ISSN N° 0325-6375

Ministerio de Economía y Obras y Servicios Públicos

Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca y Alimentación Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP)

República Argentina Permitida la reproducción total o parcial mencionando la fuente. ISSN N° 0325-6375

Primera edición: agosto 2000 Primera impresión: 700 ejemplares Impreso en Argentina

Diagramación: María Laura Domato José Hernández 779, 7600 - Mar del Plata

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Revista de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero N° 13 Mar del Plata, República Argentina

Resumida/indizada en: Aquatic Sciences & Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA); Agrindex; INFOMARNAP; Marine, Oceanographic & Freshwater Resources; Wildlife Worldwide; Zoological Record Revista de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero

N° 13 - Agosto 2000




RESUMEN 7 SUMMARY. 7 INTRODUCTION 8 MATERIAL AND METHODS 15 Arctic Province (1) 18 The Northeastern Pacific 18 Provinces of temperate waters Aleutian Province (2) 18 Oregonian Province (3) 19 Califomian Province (4) 19 The Eastern Central Pacific Ocean 19 Provinces and Subprovinces of subtropical and tropical waters Cortés Subprovince (5) 20 Panamic Province (6) 21 Galápagos Subprovince (7) 22 The Southeastern Pacific Ocean 22 Province of temperate waters Peru-Chilean Province (8) 22 The Southeastern Pacific Ocean and Southwestern Atlantic Ocean 23 Province of cold-temperate waters Magellanic Province (9) 23 The Southwestern Atlantic Ocean 24 Provinces of warm-temperate and subtropical-tropical waters Argentinian Province (10) 24 Brazilian Province (11) 25 The Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico 25 Provinces of tropical, subtropical and temperate waters Caribbean Province (12) 26 Texan Province (13) 27 The Northwestern Atlantic Ocean 27 Provinces of temperate and cold-temperate waters Carolinian Province (14) 28 Virginian Province (15) 28 Boreal Province (16) 29 CONCLUSIONS 29 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 30 NOTE ADDED IN PROOF 30 REFERENCES 32 APPENDIX 64 CONTENIDO

RESUMEN 7 SUMMARY. 7 INTRODUCCIÓN 8 MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS 15 Provincia Ártica (1) 18 Océano Pacífico Noreste 18 Provincias de aguas templadas Provincia Aleutiana (2) 18 Provincia Oregoniana (3) 19 Provincia Californiana (4) 19 Océano Pacífico Central Este 19 Provincias y Subprovincias de aguas tropicales y subtropicales Subprovincia Cortés (5) 20 Provincia Panameña (6) 21 Subprovincia Galápagos (7) 22 Océano Pacífico Sudeste 22 Provincia de aguas templadas Provincia Peruano-Chilena (8) 22 Océanos Pacífico Sudeste y Atlántico Sudoeste 23 Provincia de aguas templadas frías Provincia Magallánica (9) 23 Océano Atlántico Sudoeste 24 Provincias de aguas templadas cálidas y de aguas subtropicales y tropicales Provincia Argentina (10) 24 Provincia Brasileña (11) 25 Caribe y Golfo de México 25 Provincias de aguas tropicales, subtropicales y templadas Provincia Caribeña (12) 26 Provincia Texana (13) 27 Océano Atlántico Noroeste 27 Provincias de aguas templadas y templadas frías Provincia Caroliniana (14) 28 Provincia Virginiana( 15) 28 Provincia Boreal (16) 29 CONCLUSIONES 29 AGRADECIMIENTOS 30 ADDENDA 30 BIBILOGRAFIA 32 APÉNDICE 64 REV. INVEST. DES. PESQ. N° 13: 7-136 (2000) 7




Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires and Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP) Paseo Victoria Ocampo N°l, Escollera Norte, (P.O. Box 175), 7600, Mar del Plata, Argentina. E-mail: [email protected]


Las especies de Crustáceos Decápodos y su distribución en las provincias zoogeográficas marinas ameri­ canas. Se han establecido catorce provincias y dos subprovincias zoogeográficas en las Americas sobre la base de la distribución de los crustáceos decápodos marinos de las aguas de las plataformas que incluyen el suprali- toral, mediolitoral, infralitoral y circalitoral. El número total de especies en esta amplia región, que abarca ambas costas oceánicas, desde el Cabo de Hornos en el sur hasta el Océano Ártico en el norte, se estima en 2.472. Los resultados de este estudio sobre biodiversidad y distribución de las especies de decápodos se ajusta al carac­ terístico de los grupos de la epifauna marina con una gran amplitud latitudinal y un pronunciado decrecimiento del número de especies desde las regiones tropicales hacia las polares y con una cierta distribución clinal. En la Provincia Caribeña se halló la más alta densidad de especies que, en un número estimado de 1.058, fue mayor que el de la Provincia Panameña del Pacífico tropical donde se registraron 825 especies. En lo que concierne a la relación con la riqueza en especies según los grandes grupos de Decápodos, el número más alto se halló en los Brachyura con 1.090 especies seguido por los Caridea con 536 especies, los Anomura con 509, los Thalassinidea con 157 y los Penaeoidea con 96. Los restantes grupos están representados por un número inferior.


Fourteen marine zoogeographic provinces and two subprovinces were established for the Americas. The num­ ber of species of marine decapod crustaceans recorded in the supralittoral, intertidal, eulittoral and sublittoral (continental shelf to 200-300 m) including both, continental coasts from the Arctic Polar region in the north to Cabo de Hornos in the south is estimated at 2472 species. The results of this study on the biodiversity and dis­ tribution of decapod species call attention to a common characteristic of typical epifaunal groups of organisms with a large range of latitudinal geographic distribution: a high number of species in tropical regions on both coasts and a pronounced decrease of taxa towards the polar regions that generates a clear clinal distribution. The Caribbean Province showed the largest diversity which, with a total of 1058 species was higher than that of the tropical Panamic Province where 825 species were registered. With regard to the species richness in the nine major groups of Decapods, the largest number was found in the Brachyura hovering 1090 estimated species fol­ lowed by the Caridea with 536 species, the Anomura with 509 species, the Thalassinidea with 157 and the Penaeoidea with 96. The remaining four decapod taxa are represented only by a small number of species.

Key words: Marine zoogeography, Crustacea , North, Central and South America. Palabras clave: Zoogeografía marina, Crustacea Decapoda, América del Norte, Central y del Sur.

* Contribución INIDEP N° 1152 REV. INVEST. DES. PESQ. N° 13: 7-136 (2000)

lability, patterns of tides and sea level, composi­ INTRODUCTION tion of the community, prey-predator relation­ ships, interactions among species, reproduction strategies, etc. (Abele, 1974, Abele, 1976 a, The decapod crustaceans are invertebrates Brusca and Wallerstein, 1979, Gore et al, 1978, very frequently found in marine littoral and Kohn, 1997). In continental shelf waters, the brackish waters of the Americas. Most species are oceanic fronts originating in areas between cu­ found in tropical and subtropical regions with a rrents and tidal fronts may constitute a barrier for marked decrease in numbers towards temperate the distribution of species (Fig 1,2). and cold regions. Distribution may depend on the The catalogue of species of decapod crus­ influence of environmental factors. On the other taceans from littoral and coastal seas of both mar­ hand, it may also be attributed to the stability of gins of the American continent has allowed to the ecosystems which, in the historical sense of determine the limits of different zoogeographical the evolution of the earth, may account for the provinces and to quantify the number of species existence of a large number of species in the tro­ found in each of them. In Table 1 the distribution pical regions (Margalef, 1963). Nevertheless, it of species in the extensive areas under study is does not seem to be true in the presently indicated. Due to the fact that many of them are constrained biotopes (Abele, 1976 b). In more present in more than one province, it can be limited areas, with a few latitudinal differences, observed that the total data relative to species per variations and richness of the species may depend province and subprovince reach 5,350(') entries on the characteristics of the bottom, food avai­ (Fig 3,4,5).

(') The number of species and records per province has changed during the course of this study due to publications of ta- xonomic revisions and changes in the distributions of species. For this reason, the numbers mentioned by the author in pre­ vious papers are slightly different from the ones appearing in this study.

Figure 1. Zoogeographical provinces and subprovinces of the Americas and their limits. Arctic (1) between Nunivak Is. to Strait of Belle Isle; Aleutian (2) Nunivak Is. to Puget Sound; Oregonian (3) Puget Sound to Point Conception; Californian (4) Point Conception to Bahía Magdalena; Cortés (5) subprovince, from Tiburón and Angel de la Guarda Islands (Gulf of California) to north end of the Gulf; Panamic (6) Bahía Magdalena to Gulf of Guayaquil/Bahía Sechura; Galápagos (7) subprovince, Lat. 0°40'N and 1°30'S- long. 89°20'W and 91°50'W; Peru-Chilean (8) Bahía Sechura to the north of Chiloé Is.; Magellanic (9) Chiloé Is. to 35° S Southwest Atlantic; Argentinian (10) 43/44° S to Cabo Frío; Brazilian (11) Cabo Frío to Delta Rio Orinoco; Caribbean (12) Delta Rio Orinoco to Cabo Rojo, Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Islands and Cape Romano to Cape Canaveral, Florida Peninsula, Bermuda Is.; Texan (13) Cabo Rojo to Cape Romano, G. of Mexico; Carolinian (14) Cape Canaveral to Cape Hatteras; Virginian (15) Cape Harteras to Cape Cod; Boreal (16) Cape Cod to Strait of Belle Isle. Figura I. Provincias y subprovincias zoogeográficas de las Americas y sus límites. Ártica (1) entre la Isla Nunivak al Estrecho de Belle Isle; Aleutiana (2) Isla Nunivak a Puget Sound; Oregoniana (3) Puget Sound a Punta Concepción; Californiana (4) Punta Concepción a Bahía Magdalena; subprovincia Cortés (5), en el golfo de California, desde las Islas Tiburón y Ángel de la Guarda hasta el extremo norte del golfo; Panameña (6) Bahía Magdalena al golfo de Guayaquil/Bahía Sechura; subprovincia Galápagos (7), Lat. 0"40'N y 1°30'S- long. 89°20'Wy 91°50'W; Peruano-Chilena (8) Bahía Sechura hasta el norte de la isla Chiloé; Magallánica (9) isla Chiloé hasta 35" S en el Atlántico Sudoeste; Argentina (10) 43/44" S a Cabo Frío; Brasileña (11) Cabo Frío hasta el delta del río Orinoco; Caribeña (12) delta del río Orinoco a Cabo Rojo, golfo de México, islas del Caribe y cabo Romano a cabo Cañaveral, península de Florida, islas Bermudas; Texana (13) cabo Rojo a cabo Romano, golfo de México; Caroliniana (14) cabo Cañaveral a cabo Hatteras; Virginiana (15) cabo Hatteras a cabo Cod; Boreal (16) cabo Cod a estrecho de Belle Isle. BOSCHI: DISTRIBUTION OF DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS 10 REV. INVEST. DES. PESQ. N° 13: 7-136 (2000)

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 CO O CO o r c- nj co ra ni a le a Ia n ¡ni a a m Ini a ort e ag o lili a be a ex a orea l O. r— £? CD ü ra r o CO CO g e ri b

< V u_ gen t CO O 6 O 5

Zoogeographic provinces/'subprovinces

Figure 2. Total number of decapod species per province and subprovince. Figura 2. Número total de especies de crustáceos decápodos por provincia y subprovincia.

Table 1. Distribution per province/*subprovince and group of Decapod species of the Americas. Tabla 1. Distribución por provincia/*subprovincia por grupos de crustáceos decápodos en las Americas.

Prov. Penaeoidea Sergestoidea Stenopodidea Caridea Astacidea Thalassinidea Palinura Anomura Brachyura Total

1 1 1 23 9 3 37 2 9 1 85 5 1 56 32 182 3 7 2 67 5 2 50 60 193 4 20 4 74 8 2 67 126 301 5* 14 3 1 50 8 3 47 139 265 6 37 7 3 161 34 7 165 411 825 7* 11 ? 2 67 4 3 35 129 253 8 12 3 41 3 7 43 103 212 9 3 2 13 1 2 1 22 35 79 10 19 5 43 2 12 3 52 194 330 11 35 6 5 84 2 34 16 101 289 572 12 50 15 8 224 4 83 15 205 454 1058 13 28 2 76 2 19 4 52 239 422 14 30 4 2 82 1 8 7 60 192 386 15 19 5 40 2 6 1 22 63 158 16 4 4 37 1 3 1 11 16 77 Total 292 6 21 1167 15 234 73 997 2485 5350 BOSCHI: DISTRIBUTION OF DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS 11


10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Provinces



7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Provinces

Figure 3. Distribution of Decapod Crustacean species by group for each province. Figura 3. Distribución de las especies de crustáceos decápodos por grupos y provincia. 12 REV. INVEST. DES. PESQ. N° 13: 7-136 (2000)




¡a 150


12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Provinces


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Provinces



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Provinces

Figure 4. Distribution of Decapod Crustacean species by group for each province. Figura 4. Distribución de las especies de crustáceos decápodos por grupos y provincia. BOSCHI: DISTRIBUTION OF DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS 13


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Provinces


7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Provinces


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Provinces

Figure 5. Distribution of Decapod Crustacean species by group for each province. Figura 5. Distribución de las especies de crustáceos decápodos por grupos y provincia. 14 REV. INVEST. DES. PESQ. N° 13: 7-136 (2000)

The total number of species by group is 2472 classical biogeography so they are not followed in (Table 2). In addition, data on the distribution of the present analysis. decapods are compared to those of other marine The extreme variation of the size of continen­ organisms. tal shelves in the marine littoral of the Americas is a phenomenon that appears to have an influence Table 2. Total number of marine decapod crustacean on the presence and distribution of different species found on continental shelf of Americas by group. groups of decapod species. In the eastern margin Tabla 2. Número total de crustáceos decápodos marinos of the continent, in the Southwestern Atlantic, hallados en las plataformas continentales de las Americas por grupos. there is a tendency to find extensive continental shelves. In consequence, the adjacent sea is not deep, with a smooth transition to slope depths of Groups Number of species only 150-200 m. For example, in the South Atlantic of the Patagonian region of Argentina the Penaeoidea 96 largest extension of the shelf reaches 850 km. In Sergestoidea 29 the nor-theastern region of Brazil, from Salvador, Stenopodidea 12 Bahia State, to Rio Grande do Norte, the conti­ Caridea 536 nental shelf is significantly reduced. The same Astacidea 7 happens in the southeastern side of the Florida Thalassinidea 157 Palinura 36 Peninsula. In contrast, the continental shelves off Anomura 509 west Florida and Yucatán Peninsulas are wide Brachyura 1090 (Martinez-López and Pares-Sierra, 1998). In the western coasts of the continent, in the Total 2472 East Pacific Ocean, shelves are markedly reduced; in consequence, the seas adjacent to the continent are very deep near the coast. In the li­ The fact that component species vary in their ttoral of Chile, from Cabo de Hornos to Chiloé physiological tolerances and that, for that reason Island, the shelf is wider in some areas. Along the they are found in more than one province, makes rest of the coast the shelf is reduced or nonexis­ it difficult to establish boundaries. Also, opinions tent. This feature extends to the Alaska Peninsula. and criteria of biologists on what constitutes a In northwestern Alaska, Bering Sea, the area of province can vary significantly. Eurytopic species continental shelf is extensive. In the Gulf of show an extensive distribution in the latitudinal California, the continental shelves along the sense and are present in vast regions of the littoral coasts of Hermosillo and Nayarit are relatively so they are not very useful for biogeographical wide with a smooth decline. In contrast, on the studies. Depth represents another confounding west coast, between Angel de la Guardia Island factor; therefore, only littoral and coastal species up to Cape San Lucas, the continental shelf is are considered (see Material and Methods). It can very narrow or absent. In the northern part of the be generally stated that the number of provinces Gulf, north of Tiburón and Angel de la Guardia and their limits in the American continent coin­ Islands, the continental shelf is generally smooth, cide. reaching depths of 150-200 m (Roden and On the other hand, Longhurst (1998), referring Groves, 1959, Parker, 1963). to the pelagic biogeography, established biomes Inaccuracy of geographical data provided in and provinces based on oceanographic character­ many studies makes it extremely difficult to istics and algal ecology that do not agree with establish species distributions with some precision. Boson: DISTRIBUTION OF DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS 15

In some cases, there is lack of data on latitude, correspond to floristic and faunal units with pro­ longitude and depth. This is especially observed nounced endemism of taxa at the generic or hi­ in the Gulfs of Mexico and California where, gher levels (Balech and Ehrlich, MS). sometimes, it is not indicated if species are found In this paper, a Province is defined as a part of in the north or south, making it difficult to esta­ the neritic zone with a relatively narrow range of blish which province the species belong to. temperatures where the fauna shows certain Considering that temperature is an important homogeneity. The term "subregion" is used as the factor for the distribution of many species, data equivalent of a province. In many cases, the li­ on the temperature where the species are found mits between provinces are flexible due to fluc­ may provide useful information on environmental tuations that occur in the distribution of species in conditions. different developmental stages such as larvae, The main aim of this contribution is to esti­ postlarvae, juveniles and adults. mate the number of species of marine decapod They are produced by environmental changes, crustaceans living in continental shelf waters pre­ colonization of new areas, geographic expansion sent in the Americas and summarize their known of the species, etc. The "subprovince" denomina­ distributions. tion was given to areas with high species affinity between adjacent provinces. In species found in various provinces it is MATERIAL AND METHODS observed that the distribution limit includes only a part of the last province occupied or the transi­ tion area between them. The data used in this study are based on infor­ The stenohaline and stenothermal species are mation from the literature available to the author the most sensitive and useful to determine the on decapod crustaceans and their distribution on limits of each province. The euryhaline and eury- the continental shelves of the eastern and western thermal species are not as useful for these pur­ coasts of North, Central and South America, poses. Although the above mentioned difficulties between latitudes 70° N and 56° S, approximate­ are encountered, the best method is to measure ly. In addition, studies on the biogeography of the the number of endemic species for each province littoral system of other groups of marine organ­ (Table 3). Briggs (1974) considered that an area isms were also considered. defined with 10% or more endemic species may The area included consisted of the continental be considered as a province. Nevertheless, this shelf to a depth of 200-300 m which included the criterion is not acceptable because said value is supra, medium, infralittoral and, in some areas, established in an arbitrary manner. the circalittoral (Peres, 1961, Sverdrupeia/., 1955). Although in some cases the names of the For authors of English language, this co­ provinces are different, the results of this study on rresponds to the supralittoral, eulittoral and sub- the number and characteristics of the zoogeo- littoral zones. In some cases, species that are graphical provinces coincide to a certain degree found up to 400 m are included. Naturally, the with other studies on this subject (e.g., Ekman, neritic species found at greater depths were also 1953, Briggs, 1974, etc.). Moreover, according to included. Additionally, species which are present the author's criterion, some variations in the geo­ in both Americas as well as in other regions of the graphic limits and the groups of organisms under World Ocean are considered. From a biogeo- consideration were observed. The areas about graphical point of view, the major divisions of the which most differences of opinions exist are the sea are designated as Regions which, in general, Gulfs of California and Mexico. 16 REV. INVEST. DES. PESQ. N° 13: 7-136 (2000)

Table 3. Endemic species by group (* Subprovince). Tabla 3. Especies endémicas por grupo (* Subprovincia).

Prov. Records Endemics % Anomura % Astacidea % Brachyura % Endemic Endemic Endemic

1 37 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 2 182 41 22.53 14 7.69 0 0.00 4 2.20 3 193 4 2.07 1 0.52 0 0.00 3 1.55 4 301 48 15.95 12 3.99 0 0.00 17 5.65 5* 265 25 9.43 1 0.38 0 0.00 15 5.66 6 825 315 38.18 62 7.52 0 0.00 162 19.64 7* 253 41 16.21 4 1.58 0 0.00 28 11.07 8 212 77 36.32 24 11.32 0 0.00 31 14.62 9 79 19 24.05 7 8.86 0 0.00 2 2.53 10 330 42 12.73 9 2.73 1 0.30 20 6.06 11 572 64 11.19 13 2.27 0 0.00 23 4.02 12 1058 338 31.95 79 7.47 1 0.09 93 8.79 13 422 20 4.74 1 0.24 0 0.00 13 3.08 14 386 5 1.30 0 0.00 0 0.00 1 0.26 15 158 1 0.63 0 0.00 0 0.00 1 0.63 16 77 4 5.19 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00

Prov. Records Caridea % Palinura % Penaeoidea % Endemic Endemic Endemic

1 37 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 2 182 22 12.09 0 0.00 0 0.00 3 193 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 4 301 11 3.65 0 0.00 3 1.00 5* 265 8 3.02 0 0.00 1 0.38 6 825 58 7.03 0 0.00 8 0.97 7* 253 6 2.37 0 0.00 0 0.00 8 212 13 6.13 6 2.83 0 0.00 9 79 7 8.86 1 1.27 0 0.00 10 330 6 1.82 1 0.30 2 0.61 11 572 10 1.75 5 0.87 0 0.00 12 1058 93 8.79 1 0.09 5 0.47 13 422 2 0.47 0 0.00 0 0.00 14 386 2 0.52 0 0.00 0 0.00 15 158 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 16 77 4 5.19 0 0.00 0 0.00 BOSCHI: DISTRIBUTION OF DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS 17

Table 3. Continued. Tabla 3. Continuación.

Prov. Records Sergestoidea % Stenopodidea % Thalassinidea % Endemic Endemic Endemic

1 37 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 2 182 0 0.00 0 0.00 1 0.55 3 193 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 4 301 1 0.33 0 0.00 4 1.33 5* 265 0 0.00 0 o.oo 0 0.00 6 825 3 0.36 1 0.12 21 2.55 7* 253 1 0.40 1 0.40 1 0.40 8 212 1 0.47 0 0.00 2 0.94 9 79 0 0.00 0 0.00 2 2.53 10 330 1 0.30 0 0.00 2 0.61 11 572 1 0.17 1 0.17 11 1.92 12 1058 10 0.95 4 0.38 52 4.91 13 422 0 0.00 0 0.00 4 0.95 14 386 0 0.00 0 0.00 2 0.52 15 158 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 16 77 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00

The enumeration of most decapods of the Provinces N spp by prov. regions under study and their known and current scientific name required consultation of many 1. Arctic 37 studies published until 1999 which are included 2. Aleutian 182 in the bibliography. It is possible that some new 3. Oregonian 193 species are not included in the checklist because 4. Californian 301 they could have been published in journals of 5. Cortés* 265 825 limited distribution or not accessible to the 6. Panamic 7. Galápagos* 253 author. 8. Peru-Chilean 212 Moreover, there could be undescribed species 9. Magellanic 79 which could significantly increase the total num­ 10. Argentinian 330 ber. In this study, a total of fourteen provinces 11. Brazilian 572 and two subprovinces were established (Table 4, 12. Caribbean 1058 Fig. 1, 2). 13. Texan 422 14. Carolinian 386 Table 4. Total decapod species per province and sub- 15. Virginian 158 province (* Subprovince). 16. Boreal 77 Tabla 4. Total de especies de decápodos por provincia y Records 5350 subprovincia (* Subprovincia). 18 REV. INVEST. DES. PESQ. N° 13: 7-136 (2000)

Arctic Province (1) The Northeastern Pacific Ocean Provinces of temperate waters The Arctic Province of the Americas extends from the center of the Strait of Bering, Nunivak Although different names were used and some Island (60°N) to the Labrador Peninsula, north disparity in limits was observed, the temperate Strait of Belle Isle (Lat. 51°37'N). coastal waters of the Northeastern Pacific Ocean The ecological conditions there do not vary as far south as the California Peninsula (Bahía much due to very small temperature oscillations Magdalena) were divided into three zoogeograph- maintaining values always around 0°C. ic provinces according to the criteria of several For the subdivisions of the region the position authors. These are: the Aleutian, Oregonian and of the isotherms of 0°C and 5°C between the high Californian Provinces. Arctic and low Arctic was taken into account The whole region which extends between 60° (Ekman, 1953, Briggs, 1974). and 25° N is under the intense influence of the In this study, the distribution of decapods in magnitude and direction of the Alaska and the whole province will not be discussed. Only California Currents originating in the Subarctic the presence of relatively few species of decapod Current and its corresponding oceanographic con­ crustaceans known in the American area, consi­ ditions. The changes in the hydrological regime, dered as a very young region of very recent set­ temperature and salinity of the water, isolation, tlement, will be mentioned (Bernard et al., 1991, stability and persistence of these factors during Clarke and Crame, 1997). the year are primary factors that determine the A fact that supports the idea of different zoo- ranges of distribution and life cycles of species. geographical subprovinces is that various species restricted to the eastern and western waters of the Aleutian Province (2) region were observed. The total estimated number of species, none of which endemic, is 37 (Fig. 6, In this province the most northwestern coast of Table 1, 3, 4). North America is included. It begins in Nunivak

I I I I I I ¡ I I


Figure 6. Distribution of Decapod Crustacean species in Figure 7. Distribution of Decapod Crustacean species in Artie province for each group. Aleutian province for each group. Figura 6. Distribución de las especies de crustáceos Figura 7. Distribución de las especies de crustáceos decápodos, por grupos, en la provincia Ártica. decápodos, por grupos, en la provincia Aleutiana. Boscm: DISTRIBUTION OF DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS 19

Island (Lat. 60° N) on the Alaskan Peninsula, Californian Province (4) includes the Aleutian Islands and extends to Puget Sound (Lat. 47°50'N), Washington. It is a This province extends from Point Conception province of cold-temperate waters. The minimum to Bahía Magdalena (Lat. 24°40'N) in south Baja surface temperature reaches 5°C, sometimes 0°C, California, Mexico. Surface temperature varia­ and the maximum is around 14°C. tion is between 13° and 25° C and corresponds to The variations of the province limits agree warm-temperate waters. with changes in current systems that dominate the The Californian Current transports cold waters area (Briggs, 1974, Brusca & Wallerstein, 1979, along the coasts of California to Point Conception Foster et al, 1991, Hall 1964, Valentine, 1966, where the temperature decreases markedly and Sverdrup et al, 1955). the current deflects offshore. The total number of species is estimated at 182, This determines a sharp temperature gradient 41 of which are endemic (Fig. 7, Table 1, 3, 4). with a rapid increase towards the south and changes in faunal composition that form a transi­ Oregonian Province (3) tional zone. The total number of estimated species is 301, This province extends from Puget Sound, 48 of which are endemic (Fig. 9, Table 1, 3, 4). Washington, to Point Conception, California (Lat. 34°35'N) and corresponds to cool-temperate waters with surface temperatures between 9° and The Eastern Central Pacific Ocean 16°C. The southern portion of the Oregonian Provinces and Subprovinces of Province is considered a transitional zone subtropical and tropical waters between this province and the north of the Californian Province (Foster et al., 1991). In the first part of this zone there is a region of The total number of species is estimated at subtropical and tropical waters that cover the 193,4 of which are endemic (Fig. 8, Table 1, 3,4). coasts of Baja California south of Bahía

Figure 8. Distribution of Decapod Crustacean species in Figure 9. Distribution of Decapod Crustacean species in Oregonian province for each group. Californian province for each group. Figura 8. Distribución de las especies de crustáceos Figura 9. Distribución de las especies de crustáceos decápodos, por grupos, en la provincia Oregoniana. decápodos, por grupos, en la provincia Californiana.

S^Q«S-sl°o 20 REV. INVEST. DES. PESQ. N° 13: 7-136 (2000)

Magdalena to Gulf of Guayaquil, Ecuador. and tides, with very pronounced seasonal The provinces and subprovinces included are: changes. Naturally, in deep areas, changes in tem­ Panamic, Cortés and Galápagos. perature are not so pronounced. Together they determine the warm region of In the north of the Gulf, at depths of 30 - 40 m, the Eastern Pacific with a high degree of temperatures are around 15.0°C in January and endemism in various groups of marine organisms 27.0°C in August. Between 60 and 75 m, temper­ (Brusca and Wallerstein, 1979). atures are 14.5°C in January and 20.8°C in August (Hendrickx, 1992). Cortés Subprovince (5) With regard to diversity, distribution and abundance of species of demersal and benthic The Gulf of California is situated east of the decapods, temperatures at the bottom produce a Central Eastern Pacific Ocean, between latitudes significant effect on these communities. However, 31°40' and 20°47'N and between the California the total life cycle has to be considered and the Peninsula to the west and the American continent important larval phase included. to the east. It is a semienclosed, narrow body of Generally, larvae reach the epipelagic zone in water with a north-south extension. their daily vertical movements and, for this rea­ In the northern part the waters are as deep as son, the surface and subsurface temperatures may in the central and southern parts where the system be limiting distribution factors. is open and in direct contact with the Pacific As previously mentioned, the oceanographic Ocean. The limit between both may be consi­ conditions in the northern part of the Gulf and the dered as an imaginary line between Cape San origin of its biota is very distinct from those in the Lucas and Cape Corrientes. south of the Gulf and adjacent Pacific Ocean. The deepest depths oscillate from about 200 m These characteristics determine the composi­ in the north to some 1800 m in the center, fre­ tion of the communities of marine organisms that quently reaching more than 3000 m in the south establish in these zones. Hendrickx (1992) (Roden and Groves, 1959, Parker, 1963, observed an important decrease in species abun­ Hendrickx, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1996, Villalobos et dance in the north of the Gulf, especially in the al., 1992). number of tropical species of decapods. The northern part of the Gulf is the most iso­ However, Hendrickx (1992) did not consider it lated one in the East Pacific and under the great­ sufficient enough to justify an independent zoo- est influence of the continental climate. geographic unity. Following Briggs (1974), he The warm and dry winds of the north generate defined the area as the Mexican Province, from an intense surface evaporation and high tempera­ Bahía Magdalena to Cape San Lucas, in the west­ tures that create strong stratification in summer ern coast of Baja California, that includes the and produce a considerable alteration in the water entire coast of Mexico to the Gulf of that, in Puerto Peñasco (Lat. 31°21'N), reaches a Tehuantepec. temperature of more than 31°C and a salinity of There is a large area from 28° 30'N stemming around 36.0 ppt. Winter temperatures in this part south of Tiburón Island and going to the northern of the Gulf may decrease to 12-13°C (Brusca, limit of the Gulf. 1980). As proposed by Briggs (1974), this area has a The wind regime and topographic characteris­ transitional fauna with subtropical predominance tics of the Gulf of California have a significant and some degree of endemism that may justify influence on the circulation of water masses, for­ the category of a subprovince denominated mation of upwellings, temperature distribution "Cortés". BOSCHI: DISTRIBUTION OF DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS 21

Garth (1960), when working on the distribu­ corals of the Mexican Pacific, determined the tion of Brachyura in the Gulf of California, point­ existence of two independent groups. ed out that north of Cedros Island the environ­ In one of them, in the central and northern part ment is temperate with high temperatures in sum­ of the Gulf, there are only two species of Pontes mer. In contrast, although it is not possible to adapted to the frequent seasonal environmental establish the northern limit of the Panamic fauna, changes in temperature, salinity and light which the southern part contiguous to the Pacific Ocean coincide with the formerly mentioned is tropical. Soule (1960), when studying affinities Subprovince of Cortés. The remaining parts of of the littoral marine Bryozoa, established zones the region include other zoogeographical for species in the Gulf of California which includ­ provinces. ed subtropical species in the north followed by a Bernard et al. (1991), who studied the zoo­ transition zone from around 28° N. geography of bivalve mollusks of the East Pacific Moreover, a tropical zone in the south extend­ Ocean, established at least nine species belonging ed to the west coast of the Californian Peninsula to the north of the Californian Gulf. These authors up to approximately Bahía Magdalena. considered their possible connection with the Correa Sandoval and Carvacho Bravo (1992), ocean during the Pleistocene, a fact that could based on studies on the brachyuran , divided explain isolation in the northern part of the Gulf the Gulf of California into two parts: high and of California. low Gulf. This is due to the biogeographical bar­ Accordingly, the northern part of the Gulf rier of Angel de la Guarda and Tiburón Islands from the Tiburón and Angel de La Guarda Islands that represent a 69% filter for species from the to the north makes up the Cortés Subprovince. south to the north with seven endemic pin- The number of decapod species is 265, 25 of notherids in the high Gulf. which are endemic (Fig. 10, Table 1, 3, 4). On the other hand, it is interesting to point out that Reyes-Bonilla and López-Pérez (1998), Panamic Province (6) based on studies on the distribution of calcareous The Panamic Province extends from Bahía Magdalena, Baja California, Mexico, to the Gulf of Guayaquil-Bahía Sechura (Lat. 4°38'S). It includes the entire Mexican littoral, the west coast of Central America, Colombia and Ecuador in South America and the oceanic islands of the region (Revillagigedo, Clipperton, Coco, Malpelo, Gorgona, etc). These islands are connected to the continent CO CO CO CO CO CO m (]> CD CD CD CD CD o "D JD "D •D •o by a permanent system of surface currents o o •a O c ¡nu r CD C/) c ¡a CO (Lemaitre and Alvarez León, 1992). CO Ca r a. ss i n 0) O) o < £ In the Panamic Province the largest diversity < al a n CD CD cr tnc of species in the entire East Pacific Ocean occurs. groups Temperatures oscillate between 19° and 28°C although, in winter, they may decrease to around Figure 10. Distribution of Decapod Crustacean species in Cortés subprovince for each group. 14°C in the northern part and in summer reach Figura 10. Distribución de las especies de crustáceos 30°- 32°C in some extreme areas. decápodos, por grupos, en la subprovincia Cortés. The estimated species are 825, 315 of which 22 REV. INVEST. DES. PESQ. N° 13: 7-136 (2000) are endemic (Fig. 11, Table 1, 3, 4). The Southeastern Pacific Ocean Province of temperate waters Galápagos Subprovince (7) Peru-Chilean Province (8) The Galápagos Subprovince includes the islands situated at about 1,000 km from the coasts The Peru-Chilean Province extends from the of Ecuador. They are also known as Archipiélago Gulf of Guayaquil-Bahía Sechura (Lat. 4°38'S) to de Colón. This subprovince is situated between the north of Chiloé Island (Lat. 41°48'S). the following coordinates: Lat. 0°40'N and 1°30'S- The coastal topography of this extended Long. 89°20' W and 91°50' W. region is regular. It is totally exposed to winds Due to the large number of decapod species and waves with narrow and open beaches and a and the endemism of some of them it is consid­ few protected bays. At the Valparaiso latitude the ered as a province (Garth, 1946). Briggs (1974), continental shelf is very narrow, generally with­ taking into consideration its high level of out sediments and with a substrate of hard rocks endemism, considered it as a different province. derived from the ridges of coastal mountains Kim and Abele (1988) studied the snapping (Mordojovich, 1983). Normally, this continental of the Alpheus of the Eastern shelf has no more than 5-10 km. in width and only Pacific. They considered these islands as a subre- in some parts reaches 30 km (Brattstróm and gion but, on the other hand, suggested that the Johanssen, 1983). area under study, between 34°N and 2°S, which The Pacific coasts are under the influence of includes three subregions, could be considered as the Peruvian Current (also called Humboldt) that a province. transports cold water rich in nutrients from the The total number of estimated species of Chiloé Island northerly to Perú with temperatures decapods is 253, 41 of which are endemic (Fig. ranging between 11°C and 19°C . These oceano- 12, Table 1, 3, 4). graphic conditions of the Chilean and Peruvian

groups groups

Figure 11. Distribution of Decapod Crustacean species in Figure 12. Distribution of Decapod Crustacean species in Panamic province for each group. Galápagos subprovince for each group. Figura 11. Distribución de las especies de crustáceos Figura 12. Distribución de las especies de crustáceos decápodos, por grupos, en la provincia Panameña. decápodos, por grupos, en la subprovincia Galápagos. BOSCHI: DISTRIBUTION OF DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS 23 coasts are disturbed at irregular intervals by a The Southeastern Pacific Ocean and strong penetration of subsurface warm waters of Southwestern Atlantic Ocean the "El Niño" Current which produce important Province of cold-temperate waters changes in the coastal fauna. These alterations in the temperature have been recorded up to latitude Magellanic Province (9) 35°S (Santelices, 1991). This province also includes warm-temperate The Magellanic Province extends from the waters with an area of transition in the south, from north of Chiloé Island, on the Eastern Pacific Valparaiso (33°S) to the north of the Chiloé Island Ocean, follows the Magellanic and Tierra del (42°S) Brattstrom and Johanssen (1983). Fuego region through the Cabo de Hornos, reach­ In this province 212 species of decapod crus­ es the coastal area of the Southwestern Atlantic taceans are found, 77 of which are endemic Ocean off the Patagonian region, Argentina, and (Fig. 13, Table 1,3,4). includes the Malvinas Islands to the Valdés It is evident that the largest number of species Peninsula. The Province deflects from the conti­ in the southeastern Pacific is observed northerly nent at Lat. 43°- 44°S (Rawson, Chubut) going of Chiloé Island. In the Juan Fernández Islands, north, reaching latitude 35°S (see Fig.l) at a dis­ situated about 600 km from the coast, the decapod tance of 100-150 km from the coast, with a depth fauna is mainly related to species of the South of 60-200 m and limits difficult to establish. The Pacific. temperatures in winter range from 4°C in the The average surface temperature in the region south to 14-16°C in the north. At that latitude, is 18°C (Retamal, pers. comm.). Briggs (1974) between the Patagonian region and Buenos Aires, considered that this could be an independent zoo- it reaches the Argentinian Province (see Fig.l). geographic area. Many authors have treated the topic relative to the biogeographical region of the south of South America. There is agreement on the faunal and floristic relations between the Southeastern Pacific Ocean and the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean. Ekman (1953), who studied the Antiboreal region, considers that the fauna of the south of Chile goes from the Chiloé Island through Tierra del Fuego in the Patagonian and Malvinas waters (Argentina). He argued that, due to the scant information available on the South Atlantic region, it was not known how far north this fauna extends. co CO CO CO CO CO CO CO

Ca r c cd & ss i (1954) established the limits of the Magellanic a. 0- < ci) Ol o < Q. CD Bc Province. Moreover, the latter author determined fhal a five subprovinces or districts which are not con­ groups sidered in this study. Figure 13. Distribution of Decapod Crustacean species in Other authors such as Knox (1960), Stuardo Peru-Chilean province for each group. (1964) and Boschi (1966, 1976, 1979a, b, Boschi Figura 13. Distribución de las especies de crustáceos et al, 1981, Boschi et al, 1992), pointed out that decápodos, por grupos, en la provincia Peruano-Chilena. the fauna of the south of Chile and that of the 24 REV. INVEST. DES. PESQ. N° 13: 7-136 (2000) south of Argentina are related. Brattstróm and The Southwestern Atlantic Ocean Johanssen (1983) described as the Magellanic Provinces of warm-temperate and Province only the south of Chile and Bernard et subtropical-tropical waters al, (1991) proposed the Magellanic Subprovince only for the latter region and did not include its The biogeographical provinces of the extension to the Atlantic. Southwestern Atlantic Ocean begin at latitude The region of the Southwestern Atlantic, 430.440 § an¿ occupy the marine area that which includes the Patagonian Sea, has a wide includes the continental shelves of Argentina, continental shelf reaching 850 km in the area of Uruguay and the south of Brazil. the Malvinas Islands. It is a homogeneous province due to the clear dominance of cold sub- Argentinian Province (10) antarctic waters. The difference of tides may reach 11m. There, biotopes contain substrates of The name of Argentinian Province, frequently small shells, gravel and rocks which form in some used by malacologists, was given by Cooke areas dominated by ridges or sandbanks. Some (1895). It includes the coastal waters of parts of the coast have beaches with coarse sand Patagonia, Argentina, from latitude 43-44°S or gravel (Parker et al, 1997). Mud bottoms are (Rawson, Chubut) including, in the north, the lit­ present off the mouths of the rivers. The total toral of Buenos Aires and Uruguay and reaching number of estimated species is 79, 19 of which about 23°S in southern Brazil at Cabo Frío, Río de are endemic (Fig. 14, Table 1, 3, 4). Janeiro (Boschi, 1964, López, 1963). It is necessary to point out that there are The surface temperature in the southern sector species found only in the Atlantic Ocean (17 of Buenos Aires ranges from 8° to 23°C . In the spp*) and that others are present only in the northern sector that corresponds to southern Pacific Ocean (31 spp**). Nevertheless, there are Brazil temperatures oscillate between 12.5° and also species found in both oceans (31 spp***). 25°C (Garcia, 1997, Hereu, 1999). (see Fig. 1). See appendix. Balech (1954) was one of the first scientists who studied the marine biogeography of South / America. He established the northern limit of this 35 A í a province at approximately latitude 30-32°S (2). In 30- A §5 4 A AZ fact, the coastal area between 23 and 35°S is the {! transition area characterized by processes of mix­ •g 20. A |. 15 / /-A ing and instability of the water masses with pres­ z 10 A ence of eurythermal and euryhaline species. Balech (1954) suggested to consider it as a ¿jtt mQtz flk^- province called South Brazilian Province. In con­ en co CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CD CD CD CD CD T3 •o •D -o T3 •D trast, Menni (1981), in agreement with López O o T3 O C E (I) •Ü O —» CO CO (1963), preferred to designate it as a district or Ü CO Q. < Br a

en a rge s < no p subprovince. Palacio (1982) proposed the Paulista Ll- CD CO W Thalass i Province for the same area. groups

Figure 14. Distribution of Decapod Crustacean species in (2) In this regard, the existence of mangroves, which rep­ Magellanic province for each group. resent a very significative community in the area could Figura 14. Distribución de las especies de crustáceos be taken as a limit since they do not reach latitude of decápodos, por grupos, en la provincia Magallánica. 28°30'S (Cintrón and Schaeffer-Novelli, 1983). BOSCHI: DISTRIBUTION OF DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS 25

It is important to point out that this province of transition reaching, inclusively, the littoral of includes geographical features like the Rio de la Buenos Aires. Plata, the Patos Lagoon in Brazil and other water This province can be characterized as a warm- bodies. The estuaries influence the primary and temperate province with 330 species, 42 of which secondary production in the area and, conse­ are endemic (Fig. 15, Table 1, 3, 4). quently, the distribution and abundance of deca­ pod species. Brazilian Province (11) Moreover, in the whole region there is a per­ manent interaction off the coasts between the The Brazilian Province occupies a large exten­ Malvinas Current flowing on the slope from the sion of the tropical and subtropical littoral of the south with cold subantarctic waters rich in nutri­ north and northwestern of Brazil, French Guiana, ents and the Brazilian Current, out of shelf, from Suriname, Guyana and a small part of Venezuela, the north, with temperatures higher than 20°C and from Cabo Frío to the mouth of the Orinoco River salinity over 36.0 ppt (Costa and Costa (Lat. 8°56'N). Fernández, 1993). In this extended area temperatures vary from Disregarding the delimitation of the sub- 22°C in the south to 30°C in the north. There are provinces, there is affinity among various deca­ different opinions as regards the area of this pod crustacean species of the coastal littoral of extensive province. Balech (1954) named it the Buenos Aires and the south of Brazil at latitude Antillian Province with the limits previously indi­ 23°S. cated and divided into three districts. Coelho Of the total of 93 decapod species indicated (1967/69), Coelho and Ramos (1972), and Coelho for the littoral of Buenos Aires (Boschi et al., and dos Santos (1980), who studied the distribu­ 1992), 36 reach latitude 23°S. tion of decapod crustaceans of the Brazilian shelf As occurs with some caridean shrimp and proposed a subdivision of the province into sub- brachyuran crabs (Christoffersen, 1982, Melo, provinces. However, they accepted the southern 1996), some tropical species enter this large zone limit of 23°S. Forest and Saint-Laurent (1967), referring to the pagurids of the South Atlantic, pointed out some zoogeographic regions. 200 Briggs (1974) established the limits of the 150 Brazilian Province from the mouth of the Orinoco River to Cabo Frío, accepted in this study. §. 100 The catalogue of all species of marine decapods of Brazil appeared in Young (1998). The estimated number of decapod crustacean

m to tO to to irt species is 572, 64 of which are endemic (Fig. 16, (i) a> Q>

a. ss i D) t The Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico groups Provinces of tropical, subtropical and temperate waters Figure 15. Distribution of Decapod Crustacean species in Argentinian province for each group. Figura 15. Distribución de las especies de crustáceos Here it is considered that the Caribbean region decápodos, por grupos, en la provincia Argentina. includes the tropical waters of Bermuda Islands 26 REV. INVEST. DES. PESQ. N° 13: 7-136 (2000) and the southern Gulf of the Mexico region. This supports the opinion that species that The northern and northeastern sectors of the have planktonic larvae have broad ranges of dis­ Gulf of Mexico with warm and warm-temperate tribution and that the Florida Current is not a bar­ waters correspond to the Texan Province. rier. That is the reason why the division of the Caribbean into different zoogeographical regions Caribbean Province (12) is not justified. Carmona Suárez and Conde (1996) in their The Caribbean Province extends from the work on the littoral brachyuran crabs of Falcon, mouth of the Orinoco River to the Gulf of Venezuela, shared this opinion. Mexico, including the coastal region of Venezuela In the main part of this area, surface water and the countries of Central America to Cabo temperatures range from 20° to 25°C in winter and Rojo, Mexico, (Lat. 21°36'N) in the Gulf. between 28° and 30°C in summer. The Caribbean Islands and the southeastern of In the north of Venezuela, an upwelling of the Florida Peninsula, from Cape Romano (Lat. waters of lower temperatures - between 10° and 25°54'N) in the Gulf of Mexico to Cape Canaveral 23°C - takes place. (Lat. 28U30'N) in the Atlantic Ocean are included In the north of the Gulf of Mexico the waters (Briggs, 1974). have low temperatures in winter and very high Taissoun (1973), who studied the portunid in summer that correspond to the Texan crabs of Venezuela established the limits of this Province, another zoogeographical province province between latitudes 35°N and 28°S. (see below). The largest diversity in decapod Lemaitre (1984), who worked on the decapods of crustaceans takes place in the tropical Caribbean Cay Sal Bank of Bahamas, mentioned that the Province. distribution of species of these banks largely The total estimated number of species is includes those of the continental waters of North 1058, 338 of which are endemic (Fig. 17, Table America. 1, 3, 4).

CO CO to CO CO m CO CO CO CO CO CO CD CD CD CD CD CD CD tl- lal a W w W groups groups

Figure 16. Distribution of Decapod Crustacean species in Figure 17. Distribution of Decapod Crustacean species in Brazilian province for each group. Caribbean province for each group. Figura 16. Distribución de las especies de crustáceos Figura 17. Distribución de las especies de crustáceos decápodos, por grupos, en la provincia Brasileña. decápodos, por grupos, en la provincia Caribeña. BOSCHI: DISTRIBUTION OF DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS 27

Texan Province (13) The 20°C difference in the winter temperature between the northern and southern areas is a fac­ The Texan Province corresponds to a large tor that really limits the distribution of stenotype area of the Gulf of Mexico which includes part of species. the northwestern, northern and southeastern Gulf The variety of hard and soft substrates in the of Mexico from Cabo Rojo, south of Tampico, Gulf of Mexico, the outer continental shelf in Mexico, to Cabo Romano, south of the Florida Mississippi, Alabama and eastern Louisiana, Peninsula, (Lat. 25°54'N), USA. It also includes exerts a high influence on the diversity of inverte­ part of the littoral of the States of Veracruz, brate assemblages (Gittings et ah, 1992). Tamaulipas (Mexico) and those of Texas, Due to the number of endemic species, this Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and part of area of the Gulf of Mexico may be considered as northern Florida, USA (Briggs, 1974). an independent province with warm-temperate The climate and oceanographic conditions of characteristics; nevertheless, during part of the this area of the Gulf of Mexico are quite different year (summer) subtropical conditions are from the tropical part. Winds from the north are observed. As proposed by Briggs (1974), this area generated by polar masses of air which, in autumn can be called the Texan Province. and winter, (November through March) produce The number of species is about 422, 20 of low surface and shallow water temperatures. which are endemic (Fig. 18, Table 1, 3, 4). It is The lowest water surface temperatures that interesting to mention the study by Williams and drop as low as 11°C are found in the north of the Felder (1986) on species oí Mennippe in the Gulf Gulf in winter. To the south, in the same season, of Mexico. These authors considered a new they are around 21°C. species, Mennippe adina, distributed in the Texan In summer the highest surface temperature Province, different from Mennippe mercenaria of that reaches 30°C is very homogeneous in the Cape Lookout, North Carolina, the Florida whole Gulf (Leipper, 1954). Peninsula and the Caribbean.

The Northwestern Atlantic Ocean Provinces of temperate and cold-temperate waters

This large region, which includes the zoogeo- graphic provinces of the coastal waters of the northwestern Atlantic Ocean, extends from south

CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO of the Labrador Peninsula (Island of P! ° CI) CD CD CD CD CD >-

in i Newfoundland) in the Strait of Belle Isle ci d oi d di d ni d E P CO Cari d 0. < (51°37'N) to the Florida Peninsula (25°10'N). Ast a Bra e rges t ena e nop o ti CD CD alass i The region includes a considerable variation W m of climates, from polar to tropical, with water groups temperatures ranging between 0°C and 30°C. Figure 18. Distribution of Decapod Crustacean species in The region is influenced by two important cur­ Texan province for each group. rent systems: The Gulf Stream, with warm waters, Figura 18. Distribución de las especies de crustáceos flowing northerly and the Labrador Current, with decápodos, por grupos, en la provincia Texana. cold waters, flowing southerly.

(,JI :>/ IN; to me rionaa remnsuia ^ZXIU'IN;. 28 REV. INVEST. DES. PESQ. N° 13: 7-136 (2000)

The provinces included from south to north a zone of zoogeographic changes greater than in are the following: the Carolinian, the Virginian Cape Hatteras. and the Boreal (Hedgpeth, 1957, Briggs, 1974, The number of species is estimated at 386, 5 of Williams, 1984). which are endemic (Fig. 19, Table 1, 3, 4).

Carolinian Province (14) Virginian Province (15)

The Carolinian Province begins at Cape The Virginian Province extends from Cape Canaveral, Florida and extends up to Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, to Cape Cod (Lat. Hatteras, in North Carolina (Lat. 35°17'N), on the 41°48'N), Massachusetts. These capes are the eastern coast of USA. It is an area that can be con­ most significant points of deflection of the Gulf sidered as warm-temperate (Briggs, 1974). Stream and the Labrador Current. The temperature ranges between 20° and 25°C In this area, changes in the characteristics of in winter and between 28° and 30°C in summer water temperature and in the patterns of circula­ (Dawes et al, 1991). Ray et al. (1997) drew tion, very important for the ranges of distribu­ attention to the importance of the estuaries in the tion of the organisms (Ray et al., 1997) take biodiversity of species, especially in the area of place. Chesapeake Bay. They also mentioned the break The range of surface water temperatures is in faunal associations of invertebrates and high in the region - between 20° and 25°C. at the latitudes of Cape Cod and Cape Hatteras Temperatures vary between -1° and 23° C in which confirms the value of these areas when Massachusetts and between 3° and 30° C in North establishing limits of the Northwestern American Carolina. Provinces. Salinities in open areas vary between 33.0 and On the other hand, Herbst et al. (1979) point­ 37.0 ppt. (Orth et al, 1991). Ray et al. (1997) ed out that Cape Lookout, North Carolina, marks agreed with the nomenclature of traditional

Figure 19. Distribution of Decapod Crustacean species in Figure 20. Distribution of Decapod Crustacean species in Carolinian province for each group. Virginian province for each group. Figura 19. Distribución de las especies de crustáceos Figura 20. Distribución de las especies de crustáceos decápodos, por grupos, en la provincia Caroliniana. decápodos, por grupos, en la provincia Virginiana. BOSCHI: DISTRIBUTION OF DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS 29 provinces on the eastern coast of USA. They also attached importance to the estuaries CONCLUSIONS (as in the Carolinian Province) in the composition of associations of organisms and in the species biodiversity of the area and emphasized the For the first time, an inventory of the known importance of the oyster reefs in the formation of species of Decapod Crustaceans living in conti­ biotopes in the coastal fauna. nental shelf waters of the Americas (North, The number of decapod species in the Central and South) was completed. province is estimated at 158, 1 of which is ende­ The distribution of species in this extensive mic (Fig. 20, Table 1, 3, 4). region, from the Arctic in the north to Cabo de Hornos in the south is analyzed in relation to Boreal Province (16) environmental conditions. In this region, the structure and extension of The Boreal Province extends from Cape Cod the continental shelves, from the coast to the in the eastern coast of U.S.A. to Newfoundland slope, is very variable. The extension exceeds 850 Island and the Strait of Belle Isle, in Canada (Lat. km in the Argentinian Patagonia while in the cen­ 51°37'N). The coasts are under the influence of tral and northern coast of Chile, north of Brazil, the cold Labrador Current which keeps tempera­ east coast of Florida, etc., is very reduced or tures quite low. nonexistent. The variable dimensions of the The limits of surface temperatures are esta­ shelves covered by epicontinental seas determine blished by the isotherms of 10°C in winter and 15°C different environmental conditions. in summer in the south and of 0°C in the north. The characteristics of the bottom, marine cur­ The number of species of decapod crustaceans rents with variable temperatures and salinities, is relatively low; 77 recorded to date, 4 of which transparency of waters, primary and secondary are endemic (Fig. 21, Table 1, 3, 4). production, nutrients, etc. are factors that deter­ mine the characteristics of the flora and fauna pre­ sent in each region. In the case of decapod crustaceans, different characteristics were observed between species living in the sea with a wide continental shelf and a smooth depth gradient and those living at greater depths, close to the coast and without shelf. The limits of the isotherms were considered as a very important factor used in the definition of margins between the zoogeographic provinces. The number of described species in the entire region was estimated at 2472 with a clear clinal distribution and a larger diversity in the tropical groups and subtropical provinces. Figure 21. Distribution of Decapod Crustacean species in The species distribution allows to establish 14 Boreal province for each group. zoogeographical provinces and 2 subprovinces in Figura 21. Distribución de las especies de crustáceos the study region. decápodos, por grupos, en la provincia Boreal. The limits of the provinces coincide to a high 30 REV. INVEST. DES. PESQ. N° 13: 7-136 (2000)

degree with those established for other groups of B. Holthuis, A. Kameya Kameya, B. Kensley, R. marine organisms. Lalana, R. Lemaitre, R. B. Manning, J. W. Martin, The largest discrepancy is observed in the G. A. S. Melo, J. L. Orensanz, M. Ortiz, I. Pérez Subprovince of Cortés in the Gulf of California Farfante, M. Retamal, G. Rodríguez, S. de A. and in the Texan Province in the Gulf of Mexico. Rodrigues, L. Soto, M. Tavares, B. Werding, M. The provinces with the largest number of K. Wicksten and A. B. Williams. I also thank J. L. species are the Caribbean with 1058 species and Swidzinsky for computer work. In particular, I the Panamic with 825 species. wish to acknowledge the help of my wife Elba These provinces show a high level of and I thank an anonymous reviewer for comments endemism, the former with 338 species or 32% and useful suggestions. and the latter with 315 species or 39%.


From the time this paper was submitted changes The author is very grateful to many colleagues were introduced in the name of some species and fa­ who provided advice and literature: L. G. Abele, milies, new ones were described and some others, not R. Bauer, E. Campos, N. Campos, P. A. Coelho, registered in the original list, incorporated. Table 5, 6. S. Gomez-Aguirre, D. Guinot, M. Hendrickx, L.

Table 5. Species not included in appendix. Tabla 5. Especies no incluidas en el apéndice.

Species Family Prov. References

Plesionika macropoda Chace, 1939 Pandalidae 12-13 Memor. Soc. Cubana Hist. Nat 13(1), 1939 Alpheus polystictus Knowlton and Keller, 1985 Alpheidae 12 Rev. Avicennia 0, 1993 Cuba Pagurisles depressus Stimpson, 1858 Diogenidae 12 Rev. Invest. Marina 5(1), Venezuela Paguristes mac/auglinae M.Iglesias and Gómez, 1989 Diogenidae 12 Poeyana, Cuba N°379 Porcellana lillyae Lemaitre and Campos, 2000 Porcellanidae 12 JCB 20(2), 2000 Petrolisthes cessacii (A. Milne Edwards, 1878) Porcellanidae 11-12 Anal. Invest. Marinas 9, 1977 Venezuela Pontonia manningi Fransen, 2000 Palaemonidae 12-13-1 JCB Special 20(2), 2000 Lepidophthalmus manningi Felder and Staton, 2000 Callianassidae 12 JCB Special 20(2), 2000 Naushonia manningi Alvarez, Villalobos and Lliffe, 2000 Laomediidae 12 JCB Special 20(2), 2000 CalUasmata nohochi Escobar, Camacho and Alcocer, 1997Hippolytida e 12 JCB 17(4), 1997 *Notiax santarita Thatje, Romero and Tapella Callianassidae 9 I Jomadas Arg.Carcinología, 1999 BA, Arg. *Upogebia australis Thatje, Romero and Tapella Upogebiidae 9 I Jomadas Arg.Carcinología, 1999 BA, Arg. Cyclodorippe longifrons Campos Jr. and Melo, 1999 Cyclodorippidae 10 Atlántida 21(1), 1999 Rio Grande Clythrocerus bidentatus Campos Jr. and Melo, 1999 Cyclodorippidae 10 Atlántida 21(1), 1999 Río Grande **Bennudacaris hard Anker and lliffe, 2000 Alpheidae 12 Proc. B. Soc. Washington 113(3), 2000 Fabia insularis Melo, 1971 Pinnotheidae 10 Rev. Brasilera Zool. 13(1), 1996 Planes marinus Rathbun,1914 Grapsidae 10 JCB 19(1), 1999 CalUasmata rimolii Chace, 1975 Hippolytidae 12 Proc. B. Soc. Washington 88, 1975

* Beagle channel (Southern South America). ** Bermuda Islands. BOSCHI: DISTRIBUTION OF DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS 31

Table 6. Last changes in the families and species names. Tabla 6. Últimos cambios en la denominación de especies y familias.

Previous classification

Species Family

1 Benthochascon schmitii (Rathbun, 1931) 2 Iliacantha intermedia Miers, 1886 3 Anacalliax agassizi (Biffar, 1971) Callianassidae 4 Anacalliax argentinensis (Biffar, 1971) Callianassidae 5 Dawsonius latispina (Dawson, 1967) Callianassidae 6 Gourretia biffari Blanco and Liñero, 1994 Callianassidae 7 Gourretia laresi Blanco and Liñero, 1994 Callianassidae 8 Corallichirus longiventris (A. M. Edwards, 1870) Callianassidae 9 Porcellana stimpsoni A. Milne Edwards, 1880 Porcellanidae

Updated classification

Species Family Reference

1 Raymanninus schmitt (Rathbun, 1931) Portunidae JCB Special 20/2/2000 2 Acanthilia intermedia (Miers, 1886) Leucosiidae PBSW 113(2), 2000 3 Anacalliax agassizi (Biffar, 1971) Ctenochelidae JCB Special 20/2/2000 4 Anacalliax argentinensis (Biffar, 1971) Ctenochelidae JCB Special 20/2/2000 5 Dawsonius latispina (Dawson, 1967) Ctenochelidae JCB Special 20/2/2000 6 Gourretia biffari Blanco and Liñero, 1994 Ctenochelidae JCB Special 20/2/2000 7 Gourretia laresi Blanco and Liñero, 1994 Ctenochelidae JCB Special 20/2/2000 8 Corallianassa longiventris (A. M. Edwards, 1870) Callianassidae JCB Special 20/2/2000 9 Porcellana sayana (Leach, 1820) Porcellanidae JCB 20/2/2000 32 REV. INVEST. DES. PESQ. N° 13: 7-136 (2000)

ABELE, L. G. 1976b. Comparative species richness REFERENCES in fluctuating and constant environments: co­ ral- associated decapod crustaceans. Science 192: 461-463. ABELE, L. G. 1971. A new species of Periclimena- ABELE, L. G. 1977. Rediscovery oí Sesarma aequa- eus Borradaile, 1915 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Pa- toriale Ortmann, 1894 in the Eastern Pacific laemonidae) from the northeastern Gulf of Me­ (Crustacea, Decapoda, Grapsidae). Proceedings xico. Tulane Studies in Zoology and Botany 17 of the Biological Society of Washington 90 (3): (2): 38-40. 495-504. ABELE, L. G. 1972. A reevaluation of the Neopa- ABELE, L. G. 1981. Sesarma gorei, new species, nope texana-sayi complex with notes on N. pa- from Peru, with a key to the Eastern Pacific spe­ ckardii (Crustacea: Decapoda: Xanthidae) in cies oí Sesarma (Crustacea: Decapoda, Grapsi­ the Northwestern Atlantic. Cheseapeake Scien­ dae). Journal of Crustacean Biology 1 (3): 433- ce 13 (4): 263-271. 440. ABELE, L. G. 1972. A note on the Brazilian brome- ABELE, L. G. 1992. A review of the grapsid liad crabs (Crustacea, Grapsidae). Arquivo Cien­ genus Sesarma (Crustacea: Decapoda: Grapsi­ cias Marinhas 12(2): 123-126. dae) in America, with the description a new ge­ ABELE, L. G. 1972. Comparative habitat diversity nus. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 527: and faunal relationships between the Pacific 1-60. and Caribbean Panamanian decapod Crustacea: ABELE, L. G. & I. E. EFFORD. 1972. A new spe­ A preliminary report, with some remarks on cies of Lepidopa, L. dexterae (Anomura, Al- the crustacean fauna of Panama. Bulletin of buneidae), from the Caribbean coast of Panama. the Biological Society of Washington 2: 125- Proceedings of the Biological Society of Wa­ 138. shington 84 (58): 501-506. ABELE, L. G. 1973. , distribution and e- ABELE, L. G. & D. B. MEANS. 1977. Sesarma jar- cology of the genus Sesarma (Crustacea, De­ visi and Sesarma coolcei: Montane, terrestrial capoda, Grapsidae) in eastern North America, grapsid crabs in Jamaica (Decapoda). Crusta- with special reference to Florida. The Ameri­ ceana32(l): 91-93. can Midland Naturalist 90 (2): 375-386. ABELE, L. G. & W. KIM. 1986. An illustrated gui­ ABELE, L. G. 1973. A new species oí Sesarma, S. de to the marine decapod crustaceans of Flori­ (Holometopus) rubinofforum, from the Pacific da. Department Environmental Regulation. Tech­ coast of Panama (Crustacea, Decapoda, Grap­ nical Series 8 (1-2): 1-760. sidae). Proceedings of the Biological Society ALVAREZ DEL CASTILLO C, M., M. E. HENDRICKX of Washington 86 (27): 333-338. & S. RODRÍGUEZ C. 1992. Crustáceos decápo­ ABELE, L. G. 1974. Species diversity of decapod dos de la laguna Barra de Navidad, Jalisco, Mé­ crustaceans in marine habitats. Ecology 55 (1): xico. Proceedings of the San Diego Society of 156- 161. Natural History 27: 1-9. ABELE, L. G. 1975. The macruran decapod Crus­ ALVAREZ, F, M. E. CAMACHO & J. L. VILLALOBOS. tacea of Malpelo Island. Smithsonian Contri­ 1996. The first species of Prionalpheus from butions to Zoology 176: 69-85. the eastern Pacific, and new records of caridean ABELE, L. G. 1976a. Comparative species compo­ shrimp (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) from sition and relative abundance of decapod crus­ the western coast of Mexico. Proceedings of taceans in marine habitats of Panama. Marine the Biological Society of Washington 109 (4): Biology 38: 263- 278. 715-724. BOSCHI: DISTRIBUTION OF DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS 33

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BUTLER, T. H. 1980. Shrimps of the Pacific Coast ty of Washington 107 (2): 308-311. of Canada. Canadian Bulletin of Fisheries and CAMPOS, E. 1996. Partial revision of pinnotherid Aquatic Sciences 202:1-280. crab genera with a two-segmented palp on the CALADO, T. C DOS S. 1996. Crustacea Decapoda third maxilliped (Decapoda: Brachyura). Jour­ Anomura e Stomatopoda da comissao "Pavasas nal of Crustacean Biology 6 (3): 556-563. I" na costa norte e noreste do Brasil. Boletim CAMPOS, E. 1996. Partial revision of the genus Fa­ de Estudios de Ciencias do Mar, Maceió 9: 149- bia Dana, 1851 (Crustacea: Brachyura: Pinno­ 174. theridae). Journal of Natural History 30: 1157- CALADO, T. C DOS S. 1996. Registro de Charybdis 1178. helleri (Milne Edwards, 1867) em aguas do li­ CAMPOS, E. 1998. New records of crabs (Pinnothe­ toral brasileiro (Decapoda: Portunidae). Bole­ ridae) symbiotic with irregular echinoids in Cu­ tim de Estudios de Ciencias do Mar, Maceió 9: ba. Caribbean Journal of Science 34 (2-3): 329- 175-180. 330. CALADO, T. C DOS S. 1998. Malacostraca- Eucari- CAMPOS, E. 1999. Inclusion of the austral species da. Hippoidea. In: Catalogue of Crustacea of Pinnotheres politus (Smith, 1869) and Pinno­ Brazil. Young, P. S. (Ed.). Rio de Janeiro: Mu- theres garthi Fenucci, 1975 within the genus seu Nacional, 407-411 pp. (Serie Livros n 6). Calyptraeotheres Campos, 1990 (Crustacea: CAMPODONICO, I. &L. GUZMAN. 1973. Contribu­ Brachyura: ). Proceedings of the ción a la biología de Acanthocyclus albatrossis Biological Society of Washington 112 (5): 536- Rathbun, 1898 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyu- 540. ra, Atelecyclidae). Anales del Instituto de la CAMPOS, E. 1999.Taxonomical remarks and dis­ Patagonia 4 (1-3): 373-416. tribution of the genus Pilumnus in the Gulf of CAMPOS C, N. H. & H. SÁNCHEZ M. 1995. Los can­ California, México (Crustacea: Brachyura). A- grejos ermitaños del género Paguristes Dana nales del Instituto de Biología Universidad Au­ (Anomura: Diogenidae) de la costa norte co­ tónoma de México, Serie Zoología 70 (1): 65- lombiana, con la descripción de dos nuevas es­ 69. pecies. Caldasia 17 (82-85): 569- 586. CAMPOS, E. & A. R. DE CAMPOS. 1989. Range ex­ CAMPOS, E. 1989a. Comments on taxonomy of tensions of decapod crustaceans from Bahia Tor­ the genus Orthotheres Sakai, 1969 (Crustacea, tugas and vicinity, Baja California Sur, Mexi­ Brachyura, Pinnotheridae). Bulletin of Marine co. California and Game 75 (3): 174-177. Science 44 (3): 1123-1128. CAMPOS, E. & H. GRIFFITH. 1990. Clypeasterophi- CAMPOS, E. 1989b. Tumidotheres. a new genus for lus, a new genus to receive the small-palped Pinnotheres margarita Smith. 1S69, and Pinno­ species of the Dissodactylus complex (Brachyu­ theres maculatus Say, 1818 (Brachyura: Pinno- ra: Pinnotheridae). Journal of Crustacean Biolo­ notheridae). Journal of Crustacean Biology 9 gy 10 (3): 550-553. (4): 672-679. CAMPOS, E. & M. K.WICKSTEN. 1997. A new ge­ CAMPOS, E. 1990. Calyptraeotheres, a new genus nus for the Central American crab Pinnixa cos- of Pinnotheridae for the limpet crab Fabia gran- taricana Wicksten, 1982 (Crustacea: Brachyu­ ti Glassell, 1933 (Crustacea: Brachyura). Pro­ ra: Pinnotheridae). Proceedings of the Biologi­ ceedings of the Biological Society of Washing­ cal Society of Washington 110 (1): 69-73. ton 103 (2): 364-371. CAMPOS, E. & A. R. DE CAMPO. 1998. Distribution CAMPOS, E. 1994. Parapinnixa cubana, a new pea and taxonomy remarks for five species of the crab from Cuba (Crustacea: Brachyura: Pinno­ family Grapsidae (Crustacea: Sesarminae and theridae). Proceedings of the Biological Socie­ Varuninae) of the Mexican Pacific. Bulletin

v^Aivirui, jz,. iyyu. i^aiypiraeoineres, a new genus nus tor the Central Amencan crab Pinnixa cos- 36 REV. INVEST. DES. PESQ. N° 13: 7-136 (2000)

Southern California Academy of Sciences 97 258. (3): 96- 103. CHACE, JR. F. A. 1942. Reports on the scientific CAMPOS, E. & A. R. DE CAMPO. 1998. Taxonomy results of the Atlantis Expeditions to the West and distribution of the parasitic isopod Proge- Indies, under the joint auspices of the Univer­ biophilus bruscai Salazar- Vallejo and Leija- sity of Havanna and Harvard University. The Tritán, 1990 (Crustacea: Bopyridae). Procee­ anomuran crustácea. I. Galatheidea. (Families dings of the Biological Society of Washington Chirostylidae, Galatheidae and Porcellanidae). 111 (2): 288-294. Torreria, Havanna 11: 1-106. CAMPOS, E., V. DÍAZ & J. A. GAMBOA-CONTRERAS. CHACE, JR. F. A. 1972. The shrimps of the Smith- 1998. Notes on distribution and taxonomy of sonian-Bredin Caribbean Expedition with a su­ the five poorly known species of pinnotherid mmary of the West Indian shallow-water spe­ crabs from the Eastern Pacific (Crustacea: Bra- cies (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia). Smith­ chyura: Pinnotheridae). Proceedings of the Bio­ sonian Contributions to Zoology 98: 1-179. logical Society of Washington 111 (2): 372-381. CHACE, JR. F. A. 1976. Shrimps of the pasiphaeid CAMPOS, E. & R. B. MANNING. 1998. Pinnotheres genus Leptochela with descriptions of three new malagueña Garth, 1948, a new member of the species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea). Smith­ genus Fabia Dana, 1851 (Crustacea: Brachyu- sonian Contributions to Zoology 222: 1-51. ra: Pinnotheridae). Proceedings of the Biologi­ CHACE, JR. F. A. 1997. The caridean shrimps (Crus­ cal Society of Washington 111 (4): 912-915. tacea: Decapoda) of the Albatross Philippine CARCELLES, A. R. & S. I. WILLIAMSON. 1951. Ca­ Expedition, 1907-1910, Part 7: Families Atyi- tálogo de los moluscos marinos de la provin­ dae, Eugonatonotidae, Rhynchocinetidae, Bath- cia magallánica. Revista del Museo Argentino ypalaemonellidae, Processidae, and Hippoly- de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Nacional de tidae. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology Investigación de las Ciencias Naturales, Bue­ 587: 1-106. nos Aires, Ciencias zoológicas 2 (5): 225-383. CHAN T. Y. & H. P. Yu. 1995. The rare ge­ CARMONA SUAREZ C. A. & J. E. CONDE. 1996. Li­ nus Palinustus A. Milne Edwards, 1880 (Deca­ ttoral brachyuran crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda) poda: Palinuridae), with description of a new from Falcon, Venezuela, with biogeographical species. Journal of Crustacean Biology 15 (2): and ecological remarks. Revista Brasileira de 376-394. Biología 56 (4): 725-747. CHIRICHIGNO FONSECA, N. 1970. Lista de crustáceos CARQUEIJA, C. R. G. & E. P. GOUVÉA. 1996. A o- del Perú (Decápodos y Estomatópodos), con corréncia, na costa brasileira, de um Portunidae datos de su distribución geográfica. Instituto (Crustacea, Decapoda), originario do Indo-Pa­ del Mar del Perú, Informe 35: 1-95. cífico e Mediterráneo. Nauplius, Rio Grande 4: CHIRINO-GÁLVEZ, L. A. & R. B. MANNING. 1989. 105-112. A new deep-sea crab of the genus Chaceon from CARVACHO BRAVO, A. 1968. El género Pachyche- Chile (Crustacea, Decapoda, Geryonidae). Pro­ les Stimpson en Chile, con descripción de una ceedings of the Biological Society of Washing­ nueva especie. (Decapoda, Anomura). Boletín ton 102 (2): 401-404. del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, San­ CHRISTOFFERSEN, M. L. 1979. Decapod Crustacea: tiago de Chile 29 (10): 131-144. Alpheoida. Campagne de la "Calypso" au large CARVACHO, A. 1980. Los porcelánidos del Pacífi­ des cotes atlantiques de l'Amerique du sud co americano: Un análisis biogeográfico (Crus­ (1961- 1962). 36. Résultats Scientifiques des tacea: Decapoda). Anales del Centro de Cien­ Campagne de la "Calypso"XI: 297-377. cias del Mar y Limnología, México 7 (2): 249- CHRISTOFFERSEN, M. L. 1982. Distribution of warm BOSCHI: DISTRIBUTION OF DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS 37

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do litoral Brasileiro. Revista Nordestina de Zoo- the Santa Marta Region, Colombia. Journal of logia 1 (1): 101-124. Crustacean Biology 4 (2): 307-317. COELHO, P. A. & M. RAMOS-PORTO. 1998. Mala- CRÍALES, M. M. 1997. Microprosthema granaten- costraca-Eucarida. Stenopodidea. In: Catalo­ se, new species, from the Southern Caribbean, gue of Crustacea of Brazil. Young, P. S. (Ed.). with a key to shrimps of the genus Micropros­ Rio de Janeiro: Museu Nacional, 323-324 pp. thema from Western Atlantic and a new record (Serie Livros n 6). of Odontozona libértete (Decapoda: Stenopodi­ COELHO, P. A. & M. RAMOS-PORTO. 1998. Mala- dea). Journal of Crustacean Biology 17 (3): 538- costraca- Eucarida. Palinuridea. In: Catalogue 545. of Crustacea of Brazil. Young, P. S. (Ed.). Rio D'Acoz, C. U. 1997. Redescription of Hippolyte de Janeiro: Museu Nacional, 387-392 pp. (Se­ obliquimanus Dana, 1852, and comparison with rie Livros n 6). Hippolyte williamsi Schmitt, 1924 (Decapoda, COELHO FILHO, P. A. & P. A. COELHO. 1996. Si- Caridea). Crustaceana 70 (4): 469-479. nopse dos crustáceos decápodos brasileiros (fa­ DARDEAU, M. R. 1986. Redescription of Synalpheus milia Xanthidae). Trabalhos Oceanógraficos da scaphoceris Coutiere, 1910 (Decapoda: Alphei- Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife dae) with new records from the Gulf of Mexi­ 24: 179-195. co. Journal of Crustacean Biology 6 (3): 491- COOKE, A. H. 1895. Mollusca. In: The Cambridge 496. Natural History, 3. London. DARDEAU, M. R. & R. W. HEARD, JR. 1983. Cran- CORREA SANDOVAL, F. 1996. Biogeografía de los gonid shrimps (Crustacea: Caridea), with a des­ cangrejos (Brachyura) del Golfo de California. cription of a new species of Pontocaris. Me­ En: Temas de oceanografía biológica en Méxi­ moirs of the Hourglass Cruises. Marine Research co. Vol II. González Farias, F. y J. de la Rosa Laboratory, Florida Department of Natural Re­ Vélez (Eds.). Universidad Autónoma de Baja sources St. Petersburg, Florida 6 (2): 1-39. California. Ensenada, B. C, México DAWES, C. J., E. D. MCCOY & K. L. HECK, JR. 1991. CORREA SANDOVAL, F. & A. CARVACHO BRAVO. 1992. The tropical Western Atlantic including the Ca­ Efecto de la "Barrera de Islas" en la distribución ribbean Sea. In: Ecosystems of the world, 24. de los braquiuros (Crustacea: Decapoda) en el Intertidal and littoral ecosystems. A.C. Mathie- Golfo de California. Proceedings of the San Die­ son and P. H. Nienhuis (Eds.) 9: 215-233. Else­ go Society of Natural History 26: 1-4. vier. CORREA SANDOVAL, F. & D. E. RODRÍGUEZ COR­ DAWSON, C. E. 1967. Callianassa latispina (Deca­ TES. 1998. Analysis of geographical distribution poda, Thalassinidea), a new mud shrimp from of the anomuran crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda) the northern Gulf of Mexico. Crustaceana 13 of the Gulf of California, Mexico. Journal of (2): 190-196. Biogeography 25 (6): 1133-1144. DAWSON, E. W 1989. King crabs of the world (Crus­ COSTA, P. A. S. & F. DA C. FERNANDES. 1993. Sea­ tacea: Lithodidae) and their fisheries. A com­ sonal and spatial changes of cephalopods caught prehensive bibliography. Miscellaneous Publi­ in the Cabo Frío (Brazil) upwelling ecosystem. cation 101, New Zealand Oceanographic Insti­ Bulletin of Marine Science 52 (2): 751-759. tute 338 pp. CRANE, J. 1975. Fiddler crabs of the world. Ocy- Dawson, E. W & J. C. Yaldwyn. 1985. King crabs podidae: Genus Uca. Princeton University Press, of the world or the world of king crabs: an o- New Jersey 736 pp. verview of identity and distribution-with illus­ CRÍALES, M. M. 1984. Shrimps associated with trated diagnostic keys to the genera of the Li­ coelenterates, echinoderms, and molluscs in thodidae and to the species of Lithodes. Procee- BOSCHI: DISTRIBUTION OF DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS 39

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nidea: Callianassidae). Proceedings of the Bio­ GARTH, J. S. 1940. Some new species of brachyu­ logical Society of Washington 110 (2): 398- ran crabs from Mexico and Central and South 408. American mainland. Allan Hancock Pacific Ex­ FERRARI, L. 1981. Aportes para el conocimiento pedition 5 (3): 53-127, pis. 11-16. de la familia Callianassidae (Decapoda, Macru- GARTH, J. S. 1946. Littoral brachyuran fauna of ra) en el Océano Atlántico sudoccidental. Phy- the Galapagos Archipiélago. Allan Hancock sis, Buenos Aires A 39 (97): 11-21. Pacific Expedition 5 (10): 341-601, pis 38, FOREST, J. & M. DE SAINT LAURENT. 1967. Cam- text-fig. 1. pagne de la Calypso au large des cotes Atlan- GARTH, J. S. 1957. Reports of the Lund University tiques de LAmerique du Sud (1961-62). 6. Crus- Chile Expedition 1948-49. N° 29. The Crusta­ tacés Décapodes: Pagurides. Annales Instituí cea Decapoda Brachyura of Chile. Lund Uni- Ocenographique 45 (2): 47-169, pl. 1. versitets Arsskrift. N.F. 53 (7): l-128pp. pis. FOSTER, M. S., A. P. DE VOGELAERE, J. S. OLIVER, 1-4, text-fig. 1-1. J. S. PEARSE & C. HARROLD. 1991. Open coast GARTH, J. S. 1958. Brachyura of the pacific coast intertidal and shallow-subtidal ecosystems of of America. Oxyrhyncha. Allan Hancock Paci­ the northeast Pacific. In: Ecosystems of the fic Expeditions 21 (1-2): 1-854, pl.A-Z, pl. 1- world 24. Intertidal and littoral ecosystems. A. 55. C. Mathieson and P. H. Nienhuis (Eds.) 10: GARTH, J. S. 1960. Distribution and affinities of 235-272. Elsevier. the Brachyuran Crustacea. In: Symposium: The GALIL, B. 1986. Quadrella (Brachyura: Xanthoi- biogeography of Baja California and adjacent dea: Trapeziidae)-Review and revision. Jour­ seas. Pat II Marine Biotas. Systematic Zoolo­ nal of Crustacean Biology 6 (2): 275-293. gy 9 (3-4): 105-123. GALIL, B. & P. F CLARCK. 1996. A revision of GARTH, J. S. 1961. Eastern Pacific expeditions of Cryptosoma Brullé. 1837 and Cycloes de Haan, the New York Zoological Society. 45. Non-In- 1837 (Crustacea: Brachyura:Calappidae). Zoo­ tertidal brachygnathous crabs from the west logical Journal of the Linnean Society 117: 175- coast of tropical America. Part 2: Brachygna- 204. tha Brachyrhyncha. Zoológica 46(3): 133-159. GAMA, B. A. P.DA & F. DA C. FERNANDES. 1994. 1 Pl- Distribui$ao de crustáceos anomuros na plata­ GARTH, J. S. 1973. New taxa of brachyuran crabs forma continental de Cabo Frió (Rio de Janei­ from deep water off western Peru and Costa Ri­ ro, Brasil). Nerítica, Curitiba 8 (1-2): 87-98. ca. Bulletin of the Southern California Acade­ GARCÍA, C. A. E. 1997. Hydrographic characteris­ my of Sciences 72 (1): 1-12. tics. In: Subtropical convergence environments. GARTH, J. S. 1986a. A new genus and species of The coast of the sea in the South Western Atlan­ goneplacid crab (Decapoda: Brachyura) from tic. U. Seeliger, C. Odebrecht and J. P. Castello the west coast of South and Central America. (Eds.) 18-19 pp. Springer. Journal of Crustacean Biology 6 (3): 543-546. GARCÍA-GÓMEZ, J. 1988. A new genus and three GARTH, J. S. 1992. The brachyuran crabs of the new species of hermit crabs (Crustacea: Deca­ Revillagigedo Islands, Colima, Mexico, with poda: Paguridae) from the Western Atlantic the remarks on insular endemism in the eastern Ocean. Bulletin of Marine Science 42 (1): 44- tropical Pacific. Proceedigns of the San Diego 64. Society of Natural History 24: 1-6. GARTH, J. S. 1939. New brachyuran crabs from GARTH, J. S. & J. HAIG 1956. Reports of the Lund the Galapagos Islands. Allan Hancock Pacific University Chile Expedition 1948-49. N° 25. Expedition 5 (2): 9-29, pis. 1-10. On small collection of crabs from the north west BOSCHI: DISTRIBUTION OF DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS 41

coast of South America. Lund Universitets (H. Milne Edwards, 1834) and Parthenope Arsskrift. N.F. 52 (3): 1-10. (Platylambrus) granulata (Kingsley, 1879). GARTH, J. S. & W. STEPHENSON. 1966. Brachyura Proceedings of the Biological Society of Wa­ of the Pacific coast of America. Brachyrhyncha: shington 90 (3): 505-531. Portunidae. Allan Hancock Monography of GORE, R. H. 1981. Three new shrimps, and some Marine Biology 1: 1-154, 12 pis. interesting new records of decapod Crustacea GARTH, J. S. & J. HAIG. 1971. Scientific results of from a deep-water coral reef in the Florida the Southeast Pacific Expedition. Decapod Keys. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Crustacea (Anomura and Brachyura) of the Washington 94 (1): 135-162. Peru-Chile Trench. Anton Bruun Report 6: 1- GORE, R. H. 1982. Porcellanid crabs from the 20, pis 1-3. coast of Mexico and Central America (Crusta­ GARTH, J. S., J. HAIG & J. C. YALDWYN. 1967. The cea: Decapoda: Anomura). Smithsonian Con­ decapod Crustacea of the Royal Society Expe­ tributions to Zoology 363: 1-34. dition to Southern Chile, 1958-1959. Transac­ GORE, R. H. 1983. The identity of Petrolisthes tions of the Royal Society of New Zealand, marginatus Stimpson, 1859, and the descrip­ Zoology 8 (16): 169-186. tion oí Petrolisthes dissimulatus n.sp. (Crus­ GARTH, J. S & M. MÉNDEZ G. 1983. A new spe­ tacea: Decapoda: Porcellanidae). Proceedings cies of spider crab of the Libinia from Peru, of the Biological Society of Washington 96 (1): and the first known male of Delsolaria enriquei 89-102. Garth, 1973 (Crustacea, Brachyura, Majidae). GORE, R. H. 1987. Callianidea vandoverae spe­ Bulletin Southern California Academic Scien­ cies nova (Decapoda, Thalassinidea, Calliani- ce 82 (3): 125-130. deidae) from off the central eastern Florida coast, GITTINGS, S. R., T. J. BRIGHT, W. W. SCHROEDER, U.S.A. Crustaceana 53 (2): 186-394. W. W. SAGER, J. S. LASWELL & R. REZAK. 1992. GORE, R. H. & L. G. ABELE. 1973. Three new Invertebrate assemblages and ecological con­ species of porcellanid crabs (Crustacea, Deca­ trols on topographic features in the north east poda, Porcellanidae) from the Bay of Panama Gulf of Mexico. Bulletin of Marine Science 50 and adjacent Caribbean waters. Bulletin of Ma­ (3): 435-455. rine Science 23 (3): 559-573 GOMES DA SILVA, B. M., A. DA COSTA BRAGA & F. GORE, R. H. & L. G. ABELE. 1976. Shallow water D'INCAO. 1989. Porcellanidae (Decapoda, Ano­ porcelain crabs from the Pacific coast of Pana­ mura) de Santa Catarina e Rio Grande do Sul, ma and adjacent Caribbean waters (Crustacea, Brasil. Iheringia, Series Zoologia, Porto Alegre Anomura, Porcellanidae). Smithsonian Contri­ (69): 131-146 butions to Zoology 237: 1-30. GORE, R. H. 1970. Pachycheles cristobalensis, sp. GORE, R. H. & L. J. BECKER. 1977. Zygopa mi- nov. with notes on the porcellanid crabs of chaelis Holthuis, 1960: a first record and ran­ the southwestern Caribbean. Bulletin of Mari­ ge extension to the continental United States ne Science 20 (4): 957-970. (Decapoda, Anomura, Albuneidae). Crustacea­ GORE, R. H. 1974. On a small colletion of porce­ na 33 (2): 219-221. llanid crabs from the Caribbean Sea (Crustacea, GORE, R. H., L. E. SCOTTO & L. J. BECKER. 1978. Decapoda, Anomura). Bulletin of Marine Scien­ Community composition, stability, and trophic ce 24 (3): 700-721. partitioning in decapod crustaceans inhabiting GORE, R. H. 1977. Studies on decapod Crustacea some subtropical sabellariid worm reefs. IV. from the Indian River region of Florida. The Bulletin of Marine Science 28 (2): 221-248. identity of Parthenope (Platylambrus) serrata GORE, R. H. & L. E. SCOTTO. 1979. Crabs of the 42 REV. INVEST. DES. PESQ. N° 13: 7-136 (2000)

family (Crustacea, Brachyura, tin of Marine Science 40(3): 397-422. Oxyrhyncha) with notes on specimens from GuiNOT, D. 1967. Recherches préliminaires sur the Indian River region of Florida. Memoirs of les groupements naturels chez les crustacés the Hourglass Cruises 3 (6): 1- 98. décapodes brachyoures. II. Les anciens genres GORE, R. H., E. E. GALLAHER, L. E. SCOTTO & K. Micropanope Stimpson et Medaeus Dana. Bu­ A. WILSON. 1981. Studies on decapod Crusta­ lletin du Museum National D'Histoire Nature- cea form the Indian River region of Florida. 11. lie 2° Serie 39 (2): 345-374. Community composition structure, biomass GuiNOT, D. 1967. Recherches préliminaires sur les and species-areal relationships of seagrass and les groupements naturels chez les crustacés drift algae-associated macrocrustaceans. Es- décapodes brachyoures. III. A propos des affi- tuarine, Coastal and shelf Science 12: 485-508. nités des genres Dairoides Stebbing et Daira GORE, R. H. & L. E. SCOTTO. 1983. Studies on de Haan. Bulletin du Museum National D'His­ decapod Crustacea from the Indian River region toire Naturelle 2o Serie 39 (3): 540-563. of Florida. 25. Carapacial and abdominal allo- GuiNOT, D. 1968. Recherches préliminaires sur metry in five species of subtropical partheno- les groupements naturels chez les crustacés pid crabs (Brachyura, Parthenopidae). Crusta- décapodes brachyoures. V. Etablissement d'un ceana44 (1): 1-22. caractére évolutif: l'articulation ischio-mérale GORNY, M. 1999. On the biogeography and ecolo­ des chélipédes. Bulletin du Museum National gy of the Southern Ocean decapod fauna. Mage­ D'Histoire Naturelle 2o Serie 40 (1): 149-166. llan-An tartic: Ecosystems that Drifted Apart. E- GuiNOT, D. 1969. Recherches préliminaires sur dited by W. E. Arntz and C. Ríos. Editorial assis­ les groupements naturels chez les crustacés tance I. Werhmann. Scientia Marina 63 (supl. décapodes brachyoures.VII. Les goneplacidae. 1): 367-382. Bulletin du Museum National D'Histoire Natu­ o GORNY, M., W. E. ARNTZ & R. SOTO. 1996. Crus­ relle 2 Serie 41 (1): 241-265. tacea Decapoda: Report on the anomuran and GUINOT, D. 1969. Sur divers Xanthidae notamment Brachyuran crabs. In: Cruise report of the Joint sur Actaea de Haan et Paractaea gen. nov. (Crus­ Chilean-German-Italian Magellan "Victor Hen- tacea, Decapoda, Brachyura). Cahiers du Paci­ sen" Campaign in 1994, W. Arntz and M. Gor­ fique 13: 17-267, 5 pl. ny (Eds.) Berichte zur Polarforschung 190: 60- GUINOT, D. 1970 (1971). Recherches préliminai­ 63. res sur les groupements naturels chez les crus­ GOY, J. W. 1992. Systematics and zoogeography tacés décapodes brachyoures. VIII. Synthése of Eastern Pacific stenopodidean shrimps (Crus­ et bibliographic. Bulletin du Museum Natio­ tacea: Decapoda). Proceedings of the San Die­ nal D'Histoire Naturelle 2o Serie 42 (5): 1063- go Society Natural History 22: 1-6. 1090. GOY. J. W. & A. J. PROVENZANO, JR. 1979. Juve­ GUINOT, D. 1984. Découverte d'un nouveau genre nile morphology of the rare burrowing mud de crabe dans le Golfe du Mexique, Sotoplax shrimp Naushonia crangonoides Kingsley, robertsi gen. nov., sp.nov. (Crustacea, Decapo­ with a review of the genus Naushonia (Deca­ da, Brachyura). Anales del Insituto de Ciencias poda: Thalassinidea: Laomediidae). Procee­ del Mar y Limnología, Universidad Nacional dings of the Biological Society of Washington Autónoma de México 11 (1): 91-98. 92 (2): 339-359. GUINOT, D. 1984. Le genre Leurocyclus Rathbun, GRIFFITH, H. 1987. Taxonomy of the genus Disso- 1897 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura). Bulle­ dactylus (Crustacea: Brachyura: Pinnotheridae) tin du Muséum National D'Histoire Naturelle, with descriptions of three new species. Bulle­ Paris 4o Serie 6, A (2): 377-395. BOSCHI: DISTRIBUTION OF DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS 43

GUINOT, D. 1990. Etablissement du genre Garthiope crabs (Crustacea: Anomura) from the west gen. nov., ses relations avec le genre Coralliope coast of tropical America. Zoológica 53 (2): Guinot, 1967, et leurs affinités avec les Trape- 57-74. ziidae sensu lato (Crustacea, Decapoda Bra- HAIG, J. 1970. The status of Remipes testudinaria chyura). Bulletin du Museum National D'His- Latreille, and designation of a neotype for toire Naturelle 4o Serie 12 (2): 469-487. Hippa adactyla J.C.Frabricius (Decapoda, GUINOT, D. 1991. Garthiope anchialina sp.nov., Hippidae). Crustaceana 19 (3): 288-296. espéce anchialine des Galapagos, íle Isabela, HAIG, J. 1974. Two new species Pagurus from Cueva de la Cadena, avec de remarques sur la deep water off Peru and Chile (Decapoda, Ano­ faune carcinilogique anchialine (Crustacea, mura, Paguridae). Crustaceana 27 (2): 119-130. Decapoda, Brachyura). Bulletin du Museum HAIG, J. 1976. Tomopagurus maclaughlinae, a National D'Histoire Naturelle, Paris 4° Serie new hermit crab from the Eastern Pacific (Crus­ 12, A (3-4): 607-621. tacea, Anomura, Paguridae). Bulletin of Mari­ GUINOT, D. & B. RICHER DE FORGES. 1985. Crus- ne Science 26 (1): 27-32. tacés Décapodes: Majidae (Genres Platymaia, HAIG, J. 1977. Description of a new hermit crab Cyrtomaia, Pleistacantha, Sphenocarcinus et (Family Paguridae) from Southern California Naxioide s).Mémoire du Muséum National and Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological D'Histoire Naturelle, Paris Serie A Zoologie Society of Washington 90 (3): 648-657. 133: 83-177. HAIG, J. 1978. Contribution toward a revision of GUINOT, D. & E. MACPHERSON. 1987. Revision du the porcellanid genus Porcellana (Crustacea: genre Pilumnoides Lucas, 1844, avec descrip­ Decapoda: Anomura). Proceedings of the Bio­ tion de quatre espéces nouvelles et creation de logical Society of Washington 91 (3): 706-714. Pilumnoidinae subfam. nov. (Crustacea, Deca­ HAIG, J.& A. J. PROVENZANO, JR. 1965. A new poda, Brachyura). Bulletin du Muséum Natio­ genus and two new species of diogenid hermit nal D'Histoire Naturelle, Paris 4o Serie 9, A crabs (Decapoda, Anomura). Crustaceana 9 (1): 211-247. (2): 199-207. HAIG, J. 1955. The Crustacea Anomura of Chile. HAIG, J., T. S. HOPKINS & T B. SCANLAND. 1970. In: Reports of the Lund University Chile Expe­ The shallow water anomuran crab fauna of dition 1948-49. 20. Allan Hancock Foundation southwestern Baja California, Mexico. Tran­ 158: 1-68. sactions of the San Diego Society of Natural HAIG, J. 1956. The Galatheidae (Crustacea, Ano­ History 16(2): 13-31. mura) of the Allan Hancock Atlantic Expedi­ HALL, JR. C. A. 1964. Shallow-water marine cli­ tion with a review of the Porcellanidae of the mates and molluscan provinces. Ecology 45 western north Atlantic. Allan Hancock Atlan­ (2): 226-234. tic Expedition 8: 1-43. HART, J. F L. 1968. Crab-like Anomura and Bra­ HAIG, J. 1960. The Porcellanidae (Crustacea, Ano­ chyura (Crustacea: Decapoda) from south eas­ mura) of the Eastern Pacific. Allan Hancock tern Alaska and Prince William Sound. Natio­ Pacific Expeditions 24: 1-440, pl.41. nal Museum of Canada Natural History Papers HAIG, J. 1968. A report on anomuran and bra- 38: 1-6. chyuran crabs collected in Peru during Cruise HART, J. F. L. 1971. New distribution records of 12 of R/V Anton Bruun. Crustaceana 15 (1): reptant decapod Crustacea, including descrip­ 19-30. tions of three new species of Pagurus, from HAIG, J. 1968. Eastern Pacific Expeditions of the the waters adjacent to British Columbia. Jour­ New York Zoological Society. Porcellanid nal Fisheries Research Board of Canada 28 (10): 44 REV. INVEST. DES. PESQ. N° 13: 7-136 (2000)

1527-1544. gical Society of Washington 110 (1): 39-48. HART, J. F. L. 1982. Crabs and their relatives of HEARD, R. W. & R. B. MANNING. 1997. Austinixa, British Columbia. Handbook N° 40. 267 pp. a new genus of pinnotherid crab (Crustacea: British Columbia Provincial Museum, Canada. Decapoda: Brachyura), with the description of HART, JR. C. W. & R. B.MANNING. 1981. The ca- A. hardyi, a new species from Tobago, West vernicolous caridean shrimps of Bermuda (Al- Indies. Proceedings of the Biological Society pheidae, Hippolytidae, and Atyidae). Journal of Washington 110 (3): 393-398. of Crustacean Biology 1(3): 441-456. HEARD, R. W. & R. B. MANNING. 1998. A new HART, JR. C. W. & R. B.MANNING. 1986. Two new genus and species of ghost shrimp (Crustacea: shrimps (Procarididae and Agostocarididae, Decapoda: Callianassidae) from the Atlantic new family) from marine caves of the western Ocean. Proceedings of the Biological Society North Atlantic. Journal of Crustacean Biology of Washington 111 (4): 883-888. 6 (3): 408-416. HEARD, R. W. & R. B. MANNING. 2000. A new HARVEY, A. W. 1998. Rediscovery and range ex­ genus and species of ghost shrimp from Toba­ tension of the Galapagos "endemic"Pachyche­ go, West Indies (Crustacea: Decapoda: Callia­ les velerae (Decapoda: Anomura: Porcellani- nassidae). Proceedings of the Biological Socie­ dae). Journal of Crustacean Biology 18 (4): ty of Washington 113 (1): 70-76. 746-752. HEDGPETH, J. W. 1957. Marine Biogeography. HARVEY, A. W. & E. M. DE SANTO. 1996. On the 359-382 pp. In: Treatise on marine ecology status of Pachycheles laevidactylus Ortmann, and paleoecology. 1. Ecology. Memoir 67. J. 1892 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Porcellanidae). W. Hedgpeth (Ed.) 1296 pp, The Geological Proceedings of the Biological Society of Wa­ Society of America. shington 109 (4): 707-714. HEDGPETH, J. W. 1969. Distribution of selected HEARD, R. W. 1986. Pontoniine shrimps (Decapo­ groups of marine invertebrates in waters south da: Caridea: Palaemonidae) of the northwest of 35° S Latitude. Introduction to Antarctic Atlantic. I. The genus Neopontonides Holthuis, zoogeography. Antarctic Map Folio Series 11: 1951, with the description of N. chacei, new 1-9. species, and the erection of Pseudopontonides, HENDRICKX, M. E. 1987. Podochela casoae, new new genus, to receive N. principis Criales, species (Brachyura: Majidae) from the conti­ 1980. Journal of Crustacean Biology 6 (3): nental shelf of the Gulf of California, Mexico, 471-484. with a note on ecology and distribution of HEARD, R. W„ S. SPOTTE & P. M. BUBUCIS. 1993. Podochela in the Eastern Pacific. Journal of Pontoniine shrimps (Decapoda: Caridea: Palae­ Crustacean Biology 7 (4): 764-770. monidae) of the northwest Atlantic III. Neope- HENDRICKX, M. E. 1989. Glyptoplax consagae riclimenes thornei, new genus, new species, new species (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura, from Pine Cay, Turks and Caicos Islands, Bri­ Panopeidae) from the Gulf of California, Mexi­ tish West Indies. Journal of Crustacean Biolo­ co, with some notes on the distribution of G. gy 13 (4): 793-800. pugnax Smith, 1870. Bulletin du Museum Na­ o HEARD, R. & W., S. SPOTTE . 1997. Pontoniine tional D'Histoire Naturelle 4 Serie 11 (3): 649- shrimps (Decapoda: Caridea: Palaemonidae) 657. of the northwest Atlantic. V. Periclimenes HENDRICKX, M. E. 1989. Chacellus pacificus, new mclellandi, a new species, a gorgonian asso­ species (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura, ciate from Pine Cay, Turks and Caicos Islands, Goneplacidae), from the continental shelf of British West Indies. Proceedings of the Biolo­ the Gulf of California, México. Bulletin du Mu- BOSCHI: DISTRIBUTION OF DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS 45

séum National D'Histoire Naturelle 4o Serie 11 In: Guía FAO para la identificación de especies (1): 193-202. para los fines de la pesca. Pacífico centro-Orien­ HENDRICKX, M. E. 1990. New geographic distribu­ tal. I. Plantas e invertebrados 646pp.W. Fischer, tions and bathymetric records of Processidae F. Krupp, W. Schneider, C. Sommer, K.E. Car­ (Caridea) and Penaeidae (Penaeoidea) in the penter y V. H. Niem (Eds.) FAO Roma, Italia. Gulf of California, Mexico. Investigaciones HENDRICKX, M. E. 1995. Anomuros. 539-564 pp. Marinas CICIMAR 5 (1): 93-95. In: Guía FAO para la identificación de especies HENDRICKX, M. E. 1992. Distribution and zoogeo- para los fines de la pesca. Pacífico centro-Orien­ graphic affinities of decapod crustaceans of tal. I. Plantas e invertebrados 646 pp. W. Fischer, the Gulf of California, México. Proceedings of F. Krupp, W. Schneider, C. Sommer, K.E. Car­ the San Diego Society Natural History 20: 1-12. penter y V. H. Niem (Eds.) FAO Roma, Italia. HENDRICKX, M. E. 1993. Distribution of Petrolis- HENDRICKX, M. E. 1995. Cangrejos. 565-636 pp. thes lewisi (Crustacea: Porcellanidae) in the In: Guía FAO para la identificación de especies Eastern Tropical Pacific. Revista de Biología para los fines de la pesca. Pacífico centro-Orien­ Tropical 41 (2): 287-290. tal. I. Plantas e invertebrados 646 pp. W. Fischer, HENDRICKX, M. E. 1993. Crustáceos decápodos F. Krupp, W. Schneider, C. Sommer, K.E. Car­ del Pacífico Mexicano. 271-318 pp. In: Biodi- penter y V. H. Niem (Eds.) FAO Roma, Italia. versidad marina y costera de México.S. I. Sa- HENDRICKX, M. E. 1995. Checklist of brachyuran lazar- Vallejo y N. E. González (Eds.). Comi­ crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda) from the eastern sión Nacional de Biodiversidad y CIQRO, Mé­ tropical Pacific. Bulletin de LTnstitut Royal xico. des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Biologie HENDRICKX, M. E. 1995. Checklist of lobster-like 65: 125-150. decapod crustaceans (Crustacea: Decapoda: HENDRICKX, M. E. 1995. Restitution de Pseudo- Thalassinidea, Astacidea and Palinuridea) from rhombila xanthiformis Garth, 1940, pour Na- the eastern tropical Pacific. Anales del Institu­ noplax garthi Guinot, 1969 (Decapoda, Gone- to de Biología. Universidad Nacional Autóno­ placidae). Crustaceana 68 (1): 12-20. ma de México, Series Zoológicas 66 (2): 151- HENDRICKX, M. E. 1996. Habitats and biodiversi­ 163. ty of decapod crustaceans in the SE Gulf of HENDRICKX, M. E. 1995. Introducción. 1-7 pp. In: California, México. Revista de Biología Tropi­ Guía FAO para la identificación de especies cal 44 (2): 603-617. para los fines de la pesca. Pacífico Centro 0- HENDRICKX, M. E. 1996. Los camarones Penaeoi­ riental. I . Plantas e invertebrados.646 pp. W. dea bentónicos (Crustacea: Decapoda: Dendro- Fisher, F. Krupp, W. Schneider, C. Sommer. branchiata) del Pacífico Mexicano. CONABIO/ K.E. Carpenter y V. H. Niem (Eds.) FAO Ro­ Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, ma, Italia. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México HENDRICKX, M. E. 1995. Langostas (Langostas 1-147, 2 lam. espinosas bogavantes y cigarras y zapateras, HENDRICKX, M. E. 1997. Los cangrejos braquiuros langostas de lodo, etc.). 383-415 pp. In: Guía (Crustacea: Brachyura: Dromiidae hasta Leu- FAO para la identificación de especies para los cosiidae). CONABIO/ Instituto de Ciencias fines de la pesca. Pacífico centro-Oriental. I. del Mar y Limnología, Universidad Nacional Plantas e invertebrados 646 pp. W. Fischer, F. Autónoma de México 1-178. Krupp, W. Schneider, C. Sommer, K.E. Carpen­ HENDRICKX, M. E. 1997. Los cangrejos braquiuros ter y V. H. Niem (Eds.) FAO Roma, Italia. (Crustacea: y Parthenopoidea). CONABIO HENDRICKX, M. E. 1995. Camarones. 417-537 pp. /Instituto de Ciencias del Mar yLimnología,

Cbpiliusas uugavaiiLOO y ziganas y ¿ajjaioiaj, X JLLJ/1 ^ L71V1X_ lV/\, 1T1. i-í. ÍSS I . _I_/WLJ bUiíLiviuj 1^1 uw uiu> uu 46 REV. INVEST. DES. PESQ. N° 13: 7-136 (2000)

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México 1- HENDRICKX, M. E. & A. W. HARVEY. 1999. Check­ 274,13 lám. list of anomuran crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda) HENDRICKX, M. E. 1998. A new genus and species from the eastern tropical Pacific. Belg. J. Zool. of "goneplacid-like" brachyuran crab (Crusta­ 129 (2): 363-389. cea: Decapoda) from the Gulf of California, HEREU, C. M. 1999. Aspectos biológicos e ecoló­ Mexico, and a proposal for the use of the fami­ gicos durante o período pelagial de Libinia spi- ly Pseudorhombilidae Alcock, 1900. Procee­ nosa (Milne Edwards 1834) (Brachyura: Ma- dings of the Biological Society of Washington jidae) no litoral do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. 111 (3): 634-644. Disertacáo de Mestrado. Funda?ao Universi- HENDRICKX, M. E. & F. D. ESTRADA NAVARRETE. dade do Rio Grande, Brazil 135 pp. 1996. Los camarones pelágicos del Pacífico HERBST, G. N., A. B. WILLIAMS & B. B. BOOTHE, Mexicano (Dendrobranchiata y Caridea). JR. 1979. Reassessment of northern geographic CONABIO/ Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y limits for decapod crustacean species in the Limnología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma Carolinian Province, USA; some major range de México 1-157. extensions itemized. Proceedings of the Biolo­ HENDRICKX, M. E. & J. A. ESPARZA-HARO. 1997. gical Society of Washington 91 (4): 989-998. A new species of Clibanarius (Crustacea, Ano- HERNÁNDEZ AGUILERA, J. L. 1998. Sobre una co­ mura, Diogenidae) from the eastern tropical lección de talasínidos (Crustacea: Decapoda) Pacific. Zoosystema, Paris 19 (1): 111-119. de la costa del Pacífico de México, con la des­ HENDRICKX, M. E. & V. LANDA- JAIME. 1997. A cripción de una especie nueva del género Biffarius. new species of Parthenope Weber (Crustacea: Ciencias Marinas 24 (3):303-312. Brachyura: Parthenopidae) from the Pacific HERNÁNDEZ AGUILERA, J. L. & J. L. VILLALOBOS- coast of Mexico. Bulletin de L'Institut des Ro­ HIRIART. 1980. Contribución al conocimiento yal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Biolo- de los crustáceos decápodos y estomatópodos gie 67: 95-100. de la Sonda de Campeche. Investigaciones O- HENDRICKX, M. E., M. DEMESTRE, A. ESPARZA- ceanográficas /B 80-07: 1-47. HARO & J. SALGADO BARRAGÁN. 1997. Stoma- HERNÁNDEZ AGUILERA, J. L & L. A. MARTÍNEZ topod and decapod crustaceans collected du­ GUZMÁN. 1992. Notas acerca de la distribución ring the Ceemex P7 cruises to the Gulf of Te- de los estomatópodos y decápodos de la isla huantepec, Mexico. Oceánides 11 (2): 1-28. Clarión, Archipiélago Revillagigedo, Colima, HENDRICKX, M. E., R. PÉREZ- GONZÁLEZ, L. M. México. Proceedings of the San Diego Society FLORES-CAMPAÑA & M. AYÓN-PARENTE. 1997. of Natural History 19: 1-6. Nuevas capturas de dos especies raras de can­ HERNÁNDEZ AGUILERA, J. L., R. E. TORAL ALMA- grejos braquiuros (Crustacea: Decapoda: Bra­ ZÁN & J. A. Ruiz ÑUÑO. 1996. Especies catalo­ chyura) para la costa del Pacífico Este tropical. gadas de crustáceos estomatópodos y decapo- Ciencias del Mar, Universidad Autónoma de dos para el Golfo de México, Rio Bravo, Tamps. Sinaloa 15: 51-53. a Progreso, Yuc. Dirección General de Ocea­ HENDRICKX, M. E. & L. A. VÁZQUEZ- CUREÑO. nografía Naval y CONABIO 98 pp., 17 lam. 1998. Composition and zoogeographical affi­ HERNÁNDEZ, G. & J. BOLAÑOS. 1995. Additions to nities of stomatopod and decapod crustacean the decapod crustacean fauna of northeastern fauna collected during the Ceemex P4 Cruise Venezuelan Islands, with the description of the in the Gulf of Tehuantepec, Mexico. Bulletin male oí Pinnotheres moseri Rathbun, 1918 (De­ de L'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de capoda: Brachyura: Pinnotheridae). Nauplius, Belgique, Biologie 68: 135-144. Rio Grande 3: 75-81. BOSCHI: DISTRIBUTION OF DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS 47

HERNÁNDEZ, G., L. LARES, J. BOLAÑOS & J. HER­ and illustrated catalogue of species of interest NÁNDEZ. 1999. Crustáceos decápodos bentóni- to fisheries known to date. FAO Fisheries Sy­ cos del monumento natural de Laguna de la nopsis 125 (13): 1-292. Marites, Isla de Margarita, Venezuela 38 (2): HOLTHUIS, L. B. & F. A.VILLALOBOS. 1961. Panu- 25-31. lirus gracilis Streets y Panulirus inflatus (Bou- HOLTHUIS, L. B. 1958. West Indies crabs of the vier), dos especies de langosta (Crustacea, De­ genus Calappa with a description of three new capoda) de la costa del Pacífico de América. species. Caribbean Marine Biological Institute, Anales del Instituto de Biología 32 (1-2): 251- Studies Fauna Curacao 8: 146-186. 276. HOLTHUIS, L. B. 1959. The Crustacea Decapoda HOLTHUIS, L. B. & H. LOESCH. 1967. The of Suriname (Dutch Guiana). Zoologische Ver- of the Galápagos Islands (Decapoda, Palinuri- handelingen 44: 1-296, pi. 16. dea). Crustaceana 12 (2): 214-222. HOLTHUIS, L. B. 1960. Notes on American Albu- HOLTHUIS, L. B. & R. B. MANNING. 1987. Hypocon- neidae (Crustacea, Decapoda, Anomura) with cha parasitica (Linnaeus, 1763), a senior sy­ the description of a new genus and species. Pro­ nonym of Hypoconcha sabulosa (Herbst, 1799) ceedings Koninklijk Nederl. Akademie van We- (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura). Procee­ tenschappen, Amsterdam. Series 64 (1): 21-36. dings of the Biological Society of Washington HOLTHUIS, L. B. 1973. Mohocaris, a new genus 100 (4): 1018-1022. alpheid shrimps from the Caribbean region JENSEN, G. C. 1983. Heptacarpus pugettensis, a (Crustacea, Decapoda, Natantia). Bulletin of new Hippolytid shrimp from Puget Sound, Marine Science 23 (3): 489-495. Washington. Journal of Crustacean Biology 3 HOLTHUIS, L. B. 1974. The lobsters of the super (2): 314-320. family Nephropidea, of the Atlantic Ocean JENSEN, G. C. 1995. Pacific coast crabs and shrimps. (Crustacea: Decapoda). Biological results of Sea Challengers. 87pp. Monterey, CA. USA. the University of Miami Deep-Sea Expedition. JENSEN, G. C. & D. A. Armstrong. 1987. Range 106. Bulletin of Marine Science 24 (4): 723- extensions of some Northeastern Pacific Deca­ 884. poda. Crustaceana 52 (2): 215-217. HOLTHUIS, L. B. 1975. Limotheres a new genus of JERDE, C. W. 1967. On the distribution of P'omi­ pinnotherid crab, commensal of the bivalve nus (Achelous) affinis and Euphylax dovii (De­ Lima, from the Caribbean Sea. Zoologische capoda, Branchyura, Portunidae) in the eastern Mededelingen 48 (25): 291-295. tropical Pacific. Crustaceana 13 (1): 11-22. HOLTHUIS, L. B. 1979. A small collection of deca­ JUARRERO, A., A. GARCÍA & J. C. MARTÍNEZ-IGLE­ pod Crustacea from Galápagos Islands. Museo SIA. 1997. Un nuevo género y especie de Lao- Zoológico deH'Universitá di Firenze, 11 pp. mediidae (Crustacea: Decapoda: Thalassinidea) HOLTHUIS, L. B. 1980. FAO species catalogue. I. de Cuba. Avicennia 6/7: 36-42. Shrimps and of the world. An Annota­ JUDKINS, D. C. 1978. Pelagic shrimps of the Ser- ted catalogue of species of interest to fisheries. gestes edwardsii species group (Crustacea: De­ FAO Fisheries Synopsis 125 (1): 1-271. capoda: Sergestidae). Smithsonian Contribu­ HOLTHUIS, L. B. 1985. Revision of the family Scy- tions to Zoology 256: 1-34. llaridae (Crustacea: Decapoda: Macrura). I. KAMEYA, A., V Moscoso & M. LLEELLISH. 1998. Subfamily Ibacinae. Zbologische Verhandelin- Los crustáceos decápodos y estomatópodos del gen218: 1-130. Perú. Informe del Instituto del Mar del Perú HOLTHUIS, L. B. 1991. FAO species catalogue. 13. 136: 80-109. Marine lobsters of the world. An annotated KENSLEY, B. 1988. New species and records of ca- 48 REV. INVEST. DES. PESQ. N° 13: 7-136 (2000)

ve shrimps from the Yucatan Peninsula (Deca- 572. poda: Agostocarididae: and Hippolytidae). Jour­ KENSLEY, B. & R. W. HEARD. 1991. An examina­ nal of Crustacean Biology 8 (4): 688-699. tion of the shrimp family Callianideidae (Crus­ KENSLEY, B. 1989. New genera in the thalassini- tacea: Decapoda: Thalassinidea). Proceedings dean families Calocarididae and Axiidae (Crus­ of the Biological Society of Washington 104 tacea: Decapoda). Proceedings of the Biologi­ (3): 493-537. cal Society of Washington 102 (4): 960-967. KIM, W. & L. G. ABELE. 1988. The snapping shrimp KENSLEY, B. 1994. The genus Coralaxius redefi­ genus Alpheus from the Eastern Pacific (Deca­ ned, with the description of two new species poda: Caridea: Alpheidae). Smithsonian Con­ (Crustacea: Decapoda: Axiidae). Journal of tributions to Zoology 454: 1-119. Natural History 28: 813-828. KNOX, G. A. 1960. Littoral ecology and biogeo- KENSLEY, B. 1996. Systematics and distribution of graphy of the Southern oceans. Proceedings the genus Calocarides (Crustacea: Decapoda: Royal Society B 152(949): 577-624, 73 figs. Axiidae). Proceedings of the Biological Socie­ KOHN, A. J. 1997. Why are coral reef communi­ ty of Washington 109 (1): 53-69. ties so diverse? In: Marine Biodiversity, Pa­ KENSLEY, B. 1996. A new species of the axiid tterns and Processes. R. F. G. Ormond, J. D. shrimp genus Acanthaxius from the Caribbean Gage and M. V. Angel (Eds.) 9: 201-215. Cam­ (Crustacea: Decapoda: Thalassinidea). Procee­ bridge University Press. dings of the Biological Society of Washington KROPP, R. K. & R. B. MANNING. 1987. The Atlan­ 109 (1): 70-74. tic Gall crabs family (Crusta­ KENSLEY, B. 1996. New thalassinidean shrimp from cea: Decapoda: Brachyura). Smithsonian Con­ the Pacific Ocean (Crustacea: Decapoda: Axii­ tributions to Zoology 462: 1-21. dae and Calocarididae). Bulletin of Marine KRYGIER, E. E. & W. G. PEARCY. 1981. Vertical Science 59(3): 469-489. distribution and biology of pelagic decapod KENSLEY, B. 1996. The genus Paraxiopsis de Man, crustaceans off Oregon. Journal of Crustacean with descriptions of new species from the Wes­ Biology 1 (1): 70-95. tern Atlantic (Crustacea: Decapoda: Axiidae). LANDA-JAIME, V., J. ARCINIEGA-FLORES, R. G. DE Bulletin of Marine Science 58 (3): 709-729. QUEVEDO-MARCHAIN, E. MICHEL-FORTIN & G. KENSLEY, B. & R. H.GORE. 1981. Coralaxius abe- GONZÁLEZ-SANSÓN. 1997. Crustáceos decápo­ lei, new genus and new species (Crustacea: dos y estomatópodos de fondos blandos de la Decapoda: Thalassinidea: Axiidae): a coral- plataforma continental de Jalisco y Colima, inhabiting shrimp from the Florida Keys and México. Ciencias Marinas 23 (4): 403-417. the Western Caribbean Sea. Proceedings of the LEIPER, D. F. 1954. Physical oceanography of the Biological Society of Washington 93(4): 1277- Gulf of Mexico. Gulf of Mexico its origen, wa­ 1294. ters and marine life. Fishery Bulletin, 89 (55): KENSLEY, B. & G. M. SIMMONS, JR. 1988. Axio- 119-137. rygma nethertoni, a new genus and species of LEMAITRE, R. 1981. Shallow- water crabs (Deca­ thalassinidean shrimp from Florida (Decapo­ poda, Brachyura) collected in the Southern da: Axiidae). Journal of Crustacean Biology 8 Caribbean near Cartagena, Colombia. Bulletin (4): 657-667. of Marine Science 31 (2): 234-266. KENSLEY, B. & R. W. HEARD. 1990. The genus LEMAITRE, R. 1982. The Provenzanoi group of Axianassa (Crustacea: Decapoda: Thalassini­ hermit crabs (Crustacea, Decapoda, Paguridae) dea) in the Americas. Proceedings of the Bio­ in the Western Atlantic. Part.II. Pagurus gym- logical Society of Washington 103 (3): 558- nodactylus, a new species from the Gulf of BOSCHI: DISTRIBUTION OF DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS 49

Mexico and a comparition with Pagurus annu- LEMAITRE, R. & S. A. RODRIGUEZ. 1991. Lepido- lipes (Stimpson). Bulletin of Marine Science phthalmus sinuensis: a new species of ghost 32 (3): 656-663. shrimp (Decapoda: Thalassinidea: Callianassi- LEMAITRE, R. 1984. Decapod crustaceans from dae) of importance to the commercial culture Cay Sal Bank, Bahamas, with notes on their of penaeid shrimps of the Caribbean coast of zoogeographic affinities. Journal of Crustacean Colombia, with observations on its ecology. Biology 4 (3): 425-447. Fishery Bulletin 89: 623-630. LEMAITRE, R. 1986. Western Atlantic species of LEMAITRE, R. & R. A. LEÓN. 1992. Crustáceos the Parapagurus pilosimanus complex (Ano- decápodos del Pacífico colombiano: lista de mura: Paguroidea: Parapaguridae): description especies y consideraciones zoogeográficas. A- of a new species and morphological variations. nales del Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas Journal of Crustacean Biology 6 (3): 525-542. de Punta de Betín, Colombia 21: 33- 76. LEMAITRE, R. 1989. Revision of the genus Para­ LEMAITRE, R. & G. E. RAMOS. 1992. A collection pagurus (Anomura: Paguroidea: Parapaguridae), of Thalassinidea (Crustacea: Decapoda) from including redescriptions of the Western Atlan­ the Pacific coast of Colombia, with description tic species. Zoologische Verhandelingen 253: of a new species and a checklist of Eastern Pa- 1-106. Pacific species. Proceedings of the Biological LEMAITRE, R. 1990. A review of eastern Atlantic Society of Washington 105 (2): 343-358. species of the family Parapaguridae (Decapo- LEMAITRE, R. & P. A. MCLAUGHLIN. 1992. Des­ da, Anomura, Paguroidea). Journal of Natural criptions of megalopa and juveniles Sympagu- History 24: 219-240. rus dimorphus (Studer, 1883), with an account LEMAITRE, R. 1991. TO the memory of Gilbert L. of the Parapaguridae (Crustacea: Decapoda: Voss: Portunus vossi, a rare new species of Parapaguridae) from Antarctic and subantarctic swimming crab (Decapoda: Brachyura: Portu- waters. Journal of Natural History 6: 745-768. nidae) from the West Coast of Florida. Bulletin LEMAITRE, R. & N. H.CAMPOS. 1993. Two new of Marine Science 49(1-2): 546-551. hermit crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda: Paguridae) LEMAITRE, R. 1995. A review of the hermit crabs from the Caribbean Sea. Proceedings of the of the genus Xylopagurus A. Milne Edwards, Biological Society of Washington 106 (3): 554- 1880 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Paguridae), inclu­ 565. ding descriptions of two new species. Smith­ LEMAITRE, R. & D. L. FELDER. 1996. A new spe­ sonian Contributions of Zoology 570: 1-27. cies of ghost shrimp of the genus Sergio Man­ LEMAITRE, R., P. A. MCLAUGHLIN & J. GARCÍA- ning and Lemaitre, 1994 (Crustacea: Decapoda: GÓMEZ. 1982. The Provenzanoi group of her Callianassidae) from the Caribbean coast of mit crabs (Crustacea, Decapoda, Paguridae) in Colombia. Proceedings of the Biological So­ the Western Atlantic. Part IV. A review of the ciety of Washington 109 (3): 453-463. group, with notes on variations and abnorma­ LEMAITRE, R. & P. MCLAUGHLIN. 1996. Revision lities. Bulletin of Marine Science 32 (3): 670- of Pylopagurus and Tomopagurus (Crustacea: 701. Decapoda: Paguridae), with the descriptions of LEMAITRE, R. & R. H. GORE. 1988. Redescription, new genera and species. Part V. Anisopagurus ecological observations and distribution of the McLaughlin, Manucomplanus, and Protonio- caridean shrimp Plesionika escatilis (Stimpson, pagurus new genus. Bulletin of Marine Scien­ 1860) (Decapoda, Pandalidae). Proceedings of ce 59 (1): 89-141. the Biological Society of Washington 101 (2): LITTLER, M. M., D. S LITTLER, S. N. MURRAY & 382-390. R. S. SEAPY. 1991. Southern California rocky 50 REV. INVEST. DES. PESQ. N° 13: 7-136 (2000)

intertidal ecosystems. In: Ecosystems of the MANNING, R. B. 1993. Epulotheres angelae, new world 24. Intertidal and littoral ecosystems. A. genus, new species, a pinnotherid crab from C. Mathieson and P.H. Nienhuis (Eds.) 11: 273- the Caribbean Sea (Decapoda: Pinnotheridae). 296. Elsevier. lournal of Crustacean Biology 13 (4): 801-804. LONGHURST, A. 1998. Ecological geography of MANNING, R. B. 1993. Two new species of Neo- the sea. 398 pp. Academic Press. callichirus from the Caribbean Sea (Crustacea: LÓPEZ, R. B. 1963. Problemas sobre la distribución Decapoda: Callianassidae). Proceedings of the geográfica de los peces marinos suramericanos. Biological Society of Washington 106 (1):106- Revista Museo Argentino de Ciencias Natura­ 114. les "Bernardino Rivadavia", Buenos Aires. Hi­ MANNING, R. B. 1993. Three genera removed drobiología 1 (3): 111-135. from the synonymy of Pinnotheres Bosc, 1802 LÜNING, K. & R. ASMUS. 1991. Physical characte­ (Brachyura: Pinnotheridae). Proceedings of ristics of littoral ecosystems with special refe­ the Biological Society of Washington 106 (3): rence to marine plants. In: Ecosystems of the 523-531. World 24, Intertidal and littoral ecosystems. A. MANNING, R. B. & F A. CHACE, JR. 1971. Shrimps C. Mathieson and Nienhuis (Eds.) 2:7-26. El­ of the family Processidae from the Northwes­ sevier. tern Atlantic Ocean (Crustacea: Decapoda: Ca- MACPHERSON, E. 1988. Revision of the family ridea). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology Lithodidae Samouelle, 1819 (Crustacea, Deca- 89: 1-41. poda, Anomura) in the Atlantic Ocean. Mono­ MANNING, R. B. & R. W.HEARD. 1986. Additional grafías de Zoología Marina 2: 9-153. records for Callianassa rathbunae Schmitt, 1935, MANNING, R. B. 1987. Notes on Western Atlantic from Florida and the Bahamas (Crustacea: De­ Callianassidae (Crustacea: Decapoda: Thalassi- capoda: Callianassidae). Proceedings of the nidea). Proceedings of the Biological Society Biological Society of Washington 99 (2): 347- of Washington, 100(2): 386-401. 349. MANNING, R. B. 1988. The status of Callianassa MANNING, R. B. & D. L. FELDER. 1986. The sta­ hartmeyeri Schmitt, 1935, with the description tus of the callianassid genus Callichirus Stimp- of Corallianassa xutha from the west coast of son, 1866 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Thalassinidea). America (Crustacea: Decapoda: Thalassinidea). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Wa­ Proceedings of the Biological Society of Wa­ shington 99 (3): 437-443. shington 101 (4): 883-889. MANNING, R. B. & L. B. HOLTHUIS. 1989. Two MANNING, R. B. 1988. Notes on albuneid crabs new genera and nine new species of geryonid (Crustacea: Decapoda: Alpheidae) from the crabs (Crustacea, Decapoda, Geryonidae). Pro­ Central East coast of Florida. Proceedings of ceedings of the Biological Society of Washing­ the Biological Society of Washington 101 (3): ton 102 (1): 50-77. 626-632. MANNING, R. B. & D. K. CAMP. 1989. Additional MANNING, R. B. 1991. Processa vossi, a new ca- records for an Atlantic reef lobster, Enoplome- ridean shrimp from Florida (Crustacea, Deca­ topus antillensis Liitken, 1865 (Crustacea, De­ poda, Processidae). Bulletin of Marine Scien­ capoda, Enoplometopidae). Proceedings of ce 49 (1-2): 552-557. the Biological Society of Washington 102 (2): MANNING, R. B. 1992. A new genus for Corallia­ 411-417. nassa xutha Manning (Crustacea: Decapoda: MANNING, R. B. & D. L. FELDER. 1989. The Pin- Callianassidae). Proceedings of the Biological nixa cristata complex in the Western Atlantic, Society of Washington 105 (3): 571-574. with descriptions of two new species (Crusta- BOSCHI: DISTRIBUTION OF DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS 51

cea: Decapoda: Pinnotheridae). Smithsonian MARGALEF, R. 1963. On certain unifying princi­ Contributions to Zoology 473: 1-26. ples in ecology. The American Naturalist 97 MANNING, R. B., M. S. TAVARES & E. F. ALBUQUER­ (897): 357-374. QUE. 1989. Chaceon ramosae, a new deep- MARKHAM, J. C, F. E. DONATH-HERNANDEZ, J. L. water crab from Brazil (Crustacea: Decapoda: VILLALOBOS-HIRIART & A. C. DIAZ-BARRIGA. Geryonidae). Proceedings of the Biological 1990. Notes of the shallow-water marine Crus­ Society of Washington 102 (3): 646-650. tacea of the Caribbean coast of Quintana Roo, MANNING, R. B. & D. L. FELDER. 1991. Revision México. Anales del Instituto de Biología. Uni­ of the American Callianassidae (Crustacea: versidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Se­ Decapoda: Thalassinidea). Proceedings of the ries Zoológicas 61 (3): 405-446. Biological Society of Washington 104(4): 764- MARTIN, J. W. & L. G. ABELE. 1986. Notes on 792. male pleopod morphology in brachyuran crab MANNING, R. B. & C. W. HART, JR. 1991. A new family Panopeidae Ortmann, 1893, sensu Gui- species of Processa from Bermuda (Crustacea: not (1978) (Decapoda). Crustaceana 50 (2): Decapoda: Caridea). Proceedings of the Biolo­ 182-198. gical Society of Washington 104 (2): 317-321. MARTINS, S. T. S. & F. D'INCAO. 1996. Os Pinno­ MANNING, R. B. & D. L. FELDER .1992. Gilvossius, theridae de Santa Catarina e Rio Grande do a new genus of callianassid shrimp from eas­ Sul, Brasil (Decapoda, Brachyura). Revista tern United States (Crustacea: Decapoda: Tha­ brasileira de Zoología 13 (1): 1-26. lassinidea). Bulletin of Marine Science 49 (1- MARTÍNEZ-IGLESIAS, J. C, O. GÓMEZ, A. CARVACHO 2): 558-561. & R. RÍOS. 1993. Nuevos registros de crustá­ MANNING, R. B. & R. LEMAITRE. 1993. Sergio, a ceos decápodos (Crustacea: Decapoda) en la new genus of ghost shrimp from the Americas plataforma marina de Cuba. Avicennia: 9-13. (Crustacea: Decapoda: Callianassidae). Nau- MARTÍNEZ-IGLESIAS, J. C. & O. GÓMEZ. 1994. Las plius, Rio Grande 1: 39-43. especies del género Pseudorhombila H. Milne Manning, R. B. & D. L. Felder. 1995. Description Edwards, 1837 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Gone- of the ghost shrimp Sergio mericeae, a new placidae) en las aguas cubanas. Avicennia 2: species from South Florida, with reexamina­ 25-31. tion of S. guassutinga (Crustacea: Decapoda: MARTÍNEZ-IGLESIAS, J. C, A. CARVACHO & R. Ríos. Callianassidae). Proceedings of the Biological 1996. Catálogo de los caridéos marinos (Crus­ Society of Washington 108 (2): 266- 280. tacea: Decapoda: Caridea) de las aguas some­ MANNING, R. B. & S. L. FELDER. 1996. Nanno- ras de Cuba. Avicennia 4/5: 27-40. theres moorei, a new genus and species of mi­ MARTÍNEZ-LÓPEZ, B. & A. PARES-SIERRA. 1998. nute pinnotherid crab from Belize, Caribbean Circulación del Golfo de México inducida por Sea (Crustacea: Decapoda: Pinnotheridae). Pro­ mareas, vientos y la corriente de Yucatán. Cien­ ceedings of the Biological Society of Washing­ cias Marinas, México 24 (1): 65-93. ton 109 (2): 311-317. MATHIESON, A.C., C. A PENNIMAN & L. G. HARRIS. MANTELATTO, F. L. M, A. FRANSOZO & M . L. NE- 1991. Northwest Atlantic rocky shore ecology. GREIROS-FRANSOZO. 1995.Distribuicao do ca- In: Ecosystems of the world 24. Intertidal and ranguejo pudibundas (Herbst, 1785) littoral ecosystems. A. C. Mathieson and PH. (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura) na Ensena­ Nienhuis (Eds.) 7: 109-191. Elsevier. da da Fortaleza, Ubatuba (SP), Brasil. Boletim MCCLURE M. R. & M. K. WICKSTEN. 1997. Mor­ do Instituto Ocenográfico, Sao Paulo 43 (1): phological variation of species of the Edwardsii 51-61. group of Alpheus in the Northern Gulf of Me- 52 REV. INVEST. DES. PESQ. N° 13: 7-136 (2000)

xico and Northwestern Atlantic (Decapoda: MCLAUGHLIN, P. A. & A. J. PROVENZANO, JR. 1974. Caridea: Alpheidae). Journal of Crustacean Hermit crabs of the genus Paguristes (Crusta­ Biology 17 (3): 480-487. cea: Decapoda: Diogenidae) from the Western MCDERMOTT, J. J. 1998. The western Pacific bra- Atlantic. Part.II. Descriptions of six new species. chyuran Hemigrapsus sanguineus (Grapsidae) Bulletin of Marine Science 24 (4): 885-938. in its new habitat along the Atlantic coast of MCLAUGHLIN, P. A. & R. H. GORE. 1985. A new United States: Reprodution. Journal of Crus­ species of Allodardanus (Decapoda, Diogenidae) tacean Biology 18 (2): 308-316. from the Western Atlantic. Crustaceana 49 (1): MCLAUGHLIN, P. A. 1974. The hermit crabs (Crus­ 36-41. tacea, Decapoda, Paguridea) of north-western MCLAUGHLIN, P. A., R. H. GORE & J. A. CRAIN. North America. Zoologische Verhandelingen 1988. Studies on the provenzanoi and other 130: 1-396, pi. 1. pagurid groups: II. A reexamination of the MCLAUGHLIN, P. A. 1981a. Revision of Pylopa- larval stages of Pagurus hirsutiusculus hirsu- gurus and Tomopagurus (Crustacea: Decapo­ tiusculus (Dana) (Decapoda: Anomura: Pagu­ da: Paguridae), with the descriptions of new ridae) reared in the laboratory. Journal of Crus­ genera and species. Part I. Ten new genera of tacean Biology 8 (3): 430-450. the Paguridae and a redescription of Tomopa­ MCLAUGHLIN, P. A., R. H. GORE & J. A. CRAIN. gurus A. Milne Edwards and Bouvier. Bulletin 1989. Studies on the provenzanoi and other of Marine Science 31 (1): 1-30. pagurid groups: III. The larval and early juve­ MCLAUGHLIN, P. A. 1981b. Revision of Pylopa- nile stages of Pagurus kennerlyi (Stimpson) gurus and Tomopagurus (Crustacea: Decapo­ (Decapoda: Anomura: Paguridae) reared in the da: Paguridae), with the descriptions of new laboratory. Journal of Crustacean Biology 9 genera and species. Part II. Rhodochirus, (4): 626-644. McLaughlin and Phimochirus, McLaughlin. MCLAUGHLIN, P. A. & J. HAIG. 1989. On the sta­ Bulletin of Marine Science 31 (2): 329-365. tus of Pylopaguropsis zebra (Henderson), P. MCLAUGHLIN, P. A. 1982. Revision of Pylopagu- magnimanus (Henderson), and Galapagurus rus and Tomopagurus (Crustacea: Decapoda: teevanus Boone, with descriptions of seven Paguridae), with the descriptions of new ge­ new species of Pylopaguropsis (Crustacea: A- nera and species. Part. III. Agaricochirus nomura: Paguridae). Micronesica 22 (2): 123- McLaughlin, Enallopagurus McLaughlin, and 171. Enallopaguropsis McLaughlin. Bulletin of Ma­ MCLAUGHLIN, P. A. & J. HAIG. 1993. Two new rine Science 32 (4): 823-855. species of the Pacific component of the proven­ MCLAUGHLIN, P. A. 1982. The provenzanoi group zanoi group of Pagurus (Decapoda; Anomura; of hermit crabs (Crustacea, Decapoda, Paguri­ Paguridae) and a key to the regional species. dae) in the Western Atlantic. Part. III. Pagurus Bulletin of Marine Sciences 52 (2): 642-668. protubero carpus, a new species from the MCLAUGHLIN, P. A. & J. HAIG, 1995. A new spe­ Southern Caribbean. Bulletin of Marine Scien­ cies of Goreopagurus McLaughlin (Decapoda: ce 32 (3): 664-669. Anomura: Paguridae) from the Pacific, and a MCLAUGHLIN, P. A. & J. HAIG. 1973. On the sta­ comparison with its Atlantic counterpart. Pro­ tus of Pagurus mertensii Brandt, with descrip­ ceedings of the Biological Society of Washing­ tions of a new genus and two new species from ton 108 (1): 68-75. California (Crustacea: Decapoda: Paguridae). MCLAUGHLIN. P. A. & G. C. JENSEN. 1996. A new Bulletin of the Southern California Academy species of hermit crab of the genus Parapagu- of Sciences 72 (3): 113-136. rodes (Decapoda: Anomura: Paguridae) from BOSCHI: DISTRIBUTION OF DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS 53

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dae) from Western South America. Journal of ca 3 (2-5): 227-255. Crustacean Biology 1 (1): 137-142. WILLIAMS, A. B. 1983. The mud crab, Panopeus WICKSTEN, M. K. & M. MÉNDEZ G. 1985. Proces- herbstii, S.L. Partition into six species (Deca­ sa pippinae, a new species of deep-sea shrimp poda: Xanthidae). Fishery Bulletin 81(4): 863- from the Gulf of California (Decapoda, Cari- 882. dea). Crustaceana 49 (1): 16-21. WILLIAMS, A. B. 1984. Shrimps, lobsters and crabs WICKSTEN, M. K. & M. E. HENDRICKX. 1992. Check­ of the Atlantic coast of the eastern United Sta­ list of penaeoid and caridean (Decapoda: Pe- tes, Maine to Florida. 550 pp. Smithsonian Ins­ naeoidea, Caridea) from the eastern tropical titution Press, Washington, D.C. Pacific. Proceedings of the San Diego Society WILLIAMS, A. B. 1986. Mud shrimps, Upogebia, of Natural History 9: 1-11. from the Eastern Pacific (Thalassinoidea: Upo- WICKSTEN, M. K. & P. A. MCLAUGHLIN. 1998. gebiidae). San Diego Society of Natural Histo­ Pagurus retrorsimanus (Crustacea: Decapoda: ry, Memoir 14: 1-60. Paguridae), a new and distinctive hermit crab WILLIAMS, A. B. 1986. Lobsters-Identification, from the Eastern Pacific. Proceedings of the world distribution, and U.S. Trade. Marine Biological Society of Washington 111 (1): 153- Fisheries Review 48 (2): 1-36. 157. WILLIAMS, A. B. 1988. Notes on decapod and WILLIAMS, A. B. 1965. A new genus and species euphausiid crustaceans, continental margin, of snapping shrimp (Decapoda, Alpheidae) from Western Atlantic, Georges Bank to western the southeastern United States. Crustaceana 9 Florida, USA. Fishery Bulletin 86 (1): 67- 76. (2): 192-198. WILLIAMS, A. B. 1993. Mud shrimps, Upogebiidae, WILLIAMS, A. B. 1974. Allactaea lithostrota, a from the Western Atlantic (Crustacea: Decapo- new genus and species of crab (Decapoda: Xan- da:Thalassinidea).Smithsonian Contributions thidae) from North Carolina, U.S.A. Procee­ to Zoology 544:1-77. dings of the Biological Society of Washington WILLIAMS, A. B. 1997. Two new species and a 87 (3): 19-26. range extension of mud shrimps, Upogebia, WILLIAMS, A. B. 1974. The swimming crabs of from Pacific Costa Rica and Mexico (Decapo­ the genus Callinectes (Decapoda: Portunidae). da: Thalassinidea: Upogebiidae). Proceedings Fishery Bulletin 72 (3): 685-798. of the Biological Society of Washington 110 WILLIAMS, A. B. 1976. Distinction between a Gulf (4): 617-623. of Mexico and Carolinian Atlantic species of WILLIAMS, A. B. 1997. Occurrence of three spe­ the swimming crab Ovalipes (Decapoda: Por­ cies of mud shrimps in aquiculture ponds on tunidae). Proceedings of the Biological Socie­ Caribbean coasts of Venezuela and Colombia, ty of Washington 89 (14): 205-214. with a redescription of Upogebia omissago WILLIAMS, A. B. 1979. A new crab family from Williams, 1993 (Decapoda:Upogebiidae). Pro­ shallow waters of the West Indies (Crustacea: ceedings of the Biological Society of Washing­ Decapoda: Brachyura). Proceedings of the Bio­ ton 110 (3): 412-416. logical Society of Washington 92 (2): 399-413. WILLIAMS, A. B., L. R. MCCLOSKEY & I. E. GRAY. WILLIAMS, A. B. 1981. Western Atlantic species 1968. New records of brachyuran decapod crus­ of the caridean shrimp genus Ogyrides. Jour­ taceans from the continental shelf off North nal of Crustacean Biology 1 (1): 143-147. Carolina, U.S.A. Crustaceana 15 (1): 41-66. WILLIAMS, A. B. 1982. Revision of the genus La- WILLIAMS, A. B. & R. L.WIGLEY. 1977. Distribu­ treillia Roux. (Brachyura: ). Qua- tion of decapod Crustacea off northeastern derni del Laboratorio di Tecnología della Pes­ United States based on specimens at the north- BOSCHI: DISTRIBUTION OF DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS 63

eastern Fisheries Center. Woods Hole, Massa­ Florida shelf, northeastern Gulf of Mexico (De­ chusetts. NOAA. Technical Report NMFS Cir­ capoda: Thalassinidea: Upogebiidae). Procee­ cular 407: 1-44. dings of the Biological Society of Washington WILLIAMS, A. B., J. K. SHAW & T. S. HOPKINS. 104 (1): 49-54. 1977. Stilbomastax, a new genus of spider crab WILLIAMS, A. B. & J. L. HERNÁNDEZ- AGUILERA. (Majidae: Tychinae) from the West Indies re­ 1998. A new species of mud shrimp, Upogebia gion, with notes on American relatives. Procee­ toralae, from Veracruz, México (Decapoda: dings of the Biological Society of Washington Thalassinidea: Upogebiidae). Proceedings of 90 (4): 884-893. the Biological Society of Washington 111 (4): WILLIAMS, A. B. & D. L. FELDER. 1986. Analysis 908-911. of stone crabs: Mennipe mercenaria (Say), res­ WILLIAMS, A. B. & R. VARGAS. 2000. A new spe­ tricted, and a previously unrecognized species cies of mud shrimp, Upogebia cortesi, from described (Decapoda: Xanthidae). Proceedings Pacific Costa Rica (Decapoda: Thalassinidea: of the Biological Society of Washington 99 (3): Upogebiidae). Proceedings of the Biological 517-543. Society of Washington 113 (1): 13-16. WILLIAMS, A. B. & C. A. CHILD, 1988. Compari­ YOUNG, P. S. 1998 (editor). Catalogue of crustácea son of some genera and species of box crabs of Brazil, xvii 717. Museu Nacional, Universi- (Brachyura: Calappidae), southwestern North dade Federal do Rio de laneiro, R. J., Brasil. Atlantic, with description of a new genus and ZIMMERMAN, T. L. & J. W MARTIN. 1999. Brachyu- species. Fishery Bulletin 87: 105-121. ran crabs of Cocos Island (Isla de Coco), Costa WILLIAMS, A. B. & P. J. B. SCOTT 1989. Upogebia Rica: Leucosiidae, Calappidae, and Partheno- corallifora, a new species of coral-boring shrimp pidae, with descriptions of two new species. from the West Indies (Decapoda:Upogebiidae). Journal of Crustacean Biology 19 (3): 643-668. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Was­ ZMARZLY, D. L. 1992. Taxonomic review of pea hington 102 (2): 405-410. crabs in the genus Pinnixa (Decapoda: Brach­ WILLIAMS, A. B. & E. E. BOSCHI 1990. Panopeus yura: Pinnotheridae) occurring on the Califor­ margentus, a new crab from the Argentine warm nia shelf, with descriptions of two new species. temperate subregion (Decapoda: Xanthidae). Journal of Crustacean Biology 12 (4): 677-713. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Was­ ZOLESSI, L. C. DE & M. E. PHILIPPI. 1995. Lista hington 103 (3): 598-601. sistemática de Decapoda del Uruguay (Arthro- WILLIAMS, A. B. & N. NGOC-HO 1990. Pomatoge- poda: Crustacea). Comunicaciones Zoológicas bia, a new genus of thalassinidean shrimps del Museo de Historia Natural de Montevideo from western hemisphere tropics (Crustacea: 12(183): 1-24. Upogebiidae). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 103 (3): 614-616. WILLIAMS, A. B. & R. W. HEARD. 1991. Upogebia Recibido: 08-03-2000 spinistipula, a new burrowing shrimp from the Aceptado: 03-07-2000 ISSN N" 0325-6375

Revista de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero

N° 13 - Agosto 2000



Continuación del documento PDF que contienen las páginas 1-64 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces 3"# Astacidea Acanthacaris caeca (A.M. Edwards, 1881) Nephropidae 12 13 SB. on n Thalassinidca Acanthaxius caespitosa (Squires, 1979) Axiidae 6 oo on Q. on Thalassinidea Acanthaxius hirsutimana (Boesch and Smalley, 1972) Axiidae 12 13 Caridea Acanthephyra eximia Smith, 1884 Oplophoridae 12 14 Caridea Acanthephyrafaxoni Caiman, 1939 Oplophoridae 6 7 a> o. Caridea Acanthephyra media Bate, 1888 Oplophoridae 8 o Caridea Acanthephyra purpurea A. Milne Edwards, 1881 Oplophoridae 12 14 15 16 Brachyura Acanthocarpus alexandri Stimpson, 1871 Calappidae 10 12 13 14 15 a Brachyura Acanthocarpus delsolari Garth, 1973 Calappidae 6 Brachyura Acanthocydus albatrossis Rathbun, 1898 Atelecyclidae 8 Brachyura Acanthocydus gayi H. Milne Edwards and Lucas, 1844 Atelccyclidae 8 CD Brachyura Acanthocydus hassleri Rathbun, 1898 Atelecyclidae 6 8 O Brachyura Acanthodromia erinacea A. Milne Edwards, 1880 Dynomenidae 12 Anomura Acantholithodes hispidus (Stimpson, 1860) Lithodidae 2 3 s on Brachyura Acanthonyx dissimulatus Coelho, 1991-1993 Epialtidae 11 EI Brachyura Acanthonyxpetiveri II. Milne Edwards, 1834 Epialtidae 6 7 8 11 12 13 Brachyura Acanthonyx scutiformis (Dana, 1851) Epialtidae 10 11 Sergestoidea americanus amercicanus Ortmann, 1893 Sergcstidae 11 12 Sergestoidea Acetes americanus carolinae Hansen, 1933 Sergestidae 10 11 12 13 14 15 Sergestoidea Acetes binghami Burkenroad, 1934 Sergestidae 6 Sergestoidea Acetes marinus Omori, 1975 Sergestidae 11 Brachyura Achaeopsis thomsoni (Norman, 1873) Majidae 12 14 15 Brachyura Acidops cessacii (A. Milne Edwards, 1878) Goneplacidae 11 Brachyura Acidops fimbriatusStimpson , 1871 Goneplacidae 6 7 Brachyura Actaea acantha (H. Milne Edwards, 1834) Xanthidae 10 11 12 Brachyura Actaea angusta Rathbun, 1898 Xanthidae 6 7 Brachyura Actaea bifrons Rathbun, 1898 Xanthidae 11 12 Brachyura Aepinus septemspinosus (A. Milne Edwards, 1879) 10 11 12 13 14 Thalassinidca Aethogebia gorei Williams, 1993 Upogebiidac 12 Brachyura scutata Smith, 1869 Aethridac 6 7 Anomura Agaricochirus acanthinus McLaughlin, 1982 Paguridae 12 Anomura Agaricochirus alexandri (A. M. Edwards and Bouvier, 1893) Paguridae 12 Anomura Agaricochirus boletifer (A. M. Edwards and Bouvicr, 1893) Paguridae ;12 ;: 13 Anomura Agaricochirus cavimanus (Chace, 1939) Paguridae 12 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces

fS ptbipi¡¡¡¡ Agáñc&hWus) echinatúi McLaughlin;; 1982 : • Páguridaé l|i:; ill 2 Anomura Agaricochirus erosus (A. Milne Edwards, 1880) Paguridae 12 WM^MWií AgWm^hi^fgW^iiB^ (AlMiJne E^árd$|l 8 80)1||||¡|:; Pagundaeil us' ;pl2 Anomura Agaricochirus hispidus (Benedict, 1892) Paguridae 12 Gáideaj:i:i::;i:¡¡¡| Agqsí&^ii: l)0za^i^KÉnslSy¿; 198:|i:||l Agb^Cáridae i ;|: i|2 Caridea Agostocaris williamsi Hart, Jr. and Manning, 1986 Agostocaridae 12 B^^i^mé ^^:¿i^«^í| (^tír^Ólí • il:8í¡Q) J#|S^ Mithíf^í íjaSI; nuy |::;:5 iii Brachyura Alarconia guinotae Coelho, 1996 Pinnotheridae 10 11 Br^^aill IJMgftj^^ Piiffi^|riíláje;::::: 1||||: WM Anomura Albunea gibbesii Stimpson, 1859 Albuneidae 10 11 12 13 14 A|jicf|TO||l|i *t^!iítóií(¡^^ Mbra©^||:y:!;ll!::s::|:i iii Anomura Albunea paretii Guérin- Méneville, 1853 Albuneidae 10 11 12 13 14 Br^QJi^a]ü::::::|| M^^^B^^U^^S^^BS/MS^K^MM^MS^^^SSf iSi^^lillifliill IIS 1I-Í III ill Anomura Allodardanus bredini Haig and Provenzano, 1965 Diogenidae 12 : : : iiiiiiii'lllll wn^^^^^^g^j^sw^^^s^0s^0^^s§e^MSBSS;J^Í0géjnidaeli| ís:pii í | 112| Anomura Allodardanus rugosus Haig and Provenzano, 1965 Diogenidae 6 A^ia|^¡||¡¡| W^^^^i^^^^^^0^^^Bí^S^S0S^M^^S¿^Sí P^^Uáffidai|||;!¡|||| ill Anomura Allopetrolisthes punctatus (Guérin, 1835) Porcellanidae 8 MSSi^lllIt W^^^^^^^^^^g^^jM/S!KBé^^i^^^M^^KFMÍm PÓÍp^Jlam^llisiyfli:;:::: Eli: Caridea Allopontonia iaini Bruce, 1972 Palaemonidae 6 Grodlillllll ^^t^^^^^M^^^^s^^í992^M^ifiBá Alpheidal •••;:: III Caridea Alpheopsis chilensis Coutiére, 1896 Alpheidae 8 C||jd|§:i|i|§l |(¿Pt|§|!$Í;Í^^ Alplieidae ""MkSSé Ii:3 Caridea Alpheopsis labis Chace, 1972 Alpheidae 12 13 : findg|;||:::!§f $pW$$igjri£óS:'(^^ Alpbeib^éil|:y Si? Caridea Alpheopsis trispinosus (Stimpson, 1861) Alpheidae 12 : : : E ; :;: ; ; ; Gándei¡::: :|ís:;.!!! M^ft^ ae^itó: Kim áhd; Abeles; 1988 iTp!^;". i i nifI .!Alpheidá e : :1:::^; ;:::':;; ::| 6 l: l Caridea Alpheus amblyonyx Chace, 1972 Alpheidae 11 12 13 1 : : ; Cand^Si:;;: !!:^ Alph0s:ahM¡dtuÍ NícGlür e; 1995! í|:|!:;i!::.^,v1i:l¡ '-' Alpheidae;; |/ ;:-x':l: ¿J3 : 14 Caridea Alpheus antepaenultimus Kim and Abele, 1988 Alpheidae 6 GándéSpil:; AlpHéus a?^Ms Ra^bun, 1901 ;; Alpheidae : ;: M? Caridea Alpheus armillatus H. Milne Edwards, 1837 Alpheidae 5 6 10 11 12 Caridea |::?::::|:; AJpkeúTbahárnensis Rankin, ;1898: Alpheidae 12 Caridea Alpheus barbadensis (Schmitt, 1924) Alpheidae 12 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces Carideiaii i; Alpheus bedriii y errill, :1 922 •): Álpheidáé;; 7:12 Caridea Alpheus belli Coutiére, 1898 Alpheidae 11

CiridéaÉl||||il| Alpk^s¡bjillimmius. Edyckmgtonii 1877|l¿ Alpheidae :: if:: |i||3 ,:;:f;4 ,:.;:5. ill iiifi III? Caridea Alpheus bouvieri A. Milne Edwards, 1878 Alpheidae 6 7 10 11 12 : : GOTdéa||l||||| Al^h^Ml^^MMMBM^y .'!9QP i 'l||||l||iil:i:|iii| l Aljjheídle1 |'li :|¡::4" Caridea Alpheus candis Kim and Abele, 1988 Alpheidae 5 6 7

•<|roapll||p JJSjj$||ii$^^ ^héidae||||i|l:||| ::!:::1:1 Ii2 Caridea Alpheus chacei Carvacho, 1979 Alpheidae 10 11 12 Gjnll&illlli WjiK^&fíMM: C¿iitíeré| i| .9J2l||l|||||||:lÍ||||||l|| Aljftieidá! lililí ili lli? Caridea Alpheus clamator Lockington, 1877 Alpheidae 3 4 6 C^Seilllltll Wpfí^)&$íMbWim: W^^^i^^^^US^SS^^M^^^^- |iiitte|3^¡|¡i¡¡iijil|i lili Caridea Alpheus cristulifrons Rathbun, 1900 Alpheidae 6 11 12 13 Gjr|aéi||l||||| |íif¡ii^ AliiHéicláfe 'filis lili Caridea Alpheus cylindricus Kingsley, 1878 Alpheidae 6 7 11 12 13 Cmd|^i|||ii ^j/S^^^^BÉ^^s^^^^^^^^^^^^^^/im^^^^^U. |§hjhéi^||i||||g||||i 11$ Caridea Alpheus estuariensis Christoffersen, 1984 Alpheidae 6 11 12 13 É|ndéi||l|||| M^^^^^^^^^í¡^^^^^^^^g^mM§^^SS¡M W^SMjm00MM§MM.II I 1IIÉ Caridea Alpheus fasciatus Lockington, 1878 Alpheidae 6 Ci^eillllll ^^l^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^j^m^^M^SMM§^MMx. Alphgi(^||li|l;|||||:l:|: til Caridea Alpheus firmus Kim and Abele, 1988 Alpheidae 6 G:i3dé|l|l|||||| W^^^í^^^^i^^^^WWi^^M^ffií^^mi^S^^ A^KiidieysIf SI! ll! B§ lili lilll Ill ill Caridea Alpheus formosus Gibbes, 1850 Alpheidae 10 ll 12 13 14 : :G:^Íd|j£||||||:l| AípihWs^Üp^g^is: §iv^SÍ8:;|933;|: ; i i A1ph¿id|¡||:1i lli Caridea Alpheus grahami Abele, 1975 Alpheidae 5 6 ; ; (sradép|:ii;!|; Mpj^sMiíM^M^. i^3j Abjlé,: • 19.88 ;=: AhM|j|láé|i||||:7ll|l| ; |ll Caridea Alpheus hebes Kim and Abele, 1988 Alpheidae 6 7

Gárid^|||||||i Mp^&S^iM>chailis::&^§M^i: _== Alpheidae III 111 |:;1Q lliill li|2 1113 iill lis Caridea Alpheus hoonsooi Kim and Abele, 1988 Alpheidae 6 7 Cfgdegilili; $¡|¡JÍ|¡|£^ ;: AlpheidJ*:i ! i lili 111 Caridea Alpheus inca Wicksten and Méndez, 1981 Alpheidae 7 8 !!!! Gíiridéá" %$hm¿{m(iinsecus Baté^; 1888 i i l|Í i^héidáej I lío. 111 112: Caridea Alpheus lacertosus Kim and Abele, 1988 Alpheidae 8 Caridea Alpheus latus Kim and Abele, 1988 Aljjheidaelll •ill Caridea Alpheus leviusculus Dana, 1852 Alpheidae 6 7 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces : : G&id|É|t¡|| WphimWiigiq mM}Gm: and: AbélfM9^¡\0MiMWMBSS§\W fflp]gi^i.:.:;.ñ .::p||.:.:l: •li ::li Caridea Alpheus lottini Guérin- Méneville, 1829 Alpheidae 6 7 Gljid|l§|ff¡| ;^^i^MMi^M^^M^^^^B^^^^S^MMMMSB^^S^ Ali&éidMiillllllil IP i® III fill III Caridea Alpheus martini Kim and Abele, 1988 Alpheidae 6 Cándetflll;:;¡| WpW¿&ntáí{ip1MM0íi^^ Alpheld4¿; -I ill 11.0 III Caridea Alpheus mazatlanicus Wicksten, 1983 Alpheidae 6 GÉMféillllli 'Á^^^W^m^^^í^ii^^^¡^m^M^^^íS^SM^^S¡^: W^^^MMMMS 115: ilüió ill i IIP :l!i! ¡11 IP 1:1 111 Caridea Alpheus nuttingi (Schmitt, 1924) Alpheidae 10 11 12 i|m^|i¡¡|| |!^i|i|i$i^ii/^^ ^ptíMM^SS¡¡;:i:§íi MÍ WB Caridea Alpheus panamensis Kingsley, 1878 Alpheidae 6 8 Ciridei||¡¡fl|; w^^^^í^^^^/^fí^^^^^^^^^^^Qsi^a¡^^. iíiiiBli^lPlillipI MI III ¡III ill Caridea Alpheuspeasei (Armstrong, 1940) Alpheidae 12 £|ÍdeI¡lilII ^0^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Sj^ff^S^Ssg^gm^^M- ^§é^^$MM lii Caridea Alpheus puapeba Christoffersen, 1979 Alpheidae 10 C^dMlllil Élíjllfill^ ^plei^lllllliy.H :| 111 111 Caridea Alpheus ridleyiPocock , 1890 Alpheidae 11 12 G|n^|l¡§illi:: W^^^^^^SM¡^^^^M^^^^^^^^^SÍ}MS^^S^S¡ |i|||§S^¡|:||||p||| lili 111: Caridea Alpheus saxidomus Holthuis, 1980 Alpheidae 6 7 ^ii|ii||¡||| MMS^^^^MK^^^^^^^K^KM^SSMMSM^MB^S. \¿^^M^^SSÍS MI 111 Caridea Alpheus scopulus Kim and Abele, 1988 Alpheidae 6 7 WSMSiSM W^^iÉ^^^S^^M^^&^XíM^BM^SSMMSMSSM W^M\^§§'0MÉÍS\ III Caridea Alpheus splendidus Coutiére, 1897 Alpheidae 6 lii^lllll í^^^^j^l^^^^^^!^^^^^^^^gm^¿g^^^- ^P^ÍIÍSl|||;|l¡|y lili lili Ml ¡11 Caridea Alpheus tenuis Kim and Abele, 1988 Alpheidae 5 6 Cfridé|f|¡|i|¡ |(^i^:$^^ Mj|H|(^¡|;:yyi:ip||::;;; ¡|12 Caridea Alpheus umbo Kim and Abele, 1988 Alpheidae 5 6 ; : GaridJ|l¡ll| AlpWrn tí0^Ís]íB¿j^^0^^^X^i^9M IIMII11 iMI!! : Alph|ida|:.y:::; ::ii 6 Caridea Alpheus villus Kim and Abele, 1988 Alpheidae 5 6 Caridélillll; Alpheus viriddri:ffmtM<^M9^W A^éj^i'ltiiil lili Caridea Alpheus websteri Kingsley, 1880 Alpheidae 6 7 li 12 CandJlilllf: ñlpWMmcMféHM Ghriitofíeíserí íffidi:Rá|SM ¿I 987 % Alp;heidp;;::;;^: !;;;::6 Caridea Ambidexter panamensis Abele, 1972 Pasiphaeidae 4 5 6 7 1 ; : : Candeal; :1|1 An^idextérjwifti Abele,; 1972 1 Pasiphaeidae : 4 ;::: 5 ::::6 :i Caridea Ambidexter symmetricus Manning and Chace, 1971 Pasiphaeidae 5 12 13 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces Xhalassinidea AndcaHiax agassizf (Biffar, 1971) \0^:^-~ Callianassidae 12 Thalassinidea Anacalliax argentinensis (Biffar, 1971)* Callianassidae 9 BiSc^y^Sili1 AnMim usfugW- M Miljie IMwárdsi i 1880; :ii InaChpididáe: M. I2 Brachyura Anasimus latus Rathbun, 1894 Inachoididae íi 12 13 14 ^aadealpiPi A tíchistioídés ahiigueris w (Schhiiti|1924) Wl Pálaemónídáe ;:;; Í:::M :s:12 H? Hi Anomura Aniculus elegans Stimpson, 1859 Diogenidae 6 7 ^¡STOallliii Amsopüg^f^ acting W$mM¿:00030 li? Anomura Anisopagurus bartletti (A. Milne Edwards, 1880) Paguridae íi 12 13 14 [ MmíiMM¡M ^isjópagWus HpplaWMlMnaiíM aM:McLaÜghluii: 1996 :::if 8 ^0má^:M:¡ ::SM^ 112 HÍ Anomura Anisopagurus pygmaeus (Bouvier, 1918) Paguridae íi 12 14 A^orii^¡il|í $íj$i$ÍJ$^^ W§M^0¡'0§M0 11? Brachyura Anomalothirfrontalis (A. Milne Edwards, 1879) Inachidae 12

Bífii^siíBill |f8^ Grlplidle? 11:11 116 118 i;|10 gil: 1|2 Palinuridea Ardides guineensis (Spengler, 1799) Scyllaridae 12 14 M^yi^mm $Í!ÍÉ?ij||ÍgiS^^ : : Í^S!Í|ffld^|lll:;:ypf:: i wMH i ¡I 2 113; III WM Brachyura Arenaeus mexicanus (Gerstaecker, 1856) Portunidae 5 6 8 : Catfi&Sillyill MgWM^msiM (Kmgs!éyl;l8 82);|1;¡|; |;; Grarjtgqffidáe 'L0MÍM 112 .Í;;3 Caridea .¿rgis californiensis (Rathbun, 1902) Crangonidae 4 : C^ide^|l;stil WgWM^^d^M^^í^S)'^ Grajigüaidae:: ;;;W;1:: 112 Caridea Argis dentata (Rathbun, 1902) Crangonidae 1 2 16 C/tódeá||Íf|;: Arg 0lár(CmÉtí,: 1839);; i;; Gr^gpmdáéj::: • ll? Caridea Argis levior (Rathbun, 1902) Crangonidae 2 3

G^deli:illi Argis jwfef {R|thb^ 1902) ¡; ©¡^gpmdae::í::; |::;|2 Penaeoidea Aristaeomorpha foliácea (Risso, 1827) Aristeidae 12 13 14 15 5|itía^psdelí|ií:;; Aiistéusantillensi? ] W Mi; Edwards afidi B(njyief, 1.90: ?s ^Steid¡^||l;;l iigti; 1.1? 113' SÍ ms Brachyura Armases americanum (Saussure, 1858) Grapsidae 12 Brachy^allO:: Armases diígustipésí (Dafía,: 1852) ¡ i • p Grapsidae | lio; HÍ :112 Brachyura Armases angustum (Smith, 1870) Grapsidae 6 Bíachy^á|:;:::| A?maséS:bpiediÓti(]RM$^ Grapsidae 11 :12 Brachyura Armases cinereum (Bosc, 1802) Grapsidae 12 13 14 15 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces BraidiyUra:.:::: Arrnt&e^orM (Abele; 1981) h. otápadáé^yiyíyp fp Brachyura Armases magdalenense (Rathbun, 1918) Grapsidae 6 ; ; : B|^yürái ; :!:íí;;i:: ArirMMmMMMBMW&M 8?7)l||ií i; Graypsidaeiyiyy yy l| Brachyura Armases occidentale (Smith, 1870) Grapsidae 6 Br^yi^ili!! WMÜÍ^S fícSfdt (KMMiiJidi!ai^ll.853) % :•:::& Grapsidae yyyyy; hi.iiir ¡l? 111 Brachyura Armases roberti (H. Milne Edwards, 1853) Grapsidae 12 : : : i : : P^^OÍdélf: ; : :' Artet^idMi&iwri? BSté| 1888 *;; y M; Pértáeidséy!yyyyyyyyyyyyy III HP Brachyura Austinixa aidae (Righi, 1967) Pinnotheridae 10 11 Br^clíyüía!;::!ii!!::!: AUsUmxdMh^M^(M^ítímg iáhdiiFjídSif ;1989);y y; y y y y; Ml 1MIM s y 11111PinnQthfiridae1 ; n; WM Brachyura Austinixa chacei (Wass, 1955) Pinnotheridae 13 Bi§$iyM8ill 'X^^i^^^^^^^m0S0^^MWMSMMZSi§^SSMMS. Piífflpjltórida^yyy-::: ;I;Í 111 I?? 111 .111. Brachyura Austinixa felipensis (Glassell, 1935) Pinnotheridae 5

Bra^liy^|:::|l: ^sti^dgorM (^hni^iffid ÉélderJ i 1989) yy y P4TO^fnd¡^:y.y.y:y:yy:y.y. 111 Brachyura Austinixa hardyi Heard and Manning, 1997 Pinnotheridae 12 Bp^oS^mW-M i^twxMpW^Mí^Ü: Pirfflotheridaey; '• MiMMM-l;11 $ Caridea Austropandalus grayi (Cunningham, 1871)*** Pandalidae 8 9 10 ; c^^|M|y|yi|y ^MM&^^^^M^M^áM^! M S8. i i i í^^|Ídá|§:?yy*5:§H ; III III yyyyi 11 pjü 111 Caridea Automate evermanni Rathbun, 1901 Alpheidae 12 13 14 Qm^^mmm Ai^niMémx0rWs^aS¿i6, • 1 g72M§|yf |:1M •f&^MM^MSS'S WW lili Caridea Automate rugosa Coutiére, 1900 Alpheidae 4 6 ^alpsmidesi ^idtíÜsM áfMárid Kensley ^djffiaiüjl 990 y; y i|a|)^díídáSi:.!yyyyyy.y.5.! |y|| Thalassinidea Axianassa australis Rodrigues and Shimizu, 1992 Laomediidae 10 11 Thalassinidea AxiM&MVÜMIÍMM^§Í^ Hé^d;y 1990 y: y y ]át3)tá$í$mMMMi smá Thalassinidea Axianassa intermedia Schmitt, 1924 Laomediidae 12 Thalassjffldell Axiá^MjáM(Kéi&i^ i^fiSlé^ihd Heardi • 1990 I^mediidaeyy::: yyyll Thalassinidea Axianassa minen Boone, 1931 Laomediidae 6 ::: TOMassinidea: AMopM MMMí^fPM^r I977*: ¿ AMidá¿y ;:: :;•:•$ •••MjS Thalassinidea Axiopsis brasiliensis Coelho and Ramos-Porto, 1983 Axiidae 11 ThaMsinidea dM^sisjénñeri (Williaiins, 1974) ;•:: Axiidae ; yosyyr y 14 Thalassinidea Axiopsis oxypleura (Williams, 1974) Axiidae 12 ThálaSsínidéá Axi¡^sÍsWrrcü¡ftbW(¿CMM£ -Edwards, 1873) Axiidae Á MU 12: Thalassinidea Axiorygma nethertoni Kensley and Simmons, Jr., 1988 Axiidae 12 13 Thalassinidea ^/ítS::se^teí:Stirnpson,:1852:i: Axiidae 15 16 Brachyura Banareia palmeri (Rathbun, 1894) Xanthidae 11 12 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces Caridea Barbouriacubensis (von Martens, 1872) Hippolytidae 12 Anomura Bathynarius anomalus (A. M. Edwards and Bouvier, 1893) Diogenidae 12 Brachyura Bathyneetes longispina Stimpson, 1871 Portunidae 12 13 14 15 Brachyura Bathyplax typhlus A. Milne Edwards, 1880 Goneplacidae 11 12 13 14 Brachyura Bathyrhombilafurcata Hendrickx, 1998 Pseudorhombilidae 5 6 Brachyura Batrachonotus brasiliensis Rathbun, 1894 Inachoididae 10 11 Brachyura Batrachonotus fragosus Stimpson, 1871 fnachoididae 11 12 13 14 Brachyura Belliapicta H. Milne Edwards, 1848** Atelecyclidae 8 9 10 Penaeoidea Bentheogennema borealis (Rathbun, 1902) Benthesicymidae 1 2 3 4 Penaeoidea Bentheogennema burkenroadi Krygier and Wasmer, 1975 Benthesicymidae 2 3 4 Penaeoidea Bentheogennema intermedia (Bate, 1888) Benthesicymidae 10 11 12 14 15 16 Penaeoidea Bentheogennema pasithea (De Man, 1907) Benthesicymidae 4 Penaeoidea Bentheogennema stephenseni Burkenroad, 1940 Benthesicymidae 4 Penaeoidea Benthesicymus altus Bate, 1881 Benthesicymidae 4 6 7 Penaeoidea Benthesicymus bartletti Smith, 1882 Benthesicymidae 11 12 14 15 16 Penaeoidea Benthesicymus brasiliensis Bate, 1881* Benthesicymidae 9 11 12 13 Penaeoidea Benthesicymus carinatus Smith, 1884 Benthesicymidae 12 Penaeoidea Benthesicymus tanneri Faxon, 1893 Benthesicymidae 4 6 7 8 Brachyura Benthochascon schmitti Rathbun, 1931 Portunidae 12 13 14 15 Caridea Betaeus emarginatus (H. Milne Edwards, 1837) Alpheidae 8 Caridea Betaeus ensenarensis Glassell, 1938 Alpheidae 4 Caridea Betaeus hardorfi (Kingsley, 1878) Alpheidae 4 Caridea Betaeus harrimani Rathbun, 1904 Alpheidae 2 3 4 Caridea Betaeus lilianae Boschi, 1966 Alpheidae 10 Caridea Betaeus longidactylus Lockington, 1877 Alpheidae 3 4 5 6 Caridea Betaeus macginitieae Hart, 1964 Alpheidae 3 4 Caridea Betaeus setosus Hart, 1964 Alpheidae 2 3 Caridea Betaeus truncatus Dana, 1852*** Alpheidae 9 Thalassinidea Biffarius biformis (Biffar, 1971) Callianassidae 13 14 15 Thalassinidea Biffarius debilis Hernández-Aguilera, 1998 Callianassidae 6 Thalassinidea Biffarius delicatulus Rodngues and Manning, 1992 Callianassidae 10 11 Thalassinidea Biffarius fragilis (Biffar, 1970) Callianassidae 12 Anomura Blepharipoda doelloi Schmitt, 1942 Albuneidae \M Anomura Blepharipoda occidentalis Randall, 1839 Albuneidae 3 4 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces j|8Stti|Sf|l|; Blephffrip&da :s^Mmqiíg^PÍ^iX^pM^^^K¿ Alb]^id#i;:;i:i:i:ii§i;:t:::::::::ii:; til Thalassinidea Bouviraxius longipes (Bouvier, 1905) Calocarididae 2 i(|ira^|i||l| WdchyWi^pW: WiúM¿

Brachyura i::;;::;: XJallinécíes arcüatus\Ordy/&y, 1863 Portunidae : ::: 4 ;;; 5 6 7 ::;:8 12 Brachyura Callinectes bellicosus (Stimpson, 1859) Portunidae 4 5 6 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces BráCrryU^*!!! Cáílüiéctés; bfáóttrtí-A, i Milrie Edwards, 1879;;;y Portunidae :; io : 11 12 !,,E,13 Brachyura Callinectes danae Smith, 1869 Portunidae 10 ll 12 14 ;: : Bi$&y^|¡y;y: CalUnécíési'exáspefatus (^rstáéckér;; 1856) ji;.-.'.' Portumdae;: ::5f:: .i::::6 iflO m\ :;i2 Brachyura Callinectes larvatus Ordway, 1863 Portunidae 10 11 12 13 14 : Brá^yira?iiii Cállimciesí T^racáiboennsjráissoüai: 1972:: I =-' = rliili::.!:!:! i.i Poe^d^;.i;.;:;^f;|;;|. ::;;.y Jl2 Brachyura Callinectes ornatus Ordway, 1863 Portunidae 10 11 12 13 14 15 : Bfá ¿ihj^:;¡l¡i:: CM¡iñ0^^aJf^n§e\ Gptttr?; yl ?3Q;.; y:; ÉOrtÜnÍdae|::|::: ;.;;}2 11$ Brachyura Rathbun, 1896 Portunidae 3 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Bía^ymllll £&i$»i«^í3^^ Í^MñÍda|i|;y;::l|||:S :;y.::;12 !;lü ¡III :fl:5 Brachyura Callinectes toxotes Ordway, 1863 Portunidae 6 : Thalassinidca <3f/ie|ii£^^ WüíiiMiii • WSMMiíÉ'M lli :;::í:?s3 •s;4 Thalassinidea Calocaris templemani Squires, 1965 Calocarididae 14 15 16 ñ|á|ipi||l|¡:| Cidypyr^tHg^M^fii: ^(M^^^MQ^MMMMÍS^M Kiffibthérulae:;;.::n;;; iiP Brachyura Calyptraeotheres granti (Glassell, 1933) Pinnotheridae 4 5 6 ; : Bi^iylilllll W^^i^^^^^tíW^^^^M^M^^MBSS^^^KSsñ Pí^^éM^*i|s;:igí: : : 118 Caridea Campylonotus semistriatus Bate, 1888*** Campylonotidae 9 ^ijjsliSIIIIll 'JÍ¿f$!l¡g^^ i2^f}pMf&>^^SBM ::|;:;8 S! IM Anomura Cancellus ornatus Benedict, 1901 Diogenidae 11 12 13 14 : WiMi^BW: :J!Si$i|a!¡M Dipyg;SÍiá^yiy:yyyyyyy::H li;i •IP Anomura Cancellus viridis Mayo, 1973 Diogenidae 12 : S||«áSj|j|^|¡: ¡ :C^|||ii^^ 5Mc|i^ae;;i Iw; II :3; ll5* lli ili Brachyura Cancer antennarius Stimpson, 1856 Cancridae 2 3 4 6 ESadS|S^lll i&ijl$p|i¡^ C^riCqdaej-^^s;:;;;:;:;:;||.yy;y:l |g;;3 III Brachyura Cancer borealis Stimpson, 1859 Cancridae 12 14 15 16 : : ; : : Br|chyÍíraS:íl:!: Ortt^fi^Mi?^ :R¿fljb^ Gántridáfe;;;::^:5|:|:::|:.::;; 112 ||3 W::;4 Brachyura Cancer coronatus Molina, 1782** Cancridae 8 9 BíSChy0^fyy|| .0tó|^ :SÉf|^|^Í!;BfellÍ:; 183 5 **; ;; /: G^ncnílae :*::i; •:; it5 lili i;.::;? Brachyura Cancer gracilis Dana, 1852 Cancridae 2 3 4 6 1 :: : ; ; Bjir^y^li: ;;;;!: CajíÓM í^^Stó iSay,|l §J.:7;|i;:;:;::::!:M : i !'ÍÍ::!:!:!::.:;:; .:.= I ililNi::!CpBCtpaey'yIPIiN: M : 1 12 |14 :|15; 111 Brachyura Carvacho, 1989 Cancridae 4 6

Bracljy^yyy.;:;- Cttm^^oWMiMM^^MK: 1 CaffiS&eyyyyyyyyyyy; l|;3 114 Brachyura Cancer magister Dana, 1852 Cancridae 2 3 4 B|achy||ali|| Gáiwet&^gpfiiénsis(Danay 1852) ;;;1 Cantodaé||:::.:.:: ;:: ;2 ;|3 :fÍ Brachyura Cancerpolyodon Toeppig, 1836** Cancridae 6 8 9 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces Bí|ÍHyü^;|i:;U;ü: W0érp^t^í0(Úi\^, 19M: 1 yi y 1 Gahcndáé: '¡;;:;: III -;;;;: 8 Brachyura Cancer productus Randall, 1839 Cancridae 2 3 4 Brác|^|;;i;;;;;;;;: •^|É¿^;:^Í^ÍIi^^|u^:;;l:758) llllllllliyH BciHijid^iil;;; IP 114 ¡1.5 HI Brachyura Cardisoma crassum Smith, 1870 Gecarcinidae 6 Br^yüíallll C^^i^§iMahimt\ Látreillé;;:; í;8|5 ;|;¡ G^aipnidMf;} Hi: .lip III IP HI Caridea Caridion gordoni Bate, 1858 Hippolytidae 15 16 BrlSh^a¡yil •0$piJH^ iX^Üihidaíe;;; 1: lllli MM Brachyura Carpilius corallinus (Herbst, 1783) Xanthidae ll 12 13 Bja¿hyür|¡I|:;; WtípSpoiM ^^¿¡(¡1^ XmthidaS;;;11;¡H S? ;i|3; HI Brachyura Cataleptodius floridanus(Gibbes , 1850) Xanthidae 10 11 12 13 ] BJ§§j|j|pi||f|f ^éfdí^pWdt^s vm^t^:^m^^f{^^;:í^M X^iftlida^;:;.;;;s;: iiil III til 117 Brachyura Cataleptodius snodgrassi (Rathbun, 1902) Xanthidae 7 li^^iSílll: M^^^^M^^^^^^^S^i^^^^^S^MiS^^MSSi X^Md^:.;:;:;::::;;;;;y|;;;;;;;; •III Anomura Catapagurus diomedae Faxon, 1893 Paguridae 6 ^pj^fllllf Wfi^^^^MWt§^^W^3^^MM?^t: M PagiMdJifl;:;fl;i;; SI: IM HI Anomura Cervimunidajohni Porter, 1903 Galatheidae 8 §^pl|:|:i:;:|||: W^^^^BK^^^^^^^^^^^^^SiWM-^^^^^M PJijJiiiS^idflls|;l;; III Caridea Chacella íncornuía Hendrickx, 1990 Palaemonidae 6 Bfé<¡ky^i|i¡ W^^^^iM^^^^W^^M^^^^^K^^KMi^SM^KSiPséüpíptórpilidáe;; ; | 111 gi? Brachyura Chacellus pacificus Hendrickx, 1989 Pseudorhombilidae 5 6 BJáll^lllll :i&Pi$!$^ Ger^rjidaeKiyil li$ Brachyura Chacean notialis Manning and Holthuis, 1989* Geryonidae 9 IfliPillll €H^8ü$ümqti^M¡ (S|ith¿: };8J9|¡¡|; GJr^^dáf¡y::.:yl;::í!:¡ ;:;;;;1| H5: HI Brachyura Charybdis helleri (A. Milne Edwards, 1867) Portunidae 11 12 n : : B:f^MallI C^SÍMM^tMÍÍ& ^fM'^ W$0¡M}¿:: \ \ Gr^^dae|;;;;5:i:j:::H-:::.:: §;$ Ü Brachyura Chasmocarcinus chacei Felder and Rabalais, 1986 Goneplacidae 12 13 B|§|foj|piHi Cliü^Wcdí-cmüs cyl¡Mri(^s¡BMM^iíl901 Gpfleplacidae ; ;;;10 ¡¡12 Brachyura Chasmocarcinus ¡atipes Rathbun, 1898 Goneplacidae 4 5 6 Bj|¡gh^|¡|¡§ ^Msyñocmanlusl(Mg^es0M^s\ÍMOjilt;;.yi: . . Gohyeplaeidae 1. ;;;; 6: Brachyura Chasmocarcinus mississippiensis Rathbun, 1931 Goneplacidae 13 BrácbyMllll CMástnScarcinúS ü6/^uü| Rathbui¿ ¡;1898 p Gbrieplácidae Í2 Brachyura Chasmocarcinus peresi Rodrigues da Costa, 1968 Goneplacidae 11

Brachyura;;:;; Chasinocarcihustypicus\RaM3aB^lS9S Goneplacidae 10 11 :;; 12 Brachyura Chasmophora macrophthalma (Rathbun, 1898) Goneplacidae 6 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces Xfelassinideá Cherdsmus marginatum (Rathbuh, 1901) Callianassidae 12 Brachyura bairdi Rathbun, 1924 Majidae 2 3

^ac^maFSi Chionoecetes: ppilió (FabnciüSiil788) •;1 Majidae :• •'••; .y.;;;;;:l 16 Brachyura Chionoecetes tanneri Rathbun, 1893 Majidae 3 4 MÓñÍuraylyyi:; Chirostylüs defehs ¡tf (Benedict,; 1902)1|¡¡;: Chirostylidae ; y y mm Anomura Chirostylys perarmatus Haig, 1968 Chirostylidae 4

Waciiyuramm ChleiriMellalon^mqna %W Milne EdMtps, 1834)| 1 Xantludae ;iyra y 1 yyyi2 Brachyura Chorilia longipes longipes Dana, 1852 Pisidae 2 3 : Bileljj/jmlil CMriliMongipes \ tw%id¿t0i&ib^|!9J4yyyy:yy; y Pisidíié y :y=; p :'y .y: lis 1¡M 111 Brachyura Chorinus heros (Herbst, 1791) Majidae íi 12 GaBdeliiyyiyy: (sKPMM&^MMiM^: (FiMMMlffiWmmiiMMMMMS HippSlytidae.: y lllll III Caridea Chorismus tuberculatus Bate, 1888* Hippolytidae 9 10 G^ideáy¡yyyyyyy 'Wté&rÍ0KhWW^^ Riij^ci^iimiétidSé;; y y yiyi 4 Anomura Clastotoechus diffractus (Haig, 1957) Porcellanidae 6 ?Í3ÍPfiiS^Í!¡ll SE/s^l^^ pór^Hañidaeylyyy HI Anomura Clastotoechus hickmani Harvey, 1999 Porcellanidae 6 7 Mprrflii^llll EJte^ftj^ PoreéllSflixlae; §: I • III Anomura Clastotoechus nodosus (Streets, 1872) Porcellanidae 12 ifflifflil^iill "CJíolSi&sfiS^á^i^ftaí^^ p^^llam^eysyyiiyyiyy a? Anomura Clibanarius albidigitus Nobili, 1901 Diogenidae 5 6 A^órrfl^lf::||. ;0í¿|$i|!!iji^^^ pipiÉridae!! yiio IS il?' Anomura Clibanarius cubensis (Saussure, 1858) Diogenidae 12 IlíSffll^ilÉI Cl^d^ms¡di^MM<^^3 ^WmmmmMmmmm Dipggmd^ipllllll yyy;5 yyyyl Anomura Clibanarius /oresft'Holthuis, 1959 Diogenidae íi Anfflpiiiliyyf: Clibariáriús janéthaigaé iHehdrielg^ and Espar^arflaro, 1997 yyy|: piogéííidae ; m;€ Anomura Clibanarius panamensis Stimpson, 1859 Diogenidae 5 6 8 : An^^ylyyy y CWdnariMÍclqpéiM^^i0^W$^§M piógejiidaeyyyyy ;:;.:.!.;.1P ,;|:|í l|| Anomura Clibanarius tricolor (Gibbes, 1850) Diogenidae 11 12 jtóÜitKürit Clib^nari^yiffgtuf^^cil 802);; l|ll|Í! Pipgeiiid^eyy y IIP Ig y:!! yyyis ;^Í4 ::::i5 Brachyura Clypeasterophilus juvenilis (Bouvier, 1917) Pinnotheridae 12 13 i: : Bxict^i:WM C^^í^^fe^^^^;(BQu;yjéry l 917) py| Pirinplhéridáéy: :::•; ;yii¿ Brachyura Clypeasterophilus stebbingi (Rathbun, 1918) Pinnotheridae 10 12 13 Bracliyurá;y|:::: ClypéasteWphilus usiiis/ructus (Griffith, 1987) Pírüiothferidae ; y.l.l Brachyura Clythrocerus carinatus Coelho, 1973 Cyclodorippidae 10 11 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces

WtM^MgM Clyth^ocerí&edeníatus Garth, 1966 ¡¡¡ssll; Cyclpdórippidáé:!!l ,;.,,6 Brachyura Clythrocerus granulatus (Rathbun, 1898) Cyclodorippidae 10 11 12 14 Biilir^áiiOjli:

BjSlSyJifasIll ;Í£ffi(/rai$&:^^ |n|C^^áé||:::.|:l::l:|::: ;I12 Brachyura Collodes robsonae Garth, 1946 Inachoididae 6 Bjr|¡Ch^||::|¡.: j!M&!^^i$!M^ Mafehpidjdaeii; IP III III. Brachyura Collodes rostratus A. Milne Edwards, 1878 Inachoididae 10 11 BjBcfty^|||| Ci^désletm^ laacftM

Caridea ..:.,,. Crangon alba Holnies, 1900 : Crangonidae .;:•:; 2 13 4 Caridea Crangon communis Rathbun, 1899 Crangonidae 2 3 4 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces G^dealllli CrangortMlliSM^un, 1902 C|ang

^aridea:;i!l¡l5:: CrtíHgo^jfatíeüjcanM ahgustimana: Rathbun^ 1902 III Cratigolidáe:::::::::: .;; 2 •:•:•:,3 Caridea Crangon handi (Kuris and Carlton, 1977) Crangonidae 3 4 : : csideaiii;;*!;;;; &an^WiMf^kW^^ W&MMMMMySMMMMMMMy MMMMMMM^-CraBgb^idáé • : i||i|.; ;l;i Caridea Crangon nigricauda Stimpson, 1856 Crangonidae 2 3 4 CaMei|5|||| £ra#pi« i$g!^ 877jii|:.: Grál^ÓMdMílilllll lili ill Caridea Crangon septemspinosa Say, 1818 Crangonidae 14 15 16 Bf^ipffi||;i; &6ín^í^^íl^íi^^M\ 8) MM WiMv^MMMMMM I III MM ¡i|| liljQ ill 111 111 III lull Brachyura Cronius tumidulus (Stimpson, 1871) Portunidae 10 li 12 13 Thalassinidea W^^^^^^^^J^I^Si^UMm^M^^MMmW ^iílislsiiiiilllll MMII I Caridea (Molina, 1782) Palaemonidae 8 Br||fcy^:I;.;;;| ;£¡i§$!J|£^^ i)x0&^^MMMMMMM MMil l 111.2 111 .III. Brachyura Cryptodromiopsis larraburei (Rathbun, 1910) Dromiidae 3 4 5 6 7 ftij§SiPll!l silili^lii^ W$^$&$MMMMMMMMII I 111 Anomura Cryptolithodes typicus Brandt, 1848 Lithodidae 2 3 Jftwtijri^MMM WrypWp^fcpMeo^^ ^^^^^M^MSS Iff 11? HI ill Brachyura Cryptopodia hassleri Rathbun, 1925 Parthenopidae 5 6 BracllyMÍ:Í¡il:!::: WypWs^KMvMM \ i^/^^^^M^MMMMMMM^MMMMMMMM. ^¡^ii§^MMMMMMM. III Brachyura Cryptosoma balgueri (Desbonne, 1867) Calappidae 11 12 13 14 7 B|acjiy^|:::||::: €r^^ma^gM^(Q^M Irid ^$^^^9WM:MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM W&^^ÍS^MMMMMM MM III Thalassinidea Ctenocheles holthuisi Rodrigues, 1978 Ctenochelidae 11 ThMassírii

BrachyÜJS;:;:i:;::::;: ]£5^ij¡!£fn¡^ :EdwarUs*::!880i;; Cyjilüdürippidae \ i i; .|11; MM |::13 Brachyura Cyclograpsus cinereus Dana, 1851 Grapsidae 6 8

Brachy^rá:::;:;:;:::i::;; (tylpgWpsitii^eQn&aWMVv rathbun; il 933;;;; <^Í^Í^MMMMMMV. IM Brachyura Cyclograpsus integer H. Milne Edwards, 1837 Grapsidae 10 11 12 13 Brachyura Cyclograpsus /a!id cf^sd:iStí^sw¿^M^MM0WM ^ucósiid^ép.:::™-: !! !:::: Hi 11:1 i:i2 III III Brachyura Ebalia clarionensis Rathbun, 1935 Leucosiidae 6 Brac]iyü|á|i|;[ EbalidcnsMa, Rathbun,; 189?!!;!!!!!! ieuí0sjid^6:.:::;!;!i!!!li!!::!:!:!:; 1:3 11:5 Brachyura Ebalia hancocki Rathbun, 1933 Leucosiidae 6 7 ni ::i : Brachyura; !!!p. EBalia mügdqlénéhsis^i^aM^^'il) |.¡! \ I^ücósijd^ép!::: / : :::::4 in Brachyura Ebalia rotundata (A. Milne Edwards, 1880) Leucosiidae 10 BraS3iy|Í3¡:pl Ebalm sWnpWhVA. Milhl: Edwaids,:: 1.8801:: m L^uc;psiidáé:l:::;::::::F,. ::PQ: !:!1:}: 112 ?m IB Brachyura Ectaesthesius bifrons Rathbun, 1898 Xanthidae 7 a ; Brachyjirll!::!! EdM^Mi^^^W¡ n^:ffwtí&^^í^):::; ::::: Xanthidae! Pp ::;;7 Brachyura Edwardsium lobipes (Rathbun, 1898) Xanthidae 6 7 BftcKy^Ipl Ed^rdfiymspmimqnus (Hi: Milhe: Edwards,; 1834)1 M Xahthidae : 1 10 111 ill Thalassinidea Eiconaxius agassizi Bouvier, 1905 Axiidae 12 Thalassiradea Eiconaxiixs aníillénsis^SwmSi, 1905: .;;.; Axiidae v::: 12 Thalassinidea Eiconaxius borradailei Bouvier, 1905 Axiidae 12 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces Ipilássinidea! EicbttáXiús cáribbáéus {HáJcÓh,; 1896) i; Axiidae; PÍ2 Anomura Elassochirus cavimanus (Miers, 1879) Paguridae 2 ^jSpiííi^llll ElassochirMgilli (Bériédpl 1892) ;.;|:pi§§;- Pjglindlél;;!-; lil? Anomura Elassochirus tenuimanus (Dana, 1851) Paguridae 2 :: ^üHi^iif!! EnimiáiMítpigá ($tj^SS!J11857) *•. ?•?. ; si; Hippidáe!l!!!!;: ; :;;;;;2 !!;3 !;l;4 !;!6 M% III Anomura Emérita benedicti Schmitt, 1935 Hippidae 12 14 : : i^Ssíi^lllI Em&itab^MltMHs^^Miú 9^MMMM-MMMBMMMMMMMMt^Hip'pidáé ! l !l|p- Ipl ;!;;12 Anomura Emérita portoricensis Schmitt, 1935 Hippidae íi 12 13 A^QÍnurt;:J::;Í:::;::; E^miür^hbi^áe3áSm^. 19351111111 Hjppidas ! g;;!!!! ! !!;6 ;!;18 Anomura Emérita talpoida (Say, 1817) Hippidae 12 13 14 15 AMM^HKiiilI Emwtf4M¿ñ¡ :;SiSu^i J?S3|¡I| C^iTó^id^l!:;.:! MM. Anomura Enallopaguropsis guatemoci (Glassell, 1937) Paguridae 4 6 Moir||f^:!:;:liii íjl^Siliiiii^^ ]|^pní(|i||piiiiiip\ ||:-;g Anomura Enallopagurus affinis (Faxon, 1893) Paguridae 6 : : A^np^lilli ;^a|/i!^¿^^!¡i<^^^ PágÜHdáé!;;;:;|!;l;!l?;!l: Í!!<5 Anomura Enallopagurus spinicarpus (Glassell, 1938) Paguridae 4 6 GafÍÜÍá?::;|:Íi:i::|¡| ^^^iM^^^^^^^^^^f^^^^^ff§9^S9ii^^MiMm^ S^S^MÍáP^ lli Anomura Enneobranchus bermudensis García- Gómez, 1988 Paguridae 12 ^<$|p&lilil 2ptt|&fera^ PSg^djiss5;5;;:;;;:;;;;;;:;|!::; SI. Mm III; Anomura Enneobranchus markhami García- Gómez, 1988 Paguridae 12 TrialaSsiiudea;; Ifr^fóiiíi^^ AxíidSé' |;:.;; !;;:;;1:;J: MU. Brachyura Epialtoides hiltoni (Rathbun, 1923) Epialtidae 4 6 BrapKjpaiJíií¡!i!¡! ^^^^^üffpfí^tí^í^^^)^\ í$i^iféfelli|if!l- pf Brachyura Epialtoidesparadigmus Garth, 1958 Epialtidae 5 6 Bíayhyü|a¡i|i Epmlióiilés rostratas: Goelho, i 1972;;;;;;;;;; l;!;;! Ejjáltidaél¡lllll::lf lli Brachyura Epialtus bituberculatus H. Milne Edwards, 1834 Epialtidae 8 10 11 12 : Biaehp^l!;!;; ^íáñi&i&i^^ EpaltídaB l;!-;:.::::f;!!:.;: MÍO ;11 1^2; Brachyura Epialtus dilatatus A. Milne Edwards, 1878 Epialtidae 12 13 14 Bra^yMlliss Epialtus kingsléyi: R&hbun> 1 923;!;! Epialtidae!:; ! 1:12 Brachyura Epialtus longirostris Stimpson, 1860 Epialtidae 11 12 13 : Brachyura::::;: Epialtus miniñíüs EÓCkiñgtóh;: 1877 :? j;;; Epiam^el!!;!!!!; 5;;;:: 4 1115 :;!;!6 Brachyura Epialtus sulcirostris Stimpson, 1860 Epialtidae 6

Brachyura ; Epixanthus tenuidacfylus(Lockington, 1877) ; Xanthidáé :::::::::! :::::: !;.;;. 6 Brachyura Epulotheres angelae Manning, 1993 Pinnotheridae 12 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces

Bráehyurali*!;: Erileptus^spinosus lí^ci^i^^^^M^ Inachidae : 4 •5 ;::...... g Brachyura Eriphia gonagra (Fabricius, 1781) Xanthidae 10 11 12 13 14

Bxactiy\mS$í Eñffia^ühMósaM MilñgiiEdwgi-dsy; 18801111^1:'i • Xánthidae:::::::::y:yy: -ill Brachyura Eriphia squamata Stimpson, 1859 Xanthidae 4 5 6 7 8 :;: Br|crr^ura^¡:¡l¡ ^E^htíMM^iHd^^^^MiM^iíM XaSthidáey .;yyy y :;•:;:;;§ yyy? Thalassinidea Espeleonaushonia augudrea Juarrero,Garcia and Martinez, 1997 Laomediidae 12 B'r|c)ryü||¡;!"!tiil jplj^i^erii!^ P6riipy^lil¡¡i¡i|. ill: WMyy;i 3 yyi4 Brachyura Ethusa ciliatifrons Faxon, 1893 Dorippidae 6 8 ||¡|¡§$ip|¡¡| E^^MMMS>¡^M>^ .11 Dmjpj|^ilsl¡¡¡:¡ ¡li 1115 III Hi Brachyura Ethusa microphthalma Smith, 1881 Dorippidae 10 12 13 14 15 BrÍéhyÜ||í;:|iiÍ; l$tÍii^Í^i^^ p$i|pyjllliyyiyyyy;yyyy; 11111 1 Brachyura Ethusa steyaerti Hendrickx, 1989 Dorippidae 6 ||ÉÍÍ5ÍÍÍÍ|l:!.l WhWM^^0^MM^Mi\ ^ffSMSMMM§MSMW§MMSMMS Bp|ipypflid|sy;ii;yylllll; 111 lil Hi;?; IS Brachyura Ethusa truncata A. Milne Edwards and Bouvier, 189 Dorippidae 12 13 Bii||y^ltl!§l I^^M^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^KMÉMS^^^^^MS Dpripypjd^yyyyyyyyiyyyiyy 111 Brachyura Etisus maculatus (Stimpson, 1860) Xanthidae 12 ijSilll^llllll ¡Jlggi!^^ Wí^SMM^ÉWMS III 111 Caridea Eualus barbatus (Rathbun, 1899) Hippolytidae 2 3 Gmdeil;¡¡yl¡l W^M^^^M^^^^^^^^^^^Mm^^^^^^S&M^^B: Hip|l^yJida;||y:;:.¡j¡y ill Caridea Eualus biunguis (Rathbun, 1902) Hippolytidae 2 3 cjpidfiyiiilll i|^^||$^^ H «yipyolyjtidáeyy i; ¡11 iH Caridea Eualus fabricii (Kioyei, 1841) Hippolytidae 1 2 16 Gffiid|i:;:|U;|ii:|: EM{MgWMt^\ÚÍÉMf>^ Edwards ¿yí 837) ; \ % HippQlytidaeyliiiiy 11 ;ii:|6; Caridea Eualus lineatus Wicksten and Butler, 1983 Hippolytidae 2 3 4 6 Cáridéá] yiylll Ei(i^Mmac0WM{Mpy^y 1 841) lllllll HipppiytidáSyyyyyyy yyyyi: ly'l Caridea Eualus macrophthalmus (Rathbun, 1902) Hippolytidae 2 3 ; : iliillfiyliyly.; EiM^pusiótM^Ki^ii 1841) " ?y Hippolytidae y;yyy.;y; 111 !i;2 III yi:l 6 Caridea Eualus ratmanovi Makarov, 1941 Hippolytidae 2 <|arid||¡y yllyy Eii&líWWttjis Canché ;áM Olson, 1984; i -i; yf ¡i¡;| ly'; Hippolytidae IK Caridea Eualus suckleyi (Stimpson, 1864) Hippolytidae i 2 (|i|||^||||lii- ^^ij^^iwi^^^M^ii\^^^^^^g Hippolytidae ;'-.;••; -ill Thalassinidea Eucalliax cearaensis Rodrigues and Manning, 1992 Callianassidae li Thalassinidea Euml¡iiixjone?i (Heafd,; 1989); y;: Callianassida^iyyy ,,.j2 Thalassinidea Eucalliax mcilhennyi Felder and Manning, 1994 Callianassidae 12 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces

TOáiassiiídealEíitallim)qtádraa4a .(Bifíar:,;;;1970)l::; Calliánássidae;: IjllJ |:.;:1:2 Anomura Euceramus panatelus Glassell, 1938 Porcellanidae 6 Ariürm^llll; M^dM^pW^I^MM Stíínpsóri;; 18601||||| P^Ml^da^l;;;;|i;;;.i ;i;i| MMMM. ¡¡'1 5 Anomura Euceramus transversilineatus (Lockington, 1878) Porcellanidae 5 6 Ws^/^ÉMú EiMhW^apW§^tñe^Mñtís: A? MU^ ;EflMrtlsi; 18 80 ill <3iS^^c|||l II ;::;;:;l;0 MM1112 . 1!; Brachyura Euchirograpsus antillensis Turkay, 1975 Grapsidae 12 jM|h^l|ÍIl WMtí§gt0Ím [ImgslÉyí^Mm^:: 18j85)f ¡f f Grap adlfe 111;;: :;;:;i0 Brachyura Eucinetops blatíana Rathbun, 1896 Inachidae 12 Bracliyjtfá:ii;||:i ^^s^^g^^SStW^^tíS^f¡^^^M ^áfclíi^ellíliillll;;:;;;: !§'5 111 Brachyura Eucinetops panamensis Rathbun, 1923 Inachidae 5 6 Br^¿rryM:|Í|ll ^^^^^s^^4^á¡^^^§^M^M ^aehjdáé • ill;.; lii Brachyura Eucratodes agassizii A. Milne Edwards, 1880 Xanthidae 12 13 Braehy^ilii !Í!&ft#í|¿^:;^ ©CW^ácá$Ífe:|;|¡¡|-I MMwm III iljl Astacidea Eunephrops bairdii Smith, 1885 Nephropidae 12 BJI^hy^llil 'j^^^^^^j^^^(^^^^i^^f^^^^^^ími¡XM^i§^íW^ Ppu^fyS^iiuiae:;';;.; III Brachyura Euphrosynoplax clausa Guinot, 1969 Pseudorhombilidae 12 13 IPiiPSSPllll Wtípl^^^ü^M^&&i¿, ^M^MMMMiiMMMMMMiMSMMMMMMMMMMáiiM^i^lfllliil l mm ¡li ill III Brachyura Euphylax robustus A. Milne Edwards, 1874 Portunidae 5 6 Bráchyl^llll "Ei^^^i^^^^^B^^^^^l^i^^^g^ ^eygódilie liiiiiipi III Brachyura Eupleurodon peruvianus (Rathbun, 1923) Epialtidae 6 8 Bjaeh^allli; :Ei$^wdQtiíüíh$^^ Ejiaitidfteiiil;;;?;!!;;;;;;.; illl Brachyura Eupleurodon trifurcatus Stimpson, 1871 Epialtidae 6 7 WMMMMM E^pg^§tM$ffiM$$M?M> \ 189|l;l;;;:i;;l; H |elÉí|dj^|;;; ;il;4 !!;S 111 Brachyura Euprognatha gracilipes A. Milne Edwards, 1878 Inachoididae 10 11 12 ¡BrsJISjil^llll %$rogyítiW¿&mM^^MMM S93; 1lilll J.': ^a;ph^jditlá|ll; lllft 1111 Brachyura Euprognatha rastellifera Stimpson, 1871 Inachoididae 10 11 12 14 15 16 Bráchyura:;:::;:|: EuryoziM^MS&'W^MMiSSieas ,;::l;76f7;):;:;|;:;;:;: x^fhidáei;;:g:;;;; ; ;l.ll Brachyura Eurypanopeus a. abbreviatus (Stimpson, 1860) Xanthidae 10 11 12 13 14 B^chyüra¡;;:;:;;; Eítrypfá¿pjeMM[ ater ;Rathbuni;193 0JÉ XajithidáSl liill:.: M Brachyura Eurypanopeus canalensis Abele and Kim, 1989 Xanthidae 6 BrachyUra|:;:::;;;; Euf^p^opeiis conJrdgosusltMdQW^ ;1933p;; ; ; Xanthidae 111 lip Brachyura Eurypanopeus crenatus (H. M. Edwards and Lucas, 1843)** Xanthidae 6 8 9 :; Brachyura ; i; Eurypanopeusdepressus (Smith|1869);; ; Xanthidae;.!; |: 12 13 ; ;1;4 15 Brachyura Eurypanopeus dissimilis (Benedict and Rathbun, 1891) Xanthidae 6 10 11 12 13 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces Brachyura:::*:: Eurypanopeus ovaius (Benedictand Rathbun, 1891) Xanthidae*:: .;?•; : * 5 Eg Brachyura Eurypanopeus planissimus (Stimpson, 1860) Xanthidae 4 5 6 Brachyura :::::P Eurypanopeus planus (Smith; 1869):?: ':'fi Xanthidae : 6 Brachyura Eurypanopeus transversus (Stimpson, 1860) Xanthidae 6 7 8 :; Bráchyim|::::| EurypaWpeiis Mrgidiis : (Rai^u^: 193 QJIl Xaripidael: : ::::';:::: Pp yis Brachyura Euryplax nítida Stimpson, 1859 Goneplacidae 10 ii 12 13 14 : V BiÍ^yiirá |ll Eur0láXip()lita Smith; : lMply Goneplacidae ':t§ Brachyura Eurypodius latreillei Guérin, 1828*** Inachidae 8 9 10 BrgehyuiSilll M^fiurm affiMfjifá ééts! and: Kingsley; •• 187J>):::: X^flÜdaélllll:::: E:|;M-?4 iil ¡pig lli Brachyura Eurytium albidigitum Rathbun, 1933 Xanthidae 5 6 Bi|íjí^ai|i|| Eí^MJi^M^iMÜ ^iM^llllllllllli WM^MMSiiMi ||m ¡II ii? 1S I 111 ¡¡¡i Brachyura Eurytium tristani Rathbun, 1906 Xanthidae 6 8 : : Palifíiirtáeáf:::f '^j^^^^^^mX^MB^^M^MMBMS^99SISS Scyllai^d|e:: :: :;PÜ5 lili Caridea Exhippolysmata oplophoroides (Holthuis, 1948) Hippolytidae 10 11 12 13 14 ^gtfpiiSilll :Z^jii!g|£^p|^ Pi^b^eM^:;:?:?*;:: 31 Hi Brachyura Fabia canfieldi Rathbun, 1918 Pinnotheridae 3 BiSlteJl^lII: WibMMrMehín::G;áíñgbs; 1996 i|: Pírffióthénd^ie;: P|P:f ;• lis Brachyura Fabia concharum (Rathbun, 1893) Pinnotheridae 4 WM^MBM ySaííS;^^ Piimi^eridil I • s llll 3ft Brachyura Fabia malagueña (Garth, 1948) Pinnotheridae 6 K¡Bfi!^SríSai¡l| Íí&fág$éi0¡i{^^ Piririóthend^l*:*^ IMS Brachyura Fabia subquadrataDaasi, 1851 Pinnotheridae 2 3 4 BrSidryjir^jllii Fabia telWfimC(M>ñ 1973 % mm Pifflpffiéridáe; ;;: pig 0:0 Penaeoidea Farfantepenaeus aztecus (Ivés, 1891) Penaeidae 12 13 14 15 : Pejtt¡^bid¿£t:i. F^í^^^dMsWái^yeWis (Xiatr;eillp|:J817) P: Pénaéid^^|¡:::|:::::.:::.:; :::::;:; :1:0 01 1:1? 014 Penaeoidea Farfantepenaeus brevirostris (Kingsley, 1878) Penaeidae 3 4 6 7 8

P:eñaSQÍdea;;:::::l: FárJaMepmdéui talifbWi^su^Qiatis^,,: 1900) ii; Pénaeidáe;:::::;::::^::::;; ¡03 0 :4 if"5 •:, :::6 ::3 ¡:p8 Penaeoidea Farfantepenaeus duorarum (Burkenroad, 1939) Penaeidae 12 13 14 15 peüí|bidea;i:;il Fgrfáü(M?na<íj4s\ notMis; (Pé|é|::§aríanteí ::1:?67);: i'. i Pé:náeidaePp:^::::p::*: wn ,012 Penaeoidea Farfantepenaeus paulensis (Pérez Farfante, 1967) Penaeidae 10 Ee^a^id!l;;;!# Ft0iifft^md^;mbtili$\ (Perez :F^Stité j|967):::;; Pehaeidaé]*** 111 III Caridea Fennera chacei Holthuis, 1951 Palaemonidae 6 7 C^4?iliWi Emü&qlph^'i¡Mcei$p)^'im^ Alpheidáep" 12 Brachyura Frevillea barbata A. Milne Edwards, 1880 Goneplacidae 12 13 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces ::;;M : Brachyürái!!:!: Frévilléa hirsuta ;(Borcaiíaüe,; 1.916);; :pil • Gqneplácidae ;; 10 ; ". I2WM 14 Penaeoidea Funchalia villosa (Bouvier, 1905) Penaeidae 12 14 15 16 A^Mítfaliiii GakfthM Wñ¿i RáihiSíh, jl.SQ/?:;^;; :"ÑM:^;M;:;H Í : TiM:;; T; ;^Galathéjdae.;;1 :: ;rÑ ; s I;;8 Anomura Galathea rostrata A. Milne Edwards, 1880 Galatheidae 12 13 14 Bráclryur3l:;i:s|; Garthiope ;a^i§ü^# Guinot :ánd Hiffe, 1991 |;} Xarithidae"!=|! "EÍ!E! wn Brachyura Garthiope barbadensis (Rathbun, 1921) Xanthidae ii 12 Bráclryfiráiliilili; :<^|feí^e^>^en..(GáBhj|l 946);;;;;; Xánthidael ||||i|if¡| ill Brachyura Garthiope spinipes (A. Milne Edwards, 1880) Xanthidae íi 12 13 Bracjvy^S|:i:|:| GMdi^q^agdüdicH^M (HllyliMe Ed\^ds|;;1834j |Sp';• X^thÍdáe:;;;;p III ¡¡¡I Brachyura Gaudichaudia tridentata (Lenz, 1902) Xanthidae 8 Br¿<ÉyM¿J||f: GéÉÜrWiú& fa^i^^:H.:;.Milr)Í;.Ed^aidsi:;:;l 837i;li;i:i i i Gp^síi^M^MMi-íM •;:;:|H: wm Brachyura Gecarcinus lateralis (Freminville, 1835) Gecarcinidae 11 12 13 Brs^yKSilili^ili GéÓáróiMs ;/|^i(i!|¡iK (j&i^^m^mMfii§§i§ ¡ii Brachyura Gecarcinus planatus Stímpson, 1860 Gecarcinidae 6 Brach^álfll Xi^fiiiw^^ Qé<^

BSchyurai::;: G/awé//ü;i^ítónéóna:(Wicksteh, 1982) II Pinnotheridael; Is i.ii;6 Brachyura Globopilumnus xantusii Stímpson, 1860 Xanthidae 6 7 Brachyura ;;;;:ll: Gfyptogr0$usintyr&sté:SmiÜi, 1870 Xanthidae ::•; 6 Brachyura Glyptoplax consagae Hendrickx, 1989 Xanthidae 5 Brachyura : : GlypWplcócpugnüx Smith,; 1870:;;;;;;:: Xáhthidae ;;:6 Brachyura Glyptoplax smithii A. Milne Edwards, 1880 Xanthidae 12 14 Brachyura Glyptoxanthus erosus (Stímpson, 1859) Xanthidae 12 13 14 Brachyura Glyptoxanthus hancocki Garth, 1939 Xanthidae 7 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces Brachyura Glyptoxanthus labyrinlhicus (Stimpson, 1860) Xanthidae 6 Brachyura Glyptoxanthus meandricus (Lockington, 1877) Xanthidac 5 6 Brachyura Glyptoxanthus vermiculatus (Lamarck, 1818) Xanthidae 11 12 Thalassinidca Glypturus acanthochirus Stimpson, 1866 Callianassidac 12 Caridea Gnathophylloides mineri Schmitt, 1933 Gnathophyllidae 6 12 Caridea Gnathophyllum americanum Guérin- Méneville, 1855 Gnathophyllidac 12 Caridea Gnathophyllum circellum Manning, 1963 Gnathophyllidae 12 Caridea Gnathophyllum modes turn Hay, 1917 Gnathophyllidae 12 14 Caridea Gnathophyllum panamense Faxon, 1893 Gnathophyllidae 5 6 7 Caridea Gnathophyllum splendens Faxon, 1893 Gnathophyllidac 12 Brachyura Goetice americanus Rathbun, 1923 Grapsidae 5 6 Brachyura Gomeza serrata Dana, 1852** Euryalidae 8 9 Brachyura Goneplax sigsbei (A. Milne Edwards, 1880) Goneplacidae 12 14 Brachyura Goniopsis cruentata (Latreille, 1802) Grapsidae 6 10 11 12 13 Brachyura Goniopsis pulchra (Lockington, 1876) Grapsidae 6 8 Brachyura Gonopanope augusta (Lockington, 1877) Xanthidae 6 Brachyura Gonopanope areolata (Rathbun, 1898) Xanthidae 4 5 6 Brachyura Gonopanope nítida (Rathbun, 1898) Xanthidae 6 Anomura Goreopagurus garthi McLaughlin and Haig, 1995 Paguridae 4 6 Anomura Goreopagurus piercei (Wass, 1963) Paguridae 12 13 14 Thalassinidea Gourretia biffari Blanco and Liñero, 1994 Callianassidae 12 Thalassinidea Gourretia laresi Blanco and Liñero, 1994 Callianassidae 12 Brachyura Grapsodius eximus Grapsidae 4 4 Brachyura Grapsus grapsus (Linnaeus, 1758) Grapsidae 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 Penaeoidea Hadropenaeus affinis (Bouvier, 1906) Solenoceridae 12 13 14 15 Penaeoidea Hadropenaeus modestus (Smith, 1885) Solenoceridae 11 12 13 14 15 Anomura Haigia diegensis (Scaland and Hopkins, 1969) Paguridae 4 Brachyura Halicarcinusplanatus (Fabricius, 1775)*** Hymenosomatidae 8 9 10 Penaeoidea Haliporoides diomedeae (Faxon, 1893) Solenoceridae 6 8 Penaeoidea Haliporus thetis Faxon, 1893 Solenoceridae 6 7 Brachyura Hapalocarcinus marsupialis Stimpson, 1859 Cryptochiridae 6 Anomura Hapalogaster cavicauda Stimpson, 1862 Lithodidae 3 4 6 Anomura Hapalogaster grebnitskii Schalfeev, 1852 Lithodidac 2 3 4 Anomura Hapalogaster mertensii Brandt, 1850 Lithodidae 2 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces C^deagipíil Hi^iliopsWdepr^safi&i^SOM 1860) .1 ill! Paláémonidae f i|!... '.'::iii i ? Brachyura Hemigrapsus crenulatus (H. Milne Edwards, 1837)** Grapsidae 8 9 ; BraCrrj/uSilil! W^igmp^miMs. ;:(pii^ii;85:l) i i illfllll GrapsidM;'! 1 [ If !!f|2 fig lit Brachyura Hemigrapsus oregonensis (Dana, 1851) Grapsidae 2 3 4 5 6 0r^yi§af:||l Mmigf'V'^ *^^?^^ :(í??:iHI|iS¡ i;l 835) y';';; j^|||ad||ii'';;]|¡::y¡iOi ¡1.15 Penaeoidea Hemipenaeus carpenteri Wood-Mason, 1891 Aristeidae 6 7 12 13 : PMáé0$§af!ff HWMpMM^MpiMMiiMí^^^ MM ¡iff Arist|ida|¡!! f•! 111. 111 Brachyura Hemus analogus Rathbun, 1898 Mithracidae 6 EraMy^f!¡!¡! Héí^írÜMipés) A¡MjJrie !EdwS4s¡|8¡?§!¡¡f ¡¡ Mithíiáqidag! if! 1:11 :!!!:12 1:113 Wm Brachyura Hemus finneganae Garth, 1958 Mithracidae 5 6 Br^||yjta:;;;.:|;::í H&^lldÜMcá iiípiitfif l!869¡!¡¡¡|g:i!:!¡! Af^a^é¡¡¡f¡f!!!!!i:!:;ii! WM. Brachyura peruviana Rathbun, 1910 6 BralKy|iSI;|ií|¡ 2|^ii^!||&^^ ^QtKS^éy :|::i;y : IS rnñjs Brachyura (Linnaeus, 1793) Aethridae 12 13 14 15 Bra|h!y|¡^|!¡¡f H^útMM^WMi W^M^^MMMíS"§ÍÍMM.. Aethridáé fllii WMiii l Mi Brachyura Hepatus kossmanni Neumann, 1878 Aethridae 4 5 6 Br|oKyU||li:::|i|i $li!i!$$lft A<3ffidp;!!!¡¡!!¡¡:¡¡¡¡:: ill ¡fl$ li£ 11 Brachyura Hepatus pudibundas (Herbst, 1785) Aethridae 10 11 12 13 14 B^jyl^Illi ÍI^tmísMMñ W$MWi$¿ ^MÉS§KM^S0-SM'\ AéSffi|Íe¡f¡|¡fl¡f¡ fil; !Í12 Penaeoidea Hepomadus tener Smith, 1884 Aristeidae 12 13 £^d||f!f!fff| ?lépW¿dri^\bt^^ HrppSlyfdáefiiii Hi Caridea Heptacarpus camtschaticus (Stimpson, 1860) Hippolytidae m2 (|Í!p|i|Í|;|ÍÍ |fj$iS|§|i|E^ Hippp}yJ:id#;". If; ¡11 II g •III Caridea Heptacarpus decorus (Rathbun, 1902) Hippolytidae 2 3 4 Í3gcridéiá ;; ij Mj^^^^rfl^üs^MMi^í 1 901)¡| Hippólstiíjg^ ! ill Caridea Heptacarpus franciscanus (Schmitt, 1921) Hippolytidae 3 4 Caridea !!!: H^ac^WfyscMa^atUsWickstéji;;:1986;::!: i Hippolytidae • Iff!: i¡4 Caridea Heptacarpus herdmani (Walker, 1898) Hippolytidae 2 GaÉsdea; H$fácinpüJsJ&^^ Hippplytidael 1 yg !:!!!.4 Caridea Heptacarpus litoralis Butler, 1980 Hippolytidae 2 Ctó3éai;f ;ff Heptacarpus maxilipes ! (Rathbun,; 1902) fs Hippolyti

Bra^y^a;::;:::l: Hexapanopeus ctístüricen$is Garth, 1940 V Xanthidaep :: P : 6 Brachyura Hexapanopeus hemphillii (Benedict and Rathbun, 1891) Xanthidae 12 13 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces Brabpi^iiP; HexapM6péusWMpés:{A.M¡M¿ Edwards, 1880) f: Xanthidae™ !:;i:2 Brachyura Hexapanopeus nicaraguensis (Rathbun, 1904) Xanthidae 6 Bráclr^aliil HÉx^cmppM^ i¿M# iiSthbun| 1 93P1I1Í11IÜ.Ü Xahíhidae::;: ii ms¡ lili Brachyura Hexapanopeus paulensis Rathbun, 1930 Xanthidae 10 11 12 13 14 :i: : :: : E BracliyTOlili Héx^M^^s^mnqí^éniátus Ráthbim;; 190 l:;;|:;:: : :;:.:"!;: :":-:;:;|XarShidáé::: ' '"-- :í ^ yyyyíi ¡11 Brachyura Hexapanopeus rubicundus Rathbun, 1933 Xanthidae 4 5 6 BtiíáíSSiraiyjyi fí&0^p^schmi(ti i RÉ|bÍü},: i 1930 llliili XiSMi^lHiBIfMfl ilill iiyyll Brachyura Hexapanopeus sinaloensis Rathbun, 1930 Xanthidae 6 BractíyiM¡¡!|Üi; HémpM: ^iHijmsiJCMs^^W^:. • i; i Héx|podia cubensis (Saussure, 1857) Hippidae 12 i^p|^:iyyy|§i $¡$^$8^^ Hipypidaé-yyy; |yyyyyyyay::| III. !!;ly|id¿é yyy 111 Ii0 III Caridea Hippolyte coerulescens (Fabricius, 1775) Hippolytidae 6 12 13 14 15 16 G|rid||i|ii|l iitJiiiliÉí^^ PyggíS^üállilglII ys|2 111 Caridea Hippolyte nicholsoni Chace, 1972 Hippolytidae 12 Cffitá¿a¡|y|yyyy Hjpp"ÓlyW$fíJÍi^^ Hip|)^yytidáé|yi|*iyy:yy: lit Caridea Hippolyte pleuracantha (Stimpson, 1871) Hippolytidae 12 14 15 G^dellllli! ífi^^^^^íaiSiS^rnittJ i lS2||¡¡p||||;| •;; * Hip;py^ylidái:i:|;:::|::::::y;y;y fp ¡li iüliii! 111 Caridea Hippolyte zostericola (Smith, 1873) Hippolytidae 6 11 12 14 15 B^ob^Mllyl tM^^^mm§g (Ai Millié yÉ^yaM^í^gSp);^;:;!'^!:^;! ^1¡Í:' M.^idáeyy:y:;||| 111 y;yi2 Brachyura Holothuruiphüuspacificus (Poeppig, 1836) Pinnotheridae 8 Bíáehy^ájyyygyi HgloiHiMiipl^ :y FihlÍQffiend^^yyyyyyyigyí III Brachyura Homalaspisplana (H. Milne Edwards, 1834)** Xanthidae 6 8 9

Astácidea;: ::;.^ Hómarus wñéttéanWilíMüm Edwards;1837i i ; Nepbrcípida?yy ;;: :::: 1-15 16 Brachyura Honróla barbota (Fabricius, 1793) Homolidae 10 11 12 14 15 Bra^yiira::;:;;::; Hmtwla W.l. (HJMiliií!; Edf ards,:: igg Q); ;i;i ly Hó^oIidaeyy|||::|:;:;;; ;|12 lili? Brachyura /fyaj araneus (Linnaeus, 1758) Majidae 1 15 16 :: : 5 BrachyTO|:iiiii HyWicparetaiiis álutacéus Brandt,-18 5l!!:y "" Méjiíláé j.yj]y; -•,-••••1 14 15 1

Caridea: ::;::l;;y Hyihenocera picta Dánáf 1852 Gnathpphyllidae 6 Caridea Hymenodora frontalis Rathbun, 1902 Oplophoridae 2 3 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces

iGtód^iiiP' Hymenodorá gracilis Smith, 1886?::::::::::^^ OplÓphpridaé: : : - ;.:f;:8 Penaeoidea Hymenopenaeus debilis Smith, 1882 Solenoceridae 11 12 13 14 15 ; Batápirílii:: HypoWnc^jatoWia StíarnpÓn j !8 58 pippP Dri>miidáe¡ 10 ¡:;11 pl:2 Í|3 ¡HI Brachyura Hypoconcha californiensis Bouvier, 1898 Dromiidae 6 Bráchyürais:!::::: Hy^coiicJml^wei Rathfeuii;;l 1S>33 ^N:is:i;i;iii: Díó^idapip ill ¡PS ¡¡¡::::6 Brachyura Hypoconcha panamensis Smith, 1869 Dromiidae 5 6 7 8 ; : BSCtpjM:-:!! ^^j^0M^pWosiKii&^í^&í\ tf(tyi§SMEMM:MMMÍSMWw Br^id^¡| ;;;:;:::::|:|| ||10: ;: 11 ¡I? ill Brachyura Hypoconcha spinosissima Rathbun, 1933 Dromiidae 12 13 14 Brwhy^ililiil WMéí^^^^i^^^iS^^^^^m^^^M leucosiidae; i \ \ i¡ mm Brachyura Iliacantha intermedia Miers, 1886 Leucosiidae ii 12 13 14 B||chjij|£lii ^^^^^í^í^jff^^^^^M^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ J|^ÍÍ»i^¡ÍÍ;!!!;;iiii;iy MM lil ¡ill Brachyura Iliacantha schmitti Rathbun, 1935 Leucosiidae 5 6 ; : ; Bj|e;hy|¡í|¡l¡|¡ ¡ IU^ij^^p^M§itii^§^\ 1 S7:l: L?pÓ siidaeii::!:í:i: :::H:;:;;;;;;; ;1;1I mm Brachyura Iliacantha subglobosa Stimpson, 1871 Leucosiidae 11 12 13 14 ÍM|¡íy^3;fI| ^^^^^^^^^SM^^^Si^^B^^^S^M^BS Ji^hffldi^fiyfyiilil IS ¡¡¡¡¡12 HI ill Brachyura Inachoides laevis Stimpson, 1860 Inachoididae 4 5 6 Brilíiy^:iii¡: ^Sc^í^¡i§^ ]^(ágí^^||ilpí| Si 111 Anomura Iridopagums caribbensis (A. Milne Edwards, 1893) Paguridae 12 13 14 ijiSsSiS^Plll 'W^^^^^^^^^^^S^^^SMB^^Sms^^BS f0m^0^:M3t:m Sil :i|2 Anomura Iridopagums globulus Saint Laurent, 1966 Paguridae 12 AÜffijJÍB¡g¡g¡f| iradg^^ jl^güiidáé: iii ;| III; Hi Anomura Iridopagums occidentalis (Faxon, 1893) Paguridae 6 'WÜM^BMM $i#ep|i$i^ Wg^^e0§E:i:MSM ¡III ¡SI ¡¡::¡i4 Anomura Iridopagums violaceus Saint Laurent, 1966 Paguridae 11 IPIfSispllll Isdckel^^il^SUS^Boi^^ 1900)! i::!::: Diogenidae: ¡¡¡ ÍII3; ;:;;:;;4 Anomura Isocheles sawayai Forest and Saint Laurent, 1967 Diogenidae 10 li ^0ríi^¡¡¡:¡:¡¡¡¡.¡¡¡¡:¡ li&hél&XtfMáiinii StiiSp^tai,;¡ 1862;'.;. Dlbgeriidaejiii" ill 111 Anomura Isocheles paciflcus (Bouvier, 1907) Diogenidae 8 (|a|ÍÓSS:::::;::;::|::::.::; jaríiéM arifigiiéHsis ¡((^cej :| 972); • í; Hippolytiidae :: | :;-:;:i2 Palinuridea frontalis (H. Milne Edwards, 1837) Palinuridae 8 I*fflriurid^:#:| W$Íüid í^|í^^g ;{ILi^ 1837) >;;: i i PMnuridaglgi:; ¡III SI? Brachyura Juxtafabia muliniamm (Rathbun, 1918) Pinnotheridae 6 ;;: : BjphyJ|(|||| Mmussid ¡a^én^í?: Garth j 4939 i Xanthidáe: :;;¡¡¡pp¡| ¡ :::5;¡1:1: 6 ¡:¡¡7 Anomura Labidochirus splendescens (Owen, 1839) Paguridae 1 2 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces BíáclryÜriÍ::::P; LMe&nectes; vocans (Aí Mime Edwards;; 1E878); - • ?"'" ;;:!:!Porturiidae: :INE: ; ;;; WM ;;12 Brachyura Latreillia manningi Williams, 1982 Latreilliidae 12 14 15 Bffi#íyütl¡¡¡| MfceitJiQ W0dMsWÍWMÍ99G^ i i; l^reilhidaep: plO Caridea Latreutes antiborealis Holthuis, 1952** Hippolytidae 5 6 8 9 Gandé^|||;¡;;;;;¡ •Ldtf^&jwot^^ Hipptilytidáe pi| • 11 112 111 111II I ;; 1| Caridea Latreutes inermis Chace, 1972 Hippolytidae 12 :: : : <|l|$^PJPPj: WífféW&: ¿3^/á|;(Stj^^rÍj;;;I 8 jS6Jpppp;:;. Hip^ytidág::: :f: ::::::::;: ;;:;;I;0 ;;;11; ;; ;;121:1 3 pl 4 H Caridea Leander paulensis Ortmann, 1897 Palaemonidae 6 10 11 12 2 GwidSág||||::::: ^^>Í^::^tó¿¿y^¿í;:;(Say^iÍ8:l:8J Ppppp|;p.|; ÍMáétti^i^plPp; : ;10::;:;1 :1 I! p;13 ;;;;:1| 1.15 ;|;;;|6: Caridea Lebbeus catalepsis Jensen, 1987 Hippolytidae 2 C^djSll§;lll :Jf$||8|!^^ W^^^^:W;^i% ill Caridea Lebbeus groenlandicus (Fabricius, 1775) Hippolytidae i 2 15 16 GSssi^llllll ^^^^^^^^¡f^^^^^^^f^^KMSM&SMM^^KSS. ^tipll^plllPipp III Caridea Lebbeus microceros (Kroyer, 1841) Hippolytidae i 16

CMdMl|:;::|¡| W^^^^^^M^^^^S^M^^M^K^^UBMMSS§SA HipJOlytidSB:!:iiil!:!::i! 111. ill MM: Caridea Lebbeus schrench (Brashnikov, 1907) Hippolytidae 2 pS||B|ll¡¡¡lÍ £$jmimiw^^ H^^ytida^|:: P.::¡::;p;: IPI lii lis; Caridea Lebbeus washingtonianus (Rathbun, 1902) Hippolytidae 2 3 4 6 Bi§2iyMillt ^<$^£^:#f^^^ W^tiM§^M:&B:§ñ I11 PÍ2 NOT Brachyura Leiolambrus punctatissimus (Owen, 1839) Parthenopidae 5 6 ^iftfti^lilll iL^epiddp^ bW&fíM :| Sbhmiit I : 1935;:; !:y|::::::::|:::::::::ÍM.: |1 !:::;;::;:;::::!|I^Ü^d^|¡ippp|;:i f |||2 ||13 Anomura Lepidopa californica ESord, 1971 Albuneidae 3 4 6 ^iliiillll WpjMpd WiM^-WS^M \ \ \ '• All^ida|:l||:5:;||::; mm Anomura Lepidopa deamae Benedict, 1903 Albuneidae 6 ^7 Albi^idae :::::: :;; 5 ; PS Anomura Lepidopa haigae Efford, 1971 Albuneidae 6 ifflaiiíü»iiil Lepidopa: meornjr Benedict ¡;; 1903 ;p; Albuneidae:::;; 5 ; ;;;6 Anomura Lepidopa mexicana Efford, 1971 Albuneidae 6 ABSm13rSlif:1 £ép<^S;i*p^ Stirnp AlbuHéidae :;::;;;: 6 Anomura Lepidopa richmondi Benedict, 1903 Albuneidae 10 11 12 Anomura::::::;::: Lepidopa sorodeamae Efford, 1971;;: Albuneidae p 6 Anomura Lepidopa venusta Stimpson, 1858 Albuneidae 10 11 12 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces Anomura::;; l^iotfyá:wetet&iJÍiffi£áfá{l9(BWMSW< Albüneidae: 12 13 114 ::i5 Anomura Lepidopa wolleboeki Sivertsen, 1933 Albuneidae 7 ; Thalassinidea Lepid^hthalmMbocMrii^iMiXM EdwardSj: 1870) % i i; Callianassidae;:: ; :^6 Thalassinidea Lepidophthalmus jamaicense (Schmitt, 1935) Callianassidae 12 TnSassinideal Jb^dophthalr^JQusiar^^ : CállíánasSidaíi:!!: lili? Thalassinidea Lepidophthalmus rafai Felder and Manning, 1998 Callianassidae 6 Thalassinidea LépidophÜglmus rjMardi Feldér and Mannirigl 1997:;:; Caltítóassidáé:::: 111 112 Thalassinidea Lepidophthalmus sinuensis Lemaitre and Rodngues, 1991 Callianassidae 12 TháJasSinidéBl L^id0h^halniMMfbWiM^M ^d|8)drigues¡i : 1993: ¡¡I¡ III 11;'; ¡Gálltsuiássjdaf e i;i II iili Caridea Leptalpheus forceps Williams, 1965 Alpheidae 12 13 14 C^&Í¡¡||:¡f: W^^ii^^^^j^^j^^^^M^!Ssj^^^M^MM;3^^^^^^ WMMMMMMWMiM¡I I Caridea Leptochela bermudensis Gurney, 1939 Pasiphaeidae 12 ¡Einii|||[s|iy! 'í^^0i^^M^iÍMWM^^i^B$^^^Si¿ Pasiphléida;e:^!!;:|;:;i:::!: lii 111 li! 111 IP Caridea Leptochela papulata Chace, 1976 Pasiphaeidae 12 14 15 GandSi:||lll! L^&^ljaWíMMMiiMB^ J^tp]h^iS^|||ii||:| §M III ¡is ¡Hi IP IP. Ill Brachyura Leptodius sanguineus (H. Milne Edwards, 1834) Xanthidae 6 Bíá^yi^y:¡::|: I^^^^^^t^i^^^$^^i^^^ii^^^^^^^^^%iy%^SS W^M^WM3MfÉ:M: lli Brachyura Leptopisa setirostris (Stimpson, 1871) Majidae li 12 Bftíáiyjffilll i|$!$íiiig|¡!&^ Májídáe¡|:::¡¡II:;5s¡¡;:: III ¡II III III Brachyura Leucosia planata (Fabricius, 1793)* Leucosiidae 9 Bj^$yQrát:f::i l,ííi^Fg!DWaKa^*É^ LeaÜÓáiidáe:.:;:; |I:::::; ¡16 Ip Brachyura Leurocydus tuberculosus (H.M. Edwards and Lucas, 1843)*** Inachoididae 8 9 10 Bi;áfch^y|^:i||::: iij&ífí^^ Majida?||||::g||:Bl;:;:5:;:5 lis; 119 IIP Brachyura Libidoclaea smithi (Miers, 1886)** Majidae 8 9 B^áchy^aiii! LíbinmhdUóo^üXí^á^] 1944:: wí Pisic|^;||fililf:||i;i.:l:" ;": :.;;;i:i;i:i:II Q M\\ IP Brachyura Libinia dubia H. Milne Edwards, 1834 Pisidae 12 13 14 15 BrStthyjirá::;:::;!:::; LWmméi^gimt^ :Lpach¿\l:8i;5!ÍÍs Pisy^JPllBlll;:-:! 1:12 IP ;::::::14 115 ¡•1.6. Brachyura Libinia erinacea (A. Milne Edwards, 1879) Pisidae 12 13 Bíáchyjj^pJ; Lihinia jfésM^ iBfltp (¡apJlJo>: \^WMͧBM'^WMMii§^y''''''• W.Pisidae • =.!.! = j.: i.I P III. IP. Brachyura Libinia mexicana Rathbun, 1892 Pisidae 5 6 : BrácliyMá;l¡|:i: LibinwpWuMQl GarÜi and ;Méiid|zJ | .l.S>83: Pisidae:;::. :M Brachyura Libinia rhomboidea Streets, 1870 Pisidae 12 BrS^y^a:;::::|:::: LipihiargstrátciEeü, 1835: Pisiidagir1?-' 6 Brachyura Libinia setosa Lockington, 1877 Pisidae 4 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces

WÍe¡rjWMmU Líbinid ispinosa^ll. MilSéEdwaícls, : 1834:;::: Pisidáe:|:;:.. :: 10 111 Brachyura Limotheres nasutus Holthuis, 1975 Pinnotheridae 12 Biierry|tt||iy:i ^^^^^^^^^Ní^^fí^M^SMM Xanthidáéj: y y mm 111 Anomura Liopetrolisthes mitra (Dana, 1852)** Porcellanidae 6 8 9 Efá^yi^ilii J^ipWstKWiiis \ leediimMMiS^ 1898::::; I;: Xánthlitjae; : ::::::: :;:¡; MMly i Caridea Lipkebe holthuisi Chace, 1969 Palaemonidae ii 12 13 : W^^ÍMíM: Éma WiMWS^W^^^^Mñ pMdaéy|¡| MMII I ill Brachyura Lissa tuberosa Rathbun, 1898 Pisidae 6 WiM^SMM íi Wq^áMgoi^Á ^iffpstris] -(HÓliri^l 1900)il||| Gf áiigóñidáéi 111 HI ¡li Brachyura Lithadia brasiliensis (von Martens, 1872) Leucosiidae 10 11 : BjfJpry)M311¡| ]^tM^M^MiM^&a^^M^M^& Ipj£^j|^|ll|i| i|| MMmm Brachyura Lithadia cónica (Coelho,1973) Leucosiidae íi W$ü$&i§ii W^^^M^^^^^^^^^MM^MM^^KS^^^^^^B^S. ii^SsJ^lllyyliii H£ ¡ii mm Brachyura Lithadia granulosa A. Milne Edwards, 1880 Leucosiidae 12 BjjaSrryMr^llll W^^M^K^M^MíSSM^^SiMSM§S^^B' I^^OÍ¡ÍdícI:H:K: ill*: ¡sill Brachyura Lithadia vertiginosa (Coelho,1973) Leucosiidae 11 : W^^^^MiM W^I^^^M^^^^^^^^SS^MM§MMÍ^MMWM Lijffip;did^|¡:: ill iii: Anomura Lithodes confundens Macpherson, 1988*** Lithodidae 9 i¡í|íÍ|Sí^ll¡¡¡ ^f^M^^si^^^^^^lSB^^^BKBM^^MS^SSi. L|i^SdÍdá|y:s:::::y lii Hi III Anomura Lithodes maja (Linnaeus, 1758) Lithodidae i 15 16 ^gí4i|^|i||i¡ pll!^^ MtittoffidaiSja: 1;£ Anomura Lithodes turkayi (Macpherson, 1988)*** Lithodidae 8 9 Mlfflffilllll |ii$iíi$^^ Pagundaei:i|::;.;:|::::y:|:::::: IP Penaeoidea Litopenaeus occidentalis (Streets, 1871) Penaeidae 6 7 Íyp|éb1dji¡|| LífapWiií^SeMS- (BSÍkéftrÓÍHi: !Í 936)||::::| Péháéidae: llylylyfP: 111 ¡11: III Penaeoidea (Linnaeus, 1767) Penaeidae 12 13 14 15 : Pen|^0UeI;l!!!! L^pém^s^U^itris (Stímpsoh,: 1874):: y; . . Penaeidaem\ MMy ;s;:5 :ri Penaeoidea Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931) Penaeidae 6 : : : Bjp5liy|6S||l;; £^<^^^^;^^&lí; (Stimp^SHll87:l);.;::..;.,';: Xántr4te;..jyy;:;Y^ . ::É: sail ::::|3 ::|14 Brachyura Lonchodactylus messingi Tavares and Lemaitre, 1996 Cyclodorippidae 12

: : A^ÓMÍral;::Í:i:: Lóphóliihodéfffi^inaius (Stimpsbh; :1859)y'": Limbdidáe:::: ::;:s2 [•••-.. ,3 IH::' 4 Anomura Lopholithodes mandtii Brandt, 1848 Lithodidae 2 3

Anoriiiira: |1::: Lophóma^tixMomedáe Benedict;: 1904: Albuneidae : 4 Brachyura Lophopanopeus bellus (Stimpson, 1860) Xanthidae 2 3 4 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces 5 ;; Brachyura::;!: Lophopanopeus bellus diegensis (Rathbun, 1900) :; Xanthidae 2 3 4 Brachyura Lophopanopeus frontalis (Rathbun, 1893) Xanthidae 3 4 5 6 f; Bra^y^á:;||i Lpp^opWiopeusl^comahu^heathiM XántMdaéiii y : : 3 ;4 Brachyura Lophopanopeus leucomanus leucomanus (Lockington, 1877) Xanthidae 4 Brachyura::::!!;; Lophopanopeus niaculafus Rathtrtiri, 1898 l|i ;. H i.h:!.E: >"'::.:-' =Xájithida N ^ e yy.:y6 5i:17 Brachyura Lophorochinia parabranchia Garth, 1969 Pisidae 8 : : Br^hyui:a::::!ii!!ii LóphopcantMS famellípM (StiirnpSon, 186Q): M=hi!;J^; Xalithidap ]'U iii:il 117 Anomura Loxopagurus loxochelis (Moreira, 1901) Diogemdae 10 li Byácliyürá;!:::s::;:;::: WxwhyWMsinspM lSSJIi* Mw^MeMM§MM§M ill ¡|;4 Brachyura Loxorhynchus granáis Stimpson, 1857 Majidae 4 S|r|Í!^deal¡ Lwj^fm^MMMMMMMiMMiiiSMMff: Wm^ií^mM§§§M iyilO I ill: III WMMM il l III Sergestoidea Lucifer typus H. Milne Edwards, 1837 Luciferidae 4 5 6 li 12 14 15 16 Braih^i^:i:|::;::: ¿t^/¿í|^^^|:ÍFaMcÍUS^:l:793): % iPJri^dalyiéiáiáyyiiiiyylyy: ill II? Brachyura Lyreidus bairdii Smith, 1881 Raninidae 12 13 14 15 BJác]|}y^a:::::!::::::::¡! Lyrm^MMti^MM$$M^^^MM 880) I R|SM^llli|ilil |tj| 111 ill III Caridea Lysmata amboinensis (De Man, 1888) Hippolytidae 12 13 |iá|Íde¿Í|l:Íi: LyWMt^HM&M^^;0lM WMiMMWSÉM^MMBMÉMMSm Hipp^ylidaielf :W illl Caridea Lysmata californica (Stimpson, 1866) Hippolytidae 3 4 5 6 7 EarSilfllil L^^dWgW^d^siSíB(^^^t\MMñ W^^ytiSmMMMMS:11 $ ¡ill Caridea Lysmata grabhami (Gordon, 1935) Hippolytidae 12 : CüÍdÉJf¡:::::||| Ipítfi^ií^^ H^polyt:ídá|::;::5::: :y;y;<5 iili? ill ilil! .ilíl Caridea Lysmata moorei (Rathbun, 1901) Hippolytidae 12 Carideail::::::::::::;::: ; Hip^ytidáéf ;y LysrúáMp^^fíM&Ai^m^^ii E^^MM0^ME S^;WM¡Mñ :;:".|;J 11.8 Caridea Lysmata rathbunae Chace, 1970 Hippolytidae 12 14 Carideá:; :::|¡i* Lysmata jrisieMíéá: (Heller,:: 1.861) t: • • HjpJ^yÜSleiiJyíp;;;;. 6 Caridea Lysmata wurdemanni (Gibbes, 1850) Hippolytidae 10 11 12 13 14 15 : Gar}dJ|:::::|:::::::::|: Ma^Mi&iiüm acanthbchiríü i (Yillalóbosjll 966) : p Páláeinpm' daei; i i iyjgl ;yyj Caridea Macrobrachium acanthurus (Wiegmann, 1836) Palaemonidae 10 11 12 13 14

GtódjSáí¡|:||Í¡ MqcroMüchitirii qjfjelslai {Mi^jñ$17)MW Palaernóftidaé; y y; y 12 Caridea Macrobrachium americanus Bate, 1868 Palaemonidae 6 7 8 Caridepifffff: M^órqbMóhimi yía^wí^i {lir^eus, 1758):i •;; Pálaéiiiónidáéy; •IIP -ill HI im. ¡114 Caridea Macrobrachium cocoense Abele and Kim, 1984 Palaemonidae 6 Candeaj:.i|::::::: Macfpbrachium&ebrumifib^ and Kirri; \ 1:989 Palaemonidae i :„:6 Caridea Macrobrachium digitum Holthuis, 1952 Palaemonidae 6 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces Brachyura Macrocoeloma camptocerum (Stimpson, 1871) Mithracidae 11 12 13 14 Brachyura Macrocoeloma concavum Micrs, 1886 Mithracidac 11 12 Brachyura Macrocoeloma diplacanthum (Stimpson, 1860) Mithracidae 12 14 Brachyura Macrocoeloma eutheca (Stimpson, 1871) Mithracidae 11 12 14 Brachyura Macrocoeloma heptacanthum (Bell, 1835) Mithracidae 6 Brachyura Macrocoeloma intermedium Rathbun, 1901 Mithracidae 12 Brachyura Macrocoeloma laevigatum (Stimpson, 1860) Mithracidac 11 12 Brachyura Macrocoeloma maccullochae Garth, 1940 Mithracidae 6 Brachyura Macrocoeloma septemspinosum (Stimpson, 1871) Mithracidae 11 12 14 Brachyura Macrocoeloma subparallelum (Stimpson, 1860) Mithracidac 11 12 Brachyura Macrocoeloma trispinosum (Latreille, 1825) Mithracidae 10 11 12 13 14 Brachyura Macrocoeloma villosum (Bell, 1835) Mithracidae 6 Brachyura Maiopsis panamensis Faxon, 1893 Majidae 4 6 Brachyura Malacoplax californiensis (Lockington, 1877) Goneplacidae 4 5 6 Brachyura Maldivia galapagensis Garth, 1939 Xanthidae 6 7 Anomura Manucomplanus cervicornis (Benedict, 1892) Paguridae 5 6 Anomura Manucomplanus corallinus (Benedict, 1892) Paguridae 12 13 14 Anomura Manucomplanus longimanus (Faxon, 1893) Paguridae 6 Anomura Manucomplanus spinolosus (Holthuis, 1959) Paguridae 11 12 Anomura Manucomplanus ungulatus (Studer, 1883) Paguridae 12 13 14 Anomura Manucomplanus varians (Benedict, 1892) Paguridae 4 5 6 7 Thalassinidea Marcusiaxius colpos Kensley and Heard, 1991 Michclcidac 13 Thalassinidea Marcusiaxius lemoscastroi Rodrigues and Carvalho, 1972 Micheleidae 11 12 Thalassinidea Marcusiaxius minutus (Coelho,1973) Michclcidac 11 Brachyura Medaeus pelagius (Glassell, 1936) Xanthidae 5 6 Brachyura Medaeus spinimanus (Rathbun, 1898) Xanthidae 11 12 Brachyura Medaeus spinulifer (Rathbun, 1898) Xanthidae 6 7 Anomura Megalobrachium erosum (Glassell, 1936) Porcellanidae 4 5 6 Anomura Megalobrachium festai (Nobili, 1901) Porcellanidae 6 Anomura Megalobrachium garthi Haig, 1957 Porcellanidae 6 Anomura Megalobrachium granuliferum Stimpson, 1858 Porcellanidae 12 Anomura Megalobrachium mortenseni Haig, 1962 Porcellanidae 6 10 11 12 Anomura Megalobrachium pacificum Gore and Abele, 1974 Porcellanidae 6 Anomura Megalobrachium peruvianum Haig, 1960 Porcellanidae 8 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces Ariqmura:: •;• Megálobráchiünipoeyi (Guérin-Méneville, 1855) Porcellanidae • 11 112 Anomura Megalobrachium roseum (Rathbun, 1900) Porcellanidae 6 10 11 12 ; Aftorrp^;!i:!:li: Megalobrachium sinuirnanus (lockington, 1878); :;;: Porcellajüdae :; ::::: 5 • :6 Anomura Megalobrachium smithi (Glassell, 1936) Porcellanidae 5 6 : : : : ; Aiitíííju^; ;;|¡i Megáli^bráchimi sÓriaiwttfSay,' .1818);::;y E^C^U^dae!;;;:;::.:|:.''.; m A ;::::¡6 ¡iylQ 1|1 1:12; WM Anomura Megalobrachium tuberculipes (Lockington, 1878) Porcellanidae 5 6 BtiSti^MS MgfiiáMalümita: StimpsM,: 18J11||:;; XaiiJMdMllllll- i;ro ;ll ::;;M yyl4 Caridea Meningodora mollis Smith, 1882 Oplophoridae 6 7 Brafehyiu^ll;; Menipp&üdiná iiWrlli atitó aM¡ Ée!^,' 1Í986Í i Í Xaiithidáe:; 11 :S Brachyura Menippe frontalis A. Milne Edwards, 1879 Xanthidae 6 Brá¿h>^||¡i í^i££!&i#|^^ ^lMM^MW}:SM: 111 111 HS Brachyura Menippe nodifrons Stimpson, 1859 Xanthidae 10 11 12 ^i^Oi0MMñ MmppWobiMd Stirttpson¿sl 8591'!: X^thÍd^yK¡;¡¡;,::::::5¡:¡:;:y:: g¡:;6 m% Caridea Merguia rhizophorae (Rathbun, 1900) Hippolytidae 11 GandJi|.:.:Jl§gt iAi/ejIlg^^ Hj|^^idj^f;;;|s|f!:; ?s;|io fm :Éi2 ¡114 Caridea Mesocrangon munitella (Walker, 1898) Crangonidae 2 3 4 5 6 : P^|óide^i¡f: Me^gpeme^i tropuMis) {BoiÍyié|¿ ;í 905): WMMMSS&¡§^SMiMS\Splen6ceridá0; : ¡ i||II; ¡ira fill IÉ? IM lilf Brachyura Mesorhoea bellii (A. Milne Edwards, 1878) Daldorfiidae 4 5 6 7 : :: Bracliy^i|i;: : M^sj^^>é^0i^^MÉái^^M^ViS Baldb^d^:P.:i;;.::::::::li:i: -. :¡¡10 lljl luí Í!:I3: ill; Caridea Metacrangon munita (Dana, 1852) Crangonidae 2 3 Ctódéá;::::¡:!:|:|:!í.: Meta&ang^p/pcM(¥w(m ¡¡ 1:893): gm\ Crangonidae =-. •lf;5 yiljS iyi Caridea Metacrangon spinosissima (Rathbun, 1907) Crangonidae 2 3 4 : £aridéll|y¡¡¡¡ MetácrMÉQnyímMlis (RatfcBlriJ ¡ Í902) ¡ W^WMSÉñ:

PéflSloidéajsí; Metapenaeppsis} kóbbsi Pysi"ez-Farfante, 1971 Penaeidae :::::::::: 1:1 iiP Penaeoidea Metapenaeopsis Itishinouyei (Rathbun, 1902) Penaeidae 4 6 7 Pettaebideailp MétapmqeópsismartiriétlQ^ Penaeidae :::t;i: 11 :|Í2 Penaeoidea Metapenaeopsis mineri Burkenroad, 1934 Penaeidae 4 5 6

Pétiaeoid?a¡|í; Metapenaeopsis smithi (Schmitt- 1924) ;;; Penaeidae ::::: 12 Penaeoidea Metapenaeus monoceros (Fabricius, 1798) Penaeidae 10 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces

: BrácH^urá;:.;!;;.;.;- Metasesarma rubripes (Rathbunf 1897): ;li;.;¿ Grapsidae :; 10 •ii;:l l 12 Thalassinidea Meticonaxius bouvieri Kensley and Heard, 1991 Micheleidae 12 Píálassinidéál M^CóMmis capwoiw \ GoelrKi,; :ASWM0MSM^3§§itiMSW^- Micheleidae ¡ii: -fifi Thalassinidea Meticonaxius microps (Bouvier, 1905) Micheleidae 12 : Braehy^ifff: MeWpócaMwMiíon^ 947f if i: Xáfithidáeiifi:f:fi:iff::: SB. Brachyura Metopocarcinus truncatus Stimpson, 1860 Xanthidae 6 8 : Bíá^fr^áffff M&&p&M0tíSMIS&^ (SSyf1818j'lf Má^hidáli;:: ff;|| ;ii :II ff:13 fill Thalassinidea Michelea abranchiata Poore, 1997 Micheleidae 12

^Mssifiidéif MfÓfiélfXt la^élüstí^m^ éyand Heárdi 1.99 lis;; Micheleidaef i i; |fj:2 Thalassinidea Michelea pillsburyi Kensley and Heard, 1991 Micheleidae 12 Jftál^simdil;! Mw^MWM^^^^^i^^ymS Mipheleidág::::::: f: |g2 fiP Brachyura Microcassiope granulimanus (Stimpson, 1871) Xanthidae 12 Bílih^fillf ijitci^i^i^^ X^hidáefi if SB.I P Brachyura Microlissa brasiliensis (Rathbun, 1923) Majidae 10 11 B)Sdry^Íf¡Í $Gic$^ Xahffid?iéf*ffffffffi::: SB Brachyura Micropanope cristimanus Stimpson, 1871 Xanthidae 6 Bi$!gh^afifii W^^^^^^^^^^¡ÍM^MÍ^^^BMSM^BM^SMSS- Xai^da¿fffi§iff:ffi;i lii Brachyura Micropanope latimanus Stimpson, 1871 Xanthidae 4 6 B^iiyüraililli! ^^^^^^^^^^^l^^^sii^^i^^S^0^M^SgSM X^tfiÍd^f fff.fifi SM :|P Brachyura Micropanope manteri Garth, 1986 Xanthidae i ; ; Bif|hyJM|;;J:i M§r(ipW^0iutttíÍgl {RSthb^:189.8)::: ü Xaiitliidae: ;f • WMifff f Xi 1' iifl2: ii:fl3 ill Brachyura Micropanopepusilla A. Milne Edwards, 1880 Xanthidae ii 12 13 : Bjr§i|¡}^f|ff Micrv^Hopg S^p^^]SSir$SOTi !;l:87 If ;#:!;.! Xaiithidae if;:;;; ff; fill ffl2 i:i;l| ffl4 Brachyura Micropanope taylori Garth, 1986 Xanthidae 6 7 Br^yi^llll -}^^p^0§^^a^^f^M^§S^^^i\%^!f¡é, Xanthidae 'iff 1-12 Brachyura Micropanope urinator (A. Milne Edwards, 1881) Xanthidae 11 12 14 : Bra^Jryul^||i:J; Micropanope'Mñthfáfmis\(£¿ Milne Edwards, 1880):: s.; XantMdae- if 112 Brachyura Microphrys aculeatus (Bell, 1835) Mithracidae 6 7 8 : Bfa py^a|¡¡|: MtcWphrys üntillensU :Rathbün, 1920 Mithracidae:: :ill I.-!? P3 i:14 Brachyura Microphrys bicornutus (Latreille, 1825) Mithracidae 10 11 12 13 14 Brachyurafii MicrppWys :brihchiMs$Mib^ IE9& Mithracidae 4 5 :fff:;;6 Brachyura Microphrys garthi (Lemos de Castro, 1953) Mithracidae 11 Brachyur^i|..:: Microphrys interruptus Rathbun, 1920 Mithracidae 11 : 12 Brachyura Microphrys platysoma (Stimpson, 1860) Mithracidae 4 5 6 7 8 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces

: ; :: Bra(^üra::5 ;! Micropliry's triátigulatys (Lockingtorii :1877) :;.;.; Mithracidae ; • Í6 1 7 Brachyura Microphrys weddelli H. Milne Edwards, 1851 Mithracidae 6 8 Stenopodidca Micr^ribsthWiit emmiltuWG0;l 9MiMÍS SptmgicOlidaé::: ms 116 ;;EE;E:E;7 Stenopodidea Microprosthema granatense Críales, 1997 Spongicolidae 12 SfÉSlógodideá;: Microp^théWm0^mtum 990; |i Spo^eolidaeE;;;:i; .ii ;:m Stenopodidea Microprosthema looense Goy and Felder, 1988 Spongicolidae 12 §tí3^pdideá| M^cp:rosth^^a^^nWigi\ G^y arid; Eeld¿r¿ Í1988 i Í::: ^§^e^0MÍ&B¡ EEpEJl III Stenopodidea Microprosthema semilaeve (von Martens, 1872) Spongicolidae 11 12 Thalassinidea MwM?^:;^¿|awtóotóíKjÉ|téyj ill! flÍ|lrn|^sMdaé¡::: ;:|1 1|2 Brachyura Mimilambrus wileyi Williams, 1979 Mimilambridae 12 BtSeríyjír||:;:|:i ij|ii!§i3ii^^ M^idSilllllllllil HI ill III Anomura Minyocerus angustus (Dana, 1852) Porcellanidae 10 11 12 W^^UuiSi M«^e^::fí^::GÍ^^lli:::l 938'?: ii;P í^celiaiiMlii; lit? 11.6 Brachyura Mithraculus cinctimanus Stimpson, 1860 Mithracidae 12 Biichy^fiip 3fí$iMptó;¿^^ Mtii^id¿¿lE ]¡ IiÜ III ii?. Brachyura Mithraculus forceps A. Milne Edwards, 1875 Mithracidae 10 11 12 13 14 BJt^y^llf $¡§(^¡1^^ M^^^sWMSMM gig Brachyura Mithraculus sculptus (Lamarck, 1818) Mithracidae ii 12 : BiScjry^:i::ii| Í|S$||K|ÍÍÍ^^ WfM^§^0}:i-mM III Brachyura Mithrax bellii Gerstaecker, 1857 Mithracidae 7 WMMs^M'M.^gife^ ^ Mjtríácidaé;; 'i; Wm iiliQ Brachyura Mithrax brazili en sis Rathbun, 1892 Mithracidae 11 BrachyJia|;||| : ; Mthj^i^lf 1 MiW§x ;c^^^e ;fu|kay, • 1967|-: tm§MWMSE£iÉSS]MM£ 111 Brachyura Mithrax caribbaeus Rathbun, 1900 Mithracidae 11 12

: ; : : : Bía^y|ÍÍ¡S:|:S; Mith^i^McMMM BMi 1835 :||: MÍthraC¡^é: S ::::í:i:: :EE|:;;'; ai* fM Brachyura Mithrax hemphilli Rathbun, 1892 Mithracidae ii 12 : Brá¿Ky^á||i::: ::;i i^pi^:ift^i^ (H6rbs^: ;1790) || Mtthracidáe..;;; iilEiiP 11 ::::;; :12;11 3 III §M Brachyura Mithrax holderi Stimpson, 1871 Mithracidae 12 13 BráchyMáijiSígi KftthWt /^eo^/^i pemoline agd. Sipramrh|; 1867 •: i Mit:htaci^e||¡ . 112 Brachyura Mithrax nodosus Bell, 1835 Mithracidae 7 Bráeh^iirá il: M(M^o^^s^l^0ííaií0^2Mr J^rÜirapIdaté;i.i;.: If? Brachyura Mithrax pleuracanthus Stimpson, 1871 Mithracidae 12 13 14 ;;;; ; BracKyuráj i/1; MüHrmpygWí^MBs&i 1835":.. •: E Mit:hracic^e*; : , : 6.l::, 7 Brachyura Mithrax sinensis clarionensis Garth, 1940 Mithracidae 6 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces Br8Mipra|.;;i! MithrctiMttensjs]sineHsis\ R&hbiin|l 892|f Mithracidáéyi:! s':;:5 III Brachyura Mithrax spinipes (Bell, 1835) Mithracidae 5 6 7 Bfaclí^llli Mi^^0inosWinííis; (Lf hiáíclcy i 1818) i; i i; Mi^ácid^e;;:;;:;:i|f!::;; •ill '&. Brachyura Mithrax tortugae Rathbun, 1920 Mithracidae 10 11 12 ; Bl§$yjía!:::;;i Wfíwax :h/^^^^^:Stin^^ |:860jll¡¡¡¡:ÍH Mitblaííidaé:;i; |.|| lige Brachyura Mithrax verrucosus H. Milne Edwards, 1832 Mithracidae ii 12 14 W^x^MiSi Mpi^dgWMfMM&M^ AIMilríé :Edwardi||880 i i i i i BSfnatóché}Ídá^:l|lii ¡til; ill ¡113: iiiiil3 Brachyura Mocosoa crebripunctata Stimpson, 1871 Majidae ll 12 13 : §p¡déál|s ;:; MWi^PM^MW^i W$MV>¿Í i^^SlisiliJilililillS Ai$ti&M&MM¿]MM lili •••ill Brachyura Molohafaxoni (Schmitt, 1921) Homolidae 4

AS|ppáii:i:i|| MimMjffimvíM Míl^EdM^i:!:880¡!| (MÍ^^^^ÍMSWM III Anomura Munida angulata Benedict, 1902 Galatheidae 11 12 Mqrr{ü^|:i|:| ^¡ji!a!&$fé^^ ílltsitíra^lllillli 111 Anomura Munida barbarae (Boone, 1927) Galatheidae 11 12 13 WXitti^:\\Mm i^Bi!!^^ ^i^l^^^MMMSM ill! Anomura Munida constricta A. Milne Edwards, 1880 Galatheidae 10 11 12 ||j|É|iÍÍIIII l^li/ipl^^ $!eí$¡^ GátalJlfeidag |:;:;;i wmlil i Anomura Munida gregaria (Fabricáis, 1793)*** Galatheidae 9 10 WSM&MM MiÍMdMWMfMÍM^^^^MM^0> sl?94:?;| .Islllif: GSgíliéMlaé;; ii \ l¡¡¡¡|| iiiliJi Anomura Munida hispida Benedict, 1902 Galatheidae 3 6 7 MiSpiíiSíii'ysii M^ddfiri^ffM^MSB^ lEdwaj-d^; 18 80i i £¡¡11^ GMaiheídáé::: i i: ¡p |ilil. il!2 m$ IÜ15- 111 Anomura Munida irrasa A. Milne Edwards, 1880 Galatheidae 10 11 12 14 An6m^:¡||::¡: Mmid^longipigSíA- Milhé:. EdwardSf; 188tt.!:l:H.l Galathéida||i::; : ¡1$ 11 : 12 Iil3 ii* |;;15 Anomura Munida mexicana Benedict, 1902 Galatheidae 5 6 7 ASiifflpif ;:•!!!; MimddMiles:^ MMé; Edwards; ;1880 Galatheidae :::::::• i ill • il Anomura Munida montemaris Bahamonde and López, 1962 Galatheidae 8 Anomura iiiii|| Munida niictóBéñedict, 1902 i: Galatheidaéiil i -,|i6 Anomura Munida petronioi Melo-Filho and Meló, 1994 Galatheidae 11 Anomura Munida pusilla Benedict, 1902 Galatheidae '•• 12 14 Anomura Munida quadrispina Benedict, 1902 Galatheidae 2 3 4 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces

Anomura: s v: Muñida refulgéns Faxon- 1893 : Galatheidae ::::6 Anomura Munida robusta A. Milne Edwards, 1880 Galatheidae 11 12 Aiipin^ili-ij; Mumdásmiplex^eaedMi 1902:: .igpj Gálátheidaé :::?::::•;:: 11 • 1:2 P13 Anomura Munida spinifrons Henderson, 1885 Galatheidae 11 12 9 AttSari^i::::;::.::: MMiM i^¡«Ü53 H^dérsóní::l:885* ;;P: Gálátrieidáé • ;:::; 111' fliO Anomura Munida stimpsoni A. Milne Edwards, 1880 Galatheidae 12 Mishap |::: ]MtMdd§Ínüí¿i Chaiiep 1940 f || Gal§heidael|:ili::::::::::: :|:12 Anomura Munida subcaeca Bouvier, 1922 Galatheidae 12

AMMMWM M^d§^§ig|l¡S^ Galatheidae S ¿112 Anomura Munidopsis subsquamosa Henderson, 1885 Galatheidae 3 4 7 8 WM^i;:0;i Myr^sm^uingííÉspiiiosa '^^^^^•IWM^^K^-ÍS^MMis^S^ Leücqsiidáe^: P; : M i;;;;l;;l 12 1113 141 1115 Brachyura Nannoplax xanthiformis (A Milne Edwards, 1880) Pseudorhombilidae 11 12 13 14

BiSclry^alll Nanmi^MW^^MM^^, and J^Wer, 199^ ;\; PÍrínÓtherÍdáe:::;::lÍÍ||::: IP Brachyura Nanocassiope polita (Rathbun, 1893) Xanthidae 6 7

Br^hyoraPp Náiíós&i^ániiMtum; (Dei Mandil 887) i N 111 Grapsidáe: :pi: SÍ Thalassinidea Naushonia crangonoides (Kingsley, 1897) Laomediidae 14 15 ffi^issiniííeál: $wh

Thalassinidea WauW&ñiaportprMnsis (Rathbun,• 1901):;:;":g:::;: :; ;;:-:y; Laomediidae : : 12 Caridea Nauticaris magellanica (A. Milne Edwards, 1891)*** Hippolytidae 9 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces : : : Caíjdeáij:s:|::::!:. Naüticaris marionis Bate, 188 8,*í;::* ? Hipplytidáe : • W Thalassinidea Neaxius frankeae Lemaitre and Ramos, 1992 Strahlaxiidae 6 TJialássiMdéá;; Neáxii^yiyési (Boirvierii.l 8 95) |||y ;i¡p| Strahláxiidáe;;;;;;; '•1:5 :i;j Thalassinidea Necallianassa berylae Heard and Manning, 1998 Callianassidae 14 BiacbyCtni: i niiiü Neciptqrpinus bullatiii^SéMi :;I924;;; i i Portu^daep:::: ;::;;;p;S IP Caridea Nematocarcinus agassizii Faxon, 1893 Nematocarcinidae 6 7 8

: (¿mdéSlilll; NMdMiarPihWMsifer (Stniih; il 882) i \ % Ip||||||:: NéMatócárcinidaéli; i 16 ::?:::7 ;iT2 ::::;13 '11.4 :I15 Caridea Nematocarcinus proximatus Bate, 1888 Nematocarcinidae 8 Cándea]:^;:;:::;:;;; Njmáiq^cñ^smf^s^^^ 8¡8 8;; ; \ Nerriatocarcinidae1| f IP Anomura Nematopaguroides fagei Forest and Saint Laurent, 1967 Paguridae 11

ÉSÉMMWM&tN0ñdtppa&roidé^p]MllM FórestMdiSaintsL^ént^ 1967;; lllil Rí guridaé-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; 11 gia Caridea Nematopalaemon colombiensis (Squires and Mora, 1971) Palaemonidae 6

Cáridéá|li|§|| W^topdMMüh^schMiti (HoltMsf ;1;950;;;;;: Pálaeropmdas;::;;;;;;;; ;;:i;X Brachyura Nemausa acuticornis (Stimpson, 1871) Majidae 11 12 13 14 Bracjfry^fil:;;. : : Majid¿e;;;*;s;;s|í;í;|:;;;;;;;;; Nm&u?a ^¡^¿¿^ ;{SM§sure; i lJ?575:!lSiiliiHS^i|:Uy:-:- : ; mi ;;;12 Caridea Neoalpheopsis euryone (De Man, 1910) Alpheidae 6 7 12 CMd|||||l|I iyia$|ii^i?<^^ yUlSeídaSllllPííííslí !P Thalassinidea Neocallichirus cacauate Felder and Manning, 1995 Callianassidae 12 Tii^assmidéli ;#ei6ÍiÍÍ^^ C!aUS|BSSSj|li|iP: w$ 11.1 IP Thalassinidea Neocallichirus lemaitrei Manning, 1993 Callianassidae 12 TMlassinide|il Ne&cWli$p$s «MeZ/cteiMaimiriglU ?93 :: !;:||p||;^ CalU^ssidMf?i§;;;;;;;;; ,';:': ?:2 Thalassinidea Neocallichirus rathbunae (Schmitt, 1935) Callianassidae 12 Thalassinidea N^pWll^MW^dyW^hingi Blanco Rarnbla and I^rhaitre, 1999 i;¡ C^lli^SSidjgi;;;;;;:;;:.:; 112 Brachyura Neocorycodus stimpsoni Rathbun, 1937 Cyclodorippidae 10 11 12 13 £arideaj|::::i|! NMprpmgm mi#a;(Ráffibun,:; 1902).;;;;: Graijgqriidae;;;; •;*;; ¿14 Caridea Neocrangon zacae (Chace, 1937) Crangonidae 3 4 5 6 Braclryuralll;:; Neódpéléd$pnetiJ^eti^^ Pisidae ;;; re Brachyura Neopanope packardii (Kingsley, 1879) Xanthidae 12 13

Brachyura 1|! Néppa0p¡elpetersém Glassell,: ;1933i|l;;; Xánthidae;; ;;; •;: 6 Brachyura Neopanope sayi (Smith, 1869) Xanthidae 12 14 15 16 BrachyurairH::: Néopünópe texáhá(Stiriipsbn, 1859);;;;:^;;:1;:; Xaiithidáé;;; ;:\ 12 ;:13 Caridea Neoperidimenes thornei Heard, Sppotte and Bubucis, 1993 Palaemonidae 12

Brachyura I:: Neopilumnoplax americana (Rathbun,; 1898): Goneplacidae 11 12 :;14 Brachyura Neopilumnoplax gervaini Tavares and Guinot, 1996 Goneplacidae 12 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces Anóntural!:* !:;:;§;?:Nébpisosürnq dñgiistifronsX^Sene^t,; 1901) f: • PorcManpie :;; 12 13 Anomura Neopisosoma bicapillatum Haig, 1960 Porcellanidae 6 7 MS§fflS^!:::i::::;::| N^pMÓsWiá ;éw?a#¿^Íé::(SChrüitt;::l 924)=E:M:!i!iNli:M:í:''i ÜJ.VIF^^ÍT^SE:: P(^IlOTdSfe:H:!:H::!:*:!::;: IB Anomura Neopisosoma dohenyi Haig, 1960 Porcellanidae 6

An;^fiíBrá;::}::::|¡ ií%tl£ w wü^»P^^««^|Street¿¿ 18;7.1).i i' 1 Pirceiiáhidae; HHII :.;:;6 :!EE::::7 Anomura Neopisosoma neglectum Werding, 1986 Porcellanidae 12 jiitiiBii^illi N^piS(^WaWi^cde^^i^i§* 19JJ6II: • •: |Ír^Íláni©e;:.:H¡| WM Caridea Neopontonides beaufortensis (Borradaile, 1920) Palaemonidae 12 13 14 iá|Stes|iil|l¡ N^mi^mdMieMMiMM^^MiMfiS PSl^iKOnídáellf H: |.1:2 Caridea Neopontonides dentiger Holthuis, 1951 Palaemonidae 6 Thalassinidea ;|i|S§$§ii^ lli|(|i||illill|Hil|l 111 Thalassinidea Neotrypaea califomiensis (Dana, 1854) Callianassidae 2 3 4 Thalassinidea N^ryp^M^gMWM^i \ j 852):;j: :|:f; ^}||^ISi ¡11; 11!?. Brachyura Notolopas lamellatus Stimpson, 1871 Pisidae 5 6 Biá¿liy)|f|;;;|i:;;; I^tolppW^^mnW Gáirfh^: 1940|:l: Pisidáe ¡¡|§ Brachyura Notosceles ecuadoriensis (Rathbun, 1935) Raninidae 5 6 7 : : Bracljyura:;:^:;| :^^^i^0jc^^^^íS^li^^V}'^!¡\ Hi 0^o|ÍÍda|:| ::|||¡::: :-:: :;:::::6 Brachyura Ocypode gaudichaudii (H. Milne Edwards and Lucas, 1843) Ocypodidae 6 7 8 Brachyura:;:::::! '^y^dg^af^MM^^^^I1}^^ 1 :i H1 <3|y^03ida?::ni|:|l ::l| III 11$ :;:;.;:;| Brachyura Ocypode quadrata (Fabricius, 1787) Ocypodidae 10 11 12 13 14 15

S^Kyuia!|§! WMitf^lM chacW CtSiMlMM =- @bj^l;jcjd^;f ;P •M$ Stenopodidea Odontozona libertae Gore, 1981 Stenopodidae 12

Stgnópodidéjil: Odp0)zMdwbfá Wickstenf: 1982 ;•; •;: : StériÓpodjdae ;:: :::::: 6 Stenopodidea Odontozona striata Goy, 1981 Stenopodidae 12 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces Anoami].]-Z2; OMignáthus inéi^w:;{StuÜpSoii^i'; 1860)::i:-™ Lithodidae;;;;! ::l:2 -!3 ;;;"4 Brachyura Oediplax granulata Rathbun, 1893 Pseudorhombilidae 5 6 ; Ga^d^aiiii!;!!! pgyndes MlpMaerostMiKiiii^i \ 1880);;;; i'.;!:; ni;i;:si; ;:i:i^jgyjcidida; e lli !::!6 ¡!:ÍP i;; l;i; lip 1:113 114 WISII I Caridea Ogyrides hayi Williams, 1981 Ogyrididae 12 13 14 ; Garidéa:::::::;p;.: O^tíd^Édr^iMii^WM^M^^Mended; 1988 : 1 Qgyridi4ae i:l :l:; ¡¡¡1 lii Caridea Ogyrides yaquiensis Armstrong, 1949 Ogyrididae 12 AW&frMa;sli|:i P^pdgy§vfaig"&^ ;-! ;; ;;::;^;: ;: ;j;"/;!!Pará^águndaélii =' ; Sé III 11 s Brachyura Opecarcinus crescentus (Edmonson, 1925) Cryptochiridae 6 Br^yurá::;::::;:: OpW^eü^^pwíégWi^?^ audiHopkinsv; 1977) Cryptochiridae ^MS ::ll:l IPI ill? Brachyura Opisthopus transversus Rathbun, 1893 Pinnotheridae 3 4 5 G;arídeá|l|!i!| Qpl^hff^gWcilir^j^iÁlMiln? E^wsrdsil 8 81 i; 1 Oplpphcjidae 1: s? 111 Caridea Oplophorus spinosus (Brull, 1839) Oplophoridae 11 12 14 15 16 Bja^y^ai||l ppíój^^^iupM W^/ÍSM^S^J0&MMSñ Majjdae Sil IIP Brachyura Dam, 1851 Majidae 2 3 4 Ar¿9rrii^¡¡!iii XJrfacJhBdpWMd GÍásSell|: 193$ \ ^;HM:!:!:!;!:;^;:;;;;:^:;:nin:y.!.M.!.r: MM:: ^H:!:M:MJ:M:M:M:M:v;M::1;M^:^^: P^ceUMIaSillJIg*:*:! 11» ¡3 Anomura Orthopagurus minimus (Holmes, 1900) Paguridae 2 3 4 'M^MfiO^S ¿2|fcy$ft^^ Pj|iÍ^eridáeMÍMiM:¡::l! m& Brachyura Orthotheres serrei (Rathbun, 1909) Pinnotheridae 12 BrScBy^lilll <^díft^:!||^|)í::(Rgh^pJ:il 9Q5)mmSSSSSSSSSSK Pirmóihcridáél: i III*!!:|!l: 2 MM Brachyura Orthotheres unguifalcula (Glassell, 1936) Pinnotheridae 5 Bi^!hy]f!¡!i§ OsWJüldmíM Stín^sph, ::1871:; ;>: ;^;" GaI^jdáSf|fllli. ||g Brachyura Osachila antillensis Rathbun, 1916 Calappidae 10 11 12 : ; ; Bí^!|^Ía|::¡|f ^^^^ ^^^^^|:Rithbpjil935: ii i|||!|.:;;!;f Calappidael!..:. ii!7 Brachyura Osachila kaiserae Zimmerman and Martin, 1999 Calappidae 6

E¡¿c¡¡y^SM Osachifalata ;EaXpi},; 18931I|||l: CM$p\Ms^SSS- ;;;,;;$ Brachyura Osachila levis Rathbun, 1898 Calappidae 5 6 7

BráChyTOIlls: Osachila semilaevis Rambuhll916 :s <^lápp¡dtól!!!|::: S2 ;:,;..13 :; :14 3rachyura Osachila sona Garth, 1940 Calappidae 6 Brachial!!;! Osachila tuberos a S timpsohi il871 III Cal^pidae!:l;l: 10 ;,!:!. : ;:12 :ti:l:3 114 Anomura Ostraconotus spatulipes A. Milne Edwards, 1880 Paguridae 12 Brachyura Ovalipes floriddnüs Hay*::afid Shore, 1918 Portunidae 12 13 Brachyura (Herbst, 1799) Portunidae 14 15 16 Brachyura Ovalipes stephensoni Williams, 1976 Portunidae 12 14 Brachyura Ovalipes trimaculatus (De Haan, 1833)*** Portunidae 8 9 10 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces

:: Brachyura |1 QziusperlatüS: Stimpsón; 1860::!::! Xánthidáe Iff •;.;;• 6 7 Brachyura Ozius reticulatus (Desbonne and Schramm, 1867) Xanthidae 12 Bm$0ü$§ff ChimyWrWiixii iSáuSsuré,; .1853:: : XaiitMdael :|::|1¡| lis :5:S:7 Anomura Pachycheles ackleianus A. Milne Edwards, 1880 Porcellanidae li 12 13

Anómurallsil PMhycheles SoceW^^: (L^jagtbri j; 1.878)1;::: PbrcellárHdaei! • ¡I6 11::7 Anomura Pachycheles calculosus Haig, 1960 Porcellanidae 5 6 AticSni^lllsi Pü¿h)iehtfés] eftac« Haigl 195611I™ Pó^llalidaell" 116 i !!l£ Anomura Pachycheles chilensis Carvacho, 1968 Porcellanidae 8 A^ómüirá¡¡:¿i:?i¡; J^chyicWM Wübuí^í^MSM^ lili P ^^Ualiidaéilii: : IIP Anomura Pachycheles crassus (A. Milne Edwards, 1869) Porcellanidae 6 iiioBSSj^llll ^^^^M^M^^KS^^^B0!M^^^B^^M^9!^K^^K pb|^uiSd^éll¡i IS Anomura Pachycheles cristobalensis Gore, 1970 Porcellanidae 12 zs : Aftó^pjS|i:i:i:ií|¡ M^^^^^M^S^3iii(^il9Q^^^i ^.ot0Ma^v\y: :M§Ki: ÉMi Anomura Pachycheles grossimanus (Guérin, 1835) Porcellanidae 8 MifM&&ͧB ii^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^§^m§^^g^§j^mSi^&. P¿6|^|^dae::!Íl:||:!Íi ill Anomura Pachycheles laevidactylus Ortmann, 1892 Porcellanidae 10 11 ^üSi^lill J^¿3#<^M::^¡^^ PoiMlMdalllil MM Anomura Pachycheles monilifer (Dana, 1852) Porcellanidae 6 11 12 AMix^MSm PMhyWMM^M^^i^¡^M0¡\ WMMMSB. PirceUam^eiilllllis ill Anomura Pachycheles pilosus (H. Milne Edwards, 1837) Porcellanidae 12 14 MójM^llilf.: WchysMl?&p$b&<^s\^^ WSMMMMMMSMMSM^ Póícellpidaélll 1.11 ill 111 Anomura Pachycheles riisei (Stimpson, 1858) Porcellanidae 11 12 ^jMS^§§m ifi¡i|ii$!J^g^^ PSrcelíamdáéJí?:; 112 f|!| ¡If Anomura Pachycheles rugimanus A. Milne Edwards, 1880 Porcellanidae 11 12 14 : AtlíiJÍhlltó;:; |:|:Í PwMckdes-setfiítüs (Benedict;; 1901)11; • f (Scellaiiidae: ;: :.| li? Anomura Pachycheles setimanus (Lockington, 1878) Porcellanidae 5 6 : Mónj^|?:|: :t MchycK^^Mnida0l^M^sM^^-\ 1 i Pof(^liajüda6|i 116 Anomura Pachycheles subsetosus Haig, 1960 Porcellanidae 6

AliÜniuWlll i^hyW^lM^u$M^G

¿jjfáwMMi Facl^Mél^yeleMéllsigi 196Q||| P?oi¿pllan}dael I 111? 11:7 Anomura Pachycheles vicariusNobili, 1901 Porcellanidae 6 Práiihyígailil Pachygrapsus corrugatus (yon Martensl:1872) Grapsidae :1 i .P 1:12 Brachyura Pachygrapsus crassipes Randall, 1840 Grapsidae 3 4 6 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces BiiÉtiywáBM PWKygrapsW gracilis-(Saussure, 1858):* ;::::: Grapsidae;:;I|:: ¡10 1:111 12 13 Brachyura Pachygrapsus minutus A. Milne Edwards, 1873 Grapsidae 6 Bfáuiyjffiállll racnygrcipsuspiumjryns:ucman, : :i:ooo:'::::::.; Crrapsiida^ ijív ilifi iT11 6 Brachyura Pachygrapsus pubescens (Heller, 1865) Grapsidae 8 : Brapliyurallil pmhygmpsus í^sveraa.?: :(<íibbes^:l 850);:::: Grapsidáé:f ; :::::;;3 |:i:o: 1112 lili 1114 ^'•'% III 111 lli ¡11.1 Anomura Paguristes anahuacus Glassell, 1938 Diogenidae 5 lAísiiSiiRíiiiiiiiy Pagüristés] arigWtítheM MqEaughliri: and Pfí^nzano^l 974 1 Diog^tda&¡¡¡¡¡¡; ill |¡12 Anomura Paguristes anomalus Bouvier, 1918 Diogenidae 12 Anorüi^lllll: pagüi^^¡azílíMcMm^: Gl^sspll ll 93 7 i i y;':'?: Pipgétíida.e|i| ¡¡¡i Anomura Paguristes bakeri Holmes, 1900 Diogenidae 3 4 5 6 ^ífg^¡::::l|f Paguristes ctíñiéWii Fóréstj::19541 i! DÍógémdáei:i||:i:: fP2 Anomura Paguristes calliopsis Forest and Saint Laurent, 1967 Diogenidae 11 .kiiSiíffl^lsiii P^gufisiMdigüéti BpUVieir£ 189J|||p Plbg|mdá||:::y:-:::::ii¡i::¡|: lié Anomura Paguristes erythrops Holthuis, 1959 Diogenidae 11 12 ssyi^ipi^iiiii .ií^Ég^^^í^ j^tí«ira

Anomura:: Paguristes pauciparus Forest and Saint Laurent, 1967;;:;:1; Diogenidae ; 10 Anomura Paguristes perplexus McLaughlin and Provenzano, 1974 Diogenidae 11 12 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces AntíffiirSii-;;!- PagWistesperfieri Bouvier, 1895 :; ;;; niogehidae ::| |;y y 6 Anomura Paguristes praedator Glassell, 1937 Diogenidae 5 6

AhÓTÍ^a::;:!i|l PagWisi&pWíctic^síBér^^ DiBgenídaey yi yfl2 :;:13 Anomura Paguristes robustus Forest and Saint Laurent, 1967 Diogenidae 10 Moffluta;: :| PaguWtMítisíralis Etírest W& ; Saint Láürehty! 1967:: y 1 Diógénidae:::::; :1¡1.0 Anomura Paguristes sanguinimanus Glassell, 1938 Diogenidae 5 6 : ; [Aii¿MMM§MWagWíüiés :s¡a^éii&:&:M^ Pi6gémdáé!!!!!: •MI 11:3 yyl4 Anomura Paguristes spectabilis McLaughlin and Provenzano, 1974 Diogenidae 12 ^Jmur^pfii PágunsWitp] Wipés¡ A|Miliie;:EdV^rdsi i 18 8p|i::: Diogenidae ;y; lililí i III III III Anomura Paguristes starcki Provenzano, 1965 Diogenidae 12 iM|ESp|¡¡¡¡| W^^^^^^iiiW^ml^n^^i^i^iMy: Piogenid^l y I IM Anomura Paguristes tomentosus (H. Milne Edwards, 1848) Diogenidae 8

^Ónpil|¡y¡: WtgWM^:W&WM>^Mi L193:3;H %%%W9MSBM\&SS§MS. ÍMÍ^S^MMMMS- III ill mm Anomura Paguristes triangulatus A. Milne Edwards and Bouvier, 1893 Diogenidae 12 14 A^n^ililJ: I's^r^Pis?!^ PiOgéjjid^y:*:: |;Í| Anomura Paguristes turgidus (Stimpson, 1857) Diogenidae 2 3 4 i^íjSÍS^|||¡| |!¡{giiiíi¡ís^ Diógenidaeyyylyliiiyy:; Ilf ill lii lii Anomura Paguristes wassi Provenzano, 1961 Diogenidae 12 WMi^MSB lllllllilfl^^ ti^^^MSBMM ill lii Anomura Paguristes werdingi Campos and S nchez, 1995 Diogenidae 12 $Í!SBffiíslllll yfjv^j^if^ Diogenidae y'; yí y: 12 Anomura Pagurus acadianus Benedict, 1901 Paguridae 15 16 lyiltffl^lilii PflgímtíMl^SMM^^iM$2) WSMBMM^éSSMSSSB^M^ Pagiiíi^e|y||::f: IP? !l« Anomura Pagurus aleuticus (Benedict, 1892) Paguridae 2 3 ^bjctJ^;;;;;ll PágWíii WiáéMá ;McLaügMm ;áhd :Háig,51993J1 PágUTÍdae III \¿M Anomura Pagurus annulipes (Stimpson, 1860) Paguridae 12 14 15 ^<ÍÍ|¡iSiyÍ|| ^g^m^Ü^^SqjW^^Mk ; Paguridae:;:::;:: III. .;: |5 lie Anomura Pagurus arenasaxatilis Harvey and McLaughlin, 1991 Paguridae 5 6 .^¿Í^a:¡|||: P<¡gWiíMmáMi(^ l$g^dMllllíll y|¡2 i:. :;3 III Anomura Pagurus benedicti (Bouvier, 1898) Paguridae 5 6 7 ^i|pÍ^Í|:|::| Wrgurm ¿^í)^««s|Sénedict, 1:892): : PágTO^S|y|||¡¡¡l¡¡ III ¡II Anomura Pagurus bonairensis Schmitt, 1936 Paguridae 12

MVJ^&MM Pagums brm&íStey^, 1925 Paguridae y :;;;;yyyyy;;y y: 2 Anomura Pagurus brevidactylus (Súmpson, 1859) Paguridae 10 11 12 13 14 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces ¿^Oi!jÍÜÍa!:::vf:l Pfiguritsiiullisi : WaSi,; 1963;!;!:; Paguridae!:: y y 12 Anomura Pagurus capillatus (Benedict, 1892) Paguridae 1 2 3 4 Anpjiiii^yyyyyy Pagi<^¡c&¿lihWsü WciW^^^^^^i^^Mi Págtmdaéy y y ¡11 yy;i4 Anomura Pagurus caurinus Hart, 1971 Paguridae 2 3 WiiüjM^mM WgWüs\ wivptW¿ wfriiil 1^4:7^ yy PágiS^eyyyyyy IM III ill Anomura Pagurus confragosus (Benedict, 1892) Paguridae 2 3 jSajSÉí(^||l|iy PagtiMs ;| ^|^^y(Bitíiiíi;tyyi892) If; P ágüridá|y.y:y ¡I? 111 Anomura Pagurus criniticornis (Dana, 1852) Paguridae 10 ii 12 13 ; iAjpfi|^||y|y PMgWM^MMMBM^^§M^ÍÍÍͧMi& pjgi|fii^yp yyyyyyp¡ |:|;:;2 lip Anomura Pagurus defensus (Benedict, 1892) Paguridae 12 13 14 Mwi!íi§¡y¡ii pi^^M^MMiWMM^BSffM pjg^ri^yy yyy::;yyyyy y;yyyII I Anomura Pagurus edwardsi (Dana, 1852) Paguridae 8 iiSaJliSilSlIll PtígWMMS^^^^'^W^§MM§M pag^^ifyfyyyyyyyyyyyy HIS Anomura Pagurus galapagensis (Boone, 1932) Paguridae 7 A|p^á¡y|¡¡y í¡ii!^ MillPlllfllll: III III Anomura Pagurus granosimanus (Stimpson, 1858) Paguridae 2 3 4 ilsiiiiiiliyi "J^^^^^li^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^g^SS^M^MM Miiis!^i¡iiiii¡yy HI III Anomura Pagurus hemphilli (Benedict, 1892) Paguridae 2 3 illlíBjJI^JIIIi WiW^i^^^ii^ñüMj^^^^j^^§S^KM^UM^KMM!í Bsí^dit¡¡|:y:y¡|yyy:yyy III IIP Anomura Pagurus impressus (Benedict, 1892) Paguridae 12 13 14 : ^íjiBíi^lliyy íü^p;:^^Í^::(StirBp^^ ::i:86'í )yy íiííiytiiihi liiiiiiiMiiyMsiEiMiyMs pagifidae y ^ III Anomura Pagurus lepidus (Bouvier, 1898) Paguridae 4 5 6 : ^Éiit^yyy¡¡| ^^^^¡^¡j^^^^^i^^^^Mf^^SiS^M |i£||i$$ifi 111 III Anomura Pagurus limatulus Fausto Filho, 1970 Paguridae 11

•isisijiiiiiiiiiy ^^^^^MÍ^^^^^^M^^^M^^^S&Á Wgii^^MMiMMt I|| H:!:13 yy|i4 ill ¡;y;:|6:: Anomura Pagurus longimanus Wass, 1963 Paguridae 11 ¿¿Mim^mS fygífWf^CltágWMef Cfcrcíay ;GÓ^p|19:S2:isy:„ P¿gUridáf||:.;;jK; .:I|2 :M ;14 Anomura Pagurus marshi Benedict, 1901 Paguridae 12

AnÉMaraiiiísiyy: PagWus inerims # Brandt; ;i 85 :..::;: i^yyyyEj^M-yyyyyyyyMjy Paguridae:: y % 2 Anomura Pagurus middendorffii Brandt, 1851 Paguridae 2 iSflíSp^yyS:!;;;; Pdgurm Wmdes Haig; áM MeEaüghlih; 199 p^güpdae' y. m 6 Anomura Pagurus nesiotes Haig and McLaughlin, 1991 Paguridae 6 7 ; ; AnSmúrá Pagurus bChdtensis Brandt, 1851 Paguridae 2 .:•;;• 3 Anomura Pagurus parvus (Benedict, 1892) Paguridae 6 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces Anomura is Pagurus perlatusM. Milne Edwards,1848 '•'-'•' Paguridae 8 Anomura Pagurus politus (Smith, 1882) Paguridae 12 14 15 16 Marnürá yiy Pagü^pollicarüS^,i\SVJf Paguridae:5: yyi2 13 : 14 1:5 :16 Anomura Pagurus protuberocarpus McLaughlin, 1982 Paguridae 12 MornÜta::;::;í;;::::::í|: Pagl^¿proi>enzánoi\ Forest and Saint Laurent, 19&JM Paguridaef ••'•';:; 10 : 111 y;yi2 Anomura Pagurus pubescens Rreyer, 1838 Paguridae 1 15 16 : AHómüra;; : •; Pagurus gtiaj^ei ;Harty 1971;;; ?;; Paguridae yip;;;' ;: y 2 | 3 :;;y;4 Anomura Pagurus rathbuni (Benedict, 1892) Paguridae i 2 Anorn^?:||;|| P(igl^$ftM(mdoérísis i Wicksten;; 1982 y';;; Paguridae;:;; yyyy.yyyiyy y,:y 4 Anomura Pagurus retrorsimanus Wicksten and McLaughlin, 1998 Paguridae 4 Attbnira||i|| ;&íií¿ii^$^^ PágMri^él:!!l!:!;!::!;::!Íy:sy:! III Anomura Pagurus samuelis (Stimpson, 1857) Paguridae 2 3 4 JpiíBJXÍ|¡Sll||: Pagumsseiasus (Benedict;; 1892) yyy;; yy Paguridae.:; iisi: Ip :;:;y;3. Hi Anomura Pagurus smithi (Benedict, 1892) Paguridae 4 6 ^6rr^ray|t|t P^Üt^spíghtj.^ PSg^d^llliilil tie Anomura Pagurus spilocarpus Haig, 1977 Paguridae 4 ^Siiii^lllil ^^^iii^p^^H^j i:lS7 L:::: PagMdae;;y;:yy:y;:y::yy|; fP2 Anomura Pagurus stimpsoni (A. Milne Edwards and Bouvier, 1893) Paguridae 11 12 13 14 0i^t^M0Sk 7$g¿(Í!S&^ Páguridáé y I?; HI HI HI Anomura Pagurus trichocerus Forest and Saint Laurent, 1968 Paguridae 10 .iASBtííí^isyy Pagurus ] //ifgi^c/ji^ Págün.daé n * %Mi;y: 2 Anomura Pagurus undosus (Benedict, 1892) Paguridae 2 ^SíPisiils Pagur^^mfurens is(C offin, y 195.7) y; iy.|; ^g^tÍ^jíMñiiii;É£ $iñ Anomura Pagurus vetaultae Harvey and McLaughlin, 1991 Paguridae 6

MOnTUrtyiy:::.:;: PaguriAs yv¿/tóí«í Nicoléty i 1849y£y:y;y: PágUXÍdae;;;|:::::: y 8 Anomura Pagurus virgulatus Haig and Harvey, 1991 Paguridae 6 : : : Garidéajly.:::::!::: Palaé^hflóríc^nus(^6éi{l 942EN=' PáláSmoriidaé :;;;;;;;;::;; ;yi2 13 Caridea Palaemon gladiator Holthuis, 1952 Palaemonidae 6 7 Candea:::::;:: Palaempn gratilisiSxmUx, 1871) Palaembnidae::: ;v y.;;; 6 Caridea Palaemon macrodactylus Rathbun, 1902 Palaemonidae 2 3 Gáíidllyiyyyysyy Pülaemon ;«orí^¿^¿^RaiÍkiH| 1898)y y Palaem^idae ;;.;::•.;;;; : 10 ; ;;;11 IM Caridea Palaemon pai vai Fausto Filho, 1967 Palaemonidae 11 Gáíidéa :!:;•. PalaemÓñ)pá^ahJc^nus (Sanson, 1871):::::::::; Palaemonidae : y 10 11 : 12 Caridea Palaemon peruanus Holthuis, 1952 Palaemonidae 6 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces

: ; Garidé"á:|5|i|: PaldénWn 'Htí0iíR6\més, 1895X Palaemonidae i i mM| 5 6 -:f-7 Caridea Palaemonella assymetrica Holthuis, 1951 Palaemonidae 7 : |f 4 :; Sandgipf iff PálammglldtiSltnesi (ÑEpbili£l ?P7)||¡f ¡1 Pálpnionidaé::::; : : ¡;511 $ IIP Caridea Palaemonetes hiltoni Schmitt, 1921 Palaemonidae 4 6

(gáíidéi::;.; 1¡¡¡| P^S^qtiMi^iMmnediu^ Holthuis,: 1949; •;;: Palaemonidaei p i 12 fl3 ;;;;;14 115; Caridea Palaemonetes octaviae Chace, 1972 Palaemonidae 12 GaBd|S|y¡l;¡;;;; ^tópiS|Í^ÍÍ|Í?/«i^ai: (Gibbéá, ; 1850)1; PáláerriShl^élliilil ;i|I2 fl4 Caridea Palaemonetes pugio Holthuis, 1949 Palaemonidae 12 13 14 15 ^gíridea.ií PMaeMqWi^MfmitHM'M!^si X 95 Ipil Palaéniómdápjillli: :;;-;-;;:;:6: Caridea Palaemonetes vulgaris (Say, 1818) Palaemonidae 12 13 14 15 16 ; BrafcKyj|jSp;f ,?^q^::;ü¿?a^^;(A;J :Mihie Ed^ds];; 188P)|lPf i P^iad^pppp |:;:;i:l Brachyura Palicus affinis A. Milne Edwards and Bouvier, 1899 Palicidae ll 12 13 Brá(3r5^i|Í:?:i:: PáliMsi iife¿^^¿i iRáthbüji;; 1 897 ;:;:;*| ;-f ;• P4Md|épillpil 112 WM Brachyura Palicus cortezi (Crane, 1937) Palicidae 6 w@1 : : Biáfchy)^|f;;;; : ; ^í^i^SSlfe^^^:! P^ad^plllll; MM Brachyura Palicus cursor (A. Milne Edwards, 1880) Palicidae 12 13 14 : ; Bí¡S^yJií|f;|| P:á}%M/c^M¡isj AfMilléf Edipídsi:. 18JP!ii|S P;allÉÍd¿é":;:.:;:iii.ii IIP |;:;:13 ;;:;;;;13; Brachyura Palicus depressus (Rathbun, 1897) Palicidae 12 B^c)iy|iífi§li Ml00i^ñM^&3m^j 1897 ;U; il Ui§i:pisíi^qdplilPP l .i i i ill||I ? mm Brachyura Palicus floridanus (Rathbun, 1918) Palicidae 12 ; BMii^MMM H¡§¿p j^í/g (R^un|18 93)::; lip ^^| ::1||1;; :;i;5: mi Brachyura Palicus gracilipes (A. Milne Edwards, 1880) Palicidae 12 w$ S; : Bif^3|S^|lÍ: P^SMg^^^^^^^^^MhWSiM Palicidae; y|::|..:l;H; | :f;l2 IP3 IP P15 Brachyura Palicus lucasii Rathbun, 1898 Palicidae 6 7 : : BJacájj^llii tyíicW0besus ;(A:; Milrié Edwards?; 18 80)11 P^iad|e:ii[i:i4:' :.;':r : ;; :10 ::::!:i2 13 Brachyura Palicus sicus (A Milne Edwards, 1880) Palicidae 10 11 12 13 14

BradNyurSIIIi Palicus ttípercúláía i (Faxon| 1893). ppp PaUcidáe;; ::; :6 Brachyura Palicus velerae (Garth, 1939) Palicidae 7

Bráchytira;:;f|;; PMcW¿Mata i (Rathbüii;; 1893) Iif i f f Palicidae ;;flip :: 6 Palinuridea Palinurellus gundlachi von Martens, 1878 Palinuridae 11 12 PSlihürideSill Palinustüstrüncafus A Milne Edwards, 1880 : Pálinuridae n ;: 12 Caridea Pandalopsis ampia Bate, 1888 Pandalidae 2 3 4 5 6 10 11 12

Caridea!:::::: Pandalópsis ¿ferpair Rathbun, 1902 : Pandalidae 2 3 Caridea Kreyer, 1838 Pandalidae 1 2 3 4 16 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces

Carideall Pandalúsdanáé Stimpsón, 1857:;: Pandalidae;;; :2 3 ::: 4 Caridea Pandalus eous Makarov, 1935 Pandalidae 2 3 Garidea::::-::|:|5:i:::: PandMis gü/ihirtí| iStirnpSoh,: l'86Q;.l, Pandalidte::i:iill: l 2 Caridea Pandalus hypsinotus Brandt, 1851 Pandalidae 2 ; Gandeá!li;|:: | Panddlus jq{dMÍMM)Wtiil WM ;::M::?n?:H.:!Ü::::.Ü!:!>;.!::-: Páhdáh^aelí:;!!!!: :: 2.1.1: 3;ll 4 Caridea Pandalus montagui Leach, 1814 Pandalidae 1 15 16 :: JÍ¡u|i|eá;;|ÍÍ¡| PMfálitéípduÜdens \ SifiarSi?; í 881111Í S.; • PMMidael!!:ll:::ll 111; Caridea Pandalus platycerosBrandt, 1851 Pandalidae 2 3 4 Cáfidéállllt::::i paMd^ip^pin^iuf^ saisf 1869.: : WMMSSS Pajjdalidáe:: l; HI: lip :::l:l:6; Caridea Pandalus stenolepis Rathbun, 1902 Pandalidae 2 3 GSn&Í:¡lllll W^MMM^^^^^^^^^^SM^^^MSS^^SM- PÍfíá¿IiIÍK:;j¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ 111.2il l III Brachyura Panopeus americanas Saussure, 1857 Xanthidae 10 11 12 13 BrSehyJjSl mil Ptm^^i^t^Mésjií \ W^M¿^ii^$MmWSm XaajM^lililillf^ .1110 Brachyura Panopeus bermudensis Benedict and Rathbun, 1891 Xanthidae 10 11 12 13 14 Brá|jiy|iiá|ii| iigjf^^'i^l^I^ Wáí^MmMmf&ñ IIP Brachyura Panopeus chilensis H. Milne Edwards and Lucas, 1844 Xanthidae 6 8 Bra^ytálllll i$8!i|p^ X&thid^l?:ll;::;::l:lll: •III: Brachyura Panopeus diversus Rathbun, 1933 Xanthidae 5 B¡Í|fiyJÍ¡§lll¡ W^KM^^^^^^M^^¡^^MÉMBSMSMSMM9SM !Xi|f^||i||:||!-:-:^i:|| 1:.;I0. 111! WM Brachyura Panopeus herbstii H. Milne Edwards, 1834 Xanthidae 12 13 14 15 fywtiywaiM§ij Piáru^emÁlaeusim^Dés^^ XpitMf&fel 111! 1112 Brachyura Panopeus margentus Williams and Boschi, 1990 Xanthidae 10 BráSEty^llli; %aiwpW¡^^ XtóÜffi^llls.: 1:10 Brachyura Panopeus mirafloresensis Abele and Kim, 1989 Xanthidae 6 Bracliy^allli ^n^^i^^M Srmth! 1.86?:; i Xanthidae llfp 112 13 p!4 Brachyura Panopeus occidentalis Saussure, 1857 Xanthidae 10 11 12 14 Bráchyurt::|:.l| panppmspurpwew ;L¿icMñ^bn;;:l;877: lililí; XaiJthidáel ll|pj 1:14 :n6 Brachyura Panopeus rugosus A. Milne Edwards, 1880 Xanthidae 6 10 11 12 13 Brachy^llll PdMp^MW^ni EithbiinV: 193 0 : • XtehldJ|i|::l: 112 113 Brachyura Panoplax depressa Stimpson, 1871 Goneplacidae 11 12 13 14 B|áfcKy|ffa;:i:H:i; PmtíplM muM^a^SMs^, i 1?35;1¡11 GótíMacidá!;! Ill ;: 5 6 Caridea Pantomus affinis Chace, 1937 Pandalidae 6 8 : Caridea lilf PaniomtiSparyiilus A.;Milne Edwards; 1883 :::: Pandalidael:: 11 ::.:12 :i4 Palinuridea argus (Latreille, 1804) Palinuridae 12 13 14 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces : : BiJlliriáifttlii $^i(w^|i^^ . 19981P!! Palinuridae( ;Bi: ; •11 Palinuridea Smith, 1869 Palinuridae 11 : ;; Páh^^d^:|:.i:::; PMiM^grMlis-^i^i 1871¡|||: Paliffliridaé::|p;::;:; ;::fi «B •É¡7 Palinuridea (Latreille, 1804) Palinuridae 11 12 lljiííifflvjialll WMÍiMM^táM(MM&>:W$tyW Pahnurid¡afe¿: ;||;|||N lili IB Palinuridea Panulirus interruptus (Randall, 1839) Palinuridae 3 4 6 Pa^iMdMlll WMii&^XM^MMM^^MB^)h; iSÉf i P^mmMMi IB 012 Palinuridea (Olivier, 1791) Palinuridae 6 7 3 Cari^állllll |!||iSeáí^^ CrMg^idáS:::;:::;;; B::.2 II ;: m Brachyura Paractaea rufopunctata nodosa (Stimpson, 1860) Xanthidae 10 11 12 13 14 B^hyj8fé|g¡¡| ig$j!»|||^ X|ánthi(Jae;:i:; •111 WM¡if ? Brachyura Paracyclois atlantis Chace, 1939 Calappidae li 12 Wm\xríí?cicy^^ Axiidae:iipJ;;;!W;iil; IB Thalassinidea Paraxiopsis vicina Coelho, 1983 Axiidae li : CSfi^fflllll ÍV|K!$^^ Hippblytídae;:ís§;;;;:i;;;;;;;::: 112 Brachyura Paromola rathbuni Porter, 1908 Homolidae 8 PiffihWdea*;!;:.: .RaSíT^^ SSyllaiidaep"; pl|; :1|2 Brachyura Parthenope agona (Stimpson, 1871) Parthenopidae 10 11 12 13 14 Bfa$yiiraP;p; piirtfimópé: üytihóñi [ (Rigbi, 1 965) pp ParthehbpidaeP:; PIP; Brachyura Parthenope depressiuscula (Stimpson, 1871) Parthenopidae 6 BráeJry^2|I|: P&ikeWpM&dMM (StirrtpSOnv i 18.71) .¡i'; Pi Parthenopidae;^;:;:::;;:;:! ¡13; Hi Brachyura Parthenope exilipes (Rathbun, 1893) Parthenopidae 4 6 7 Brá^ytea;::;!;;:;;: Í^^CT^é^té^cfí^ (Stim^spiii1871) ;l|: Parthenopidae;P pi i IfQ I® li?' 113 :14a Brachyura Parthenope granulata (Kingsley, 1879) Parthenopidae 12 13 14 B^lbyMaPP;; PatfhWope gü<&ü(Mi toGapeli b •; 1871)l:p: párt^hopidab i: • ;lp lift I1! v§2 Brachyura Parthenope hyponca (Stimpson, 1871) Parthenopidae 6

Brachy#a:::;:::¿ Parthéyopéjóhngarthi Hehdrickx and Landa-Jaime,: 19?7§;:: Parthenopidae:::: s ::6 Brachyura Parthenope pourtalesii (Stimpson, 1871) Parthenopidae 10 11 12 14 15 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces ; B^HJ^llli párthenópe ;¿é^^ ;(H,: Milíié • Edwards, 183^):li|- PátthériSpidáé::: I Ijo ;;;;l:l Í12 1.13. Brachyura Parthenope stimpsoni Garth, 1958 Parthenopidae 5 6 PáfthéSSpidáell Br|yí¡i^||¡¡ Í$i!$&l!^^ fp IM ;::;if Caridea Pasiphaea acutifrons Bate, 1888*** Pasiphaeidae 8 9 ; : : ($$i$||f ¡¡|| pM^Wgt0"i&M iFaxoli; i 893; || Pásjph%idáe;; |||:|: •Si;5 ;:¿;;; ;6 ^ii:ii7 Caridea Pasiphaea chacei Yaldwyn, 1962 Pasiphaeidae 3 4 C^d¿ai;;g|¡|;f P^ipW^L: ifóMí«¡ ÍSchrfiitt •: 1 §1|||¡¡|Í|¡ÍH Pasiphaeidae ||||||ih MM Caridea Pasiphaea emarginata Rathbun, 1902 Pasiphaeidae 6 Cinlillllll PMpMm WMtieMtia ;E¿^a^|;Í866jÍilll:!:; Pásiph^id|e";|||:S:! I'll Caridea Pasiphaea tarda Kreyer, 1845 Pasiphaeidae 1 2 3 14 15 16 Si^sicjiJUIJIIi !¡g|É$iBÉ^ Se^lid|i|;|.:.:; giffi Brachyura Pe/¡a mutica (Gibbes, 1850) Pisidae 12 13 14 15 B|Seljy^|:|i||: ^fóa^^^:;A|^^:Éd^^ 'Pm^^iiMiMMSBM :y;||6 Brachyura Peliapulchella Bell, 1835 Pisidae 7 BppySralill |g|$$||$|^^ fmS^MBSMMMsM Si? ill Brachyura Pe/ia tuberculata (Wicksten, 1987) Pisidae 6 W^^MBiS ¡Si/rail^ Pi§iql#g|;£:|;: ill fii 115: lii Brachyura Peltarion spinosulum (White, 1843)*** Atelecyclidae 8 9 10 Pj^^pid^||| lisga^M fMa^^^MiWWM-i fig SUN WW SSP III ill Brachyura Percnon abbreviatum (Dana, 1851) Grapsidae 6 BiptiyjMlli-ll M!|$i$Ii$#^ :Gr^id|^;;:;|?;i;;i|::::"::!:i ¡ii 1:17 mm 111 III 11 Brachyura Percnon planissimum Herst, 1804 Grapsidae 6 Í!jüÍ||Í¡|llÍ |iggii$^^ PMpfiS|Sd^W;f;:iy;;; fil Sil Caridea Periclimenaeus atlanticus (Rathbun, 1901) Palaemonidae 12

C^d||||::;|||: .PMCliñ&a^jb^jmdéMÜi.ÍM^W^&Í^M)- Íli ÍlliÍ iSfS;; i PalaemPhid^e;;;":!!!!?;*:: ;;;;:ii Caridea Periclimenaeus bredini Chace, 1972 Palaemonidae 12 m. ^^élilfif: PériclMÉrfff^us cardibicia Hplthuis}: 1951|;! PaiaSffiPhidáeQ 12 Caridea Periclimenaeus chacei Abele, 1971 Palaemonidae 12 13 : : : CTOdei!ii;::::;s:|:::!. P^diühWdeWítigncbéld^ PMffito

Cmdéap:;PH;f Periclimenqeus spinpsus Holthuis, 1951 Páláemonidae: :: ;;<5 Caridea Periclimenaeus wilsoni (Hay, 1917) Palaemonidae 12 13 14 : ; : Caride||||jl|: :.:l: Periclimenesiahiéricdnus (Kingsley, ;1878);|s:|p|:5. Palaemonidae -11 : .UP mili 12 1:13 14 Caridea Periclimenes antipathophüus Spotte, Heard and Bubucis, 1994 Palaemonidae 12

Garidea^-llii: Periclimenes i¿ow»i¿[nfcChaPe¿: |19721:: Pálpmóñidae :; :12 Caridea Periclimenes crinoidalis Chace, 1969 Palaemonidae 12 ciílllii¡iíii:i.:iii:.i PertcZ/roi^^^/^í Chace, 1972||||/ PJ.l^mpnid¿e::::¡|:: ¡¡II Caridea Periclimenes harringtonilxboar, 1949 Palaemonidae 12 Cárideá;Íll|:#:¡:- Pmclimenes W?MiiMi®M&M >l ¡1 ?Q2) % \\]M:^MMÍSMMMM^MPiláérriómdae I i;:;; 11:1 :::|::;5 ||:||::6 |17¡ Caridea Periclimenes iridescens Lebour, 1949 Palaemonidae 12 13 14 GmdS||¡:||||¡| périMi^MMMMi¿M^^!(MM9s^ :ÍISMMSBMMMMMMMW§ Pál^m^id^Iilll: 1110 ¡111 111 lili ¡lili Caridea Periclimenes lucasi Chace, 1937 Palaemonidae 6 Gin^siillllll PerMMs^mS&M: THoltMiiS^il ^^§á^^^^iM§^¡^^xyW^ Pjl^ffiomdáe « ; ;.if| M| Caridea Periclimenes mclellandi Heard and Spotte, 1997 Palaemonidae 12 CÉI&Í¡:¡¡¡¡¡¡ :^^^¡^W§^^^^^^i^^^^^^^^^MSSMͧ^^SM, Pll^ni0hjdáé;5*:::::*;:;:i:.:;:;:::: 111 Caridea Periclimenes murcielagensis Vargas, 2000 Palaemonidae 6 CM¡SeÍ¡|l|lll:S ¿R|$S^ila^^ j^|ém^4^:ÉÉS; lis Caridea Periclimenes pandionis Holthuis, 1951 Palaemonidae 12 !^|ni|ÍÍ||¡|i:;-; I^B^^j^^^X^^^^S^^S^^MM^BBiS^BiiSiSi Pál^ffiÓflidáe;:::: :|::s:I2 Caridea Periclimenes pauper Holthuis, 1951 Palaemonidae 12 WiMM§MM§ pfficliMériMíp^d^pmMM^^ Pa)a^rooriidaép:s:| 5 •:;:::|12 Si? Si! Caridea Periclimenes perryae Chace, 1942 Palaemonidae 12 G;arideS;!|||||:i: PMtfinienes rathbJ^MScixaaM 19241 ¡1: pSl^éiriónidaé;|;| || :|:;12 Caridea Periclimenes sóror Nobili, 1904 Palaemonidae 6 Ganfléá|||||l|l|l|l|l|l|l|l|l|l|l Periclimenes ienellu^(Sniiffi| 1|882)11111111 PIl|i^ctód^;i|:|l|f: :|14 Caridea Periclimenes veleronis Holthuis, 1951 Palaemonidae 6 : Ca^gftplMI;; P^cUtri0My^cqtam^(^e$, 1891);; = 11==j 1 ^ l: PáláSmbnidáe:: i;.. .•,;;;i2 Brachyura Persephona crinita Rathbun, 1931 Leucosiidae 10 11 12 13 Brachyura | )M Persephtiild BíW^¿¡&íí;Béll,:::l8551^:1111:::::: L^üfiosii^esii lili 117 Brachyura Persephona lichtensteinii Leach, 1817 Leucosiidae 10 11 Brá^yurá|||§| ^0sépW^áMédit&ra^mS^^^Í^ 794): i. Leucosiidae || ||::10 ill iiiilg lull ¡114 1:151 Brachyura Persephona orbicularis Bell, 1855 Leucosiidae 6 8 Brachyufp: ;::: i^^Ad^á^fcteití:(Linnáéüs, 1758) .ssp;^:? Leücbsiidáé:;; :5 1110 111 "12 Brachyura Persephona subovata (Rathbun, 1893) Leucosiidae 4 5 6 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces

BiS£hym.::ipl Pe^phoria¡0wñsendi (Rathbun,i 1893) ¡!; ;|| Léucosiídaé i;i||5 i 6 Sergestoidea Petalidium suspiriosum Burkenroad, 1937 Sergestidae 3 4 6 : ^pniufa|i: :;::i:ii Pe^

AiiOrr^;;;;:?!!.;.! PHyllólühi$és:piw!Wós™fy^ tithddidaeiy •:f."2 :•,;:•: 3 Brachyura Picroceroides tubularis Miers, 1886 Majidae 11 12 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces Bitlihj^flf PiltMnóidés cbélhqi Gmhot arid; Macpherson, 198 71 ^ y 51I11||1Xa^nthidae,;: ; ;;;::10 1:1:1 Brachyura Pilumnoides hassleri A. Milne Edwards, 1880* Xanthidae 9 10 Bratírjfliülllll WíMjiaidés wdifíMs. (Stin^sónl; I S71 J.i;.: Xáritlüdáe;y;M;-'N:l:lli 1:12 Brachyura Pilumnoidesperlatus (Poeppig, 1836)** Xanthidae 6 8 9 Braclvyirra;|||i PilürM^^Mtmáu^ iGá|i}í£194Q ||||||||| X^trjí^é;;;;;;;|s ;;;;; 111 IP ill Brachyura Pilumnoplax data (A. Milne Edwards, 1880) Xanthidae 13 BráSh^llly Kltí^H^l^MÍÍd^3M¿Pi: 194011 IN Xánthjdíáe'.:;;::: ;:: 12 Brachyura Pilumnus caribaeus Desbonne and Schramm, 1867 Xanthidae 10 11 12 B|9^yirrai¡|| piiü¡íhtis:d&)^dwf^^ X;^th1dáé||;*:*; 111 ¡111il l IS 111 Brachyura Pilumnus depressus Stimpson, 1871 Xanthidae 6 Bíft3j^8||¡| 2¥ftii(^ XlffltiMd^.l;:; rip y ;;1|; y:|l:2y Brachyura Pilumnus fernandezi Garth, 1973 Xanthidae 6 8 •H(Ícír^SfflÍ¡¡| MM^^^Ml^^i^^^W^i^^SKSSMMSB ^ff^^WMiSM 111: ¡y;|2 111 III! Brachyura Pilumnus gemmatus Stimpson, 1860 Xanthidae 12 BrScJíyp;a::i;|:|¡ PSíMtíüS: ^gqH¿ül^sM¡$^i^igti: I S$3illliiy X^t^dae:y:y|; IS 11 Brachyura Pilumnus holosericus Rathbun, 1869 Xanthidae 12 Bíá^yíl|f:;:¡:.:;::::| ^PM^^^^g^^^^^^^^x^SfSSSMmM^S^^M Xajt^d^llllyil^li;!:!;:!:; III Brachyura Pilumnus lacteus Stimpson, 1871 Xanthidae 12 13 14 BiiMlttillll 'ffiiimj^^ X^ÜJÍMi: 1 l||ii||S lis 111 Brachyura Pilumnus longleyi Rathbun, 1930 Xanthidae 12 BJ^y]tt|lllI |5!¡[#|is^ X^i8ffl^3|fejNN!Í;;ll WÚt. Brachyura Pilumnus nobilii Garth, 1948 Xanthidae 6 ; Brachyj§al;¡¡!:!í P0MffMMM^MíSMMM -JSi^llllllil X;alÜ|Ed^|l;S;;;y;;;; y;; y; sl112 Brachyura Pilumnus palmeri Garth, 1986 Xanthidae 6 Bra^y^|:ii|li PjlííHiñti? pWHÜsus R^hbüS;; 18J6|;|ii¡ii¡||:; X^tKdaililyyyyy: 112 ::13 111 Brachyura Pilumnus pygmaeus Boone, 1926 Xanthidae 6 7 Brácrryura::: i:;:;; Pil^nüsdüpyi H. Milne EdVp^S,:L834::;;;; XanM^yyy: : 10 ; 11 Brachyura Pilumnus reticulatus Stimpson, 1860 Xanthidae 6 10 11 12 Br^y^a:.::;i;i|| Pilumnmisayi; Rathbüri;; 1897y;; yy Xanthidae. y yy 112 ;13 II Brachyura Pilumnus spinohirsutus (Lockington, 1877) Xanthidae 4 6 Brachyura5:;-" PiliimHtisspinosissimus Rathbunll898yil: yyyi yy;y Xaitfiidae;;' 110 11; 112 Brachyura Pilumnus stimpsonii Miers, 1886 Xanthidae 6 Brachyura;*:?::::; Pilumnus tecius Rathbun, 1933; Xanthidae; 5 Brachyura Pilumnus townsendi Rathbun, 1923 Xanthidae 5 6 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces

Bíáifehyura !!;;:: Píma^odéschílensis (H. MlneiBdwards¡,; 1.83 7)* * *. .; Pinnothendae : ii; :.; ;:6 :;;;.;:7 .;,;f;8 19 Brachyura Pinnaxodes floridensisWell s and Wells, 1961 Pinnotheridae 12 13 14 : : Bra^^ :^óásli:843j*i i 1 ; Pinhotheridae::: 115: •118' 1119 Brachyura Pinnotheres angelicus Lockington, 1877 Pinnotheridae 5 6 Bíá¿hy)^l|§:s Pi^0thermhipMMstM íNícoI^ 1849: n í j Pirifi^eridáé:;; ill mm Brachyura Pinnotheres clavapedatus Glassell, 1935 Pinnotheridae 5 6 : : jSígfitíjSS^lll |^^Oí^e^;:|é(i^?!:Mie|||::l.8jÓ lililí Pih^pthend^|:|ll : : 1::;1:| Brachyura Pinnotheres guerini H. Milne Edwards, 1853 Pinnotheridae 12 MíIcsáSySttIill lí^^iAgií^rÁ^Kí^^^y Pjfffip^e^dp:::!!! 11:1:1 Brachyura Pinnotheres hirtimanus H. Milne Edwards, 1853 Pinnotheridae 12 BriMy^lllll ilííiiiiltóéliÉ:^^ PÍtth;pthén|^::ll:Í;i:::::::: •III Brachyura Pinnotheres lithodomi Smith, 1870 Pinnotheridae 6 Brafchy^lli::: Pm>Wh^^Í^$MÍBM^^i.M^Í'(M Pir^o^ridáé:: \ 11 ill Brachyura Pinnotheres orcutti Rathbun, 1918 Pinnotheridae 5 6 Bachy^lll! J)|||i<2l$!|i^^ P:ñrooth|ri3ae ¡ll l!6 Brachyura Pinnotheres pugettensis Holmes, 1900 Pinnotheridae 2 3

Bpíhy|falii ^ipíppiiáfoe^^Hí^ 1 ? |:8j|i|; P^óthendaéi ;:::1 Si 1113 Brachyura Pinnotheres taylori Rathbun, 1918 Pinnotheridae 2 Morh^a:: ill PjMdia bWstiiensis HaJg;; 196SÍ111 PSrcellaffldaelliiill 1 SO 1 11 1112 Anomura Pisidia magdalenensis (Glassell, 1936) Porcellanidae 6 BrachySral":: Piiij^&edwa^ Piéidáell i;l 6 i-.7 118 1.19 Brachyura Pitho aculeata (Gibbes, 1850) Tychidae 12 13 Brachial 11 PMmtmsqdóníym Martens, 1872)11 Tychidae: : ill 111 1 1:12 13 Brachyura Pitho Iherminieri (Schramm, 1867) Tychidae 10 11 12 13 14 Brachyura Pitho laevigata (A. Millie Edwards, 1875) Tychidae: 1:12 13 Brachyura Pitho mirabilis (Herbst, 1794) Tychidae 12 Brachyura i i Pitho picteti(Ssasswre, 1853) Tychidae : 4 5 6 Brachyura Pitho quadridentata (Miers, 1879) Tychidae 12 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces BraChyura ip Pithq qüinqúedentata Belli: 1835 Tychidaé 6 7 8 Brachyura Pitho sexdentata Bell, 1835 Tychidae 6 7

Anbrntirá§!:;S;;| Placétron wosnessenskii Schalfeey, 1892; Lithodidae :::: ; 2 Brachyura Plagusia chabrus (Lirmaeus, 1758) Grapsidae 8 v BraeljyürMIII Plq^iqdépWssa (FabrjciüSyl f75) |;; Grapsidae: : 11 12 ¡1:13 1M Brachyura Plagusia depressa tuberculata Lamarcks, 1818 Grapsidae 6 ; : : :s : Brach^alll PlagWiq imttác^did^jasiÉ^&ss,} 818 W£M GrSp^Ídaé |:::::J: :;;: : ;;;Í al* !;f7 il? Brachyura Plagusia speciosa Dana, 1851 Grapsidae 6 Bracnyuwfiigil Pld0¿^án^^¡iMi\ 852* I"; i i; ¡;|| Grapsidae| \ pp \^;2 •11 114 ill IB lia 11? Brachyura Planes marinus Rathbun, 1914 Grapsidae 2 3 4 B^gh^||::|i ^fsíij^i^ .Gr;apl&Sllll;Í1¡itl¿ i-io iil fii II* ül 111 Brachyura Platyactaea dovii (Stimpson, 1871) Xanthidae 6 7 Bratáryíi^íííiiiil:: :P:láfyÜ¿tái&:;MÍgW Xptftdáé:*Íli:S?::ü.:.::i:: :;:;:12 Brachyura Platychirograpsus spectabilis De Man, 1896 Grapsidae 12 13 BreShy^Jlli Íft$i|!!Íií^:Í^ C^lgjijii^aqj ;; 113 ÉIS III lit Brachyura Platypodiella gemmata Rathbun, 1902 Xanthidae 6 ai7. Bri31yi^:i;::l;! ;P&i^<^^:;i^^/^^ ^SS^0^§0Mm:;:¡/.l lis =117 Brachyura Platypodiella spectabilis (Herbst, 1794) Xanthidae 11 12 13 : : JBr^iyMflll ;$ú|i}ri^ Xánffidáé;;;:y;;Í;;:;:;;;s: :::í::;;;; llf Brachyura Platyxanthus cokeri Rathbun, 1930 Xanthidae 8

; : Bra$y^al||J Plafjmcftfá^ X;an11iidae::*-;:;l¥: :y; 5:;:;.; 10 Brachyura Platyxanthus orbignyi (H. Milne Edwards and Lucas, 1844) Xanthidae 8 Bracliyufpilw Pl^xüMíüs pqíagónicüs \ A- Milné -EdwardS; 1879 ;; Xanthidae Wm 10 Penaeoidea Pleoticus muelleri (Bate, 1888)* Solenoceridae 9 10 : : : PénáéÓidea:;Í;:: Pléótié^^qbüstüs (Smith, .1.885J: || SplenScéridáe; * "iE : 12 ií.3 :: 14 115 Caridea Plesionika acanthonotus (Smith, 1882) Pandalidae 11 12 13 14 : ; Gajideái:l|:¡:| Pliesióhíkflbéebei Chace, 1937::; 1 i i ¿i¿; Pandaridág: ,'::V i:::4; a 5 ;a6 II? Caridea Plesionika carinirostris Hendrickx, 1990 Pandalidae 5 Caijdea1:;:ii;S:!|;i| Plésiqmkaiéawárdsii (Brandt, 1851); -Mi Pandalidae i;l;;;5;; ;:: 1.1 412 113 14 15 Caridea Plesionika ensis (A. Milne Edwards, 1881) Pandalidae 11 12 ;; G#i8ea;l|||§;| Pl^iofiikq^scatilis (Stim^soni i 186Q) || Pandalidae :::| 12 ;::13: Caridea Plesionika holthuisi Crosnier and Forest, 1967 Pandalidae 13 14 15

: : : Candea": ;:5as.: l|: PJesiánikq laevis (A. MilneiEdwárds, 1883): i Pandalidae 12 Caridea Plesionika longicauda (Rathbun, 1901) Pandalidae 11 12 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces Gmdéaf:::¿:5l;. Plesionika lóhgiirosiris WZZ. Pandálidae .:..'"'%.'•'-. 11 Caridea Plesionika martia (A. Milne Edwards, 1883) Pandalidae 12 13 14 15 CÚlifáéZZZZZ PlésioñikaZméXwariüíCkasé;; 1937 i p' Pandálidae::: Ili:4 ¡|::5 ZZf> 111 p;:8 Caridea Plesionika miles A. Milne Edwards, 1883 Pandalidae 11 12 : : ; Cmd^MWM PlesiÓHilca ténUipM (Sniithjll 88:1); i :!! i Pándáhdae y|::::; p:§::: :;;12 y il3 WM1111:1 5 Caridea Plesionika trispinus Squires and Barragan, 1976 Pandalidae 6 8 ; ^bfmirai::||fi PleürphWdeswnotfpn (FLMilneEdwáfds ¿1837)i::;: Galáíhéidáe::;; ZM ZM Anomura Pleuroncodes planipes Stimpson, 1860 Galatheidae 3 4 5 6 ; Brachyuj-a y Plijpsbtnapjarv^ph^Sti^so^ : 1860 • :\Z¿ Atélecyclidáé: I;;- ZM Brachyura Podochela algicola (Stebbing, 1914) Inachidae 10 11 12 Bfaclvyurá;'5:|!;!*: Pvdpehelqahgulql^Fií^^nZ^ 93}ZZZZZM\ZZZZ^Z--:ZZdZZ\Z^ Wíáxíá^ZZZZ^SZ: ill Brachyura Podochela brasiliensis Coelho, 1972 Inachidae íi ErS$yuia¡¡?::::§ ^dÓch^M^^^slríet^ck^ :I987 Z W i^M^ZZZZZZ^M- ZM Brachyura Podochela curvirostris (A. Milne Edwards, 1879) Inachidae 12 ; ; : : : : Bíác^yur¿i¡¡| Ppdp^cWlai^racilipés StÍrnpSÓn; ; ;l Ml^ZZZZZZiZZ^ZZ^Z-ZiZZZiZZZ Ina6Hidae*|:;;;:::: : ZM:ii:í : ZM ;¡ :13: :;r;;i4: Brachyura Podochela hemphillii (Lockington, 1877) Inachidae 3 4 5 6 Bi^shySjsliyf 2?i^iSfii^í¿£Í^^ Inachidae:.:; Z •lil I;13 Brachyura Podochela latimanus (Rathbun, 1893) Inachidae 5 6 Braehyut^stS PpdptHMq^lpbi^QttsZ^Míiymj \ l$9ÍWZ0SZZZZZS¿:ZZWMSZZs!- "kiatfta^ZMMZZsZx ;::::::::i4 IBS III Brachyura Podochela macrodera Stimpson, 1860 Inachidae 11 12 13 Pfá^ytoSlli;.: ípte^|ífr;»iéifS^ IMááá^ZZZZZZZZ. |f:7 Brachyura Podochela minúscula Coelho, 1972 Inachidae 11 : Bj^cByíú^pll: PoWiMfcZÍÍÍMStimpáon, 1860 ^ZZiZZZM fíiachidáeíis ;jM:l=| ;::::12 li 3 1;14 Brachyura Podochela schmitti Garth, 1939 Inachidae 7

BJr^y^:|||:;.; Ptídpiih^ásidn^i^^M^t 1924 ™Zt.ZZZZÍ^Z ¡Bsxhí^Z Z ZZZZ :;12 .::::13 s:y::14: Brachyura Podochela veleronis Garth, 1958 Inachidae 6 ; Brachyura: ¥; /tórf^eAétev^^tó (Stimpson; 1871) Inachidae ;p;5 11 Brachyura Podochela ziesenhennei Garth, 1940 Inachidae 6 Paünuridea:%'.'; PolycheléschilmsísSaad, 1920::: . :•• Pplychelidáe: a.,;;8 Palinuridea Polycheles granulatus Faxon, 1893 Polychelidae 6 16 AlliSi^l::: Pplyóny^cói^nislJsig, I960 Pórcellahidae ; ;6 Anomura Polyonyx gibbesi Haig, 1956 Porcellanidae 10 11 12 14 15 Anomura Polyonyx nitidüs Lockington, 1878 Porcellanidae 5 6 Anomura Polyonyx quadriungulatus Glassell, 1935 Porcellanidae 4 5 6 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces ; : : Gándeá"::»;;;;"::: PdmagiiatfiWcprdiliriiis:: Chace,: 1937!i!;:: Alpheidae: P :P:6 p::? Thalassinidea Pomatogebia cocosia (Williams, 1986) Upogebiidae 6

Tlialassinidea PómMOg^id&pWculaiq (Schiriitt;:: 1 924) ¡;y Uppgebiidae PP;p;¡ :pl:l: :• 12 Thalassinidea Pomatogebia rugosa (Lockington, 1878) Upogebiidae 5 6 GaridéSt !.p P^oWns¡pW&m GhnStofierséri; 1.1988;: PP Crarigónidaép.::;:fP •PÍO Caridea Pontonia californiensis Rathbun, 1902 Palaemonidae 4 CÉldéaj¡tW:|¡l ^>li!|Í!Í!ÍiÍ$i^^ PJla|rhphidae; ;Pj Mb Caridea Pontonia domestica Gibbes, 1850 Palaemonidae 12 13 14 Gáíípllllli W0MU^g^tífi§^^^^\951^^í^^ Pal^pí&idié;: i i ip|;P ill;? Caridea Pontonia margarita Smith, 1869 Palaemonidae 6 7 11 12 13 14 C|pdé|pPpit Wsx^^^^^S^^^^^U^^M^^K^BUMMs^^U: PSllit^hi^llPJlf III Caridea Pontonia miserabilis Holthuis, 1951 Palaemonidae 12 Wi)^WI0M á&niii^ l^llpmi^liPp: |:|5 •:ll Caridea Pontonia pusilla Holthuis, 1951 Palaemonidae 6 pii|^B||I ^^tt^^^^^^MM^^^^JM§M¡SSiS¡!^S^^^M^M9 |^|eJi¡ÍM|ÍiP|pP¡ lil Caridea Pontonia simplex Holthuis, 1951 Palaemonidae 6 ^Srasl|iiy|||i| ^^^S^^^kíti^^^^íl¡¡M^^M^^gM^^^M^^^&s^ Pal^ip»iida

BJScljyi^aPp: PorHiiii^§figustUs R^(hbur¿ 1898:?;: •; Pcftunida;gy:::;::; P 7 Brachyura Portunus asper (A. Milne Edwards, 1861) Portunidae 6 8 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces Brachyura Portunus bahamensis Rathbun, 1930 Portunidac 12 Brachyura Portunus binoculus Holthuis, 1969 Portunidae 12 Brachyura Portunus brevimanus (Faxon, 1895) Portunidac 6 Brachyura Portunus depressifrons (Stimpson, 1859) Portunidae 12 13 14 Brachyura Portunus floridanus Rathbun, 1930 Portunidae 11 12 14 Brachyura Portunus gibbesii (Stimpson, 1859) Portunidae 11 12 13 14 15 Brachyura Portunus guaymasensis Garth and Stephenson, 1966 Portunidae 6 Brachyura Portunus iridescens (Rathbun, 1893) Portunidac 6 Brachyura Portunus ordwayi (Stimpson, 1860) Portunidae 10 11 12 13 14 15 Brachyura Portunus rufiremus Holthuis, 1959 Portunidae 11 Brachyura Portunus sayi (Gibbes, 1850) Portunidae 11 12 13 14 15 16 Brachyura Portunus sebae (H. Milne Edwards, 1834) Portunidac 12 Brachyura Portunus spinicarpus (Stimpson, 1871) Portunidae 10 11 12 13 14 Brachyura Portunus spinimanus Latreillc, 1819 Portunidae 10 11 12 13 14 15 Brachyura Portunus stanfordi Rathbun, 1898 Portunidae 7 Brachyura Portunus tuberculatus (Stimpson, 1860) Portunidae 6 7 Brachyura Portunus centralis (A. Milne Edwards, 1879) Portunidae 11 12 14 Brachyura Portunus vossi Lemaitre, 1991 Portunidae 13 Brachyura Portunus xantusii affinis (Faxon, 1893) Portunidae 6 7 Brachyura Portunus xantusii minimus Rathbun, 1898 Portunidae 4 5 6 Brachyura Portunus xantusii xantusii (Stimpson, 1860) Portunidae 4 6 Thalassinidea Poti gaucho Rodrigues and Manning, 1992 Callianassidac 10 Caridea Prionalpheus gomezi Martínez- Iglesia and Carvacho, 1991 Alpheidae 12 Caridea Prionalpheus nayaritae Alvarez, Camacho and Villalobo, 1996 Alpheidae 6 Brachyura Prionoplax ciliata Smith, 1870 Goneplacidae 6 Caridea Procaris chacei Hart Jr. and Manning, 1986 Procarididae 12 Caridea Processa aequimana (Paulson, 1875) Processidac 5 6 Caridea Processa bermudensis (Rankin, 1900) Processidae 11 12 13 14 Caridea Processa brasiliensis Christoffersen, 1979 Processidae 11 Caridea Processa famélica Manning and Hard, Jr, 1991 Processidae 12 Caridea Processa fimbriata Manning and Chace, 1971 Processidae 11 12 13 14 Caridea Processa guyanae Holthuis, 1959 Processidae 10 11 12 13 14 Caridea Processa hawaiensis Dana, 1852 Processidae 6 Caridea Processa hemphilli Manning and Chace, 1971 Processidae 10 11 12 14 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces Gárideafo; Prócessaperuviana Wicksten, 1983 ::::: Processidae y:;4 5 /i/6 7 Caridea Processa pipinae Wicksten and Méndez, 1985 Processidae 5 ; Cjri.depi|i Pro^sdprafundaMsrirán% and Chacei 1971 Processidae ,MM :!"10 11 i 12 •:::!,3 14 Caridea Processa riveroi Manning and Chace, 1971 Processidae 12 : : ; : Garideál:I¡:l: : ! Prbces&téiwpM Marmirig: áhd; Chacé¿|l 97 í ii: J|;f f Processidae. .y;:: 1'12 "13 •i||| Caridea Processa vicina Manning and Chace, 1971 Processidae 12 13 14 ; CJ|Íd|p|ii| PróWssa yos'si ;MáliOingji 1991 v\. Pr0CessÍdae:;:::::: yy yyl2 Caridea Processa wheeleri Lebour, 1941 Processidae 12 Palinuodeáyiiiii Pr^asW:^^d^ndi^3^^i:\^^ W&UMS®&$}'-'M\?MM^}3M& Pálrñmd^lylyyy; 118 Anomura Propagurus gaudichaudii (H. Milne Edwards, 1836)*** Paguridae 8 9 10 ÍÁStítía^iWMí PÍüfcñ¡<$ág1¡i!^M PáÍu|tdS|.;i:; y .llil? Penaeoidea Protrachypene precipua Burkenroad, 1934 Penaeidae 6 TMMSimdéál P^dohiMM^M^MM^M ahd!Ma|^ng;§2pPp¡í:::!:: .CalliáM^idael:yf ¡112 Caridea Pseudocheles chacei Kensley, 1983 Bresiliidae 12 Bffieli^a1|||| W^^^^^^^^^MM^^^§)fíSs^^^^S^^^M¡ WÉti^i^^MMSM lili ii;;9 Caridea Pseudocoutierea antillensis Chace, 1972 Palaemonidae 12 iPsui^iiiiyi |^^^¿ptt|Í^Si:;£p^S^:CiÍalés;;:;198:l! 1! Palaernonidáe). \ illi';-Sil Caridea Pseudocoutierea edentada Críales, 1981 Palaemonidae 6 : GaÍ?d0¡Í¡lÍillÍ p¿MífáMiM&M WMdWMMMis^ ^MSSMSSMMSMMMS Pál^iii¡^idáéj*: y ! i 11il l mil Brachyura Pseudomedaeus agassizii (A. Milne Edwards, 1880) Xanthidae 12 13 14

Brá^yürai;;;H::i:;| ^^i^^é¿¿í^::^ÍOTeÍtt*:i(^ifl^h^|l ?$S)||:|:;f; XffiMítóéíiiiiJiiiiiiy yiyl2 :|:i|3 iüiilil Caridea Pseudopontonides principis (Críales, 1980) Palaemonidae 12 13 5 Z B|aCh5^;i||:i: JP8?)!(!¡^ Pjéud^vtnbilidP :: ,P ::;::::13 Brachyura Pseudorhombila octodentata (Rathbun, 1906) Pseudorhombilidae 10 12 BrácliytM^:;!! PüímdprHo^ttaí^éMM < Vázquéz-Baderiandy Gracia, 1995J|;|| Pseud^hórribilidae!; y; i ;|12 Brachyura Pseudorhombila quadridentata (Latreille, 1828) Pseudorhombilidae 11 12 13 : BrSclvyiwa::::::!:: Psé00hómbilüxavthffirms Garth, 1940 iyy :yfi: PslMorhoriibihdáe i; | :yy:!6 Brachyura Pugettia dalli Rathbun, 1893 Majidae 4 ::: : Bráchyt^a;;;;ii Ptígéttid gracjffe iP^nalil 851 MajÍdáeo:: :: 1/2 ::;;;;3 Brachyura Pugettia hubbsi Garth, 1958 Majidae 4 B|aCKy^al||::: Pugettiü ;?^<^cfe?i(Raihdall ^1:839)|| i W$M&MñM3¿: y :;:2 |y:3 •:f¡4 Brachyura Pugettia richii Dana, 1851 Majidae 2 3 4 : BráchyuráF;;; Pugettia yemtiae Rathbun, 1924 - i :.;:•; Majidae i|;; :£iA Anomura Pylopaguropsis atlántica Wass, 1963 Paguridae 11 12 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces Antmpra:?i;i;:;;:;: Pylp]p^gitropsisí^{^[(Booae, 1932): .""; Págundae ;j; C'6 lp7 Anomura Pylopagunts discoidalis (A. Milne Edwards, 1880) Paguridae 11 12 14 Ancffijtfp¡:|¡:: ^l¡^gm^oti^í^^tíMÉ^ii^^50ii^ Piafuri3^:Pi|PPf| IP Anomura Pylopagunts pattiae Lemaitre and Campos, 1993 Paguridae 12 Bfiblij^lliil PyW^iajüráehñd :RSthbM||924p.| IriEtpKoi^dae; f ¡1:12 ill. 114 Brachyura Pyromaia cuspidata Stimpson, 1871 Inachoididae 12 13 14 Brachy^apip PyW^g^eWidatd (Ipikihg^n;;: 187^||i|i ffiachgididMiii; PPp ip.-3 Pit lip pp IIP Brachyura Quadrella nitida Smith, 1869 Xanthidae 6 1 : BÍBX^^MM M^álliadgürici^^MMW^ 1898 ;§ip|lpp|i: IifiucosiidáéJi . 111 ?|pS 1:1. Brachyura Randallia americana (Rathbun, 1893) Leucosiidae 5 6 Bí|éh^||||:;;; ^||$#§;¡1^ iMeOsiidae :;:: III III Brachyura Randallia curacaoensis Rathbun, 1922 Leucosiidae 12

Bjfa^yülai:ií¡:¡:í:; J¡ai¡i^?ft8|$!^^ jC^ÍMiid|íN;;:;:P|P!| 1:1:1 Brachyura Randallia minuta Rathbun, 1935 Leucosiidae 6 Bpihj^liii |!g|$Íípl^^ L^iaiosiidae:.:.:;: ill 111 185 IS Brachyura Ranilia angustata Stimpson, 1860 Raninidae 5 6 Br^y^llill i¡^iíí||!OT^ RatoffldáéllíiPPPI liS 111 ISM. 1:11 Brachyura Ranilia fornicata (Faxon, 1893) Raninidae 6 7 BragKijIplil i/^i!»!!^^ B^pdaSpPpP|p: pig Brachyura Ranilia muricata H. Milne Edwards, 1837 Raninidae 11 12 13 14 BJScJ^prSillll fi^m^i^;:^p^wtfi;RatM|ii^sl 93 SPpiPp'; Raj^daé;PPilPp P!3 IS Brachyura Raninoides lamarcki A. Milne Edwards and Bouvier, 1923 Raninidae 12 : Bj|iiyilai;:l;!:|i 2!^iiw$||$^ RaBiiiidae ;p lip 111: li? P!3 mi Brachyura Raninoides louisianensis Rathbun, 1933 Raninidae 12 13 : ^(jfii^pjil RfÍÍ^&llth^d0^ín^^M:M^^^MM ;;:" Lithpdidae.. PpPP^ 1P3 Brachyura Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Gould, 1841) Xanthidae 3 11 12 13 14 15 16 : ; AhOrri¡^|:;::::::S: RHodochirus /»^¡»S3>íyS::(Faxon^l:893):;: Paguridae! s •PS :::;::7 Anomura Rhodochirus rosaceus (A. Milne Edwards and Bouvier, 1893) Paguridae 10 12 13 14 eáiiidJIllllili RhyTvehtitirtetes balssi(^d<^:l936W Rhynchocinetidae ; P8:: Caridea Rhynchocinetes marshallensis Edmondson, 1952 Rhynchocinetidae 6 ; Caridea P: |p: Rhyhchócinet&rigens GordSrp 1936 Rhynchocinetidae ; 11 12 Caridea Rhynchocinetes typus H. Milne Edwards, 1837 Rhynchocinetidae 7 8

Caridea pi Rhynocrangon aldta (Rathbun, 1902) ; Crangonidae : :: 2 :::3 ::;::4 Penaeoidea Rimapenaeus byrdi (Burkenroad, 1934) Penaeidae 6 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces penaeÓidea||:; Rimdp&íáéüs cgnstrtíHús; (Stimpsoni ij}.874)":i-". =.="' •/.-.MÓÍ.ÍMINT'?"Penaeidae- : MM 1:1 ii; 1| i:|4 ii;15 si 16 Penaeoidea Rimapenaeus faoe (Obarrio, 1954) Penaeidae 6 : P§iá|pjdeíi¡|l: Rm^eMeusfiüeim^^^^wifantS¿: :1971:):U: § Pjn^idáe::::|:|||:*: :;::" Si Penaeoidea Rimapenaeus pacificus (Burkenroad, 1934) Penaeidae 5 6 8 2 féiiaédidéalll ¡¿^^^«^SíW^ (Sífiith;: 1:885)Í| j; PjHaeidaé": i :i|:;;:;|| ::::10 fiflj ill . 113 Brachyura Robertsella mystica Guinot, 1969 Goneplacidae 12 B|^)^|llii WchWiaM>fWid i(Ra|lft^iíll898)||||:! Pistdaellliili.iiiiiiiii, si Brachyura Rochinia crassa (A. Milne Edwards, 1879) Pisidae 11 12 13 14 15 : : B:itcHy!í^ll¡í TRo&am^gWÉñipW WMSMM^iiM^lMMMS Eiai^^:|ll:S l|; !:; :: >: ¡l i ¡110 llll Brachyura Rochinia hystrix (Stimpson, 1871) Pisidae 12 13 WMM^BM $||$i|fli^^ f^jdailil:::: 111 Brachyura Rochinia tanneri (Smith, 1883) Pisidae 12 14 15 gf|$iyil§lilili: RWhjñiawfiMii^^ ¥M^iM§§§iSS. i if ill mm 111 Wl$ Brachyura Rochinia vesicularis (Rathbun, 1907) Pisidae 4 6 7 ÍÍ!ÍIÍÍ¡lOli.|| W^^^^^^lfá^í^^X^^^^^^^^^^B^^fíMSÍ CÍͧgÍ!ÍÍd|| 1;;;;; sis Caridea Sabinea septemcarinata (Sabine, 1824) Crangonidae i 16 Cimdesiillll :^^M^i|^Mgi(S|^ iA3^]||ii||^^ii||;I| III Caridea Salmoneus cavicolus Felder and Manning, 1986 Alpheidae 12 Ca|idlll:l¡|¡| ^^^^^^^^^MM^^^&M^Í^^^SMSSSSSSS |§|^a^||¡I|Í|;Í|¡ ill II::6. III W4 lil III Caridea Sclerocrangon atrox Faxon, 1893 Crangonidae 6 8

S^ejtffideill SMgWM¿^WñM¿MM&i S^llllli Sjrje;stidáé::::: :¿.: ¡1§ Sergestoidea Sergestes edwardsii Rr0yer, 1855 Sergestidae 12 S^ges^déli::: $s^gW^^^^^^i¡^^í^^^^W^^^^M .S^rgeSt; Íi34fi:¡Í: ma Sergestoidea Sergestes halia Faxon, 1893 Sergestidae 5 6 SHPHsw!Si¡¡ ^^^^^^^^¡^^¿^^^^^^^^^^M^S^K^OM^ Se|géM^|!;:*!;j!|¡;;;;:;;;:;: •in Sergestoidea Sergestes paraseminudus Crosnier and Forest, 1973 Sergestidae 12 SCTgest$ii!i;i:. ;$érgpM.£^i(¿^ Sefg'feltídae^iilííílijllí;;;. III Sergestoidea Sergestes pestafer Burkenroad, 1937 Sergestidae 6 7 $&§¿MÍ$&WM ^^^^^^^s^c^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^M^X^^U SJfg^^id^lli;:.:;: IS Sergestoidea Sergestes similis Burkenroad, 1940 Sergestidae 2 3 4 5 8 Sisüijüsili SéigWMMMliM BiírtSrffoad^; 194011 le^iSililSllii 117: Sergestoidea Sergestes vigilax Stimpson, 1860 Sergestidae 12 $||£sj^p!l Sj^^^^^ü^í^^^^\9^M Sp^ipdaelSslilP 1P2 Sergestoidea Sergiapotens (Burkenroad, 1940)* Sergestidae 9 10 §g||é|tiid||¡:| Sargia pW^^aiBm^W;:;:;: Se^Stidalgi;!::::;::!:.:.: 118 Sergestoidea Sergia robusta (Smith, 1882) Sergestidae 12 14 15 16 SprgestgideaM S$¡gfél¡$¡^^ Séígestidaé; :J1|1|;§ 1É.I Thalassinidea Sergio guaiqueri Blanco, Liñero and Lares, 1995 Callianassidae 12 Thalassinidea Sergio ^«^ (RocMgjiesl 1971) C^lUáriássidáel llio •:: 11 Thalassinidea Sergio guassutinga (Rodrigues, 1971) Callianassidae 10 11 12 Thalassinidea 'S^^^W^W^W^&^W^PÍ^Í 1995: '.•;;;;;; Callianassidae 1112 13 Thalassinidea Sergio mirim (Rodrigues, 1971) Callianassidae 10 11

Thalassiiiidea:: 3ergi&$Üífwéus\jem^^ Callianassidae :: 12 Thalassinidea Sergio trilobatus (Biffar, 1971) Callianassidae 12 13 Brachyura: ;l Sesarma aequqtoriale Qrtmann, 1894 :| Grapsidae 6 Brachyura Sesarma bidentatum Benedict, 1892 Grapsidae 12 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces BráchyuraM;:;.; Sesarma cookei Hartnoll, 1971 Grapsidae :12 Brachyura Sesarma crassipes Cano, 1889 Grapsidae 11 12 Brachyurá ::;; Sesarmacuracaoen.seDe Man, 1892s ,: Grapsidae 11 12 Brachyura Sesarma jarvisi Rathbun, 1914 Grapsidae 12 Brachyura:: i 1:;; Sesarma sp. GrapMdaéI::; :: 12 Brachyura Sesarma rectum Randall, 1840 Grapsidae 10 11 12 Brachyura;j:i;i; Sesarma reticulatüWí (Say,: 1817) \ \ M GrapSidáé:*::: :!.!!'i? 111 ::,14 ::::;1| Brachyura Sesarma rhizophorae Rathbun, 1906 Grapsidae 6 8 : BráCh^a.:i; |l| SésarrM^binúfftímm: Abele ¿l 9731.; Grapsidae :t:::* mf> Brachyura Sesarma sulcatum Smith, 1870 Grapsidae 6 : Brác^rrygiáj;: |¡| S^Mamñéyi Rlthbuii; : 1914P;: j^rggÉ^id¿e:!Ey i: i i/:pl 2 Penaeoidea Sicyonia afflnis Faxon, 1893 Sicyiniidae 6 8 ;;: ; PeHaéoidiilll: Sicycmia- aliqffirús (Bürkfitiroad, • 1934):: ;;;• i Sicyiniidae;: ;:*sü::::" » til p;ÍN5 til i¡i Penaeoidea Sicyonia brevirostris Stimpson, 1871 Sicyiniidae 6 11 12 13 14 15 : : ; Pé^^pideai:¡:¡ Sicy^abÜii^nriia^i)^^^ 97;I|||.;;:.; Sicyin;iidaes:.;.:.:!::;:: § 11 P12 ;|:1 | WM Penaeoidea Sicyonia disdorsalis (Burkenroad, 1934) Sicyiniidae 5 6 8 ; ;; : : P:erjaé;0idéft:í;iií::; Sicyonia tfised^rdstQi^ Sjfíyihii4&*: .:::;:::;;l:s:; : : ,;Íy5 WM Penaeoidea Sicyonia disparri (Burkenroad, 1934) Sicyiniidae 5 Pel^pid^lil; ¡¡SCJIÍÍM^^ ^¿¡^m^MiWWW f;10 iP Mg WM1:1 4 Penaeoidea Sicyonia ingentis (Burkenroad, 1938) Sicyiniidae 3 4 5 Péfláépidea;iíí: Sicyiniidae:1 pp.: :|;p:s. ::::::::;io ;||2 :pl 4 Sity^alaéwgqtá ;Stíffipsp?Stl ^XSWWMM:MWW.¡WWWWÍW. ; m$ 11:1 1Í?: : Penaeoidea Sicyonia martini Pérez-Farfante and Boothe, 1981 Sicyiniidae 6 : ; ;i : : : Pénaéóide^:!::: Sióyorm mvcta Burképroad;; 1946;;;;;; SiCymii4ae: ;;--;!; l:::::::^Í*i Wñ© s Penaeoidea Sicyonia olgae Pérez-Farfante, 1980 Sicyiniidae ll 12 Péláepidé¿|| Sicyoniaparri (Burkenr óád,; 1934) s ;¡p Sicyiniidae : Vp #10 :l:l p.12 pM Penaeoidea Sicyonia penicillata Lockington, 1879 Sicyiniidae 4 5 6 : ; : PeiiaeQidea:::;:;T Sicyonia picta Faxori;; 1 8 ?3''||| : Sicyiniidae ; :; J:5 w¡é%M Penaeoidea Sicyonia stimpsoni Bonviei, 1905 Sicyiniidae 11 12 13 14

PenáéÓide^ii:: Sicyoni^typicü (Boeckj: 1S¡64);.::. . Sicyiniidae -."-'= 10 : ,."11 12 :pl3 ¡::14 15 Penaeoidea Sicyonia wheeleri Gurney, 1943 Sicyiniidae 12

Braehywa|;;::íí: SiinMói-ippe ¿y/oto:(Slíacé¿*l 940 :|: ; Gyclodprippidae' i;J. 12 Penaeoidea Solenocera acuminata Pérez-Farfante and Bullís, 1973 Solenoceridae 11 12 Penaeoidéáp:;: Solenocera agassizii Faxon, 1893::.'..; Solenoceridae ; -ó ; 8 Penaeoidea Solenocera atlantidis Burkenroad, 1939 Solenoceridae 10 11 12 13 14 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces : PériáeÓidéá::::;:; &te«oc£wy7óreff Burkenroad, 1938 : Solenoceridae:: X::A 6 ; i;J Penaeoidea Solenocera geijskesi Holthuis, 1959 Solenoceridae 11 12 1 :: Peftá^bideft: ::?! Solenocera rti^MBurkénri3ádj 193 8||i SÓléñocmdáe ;:|i:; ¡if ¡4 My5 :W6l:- 8 Penaeoidea Solenocera necopina Burkenroad, 1939 Solenoceridae 10 ll 12 13 14 15 ; ; Peiíá|ótóéa:|: ::| ^fénpü^ ^^c# Burkenroadj 1934:::: Solenoceridae f : ;::12 1113 \-M Brachyura Solenolambrus arcuatus Stimpson, 1871 Parthenopidae 5 6 7 Brác}rytírál¡i::::: Solmolambrus btasiliérís is iR^dngües da Cóstái i 196 Iff i; PáMénppidae ::::|¡¡|: filo Brachyura Solenolambrus decemspinosus Rathbun, 1894 Parthenopidae 12 13 Brachyura;:::: S^/e«p/am¿^ #n^tó Stiin^son, 1871;: ;;*;:;':•:;:;:;:;.;.; Parthen0p}daé|;; -::;¿i2 WM Brachyura Solenolambrus typicus Stimpson, 1871 Parthenopidae íi w&12 13 14 ATioirürálillg; SólenQ]>águ^li^éaM^iy/ass 5; 1963);;;;; Págurjdae yyWy^yy-yM R;M ;!li2 §M Brachyura Sotoplax robertsi Guinot, 1984 Goneplacidae 13 pracljiyirasllt SpTelqéóphOmidesc^mibd Melóand Tories ;; 1998 :sM^MSWVMM- Létiepsiidaé;;;;: mi Brachyura Speloeophorus brasiliensis Melo and Torres, 1998 Leucosiidae ii Bra¡chy^::::a|| 5i^ei^ip|s^^ ÉélicOSiidae;-; ::*:.:. K£ :;;|;;;6 Brachyura Speloeophorus elevatus Rathbun, 1898 Leucosiidae íi 12 Bj|||(yTO||ll Spé1oéc^p^:M^p^í(B^¡^ Léütosüdáe;; :•: MI vM ;::::::;14 Brachyura Speloeophorus pontifer (Stimpson, 1871) Leucosiidae 12 13 14 BpeBy^liil 5jii^^$i^^ Leucosiidae;;;::;;;;: WM Brachyura Speocarcinus carolinensis Stimpson, 1859 Goneplacidae 10 11 12 14 : ! BJáe8y)tfaJ::J: :i 5¡!&i^i'ííií^ Goneplá^idáé: ¿:;; v}M ;:; 15 má Brachyura Speocarcinus lobatus Guinot, 1969 Goneplacidae 12 13 Biipyi^Jl|| Sp&c0tinM¿mW>ÍiyyxMQ and:Gomé¿dálSilVájil992]^¡¡M-h\:[^S Gpiieplacidaei: '••MííM lilO Brachyura Speocarcinus monotuberculatus Felder and Rabalais, 1986 Goneplacidae 13 ;

BraehyiM;.;! !|ii Spieocamnus^pinicarpüs Guinot; 1969:::::; GOneplabidae:: : 5 ': •:::, . Brachyura Sphenocarcinus agassizi Rathbun, 1893 Epialtidae 5 6 i Brachy^:i:i|:::;:!: Sphénocarcinuscorrosus Ai MilneEdwards, 1875 M;; Epialtidae; : 12 :::13 14 Caridea Spirontocaris arcuata Rathbun, 1902 Hippolytidae 1 2 ; G^deai;i;::::|:|:: Spirontocaris \dalli RMibuní; 1902:;;:;:;:;:::; • Hippolytidae:: :: My 2 Caridea Spirontocaris holmesi Holthuis, 1947 Hippolytidae 2 3 4 Caridea;ll::0::: SpinMocarisldmellicómU(Pat^,iS5T)^^i Hippolytidae5: 2 3 4 Caridea Spirontocaris lilljeborgii (Danielssen, 1859) Hippolytidae 1 15 16

Caridea :::i:: Spirontocaris ochotensis (Brandt, 1851) : Hippolytidae 2 Caridea Spirontocaris phippsii (Kroyer, 1841) Hippolytidae 1 16 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces ; Caridea :I Spirontocaris prionota (Stimpson, 1864) Hippolytidae:: :::•!•:: 2 3 :i:i 4 Caridea Spirontocaris sica Rathbun, 1902 Hippolytidae 2 3 4 : ; Caridea:sy;s:i:s5. Spirontocaris Snyderi-Rathbun, 1902 :;; Hipp^lyüdae;!:..:^,;.,;.;;;:. :::::2 3 i;v,4 Caridea Spirontocaris spinus (Sowerby, 1805) Hippolytidae 1 2 15 16 Gárideailllis; Spiron(ocWis tñinMtf' RatKíimiil 902 i; J; Hippolytidae:: :::||H; :::::•-2 liP i:I4 Anomura Spiropagurus occidentalis Faxon, 1893 Paguridae 6 StenopOdldeáK: SpWyp&iMdesfgti^iigensis Goyi 1980*1: SppngicilidM: i * III mil Brachyura Stenocionops augusta (Lockington, 1877) Mithracidae 5 6 ; Bráchy^IIl S^ocvoWps ifi^eiSGlasseUv: 1936 i sill: Mitb|acjdíe| : ¡ I ;:::::;:;5 Iii-6 Brachyura Stenocionops furcata coelata (A. Milne Edwards, 1878) Mithracidae 10 11 12 13 14 Bíáfáiy^lili SténQüMops -futMM íurcatS (Oliyiéf|:i§9il::i 'wWMSM-MWiMSikMi^acidStlii l li* iiiiiU ijiP Iffi Brachyura Stenocionops ovata (Bell, 1835) Mithracidae 4 5 6 7 [ [ :: BjíáíiiyüirálIiM SieWMmópk ^immaWM^^Mi 892):::: I-;;:; }^lMtW^: :\M: MM :| 1:Q. lili ill •III I ill Brachyura Stenocionops spinosissima (Saussure, 1857) Mithracidae 10 11 12 13 14 Stenopodidea Sten&pW\ H WpMM (SMW^M i) WS&^^^X^SsSMMM^SjPiwÉ^WSfiá^ífi'iT i mm 111 III III Stenopodidea Stenopus scutellatus Rankin, 1898 Stenopodidae 11 12 14 : BrÍehyürá|:i¡:¡:;:: StMp^fifM^&M^ii^MWf Í 871 )•::::: ^$¡$^.§11 fi i§ IP Hi IP Brachyura Stenorhynchus seticornis (Herbst, 1788) Machidae 10 11 12 13 14 BJSpytifefiiiil St^t-)^m$Ü^MgVfíx^^íi 989::::::::':: ffiactídai:!:!!::!!::::!?:::;::Él! 111 §1:1I P Palinuridea Stereomastis nana (Smith, 1884) Polychelidae 2 3 4 6 8 PaliDMdeMilf SWSbfriaiM ^ft^i (Bate,: Í 878)**;'I P(jlyc1;e)idp:¡||::i IP Brachyura Stilbomastax margaritifera (Monod, 1939) Majidae 12 : : G^Ídéa|:;:;:;;::::::;: SíyWpartí^lus rid^diiCaistí^^í 9Q5)|::|i* Pahdalidáefiii lili ;I14 §15 ::::P Brachyura Symethis garthi Goeke, 1980 Raninidae 5 6 Brachymali^: Syrneffmvariolosai(Fábnpius, 1793) ¿ : Rahiradáe"i;:::|s I; 10 •IP IP :: 1111 1 Anomura Sympagunis bicristatus (A. Milne Edwards, 1880) Parapaguridae 11 12 AnbMÍTá:f:H::::: SyütpügWiis] dittidrphus (Studer,i 1:882)*|| ¡1: Par^agi^dá^|:|::;: 11?. fifi Anomura Sympagurus gracilis (Henderson, 1888) Parapaguridae 11 12

ArÍSrnura;iÍ5::!!!:i Syrnpdg^^pilimanusíA. Miln|:Edwards| :188J):i;i; Pá|apaguridae|:: ;;É12 Caridea Synalpheus aff.S.herricki Coutiére, 1909 Alpheidae 6 : : ¡CZdiidea : :::!;!:-i;;:;:::!:SynalpW^s§age]ias :P

Caridea;:: SynalphéíistámdtosiCpi^^ Alpheidaef:;: í 12 Caridea Synalpheus apioceros Coutiére, 1909 Alpheidae 11 12 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces

Cánfe&WWix Symlpheu^arósMsMv^sXea, 1989.;:; Alpheídael 6 Caridea Synalpheus bannerorum Abele, 1975 Alpheidae 6 Gandeí;|¡;;ii!! Synalpheus'. biünguicülátus (Stirhpsónl 1860) llllllll 11111111Alpheidaé1 l :yyy::l;:: Pile 111? Caridea Synalpheus brevicarpus (Herrick, 1891) Alpheidae 6 10 11 12 Gándeapiil;:::;:;:; ^ÑálphMs^brevifm^^^i 1972 y y Alplíéidae; 1: ;1|;2 Caridea Synalpheus brooksi Coutiére, 1909 Alpheidae 11 12 Íl|nd^l¡¡||| SyndlphMsMdroh, (Hellérjil 8.6:1) lii!!|S Alplietdlll 111; 111 y|;;6 Caridea Synalpheus curacaoensis Schmitt, 1924 Alpheidae 12 fp^ridsíH SynalpMiiS] digmtii^aM^íé-} 909ill1 :| Alpheidae ;;l Pis 111 ill Caridea Synalpheus disparodigitus Armstrong, 1949 Alpheidae 12 ípilaiidéá.:.!.! Symip1im^:4oMmtémis:: Araistrong, 194S?|;i ; Alpheidae yl ill Caridea Synalpheus filidigitus Armstrong, 1949 Alpheidae 12 (MtiSMMWB: SyftálpH&tii ffizrnWtl&% ;CqutiérelÍ9J911|::::¡|:jM^ Alplíéiifefil 1 111 IP ll: IIP ¡|J| Caridea Synalpheus goodei Coutiére, 1909 Alpheidae 12 Gira|||||:||P Symípkms: A¿¿^ Barnaul; I :19J4?yl;:l: ^heidsell is? Caridea Synalpheus hemphilli Coutiére, 1909 Alpheidae 12 C|ndeay!:yll;;|¡ .¡^al|$!^;^^ Aj^|id|i|l;lyll:::::ll::::: IS Caridea Synalpheus latastei Coutiére, 1909 Alpheidae 8 Caridea:;:?: iiii Siynülpjh^Mfá Alp;held^ll::l:::iy:y llí 1:10 Caridea Synalpheus locMngtoni Coutiére, 1909 Alpheidae 3 4 5 6

C^d^l;l|:i| SjpíípiS!^ Aljheidael:::::l::::::::::::y:y:::: 111: 1;1;2 113 .yll4 Caridea Synalpheus mcclendoni Coutiére, 1910 Alpheidae 12 Cffide^::ll:::l::: SynülpheusMnW(^^i 1818)1 ?;!:: l¡!iiii!;!::::!! Alphéidatóiiylll.: IP 11 1:12 1.1 Caridea Synalpheus mulegensis Ríos, 1992 Alpheidae 6 C#ideal:!!l: : 1:17 SyMlp^íiíbbilií Coutief e, l ?09 illllf i.i Alpléidae 1 ::l:yyll !;•:,! Caridea Synalpheus obtusifrons Chace, 1972 Alpheidae 12 ; : GarMé|||l;!!;::' Synalpheus occideníalis ; Coutiére, 1909" Alpheídael;" -5 Caridea Synalpheus osburni Schmitt, 1933 Alpheidae 12 Caridea Synalpheus pdñdióhisCoyiiéTé,1 1909; i|||l 11 • Alpheidae y ;12 ;1:13 Caridea Synalpheus paraneptunus Coutiére, 1909 Alpheidae 12 13 Carideályfl; Synalpheus paulsonoides Coutiére, 1909 -lis Alpheidae; 6 Caridea Synalpheus pectiniger Coutiére, 1907 Alpheidae 11 12 Caridea Synalpheus rathbuhae Coutiére, 1909 .l.¡ y Alpheidae 12 Caridea Synalpheus recessus Abele and Kim, 1989 Alpheidae 6 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces Oándepiiy':- Synalpheus fegalis Duffy, 1996y ^ Alpheidae yi -12 Caridea Synalpheus sanctithomae Coutiére, 1909 Alpheidae 11 12 : : : ; Gandea i;¡;;; ||i:¡:i: ; Synalpheus sanjosei Coutiére; 1909 ;? • • i Alpheidae M. Caridea Synalpheus sanlucasi Coutiére, 1909 Alpheidae 6 Garidéái!l:lii Synalpheus ;í¿*^^era yCÓÜtiéréf 1 91 OI|:li:iiili:i:i:!.i:i.N:i iilii"!^ llilil: Alpheidae i;.: ll ||12 ¡13 Caridea Synalpheus serratidigitus (Coutiére, 1896) Alpheidae 6

Garidéál:: ill:.:::!;;! SyMlphMs] SpWfroií¿{i\. Milfte: Edwards,; 1 J3 3.7) * * M N=;: Alpheidae: i: • y; :!: i!8 yy:y9 Caridea Synalpheus superus Abele and Kim, 1989 Alpheidae 6 GáffiféaNllili Syn^h^fatmeri Coiitiere; yt909^íS iiii'ilili i'i: NA1J > héidaeiy i 113; Caridea Synalpheus townsendi mexicanus Coutiére, 1909 Alpheidae 5

¡EjTOiágiiiiiyi ^af^^s^^^^ip^yisaii^ :MffiBüri|19lO¡^lí A^held^ii|l;; ||& Caridea Synalpheus townsendi townsendi Coutiére, 1909 Alpheidae 11 12 14 Garidé;ay¡¡lil¡ Sj>Ha!phéüs WiUícimíiM^ ÍÍfiS;Du|fy5|l:9?^M:E:| Alpheídaéyyyyyyyyyyiyyyyy 112 Caridea Systellaspis debilis (A Milne Edwards, 1881) Oplophoridae 1 12 14 15 16 BrScíryTOllilO £^gi^;|^ipi&^ Épii^^(gfí||:l|p||i •Sil lil­lii yfyíO Brachyura Taliepus marginatus (Bell, 1835) Epialtidae 8 jBilSEyi^iill iT^^^'JWÍ&O^;^ Epíáitidáéjyy y yyy;:3: ilí Penaeoidea Tanypenaeus caríbaeus Pérez-Farfante, 1972 Penaeidae 12 : : BfaChyttra:!;: |J: ; 2^i^í^ p^^/^éí: Stí^^i ¡1860 isi:-! ! i.!Miflí^daS^llllil; l lii m§ lii Brachyura Teleophrys ornatus Rathbun, 1901 Mithracidae 11 12 BjSfiKyiijSiill; ^lé^}i^ppcocM^SíÚ3Í^ia,[ 1924 yíU-ííííü ü; Mitliracidáéyyyyyyyyiyyy1: yyil; Í;p Brachyura Teleophrys tumidus (Cano, 1889) Mithracidae 6 BíáthyÍtó|:¡:¡:;:S telnWsW^cheimgonüs (Tilésiü^: 1813) y;:; s y i; lyy? ,|il Brachyura Temnonotus granulosus A. Milne Edwards, 1875 Majidae 12 Bra^y^á:!!! TétMgrüpSÜsjo^:(BMbbtía, i 1893). s: i Gráqp^idáé ™f •;:0;5 IsyS Brachyura Tetraxanthus bidentatus (A. Milne Edwards, 1880) Xanthidae 12 BrSS^yürgiiiíll Tétr&ühíhüs rffthbimM Chaeeiyl 93 9":: iyfi Xanthidaey y mi ¡ifi yyyll i;l jl? :.yl4 Brachyura Tetrias scabripes Rathbun, 1918 Pinnotheridae 6

Brachyura ii¡ Thál¿í$iidpicta Stimpson, 1858 Porturiidaéy:yyy::y yy:6 Brachyura Thalassoplax angusta Guinot, 1969 Goneplacidae 12 13 BracKyMallll ThoeaSpéra Rathbun, i 190 1yi;;; Mithracipéy;y|y y 11 y:yl2 Brachyura Thoe erosa Bell, 1835 Mithracidae 6 7

Brachyuray-'yps ThoepííMla Stimpson, 1860 ;: :: Mithracidae : :y 12 Brachyura Thoe sulcata panamensis Nobili, 1901 Mithracidae 6 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces Brachyura;;;;; 77ioe™/cai'Ü!sulcáS;Stímpsbhv:1860; ''-l' Mithrácidae • : 5 ;;;: 6 Caridea Thor algicola Wicksten, 1987 Hippolytidae 5 6

Cmdea?|;ííí|¡i Their aMl}Oin^sii(J^M^;l 888)::;!;:; Hip^ólytidáéllsgy ;:;;;;;:6 :.;:;12 Caridea Thor cordelli Wicksten, 1996 Hippolytidae 4 ;; ; Garideallllll ThorWbkini:Ctem\912 rm¿0m£W®&Mm^^MM£!& Hip"p0lytidáé: ;:;;;;: 11? .1:11 ;!:14 Caridea ThorfloridanusKingüey, 1878 Hippolytidae 12 13 14 Canífóa::.:.:.:.;;:;;::?:: ITior: ¡spí i^icksten,: 2000;; i|| Hippolytidae; ill ¡11 Caridea Thor manningi Chace, 1972 Hippolytidae 6 12 13 : Caridea; lillE;.: ThótspMósus Bogué?; 1.935; :li |y|y Hippolytidae:;!:!:?!;:::;::: IS Caridea Thunor simus (Guérin-Meneville, 1856) Alpheidae 12 : : : : ^0iMe^M:)M ThjmítipMbwtéM féÉwMtiMdSéín^hpyi; ! ?72)t|* yy;;;;:; Ne^hyfc^idae::::V:;j!::;s;:;:;: i:fí? ¡ira Brachyura Thyrolambrus astroides Rathbun, 1894 Parthenopidae 6 íi 12 Bí|e)íylM::Í|:íí; j^^tó/n¿^:M^^ií^S>:^S58::: \ Pár^rippidae'% ;:::i; lie Iff Brachyura Thyrolambrus verrucibrachium Zimmerman and Martin, 1999 Parthenopidae 6 ^BIMilP ¡fóííiíS/i^^ Paguridal WÉii. ill 11? Anomura Tomopagurus cokeri (Hay, 1917) Paguridae 12 13 14 ^tftiii^!l!l:il: SypiB^ií^t^^ Paguridáél;::;:;; iiia Anomura Tomopagurus maclaughlinae Haig, 1976 Paguridae 7 A^jjrMraJlllt ^ÍH^fl^^ Paguridae:is:;:;::;:;::;;;;;;|:j;;.;;; 3 Anomura Tomopagurus purpuratus (Benedict, 1892) Paguridae 5 6 7 A^girhttaiíí.yiiii: Totíriopág^itm r^QpMctáfm AJyíi: Edwards; ándfioimérf:1893!^!^!i!i!^!:!:!:::;:P3{^dáe;:y::;y;:y¡yyy:::sy:: :y a? Anomura Tomopagurus wassi McLaughlin, 1981 Paguridae ii 12 14 G^idjililig: ÍSissiéliii^ Hipp^ytidáe.:;!:;;:';!;!*:;: lili :|:;;12 lllíf ill Caridea Tozeuma cornutum A. Milne Edwards, 1881 Hippolytidae 12

Gawdfá^::;:pl Tóietirtia fd^essWim HippSlytÍdaé;*|¡;;::::::;;|l| II1J Caridea Tozeuma serratum A. Milne Edwards, 1881 Hippolytidae 10 11 12 14 15 : :; ::J : Braclryurá:5|i:::; TrüthycarcinuscofallinusFaxon,; 1893 ;; Atelécyclídae.;: 6 :;i 7 '.:::: 8 Brachyura Trachycarcinus hystricosus Garth, 1971 Atelecyclidae 8 Caridea ¡ i Tráthypdris restricta {A: MiM Edwárds, 1878):? y HippSlytidaé;:;:;; ::„::: 6 l,:.? 11.1 1? 11.3 Caridea Trachy caris rugosa (Bate, 1888) Hippolytidae 12 14 Penáeíjideá; Tidchypéüdédpsis'rtóbilispinis (Ráthbün, 1915) :::i Pehaeidáé: 111 : 12 Penaeoidea Trachysalambria brevisuturae (Burkenroad, 1934) Penaeidae 6 Brachyura Trapezia corallina Gerstaecker, 1856 :::: Xanthidae 6 7 Brachyura Trapezia digitalis Latreille, 1825 Xanthidae 6 7 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces ; ; 5 Brachyurá; v Trapezia ferríigiríéaLatreille, 1825 ; .||i Xanthidae " :: 6 • ••; 7 Brachyura Trapezia formosa Smith, 1869 Xanthidae 6 7 ; ; Brachy^ai||i; Tr^aióplmfpientaMíiS:-: Milne ;Edwafds,: 1Íi 80).:;;:: Goneplacidae • y:::: |12 :13 Brachyura Trichopeltarion nobile A Milne Edwards, 1880 Atelecyclidae 12 13 B|áchyurM|¡f ; TrizoWiirms WnWtis (RaiJibSh, 1898) ¡|| GohepláCidaSi: ||; II5 g!;;6 Brachyura Trizocarcinus peruvianus Garth, 1973 Goneplacidae 6 ] : : : : ; ; gráffiyjrra||| - T^o&aWMsMa cittisí0M&g; \ 19-4Ó1'; ilii: Gori^láCÍdáe::i|::::::í:!: mm Anomura Trizopagurus magnificus (Bouvier, 1898) Diogenidae 6 7 Bráeh^palfi Wiglo^^m^0M0fM ^emUS;l9Q8 lit Gry|(toclund^iiii ill ill Caridea Tuleariocaris neglecta Chace, 1969 Palaemonidae 12 WMM&SM.:^«!$$|i$| ^ íxtím&^^^ffMím Iffi 111 Hi ill ¡111 •III Brachyura Tumidotheres margarita (Smith, 1869) Pirmotheridae 4 5 6 IpS^íflSíill W^¡^S^^j^^^^i^^^!^\S^^^iff^S^^i^SMí^^ 1^iM^sn^&^!M ill l!|3 Brachyura Tutankhamen cristatipes (A. Milne Edwards, 1880) Parthenopidae 12 Bialhy^!!!! ^^h^^^^^^^0^^^S^§^^^^ggM^^^^m^^^mWi WÉM$Zñ%MMMS5:wm Brachyura Tyche emarginata White, 1847 Tychidae ' li 12 13 14 B|á^|ry^S|¡l| 1^^^^^^^^^Mi^^^SM^&im^i^}WB^M^B§$M^i W^MM^MWifMmÉ III Brachyura Tyche lamellifrons Bell, 1835 Tychidae 6 Wtéby^MBá ^^^^^^^i^^^^^^^^g^^^igg^^ilSii §yChidil: |||p; til: Brachyura Tyche sulae von Prahl and Guhl, 1982 Tychidae 6 : : : (|^dSa|| :vf|f : 2^i!^: fcá^e^:;i|éíit3iw^ll Paíá^móffidaelt III lM. Caridea Typton crosslandi Bruce, 1978 Palaemonidae 7 GSM|i;i||i|::;| f^^jeSiii^^ Paláérhphidaé::: :i;|: I|2 Caridea Typton gnathophylloides Holthuis, 1951 Palaemonidae 12 Caridfslill Tí^í^^^Aüí^íítóiHolt^^ palaernomdae:: ; ü ;•;; ¿; m'6 Caridea Typtonprionurus Holthuis, 1951 Palaemonidae 12 Gandéá|I:|l|| TypW^érWiyS H¿ilthü|S;: 1951: y| Pal^rhfiriidaei i M j;;;;:.;5 ill IS Caridea Typton tortugae McClendon, 1911 Palaemonidae 6 12 ;:: C|nd|s||§i:y|t ^^n::^#rtítóiiPplthui$Il 9 51 ;' PálaímofiidaéjS! ::M Brachyura L/ca argillicola Crane, 1941 Ocypodidae 6 : BraÉh^y^á||||: yc£:bM*0(M^M?, ?|94| f i:J Ocyp^djdail i | .11$ Brachyura Cea Z>ee6e¡ Crane, 1941 Ocypodidae 6 [ :; ; Btaeb^á^ \§ Cfetf;6/1é^CitoíStÍlÍipSoá,::1860 i::::::.::¥:W;;:^:.:::s.: Ocypodidae !: | :6 Brachyura t/ca burgersi Holthuis, 1967 Ocypodidae 10 11 12 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces Biáéh^jra;!;:;::;: tica crérMaig-colwMen^M: (RSthbüti;;1893) • • |:; Qj^i^8&iJl;ll |;: 5 Brachyura Uca crenulata crenulata Lockington, 1877 Ocypodidae 4 5 6 BscKywlllll;: •^^cWíulMíá! Crane| 1^3:l|:lU;!:||l!i¡¡Í¡Í i Ü:!!;";?Oc^ódidaeliB j IP- 11 Brachyura Uca deichmanni Rathbun, 1935 Ocypodidae 6 Bjt^yjíallll Uca \ dwjÜM&0M^§Mi 1968 i i| 0|y|i6didacil¡i III6 Brachyura C/ca/estoeNobili, 1902 Ocypodidae 6 7 Br|^hylíá|¡iiíí: WMMWM^MMÍM^M^^ iE^hÜni?! SNtó;:|III • Oí^jiíidlepiii!!;:-!: l||6; II? Brachyura Uca galapagensis herradurensis Bott, 1954 Ocypodidae 6 Bi-^yjial:¡¡ í/c¿ri ft^«::I^tóünl:|9g2::¡;::::s: Qc^odidasil;; !¡|7 Brachyura f/ca heteropleura (Smith, 1870) Ocypodidae 6 Bra$yMá¡¡;;|; :{^i.ii¡!§!i^ Oc^0^jdflé||: |I|! Brachyura [/ca intermedia von Prahl and Toro, 1985 Ocypodidae 6 B|i^yjí|;;|¡| Élllillllfo^^ ilj^M^IIliilif HI Ill III Brachyura Uca leptodactyla Rathbun, 1898 Ocypodidae 10 11 12 13 : : Braefryjffllfll j^|?Hn^ Q^PiÓ^p::::.::;;|:::;:::|::::::::::: lili Brachyura Í7ca longisignalis Salmon and Atsaides, 1968 Ocypodidae 13 ipÍ|Sj|Í|lll lilllilil^ 0^y|í^idáé::-:|li:i|:iiíí;:;:; I3É lili; III Brachyura Uca maracoani insignis (H. Milne Edwards, 1852) Ocypodidae 6 8 |feaíá$^;i|;|; iile&|i!^ 0|^Ptdáé||;;;;¡;;¡¡|:5 III? Brachyura Uca minax (Le Conté, 1855) Ocypodidae 12 13 14 15 B^$y)iá||lll ¡Í|¡¡|f|É$||^ ^^p^M§Mg^M !;;Í0 111 111. Brachyura C/ca música música Rathbun, 1914 Ocypodidae 5 6 : : BricJiy^ll?! WMM$^M^MwM$wMW03s Opy^pÍdál::¡::;:::::::::: tm Brachyura Uca oerstedi Rathbun, 1904 Ocypodidae 6 Bjáchy^áiii! WMM§MM®Mi-i ?70};:; • [lililí 0|j|||(p||yp;::!||Í ¡||6 Brachyura Uca panacea Novak and Salmon, 1974 Ocypodidae 12 13 Braxáiylrt;:üs::l UcWpW^eM?: ÍM^PscaM 859);:; ;.-¡||p!:!i :::;'••;'' pcyppdidae!; 1¡II. 6 Brachyura Uca princeps monilifera Rathbun, 1914 Ocypodidae 5 Bráchy^lllii W£d:p^¡tt^spñricep]s (Sjtiith,; i.870|ip Ocypodiiááé1;;:!! IIP :!;: 6 Ill 8 Brachyura Uca pugilator (Bosc, 1802) Ocypodidae 12 13 14 15 Bfáchyura 2\ tfcapiwigíi^(^ Ocypodidae :f 12 14 ; 15 Brachyura Uca pygmaea Crane, 1941 Ocypodidae 6

Brachyura;;: Lfcdí rapíK: (Smith, 1870) OpypDdidáe::;: : 10 11 U2 13 Brachyura Í7ca saltitanta Crane, 1941 Ocypodidae 6 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces Brachyura;;;;;;: Ucaspéciosa (Ives, 1891):;::-;/ Ocypodidae; -12 13 Brachyura Uca spinicarpa Rathbun, 1900 Ocypodidae 12 13 Bráóhyürá;::::::!: Uca stenodaetylusJBi- Milne Edwards andlljucás, 1843);;; Ocypódidae;;;;!;;;:;;;;; 6 WM Brachyura Uca stylifera (H. Milne Edwards, 1852) Ocypodidae 6 ; Braehy^f!;|| UcU subcylihdriea (Stimpsori; ;;:l 859); |ü¡ QóypódidaB;;:;:; sii;;; ¡M Brachyura Uca tallanica von Hagen, 1968 Ocypodidae 6 Biachyis^lllii Uca; teWdpedis Crané,¡lS4;l s; ©Cypfldidae ;;;;;;;>;:;; 116 Brachyura Uca thayeri Rathbun, 1900 Ocypodidae 10 11 12 BráchJÍÜra:::!;:;; U¿üMtyeWíribW!ifá Granel; 1941;111;; Ocypodidae lililí :;;;;;;;6 Brachyura Uca tomentosa Crane, 1941 Ocypodidae 6 : : BWchy^ :;::|:i Ucá i ii^gífqyMsis NpbiUl ISO 1 !:| i Q^^id8e¡;¡¡¡¡¡;¡;¡;:;; Í;;Í;ÍÍP Brachyura Uca victoriana von Hagen, 1987 Ocypodidae 11 ; 1 5 Btá¿ti0ümM Uca |t$¡¡i^is$^ O^Ódid^!?! !:;!? ; :;¿::::13 Brachyura Uca vocator (Herbst, 1804) Ocypodidae 10 11 12 Bj^cJ(ytáá||:::l¡ iilc&i^^ Oc^^idaft;;;:;s;l;;;;;;:li;:;:; :;;;;;;6 Brachyura C/ca zacae Crane, 1941 Ocypodidae 6 BrSehy^S:i|:;:::|| ;:tféíE;M : ^ iiiiiiiiliilii:: liiiiiiiiiilii^:"XJT^g^biidáe ' ;;12 Thalassinidea Upogebia baldwini Williams, 1997 Upogebiidae 6

ThálftsSiHideá| Upogebia W^údenWWüMOiS; \ 1 ?931:; UpÓfefplídSs;:;.;.::.;:;;: :;;|12 Thalassinidea Upogebia brasiliensis Holthuis, 1956 Upogebiidae 10 11 12 TJialassiHideai Upffgebia 6ur^¡^i2£#:W4Uiairis> ;J986; i: Upogebiidae 1|||||| IP |||6 Thalassinidea Upogebia careospina Williams, 1993 Upogebiidae 11 Thalassinidea Upogebia casis Williams, 1993 Upogebiidae i • 11 12 Thalassinidea Upogebia corallifora Williams and Scott, 1989 Upogebiidae 12 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces

Thalássinidea C^ogeétócoríáf/Williams and Vargas, 2000i: Upogebiidae"': W 6 Thalassinidea Upogebia dawsoni Williams, 1986 Upogebiidae 5 6

TháljSMñideaii Upogebia feldert WilliarM^l 993 l i Upogebiidáé |!:!:;;" 112 llf Thalassinidea Upogebia galapagensis Williams, 1986 Upogebiidae 6 7 : Tjiálasáinidéal Úpógébfa ita^^SiiWilliarns, 1993 Ji : Uppgebiidag: lllll :l.;;i:2 Thalassinidea Upogebia jamaicensis Thistle, 1973 Upogebiidae 12 ; ThaManidéilii UpagebiájMésí \ Wilhltrris,. 1986|::|: Upogebiidae :i||::::; j|i 115 JÜ Thalassinidea Upogebia lepta Williams, 1986 Upogebiidae 4 Tjbálá$sinidea: Upogebia longipotlei (Streets; 187J);1 Upogebiidaeiy: Illl 11$ Thalassinidea Upogebia maccraryae Williams, 1986 Upogebiidae 6 Tjialáslimdeá j jE#?í>Í^i&^^ Upbgejbiidael •i i II* Thalassinidea Upogebia marina Coelho, 1973 Upogebiidae 11 12

W^MümáSéíí ¡Up^g^tampiipóllexi Williams^ 1993 [SS§M¡M^SSS$MMS^::ÜpjBg£^iidj^; ;;¡p||iOI lfl-2 Thalassinidea Upogebia noronhensis Fausto-Filho, 1969 Upogebiidae 10 11 Malassüiidea| :^<>¿^íá;ioiratói?:iGdrhes^ Up^gebiidpiiiiiii EW lili ;I12; IM Thalassinidea Upogebia omissago Williams, 1993 Upogebiidae 11 12 ThSIaMmdetiii .í%¿j^f4ÍMp^5-^^ UTJOgeMidae|!:t?:l||::l: ill Thalassinidea Upogebia paraffinis Williams, 1993 Upogebiidae 10 11 Th^assüwleai Upqgélmípill^büMí WiUiahi$|l 993 • SMSSM^iSMSB&iii^SMi Üpógebiidáéiiii lii!2 Thalassinidea Upogebiapugettensis (Dana, 1852) Upogebiidae 2 3 : T^áMsiñideáj:! Upogebia :ra^ftt

T^lá|sinjdéái:: VpQg^MtmmpóllM Williámsi l?j561i:i Upogebiidae Pi; ;lii6 Thalassinidea Upogebia thistlei Williams, 1986 Upogebiidae 5 6 Th^assiiiidpai 0ppgebi0 ¿oMIae Williams and Hernández-Aguilera, : Upbgebiidae 112 Thalassinidea Upogebia vargasae Williams, 1997 Upogebiidae 6

TJiálassinidél Upogebia yasqtiezi Ngóc-Hoii 1989;:; Upogebiidae 11 i 12 Thalassinidea Upogebia veleronis WiWiams, 1986 Upogebiidae 6 Artomuraiiiiii Uroptychus armatus A Milne EdvvardS|l880 i I Chirostylidae 12 Anomura Uroptychus minutus Benedict, 1902 Chirostylidae 11 12

Anomura::: Uroptychus nitidus (A. Milne Edwards,1880) Chirostylidae : 10 i 12 Anomura Uroptychus parvulus (Henderson, 1885)** Chirostylidae 9 Groups Species Families Provinces/subprovinces Anomura Uroptychus uncifer (A. Milne Edwards, 1880) Chirostylidae 11 12 13 Caridea Veleronia laevifrons Holthuis, 1951 Palacmonidac 6 7 Caridea Veleronia serratifrons Holthuis, 1951 Palaemonidae 6 7 Caridea Veleroniopsis kimallynae Gore, 1981 Palacmonidae 12 Caridea Waldola schmitti Holthuis, 1951 Palaemonidae 6 Palinuridea Willemoesia challengeri Sund, 1920 Polychclidae 8 Palimiridea Willemoesia pacifica Sund, 1920 Polychelidae 8 Brachyura Xanthias inornatus (Rathbun, 1898) Xanthidae 11 12 Brachyura Xanthias serrulata Finnegan, 1931 Xanthidac 6 Brachyura Xanthodius americanus (Saussure, 1858) Xanthidae 11 12 Brachyura Xanthodius cooksoni (Miers, 1877) Xanthidae 6 7 Brachyura Xanthodius denticulatus (White, 1848) Xanthidae 11 12 13 Brachyura Xanthodius parvulus (Fabricáis, 1793) Xanthidae 11 12 Brachyura Xanthodius sternberghii Stimpson, 1859 Xanthidae 5 6 Brachyura Xanthodius stimpsoni (A Milne Edwards, 1879) Xanthidae 6 Penaeoidea (Heller, 1862) Penaeidae 6 10 11 12 14 Anomura Xylopagurus anthonii Lemaitre, 1995 Paguridae .12 Anomura Xylopagurus cancellarius Walton, 1950 Paguridae 6 Anomura Xylopagurus rectus A Milne Edwards, 1880 Paguridae 12 Anomura Xylopagurus tayrona Lemaitre and Campos, 1993 Paguridae 12 Anomura Xylopagurus tenuis Lemaitre, 1995 Paguridae 12 Caridea Yagerocaris cozumel Kensley, 1988 Hippolytidae 12 Brachyura Zaops ostreum (Say, 1817) Pinnotheridae 10 11 12 13 14 15 Anomura Zygopa michaelis Holthuis, 1960 Albuneidae 11 12