Gloucestershire. Wick

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Gloucestershire. Wick DIRECTORY,] GLOUCESTERSHIRE. WICK. 369 Clifford Henry Francis esq. Frampton grange, Framp· ~he <lhairmen, for the time being, of the Stroud & ton-on~Severn, Stonehouse Wheatenhurst Rural District Councils are ex-officio Darell Sir Lionel Edward bart. D.L. Fretherne court, justices Stonehouse Clerk to the Justices, Reginald Herbt. Penley, Dursley Davies Edward Jenner esq. M.A. Hayward's end, Stone- Petty Sessions are held at the Petty Sessional courts at house Whitminster & Stonehouse alternately on the second & Davies Lt.·Col. Wm. V.D. Amberley court, nr. Stroud last thursday in every month, at II a.m. The follow­ Keys ...\.lfred esq . ...\.lkerton, Stonehouse ing places are included in the Petty Sessional Divi­ Kimmins Jas. Chas. Clegg esq. Ryeford hall, Stonehouse sion :-...\.rlingham, Cainscross, Eastington, Frampton­ Lloyd-Baker Granville Edwin Lloyd esq. D.L. Hardwicke on -Severn, FretLerne-cum-Sa ul, Frocester, Hard wicke, court, Gloucester Haresfield, King Stanley, Leonard Stanley, Longney, Lloyd-Baker Michael Granville esq. The Cottage, Hard· Moreton Valence, Randwick, Stonehouse, Standish & wicke Wheatenhurst Marling Sir William Henry hart. D.L Stanley park, Stroud Police Station, James Gardner, sergeant, & I constable Marling Capt. William Jn. Paley, Stanley park, Stroud Marling Samuel Stanley esq. Stanley park, Stroud Millett Henry esq. Highfield ho. Whitminster ,Stonehouse Clerk to Whitminster Local Pension Sub-Committee, Robinson William Grey esq. M.A. Parklands, Whitmin- R. E. Stuart, Bedford street, Stroud ster, Stonehouse Public Elementary School (mixed), built in r849, for roo Tidswell Robert lngham esq. M.A., D.L. Haresfield ch:ldren; average attendance, 65; there is a house for court, Stonehonse the master; Edward C. Coppack, master; Miss Hilda '!'rower James esq. Eastington house, Stonehouse Wilson, mistress Smith Mrs. Holmleigh Harding Arth. frmr.Whitminster frm PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Teesdale Rev. Francis Ilarlow M.A. :\l:errett George, farmer Bowen Rev. William B.A. (curate) (vicar), Whitminster house Neale David, shoplteeper Damon Robert C. Whitminster court COMMERCIAL. Nicholson Hy. Ohas. Whitminster htl Harris Mrs. Westeria cottage Andrews Ernest George, beer retailer Perry Joseph, carpenter & wheelwright Millett Henry J.P. Highfield house Brent Joseph, plasterer Pockett George, farmer, Parklands Robinson William Grey M.A.., J.P. Dowdeswell Fredk. farmer,Manor frm Tudor William, coal merchant Parklands Hall George, farmer, Jaxons farm Wyer Alfred Edward, blacksmith WHITTINGTON is a parish and village, on the road acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Christian from Cheltenham to Northleach, I mile north from And- William Lawrence esq. of Sandywell Park, Dowdeswell, oversford station on the Cheltenham and Bourton branch and held since 1911 by the Rev. Frederick Wildman of the Great Western railway, and 5 east-south-east from Goodwyn M.A. of Brasenose College, Oxford, and canon Cheltenham, in thB Eastern division of the county, Brad- in York ,Min<ter. The charities, amounting to £35 ley hundred, Northleach union and petty sessional divi· yearly, were originally left by Mrs. Lightbourne, of sion, Cheltenham county court district, and in the rural Sandywell Park, as an endowment for a Sunday school, deanery of Cheltenham, archdeaconry and diocese of and are now administered for educational purposes by Gloucester. The church (name unknown) consists of the Lightbourne Charity trustees, i.e. the owner of the portions in the Norman, Early English, Decorated and Sa'ldywell estate and the rector of the parish for the Perpendicular styles, and comprises a chancel, nave of time being. Whittington Court, at present occupied by three bays, narrow south aisle, a larger aisle, also on Mrs. Lawrence, is a mansion in the Elizabethan style, the south side, north porch and a we•tern turret of and was partially restored in r86o. Christian William wood containing one bell, cast in I8SS: the monuments, Lawrence esq. of Sandywell Park, ...\.ndoversford, is lord which have been carefully preserved, include three life- of the manor and sole landowner. The soil is gravel; sized recumbent effigies, temp. Edward Ill. and Henry subsoil, limestone. The chief crops are wheat, barley Ill. two being figures of knights in armour cross-legged, and oats. The area is I,479 acres; rateable value, and the third that of a lady of the de Croupe family; £r.so6; the population in rgn was zoo. there is a brass with effigies to Richard Cot on esq. ob. r556, and Margaret, his wife, with a child between them SYREFORD is a hamlet, r mile south-east. Near in swaddling clothes. In rgor a stained east window was Syreford, below the surface of a field called "Wicombe," erected, at a cost of £54• in memory of Her Majesty are the remains of a Roman military station; it was Queen Victoria, who died at Osborne !House, Isle of partly excavated in IB63, and many relics were dis­ Wight, 22 Jan. rgoi. In 1872 the church was restored covered, including a perfect statue of Mars, in bronze, at a cost of £685, under the direction of Mr. Wailer. about 4 inches high, and in excellent preservation. architect, of Gloucester, when two arches were erected Parish Clerk, Gcorge Merchant. in place of two unsightly square spaces formerly adjoin­ ing the chancel, nave and large south aisle: during the re Letters through Andoversford, Glos. arrive at 7 a. m, & storation two other arches were discovered: one of these, 4-30 p.m. Andoversford, I mile distant, is the nearest in the north wall, close to the chancel, may have in· money order & telegraph office. Wall Letter Box closed a tomb; the other is larger, and connects the two cleared at 6.25 p.m •outh aisles; a new vestry was also erected, the church Public Elementary School (mixed), founded in r83o, & a refloored and fitted and a new roof fixed: there are r8o new school built in r883, at a cost of [3oo, for go chil· •itting•. The register dates from the year I539· The dren; average attendance, 50; there is a residence living is a rectory, net yearly value [215, including 99 for the mistress; Mrs. Emily B. Stemson, mistress Goodwyn Rev. Canon Frederick Wild- Bee Albert, carpenter Sims Andrew, under bailiff to C. W. man M.A. (rector), Rectory 1 Clifford John, farmer, Whalley farm Lawrence esq Lawrence Mrs. Whittington court Fletcher George Villar, farmer, Sier- Smith David, farmer, Whittington McMnllen .vlurrav. Sandene, Svreford ford farm Wood farm COMMERCIAL. ' Greening Elizabeth (Mrs.), baker Wilcox Joseph, farme? Darrett Benry, farmer Hobbs Wm. Waiter, farmer & haulier WICK is an ecclesiastical parish, formed July g, r88o, Simeon's trustees, and held since rgn by the Rev. James out of that of Abson, in the Southern division of the Nunn. There are Congregational and Weslevan chapels. county, Pucklechurch hundred, petty sessional division Bere are extensive color mines, employing about roo of Sodhury, Chipping Sodbury union and county court dis­ hands. and owned by The Golden Valley Ochre and Oxide trict, rural deanery of Bit ton and archdeaconry and diocese Co. The most remarkable objects in this parish are the of Bristol: it is on the Bath and Bristol road, and in a rocks. lining each side of a deep glen, about a mile in beautiful and romantic valley through which runs the leng-th, and rising in some places to above 200 feet in river Boyd, 2~ miles east-by-south from Warmley station height; a beautiful sparry substance, found in many on the Bath extension of the Midland railway, 7 east from places on these rock.s, is known as " rock (or Bristol) Bristol, 6 north from Bath and 7 south from Chipping diamond"; on the summit of the northern cliff is a Sodbury. The church of St. Bartholomew, comecraterl Roman camp of oblong form, defended on three sides in April, I85o, is an edifice of freestone, with Bath by a broad ditqb and double vallum and containing stone dressings, in the Early English stvle, from designs about r2 acres of land. In a field near Tracy Park are by Mr. William Butterfield F.S.A. architect, and con­ two large stones, about five feet high, said to he the sisting of chancel, nave, south porch and an unfinished r"mains of Druidical monuments erected to British western tower containing 2 bells: 1he choir screen, -;tails chiefs. Wick or Wycke Court, thB residence of Frank and pulpit are of oak: there are 400 sittings. The register Challice Constable esq. J.P. is a fine mansion of the 16th dates from the year r88o. The living is a vicarage, century. Mrs. Ellen Jefferies, of Haresfield Hall, Wills­ net yearly value £270, with re-idence, in the gift of bridge, is lady of the manor. The Golden Valley Ochre GLOl. 24 .
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