STATUS GLAVNIH GRADOVA 655 Metropolitan Areas of Lisbon and Porto: Model of Inter-Municipal Cooperation Carla Amado Gomes* UDK 352.071(469) Pregledni znanstveni rad / review scientific paper Primljeno / received: 19. 12. 2011. Prihvaćeno / accepted: 31. 8. 2012. As an association of a big city and its satellite towns, the metropolitan area is a form of intermunicipal cooperation. It can be voluntary or mandatory. Due to new cooperation structures and common bodies, it differs from mergers of local units or other forms of intermunicipal cooperation. Portuguese legislator has adopted the concept of metro- politan area for Lisbon and Porto, the biggest two cities in the country. After short historical introduction, the system established by Statutory Order 46/2008 has been analysed. Special attention is devoted to the metropolitan area of Lisbon, which consists of 18 municipalities with almost 3 million inhabitants. Metropolitan areas have their own bodies: metropolitan assembly, metropolitan council, ex- ecutive metropolitan commission, and consultative com- mission (optional). At the end, causes of recent legislative solutions are briefly described. * Carla Amado Gomes, PhD, Professor at the Faculty of Law, Lisbon University and visiting professor at the Law Faculty of Lisbon NOVA (New) University, Portugal (pro- fesorica Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Lisabonu i Pravnog fakulteta Novog Sveučilišta u Lisabonu, Portugal, e-mail:
[email protected]) PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND COMPARATIVE CROATIAN Carla Amado Gomes: Metropolitan Areas of Lisbon and Porto ... HKJU – CCPA, god. 12. (2012.), br. 3., str. 655–674 656 Key words: metropolitan area, Lisbon and Porto, metropoli- tan bodies, intermunicipal cooperation 1. Organizational Particularities of Big Cities and Their Surroundings The growth of big cities is an old problem.