2020 Minutes
1 Thursday, January 2, 2020 9:30 a.m. The regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners was held today, all members present. Comm. Phillips presiding. The meeting opened with Observance of a Moment of Silence and the Pledge to the Flag. The Commissioners asked for public comment and no comment(s) were heard. It was moved by Comm. Ames, seconded by Comm. Litz to approve the minutes from the December 19 & December 26, 2019 Commissioners meetings. Vote unanimous. Sallie Neuin, Lebanon County Treasurer, met with the Commissioners to present the weekly Treasurer’s report for consideration. It was moved by Comm. Litz, seconded by Comm. Ames to approve the Treasurer’s report as read with expenditures in the amount of $1,001,108.46. The gross payroll is in the amount of $1,045,046.90. Vote unanimous. Michelle Edris, Director, and Leeanne Shank, Human Resource Assistant, of the Lebanon County Human Resources Department, met with the Commissioners to present personnel transactions and conference/seminar requests for consideration. It was moved by Comm. Ames, seconded by Comm. Litz to accept the retirement of Nicholas A. Bradley, Conference Officer, from Domestic Relations, effective January 25, 2020. Vote unanimous. It was moved by Comm. Ames, seconded by Comm. Litz to accept the resignation of Brandi E. Cool, EI Caseworker 2, from MH/ID/EI, effective January 17, 2020. Vote unanimous. It was moved by Comm. Ames, seconded by Comm. Litz to accept the resignation of Anthony R. Frost, Adult Probation Officer 1, from Probation Services, effective January 3, 2020. Vote unanimous.
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