Statistical bulletin Crime in England and Wales: year ending June 2018 Crime against households and adults, also including data on crime experienced by children, and crimes against businesses and society. Contact: Release date: Next release: Meghan Elkin 18 October 2018 24 January 2019
[email protected] +44 (0)20 7592 8695 Table of contents 1. Main points 2. Latest figures 3. Statistician’s comment 4. Things you need to know about this release 5. Overview of crime 6. No change in the most common types of violent crime 7. Some weapons offences are rising, but this type of crime remains rare 8. A rise in overall theft, driven by small changes in all subcategories 9. Computer misuse offences show a decrease in computer viruses 10. Little change in the volume of fraud offences in the last year 11. What’s happened to the volume of crime recorded by the police? 12. Other sources of data provide a fuller picture of crime 13. New and upcoming changes 14. Quality and methodology Page 1 of 76 1 . Main points Over recent decades, we’ve seen continued falls in overall levels of crime but in the last year the trend has been more stable. The latest figures show no change in the total level of crime but this hides variation in different crime types. Over the last year, we have seen rises in some types of theft and in some lower-volume but higher-harm types of violence. This is balanced by a fall in the high-volume offence of computer misuse and no change in other high-volume offences such as overall violence, criminal damage and fraud.