5 Nervoso Medicine, Sickness, and Human Needs
5 Nervoso Medicine, Sickness, and Human Needs There are few vigorous, well-built, healthy persons among the workers.... They are almost all weakly, of angular but not powerful build, lean [and] pale.... Nearly all suffer from indigestion, and consequently from a more or less hypochondriacal melancholy, irritable, nervous condition. Friedrich Engels ([1845] 1958:118) My sickness is both physical and moral. Carolina Maria de Jesus (1962:83) J Nervous Hunger In Born Jesus one's ear is at first jarred by the frequent juxtapositions of the idioms [ome and neroos, "hunger" and "nervousness," in the everyday conversation of the people of the Alto. Later, the expressions lose their special poignancy, and they come to seem natural, ordinary. A mother stops you on her way up the Alto to say that things aren't well, that her meninos estiio tao neroosos porqlle niiotem nadaparacomer(her children are nervous because they are hungry). Biu, on returning from [eira, says, as she drops heavily into a chair and removes the food basket from her head, that she became dizzy and disoriented, made "nervous" by the high cost of meat. She was so aperreada (harassed), she says, that she almost lost her way coming home from the market. I stop in to visit Auxiliadora, whose body is now wasted by the final stages of schistosomiasis, to find her shaking and crying. Her "nervous attack" taraque de neroos) was prompted, she says, by uncovering the plate of food her favorite son, Biu, has senther.! There in the midst of her beans was a fatty piece of salted charque (beef jerky).
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