NAME: ______11 CLASS: ______No.: ______DATE: ______/ ______/ ______GRADE: ______


1. Circle the correct option.


In the 1980s, the eff ective (a) grow / growth of the Portuguese population was much (b) reduce / reduced. However, a megalopolitan region (c) is / are emerging along the coast, caused by the demographic evolution of multiple urban settlements. The percentage of population living in large conurbations (> 50,000 inhabitants), has increased in Continental due to the growing population concentrations in Porto, (d) 5 Braga, and Lisbon. In the same period, there has also been / be a growth of population in (e) many / much urban centers with more (f) than / then 10,000 inhabitants. Beyond the direct peripheries of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area (AML) and the Metropolitan Area of Porto (AMP), these centres are primarily located along the coast: Fafe, Guimarães, Santo Tirso, São João da , Aveiro, Ílhavo, Ovar, Figueira da Foz, Leiria, Marinha Grande, , Torres Vedras, Entroncamento, Tomar, Torres 10 Novas, Santarém. (g) Despite / though the overall population growth of the Metropolitan Area of Lisbon has, on the whole, stabilised in the last decade, the towns in its immediate interior have seen the (h) quicker / quickest and most marked growth of all . Between 1981 and 1991, the AML grew in importance compared with the total population: in a country with about 10 million inhabitants, about 2.5 million are concentrated in (i) this / these area. Apart from manufacturing, service activities (j) 15 also are / are also concentrated here: commerce, banks, insurance, social and personal services. The AML presently supports more than 60% of all the employment in Continental Portugal in these sectors. The City-Region of Lisbon or AML is a recent (k) phenomenon / phenomena. With a total area of 3,122 km2 it currently (l) includes / include 18 Municipalities, the majority of (m) which / who still had, a few years (n) last / ago, a predominantly rural character. But from the (o) sixteen / sixties onwards, there has been an enormous urban spread. (adapted and abridged), accessed in January 2014


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