18. SORBUS Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 477. 1753.1 花楸属 Hua Qiu Shu Lu Lingdi (陆玲娣 Lu Ling-Ti); Stephen A
Flora of China 9: 144–170. 2003. 18. SORBUS Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 477. 1753.1 花楸属 hua qiu shu Lu Lingdi (陆玲娣 Lu Ling-ti); Stephen A. Spongberg Aria (Persoon) Host; Micromeles Decaisne; Pleiosorbus Lihua Zhou & C. Y. Wu; Sorbus subgen. Aria Persoon. Trees or shrubs, usually deciduous. Winter buds usually rather large, ovoid, conical, or spindle-shaped, sometimes viscid; scales imbricate, several, glabrous or pubescent. Leaves alternate, membranous or herbaceous; stipules caducous, simple or pinnately com- pound, plicate or rarely convolute in bud; leaf blade usually serrate, sometimes nearly entire, venation craspedodromous or campto- dromous, glabrous or pubescent. Inflorescences compound, rarely simple corymbs or panicles. Hypanthium campanulate, rarely ob- conical or urceolate. Sepals 5, ovate or triangular, glabrous, pubescent, or tomentose, sometimes glandular along margin. Petals 5, glabrous or pubescent, base clawed or not. Stamens 15–25(–44) in 2 or 3 whorls, unequal in length; anthers ovoid or subglobose. Carpels 2–5, partly or wholly adnate to hypanthium; ovary semi-inferior to inferior, 2–5(–7)-loculed, with 2 or 3(or 4) ovules per locule, one usually abortive; styles 2–5, free or partially connate, glabrous or pubescent. Fruit a pome, white, yellow, pink, or brown to orange or red, ovoid or globose to ellipsoid or oblong, usually small, glabrous or pubescent, laevigate or with small lenticels, apically with sepals persistent or caducous leaving an annular scar, with 2–5(–7) locules, each with 1 or 2 exendospermous seeds; seeds several, with thin perisperm and endosperm enclosing embryo with compressed cotyledons. About 100 species: widely distributed throughout temperate regions of Asia, Europe, and North America; 67 species (43 endemic) in China.
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