2016–17 ANNUAL REPORT Our Vision The vision of Wise School is to inspire and empower our students and their families to learn deeply about our world and Jewish heritage, to be creative, and to experience wholeness so that we can make great happen in our community, our nation, , and the world. Our Mission At Wise School, through depth, complexity and differentiation, our students learn how to learn. Children build knowledge as they ask questions, research, solve problems, and add layers to their understanding. Through the application of creativity, children voice their independence, expand their minds, and work towards achieving their greatest potential. Students become creators instead of consumers; they focus more on the process than the product. Students maximize their opportunity to stand out in a competitive world by looking at life through innovative lenses. shleimut), by making interdisciplinary – שלימות) Our students experience wholeness connections through development of mind, body, and soul. We acknowledge and appreciate moments of Shalom. We recognize each student’s strengths and contributions as we build an inclusive community. We honor our Jewish faith as a living heritage, begin to develop a deep understanding of and commitment to Israel, and develop proficiency in and appreciation of the Hebrew language.​ At Wise School, thoughtful people inspire meaningful actions in order to make great .(repair of the world – תיקון עולם) happen through acts of Tikkun Olam

Staff Leadership 2016–2017

Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback Malka Clement Marilyn Balachio Heidi Sorenson Senior Rabbi Director of Hebrew & Early Childhood Early Childhood Office & Judaic Studies Operations Manager Admissions Manager Tami Weiser Head of School Rabbi Josh Knobel Natalie Rice Estefany Sanchez Dean of Student & Family Life Coordinator of Administrative Assistant Pam Kleinman Communications, Alumni Assistant Head of School Beth Behar Relations and Admissions Jillian Moore Director of Admission & Administrative Assistant Jen Shankman Middle School Placement Rachel Moghimi Director of Early Childhood Cecilia Nguyen School Counselor Lisa Mamos Work Room Specialist Lemor Giladi Student Support/Academic Nicole Mevorakh Assistant Director, Administrator Parenting Center Coordinator Early Childhood

esponsibility—to be accountable for your actions—is an important concept that must be thoughtfully developed Rin young minds. This past year, we chose the theme of responsibility because it is naturally woven into everything we do here at Wise.

Students learned to be responsible for one another, whether on the Early Childhood play- ground, or on a debate team supporting their teammates’ arguments. Wise students were responsible to our community as they celebrated our Founders and Grandparents, made public service announcements on sustainability, and passed the Torah from each grade to our kindergarten. By practicing mindfulness, leading a service as Klei Kodesh, or attending a sports clinic to become a stronger athlete, students at Wise School also learned to be responsible for their best selves. I am very proud of all Wise School students, from First Steps through 6th grade, for truly embracing and embodying the tenets of responsibility. We spent this past year witnessing the awesome construction of our new Katz Family Pavilion: watching the demolition, estimating the number of trucks it would take to haul Tami Weiser off the dirt, and working on engineering problems. Students and staff signed steel beams head of school at our Purim Carnival, and witnessed those beams being placed at the highest level at our topping off ceremony. We eagerly await the dedication of the Pavilion and the opportunity to win championship games on our new courts. It was a successful year of fundraising at Wise School: we raised money for the current year with a tremendous annual giving campaign, while at the same time we invested in the future with our endowment campaign. I am forever grateful to our Wise School families, for their generosity is a reflection of their belief and support in our mission and vision. I am in awe of our students’ accomplishments: New stars were born on the stage of “The Lion King”; athletes competed in more playoffs and division finals than ever; debaters won both individual and team awards; 5th and 6th grade essay writers won high honors at the Daughters of the American Revolution essay contest; and our 6th grade students had great success with their science projects at the County Science and Engineering Fair. One of the highlights of the year was following our Odyssey of the Mind teams as they took on the world— literally! All three of our 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade teams went to the State Finals, and our 4th and 5th grade teams went on to the World Finals where they placed 3rd and 8th in the world! As I watch students bound out of the car and head down to their classrooms each morning, I reflect upon how blessed I am to work with this remarkable community. Thank you for creating opportunities for all of us to learn deeply, be creative, experience wholeness and make great happen. We should always go from strength to strength!! Warmly,

3 his summer, on our way to Israel where we celebrated the B’nai Mitzvah of six Wise School graduates, I toured Berlin Twith my family for the very first time. Having never been to Germany before, I didn’t know what to expect or how I’d react to the experience.

We visited the Jewish Museum, the Holocaust Memorial, the Neue Synagogue and then we walked through a courtyard that was once teeming with Jewish life. Our guide pointed to a building that was a , closed by the Nazis at the beginning of the war.

Seeing evidence of the destruction of a vibrant Jewish community with my own eyes, I felt sad about the loss but, at the same time, more grateful than ever to be a part of Wise School and Stephen Wise Temple. It’s easy to take communal life for granted. We imagine that it’s always been there and that it always will be. We forget that it didn’t Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback just appear but that it was built, lovingly, by dedicated staff and volunteers as well as generous benefactors. Our schools and shuls exist and thrive only through the combined senior rabbi efforts of literally thousands of stakeholders.

I am thankful that, every day, I get to experience what a living, vibrant, warm and diverse Jewish community looks like. From drop-off in the mornings to all-school Holy Day assem- blies, to Friday morning t’fillah with our kindergartners and 1st graders, I am privileged to be part of something precious each and every day. I feel like I’ve won the “Rabbinical Lottery”—I am truly blessed to serve this remarkable community.

This past year wasn’t just amazing—it was extraordinary: The construction of our Katz Family Pavilion is nearing completion; our Odyssey of the Mind program had two top ten teams in the world; our Wildcats athletes celebrated three championship and eleven finalist teams; and our Early Childhood community’s inspiring work on behalf of Beit Issie Shapiro made a difference in the lives of many children in Israel. And then there are the everyday magical moments we experience on our mountain top—in our classrooms, on our playgrounds, and in our sanctuary. We have so much to celebrate.

I’m grateful to our dedicated staff and Clergy; our incredible parents who give so much of their time, talent, and treasure to our school; and to our thoughtful and curious students for making Wise School a place where all of our students can learn deeply, be creative, experience wholeness and make great happen for ourselves and our world.

My prayer is a simple one: May it only continue and multiply! More learning, more creativity, and a deeper sense of shalom in order to serve our highest calling: making the world a better place every day for us, our community, and our world.



This year we saw profound artistic achievements with our spring musical, “The Lion King.” From the costumes to the outstanding performances by 4th, 5th, and 6th graders, the students poured their souls into each moment on stage. Our Spring and Winter Music Festivals included stellar performances by our students in Primary Choir, Vocal Ensemble, Orchestra, Jazz Band, and Rock Band. The Introduction to Orchestra program for younger students demonstrated the benefits of children studying music at an early age. Our private instrumental instruction program continued to deliver expert tutelage in violin, cello, clarinet, saxophone, piano, percussion, and guitar. Our students also made bold strides in their weekly Music Innovation Lab classes. Pre-K through 1st grade explored movement and song experiences, while 2nd through 6th grade students continued their music education using the computer- based Music Ace Maestro program. Music appreciation units exposed them to the history of music, the great composers of The students poured old, and revolutionary artists of the present. Our 4th through 6th graders continued their study of the guitar, allowing them their souls into each to play and create songs independently. Kindergarten through 6th grade participated in our new T’filah and Music program, moment on stage. which combined drum circle, visual art experiences, and Judaic Studies. This made it possible for Wise students to have a more personal and meaningful connection to the prayer experience.


What makes STEAM different from STEM? The A for ART! At Wise School, Art is interwoven throughout all disciplines, especially in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. The enthusiasm of our students, faculty and parents has led STEAM to become an important focus in Wise School’s curriculum. Over the last few years, Wise School’s science program has continued to inspire scientific thinking amongst our young Wise scientists. Our Science specialists, Ally Coatney and Mandy Bolkin (who also holds a Master’s Degree in STEAM Education), work hard to continually align the curriculum with the Next Generation Science Standards.

A large part of this alignment has been the implementation of var- ious engineering design challenges across the grade levels that tie into the physical, earth, and life sciences. Project Studio supports the engineering component of our program. With the guidance of Jason Meth, an ever-expanding library of building materials and an expansive workshop, this one-of-a-kind Maker Space facilitates amazing student work. Additionally, Jan Navah, our Art Specialist, is always available to teachers and students to provide materials (often recycled), suggestions for their appropriate use in each project, and help planning ideas and challenges. Along with Jan

6 What makes STEAM different from STEM? The A for ART!

Navah, our technology specialist, Judy Hoffman, helps guide stu- dents to create original content and problem solve. The new Tyberg Arts and Innovation Lab serves as a state of the art learning space with the flexibility to open a folding wall to accommodate an entire grade to collaborate and create with Technology and Art at the same time. Additionally, our Singapore Math based program, spearheaded by Patty Tanner, follows the concrete-pictorial-abstract methodolo- gy, allowing students to connect real life mathematical situations to abstract concepts, from our engineering design challenges, to sci- ence projects, to technology problem solving.

In February, we hosted our 3rd Annual Family STEAM Night, where families participated in fun Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math activities. At STEAM Night, our 6th grade students suc- cessfully presented their science fair projects, showcasing their research skills and ability to use the scientific method. Many of our science projects were submitted to the LA County Science Fair, where one group placed 3rd in their category!



Wise School is the only Jewish Day School in Los Angeles to participate in the international problem-solving competition known as Odyssey of the Mind. The world-wide program provides a unique opportunity for students to apply and demonstrate their deep learning. In Odyssey, teams of seven students from schools around the world select a problem, accompanied by a lengthy list of criteria, and develop creative solutions to the problem. The “solution” culminates in a one-of-a-kind performance that showcases not just an answer, but student creativity, teamwork, problem solving skills, artistic abilities, engineering aptitude, costuming preferences, and acting talents. Additionally, coaches work with their students throughout the year to learn to solve problems spontaneously, either verbally, hands-on, or a combination of verbal/hands-on.

Throughout the years, Wise School has sent many teams from our Los Angeles campus to participate in regional, state, and world championships, and 2017 was no exception! This year, after winning first place at the regional and state championships, Wise School sent our 4th and 5th grade teams to the World Finals in Michigan over Memorial Day weekend. Working on both their long term and spontaneous problems, Wise School had an amazing finish out of over 850 teams from around the world.

Our 5th grade team took on the Technical problem “Odd-a-Bot” and placed 8th out of the top 52 teams in the world. Our 4th grade team took on the Classics problem, competing against 67 teams and earned 3rd place in the world. We are incredibly proud of their dedication to this year-long commitment in making great happen!


Robotics, along with programming and enriched curriculum, are changing the way students learn about the world around them. In our Tyberg Arts and Innovation Lab, robotics is a useful way for young learners to grapple with engineering concepts and make real world connections. Students use block commands to move motors and deploy sensors to solve robotic challenges. Math concepts, compu- tational thinking, prototyping, and engineering converge in the class- room when children are solving design challenges. Wise School students proudly participate in FIRST LEGO League Robotics teams after school. Our FIRST LEGO League Team, for 4th to 6th graders, and FIRST LEGO League Jr. Teams, for 1st to 3rd graders, participated in regional, state and world championship competitions. This spring, Team FLL Jr. 970 brought home the Lil’ Einstein trophy and FLL Jr. Team 2285 brought home the Effort and Learning trophy from the FIRST World Championships in Houston, TX. PROJECT

Project Studio, extending grade-level social studies with its roots in project- and inquiry-based learning, provides unique educational experiences integrated throughout the curricu - STUDIO lum and school. Supporting Wise’s STEAM program for the Engineering component of projects, its uniquely equipped space and expertise allows robotic arms, custom multi- tools, and more to be fabricated in Project Studio. This year we launched Project Studio Remix, where students enjoyed unique educational challenges in the inaugural class focused on advanced game making. Project Studio also facilitates our Odyssey of the Mind Program. This year, after winning first place at the regional and state championships, Wise School sent our 4th and 5th grade teams to the World Finals in Michigan. Out of over 850 teams from around the world, our 5th grade team took on the Technical problem and placed 8th out of the top 52 teams in the world, while our 4th grade team took on the Classics problem, competing against 67 teams and earned 3rd place in the world. We are incredibly proud of their dedication to this year-long commitment in making great happen!



Our Wildcat athletes completed another very successful year. We celebrated three League champion- ships along with eleven finalist teams! We are proud of the 138 4th–6th grade students who demonstrated outstanding sportsmanship while competing for the Wildcats against our rivals. An impressive 91% of our 4th–6th grade students participated on at least one of our 35 teams in our competitive athletic program, which contributed to their development of mind, body and soul. We continued the expansion of our Aquatics program with after school swim lessons for kindergarten through 3rd grade students, as well as our 3rd-6th grade students swimming as part of their PE instructional day. Additionally, our 4th-6th grade swim team continued to grow in participants and showed tremendous improvement with excellent swim meet results.


Wise School is a proud recipient of the 5-Star Award given by the Association for the Gifted. We PROCESS fundamentally believe that all children have the capac- ity, creativity and curiosity to engage in gifted education. Our students receive cutting-edge instruction benefit- ting all levels of learners across the disciplines. Our Wise Learning Process, developed through our partnership with the USC Rossier School of Education, is at the core of our academic excellence and continues to develop in its seventh year. Many Wise School faculty members have attended and taught demonstration lessons at the USC Summer Gifted Institute. Every summer, a group of our students are invited to participate in these demon- stration lessons intended to inform and inspire teachers from across the country. Our ongoing partnership with Dr. Sandra Kaplan of the USC Rossier School of Educa- tion and the Wise Learning Process have continued to create an atmosphere of academic excellence and a growth mindset towards higher-level learning. We orga- nize units and lessons around universal themes and big ideas in order to provide a more global perspective on the content and to allow for interdisciplinary connections. We believe that learning the skills of critical and creative thinking and applying them across the disciplines is es- sential to succeed in the unknown jobs of the future. 12 COMMUNITY Our strong sense of community is the heart of our school, and the connections formed at an early age last a lifetime. Through Shab- bat dinners, grade-level coffees and socials, and party book events, our families have opportunities to come together both on and off campus. These connections go deep, including multigeneration- al programs such as Midor L’dor, where grandparents and family members share our sense of community. Our dedicated parent body, teachers, and administrators form the bonds that make great happen. These connections to community and , formed at an early age in our Parenting Center and Early Childhood classes, and deepened through shared experiences in the upper grades, truly enrich our families’ lives.

Our strong sense of community is the heart of our school.


Wise School’s Early Childhood center provides children from birth through five years with an innovative, educational ex- perience tailored to the needs and expression of the whole child in an inclusive Jewish community. Partnered with USC’s Rossier School of Education in a ground-breaking curriculum written exclusively for Wise that brings developmentally appropriate critical and creative thinking skills to the fore- front, we strengthen the educational bridge to kindergarten with sound social, emotional, and academic foundations for confidence and success. In each class and at every age, our approach to education is through the lens of a constructivist philosophy, focusing on hands-on, experiential learning that sparks curiosity, fosters creativity and encourages children to think deeply, imaginatively and critically as they explore their classroom environment and unravel the challenges that arise through their work and their play. We strengthen the educational bridge to kindergarten.

14 Wise School Early Childhood Center contin- ued our unique Hebrew Immersion program in both the Explorer and Pre-K classes this year. Scientific research in early childhood brain development indicates that children who are exposed to learning a second lan- guage between the ages of three to five are more successful in learning and internalizing that language, as well as other languages, mathematics, and music. Students enrolled in this program attend five days per week for a five-hour day. To maintain the integrity of the program, all content is taught exclu- sively in Hebrew by native, Hebrew speaking, Early Childhood teachers. We continue to enjoy their progress with two full classes for the 2017–2018 school year. Mazal Tov to our first Hebrew Immersion cohort graduates going into 2nd grade in the fall of 2017. HEBREW IMMERSION


The Wise Parents Association Executive Board had one goal for the 2016-2017 school year: to create warm, meaningful, and engaging events for the students, parents, administration, and Temple commu- nity. This is how the WPA makes great happen.

Our executive board, committee chairs, and committee members created opportunities for all Wise School families to be involved in celebrations of our community, including grade level socials, dinners, and events from Kindergarten Welcome to Midor L’Dor to 6th Grade graduation. The WPA also sponsored teacher and staff appreciation days, guest lecturer series, and monthly Wise birthday celebrations. Social Action is an integral part of the WPA’s role at Wise and this year our community gave back at Mitzvah Orley Melamed and Day, Social Action Drives, and Beit Issie Shapiro Farmers Markets. We made great happen! Sherly Daneshgar Each year, the WPA presents a gift to Wise School. The gift is more than a dollar wpa presidents 2016–2018 amount—it’s a result of our community bonding together for the future of our children and our school. The successes of our 20 party book events not only raised $50,000, but they also strengthened the bond of our community crossing all grade levels. After transforming Zeldin-Hershenson Hall into the roaring 20s and planning an unbelievable event, our Gala Committee helped raise a record amount of money through a live and silent auction at our Great Gatsby Affair. Other successful fundraising events included our Holiday Boutique and the Wise School Book Fair, as well as our hot lunch program and Wise Style services. We anticipate that the WPA’s gift to Wise School this year will be $200,000! The WPA is an integral part of what makes Wise School so special. By supporting our committees, funding biannual gifts to the teachers, staff, administration, and maintenance and security teams, and raising funds to be allocated to multiple school departments, the WPA makes a difference in our community and the lives of our children for this generation and the next. None of this could have been accomplished without the unwavering support of the Wise School administration and operations staff. We thank them for their partnership and look forward to making even more great happen at Wise School in the 2017–2018 school year!

16 6th GRADE Abraham Joshua Heschel GRADUATES Day School Brentwood School The Buckley School We are so proud of our 6th Campbell Hall grade graduates who were Geffen Academy accepted to the following Harvard-Westlake School schools for the fall of 2017: Marlborough School CLASS OF 2011 Congratulations to Wise School’s class of 2011, heading off to the following universities: Barnard College Princeton University University of California, Berklee College of Music San Diego State University Santa Barbara Boston University San Francisco State University University of Oregon Chapman University Santa Monica College University of Arizona Colorado State University State University of New York - University of Miami Cornell University Stoneybrook University of Michigan George Washington University Tufts University University of Oklahoma Indiana University University of California, Berkeley University of Oregon Northwestern University University of California, Santa Cruz University of Wisconsin New York University University of California, Los Angeles University of Southern California

17 Wise

2 School year in review

1 The Maccabee Games is a family affair. 2 Wise School raised $4,000 for Light Up Literacy this year. 3 Our 1st graders celebrated the nation- wide Read Across America on Dr. Seuss’s birthday. 4 Our 5th and 6th graders participated in the DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution) American History Essay Contest, where Wise School had 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners in both 5th and 6th grades. All participants received an official DAR American History Essay Contest certificate and scholarship monies provided by the Hollywood Chapter DAR. Both 1st 1 place winners also won at the district level!

18 3

5 Our construction of Katz Family Pavilion provided numerous fun learning opportunities, including the Big Pile of Dirt Challenge where one student calcu- lated the exact number of trucks needed to haul out the dirt for construction. 6 Students celebrating Hanukkah at Wise. 7 Wise 3rd graders at our annual Maccabee Games. 4




6 11


8 5th graders celebrate a victory at the Maccabee Games with our Wise Wildcat! 9 Our 6th grade chemists earned 9 Third Place for “The Great Race” and Honorable Mention for “Freezing Times of Different Liquids” at the LA County Science Fair in March. 10 Kindergarten culminated the year with Hagigat HaTorah, a Wise School tradition where kindergartners sing and 8 go through the chuppah to receive their Torah before moving on to 1st grade. 11 We honored our Athletes of the Year at our annual Sports Banquet on June 1st.

20 Wise School year in review


12 Our debaters did an amazing job at their final competition of the year. We walked away with individual speaker, team, and tournament awards. We couldn’t be prouder of their hard work and dedication, and we wish our talented 6th graders all the best in their new schools next year! 12 13 Friendly competition between 3rd graders at our annual Maccabee Games. 14 In March, Wise School celebrated the installation of the final beam of Katz Family Pavilion with a Topping Off Ceremony. 15 Wise School came out on top at their swim meet against Buckley 14 and Valley School!


15 WISE: What is the one (or few) thing(s) that you learned at Wise that have helped you 2016 alumni in your 7th grade year? NOAH: My Social Studies profiles and Integrated Studies classes really prepared me for Humanities at Milken.

WISE: If you could give Xandi Pink advice to Wise 6th graders before they graduate, what The Buckley would you tell them? School NOAH: Don’t be shy when going to your new school and manage your time very wisely. Fun Fact: I’ll be joining the tennis team in the spring! WISE: If you could choose one teacher from Wise to thank Favorite Subject: Life Sciences for preparing you for 7th grade, who would it be and why? NOAH: I would like to thank Ms. Windler because her WISE: What do you love social studies curriculum was a bridge to the 7th grade most about your new school? Humanities class. XANDI: Everything.

WISE: What is the one (or few) thing(s) that you learned at Wise that have helped you in your 7th grade year? Eve Levy XANDI: At Wise I had the opportunity to participate in Harvard- amazing extracurricular activities like Odyssey of the Mind Westlake School and the school play. This helped me to understand the importance of collaboration and being a team player. Fun Fact: I love drawing and painting and I’m playing WISE: If you could give advice to Wise 6th graders before tennis at Harvard-Westlake. they graduate, what would you tell them? Favorite subject: Drawing XANDI: Always be optimistic and have a good time. and painting elective WISE: If you could choose one teacher from Wise to thank for preparing you for 7th grade, who would it be and why? WISE: What do you love most about your new school? XANDI: So many of my teachers helped prepare me well EVE: My favorite thing about Harvard-Westlake is that for 7th grade. I’d like to thank Mrs. Neal for helping me it is so diverse and that students have a voice when it improve my writing skills with her guidance during my comes to running the school. participation in the DAR Essay Writing contest. WISE: What is the one (or few) thing(s) that you learned at Wise that have helped you in your 7th grade year? EVE: Wise helped me with math, English, and my values.

Noah Rinsler WISE: If you could give advice to Wise 6th graders before Milken Community Schools they graduate, what would you tell them? EVE: Try hard but don’t stress out, the transition from one Fun Fact: I am playing tennis at Milken. school to another isn’t very hard. Favorite Subject: Humanities WISE: If you could choose one teacher from Wise to thank WISE: What do you love most about your new school? for preparing you for 7th grade, who would it be and why? NOAH: I like meeting new kids and the teachers because EVE: Thank you Ms. Tanner for teaching me all the math they are nice and helpful. skills I need!

22 Matt Hason Kaila Milken Community Harunzade Schools Brentwood School Fun Fact: I play football, soccer, volleyball, and I’m in Fun Fact: I love English class the architecture program. because I enjoy reading and Favorite Subject: Humanities writing stories. Our English teacher, Mr. Megier, is one WISE: What do you love of the funniest people I know. most about your new school? His entire classroom is covered with cat posters and MATT: What I love most about my new school is how for every grammar test he writes sentences about his understanding the teachers and administrators are if you students. Not to mention he has been working there for have schedule changes for sports or if you are sick. There 35 years! A fun fact about Brentwood is that most of is mutual respect: they give us flexibility but they expect the sports teams are coached by teachers. us to be responsible and keep up with our work. I find that Favorite subject: English many of the teachers teach us in an unusually interesting and memorable way, allowing students to retain higher WISE: What do you love most about your new school? level information with less confusion on the difficult topics. KAILA: I love Brentwood’s atmosphere and campus. It is very calm and serene, which reduces my stress and WISE: What is the one (or few) thing(s) that you learned makes me happy to come back every day. at Wise that have helped you in your 7th grade year? MATT: One thing I learned from Wise is my values. WISE: What is the one (or few) thing(s) that you learned Wise taught me to be kind, respectful, and inclusive. At at Wise that have helped you in your 7th grade year? my new school, these values have helped me make so KAILA: I feel in 6th grade we were pushed to work hard many friends. They have also strengthened my friend- on grammar and math, which has proven to be extremely ship with old friends, especially now that many of us useful to my 7th grade experience. are at different schools. WISE: If you could give advice to Wise 6th graders before WISE: If you could give advice to Wise 6th graders before they graduate, what would you tell them? they graduate, what would you tell them? KAILA: 6th graders, saver every moment while it lasts. MATT: If I could give advice to a Wise 6th grader before Trust me, you never realize what you have until it is gone. they graduate, it would be to work hard until the end of WISE: If you could choose one teacher from Wise to thank your 6th grade year. The middle school experience is a big for preparing you for 7th grade, who would it be and why? change that comes with more work, more responsibility, KAILA: I want to thank Mrs. Itri because she has shaped and more fun. Continuing to work hard will definitely make how I write. Without her I wouldn’t be the writer I am the transition smoother and more fun. today. She helped me learn how to manage my time and WISE: If you could choose one teacher from Wise to thank increased my test taking skills. Most of all, Mrs. Itri has for preparing you for 7th grade, who would it be and why? always taught her students to push their limits and strive MATT: I would like to thank Mrs. Clement for preparing to work harder. I will never forget my snazzier sentences. me for 7th grade. She taught me to uphold Jewish values and enjoy the study of Torah. In my new school, I enjoy TaNaKh class and I feel very prepared. I had a great experi- Are you a Wise or Stephen S. Wise alum? Are you ence with her and several other students going to Israel for a parent or grandparent of an alum? Connect and tell the delegation, and she always kept a positive smile. us what you, your child or grandchild has been up to.

Kvell to us here: [email protected]

23 Shahram & Michelle Yasharpour Afshin & Pantea Salamati Parham & Asal Yedidsion Raymond & Neda Sarraf Daniel & Arlen Yomtobian Fariborz & Mojgan Satey Sivan & Igor Zakai Marc & Kelly Schwartz Thank You to Dean & Katrin Shabbouei Albert & Sandra Shadgoo Guardian Shahram & Sepi Soleimani Our Generous ($1,000 to $2,499) Sid & Farnaz Solomon Anonymous Gregg Sultan & Tevin Adelman & Lindsey Schiff-Abrams Donors Jennifer Shankman Kamran & SharonaTavakoli Aram & Claudia Afshar Shawn & Sanaz Tavakoli David & Jessica Amron John & Katy Tishbi John Amussen & Andrea Bailey Andrew & Sally Triphon 2016–17 Annual Giving Joseph & Ellie Akhtarzad Eliezer & Sandra Appel Michael & Natalie Zarabi Honor Roll PARENTS Babak & Nasi Bamshad Joseph & Amanda Azizi Morris & Samira Barlava Jeff & Michelle Bader Visionary Shahin & Aram Binafard Herzel & Lisa Bani-Esraili Friend ($20,000+) Andrew & Michele Blecher Iraj Barkohanai ($500 to $999) Jeffrey & Tracy Kaplan Michel & Guitty Caroline Bolour Kenneth Chasen & Allison Lee Ari & Marina Afshar Alen & Nas Cohen Pejman & Nina Ben-Cohen David & Lital Aschkenasy Founder Charles & Chrystelle Cohen Sol & Stephanie Cohensedgh Babak & Elizabeth Barcohana ($10,000 to $19,999) Albert & Ellie Cohen Ramin & Doris Daneshgar David & Jordana Berg Wei & Hong Ke David & Rebecca Cohen Kami & Sherly Daneshgar Steven & Laura Berkowitz Raymond & Dina Levy Richard & Nancy Emmanuel Shahin & Doris Dardashty Tina & Christopher Chew Douglas Lichtman & Inessa Grinberg Afshine & Nooshin Emrani Ryan & Andrea Drobnick Mahyar & Rebeca Dardashti Alex Moradi Ario & Rama Fakheri Randall Emmett & Ambyr Brad & Michelle Ducorsky Peyman & Shohreh Saadat Ron & Michelle Farhadi Childers-Emmett Ramin & Noushin Farshi Charles & Niki Schwarz Alan Fattal & Maytal Abishoor-Fattal Greg & Irina Faiman Andy & Alexsondra Fixmer Benjamin & Gloria Soleimani Dan & Sanam Gabayzadeh Jack & Azita Farahi Jesse & Molly Ghalili B. Sam Tabibian & Egal & Negin Gabayzadeh Maurice & Orly Firouz Brian & Sherri Ghodsian Lilian Jensen-Tabibian Brian & Amy Gallagher Steven Foonberg & Michelle Vannoy Ilona Gorin Daniel & Sanam Ghiyam Alvaro & Paola Gancman Robin & Jessica Hanasab Benefactor Ellis & Hannah Ghodsian Scott & Andrea Gardenhour David Gott & Masha Livhits ($5,000 to $9,999) Shawn & Tatiana Ghodsian Ariel & Karen Goldenstein Kevin & Farnaz Hayavi Baruh & Daniela Benun Jamshid Goltche Todd & Jaclyn Golditch Saeed & Azita Hekmat-Niaz Fred Dardashti & Diana Pereira Omid & Brenda Hamid Kevin & Sharen Golshan Raphael & Leila Javaheri David & Inna Effress Tanel & Katya Harunzade Phil & Olivia Gordon Roddy & Jacki Javahery Tannoz & David Foruzanfar Patrick & Ashley Javaheri Michael & Elise Greenberg Sepehr & Shirin Kamjoo Shaun & Shandy Gabbay Patrick Kann & Afsoun Yazdian Nesim & Sezin Hason Farhad & Nazy Kohanim Dana Guerin Frederick & Cheri Karubian Daniel & Stephanie Heyman Shahrokh & Haleh Kohanim Chuck Gillman & Elizabeth Kopple Payam & Lida Kashfian Nasser & Nooshin Hiekali Soheil & Marsha Levi Sean & Nikki Hashem Maximo & Ariel Langer David & Morgan Ickovics Ronen & Ilyse Levy Sean & Kathryn Javaheri Shahab & Leah Mahboubian Bob & Sonia Kashani Shaun & Ronen Malekmehr Frank Lahijani Peter & Renee Mehrian Ramin & Azita Khalili Farshad & Sadaf Malekmehr Hooman Lahijani & Sherin Natan Roman Milakin & Polina Kazakova Kim Khazaei & Karen Firstenberg Behzad & Angela Melamed Michael & Alexis Lam Joshua & Alexx Monkarsh Gary & Maxine Kleinman Babak & Debbie Mossanen Sean & Nataly Namvar Ramin & Michelle Neman Robert & Christine Kuskin David & Tamara Noriani Jenna & Joey Pitson Kiarash & Desiree Neman Simon & Tannaz Lavi Farhad & Lisa Novian Elliot & Tammy Rusanow Gregory & Andrea Noveck Kourosh & Nazy Maddahi Ronnie & Farnoush Novian Steven Schaffer & Henry Ohebshalom Richard & Cristina Marcus Pejman & Vered Pakravan Debra Barach Schaffer Siamak & Janet Okhovat James & Haleh Mehdizadeh Rabin & Lora Pournazarian David & Julie Schwarz Pejman & Carolyn Rahnama Robert Mehdizadeh & Monika Levy Rodney & Sherlyn Rad Henry & Nilou Shahery Soroush & Golareh Ramin Babak & Orley Melamed Natalie Rice Philip & Hedyeh Shaoul Arash & Marla Raminfar Ramin Messian & Rebeca Farca & Jorge Rivera Ramin & Ramona Simantob Isaac & Foujan Sakhai Negar Salim-Messian Layne & John Rosen Yael & Daniel Tenenbaum Schlomo Schmuel & Robin Jacobs Itay & Nicole Mevorakh Bahram & Sholeh Saba Jian & Patricia Torkan Michael & Neda Shak Faramarz & Mahin Moshfegh Arash Sabbagh-Fard & Leandro & Lori Tyberg Rafi & Katrin Shaoulian Gita & Daniel Mossighi Sepideh Forouzanrad Maurice & Kyle Umansky Kevin & Holly Tanna Michael & Judit Nazar Shawn & Ronit Sharafian Kambiz & Jennifer Yadidi Marc & Desiree Tavakoli Farid & Stella Pakravan Craig & Valarie Simms Avi & Nilou Yroshalmiane Jordan & Jennifer Toplitzky Ran & Shel Pink Jennifer Smith Joubin Torkan & Yassaman Matthew & Limor Pouldar Sam Tabibian & Educator’s Circle Afrahim-Torkan Kevin & Soheila Pourmorady Shirley Darvish Tabibian ($2,500 to $4,999) Charles & Shana Veiseh Gregg & Bahar Rinsler Ariana & Kevin West Michael Abaian & Delaram Hanookai Arlene Spiegelman & Andre Sabetfard & Arash & Makize Zarabi Brent & Jaremy Aiello-Ortner Justin Van Vlack Sharon Shakibkhou Ruben Torres & Kim Zeldin

24 Contributor Joya Yadegar Anita Rodriguez Allen & Jacalyn Guon (under $500) Shahrouz & Mona Yadegar Gail Rosenblum Sheldon & Andrea Kahn Avi Aframian & Kathie Arastoozadeh Iraj Yazdi & Noushin Salim Allison Ross Moussa and Mahnaz Mehdizadeh Benjamin & Deborah Arden David Ziring & Ali Karp-Ziring Brian Sforzo Ira Mevorakh Aryeh & Jennifer Aslan Vera Shabtai Paul & Maureen Milkes Eitan & Rachel Atias Teachers & Staff Sarah Shpall Haim Moravati Jack & Linda Banafsheha Meirav Abutbul Karen Sklar Norman & Steve Plinio Limor Giladi-Bendor & Ziv Bendor Susan Avisar Sharon Spira-Cushnir Alfred & Laura Simon Farshad & Katherine Bostani Hanna Bahat Kimberly Snyder Georgia Simon Sean Bral & Natalie Shabtai-Bral Marilyn Balachio Heidi Sorenson Andrea Smith Alexandra & Dominic Coatney Melissa Baral Jeff Starr Randall & Patsy Sultan Cheryl & Bill Cohen Gali Bardin Bam Stern Robert Vernon Jon & Dana Cohen Tricia Bay Jeffrey Stern Caroline Wong Kenneth & Jennifer Davis Beth Behar Roni Stone Michael Zeldin & Terry Gock Kevin & Christine Eberly Lindsay Bendoni Diamond Summerville Rodney & Tanya Emrani Amanda Bolkin Patricia Tanner WISE SCHOOL GENERATIONS Marc & Tonia Entous Cindy Brongers Ariana Terebelo ENDOWMENT Josh & Jessica Etting Amy Burch Marloes VanRiette Melanie & Lyle Fisher Marcela Carlock Gayle Volpert LEADERSHIP Michael & Shirin Forouzanpour Malka Clement Sandra Volterra $100,000 and above Holly Friedman Jamie Cohen Ari Volterra Steve and Jodie Fishman Ramin Gabayan & Miri Cohen Erika Wallman Donald and Shelly Levy Nira Maghsoudi Gabayan Miriam Cohen Dani Weiner Ed and Deena Nahmias Joubin & Tiffany Gabbay Brenda Collins Randy Weinstein Glenn and Andrea Sonnenberg Baback & Niloufar Gabbay Courtney Cregar Tami Weiser Wise Parents Association Michael Crenshaw Lea Garbe Aaliyah Wiley Faramarz Yousefzadeh Navid & Ortila Gholian Shaina Egeth Rachel Windler Candace Epperson Edwin Haronian & Sharona Cohen Tatiana Zaidman MAJOR GIFTS Ashley Feldman Moussa Hassid & Sunny Ham Karen Zakay $50,000–$99,999 Dana Fridman Nir & Alice Hoftman Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback Raymond and Dina Levy Leemore Gabay Shane Johnson & Keili Lefkovitz Linda Gafni Melanie & Yosef Katan BENEFACTOR Andrew Germain Kourosh & Shabnam Khaloyan Grandparents/Alumni $25,000–$49,999 Lemor Giladi Philip & Tamar Koosed Families/Friends of Wise Raymond and Ruth Borun Debra Halfon Nicole Leslie Carin and Glenn Freeman Lashelle Hamlin Benefactor Jason & Aviva Levin Jeffrey and Tacy Kaplan Judy Harris ($5,000 to $9,999) Jeffrey & Sarah Levitt Rick and Janine Kolodny Daniel Herold Eri Kroh Daniel & Liron Marks Terry and Gentille Koosed Judy Hoffman Kamyar Marouni & Shahrzad Cohen Dr. Behrouz Tavakoli Ryan Hosler Educator’s Circle Scott & Elena Meller Mary Itri ($2,500 to $4,999) Jason Meth & Emily Cohen-Meth BUILDER Connie Kang Barry & Renee Gordon Haim & Sheila Morovati $5,000–$24,999 Maxwell Kaplan Maximo & Ariel Langer Bureau of Jewish Education David Moradzadeh & David Kates Maury & Frances Rice Rhonda Arastoozad Mari Klein Amiel & Jasmine Moshfegh Pamela Kleinman Guardian Randy & Lori Moss Joshua Knobel ($1,000 to $2,499) Generations Program Marc & Lisa Nehorayan Karen Lepp Marcia and Vincent Gloddy We have an extraordinary opportunity Mark & Rachel Neman Chad Gutstein Melanie Levy to ensure that quality Jewish education Clark Peterson & Stacy Rukeyser Roberta Lloyd Rudy Kadisha is fully accessible, sustainable, and Chris & Tiffany Pitoun Jennifer Maimone affordable to all families who wish to Jonathan & Nilou Raiman Lisa Mamos Friend enroll their children in Wise School as Sam Sanandaji & Bahareh Golbahar Dalia Margolis ($500 to $999) a result of our School’s participation in Kimberly & Victor Schwartz Joann Menashe Patricia Arbetman the Generations Program. Generations Leon & Emmanuelle Schwartzman Brenda Menjivar Isaac & Flora Hamid represents an unprecedented invest- Elisha & Keren Shashoua Malka Miodovsky Mel & Claire Kosasky ment in Wise School by building a large permanent endowment. The Kelly & Naomi Shepard Rachel Mitzman Soheil & Marsha Levi funds will be allocated for student David & Debra Siegel Rebecca Kitz-Mizrahi David Lubliner financial aid, ongoing professional and Arash & Sara Soleimany Rachel Moghimi Pablo and Eleanor Nankin faculty development and continuous Bejan & Michelle Souferian Janice Navah Shirley Yamahata school-wide improvements. We are Matt & Hagit Tambor Pamela Neal proud to announce that we have Arsen Tevonyan & Rina Iofel Janis Neishuler Contributor raised over $1,000,000 towards the Devin Wagman & Orly Raz Cecilia Nguyen (under $500) endowment. Our goal is to raise more Ilanit & Michael Wasserberg Leora Orevi Ivan & Nikki Axelrod than $1.2 million by December 2017 Sheldon & Ruth Weisel Mira Pearl Sam & Ali Barnett and eventually grow this into a Melissa & Adam Wilkenfeld Talia Priel Allan & Karen Entous $20 million endowment. David & Rozita Yacobi Orlee Raymond Guggenheim Entertainment

25 Scott and Dana Ehrlich Emily and Rick Corleto BUILDER GIFTS Katya and Tanel Harunzade Michael R. Forman Ruth Davis $2,500 to $9,999 Nikki and Sean Hashem Karen Furie Feintech Family Joyce and Kevin Anderson Nooshin and Nasser Hiekali The Field and O’Carroll Families Sheri and Noel Anenberg Ashley and Patrick Javaheri WISE COMMUNITY GIFTS Carin and Glenn Freeman Francine and Joel Berger Hong and Wei Ke $1,800–$4,999 Susie and Jaime Gesundheit S & R Berkman Family Foundation Donna and Cantor Nathan Lam 2017 6th Grade Class The Ghodian Family Penny and Mark Berns Nataly and Sean Namvar Robert and Tami Weiser Michelle and Ramin Neman Cheryl and Brad Cohen Judit and Michael Nazar Mark and Jane Wilf Family Foundation Sharen and Kevin Golshan Linda and Rick Cohn and Farnaz and Robert Neman Dorothy and Ozzie Goren Linda and Lee Rosenberg Families Limor and Matthew Pouldar CONTRIBUTOR Susie and Bruce Goren Sheryl and Jerald Einziger Lora and Rabin Pournazarian $500–$1,799 Bonnie and Rabbi Eli Herscher Bobbi and Peter Feinstein Sherlyn and Rodney Rad Shawn and Karin Azizzadeh Tracy and Jeffrey Kaplan Joan Blum-Feldman and Bill Feldman Tammy and Elliott Rusanow Ruth I. Cless Ronnie and Michael Kassan Jody and Dan Furie Shohreh and Peyman Saadat Grant, Tani, Barash, & Altman Jodi and Rick Kirkbride Andrea and Scott Gardenhour Foujan and Isaac Sakhai Justin and Yassi Lancer Janine and Rick Kolodny Karen and Ariel Goldenstein Katrin and Rafi Shaoulian David Moghavem Gentille and Terry Koosed Sally and Bernie Hanes Ramona and Ramin Simantob Brad Moldofsky Christine and Robert Kuskin Sally and Donald Jones Julie and David Schwarz Jack and Miriam Pitson Donna and Cantor Nathan Lam Ginny and Arthur Kahn Gloria and Benjamin Soleimani and Ro and Bill Handy Families Liz and Jeff Koppelman Becky Sobelman-Stern and Andrea and Kenneth Lee Susan Fine Kroll and Howard Kroll Rabbi Ron Stern Katz Family Pavilion Milken Family Foundation Alison and Chet Kronenberg Lilian Jensen-Tabibian and and Shalom Garden Family Foundation Alexis and Michael Lam B. Sam Tabibian Gregory and EJ Milken Foundation Michelle and Matthew Marsh Lori and Leandro Tyberg NAMING GIFT Kyle and Mauricio Umansky $2,000,000 Lance & Hillary Milken Foundation Rose and James Meltzer Bari Milken Bernstein Sandy and Stuart Newmark Michelle and Shahram Yasharpour Katz Family Pavilion and Shalom Natalie and Michael Zarabi and Fred J. Bernstein Foundation Rose and Warren Reid Garden Jacqueline Hantgan and Alex Moradi Jodi Kruger and Jeremy Rosen Ronald Katz Josh Zweiback Dana and Todd Katz Nataly and Sean Namvar Linda and Dan Rosenson Robin and Ira Pianko Ann and Sam Rubinfeld Kathy and Randall Katz Pavers 6 X 24 Linda and Jeff Resnick Elisa and Michael Schenkman Sharon Spira-Cushnir and Niki and Charles Schwarz and Family VISIONARY GIFTS Andrew Cushnir Geri and Jim Sherman Debbee and Robert Schwartz $500,000 to $999,999 Sherly and Kami Daneshgar Sussan and Michael Shore Sue and Robert (z”l) Shadur Lori and Rob Goodman Nancy and Richard Emmanuel Gloria and Benjamin Soleimani Becky Sobelman-Stern Deena and Ed Nahmias Karen Furie Julie and Peter Weil and Rabbi Ron Stern Wendy and Ken Ruby Amy and Brian Gallagher Rachel Kaganoff Stern and Eric Stern Williams Family Paola and Alvaro Gancman Mariya and Victor Svilik LEADERSHIP GIFTS Marilyn and David Elizabeth Kopple and Chuck Gillman $100,000 to $499,999 Felice and Doug Audri and Stan Tendler Jamshid Goltche Pam and Jeff Balton Lynn and Mark Deborah and Milton Valera Renee and Barry Gordon Lynn and Les Bider Susan Linda Silver and Michael Wachtell Stephanie and Daniel Heyman Julie and Steve Bram Roz and Bob Weiner Kathryn and Sean Javaheri Gail Buchalter and Warren Breslow BENEFACTOR GIFTS Leslie Kautz and Jack Weiss Leila and Raphael Javaheri The Faber Family $10,000 to $24,999 Ronit and Tamir Wertheim Lida and Payam Kashfian Loretta and Warren Appel Laurie Ackerman Felice and Douglas Williams The Klein Family Linda Faber Susan and Jon Berger Beverly and Rabbi David Woznica Leah Kroll and Michael Zeldin Marilyn and Ronald Spencer Irene and Yoni Boujo Michael Zeldin and Terry Gock Alexis and Michael Lam Jodie and Steve Fishman and Sidonia Lax Barbara and Walter Zifkin Linda and Jeff Linden Steve Fogel Fern and Kenneth DuBow Liron and Daniel Marks Myna and Rabbi Uri Herscher Debi and Marc Graboff Pavers 6 X 48 Stella and Sean Pakravan Loretta and Norton Karno Patricia Linden and Fred Gysi Jessica and David Amron Miriam and Jack Pitson Judi and Frank Niver Yasmina and Alan Joelson Guitty and Michel Bolour Bahar and Gregg Rinsler Susan and Mel Plutsky Roy and Judi Kaufman Lisa and Herzel Bani-Esraili Carol and Howard Rosen Helen and Frank Ponder Corie and Michael Koss Nina and Pejman Ben-Cohen Fran Morris-Rosman and Judith and Afshin Raminfar Laurie Glickman and James Leewong Marci and Andrew Berman Richard Rosman Julie and Brad Shames Nancy and Larry Levitt Natalie Sabtai-Bral and Sean Bral Pantea and Afshin Salamati Andrea and Glenn Sonnenberg AnnDee and Jeff Levy Rebecca and David Cohen Debra Barach Schaffer and Tyberg Family Foundation Joan and Sid Marantz Doris and Ramin Daneshgar Steve Schaffer Rosita and Juan Tyberg Barbara and Joel Marcus Dana and Scott Ehrlich Evelyn Shooshani Lori and Leandro Tyberg Adriane and Allan Morrison Michelle and Ron Farhadi Valarie and Craig Simms Kyle and Mauricio Umansky Jerry and Wendy (z”l) Otelsberg Jodie and Steve Fishman Arthur Snyder Wise Parents Association Corrine and Leonard Sands Tannoz and David Foruzanfar Arlene Spiegelman and Justin Van Vlack Nancy and Allen Satenberg Andrea and Scott Gardenhour Shana and Charles Veiseh MAJOR GIFTS Roya and Jeff Sklar Donna and Donald Gindy Ariana and Kevin West $25,000 to $99,999 Jacqueline Hantgan Tamara Rothenberg and Mark Gochman Beverly and David Woznica Marci and Andrew Berman and Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback Sharen and Kevin Golshan Farnaz and Kourosh Yashar

26 100% Teacher participation and 93% Parent Participation in our successful annual giving campaign 560 4,742 miles traveled to falafel balls consumed competitions by our international award on our Tel Aviv twinning winning Odyssey of the Mind teams partnership trips to Israel

.007 ounces Wise of gold panned 900 by our 4th grade times Wise School School 2.4 students on their covered our eyes Sacramento trip to say the “Shema” by the numbers Over 4,000 2,000 likes on the Wise School “aha” moments when Facebook, Instagram and each EC child learned Twitter feeds something exciting 273 for the first time trophies distributed at our 2017 168 high-fives, Wildcats Sports Awards banquet hugs and connections between kindergarten and their 6th grade buddies Over 12,000 cubic yards of concrete poured to build our new athletic complex, Katz Family Pavilion

27 Learn deeply. Be creative. Experience wholeness. Make great happen.

15500 Stephen S. Wise Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90077 • 310.889.2300 • [email protected] • Wise-School.org