& St Columb Community Network Panel 04.04.19


Meeting Title: Newquay and St Columb Community Network Panel

Date & Time: Thursday 4 April 2019 at 7.00 pm

Location: St. Mawgan Community Hall, TR8 4ET

Cornwall Councillor John Fitter - St Mawgan & Colan – Chair Attendees: Councillor Joanna Kenny - Newquay Pentire Cornwall Councillor Paul Wills - Cornwall Councillor Mark Formosa - Newquay Treviglas Cornwall Councillor Olly Monk - Newquay Treloggan Cornwall Councillor Kevin Towill - Newquay Tretherras Councillor Claire Carter - Newquay Town Council Councillor Liz McKenzie - Chairman, St. Mawgan-in-Pydar Parish Council Councillor Deborah Carter - St. Mawgan-in-Pydar Parish Council Councillor Jane Combes - Colan Parish Council Susan Theobald - Clerk, St. Wenn Parish Council Phil Mason - Corporate Leadership Team Representative, Anna Druce - Community Link Officer, Cornwall Council Lisa Grigg - Communities Support Assistant, Cornwall Council

Richard Haycock - Waste & Recycling Community Support Officer - West (min no 3) Guests: Rachael Reid - Waste & Recycling Community Support Officer - Mid (min no 3) Rick Clayton - Major Transport Scheme Lead, Cornwall Council (min no 4) James Lantsbery - Design Engineer, Technology Infrastructure, CORMAC (min no 4)

Cornwall Councillor Geoff Brown - Newquay Central Apologies: Nikki Drewett - Communities Support Assistant Cornwall Councillor Kevin Towill - for early departure (8.20pm)

Agenda Item Action

1. Welcome, Introductions and Apologies

The Chairman welcomed everyone and thanked St Mawgan-in-Pydar Parish Council for hosting the meeting. Introductions were made and apologies noted. A particular welcome was extended to Anna Druce (AD), the new Community Link Officer for the Newquay and St Columb CNA.

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2. Notes from last meeting (17 January 2019)

Boardmasters - AD and Edwina Hannaford CC, Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhoods met with Boardmasters representatives to discuss how relationships with the panel may be further developed.

“Meet the Planners” - An event was held on the 20th March to promote the new planning area teams localised approach.

3. Waste - Richard Haycock and Rachel Reid, Waste and Recycling Community Support Officers, Cornwall Council Please see attached presentation.

It was noted that the Cornwall Energy Recovery Centre (CERC) at St Dennis offers free ‘behind-the-scenes’ tours for any interested groups. Help with transport can also be provided. http://www.suezcornwall.co.uk/what-we-do/energy-recovery/

The average recycling rate for England is 45%. The county is currently in 227th place out of 350. The UK has a target to reach of 50% by 2020 and 65% by 2030. This is only achievable in Cornwall through the introduction of food waste collection.

Questions and Answers

Q. Is it possible to use closed landfill sites for development? A. Yes.

Q. Are there any anaerobic digestion plants in Cornwall? A. There are currently none in Cornwall. The nearest is in Holsworthy, Devon. However, once the new food waste collection service starts this may well be reviewed.

Q. What happens to the food waste once it’s been digested? There was a recent planning application to St Columb Town Council for the building of storage facilities? A. The compost generated is used on farmland but as this has to be done at certain times of the year it is kept in storage until needed.

Q. Are there any new systems proposed to tackle litter, which is a big issue in the Newquay area? A. There are no proposed changes to the current system but please let us know if you have any issues or concerns.

Q. There was an aspiration for the new HWRC for Newquay to be delivered by 2021. Is this still the case? A. RH to seek an update and will report back. Page 2 of 6

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NB: Since the meeting, RH has confirmed that site exploration is currently being undertaken (including drilling work to establish the best location). Following this, a sale will need to be agreed with the Duchy, followed by planning permission and then construction. It is therefore likely to be around 2 years until the site is complete. There is an aspiration for there to be a reuse element built into all future HWRCs in Cornwall, however this is dependent on the amount of space available and the site design.

Q. Can you clarify whether black sacks will still be collected under the new service? A. Each household will be provided with either a wheelie bin or a seagull proof sack for residual waste that cannot otherwise be recycled. Only rubbish that securely fits into the bin or sack will be collected and this will only be on a fortnightly basis.

Q. Will Tretrapak plastics be recyclable at the new HWRC? A. We are recommending that this is included as part of the kerbside collection under the new contract.

Q. How successful are the ‘Recycling on the Go’ split recycling/litter bins that have been trialled in other parts of the country? A. Unfortunately, research has shown there is a high rejection rate due to contamination.

The Chairman thanked Richard and Rachel for their excellent and informative presentation.

4. Cycling Safety and Integration Highways Agency Designated Funds – Rick Clayton, Major Transport Scheme Lead, Cornwall Council and James Lantsbery, Design Engineer, CORMAC

Please see attached presentation and leaflet circulated at the meeting.

RC updated the panel on the proposed schemes;  Threemilestone to St Agnes  Trispen to Idless

 St East to Carland Cross

 Perranporth to Newquay  Chiverton to Carland ALL Cornwall Council is leading on the delivery of these schemes. Officers from the delivery team would like to attend any community events or meetings to seek feedback to help develop these schemes. Please let AD know of any forthcoming events where this would be welcomed.

Public and stakeholder consultation will be carried out later in the year, with the schemes due to be delivered by spring 2021. Page 3 of 6

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Comments, Questions and Answers

C. It was suggested a more suitable approach into Newquay would be from Trevithick Manor, through Wildflower Lane to Waterworld. A. Feedback on this is welcomed.

Q. Will there be access for the disabled? A. We are looking at DDA compliance, use of electric mobility scooters etc.

Q. Will the trails be ‘multi-use’ and how will you manage the different mix of users? The camel trail has become increasingly popular and as a result there can be conflicts between cyclists and walkers. A. We will manage any issues as best we can but there also has to be an element understanding amongst all users.

Q. Are public conveniences included in the plans? A. No, not at this stage. ALL

The Chairman thanked Rick and James for their presentation and reminded the panel to let AD know of any possible consultation opportunities.

5. Strengthening Panels – Network Highways Scheme

AD updated on the projects identified for funding from round 1. Client Briefs have been drafted and consultation is expected to take place in June/July. AD

Cllr Kenny requested plans of the proposed schemes at the earliest opportunity to allow for informal consultation with residents. MF/AD

Cllr Formosa sought clarification that the Duchy Avenue scheme will be included? AD advised that the scheme will be included under round 2. However, it was highlighted that as the proposed construction date for round 1 schemes is not until spring next year, it is likely that both round 1 and 2 schemes will be delivered at the same time.

It was hoped that the schemes which do not require a TRO will not be held up by the TRO consultation process and can still be progressed in the meantime.

The process for new Expressions of Interest was agreed as follows;  EOI forms to be circulated to Cornwall Councillors and Town and Parish AD Councils w/c 8th April.  EOI forms to be completed and returned to AD.  Cornwall Councillors to review EOIs.  Consideration and prioritisation at the July panel meeting.

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6. Cornwall Councillor Updates

Joanna Kenny CC Cllr Kenny welcomed the introduction of the new direct flights between Cornwall Airport Newquay and London Heathrow which commenced w/c 1st April.

Paul Wills CC Met with AD to discuss local issues and the devolution of various parcels of land within the parish to St Columb Town Council. It is hoped the transfers will be completed by the end of April.

Olly Monk CC As Chairman of the Cornwall Airport Newquay Consultative Forum, Cllr Monk updated that the Forum agreed there should be an advertising campaign to provide information to the public and tourists regrading drone usage particularly in close vicinity to airports.

Kevin Towill CC Cllr Towill requested that the following issues are included on the agenda for AD discussion at the next panel meeting;  Devolution of enforcement powers/Newquay TC survey.  Change to primary legislation to prevent parking on verges.  Mark Formosa CC Cllr Formosa gave details of a motion being put to full Council to seek additional resources for beach cleaning and sought members’ support.

7. Town & Parish Council Updates

Newquay Town Council Cllr Carter highlighted that the Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) referendum will be held on the 11th April.

St Wenn Parish Council Sue Theobald commented that the “Meet the Planners” event was very helpful and informative.

Colan Cllr Combes advised that the parish was considering starting a NDP.

St Mawgan-In-Pydar Parish Council Cllrs Mckenzie and Carter advised that following 2 previous abortive starts, the parish were looking to restart the NDP process.

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8. Topics for May Panel Discussion AD The following topics were agreed;  Adult Social Care  Space Port Briefing  Parking issues; Devolution of enforcement powers/parking on verges.

Cllrs Mckenzie and Carter reported that St Mawgan-in-Pydar PC had invited Space Port to give a briefing at their next parish meeting but were unable to attend. As Space Port will be invited to the next panel meeting, they asked if the meeting AD could be held locally? It was agreed to change the venue for the next meeting to either St Mawgan or St Columb. AD to confirm.

The Chairman asked the panel to notify AD in advance if they have any specific ALL issues they would like covered by the presentations.

The panel agreed that the Community Chest Celebrations should be held bi- AD annually with the next event to take place in 2020.

9. Any other urgent business

None raised.

10. Dates of Future Meetings & Venues ALL  Thursday 16 May 19, 7pm – Council Chamber, St Columb Major  Thursday 4 July 19, 7pm - Council Chamber, St. Columb Major  Thursday 19 September 19, 7pm - St Wenn WI Hall  Thursday 14 November 19, 7pm Venue to be confirmed

The meeting closed at 9pm.

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