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[email protected] G00239869 Magic Quadrant for Endpoint Protection Platforms Published: 2 January 2013 Analyst(s): Peter Firstbrook, John Girard, Neil MacDonald The endpoint protection platform provides a collection of security utilities to protect PCs and tablets. Vendors in this market compete on the quality of their protection capabilities, the depth and breadth of features, and the ease of administration. Strategic Planning Assumption By 2017, more than 50% of end-user devices will be restricted to running only apps that have been preinspected for security and privacy risks, up from 20% today. Market Definition/Description The enterprise endpoint protection platform (EPP) market is a composite market primarily made up of collections of products. These include: ■ Anti-malware ■ Anti-spyware ■ Personal firewalls ■ Host-based intrusion prevention ■ Port and device control ■ Full-disk and file encryption, also known as mobile data protection ■ Endpoint data loss prevention (DLP) ■ Vulnerability assessment ■ Application control (see Note 1) ■ Mobile device management (MDM) These products and features are typically centrally managed and ideally integrated by shared policies. This research note is restricted to the personal use of
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[email protected] DLP, MDM and vulnerability assessment are also evaluated in their own Magic Quadrant or MarketScope analyses. Longer term, portions of these markets will get subsumed by the EPP market, as the personal firewall, host intrusion prevention, device control and anti-spyware markets have in the past. EPP suites are a logical place for convergence of these functions.