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Starts Today $1 w THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1968 The Weather PAOi Twnnr-EiGHT iKanrtfPBtrr lEwning l|fraU» Avm gg Dafljr Not Prggg Rm Gold with onow cootinuliig Ite w Weah MO. to the night Lowa In aOa. Ae- lage haa plans to eaudraot tt> cumulatioiw 8 to • Inchea be­ aervad as an aocaaa road for a 16, froim ttw sta te to ttw U J , Nevaiwhtr Ig, 1MB fore changing to aleet. Tomer- Tba flatdor dwtai «< North Fenton obooM. Favon tor the traya Town Regains M ancheeter Community OoDaga Gtovananent. campus on land oft HDMown ila n r l| r 0t?r iEiirnttig H^raUi were made by the auxlUary and row rabi, high In 80a United XathOdlat Ohureh and campus, originally plwhad lor The govemmant had odb- Rd. About Town the girl acoute. iraMb ODBgratatloiial Cbnreh of Strip of 'Land he NilU Site. veyed ttw Nike Site land to ttw 1 5 .3 4 1 Mmnehaatar— A City of Village Charm Hartford wU praaant a Chrtat- Hospital Patients Flrat grade pttpila at tlw ■nnm of M aneheater on July M, h m BpNT C M «01 IBMt Skinner Road School made a In a . quitclaim deed dteied $200,000 in Refunds PRICX t e n ’c eo tb ____ _ Jan. U at aw rfi*- maa ooneait Sunday a t 7 :k0 p.m . To Nike Site Dec. 16, signed by State Treas­ 1066, under th e stIputeiMon th a t (Obwalftod Advertlabig on Vpgo 14) at North Methodiat Church, aoo Enjoy Turkey variety of flgurea out of p^per <t would be tor educational use Held by Tax Office MANCHESTER, CONN., PRTOAY, DECEMBER 27, 1988 hnwa. A cMciwn d ln w r wfil ba which ware put up In tha mate u rer Oerald A. Lamb, and fUsd HARTFORD (AP) — Tto ^ V(ML LXXXVm, NO. T4 (SIXTEEN PAGES—TWO SECTITONS) awiwd at 4:M p.m. Tlw^atfle- Parker St. Tha event la open to Although aU patienta at Rock­ The Town of Manctweter has today to ttw ICanchetear town only. The town, la turn,' had the public. lobby. conveyed the land to ttw atata ttm al Rovemw Sarvlos dtadriot an tor tlw j m r wffl ba ville Oenetml Hoapltal who regained ownenhlp c< 4.>aerea clerk’s offlea, tha state baa re­ ofttoe taatw to hoKBnc about tiarbir-i nekati may ba ob- The "Ao vialton except im­ turned title to tlw land to ttw on Dec. 16, H6B, a fte r the could go home tor the boUdaya mediate tamny" rale la atm in of land extending from 8. Mtate 6200,000 In refund dwobo that It Winad anm tlw ataarard. Daad- Gobi Aida Infant did ao, the SB patienU who had St. to the old Nike Site, deeded town. state took over ttw oparatloa Mw for dbtaMBV tiekata la effect a t the iKMqdtal duo to of aU oommwiliy ooUagaa. toys are wvMHwraUe beoauw to remain received special to the state In August 19M. OwneiaMp of the S8.9 son of faulty adaraaaw Wedpeaday, Jan. •. caSOAOO — High maternal the many oaaaa of flu. Hbwaver Nike Site was quitclaimed Dee. Iganchaster Community Col­ weight gate during pragiwncy la treatment Chriatmaa Day. caroleta wan aOoarad In ttw The narrow strip waa to have A turkey dinner with all the Kambera of the American L«- related to Mgh Mrtti weight of oorrldota. the bUby and ttwrefore wlH da- fIxtegB waa aerved. Outelde the glon wUl meet tordght a t 7:>0 building a lighted tree etood at a t the WJ>. Quiah Funeral oreaaa ttw rate of prematurity, Home. » Mate St., to pay re- aooordlng to flndinga of ttw Ool- the eaat end. Ftowere and othw Dies of Injuries Ibboratlve Study o< Oerebral decoratlona were placed ^tecte to the late Thomaa J. throughout the building. Nbllett, a member. Belay. Also, high maternal WATBaiBURT (AP) — Joseph weight waa foimd to be aaeodatr H w Hoapltal Auxiliary fol­ P. Oorcoraa 1®. o t Waterbury STARTS TODAY has died of todurles roooived 11w Oanter Oon*regattotwl ed with belter growth and per- lowed Sa uaual cuatom of tak­ tonnance in the kndaiS’s flrat ing around a beakat of gifta wtwn he waa struck by a truck a n irc h ofBoe vrlU be oloaed New from which patienta could on Baldwin Street Tear'a Day. year. JANUARY Safe JANUARY Astronauts WHITE SALE CORSET SALE b r o a d s t r e c t Famoui Name Sheets, Cases, Towels, Lin* All tha wanted famous'name brand girdles + But ‘Peril State’ Still On • • • # and bras In white and luscious pastel col* Splashdown Monchwlwr.... ens. Blankets, Mattress Covers and Pads, Pillows — Everything drastically reduced ors. Coma early for bait selection. Stock a Open IS AJd. to 10 PJL! for great savingsl up now on your favorites! e Ample Free Parking! Fuel-Flu Crisis a "Cawrge-It” with your A ^Bullseye^ ___________ __ __ _ C.B.T. or C.A.P. SILF-SiRVICE DIPT STORE Charge Card! Easing in N. Y»C, By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ABOARD USS YORKTOWN (AP) — C3imax^ a NEW TORK (AP) — The orl- tag," mid Thnodiy W. OcxfHto, HOUSE dw man attttag In tor Mayor magnificent space odyssey, the Apollo 8 mom ei^or- akte/v ChustiMM ate cranted by a. flu efMtmlo ers came home from the heavens today, storing their Better Values, Day la - Day OutI and lagging fuel oil dellvertea Jotat V. Undaay. “Wa ara mak­ eaaped today but not enough to ing progreaa” __ _ spaceship to a pinpoint landing less than three miles reaelnd Itw "atato c< pctll" de- Undaay left ttw city Thuiaday from the main recovery ship in a dark Pacific Ocean. ctaw d for tlw city, New Tccfc’a fW a vacation in dw Baharoaa Air Foroe Ool. Frank Borman, MdUng matyor aald. cdter laautog a atatenwnt on ttw Navy OaptL Janwa A. Lovell Jr. ttwt w« had befora we left ttw oriris to wMcb be ealted for eoc- and Akr Force MAJ. WUUam A. ■nw Board of Health deolared Oepe kwt weto." traordtaary effoita to gef fuel to Andera reported they were in The aatronauta had been away ttw etato of part! Thunday after urtwated btiUdlitga with to ft excellent condition after ttw mo- the aty beallb oommteahxwr from eartti exactly rix daya HALE nwntoun Jounwy. --------, -------- mrea nours on » ttirea hour* on a dramatic-mi*-.v ..—- m i 'v etam noed ttwC tfaraa New York- The health commlaaloner. Dr. era Iwd dtod from lack of beat They landed Juri; before dawn ttutiled the wotM and BJdward O’Rourke, aald three and waited pefienitty to th to ckweup took COAT amd 10,000 morn ware mrtoualy warn dlrecUy attrllxite- Use Your CRT or U fff ■IWK llWlVa. tsobbtag apaoaaMp tor 46 mliv- ^ myaterlous orieritol ble to lack of boat. Hla dejwrt- utes uefU ttw that raya of light Ttw deetenfton oanw five utes untU ttw ttari raya of light n^hbor ttwt haa intrigued hu- H o u m & H a l* ment eetlmated that 2,400 peo­ began to IHumlnate ttw Paclfle q,, beglmriqg. ^ ttbmr a offttenwiit waa ple would die in the elty thla C h a i ^ ! naofaad to a week-kwg Mrlka of week, half from flu emnpUea- They traveled 69 houra out­ fual dtllvaram. thidw ttw Mate dfcop Into ttw mea to aecure ow ward to ttw moon, olrtded H 10 Major Label Uona. 8 craft. c t peril, aniy turi flmw tiwC re- With temperaturee dlpi)lng to tlmea in 20 hours at an altttude low to oooperato to maJdag America’* noweri heroes end­ of 70 miles and then raced home the teena, the city remained In ed man’s greeteft space adven­ emergency deltvarieo could be the grip of a flu epidemic that along a 68-hour corridor. They ture and one of hlstary'a mori logged about 687,000 perfect 12" Hi-Fi Record Albums had drained ita a i^ y of vao- momentous exptorattens when 'Tha criala la defhdtoty eaa- milea. a Momos A Papas! clne. Slightly higher tempera- they survived man's hotteft and • Dacca! turea were torecaat tor today. • Roger W illiam s! THE SALE dive through the atmon- • Dunhilll new highs j Deputy Mayor Timothy W. phere and pazaefauted tato a I • KappI 1 4 7 a Bart Koampfert! OoeteUo- aald Health Depart­ gently xelltog aea about 6,000 • Rsprissi • BaoHae! in fashion ment peraoimel would be ata- yards from the Yorktown. Apollo S ‘FirBte’ YOU'VE BEEN tkmed at about 100 fuel depota • Capitoll e Lou Rawle! Jet Crashes The arinnauta rifanbed tato a and beauty . In the city "to order that thoee Ufa raft and were holfted SPACE CENTER, Hous­ • MOM! • Beach Boyt! ton (AP) —ApoBo 8 brought new lows building* Identified a* health aboard a bekeopter 80 mtautes WAITING FOR! Into Snow; emeixenelea receive ott on a after laadiiM. Tbey were ferried to earth today an acUeve- I priority baala.” nwnt record includtag tfaena . in pricagf qrichly to the carrier, wfeioh More than TOO unheated build- had ateamed toward ttw scene World's Greatest Artists on ti^ have been deatgnated an up by helicopter from their Apollo 8 spacecraft in from the moment of touchdown. —U demcnetreted ttw Sat­ None Killed emergency hospital* becau*e of Astronauts Jamas A. Lovdl Jr., left, William A. urn 6 rocket can leuneb men the Pacific Ocean. Picture" from CBS Tdeviaion. With a beautiful dawn break­ SIOUX CUTT, lowa (AP) — a large number of 111 reaidenta. Anders, center, and Frank Borman, right, stand on ing over ttw Pacitic, Borman, eafoiy to ttw moon.
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