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concordia’s independent newspaper merchants of chaos since 1980 Condos Replace a Montreal Icon • News 9 volume 31, issue 9 • tuesday, october 12, 2010 • volume 31, issue 9 • tuesday, BONDAGE AND BURLESQUE MURDERS IN SPACE MYTHS FOR ATHEISTS 4TH QUARTER COMEBACK YOUʼRE TAGGED FEATURES 12 FRINGE ARTS 13 LITERARY ARTS 17 SPORTS 22 OPINIONS 23 SPEAKER: ELIE WIESEL COMING TO CONCORDIA PAGE 03 Student Centre Reborn Student Union Opens Controversial Project from the Past • JUSTIN GIOVANNETTI has already been decided. In May 2009, a 79-page legal Although the Concordia Stu- agreement was signed between the dent Union is staying mum about CSU and the university that set out $43 its plans, the student centre project who would own, control and fi- million, the cost of the pro- nance the operations of the build- that was rejected by 72 per cent of posed student centre students at the March general elec- ing. Under the document, 32 per tion seems far from abandoned. cent of the building would belong “Students are already paying $2 to Concordia’s administration, towards this project, so we decided while students would control the that we have to tell them what the rest. centre is and why they are paying a “The student centre is a project fee levy,” said CSU VP External and by students, for students,” said Projects Adrien Severyns. Severyns. “The beauty of this proj- Over the past week, a number of ect is that students can decide what posters were put up by the CSU they want: a student-run café, an- $405 asking students what they would other bar, more study space, per student in a 90-credit pro- want a student centre to look like. lounge space or a public kitchen. gram for the student centre. A blog was also created to “Help “By asking students, we are get- build the student centre YOU ting them involved in something need,” according to the website’s that will be theirs.” tagline. Despite starting what might “When we started running Fu- seem like an early campaign to get sion as a team, one of our cam- another student centre fee levy to paign points was the creation of the pass in March, Severyns said that student centre,” Severyns contin- the executive didn’t have the kind ued. of power to put fee levies on ballots. $67 The student centre was a legacy “The CSU isn’t in a referendum cost per semester of the stu- passed on to the governing Fusion period whatsoever,” Severyns said. dent centre for 15 credits. slate by its ideological precursor, “The fee levy will be up to council the Vision slate run by former CSU to decide. It doesn’t fall within our President Amine Dabchy. Under jurisdiction, but having studied all the plan, the centre would contain the options over the summer I all student services, including fi- think this is something we will nancial aid, clubs and the student push for.” union. Despite the promises, Salameh, A controversial part of the 2010 like many students last March, election, the CSU asked students could not accept the price tag. for an additional $2.50 per credit, “I would be really glad to have a $4.5 on top of the $2 currently collected student centre, but an extra $60 a per credit, the proposed fee per credit, to fund the $43 million semester is a lot of money for a rejected at the March general project. building I’ll probably never use,” election. At a cost of $405 for a 90-credit said Salameh. “I am also concerned degree, the student centre would be that the space we will be paying for the most expensive project ever un- will be another advertising oppor- dertaken by Concordia students. tunity for the university and a While plans called for the centre to space for corporations like Tim be housed inside of an existing Hortons.” building bought by the CSU some- Salameh’s fears may have been where within Quartier Concordia, confirmed in the past, when the the student union has refused to previous CSU speculated about identify the building. selling the naming rights of the $2 “It’s a beautiful promise of hav- building to a corporation. per credit, current fee for the ing everything concentrated in one Despite the history of the proj- student centre. building, but the CSU is only de- ect, Severyns’ saw the student cen- scribing the services found in the tre as one of the only ways of Birks Centre and the Hall build- defending student space at the uni- ing,” said Tina Salameh, a com- versity. puter science student who ran with “Student space is a critical issue the opposition Community slate in at Concordia and the administra- the 2010 election. tion has cracked down on student “I think a lot of students think space throughout the years,” said they already have that student Severyns. “We have seen a reduc- space and the building will be re- tion in space and it wont get any 68% dundant.” better unless students take action In the 2010 Concordia Student Union election, 72 per cent of students of the student centre that is Much about the student centre and create their own space.” voted against a fee levy to build a student centre. PHOTO RILEY SPARKS student space. 04 news the link • october 12, 2010 • Seville Comes Down Reporter Supports Montreal Theatre to be Replaced by Condos Israel Defense Force Yaakov Katz’s Claims Contradict UN Findings Jerusalem Post reporter claims international reporting on Israel is often “lazy” and “ignorant.” PHOTO ANTONIO ZUGALDIA • MEAGAN WOHLBERG Hezbollah, Hamas and those on the Mavi Marmara can do and International media may be say “whatever they want” with- biased against Israel, claims out being held accountable, un- Yaakov Katz, the military corre- like Israel, which is not afforded spondent for The Jerusalem Post. such luxuries as a democratic “Israel has a legitimate story to state bound by “law, truth and tell,” he said to journalism stu- honesty.” dents and professors at Concordia “Why not create a military last week during a lecture on re- base in an open field like regular porting in the Middle East. “But militaries do and fight from it’s very difficult to get that story there?” he asked. “There’s space into today’s media.” in Gaza. He claimed that restrictions on “Because that’s not the strat- time and space posed by the 24- egy,” he continued. “[If I] pull Is- hour news cycle are at fault for rael into the conflict and make much of the inaccurate coverage them bomb that mosque and shell he sees, but had stronger criticism that school, then I’ll get the Gold- for the journalists reporting on Is- stone Report, I’ll get the UN, I’ll rael. get the media against Israel be- “What bothers me more is not cause I can’t go up against their the bias, but the ignorance,” he fighter jets, but what I can do is said. “Journalists are not only ig- get the whole world against them. norant in many cases, but they’re And that’s what we see today. So also lazy.” who’s really the underdog here?” Using headlines, photos and Katz’s talk was a definite con- Over the summer and fall, Seville was gradually dismantled to make way for a $100 million development project. video from the 2006 Lebanon trast from the one given by PHOTOS RILEY SPARKS war, Operation Cast Lead, and the Haaretz editor Gideon Levy one • JASMINE PAPILLON-SMITH the years. Some citizens atre in the 1940s and showcased recent raid on the Mavi Marmara month ago at McGill. Levy, who remember when the theatre was such acts as Sammy Davis Jr., aid flotilla, Katz emphasized re- was on tour with his new book The Punishment of Gaza Montreal’s Seville Theatre was not always such an eyesore, how- Frank Sinatra and Louis Arm- peatedly how the “complexity” of , re- torn down on Oct. 7. ever. strong. It eventually turned back the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is marked on the victim mentality The theatre, which decayed on “I used to go there to watch into a movie theatre, closing in being ignored. he sees in Israel. the city’s western edge for the movies; it was a beautiful the- 1985 when the building’s rent “You read those headlines and “There have been many more last 25 years, was destroyed to atre. It’s where I saw Apocalypse quadrupled. you say to yourself, ‘they’re just brutal occupations than the Is- make room for three condo tow- Now. It’s a heritage site,” said “The Seville had a lot of stage peace activists,’” Katz said of the raeli occupation in the West Bank ers to be built by Montreal devel- Marshall Upshaw, seated at shows; I saw Nat King Cole, The Mavi Marmara attack. and Gaza,” he said. “There were oper Prével, a project estimated Heart for the Nations, a store Ink Spots and Tony Bennett “But later in the day, Israel re- maybe even longer occupations in at $112 million. across the street from the old there years ago,” said Alma leased a video and you see that history. But I can’t recall one ex- The condo complex is part of theatre. Wolff, also at Heart for the Na- the soldiers are being hit by poles ample in which the occupier felt an effort to revitalize the Shaugh- The venue opened in 1929 as tions.