2007 REUNION - WASHINGTON, D.C. THE 25th ANNIVERSARY OF THE WALL Welcome Home to the VSPA ~ We Take Care of Our Own Volume 12, Issue #1 2 COVER PHOTO: Chaplain Jim Stastny taking a rubbing at The Wall. Chaplain Jim takes care of all of us in his ministry as one of our Chaplains. The photo was taken by our Membership Chairman, Phil Carroll, who takes care of the entire association and all new members as he manages our Membership Program. The poem was written by our member, bagpiper, poet and retired career policeman, Howard Yates, who takes care of his own by writing poetry that heals wounds that cannot be seen and playing bagpipes during ceremonies for fallen officers. Howard’s son, Kyle, is currently serving as a Security Forces 2nd Lt. in Kuwait and Iraq. OFFICERS AND APPOINTED STAFF MEMBERS FOR 2007/2008 All officers and staff are unpaid members of the Vietnam Security Police Association who volunteered to serve their brothers in the association. Officers were elected in 2006 for a two-year term. Staff members were appointed to assist and advise the officers of the association. The next elections will be held in 2008. President Steve Gattis, Cam Ranh Bay 68 – 69,
[email protected] 254-898-2647 Vice President Hector Ramos, Binh Thuy 69 – 70,
[email protected] 732-969-1577 Secretary Bruce Hadley, Bien Hoa 61 - 62,
[email protected] 718-896-1954 Treasurer Den Cook, Tan Son Nhut 67 - 68
[email protected] 717-368-0124 Historian Don Graham, Tuy Hoa 68 - 69
[email protected] 717-368-0124 APPOINTED STAFF MEMBERS BX Sales Manager Van Digby, Phan Rang 67 - 68
[email protected] 989-686-3639 Van is assisted by his wife Joyce and their daughter Kari.