ATHLETIC COMMUNICATIONS T&F Contact: Devon Lucal • Email:
[email protected] • C: 513-720-8488 • O: 509-720-0268 2021 OUTDOOR SCHEDULE 2021 OUTDOOR TRACK & FIELD MEET NOTES MARCH 3/19 Whitworth Essential (Spokane) WSU vs. UW DUAL 3/19 Trojan Invitational (Los Angeles) Wednesday, April 21 | Seattle | Husky Stadium 3/20 Trojan Invitational (Los Angeles) 3/25 Whitworth Invite (Spokane) Wednesday Event Start - 10:00 a.m. (PT) 3/26 Whitworth Invite (Spokane) APRIL 4/2 H.I.R. Invite (Spokane, WA) 4/2 Hayward Premiere (Eugene, OR) OREGON RELAYS 4/3 Hayward Premiere (Eugene, OR) Friday-Saturday, April 23-24 | Eugene, OR | Hayward Field 4/9 Rafer Johnson/Jackie Joyner Friday Event Start - 3:00 p.m. (PT) Invitational (Los Angeles) Saturday Event Start - 10:00 a.m. (PT) 4/10 WAR XIV (Spokane, WA) 4/15 Bigfoot Multis (Spokane, WA) 4/16 Bigfoot Multis (Spokane, WA) 4/17 Sam Adams Classic (Spokane) 4/21 WSU-UW Dual Meet (Seattle) LAST TIME OUT (SAM ADAMS CLASSIC) 4/23 Oregon Relays (Eugene, OR) The Washington State University Track and Field program saw yet another successful trip up north as 4/24 Oregon Relays (Eugene, OR) the Cougars came away with multiple victories at Spokane. 4/30 BUC Scoring (Spokane) 4/30 West Coast Relays (Fresno, CA) Leading the Washington State women’s squad at Spokane was Lauren Newman who took home first MAY 5/5 Whitworth Twilight (Spokane) place in the long jump with a mark of 19-feet 4 inches (5.89m). Fellow Coug Anna Rodgers placed 5/7 UW Invitational (Seattle) second in the long jump as well behind Newman with a jump of 19-feet 3/4 inches (5.81m).