The Edinburgh Gazette, June 19, 1908. 669 2
THE EDINBURGH GAZETTE, JUNE 19, 1908. 669 the County of Aberdeen, has presented a Petition to the Answers thereto, if so advised, after such intimation and Lords of Council and Session (First Division, Junior Lord advertisement, and that within an inductee of eight days. Ordinary, Bill Chamber,—Mr. Paterson, Clerk,), in terms (Signed) " J. H. A. MACDONALD, l.P.D." of the Acts 11 and 12 Viet,, cap. 36 ; 16 and 17 Viet., cap. 94 ; 38 and 39 Viet., cap. 61, and relative Acts of GUMMING & DUFF, S.S.C., Agents for Sederunt, for authority to disentail the Lands of Craigie- Petitioners. var, Fintray, and others, all lying in the Parishes of 50 George Street, Edinburgh, Leochel Cushnie, Lumphanan, Fintray, and Dyce, in the County of Aberdeen. 18th June 1908. Date of Interlocutor ordering intimation, llth day of June 1908. ANDREW URQUHAKT, S.S.C., Agent for Petitioner. "GUNFORD" SHIP COMPANY LIMITED. 7 Dundas Street, Edinburgh, T an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Member* 19th June 1908. A of the above-named Company, duly convened and held at 150 Saint Vincent Street, Glasgow, on the 27th day of May 1908, the following Special Resolution was- duly passed ; and at a subsequent Extraordinary General Meeting of the Members of the said Company, also duty convened and held at the same place on the 12th day "VTOTICE is hereby given that a Petition has been pre- of June 1908, the following Special Resolution was duly JLi sented to the Lords of Council and Session (Second confirmed :— Division, Lord Guthrie Ordinary,—Mr. Ross, Clerk), in " That the Company be wound up voluntarily, and that terms of the Trusts (Scotland) Act, 1867, at the instance " Thomas Greig Hardie, Shipowner, Glasgow, be of John Simpson, Agent of the Union Bank of Scotland " appointed Liquidator.
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