Frampton on Severn, Fretherne Ano Framjlode .And Neighbourhood
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t6loUC£Stfr~bitt. • FRAMPTON ON SEVERN, FRETHERNE ANO FRAMJLODE .AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. Jls a parish in the hundred ot Whitstone-the village, worship for Independents, and a National. and Britisb a tJmall one, 5 miles north~west from Stonehom!e school are in the village. A fair, £'alled' Frying-pat station and lO south-west from Gloucester,is pleasantly Fair,' is held on Saint Valenti11e's-rlay. The pari~k 11ituated about two miles from the eastern bank of the contained in 1841, 1,051 inhab tants; and in 1851,994. s.,vern, and on the banks of the Gloucestershire and FRETHERNE is a township, parish, a11d villag~, ia Berkeley canal; 8 miles w. from Stroud, aud about the Whitstone hundred, 1 mile from Framptoo ou the like distance from Dnrsley and Berkeley; t.he Severn; it is ~ir_uated on the River Se1·ern a11d adjoint former to the south, the latten to th"e south-west. The the Berkeley and Gloucester ~anal. The parishcburck Earl of Berkeley erected a great bulwark here, called of St. l\Jarv, rebuilt about 1851, is one of the mos' 'Hock Crib," to prevent the river from further en- hand•ome structures of the ~ize in the county, owiu~ croaching on the land. Henry Clifford Clifford, Esq., to the liberality of the rector, Sir Wm. Lionel Darell, is lord of the hundred of Whitstone, in which the Bart., on whom the living is at present vested. There manor of Frampton is included, and holds a court for is a National school in the parish. The population ia the same once a. year: l'rampton Court the stat of 1851 was ~67. this gentleman, is a very handsome re!lidence. Pettv FRAMILODE is a chapelry and vi!l;1ge in the pariah ·Sessions for this district are held every alternate of Saul, Fretherne, &c., I~ mile from Fraruptoa. Thursday at Whitminster. The parish church is in the Norman style, and ist1edio The pari8h church of Saint Mary is chiefly in the cated to St. Petl"r-the Jiviug is a perpetual curacy, in drcorated style of architecture, with a hand~ome · the gift of the Bishop. The population in 18511Vas 750. toww and pinnacles: the living is a discharged vicar- SAUL, a parbb which arljoinll Framilode, comainsa age, in the archdeaconry a::Jd diocf'~S of Gloucester, at parish church, and a population of 550 inhahitanb. present in \he gift of the Rev.- Sever. A place of POST OFFICE.-Letters from ail parts arrive. (by foot post from SToNEHoUSE) every morning at 1libe1 and are de~patched thereto at a quarter t?efore five in the afternoonw • llloney Orders are gra'flted and paid here. POST OFFICE, TRETHERNR, Rdwd. P.Trotman, Post Master.-Letters arrive every morning (by foot pw;t from STONEHOUSE), at nine, and are despatehed thereto at four in the afternoon.. NOBILITY GENTRY AND ~NNS. • I Rickards, Phreb~, dress maker CLERGY. Bell Inn (postmg house) Thos.Karn Rowles Samut>l barap owner brick • Bowles Rev. Henry M. J., IY!.A., Passage House, Framilode, Samnel 1 and tile mak;r aud coal d~ttr J:o'ramilode H arding Rowles Saml bo~~ maker,Frrthmie Clifford Rev. Edmuntl, Fretherern Ship, Pramilode, George Williams , Rowles Thomas, CIHil & ~late d~aler Clilford Henry Clilford, Esq.Framp- SHOPKEEPE:RS ·a TRADERS. Ro" les Thos. hoot mrtkl'r l'rl'therocr ton Come LLodge A~ams Harriet, beer reta1ler Fram- Smith Jame~, cooper Clilford Mn. Mary Ann, Frampton 1lode . Smith Nelleu,iah, pork butcher Clifford the Misses Rosamond and All~n Amelia, drt>s!\ maker Stiff Richard, pork butcht'r Caroline, Frampton Cottage Ayh~ Ruth, dres!l rnRker, Fretherne Stiff Richard, juu1, baker Cm·field Mr. James, Frarnpton Halllnger Jahu1 tmke1 Summer John~ dru11~ist & statiODer Darell Sir William Liouel, Bart. Barnard Thomas B.. maltster Turner William, butrht'r M.A. Rectory, fretherne Bennett Anm·j dress makfll Ward Samuel, I!IOCer and draprr, Ely Rev. Antbony, Whitminster Hennett George, stoRe mason and a~nt to the Li\·erpuol and HicksMi~sAnnPhillimore, Framptnn Bennett Thomas, 1tonc 1nason [ode London Fire and Life In• Vorner William. E!lq. Framptun Broc~er H er1ry ,~hopkeepPr,Fr~mil. William~ Grorge, grocer, Saul Jones Rev. Jobn F. M.A. Saul Burb1d~.:e John,_ ~hopkpr• Fram1lode. Wood William, carpenters ,.Kemble Captain John, Framptou Burr John, ~abmet J!lakPr & carv_er Workman Gtorge paiuter, plnllJber Lewis Rev. William, Frampton Cuole Peter,olack~mlth&beer retadr a 1.d glazier Pride Miss Jane, Saul Daw l<'rancis, bricklayer --- 'Richard~on Miss Jane, Frampton Daw Henry, shoe maker , Rnssell Mrs. Frampton Daw James, briJ:klayer PLACES OF WORSHIP" St. John, Rev. Maurice W. P. B.A. Ford John, boot maker AND THEIR MINISTERS. Frampton Goatman Jnlm, machine maker Sr. J AMES' CHURCH, Saul-Rel'. Johlt Wilton Henry H. Esq. J.P. Whit- Halker Charles, ~arpenter Fowell, Jones, ll..l. incumbent minister Home Halker John, blacksmith ST. M ARY's CHURCH, Fr!!.mpton-Ref. "Viittle Mr. Solomon, Frampton Harding Samut'l, passage honst>; William B. .F St. John, B •.L vicar PROFESSIONAL PERSONS Framilode ST. MARY78 CHURCH, Fret'terne-Ref. l INCI.UDI NG scHooLs, &c. Harmer John, cabinet maker I Sir Willia.m Linnel Darrell, Bart. B t. B'11rrowes Elizabeth, mistress of Heiron Heury, grocer rector; Re'9. Edmnnd Cllfford, eol'llte ST. PETER·~ CHURCH, Fr•milod~-Ru. National school, ~·retherne Heiron Mary Ann, dress utaker Henry M J. Bowles, lii.A. incumbent Clegram William, engineer and Heiron Richard, butcher INDI!PRNDF.NT CHAPRL, Frampton principal superintendent of the Hewlett Edward, carpenter Rev. William Lewis, Gloncester and Berkeley canal, H obbs Geor~e, bntcher INDEPKNDK NT CB APEL, Saul Saul Lodge Hohb!! Louisa, dre~s maker MKTHoDin ~Wesleyan} CHA PKL, Saul Glanville John, master of National Hohbs Thntnas, blacksmith, Saul school Hurlhutt Edward, tailor RAILWAY Gordan Francis M. master of British, King Ann, straw bonnet mal\er The nearest .Station is 8TON EHOCBI! l!t'e school, Saul Knight Robt"rt, tailor, Framilode mllea distant. on the Bristol and Bir Hat1ley John, master of National Knight William. coal dealer mingham line school, Framilode Lat.t Harry, tailm· • Lod~e Ann, schoolmistres~, Saul Lodge William, beer retailer and MECHANICS' INSTITUTE,W.Horner, carpenter CARRIER. Esq. presillent; T. B. Barnard, LongneyJohn,bontmaker,Fretherne To ~TROUO, Jones• Van, forpassengertJ treasurer M organ Ed ward, stone mason and goods, every Friday morning at nine Rowles Hanna.h, mistress of Na- Mor~an John, stone ma•on tional ~chool, Saul Neal~ Charles, bt>er retailer Sannders Mrs.Mrgt. boarding~chnnl Neale John, pork butcher CONVEYANCE BY WATEJl. Stiff Mary A en, misstress of British Nurse Henry,shopkeeper,rramilode To GLOUCESTER, a StttJmn-, holD' school Pilkington Jame11, beer retailer S harpne&B Point, tor pasaenger. anlt Watti Thomas, ~urgeon Powell Johu, tailor goods, twice daily, e&IIN!g at frampta 186 I . .