THE TYRIAN Vol. 5 • No. 1 Mifflin County High School DECEMBER 2015
[email protected] GIVING: Huskies respond to need PACKING IT UP. Student Council ad- viser Krystena Brown and Key Club adviser Randy Fluke box up canned goods to be D distributed through Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard, the area food pantry. The canned food drive O brought in 3,301 individual items. O Many help; many helped Student Council, Key Club and the Science Department joined forces recently to benefit those near and far in need. Their efforts yielded the following results: R • 3,301 individual items for Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard • 95 foster children receiving gifts through The Giving Tree • Hundreds of books cleaned and sorted for Santa’s Bookbag T • More than $700 in scholarship money to future teachers* O SEED money raised for scholarships* A door-decorating contest sponsored by the Science Depart- ment and won by Aaron Bubb’s class (which raised more than $200) benefited SEED (Self-Empowerment through Education), a non-profit F group founded by Nate King, biology teacher. A former U.S. Peace Corps fisheries biologist in Zambia, King says of its purpose, “... several volunteers would leave the bush monthly to meet and resupply. While there we noticed Zambia’s teach- er training college was in Serenje. We wanted to give back to Zambia U with a more sustainable twist. “Many people donate things and have no idea what really hap- pens (very corrupt governments). Our money goes directly to pay tuition and room and board for four students for the year.