r •»* X ;’v ■ MARY CHENEY UBrAhY W m nDAT, JIM l % l i M t I8anr^»atirr Cosnftts JfrraUk

L t (jf) Ciavla C. nghar, inOfR, ^ to avals atiOdag s aw. Un. Uaaa Lodga. Kb. Tt KBilbta o( Verdict in Favor n iw waa vapeaaektad hp Rabert pvtblaa. wOl bold Ita BMOUag to* buaband of Mra. Blaabatb S. Recent Graduate 9 ^ A bout Town Flabar of ISO Brookflald atraat, P. Sutler and HsiaM W. Oarrity. niabt at ^ b t o’clbcb to Oranf* A ttom ay a. Oepa Mmtford np* ijh . At tba lart BMrtlac of tbo Mancboatar, baa taeanUy rctumad Of Bus Company f* from a taro-waak raaaraa tralalag poored for tha OsaaeetleBt eooe* Ibdgb tbo foUowtog nomlnattoc paap. C H y f TL* aBBOtX PMty o f tlM A m y ooBUBtttoo waa appointod: Cbarloa crulaa to Pocrto Rico aboard tha •ad N*rr Au»m«7 wfll Wenaorgron. Raymond Kulptotby light cntlaar VSS Llttla Rock. Tha A Superior O oort Jury baa ra* ' 1 1 W«dMadmy •m laf, Jm» a*. ^ L. Warren DeMartta. Baaman Ap* Septembar 4, IP45 whan thrown aa apMta ta Oaorgo BaUand, father af Worst Congress Blast News Tidbits prentice. USN. aoa of Mr. and Mra. the driver of a boa baltad audden* a dub we—«»»f Stassen Adks Solofiit Richard R DeMartto of SS Dnrkta C U M ttn m m W lr a ' ’ -V street. Mancbeater. baa been a^ lectcd to attend the Electrtclaaa Stirs Political Strife School at tha Naval Training Can* tar. Great Lakea. HI. DoMartiii, who entered the Naval earvioe Fab. Verbal Shagfeat 9howa TWt.| Keep Nation’s Honor 3. IMS, at the Naval Racruittog Join Hale’ s Blanket' Big Headache • a el Station, Hartford, Conh^receivA Every Sign of Tam> My Ss_ recruit training at tha NTC, Great Lakes. HI. Before entering tha ing Campaign' Into For Writers .Nav-y he attended Manchester High an aaanrtetad School. Club N O W ! Rouf^ieat in Yearn By No Cut in Fun^ ^ -______1 Judga Oolda- Laksta OouncU, No. SI, Dagrao Charcoal Britettat ' Of Platform of Pocahontaa, announces a house WasUagtsa, Jans lA-OF) tetetto Mte*M^*oider rwtraia- Tpioads Whh Bingo for Friday avenlng for the Mlea Ida t. Paguetto lag them (M b atrikaa. . . -Chr- beneSt of tha OounclL It will be —H anU lL Stasasa saM to- Differences Among Top dtaml M iadaeaty. RoaM ’Not to Ttenisb Mlaa Ida T.* Paquette, daughter P icn ic C e a se Fire Orders held at eight o'clock at tha home of Mr. aad Mra. Adolph Paquette ia j PrssHsat Tramsa aw4t Priamta af Raagary, TMommy'f gon« t o of Mrs. Mary Vaadrillo, 67 Alton RepobUcans in aeamisaB oader white ha la win- tiona] H onor o f Olur* o f IS CItotoB atraot, was grwduat* •-r - X an ''anJastUML aaatstssaaia* street. All who are going on the ed from St Praads Hospital Ittis^ statSBu a t whsa ks gress on Domeatie and tag ta dtacuas diff( Country’ by Gnttfag picnic to Savin Rock later this School of N uta^, Jtute S. teurte aad tha Being Sent Troops HALE'S month are requeated to notify GnU tanasd thia Cmvrssa Urn Global banes Nuw natsd govanuaeat. . Recoveiy Fnafist A^ Mias Pagnetta waa graduated Mrs. VendriUo aa aoon aa posslbla. *VsnV* in fcistsrp. Tbs Ra* temea lead state awi from Berlin High school, Berlin, serts S li^ Would B e to havo hot \ N. H„ with tbo daee of IMS. Pre* pahBeaa pgsddsatial aspirot Watetogteo. Jana Brote Arab$ and Jotm to fi-ulTries to KePD Mra. Malcolm MoUan, who haa vloua to tmlning fOr nursing she gava tiM Scaats Apprsprla* dUferanoea amoag top itepubileaaa '"fe— BdUtary ’Breadi of Gomaiift been tha guaat of Mrs. Prank P. was emplo3red fb r tw o years in the t. ■ays atepa win te taken ta $ 3 *9 8 tioas esainrittes his opfaim to OonaraoB. an tmoM ef domootle w In Berl Behwtetabate. SS, fs fu r c o a t Spencer of Oakland atreet, has re* experimental department of the lieih aam- ment’ to 16 Nitfoad turned to her home on the Nlantlc Pratt and Whltai^ Aircraft plant \ \ •f Um presMIeaVs Is s h l^ o f global impoct, polat to a klag maeta ia Shoo'^ting T om orrow l C oalitloU R u le CsagnsB sa a ersas esaatry headache fOr O. 0.~P. plat­ I at Kaw Tate er pragrem toward long-raag aet- River Road. at East Hartford. New Tate ally, for Morning for 4 WooU»\ _ . Hotlandorizod"^ PoMtog type. Easily opened and folds Sat wbon not to use. Btanda spealdBt trip. form writera. Uemrat to Indonesia. . . .Mn. Washington, Jun« 1(L— Srroly on gmaa, aand or rock surfaeos. Welded heavy gauge wire This fxadly fWdtog on Capitol Eunice Wattannaa, Chicago, Mea — Harold E. Stssstn ptaad* V' grid. Durable abeet atoel atda panels. Reinforced grate. Heavy hill la bound to echo ta Philadel­ te aM far ■■It etakalBg Myron C Taylor, Cairo, June 10.— (ff) — From Sinking WariiinftoQ, June 10.—.*oootroUed Ooograaa. the O. O. P. convantico—aa now hMd special autunm eeaeinn on bat- retary of Labor Lewla B. Bchwel- day. Ihia would Inehtda the Arab la wester tramf appaara poasihle. Democrats then Ua of Labor government to reduce Legion, ono of tha Ante’ mala Preuler t t e $8JMWiOM.()M that ~ SPECIAL Pkff. 31c Ha told a elvlo oaWbraUoo that publican Leadersbip to lenbach, 53, a former senator and Stajra hot eight hours. Stays cold eight hours. Streamlined heevy tha paopla deaarva mora of tba would be to a poaitkm to call upon power of Houee of Lords . . . Em­ ■tnking forces. A ro­ anthorised last epring ter N0UAMNMUM0:.I gauge steel ^ k e t with stoneware liner and Insulated with Sber* the majority party to deliver to Keep Congreao in Ses­ Federal judge, died today after a in Tri Aviv. laxaal’a PonigB ery aM to wsatun Bonpa. Chatham Nassau 100% praaldent cauaUcally rafaciad to peror Hlroblto’e second daughter long illness. Nrdrrdrr'r radwhr h glass. Bakelite cover. Easy grip ball handle. Capacity one gaUon. vota ta Novambar. Congreea on every promise made Moralag ta heap benea .. . Ameri­ Minister MoMm Shartnk, said to Staeein aakad tte eemaUttaa te at Philadelphia. sion for Emergency Prepideat Truman, a claae friend announclag his gavamoMat’a ac­ neotemaad that tte Sonata vote Mifcadrlrteodrafwr BISQUICk Lff. Pkff. 41c Than, to an axchanga artth can offlMale to Washington hepa and former Senate colleague, was Spokana raportar from tba n “We won’t let that bother ux,'* waatam Oermaay wOl eteaga Ha ceptance of the United Natkma- n e fun $8jeo,000,00e and taatee Pure Wool Blankets Houee BpMker Martin of Maxea- Washtogton, Juaa 19——Pranler mhUqu gC Um Mitlow wool richly bound to myon satin. In aix new and lovely Sower Heavy gauge steel outer, body, welded scams; heavy gauge tiuiei* you*va got tha wont Oongraaa to the tariff queatlon. Thia came to deal with any aute eoMrgency. aenator. a groat judge and a great tho Polaotlne batOoSeM of tte a UMtad Btotaa o f FACIAL TISSUES »..27c tba Unltad Stotaa you*va *'lhat Lawia is not bargatoUg eeediags granting ^ew Haven road secretary of labor." Robert Schuarton otruggled to d iy oolora. Ruae, blue, peach green, yellow and whlto. lining, eoldered seams. Ramovable Ice container. Double hinged about earUer la tha w ete artth penniisiaB to abandon Old OMony data and hoar of tho oeaao Sro in to koap hie ooaUtloa governmeat cover. .Chrome plated handlea and lock tjrpe clips. SUe 17 x Sahata Ptaanea eonunlttee ap­ ta good fsith la aqually obvlMia." The White Houee aald Bchwel­ Than waa no tmmadlata com­ aald Hartley, chalnaan of the division. lenbech died at 4:40 am.. (3:40 ordwr to avoid mlmimleretaniltiin afloat to a atonny sea of *Xte 10% X S%. Baked wrinkle enameled outside flniaKi proval of a oompmnisa hill pro- «• (kB Pwea Okteeronea ment from pubUxbera of either House labor ooxamlttea aad oo- Stratagle A ir Oononand exqptaa- ajn,, w a t) at Walter R ^ hos­ ■ad flarolgn laanaa. lonj|tag tha Ufa of the rpeipre^ xMSif AreMa apseosima la new Biraadotia mdd ho woifid oaS a pet to modiflad aathor of tha Tsft-RstUey Isbw pital where he had hern a patient Choorod by yaMasday*a favofs. FRUIT COCKTAIL 23c Chatham Surrey 100% Btrika Bate Swiray aot.------■ txalteif Blghta,... Air Pone w | ll poaet qaataiaaqa aa aook aa poa- fonn . ^iM a on tho neutral Medttorraneaa aUa (33 to 31) veto of tte Natieaa . Bat O. O. P. * -Ha rxfena#*teiBoteBoriatk flk iH a t e ■NF'-'hP „ _ “ the w e a r , IB to o between lawfs aad (Sa soft eeal WirA TS group farce . . . Rwvard Dwtoide. ___at AaaoaaUy*a P on ign A flM lii vom- eMsAyMMstery. a •tnite back mriftly and pototodly. But thk tU Stetelea now la “Wa have aoUovad aaly Piadc Baiket “Ihara are e lot of paopla,'' whathar tha peaty lexderteip can oparaton white began Mond^. alvaa boMnury degree to TrygvM ntltteo on tte unpopular stat-powor ’ Jttaasen slud^ VEGETABLE lawls yaaterday osarad to heap lie, eecietary-general of UN . Tb4 White House etatament at­ am step," Bernadotte toM newa- “With aU tte dUncultm -that Pure W ool Bkuikets oemmontad Houaa Ro^bUcan •ettia the squabblaa over sitte men. “ I auura you ora a rt golag London accord tor tte futuro of Loedar BaUate of Indtana, “Who other active Ixeuee oe Oi^tol hltl the mtaera at work after their PrasIdeBt Henert J. Davla' of tributed death to "cardiac failure a n naturally arnent with, a een- ' Smith Oollese rmlgne after eight to work with tte aama energy lor wooteni Oormany, Schnmaa na- Cans tblak Mr. Truman la tba poorest oontraet expires July 1, If the em- which compileatad hie recent ill- gotlatod artth pe^am on tary load- gngilewal ssaJarHar af aaa parly SOUP 2 2 5 c 72” X 90” Chevron W«?ave ployan would agree to put yeara to post . . . Swmtkm depait- nase." Funeral plana are Incom­ the big result we bops to get- aad priildoat of anotter, pan pcaaldaiit era bava bad ainee xffaira .... peace in PalMtine.' on to aaoure bio govenunont a $10*95 $ 2 .1 9 Oaorga Waabtngtca waa riaotad.' ue p lti Republican Ben- his pensiOB plan into effect “ fOrth- meat looking lato oomplainta that plete. ■olid vote when tte agreement bava ■■virtholsao nado ana at tha w ltb." Negro voters to Oeorgla county There was i:c immediate todica- gtertok declared that luaeTa cenMrottlTa two year n o - Reg. $12.50 Value ..!.. Houaa Bpaaker Martin of Maaaa* I cornea before tte fun ■nimbly for (CeaUneed Oa tkga IWcIve) Slate PaS Pledgte OBer havo been etriekea from voting Uon who Mr. Truman migbt pick acceptance of tte truco “M not a approval tomorrow. orda to foroiga policy af aay OB»> GINGER ALE AND cbuaatta aiMod: *Vbera are paopla The operators. In turn, made lis t for the cabinet poet. matter of military noceaaity to no. In thd hMtaty af onr a s- Save plenty on these sale-priced beauties. 100% virgin wooL Woven of straight oak splint. Who hava-xalS that about the| Chath^ weaves solid color in a chevron pattern. Binds it in fuU-Sedged omtraet offer to the David A. Morse la undersecre­ “To tte contrail," te added “re­ tion." ■ ’ Equipped with swinging han­ prealdeat.* mlnere white lawia .took “u a ^ tary and has b m serving •■ act­ cent claims of Arab rietoriu to But he aioo wrootlod through BMiioa tte BRP foteL the kOi FLAVORS 3 25c rich satin. Five lovely pastel colors in white cloeet box. Rose, tte night on a dooMaUe lasoo whioh blue, peach, green and yellow. dles. Sprayed maple varnUh “That’s xrishty Mg talk com- Flash Floods advisement.’* The mine owneis ing aecretary duftog SchwcUen- Paluttoo havo bocn baaod oa pro­ onataMa Minsy t e varioaa athor Bnlah. Ing from a amau1 1boK'’ aald llep- proposed no wage Increase but Plane Passes tech’s illness. verbial Arab Imagination and in- may provo evoa thornlpr — tbo reaentativoa Van Imttt (R, Pa.) a g r^ to continue the present 10- Sohwellentecb took over the curaMe British wishful thinking.*' quMtlon of otate aubaldioa to priv­ Roproaentattvo Rope (R., Kao.), New Threats cent-a-ton royalty to Snance pen­ Labor department three years ago To Sapervtee OeupSaaiio ate Catholic acbools to ragiona ffh«iTTMw o f the House Agriculture I sions and other hedlth aad welfare Sound Speed after Prances Perldna one of the U. N. Seeretaiy- General Ttygvo whore there are no pubUo aehools. committee, auggeated that “the beneflts. origtoal members of President Ue aald at Late Bueeeu ttiat Oddly enough, tte govonnont’a frigid reoepUen white the praal­ The ro3ralty was Sxad a t 10 Rooaavelt’e cabinet, etepped out Bernadotte waa aeking at* ooaatal dUftculUee on thlo quootlen easM dent le receiving In the High Tides Also Offer cents to ths expiring one-year Schwellenbacb’s death esme in from within tho coalltloa aabtaiot. Cube Steak Briber 4 9 « XS-l Several Times Has vessele and 68 military offloats to with both Soelatete and Badleal- ■anme to have driven him to aome | Peril to Water-Weary agreeraeaL but more than $40,- tte midst ct widespread labor superriM oompUance with tha straight bar pattern wire frames and handle^ loose aad trrexponalbla talh.“ 000,000 has pUsd np ta the bank, Achieved Super-Sonir troublea. But of late, he had little ceaaa Sro terms. Under preaent Bociallste violontly oppoaod to • Liength 1S% Inches. Senateia Mere Rietrolaii Pacific Northwest untouched. Lewis aad the opera­ to do to settling laborwnanagement plena. Lie eaid, the United Stataa, Schuman’a Hopular RopubHean O. O. P. aenators were aome-| tors have been unable to agree on Speed During Tests disputes. Coiigrsee had whittled party, which la almost wholly > af tte un.Wtro). /vT Ml away the department’s powers and Catholic. Portland. Ore., June 10—(P)— (ONittBOfd on Page Poor) Despite toe favoraMo conmlMoe _ I ■ (OeaUmMd an Pbse ■) (Ooattane* Oa Page Twelve) Washington, Jqno 19-r(P)—Air 'shifted them to otter sigencles. Plate Sooda aad high tides heaped Pan started IllneM vote on the Oennaa toMe, teunvor, ■BM la Wfaak iw Acrobat new threats on tte water-weary Secretary- Symingtoa said today His Illness began with a fall dur-. Schumsn faced fnah difficultlea Ice Cream Freezer PadSe northwest today. Tte swol the Air Force research plane XS-1 Ing one of the many labor-msnsge-1 Russia Raps a result of Gon. Charioa dt Room Surplus len Columbia aad Praaer rivers Nation Viewed several Umea haa Sown ’’much ment crises which gm ted hit first OauDa’o violent blast last night buUt their three-week Sood siege year to office. against tte London agroonent, toward new teighto. faeter than the epeed of sound." tho Prench govenunont to geneval 3qt $10 .95 4 qt $11.95 Symington told a news confer­ Tired and worn after long hours War Article '^ F ^ S h o e s Problem Now Three doudMints and a Bve- of conferences during the maritime and the United States and Great toJ«anrTaih< f e hour doirnpour aeat tons of water Not Prepared ence that so far aa he knows no SMtaln. Hie only Preexer made with the duplex dasher and other plane has achieved su]luper* dispute of 1M6, Schwellentech de- AerobatShoes are three ways bet­ hurtling into the raidog Oolumbia ciiM to take a hot shower betore Both the latter goverassanto, ter for growing feet. Know these double self*adJuaUng scraper which keeps every par­ and more farmland was added to sonic speed, that is, faster tARn Complains Propaganda which drew up the a e o c^ artth ticle of cteam to constant motion, causing it to Philadelphia City Offi­ sound travels. retiring near daybreak. He slipped features and look for them in Other Chib Blsakcts $8.95 to $16.95 aomo S50 equals miles already un­ Bradley Complains and fell, cracking a vertebrae. For tte Prench and tte' B your child's shoes. ______;______» freexe faxter. Inxlde partx plated with block tin. der water. The weather forecaet: The first and only pilot to For New War Carried powen—Belgium, The Nether- cials Embarrassed by ’Appalling Decay’ the XB-1 beyond thq eo-callod woeke te lay to a hoepltal bed and •o) Showers and thunderebowers. for months after that he had to On in United Statea (8 6 .. •) aOOMY TOB. . . for kaodom Denkaca Inersaaea StaadUv ■onlc wall la C apt Charles IL (Oenttooed ea Page Poor) ajfasSaa Smart Colorful Private Oversupply Combat Capabilities wear a back brace. COOL... High tides rolled to from tte Teager, 35, a fighter pilot who The eecretary spent le u and aot aerlonely taJarolL wove 6mniaS BlOai ASCH. . . la haM tha SijUC Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales Pacilic, thrsatentog anew more destroyed 18 German planes while London, June 10 —(ff)— Ruaata Philadelphia. June 10 — OPi— leas time to the harrowing labor here. faalSmi than 11.000 haraaeed defenders of Detroit, Juno 10—(ff) — Anuori- serving with tte Air Force. has complained to tbo Amertcaa • • • MWSSY... There’! a room surplux In Philadel­ ca’e preparedneaa. In tte opinion post. What energy te could rally government and the United Na­ BBXUU SOtSS . . . ea Beach Towds $l.i9to.$2-9S almost ssrampod dikes guarding Teager, a native of Myra, ,W. was mainly dlrocted at holding his Royal Couple phia today for the June 31 Ra- Oregon-Waihuigton and British of two top mlUtary men, te badly tions that "unbridled propaganda Given Pilaen Tuns seaselas davala|i nabwaHy I sranting. Va., is a teat pilot aaeigned to tte department together In the face of New Terh, Jnno 18 nATfBUNO... publioan National convenUon. Columbia lowlaads where tte Ool- Air Materiel command at Wright for a new war is being carried on “It’s enibarraeaing,” aay city Gen. Omar N. Bradley, Army ■l^roprlatlon cute to Congress the United States,” Moscow O. Snodgren, 8S. was i Aad asy little stylee that young- Bright mulU-odor strij^ beach towels In 27 x B4 and 36 x 73 umMa and Canada’s Praaer rivers Field, Ohio. He lost that fight CtongreM. | ' Marry Today Bleislova—that make them proud officialx. chief of staff, oomidaina of an “ap­ one to two yearn la state'a meet tte aea. Leakage along tho The speed of sound is 763 miles under prodding by Representative teday ter maaeh tosey.lnok atmynewshoesr' T h J W H A U e o M "It’a unexpected," eay O. O. P, levees Increaaed ataatey. palling decay*’ la combat capablU- noto protesting that Housing eonunlttee woricera. tlea at a time srhea tte nation baa an hour under standard condltiona, Keefe (R.. WU.) of the House Ap-' oBlc.al not result of a fatal Manchistia Conn* Tte death toll for 23 days of Standard ct(inilP)--Tiie Monde Princess Anne of Bourbon- RIG); the eet up of an Auxiliary Houe- and It issued a “critical Hat’’ of 10 about The Netberlsnas. ing committefi to secure additional the banquet of tte 30th national Piles at High Altitude position of the Treasury June 8: The broadcast quoted the Rus­ Parma as lus bride today in a glit­ 131 namoa. T te relief agency u id tering ceremony before a small hotuUng. meeting of the American Ordnance The XS-1 flies at very high altl- Receipts, $370,613,114.61; ex- sian note as sayi^f 2 d ^ each It haa exhausted, all meaiu—rela- Association, ao-called civilian In­ gathering of royalty. They used Body Peand to Ckeak Taffetas Obtains ISAM Boama tlvee and Vanport neighbors — of pepdlturea, $180,377,438.44; bal- "Despite the resolution of tte REFRIGERATORS By June this committee, beaded dustrial atm of tte military. (Ueattaaed oa Pngv Poor) ancA $44118,504,818.93. second ecsston of tte United Na­ crowna borrowed from tte Greek NarrMtown, Pa , Jana IS—)—Children t>the eighth by maaiis of s broncho-; There waa no imme^ate official ActuaUy, there will be no dearth again become the srMter of deet- comment in Washington. failed to win epecia) dlspenmtion tarod. •MOVING of convention-goers. McGUnn es­ Columbia Soodwatara edged up­ ■ion.” who chew grass may grow up with , scope an Instrumei.t used to from Roms for her marriage to waa ai. |. — WHEN ward to tha smelter city of Trail, extract foreign matter from the The United Nationa Asaembly ' A k J I N have EXCEK.S timated that 18,000 persons win Bradley said he waa “dismayed’’ only part ‘»f » lung. j adopted last fail a toned-down Mlhal to the Greek rite.' MUtal partuff near 61 linens and Piques $5-98 jam the quaker city for the con­ B. CL All beer parlors, clubs, liquor at devek^mente. lungs. tnaieted upon the Greek ceremony t e r kady amp A r i l / FURNISHINGS stores and-pool rooms closed as For if it’s a variety of hay . Gsverai %lth Sharp Barb* veraion of a Soviet proposal to clave. . . Even aa we' continue to ^ e d Umoth}', warn two ^ ton { prosecute warmongers. The resol­ and upon bringing up bia dilldreq Scarcity of TIckete an urgent call waa Issued for more ■train toward peace through jua- T te tim othy gross head. Drs. in that faith, to protect hia claim Soft quaUty' grey arool. Juat the blanket for your hoy or at the n r u B k i CALL .us— volunteer Bodb-Sghtare. Bldewallu doctoTA they're in a bad fix if! Caller and Welch write in the New ution called on, membera to en­ What’s keeping many viaitora tlcc, oven ■■ ws aubacribe to InUt- tte head of the grass finds Its way i courage diaaemtoation of Informa­ to the throne he aaya te ehore or lake. I r i E n WE BUY home is the scarcity of tieketa. srere awash at spots on tbo main od Nations srtth .tho full fbrat pC England Joqrnal of Medicine, is forced to abdteate. thoroughfare. Water stood Sva Into a lung. I covered with tearp barbs end. tion designed to “give cxpreaMon .9 8 McOUnn said p «^ e don’t want our conrictlonSi . .. sro an left to the undoubted dcalre of ail The cetvmony went off with pre­ Coaipicto HoQWhpldS — EaUrc Estates to come to the convention and then foot d ^ to tte Palm room of the wrtth no preaent-day cholca but to Eight esses of New BngUnd I when Inhaied, usually lodges in the cision. AUrocUve. 34-yeai7old C^own Point hotel. ridldren who Inteled tlmothy gniss luM stem first.,. peoples for peace." It also oon- Orotm Slsiaps GIv m With Cssh SsIm not get in to witness the procted- arm ouraelvea if we an to demaed all forme of propaganda Anne woro a bright white eatin Floor sad medein Isrsltsie, aiteital asd denmtie lyga, Twd cloudbursts washed Wssh- plon tta principles aa our own." te heads ore reported by Doctors Max ‘^iM tt 4an Iraval in only <>■« Una. vaeea, Sgsrinee. pettera ghua, eat gtsaa. eilver. inge> desig^ or likely to provoke or wadding gown an$ q huge dto- Meantime, O. O. P. Arrangmnent ington ariMa draliitog into tte Oo- a . Carter of tte Boaten City boa- diraetton—farthw into the 1 #g. mend necklaae. She had orange Sa SISa pltal and Kenneth J. Welch of the It can’t ba eowghM up. eneouraga a teaaak of peaee ar ag- committee strategists are patting l';m bia. -Bradley um d gremlon, A aeparate reaolutlon Momqma la her vaU and the d Ta#! We Are lateraatad la BeaaU Lata Alae! ' a Mg teunk ef their convention One, near Spokaae to tte east­ palr“ o f ttwUMiitad Stataa mUltaty Ortldren’s hospital. The ages of tte eight children was triinnwil in Md laoA Her ■trength. Seven ware cured only after a ranged man 14 months to 14 w*as paeaed aaktog nationa to expense money into entertainment ern p ^ of tte state lata yeetar- study mesaurta Semt combatting long u m waa carried by thrto CEHOUSESSON ROBERT M. REID & SONS Republicans are aet to i^end day, aent a Sve-foet wall of water “We have ta our Ufetinw tte letebf the lung, along with the tuft yearA and the timothy remaired l^C O M l I N ' c . : ol timothy, teo been removed. The to the lunge from two months to [ The I I J U 4 COM 201 Main Street. Manchester . . Phone 3193 (U rottoM d m Pnga raat$ (UeaMsweS am^Wago Paark W E GIVE GREEN STAMPS MANCHitTtil Comm*- (OeotlnnaS'te ftga Twalvai' .(OssnaoeS an Page Twai' iyoaa. waa takes from tte lung of throe yoarA ‘ ^ ------■

MANUHBBIRR g VBWPiO mERALU. VANCmBErrCR. GOIfW. THURSDAT, JUNE 10, 194t M AM CBIVm BVVHUIG m iALD. MAIfCHESTEB. THUB 8 D A T . J U N E 1 0 . 1» | t r ’ .iiP» A. WMto, Mm. Ptod amiM, Mm. Juatica .tvill'nm Oi Douglaa as pom aad awatal ineutu- ry said the nctoal leas coaM ha p h y H o tn n a few haura lagsr, Pr. s tta S tira . m as ae#i keCosa aay ksavy da. Neman C. Mond. Mro. -Gtoronev Teacher, Wife Hair Siyliot :Anti-Truman State Pushes eUpSid hy WaHar t, B o ^ aald, M l aaO waa rapartad in p a a s s m R o c k Y i l l e Fhyna: Chinom bnokoc aad Stan- r Ssaior la a member of the Osa- s m » 4 f«r Ssfenas paapswir seta Asserts Talks tiVMiirar. who is head a f tna na> | Death of Boy •pparenUy land eonditlau. GJ- J ^ 1 ;nccUeut chapter. Asacricana for ^ ^UMTEITH la-Tks atats a a ^ a **aUBiBMiai ^ My Pradueta, Mm. Kannoth Sm ith: counting depnrtnMit. IBa amid waa Ukaa vtolanUy Omb-big, M n. Bramt Uppmann, 3 1 R D Q j , ’ Desaocratlc Action. Ttat organlaa- HOT* fk w iy ta JFlae* Labor Hiring • • • j a w Judge MelUta yaatarday d CvIl in ngShi.aaily Mat night pad Dr. Held in jail tipa aUrtIcr tMa week proporad Are PI » itto iMiO m m m t m _ ft ( Not Necessary the company's raaueat for n can- ^ToBcProi MrK Arthur Qablar: Plant ania. Booth said ha waa "almapt dead" Offer Churrii Mm. Labbcim F. Btaaall. Mm. Juhtica Douglaa as Osnnectieut's InatituUoaa etlU have the tlnuanca of aa order granted, last on arrival at the hoapitnl, Tha preeeinf manpower neede of Badly & Bwihdana and Mm. favorite aon candidate. Gottlng Additional Friday by Jaiffa Thamas J. Mol- baby expired a few momanto Inter, Charged With Conspir* iCI€L>PAC U rges N om L The state eonventioa wU) name Announce mate eerriot, M r. Bcohetia H s i r i w m r s firm Official Poison Uqnid Weed h a s a id . For Services Ralph H. Gibaon. ■ma enUra pm- deeplte tb w iA tt employea aaadi of tha faatfvai wlU ba oaad stay to EmbexBle Funds nation of Stronger a 90-vota. delegation to the Dem­ W orken lor Hoapltals C3fos InsUncea of ocratic National cdOvention. Par­ as oompand to only 4 ^0 0 In wm- phuU. Kfller Witliiii Rfierh far tha crgahiaatloa'a work at th | ruary. IMS. RoekvIDb CKy Of Romford School Democratic CandMale ty leaders imkl it le Hkely that the And M ental InadtutionB O d i e r IT n io n a ^ w lg a MeUito allawod the eom. Outing It Held IhMon Congregation in HtmpUA delegation would go to PMIadel- >wMi). #•! w£mmtK •* tiM praaent iitw a Is alraadp ks* pany to flio a new appMantien, Of Child to Garage m Im I iBBBIHM ginning to show reaults, the par. TVntoehory, June 10— « P |—T h e phla unpledged and hound by the •ar ator*. Hartford. Joas 10—- M u ld f i l l U m m u , urged today the Osfuws wesk. Is shoH laf ahead K$$PtfWRR$ North Mathodlat W J.C B. mem- FLUSi^ANueLII A i X j BT* baea aoUa proaaid In Waah- months," thara naa bean a ataady ing tha plant. Tha compnny aim ^ haM tbair anal meeting far RockvUla. Jttna 10—(Spaelnl)— gtam starting at sight o’docl•M. iKMBlaattosi s f a Democratic ptesi- RE- fun*stsaai with its InsutuUonal re* »d**iBsd kt Sapstfsr ssurt today tagtoa Justise court, Joaeph K. Ual caadidata whs "can Inspire crultl&s procram. tncresae since January. Piaswit tlin A stoha to havr banned the um of J t Tha sacvleiia af tba Unkm Orngm - Ta Ba kaprasaatod K Tall Cadars figures show a SOO taaraaas sines tarot, vialMca, Intlmtdsllm Statson, hendmnater of Romford 1 attract the people’s coofl. **Ws are now enaacad In sur TBs hMf, aan af Mr, und Mra. gnthm ni ehurcb on Sunday win ba A North AUanUc Aroa luakur Dw«1 Tro»t Your Soffly that month. ■ad ths sspipsny art net naass* Offenaiva lanfunge. It aim ■Mjjto Atllatk, died In Danhury Hra. Jnna Dateon of M il- School. W asMngton. aad Ms brida SMO." aMst ooassatratsd raerumaf pro- mn m iff S S ^ sanditisps. Ha that tha mnnbar of pickets hs k a M a t 10:46 n. OL at tha Rookvilla B e d C b m LaadersMp train lag af two months w art hxtoed in tha To Just Aoyoii* i • • flam Blaea before the war," SUte There ia a *eetaae In moat yapitol last night nftar N hnd ford, a form er member of the so- center w ill be hdd at WeSaalay U m plea was directed to dele- Of Our Completfety -/j Upea, Mr- •oabacia SMd. W tth nur. •(tad Ipstspass af two sthar limited. rialanUy IU,' Mathodist ehurcb. anaouneamant eouK^ JaU last night , charged jgatra to the Stata convention op- Pereonael Ptreetee Oleadon A. ^ (•y af sspwsny epm l^ in Oollega, Maaaachnaetia, July EO to 3 i n g o Scoboiia said today in explaining see being the "m oat critical." Hearing of tha new patltfon was D r . Jskn D . Baath. madfanl to thia affect having baon mada w ith oonqiiraey to embdaale funds *'*ug tooDoiTow In a letter signed The campaign ia being pushed an whim pentisUene af imploya ndjeumad yortarday and wss r*. d liO d a n d treated t« aa ap- T f'r n N 80th. the purpoee being to train the aetinty. m ssHnar, stM tha ahlld waa aant i n n last Bight by Rav. Forraat Moasar. m e m b e r s i t the Red Cross for ^bakmgtog to U** aehool. " HnroM Senior. execuUvb secre- all fronta, throufk of radi% psnalstjs #Bfp paver anaraiaad. aumed today at 10 welock- t* spend tha nwminf yastarday ; Diaolosuro that Statson and eg th s P A C Remodeled Shob ^ The idea is to fo t as amny addl- Mr. la rfy win baing sraas- pastor of tho Unkm church foUow- mors affactlve laadenhip la tha Oranga Hall BRfiKf Uoaal workers fey the hard pressed newspaper, pamphlsta, m ailinf CMnm Order iB s g ^ I s i ^ ^ n naltbhartaff faadty in U ral NMehaalav Bhawkw- s s e ra U ry , U m farm ar Mrs. Stella I roleaas toUlng of ths lilts snd the Oonpactlcut Stata napilRad m Attarpay asmuat & iJistsn£r^ lag a aurvoy of tha damaga ef the varioua Chaptars. It Is axpactod Judge Meillts. in refusing to a«- DvoakSald and was dtomvarad via. atW gSd thSS that three from tho RockvUla Robtaaco, warn asan and w lfa was latter anM: Emptoyment ssiwlsa. "O ur aim Is a ip ^ «f tinpifard. rsprasanling tend The order issued tar JadgV hafora hpr. guaata M ft for tba to- H is A w a rd fim OB Tumday avonlag. — hZ eonaM, Attorney T o m o rro w . U. lasal M t, Ths union Is ap. Bl in a ganga. W ithin ran«h Chapter win attend the eoufaa - '" W liU s U m Cao has not taksa to present the oppdrtunltles of M. MoUoy, took cognissnea af tha sr* af tha aklM. snldO r. Baath, was a Rav. M r. Muaoar atatm that atv- awrhwy Q rillo, of Nsw Haven "ta an affieial poslUoa on prsaideBtlal SUte emplnymsnt ts syaryona who paMnff tha sanunny’s sp^lssUan p a r t la liy ^ a U sw M i r mlnad an tha way. M r . F bKI gumant of anmuel Oruhor, scansH M ean of a polaon aial of tha.otbar churchta of tha k a a p U m court raaosda claar." Ha toadMataa. It la anderatood to tnght at e m ight be interested," ha said. far n tswfaipry and pormansnt for the strikers who etolmad thst w i kWor. tha ara mma out before noon, ana Jaha rm neis SuUtvan, age it, told tba eourt that tha coutde Monday, June aatoa Dolacas Uva but a abort etty have offered the use of their of go Mountala street, xUed Wed- Ths Schulta. Beauty Saloa has Isal that Prsaident Truinaa Is not Sufftring Mr. Saoboria said that pay in. tnlunstlap rsatw lnlng strikini the order was Issued IHcgnlly kv* T b a a k was taksn ta Danbury sraa auurlad la A pril of tMa y w . tha otrongsot candidatea the Dean n REGULAR GAMES M e creases far institutlanal waTkers in omplayvs from tha mass pWioUiif cause the Judge did not flrat make h a a p ttn l 9ictanaa tm ni th# gannd, wnika buikUnga, and ha wtabm to oapram aeeday at the RoekviBe C ity hoa- O rigtaalty bald for arraignment announced the addition sf Mr. Paid, smlasnt hair stjrUst to tha parato oouM offer." T SPECIAL GAMES From the last year or two maks work af tha taw ssaipsny pisnta in n finding ef fact sa reqntrsd ky ■■W istsly aftm n stoisaak pump appraelaUoa to the chnrehm aad pital. Ha iraa bom ia Irelaad, June la Washington JuJtIce court and . 8 «ns CIO Icadera, said the re- BWKEPMTAKES 2 to 9 P. M. there "very attraetlrs" flnandslly,* Nanr R ritakl.^^^ ! othem who oftarad um of thalr 24, 1161, a son of Daniel aad bald undar bonda af $8,000 fo r staff of tha abop at 996 M a ta M W i appUad. Thkan kama. tka ndto ^weather s tre e t. Iraas. hove mentioned Gen. D wight WEEKLY PRIKB M r. R sifp'a taatim any oanVInuad After hearing Qruher, Judga bay tow snnmlnad by n fhniUy fhoUitlea Rav. Muaaov aim com- Mary Bjm e BuIMvan. He la sur­ Sataon and $2,000 for the eecra- 'iRseahswee and Suprsnw OPort Asthmo? thraush tha awvplng. Ho was arat Meints allowad the e^poMFS BMBded tba firomon on the tCfl- vived by his wlta, Aliada Scott tory, the cases ware nailed yester- Mr. Paul la a graduate of Ow Flash Floods caDaiT WadSaadsy aftamaan. H r. eounsal, Walfrldifrid G.“ 'Lvndharf, “ ta elancy and promptaem in oxUa- Sullivan, thraa aona. Jamas M „ day When Btoto’s Attorney H. ear’s School of Advanced H alf YOU ARE c o r d ia l l y ' SANSOirS ASTHMA aruhor ssaght thraugb Barry's nia ths nsw petition . nrMng n r a I * « A o o ia guiablng the fire. John J.. and Wmiarn F., aU of Roger Jones told Justice W illiam Deiiign, one of tha leading sChoola tsstlm opy ta pvpva that tha earn- Rockville, one daughter. Miss REMEDY tsmporsry su'djid permanent m jan#. I I diTiaalf A t f i a i . Dua to the oxtenaive damaga Plckatt that warrants had been in that Held In New York. He also New Threats pany dans net aama into eoqrt tlon. from water and smoke the main Mary C. Sullivan, also of Rock­ issued by the LitctiSald county Su- attended the Helene C urtla School INVITED TO CALL Hea bslpad awHiy eeeple w ith "eioan hands" and therefore At ths upsning of yaatordny’al auditorium of the church w ill be ville. The funeral w ill ba held F ri­ perior court. ef Permanent Waving. DurinS should not taaoiva "the prateetlng DINNER THIS EVENING? d a y a t 6:80 a. m. at the Burke World Wbr U he served in the load a aornial. acOre Ute by (Oontinned frani PsfS Opal hearing Itlehsrd F. Barry, saerf. refinlahod, and all of the pews Orders Increase la Boade rwnevkif the palafW symp* arm af the cauH." Ury of the Hardware sampsiiy. were removed on Wednesday w ith Funeral Home and at 9 a . m . a t Statson aad Ma wife ware im­ Adjutant General Section aa an PnlM Ont of Mehot Uaa St. Bernard’s church. Burial w ilt occupational counaellor, asalstinff taaee eC satkma. over a highway, Qoodad homu wss questioned by Gruber nhoat .the carpet in th« auditorium being mediately reartestod and taken to Mr. Berry taaMaed that he had hie relations with ths union, Wbsn taken up. The O iildren'e Day pro­ ba in St. Bernard’s cemetery. Winated when'Judge James E. aervice men w ith personal, flnaif^ START USING IT and devaatated wheat aclda aad observed the piekat ^o s at the clal and educational problems. g a rd e n s . Judge MslliU ssksd Oruhsv fsr DINTYlwroORrS^ gram aa planned w ill be held on MeeUng Taalght Murphy ordered bonds increased TODAY P. and F. OarWn plm t and that the purpoee ef thi# qucsttanin f. Sunday. Aa the Union church is There w ill be a meeUng of the Mr. Paul is anxious and thor^ atrsata Flsafad Qipskly to $6,000 for Stetson and $3,000 of tha OarMn Ogbiitst Inch aom- the striker'e CQuniwI said ttot he taking part in the union mrvices RockvUla Lodge of Elks this eve­ (or the former Mrs. Robinson. oughly qualiOed to help the wonS' • lO V IC I For Sale at tbs Fallowtog Anothsr strush Isst nlgbt In the psny. Ha obaarvad n dlaturbsnce wanted to show the cireumstsnsss Uila summer, there are only thrte ning at the Elks Home at eight en of Manchester w ith, their'hair Maacheeternm f Storest Corned Beef^^bbage’’ They wera unable to imnMdlately If lltT M « YOUf CAI lowsr Yakima vallsy in sauthwan* on tha aacand day of ths strike leading up to the strika and tlto remaining Sundays in the month o'clock at.,wMch Ume reports wlU raise thara amounts and were p ro b le m s . IWACMA/ t '.1 Washington fram OuUfok U> whan one, MeHnsiwa. was pulled company's refusal to nagatists or I when the church would be used i l B A i t i l i f Of MAKI Qonrurs fHAmiAOT ba presented. ordered committed. Tal. aiM rspeo, near the huge Hanford out of line of pIckeU by a pailca arbitrate. Ha said ha would siiaw and it ia expected that all mpalra BeaeM Card Psrtlee Bruce McRea, of Torrlngton, ar­ ment would be lodged against utonlum worka. Btraats In Pun* officer, wbp had his arm around that by Its conduct tha mmftny YUM—YUM CBRD KND GIFT SW NOmXH END nU U U C T w ill be completed before the last . The S nt in a series of four card rested on a S u^rior court bench Stetson. Ha dM not disclose tha nyside. hardest hit tawn, were McNamara's naak. Ha «sa Uken a-as not entitled to an injunction. AT of August, tha dntm scheduled for 80 SUMPTER ST. MANCHESTBR BOUND 1M. a a a He said thst there arc msiur ssnss parties glvep for the beneOt of warrant on the aama charges yes­ amount involved in the alleged fooded guiehly. Oonununientloni to a police ear, a saoand M fleer as. the union eervioea at the Congre­ I the Vernon Fire 0 >mpany No. 2 terday, posted bonds of $2,000 a t embcaxlement. CTW TI^flUltM ACf were dlsrupUd and complats- dnm- slating, opening the car door. holding that an employer naa na gational church. . II0T0RS.INC sUnding in court if It refussa to BTABW BCH.i G a ry O m p a v wlU be held at the DobeonviUe that tioM and wna rsleaasd pend­ age repartp ware lacking. Attorney W alfrld Q, Lundborg The offer to Rev. Forrest Mua- schoolhouae Saturday evening at ing hla appearance in Superior In searches for oil, more tban _ wnuiOlinnvo objected ta this Una af nuaatlon- arbltrato "OM M BAN0 T o o t H — i t i o w n N m I i D M io r Rain pounded for era haurs aer waa made hy Rev. Albert W. eight o’clock. There wUl be prises 30,000 wells wera drUlad in 1946, »el.,wr yesterday on* the osaende raoua- ing claiming tho.osnrt Is not m- Judge MeUitf asked Oriihar. "Da Vtaa "flUUIIM LADT* c o u rt. 8C9 C M ttr 8U TtL 407B you mesa ta say they hnvsn’t n Jackson, pastor of the Metbodiat and refreshmenits to ba followed State’s Ataomsy Jones said Jhst compared w ith an average of 28,- reataitag Yrss DeHearp Uinp U Washington, The dawn* tarasted at this Uma In criminal arr church and also pastor of tha Ver­ 700 d u rin g 1942-46. F by a social. aa additional ebatga of smbexsle- right to complain nhout Ulcfsl pour added more runoff to Iha Oo* aspooU of the cast, kut Attarpey non Methodist cburdi. Bervicea of Plcale riaas- Gruber tnaleted be had S right to acts T" Gruber replied "that was a ium bla boasUng the level behind matter for the court's dtaersUon." tha M ethodist church on this Sun­ The Sunday School of the First the third Rood wave now grinding aaptora what Barry hallfvca to be day w ill be as foUowa: Morning Lutheran church wUl hold its an­ down eoggy dikes In the lower violence. He waa perm itted to con­ Msrlts Nat Invstvoi m r v ic e , 0:46 a. m.; Sunday School, nual picnic on June 26 a t L a k e WE'RE ALL SET tin u e . Attorney lAindbcrff said the THE vnlley from Portland to the sen. 10:46 a. m. This also neceaattaUa Oompounce. Members of the EAST HARTFOBO Would Uere be another ... a Barry could net any ha had ob- meriu of tha dispute grt not in* a chanqe at the Vernon Methodist church who wish to go should give fnurth—crest twarlng down the served any conduct by MaNamara voivcd in tha Injuncttan suit. Ha chnrch for this Sunday only. A t their names to Mra. Jamea Kane Telephone S d ^l wklob brought abapt kla roiM val said the lasua was Jha eandust af SHERIDAN ^ € U k €\~/ ' 4 Uen TO GO! twlumbU that already kss nin IQ NOW OPEN— Twilight tp Midnight Vernon the mrvlcea w ill be aa fol­ aa soon as possible. J feet above Hood itsge far tan fram ths group af plahats. the strikers. lows: Sunday school, 10 a . m „ L. A. A« O. H. ffuestlenad Ght HoMsaa Secretary Berry ssUI that the M orning worahip, 11 a . m . Commercial and Home Refrigeretot, d a y a t company withdrew rscognltlon nf Some features of our The Ladles’ AuxiUary of the FOR DAD ON JUNE 20TH n was tae aarty ter vaUmn Gruber quastianod BeviR aa to Ferdinand Angoato Mnthewaoa A.O.H. w ill meet this evening at natieaa aonad ap tha company l,oeai Ml, ualted Msctricsl Work- N O W P U Y I N G ■ ‘ S erv ice! ' ' U. a. River Farecaeter Bmar era, CIO, hemusa of the uninn's (Thm 8aU^ ~ newly decorated and Ferdinand Auguata Mathewsoa, eight o'clock at the Moose Rooms Fisher ta say. But tha river thun* bulletin boards and m ailed |a cash employe eeneamlnff the cam* failure to comply with the lahap modemleed restau^ 78 o f 207 East Main street, died at o n E3m s tre e t. Yos don’t have t o call aa Iwke for ««*■ ba tkota darsd over dread Oaulca dnm at management set af INT Which his home this morning following a tha aU'tirae record raU of 8d5,M Q pany*a plan ta taieiunnta its aan- BronBtly aftor your Irat cal. Sarrlaa m A B -, tract. Berry tesUSed thnt n M- requires union hands to sign aJR< ''Song Of rant that has made the lingering Utnem. He was bom cubic fast a saoand yastarday. And darits thnt they are not Oammu. J u n e 9, 1875 at Cumberland, R. I., that did nat lnoluda torranta fram day naUoa had bean given the Make Rcfrlgeraton by laaff expoHeeagi a96i| .-i Federal CMcHiatian aawtso aad nisu. Berry waa being •uantionad Sheridan the talk of the son of the late Roaldo and Sa­ tha aaw sUima that would flow abaut the oanduet . of Urn picket Shehoresode'' rah Braley Mathewson. Cowoleto atorh of parts aooare 700 tho qjpkkcM In nbara nnd below tha great dam. tha BtaU Beard af Mediation and ___to Taskniaalsr ArW tration. Ha raaatvod nn na. line on the dey the strike bagia, the toum, He had been a resident of Rock­ pooflible ^prvMe. Tha claudbufat ia W ashington’s at adjournment. Hhtkp-^vm na Pa Daria aad ville fpr the past 40 years and waa Tskim n vpUoy would be fait flra t kapwlcdgmont from tha atata Brian D enim . Ahwi *lNonda LIQUOR board, that board aeaUng ta be ^Special Noon Day a retired painter. He had aerved in It was apoUiar oleudbiupt—prab* tha Spaniah-American war with WAYNE PHILLIPS, Maaoffer nMy a w osae one—la this area that advised whether tha aampaay and C o u r t Injunctions union had rondied an ngraamant Lunchean with W in e company C of the Fim t Connecti­ S T O R iS s w id ^ paadlad tha Culumhia in­ cut Regiment He waa a member • Cal 5791 ; ■ to iU SlM and most destructive Ha had boon advisad also by V$o Is Protested 7 5 c . Charles' Wmy of tha Fadaipl , CemiBff Ban., Jurb 18 of Jamea W. Milne Poet U.S.W.V. crest tw o waahs n|t^-*-nnd one that New Haven. June 10—(Fi-.-nia He leavea Ma wife, M rs. Eleanor WINE aaJUQUOl VALUES D drswnadVanpott. Mediation aervlca that-ha would Bxaautlve hoard af tha Faoplm •Full Coursa Dinners <■ lik '' > i eoHM to New B ritain If he paraon- “IVY” Cobeii Matbewaon; four sons, YOU! NEARIY A t f STOtE DIkea Orawlng la fla t party of CUnnaatioui today pc** Roaldo of Middletown, Rev. Earl ally could be of any help. Berry tested the uaa nf "paUaa, star> W |to Joan Fsntnlno, Herhart from $1.00 np. Downriver in both Oaaada and said W my ia n personal friend Nnrabnil and m triito Mathewson of Norwich, C lifford of tha U. A : dlkaa ware growing chamber mathoda and aaurt in­ Ehwt H artford and Daniel of South Berry apd hnew the servlea na junctions" in eonnoetion with ths lU io w ie n •Try One of Our Sir* T lsjv A )w ip h ie s A , Cimelu'an K ifiUfeiuTh / aoftar undinr tha sustained pound­ rush would not oome into n situ* Alaai "SBaMly Beandalone" Wlndaor; five daughters, Mrs. ing af th* Columbia gnd tha Tnm strihs nf emidnyoa nt tho Amsrl- George Schwarx and Mra. Herbert ntiaa involving n non-complying onn Hsrdwnra oompnny in Now w itb Fred Brady aad loin Steaks (OhiAkieA. liltal levees atiU heid—hut the u n io n . B ba P a B y a n Pfchlaholtx, both of Rockville; s T o f f » t o j m t doctw for n ftrt ^estion was far hew long? Seiry admitted thnt since June Barvad With Prtneh Pri*9 Mroi John Perry of New Britain, h e iiu e - Tha hlghaat tide af tha year— I there had boon no Ineraassa in Tho hntrd. in n stntomant. nn- Patatoaa sad Salad Mrs. W alter Ludwig of Florida. LYNNBROOK c m . O n i c ts « for a ig trl naunced Its deelsian ta "nndarsa Mm. Chris A bom of Ellington; one Stock Ptaco, |iaiicbost«r. 14.f Im F—will etnsh with tha wages or changes in vncatlou and support” the etrike and urged tUNO D WHISKtf UH A AA M io cm Wc art jour oua*^ Fraser aurrept at tong-thiantamMl schedules at the factariaa. Ho ad­ $2,00 or $2.50 brother, Roaldo of Rockville and 80 PKOOr lOTTU 4 . 0 9 the company to follow "tha lead According Ta Slaa one alater, Mra. Violet Whitcomb Silk •tftia o for sQ «aehM l«si repairs. m ih tatnnd tonight Quaanpbor. mitted that the noUcea pootad of the General Blectrie company CASl Of 12 BOTTLED S35.88 augh. New Wpatminstar aiihuih sf m May f raau|tod In a daelamUon of Burlinirion. V t There are 17 WHISKIES IN THIS PRODUCT B vsff ana w ill tsB fs i. Tasaiakt In signing n ecntrnef with tlie grandchildren. ARV RIV YEARS OLD P u re-D yed ■ypjy y >■ parsana, is ap tha isiand. •f an span sh ^ poUey and fpam United Hlottriesl Warkass.'* •Homa Made Muffine, a rlfh t tarn when fua tars la hart Duhi'a s t ii^ d laraaa took s 14JI n ikUon viewpoint raM |tad.in a Funeral aervicee w ill be held at Mda this mwiilag'-aad held. cartatlm ent of certain privUagas Service at GOOD Plea, Puddinga and a time to be announced at the far rapalia. e 8REEN VALLEY Still ta ooma was the Fraaar’a w hi^ had been given namo «n- P a s t r y . Ladd Funeral Home. Rev. Adolph TIES! highest eraat of the irasr. At p k n jiM . TI m notices inchidad the Johnaon of the^ Rockville Baptist Musian. oaaw 40 mUaa upstraa (cnplnation aa af June \ a t p ue h church win (delate and burial ROURRON •Now Serving Freeh V 90 MH A raA tha leval Isst night ronehad 14. prhdiagoa as had haen enjavad by w ill' be In Grove H ill cemetery. rtool lonuO .lll. fCatw about an inch abava tba ujliim Stewards who aa vf that •> n r FOOD Oawald R. Ziegler Strawberry S h o r t * CASi Of 12 Bonus $45.48 R-g. t.M nnd S.M May so pash. data would be treatsd na athar Oswald Richard Ziegler, 70 o f a sicNo or aTSAiaMi wH'im ts R R IR toTM ' WsA. Fii, HM- e a k o . $1.50 10 Oak atreet died Wednesday at MORIARTY m m m Irr Rf IPffgM9ii$M Tlia OM Fanhlencd Kind the Rockville C ity hospital after a The company offlainla boaught brief Ulneaa. He was bom May 4, sunn/ RIN6E The ■aent'valne w*’** bad In ages . . , 6ne, heavy silk Nation Viewed to t|M aaurtroom today moving CAVEY’S •Seafood, liresh Dally 1878 in Germany the son of Rich­ ties (Bwl parachate silk). In repn, tw ills and foulard*. picluN appamtua to shoes the 15 Em I Caatar Btreat BROTHERS Cooked Aa You Like It ard and Ann (Ruhr) Ziegler and RYE or ROURRON Y o u ’l l 6ad atrlpen, acnill. and geometric patterns . . . In 0 * Ik . Lm l At Owtn M 0 i w 4 Not Prep^ed court the alleged maaa ricketing came to thia country 66 years ago, 868 5TH various lovely shades of Mue, maroon, hrown and green. of tha plant, la hla tasttmony to­ nhd to Rockville 60 years ago. He R lO O f B O m ? (3.49 CouM In aoon . . Father's Day w ill he here before you ATTENTION! day M r. Berry teattaad that sinoe **Every Bite 9 T«wfo M i§ M * •See how wo earvt k n o w I t : TBLEraiMIE Sm (Oeattpnod fram Page One) toe start af the strika thara has BUNDAF NIGH* was a weaver at the M. T. Stevens CAM or n Bonus 41.88 freeh Brewed CoHee. A Sana company. He leaves Ms w H itK ita In rm t eaoDjer been material lessening pf pro- fFOaaaam BaWiaaas ASt SIX VKASa OLD giant opportunity___ , to work for URGE, CHOICE SELECTION OF MENUS wife, Mrs. Frieda (O tto) Ziegler; Closed Meada.va Open Taesday tbrongk Saturday, duetion. the volume at the sales Yaa WiU Bnjay This Barvice two daughter!, Mrs. Francla 8 . peace or the chsncechar to lose It again narvlas is |t, 000,060 peoiithly. Ber ■vaud V*tw. Paun, 9t$9 A. Bf. to 5:M P . M . BOYS through tim idity and Inaction,^ lo n .'l F O R B O T H l u n c h e o n s AND DINNERS Rupprecht of Rockville,, Mrs. h t s a id . elf you like atmos* , Jamas H. Gleason of Manchetaer; Osnsral McNamty, eanunandbiff ^dbHHhskswmAdto^phdhriWhgtoawBsks^ftowwdhnHBndWtoWtofoi^NariMUAdtoHing phero yon will And it a brother, Hugo Ziegler of Bndl- ■WWW gensml af the Air MnUrlal iemi cott, N. T.; a elater, Mrs. Edward T O TRS. mend, said the Air Foreps problaaB Best a f Beveragee From O u r Bor at The Sheridan. Sheridan of H artford; two grand- POLO GLOB GIR AGED 14 IS m was a e p e c ^ sever baonuaa af thp ITOtH S ii PiHNia mt c M ld re n . uv "weakened aUtp" of the avUtlop The funeral w ill be held Friday Bb PRUOf K A K blH A a A indiistry. ppiiBNTB . •Enjoy your dining a t 2:80 p. m., at the WMte Fun. H A U G A l 9 . 9 9 lO l 4 .R 9 RAT'S cral Home. Rev. Forreet Muaser, JOBS FOR MEN I; SENSATIONAL U mould taka “savoral yema’* DANCING NIGHTLY out indnding Sun*' for the Industry now to teal qp far pastor of the Union Congregation­ ROBIN ROGO GIN ------ir war production. MeNarpegr al church w ill officiate. Burial win S.T' JACKIE JACKSON ED MIRANDA FOURTET day to the i^tful be In Grove H ill cemetery. The 90 PKOO* Skilled and- SenthSkilled SUMMER WORK FOR ROVS under the / m u a ie b y funeral home w ill be open Thurs­ HAU G A l $.09 3SI 2.S9 VALUES! AND HIS ' • ^ day afternoon and evening. Hupi'i'vtaiun of High Schmil teachers, on As Meeting Tonight . W 1 II ^ IJiO X 15 J. O. Hunt EnlitU MUZAK a shade tobacco farm in Manchentcr, ■op­ Oaly At The Bharidnn 1 The general committee in charge DKILt fR fi^ OPERATORS HBPCAT8 In Maaehastar of the athletic program to be con­ erated by Kohn Brothers Tobacco Co. In U. S. Air Force CAVEY’S for GOOD FOOD ducted on Fourth of July under RADIAL DRIIX PRESS OPERATORS $8.95 i r $10.75 Eacfc airii Bvary Maaiciaa As EBtarUfoar the auq>icea of the Rockville Rec- ON IMPOITED SCOTCH MILLING HAOHNB OPERATORS Joaaph Ogden Hunt, ef IS l Mn> •For your daueiiig reatlcm committee w ill meet thia Ah b n a l aaw tlres—made by nationally kaown Anns pis stroat today anhstad in tha evening at 7:30 o’clock at the C ity THISTLE t u r r e t LATHE OPERATORS TRAN'SI»ORT.4TION WtLI. BE FURN- Salsct Staaks. Chops, SpBsliatU* Rsriall Ooundl rooma. ITnlted gtotoa A ir Foroe. Ha wW ' pleasure on Satur* ENGINE LATHE OPERATORS Heat, yoiir lidnib leave for the Lackland A ir B bIm , Jane Feotfval itoor lonu 4.00 |SHEI) from pick-up points in Manch-s-: Gkalaa Legal Bevarataa VY o b i O a r Bar day nights we fee* GOODYEAR OR FIRESTONE Ban Antonio, TanaS, tar basto Tha annual June Festival of mreaTto av c a n a ba o»y .INTERNAL GRINDERS training until aaaigned to an ahr the Rockville C ity Hospital Auxil­ ,tcf foi farm and relurn. ' M oncfM ster's tore the Royal Four EXTERNAL GRINDERS this way 6.00 X 16 $9.95 S a id . COME IN AND JOIN IN THB RUN, iary w ill be heid at the Prlneaaa BU ff Bargaant Cknriea F. Bar* o r e h e a lr a . ballroom on Village street on FrU MALCOLM STUART BORING MILL OPERATORS .'IMS i.UMM»u • - Ptotusa-vim, itgi, b m OAK GRILL ■aMts uatao l-r-U ' ^ a Olaa jt4


■/ - /'A' M ■

/' i4ANrilK8TF.R RVRNINr: RRRAl.n. MAN<*HRRTF.Il. THURSDAY, JUNE 10. IM S M A N CBEStn gVEmNO BERALD. MANCIUE8TER. CXINN. THURSDAY. JUNE 10. 1041 FOUB ■ ' ' I ’ " _.B in tuBbllng sad acrobatic sarvlM tnchidaa fqrmer leadership 88 North SMi etreat; AllBi F. Om coontrlee and dlscuaHng military waa that "there would be a pro­ rauUaao. Tba Bouncing Clydea will M«rt Rflla W«dUiflfl4a3r ef a troop ■$ BL Jamea'a school td, 8fl OBibortaBd Btrsot; Imae gram." 10 Here to Get acUons against the Ituaaians." New Pastor About Town YotLog Today Reports Made frolio and anuM you on the troB- Aafl Tbdajr Thu Tiiifliflj Camp Director and aa aeuvs poalUoB on the coun­ ydon ST Paekatd otroatt Oorulhy j^buff Qven Hal- Oen. A. P. Kislenko, act­ Dwnonow/ foae of the Houee ac­ Radio Gmtest Obituary cil, the camp committee and aa CE. Zoppa. 7M Blreh Moimtain tion wfl] bring up more big guna potina. ing Soviet member of the Allied Rev. Jamea X . and Mra. Cage Otbar acts Includa tha Powall a e n ^ chalrafian. road. Council for Japan, wrote Oen. to defend the full program. 8eC'< aeoved tadajr to thair naw q^wtga By Treasurer Although a great amount of Has Assistant D m Lsadara Aaooclatlon an- Hillyer Degree Oraduates from tha DtvtalOB of Herh Fridayif rotary of State Merehml and Hoff­ This Week-End On Draft Bill Duo