IMES DISCUSSION PAPER SERIES A Model of Secular Stagnation Gauti B. Eggertsson and Neil R. Mehrotra Discussion Paper No. 2015-E-9 INSTITUTE FOR MONETARY AND ECONOMIC STUDIES BANK OF JAPAN 2-1-1 NIHONBASHI-HONGOKUCHO CHUO-KU, TOKYO 103-8660 JAPAN You can download this and other papers at the IMES Web site: Do not reprint or reproduce without permission. NOTE: IMES Discussion Paper Series is circulated in order to stimulate discussion and comments. Views expressed in Discussion Paper Series are those of authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Bank of Japan or the Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies. IMES Discussion Paper Series 2015-E-9 July 2015 A Model of Secular Stagnation Gauti B. Eggertsson* and Neil R. Mehrotra** Abstract We propose an overlapping generations New Keynesian model in which a permanent (or very persistent) slump is possible without any self-correcting force to full employment. The trigger for the slump is a deleveraging shock, which creates an oversupply of savings. Other forces that work in the same direction and can both create or exacerbate the problem include a drop in population growth, an increase in income inequality, and a fall in the relative price of investment. Our model sheds light on the long persistence of the Japanese crisis, the Great Depression, and the slow recovery out of the Great Recession. It also highlights several implications for policy. Keywords: Secular stagnation; monetary policy; zero lower bound JEL classification: E31, E32, E52 *Brown University (E-mail:
[email protected]) **Brown University (E-mail:
[email protected]) We would like to thank Olivier Blanchard, John Cochrane, Benjamin Keen, and Paolo Pesenti for helpful discussions and seminar participants at the Bank of England, Boston University, Brown University, European Central Bank, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and Dallas, London School of Economics, LUISS Guido Carli, NBER Summer Institute MEFM and EFG meetings for comments.