Reproductive System LECTURE: FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM DONE BY:MANAR AL-EID♣ MAY H. ALORAINY REVIEWED BY: ZEYAD ALHOZAIMI If there is any mistake or suggestions please feel free to contact us:
[email protected] Both - Black Male Notes - BLUE Female Notes - GREEN Explanation and additional notes - ORANGE Very Important note - Red Objectives: At the end of the lecture, students should be able to: Boundaries of the perineum. Division of perineum into two triangles. Boundaries & Contents of anal & urogenital triangles. Lower part of Anal canal. Boundaries & contents of Ischiorectal fossa. Innervations, Blood supply and lymphatic drainage of perineum. Mind map: Perineum Boundaries Contents Division Uorogenital Anococcygeal Perineal body triangle body Function Anal triangle Location Take a look! h?v=q0Ax3rLFc6M *Perineum is the region of the body below the pelvic diaphragm (pelvic floor) munireP *Examined from below, it is a diamond shaped area lying between the thighs. Boundaries Its bony boundaries are: Anterior: Mons pubis Anterior: Symphysis pubis. Lateral: Medial surfaces of the thighs Posterior: Coccyx. Posterior: Intergluteal folds Lateral: Ischiopubic rami, ischial tuberosities & sacrotuberous ligament. Perineal Contents 1 Lower ends of urethra, vagina 4 o Perineal body & anal canal is an irregular mass of variable 2 3 ☻ size and External Gentitalia The anococcygeal consistency, ☻ Mons pubis : a body is located at collection of fat midpoint of the a complex overlying the pubes. line between musculotendinous the ischial ☻ Labia majora. structure tuberosities ☻ Labia minora. ☻ Situated o Lies in the ☻ Clitoris. between the subcutaneous anterior aspect tissue, posterior ☻ Vestibule of vagina: of the coccyx to vaginal The interval between and the vestibule and the two labia minora.