^:a,^r ^ ^ "^ ,^rfor ^the compete€^c^p evaluation.


Present ^^^luatiQr.. i9-id6uates that N11s. Harrison appears :o regard commo n, reasonable procedures em?lUyeC a f pE ose5si` ; ^^ls !i:vv ^jed in ti^i^.-r a; i€l ?? !j1?i great o ' g. v ^ ^ "`. ^^^^7cio 4^ and ""Et. la c e ^s GIF.p : r i^^a=^P'f ^ f^s ^a ti3 i.'ti .^ ^' ^3se sfr' ^. ;'+p^ f t^sarrf^ ; ^ ^ ,-- ^ ^,r^;^ ^l 'niuae her in some way. As a. result, she refuses to cooperate. T .f•a`, he r and need to protect herself °,nhib;' professicna.°;^ ^rors' ^s.^^i; eXcc.^ ing 4.";ei^ fu"'.c`...o€ : r,, 'the process, which has ground to a halt.

: C^ 9 r ^'^'"' ^'? l7ir. `,.; r ^^ t h e cas^,.cas. e ca.o..,,f ^` h- c^ ^ t:^ c^,mp^.,^^^.`^r{"^'^"6"' ^f ,^yf a o s^^'.a, ^"r ^^^sr ' r i ::,zF'G ej,^a r t ^a, ..^soy^; h as ex hibited obseruobstru c.€'rtionistict'oni.^'.t.t^ 4.+ €^^v f wfhichif'^f is -f° ,^'.^ n, `"'is£^.n ^. '^!eti^'.^+i f'a3'..' :at t.:"f^ thatof behavior

°^ `` ^. S she^ ^'Er^a.' E `^st..A '"^t^` a^}%'"bl°^^^ 0v.© '^s4'e.^JI ''d^^^t6"4 her>^^btd^`i^ ^^^ 0r ^ e^.t^'+ vaA.vi th, f^-.,.- o! .'ki ca.^ .t -sv<`5 9A+.+ s `i'T.`^ t .an C.d 1^ ( " s .^ ifl th e b.^^,(^'^..f^.

^ C? th e 6".,C^sen`Y Pvc°^Ei.%atis^^', sh^':F^ `^'J:^'f-:^ s • some fa ctrro rs ti"9a^^ ca m e to (i,^, s i' - ^^d^"i„^`r° c'ould be in'Lerpreted as sian.^ of a ^enta'd.^^^^er - such as .av:^^; Pa post office box in a Itlown where she does not reside, i nsisting that he.; c?"9,,;d ,:as a de..^'sp"ste medical evidence to the contd ary, implying that she was °:".ror rk;ng as a ^ ^^ officer even though sh^,.^ has a s-ensice O'o T, ^ (dueepilepsy to^ - a^.`or"C^s"°',q °^;ss-,e told t.her attorney), and reacting To reasonable e xpectations as ' V.ne}' vve!`e ne"u s.'"s.`s.;a. From the standpoint of a psychologist, suo^h lf;;acao;v cannot be 'el3aao.tiy § , er;.,.etied witho ut a °^vontei'+.f.^. (whi& is o8"oY9faed by a C't6n':e,..?l %iit°rvie':P+l) ::ind/o; w .no%..; ^rm aG'.3- p rovided by re su lts of psVch^iogEcaf gestl +:^. Othe r c.,s°.^^^s" i rr;? .^r;^',4;^ "^^,% have been s c deY3tIfie i;f theie i?a•,''F'. ^ees°"+. Pa. +,..s'inIC;ai s"i".'<.^.i"'a:'+ibf.

i ^.q,,^ r^'ra! f£"^y.+ ^0.^^ ^.° r^..^^nt'^^'^' ^'\fal~ric"$^:(°^°i, i'£^ 1^..' undersigned e^,cai`4`?i: e°'r e.^` p:c^ned to Ms. H arr.s s;'n how sC?ps'9e of the ab.^'.eVe-";"?en"tlQned factors cx)'<.dld reflect i.:;r^',^;"at^4?,.,. HowE:ve v^l;L1"1ouf further context provided by C;inical :i^^^rv;ew and results a'f psrchosogioai te:;fi,^g, a diagnostic formulation r-oudd not b-, made. She was Pcov;dec„ a;; exp'anafio; of ^^e I^elevarce of a diagnosis aQ a competency to stand :a; evaluation. The e;am;ner a€:^ ^^^^essed to^^ COMPET ENCY TO STAND J €^^^ ^ ^^^^ni-ha M. ^^^^^^or, Foge 9

^^ :. her the 6dE'a that the difference beibm^.'en her s^''^°;`!4'- '^` ^':°; i the ^ .,^^, s^ ':a. pi o^^e s wi °^5 cas.p te'+Pri of the situation forms *he bc ts of te question as.^^+^.-$ thei" C ;'?'"4p`a"c'.,^ r,a nc°y •

However, Ms. Harrison remained steadfas: in her relsa' to co^.;^pe;°a9`e fi:,;^y with ^^^^^^api procedures for the ^^mphton of t &e compexano:'J to s^;cr^ r^ ^.°'sfaia_aatzo' s`^.

°F"8 c,^f.ndE °.s^.^"''in, although no U`.eTsn,°s'.;`+fe diefg"`:os;s can be Ma"r?^.%'-^E. : . - ^as^ ds.Y'g Ms. ;-^^'a; ='isoT^3';^ psychapatric men tai status, it was ev„,."ynt thR'oug ; t ;"it,:i"acacso'; o.'ish i v's that she is 3'^o', ,.. . ^^^^3s.i^J^'l^yr' impc^i!"ed. Also .,,..'itideC`dce-" from the ^`pe;^;^a;^y^.^s'''^ ^.;ys"e.'-'^^[^gY ^3,;rti?^'r„%'s.?:°i, thais t Harrison has both a faa:.ia± anc} a rational us^^^e rstandrng, of Ahi^ legas process in which she is involved.

Ii`4 at^i"dtoR what was etdpnM1 toni the Sgese5"st eva€uaton 'an.'ca;^ that M& Ha, r?soi`; has not exhibited G?`?e capacity to work with a4'3 attorney in order to Ci;'VES°:3'Y) a defense cw Ea resoiuption to the criminal charge. Vpdhat was not MhNf;d by the evak1at;;^n was the question of whekes due to a munta^ sxInMss she is . o`_, ap:ibse of with her atoi^Z'ie°y' andfC3r is not $ U K^'..a^i^;, ^ of s..z^^;;^.13.^a^ii g in the :e'^^„'" t^,^ '^ a ,.;^.,^ ia s a `^''ecs`#'^ii^? x ^ ,su°Wr ` manner.


On the basis of F s£,' ps"u:ser' tievc,.aua$9on' th e offered 'ft ath:i i'°a able degree of ^syvhologicas ^..'erl:ai;"t, :

1. Ms. Harrison p4esenty appears not to be a ` menluidlv a.Gg:vda^d ,nd^viduai, as specified in O.R.C. 2;^'5.^.^7^i;;^^;;,^;^. 1

2. No definitive diagnostic^ sts:`^%;ern^'as ^ .,ay. '^,.3"^., ma^'3^.rde '^tre g ardi 'a ^> as a, ,);`.., ng ^^edir ee by O.R.C. 2945.3e i;

3. Pre,^'aqG1tIV, Ms. Harrison is ! wpab^>' of :js^aG`ers"^G w&'g lt ^e "^"r•Y' w ad, s','rioi:isT?es5 of the:^!a` r-e'a;"g'; aga?3 isi hei.

,'.^,..... ° 4 PMs.Presently, sra! E^r:s4'^41^i is ,.^a^s.."s^.^i^„'^ ',.^^ of t"'a..."r, ^xB^:srel^ ..-.r

5. Presently, Ms. Har^ison iias n. w exNbRed the ^apW6, to 'J^, 3.i, k'^^^^ an attorney, but an opinion cannot be rendered regarding whether she is rl., +. ^^^^aNe due to a ^^^tt iNness.

6. PmE.'senty, an opinion cannot be rendered as to Ms. `'azi'is"'J:t'a capacity to participate I"? ^, M"'seai'6ing3'ui manne r in'i±iF' w'ega's pCc-G-£,-'„L. COMPETENCY TO STAND ^PiAL Samantha M. HaFrizon Page 10

in Gonclusion, b^Cai.B:F' Ms. Haids;n ef;.:;aed to paFtlcipar`;^ fuiiy ?s; tq`':^ evaiuation process, . there can be no C? p.^,;:l'C^'^ Yek3;`.?3"e^ -° 't^^raQ „"ai,. a '^`^';^s^ti`rs^ ' . . , ,r,^.' 4e d egre e ^'rif ^?s^(chol,^tgi^:al ie^`ta3n'?; - as tio wh ether she does or tao3,s s'";; w , eet :n, Ohio Gaw to be adjudicated as clsmpe'^en6 to stand "€.i";"^"'i,^.

^^^^^^^uU^ ^^bmitie-01

^^ ' . 'X ^ i f^ ^^ 3-'° ^:..h,..-jit;•', ^ ^''; ^^.

Barbra A. Bergman, ?h.D. Clis,@capiForensic Ps;rchorogis"L C^

^ ^ ^

; n ` )l i< ._.^ 4 12 ^ 35 F ROM- . -? 2.3 P0002/0008 F-7533

^^^^^ a.^ - ^.. ,.., .^.^.^.. ^.^...m^ .^ .^.^.^„ 11 0. (.5 ; ar ^^° 3G'^'a^ si^ f^ su; a+^M Y,^'•:^' `,7. (u ^i..vl ^^^ .^G&G xc X' dt's`c'3i b3^ a&?2^. SOa1 Y^g,^

S . N ®i'^rk Yb 10 , 27`':i14

Th^i lionvrub4.r A?dge z3'."na ,'

16+.5:^t"gos.'d.E'.?'y co-u,.nt,y cvvv, J^.^'5^.,`'^ , .:v .. ..., 301 Third Street Dayte^^^, Ohio 45402

RE: Sz^A^^a-niha Ha:.-dsosz Case # 201s^ ^:^4 00s:; c^^"

"'"fiu : H o n mo, r;

Sp.-mun^h'a 11_m76so::1 is c`7a.1-''3 tx` ` p,r:Ym -faci33tr e. C^RR V

2945,38B -zors6va'M3o„ FC

Allrtaiitei: please daa".S a N}Jp^ n^,'`^,Cx 4+ ,^:2^,^, %.,... .'^, 'i^A.licavd.^'a tyS.^^t

^Oiqso^ <,,, f i^^ ovaluabax, V HaiA6a° ^a Ai ;bie a 4....,.:1w2^...^.4r z 5e ^y +.q

na:Lum and diaF' ec^". ^deof ^`i.^A ^^ ^ ^y`^,Vr ^ ^.'?..t_^".n Zz^'>h^^°^ tCg^,t_J^^^"bst ^.r ..'^'.rT^C.a^, ^;^_y.i.^ ^. r" rv i

at9.'iirkf;y s.n, 'nZeS o+F:fMn fkN.''A3:r11's;^-

.^ . - ,. -. , ., eas£.' 3'".'^i:.^F^' ^i^ 1^.riYew^s .Y^^^._ t..,;J ^?, "tAY^a.a...^Mt rn .t^°^ fh 1.._ ;^i7^stF'p^. e^F:..S ^'


^, ,^,/r. v ^ Dc^^glav,`he-11hrer, M D Chief Clinical offiloer

CC: file Medical re;=v.3 rd:; T-223 P0003,'0003 JF-753

^OMP" .^.r`^'P' a.".-^T :^^'^^ .z. ST^n."' ") T^"'^..^^_...^r'^.s^^'^r^^^`'^^ a ^._ :.r.^^c ^ ^ `•.es:,`rZt:.: 2945. ..371 (^.`'^3 ;3;

x4oYJy^.^^er 10, 2014

Doft of Dir3.k.i:. 9/1 2/ 3 9'!'-`3'.

^?w",^i Qi'v+f AdwiPys$oo: 1 r{3 i /2 3 i='r ^^^^^^^^d Nuimber; 7,169037

Leg`r^'sl Sta7.u5: ORC 2'945 ,.:7 , (G)

3 Court: P ^.^AY+..AJbAbf^^?,'6^ ¢ ^r r 'A vnt^ ^vJLS.;.t `n^'.^^' '+s^^Y.1^ r^ x'y - V^I,' S '^....^}^1,F-S..Lu/^^^o .tS.n h _ Judge: r lAo aTi rt,^°.3'6bl i "fa3` y Vwll^. Y"':an C.^^^ Numb;r9 `'`sFG^- C R,-,.'';'_ ^^ cho.&°ge; Th •.-ft bcJ De..ep ' a Coiirt

^ (3 ws^ek^^^4 C3-5.^rliyu Lee, ?r,dD ^ S ;T h 6}'" o ga:.ry'"

/ k. /^, ry Ssrn6) 5ti ha .:-^^arrws-s :ty FS^ ..6 ^.^'',.,'^^ 44.:^^+^.^A_, ^r^.,b/. :. '^^aa-^^^^ ^ ^as:^ -b j-F%^pyd ^^:Iy^iA, ^J`!I3/. s ^ ,r'^, t a }.r f:- 1':e^.^..+.:C^'''°" rd*^.aA^x^ to Summit,.^ .^^Al ^s'`^..'Ni,"L4 i .-^. 3"w.1...,^+.uxa'..i^u. d^x^:^ t ^i ^) for a '^,^-,-'".^3^! iaC5A3^^,is ^Ysd:lil

^vw`,^^^3^f,^`^"i , .+:a9°>r- ^ ^ r i "' Y^ ° T^ ^ '1 ^" 7 ^^'3 ^ ^,3r ^ g^ 3 r' :^q x ^^y _ J yr a ; ^ k^y.'i3Y;ris(3n's CDzSe'G:e, cG°i%+_p=n.;; +o ,.,K•.3`l^'Ar'` . ^^.... ^:CGl, ^,a.k.^a ..ix„^^^f '^"'S, t^.i.?8_s 7: ,a}.av. .o-, ,.^^J. s i3x...... '4"1ys.,^ +;a7°.•;T`^C^. ^h., '^^R -' 3'a '^^D? `r^ . °a y r. ° b1v the ^`^'=.F?. _d;^.^,'^^^^1^ ^'^o,f. 4^. 3^ ^s^ tg'2"1: ...J f'^^.y.:;^"l _ .^.i.^<. ^.3'^:^'`;. 3r7.^i^^:.a,. 's x., a4.evez^ ^s`ixya^s ^^OL'A•,.^7'^ r ^^i..l^^^i^ D ^.a °^B^. ^.,.^ Pr,"}:i -f.rr,.3 k'$.*,.- Jne.aa..^N;.^^,`'T.y .^i^+A^.^ ^_ :Ad.. • - ^, , , ... ,, • e^%2a,^°."^.t^^^L4n,t'^Y^-ti't:" al'TJ'-..e",^i _^^,i.Lvls..i'Tirx5r....r, Sh.u i d:., zte4.5 he: ;it?.deyrt T3d .g. z^. a6it3S^,^ ^^^i'wi , w63 ^`iox2fidcY9.fiality, and it ... ;fkr ^2:^ ,.xFF^^S ofti?^i uum t,.iutign,rd r±':15 :' aly .? ^'r)?'+: ^.^tthesu i.++x53.hs,

Yrii`!?$`matiC}n was a`YaFlabii^ Fmis "-VF.evvS°'d,. ,, 3..o,.cs '= §'..,e ^3 ^ r s a 1. ^^^bha^aa-iY .^^aritn^ava, ^tD.Pnsy-tiataRt y. S^^1-^;^ 2. Dionn4, Roylj s. PEI), Psychol,,^^st ., . D D: 3, Greg Longeivuwy, LISW, Coozda.n^..^ow yt 3B,"

4, .£..ei"'i.a,% ^':!A' ^'`.^lsha -Le,^"',a;'^d "' st^'F`9^ ^b: ^'s {t`7r ^^ 5, °cf7 al>r-r.^^' BaF°e7n.^^''^'°^-^.°,"^. 'vwd,.,^, ssks.v 3rk''^2 ^.^`!.^'aeTi,a:e. .,^.vd+,o-a^^a^ 6> .^'i.es';.^W o.s^. an c^vs''^'.tpeu#^sAcy ;+" .at,m,T4 trial e`,rab-a."s.u",3 .^,^:n.E?'ad by 8a»3rss Bergman, .k^'x°^, i syfhologksfg dc'^.E'd i o,ov'^. 24Dg 2: 14, 7. Records ha6,"m s-.^^^v "^lo? tgo'.'net'Yo cou.^-'a..y 1^1 O.,:O"w dated z&^ s 8., ^ew^.o:'S ^^om, thr rMfa33.z^ a3 x^ f 4ar,„ s.hy Jai.,€;l ^:a F',,-.^"^ 2^,^'r' ,^. , 9, Review of tht,- chj -q at SBF '; riYA^ ^ . The ^r^s^^^t,^o^^.:y County ^.,.ef;i-v of Cow n«^; 5^f^ c-l^:J_^flbsite. 11_'1L+-'1r1r, "i%rv'..1--i R4.,M- -F-22^ ^0004/0008 F-753

&^^^J^^^9^E . ^^ ,^ , ^^ a, ,. n.2^^xdx^,S^^ a^3^ ^:. ^.t'^tu^, .^..:^, t:.stl"#^^S^ix^ a ^ ^'°^^,.^s.4i,aS:?aTl fv^I''ral'^'' who i`'^^` curdenLLv 45 yra:.s of .i°l1s _xV tv^ par-r:X^?^^'3'te 't^3. this

sinc'^i' she is ^f^^. b S °" l 7 .+ 1 ^T':.`tJ^a2^° ^i^A^r ^ ^ ^1 4^^spi6K''.^.g,.Y 4'"^'1^'isof^ .s k

app^`.'ar.>°.nC.°e ar?,^'' g d, hy iene were a^lPK"oa^x'^.at^" v."..;^ ^^«ls.^ si'^. 'aS.'^^ ;.s^,?a'P "'Er t,A:] y.`"%+-'' Y,J tv^ r.,eA9^ ^Y , / - yra]eabS^ Cv p. iA^-ry` 0&Ad^ t e ¢LS^A1°hW oodf h our r3"it£:Tv:€ew, She rel9tx;.^.^. ?n stiTi a,iaa, ^ ; `.'".':^'^ and poli;.^ n"^'^r ^ , . a..^,ntaa^3 was^ able to 3"espe^'xd all i^^ip-st3t?T:?S; and 3h^e was abl^= to ;^e-,'-c^,t f"°eces :, a`ld: rviuh f::zan±y. MI30 Ha^.^-r4&un , rqrQrted, tlh.tt^ she has neY^^.^^ _^, sv:^'3+_.^Ai S'!'Pils.^'s,,^z i ^ ¢l2 .fhi^1 ^ ^' '3Itf^4 ^ 17 ^such as dexiwsions, or thoi)^^:^ry*^ ^ fJ^ suicide also, ' ^iC ^ ^.^v^ra^ [^ af,^,soWe'Ra3Sno ^'o;^.-ft J.;tancr z;er The s^^f-,'s^dant ack..7Rowled,^ed, IuIUM she is .at'heA• depress^'', a.:d. s1he WIdYba:e. .h^^ To custody of ar'+^iu k^''L'_`ee a?'ouriQesF: Mm HsazshsoG a,s'4:1 b-IHUVG:s I+?3e fI'-Ut"1. ",'''uM^: formn ofPz..SD,»

refou1ng to wtn,ess s"„k'.,.JV.;e'i,.•h, b^-,ca'w3f„ f <^ n . of 3,^,,s'u";^- .r ^sr. t'aa,^ tA f a, -.c^^ ^.^ '.'t< 5!^"3 ^'4-^^'^" L`i'^. f ol' h a Aerer Ca'^^..Edin-n. Ms. Flaw"r%5un :'"epcxE^d uhai bu s^ her sjp,;3ai?^ app €;ze .k ad^r^'^i.2W. _ ^ z _ *+ z-_ Shu'nd3cafed that ^^^ h.^ar^as j ^ steC^ Fa=r9 ^ r3 ,..f, u aR+...^,,.x Sx' ^;. aY ,.{ ,il tn ti, ^^ 7dr,'^e ^-^ Z ^a'l^,+i^2a^ yP Tk^, } '^T e .7. ;,.rf,.ck P y 5^^el^$'^.'d t^'' :3.eA hosp.^^^izayto.^ as havi^g by^zi "not a pz.,nyc." IN4S. 3art-ison app°a-cs to 'u~r. oj' ^mt ..ea^^ average

intelli gence , if not ioxnoYVh2bt 'SA "+ ei l X^, ^ '. .^ yp ^ » a G" ^^ gh r a w a s not f3 t2 ll r vssess-d 4 Y^ , Wk^^^ ^^,,ked s.11v ^.^?mig^a she had be'^^ ho;SpRaia^ed ),.ciSr . e: e..a^ ^^:, N^ rr,T, p a Y p/^; .rd .Asµ, c: Ya:;t7atio,. . i 'v. .iY I:,3.f.E JVdl. J^.Y^hY.a^.^5^k3 ttTAI+..j'6.3dg^.' oed$r 'r^,.'d a Qorn^etwZ;.4::y'' {4,^ st^.'d,n- d trial evah,>."''i.t<{`J':,k. The ''ErS£ `v°i.?e iUas^x't satisfactory." As

a ©:e^. abQ^1e, sls, Ha3's':s;^^^^ °^^,'a5^ ^ cvv^`'- &c ^,t,.^a;^'^^?Fsa.s^^^aP^_? f theon, S^'" c^,. ^'t^ ^`e, aitr. ,^;«hNw tht,, gi^3iu°d and oppositional '^eehrv^or,-a^^^^ ^^^ Dr. B;:rgna: in her re.^^

Social ^^^^ory, I%.s. Httrrison r^poo;^^^ that she ttivm bo;'a ixe D^^°on,`,^e Yf^^'^^hger ;•°lwf children R3''a her family oF.^or:.g"rs^ ti`^eF ,, : ,,^p^^'Y^ lvreM`°e.;; dls ,To;'^^,-d jI,2en she was 8 y'^?.:ti vx they ^^^5:^^ t Y.,'L^,^i"k^.^ ?9^'^)a^i> ^s.5.^c.^.^r.iv'4i.^ reported re^5ok1ed tii'i^'^ h;xu.i^ ^ ^ a? P2d 1^ ^^ ^'C.^.'^a. ^^ '^e! }^ sL`c.'ag<,.r".'a.^4^?L^L ^?3^.rt^^v,^`.', ^)Sr"'we,^%r^`^' ^v'..^.'^"f '^^»G' ^` ';.^ ^ is '<.''"-^'Y r-, .from 1 in the }.1^.c '^Y^' ^f.iS^¢^. .7. w > ... ^i..S.. '^u. ? .. tld'..-; _. .ai.4^^. ^k^i^'1vh^f^,l 1',Iiito13 .^.^r)°^_er8y . livesi'^^^ ia Belize. As ^ child, I"vEv a.Awmi ^v;^n3 `^g1°V ^ ::. 1ii. 5^ *a,zG '^y.a'^'C.^x,z'` ' !.^'3^' and notedx ..Ar^. .^^% ^ R {^ r^^, }¢ fia^+.^* a{^ ^b ,c / Y,^n r] A^ ^i^d4%,J Lf^a,..'4.bYr hu &4x4^vS. the ..^.....au atSL^6^^^.^^\id. £.a^3.^?, ^^^ ia^,g^ pg`.{S^, L`Lt o i,J^ .4i, Y yy^iFaterwtCL^

grarzdpxm.:2ts ^vs'^o 1'xolpe d ru^ her, 7vh;^^n qu.stion^ya aESow lvfls smted that her y^,^ father disciplined her hars-bly 9 and this was ^^^ , db s&;. av9c,. z` tTe. ^' A fter 9 lik. n ^ ^'^i ^.r *r.'? o«r`^1'elt£i'',1d^%^ "'" r ..P ^^nisC}.3 reported that ^s`1- was :^^' Qa'.t:i.,,^o."`u'.z ^.,T f ^.3R?'ls.tis'.4'^s ,^"`^.a,. ~^ Y.^...... ,.^ b s ^c f r's`1iPts' ^^ii3{Bd ^onter around family vacairtonS. ra.s toz vvh?t :h.f.^ ;..:^^ tO -,;JhTng-e aivouk her c,oalildhood, iMs, ^° ^ ^, ^. H~rison wishes sh4 had s:^t^^; more1^^ .'i^vx „^T •r'J ..Cl f.^. ^ 3° ^^. txs^e.. ^ )d3+r++xr'^ ^,!?.ses ?a-,d dCIgs; The defendant vXxas, reas'".ed; ?rt the *a..''a:jptY.St fa.ti i rcriN o"«3'xo;?,tzyr ^^^axMt c rb as Word of i azth,

^ v1 + ^:^'^i^.rdl^ ^^g. her ed^^.?da^„t^?^ ^^^^^^^c^^9Ms. Harrison $ d" "?s.Dt ^ ^ ^.,U i^3" vit N^'a^ ^rSi,^'^^, ^r^^ w ^ro> r;i KHigh School iF?' 2 98"', She i^^.^.^p,'t' .rted that `:h` ,.,uxfe.`..:d '^;^DS:1 ^^v5!''.^,^.h_E^. a:.a+^ '^aV'.s. gi'uz'F` b.^.Ky in ^;. :'3i3^, ^P..p ft^a.S.m.^,4 ^y *; d'i ^ ^la,'.:ses ''ti^tti^.1 her 3^nioF` year. At flh,"',t ^I3,e vr'ts.7'C3iled iri a k'as. H°uF'ri5(3i1 jokin,glyT °^''^^es^''iri-b'^.°-d .n,^°r3elf as ha+/i.'.'t'`',' sba,- sa'r,'w'?a.. ^.;r?'. 1^'^f:.;^'^ .A c,.^ r - nn^, af4a {.e ^ th at i s'^4,°.^ 3i^''.1 a4.°+adQ.^dA ic wor', ^a.klx'^i^"s"^ ^ :1^e„'^ .^i. d^'t:g ^^`^i.?e.ood dx3 S%?^,x,^.>..... e'=' ^-'^.w^,'^''^w'^.^t, ^ a^^`c^€v^da w^^^ so^"icer, St5f'cc3ali, track, axLd os`5e^.^^c.:eadih?ag, :`'fS. 111vrr:is-ara rep vAttd ihy ah.,^ a3'r.V C.cr°das, ^^.`A^OUrS from, Srliczakr Commumsty Coilego, 0-he rep;r:e^: trsa^ she r^^y the of a 10achelor^s deg=feo, pramaY'3lv coAAsa'.st;.ng of ;oi.^..^:'ties ^::r?. _ a^.^i^^'3., ° and s^°:^ .^^_ ^.sse^i^^^,. ^u' s cz^r^"'^.^ et 1n criminai justice ir^i 2006. Ms. R^'^°riso:^ -mc o _rF^eX=oLfied that she^^^ a.rsY ^'^y' ins )'ufae ^ &a^^ ^ library at thoU^iversity of Dayton.

^r 1^-1 ' 14 12; 3c FROM- ; -'23 ?0005/0Jo8 °s=-753

;.." tenms of ^^^^^ynnent, lAs, ]Harmisvn, a'qcosi^^ ^^^^ ^ p- has wrjr-k-ed in em,-^Dzce^^^-^ as a

p{3r^kv+^- officer and ^.^.^bt^^ ^+^' : She re^'^^'31rCd ^

hr.f.s, 14'a?a.:S^)dz rep"iwte+...3..'Cl:zt 5h^.^'iwaa>`. mia.."Sa.,.^.x. f%,'.° t:"isb`_cS^'r-^,) ^ ^- wi^t,.:^ ^ ^^ ^.^''`'",r".. : ^3. . i erwo^`^c. ° A c'^auggi".xie:y u,ia',nLiy "'i''3.+,^-^",. a °70n3 bL^^ r., .^ 2-,. ^%5;^.u ^'., . t^.: .,.>..v m.,, H a^; up ?^'.^^,+pox5.e^.'i bhlaL shi^ was '4':'7i.L^^'T ffic fatp.,.cr o1 f:e.. 1v-"^' 3 ^-."'e`-a, ^^?'"= iti^Z.^('',r%i^ 'i.:Eka^.A'^;` n.r ^^',:ox.fs5^.,,6",r'J .^.^a,'d'^SvT.^'id°^..

Y°vY"^^`^ Hvd Sons 9r.^ a''.,8:s .7^ 8, m^.r'.D, 11 . Nil.^' i. Bmi^.sct::?,..'s'pY `^^'^c ^=a ^." $ pi w x rt : P :s A O''4^d Lcom

S1er czistod. v August 42 A ..Nii A 2, ^r'^ 4d';, "'L' 'j^a -r°'r`''f a^, s 9 l i>^'?I ^- ^•t> s 27 , 7.k4r.. ^^v^ua..a.br..f.... r nf,.d.7o i '' s.x _. .3.y s' e r^J^'^.4.{a ^..^:^s,^a she u.^..'t+ vie^ to sm=v' s.^ physician regarding. oxA' of :12. s so':'+.,^_ at L3".2^': ^L.^'.;_d t rc:: : a..:Aw"^^ ^ k'S'x'..+"''^3 G^:.^, hospital ^^. ^^^att,,r ^^^^.s rep'o r ^M1.+ /^'+H ^^/to.r} ^-/C^<4"--5[^ `^ (-^ v^Y SL" ^t`trc e^' iL'^FA.3ytA EYd^ j^r^yy ^Y^^.ti4^°y Co x`y. ^' 1s. Ha^'s" ^^d sepo^z4 that her paLem 91 `z1gI2$s wt,,3',, "i^xe2iAnaG£'d o<1 Nove3„'3b5'.r .J, 2034" .^."`iifiA to t;:,as, >3hv had pa-r°aL3s."2g Lr3'z:de with her chEl(A&rez? on a w^eA^ v ^Fa3A;^ 5 ^:,n ^ ; so ^asL saw ^ N xlVMbVher F d1 /^ ^ 233 gs^ , ^o.r`'"S^x^ Jpz0.e ryy^^.^4^L ? d^"ay^ drcm apparently wei^ prev3ou5ly b _-caoed .., g`%SLQI- ^a,ie, bva, tr?y axe A^"^laGed ^^'4^.cL^^. W.t^°.^.^' fother. ki. p'ecord3 av?iia'E:'a.e for re?%:4e"r i--nd?Cate flha, ' s...kf ^^sS^k bj proxy

coaAl.!erzidy^^ UB.'N, Had?.isc^,^ u ^G4^^%^ b^a.•r.^!. r r^'^^-`,.^ ^, ^^;Trd^ 3^g ^.3 .ki' sA .:^a.. / 'a.vrx^_ Tz^'4^f 4 ^c^ i.her? 2aL for Z3^^: of ^ her ^io^S a.Cs: ^.ibt:n tL;.uL ^z ^^ =3. ^^ ^^s.Ta?l 3^.;Cr+7^`3.c'. r 3' . 3 w,-,a"e taught to ?a?2°x'i by his m.,ofl'„v:i'.

Leg.ll Nkakwry; 11'49° rv:t'E t^.s sysi.ck?'i.

-n- 'aLo^'s ^^fi.-^. q?::es,;;,o^'F:^3^^ a.^'^Du ra ^u %v^ 9 c'v^ky-'^"^.,_,. ±`/^^. :^£a^.So a?_ z "§1 a"LS d L^3^L she has a seizure r- °^ d disorder and also s^'Ys'-iers -fr:}l diabetes. S1.1. 0s^^d+^ r°i ti... 'i^.'`0 4'J`i,t,,^^'i e^s!•+`%,x ^,. JZs;-.Hog og SY.noz can p^'b^;e$^J`^' "i^".^i?.^in she is F±s^.lrdti; to h^'e'^N a sci^:`t^'^. 3'f::^e ^x^.Y'i-ss^v'3? is ^.^a ^:^ ^a°S^^AU^^ ^^T^^^i&^. . . ^ Review of her chars ^?^ ^tiz^'^^ f^... Lbu; ;Y._u. 1"._ :^,v:3 a:'das .".'^:;; :""e;= %;:^edr=^al !'^z3.Ge^°^:u of^.^z^ "h.sa, '_.^.I:mPzoAna!. pafP.2s°a1v:4.,'I3S, ° ^ '^.' fsL; ^%_^ic'^ '^g a.^e.r..r° ''r''p 1..1.,r_«" s y C},'.,.° ."'^^n-'^e?/' 2s%',9,v'^"

Substance Use Ms. !-.x_Fa:"kS^ s . E3i2eL ^t^g;..-. ^^^yu.^?.°'^ * a^._ary she r^ . i was younger, ^i^^`^', s^..'°r' r^±^.`E.'L.'w' re;T.tid .^''^ 3..'.vi: 'i,::s...aa" wir.7'v ^.'^jc1T.a°`fory< Qa°.AIRe adCJ.'d"^E anuly .^^^Lake^ tha, s^"`s',''r A ;.i`a' no"« ^''s. ^.`^a ^'i_^^. .^'r

'x,^e' .^':^'al i^^s ^.a^'fh ^.iwt^''a'q a^i^',^,r3,ws^xi:^' ^°.. A uA ^i^w.^^'z !Z^atrs ^i?t,- iVIs, s azJi,:.u=ve.. s"eca:l„rd t: :.t. she parLiS.^ a:^..^id liZP yoFa3 s^liZEr- ^ S.n^i`v+^'^'u-f„^da.t.:`^ ^ii.^:i M i.^.'l^A^w:t:Y. ,^ ^rr ^on r ^°zs`.^ -: :a '' vz%,xs "'ciiiftg I^gal pro^. '^lvms and the local S;hi-We:''> ^,,-svt: :t^e.Y, ^;?e^.uc, ..` ^^.e a C 4.a`s, .i `^'^'l^^_ ^ ^^^^^:^. i^. what shQ r^fe.^-e^. ¢^ as ^''^^^^sty{a^

PdS. ^Farr3.,,€'i7}sS cs..?u'l's-l of -ffeaL.mex?w .^i.,i: S."^`^'s^.t'. reV'4..'-0.^^'r Li:as`, She has r;,o4 ^xhib:a.y^'' ^rrs".o4.3„g symptoms

of ^^^'^"^^Ri ili3e+,u, Nt'erif's.er ^ '.^..^5y-'^=Y^'E"+x^'^?i.^^vn* ^, itr.^s, z "" ...'` ^sz.6'ir^^.^"'^,c^ ^3i.^eT' ^. 'a,e "1 er^^.' , 'E^. saZ^ has not displ^.yed any ;^^sycax;^LS^: s^^p#o^^ss mcejv^Pda..^d ^:he°> ^=^_j.T iv z' ^oj QT^.>;^, p^ d ^, pT e;;sed

a.e^xio^+,`Y .,,rr''q Rather, ?`^ tiE:. 31^' x^ ^F .^i: ^ax.i%TSn ...^. ^ri .,^^,s<, x 4 f`i' f-'- r^^ , ; `^^7 r , ^s^i^43^ " .4^^..^,t, ^,,,e.a3. ^',5`+-^E ^s.".:r s;^ch's'es ^'a

/. v4+rcis+)3,wfdy ?YAt. 9.l4soGdeE Os. .'L:o..LC.,-.'.li.b- ^%ona?^oy DA.:1Of dv,., hA, . ...^.^dTh).5"SSihas aisc been p s^%Cei'Ied by Sosate z3Ee t^d^ets of . A t -en as ^1 :k:^ 11-1 0-' 14 12 36 FROM- T-223 P0008/0008 F-753

.^ isc^r^^r. 1A: .^a^; .soa_ :^°'^ :a ^, PsNrc^aol ogist, to administer ^ ^c $ r ^i ^ .:^'v "i ^..... C •..t^.T.:4"f-,^ to ^^,•^'.'3. _:.L:n A^o-f "J,fv _.,he . -'.« '^'d^se' _ ^.kP'. to • ^+'+^-^S..R.^+^3.^L^.^^'.3 . . ...-^K1.kS^ .^^-s

Rest^'^aa (4 ^ (^ (}^ 1 ^ "^^ . ^' A+,t...j . ^.. d. r.°^.,'"'; , . ^r, ^^^`^> ^ ^f..t3^c.3'4^L^, w^'Vibas 3^.$ ^

to ^:^-±,^.ie ?,.'^^^i' '^' et';ige ip.;tA-r+,.:ntR^ ^ove? yd ,'egf?.'^.l3.aE h>'°'.T, and s.r"+.. 3i yvS.u..,d ,:, d'. ^ _ . s1 and un'F-ior.9t^mu;%q1ae a^'iw^w?^.t of her idb deaStanC'ii g of why vI'+ wa^ c;,sa ^• ; S'" ' ^', . ... q^,^ S°.sf44. t -.{ '" ub+^xsb ^.s ,-S^^s5. ^^°r„^«ya^.^'^,e between- a masde^^anor A^and a felony,i"(!s.,,i ^^'.,.^,.ao . hs ^'^3RsW..8ol^' ` T!_ ^ ^,d ^ ^,,_eA s.^"d e A,3c?..._^ ^ sf2y is more see 3. ^^,^^,

Wsa^^ questi43Ei£'.fl. ^bo3g the sf3ls^ ' s_Eh TA^"ie D^.^,XeI3.Sy AilC9raey; Ms. 1-112G:...3:.^,'o', st':^^, ?'s ..SY defense s°zw.Goyy an.^i°. pleads rny side of +'.,^v^',se.the I ^.k^>d a :,4Ao^a+',^?° to ^ _,e ^^k^^. ° /'^C.+ ^'- ' y2 1 the y^ ro+,.^.w ^4}.^J.^L`Y^ ^9 ^"c^s, .c '^^y'r x ^^, & r± my^ 1t^, ,'^v^'A^^''/4.n thens `¢f.^l.fi^' `^wa `^u5. s., '^GaN _:.. fAs^"'.^'z t 1 . z^^o c^c.4.^` e pro^+^.,.^, ^,^ ^ r '5^`or'6' ^ p^ ^1`t°Y °^ d xV[S.1^ Hairfso%'x ddP1nl.1fi^^'a t^^.' 'xrob, -' of .:ae Proq_^_-^.,asa.zg Asto_.ney ^:a`u GF^'',^ pr^,.?v,, ,. .,"^e ^'xd prove A^e g'SJi^"+w;^.sa She sta¢p'^. t^?h; the J: i^^;" cti'.siuSa.s 'fo +^^r^3i : ..adew ._ *'.s^ '^ r . ^^ ^'vi,-'^: a ,v a ,Av, sr hfti, Ha d3o:k kcn.ew there aA e, ty^.^A^''i°dt''..&.Ay fw°-3it•J,. t.^is.,aviduFZU °vJn:. a .:ua`°+ ia:%'.&a :':r both :7ird`°:i and

64rddda,Jn a jU'edg1SALfSt,•9 3a".3$^.^la .= ^ ^,l^.l.:si"lj^ a5wFb8:lew ^w^...k4, a ^'?'yk e ^v's " ^^^~4, ,^5 ^f ^ ^y., ^ ^•.: ia ^x,.s.^A t,:Mei:7^. vr..^.ia.i'^u for the S=y:ose^v'^i.ryr.i(3^Y or %.E;^ dkfd:^'^+^ %a She 7^s^..AadA^^t^',.^.4. n;'.:,i.]T ;v x:hQ

R.adgW)dnh"^g her a^nde^standeb3.^ ^^^^^^ (TuBty ~'bc , .°7vl^^, *' J+ ^.azas.:^,h:^'Ae s,.cs.x-^,a,, G$.. .ez`'3aJx.,. 8;,^ ^: 1^'ou.^,^'€ ^F^:w the ^}^'+ndsh^"A?u^?^.'s s theShe i.^ne^t$3Re_; ';3e ^^"4 '` as.L a ,c. . ^1dR,, her u;1de^'^aid5ri`y' of the I'-o Ci?ntiet.., -P c:i:a w °a'.d, J{ ...a ^noa. ^ ,ng to rp^^ad" gWl^a^^y o^ innooent. B,^.szoall..-^ ask the,. co^^:^. v+:^nato decide svh:k x^`4: ^S'o,7i ^ ^"a^^^` cg;. ^m to indicate .^', t-haZ she Lind.^ti'I"stoCYd piev'id,'.Ftg fl^.^i' clorL?Sti iS bcs°.s:a adaa:ssson of the faots ::?th4 ,.sO; lyls, Har4'is5:31 yixe iNy1u't .^3'uiRy by R,F9aS'`Jr; `^..^.f :y;i ailteJ' Piew as "Yo.a. a? ^ m;.o' ri right Ms.nd 'gi t1he *Ldme of a+x.^'v ^°^,.«^i ^c^i.id1.S ^ .x^-}^ ^.^^^A3^+^+^3's^ ^-1 a of ^ a^^^^Vn ....^. ^_.+ ^'^i^> ^°g.stated,^s^3, ^+'`°i3HaiTisd,.^^. +'At^'+r. ,+;

"Something 11-ie Pnoseuraor ^omes up MA4 ? to gx'te y o'u', s'at.%^+ .. e C/ sys,3^..'^s ' ^ s 4PP'a,; ^p 9^ak^ wFf

n.hl^d 4^'ih2^i^g^"i's, e a plea^ to it, ^ln4.^. 4^a^'l. +r.^''i ^I'a= '^ti+i a ';^ehd. ^ -"x ^e'ss Ci:.3i^ _-,- 1a41v, m aa...:. E ^:Jxt the3:-i pm °.^r °a bded

a gy^jood .^`r'xid^'fap^ ; Ma.s.'v oo1.f 'wtil.. rv"^.+^iii...'^,s ^,' ". ^J:,x^v^" s„^., ,^`>, s y,^,A:f, >,],^r. 7^, °'a '^ ^9^ ;^.t.:v^nt ,/°1ls. ,.^',^^•,!,.?^„y ^s._ bafvY?u'

°=1'Ihed ^^ you have t'^''+ '^^-^.' piFn H a.6^'i a ^.1^ ^3 si+^;,v.o:..r, :"7 d^ u't'^ e. ^ i ti.rr ,r oc ^'^-^,R.^.: 5'^` E^.. .L ^,'' y., .y . . ^ ^ . . r' iParve toit '^'^^',^:w^ 9 .^ostAktl.^..i^,tion_ Thej/ watch t b1P -yC3"t,e°^. ..k^_^ ^ ?' _C4^'tJ^,a^J "U n^ ^P._^ to s ., .C:^.^3^"l^^sotibs " _qk ,. ^. of pxobw^on= "

,J (^ T .^^^ ^. [ ^^^ / ^i!3. Yh)zriSoi ^`^.^ows to be,eav, 'n a d 4^ 4. • a ^ .^J,FBE.R'^v-* Y. ^1 . .d..+y^â ^ r^a*^•s;^i r . ^ -^ '^^-,- L e Li%'^ -mcU ^} 4 5 ^.uei^ry+.SS is alB :iYV e to Spo'G^a.k rzk iCo-'Us°°t "Whi,^'.Z's KrS^aS^:.`t"'e . .^},S^x?^tis or ..?^.f'af:;i^ ?sai>s ^.'^^ to ..d^^x^ "C3i?rt " 3",^+.4:^"?y.^if r. E`^S;i'a7'aC3^`3^1 ^^eA.^. ok^feT^'a„ in °^.^...^Sla".1.^£ ^ iYis, ^^ _,e?J a•^ • , e-a CT^ Le''a'rr,. " aa Y s..II„e: 9.h.:^ i.^ "4i .. ' } r^ Qr, k^ 6i>.^i'. x ,:` ;3I.°.e fl^^.'^E thva? ^.i gA.^^3i' a ^'^:om e^.k ^•S"^ added , .w^S^'T?3:^ ^^ ^^V[`^^^ ^^ ^ ^tJt4{^ .JS'^. wy e o e ll ^+! ^1r ; ^f 5 a^ y,, ^xy^ ^., qy ^y t t .r l. Ae ti9 p21.`tF^4}riV sp eakri&d`e b y A a. upp for yotiw," ,^.^^5, ` NP^ N ^ h4 h "Y^ .^"^^aten"k h.^,, ,.;t.^'^^;`^.y^ to x:s^' ax^ft n.'^o,?^aeyl ^°ru, -,•,:sy .;w,,dgy wq;lG`'fi not allow ihiS, As ^'€•U'E{,,i.^ ^bcwe3 sxyv'". is g lan^.^.,,ng r 'a. b.^£' :^exi h;aa,S3;,g, When qwsfio.^ed do^^^ ^-, -wo? s; ^^enazk) rega€°dii;ka^ ;.^:" a..3cb^.F.,^. :zx^sr^ . ;^,^^d ..,. wf H ^,^r x^t;^ ,, S`z^tu^^bd t.,^ ° ♦ > ;'^" ^^`;,'^ ^ ^7^'rshe .A^3is ^'^ t

Y.^gatqiilj` custody of h.Ci.r ultdldna5.:,

Cofia,t^.^:^l. ^.nf^^rm^.^^^-r;. .. _iA^Sb:.` ^a^.^.i^^4.^i .^•^J:3, f:21s^i.r."S,'^^.rdz 4,/a ^ ^ u ,7-.L k,r FF«_v ,..L_^ssr

has exhibited a"Ao o°^,'^^rt sdqnpi.f'"ns of no^ow:%s d,-,AAq wesC',

4 11-10-' 14 12; 37 E ROM- i 22„ P0007/0008 €--753

-mi''^ed S1hL''it ti'r+n'^A^,`0, may f?-^:^i^^ b'^.vvAa, 4`y'.irTetss.^S ,C.g s^J°;9:.e x`.>..e -:.( t`s:31Aur'.''A4^ p^i'^thM6,1:..: v ^a,^-" t +^e ca^>ai',^r^ y but*

this YYs°'^a.,^tas to be 'ibu ^,z f%E.^'Jre to -.1.5..-, u:n.s,f bw rlcf 'axA active nni'my.T%x:_ flu"n e`..s.3, C43n.r6i:.f^V Wvre also ^a^..^eted tffia:`, Fvj'v: Fgaxr.isun e12a^? ^.3 .f N.' 1;3 Y of :sx.i

g 5^on,'^,.mayJ a'^'..,ISS?Ps; , pmvsd^--ti iw"-2e''veu.^imr''L. at >t`^'°.7.`^. I°bj.f;. I.,or2ge^;^7^^ ^'y dS3vc1"3b#^^ ^^5. Harrison ^J bt ime 3 i , 3 k q ,.,^ -a,a` o^ g"^uE..s .r,^, ;r 0 . ^i ^^^Y'v ^^ia.Z^::wi. d^ uyS$e,.-,2a, 11,-5pi'ie 'hei a°3gy?', Ivis, PaA.._so... has vvns,Stei bl.^ to di5^c'u,^^ C'oLfI°'moo?'n

Summa^y amd Ogy^.",9a<3`t)-i: &mmaw...^"?a JI-I'a?''.: o; a hJ' 1^`t .'.'2%^'g4r^z 4'1 ^ H ,,/."f '`.^`r1ts..+f h ;- by $. DP.'icpjptGoY2a vt+Ns

m&nmd to Summit Behavioral >'^^e.. _Va•„a'^, _^., a,, 20 r4l"`^+"y c _ .aa C'ej:.^s ;.BG%. "un, Regarding her ".^'S.is%o:iya â ' .^„ Ms.. F'-^f ,ri,afirl ^*,J s..4,,,,ti. "' she wz:,^ ^'. z'.'' ,^z `^^,- ^a3'"`-'«', ^ ^w, ^ . ^^,f'e,^7 as. up er West ca'=`'^^. l4''r^'r m ..^`r'^'^x p^Gr.,,^x^a^:rr ¢^ :^f_1^3.:^,..^^' ^ "^ n^' c.t`(>f, ^? ^a ^.^, i' '`'f ,^r^^.^ ,^ ^ ._ ^_. 1 .?t i^ls.^^a^' ^,^« ^I^'.o „ ^^^,^x^= ^yJ^... .^ F%t+... her ^r`'io4„be' ' y^ " .' ' ^,'tslho Pvs;J'"%^."^,;"% is..is¢f':,'Ar^ Gw child rt,^•ya "..n: s.. "^ .^'..^.^' ::`.-. , ..,,.^^_.,^...,,+.7''fi,.^. ^1-att I^ h(,'s'

( v^ fau2^,-r could be physi.calily +`"7.F a;- ^^`:,-s,f ^ J% C.t.k r.. -^ ^ n^ F ^1a /v. ;^ , ' ^ 1 .„Ger ^` . ta^l.=^a ,+.a°^ vS.^.L1,a. ^..3^ ^^ i'^q^I;^a^.,s'^.^` laoweveh, t.".°.Wt s.^'f^a° sxks.+".'ae5 shL h ad spe f r , a, ; wh- vY? u g h;).^ses and dogs.

•Roga.'',A^ing her ed..xed^.^iny ^4I.t'7 ^em^`.ik,1=.J..s n ^^.}^^i`l:^.3 >;d ,.t ,^:.-.- . fs..7.:!"J. litg-h s':r:v01 i1i. ."ai7l^97. v, _ She 'ii'ta^ra'f^`.aia^,'^.^ diligently 3.t^2 s.m"i^A1,f,.". ^`.L.v :,., ^^ '^ "^ ^^^:3- .tr 'S g' sr 3 iJ.,, e^^ - ^T" .y ., '^5.1, ._ 16 ^4 s:.i.^.^"v ^/p ^ e.c:Sdab^ ^ to&V

pardcPp3le itt a"3.ig.abe7°k+em«E'+wb.o.$i, e'.n'('S.?'e.°<,i..i:^^ an amoyna°s', '^..ss dek^r^'w:„7 's')-:r M; ^.'.^u::a'A^S.ds,.....'^".... T-^e d '^f^`y" ^''^r . f'epir3^,{a that Sh° has b'vors ^--d in yzaiSm.Wsmeaz w:xd as ^(-2(+^ pd .Y T an, NTI, 1 il. j F . also '^orted that

^.7'4^W kI'^/h^.ASV ^OJ.L^ 11^9fYL1 ^i^'./Sl^?u1^'iJ..v°µ1V^.. ^yV^=. iY.c4'^f. yfi/w.:. ?...L..r^^x^2:J^^4.n Y'^/1^41'-Li'`:^.^. LY:^ ^^Nt^ .^;/+ " r,c-•.Al Ff.\i`^yjAe).Ai.J^^ ^^Jh^

ada:'7E. of ^,•i? 13cSkprou.ut%o^,U; tvbri''J ^'^hAx.dtL^f:^ .Ah. ^..^v .,2^?^!i EJ'.d's..^.^^^`^, ^. tx+ A; :p y^"xa,.?"^s, ti.d ^

cbffldz^n vdht3 e3,h^:' currently :^^^^vn;•^^-', '^'A^.s^. ^^',^.. .^c`#..ll.a,.:, AS. Hwi 's,.sin. vc:, r.-. J..^r ^h^,- has lYeen.

ii:.vt's..Ay7ed vv@th vhF local el2:%drtnrs f t'`9,a',,u` ^.. z°^.o:i'1.&, .- , ,e'`f ..s.hte,` - < concerns E:-^($'v C (^/.c^n,^1?sei° ;ys L`^'ia:^`^^.r°,^ a Js, _. „ .^.e .. :♦ c^i^ 3 .: 1^: . ^ yK: r. tmia5 s.^^%{ls ^Y k ^ , y,^^,,. . ttiL'•^_Ai°dc'^".t'Sd _°..., .^.°°7^,.^C^y'a^'._Tr?^ea 3, 2014, and sho i^"'w':°.F._ i^., to ,f 5^"'^J:C ux ^.,..l:^v w^.:y.i^i^ir^.,

iv-fs. Harrison's :o-u.isi: of i , '.a^.^,.> ?Lr r',^x3 "^t, --) c^ft a,Nve in^uM3: a' jl%nwwJ: Conc«Nrdh;: tsas w be'z .-:i: i..sups^° n^.^ i''' t 'r:tK".^i2t. to '':'I,'" t^ ..ch, she :i$7.e,,,I1 her acco.'".t_,l',.:. h .,.w..s.ts. r".^a,y emd, t3-o r>Cher psyohotropic

In response to the S':cfbisa.^ questh;w, this evai'.aa>=^^ fo;...',°td `hw"

c^'^aaA^e o^.^rmzl^ly le'`I^,-Ied ^.taia?.^t^ ,^ .ai":z', as^ r^s +.^she ir., :^.s a`3 ^ ^'rr^. ::s,. -}& '°^.^^C'r ^^r^ n ^r,:`^^ D?'^^as^' of ^^°^a^^^xe¢ , ,^'^.a^^.^e:^, z ,^ S^-:e ^, is ab^e^ }"t^:E.a u^^ i.^r ^'s2.u^`':^ 2^`,^ z"7.,_ ,^s^^^^i.t (`"ys.i..ty^t3- ?I.i^..,a` ^ v ra.,._^. ^- e»'^ua;i^ " + ^^ 1 .^^f,^^. .,^r ^%h, atr^n..ry^y ^ ^ ,^ r.2 ! ^r ti °- k7 bt- k ^^ chooses to do so. AN Ela::.,v^.an is ,,.v'wxe of dm hnk,. of Atieava. ^^.t.^3 ..a^^ .,3^u^.,^",^°'^, °u a. s^3°^< ^^ v$a incl uding th;, aS,E-v^.-?'saCZ2l nature of si As. H".r Ji:$osr. c;

-mows :s"^')garry^rizg the %l;a%gv: M:.1s°: She is ? ;:.`_? 4+,.s;..if ..cb4,sarlly au'.-?d p ' e3 S' eA bS7hnwssts'..^'i. The d efePkdar i:3 s'l.hi+. ^:. :vonk ir', :. an G,.c "''wy 'x• ^d ^ -t, 3d3 ws . ,.toN ,., She 1 i able r '^ 'Fkdfus¢axDC^.' ^^'Ati ^^^r; ^,^„' ^M,^ '^a ins$f"^+`.G%iC:a and eV t saxom^^^b D a ,c^:. ;:`^^ . ei^^.^,a. ;-' ;.'^^;33: isv.z, d:lGtz'd':;:,., ^• _Qf d'.y' a :^ii1,..,.:`bi ^,^ outc,o32dG, e^1'^S:ad .9'hc `' knows t,.? 7ehowe ti',..t.iprop.i°v, lt? s_ o7t%t iE Ax i .. ^. ;^ ^a'°S^3 $,^^.^a"n"C.'t+^' ^ SF'a^'r stx ^^s,-Df a trial or hea1'^3'3.g,

F Based 'opo33 ttd^; :.i2Fui'3:.ga=;io", ^t^ ^^ ^F; , ss:. ^ s C;2 .;w.E :}b.,(^s.^ E ^..,^.?_aâ . ^.'4 ^^,.f^:^ ^^v w., ° ^^ f ^ with ry, rF:aS^.'A12bRe d^gf e^ ,3'- p^iy^`^2?l^?g;.^.';, ae r a?.t;^;'^; 11-10_'14 12^37 FROh;- ,-ii^ ^0008;`0008 F-753

a personalityJstyle a ,^tr^t3.^t ..,a.:,enn ty rl by _,na .ct?^..a, and

2. Ms. Harrison is ti1.ot in'ildA^ mentally s:^fo;csed;

3.. Mi:- x'^"larr9.G'.8: I' r f^r ,a " ..^. 4.,+ s [? f'air"'s^.^''inT5y ..u:'`°ab'x^.'.^Y of a..,.C,,AszC '^.. ti. ,j },.,:^.v .i 3 ae-i ^^.^,.z:.. :' Js t^i'; ^^^r..^ '^,i.^i^%e o+. . p.^^^ei^dzn,g3 against her; 4. Ms. HaaF"s5f3TZ is ^^urr,^Tltiy Yc,; afrx" of ^..vu..:^^'in,^ .^i ^..> ^:,.. ^ ^,' ^.u! x...e.^ ^n 4f^F4"k^cs^1ofs^• ^ ss ^ ^5r=^ o to do so as w1his is ^.and^r tr ^;4 hek ^^^^ i .^ a° ,.z^ , vs an.^'^, :3.ot alPna.ss;' and

Y - ^. ^-u^. ^".yk^;^ad'x.a i raiY'e^^iy` ^.osvTi^':P^. ^.,;'`T `v syal:(, tr,,.a^,

C ^^,^^^s L^C, E^ % ^^y^,hoxog;wt

^ ti 7 ^ ,i J. ALLEN ^^^^^^^ ATTOR^^^ AT LAW 7821 NORTH ^^^^^ DRIVE DA^ON, OHIO 45414e4694 ------(937) 278-0652

November 25, 2014

Ms,Saa^antha Harrison

?n re: State vs. Harrison

DearMse Harrison:

As you know, e have been appoan'ced as your ^^^rth. a1b.^^^ey^n theabav€^: matter. 9 would be happy to meet with you -to discuss facts and strategies for defending you ^ r, ffio5 matter, :f you wis€ caIl and schedule an appointment to mee witVi me at my office.

Thank you for your cooperation in this ^auer,


fd ^ ''^ i ^. 3 ;^^ .^` `F » ^i.i ,

J^All^n Wilmes Attorney at Law ^: ^

7821^^+^ a :^'^^,,°t^ ^Jr _T ^' i^Ir'a`^^j° v^ r r-q ;a - yt c %^OJ^"^ ^^ OH ,^ ^5^^ ^^^^ ^.4------

^ ^^^^^ 2`e 8-065^-^.-^.

Ms. Samantha Harrison ^O Box 13 Brookeaille, OH 45309

i%. a"b^ State Illss,rn:on Casp No. 2u 1 4m CR- ° v 8

D+^.^'ar Ms. Harri.c)on.

i ca.s'1ixoti s"G3^'^.^^.,w' your ,. ^'^vy^.e^" ud ^lq^,.`^`"^,'s.*. ^. (in '13^^ `.:s,+. .3^6'F:va<),`^:s i n:-r. ^aV3^x.,ssr y'?^. rPGa^;:4Zt^';^k: ;^ ^ as I have not heard ^xu;rE.^s yoa.'t sEkflce the 112;ut- OU^_e

Enclosed please fin^. copies oi .iw^^`^°^^'^'1.. zi ^% ^k i1cx k,^ : :n(...«: mo'¢.xon in 1imine),i ;3^' `+ihâc:^. I have filed on ^'4^dA.,^' case. I °^^/o.^f ^. ;.:.k^' x,^^? discuss t^.t^^. - cl'?^M^'^'xr . s as f Ve;.l as strategies of d^,'Zeiise with you at your earliest s tjx?>1'eEii?:'cce.

^, g^i/^^^ (^ 11y^anPh yo u ^'..^`3. ^ ^":JA%, attention L.i`., matter.

n .

t3 micerP jy.,

AtE o'V.''i ,, u' -v at %1av ! ^


^^,,,..^.•--...._a ^t EAS 07, 20 15 Z29:28 Prvl _ ,R 00138 D^ac^cei.D: 19%12796 '.: ^ 7ti0 R 'v` A .. , , i _ Lts.^^ ^F C^^ ^'a .^.' N3ONTGOMER.' COUNTY OHIO

V^I THE ^;OT^i^;^I^^I PLEAS COURT ;:°;^R 'a/Oi^ :i^f^^ai,.; ay s '0.II^• T. ° 0^^^

CR0lE$NA.'1 IIDWrr',S' O;^'

STATE OF OHIO Case No. '4CR:38

P ;aflntlff vs. SAiVIANTFIA HAR?a.^SON, ^ ^FE'T-^^AN-,"S MOTf^N FOR ^i F-. .'AI JJ^ Pf\ f ^^^^^ ^aii,

C'cfdli::v.+s Li(`1JNY Defendant, by and L^9AY,:u.,^^ y5^: /.l'+,Connby f(u) of ch^ Ohio Rules of Criminal Prooz^dur;s Fa..O rn^ ve`^ t-hiis ^ . a B';.3 o< _ -.3 _i^^laa"s °A , stat3rg, specifically, alA ^eta?ls ; lens^nts, facts aD^^ ^^^^^ .s^.9c_ i .:•^F. s .s,^, :.^st .^.^.^, Cs.f^zase ^..?; TF`"s.eft (F5) for reaSoiis contained in t:s,^' MFt?"oia3.dunn aiian. a,'. ha,°_'efl'x3_ M ,^'d O5^af^ N D'w l^ . S U POa^a 'F ^Qe ^^ Ohio Rude of C;i3mna^ Procedure 't ti ; s^^^^s' 3 "When ihe DqfCre/,..^.fXYFl m/„y'.,f£'^ !x' vo"WFr?'"iquGs,i , . ^^'E jz d`T^?.3!e{3°^^^^% ^./^J. f eP' arraignment 'Out not later ^f'i.aYs a;ef to o'^'.c tir: a.sr`""^^,,.^'^ ^dan 2^3^d ata^^ with ;^^._^^ ^..'^''. r^`3a.'xa^°x^ tj1 ta' ^ 5. ^2aa.F^i :^^>;^F'^.i t:^. b ° :.M. ^.;i..s,.$r..A^..w^ ^^'<"^. , ^a^^bvtJ,s^•` 2s3^ ^.^. ^.. p^..^•^;° s ?^^.s ^.;"sc exact

,^ location which consfitute'^^e above• 361, nwhich . :..x;s ..-aJy£tl :^d:n*. ^4^.:7 c ^.-^^d a.3rp1,4i6.i..

Defendant seeks ali detazis as to t..u :;pi;,Ai?s, acts :o: W?;:' J® S;la is charged Wtth t3"3e al:^^^^ offense. r R e a^+.o^E "v Sub F'nF ^c j,

/Sf. J ALLEN WI LMES ;^I s a{° s' ° n.t^ i A iSen fa . ^.'.^,^:± it^a,^i^ $ ^, J'

A r.!-;-Q'Scn.`^i%'i,. 782R :`4 ^-Jh D:ove D'2G.yton,, Ohio 454 , %k°4 f,97'-u

' 9 37J 27 8-0652

CE" 11° ^^^ TSE OF S^,`RVI'`±. I here?Jv der",".fj a cort?v on ah° z:?^e4g ;:a^ fi?aS ^.:^^,w°r '^xi Ptosecuto8, by de1t.areringa copy to rt.^^ ^^ ^^ s a.:4 e ate Jz ^ :.n.

i r W 1 iV 's_, ^s.

,. , ^'>, ^ P.^^.r. ^^f^"/^ 1.^^e' ds :=Y C1^+ni' ^ 2 'i:t''^; .w._^--.. - ...... _.-- ..._ ^..,""^. ,...- ---

..A_ ^ ^ ^ .....^.

`.n-^,o...^^ £^1 L/

^ a^

U f^.^... . rv''^^:+3'•ssr.;.^ia.i_e..'. ^': ^^5

1^ ?r' snsas", ^.e 1:- A^oz;, i .,.E... :+5-UM B ."^,^.ni'f, : s.^;. ¢i0,138 ;.X," ^^i;^" '"^%+C'(3 •o. A Syt:: .

1 r .:"K A •^)r ..^..^C:, a ^'ifw.,te•'.a^^ t4'! a,..ce' :'^e^ ^<.^:^`^'


STATE OF OH10A Case No. 2014 CR 138





The State of Ohio, by and lhroi=g^ };3^p^ office of the! Prase-l-Lzsina Att4,-cafey for Tv'jontgornery

County, hereby responds, purtiup-nt to Criiyi. R. r(E)of the OhA;o Ra,sae5 of 0ii-ninaa Procedure and

to the Defendant's request for a Bill of Pa^^^cu^ars, ^^ also-; Dsscov'erv ^r.cabeti^ and additional

discovery provided to Defendant detaalia^g dz^ oft ;;-n:;g^(u ).

The Defendant has requested a BiI? of Particulars pursuanit to x,'rifins'na^ Rule 7(E).

Cnminal Rule i(E) states ix^^ pP^irjen^ ^art:

shall &,..fiaAsl9 i.Ed:e

dvfe.nd`...&. °.^i?.Ei. a bil-f of^^.^^."",kticu1axs sE'tiffi"l-1'19 3lp '?'Y^u.,e,.;tiic:dlly ,r,y> ^+ ^A /a^ ,o^ y +. 4F1 the0.^0.Jp ^^¢5,l.d o f^^a^i r4l A^i eir^.^.T^W "u1k^, ^,4^i+^ ^^ '-h 6J 1 t.i:.`,"s ci]5.1d^'J.S.a' +J'f the defendant alleged to ;.-^^ ^^^.:^ye ?:i-ie o^.^ense, (Emphasis A^^edj

The State, however is not requifed^o J(a.s:;(ose in a bA^l of particulars its ;vidence supporting an element of the ^^^ens=u, Stayce v Sd3r:enchlk, ;1997; ^^^ OhJ;o App.3d 30,


tlEe i The State would assert that nd°,dtni°nt ki?. this w s€ fls sufficient to coi V y the natuxe of the charges pending agafi,isG the Der.mdxnt.. Moreuv,,r., tih.e State ;.r^ ^^^^ case has .^._.^

i C, >\ ^ -Fi.' i'F^i^^^ .`r, ^ L^ ^asr^. ^ ^! k1;^^^^ u^

;`?^ - . ^^ ..+> R ^c '"g .^- ^;+ `> r AI.^_ - ^"f'

^ .. q-^,^ ^ •-•.-^. 7 .^.'^ ^,of,.^..!°iE. ^ y, ., P^;^-,-v T ^,/ . 7821 S^! ,^% f V.. i_ ^ r'{ /-' J^P: ^^^0 i i

S• .i^_ 4,,,i^A .^ ^^^ m 0 1,H] }i 0 S'^e.5`^'i^e .`s^'

^,i^'!^^ 278 4,511552

February 23, 2015

SAi^'AAi! ^^ ir?L^`n d''i`3_i``+Tti 75(l) WOODS DR , ^ W E a ^1AIM$ T 0 N C) <-r 4-53' 83

_x^S d^i. Harrisona3 4.4'1.a.^^r ^^.^..

' ^^^^/ ry Rw ^ ^

Dear Sar4^.ant.ha,

P ^'.^i^'fosed a.^ N•^:i e,;`±% 1"_F.,y b f% _^P^ ^^'^.awe. As you c^.?a ."^,^e, ^+.^?^s is .^^.'^^ .^"^5.^,'^.s n^. `^?, ..^ .°% `r^a^'n-.. ...4, , ^ .^_:,n+.^,'° ^,^I^. s 4 ^.-^;a". ^o,..,'...^ ^.n^^^ `''^° ^ 'i'" ^^..i,riare ^^3cZ^E ^ Si -^ +^, /f r^9e l^ ySJ•eA'AY5CGL/+3Q,i l o f ^,'^f,^ a1KJE. 1:6, 2 iy14. S.L ,^i^z 4^..1.^t ,

As d i ^a^6 n have 1 V _1d U.'',; ^l !^ f.^..x. a f. ,na ...:rk^^^ence set ' 'r March 5^ 20,14 at

4 00d^,"'m, It waSi:.ld b':, adv..sabsc _6 r yo.n. s:. ^ ^tx: a F: o •e_ . . ^A9 to ,n.. ;^:t with m.° a3?d to ^r"^^cu,^s defenses and 'L"a.al SE,

j_ fya:.

at Law T .k

% '^-.^ .^ ^°i7 .^-,}'1

^1'F _:^. ^ ^ _ ; .:v1 ^r'a u' f

7821 IT-ti DIXIE DR

D1°L. ^C b^`''^^,.^.^g ^'^ .,^.^3 ^. ^;.Z adfe,l^g ^r1 ^ dk "-2d'^`^ ^'^^`:^^+^

^r,^^ Ra^'^^ ? ^93 `'^ ^ .fr! . ^ ,

J%az'^h 4.: ^...)

SAMANT".-'`.tA HARR ; S Oi,j >^ OHNS. 75 (:.)"WOODS DRIVE WEST ^^IL5'ON, 011 45383

i:'_ rea

' , ai e t ` "T v Q . 14 - CR° 1 3 8

^^ai- Samantha:

Z^ ^. k^+J^ s i ng final ly nn ^^ ^a73 el, wF7^' c^ w'e s -yA ,.^.',^^^ av ^::aa• ^rrr ^a;jIG.>>? % s'j r ^"v^^ .. ?x'r' v prosecution o f% r your dufeiise 9 1 h^a.v^ ^orne c o n cerns ^.,. C'iou.:- ^ your. lY5^ ..^,r, , ;^r' an u`^.k..a_d the Yaj .,,U,=^o^ fn «..,,se.: Ff. , -i s,a+1eno p.^6?^til^:^f making TMs2ot'^^.?^.;.s to t^e ^,o^. '^ .^^:^':^.>s^; .:.:.t ._? ; %^^ a ?aj ^y% ^sii db ^^^i '- ind:ctz'"2ent affte?' the grand iury v< t.,,d a:"3,' PJ ^^ basi, s , ; ," 17011j,.^ :. .,rthe s;,.b on with r%t^ag^,^ ai. ^g^a ^. i^& e^k' bill of particulars. Ht^vlP;i"'er, as I advised -,.s u, ^ arn, a ' C Q - vti. „ a ^«._s` 'kaa.^b^S "^ ^6^,. ^`

success on those motions.

YC)^,+T do have a right to remain s3ient but st '."'^.a.y be a ch^,°;.re ts? be =n.ade alltex 'yoas hear What the Sta,^e witnesses l°Aa:Ie to say a-bou; you al'idi whet:l-e:- you ha^^ a response --- especially since you have no cr;nnana' ;^^oru,

My b^.^°^^',^'ii^ concern^ s'.^'i the,ai^^'°+ of t^^1Yl:l"«a'4.^.''ss^-:?^'^v.:. i^.^,n.i..a. youa^, at`°'^_a^.. ^, ^' Fe ,F„ / . . ,F ,. +..,. v s " ro " v ^¢ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^h t ^V^^n ^o r ;a `c x „o^._ ^^ v F''^'^IZ ^^ i ,.._Y e.. ^£ Mti / t` ...v': @^.^;i.. t .,...,. a v S: ^^: 3: ^ a S_ z" rauf..^ ^u c ^tiv bacs{a reS. FurAteY, calling m u?t3pic doc;.ozs to _e,,^^if^ to 'hs :gs you!s%4ia r s.d `i?eis about Rr ho

.'^ ''C.^'. ; '^p l ^de^^s ^^i"^S you ^.^? "^,,,AS..^. ^.rsa^;J'ar,s^ in^.^^:ssi ^;.y!nanda . z.^soj ^ith<^_ ^ ^.iv 7°es ;eU^^,>^, 4.a F*i{°: ro^essio:^a: ^ services and schedules. %"r^3^.i;''', `iz7;; :ii2.^'a ^Iof1{ ;eR? hard ^,.f .ze'_c^S°a:e ?^^e y^.^s::"ges 4:^^^inst you so as to ^ keep out P^a,n^^ of your -hYs"or;f v"',th c,..flldre;^^^ ^^i-vycy3 of your _,o4ata^^^^ ^ffraud raising charitable monies. Ivkeda.caF vAit,:.essPJ mr..y ,°;en doors .oJ JHow r. :.^ay is.,=;:e;'> 1'r- Likew8se, I strongly you ;o; .ry.xz,g to '.?o'si% _i county d eputxeS to show your huSband'S absence 'a^^ ^^frou^^^^^ousia; ^^po3 6i-2g :.%pm to the _.;. . visioz: s.^.w^o.ls foi ^el-I p:ay and J. ALLEN WILMES ATTORNEVAT LAMi' 7821 NORTH DIXIE DRIVE . ^^ ^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ 45414 (937) ^^^^^^^^

^^^c-b: 4, 2 0 15


In re: State vs. 1-larrison CaseNo.. A ^-CRm 138

Dear Ms. Johns:

E-ncls^^^^ please find the list oI°px^^ecutorial witnesses -,xhicch. you ::`ace next week. It is my understanding what the State will introduce statements fh,3t aroF,s. ^i.ave signed ;'.a^^^^^ no inccsme. Then, they will produce proof $hat Marty, Strzri^^^^^ow3s was deposite: directly _^^^^ your account. `I'I-^ey may also i.ntrod-:a.ce y0a:^^ credit caxd' records to show that you were ^^^endsng money I'rora soriie scsurce^ Since you declan-e to testify, after the Cou^'a, ove^^^^^ zqfl of my motions to exclude evidence, I do ii®t see any reb-attal or response to the Stage'^ ch.a;-ges. I-^convxyted, you may iaot receive prisor, b^^^ would receive a felony on ;^^ij-r record ^.^d have ^^ sulbn`air t^ the nales of probation. Even now, the prosecutor and the Court ,vould consider you eligible for (ILC) Intervention I.n Lieu OI'^^nvaction (and Canyel the t^.^°ial) if you ad,..-nat to :ailalbg ro report income. II'^ou are willing to do this ^-nd ^e assessed for possible treaf^^.eriM a^^ therapy you may o^^taii, a dismissal of your case and iio crArninal record in this nnatten° Ir- my opinion, the option ddswrgresq^oux serious consideration sinceih: evidence against you appears strong and yo-ar position t^izat za:j.^s evidence °'v3ol^.^^;es ; o';^x Coffss.at 1?onal rights" and ^-nust be suppressed or excluded is uzi^^elv To be s usEa=sned by tb.e Court.

S xrl 0 c re ty,

J. A^^^n Wilmes A.q,- on4 o v a t a.,cw -^-^---^-^.-

^ a ^ _ ^.-^

^ ^ fl`^ ^'

2\ C :`" ^P^...Se.`'-.. 7 R ..iK . -d.,Y F' " ^O IIRT C - D:'; -^.AS 3 s :^^a 3t ." 24:04 P110 38 Doeke#:D; 19861617 a , 0 r :: MONTGOMERY COUNi4° OFM

g ';^ e''+.,dsu S^^ THE COMMON PLEAS^`afa^, iaOy &.9^^ ^"a OF C1q3s t.,a d,C^"^'^^ < a.. ' L. . ^e.e L . p"s,dt'^)°....il',..1

c R, E %0 2 f°•,^.A%n S..d 7 V t+.'°. 1 0 ^ 'v°.

^^^ ^x^ r STATE OF OH9C) CA^^ s^'+.^'.,°, 2 401 +.^ R 138

P4aint6ff, a ^° :.^ G E s.'E s^^;` E J. LA '^^ ^s:.;^^^ 4 `°m^


STATE C` '.,^^QP^w:

SAMAa^ ^ ^^^ ^ARRa^ON VVRiTTE ",°.T


Comes no^a the SLate of0,.^;^. ery :^ounty Ohio, and ^^re'^^^^^ ^^rn9shesa ;€st of va?it^"?esx ,. . . ^ . . <. ;^ .a . . a: am^nded.

KEEPER OF RECO;'aEDS, sV'90.'*. ; ?0r,4E.R•"r.• AND FMkLy

P..^^.E R V iC E: S; 111 " S. E ? . 1 .°^ °: C. M+,.1Ss,:..S B, L V,..^y. D, A Y , 4s^N, `>.^..^4"F!0, 45 4 2 2

^ ; , ^-. ^-^; -^ , ^^ e,^r^° ^^ ^°+ 2. tl'^^ ey /"e. .HEg. F fl ^"^..,k{'ye"^. s...,a^(?i.%`:St..; ^"r^";'9t3`^:^^'iF '^^3^3«1E^,44.^ r.^_".+...^. 1111 S. EDW;N C. i=K . -S ^LVD. D'AY9 ON. OH ^10 45422

r " 1r t ^ ^+, '^^ ^°•„ ^,^,^ 3. ^^lA.-. EPC,...a-^ ^y a. OF p°-Rc ECr^^ O{°^^R^ ^D S, s.^^'^°"' ,^ ^i ^^^^^. , • ^,.lk'b,,'^^'s. .^:? . a°;r.J !^ +.r : q:t-afP1^ ".`^rp? ^°_,. +J @'+,r„ v; ;,C^1y;? ^,"`'fc^^ty^i ! 0.i''7'^` ST, :^^^^A^^^^OIUS" iN 462-35

4. -.. K EEPER^ OF ^'^=^°`"^`^^€'P"*. ^4Jr.Ja.aR...rS. Q,e LC`"s-'^'> L "^^^^WKe a+. p'^^s a.,^u'^'i ^"` P w,.^ i.. .., ..^ "^ .'' 4 i°3:,b..^3^^ ` , 21 774 W . HOLTS EAST RD GENOA; '0^'H;O 43430

5. MI/'°cR fY S c RiN+;"'ELL°..F^''i`e"rV, 5i^,' ;+ALE., ^R.. S^'^6.)O4'^aV,._LE, 451309

^. ROBYN C ^P`R4B "•:Aa iC^^^, '^^`,' 5 ,^.: . L"', , .R.,,ir-i w., T, ^'t.^.y..^e.. SFOOSra; ,.^e ^e3' 45305

iy" 7. ^^^^ vTi'^E3a.ip°y. ^i'„, ^A:'R.R°'!=.. G Si ^ ^^2A ^^ pe'^^^d '`r.sr.^?^Ta^'a^.9f^^itt..^..±F^ ^^^^ ^ s s'y`^^^ xw*+d'^./^^A^^ ^, I,;^^. ^."u^'...5^ ^^ ^e^..^ , .'1i ; tl^ I , '+, °'+^ ^^B^'^E^.a6^.;^^^^y„, 345 VV 2r

a. DEPUTY ^AFM, MON^ ^i'vIERa`CO^.^N?"`^ SH^,.^FR?FF"S OFF

9. DEPUTY ROD R-ROWN, : ; "a SH6^'...r...F F', 'S OFFiCE, 345 W ^^^ ST. DA`Y"'ON, OH'^O 45422

I& DEP;R;T`f M. W'.7 IAIMS3_^ 45vv 2 ND ST. DAYTOi'a, OH'^^^ 45422 tl 1 Y.... G'^-.,:,^,. '0°° P` EAS 2015 3:3 ?e27 PM


1 N TT".iE C-0 Rv9.Mm>'' ?. ^A^v .^?: T Lt . ^ P f K ^_ 0::1^dT't , 01-d^^ 9 CR;. !?r`;. a N^`; L D.k V I:^ ^ ON

STATE OF OHIO, ; A S ti, i i 0.. l 0`1 4 R 0 E : 3 S

',f Ar.Y ::_`'+;EP,4AN


^ SAMANTHA ^ARRiSO1'., ^ ^^_ Ai ^ . . f: $ 3 IAa ^ j ''4ii^_ .s,f^^ P^,°,F. .!-d^ 4^

... , . . - J r ^RULING IN PART '{AF G%X17"^ Of.^ON IN LI?kIINE

Th-C.,' C43LflT-i grants Dw'fe%3da-:?t'5 a'ry0603"3 +"4 .,T'"i.Fi'?e as is, ,Ja:4'Z•.

^m'::i'p34°,M2P'.y or peit?anent c'e.i: `;?d.f of her dh=^die,"s e^:3a3ms. i. 31' ?:lY.,ot3yPoa9:i 3f cg:Ylds"e^ being harT3_a., e^''. by

medical abuse or MuZ3a;a2haEx6^m's by pi•:)xy; a'2G, i."E ; use r vr ^ c1 '^ or firauduIe;ti claims in 1id ;dfu'.,SiiA6.

f.ri/ financial d^.'^ a or informa!?o9i, x't)vweetei iVfl: `3G: a>',^ : _:ile.


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^ ^

'.JDG;`, t'?laAR ": WISEMAN 0

M This c^^current is electro,,n;.svalny ;. Iex^ blv 9 s.ng te ^^edk :;' coe F Fgie:g system. The ^,. ' ^„ sv^^^m, wii^ post a record .^."i.^^P filing^, °^^. the e- F'GS^^a^^ r^. c ..;te,. k^?^'^:nz^-..^<^,t i ^. f c:^^ tai e, . the iolk'v'wing case Dart^^^^ants:

WARD BARb.^^' Nh INE, .'tbAIRINIA K^.^i^^STYSHTE a%SK"^7 ASSeSTANk PROU:ECUx'IN^^ AT':,r,sR.N^'Yy i937)-225-575 7 A.ttornQys for Plaintiff

J ALLEN WILMES ATTON (^E Y AT LAWW (937)-278-0652 Attorney fi3i Defendant, 9am?i's:sth2. l- F^%.3 i ESvrY

?'AND; L''i.ANK^ EF Ba.iiaz-f(937), i ,X-^Ii IiI3 -,--r

^ ^J t:- l^,E D •^;`. N s PLEA$ 2015 3;31:04 PiVI 3^.` CR 00,:38 ^^^^^t 0; 19 .^ ..- . 9 'Me .... . ,. - ^.Z, K ¢.sF ^.::0 ;,^ ;'el ON IF %G ONE F?°r C 0 U iN c't'

1N A Hi: "i_.(-)Ii^lalaJeO!^ O'." MCON7 0:il'vh^,^:^"t^a r.' C'a^.-^UN^ ^ ., Oi 4lc_^i'

+ RUV^91wiAL 0 V .^^Ji

STATE OF OHIO, C A SE '' t'r"., 2v?4 C ^^<'^'^rOi3 is

F'fai nt ."^ .I '.J DG L jY S /- RY YW "+.r.7 E i S1A I''ii


^ S^.^+IANTHA HARRISON, N,rp^ ;^r , a^' REa COUR$.'ROOi^ `t.^c Ap td, a iit. ^ v A OF` Sn,RVe CE DOG AND u; U ,i''ATk 9+JE ACCOMMODATIONS ^

yrl TiC' trial of 'L1C:1s ?x:de,V..;,'.° .,ay^` o.a. c3. i':e:i3t i,Q. E; ;5 ScE. S.'a3x 6, :T; +8 /,^x 5. D:,'1`^l.Y''a^;..te? appears e:n court

?AJi:h a :.^°'nISce ^`i"o&

The presence v f ds^'ie 3Ps";diwi'^ ^ ^^ '.^i'?t3E,e. ^ : c ZA^. T. Sl«... .. i:k4.iC } 'i^^rt.+..I^.. a `^J + .^G4.La^ai s Sk^S..leY^..^ii^'^^^.^'E^3 y to the^L!fair

znd orderly adm?,snSti^acio-n. , k ^ F,x1^0' 0r"c^,^^ s, ." 3%1:.. ^ r ^_,^ ^d a. . .. ^,_ ^l.i ` asvJ practices. 's^ Siv ev e ?i ^

that the service daoye^'x[uS uu.i2 v;'"^:^,-.3.^,.r-..iu.. a_7^'t(.^s .. . r. t ° °v ^ ^^ y.^..?wF..6:.P, ^..c fi4+..ji9i'y, iSeco1:"3^.'S a a^+

distraction °ii^v S^^ ^k`3..^'â'aei2t^., to tE3e z%.xi 2^i"i?: o3v.A%'^^' ^ ^:c'a,:.t;:"(iSti"A?i.^,e°' Zâ "p+."^iG*^, ^.?^i i"s,9;'^S°e,z9tS a 8dgf:>Licu:+ ^ ^i â (aett'1 'nenti ti 52i^rn.y and aei:urii,v, f.°3C; C;tii,.^' ^ 'Js/iuj be id..i:iived i'ff;sa`mn the il;iarS.roor"i" OR.f<^'.i'4diI14^ canine

. ^ "`s';' ei^; conduct includeM but ... -ov$ .:msfed, te, exC°6,.iSi`«Je '?o-Vern, , .. .I::..1.,^_ excessivey.>,.^..r. -t^'^i S°.^:vn of

3it3iSe (inJhintI3' ^T^C3°^i'^; b'3 :

prospective ,tkrvi'Sbe..ng or at.e1;?rK to a'^ - .^'of?,s,c .wI.' z..,, .::o, ;/ ^"".• , t^,.. ov.'.,:? `from. IR t'f'te courtroom and

alternative accommodations Pa. ap1.c9-y'°','. !s: any $i:Chl. ax.:!f.?,_tivC; %:c, 1mi:iQd°c1t1s?S25 will be

provided to Defendant.

¢ i'irst, Defendarx, mayv rRma r. :^i^,^7 .,^"a. r s.her dGg.. b,%"st have a.he Cio- present it2 ohi

hallway or other p1.Pjii11:w: space :)_,,.s;.u.e of vva°` :,.76'^I'3?, °rSFj::dtid- 4.^^, v;/ ,y's responsible adult "r3.S to whom thF'

dog VV1z: o-buy b: hav3 ?orar cornr:;ards 'i a.3£'J,s a; : f^., pub.kc U3.;^r, Defie':d,.'?t 2?"1ay interact with the dog on

.>ch+°.C3IieeU'.'C9i'eaSKS` a31d, request a.rzf2i;=`.1o:nai breaks

STATE OF ^^^^ Nr'-_CE C AS;^ P 201^'^ CR 00138 R A', N, G ^^'u W- RY WISEMAN vs . . ^ ^-^^g^^-, ^.^JJA^.3c"^''7.../&^.,.,., k`^g^ E ;:.;. T;.^ `^iU.

SAMANTHA H.^^ RRMON ^ ^^J F5 ^"^E N .^


The undersSgned. Prosecuting Aft°Jrnt:Sd^.^.) e38; iJe"c.-F of ; 5 of ^,^,^'^°^3, ^"'e:u%^i^ ^.;, ._ ^ `?^ sauc^^^e af the fo9lo4lf6CEs^ Subpoena for the hered^. bedaw .^^^^d w^tnes5 4'-0 a z?a.^ea5 ;hi_ ;,^ua at the t^m: as set

Mlarty St€'&ng@e4iow CaiebX, Brookv.^^e;.^'.rhso 45309,^^

You are required to be and appear tc^,o n ii Ae„ D'^^SV, tNl t`.rmc. Cv rZnnis. M {^ y ^ p^ (^+ p ^^ ^ ^ ^+. gn.^ay rr,^a r^. q^ ryv^ ^,^ 'iaE P$^^s Court, 4tl°d Hoa3', 3,* b'6e . ^V19'6 x/r^i'nxy #8Y1°al' , &^'8 2,d^F! G GA,9^Y79 ERAyb°^"'^f G„7N`ET^N '^s' e^R1^2 '^ _^ 4; N!')r^,t^ a ^^Yfi+. t i, i, 6 °i> £.5:.^ ; i i^ ^^oa^da ^f RFc^^^ ^ ^1^ a^ 9e00 the 1^^^?^'4, u9 ^ A.M. 'tn te^t^;f a. .: ba'i^"f ^f ^: y^ ^^ : ,^N .(,r'aii r^`.^^ i 4 the abave-^en;^^^^^ ^^^^^ and do not der,C3aEl from th^.' CGuE';' §A{;$'oF+, g'.^F.a'+le under P"ti.' ALTY OF i 1R'`r4

Please call 937-225-6757 ;30 a'm. ^^ Q-cdaeduwed to appear; ^^ ^^^ do not need to appear, a :-:,a41 so ^.^^%.^Psen '.,aye '.y M- C 25-5757 be^sy-er ^ ^^ ^.^, and 4.30 p.mn and ask for aha prwse;utos.


+3i:zi7 o '

`^^ THE ^^^^^FF OF lRdION°^^ON, IER°^ ^OVINTY, You are coPnmc'1nded to su 'nmon ncr"'Ea a : ; . ^ set '^°ar"'2 abc';"e to be and appear before 1nis Court at fiho- t:me and place set forth above t; said rvitness:^^ ^ppp-^ , rto-ae,' said witness not depart said Court without Ieavb UNDER .^^NAL "( 01= ,'LA.a,/a.

WITNESS rnhand and the sea6 of t^ : sc^lC ^'£^i,i t at ' . ""' ^$,. ^ ^ J . e11^t1"u, .IC E,^+.) ..2:2l ,^".1 . ^,sar.^"^k '.1r, 4^ F6.^''.;re'c3^,.,^5 1'^'.4.» 20 1 5 .

,^'g o {,aG f.., . . h C e S k ; 5+,.3' ro' N'^t^^ r 0° '^", ud ^oi ®.w';3' E ymo('0 P?ec3.s KS 3;6/2G'5 5 9.57:05 A CR 00138 Docket ^^.^. 19862313 t"RE OP •.F;Xu^- JSi^0"^NTG0ME^,'Y 1--0UN7Y +0..a°H0

^^ THE COMMON PLEA,$ '`.^^^PT 0FfA0`ug g GOMIE ^ ^' ^'^..

STATE OF 0HIO ^ 2 3 .. . 20,14CR00?38 ; y 9^^^^^^^AN' r vs T ,°^r^'^ . *.^d


^^'Uut&n SAMANTHA H^RRBON ^ ^... . . ^^^ ^ ^g^BPC^ENA

STATE OF OHI^^, COUN`^°' CaR ! ^° ` TO Ta^^ CLERK:

The ^ndersigned, Prosecuting A.so,ney's} or, behaff uf the St.^'e of O'hio, , e,ebU rec"J-'s.:: the issuance of the following Subpoena foethe hermEr, below ra, t ied witness appear in nis Court at the time azz^ ;e^ ^amh:

^,mn^ r RecoC"ds; y ^^i.. ^r:^ iAir

^'iPv^iiraFaV'6.UE^ i St., , ^ Y5r ^':?V`^P, .r%^ea iQ,r. IP"i^•^'M, ^,.^' 2„^°^'i ^,;:.^e $ IO ;^^

*DUCES TECa^^^ R0. • '''' . .

You are Yp-Ciuired to be and a ppe aa before tUhe CRHMBNA cr N the -i3 ". o"t Pleas Court, 4th Fl€3or, Courtroom #8, MONTGOMERY COUNTY' COURTS BUsLs.a{NG, 41 Ss.rees. ^^a;smn, Ohio during the week a, IVlonc^^ , ^a^^Ge^^d ^^, A z, 2015id^ ^tc'^f^`'t aat ^? ^ ^ ^ fir r.,m^ s a ^?rE &^t^ss on ^3es a^` of ^a^' {& k : o;:153f ,^i^i;^^3'Fr; in the r^^'is^sty^°^54^iCEc^ case) and dN not depart firom se.afry z,.nda., ,F^IEINWLTs OF ._,WV

Piease ca^^ 937-225-5757 be•^^^en 4-30 p.m, and,3,30 a.m, th,- ya ^.;^^ ^^^a-d:^^^d to appear; if you do not need to appear„ a rew^rdMg wyfll so aj,r^se. I ^^^a^= z{??ve any a.' oa s, 2Z5-37^7 be^^^;^a-9 ^;^0 ^.^a. and 4^30 p.m. and ask for ^he, assg^dled po" svc,tor.

^'?, 9^g ^'•`F&G°as'^^ ^ ^ ^ pp^ '^Y

. . - -... - ..^,. Y 0,087317

TO THE SHERIFF OF MARION COUNTY, OH: Yfil,d are commanded to sta"nmo; he wit^^szs whos e 'ia ne and ad d, re< are : ''tf ab^3.le 3:?? be and auyd3ec'3Y''E.3C?sore ' thi^ Court at i de time and p6ace sa"'Cs?"I' above Tr.)r Said W€in°,^aS c,, ` s.'^rt"`' jtafR3ess not depart : said Ccaurt x^Athout leave UNDER PENALTY OF L,

VVffNE"vvS my5' hand and 'E:he se^i 'l7:the a:a s+. i''" ^ r" 9sJ r + ae ..J'^">" S'E C?^`cF"^,^J s. , ^'1 ^ , 20 1,.1'.

'Gregyr o-'y A. Birush,

f1srpr,':er^ `uixmti4t oe Ccdn6f or Pleas

KS ?!6t2-G15 /y^^^' ^^^ ,^ ^ A4 ^

'.e.""d ^ ^ _ s ^-°`-"--=-a=m.®.>^ .^^ !'

,^„w`"",..-.. ,' ^ o-^^ ^^ -^_,. ^,m^.^.... ' _ ,.. ^ .^ '^.,.^..®,-""" 'r . '.^'

3g ^'._ 0`°4 ^

f ,.^,,^^ ^



STATE OF OHIO, CASE NO.: 2014 CR 00138


0 -vs- ^


0 E 0 This matter will be tried to conclusion during March 16, 17, 18, 2015. For purposes of court 0 .5 economy and efficiency in the management of the court's docket, the following maximum time limits and

resulting approximated schedule is established. ar 00 Monday March 16, 2015 Trial Day 1 ^ 8:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Conference/Record made if needed of pretrial matters ^ E 9:05 a.m. - 9:40 a.m. Voir Dire by Court 0 L39 .^.+ 9:45 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Voir Dire by State C 0 m 11:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Voir Dire by Defense 12:15 p.m. - 12:40 p.m. Jury Selection in Chambers

12:45 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Jury Swom and Juror Orientation

2:15 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. State Opening Statement

2:15 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. Defense Opening Statement

3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. State's Evidence

Conclude Day 1 Tuesday March 17, 2015 Trial Day 2

8:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Conference/Record made if needed of trial/evidence issues

9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. State's Evidence (15 minute comfort break will occur)

12:00 p.m. - 1:15 p.m. Lunch

1:.15 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. State's Evidence

3:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Defendant's Evidence (if any)

Conclude Day 2

Wednesday March 18, 2015 Trial Day 3

8:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Conference/Record made if needed of trial/evidence issues

9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Defendant's Evidence (if any)

10:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. Break

10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Defendant's Evidence (if any)

12:15 p.m. - 1:15 p.m. Lunch

1:15 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Defendant's Evidence (if any)

3:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. Break

3:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. State's Closing (Time Includes Rebuttal)

4:15 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. Defendant's Closing

4:45 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Jury Instructions

In summary, each side is provided the following maximum time allotments:

Voir Dire 1.25 hours each

Openings .50 hour each

State's Case 6.25 hours

Defendant's Case 6.25 hours (if any)

Closing Arguments .50 hours each

Unused time cannot be reserved by a party. The court may use or allot unused time as it deems appropriate and fair. Unused time likely will inure to the benefit of breaks and getting to jury deliberations

2 earlier. The Court reserves the right to modify the time limits as needed for the fair and efficient

management of the trial. The time limits apply even if Defendant opts to proceed p ro se. The time limits and

approximated start and end times may be adjusted as needed to accommodate unforeseen circumstances.

The court may adjust the time limits to account for cross-examination exceeding a reasonable length,

objections, side bars, and other activities.



This document is electronically filed by using the Clerk of Courts e-Filing system. The system will post a record of the filing to the e-Filing account "Notifications" tab of the following case participants:


J ALLEN WILMES ATTORNEY AT LAW (937)-278-0652 Attorney for Defendant, Samantha Harrison

TANDI DANKLEF, Bailiff (937) [email protected]

3 ^

C ^ a





Comes now the State of Ohio, by the Prosecuting Attorney of Montgomery County, Ohio, and herewith furnishes a list of witnesses, in accordance with Local Rule 3.03 IIf A as amended.

MIRACHEL FIELDS, Montgomery County Job and Family Services, 1111 South Edwin C. Moses Blvd., Dayton, Ohio 45422; 2. KEEPER OF RECORDS, Montgomery County Job and Family Services, 1111 South Edwin C. Moses Blvd., Dayton, Ohio 45422; 3. KEEPER OF RECORDS, JP Morgan and Chase National, 7610 Washington St. Indianapolis, IN 46231; 4. KEEPER OF RECORDS, Clay Township Police Department, 8207 Arlington Rd., Brookville, Ohio 45005; 5. MARTY STRINGFELLOW, 516 Caleb Dr., Brookville, Ohio 45309; 6. ROBYN TRAYWICK, 45 West Franklin St., Bellbrook, Ohio 45305; DET. ISAIAH KELLER, Montgomery County Sheriffs Office, 330 West Second Street, Dayton, OH 45402; 8. DEP. CAITO, Montgomery County Sheriffs Office, 330 West Second Street, Dayton, OH 45402; 9. DEP. WILLIAMS, Montgomery County Sheriffs Office, 330 West Second Street, Dayton, OH 45402; 10 DEP. ROD BROWN, Montgomery County Sheriffs Office, 330 West Second Street, Dayton, OH 45402. 11 MELISSA LOWE, Care House, 410 Valley Street, Dayton, Ohio 45404 12 VIKKI CARTER, Montgomery County Children Services, 3304 N. Main Street. Dayton, Ohio 45405 In addition to the above, the State reserves the right to call all persons required to establish chain of custody of the evidence and any witness listed in the discovery provided to the Defendant.

Respectfully submitted,

MATHIAS H. HECK, JR. Prosecuting Attorney

By: /s/ Karina Korostyshevsky WARD BARRENTINE 0074366E, KARINA KOROSTYSHEVSKY 0087317E Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Dayton-Montgomery County Courts Bldg. P. O. Box 972, 301 W. Third Street Dayton, Ohio 45422 (937) 225-5757


The undersigned hereby certifies that on March 11 , 2015 I electronically filed the foregoing with the Clerk of Court using the Electronic Criminal Filing system, which will send notification of such filing to the following: J ALLEN WILMES, Attorney for Defendant.

By: /s/ Karina Korostyshevsky WARD BARRENTINE 0074366E, KARINA KOROSTYSHEVSKY 0087317E Assistant Prosecuting Attorney

SDK 3.6.15