Town Hall, St Mary’s Hill, Stamford, Lincolnshire PE9 2DR

19 June 2019

Dear Councillor,


You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Town Council at the Town Hall to be held on Tuesday 25 June 2019 at 7 p.m for the purposes of considering and passing such resolutions as may be necessary with respect of each item on the agenda attached.

Yours sincerely,

Town Clerk


Town Clerk: Mrs. P Stuart-Mogg E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 01780 753808 Website:

TOWN COUNCIL MEETING TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY 25 JUNE 2019 AT 7.00 P.M TO BE HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER AT THE TOWN HALL Members of the Public and Press are welcome to attend. Before the formal meeting commences there is an Open Forum to receive questions from members of the public. As part of this process members of the public can speak for no more than 3 minutes to address the Town Council.


1. Presentation by NHS Trust on Stamford Hospital

2. Apologies and reasons for absence

3. Declarations of Interests: Members are reminded to declare any interests which may arise on matters for discussion at the meeting

4. To confirm the notes of the Town Council meeting held 21 May 2019

5. Reports on Outside Bodies/Organisations a. Lincolnshire County Councillors b. South Kesteven District Councillors c. Town Councillors on Outside Bodies d. Stamford Ward Councillors

6. Town Clerk’s Report a. Schedule of correspondence which had been circulated to members b. Matters arising from Town Council Meetings: c. Update on actions raised by members of public and other council business:

7. Events Committee Meeting a. To approve the accuracy of the notes of the Committee meeting held on 03 June 2019 b. To identify any action points and items that may require further discussion or acceptance of the recommendations: i. Tourism Working Group membership and operation c. The Chairman of the Committee to propose ratification of the minutes and approval of recommendations subject to any amendments.

8. Planning Committee a. To approve the accuracy of the notes of the Committee meeting held on 04 June 2019 b. To identify any action points and items that may require further discussion and acceptance of the recommendations: c. The Chairman of the Committee to propose ratification of the minutes and approval of recommendations subject to any amendments.

Town Clerk: Mrs. P Stuart-Mogg E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 01780 753808 Website:

9. Amenities Committee Meeting a. To approve the accuracy of the notes of the Committee meeting held on 04 June 2019 b. To identify any action points and items that may require further discussion or acceptance of the recommendations: c. The Chairman of the Committee to propose ratification of the minutes and approval of recommendations subject to any amendments.

10. Finance Committee Meeting a. To approve the accuracy of the notes of the Committee meeting held on 11 June 2019 b. To identify any action points and items that may require further discussion or acceptance of the recommendations: c. The Chairman of the Committee to propose ratification of the minutes and approval of recommendations subject to any amendments.

11. To confirm the Working Group membership which will review the Policies of the Council.

12. To approve the digital circulation of Agenda Packs and Supporting papers

13. To review the support Deputy Mayoral Role during the coming months

14. Accounts for Payment and Subscriptions a. To approve the schedule of payments - No 4

15. Questions without discussion

16. Notice of Motion to Change Standing Orders: That all committees consist of a maximum of seven councillors. The Committees to debate issues concerning the Council and make recommendations to the full Council. The minutes to go before full Council where any issue or any item on the agenda can be debated and changed by the majority vote then ratified by full Council. Proposed by Cllr R Sandall, Seconded by Cllr. H Bisnauthsing

17. To confirm the responsibilities of the Chairman of Committees and importance of training for all councillors.

18. To consider going in to Closed Session for frank discussion on abiding by procedures and upholding Stamford Town Council’s Code of Conduct

19. Date of next meeting – Town Council Meeting Tuesday 23 July 2019 at 7pm

19.06.19 Town Clerk

Town Clerk: Mrs. P Stuart-Mogg E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 01780 753808 Website: Stamford Town Council 4 25 June 2019



PRESENT Councillor B Griffin, Chairman Councillor H Bisnauthsing Councillor M Exton Councillor Mrs S J Sandall Councillor J Dawson Councillor Mrs S Sismore Councillor A Croft Councillor S Carroll Councillor D Dorson Councillor Mrs M Pitt Councillor Mrs A Carter-Begbie Councillor Mrs J Clarke

ALSO PRESENT Town Clerk Deputy Town Clerk Councillor D Brailsford, LCC Stamford West Councillor R Foulkes, LCC Stamford East Councillor R Davies, LCC Highways 8 members of public


Formal meeting commenced 7.00pm


The Town Clerk advised the Council that under LGA 1972 Councillors have a duty to attend meetings and drew attention that agenda notices summon Councillors to meetings, they do not merely invite them. In the event that they are unable to attend a meeting Councillors must submit their apologies with reasons for absence, as required by LGA 1972 Sec85(3). The Council will consider the reasons which must be approved by resolution. If a Councillor fails to attend six consecutive meetings and the Council has not approved the submitted reasons for absence, a casual vacancy may arise.

Councillor Ms M Couch, Councillor Mrs G Johnson, Councillor D Taylor, Councillor Mrs A Wheeler and Councillor Mrs E Hooper submitted their reasons for absence. The reasons were noted and accepted.

It was proposed by Councillor Mrs Sismore, seconded by Councillor Dorson and unanimously RESOLVED that the reasons for apologies be approved.


Councillor D Dorson declared a Personal and Prejudicial Interest in respect of any discussions relating to staff as his wife is Deputy Town Clerk.

Councillor Mr & Mrs Sandall declared a Personal and Prejudicial Interest in respect of any discussions relating to transaction 10335 as it related to a relative.

Town Council Stamford Town Council 5 25 June 2019

20. MINUTES (Agenda Point 3)

The notes of the Town Council meeting held on 30 April and 16 May 2019 had been circulated.

It was proposed by Councillor Bisnauthsing, seconded by Councillor Mrs Sismore and unanimously RESOLVED that the minutes of 30 April 2019 together with the Pink Paper are a true record of the meeting and be signed by the Chairman.

It was proposed by Councillor Exton, seconded by Councillor Bisnauthsing and unanimously RESOLVED that the minutes of 16 May 2019 are a true record of the meeting and be signed by the Chairman.


a. Lincolnshire County Council – Councillor D Brailsford (LCC Stamford West) reported that Lincolnshire CC had debated the issues related to carbon emissions. The County Council did not support the motion for a Carbon Emergency Plan due to impracticality. However, there are plans in place to reduce emissions where possible. Comment was made on the recent vandalism of the collection of model railway displays at Welland Academy, which were considered by all to be abhorrent. It was confirmed that four individuals had been arrested and the Police were dealing with the matter. Councillor Brailsford confirmed that the scheduled repairs to Melancholy Walk had been completed. Councillor R Foulkes (LCC Stamford East) reported that the Fire Services Station had recently been inspected which had been very interesting and he encouraged all Councillors to visit the station. However, he did state that recruitment was becoming an issue for the Fire Service and any support would be appreciated. It was confirmed that the loading bay signs at Red Lion Square had been reinstated. This will enable the enforcement services to ticket vehicles which are parked illegally in this vicinity. Residents parking schemes are being examined and following discussion it was asked whether the existing double lines along Barnack Road could be reviewed as they are causing vehicles to park on the verges where utility services are situated causing serious issues. Also, the very poor condition of the footpaths is causing concern for parents with buggies. Additionally, there was a serious issue of parking along St. Georges Avenue which has been communicated to Lincolnshire Highways Councillors and a formal response is still awaited. Councillor Foulkes stated that installing double yellow lines are only installed if there is good reason. There was a request as to whether the yellow lines along Barnack Road could be removed, Councillor Foulkes offered to investigate and report back. He further stated that in the event of obstruction, it would be a Police matter, and if an emergency vehicle could not access the area LCC Highways would be notified. The matter of a dangerously leaning wall along the south facing edge of Casterton Road, just before Little Casterton Road, was raised. Councillor Brailsford agreed to investigate this matter. Councillor R Davies (LCC Highways) confirmed that an extensive walk-about was conducted with Town Councillors Bisnauthsing and Taylor around some of the congestion hot-spots in the town of which Barnack Road was one. The issue of Red Lion Square is still being examined as to determining the best long-term solution in respect of the road surfacing. Taking into consideration development in and around the town, a cycle network is being investigated to reduce congestion. A request for a dedicated and segregated cycle-way would be safer and more beneficial. Highways and footpath repairs are on-going with a responsive team in place. It was confirmed that Lincolnshire County Council had agreed to implement three safety grass cuts and will clean gullies twice a year.

b. South Kesteven District Council – No reports provided

c. Town Councillors On Outside Bodies – No reports provided

22. TOWN CLERK’S REPORT(Agenda Point 5)

Town Council Stamford Town Council 6 25 June 2019

a. Correspondence – A schedule of correspondence had been e-mailed to all members to examine. Any queries relating to any element of such correspondence should be directed to the Officer dealing with that item. b. Matters related to Council business: i. Councillors were reminded to submit their Registrations of Interest and any election expenses which must be received by the end of the month. ii. All Councillors had been circulated regarding the Skells Trust meeting on Tuesday 28 May. iii. All Councillors were reminded of their duty to attend meetings and that an attendance register is maintained and uploaded on the Council website. iv. Defibrillators under the responsibility of the Town Council – The Council were fully briefed on the current status of the five units which are located as follows: one in the telephone box at Station Road, two along High Street (one at Johnson Cleaners and the other at Rohan retail shop), one along Broad Street at the new dental surgery and one further unit on the Recreation Ground. It was noted that the unit on the Recreation Ground had been removed and not returned given the main box was not damaged. It was confirmed that access was only through a combination number obtained from the emergency services. The Police had been informed and a crime number obtained. It was reported that there had been some discussion on Facebook that the Town Council had stolen the device to reassign it to the Town Hall. This was totally untrue, and the Town Clerk had put out a statement on social media stating such and advising that any such disinformation should desist as the Council would not hesitate to take legal action against perpetrators in such cases. Following discussion, it was noted that the Ambulance Services (EMAS) and The Sudden Adult Death Trust (SADS) have offered guidance on prevention. Following discussion, the installation of electronic tags on these units would be investigated.


As a result of recent local elections vacancies had arisen in the following four Wards: • All Saints North • All Saints South • St. George’s • St. John’s

Seven candidates had expressed an interest in joining the Council and their profiles had been circulated to the Council. The Chairman Councillor Miss Griffin welcomed them to the meeting and requested them to present their cases as to why they would like to join the Council individually without the others present. All candidates left the Chamber while the vote was cast.

Proposal 1 – It was proposed by Councillor Mrs Sismore, seconded by Councillor Carroll and unanimously RESOLVED that the following candidates are co-opted on the Town Council to serve in the following Wards: All Saints North: Simon Fenn All Saints South: Shaun Ford St. George’s: Bill Turner St. John’s: Bob Sandall

The Chairman thanked all candidates for their interest and appreciated their attendance.

All the newly co-opted members signed their declarations of office to enable them to participate in the meeting.

7.45pm Councillors Bob Sandall, Councillor Bill Turner, Councillor Simon Fenn, Councillor Shaun Ford joined the meeting.


The Committee Structure and Terms of Reference were circulated for consideration. It was also noted that with the disbandment of the Strategic Development Committee and the Scrutiny and Audit Town Council Stamford Town Council 7 25 June 2019

Committee, Working Groups would be created to handle Tourism, the review of the Council’s policies and the production of the Council Newsletter.

Proposal 2 – It was proposed by Councillor Mrs S J Sandall, seconded by Councillor Dorson and unanimously that the Terms of Reference were accepted with a minimum of seven members to form each of the following Committees. Finance, Personnel and Assets Committee – 7 members Amenities Committee – 7 members Planning Committee – 7 members Events Committee – 7 members The Working Group for Tourism would fall under the responsibility of the Events Committee; Working Groups of the review of the Council’s policies and production of the Newsletter would fall under the responsibility of the Finance Committee.

Finance Committee (7): Town Mayor (Ex Officio) Councillor Susan J Sandall (Chairman) Councillor Bob Sandall (Vice Chairman) Councillor Harrish Bisnauthsing Councillor John Dawson Councillor Sheila Sismore Councillor Andrew Croft Councillor Julie Clarke

Planning Committee (6): Town Mayor (Ex Officio) Councillor Steve Carroll (Chairman) Councillor Andrew Croft (Vice Chairman) Councillor Marion Pitt Councillor Julie Clarke Councillor Elaine Hooper Councillor Shaun Ford

Amenities Committee (6): Town Mayor (Ex Officio) Councillor Gloria Johnson (Chairman) Councillor Bill Turner (Vice Chairman) Councillor Mike Exton Councillor John Dawson Councillor David Dorson Councillor Simon Fenn

Event Committee (5): Town Mayor (Ex Officio) Councillor Maxine Couch (Chairman) Councillor David Dorson (Vice Chairman) Councillor Amanda Wheeler Councillor Angela Carter-Begbie Councillor Shaun Ford

Town Council Stamford Town Council 8 25 June 2019

Proposal 3 – It was RESOLVED by majority vote of the Council that the above standing Committees be approved and accepted. There was one abstention.

It was noted that Councillor Bisnauthsing wished to serve on the Town Council Planning Committee but would check that this did not create a conflict of interest should he serve on the District Council’s Development Committee.


The following were appointed as members to the following outside bodies and working Groups: a. Browne’s Hospital – Town Mayor Councillor Miss Griffin would be (ex officio) on the Board. Deputy Mayor Councillor Ms Couch would be an observer on the Board. It was noted that Councillor J Dawson, agreed to continue as a Town Council’s representative. There were two nominations for the second representative – Councillor Bisnauthsing and Councillor Croft. A vote was taken, and the elected nomination was Councillor Croft. It was noted that Councillor Mike Exton is a member in his own right. b. Stamford United Municipal Almshouse and Winifred Browne Charities – It was noted that there were two Councillors currently appointed. Councillors J Dawon and Ms M Couch both agreed to be re-appointed to attend the meetings for both the Stamford Municipal Almshouse and The Winifred Browne Charities. c. South Lincolnshire Citizens Advice Bureau – Councillor Mrs Clarke agreed to be the representative to attend meetings on behalf of Stamford Town. d. Sir Malcolm Sargent Concert Committee – Councillor A Croft agreed to continue on the committee as a representative of the Town Council. e. Stamford Hospital Development Advisory Committee – Councillors Mrs S J Sandall and M Exton agreed to continue to attend these meetings on behalf of the Town Council. Councillor Mrs Pitt had also expressed an interest to be involved as she is also a member of the PPG and the Friends of Stamford Hospital. f. Stamford Festival – Town Mayor Councillor Miss Griffin (ex officio) & Deputy Mayor Councillor Couch (Observer) g. Twinning Association – Councillor H Bisnauthsing agreed to continue as representative of the Town Council to the Association. h. Newsletter Editorial Team – Councillor A Croft and Councillor S Ford agreed to support the Civic Officer to produce the Town Council’s quarterly Newsletter. i. Neighbourhood Working Group (Stamford First) – Following discussion it was agreed that the representatives on the Stamford Neighbourhood Plan be retained with Councillor John Dawson and David Taylor

9.30pm – The Council RESOLVED to continue the meeting to complete considering the items on the agenda.


The Chairman suggested that this item is deferred to a later date due to the time factor.

Proposal 4 – It was proposed by Councillor B Sandall, seconded by Councillor Dorson and unanimously RESOLVED that this item is deferred to a later date.

27. ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT(Agenda Point 10)

Schedule no. 2 (transactions 10215-10336) had been circulated for consideration.

Proposal 5 – It was proposed by Councillor Mrs S Sismore, seconded by Councillor Mrs M Pitt and RESOLVED that Schedule No. 2 is agreed and approved for payment, with four abstentions.

Town Council Stamford Town Council 9 25 June 2019

The Town Clerk explained how the financial controls operated within the Council and that with the new Council a new set of signatories were required to be agreed:

Proposal 6 – It was proposed by Councillor Dorson, seconded by Councillor Mrs Pitt and unanimously RESOLVED that the following Councillors should be confirmed signatories on the Council accounts:

Councillor Miss Griffin Councillor Ms Couch Councillor Bisnauthsing Councillor Exton Councillor B Sandall Councillor Mrs S J Sandall Councillor J Dawson Councillor Mrs S Sismore


The Mayor Councillor Griffin informed the Council that her Mayor’s Sunday had been changed and would now be held on Sunday 30th June 2019 for which all Councillors would receive an invitation. It was hoped that as many as possible would be able to attend.

Chairman (The meeting closed at 10.00p.m.)


PRESENT Councillor David Dorson (Deputy Chairman) Councillor Miss Breda Griffin (Deputy Mayor) Councillor Amanda Wheeler Councillor Angela Carter-Begbie Councillor Shaun Ford

ALSO PRESENT Mrs Patricia Stuart-Mogg - Town Clerk

29. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE (Agenda Point 1)

Councillor Maxine Couch and Councillor Simon Fenn submitted their apologies, and these were noted.


None made.

31. MINUTES (Agenda Point 3)

The Town Clerk confirmed the process of the approval of the minutes and that draft notes of the meeting would be issued within three days of each meeting.


It was noted that the following events had been scheduled during the coming year: i. Sunday 14 July 2019 Music on the Bandstand – It was noted that this was one of the new events which the previous committee had decided could be a regular community event. Following discussion Councillor Dorson informed the Committee that the Chairman Councillor Couch had provisionally booked the Steve Walker band for the event at a cost of £280.00. Following discussion, it was recognised that this group would bring its own fans. It was also thought that it may be good if there was involvement of the New College youth bands to provide them some exposure. The exact timing of the event would need to be reconfirmed, however it was thought that initially the event would operate between 2 and 4pm. Discussion ensued in respect of the refreshments available during the event. Councillor Dorson stated that Stamford Town Council would need to apply for a Temporary Events Notice at a cost of £21.00 to provide alcohol. It was considered that advertising would need to be produced for the event. The Town Clerk confirmed that the banners for such an event had already been purchased it was just the date and time that needed to be inserted. Further advertising such as posters and publicity using social media should be encouraged. It was recognised that these events are free to the public and so there was a small budget required to support such events. It was appreciated that donations and sponsorship would be needed to provide a source of revenue, together with the funds obtained through the income generated by the Red Lions Square traders.

Proposal 1 – It was proposed by Councillor Griffin, seconded by Councillor Ford and unanimously RESOLVED that the Steve Walker band is booked at a fee of £280. Action: Cllr Couch.

Proposal 2 – It was proposed by Councillor Wheeler, seconded by Councillor Ford and unanimously RESOLVED that if necessary a Temporary Event Notice is submitted for the event at £21.00. Action: Town Clerk

Events Committee Stamford Town Council 11 25 June 2019 Councillor Ford offered to put forward some suggestions towards the design of the poster. It was also suggested that the Steve Walker Band may have a poster which could be revamped for the event. Action: Cllr Ford

ii. Sunday 27 October 2019 Stamford Spooktacular – Councillor Dorson informed the Committee that this had been a very successful event last year and it was hoped to build on the format. It was noted that Councillor Couch is consulting with the Chairman of Friends of Stamford and who assisted in organising the event last year as to its arrangements this year. Councillor Ford offered to draft a design for the poster for the event. Action: Cllr Couch/ Ford

iii. Sunday 24 November 2019 Stamford Christmas Festival – It was noted this is an annual event which is on the agenda for discussion.

iv. Festival of Carols on the Band Stand December date – Councillor Dorson stated that this is another new event with a date yet to be agreed. Following discussion, there was consensus that this would be a popular event but would need to be carefully scheduled to avoid clashes with church events. It was suggested that possibly having the event on either the 7th or 8th of December could be examined with the possibility of lighting the beacon. Having a stall serving hot chestnuts and mulled wine may also provide an attraction. Action: Town Clerk

v. Sunday 26 April 2020 French Market – It was noted that this is an annual event and is on the agenda for discussion.

vi. Friday 03 April 2020 Senior Citizens Concert – Councillor Dorson informed the Committee that this hugely popular event is a free event for senior citizens of the Parish of Stamford. The proposed date is Friday 03 April 2020. The Mayor Councillor Griffin would need to check her schedule and reconfirm.

vii. Tourism Working Group meetings – It was noted that the Town Council has agreed that this Working Group would be under the responsibility of the Events Committee. Following discussion it was recognised that the meetings had been usually convened on Wednesday during the day. It was suggested as most members of the Committee were working during the day the attendance by the Events Committee representative at these Working Group meetings should be rotated around the Committee so each member of the Committee attended. Councillor Carter-Begbie offered to attend the first meeting.

Proposal 3 – It was proposed by Councillor Wheeler, seconded by Councillor Dorson that the meetings are held on a Wednesday each month at 9.45am and be rotated round the Events Committee, so each member attend once a month.

33. FEEDBACK ON 2019 FRENCH MARKET (Agenda Point 5)

It was noted that this event had moved from October to April. This is a potential date that is yet to be confirmed. However, this year there were less than a dozen stalls. Following discussion, it was considered that expanding the event to embrace a Continental Market with arts and crafts may help support it. It was agreed that this should be discussed further at the next meeting.


i. Festive lighting – Councillor Dorson informed the Committee that this is the responsibility of this Committee. It had been recognised that last year the festive lights in Red Lion Square needed refreshing and the power supply to the All Saints Church tree needed attention to prevent the system tripping. Councillors were circulated with the details of the quote which had been provided by the festive light supplier. Following discussion, the budget for the Festive lighting was examined. It was noted to install and dismantle the lighting scheme for 2018 the cost was £23,060.00. To improve the infrastructure to the All Saints Tree, add 10 sets of 1000 Events Committee Stamford Town Council 12 25 June 2019 lights of white ice mini LEDs to the Red Lion Square Tree and 20 sets of 100 ice white icicles to replace current stocks for Red Lion Square would be £2,005.00. It was observed that the budget allocation is £33,000.00. Details for enhancing Broad Street were also considered but there was a consensus that this should be postponed until next year.

Proposal 3 – It was proposed by Councillor Dorson, seconded by Councillor Wheeler and unanimously RESOLVED that the enhancement to the Red Lion Square festive lighting should be accepted at a cost of £2005.00 with the installation and dismantling of the scheme at £23,060.00.

ii. Traffic Management and Road Closure - Councillor Dorson informed the Committee that the event had been examined by the previous Committee following the debrief session and it was agreed that the operation of the road closure was a relative success, whilst there had been a few vehicles which were illegally parked. The Town Clerk stated that at the recent Safety Advisory Meeting Lincolnshire Highways said they would assist in supporting the Town Council in prevent this from occurring. It had been agreed to apply for a Road Closure from 7pm on Saturday 23 November until 9pm on Sunday 24 November. All retailers and residents would be written to informing them of the closure. Following discussion, it was important that Corn Exchange and St. Augustine’s Church are also informed. The quote received from TMS was considered.

Proposal 4 – It was proposed by Councillor Dorson, seconded by Councillor Griffin and unanimously RESOLVED that the traffic management arrangement should be confirmed with TMS at a cost of £1,065.00 plus VAT. Action: Town Clerk.

iii. Booking Form – The details of the were circulated and it was noted in March 2019 the former Committee had agreed to hold the cost to traders for the stalls and pitches. This was noted. iv. Entertainment Programme – Councillor Dorson stated that this is an immensely popular event attracting several thousands into the town. The event requires all Committee members to participate. Volunteers to operate this event successfully are essential. Debate ensued, and it was appreciated that parking was a huge issue in the Town for such events and Park and Ride was suggested utilising Welland Academy and Malcolm Sargent Schools as possible pick-up and drop off zones. A shuttle bus service from these points could be investigated. The possibility of having fireworks to conclude the switch-on was discussed but it was considered that the cost was prohibitive.


The budget was examined, and the Town Clerk informed the Committee that the attendance of Red Lion Traders had been good but subject to weather conditions.

36. MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE NEXT MEETING: i. Sunday 14 July 2019 Music on the Bandstand ii. Sunday 27 October 2019 Stamford Spooktacular iii. Festival of Carols on the Band Stand December iv. Sunday 24 November 2019 Christmas Festival

37. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: (Agenda Point 7) – 01 July 2019

Chairman (The meeting closed at 7.15pm.)

Events Committee Stamford Town Council 13 25 June 2019 STAMFORD TOWN COUNCIL


PRESENT Councillor Steve Carroll (Chairman) Councillor Andy Croft (Vice Chairman) Councillor Breda Griffin Councillor Marion Pitt Councillor Julie Clarke Councillor Elaine Hooper Councillor Shaun Ford

ALSO PRESENT Administration Officer 38. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE (Agenda Point 1)

Cllr Harrish Bisnauthsing submitted his reason for absence. The reason was noted and accepted.


None were made

40. MINUTES PROCEDURE (Agenda Point 3)

Councillors were informed that minutes of the meeting will be circulated for approval to all members of the Planning Committee within four days of the meeting being held.


The Committee’s observations are shown on the attached schedule. 42. CORRESPONDENCE (Agenda Point 5)

a. Councillors were informed that the residents of Haddon Road were very pleased with the support they received from Stamford Town Council regarding Outline application S19/0649 for the erection of a two storey detached dwelling at land adjacent to 34 Haddon Road, Stamford PE9 2UP. They have expressed a willing to come to the next Town Council meeting. It is noted that the applicant is proposing to take the application to appeal.


a. Councillors were informed that it was necessary for them to attend Planning training through LALC and this was currently being organised by the Town Clerk.

b. Councillors were reminded that there will be a meeting with the Longhurst Group at the Town Hall at 2.00pm on Tuesday 11 June 2019.

c. Councillors were informed of the intention to fence off the corner green space area by a resident at 11 Mountbatten Avenue, Stamford.

d. Councillors discussed the matter of blind carbon copying emails sent from the Town Hall to members of the Planning Committee.

It was proposed by Councillor S Carroll, seconded by Councillor S Ford and RESOLVED by majority vote that future emails sent to members of the Planning Committee from the Town Hall will NOT have the email addresses blind carbon copied before being sent. There were 2 abstentions.

44. DATE OF NEXT MEETING (Agenda Point 7) Tuesday, 02 July 2019 at 6.00pm. Chairman - (The Meeting closed at 19.55pm) Planning Committee Stamford Town Council 14 25 June 2019

Date Date Ref. No. Proposed Development and Location Type of Applicant and Address Observations on Application Valid Received Permission

01-04-19 23-04-19 S19/0366 Erection of single storey rear extension Householder Mrs Jessica Williams Approved 17/05/19. SKDC decision 2 Edinburgh Road 2 Edinburgh Road, Stamford made before Stamford Planning PE9 1HH Committee held.

04-04-19 23-04-19 S19/0715 Submission of details to discharge Discharge of Mr Norman French Approved 29/05/19. SKDC decision condition 3 of Listed Building consent Conditions Ostlers Cottage, 1-2 made before Stamford Planning S19/0127 Listed Building Watergate, Stamford Committee held. Ostlers Cottage, 1-2 Watergate PE9 2YG

05-04-19 23-04-19 S19/0642 Erection of single storey extensions and Householder Mr & Mrs Plaice Approved 28/05/19. SKDC decision alterations to dwelling 72 Roman Bank, Stamford made before Stamford Planning 72 Roman Bank PE9 2ST Committee held.

08-04-19 23-04-19 S19/0650 Demolition of an existing single storey Householder Mr & Mrs Richard & Nicola Approved 03/06/19. SKDC decision rear prosection and erection of Isaac made before Stamford Planning contemporary single storey extension 53 Queen Street, Stamford Committee held. 53 Queen Street PE9 1QS

08-04-19 23-04-19 S19/0654 Approval of details relating to Condition Discharge of Eastern Rose Ltd Approved 04/06/19. SKDC decision 3 (samples of materials) of S18/0079 Conditions PO Box 9873, made before Stamford Planning 3-4 Brownlow Terrace, Back Lane, (Planning) Oakham Committee held. Stamford PE9 2EH LE15 0EY

09-04-19 23-04-19 S19/0668 Discharge condition 4 (large scale Discharge of Mr & Mrs Dudley Defer to SKDC Case Officer details) of pp S18/2373 Conditions 26 Tinwell Road, Stamford 26 Tinwell Road (Planning) PE9 2SD

Planning Committee Stamford Town Council 15 25 June 2019

Date Date Ref. No. Proposed Development and Location Type of Applicant and Address Observations on Application Valid Received Permission

12-04-19 23-04-19 S19/0691 Works to Lime tree to thin the crown by Tree Mr James Arscott Approved 24/05/19. SKDC decision up to 20% and cut branches back from Preservation Wilds Lodge School, made before Stamford Planning the adjacent telephone cable to give a Order Stamford Road, Committee held. clearance of roughly 1.5m nr. Empingham, Rutland Rock Lodge, 1 Empingham Road, LE15 8QQ Stamford PE9 2RH 10-04-19 24-04-19 S19/0672 Erection of single and two storey Householder Mr & Mrs A Pope Approved 03/06/19. SKDC decision extensions to dwelling 12 Fox Dale, Stamford made before Stamford Planning 12 Fox Dale PE9 2UZ Committee held.

10-04-19 24-04-19 S19/0680 Erection of a single storey rear infill Householder Ms G West No objections subject to neighbours’ extension 12 Torkington Street, amenities being respected. 12 Torkington Street Stamford PE9 2UY 12-04-19 24-04-19 S19/0598 Erection of first floor extension above Householder Mr & Mrs J Morris No objections subject to neighbours’ garage, single storey rear extension and 66 Drift Road, Stamford amenities being respected. pitched roof to front PE9 1XB 66 Drift Road 11-04-19 24-04-19 S19/0682 Erection of a single storey side extension Householder Mr Luis Costa No objections subject to neighbours’ following removal of carport 18 Newham Road, Stamford amenities being respected. 18 Newham Road PE9 1BZ 20-03-19 25-04-19 S19/0549 Change of Use from bank (A2) to shop Full Planning Seventy Four Propco. Ltd, Previous comments 16/04/19 - 'No (A1) at ground level and conversion of Permission C/o the Agent, Mrs Lucy objections subject to neighbours’ upper floors to 6 flats (A1/C3) Turner, Montagu Evans LLP, amenities being respected. Concerns 52 High Street, Stamford PE9 2YH 5 Bolton Street, over lack of parking for this change W1J 8BA of use'. As previous comments

Planning Committee Stamford Town Council 16 25 June 2019

Date Date Ref. No. Proposed Development and Location Type of Applicant and Address Observations on Application Valid Received Permission

15-04-19 25-04-19 S19/0704 Erection of single storey extension and Householder Mr Andy Graham No objections subject to neighbours’ alterations 18 Foxglove Road, Stamford amenities being respected. 18 Foxglove Road PE9 4BW

17-04-19 25-04-19 S19/0550 Erection of single storey rear extension Householder Ruth Norman Concerns of overdevelopment and 27 Christ Church Close 27 Christ Church Close, impact on neighbours. Stamford PE9 1HS 18-01-19 25-04-19 S19/0099 Partial demolition, erection of Householder Mr A Bertrand Previous comments 05/02/19 - 'No objection extensions (three storey and single Amended 4 Fox Dale, Stamford but there was concern raised over the impact of the alterations on the Street Scene'. storey), external alterations and new Plans PE9 2UZ Approved 16/05/19. SKDC decision boundary wall to North and South made before Stamford Planning 4 Fox Dale Committee held. 10-04-19 29-04-19 S19/0670 Erection of single storey extension, new Householder Mr Richard King Approved 31/05/19. SKDC decision bay window to south elevation and 2 Argyll Way, Stamford made before Stamford Planning erection of new porch PE9 2XQ Committee held. 2 Argyll Way

12-04-19 29-04-19 S19/0694 Approval of details reserved by Discharge of Mr Graham Starmer Defer to SKDC Case Officer Condition No.3 of planning permission Cond(s) Listed International Football S19/0073 (material details) Building Academy 41-42 The Garden House, High Street, 41-42 The Garden House, St Martins High Street, St Martins, Stamford PE9 2LP

16-04-19 29-04-19 S19/0707 Lawful development certificate for the Lawful Mr Mark Bryan No objections subject to neighbours’ erection of a single storey infill extension Development 78 Elizabeth Road, Stamford amenities being respected. 78 Elizabeth Road (Proposed) PE9 1HY

Planning Committee Stamford Town Council 17 25 June 2019

Date Date Ref. No. Proposed Development and Location Type of Applicant and Address Observations on Application Valid Received Permission

18-04-19 29-04-19 S19/0723 Non-material amendment to alter the Non-material Mr & Mrs Ragdale Defer to SKDC Case Officer internal layout amendments 62 Conduit Road, Stamford 62 Conduit Road PE9 1QL

12-04-19 29-04-19 S19/0688 Erection of railings to south elevation Householder Mr N Wright Approved 04/06/19. SKDC decision 1 Casterton Road, Stamford PE9 2YL Nevandi, 2 Cobblestone Yard, made before Stamford Planning Bath Row, Stamford PE9 2RD Committee held.

12-04-19 29-04-19 S19/0689 Erection of railings to south elevation Listed Building Mr N Wright Approved 04/06/19. SKDC decision 1 Casterton Road, Stamford PE9 2YL Consent Nevandi, 2 Cobblestone Yard, made before Stamford Planning Bath Row, Stamford PE9 2RD Committee held.

18-04-19 03-05-19 S19/0724 External & Internal Alterations Listed Building Mr & Mrs Mann No objections. All materials should 12 Water Street, Stamford PE9 2NJ Consent 9 Danegeld Place, Stamford be sympathetic with the PE9 2AF Conservation Area. Defer to SKDC Conservation Officer.

25-04-19 03-05-19 S19/0599 Erection of extensions to dwelling Householder Mr Andrew Croson No objections subject to neighbours’ Saddlers Cottage, 9A St Peter's Street Saddlers Cottage, 9A St amenities being respected. Peter's Street, Stamford PE9 All materials should be sympathetic 2PQ with the Conservation Area.

25-04-19 03-05-19 S19/0600 Listed building consent for the erection Listed Building Mr Andrew Croson No objections. All materials should of a single storey extension and first Consent Saddlers Cottage, 9A St be sympathetic with the floor extension to dwelling Peter's Street, Stamford PE9 Conservation Area. Saddlers Cottage, 9A St Peter's Street 2PQ Defer to SKDC Conservation Officer.

Planning Committee Stamford Town Council 18 25 June 2019

Date Date Ref. No. Proposed Development and Location Type of Applicant and Address Observations on Application Valid Received Permission 09-04-19 07-05-19 S19/0776 Alteration of listed building Ecclesiastical Joanne Balmforth, All materials should be sympathetic (Ecclesiastical Exemption consultation) Exemption Conservation Officer with the Conservation Area. Barnhill Methodist Church, 11 Barn Hill, from LBC Defer to SKDC Conservation Officer. Stamford PE9 2AE

19-04-19 08-05-19 S19/0786 Remove T1 Holly, T2 Elm and T3 to Trees in CA - Mr N Turner Approved 28/05/19. SKDC decision ground level Section 211 Edward King House, made before Stamford Planning All Saints Vicarage, Casterton Road, Notice Minster Yard, Lincoln LN2 Committee held. Stamford PE9 2YL 1PU 22-04-19 08-05-19 S19/0728 2m reduction of 3x Sycamore trees Tree Coleby Defer to SKDC’s Arboriculturist Windmill Lodge, Windmill Way Preservation Windmill Lodge, Windmill Order Way, Stamford PE9 2RH

22-04-19 08-05-19 S19/0727 Fell 2x Sycamore trees Tree Coleby Defer to SKDC’s Arboriculturist Windmill Lodge, Windmill Way Preservation Windmill Lodge, Windmill Order Way, Stamford PE9 2RH 29-04-19 08-05-19 S19/0757 Fell and remove T1 & T2 (Sycamores) Trees in CA - Mr Thomas Udale, CW Udale Defer to SKDC’s Arboriculturist. 34 Station Road, Stamford PE9 2WB Section 211 Ltd No documents available to view Notice Broccoli Bottom, Wing Road, online. Manton LE15 8SZ 24-04-19 10-05-19 S19/0741 Erection of two storey side extension Householder Ms Alicia Mason No objections subject to neighbours’ and alterations to dwelling 44 Radcliffe Road, Stamford amenities being respected. 44 Radcliffe Road PE9 1AU 24-04-19 13-05-19 S19/0721 Confirmation of compliance with Discharge of Mr Henry Browne No comment conditions 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12 and 13 of Conditions 10 Spinney Hill, planning approval S16/0385 (Planning) Road, Oakham 21A & 21B Scotgate, Stamford PE9 2YQ LE15 6JL

Planning Committee Stamford Town Council 19 25 June 2019

Date Date Ref. No. Proposed Development and Location Type of Applicant and Address Observations on Application Valid Received Permission

19-04-19 13-05-19 S19/0648 Replacement sodium lamps (SON) to Full Planning Mr Graham Winstone No objection LED lamps fitted to the court floodlights Permission Stamford Tennis Club, Stamford Tennis Club, Conduit Road Conduit Road, Stamford PE9 1QL tbc 14-05-19 PL/0089/19 To Replace Existing Street Light Attached County Matter Anne Cant Lamps should be in keeping with the to Building Lincolnshire County Council Conservation Area. 38 St Mary's Street, Stamford tbc 16-05-19 PL/0088/19 To Replace Existing Street Light Attached County Matter Anne Cant Lamps should be in keeping with the to Building Lincolnshire County Council Conservation Area. 2 St Mary's Street, Stamford

tbc 16-05-19 PL/0090/19 To Replace Existing Street Light Attached County Matter Anne Cant Lamps should be in keeping with the to Building Lincolnshire County Council Conservation Area. 34 St Mary's Street, Stamford

01-05-19 14-05-19 S19/0785 Retrospective application to block up Householder Mr Bruce Parker Defer to SKDC Conservation Officer rear doorway and addition of larch wood 67 Main Road, Collyweston cladding PE9 3PQ 6 Stanley Street, Stamford PE9 1EX 10-04-19 16-05-19 S19/0673 Erection of two storey extension Householder Mr Danny Needham No objections subject to neighbours’ 5 Bramble Grove 5 Bramble Grove, Stamford amenities being respected. PE9 4BL

14-05-19 17-05-19 S19/0867 Conversion of roof space and insertion Householder Ms N Moody No documents available to view of two rooflights 18 Alexandra Road, Stamford online. Unable to comment. 18 Alexandra Road PE9 1QR

Planning Committee Stamford Town Council 20 25 June 2019

Date Date Ref. No. Proposed Development and Location Type of Applicant and Address Observations on Application Valid Received Permission 13-05-19 17-05-19 S19/0855 Replace existing fence with 1.8m fencing Householder Mrs S Watson No objections subject to neighbours’ and 900 trellis (2.7m in height) 4 Marshall's Yard, Stamford amenities being respected. Concerns 4 Marshall's Yard PE9 2BP about fence having an overbearing impact on neighbouring properties. 30-04-19 17-05-19 S19/0770 Erection of single storey extensions and Householder Mr & Mrs Long No objections subject to neighbours’ alterations to dwelling 8 Luffenham Close, Stamford amenities being respected. 8 Luffenham Close PE9 2SE 01-05-19 17-05-19 S19/0733 Erection of two storey front, two storey Householder Mr Jason Whittlestone No objections subject to neighbours’ rear and single storey side extensions 15 Roxburgh Road, Stamford amenities being respected. with internal works, following the PE9 2XE demolition of a front porch, garage and rear extension 15 Roxburgh Road

01-05-19 17-05-19 S19/0783 Erection of first floor extension, single Householder Mr Owens No objections subject to neighbours’ storey extension to principal elevation 92 Arran Road, Stamford amenities being respected. and conversion of internal garage PE9 2XT 92 Arran Road 01-05-19 17-05-19 S19/0782 Demolition of front projection and Householder Mr Chris Gadsby No objections subject to neighbours’ erection of a replacement two storey High Lodge, Casterton Road, amenities being respected. addition, erection of two storey Stamford addition, erection of two storey PE9 2YL extensions to dwelling, erection of bay window to front elevation, roof alterations to enable attic conversion to form first floor and erection of a detached garage High Lodge, Casterton Road

Planning Committee Stamford Town Council 21 25 June 2019

Date Date Ref. No. Proposed Development and Location Type of Applicant and Address Observations on Application Valid Received Permission 09-05-19 17-05-19 S19/0831 Erection of a front porch, single storey Householder Mr Andrew Sayer No objections subject to neighbours’ rear extension and first floor rear 115 Radcliffe Road, Stamford amenities being respected. extension, along with rendering of PE9 1AU property 115 Radcliffe Road 03-05-19 21-05-19 S19/0805 Proposed Change of Use from Financial Full Planning Mr J Gray, Stray's, No objections. Essential to follow Services (Class A2) to Coffee Shop/ Café Permission c/o The Agent, the colours in the Shopfront Guide. (Class A3) Grace, Machin Planning & All materials should be sympathetic 52 High Street, Stamford PE9 2YH Property, with the Conservation Area. Defer 2 Hollowstone, The Lace to SKDC Conservation Officer. Market, NG1 1JH 07-05-19 22-05-19 S19/0818 Part two and part single storey rear Householder Steven Stanjko No objections subject to neighbours’ extension 130 Kesteven Road, Stamford amenities being respected. 130 Kesteven Road PE9 1SS 13-05-19 22-05-19 S19/0857 Alterations to north/west elevation to Householder Mr & Mrs Ian No objections subject to neighbours’ change a single door with a double door Woolstenholmes amenities being respected. and insertion of a window. Internal 15 Casterton Road, Stamford alterations only to layout PE9 2YL 15 Casterton Road 13-05-19 22-05-19 S19/0858 Internal and external alterations Householder Mr & Mrs Norfolk No objections subject to neighbours’ consisting of the erection of an entrance Headlands, New Cross Road, amenities being respected. porch, erection of single storey rear Stamford extension to replace an existing PE9 1AJ conservatory, rendering of property and alterations to fenestration. Erection of detached annexe. Headlands, New Cross Road

Planning Committee Stamford Town Council 22 25 June 2019

Date Date Ref. No. Proposed Development and Location Type of Applicant and Address Observations on Application Valid Received Permission

05-12-18 22-05-19 S18/2259 Erection of single and two storey side Householder Mr Gary Carter Previous comments 08/01/2019 - and rear extensions, alterations and Amended 60 Tinwell Road, Stamford 'Strong objections to this application. erection of detached garage Information PE9 2SD Concerns over the size, appearance and 60 Tinwell Road design of the proposal could have potential for the development to become another dwelling which will impact on the services and utilities. The amenities of residents in Tinwell Road should not be compromised. Material concerns over highway safety on Tinwell Road Lane which is an unadopted road accessing at either end on to Roman Bank and Exeter Gardens. Additional vehicle movements could lead to excessive nuisance to residents. To avoid setting a precedent, a condition should be applied that the erection of the outbuilding is not converted into a household dwelling at any time. This application must be deferred for determination to the Development Management Committee by a Stamford District Councillor.' As previous comments 09-05-19 29-05-19 S19/0607 Change of Use from resturant (A3) to Full Planning Mr Nazarat Mohammed No objections takeaway (A5) including external Permission 56 Harris Street, alterations Curry Express, 12A Green Lane, PE1 2LY Stamford PE9 1HE

Planning Committee Stamford Town Council 23 25 June 2019

Date Date Ref. No. Proposed Development and Location Type of Applicant and Address Observations on Application Valid Received Permission 14-05-19 29-05-19 S19/0863 Demolition or garage and erection of a Full Planning Mr Grant Penfield Strong objections. Building should single dwelling Permission C/o the Agent, Mr J Mitson, be in keeping with the surrounding Electricity Sub Station 5m from 95 Drift GHM Planning Ltd, 87 Park area. Materials should be in keeping Road, 11m from Drift Road, Stamford Road, Chilwell NG9 4DE with the street scene. PE9 1XD 17-05-19 30-05-19 S19/0887 Erection of a one and half storey detached Full Planning Mr & Mrs Lamb No objections subject to neighbours’ dwelling Permission Goose Green, Casterton amenities being respected. Goose Green, Casterton Road Road, Stamford PE9 4BP

21-05-19 30-05-19 S19/0908 Non-material amendment to planning Non-material Mr & Mrs Sharpe Defer to SKDC Case Officer approval S18/1671 to alter materials and amendments 54 Tinwell Road, Stamford rear door style PE9 2SD 54 Tinwell Road 29-05-19 30-05-19 S19/0965 Non-material amendment to planning Non-material Mr Michael Dronfield Defer to SKDC Case Officer approval S18/0286 to change rooflight type amendments West House, Melancholy West House, Melancholy Walk (Householder) Walk, Stamford PE9 2QN 20-05-19 04-06-19 S19/0890 Internal alterations for a new retail space, Listed Building Miss Liz Houghton No objections. Essential to follow new partitions and redecoration on the Consent Mint Velvet, St John's Place, the colours in the Shopfront Guide. ground floor only. Installation of new non- Easton Street, High All materials should be sympathetic illuminated main fascia signage and hanging Wycombe with the Conservation Area. Defer sign with redecoration to the existing HP11 1NL to SKDC Conservation Officer. shopfront Qs, High Street, Stamford PE9 2AL

20-05-19 04-06-19 S19/0898 Erection of replacement fascia and ATM Listed Building Nationwide Building Society No objections. Essential to follow signage Consent Unit 1, St Michael's Church, the colours in the Shopfront Guide. Unit 1, St Michael's Church, High Street High Street, Stamford PE9 All materials should be sympathetic 2AW with the Conservation Area. Defer to SKDC Conservation Officer.

Planning Committee Stamford Town Council 24 25 June 2019

Date Date Ref. No. Proposed Development and Location Type of Applicant and Address Observations on Application Valid Received Permission

09-05-19 04-06-19 S19/0801 Non-material amendment to planning Non-material Mr R Pearson No comment. approval S15/3277 to alter the roof pitch of amendments 10 Adelaide Street, Stamford garage (Householder) PE9 2EN 10 Adelaide Street

These observations have been submitted under delegated powers and will be presented to Stamford Town Council for ratification at the scheduled meeting on 25 June 2019.

Planning Committee Stamford Town Council 25 25 June 2019



PRESENT Councillor B Griffin (Town Mayor) (Arrived 7.59pm) Councillor Mrs G Johnson (Chairman) Councillor B Turner (Vice Chair) Councillor H Bisnauthsing (Substituting for Cllr J Dawson) Councillor M Exton Councillor Mrs S Sismore Councillor D Dorson

ALSO PRESENT Deputy Town Clerk


45. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE (Agenda Point 1)

Councillor J Dawson & Councillor S Fenn had submitted apologies; these were noted and accepted.



It was confirmed that the draft minute of the Amenities meetings will be sent to all members of the committee four working days after the meeting. Members will be required to read and respond with any amendments and confirm that the draft minutes are a true record of the meeting. Any amendments will be sent to the chairman prior to being included in the Town Council agenda.

48. ST. MICHAEL’S CHURCHYARD (Agenda Point 4)

It was confirmed to the committee, their delegated responsibilities for the maintenance of St Michaels Churchyard for the Skells Trust. The committee was informed of the contractor, the cutting regime, the cleaning schedule and the topple testing of the headstone to ensure the safety of the area.


The committee were informed that the contracts for all the ground maintenance was included in their Amenities Document pack which explains the type of cut and the frequency. The committee was further informed that a book is held in reception for any matters of concern, which need to be raised with the contractors at the monthly contract’s meetings. All minutes from these meetings will be provided to the committee and members are welcome to attend. Cllr Exton informed the committee of the concerns over the volume of grass left on the bottom half of the Recreation Ground and enquired if the collection of grass could be looked into, the committee were informed that this would be an additional cost to the contract. It was also noted that the contractor is aware to leave the grass longer prior to events taking place on the areas.

50. MEADOWS (Agenda Point 6)

a. Feedback on action points Nothing to report

Amenities Committee Stamford Town Council 26 25 June 2019

b. To consider Management & Maintenance Report i. Plant Collection Permission – It was reported that a student from Leeds University will be collecting leaves and seed specimens of Himalayan Balsam during July/August as part of their dissertation study.

ii. Access to Meadows for Resident tree work – Correspondence have been received from Special Branch Tree Services regarding a forthcoming planning application to remove a large tree from the Station Road River bank. The contractor requested access to the Meadows to enable the safe removal of the tree, with precautions to maintain the safety of the area and public. Following discussions, the committee agreed that access would be granted with the proviso that they have the adequate insurance and any consequential loss or damage caused by the contractor would be rectified at their expense.

Proposal 1 - On the proposal of Councillor D Dorson, seconded by the Councillor Mrs S Sismore, it was unanimously RESOLVED the Council approves access to the contractor with the proviso that they have the adequate insurance and any consequential loss or damage caused by the contractor would be rectified at their expense.

iii. Update on bird feeders and dog bag dispensers – It was advised that Burghley Vets are finalising the stickers for the duck feeders and dog bag dispensers, with the draft wording of ‘Burghley Veterinary Centres Ltd proud to work with Stamford Town Council’. The committee was informed that Burghley Vets has exclusivity of advertising on the dog bag dispensers and duck feeders as they will be providing the future supplies as previously agreed by the Council. Once the stickers have been received the units will be installed.

iv. Racist graffiti and damage to wooden bench- Correspondence have been received regarding racist comments written on the benches at the Meadows. The graffiti was removed by our operative on the 18th May but was further vandalised the same evening, which has now also been removed and is being monitored. A further report was received by a resident that youths were damaging the wooden bench near the vehicle access bridge with an axe. The resident informed the Police but unfortunately, they didn’t attend until an hour after the notification to which the youths had gone. Following discussions, it was agreed that a strongly worded letter is sent to Inspector Martin regarding the incident and others which have taken place on amenity sites.

Proposal 2- On the proposal of Councillor D Dorson, seconded by the Councillor Mrs S Sismore, it was agreed with 2 abstentions and RESOLVED the Council sends a strongly worded letter to Inspector Martin regarding the incident and others which have taken place on amenity sites.

51. CEMETERY (Agenda Point 7)

a. Feedback on action points i. X&Y plot holders – It was reported that appropriate wording to comply with the arrangements under schedule 3 of the Local Government Act 1972 has been requested from Buckles Solicitors to allow the council to progress further. No further communications have been received from the solicitor. Cllr D Dorson enquired into the grassing of the graves and informed the committee that areas that had been grass seeded are either not germinating or over taken by weeds. Following discussions, it was agreed that quotes for turfing the graves would be looked into with a view of turfing all new graves once the ground has settled.

Proposal 3- On the proposal of Councillor D Dorson, seconded by the Councillor Mrs S Sismore, it was unanimously RESOLVED the Council gathers quotes for turfing the graves with a view of turfing all new graves once the ground has settled.

Amenities Committee Stamford Town Council 27 25 June 2019

ii. Landings- It was reported that X* section has now been completed and Y section is in progress

b. To consider Management & Maintenance Report i. Cemetery Wall Survey- It was advised that the wall survey received in their pack explains the required works for the Cemetery Wall. It was previously agreed that the project would be phased over four years. The quotes will be gained for the priority works.

ii. Feedback on Cemetery public toilets- The committee was advised of the previous issues that had arisen since the installation of the new toilet at the Cemetery. It was advised that the handrail, which has already been re-secured is now coming away from the wall and the wooden plate hasn’t improved the situation. Further issues have arisen such as, the baby changing unit has now gone through the plaster, the sink is coming away from the wall and the metal edges are showing through the paint work. A meeting is being arranged with the director of the company the Chairman and Deputy Town Clerk to discuss the issues.

iii. Lodge Lease and secure bin holding zone – It was noted that a meeting is being arranged with the tenant to sign the new lease now the majority of the work has been completed. Quotes for the fan in the bathroom, the rotten window sill in the bathroom and the installation for the new gate to the alcove area next to the toilets.

iv. Complaint in respect of early maintenance at Cemetery- Correspondence have been received regarding the contractor gaining access to the site before the Cemetery is open. It has been noted they are driving at speed and also entering on a weekend and in the evenings. This matter will be dealt with at the contracts meeting.

v. Cemetery Office roof repair - It was noted that the Cemetery office roof is in need of repair, quotes are being gained for the works.

vi. Fallen Tree – Emergency work undertaken. - It was advised that emergency works to a fallen tree branch outside the Chapel at the Cemetery have been undertaken under the Town Clerks delegated powers at the cost of £75 plus VAT from SMV Contract Services.

Proposal 4- On the proposal of Councillor B Turner, seconded by the Councillor Mrs S Sismore, it was unanimously RESOLVED the Council accepts the cost of £75 plus VAT from SMV Contract Services for the removal of the tree branch at the Cemetery under the Town Clerks Delegated powers.

vii. Memorial stone for Memorial Garden - It was noted that the memorial stone for the memorial garden is due to arrive with the stone mason by the end of June. Once complete the stone will be installed.

viii. Lincolnshire Bereavement Guide – Correspondence had been received regarding advertising in the Bereavement Guide which is given to people when they register a death. Following discussions, it was agreed that once our burial guide is completed the committee would look into advertising the cemetery services. c. Any correspondence i. Card and donation from plot holder – Correspondence have been received from the plot holder thanking the committee and Deputy Town Clerk for all the help and kindness received in location their child’s plot, after the child was buried by the hospital in 1969 with the family not being made aware of the location of the plot. The family have kindly donated £25 to the Cemetery. A thankyou letter will be drafted and sent to the family.

ii. Photos received from anonymous resident – Photos have been received regarding the grass cutting at the cemetery. This matter will be dealt with at the contracts meeting.

Amenities Committee Stamford Town Council 28 25 June 2019

iii. Plant Collecting – It was noted that correspondence have been received regarding the herbarium specimen collection of selected wild flowers at Stamford Cemetery. These will be stored at the Natural History Museum in London and at the Sir Joseph Banks Centre in Horncastle to be used for scientific research.

iv. Request for installation of two benches at the Williamson Cliff memorial- Cllr B Turner informed the committee that the Royal British Legion Stamford Branch (BRO181) would like to purchase two benches to be installed next to the memorial. Following discussions, it was agreed that being the benches conform with the agreed style of bench in principle the benches can be installed.

Proposal 5- On the proposal of Councillor H Bisnauthsing, seconded by the Councillor D Dorson, it was agreed with 2 abstentions and RESOLVED the Council accepts in principle the request to install two benches next to the Williamson Cliff memorial being the benches conform with the agreed style of bench.

52. RECREATION GROUND (Agenda Point 8)

a. Feedback on action points i. Bandstand Planting – It was noted that the majority of the planting is now complete, and the further slate required will be delivered next week.

ii. Goal Post – It was noted that a decision regarding the goal post funding is awaited.

b. To consider Management & Maintenance Report i. Criminal damage to Skatepark- It was reported that the mulch at the Skatepark has been damaged by some youths setting fire to a gas canister. The police are aware and have received some names of the offenders, one of the offenders has been and apologised to the Chair and given the council some money towards the repair. A quote has been received for the repair works at a cost of £1285 plus VAT from AMG Sport – Play, the committee was made aware that the repair will not match exactly, due to old against new. Following discussions, it was agreed that the mulch should be repaired to prevent anyone having an accident on the area.

Proposal 6- On the proposal of Councillor B Turner, seconded by the Councillor Mrs S Sismore, it was agreed with 2 abstentions and RESOLVED the Council accepts the quote for the repair works at a cost of £1285 plus VAT from AMG Sport-Play to prevent anyone having an accident on the area.

ii. Repairs to play equipment and public toilet doors - It was reported that the duck springer is in need of repair to the ground anchor, this is at a cost of £275 plus VAT from AMG Sport- Play. This work is required to make the unit safe. It was agreed the required works should be carried out.

Proposal 7- On the proposal of Councillor D Dorson, seconded by the Councillor B Griffin, it was unanimously RESOLVED the Council accepts the repair to the ground anchor of the duck springer at a cost of £275 plus VAT from AMG Sport- Play to make the unit safe.

The committee were made aware of an influx on bolts being removed from the play equipment, most recently all of the bolts in the wheelchair swing were removed. The unit has now been repaired and made safe. In light of the repeated incidents on the Recreation Ground the committee agreed that the damage and cost of repair for the mulch and other play equipment due to vandalism is to be publicised via social media and the press.

Proposal 8- On the proposal of Councillor H Bisnauthsing, seconded by the Councillor D Dorson, it was unanimously RESOLVED the Council agreed that the damage and cost of repair for the mulch and other play equipment due to vandalism is to be publicised via social media and the press.

It was reported that the toilet doors are in need of repair. One of the locks on the door has been damaged plus the closer, the door has also warped making it difficult to close. Amenities Committee Stamford Town Council 29 25 June 2019

The other is now also beginning to warp. To replace the doors with the same style and specification will be at a cost of £3598 plus VAT from Security Care or the alternative is to replace the doors with wooden doors at a cost of £3353.42 plus VAT from CJS. The current doors have been replaced numerous times due to warping and vandalism. Cllr Exton enquired in to the actual cost of the vandalism to the toilets, it was agreed this would be investigated.

Proposal 9- On the proposal of Councillor D Dorson, seconded by the Councillor Mrs G Johnson, it was unanimously RESOLVED the Council accepts to replace the current doors with wooden ones at a cost of £3353.42 plus VAT from CJS.

iii. Damaged to trees – It was reported that two trees have been stripped of bark by youths bringing tools to the Recreation Ground. It was agreed that this would be reported to the Police as criminal damage and a meeting is to be arranged with Inspector Martin regarding the numerous incidents happening across amenity sites and to enquire if there are any measures that can be taken to help improve the situation in the future.

Proposal 10- On the proposal of Councillor Mrs G Johnson, seconded by the Councillor D Dorson, it was unanimously RESOLVED the Council agreed the incident is the to be reported to the Police as criminal damage and a meeting is to be arranged with Inspector Martin regarding the numerous incidents happening across amenity sites and to enquire if there are any measures that can be taken to help improve the situation in the future.

c. Any correspondence i. Rodent infestation at the Shack - Correspondence had been received regarding rodents entering the Shack. Quotes will be gained for the required works to prevent the rodents accessing the areas identified as entry points which is to be dealt with under our responsibility as a landlord.

ii. Stamford Children’s Centre Request – Correspondence had been received regarding the use of the Recreation Ground to hold an early year’s session in the park for 0-5 years. LCC runs the children’s centre and they are looking to have 10-30 families attend which would be based on a book such as Shark in the Park or the Gruffalo.

Proposal 11- On the proposal of Councillor Mrs S Sismore, seconded by the Councillor D Dorson, it was unanimously RESOLVED the Council allows Stamford Children’s Centre to hold an early year’s session in the park for 0-5 years.

iii. Filming at the recreation Ground – Correspondence had been received regarding the filming of 10 years younger on the Recreation Ground. The company will be filming the backstory of one of their contributors at 4pm on Wednesday 5th June. It was agreed that the filming can take place with the proviso of a donation being made to a children’s event the committee wish to put on in the future.

Proposal 12- On the proposal of Councillor Mrs G Johnson, seconded by the Councillor D Dorson, it was unanimously RESOLVED the Council allows the filming of 10 years younger on the Recreation Ground, with the proviso of a donation being made to a children’s event the committee wish to put on in the future.

8.55pm Cllr H Bisnauthsing left the meeting

53. PROGRAMMED EVENTS (Agenda Point 9) a. Event by CS Ellis – 22 June 2019 - A Request has been received to hire the Recreation Ground after the parade of floats on Saturday 22nd June 2019 for CS Ellis staff, who volunteer their time for free during the event. This event is a private event only for CS Ellis staff and families, they will have a bar, band & Hog roast and will be finish by 8pm.

Proposal 13- On the proposal of Councillor B Turner, seconded by the Councillor Mrs G Johnson, it was unanimously RESOLVED the Council accepts the hire of the Recreation Ground after the parade of floats on Saturday 22nd June 2019 for CS Ellis staff with the standard peppercorn rent of £1 and the £300 deposit. Amenities Committee Stamford Town Council 30 25 June 2019

b. King Ramps Ltd potential events – Cllr G Johnson informed the committee on correspondence received regarding a Skatepark community event which could be held on the Skatepark, at the cost of £1680 plus VAT from King Ramps Ltd. The event would be free the public with workshops throughout the day by 3 of the Nations top Athletes in Skateboarding and BMX, with all the safety equipment provided, two 15-minute demonstrations by the aforementioned professionals, an MC to host the event with sound system and Gazebo for the day and competitions with prizes to be won supplied by the company. Following discussions, the committee agreed that the proposed event could take place with the cost of the event being sourced by external funding.

Proposal 14- On the proposal of Councillor B Turner, seconded by the Councillor D Dorson, it was unanimously RESOLVED the Council agrees the proposed event on the Skatepark at the cost of £1680 plus VAT from King Ramps Ltd can take place being that funding can be sourced externally.

c. Media Display Outdoor Cinema - Correspondence had been received from Media Displays Outdoor Cinema regarding the different packages available for councils to hold an event. Following discussions, it was felt that this type of event was not practical on the amenity site so would not pursue this item any further.

d. 2019 Dog Show request for additional day – A request has been made from the Dog Show event for an additional day to erect their marquees on the night before, the Deputy Town Clerk recommended that in light of the damage received to a car parked outside of the fenced secure area at the Antiques Fair in which a car was badly damaged and written off, that this request is denied. Following discussions, the committee agreed that the Dog show can have an extra day to install the marquees the day before, with the understanding that they take full responsibility for the equipment and any damage which they do so at their own risk, plus the group will be informed of the previous incident to allow them to make an informed decision.

Proposal 15- On the proposal of Councillor D Dorson, seconded by the Councillor M Exton, it was unanimously RESOLVED the Council agreed that the Dog show can have an extra day to install the marquees the day before, with the understanding that they take full responsibility for the equipment and any damage which they do so at their own risk, plus the group will be informed of the previous incident to allow them to make an informed decision.

e. 2019 Conservation Church Trust Event – A request has been received to land a helicopter on the Meadows on 26th July at 3.15pm by the Church Conservation Trust who are doing a steal chase of 50 churches in 50 hours for their 50th anniversary. Following discussions, it was agreed that the helicopter can land on the Meadows being that The Church Conservation Trust pay the £250 deposit, provide the relevant insurance and risk assessment and have the permission to fly over the area.

Proposal 16- On the proposal of Councillor Mrs S Sismore, seconded by the Councillor D Dorson, it was unanimously RESOLVED the Council agreed that the helicopter can land on the meadows being that The Church Conservation Trust pay the £250 deposit, provide the relevant insurance and risk assessment and have the permission to fly over the area.

f. 2020 Event requests – Garden Show -A request to hire the Meadows for the Garden Show on Sunday 10th May 2020 by the Rotary Club has been received, the committee was informed this is one of the annual programmed events.

Proposal 17- On the proposal of Councillor D Dorson, seconded by the Councillor B Griffin, it was unanimously RESOLVED the Council accepts the request to hire the Meadows for the Garden Show on Sunday 10th May 2020 by the Rotary Club.

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Dog Show - A request to hire the Meadows for the Dog Show on Sunday 13th September 2020 by the Methodist Church has been received, the committee was informed this is one of the annual programmed events.

Proposal 18- On the proposal of Councillor D Dorson, seconded by the Councillor S Sismore, it was unanimously RESOLVED the Council accepts the request to hire the Meadows for the Dog Show on Sunday 13th September 2020 by the Methodist Church

54. TREE WORK ALL SITES (Agenda Point 10) The committee were advised of the required works across the Meadows and Recreation Ground to complete the works identified in the tree report. Two quotes have been received and a further quote is still to be gained.

55. ALLOTMENTS (Agenda Point 11)

a. Feedback on action points i. New Water Connection at Uffington Road New- No further update has been received regarding this matter.

b. To consider Management & Maintenance Report The Deputy Town Clerk presented the report on the status of the allotment waiting list and current vacancies. The Committee was informed that there were 7 vacant plots across the allotment sites 2 of which need to be completely cleared, quotes for this are being sourced.

i. Unauthorised bon fire – Following the site inspection it was noted that a bonfire has taken place on Queens Walk site without permission. Photos were circulated to the committee and the size and damage to the area, it was also noted that the plot has not been cultivated in accordance with the allotment regulations. A draft notice letter was circulated to the committee and it was agreed the letter would be sent to the tenant with the conditions that the plot must be cultivated to the required amount of 75% within 28 days and if any further bonfires take place without permission the tenant will be given a termination notice.

Proposal 19- On the proposal of Councillor D Dorson, seconded by the Councillor Mrs S Sismore, it was unanimously RESOLVED the Council agreed the letter would be sent to the tenant with the conditions that the plot must be cultivated to the required amount of 75% within 28 days and if any further bonfires take place without permission the tenant will be given a termination notice.

ii. New Tap Box construction – it was advised that the tap boxes across all amenity sites are in need of replacement and quotes for the works are being gained.

iii. Clearance of allotment plots and car parks – It was noted that two of the allotments on Priory Road are required to be cleared. Also, the carparks on Uffington Road allotments are in need of maintenance works. Quotes for these works are being received.

iv. Water Furlong Cecil Estate Lease - Correspondence have been received regarding the rental of Water Furlong allotment sites. Strutt Parker have informed the council that after calculating what they think is the revenue from the allotment site, they wish to increase the allotment rent. Following discussions, it was agreed that the matter will be pursued by the Town Clerk and they will be informed that the council does not make money on the allotments and is required to use the rental from tenants on improving the facilities for the tenants.

Proposal 20- On the proposal of Councillor D Dorson, seconded by the Councillor Mrs S Sismore, it was unanimously RESOLVED the Council agreed that the matter will be pursued by the Town Clerk and they will be informed that the council does not make money on the allotments and is required to use the rental from tenants on improving the facilities for the tenants.

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c. Any correspondence – Correspondence have been received from tenants of US03 and C6b to terminate their allotment sites. Both sites have been inspected and been found to be in good order. Therefore, it is recommended that the deposits be returned to the tenants.

Proposal 21- On the proposal of Councillor Mrs G Johnson, seconded by the Councillor D Dorson, it was unanimously RESOLVED the Council agreed the tenants of US03 and C6b have their deposits of £50 each returned.

56. PERSONNEL MATTERS (Agenda Point 12) The committee were updated that a walkabout had taken place by the Town Clerk with the new operative to inspect the quality of work and to discover any issues. The meeting went well and a few areas of improvement on the methodology have been put in place.

57. ANY OTHER MATTERS OF CONCERN RELATED TO AMENITY AREAS FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE NEXT MEETING (Agenda Point 13) Williamson Cliff memorial rendering – Cllr B Turner informed the committee that the rendering on the memorial is damaged in places, the committee was informed that this matter is in hand and quotes are being gained.

Tennis Club Issues – Cllr H Bisnauthsing informed the committee that the tennis club have reported that the water has been turned off due to the ground leak and that the tennis courts have some bumps which need to be rolled out. The committee was informed that the leak was fixed by the groups second week at the being of May as Anglian Water had instructed the council that the water must be turn off until the works were completed. With regards to the bumps the club are aware that the ground is being rolled after each cut and that irrigation to the area is being looked into.

58. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: (Agenda Point) – Tuesday, 02 July 2019 at 7pm

Chairman (The meeting closed at 9.34pm.)

Amenities Committee Stamford Town Council 33 25 June 2019



PRESENT Councillor Mrs S J Sandall (Chairman) Councillor Miss B Griffin Councillor R Sandall Councillor H Bisnauthsing Councillor Mrs S Sismore Councillor A Croft Councillor Mrs J Clarke

ALSO PRESENT The Town Clerk Councillor A Carter Begbie


Meeting Commenced at 7pm

59. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE (Agenda Point 1)



Councillor Bisnauthsing declared a Personal Interest in respect of any discussion relating to the booking of the Town Hall for a Patient Participation Group (PPG).

Councillor Clarke declared a Personal Interest in respect of any discussion relating to Barefoot Flooring as she is acquainted with the owners.

Councillors Mr & Mrs R Sandall and Coucillor A Croft declared a Personal Interest in respect of any discussion relating to Ink Contemporary Theatre as they were acquainted with the Artistic Director.

61. MINUTES (Agenda Point 3)

It was confirmed that the draft minutes of the Finance meetings would be sent to all members of the committee four working days after the meeting. Members will be required to read and respond with any amendments and confirm that the draft minutes are a true record of the meeting. Any amendments will be sent to the chairman prior to being included in the Town Council agenda.

62. UPDATE ON ACTION POINTS (Agenda Point 4)

a. Mayor’s Charity Account – It was noted that this account would now be moved to Lloyds Bank. Action: Civic Officer b. Priory Court – It was noted that a grant award had been made to Priory Court from the Age UK Grant fund to be utilised for the elderly in Stamford. Unfortunately to date no information had been received in respect of the progress of the project. The Town Clerk reported that Priory Court had been informed that if no details were received in respect of this project by the end of June the grant would be withdrawn, and a fresh application would need to be submitted. Action: Town Clerk c. Transfer of Open spaces to Town Council – The Town Clerk reported that the open spaces on Rockingham and Chatsworth Road as agreed by the Town Council are in process with Buckles Solicitors for transfer from the owner to Stamford Town Council at no expense to the Council. Action: Town Clerk

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d. Lift Auto-dialler – The Town Clerk reported that she is awaiting the scheduled date from KONE in respect of this matter. Action: Town Clerk. e. Card Payment System – The feedback from customers has been that it would be welcomed if the Town Hall had a card payment system. Full details with cost will be presented at the next meeting. f. Fire Risk Assessment – All members had been circulated with the Action Plan for the Fire Risk Assessment which had been undertaken by Capita on behalf of Torney Ltd. in respect of the Town Hall. Following consideration, it was agreed that the Town Clerk should implement the recommended action within the report.

Proposal 1 – It was proposed by Councillor R Sandall, seconded by Councillor Sismore and unanimously RESOLVED that the Town Clerk is authorised to proceed to implement the recommended action within the Capita Report. Action: Town Clerk

All other items would be discussed later on as they were associated with the agenda.

63. FINANCE (Agenda Point 5)

a. Consider the list of Accounts for Payment Schedule – Payment Schedule No. 3 was circulated for consideration. It was noted that the full schedule which would include salaries, standard payments by Direct Debit/ Standing Orders, payments for the Mayor and payments made using Debit Card would be circulated with the Town Council Agenda pack. The schedule was discussed and approved for processing. It was reported that within the Financial Regulations, internal controls were required for signatories issuing cheques, Bank Transfers and authorisation of payments using the Direct Debit card. These signatories had been approved at the Town Council meeting of 21 May 2019 and any two of the authorised members could undertake this task. Following discussion there was consensus that the internal controls could also enable the verification of authorised bank remittances against suppliers’ invoices to be conducted by any two members of the Town Council. This would require an adjustment to the Financial Regulations.

Proposal 2 – It was proposed by Councillor Sismore, seconded by Councillor Taylor and unanimously RESOLVED that an adjustment to the Financial Regulations should be made enabling the verification of authorised bank remittances against suppliers’ invoices to be conducted by any two members of the Town Council. Action: Town Clerk

The status of the Investment Account was circulated for consideration. The Chairman Councillor Mrs S J Sandall informed the Committee that this investment was due to mature on 27 June 2019. The Town Clerk informed the Committee that on current expenditure £199K over the next six months, a reinvestment of £150K is possible. Following discussion, it was agreed that the deposit should be reinvested with an increase to £200K for a further period of six months, which matures in December 2019. It was noted that the second instalment of the precept would be due in September.

Proposal 3 – It was proposed by Councillor R Sandall, seconded by Councillor Bisnauthsing and unanimously RESOLVED that once the investment has matured on 27 June 2019, a sum of £200,000.00 should be invested for a further period of six months. Action: Town Clerk

b. Upgrading Lincolnshire’s (LCC) specification for Urban verge grass cutting – The Chairman Councillor Mrs S J Sandall reported that the current contract was for the specification set-out by LCC in respect of its requirement of ‘Safety Cut’, which is 1.1m from the roadside edge, at a cost of £2,225 per cut for three cuts. It is now clear that having received a considerable number of complaints from residents the specification needs to be upgraded to cut the entire verge and strim around any street furniture. It was also noted that LCC has confirmed that the maps Finance Committee Stamford Town Council 35 25 June 2019

initially issued are incorrect and the contractor will have to cut all areas identified in RED and ORANGE. There would be no increase in the support payment. A revised quote has been received from the contractor to undertake this additional work and the cost per cut will now be £4,475.00 + VAT. Following discussion, it was recognised that it would represent a minimal cost to ensure that the Town looks presentable, especially as Stamford has entered the Stamford in Bloom competition. There was strong opinion not to support undertaking this responsibility as this could result in double taxation and all the verges should be left uncut. During debate it was stated that it was important that the town looked decent and well presented. The budget had catered for at least three cuts with possibly a further two cuts dependant on weather conditions. It was appreciated there would be a differential of £1,129.00 based on having three cuts, with no increase on the precept.

Proposal 4 – It was proposed by Councillor R Sandall, seconded by Councillor Sismore and RESOLVED by majority vote that the LCC’s specification should be increased and the new cost of £4,475 + VAT is accepted and should be implemented immediately. There was one vote Against. Action: Town Clerk

c. Purchase of replacement defibrillator – The Town Clerk reported that the Town Council was the custodian of five defibrillator units located in the town. The locations were – 1 x Station Road, 1 x Broad Street, 2 x High street and 1 x Recreation Ground. It was known that the unit on Recreation Ground had been removed and was still missing but EMAS had provided a unit on loan until a replacement was installed. It was reported that lost unit was covered by the Council’s insurance, for which the excess charge was £100. It was also noted that replacement pads and battery are needed for of one of the other units. There was further discussion on purchasing an additional unit for the Town Hall with a secure cabinet installed externally. Costs had been circulated: Replacement unit £1,000.00; renewal battery and pads £85.00; new unit at the Town Hall £1,000.00 plus secure cabinet £365.00.

Proposal 5 – It was proposed by Councillor Sismore, seconded by Councillor Taylor and unanimously RESOLVED that the following should be purchased: - a replacement unit £1,000.00; renewal battery and pads £85.00; new unit at the Town Hall £1,000.00 plus secure cabinet £365.00. Action: Town Clerk

d. Traffic Management Events – The Town Clerk reported that quotes had been received in respect of the traffic management arrangements for the various Civic and Festival events. It was noted that this year the selected church for civic events was St. Mary’s which would require minimal traffic management. However for both the Stamford Festival and Christmas Festival the arrangements required were comprehensive and following discussion it was preferred that TMS be retained as provider of traffic management services for Town Council events.

Proposal 6 – It was proposed by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Bisnauthsing and unanimously RESOLVED that the following TMS quotes are accepted: (ME Q4885) Stamford Festival - £1,065.00 + VAT (ME-Q4883) Battle of Britain - £625.00 VAT (ME-Q4884) Remembrance Sunday - £660.00 + VAT (ME-Q4793) Stamford Festival - £1,915.00 + Vat Action: Town Clerk / Civic Officer

e. Museum Store – The Town Clerk reported that the Town Council’s survey on the Museum Store had been submitted to LCC. It had been advised by the Collections Manager that County Council's Property Services have confirmed that transferring the freehold of the Museum Store would not be considered. Property Section will complete a new condition survey of the Stamford Museum Store building which will be undertaken by the end of June. Any Priority 1 Finance Committee Stamford Town Council 36 25 June 2019

works identified will then be programmed and undertaken by LCC over the next 12 – 18 months depending on extent and procurement. A photographic survey will also be undertaken and attached to the lease identifying any Priority 2 or below works, and the Town Council would be expected to maintain the building to that standard. In regards, to Discover Stamford, no decision has yet been taken. However, both Property and the Heritage Services are considering all alternative options for this space. Any final decision is still subject to the completion of the democratic process around the future of the Heritage Service. This was noted.

f. How best to use the General Power of Competence – The Committee were circulated with the details of this legislation. It was agreed that members of the Committee should read and digest this document for discussion at the next meeting.

Proposal 7 – It was proposed by Councillor R Sandall, seconded by Councillor Bisnauthsing and unanimously RESOLVED that this item is deferred to the next meeting. Action: Town Clerk

64. MAJOR BUILDING WORKS (Agenda Point 6)

a. Attic Room Flooring – The Town Clerk circulated the report on the quotes received in respect of the carpeting of the attic rooms. The quotes were analysed and discussed. It was noted that as the rooms were not being used heavily the carpet was standard with robust underlay. There was further discussion as to whether potential revenue could be generated from these rooms. It was noted that this matter had been discussed at length by the previous Council as to the use of these rooms and it had been agreed that the music rooms would be used for the display of musical artifacts and the other rooms would be used for storing some of the Town Council’s assets and records.

Proposal 8 – It was proposed by Councillor A Croft, seconded by Councillor Mrs S Sismore and RESOLVED by majority vote that Barefoot Flooring’s quote is accepted at £1702.39. There was one Abstention. Action: Administration Officer

b. Chandeliers for Court Room – Councillor R Sandall observed that the current chandeliers in the Court Room were dated and needed to be replaced. Following discussion it was noted that this would be investigated and placed on the next agenda.

65. ASSETS (Agenda Point 7)

a. Conservation to Historic Panel – The Town Clerk advised that the Lincoln Conservator had advised that the second stage to be undertaken to retouch the areas of loss and repair the damaged text with the application of a final varnish would be £9,790.00 + VAT. The Chairman informed the Committee that this was an ongoing project which had been tendered for in the previous financial year during which the first part of the conservation had been completed. The Town Clerk informed the Committee she was investigating the potential for grant funding and if the committee wish this to be pursued the work would have to be delayed pending any grant funding decision as awards could not be made on retrospective work. It was suggested that an application for SK Heritage Grant could be made. Proposal 9 – It was proposed by Councillor Bisnsuthsing, seconded by Councillor Sismore and unanimously RESOLVED that the conservation work on the first historic panel should be progressed during this financial year and possible grant support should be identified towards this project. Action: Town Clerk

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b. Consideration of Town Hall Bookings: The list of recent requests received to use the Town Hall was considered: i. Ink Contemporary Theatre – A request has been made to use the Court Room for a drama / poetry Workshop from Monday to Friday on 05 August to 09 August 2019 from 10am to 4pm. This would be repeated on 19 August to 23 August 2019. It was noted that these workshops were for children with special needs and it was hoped that the rate for the hire would be at a concessionary rate. Following discussion, it was considered that there should be consistency in the application of Council Policy and it was considered that the organisation should pay concessionary rate. Proposal 10 – It was proposed by Councillor R Sandall, seconded by Councillor Sismore and unanimously RESOLVED that the rate charged should be £20 per day totalling £100 for each week. ii. Patient Participation Group (PPG) Event – A request had been received to use the Court Room and Malcolm Sargent Room for a PPG education event on Wednesday 9th October between 12 noon and 4.30pm. There was lengthy discussion as to whether this event should be supported by Lakeside. However there was conflicting views. Proposal 11 – It was proposed by Councillor Clarke, seconded by Councillor Bisnauthsing that the rooms should be granted free of charge. There were two votes in Favour, five Against and one Abstention. The motion fell. Proposal 12 – It was proposed by Councillor R Sandall, seconded by Councillor Sismore this was RESOLVED by majority vote that the charge should be set at £100 of which £80 would be for the use of the kitchen. There were six votes in Favour, one Against and one Abstention. c. Civil Ceremony Bookings – It was noted that one further Civil Ceremony booking had been scheduled for 22 August 2019. The couple were yet to decide which room they would be hiring. The date was accepted and noted. The Committee had been informed of the expenditure incurred on the two previous Civil Ceremonies. It was noted that promotion of the facility at the Town Hall is progressing and the Civic Officer is awaiting images of the last marriage to include in the promotional material. His report on the cost for the promotional material was not examined and would be deferred to the next meeting. Action: Civic Officer.

d. BT Phone Book – The Town Clerk reported that to include the contact number of the Town Hall in the BT Phone Book would be subject to a set charge of £23.28 per month. Following discussion, it was the consensus that the contact details for the Town Hall can be accessed freely through other sources. Proposal 13 – It was proposed by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Sismore and unanimously RESOLVED that the publicising of the Town Hall contact details in The BT Phone Box is not be pursued. e. Working Groups Reviewing of Council Policies, Newsletter and Tourism – It was reported that the Event Committee had suggested that this would be held on a monthly basis on a Wednesday during the day to accommodate those parties who attended the meeting. It would be attended on a rota basis by a member of the Events Committee. In respect of reviewing the Council’s policies these meetings may be held as and when required. The Newsletter had two members of the Council already appointed. Following discussion it was suggested that there should be at least a minimum of three persons on any of these Working Groups. This item should be included on the next Town Council agenda. Action: Town Clerk

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f. Conservation of a Historic Scrapbook Album No. 234 – The Chairman updated the Committee on the conservation of the historic scrapbook and that two donations had been received to support this conservation. It was noted that the cost of restoration of the first of these historic books held in the Archive would be £3,500.00. Donations to the value of £850 had been received from the Stamford Art Society and NADFAST. It was agreed that these valuable contributions should be acknowledged. However, there was strong opinion that funds should not be used to restore such documents which may have historical rather than any financial asset value. Proposal 14 – It was proposed by Councillor Sismore, seconded by Councillor Croft and RESOLVED by majority vote that the conservation of this valuable Historic Scrapbook should be progressed by the Town Clerk. There was one vote against and two abstentions. The Town Clerk informed the Committee that additional items of specialist stationery material were required for the Archive estimated at the cost of £634.00 + VAT. In addition, a further 10 shelves would be required. Following discussion, it was considered that the additional shelving cost should be investigated by the Town Clerk. Proposal 15 – It was proposed by Councillor Sismore, seconded by Councillor R Sandall and unanimously RESOLVED that the additional specialist stationery material required for archiving is ordered. Action: Administration Officer. 66. MAYOR’S CHARITY (Agenda Point 8)

The Town Clerk confirmed that as per the Town Council agreement the residue of £323.06 from the 2018/19 Mayoral Allowance had been transferred to the Mayor’s Charity for distribution. A full account of the balance at the close of the account will be circulated at the next meeting.

Proposal 16 – It was proposed by Councillor Sismore, seconded by Councillor R Sandall and RESOLVED by majority vote that the balance of the residue of £323.06 is allocated towards the

2018/19 Mayor’s Charity fund. There was one abstention. 67. GRANT/DONATION REQUEST TO BE CONSIDERED (Agenda Point 9)

The current status of the grant budget was circulated and noted. The Town Clerk advised that all the documentation had been received from the Evergreen Care Trust to release their grant of £1714.00 from the Age UK Grant fund.

Proposal 17 – It was proposed by Councillor Sismore, seconded by Councillor Taylor and unanimously RESOLVED that the £1714.00 is released.

Commemorative Seating - The Town Clerk informed the Committee that the contractor who had installed the WWI Commemorative seating at Castle Dyke had advised that there had been an appeal for the bollards along Board Street Memorial to be included within this project which he had undertaken. The Town Clerk reported that the Purchase Order issued was for only the 8 bollards along Castle Dyke. Following discussion it was the consensus of the committee not to pay any more than what had been ordered. As the Town Council had only paid for the bench along the War Memorial the remainder of the cost of this project was being facilitated by the Civic Society. The Chairman Councillor Mrs S J Sandall also enquired as to whether additional floral displays in future could be included in Red Lion Square. The Town Clerk reminded the Committee that due to the new seating it was agreed by the Town Council that the SKDC floral tubs should be moved to Castle Dyke. If additional floral displays were required they could be arranged. Following discussion it was considered that some of the planters in Red Lion Square could be relocated to Castle Dyke. This would be investigated and discussed at the next meeting. Action: Town Clerk

68. NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN (Agenda Point 10)

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Councillor Taylor updated the Committee on the current status of the Neighbourhood Plan. It was noted that the draft document was very close to being completed and advised that a new budget for 2019/20 would be submitted. Additional grant funds were being sourced to complete this project but it did not anticipate that this would exceed £10k. However there was a need to engage the current consultant to complete the project to the delivery of the Plan. It was anticipated that the document would be going out to consultation in August 2019. Following discussion it was agreed that a budget would be submitted to be discussed at the next meeting.

9.10pm – It was agreed that the meeting continue to complete consideration of items remaining on the agenda.

69. PERSONNEL (Agenda Point 11)

The Chairman reminded the Committee that the Town Council had agreed to employ an additional member of staff following the request of the Administration Officer to reduce his hours and work part-time. The case for taking on the additional member of staff was restated. It was stated that the current administration structure is operating efficiently but all job descriptions would be reviewed to ensure that all members of staff would be effectively and efficiently employed. There was a suggestion for the new position to be job share or a fixed hour contract. The Chairman advised that this had been fully considered and it has been recommended by NALC that the Town Council, in line with its budget and responsibilities should be employing a larger workforce. It was noted that a notice of vacancy had been advertised and interviews were to be conducted on Friday 21 June at 12noon, following the remaining appraisals commencing at 11am. The main bulk of the appraisals will be conducted this Thursday commencing at 8.30am. It was agreed the Appraisal and Interview panel would comprise – The Mayor, Chairman and Vice Chairman of Finance with the Town Clerk being present.

The Chairman confirmed in pursuant to Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 it is resolved that, because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the meeting would continue in closed session during consideration of the next item which relates to personnel matters.

It was resolved to exclude the public and press. The Town Clerk left the meeting.

The meeting proceeded in Closed Session 9.15pm The meeting resumed in Open Session 9.25pm The Town Clerk returned to the meeting

During Closed Session it was agreed that the report provided by Mr Tony Story is discarded and the current pay scale of staff remain unchanged.

70. ANY OTHER MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION (Agenda Point 12) a. War \Memorial Survey – The Town Clerk reported that the War Memorial is suffering considerable damage caused by the water seeping from the terrace of Browne’s Hospital. It was considered that this should be examined at the next meeting and in the meantime the Survey Report is forwarded to Browne’s Hospital for comment. b. LALC News – The Town Clerk asked whether that the LALC news may now be provided electronically with one paper copy for the file. This was supported. c. Inner Wheel – The Chairman Councillor Mrs S J Sandall reported that this organisation had observed that following the installation of the double yellow lines at the William Cecil, the Welcome to Stamford sign and planter is now being obscured by parked cars. This matter has been raised with Lincolnshire Highways for comment. The Committee agreed that the letter is acknowledged but that this matter is out of the hands of the Town Council.

71. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: (Agenda Point 13) – Tuesday 09 July 2019

Chairman (The meeting closed at 9.35pm) Finance Committee Stamford Town Council 40 25 June 2019

Date: 19/06/2019 Stamford Town Council Page: 1 Time: 13:23:02 Day Books: Supplier Invoices (Summary)

SCHEDULE NO. 4 Transaction From: 10423 Transaction To: 10512 Tran Ite Typ Net Gross No. m e Date Supplier Inv Ref Details Amount Tax Amount Amount 25/05/201 Collection of Floral Baskets for Town Hall and Town 10423 1 PI 9 Theatre Services Roger Bradshaw V. 057 Bridge 40.00 0.00 40.00 31/05/201 10424 1 PI 9 Glorious Growing Gardens V. 058 Watering of floral displays at Town Hall and Town Bridge 175.00 0.00 175.00 08/05/201 10425 1 PI 9 Colemans V. 059 Stationery 27.49 5.49 32.98 31/05/201 10426 1 PI 9 Harrison and Dunn V. 060 Padlock and keys for Recreation Ground 18.74 3.75 22.49 22/05/201 10427 1 PI 9 ESPO V. 061a Stationery 214.72 42.94 257.66 22/05/201 10428 1 PI 9 ESPO V. 061b Stationery 3.27 0.65 3.92 22/05/201 10429 1 PI 9 ESPO V. 061c Amenities Cleaning Supplies 43.05 8.61 51.66 31/05/201 10430 1 PI 9 South Kesteven District Council V. 062 Town Hall Trade Waste 617.50 0.00 617.50 29/05/201 10431 1 PI 9 Anglo Integrated Systems Ltd V. 063 Skatepark CCTV maintenance 240.00 48.00 288.00 23/05/201 10432 1 PI 9 NPower V. 064 Gas bill Jan 2019 - April 2019 77.42 15.48 92.90 28/05/201 10433 1 PI 9 Wothorpe Nurseries V. 065 22 plants for Volunteers presentation 36.67 7.33 44.00 28/05/201 10434 1 PI 9 Wothorpe Nurseries V. 066 Plants for Town Hall and Town Bridge 205.83 41.17 247.00 24/05/201 10435 1 PI 9 Personnel Advice V. 067 HR Advice 100.00 20.00 120.00 06/06/201 10436 1 PI 9 SMV Contract Services V. 068a Fallen Tree & weed spraying 590.00 118.00 708.00 06/06/201 1406.0 10437 1 PI 9 SMV Contract Services V. 068b CM Contract payment 7030.00 0 8436.00 15/05/201 10438 1 PI 9 SMV Contract Services V. 069 LCC Grass cutting (1) 2225.00 445.00 2670.00 13/05/201 10439 1 PI 9 Lloyds Bank V. 070 Bank Service Charge 5.00 0.00 5.00 13/05/201 10440 1 PI 9 Lloyds Bank V. 071 Bank Service Charge 5.00 0.00 5.00 15/05/201 10441 1 PI 9 Beebys Limited V. 072 Town Hall window cleaning 350.00 70.00 420.00 10443 1 PI 21/05/201 Elsie's Flower Basket V. 074 Flowers for Presentation to Matron 30.00 0.00 30.00 Accounts for Payment Stamford Town Council 41 25 June 2019

9 03/06/201 10444 1 PI 9 Restore Datashred V. 075 Confidential Waste 66.57 13.31 79.88 12/06/201 10484 1 PI 9 Peterborough's Mayor Charity fund V. 076 Mayor's Charity Event 130719 @ P'Boro 20.00 0.00 20.00 18/06/201 10485 1 PI 9 Cllr Breda-Rae Griffin V. 077 Cllr Griffin Tvl Expenses 34.20 0.00 34.20 07/06/201 10486 1 PI 9 MKS Groundcare Ltd V. 078 Grd Maintenance Contract ( Rec / Meadows) 1196.33 239.27 1435.60 01/06/201 10487 1 PI 9 Stratus Hosting Ltd V. 079 Telephone & Brd Band 320.21 64.04 384.25 05/06/201 10488 1 PI 9 Defence Business Services Revenue V. 080 SCF18 Installation of RLS X'mas Tree 343.00 23.80 366.80 05/06/201 10489 1 PI 9 EON V. 081 Skatepark Electricity bill 45.36 9.07 54.43 06/06/201 10490 1 PI 9 Lance Publications V. 082 Publication of Events on Rec 100.00 20.00 120.00 01/06/201 10491 1 PI 9 Society of Local Council Clerks V. 083 Clerk's SLCC Membership 220.00 0.00 220.00 05/06/201 10492 1 PI 9 NPower V. 084 Electricity bill Cemetery Office 145.88 7.29 153.17 04/06/201 10493 1 PI 9 NPower V. 085 Electricity bill Cemetery Office Rec. Rock Tennis 46.97 2.35 49.32

Accounts for Payment Stamford Town Council 42 25 June 2019

SCHEDULE NO. 4 Page 2 10494 1 PI 16/06/2019 SMV Contract Services V. 086a LCC Grass cutting (2) 4475.00 895.00 5370.00 10495 1 PI 16/06/2019 SMV Contract Services V. 086b Cutting Open Spaces 575.00 115.00 690.00 10496 1 PI 08/06/2019 SMV Contract Services V. 087a Cutting & Marking of Tennis Crts 880.00 176.00 1056.00 10497 1 PI 08/06/2019 SMV Contract Services V. 087b Cutting Cemetery & Green Waste 5640.00 1128.00 6768.00 10498 1 PI 23/05/2019 MW Edwards Groundworks V. 088 Painting of Castle Dyke Bollards 280.00 56.00 336.00 10499 1 PI 08/05/2019 MW Edwards Groundworks V. 089 Installation of Commemorative Seats 600.00 120.00 720.00 10500 1 PI 19/06/2019 Mayors Charity V. 090 2018 Bal transfer or Mayor's Allowance to Mayor's Charity 323.06 0.00 323.06 10501 1 PI 01/05/2019 South Kesteven District Council V. 091 Business Rates 324.00 0.00 324.00 10502 1 PI 01/05/2019 South Kesteven District Council V. 092 Business Rates 1804.00 0.00 1804.00 10503 1 PI 17/06/2019 Townsweb Archiving V. 093a Cemetery Archiving records 400.00 80.00 480.00 10504 1 PI 17/06/2019 Townsweb Archiving V. 093b Cemetery Archiving records software support 90.00 18.00 108.00 10505 1 PI 16/06/2019 R Harrison & Co V. 094 Grave Digging 1625.00 0.00 1625.00 10506 1 PI 16/06/2019 R Harrison & Co V. 095 Installation of memorial Landings 8870.00 1774.00 10644.00 10507 1 PI 10/06/2019 Anglian Water V. 096 Water Charge - Allot. Queens Walk 27.45 0.00 27.45 10508 1 PI 07/06/2019 Beebys Limited V. 097 Contract Cleaning 457.50 91.50 549.00 10509 1 PI 11/06/2019 KONE plc V. 098 Lift maintenance 161.70 32.34 194.04 10510 1 PI 11/06/2019 Buildbase Building & Timber Supplies V. 099 Slate for Rec. Grd Bandstand 400.00 80.00 480.00 10511 1 PI 12/06/2019 Wm Morrisons Supermarkets PLC V. 100 Drinks for Civic Ceremonies 68.50 7.51 76.01 10512 1 PI 06/06/2019 Ricoh UK Ltd V. 101 Photocopier contract payment 552.02 110.40 662.42 Totals 42126.44 7295.30 49421.74

Accounts for Payment Stamford Town Council -- 43 -- 25 June 2019 Stamford Town Council Mayor’s Diary ~ Year 2019/2020 Covering 14th June 2019 ~ 14th July 2019 Day Date Time Event Location Hosted by Regimental Grimsthorpe Major General FRI 14 June 2019 6.30pm Reception Castle RW Wooddisse SAT 15 June 2019 SUN 16 June 2019 International 12.30pm students to meet Mayor's Parlour MON 17 June 2019 Mayor Interview by Year 4 Sam Dyer - 2.30pm Ryhall School students SENCo Mrs victoria Annual Prizegiving Corn Exchange TUE 18 June 2019 6.30pm Lloyd - Ceremony Theatre Headteacher WED 19 June 2019 THU 20 June 2019 Annual Summer St Leonards Jim Mason - FRI 21 June 2019 6.30pm Party Priory Civic Society Prizegiving Oswald Elliot Mr N D Gallop 9am Ceremony Hall Headmaster SAT 22 June 2019 Browne's Carol Harkness - 12.30pm Judging of floats Hospital Festival Director Mike Steele - A production of 'the Browne's Stamford SUN 23 June 2019 2pm Roses of Eyam' Hospital Shoestring Theatre MON 24 June 2019 Armed Forces Day Hall Place, TUE 25 June 2019 10am Jan Whitbourn Parade Spalding WED 26 June 2019 THU 27 June 2019 Stamford Festival Burghley Golf FRI 28 June 2019 6pm Presentation Tom Hindmarch Club Evening Prizegiving Stamford High 9.15am Vicky Buckman Ceremony School SAT 29 June 2019 Rock Tennis Club The Recreation 3.30pm Anna Harwood 'Centenary Tea Ground SUN 30 June 2019 Stamford & Twinning Reception MON 01 July 2019 7.30pm Town Hall District Twinning for Czech visitors Association

TUE 02 July 2019 Station Group Captain WED 03 July 2019 6.30pm Commander's Civic Officers' Mess Tony Keeling Supper OBE THU 04 July 2019 FRI 05 July 2019 Prizegiving 9.15am High School Mrs Emma Smith Ceremony SAT 06 July 2019 Stamford Corn Exchange 7pm Treasure Island Pantomime Theatre Players SUN 07 July 2019 MON 08 July 2019 TUE 09 July 2019 WED 10 July 2019 THU 11 July 2019 FRI 12 July 2019 Afro Caribean Mayor of SAT 13 July 2019 6.30pm Caribean Night Millenium Peterborough Centre SUN 14 July 2019 Mayor’s Diary