2016 National Interagency Community Reinvestment Conference

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2016 National Interagency Community Reinvestment Conference February 7-10, 2016 Los Angeles, CA Sponsored by Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Office of the Comptroller of the Currency Community Development Financial Institutions Fund JW Marriott at L.A. Live 900 West Olympic Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90015 213-765-8600 Conference Registration Diamond Ballroom Plaza To Conference Ballrooms Ź Studio 3 Atrium Platinum Ballroom Olympic Studios 1, 2 Gold Ballroom 2 elcome to the 2016 National Interagency Community Reinvestment Conference and [V3VZ(UNLSLZHJP[`[OH[L_LTWSPÄLZIV[O[OLJOHSSLUNLZHUKVWWVY[\UP[PLZMHJPUN[OL Wcommunity development sector. Economic opportunity does not happen in a vacuum: it takes a coordinated approach to housing, LK\JH[PVUW\ISPJZHML[`OLHS[OJHYL[YHUZWVY[H[PVUHUKQVIZ6]LY[OLUL_[[OYLLKH`Z^L^PSS L_WSVYL[OLWH[O^H`Z[VVWWVY[\UP[`[OH[JHUJYLH[L]PIYHU[ULPNOIVYOVVKZMVYHSS(TLYPJHUZ >OL[OLY`V\»YLHIHURLYKL]LSVWLYVYJVTT\UP[`SLHKLY^LOVWL`V\^PSS[HRLM\SSHK]HU[HNLVM [OLSLHYUPUNHUKUL[^VYRPUNVWWVY[\UP[PLZ[OPZJVUMLYLUJLVMMLYZ;OLCRA Compliance track features an interagency team of top examiners from around the country. Sessions in this track cover virtually L]LY`HZWLJ[VM[OL*9(L_HTPUH[PVUWYVJLZZMVYHSSPUZ[P[\[PVUZPaLZHUKPUJS\KLILZ[WYHJ[PJLZ[OH[ L]LU[OLTVZ[L_WLYPLUJLK*9(VMÄJLYZ^PSSÄUK\ZLM\S ;OLZLZZPVUZPU[OLCommunity Development Policy and Practice trackOPNOSPNO[PUUV]H[P]LÄUHUJPUN Z[Y\J[\YLZZ[YH[LNPLZHUKWHY[ULYZOPWTVKLSZHPTLKH[I\PSKPUNWH[O^H`Z[VLJVUVTPJVWWVY[\UP[` PUSV^LYPUJVTLJVTT\UP[PLZ-VY^L»]LHKKLKHZLYPLZVM^VYRZOVWZLZZPVUZKLZPNULK[VIL ZRPSSI\PSKPUNVWWVY[\UP[PLZMVYWHY[PJPWHU[Z -PUHSS`^L»YLWSLHZLK[VVMMLYMV\YCommunity Tours[OH[^PSSL_WSVYLKL]LSVWTLU[\UKLY^H`PU[OPZ fast-changing city. 3VZ(UNLSLZZLY]LZHZHZJHSHISLJHZLZ[\K`VMPUUV]H[P]LJVTT\UP[`KL]LSVWTLU[PUP[PH[P]LZ>L»YL L_JP[LK[OH[`V\»]LQVPULK\ZOLYL[VSLHYUOV^V\YJVSSLJ[P]L^VYRJHUOH]LHWVZP[P]LHUKSHZ[PUN PTWHJ[PUSV^LYPUJVTLJVTT\UP[PLZHJYVZZ[OLJV\U[Y` Enjoy the conference! Sincerely, Scott ;\YULY 1HUL[.VYKVU Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Annie Donovan Beth Castro <:+LWHY[TLU[VM[OL;YLHZ\Y`*+-0-\UK 6MÄJLVM[OL*VTW[YVSSLYVM[OL*\YYLUJ` 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS :JOLK\SLH[H.SHUJL ........................................................................................................................................................5 Concurrent Sessions ..........................................................................................................................................................8 :LZZPVU+L[HPSZI`;YHJR CRA Compliance ................................................................................................................................................10 Community Development Policy & Practice ..................................................................................12 *VTT\UP[`;V\YZ ................................................................................................................................................19 Keynote Speakers .................................................................................................................................................................20 Speaker Bios ............................................................................................................................................................................24 4 SCHEDULE AT A GLANCE Sunday, February 7 All general sessions will be held 3:00 – 6:00 Registration in the Platinum Ballroom Monday, February 8 7:30 – 8:30 Registration and Breakfast 8:30 – 10:00 Opening General Session Welcome to Los Angeles Scott Turner, Vice President Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Sunrise on the 110: Building a New Los Angeles ;OLWYLTPLYLZJYLLUPUNVMHKVJ\TLU[HY`[OH[L_WSVYLZ[OLWHZ[WYLZLU[HUKM\[\YLVM 3VZ(UNLSLZ»[YHUZMVYTPUNKV^U[V^UHUKOPNOSPNO[Z[OL[YP\TWOZHUKJOHSSLUNLZVMYLJLU[ development. The Honorable Eric Garcetti, Mayor City of Los Angeles Manuel Pastor, Director of the Program for Environmental and Regional Equity University of Southern California Introduction Emerson Hall, Regional Manager, Community Affairs Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Keynote Address The Honorable Martin J. Gruenberg, Chairman Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Practitioner Spotlight Roberto E. Barragan, President and CEO Valley Economic Development Centers 10:00 – 10:30 Break 10:30 – 12:00 Concurrent Sessions 12:00 – 1:30 Lunch and General Session Panel Presentation: Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing and Community Development Practice Kalima Rose, PolicyLink Bryan Greene, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (moderator) David Black6MÄJLVM[OL*VTW[YVSSLYVM[OL*urrency 1:30 – 3:00 Concurrent Sessions 3:00 – 3:30 Break 3:30 – 5:00 Concurrent Sessions 6:00 – 8:00 Networking Reception at the Museum of Contemporary Art Transportation will be provided between the hotel and venue located at 250 South Grand Ave., Los Angeles, California 90012 (Schedule at a Glance continued on next page) 5 Tuesday, February 9 All general sessions will be held in the Platinum Ballroom 7:30 – 8:30 Breakfast 8:30 – 10:00 Concurrent Sessions 10:00 – 10:30 Break 10:30 – 12:00 Concurrent Sessions 12:00 – 1:30 Lunch and General Session Lunch generously sponsored by the Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco Introduction Barry Wides, Deputy Comptroller, Community Affairs 6MÄJLVM[OL*VTW[YVSSLYVM[OL*\YYLUJ` Keynote Address The Honorable Thomas J. Curry, Comptroller of the Currency 6MÄJLVM[OL*VTW[YVSSLYVM[OL*\YYLUJ` Remarks Jim Yacenda=PJL7YLZPKLU[HUK*VTT\UP[`0U]LZ[TLU[6MÄJLY Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco 1:30 – 3:00 Concurrent Sessions 3:00 – 3:30 Break 3:30 – 5:00 General Session Practitioner Spotlight Carol Naughton, President Purpose Built Communities Introduction Eric Belsky, Director, Division of Consumer and Community Affairs Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Keynote Address Amias M. Gerety, Acting Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions U.S. Department of the Treasury Panel Presentation: CDFI Innovations in Financial Inclusion ;OPZZLZZPVU^PSSOPNOSPNO[UL^WHY[ULYZOPWZIL[^LLUIHURZHUK*+-0Z[OH[WYVTV[L NYLH[LYHJJLZZ[V[OLÄUHUJPHSZ`Z[LTLUOHUJL^LHS[OHJJ\T\SH[PVUHUKPTWYV]L [OLÄUHUJPHSOLHS[OVMSV^PUJVTLOV\ZLOVSKZ3LHYUOV^IHURZHUK*+-0ZHYLNVPUN IL`VUKÄUHUJPHSLK\JH[PVU[VSL]LYHNLIHURPUMYHZ[Y\J[\YLHUKJYLH[LPUUV]H[P]L WYVK\J[Z[OH[JVTIH[WYLKH[VY`ÄUHUJPHSZLY]PJLZ Robert Annibale, Citi Community Development and Citi Inclusive Finance Janie Barrera, LiftFund Charles Hammerman, Disability Opportunity Fund Cathie Mahon, National Federation of Community Development Credit Unions Joe Duran, Self-Help Federal Credit Union (moderator) Annie Donovan, U.S. Treasury Community Development Financial Institutions Fund 6 Wednesday, February 10 All general sessions will be held in the Platinum Ballroom 7:30 – 8:30 Breakfast 8:30 – 10:00 Concurrent Sessions 10:00 – 10:30 Break 10:30 – 12:15 General Session Introduction Scott Turner, Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Keynote Address John C. Williams, President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Keynote Address Risa Lavizzo-Mourey, CEO, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Panel Presentation: Financing New Pathways to Opportunity *YLH[PUNLJVUVTPJVWWVY[\UP[`^OLYLP[KVLZUV[L_PZ[YLX\PYLZTHU`JVVYKPUH[LK investments and interventions to ensure that people have the things they need [VILWYVK\J[P]LPU[OLLJVUVT`·LK\JH[PVUOLHS[OHUKZ\WWVY[MYVT[OLPY JVTT\UP[PLZ*VTT\UP[`+L]LSVWTLU[OHZOHKTHU`^PUZ^OLYLWLVWSLHUK WSHJLZOH]LPTWYV]LK[VJYLH[L]PHISLJVTT\UP[PLZVMVWWVY[\UP[`I\[P[OHZUV[ KVULP[H[[OLZJHSL[OH[PZULJLZZHY`[VIYPUNTHU`TPSSPVUZTVYLPU[V[OLLJVUVTPJ THPUZ[YLHT/V^KV^LZJHSL\W[VJYLH[LWH[O^H`Z[VLJVUVTPJVWWVY[\UP[`PU ULPNOIVYOVVKZHJYVZZ[OLJV\U[Y`& Audrey Choi, Morgan Stanley Terri Ludwig, Enterprise Community Partners Mark Pinsky, Opportunity Finance Network Michael Rubinger, Local Initiatives Support Corporation Arjan Schütte, Core Innovation Capital (moderator) David Erickson, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco 12:15 Adjourn 7 CONCURRENT SESSIONS Community Tours: All tours will be held Monday, February 8, from 1:30 to 5:00 PM. Pre-registration is required for tours, and space is limited. Please see page 18 for more information. = CRA Compliance sessions = Community Development Policy & Practice sessions Monday, February 8 10:30 – 12:00 ;OL()*ZVM`V\Y*9(,_HTPUH[PVU )YV^UÄLSKZ[V/LHS[OÄLSKZ :LY]PUN;OVZL^OV:LY]LK!-PUHUJPHS:[HIPSP[`HUK,TWV^LYTLU[MVY=L[LYHUZ 9HJPHS,X\P[`!()YPKNLIL[^LLU7LVWSLHUK7SHJL 4VY[NHNL*YLKP[!7Y\KLU[9LZWVUZP]L0UJS\ZP]LHUK(MMVYKHISL /PZ[VYPJ;H_*YLKP[Z!(*YP[PJHS;VVSPU9L]P[HSPaH[PVU,MMVY[Z <UKLYZ[HUKPUN[OL5VU7YVÄ[6YNHUPaH[PVU 1:30 – 3:00 Managing a Successful CRA Program ;OL5L_[*VTT\UP[`+L]LSVWTLU[-YVU[PLY!6\[JVTLZ)HZLK-PUHUJPUN *HWP[HSPaH[PVUMVY*+-0Z :\WWVY[PUN[OL9LPU[LNYH[PVUVM-VYTLYS`0UJHYJLYH[LK7LVWSL 0UUV]H[PVUZPU7\ISPJ>LSMHYL0U]LZ[TLU[6WWVY[\UP[PLZ!4V]PUN[OL+PHSVU*VTT\UP[`+L]LSVWTLU[-PUHUJL *VUULJ[PUN[V<UIHURLK*VUZ\TLYZ!6WLUPUN[OL+VVYZ^P[O0U[LNYH[LK:LY]PJLZ (MMVYKHISL4\S[PMHTPS`9LU[HS/V\ZPUN<UKLY^YP[PUN 3:30 – 5:00 *9(MVY=LY`3HYNL-PUHUJPHS0UZ[P[\[PVUZ Small/Intermediate Small Institution CRA Examinations 4HRPUN*VTT\UP[PLZ0U]LZ[HISL!([[YHJ[PUNHUK3L]LYHNPUN7YP]H[L0U]LZ[TLU[MVY7\ISPJ.VVK Ensuring Workforce Development Investments Work for CRA @LZ*YVZZZLJ[VY(WWYVHJOLZHYL5LJLZZHY`I\[>OLYL»Z[OL4HU\HS& Understanding the Mechanics of Pay for Success and Social Impact Bonds Community Investing 101 (Concurrent Sessions continued on next page) 8 (Concurrent Sessions continued) Tuesday, February 9 8:30 – 10:00 Large Institution CRA Examinations Limited Purpose/Wholesale CRA Examinations
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