A Note on Max Weber’s Unfinished Theory of Economy and Society 27 A Note on Max Weber’s Unfinished Theory of Economy and Society Dirk Baecker ety” which is mentioned twice in the title of Max Weber's Witten/Herdecke University, Germany book: in the society being called as such explicitly, and in
[email protected] the innocuous word “and” separating and linking that society from, and with, the economy. I. Max Weber dealt with problems of economic sociology in almost all of his work. One of its most important parts, Max Weber's two most important contributions to eco- which is today rendered as sociology of religion, was origi- nomic sociology appeared only posthumously. Both contri- nally conceived of as studies into Wirtschaftsethik, eco- butions, the Fundamental Concepts of Economic Action, nomic ethics (Weber 1988a). Yet, it was only when Weber which appeared in Economy and Society (Weber 1990), gave his understanding of the economy – with regard to and his General Economic History (Weber 1991), featured both its general history and its fundamental concepts – its a definition of Wirtschaften, of economic action, which final shape that he came up with a definition of economic went almost unnoticed, even though Weber had given it a action, which certainly must have struck him when he good deal of attention in his comments in Economy and looked at it and began to deal with its consequences. Society. He had also started to rewrite his Herrschafts- Wirtschaften, or economic action, as Weber conceived, is soziologie, his political sociology, due to certain conse- to be defined as the “friedliche Ausübung von Ver- quences stemming from that definition.