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Sermon Outlines �� Free Curriculum �� �������������������������������������������������������� �� Ongoing Ministry Support 6 page I.1 Making Mondays Meaningful 6 ways to glorify God & serve others through your work TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ...............................................................................................................I 2 Session 1 ......................... I 3-5 Session 2 ...................................... I 6-9 Session 3 ................................ I 10-13 Session 4 . I 14-17 Session 5 ..................................... I 18-21 Session 6 the value of your work: your work matters to God ......................................... I 22-25 Authors ....................................................................................................................I 26 Organizations ........................................................................................................... I 27 Free faith & work resources ....................................................................................I 28 page I.2 Making Mondays Meaningful 6 ways to glorify God & serve others through your work Introduction The Center for Faith & Work at LeTourneau University and are deeply committed to helping people develop a biblical perspective on work. Together we have created Making Mondays Meaningful: 6 Ways to Glorify God and Serve Others through Your Work to help you close the gap between Sunday faith and Monday with respect to 1. Economics and money 2. Morality and ethics 3. Relationships and teamwork 4. Evangelism and witness 5. Service to society 6. The Intrinsic value of work You’ll notice that each lesson includes one or two videos to watch. Web links are listed for easy access. If you are leading a group, we suggest you download videos ahead of time to eliminate slow streaming issues. together as a result of this study. kingdom. We haven’t tried to answer every question, but rather simulate your desire to eXplore further how your including a list of recommended books on faith and work integration. Video resources used in this course can all be found at More video resources may be found at May God bless your study. And please let us know if there is any way we can help you make Mondays meaningful. Bill Peel Marcus Goodyear page I.3 Session 1 more than a paycheck — but not less OPENING Michael had always wanted success. After college, he and his friend Chris 5-10 minutes headed to Manhattan to build their résumés. They landed entry-level positions year and secured his position as the company’s rising star. Never one to be This study explores the meaning of comfortable in second place, Michael moved back to his hometown where it work from God’s perspective. We will would be easier to make a name for himself, which is exactly what he did. view the intersection of their faith and work. At the most Basic level, they worked at the title company. Smitten by her mind and good looks, Michael see their work as a means to provide left the meeting that day with a sizable check and a date for Friday night. Six for their families and give to God’s work. We will learn that work is not team. They built a sizable company, created substantial net worth and conceived two children along the way. eyes—it is much more. Now, in his early forties, Michael embodied success. He served on attended two Bible studies weekly. A generous giver, people thought of him as a budding philanthropist. Michael was proud of his achievements and felt that accumulate and enjoy. On the outside everything looked great; but inside he was restless. Isaiah 48:17 (NASB) Michael looked forward to showing off a little at his 20th college Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer, reunion. He had worked hard and had a big house, beautiful wife, and hot car the Holy One of Israel, “I am the to show for it. LORD your God, who teaches you to profi t, Who leads you in the way you When Michael met his friend Chris for breakfast to catch up on life, should go. I realized that all the buildings and piles of money...well, it’s all going to burn some day. So I left. I want my life to count for something.” Haggai 2:8 (NIV) “The silver is mine and the gold is mine,” declares the LORD Almighty. to one of the poorest sections of Brooklyn to work with the down-and-out. Michael was awestruck; he didn’t know how to respond. Feeling both guilty and take care of the poor.” But he wondered, Is this all my work is good for…writing checks so other people can do what really matters? If I cashed out, would Jennifer go along with it? page I.4 Session 1 more than a paycheck — but not less THINK Do you know people who think that the primary value of work is to make 10-15 minutes money? Have you ever met anyone who believes that making money is immoral—or at least not appropriate—for Christians? Have you ever been tempted to leave your work to do something you think is What would you suggest that Michael do? READ & DISCUSS Many people think money and greed are ineXtricably linked. But what is the 15-20 minutes Bible’s view? Is pursuing material wealth mutually eXclusive from pursuing labor? The Bible gives us important answers. Proverbs 31:16-31 (NIV) Read Proverbs 31. of her earnings she plants a vineyard. her arms are strong for her tasks. She and her lamp does not go out at night. …She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy. When it snows, she has no fear for clothed in scarlet. …She makes linen garments and sells them, and supplies the merchants with sashes. She is clothed with strength and come. ...Her children arise and call praises her: “Many women do noBle things, But you surpass them all.” LORD is to Be praised. Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate. page I.5 Session 1 more than a paycheck — but not less VIDEO Watch “Kimberly” 10-15 minutes Do you think it is appropriate for people’s labor? “Kimberly” Explain your answer. Kimberly says, “There’s a responsibility towards eXcellence, because I wouldn’t be comfortable putting myself out there as a Christian and doing shoddy work.” to others? APPLICATION What are some of the reasons you go to work each day? 15-20 minutes To provide for your family To make a name for yourself To have money to give away To have enough to retire To use your gifts To serve others Other _____________________________________________________________ UP NEXT Do you ever feel guilty about the money you make or how you make it? In his letter to Timothy (1 Tim. 6:2-12), Paul reminds his protégé that we should enjoy what God has given. But if making money and accumulating wealth are the only reasons we work, we’re in trouBle. In the next lesson, we’ll see another about the economic value of work? page I.6 Session 2 doing the right thing OPENING Over lunch at a quiet table, Michael broached the subject of work with his 5-10 minutes This study explores the meaning of I love my work, but sometimes I wonder what it’s all for. I guess I’d like to know work from God’s perspective. that my work is valuable to God beyond the checks we write to the church and Last week we saw that work is mission initiatives.” God to enrich the world and for us to provide for our families and invest in be careful how I answer because I can tell this is really troubling you. I think worthy causes. In this lesson, we’ll see you know how much your gifts have meant to the church and our community. that work and Business are morally gift to the Salvation Army. That new center for the homeless might not eXist if demonstrate godly character through you hadn’t given the land and lead gift. But that’s not the only value of what ethical Behavior. you do.” this at church as much as I should. According to the Bible, our work is an important way we love our neighbor. You love our city, Michael. Every project Proverbs 10:2 (NASB) God. Even the Big River development!” righteousness delivers from death. Michael laughed. “Those crooks almost took me and the city to the cleaners. And they wanted to pray before every planning meeting! I can’t believe I was sucked in by their charade.” have lost money and been hurt by those outspoken Christians. Can you imagine the damage to the gospel? Instead, people also saw a virtuous businessman live out his commitment to Christ by refusing to violate his ethical boundaries— and that cost you a lot, didn’t it?” “A whole lot!” “You know, Michael, a lot of situations reveal a person’s character. But it’s a powerful witness when a Christian chooses to honor God by doing what’s page I.7 Session 2 doing the right thing THINK Maybe you’ve heard about the guy who said, “When I’m doing business with 10-15 minutes a non-Christian, I always take an attorney. When I’m doing business with an outspoken Christian, I take two.” Do you know people who use faith to give themselves a business advantage? Do you know people who refuse to violate ethical standards no matter what it READ & DISCUSS Read 1 Timothy 6:6-12. What are some of the ethical “traps” people can fall into 15-20 minutes when they value wealth over God? 1 Timothy 6:6-12 (NIV) …godliness with contentment is great gain. For we Brought nothing into the What are some of the “griefs” that pierce people who pursue wealth as their world, and we can take nothing out of it.
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