Willowbrook Hospice

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Willowbrook Hospice WILLOWBROOK HOSPICE Quality Account 2018/19 The Quality Account demonstrates the quality of our services and our commitment Care on our to continually strive TherapiesHolistic Wards to do our best. Clinics Support for Children & Families Education & Training Together we are Willowbrook Fundraising Volunteers Facilities Finance Shops & Lottery “Support, Fun, Warmth and Laughter” (Patients) www.willowbrook.org.uk Registered Charity Number: 1020240 Welcome... to Willowbrook Hospice Quality Accounts 2018/2019 I just want to say a huge thank you for all the “Thank you for the Tree of Light wonderful care you have given me during my Service at Lowe House Church. We stay at Willowbrook. were pleased to offer our support for Willowbrook. It was a poignant You have all been so kind and compassionate. and heartwarming evening.” I feel like I have made a lot of new friends. You are an amazing team and I’ve never been treated so well in any hospital. You have certainly made my last few months a happy caring time. “Please accept this donation Thank you again, you all deserve medals. for the love and care you gave to our friend.” “People who have not experienced what it is like in a hospice could never understand how wonderful you all are! “I had a lovely man knock on my door last The care, love and professionalism of every week fundraising for Willowbrook. member of your team is all encompassing to I have my own charities so said no to him each person who comes through your door. and regretted as soon as I closed the door. It’s my sister’s friend’s funeral today and You supported all of us in a quiet and she spent some time with you before she unassuming way, never intruding but a fine passed so I just wanted to make a donation balance of joining in our love and care. • to support the incredible work you do.” “Thank you all for being so helpful, “Thank you all so much for the support supportive and friendly throughout my and help you gave us. I thoroughly time in Day Therapy! I really had a enjoyed my time in Day Therapy. You all great time and learnt so much!” made me feel so welcome.” INDEX Part 1 Priorities for Improvement 019/00 6 Part 2 Statutory Information and Statement of Assurances from the Board 10 Part 3 What others say about us 27 Executive Office Statement We are entering our nd year as a Charitable Hospice for the communities of St Helens and Knowsley and we are delighted to see how our reputation for excellence in the care we offer has grown. We constantly strive to improve care and strengthen our reputation by developing greater partnership working and establishing stronger links within our community. It is through the generous support of our community, volunteers and other organisations that we can maintain the high standard of services that we provide. The past year has been a time of substantial change for Willowbrook Hospice. Neil Wright, our Chief Executive of thirteen years, moved on to pastures new in December 2018. We sincerely thank him for the major contributions he gave to our Hospice, particularly Willowbrook – The Living Well which has been a great success. Following Neil’s departure, the Board of Trustees decided to change the management structure to that of an Executive Team with three Executive Directors – Clinical, Medical and Corporate, holding shared accountabilities for the leadership and governance required to meet our statutory and legal requirements. This is a time of new opportunities and as such we wanted to develop a strategy which outlines what we will do and what we hope to achieve across the whole organisation. Throughout 2018 we consulted widely with patients, carers, volunteers and staff, to develop our new strategy to take us to 2022. Our new vision, mission and values will guide us over the next three years in achieving our objectives of allowing others to ‘see in’ and ourselves to ‘reach out’ primarily for the communities of St Helens and Knowsley. We have identified six key strategic priorities and each has a comprehensive plan of work agreed annually by our Quality and Integrated Governance Group. The strategy sets out our principal aims for the next three years taking account of national, local and organisational quality standards and regulatory requirements. No one area is more important than others. The wellbeing skills and knowledge of our staff will have direct impact on the care of our patients. Patient and Carer Experience Supporting Patient and Carer Our Care Outcomes Partnerships Staff and and Community Volunteers Education and Training Our new vision The Best Care, Delivered with Compassion for our Community. Describes our aspiration that the people living in our community with life limiting illness have access to the best possible palliative care when they need it and where they need it. Our mission Care, Educate, Engage describes to others how we will achieve our vision through caring for patients and carers, educating others to deliver the best quality care and reaching out to the community. Our values underpin everything we do and are encapsulated as Every Contact Counts. We believe in acting with integrity, compassion and professionalism in all we do. We value every person and every interaction that we have. We have two main goals that reflect our vision and correspond to what our patients have told us they want: 1. Maintain and improve the quality of care provided by us and by others. Engage with our community and strengthen and develop partnerships that allow us to extend our ‘reach beyond the Hospice walls’. To achieve these goals we will: • Engage with current and future users of our services when services are reviewed or developed. • Develop and grow our relationships with other community organisations. • See opportunities to provide services for our wider community that enhance current provision for patients living with life limiting illness in our community. It costs almost £5 million a year to provide all our services and we receive approximately one third of the necessary funding from the NHS. That leaves more than £3 million to be raised in and by the local community of individual donors, local organisations and businesses. The Hospice Fundraising Team also runs fundraising events, donations appeals and our own lottery. This year we have expanded our Trading Company with the addition of 2 new retail shops. We now have 15 shops that we hope will be supported by those in the communities they serve. We work in partnership with other local charities in many ways, such as providing furniture for people moving into their first home, clothing for the homeless, even bedding for animals. With just over 100 staff, we are grateful to have the support of over 500 volunteers who perform all sorts of tasks from driving to ironing, managing shops to bag packing. We could not operate without them. Our priorities for 2019/20 reflect our strategy and ensure our compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. We believe in our new vision to provide The Best Care, Delivered with Compassion for our Community. To the best of our ability, the information contained in these Quality Accounts is accurate and a fair representation of the quality of healthcare services provided at Willowbrook Hospice having been endorsed by the Board of Trustees. Mrs Chris Haywood Dr Paula Powell Mr Alun Owen Clinical Director Medical Director Corporate Director Chief Officer April 2019 Part 1: Priorities for Improvement 1a. Priorities for Improvement 2019/2020 Governance Aim How we will measure ourselves Area Patient Participate in the 3rd phase of the “Patient Evaluation and report. Experience Experience of Care Project”. Research being undertaken by University of Oxford. Further develop our participation in Pro-active membership of Hospice UK Research research as a Research Active Hospice. Group; NW Coast Strategic Clinical Network; local research opportunities. Navajo Charter – This is the Merseyside We will have Kite mark for our website / and Cheshire LGBT+ charter mark promotional information to show to community (To show identify LGBT+ Friendly and organisations that we are LGBT+ friendly. organisations). We also gain access to training and support from the network. We will set up a working group to Our aim is to apply to become part of the support the initiatives: https://merseysideintrust. network by showing compliance in several org/navajo-information/ areas Practices and Policies, Training, Staff Recruitment & Engagement, Monitoring, Service Users and LGBT Engagement. Communication We will undertake a communication and Evaluation and report. Effectiveness engagement programme to improve liaison and awareness of services for 2019/20. Compliance with Data Security and Submission of toolkit evidence to attain ‘Standard Protection Toolkit (DSP Toolkit) across Met’ and aim to reach ‘Standard Exceeded’ in the organisation to evidence a mature next 3 years. organisation. Implement Willowbrook Hospice Strategy By 2022 our communities will ‘see in’ and see 2019-2022. us ‘reaching out’ beyond our walls to better understand our vision and what it means for them. Clinical Working with our Commissioners we will Robust data that can be easily shared with our Effectiveness produce a clinical data set that responds stakeholders. to national, local, and organisational requirements. Further develop collaborative working Evaluation reports due October 2019. Evidence across Acute Trust Pain & Anaesthetic of training records and development of a shared (P&A) Dept. and Willowbrook to improve clinical pathway for the management of patients patient experience and upskill staff with supporting patient information leaflets. with palliative care P&A interventions management. This reflects the new Framework for Provision of Pain Services for adults across the UK – March 2019 from the Faculty of Pain Medicine.
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