November 2, 2020

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November 2, 2020 • Light Roadside • Heavy Towing • Wheel Lift & Flatbed • No Interest 24 HOUR TOWING SPECIALISTS IN: Credit Plan Plus • Accidents • Lock Outs • Boosts • Breakdowns • • Cars • Heavy Haulage • Tractors • Trucks • Your choice of NOT EVEN THE TAXES! • Buses • Baby Barns • RV’s • Motor Homes • 14 Wing Greenwood O.A.C. Month terms 902-765-6994 Middleton Cell (902): 825-7026 the Vol. 41 No. 41 AuroraNOVEMBER 2, 2020 NO CHARGE Legions plan for poppy campaign, November 11 Public encouraged to support poppy campaign, take time to remember Sara White, the visible symbol of remem- Managing editor brance takes on extra weight Kingston Royal Canadian Legion Branch 098 Alvin H. Foster Honorary President Jim Desmond, left, and Second this year. Vice-president and Poppy Campaign Chairman Peter Kirkpatrick, right, presented the first of the branch’s Remembrance Day and “There will be no Remem- Remembrance Day poppies to 14 Wing Greenwood Colonel Brendan Cook, second from left, and Wing Chief Warrant Officer Dan Campbell in the 14 Wing headquarters foyer October 26. Corporal Y. Kang, 14 Wing Imaging all activities around tradi- brance Day parade, no ban- tional November 11 services quet, nothing in schools, in their own communities in wreath donations – some- but a small service will be Forces’ representation at this and events look different in nothing at the veterans’ unit the past to watch the national times what we’ve received held at the cenotaph at 11 year’s modifi ed events. 2020 due to COVID-19 public at Soldiers Memorial Hos- television broadcast Novem- in the past, but sometimes a.m., including the Last Post “We will be keeping it health guidance, but the mes- pital, no service organiza- ber 11 from Ottawa. more.” and Revellie and the laying small, but we will be there sage remains the same. tion talks,” says Kingston Kingston second vice- The Kentville Branch 006 of key wreaths representing to join you,” Cook said Oc- October 23, Kingston Royal branch president Al Peterson. president Peter Kirkpatrick, Legion has also cancelled its the Government of Canada, tober 23, as he accepted his Canadian Legion Branch 098 “People can’t attend anything, also the branch’s Poppy public November 11 service. the province and the Legion. poppy from Kingston Legion- Alvin H. Foster representa- and we can’t go to them. Campaign chairman, says A closed service and online In the meantime, there will naires. “We will have a few tives presented their first We’re going to try and do everything poppy funds sup- event will be held instead, and be no manned poppy dona- small teams going out to our poppies of the annual Poppy an outdoor, invitation-only ports “is visible proof of the Legion is encouraging tion stands; a number of cenotaphs and services, but Campaign to 14 Wing Green- service November 11 and our motto: ‘We Serve.’ This those who have laid wreathes businesses have offered to nothing like the bus loads of wood Commander Colonel Livestream it. year’s poppy stands will all in the past, or who would display poppy donation boxes members we’d typically be Brendan Cook and Wing Chief “This hurts us. We’re not be on the honour system like to this year, to contact in support of the Legion. The sending out.” Warrant Offi cer Dan Camp- going to get the funds for except for one, at the Green- the branch. Volunteers will public is encouraged to use The base’s Annapolis Mess bell. The official campaign our poppy trust fund, and we wood Mall. ensure it happens on sup- these, or visit the Legion itself plans to broadcast the nation- runs October 30 to Novem- need that for our veterans and “Businesses I’ve visited porters’ behalf. during regular hours Thurs- al televised Ottawa service, ber 11. Legion members their families.” in Kingston and area have In Berwick, Royal Canadian day, Friday and Saturday. inviting mess members to invite community friends to Peterson says Legions all said they will watch our Legion Branch Ortona 69 14 Wing’s Cook and Camp- come in. support the effort to see red across Canada are encour- poppy donation boxes and President Peter Rigby says bell have been working with “It won’t be the same,” poppies pinned to as many aging people who may have displays for us, and they’re there will not be a commu- Valley Legions to meet any Cook said, “but we’ll do what folks’ lapels as possible, as attended in-person services supporting the Legion with nity parade November 11, requests for Canadian Armed we can.” Open to the public | November 21 | 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. | Greenwood Mall 14 Wing Greenwood Decorated trees from wing squadrons and community businesses with be offered in this fundraising ticket auction. Festival Info: Master Corporal Shawn Jordan: [email protected] | 902-765-1494 local 3694 Combined Charities programme de Charité combiné of trees Presented by présemé par Page 2 November 2, 2020 the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS November 2, 2020 Page 3 Partners mark milestone in bravo zulu | promotions & presentations 14 Wing Imaging unless otherwise indicated. green energy, environmental savings Sara White, fi xed equipment. With partners Managing editor at 14 Wing, including Defence Construction Canada and con- With green initiatives adding tractors MCW Custom Energy up to 1.7 million kilowatt hours Solutions, the Energy Perfor- of savings – a 1,000-tonne mance Contract success so far reduction in greenhouse gas is helping the Government of emissions, equivalent to taking Canada meet climate change 260 houses “off the grid” – 14 goals to reduce greenhouse Wing Greenwood has marked gas emissions from buildings October 19, Aviator Trained Peter Blakesley, second from left, 14 Air Maintenance Squadron, October 19, Aviator Trained Brandon Savage, second from left, 14 Air Maintenance Squadron, the fi rst milestone in its Energy and operations. receives his promotion to corporal from his father, Captain Timothy Blakesley, second from right, receives his promotion to corporal from his father, Master Warrant Offi cer Scott Savage, Performance Contract work. “The government has to with 14 AMS Lieutenant-Colonel Cory Marchand, left, and Chief Warrant Offi cer Kevin Wezenbeek. second from right, with 14 AMS Lieutenant-Colonel Cory Marchand, left, and Chief Warrant Effi ciency Nova Scotia pre- make targets; the Canadian Offi cer Kevin Wezenbeek. sented a cheque October 19, Armed Forces, RP Ops and representing the fi nancial sav- Nova Scotia all have to meet ings, $201,080, to 14 Wing targets. This is an important Deputy Wing Commander Lieu- program that has to happen tenant-Colonel Dale King and for all of us, and we have DCC Real Property Operations Unit and MCW to help us as a part- (Atlantic) Lieutenant-Colonel nership. Now we see this fi rst Bryan Mialkowsky. As the proj- cheque: it shows everyone on ects at 14 Wing, and also at base is working together. It’s 5th Canadian Division Support not just infrastructure work to Base Detachment Aldershot, make sure this all works.” proceed over the next nine King said 14 Wing personnel October 19, Aviator Trained Jacob Crowe, centre, 14 Air Maintenance Squadron, receives years, the savings will increase: have been hearing about the 14 Wing Greenwood Deputy Wing Commander Lieutenant-Colonel Dale King (left) and Real Property Opera- his promotion to corporal from 14 AMS Lieutenant-Colonel Cory Marchand, left, with Chief October 19, Aviator Basic Noah Sirois, centre, 14 Air Maintenance Squadron, receives his tions Unit (Atlantic) Commanding Officer Lieutenant-Colonel Bryan Mialkowsky (right) stand with MCW to as much as an annual energy green projects over the past Warrant Offi cer Kevin Wezenbeek. promotion to aviator trained from 14 AMS Lieutenant-Colonel Cory Marchand, left, with Chief Custom Energy Solutions’ Ted Loucks (second from left) and Defence Construction Canada lead coordinator Warrant Offi cer Kevin Wezenbeek. cost reduction at the wing of year, and this event highlights Doug MacLeod (second from right), with the first milestone energy savings cheque from Efficiency Nova $898,000, or 13 per cent, and “why we’re doing it. Scotia, presented by chief executive officer Stephen MacDonald, October 19. The 10-year Greenwood Energy lower greenhouse gas emis- “There are the savings we’re Performance Contract is completing work at 14 Wing and 5th Canadian Division Support Base Detachment sions by close to 7,500 tonnes aiming for, but 23 buildings are Aldershot that will reduce energy costs and greenhouse gas emissions. Corporal Y. Kang, 14 Wing Imaging CO2 equivalent per year. now complete, with 60 ongoing. to 40 per cent of those savings. ment of Canada green energy tion cheque, pleased the pro- Greenwood was one of six “This is a partnered project,” That’s phenomenal work be- There are several other larger initiative savings that will pay vincial agency, and its oversight initial Energy Performance Con- Mialkowsky said. “We couldn’t tween the wing and Aldershot. buildings still to go, and the for themselves, and contribute organization, Efficiency One; tracts announced in December do it ourselves.” And, it’s hard to believe just conversion to natural gas at to lowering CO2 emissions.” is involved in a project that 2018. RP Ops (Atlantic) also RP Ops (Greenwood) looks three 14 Wing buildings – the some point in this coming heat- Effi ciency Nova Scotia chief moves the province toward its has work underway at CFB Hali- after the base infrastructure Birchall, the gym and the An- ing season – those get us a step executive offi cer Stephen Mac- 2050 goal to achieve net zero fax and 5th Canadian Division – all the roads, buildings and napolis Mess – have amounted forward for wing and Govern- Donald “signed” the presenta- emissions.
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