JOURNAL of Health & Life Sciences
Journal of Health & Life Sciences Law VOLUME 4, NUMBER 2 FEBRUARY 2011 TABLE OF Meet the Fraud Busters: Program Safeguard Contractors CO N TE N TS and Zone Program Integrity Contractors ................................. 1 by Sara Kay Wheeler, Stephanie L. Fuller, and J. Austin Broussard The Link Between Quality and Medical Management: Physician Tiering and Other Initiatives .................................. 36 by Rakel Meir and Paul W. Shaw Medical Control of Emergency Medical Services .................. 65 by Rick L. Hindmand and W. Ann Maggiore Quality in Action: Paradigm for a Hospital Board- Driven Quality Program .......................................................... 95 by Elisabeth Belmont, Claire Cowart Haltom, Douglas A. Hastings, Robert G. Homchick, Lewis Morris, Robin Locke Nagele, Kathryn C. Peisert, Brian M. Peters, Beth Schermer, and Julie Taitsman NOTES A N D The Employee Exceptions to the Anti-Kickback and COMME N TS Stark Laws After Tuomey: What’s a Physician’s Employer To Do? ..................................................................... 146 by Susan O. Scheutzow and Steven A. Eisenberg PRACTICE Data Privacy Concerns for U.S. Healthcare RESOURCE Enterprises’ Overseas Ventures ............................................. 173 by Vadim Schick Journal of Health & Life Sciences Law 65 Medical Control of Emergency Medical Services Rick L. Hindmand and W. Ann Maggiore ABSTRACT: Effective medical control by medical directors and other medical oversight professionals is an essential element in providing appropri- ate emergency medical services (EMS). Within an EMS system, EMS medical directors have a supervisory rather than agency relationship with the emer- gency medical technicians (EMTs). Contrary to some commentary on the legal framework of this relationship, EMTs do not practice “under the license” of the medical director, but instead practice pursuant to their own state or county licenses, which generally require physician supervision.
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