

Published by Authority

Vol. LXYII, No. 12 3rd MARCH. 1989 Price 40c

General Notice 94 of 1989. Mhondoro Express (Pvt.) Ltd. 0/401/88. Permit: 24129. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capa­ ROAD MOTOR TRANSPORTATION ACT [CHAPTER 262] city: 76. Route: - Norton - - Kadoma - - Applications in Connexion with Road Service Permits - Shangani - - . By: Alteration to rimning times. IN tarns of subsection (4) of section 7 of the Road Motor Transportation Act [Chafer 262], notice is hereby given that The service operates as follows— the applications detailed in the Sdiedule, for the issue or (a) depart Harare Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday amendment of road service permits, have been received for the 6.30 a.m., arrive Bulawayo 1.45 p.m.; consideration of the Controller of Road Motor Transportation. -(5) depart Bulawayo Wednesday and Friday 8 a.m., arrive Any p ^o n wishing to object to any such atqjlication must Harare 3.15 p.m.; lodge with the Cmrtroller of Road Motor Transportation, (c) depart Bulawayo Sunday 12 noon, arrive Harare P.O. Box 8332, Causeway— 7.15 p.m. (a) a notice, in writing of his intention to object, so as to reach the Controller’s olBce not later than the 24th The service to operate as follows— March, 1989; (a) depart Harare Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday (b) his objection and the grounds therefor, on form R.M.T. 6.30 a.m., arrive Bulawayo 12.40 p.m.; 24, toother with two copies thereof, so as to reach the (b) depart Bulawayo Wednesday and Friday 8 a.m., arrive Controller’s office not later than the 14th April, 1989. Harare 2.10 pm .; Any person objecKng to an application for the issue or (c) depart Bulawayo Sunday 12 noon, arrive Harare amendment of a road service permit must confine his grounds 6.10 p.m. of objection to matters directly bearing on the considerations referred to in paragraph (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) or (f) of section F. Pullen and Sons (Pvt.) Ltd. 8 of the said Act. 0/409/88. Permit: 19271. Motor-omnibus. Passenger- . A. M. CHIDAWANYIKA, capacity: 64. 3-3-89. • Acting Controller of Road Motor Transportation. Route: Bulawayo - Masayi - Lupane - Fatima Mission - Gwaai River Mine - Dett Cross - Kamative - Tinde Mine - SCHEDITLE Dobora - Lusulu. MOTOR-OMNIBUSES By: Amendments (a) Deletion of an existing route stage, namely: Lusulu. Kukura Kurerwa Bus Co. (Pvt.) Ltd. (b) Extension of route from Kariangwe - Binga D.C. 0/399/88. Permit: 14411. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capa­ (c) Increase in passenger-capacity: to 76. city: 64. The service operates as follows— Route: Harare - Glendale - - Madziwa - Mt. Darwin - Chahwanda. (a) depart Bulawayo Monday, Thursday and Saturday By: (b) depart Lusulu Tuesday and Friday 7.08 a.m., arrive (a) Extension of route from Chahwanda - Nyamzizi - Tse- Bulawayo 2.35 p.m.; nguwe - Chironga * Karanda. (c) depart Lusulu Sunday 9 a.m., arrive Bulawayo 4.27 p.m. (b) Alteration to times. The service to operate as follows— The service operates as follows— (a) depart Bulawayo Monday, Thursday and Saturday (a) depart Harare Monday to Sunday 7 a.m., arrive Cha­ 9 a,m., arrive Binga D.C. 5.27 p.m.; hwanda 11.30 a.m.; (b) depart Binga D.C. Tuesday, 6 a.m., arrive Bulawayo (b) depart Chahwanda Monday to Sunday 11.40 a.m., arrive 2.35 p.m.; Harare 4 p.m. (c) depart Binga D.C. Friday and Sunday 6 a.m’, arrive The service to operate as follows— Bulawayo 2.39 p.m. (a) depart Harare Monday to Sunday 7 a.m., arrive Karanda lO.SOam.; S. Takachicha, t/a Kuvimbika Motorways. (b) depart Karanda Hosixtal Monday to Sunday 11 a.m., 0/414/88. Permit: 27214. Motor-omnibus. Passenger- arrive Harare 3 pm. capacity: 76. ZlMBABWE^^ doW^MEKT Gazctte, 3rd March, 1989 188

The service to operate as follows— , , „ (a) depart Harare Tuesday and Thursday 7 a.m arrive nr; : Shumba 11 a.m.; _ v. o _ ~ . Mageza. (b) depart Harare Friday 4 pan., . By: (c) depart Harare Saturday 12 noon, wnve Shi^ba 4 p.m., (a) Alteration to times. id) depart Harare Sunday 1 p.m., amve Shtmba S p^rn. (b) Increase in frequency. (e) depart Shumba Monday, Wednesday and Friday to Sun­ day 6.50 »m., arrive Harare 11 a.m. n ;t;:ro r™ “M S"an

Plfoi 1053 may be inspected, free ¥ Uic Secretary for Transport, Kaguvi Building, Fourth sireei. Harare. Turn Off - Gozi School. Dacription of roads The «ervice to opeAte M follow*— . (a) depart,Harare Monday to Sunday 7 a.m., arrive Gozi ^'xhat ^rtion of -i^ka-<>pperQuwn Road (Route SoUioI 11 ».nL; ,-,n 952), falling within Chitenderano Rural Council Area. (b) depart G o a School Monday to Sunday 12.30 p.m., Commencing . j arrave Harare 4.30 p.m. On Sanyati River (boundary of Chitenderano RiMt Chigubu Brothers (Pvt.) i-td. CouncU Area with Chirorodziva District Council Area). 0/458/88. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capaoty: vs. Passing through State Land road corridor between farms 254, 2 5 3 , State U ^ d , to S s ?47, 242, 183, 184, ChHengu - Katiyo - Kakwere Mutawatawa. 193, 194, 196, State Land, farms 197, 119, ,64, 63. 62, 61, 60, 59, 58, 28 State U rid and Fann 40 to Tbe service to operate a* follows— ^ the left. Farms 238, 239, 240, 241, 221, 22^ 218 2D, (a) depart Harare Monday to Sunday 7J0 a.m., amve Statft Land. fariEB 202, 201* 2u0, Mutawatawa 1Z30 p.m.; ^ iS te U n d f f i l ^ n , T i 9 . 20, 21, 22, 24, 27, 29, 33 and (b) depart Muttwatawa Monday to Sunday 2 p.m., amve 34 to the right. Harare 7 pjn. Termbiatbi$ j ,,a Onmibus Co.—a division of ZUFCO. On the road corridor between farms 34 and 40 ^ iM 0/463/88. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: 76. jimrtion with Golden VaUey-Kuwinrana-Nemangwe Road Route- Gweru - Lower Gweru Couricil - Dimb^wa (Route 956). Silo^la Council - Cross Roads - Zmyang^ - N^yi Sivomo - Nesingwe - Seshanke School - Caum - SiHndeni - Mangena Business Centre - Nyamazana ^ Ttat”'^]^rtion of Junction 952-Nembudriya (Route Sdiool - Ngwaladi - Ndinnmbili - Gomoza Chmc. 968) falling within Clntenderano Rural Council Area. The service to operate as follows— (a) depart Gweru Monday and Wednesday 8.30 a.m., amve Commencing , • ii On State Land, at its junction with Chinhoyi-Aiastca Gomoza Clinic 1.30 p.m.; Copper Queen Road (Route 952). (b) depart Gweru Saturday 10.30 a.m., am ve Gomoza Clinic 3.30 pjn.; (c) Gomoza Oinic Tuesday and Thursday 6.30 a.m., Passing through . . j • » depart State Land, adjacent to the northran boundarim of faiM arrive Gweru 11.30 a.m.; 2 3 ^ 2 3 1 . 230. 229, 227 and 226 of Chitende­ (d) depart Gomoza Clinic Sunday 7.30 a.m., arrive Gweru rano Rural Council. 12.30 p.m. Terminating . , - „ Mbizi Motorways. On Bvumbudze River (boundary of Chitentoano Rural 0/644/88. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: 76. Council with Qieziya-Gokwe District Council. Area: Throughout Zimbabwe. Condition: . , . j S. S. MUMBENGEGWI, Minister of Transport. fat To onerate as and when required during tnree oays 3-3-89. at the beginning and end of each school term and on Public HoKdays, for to conveyance of person* con­ nected with school activities. General Notice 96 of 1989. (b) For private hire and advertised and/or organi^ tours, provided no stage carriage service is operated on any ROADS ACT [CHAPTER 263] route. (c) All operations to commence from Harare. Declaration of District Road: Takawira District Council Are* GOODS-VEHICLES Additionds THE Minister of Transport, in terms of paragraph (a) of M.C. (Pvt) Ltd. section 5 of to Roads Act [Chapter 263], hereby declares to G/640-642/88. Ib ree goods-vehrcles. Load: 30 000 kilo­ portion of the'toad described hereunder and shown on Plan grams, each. 1059 to be a district road. Route 1: Plumtree - Harare - Nyamapanda. Plan 1059 may be inspected, free o tcim g e , Route 2: Plumtree - Harare - - Machipanda. the Secretary for Transport, Kaguvi Building, Fourth Street, Nature of carriage: Goods, wares and merchandise of all Harare. kinds. Description of road TAXI-CABS Reference „ , Additfanals That portion of -Chirumanzu p ad (Route P. Nyandoro. 559), falling within Takawira District Council Area. TX/231/88. Taxi-cab. Passenger-capacity: 3. Area: Within a 40-kilometre radius of t o post office, Chinhoyi. Commencing _ Condition: The vehide to stand for Wre at authori^ On the southern boundary of Takawna Distact C^Mcd taxi-rank within to arM under the junsdiction of the Area, near the corner beacons of farms 2^ and ...3 Zinya Municipality of Chinhoyi. ______ningwe Purchase Land ( Distnct Council). Passing through General Notice 95 of 1989. Chirumanzu Communal Land (bypassing Mavli air ROADS ACT [CHAPTER 263] School, St. Joseph’s Mission and Nyautonge School). Declaration of District Roads: CWtenderano Rural Terminating . , Council Area On Chirumanzu Communal Land, at its junction with Harare-Masvingo Road (Route 304). th e Minister of Transport, in t“™s of paragraph W of section 5 of the Roads Act [Chapter 263], h w b y dwlarm tte S. S. MUMBENGEGWI, roads described hereunder and shown on Plan 1053 to he 3 _3 _gg Minister of. Transport. district roa^. 190 Z imbabwean G overnment G a z e t ib , 3r d 1989

General Notice 97 of 1989. General Notice 98 of 1989. ROADS ACT [CHAPTER 263] r o a d s ACT [CHAPTER 263] Declaration of District Road: Declaration of District Roads : Chirorodziva District Council A na Council Area THE Minister of Transport, in terms of p arag i^ (a) of section 5 of the Roads Act [Chapter 263], lM«by dedarei the THE Minister of Transport, in terms of paragrai* (a) of portion of the road described hereunder and shown on Plan section 5 of the Roads Act [Chapter 263], hereby declares the 1060 to be a district road. portions of the roads described hereunder and shown on Plan Plan 1060 may be inspected, free of dharge, at the ^ c e s of 1063 to be district roads. the Secretary for Transport, Kaguvi Builthng, Fourth Street, Plan 1063 may be inspected, free of charge, at the offices of Harare. ' the Secretary for Transport, Kaguvi Building, Fourth Street,- Description of road Harare. Reference That portion of Nharira-Mupatsi-Munyanyi R o^ (Route Description of roads 352) falling within Chikomba District Council Area and Chivhu Rural Council Area. Reference That portion of Chinhoyi-Alaska-Copper Queen Road Commendrig (Route 952), falling within Chirorodziva District Council At Nharira Business Centre,'at its junction With Chivhu- Area. Maradzano Nyazura Road (Route 337). Passing through Commencing Nharira Communal land. Subdivision A of Lancashire On the boundary of Chirorodziva District Council with Estate (Chivhii Rural Council) and Save North Communal Umboe Rural Council Land. Passing through Terminating Umfuii Communal Land (bypassing Kadzamba Business On the south-eastern boundary of Chikomba District Centre and Obva School). Council Area. S. S. MUMBBNGEGWI, Terminatihg 3 _3 . 8 9 _ Minister of Transport. On Sanyati River (boundary of Chirorodziva District Council with Copper Queen Purchase Land (Chitenderano Rural Council)). General Notice 99 of 1989. ROADS ACT [CHAPTER 263] Reference Those portions of Zvimba-Magonde-Umfuli Road (Route Declaration of District Roads: 964), falling within Chirorodziva District Council Area. Council Area

PORTION A THE Minister of Transport, in terms of paragrajdi (a) of Commencing section 5 of the Roads Act [Chapter 263], hereby dec^es the On Chirau Communal Land, at its junction with Chegutu- roads described hereunder and shown on Plan 1056 to be Chinhoyi Road (Route 940). district roads. Plan 1056 may be inspected, free of charge, at the offices of Passing through the Secretary for Transport, Kaguvi Building, Fourth Street, Chirau Communal Land (bypassing Mhandu School, Harare. Mareverwa School and Mazezuru Store). Description of roads Reference Terminating Route 555: Ngungubane-Don Bosco-Mangava Road. On the boundary of Chirorodziva District Council with Chitomborwizi Rural Council. Commencing On Mberengwa Communal Land (south of Ngungubane), PORTION B at its junction with -Buchwa- 'Road Commencing (Route 552). On Muche River (boundary of Chitomborwizi Rural Passing through Council with Chirorodziva District Council). Mberengwa Communal Land (bypassing Ngungubane School, Jena School, Mataka Business Centre, Zvishava Passing through School, Vumukwane School, Makarani School, Chegato Magondi Communal Land and Umfuii Communal Land Mission and Humbani Business Centre). (bypassing Zarabara Business Centre and Hombwe School). Terminating Terminating On Mberengwa Cofnmunal Land (west of Mangava Busi­ ness Centre), at its junction with West Nicholson-Mbe- On Umfuii Communal Land, at its junction with Chi­ nhoyi-Alaska-Copper Queen Road (Route 952). rengwa Road (Route 542). Reference Reference That portion of High Peak-Don Bosco Road (Route 556), That portion of Lydiate-Kutama-Zvimba Road (Route 965). falling within Mberengwa District Council Area. falling within Chirorodziva District Council Area. Commencing Commencing On Mberengwa Communal Land (at the bounda^ of Mberengwa Rural Council Area with Mberengwa District On the boundary of Chirorodziva District Council with Council Area) near the south-west corner beacon of the Norton-Selous Rural Council. Lou Estate. . | Passing through Passing through Zvimba Communal Land (bypassing Chikame Business Mberengwa Communal Land (byi»ssing Pamustana Centre, Madzima School and Mabvtire School). School, Chaza Business Centre and Chamawanga Business Centre). Terminating Terminating On Zvimba Communal I.and, at its junction with Chegutu- Chinhoyi Road (Route 940). South of Don Bosco Mission, at its junction with Ngungu­ bane-Don Bosco-Mangava Road (Route 555). S. S. MUMBENGEGWI, S. S. MUMBENGEX3WI, 3-3-89. Minister of Transport. 3-3-89. Minister of Tran^wrt. Z imbabwean G ovebnment G azette , 3r d M arch, 1989 191

General 100 bf 1989. Commencing On SipembSv River (boundary of Nkayi District Cfaunm ROAM ACT [OTi4PrER 2M] with Kusile District Couitcil). I^laration ofjpistrict Road: Manyame DUtrict Council Area Passing through <.11,1— iii-iiiJ 1 III I— Nkayi Communal (.and (bypassing Somlimu School). IH E Minister of Transport, in terms of paragraph (a) of Terminating section 5 of the Roads Act (Chapter 263], hereby declares the On Nkayi Conuitunal Land, at its junction with Lutope- road described hereunder and shown on Plan 1054 to be a Kana-Gwelutshena Road (Route 875). district road. Plan 1054 may be InqKxded, free of charge, at the oifices of Reference the Secretary for Transport, K^uvl Building, Fourth Street, That portion of Lutope-Kana-Gwelutshena Road (Route Harare. , 875), falling within Nkayi Communal Land. Description o f road Commencing Heferenee ^ On Kana River (boundary of Nkayi District Coimcil Area ■ That mrtion of Gweru-Lower Gweru-Silobela Road (Route with Cheziya-Gokwe District Council Area). 876), falling witMn Manyame District Council Area. Passing through Commencitig Nkayi- Communal Land (bypassing Gampinya School and On the boundary of Manyame District Council Area with Gwelutshena). Gweru- Rural Council Area. Terminating Passing through On Nkayi Communal Land, at its junction with Nkayi- Lower Gweru Communal Land (bypassii^ Lower Gweru Gokwe Road (Route 866). Mission), St. Joseph School and Dimbamlwa School. S. S. MUMBENGEGWI, 3-3-89. Minister of Transport. Terminating On Lower Gweru Conunimal Land, at the boundary of Manyame District Council Area with Silobela Rural General Notice 103 of 1989. Council Area. ROADS ACT [CHAPrfiJ? 263] S. S. MUMBENGEGWI, 3-3-89. Minister of Transport. Declaration of District Road; Council Area

General Notice 101 of 1989. THE Minister of Transport, in terms of paragraph (a) of section 5 of the Roads Act [Chapter 263], hereby decides the ROADS ACT [CHAPTER 263] road described hereunder and shown on Plan 1055 to be a district road. Declaration of District Road: Mashambazhou District Plan 1055 inay be inspected, free of charge, at the offices Council Area of the Secretary for Transport, Kaguvi Building, Fourth Street, Harare. THE Minister of Transport, in terms of paragraph (a) of Description of road section 5 of the Roads Act [Chapter 263], hereby declares the Reference road described hereunder and shown on Plan 1062 to be a Those portions of -Ruenya Road (Route 278), faliing district road. within Mudzi District Council Area. Plan 1062 may be inspected, free of charge, at the offices of the Secretary for Transport, Kaguvi Building, Fourth Street, PORTION A Ehtrare. Commencing Description o f road On Mudzi Communal Land, at the boundary with Mutoko Reference District Council Area (south-east of Makosa Clinic). ■ That portion of Gweru-Lower Gweru-Silobela |load (Route Passing through 876), falling within Mashambazhou District Council Area. Mudzi Communal Land. Commencing Terminating On the northeastern boundary of Silobela 'Rural Coundl. On Mudzi Communal Land, at the southern boundary with Passing through Council Area. Silobela Conununal Land. PORTION B Terminating Commencing On Silobela Communal Land, at its jtmction with Kwekwe- On Mudzi District Council Area, at the southern boundary Nkayi Road (Route 843). with Mutoko District Council Area. S. S. MUMBENGEGWI, Passing through 3-3-89. Minister of Transport. Mudzi Communal Land (bypassing Makaha, Nyamande School and Gozi School). General Notice 102 of 1989. ^ Terminating On Ruenya River (the boundary of Mudzi District Coun­ ROADS ACT [CHAPTER 263] cil Area with Council Area. S. S. MUMBENGEGWI, Declaration of District Roads; Nkayi District Council Area 3-3-89. Minister of Transport.

THE Minister of Transport, in terms of paragraph (a) of section 5 of the Roads Act [Chapter 263], hereby declares the General Notice 104 of 1989. portion of the roads described hereunder and shown on Plan ROADS ACT [CHAPTER 263] 1061 to be district roads. Plan 1061 may be inspected, free of char|e, at the offices of Declaration of District Road; Goromonzi-Kubalana the Secretary for Transport, Kaguvi Buildmg, Fourth Street, District Council Area Harare. Description of roads THE Minister of Transport, in terms of paragraph (a) of Reference .. section 5 of the Roads Act [Chapter 263], hereby declares the That portion of Lupane-Kana Road (Route 874), falling road described hereunder and showii on Plan 1058 to be a within Nkayi District Council Area. district road. Z imbabwean G ovbbnment G a z b t ib , 3b d M a b o i. 1989 192

Description of roads Plan 1058 may be inspected, free of charae, at the the Secretary for Transport, Kaguvi Builmng, Fourth Street, Reference Tliat portion of -Lubimbi-BingB Road (Route Harare. 869), falling within Council Area, Description of road Reference j m ♦ Commencing That portion of Chinamora-Masembura West ;:^ad {Route, On Shangani River (boundary of Binga District Council 144), falling within Goromopzi-Kubatana District Council. with Gwayi Valley Rural Council). Commencing . . ^ ..u On Chinamora Communal Land, at its I“i“ bon with Passing through Harare-Domboshawa-Poti River Road (Route 148). Lubimbi Communal Land_ and Manjolo Communal Land (bypassing Kariyangwe Mission). Passing through ■ . „ , Chinamora Communal Land (bypassing Panrewa School, and Munyawire School). Terminating On Manjolo Communal Land, at its junction with Cross Terminating . • Roads-Kamativi-Binga Road (Route 839). At the boundary of Goromonzi-Kubatana IMstrict Council Area with Kubatana Bindura Distoict Council Area. r Reference S. S. MUMBENGEGWI, Binga Road-Lusulu (Route 870). 3-3-89. Minister of Transport. Commencing < ■ General Notice 105 of 1989. On Manjolo Communal Land, at its junction with Gwayi Rivei^Lul^bi-Binga Road (Route 869). ROADS ACT [CHAPTER 263}

Declaration of District Roads; Mhondoro District Council Area Passing through Manjolo Communal Land and Busi Communal Land. THE Minister of Transport, in terms of paragraph (a) of section 5 of the Roads Act [Chapter 263], hereby dwlarra the Terminating roads described hereunder, and shown on Plan 1057 to be At Lusulu, on Busi Communal Land. district roads. . as t Plan 1057 may be inspected, free of chuge, at the officM of Reference the Secretary for Transport, Kaguvi Building, Fourth Street, That portion of Lubimbi-Cwali Road (Route 871), falling Harare. within Binga District Council Area. Description of roads

That portion of Be^ce- Road (Route 937), falling Commencing within Mhondoro ^strict Council area. North of Lubimbi, at its junction with Gwayi River- LuMmbi-Binga Road (Route 869). Commencing On Doronanga River (boundary of Mhondoro District Council with Beatrice Harare-South Rural Council), near Passing through the south-west corner beacon of Alamein Farm. Lubimbi Communal Land. Passing through Terminating Mhondoro Communal Land. At the boundary of Binga District Council Area with Terminating Kusile District Council Area. On Mhondoro Communal Land, at its junction with Sky- line-Mubayira-Chegutu Road (Route 942). Reference Reference That portion of Gokwe-Siabuwa Road (Route 872), falling That portion of Skyline-Mubayira-Chegutu Road (Route within Binga District Council Area. • 942), falling within Mhondoro Communal Land. Commencing Commencing On Swiswa River (boundary of Muda-Marirangwe Rural On (the boundary of Binga District Council Council and Mhondoro District Council), on the western with Gokwe District Council). boundary of Reserve A. Passing through Passing through Mhondoro Communal Land (bypassing Masawi School, Siabuwa Communal Land. ’ Nyamweda Business Centre, Mhondoro School, Mubayira, St. Peter’s School and St. Mark’s School). Termiimting Terminating On Siabuwa Communal Land, at its junction with Binga- On Chirundazi River (boundary of Mhondoro District Sengwa-Bumi Road (Route ^ ) . i* Council with Chegutu Rural Council), near the north­ eastern cornet beacon of Butter Combe. Referettce S. S. MUMBENGEGWI, Siabuwa-Mujere Road (Route 873). 3-3-89. Minister of Transport. Commencing General Notice 106 of 1989. On Siabuwa Communal Land, at its junction With Binga- ROADS ACT [CHAPTER 263] Sengwa-Bumi Road (Route 840).

Declaration of District Roads: Binga District Coundl Area Passing through Siabuwa Communal Land. THE Minister of Transport, in terms of paragraj^ (a) of section 5 of the Roads Act [Chapter 263], hereby declares the Terminating roads described hereunder and shown on Pl.an 1057 (c he North-cast of Mujere, on the boundary of Binga District district roads. Council Area vvith Lake . Plan 1052 may be inspected, free of charge, at the offices of the Swretary for Transport, Kaguvi Building, Fourth Street, S. S. MUMBENGEGWI, Harare. 3-3-89. Minister of Transport. Z imbabwean G ovebnment G azette, 3r d M arch, 1989 ' 193

General Notice 107 of l989. (i) All the functions of the Minister of Youth, Sport and Culture to the Honourable D. I. G. Karimanzira, M.P., coNsmruTiON o f Zimbabwe from the 17th February, 1989, during the absence, on leave, of the Honourable D. I. M. Kwidini, M.P.; Appointment of Acting Minister (ii) all the functions of the Minister of Community and Co-operative Development and Women’s Affairs to the Honourable V. F. Chitepo, M.P., from the 20th Feb­ IT is hereby notified that His Excellency The President ruary, 1989, during the absence on study. leave of the has, in terms of paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section 3 ID Honourable I. T. R. Mujuru, M.P. of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, assigned all the functions of the Minister of Information, Posts and Telecommunications C. M. B. UTETE, to the Honourable K. M. Kangai, M.P., from the 17th Feb­ 3-3^9. Secretary to the President and Cabinet. ruary, 1989, during the absence from Zimbabwe, on business, of the Honourable W. M. Mangwende, M.P. General Kotice 109 of 1989. C. M. B. UTETB, 3-3-89. Secretary to the President and Cabinet. PARLIAMENT OF ZIMBABWE Publication of Bills General Notice 108 of 1989. c o N S T m m o N o f Zimbabwe THE following Bills are published with this Gazette for general information; Appointment of Acting Ministers Plant Pests and Diseases Amendment Bill (A.B.‘‘3, 1989). Magistrates Court Amendment Bill (A.B. 6, 1989), IT is hereby notified that His Excellency The President Census and Statistics Amendment Bill (A.B. 25, 1988). has, in terms of paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section 31D J. W. Z. KUREWA, of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, assigned— 3-3-89. Secretary to Parliament.

General Notice 110 of 1989.



N ones is hereby given in accordance with the provisions of section 10 of the Insurance Resulations. 1967, published in Rhodesia Government Notice 899 of 1967, that evidence has been submitted to the insurers whose names and addresses are mentioned in the Schedule of the loss or destruction of the local life oolicics descnbcd oppoiite thereto. Fuu..ica Any penon in possession o f any such policy, or claiming to have any interest therein, should communicate immediately by registered post with the appropriate insurer. Failing any such communication, the insurer will issue a correct and certified copy of the policy in accordance with section 54 of the Insurance Act, 1987.

O. M. TSHABANGU, 3-3-89. Commissioner of insurance. SCHCOULB

Policy- Date of Amount Name aad addrm of insurer number policy insured Life insured Policy owrter

Pearl Assurance Public Limited Company, P.O. SR 1 . 12.68 $2 000 George Holmes . George Holmes. 8539f Box 732, Harare 76644 A Pearl Assurance Public Limited Company, P.O. SR 1.5.73 SIOOOO Zefeniya Manjoro Zefeniya Manjoro. 8540f Box 732, Harare 600233 A South African Mutual Life Assurance Society, 7093442 . 1 8.88 S15 236 Anna Chisuigo Anna Chisango. • 8507f P.O. Box 70, Harare South African Mutual Life Assurance Society, 7003645 1.12.84 S9 971 Sibongiie Ncube . , Sibongiie Ncube. 8511f P.O. Box 70, Harare South African Mutual Life Assurance Society, 7102883 1. 12.88 $10 713 David Mhiika . , David Mhuka. 8546f P.O. Box 70, Harare South African Mutual Life Assurance Society, 7086780 1.3.88 $4 056 Alois Tsuro Mazivarwenyu Alois Tsuro Maziva- 8547f P.O. Box 70, Harare rweoyu. South AfHcan Mutual Life Assurance Society, 7007857 1.2.85 S13 910 Bernadette Bonde Bernadette Bonde. 8548f P.O. Box 70, Harare South African Mutual Life Assurance Society, 2183283 1 . 11.68 SI 500 Comelis Jacob Geldenhuys Cornelis Jacob Gel­ ' 8549f P.O. Box 70, Harare denhuys. South Africwi Mutual Life Assurance Society, 7024741 1 . 1.86 $4 939 Duniel 2^ngeya .... Daniel Zengeya. 8550f P.O. Box 70, Harare South African Mutual Life Assurance Society, 4350016 1.1.84 $10 280 Isaac Oanton Sindi . Isaac Danton Sindi. 8551f P.O. Box 70, Harare Southampton Assurance Co. of Zimbabwe Ltd., 736403 B 1.5.71 S5 000 William Nyati .... William Nyati. 8555f P.O. Box 969, Harare Southampton Assurance Co., of Zimbabwe Ltd., 901169 B 1.2.74 SI 000 Solom Adams AIdc4,Matonzi Solomon Adams 85S4f P.O. Box 969, Harare Aided Matonzi. Southampton Assurance Co. of Zimbabwe Ltd., 968394 A 1.9.85 $9 000 David Cranous Mubayi-Marange David Cranoub Mu- 8495f P.O. Box 969, Harare bayi-Marangc. Southampton Assurance Co. of Zimbabwe Ltd., 90I316D 1.2.74 SI 000 Obed Diba Guriral . Obed Diba Gurlra. 8506r P.O. Box 969, Harare Southampton Assurance Co. of Zimbabwe Ltd., 963221B 1.11.84 $25 000 Stanley Adam Phuti Stanley Adam Phuti. 8508f P.O. Box 969, Harare The Prudential Assurance Co. (Zim.) (Pvt.) Ltd., 10903749/30 1. 12,86 $5 872 Jonathan Ncube . . Jonathan Ncube. 854If P.O. Box 1083, Harare The Prudential Assurance Co. (Zim.)

General Notice 111 of 1989. RESERVE BANK OF ZIMBABWE ACT [CHAPTER 173]

Statement of Assets and Liabilities of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe

IN terms of section 20 of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Act JCAap/er 173], a statement of the assets and liabilities of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe as at 17th February, 1989, is publfahed m the Schedule.

E. N. MUSHAYAKARARA, Secretary for Finance, 3-3-89. Economic Pianning and Development.

S chedule


Liabilities Assets S 2 000 000 Gold and foreign a sse ts ...... 353 432 554 Capital ...... Loans and advances ...... 329 808 3M General Reserve F u n d ...... 6 000 000 Currency in circulation . ■ ■ • • 495 591 880 Internal investments— o 486 240550 Government stock . . . 5 388 875 Deposits and other liabilities to the public Other ...... 42 348 834 Other a s s e ts ...... 333 092 766 Other liabilities 274 238 954 SI 264 071 384 $1 264 071 384


NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deetl executeti NOTICE is hereby given that,, by notarial deed of chMge before me, Iqbal Adam Ahmed, a legal pmctrtioner, at of name executed before me, Obert Chaurura C^tu, a legal practitioner, at Harare, on the 20th January, 1989, Madiro Harare, on the 6th February, 1989, Stephen Mandizidza, did abandon the name Madiro Stephen adopt the name Dennis Kachomba, and shall in mture be Mandizidza and assumed in its place the name Stephen Madiro known as Dennis Kachomba for all records, deeds, docu­ Mujuru, which name shall be used in all deeds, records, ments and other writings, and in all actions, suits and pro­ writings, documents and ali transactions. ceedings, and in all dealings and transactions whatsoever. Dated at Harare this 20th February, 1989.—Oi'inmda, Qii- Dated at Harare this 23rd day of February, 1989^Iqbal hambakwe & Partners, applicant’s iegal practitioners, E i^ th Adam Ahmed, c/o Ahmed and Ziyambi, legal practiho^n , Floor, Regal Star House, 25, Gordon Avenue, Harare. 8530f 133, Victoria Street, Harare. ______

CHANGE OF NAME CHANGE OF NAME TAKE notice that, by notarial deed executed before me, NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed execut^ Perpetua Patience sWukelo Chibandst, a legal practitioner, before me, Louis Henry Bennett, a legal practitioner and at Harare, on 13th February, 198R Stella Kanondo renounced notary public, on the day of 15th February, 1989, personally and abandoned the surname Kanondo and assumed the came and appeared Agnes Mary Lawson on behalf of her surname Chimbumu, so that, henceforth, she shall, on all minor child Shelli Jacqueline Robertson, and that she did, occasions whatsoever, be known as Stella Chimbumu. on that day, change her said minor daughter’s name and Dated at Harare this 15th day of February, 1989.— assumed the name Shelli Jacqueline Robertson L a ^ n in Atherstone & Cook, legal practitioners. Seventh Floor, Mercury place thereof, and she did declare that her said minor daughter House, 24, Gordon Avenue, Harare. 86S7f shall hereafter be known on all occMions and in all dee*, documents, proceedings and transactions whatsoever by the name Shelli Jai^ueline Robertson Lawson. CHANGE OF NAME Dated at Kwekwe this 16th day of February, 1989.— Wilmot & Bennett, First Floor, CABS House, Fourth Avenu^ Kwekwe. NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed before me, Christopher Kashumba Matemba Mutasa, at Mutare, on the 14th day Of November, 1988, Wilson Mutse- CHANGE OF NAME yekwa chang^ his name to Wilson Chaukura, which name he shall use in all documents, deeds, actions and proceeding whatsoever, and on all occasions. NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed of change Dated at Mutare this 13th day of February, 1989.—Hove, of name executed before me, Hapison Bruno Mugabe, Chi- Mutasa & Associates, P.O. Box 128, Mutate. 8666f moga Kasito appeared before me, on the 24th February, 1989, and changed his name to Shqiherd Kasito. Dated at Harare this 27th day of February, 1989.— CHANGE OF NAME Mugabe, Mutezo & Partners, P.O. 6563, Harare. 8665f NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed CHANGE OF NAME before me, Felix Juru, of Hove, Mutasa & Associates, legal practitioners, at Harare, on I4th February, 1S®9, d iaries Ernest Jones (father) on behalf of the minor child Jean Magdeline NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed of cha i^ | Keimedy, did abandon and renounce the name Jean Magdeline of name executed before me, Hapison Bruno Mugabe, Kizito j Kennedy and did asume the name Jean Magdeline Jones, by Gwatura on the 23rd February, 1989, changed his name to ‘ which name, in all documents and transactions of whatsoeyer Kizito Matsikire. | nature, she shaTI be known. Dated at Harare this 24th day of February, 1989.— i Dated at Harare this 20th day trf February, 1989.—Felix Juru, Mugabe, Mutezo & Partners, P.O. Box 6563, Hanu-e. of Hove, Mutasa & Associates, Fourth Floor, Robinson House, 8664f cnr. Union Avenue/Angwa iStreet, Harare, 8502f L Z imbabwean G overnment G azette, 3r d M arch, 1989 195


NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed before me, Christoph^ Kashumba Matemba Mutasa, at before me, Jeconiah Alexander Tarovinga Kadandara, a notary Mutare, on the 17th day of November, 1988, Soloinon public and legal practitioner, at Harare, on the 19A day of Muziya Pfaika changed his name to Solomon Muziya Sariya, January, 1989,. personally came and appeared, Pharoah Dube which name he shall use in all documents, deeds, actions and (bom 15th March, 1959) and Ellen Dube (bom 4A Octob«, proceedings whatsoever, and on all occasions. 1959), who, in Aeir persona! capadties, and in Aeir cag^ity as the natural parents, custodians and guardians of Aeir niinor Dated at Mutare this 13th day of February, 1989.—^Hove, children, namely: Felix Galani Ditbe, Fidelis Hiunu!lo Dube Mutasa & Associates, P.O. Box 128, Mutare. 8668f and Felicitous Thando Dube, dianged their mmame Dube on their own behalf and on behalf of Aeir minor children and CHANGE OF NAME assumed in its place Ae surname Ndebele, so Aat, hm ceforA, Aey and Aeir minor children shall be known in future as Pharoah Ndebele, Ellen Ndebele, Felix Galani Ndebele, Fide­ NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed lis Hamulo Ndebele and Felicitous Thando Ndebele, in all before me, Christopher Kashumba Matemba Mutasa, at records, deeds, documents, and oAer writings, as well as in all Mutare, on the 13th day of December, 1988, Gideon Hlomu- actions, proceedings and oAer dealings and transactions. yani changed his name to Gideon Mudiezana, whic^nam e Dated at Harare Ais 14th day of Febroary, 1989.—JeconiA he shall use in all documents, deeds, actions and proMedings Kadandara & Company, legal practitioners. First Floor, Corner whatsoever, and on all occasions. House, Samora Machel Avenue/Moffat Street, Harare. 8599f Dated at Mutare this 13th day of February, 1989.—^Hove, Mutasa & Associates, P.O. Box 128, Mutare. 8667f CHANGE OF NAME

CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed before me, Sampson Samuel Mlaudzi, at Bulawayo, Sairmel NOTICE is hereby ^ven that, by notarial deed executed Ndebele did abandon and renounce the name Samuel Ndebele before me, Jeconiah Alexander Thruvinga Kadandara a legal and assumed Ae name Mark Msebele, by Which name, ut "1 practitioner and notary public, at Harare, on the 1st day of documents and transactions of whatsoever nature, he shall February, 1989, Irene Nekati (born on the 29th June, 1957), henceforth be known. at Goromonzi, in her personal capacity as the natural mother, Dated at Bulawayo Ais 21st February, 1989.—Brasael Sigidi sole custodian and legal guardian of Muhyaradzi Kapembeza & Partners, legal practitioners, P.O. Box 1046, Billawayo.^^^^ (bom on the 26th December, 1979), in Harare, declared that she has decided to renounce and abandon her son’s surname Kapembeza, and in place thereof, assumed the surname Nekati, so that, henceforth, in all records, documents, deeds and other CHANGE OF NAME writings, and in all actions, suits and proceedings, as well as in all dealings and transactions, her said son shall be known as Munyara


NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed NOTICE is hereby given that, by notorial deed executed before me. James Prince Mutizwa, a le^l before me, Aston Alois Musunga, a legal Harare, on the 2nd day of February, 1989, mupaguma did abandon and relinquish on behalf of his minor Harare, on Ae 2Ah day of February, 1189, Rosekne Parnhi- S i n the names. Prosper Nyamupaguma Rutendo Jucquhne dzai Dzingirai, Audrey Ruth Kudzanayi Dzingirai an^d Sandra Yemurayi Dringirai did abandon the surname I^m girat Nyamupaguma and Petronella Ruvimbo Nyamupaguma, and and assumed in place thereof, the surname Mubirandmkw assumed in their place, the names ProfP^L^agiAwere, R u tm ^ so that Aey shall be known as Roseline Pamhidzai Mubranda- Jucquline Maguhwere and Petronella Ruvimbo Maguhwre, rikwa, Audrey Ruth Kudzanayi Mubwandarikwa and Sandra which names shall be used in all deeds, records, writings, Yemurayi Mubwandarikwa, which names shall be used in all dealings and all transactions. records, deeds, documents and transactions. Dated at Harare this the 20A day of February, 1989^ Chimnda, Chihambakwe & Partners, applicams legal practi­ Dated at Harare this 21st day of February, 1989. -Chirunda, Chihambakwe & Partners, EighA Floor, Regal Star House, 25, tioners, Eighth Floor, Regal Star House, 25, Gordon Avenue Gordon AvenuC, Harare. 853/I Harare.



NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed NOHCB is hereby given that, by notarial deed exMuted before me, Charles Murray, a legal pmctitioner and notary before me, Webster Nicholas Chinamora, on the 13th February, public, at Harare, on the 4th January, 1989, Henncu* Johanitw 1989, Elphigio Chipo Masew appeared before me, and changed Nydam, under special power of sjttomey granted to hmi by his name to Elfigio Mujati, which name be shall use in all Tsuiganyika Marenga m his capacity as fatto and legal documents, deeds, actions and proceedings whatsoever and on guaMian of his minor son Ei^ias Marenga Whata, changeo all occasions. , his name to. Ephias Wlmta Marenga. Dated at Harare 21st day of February, 1989.—Brian Mpara- Dated at Harare this 23rd day of February, 1989.—(>ndy, dzi,& Company, Second Floor, Park House, 20, Park Street, Chadwick & ElUott, Eighth Floor, Southampton House, Union Harare. 85641 Avenue, Harare. 8647f CHANGE OF NAME CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed before me, Sterhen Nyasha Gwaza. on the 14th February, NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed ex ite d 1989, Taurai Mugomba appeared before me and changed his brfore me, Bernard Ranero Phillip Gwati, a legal prartitioner name to Taurai Chieomba, which name he shall use in all by lawful auChority» on the lOth January, 1989, ^rsonally came documents, dee^, actions and proceedings whatsoever and on and appeared Reuben Malika, in his capacity as the father all occasions. and legal guardian of Nolizwe Mpofu and d e d ^ d absolutely to renounce and abandon the name Mpofu and in lieu thereof, Dated at Harare this 21st day of Febmary, 1989.—BriM did adopt and assume the name Maflka, so that the child shall Mparadzi & Company, Second Floor, Park House, 20, Park be known as Nolizwe Malika, under which names they shall Street, Harare. 8565f acquire and possess all property, make, sign and execute all deeds, documents and institute and defend all actions. CHANGE OF NAME Dated at Gweru this 15th day of February, 1989.—^B. R. P. Gwati, c/o Gwati & Partners, Gwati Chambms, P.O. Box 1371, TAKE notice that, on the 21st day of February, 1989, before Gweru. 8499f me, Edwin Isaac Manikai, a legal practitioner and notary public, at Harare, appeared Paulo Manguena and he changed his name from Paulo Manguena to Paul Mangena, so that, CHANGE OF NAME henceforth, he Shall be known on ail occasions and for all purposes, liy the name of Paul Mangena. ' NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed Dated at Harare this 21st day of February, 198?.—B. I. before me, Alywn Leonard Arthur Pichanick, a legal practi­ Manikai, legal practitioner and notary public, c/o Gill, God- tioner and notary public, at Harare, on the 3rd day of lonton & Gerrans, Fifth Floor, Trustee House, 55, Samora January, 1989, Grace Chipo, being the mc^er and natural Machel Avenue, Harare. , 858Qt guardian of the minor child Irvine Thulani Ncube, did, on bdalf of her said minor child, abandon the name Irvine Thu­ lani Ncube and adopted and assumed, in place thereof, the CHANGE OF NAME name Thulani Irvine Musuka, and did, on behalf of herself, abandon the name Grace Chipo Ncube and adopted NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed of change arid assumed, in place thereof, the name Grace Musuka. of name executed before me, Wilbert Joroboam Mutezo, Dated at Harare this 24th day of February, 1989.—Winterton, Raphael Takavadiyi appeared before me on the 21st day ot Holmes & Hill, legal practitioners, P.O. Box 452, Harare. Febmary, 1989, and changed his name to Raphael Takavadiyi 8525f Mudereri. Dated at Harare this 22nd day of Febmary, 1989.— Mugabe, Mutezo & Partners, P.O. Box 6563, Harare. ______85741 CHANGE OF NAME CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE is hereby given diat, on the 14th day of February, 1^9, Loveraore Chirunga appeared before me, Joseph James, a le^l practitioner, at Bulawayo, and in his capacity as the TAKE notice that, on the 14th December. 1988, Tam tadzayi natural father and legal guardian of the minor children, Masunungure appeared before me, Tawanda Herbert Chitapi, namely: Precious Kufakunesu, Tendai Kufakunesu and Lloyd a notary public, at Kadoma, and in her wpacity m the mother Kufakunesu, declared his desjim to change the children’s names and sole nattiral guardian ot her mitior child Kodzanai to Precious Chirunga, Tendai Chirunga and Lloyd Chirunga. Muyelu, changed the child’s name to Kodzanai Masunungure. Dated at Kadoma this 15th day of Febmary, 1989.-- Dated at Bulawayo this 20th day of February, .1989.—James Chitapi, Mangwana & Partners, legal pracutioners, P.O. Box Mbyo-Majwabu & Nyoni, legal practitioners, Second Floor, Excnange Building, Main Street/Selbome Avenue, Bulawayo. 360, Kadoma. ______8623f CHANGE OF NAME CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed befim “ Geo?g“ cL fl^ Chikunib.^ike, a lega Practmo^r TAKE notice that Dickson Sigamba Ngsvenya (bom 5th at Harare, on the 20th day of February, 1989, Tarisai August, 1958), appeared before me. Jacobus Petrus Oberholzer, Zisengwe did abandon the natn^e Tansai Ziseagwe and assumed a legal practitioner, at Bulawayo, on the 23rd January, 1989, the name Tarisai Madade, which name shall be used m aU and executed a deed of poll in terms of which he changed his records, deeds, documents and transactions. name to Dickson Zigamba MunkulL—Sansole and Senda, Dated at Harare this 20th day of Febmary, 1989^ legal practitioners, Sucth Floor, Oiarter House, Selborne Chirunda, Chihambakwe & Partners, Eighth Floor, Regal Stw Avenue, Bt^wayo. ______8613f House, 25, Gordon Avenue, Harare. »5i»


NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed before me, Brian Kingsley Mwedzi MparadzS, on ^ 28th NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed December, 1989, Kingstone Sikayimoto appeared before me before me, Christopher Kashumba Mateniba Miit^sa. at and c h a n ^ his name to Kingsley Stanley Muchemwa, which Mutare, on the 17th day of October, 1988, Caroline Sanyika name he shall use in all documents, deeds, actions and pro- changed her name to Caroline Chisoma, which name she ce^ings whatsoever, and on all occasions. shall use in all documents, deeds, actions and proceedings whatsoever, and on all occasions. Dated at Harare this 21st day of Febmary, 1989.—Brian Dated at Mutare this 13th day of Febmary, 1989.—Hove, Mparadd & Company, Second Floor, Park House, 20, Park Mutaia & Associates, P.O. Box 128, Mutare. 8669f Street,- - —Harare. 85631 198 Z imbabwean <3o v e b n m b (t C A Z m B , 3b d M abch, 1989

CHANGE OF NAME AITO WHERSAS an inquiry wiH be held at Bulawayo Provmdal Magistrate’s Court at 8.30 a.m. on the 24th day of NOTICE is hereby given, that by notarial deed executed Mandi, 1989: Wore me, Ouistopher Kaihumba Matmnba Mutaia. at NOW, THEREFORE, any person who— Mvrtare, on the 14th day of November, 1988, Luke n 5 S in i» (a) has any htfonnaticm rehuing to die circumstances of the chained his name to Luke Jongwe, which name he shall' disaptManmce of the missing person; or use'm aU. ddcumenU, deeds, actions and proce^ings whatso­ I (b) can show erase why the missing prnon should not be ever, and on all occasions. presumed to be dmd or why ms estate should not be Dated at Mutare this 13th day of February, 1989.—Hove, placed luder an admiiiistrator; or Mutasa & Associates, P.O. Box 128, Mutare. 8670f (c) can show Aat these is no possibility that the dis- appeanuKe of the nrisring perscm was caused by the activities of .terrorists; or CHANGE OF NAME (d) wishes to make any other representations in connexion with the application; ■ NOTICE is: hereby given that, by notarial deed executed should lodge with the Clerk of the Provincial before me, Christopher Kashumba Matemba Mutasa, at Magistrate’s Court, at Bulawayo, such representations, in Mutare, on the I4th day of November, 1988, Rogoers Peter writing, on or before the 24th &y of March, 1989.—S.‘ James Mwowa changed his name to Roggen Peter Mandoza, (Mrs.), Clerk of Court. 8317flO which name he shall use in all documents, deeds, actions and proceedings whatsoever, and on all occasions. Dated at Mutare this 13th day of February, 1989—Hove, LOST SHARE CERTIFICATE Mutasa & Associates, P.O. Box 128, Mutare. 8671f NOTICE is hereby given that it is proposed to issue a new certificate in respect of 25 ordinary shares numbered CHANGE OF NAME 32336-32360 inclusive, to replace certificate No. 618 in the name of A. L. de Chazal. NOTICE IS hereby given that, by notarial deed executed All persons objecting to the issue of such certificate are Wore me, Christopher Kashumba Matemba Mutasa. at hereby required to lodge their objections within 21 days of Mutare, on the 23rd of December, 1988, Rekerayi Gonzo the date hereof. changed his name to Rekerayi Mutedzi, which name he shall Dated at this 22nd day of February, 1989.-^ documents, deeds, actions, and proceedings whatso- Mashonqland Farmers’ Co-operative Limited, P.O. Box 54, ever ana on all occasions. Marondera. 8622f Dated at ^^Mutare this 13th day of February, 1989.—Hove, M ^sa & Assoaates, P.O, Box 128, Mutare. 8672f LOST DEED OF GRANT CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE is hereby given that we intend to apply for a certified copy of Deed of Grant (Regd. No. 3354/71^, passed NOTICE IS hereby given that, by notarial deed executed in favour of Fllimon Nhumbi (R.C. No. 27150, Bikita), on Wore me, Christopher Kashumba Matemba Mutasa, at the 7th day of September, 1977, in respect of 305, October, 1988, Maxwell Mbofana measuring two zero zero comma six eight four zero (200,684 0) s& S l Maxwell Mandikutse, which name he hectares. siwll use in all documents, deeds, act ons and proceedinas whatsoever, and on all occasions. proceeoings All persons having any objections to, or wishing to make any representations in connexion with, the issue Of such copy, February, 1989.-Hove, are hereby required to lodge the Same, in vvriting, at the Mutasa & Associates, P.O. Box 128, Mutare. 867M Deeds Registry Office, Harare, within 14 days from the date of publication of this notice. Dated at Harare this 23rd day of February, 1989.—Chirunda, MISSING PERSONS ACT, 1978 Chihambakwe & Partners, apidicant’s legal practitioners. Eighth Floor, Regal Star House, 25, Gordon Avenue, Hanue. Notice of Application 8654f

^TO R EA S M aWiraUon has been received for an order LOST DEED OF GRANT

NOTICE is hereby given that Anos Madziva intends to Grant (Registration No. 5559/70), issued in favour of the late Sandhia on the 17th NOW, THEREFORE, any person who— ^ptember, 1970, in respect of certain piece of land, situate in (a) W any information relating to the circumstances of the the district of Bikita, called Nyahunda 122, measuring ninety- nisappearance of the missing person; or four comma one two two three (94,122 3) hectares. (b) can show » um why the missing person should not be All persons having any objections to. or wishing to make any prm ^ed to be dead or why his estate should not be repr^ntations in connexion with, the issue of such copy, are placed uimer an administrator; or ^quired to lodge the same, in writing, at the Dee^ Registry, (c) can s h ^ that there is no possibility that the disappear- Harare, within 14 days from the date of publication w fliis an<* of tte misring person was caused ^ the activities notice.—Messrs. Chihambakwe and Chirunda, applieant's lees'l of terronsts; or practitioners, 30. Hofrtieyer Street (P.O. Box 700), Masvingo. (d) wi^m to mi^e any other representations in connexion ______8W3f with the aiqriication; shoi^ M ge ^ th the Oerk of the MaUbtdelaiKi ProvincW LOST DEED OF GRANT Ma^strate s Court, at Bulaviayo, such representations, in ‘•“y March, 1989.—S. James (Mrs.), Clerk of Court. 83l6flO NOTICE IS hereby givai that Claperton Sidubi intends to w ly for a certified copy of Deed of Grant 2475/76, dated 14th terms ®‘res. 'being Stand 65 Habane Township, situate in the district of , was transferr^ to him. - bavmg any objections to, or wishing to make any Notice of Apxriication r^ ^ n ta fto m in connexion, wiffi, the issue of such copy, are hereby requued to lo te the same, in writing, at the Deeds WHBREj^ an application has been received for an order I'* publication p e sii^ g the death of Leonard Xaba, of 4044/5, Magwrawe *00® Hendrie and Partneis North, Bulawayo, who has disappeamf; MTOTBida^o*’"“^“'”“"’ f*bus®- Abercom ’ * ' 8607f Z imbabwean GkjvEBNMBNr G a z b it b , 3b d M abch, 1989 199

LOST DEED OF TRANSFER IT IS ORDERED BY CONSENT; That a rule nisi do issue, calling upon the respondent to shew NOTICE is hereby given that I intend to apply for a certified cause, if any, to this honourable court Sitting at Harare on the copy of Deed of Transfer 1999/76, made in favour of Vera Amy 15th day of March, 1989, why the respondent’s estate should Greaves on the 26th October. 1976, whereby a certain piece of not be finally sequestrated in tetms of the Insolvency Act land in extent 1 550 Miutre metres, being S ^ d 2042 Bidawayo [Chapter 303), ana why the costs of these proceedings mould North.of Bulawayo Township Lands, situate in the district of not be costs of sequestration. Bulawayo, was conveyed. That this rule do operate as a provisional order of sequestra- All persons having any objections to, oir wishing to make any t'o'r. representations in connexion with, the issue of such copy, are That the Master of this honourable court be, and is hereby, hereby required to lodge the same, in writing, at the Deeds directed to appoint Malcolm Fraser as provisional trustee of Registry, Bulawayo, wifiiin 14 days from tte date of publica­ the said estate. tion of this notice.—^Vera Amy Greaves, c/o Calderwood, Bryce That service of this order be effected on the respondent Hendric and Partners, legal practitioners. Seventh Fioor, Centrai personally. Africa House, Ahercom Street, Bulawayo. 8606f That there be one publication of this order in the Gazette and in a Friday edition of The Herald, Harare. LOST DEED OF TRANSFER BY THE COURT. Stumbles & Rowe. R. I. CHIMBARI, NOTICE is hereby given that Stephen Michael Hill, in P.O. Box 495, Deputy Registrar. his capacity as executor testamentary of the estate of the Harare. 8658f late Albert William Hill, intends to apply for a certified copy of Deed of Transfer (registered l^o. 2099/1971), dated the 18th day of August, W I, by which deed the following Case H.C. 493/89 property namely: IN THE HIGH COURT OF ZIMBABWE “C^tain piece of land In extent 40,147 8 hectares, being In the matter between Karen Investments (Pvt.) Ltd., peti­ Subdivision 14 of Dunkirk, situate in the district of tioner, and James Stewart Craighead and Merilyn Corinthia Bulawayo.”; Craighead, respondents. was transferred to Albert William Hill. Harare,'Wednesday, the 15th day of February, 1989. All persons haying any objections to, or wishing to make Before the Honourable Mr. Justice Ebrahim. any representations in coimeXion with, the issue of such Mr. Aitken for the petitionea certified copy, are hereby required to lodge the same, in writing, at the Deeds Registry, Bulawayo, within 14 days WHEREUPON, after reading documents filed of record and of the date of publication of this notice.—S. M. Hill, c/o hearing Mr. Aitken, Webb, Low & Barry, legal practitioners, 16, Eijghth Avenue, Bulawayo. gfifilf IT IS ORDERED: That a rule nisi do issue, returnable to this honourable court sitting at Harare on Wednesday, the 15 day of March, 1989, LOST DEED OF TRANSFER calling upon the respondents and any other interested persons to shew cause, if any, why the Registrar of Deeds, at Harare, should not be authorized and directed to­ NOTICE is hereby given that we intmid to apply for a ll) cancel the endorsement registered over the property certified copy of Deed of Transfer 3571 /87, dated 22nd October, described herein and registered as Deeds Office Miscel­ 1987, made in favour of Musengi Zireva Chadzinya (born 8th laneous Agfeement No. M.A. 18/81; and June, 1950), whereby a certain piece of land, situate in the (ii) transfer to the petitioner, the immovable property known district of Bulawayo, called Stand 13 Waterford Township as Stand 117 Vainona Township of Vainona, held by the of Waterford, measuring 3 986 square metres, was conveyed. respondents under Deed of Transfer (No. 18/80). dated All persons claiming to have objections to the issue of such the 3rd January, 1980, and otherwise known as 20 Alpes copy are hereby required to lodge the same, in writing, within Road, Vainona. Harare. 14 days of the date of 'publication of this notice. That a copy of this rule be published in a Friday edition of Dated at Harare this 21st day of February, 1989.—Gollop The Herald, Harare, and the Government Gazette. & Blank, Ottoman House, Samora Machel Avenue, Harare, That this rule to »rved on the Re^strar of Deeds. applicant’s legal practitioners. 858If BY THE COURT. R. J. CHIMBARI, LOST DEED OF TRANSFER Deputy Registrar. D. W. Aitken & Co.. P.O. Box 3053. NOTICE is hereby given that I intend to ap^y for a Harare. certifi^ copy of Deed of Transfer (Registered No. 622/88), 86561 passed in favour of 'Raina Nisbet, on 4th February, 1988, whereby certain piece of land, situate in the district of Salisbury, called the Remainder of Subdivision B of Lot 1 ^ SHERIFF’S SALE of Lots 190, 191, 193, 194 and 195 H i^ a n d s Estate of Welmoed, measuring 4 009 square metres, was conveyed. In the matter between Bank of Credit and Commerce Zim­ babwe Limited, plaintiff, and Chipundo Timberlands and All persons having any objections to, or wishing to make Nelson Cliiadwa, defendant. any representations in connexion with, the issue of such copy, are hereby required to lodge the same, in writing, at the NOTICE is hereby given that the plan of distribution of the Deeds Registry, Harare, within 14 days from the date of purchase-money received from the sale of the under-mraitioned publication of this notice. property, which was sold in pursuance of an order of the High Court, will lie for inspection at my office for a period of 14 Dated at Harare this 3rd day of March, 1989.—Raina days from the date of publication of this notice. Nisbet, 13, BelfasHRoad, Emerald Hill, Harare. ^ 2 f Any person having an interest in the moceeds of the sale and objecting to the said plan of distribution may apply to the High Court to have it set aside or amended, after due notice Case HtC. 3607/88 to me and to other parties interested, stating the grounds for IN THE HIGH COURT OF ZIMBABWE such objection. In the matter of the prtition of Standard Chartered Finance Certain piece of land called Lot 68 of Longlands. Zimbabwe Ltd., petitioner, for the coinmilsory sequestration i If no objections are made to the plan within the time stated of the estate of Antiock Tonderayi Cboruma, respondent. ; in this notice, then I sail confirm the ifian. Harare, Wednesday, the 22nd day of February, 1989. F. S. CHAMBAKARE. Before the Honourable Mr. Justice Chidygusiku. Sheriff. Mr, Girach for the petitioner. The Sheriff’s (Mfice, Mapondera Buildii^, WHEREUPON, after reading documents filed of record and Samora Machel Avenue Central. hearing Mr. Girach, Harare. 8595f 200 ZiMBAKWBAN GOVBINMBNr CAZBItB, 3||]> MaICH, 1989


Sale of Movable Property Application for the Issue of a Part II Liquor Liceiice

NOTICE is hereby given, in terms of paragraph 1 of the NOTICE Is hereby given that an apidication, in terms of Second Schedule to the Agricultural Finance Coitmration Act section 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor [Chapier 101], that a sale by public auction of the un^r- Licensing Board, mrare, for the issue of a Club Liquor mentioned movable properties of Peter lacobus Ucence tn respect of premises situate at 'Rujeko Conunimity Stephanaus Potgieter, of Rudziwi and Kanenje farms, and Athol Centre, Mhizha Sreet, Masvingo, tracHng as Mupengula QiA, Field, of Minnehana Farm, Lomagundi, will be conducted by for Mimidpality Masvingo. Wingfield & Walker (Pvt.) Ltd. at the Wingfield Walker Auction Yard, 146, Commercial Street, Chinhoyi, on the 7th All persons who have any objections to the apjdication may April, 1989, at 10130 a.m. lodge their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of the 'Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, not later than the 17th March, P. J. C. S. POTGIETER 1989.—^Municipality of Masvingo, P.O. Box 17, Masvingo. Implements ■ 8558f 1 X 4-row IMCO planter. 1 X Duly maize sheller. LIQUOR ACT, 1984 2 x 5 ton 4-wheel trailer chassia 1 X 'l Slatter and maize sheller. Application for the Issue of a Part II Liquor Licence 1 X 3 000-litre water-cart (without whe^s). 1 X IMCO Rome harrow (broken). NOTICE is hereby given that an application, in terms of 1 X Duly Rome harrow. section 52 of the Liquor Act,, 1984, will be made to the Liquor 2 X 10 hp elecbic borehole motors. Licensing Board, Harare, for die issue of a Bottle Store liquor Assorted PVC piping. Licence in respect of premises situate at Lease Site CL 15714, Assorted sparea ChitoWa Business Centre, Nyaningwe District Council, trading as Mudyiwa Bottle Store,- for C^ M. Machube. 5 X ULVs. All persons who have any objections to the application may A. FIELD lodge their objections, in writmg,) with the S«mtaty M the Liquor licensing Board, Harare, not later than the 17th Mardi, Vehicles 1989.—C M. Machube, applicant. 8619f Datsun Pulsar (Reg. No. 387-844T). Landroyer (Diesel) (Reg. N a 2-5MT). 1 X 1 Honda 55 (in pieces). LIQUOR ACT, 1984 Tractors Application for the Issue of a Part H Liquor Licence 1 X 1624 International, engine No. 3136 316RJ. 1 X 188 M/F, engine No. 248 UA9 1291. NOTICE is h e r^ given that an application, in terms of 1 X M/F 35, engine Not. CL 1819231L. section 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor 1 X International 450 (non-runner). Licensing Board, Harare, for the issue of a Bottle Store Liquor Tractor spares. Licence in respisct of preimses situate at. Lease No. 35857, Insiza District Council, Filabusi, trading as Isilwane Bottle Trailers j Store, for Siziba, Ronald Smart 1 X 2-wheel wooden deck trailer. AH persons who have any objections to the application may 1 X 4-wheel trailer. lodge their objections, in writmg, with the Secretary of die Liquor Ucensmg Board, Harare, not later than me 17th Implements March, 1989.—Siziba, Ronald Smart Isilwane Bottle Store, 1 X 1 ridger, ^ngle row. P.O. Box 71, Filabusi. 8601f 2 X I potholer units. . 1 X 2-furrow Duly plough. LIQUOR ACT, 1984 I X 2-row John Deere planter. 1 X Duly slashers. Apidication for me Issue of a Part H Liquor Licence 1 X 270-litre b o o m sprayer. 1 X 2-tine ridger. N O TK E is hemby given that an apdication, in terms of section 52 of me Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor 1 X 1 BrUmmer water pump. Licensing Board, Harare, for the issue of a Beerhall L iq ^ r 2 X 1 Spring Balance scales. Licence m respect of premises situate at Lease Site No. 34886, Chionana Business C^tre, Marondera, trading as Chionana 1 X 1-row ripper. Beerhall, for Shambambe^, Cheremoto B e rn ^ . 1 3-section spike harrow. Ail persons who have any objections to me application may lodge meir objecticms. In writing, wim me Semtary of the X I cultivator tin«. Liquor Licmsing Board, Harare, not later than me 17th March, 1 X 380 V welder. 19W.—C. B. Shmbambeva, apidicant. 8600f 2 X ULVs. 2 X 1 800-litre water-carts. LIQUOR ACT, 1984 Workshop tools, assorted. Apidication for me Issue of a Part H Liquor Licence Conditions of scde 1. The highest accepted bidden to be the puicIsMm, and if None® is hereby given that an apidication, in terms of if any dispute arises at to any bid, the articles concnned to be put up again. section 52 of me Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor licensing Board, Harare, for the issue of a Beerhall Liquor 2. Immediately after the articles are declared sold, the Licence in reaped cf premises situate at Stand No. 1788 Vanad purchasers shall either pay to the auctioi»« the whole Mine, Mutorashanga, trading as^North I^ k e Mining Co- of the purchase-price, or produce to the auctioneer opentive Union Beerhall, for North Dyke Mining Co-opcrative evidence of other acceptable arrangonents, failing vdlicfa, Union. articles will be put up again at the risk of the&fanlter. All persons who have any objections to the application may .1. The articles to be sold voetiloots, and to be at the risk of lodge their objections, in writing, wim the S ^ e ta rv of me the purchaser from the time of the sale. Liquor Licensirig Board, Harare, not later than the 17tn March, Dated at Harare this 3rd day of March, 1989.—T. E. 1989.-—Norm Dyke Mining Cooperative Union, appUcant. Mutunhu. A.F.C. General Manager. 8676f 8569f

/ Z imbabwean G oveknment G azette, 3r d M arch, 1989 201

U Q U O R ACT, 1984 LIQUOR ACT, 1984

Applicatioh for Conditional Authority for the Issue of a Application- for the Issue of a Part II Liquor Licence Part IX Liquor liceiKe NOTICE is hereby given that an application, in terms of NOnCE is heieby givrai that an application, in terms of sectioii 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to die Liquor section S6 of the liq u o r Act, 1984, will b e made to the Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, for the issue of a Bar Liquor Licence licensing Board, Harare, for tlw imue of a Qub Liquor Licence in respect of premises situate at Lease No. 25761, Maraaganyika in respect of premises situate on 'Mkwasine Estate, , Business Centre, , trading as Chikutsu Bar, for an4 trading as lete dub. Elias Dumbarimwe. All persons who have any obiectioi» to the application may All persons who have any objections to the application may lodge their objections, in writmg, wWi the Seaetaiy of the lodge their objections, in writmg, with the Secretary a t fte Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, not later than the 17th March, Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, not later than the 17th March, 1989.—Cojghlan, Welsh and Guest, aw>licant’s legal practi- 1989.—E. Dumbarimwe, applicant. ' 8534f tioners, P.o! Box 53, Harare.______8596f


Application for the Issue of a Part II Liquor Licence Application for the Issue of a Part II Liquor Licence

NOTICE is hereby given that an applicalion, in terms of NOTICE is hereby given that an application, in terms of section 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor se^on 52 of fte Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, for the issue of a Restaurant (Special) Licensing Board, Harare, for the issue of a Bottle Store Liquor Licence in respect of pronises situt^ at Stand 993, Liquor Licemce, in respe^ of premises situate at T.T. 26228, Machipisa Shopping ^ntre, Highfleld, trading as Manjoro Dindimutiwi Business Centre, Sebimgwe Communal Land, Restaurant, for Mandiho John Athwnas Manjoro. Gokwe District, trading as Chiyanike Bottle Store, for Britto All persons who have any objections to the application may Muzondida Chiyanike. lodge their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of the Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, not later Btan the 17th All persons who have any objections to the application may March, 1989.—Gollop & Blank, Ninth Floor, Ottoman House, lodge their objections, in writing, with the SeCTetaiy of the Samora Avenue, Harare. 8625f Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, not later than the 17th March, 1989.—Mr. B. M. Chiyanike, Dindimutiwi Business Centre, P.O. Box 877, Kadoma, applicant 8675f LIQUOR ACT, 1984 LIQUOR ACT, 1984 Application for the Issue of a Past II Liquor Licence Application for Transfer of a Part II Liquor Licence NOTICE is her^y given that an apjdication, in terms of section 52 of the Liquor Act, 1^84, will be made to the Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, for tbe issue of a Bottle NOTICE is hereby given that an application, in tenns of Liquor Licence in resect of premises situate at Muehapondwa section 57 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Business Centre, Bindura, trading as Your Store, for Mr. Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, for the transfer of a Bottle Kenneth Chinhaire. Store Liquor Licence in respect of premises situate at All persons who have any objections to the application may Business Centre, Mwenezi, trading as Gumunyu lodge their objections, in writing, with the Srcretary of the Bottle Store, from Rosa Rosina Muzenda, to Felix Muzmda. Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, not later than the I7th Mardi, 1989.^—Coghlan, Welsh & Guest, applicant’s legal practi­ All persons who have any objections to the application may tioners, P.O. Box 53, Harare. 8553f lodge their objections, in writing, with fte S enary of the Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, not later than the 17th March, 1989.—Felix Muzenda, applicant. 8659f LIQUOR ACT, 1984 ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATE Application for the Issue of a Part II Liquor Licence

In fte estate of the late Frank Hopwood, who died NOTICE is hereby given that an application, in terms of in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, on the 25th October, 1988. sTOtion 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, for the issue of a Bottle Liquor NOTICE is hereby given that Michael Stewart Hopwood Licence in respect of the prem i^ situate at Dhhunini, Tsholo- and Richard Charles Otto Spearman, the duly appointed tsho District, trading as Dhlamini Bottle Store, far Tsholotsho executors in the estate of the late Frank Hopwood, intend to District Council. apply to the Assistant Master of the EU ^ Court of Zimbabwe, All persona ^ o have any objections to the application may at Bulawayo, for the countersignature of letters of executorship Ir^ge their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of &e issued by the Master of the Supreme Court, Pietermaritzburg, Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, not later than 17ft March, South Africa, on the I6ft January, 1989. 1989.—James Moyo-Majwabu & Nyoni, applicant’s legal practi­ All persons having any objections to fte countersignature tioners, P.O. Box 1972, Bulawayo. 8520f of su<£ letters of executorship or being in poesenion of assets or having any claims agaiiBt the estate are required to provide LIQUOR ACT, 1984 details of such objections, ass^ or clakns to the undersigned or to the Assistant Master of fte High Court, Bulawayo, on or before fte 2nd April, 1989. Application for the Issue of a Part II Liquor fcicmice Dated at Bulawayo this 3rd day of Match, 1989.—National Executor and Trust (Pvt.) Limited, agents for the executors, NOTICE is hereby given that an application, in terms of P.O. Box 132, Bulawayo. 8573f section 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, for the issue of a Bottle Liquor LiceiKe in respect of premises situate at Stand 59, Mushandike GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Resettlement Scheme, , trading as Lsry^Bye Gardens Bottle Store, for Alfred Nhmna. Public Holidays: Early Closing for the Receipt of Copy All persons who have any objections to the application may lodge their objections, in writing, with tite Swretary of the Liquor LiceiMing Board, Harare, not later than the 17th March, IT is hereby notified, for general information, that, owing 1989.—Alfred Nhema, U.Z. Department of Political and to the advent of Good Friday on the 24th March, 1989, and Administrative Studies, P.O. Box M P167, Mt. Pleasant, Harare. of Easter Monday on the 27th March, 1989, the following 8527f will apply— 202 Zimbabwean Govbknment G axbttb , 3*p Mabci^ 1989

(a) to the Gazette to be published on Friday, 6. Notwifastanding anything to the contrary contained in the Mar^, 1989, all copy must reach the Depart- tnese conditions, any copy— meiit or Printing and Stationery not later ttan 11 a.m. oh Friday, the 17th March, 1989; and (a) whitfa is of natitmal Importanoe, and whkh is (b) w th regwd to the Gazette to be published on Friday, originated as a matter of urgent necessity, may by pnor arrangement, be accepted late for tte current the 31st March, 1989, all copy must reach the depart­ week; ment not later than 11 a.m. on Wednesday, the 22nd March, 1989. (b) may, due to shortage of staff or to technical consideration, be delayed until conditions permit L. C. TAKAWIRA, its processing. T- , Editor. Department of Printing and Stationery 7- Copy must not be submitted as part of a letter or a rMuiiition. It murt appear on a separate eheet of paper, on Ep»n S « « ), whteii there is fio ixutruction ot oth^ extraneous matter. 8. (1) fa cases where notices have to be published in GOVERNMENT GAZETTE tabulM form, copy must be drafted exactly as it « tq appear. If prfated forms for any «ich notices are unava&ble, advertisers must prepare their own forms. While it is not Conditions for Acceptance of Copy necessary to include the preamble, the box-headings must be there, and, where aprticable, the number of the form; for example, “Insolvency Regulations—Form 3". w iu lS ’iJ lfS ‘he following conditions eopy. and no responsibility can (2) la the case of copy for tabular notices, the provision fa SuS mnv should affect any date contained of subsection (2) of section 3 does not apply. m ^ c h copy or any requirement of publication on a spei^c . ^ advertisements, whethw sent by post or artivered_ w hand, must be accompanied by a requisition or foUow fat a letter which clearly sets out— (a) ^efcs^t^ons Relating to the Drafting and IVpfag of (a) fae name and address of the advertiser; and Legislation (Attomey-Gmeral's Circular 1 of 1978); and (b) fae debtor’s code-number, if any; and (b) the Manual of Style for the Drafting and Preparation (c) fae required date or dates iff publication. StetfoS’r/ Depait^t of Printing and ® typographical error occurs'in the Gazette it is which two booklets are intended for complemental use. rmified as soon ire possible by a correcting notice without charge to the ministry or department concerned, subject to com °Jher than where a particular kind of fae follovring conditions— ^ p y ineans OTmr for all matter contained (a) that such error is reported to fae editor within fliroe supiffemente to the “ months from the date of publication; and ty^ing^lSted^ a^angement, only original (b) that fae relevant copy, upon re-examination, is' proved to be abundantly clear; and Carhon-ropi« are not normally acceptable, other than (c) tiiat fae correction of such error is legally necessary; where the original typing has to be legally retained, elsewhere, as, for example, in the case of a proclamation. .. S draftog error is not detected before publication, (3) (famputer print-outs are not accepted automatically, the originating ministry or department is required to draft its as discussion may be necessary with regard to the extra time own corre^g notice, take it to fae Attorney-General for and costs mvolved. vettmg, and pay for sudi notice to be published. JeS'Me, and there must (3) For fae r^oval of doubt— be double or one and a half spacing between the Mn>« (a) a typogia|faical error is made by a typographer; -^tiy Mrrrations or alterations made by the originator must be clearly effect in blue or black ink, using emtorial (b) a typist’s error is classed as a drafting error by marks—not proof reader’s marks: * r ^ o n of fae fact that the officer responsible for drafting failed to check fae typist’s work. be^ecl^ *** containing extensive alterations will

pa^r^^^ ^P y appear on one side only of each sheet of GOVERNMENT GAZETTE

(2) Except as is iirovided in subsection (2) of section 8, Submission of Copy for Application for fae Issue of paper must not exceed 210 millimetres in width. Liquor Licences (3) If copy comprises two or more sheets of paper, all sheets must Ire numbered consecutively, in arabic figures, preferably m the top right-hand corner. IT IS hereby notified, for general information, that thie to an incrrare m the number of applicants, throughtiut fae country, (4) Where any matter is added after the copy has been for Liquor Licences and the subsequent publication in the IM{«red, and racm additional matter results in one or more Gazette, applicants are advised to ensure that their copy has sheeU being imerted between those already numbered, bera accroted prior to fixing dates for simultaireous publication all sheets inust be renumbered from there onwards—not, for in both fae Gazette and any newspaper in fae country. instance, 7, 7a, 7b, 8, et cetera. While every effort will be made to take in what we can in 4. PhotograAic copy or copy produced on a duplicating- the weekly issue, in respect of applications for Liquor Licences machrne may be accepted if it is abundantly clear. £ responsibility will bo accepted by the Department of 5. (1) Should any copy-— Prmting aivd Stationery if— (a) exceed 10 pages of double-spaced typing on size A4 (a) copy is automatically held over for insertion in fae paper; or Gazette of fae followmg week; and (b) contain tabular or other matter which involve comi^icated 6etting; (b) the dates rantained in such copy, or any requirements of publication on specific dates are affected; ‘‘ 85 “lengthy” copy, and will be required to be submtted not Im than 21 days btfore the date of closing for because the production of the weekly issue of fae Gazette the Gazette in which it is to be published. operates to a tight schedule resulting in programming printing work-flow. (2) Lengthy copy may be accepted ait less than 21 days’ notice if— ^ (a) the work involved is of a straight forward and non- L. C TAKAWIRA, tabular nature; and (Editor). Department of Printing and Stationery, fb> fao tofal volume of work in hand for the time Gordon Avenue (between Sixth Street and Epton Street) being permits its acceptance. Harare (P.O. Box 8062, Causeway). Z imbabwean G overnment G azbtie , 3r d M arch, 1989 203

GOVERNMENT GAZETIE GOVERNMENT PUBUCATIONS ON SALE (as available at time of ordering) Submission of Copy for Govomment Gazette Statutory Instruments and Notices THE following publications are obtainable from the Govern­ ment Publications Office, Cecil House, 95, Stanley Avenue, Harare ff.O. Box 8062, Causeway), or from the Government IT is hereby notified, for gmeral infbrnution, that it is Publication Office, 101b , Main Street, Bulawayo (P.O. Box 211, necessary to draw attention to the “O)nditions for Acceptance of Copy”, which ap p em in every issue of the Bulawayo), a t‘ the prices specified opposite thereto. Gazette; and particularly the n ^ to submit lengthy copy, s in the case of Statutory Instruments, at leMt 21 «£tys before the date of closing for the Gazette in which the notice is to be Agro-econoniic survey of Central Midlandi . . < ...... 2.00 pihlished. An Introduction to L a w ...... 3,00 Annual Economic Review o f Z lm b a b ^ 1986 ...... 3,00 During the past few months or so there have been many cases where urgent copy for subsidiary legislation, which Brands dire^ory, 1974 (consolidated e d itio n ) ...... 12,00 requires the signature of the President or a minister to give Brands directory, 1975 ...... 4,00 it effect, and wfaidi is of national importance, has been sent Brands directory, 1976 ...... 4,00 in for publication in the Gazette after dosiM-time. Whilst Brands directory, 1977 ...... 4,00 i MknowIedge ffiat it is ffie duty of the Department of Printing and Stationery to give certain notices special treat­ Brandi directory, 1979 ...... 4,00 ment, I am, however, of the view that a Gazette Extraordinary 'Cistalogue of banned books, periodicals, records, etc., from 1st Decemb^, has tended to be a must rather than a matter of prioriy in 1967, to 31st December, 1980 . 1,00 respect of imwarranted delays of urgent copy. Common veld grasses of Rhodesia (second e d itio n ) ...... 2,00 While eve^ effort will cxmtinue to be ’made to publish Commission of Inquiry into taxation . , ...... 5,50 Extraordinaries on the required dates, copy must be submitted Commission of inquiry into termination of pregnancy, 1976 .... 0,50 timeoudly so that it can be programmed into the printing Conservation—a guide book for te a c h e rs ...... 1,00 work-flow as soon as it is available. Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act [Chapter 59] (as amended at the 31st December, 1976) .... 1,50 L. C. TAKAWIRA, (Editor). Customs Valuation and Containerisation G u id e ...... 4,00 Draortment of Printing and Stationery, Firat Five-Year National Development Plan 1986-1990, Volume I (April, Gordcm Avenue (between Sixth Street and Epton Street), 1986) ...... 10,00 Harare (P.O. Box 8062, Causeway). Five-year plan: three complementary books— Proposals for a filve*year programiTie of development in the public sector 3,00 Integrated plan for rural development ...... 2,00 GOVERNMENT GAZETIB Urban development in the main c e n tre s ...... 1,00 Flora xambesiaeot volume I, part I ...... :;^70 Authorimd Scale of Charges, Times of Qosmg and Flora xambesiaca, volume part I I ...... 2,70 Subscription Rate as frmn 1st 'Jtdy. 1986 Flora xambesiaca, volume II, part I .... 3,20 Flora xambesiaca, nnppkm tni...... 1,50 Charges Greater Salisbury report, local authority com m ission ...... 3,00 NOTICES published in the normal colunms: S4 per centi­ Government Gazette (annual subscription rate)...... 20,00 metre or part thereof single column. Taking the depth of such Government OaTette (individual copies)...... 0,40 matter, normaUy spaced, approximatdy 25 words occupy one centimetre; but thu can only be a rou^ glide, as a heading Income Tax Act [Chapter 181] as amended at the 31st October, 1986 3,00 may occupy two centimetres, and certain notices unavoidably Index to the legislation in force in Zimbabwe onShc 1st January, 1981 . 3,50 contain white space, which must be included in die chargeable Instant statute case law ...... 8,00 depth. Kirkia, journal of the National Herbarium, Salisbury, 1960-61, Volume I 3,00 Notices which have to appear in tabular form across the Kirkia, 1961-6^, volume 2 ...... 3,00 full width iff the page, sudi as lost insurance policies, deceased Ki^kia, 1962-63, volume 3 ...... 3,00 estates, 'insolvent eshities, company liquidation, notices in terms Kirkia, 1963-64, volume 4 ...... 3,00 of the Insolvency Act [Chapter 303], changes of companies’ names, et cetera: $10 per entry. Kirkia, volume 5, parts 1 and 11, per p a r t ...... 1,50 if/rkla, volume 6, purU 1 and 11, per p a rt 1 , |,S0 Except in the case of approved accounts, remittances must accompany idl copy of advertisements. Failing this, copy will Kirkia, volume 7, parts I and II, per p a r t \ . 1,50 be xetumM with an assessment of charges. iTirkia, volume 8, parts I and n, per p a r t ...... 1,50 Kirkia, volume 9, parts I and U, per p a r t ...... ^1*50 Times of closing Kirkia, volume 10, parts T and II, per p a r t ...... t^O The Gazette closes for the receipt of copy for all notices to Jir/rkla, volume l i , part I ...... u50 be published in the normid colunms, and for statutory instruments, at 11 a.m. on the Monday preceding the Friday Kirkia, volume 11, part I I ...... 15,00 of publication. Kirkia, volume 12, part I ...... J 5.00 Copy for all notices to be set fin tabular form must be Labour and Economy: Report of the National Trade Unions Surveys, receivM by 11 am on the Friday preceding the Friday of Zimbabw, 1984: Volume o n e ...... 10,00 publication. . x Let’s build Zimbabwe together—Zimcord Conference documentations 5,00 Any copy which is received after the respective dosing- Manual of River and Lakem anship ...... 5,(H) times witl automatically be held oyer for insertion in the Model Building By-laws, 1977 ...... 5,00 Gazette of the following week, in which case no responsibiliW National Manpower Survey, 1981: Volume I ...... 10,00 can be accepted if the purport of the notice is hereby nullified. National Manpower Survej, 1981: Volume I f ...... 5,00 When public holidays occur, the normal closing-times are National Manpower Survey, 1981: Volume I I I ...... 10,00 varied, and such variations are notified in the Gazette in National Railways of Zimbabwe. Report of the Committee of Inquiry advance. into Parastatals ...... 5,00 AM copy must be addressed to the Department of Printing Parliamentary debates/House of Assembly) (annual subscription rate) . 2,00 an Stationery, and either posted to P.O. Box 8062, Causeway, Parliamentary debates (The Senate) (annual subscription rate) . . . 2,00 or delivered direct to the department, in Gordon Avenue ateiit and Trade Marks Journal (annual subscription rate) .... 6,00 (between Sixth Street and Epton Street), Harare. Envelopes atent and Trade Marks Journal (individual copies)...... 0,20 should be marked: Gazette copy—urgent. Population ftx>jections o f Zimbabwe: 1982 to 1983 ...... 2,00 Regular advertisers and subscribers are requested to advise Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Agricultural Industry immmiUdy of any diange of address. (soft c o v e r) ...... 5,00 Subscription rate Rhod^ia subsidiary legislation, 1970 (four parts), per set ..... 6,30 The annmd subscription rate for the Gazette is Z$20, pay­ Rhodesia subsidlaiy legislation, 197! (five parts) ptT p art ...... 1,60 able, in advance, to the Controller of Printing and Stationery, or, per s e t ...... 6,30 ami nuy commence with the first issue of any month. Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1972 (seven parts), per part .... 7,50 204 Zn«A*«*M GovEHMENr GA*BTra, 3«o Ma k h , 19*9

t Rliod«taiuMdiuyh(Uui<».lS73»ma|wtti),|Mr|)M . . . . 7^ Statnla law of Rhodaaia and Zbhbabwe, Daeambar, 1979, to Dacanfbar. Rl»d«i«iaMdiU7btWiition,im(B««p«tti),I»ri«it. . . 7, » 19*0 (aoft c o w ) ...... 4.50 IU>pMtwl)iUiKyl«UMk«.l»7SWwp«tiXl>»p^ . . . *. 7.50 Statuta law ofZlmbabm, Ontea, Ordlnancaa and Acl»-~Dtcaa>bar, KlM tebnl«ldta7h(hlM ioa,I97«(diipwti).p«-pu< ...... 7^ to Daeambar, 1980-r4UlMioiirtd, buckram ...... 10,00 KhodaitnbMiaryfatWiition, 1977 (fogrp«t<),ptr met .... 740 Statuta law o f Zhnbabwa, 1982, quartarvboimd, hard cover 5,% Wiow p u t .... 7,50 8kattrtalawofRirttbab««, 1984, qnartarvbomrl, haadCBvar . . 3.30 Rhodwlan law npoiti, 1970, part 1 an4 part 2, par p a r t ...... 4,20 Statuta law o f Zimbabwe, 1985, quartac-boimd. hard covtr . . 3.50 Rhadaaiaii Uw rtporta, 1971, part 1 and part 2, par p a r t ...... 4,20 Statutory Inatmmanta, 1980 (Eva p an t), par p a r t ...... 7.30 Rhodasiaa law raporta, 1972, part 1 and part 2, par part ..... 4,20 Statutory batrunianta, 1981 (fbnr partaX par p a r t ...... 7.50 Rbodaaian law reporti, 1973, part la n d ^ . 2, par p a r t ...... 4,20 Ttanaltlaiial National DaveleptBaat Han, 1982/83-1984^5: Vblitma 1 1040 Rhodoianl aw raporta, 1974, part l and part 2, par p a r t ...... 4,20 Tranaitional National Davelppmant Plan, 1982/83-1984/85 ; Volume 2 5 4 0 Rhedeaian law raporta, 1975, part 1 and part 2, par p a r t ...... 4 4 O Zimbabwe law raporta, 1980— Rkodaaian law raporta, 1976, part la n d part 2, par p a r t ...... 4 4 O fuH-beund, hard cover 10,00 aoft cover .... Rkadaaiaralaw raporta, 1977, part 1 and part 2, pM p a r t ...... 4 4 O 9.00 Rhodaaian law raporta, 1978 ...... 9_00 Zlmbabiva law r^ ita , 1981- Rkodaaian law raporta, 1979 ...... ftiH-boimd, bnckram . IROO RutoaandprtMtioaortkaOaaaralDiaiaionortliaH^Cofitt, 1971'. d'oo toft cover . . . . 9,00 Soido-B(»nomicRaviaw, 1980-19*5 (22nibabwa) I2I00 Statiatlcal Y aartnok ofZimbabwa, 1987 ...... lOOO Zimbabwe law reporta, 1982, part I— Stattita law o f Rhodaaia, 1975; 1976; 1977; 1978— ftill-boimd, buckram ...... 10,00 nill-bonnd, bnckram ...... 00 a o f t c o v e r ...... quartar.bound, hard cover ...... 4 50 4 4 0 aoft c o v e r ...... 5*50 Zimbabwe law reporta, 1982 IPart 2] (aoft cover) ...... 4 4 0 Statute law of Zimbabwe Rhodaaia, 1979— ’ Zfanbabwe law reporta, 1983 (Part 1] (aoft cover) ...... 10,00 full-bound, buckram ...... 00 Zimbabwe law reporta, 1983 [Part 2J froft cover) ...... 10.00 quarter-bound, bard cover ...... 9 50 Zimbabwe law reporta, 1984 (aoft co v e r)...... 4,20 aoft cover 8,50 Zimbabwe Rhodaaia aubaldbrry legialatlon, 1979 (four parta), per part 7,50

i f , rv. notices TO C ^ IT O R S AND DEBTORS (purauant to aactiona 44 and 67 of the Adminlatratlon of Eatatea Act (CAwrer JOf 1) A l l peraons having claima agalnat the undar-niatttloned eatatea are required to lodge them in detail with the eveei.ter . “ Ilr atated parioda, calculated from the data of publication hoeof, and thoae Indebted th e ^ m " repreaanutiva concamed within the by them within the aama period, «•» “ »unta -u* "" — Mail.Ce 7 Number Date Wfthin of Name and deacripckm of estate of Name and addrese of executor or rffireeeiileiii ■ death period of

45/89 A. C. Fitzgerald . . . 29.12.88 30 days 1322/88 Ellen Tendal Hamufari Phiri C .F iugem U , P.O. Box 2982, Hnrntw. g4ggf 30.4.88 30 days Paul DaudI Phiri, Manicn Po«, P.O. Box 960, 8S05f Miitare. 1744/88 Wiltiam Rdaenfeld 25.8.8 30 days ^ 5 2 / 8 9 Peter Sykes . . Cooperx ft Lybnmd, P.O. Box 702, Htmre. gSlOf 31 days L. E. \^cma*k. Accounting St Bxncutor Servicm 8518T 47/89 Robert Ian M cL eod ...... (Pvt.) Dtd., P.O. Box 2282, Hxrxra. 30 days G. E. Hein (executor), 249, Siunora hbchel Ave- 8528f hue West, Harare. 32/89 Tirayi Sydney Terera (Nyamatandadza) . . 25.12.87 30 days* B. C. Terera, StandNo. 4922, New Canaan, Hifli- 8535f field. 887/88 Rangisayi Sylvesta M a k o ra ...... 14.7.86 30 days TlMiQas Makora, 36, Caroline Cele, Mbare, 8536f Harare. 156/89 Patricia Mercia S m ith ...... 12.1.89 30 days G. M. Oosland, Atberstone & Cook, P.O. Box 8544f 1361/88 2625, Harare. Isaac Bikwa . . 11.9.88 30 days 1747/88 George Irving . . GoUop * BUnk, P.O. Box 262, Hanue. 8552f 16.10.88 30 days 1754/88 F. M. F. I^ipanodya D. R. Omater, P.O. Box 3374, Haran. 8559f 11. 12,88 30 days A. C. a Pm^anodya, 77A/199, Mahrem Road, 8566f W^rftUb, Harare. 1317/88 Agnm Aitken Smith . . . 15.8.88 30 days R. O. Smith, c/o Winterton, Holmes ft Hill, 85T2f P.O. Box 452, Harare. 52/89 Theresa D uieis ...... 11.9.88 30 days O. F. Griffiths, P.O. Box 6, Harare.

EDICTS: SELECnON OP EXECUTORS, TUTORS AND CURATORS DATIVE Onmnant to wctioiu 2C. 73 and H) orOw Admbilitration ofBitatM Act {CSvMr J9/D N o n a ta hmby ghwi that tho aatatei of tha imdenaantioiwd decsaaad panoiu, mioots or penoni whon whambouu a n unknowti, a n untopmanlad, aatd that tha naxt of Un. endjton or othar paraoni conceniad a n raquind to attand on tha dates and at tha timas and p itn t apactSad, tor tha wlaction o f an axecutor tutor o r curator dative, as tha case may ha. Maatiiws in H aran will ba held baton tha Master; in Bulawayo bafon the Assistant Master: and alaewhan baton the District Administntor. M.H.C. 25

Number Time of meeting of Name and d ^ ^ p tio n o f Mtate Place^ of meeting For selection of •sute Date Hour

B.T5/89 Ronald Morgan Rmd, of B u la w a y o ...... 10.3.89 10 a.m. Bulawayo 8496f B.87/89 Rose Kathleen Turner, of Graaff-Reinet, South Africa . . 17.3.89 10 a.ffl. Bulawayo 8S43f B.77/89 Elphw Mkwananzi, of H w a n g e ...... 8.3.89 10 a.m. Buhiwayo 8575f 998/88 Alexander Nicold Donaldson Black, of Harare .... 8.3.89 10.35 a.m. Harare 8582f 223/89 Gunson Stephenson, of H a r a r e ...... 8.3.89 10a.ro. Harare 8583f 227/89 Marcelle Zelle Meintju, of Harare...... 8.3.89 10.05 a.m. Harare 8584f 1731/88 V oa l^izabeth Christina Alexander, of Harare .... 8.3.89 10.10 a.m. Harare 8585f 1691/88 Arthur Mhlanga, of C hitungw lza...... 8.3.89 10.15 a.m. Harare 8586f 187/89 David)Guy Harpur, of Qiinhoyi ...... 8.3.89 10.20 a.m. Harare 8587f 122/89 Robot Hedgea Eyre White, o f Mazowe 8.3.89 10.25 a.m. Harare 8588f 232/89 Elijah HatinuamiBvepfepfe,!^ Harare ...... 8.3.89 10.30 a.m. Harare 8589f 225/89 Chikati Merida Makamure, of Harare...... 29.3.89 10 a.m. Harare 8590f 195/89 Deilys Anne Ardiibald, of H arare...... 29.3.89 10.05 a.m. Harare 859lf 218/89 Davison Mandishonha Gwena, of Gwena Village . . 10.3.89 2 p.m. Marondera 8592f 53/89 MoSht Titterton, of E u tv a le ...... 14.3.89 9 a.m. Muvingo 8393f 159/89 Kalimu Mukwapatira, of M u ta r e ...... 10.3.89^ 2 p.m. Executor dative. 8S94f

NOTICES OF UQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS LYING FOR INSPECTION (pursuant td section 53 of the Administration of Estates Act ICAcpNr dOf ]) N o n a is hereby given that copses of liquidation and distribution accounts in the under-mentioned estates wiii be open for the inspeetkm of aU persons intensted thenin for a period of 21 days (or kmger if stated) Horn the dates spedfied, or from the date o f publication hereof, whichever may be the later. Accounts will lie ftw inapection at the offices specafiad bdow. Objections to an account shouid be lodged with the Master, Haran, or the Assistaat Maner, Bulawayo, as the case may be. Should no objections be lodged to the account during the period of inspection, the executor concerned will proceed to make paymenU in accordance there- M JL C 28

Number Date Description of Neme end deicription of estate , of Office of the etUtte period account

B.487/88 Herbert Hugh Kenneth McFerrier 21 days First and Final Assistant Master of the High Court, 8498f Bulawayo. B.165/88 Kenneth Lorraine Jackson, of Kwekwe . . 21 days First and Final Assistant Master of the High Court, 8500f Liquidation and Bulawayo, and Magbtrate, Kwe« Distribution Account kwe. B.71/88 Robert Amot McDermott, of RedcHff . . 21 days First and Final Assistant Master of the High Court, 8501f liquidation and Bulawayo, and Mi^istrate, Kwe> Distribution Account kwe. 1375/88 Owen Trevannion S te p h e n s ...... 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 8514f Liquidation and Distribution Account 690/88 Chu Yao Chung...... 21 days Finn and Final of the High Court, Harare. 8515f Liquidation and Distribution Account 1373/88 Johanna Christina Quinnell .... 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 8517f Liquidation and Distribution Account 212/88 John Henry Ackhunt ...... 2i days First «td Final Master of the High Court, Harare, 8526f Administration and and MagiMrate, Kwekwe. Distributkm Account 543/88 Jean Somerset Durand B otha ...... 21 days First and Final Master of the Hi|d» Court, Harare. 8529f B.382/88 Kathleen Edith Dolan 21 days First and Final Assistant Master of the High Court, 8504f Bulawayo. B.434/88 Muriel Reichert, of Bulawayo .... 21 days First and Final Assistant Masbtr of the H i^ Court, 8509f Liquidation and Bulawayo. Distribution. Account 1641/87 P. J. Mudimu ...... 21 days ^ First and Final M uter of the High Court, Harare. 8487f 664/88 Fresha Chimwendo...... 21 days First lUid Final Master of the High Court, Htirare. 8497f Adqiinistration and Dktribution Account 1167/88 Audrey Efeajior Mary Maitland Harty . . 21 days First and Final M uter of the High Court, Harare. 8556f Liqiiidatton and Distribution Account 620/88 James Zenge S e c u rity ...... 2 1 days First vid Final Muter of the High Court, Harare. 8567f 133/88 M. C. Stu^N rta...... 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 8568f Liquidation and and Magistrate, . Distribution Accotmt )264/88 Rudo Lydia N y a m u s w a ...... 21 days First and Final M uter of the High Court, Harare. 8570f Liquidation vid Distribution Account 758/88 George Abinara Muiyonga .... 21 days First and Final Master of the H i^ Court, Harare. 8571f Liquidatoin and Distribution Account 206 Z imbabwean G overnment G azette, 3r p M arch, 1989

Number Date Description of Name and description of estate or of Office of the period account 1

378/88 Ada Elizabeth Cordon . . . . . 21 da)^ First and Fmal Maiear of the High Court, Harue. 8576f liquidation and Distribution Account B. 147/88 Douglas Francis Volkwyn .... 21 days Pint and Final Assistant Master of the High Court, 8577f Liquidation and Bulawayo, and Magistrate, Oweru. Distribution Account m/Bs babelle Hopkins ^ . . . 21 days First uid Final Master of the H i^ Court, Harare. 8578f Liquidation and Distribution A ^ u n t B.2»/88 Nonnan Clifton Dawes^. of Bulawayo 21 days First and Pinal Assistant Master of the High Court, 8605f Liquidation and Bulaamyo. Distribution Account l_l,B.351/88 Andrew^'George Christian Winterboer 21 days First and Final Assistant Master of the High Court, 8609f Liquidation and Bulawayo. Distribution Account 307/88 Louise Margaret Hicks . . 21 days First and Final Master of the Hifd^ Court, Harare. 8616f 1013/88 Petronella Margaret McRierson 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 8618f Liquidation and Distribution Account 947/86 Pinias Nyambi 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare, sk llf 944/87 Harry Qifton 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 8624f Liquidation and Distribution Account 14/88 Dennis Alan K u h n ...... 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare, 8630f Liquidation and and Magistrate, Chinhoyi. Distribution Account 828/88 Yvonne Beryl Sym m onds...... 21 days Pint and Final Master of the High Court, Harare, 8631f and Provincial Magistrate, Mutare. B. 109/88 R^inald Koekmnoer ...... 21 days First and Final Assistant Master of the High Court, 8632f Bulawg)^. 783/88 Margaret Adele BarkM*...... 21 days First and Finai Master of the High Court, Harare, 8633f and Magistrate, Mutare. 1404/88 Alice Muriel Tighe, of H araie...... 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Hamre. 863^ Liquidation and Distribution Account 1448/88 Norah Mary Stokes, of Glendale...... 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 8635f Liquidation and Distribution Account 1616/88 Robert Lester Pratt, of Transvaal, South Africa 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 8636f Liquidation and Distribution Account' 1212/88 Andreas Johannes Pienaar ...... 21 days First and Final Master of the } ^ h Court, Harare, 8641f and Magistrate, Mutare. 601/88 David William Law ley...... 21 days First and Final M uter of the High Court, Harare. 8643f Uguidation and Distribution Account

COMPANY UQUIDAT10N NOTICES (pursuant to subsection (1) of section 193, subsection (4) of section 194, section 195 or subsection (I) of sectk>n 236 of the Compeniea Act [Ckapttr /POD Nonce is hereby glvm that a meeting of creditors and/or contributories will be held In the liquidations mentioned b(dow on the datoi and at the times and places for the purposes set forth Coiapatties Act, LiqBitbtfos»->Fonn 7

Whether meeting of creditors Day.dati and hour af meeting Number Name of company and/or Place of meeting Purpose of meeting contributories Day Date Hour

1/88 Geoneln Mining and Construc­ Meeting of Wed. 15.3.89 8.33 a.m. H i^ &3urt, Harm-e Proof of claims. 8490f tion Engineers (Pvt.) Ltd. creditors B.2/88 Deshock Enterprises (Pvt.) Ltd. Creditors Wed. 15.3.89 9 a.m. High Court, Bulawayo Proof of claims. 86l4f

COMPANY LIQUIDATION NOTICES (pursuant to section 254 of the Con^nuiies Act [CAqpfer /90]) Notice is hereby given that the liquidation accounts and plant of distribution in the liquidations mentioned fadow wlQ lie open at the ofAccai mentioned for a period of 14 days, or such longer period as is stated, from the date mentioned of from the date of publication hereof, whidiever may be later, for in^tection by creditors. C o i^aies Act^ Liqaiditioa—Form 9

Date from Period for Number Ntune of company Description Office at which account whidh acooum whkfa account of account will lie open wiU Ue open will las <9 ea

27/83 M. & D. Enterprises (Pvt.) Ltd. ; ...... Eleventh Interim High Coui I, Harare 3.3.89 14 days. 8491 f Liquidation and Distribution Account Z imbabwean G ovehnment G azette, 3r d M arch. 1989 207

COMPANY LIQUIDATION NOTICES (punuuit to lubtecUon (1) o f Mction 198 o f tha Com puiin Act lOiapler / » ] ) NonCE i» hereby given that *11 tha anati o f tha companlaa mantionad below have bean realiiad, a final dividand (if any) haa bean distributed to creditora, and. whan applicabia, tha right! o f contribntorias have bean adjiutad among fbannalvas. and a final return (if any) hai bean made to oonttibutoriaC'ICiSbrdingly, it ii tha intmtion of th^ liquidator to apply to the hlaitar of tha High Court for hianiaaia after not lau than thna waakt have alapiad from tha date of publication of thit notice. In cc.^^idaring nich applicatioa, tha Maitar, who may aithar grant or withhold the' ralaaaa, will take into coniidaration any objection lodged with him by any creditor, comributory or other parson intaraatad. Companiaa Act. Liouidation-Form 12

Date of Numfaor Name oS company Date of confirmation of Name and address of liquidator liquidation final account

, 35/83 Lincoln Investments (Pvt.) Ltd...... 26.9.83 7.3.85 Michael Harvey Field, Coopers Sc Lybrand, P.O. Box 852!f 702, Harare. 153/75 Rhoprops Ltd. . . . ; ...... 11.12.75 11.7.86 Michael Harvey Field, Coopers & Lybrand, P.O. Box 8522f 702, Harare. 21/86 M. & N. Farm (P\'t.) Ltd...... 27.8.86 18.7.88 Michael Harvey Field, Coopers & Lybrand, P.O. Box 8523f 702, Hanue. 2/85 Intertricot (Pvt.) Ltd...... 16.1.85 14.12.87 Michael Harvey Field, Coopers & Lybrand, P.O. Box 8524f 702, Harare.

INSOLVENCY ACT [CHAPTER 303] Notice of Intention to Alienate u Business or the Goodwili of a Business or any Goods or Property Forming Part of a Business, Otherwise than in the Ordinaty Course of the Business

NOTICE is hereby given, in terms of section 49 of the Insolvency Act [Cluster 303], that each of the under-mentioned person proposes to alienate— (a) his business; or « ■ (b) the goodwiil of his business; or

Full name o f person Date from which alienation Name and address of htchiding style of business Situation of business Particulars of proposed alienation takes effect person iiuerting notice

Eric Charles Copcutt, trading as 5, Lychgate Road, Glen Sale of business to Gary Neil Jacobs 28.2.89 ' Business Transfer Agency, Eland Craft Co. Lome, Chislpite (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O. Box 1071, Harare. 8131f3

K.S. & Co. Wholesalers (Pvt.) Stand No. 5a, Rusape Sale of said business including trading For the purposes of the above- G. T. Harvey & Asso­ Ltd., trading as K.S. & Co. style, stock-in-trade, fittures and mentioned Act, from the date ciates (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O. fittings, including cash, book debts, of the last publication of this Box 123, Rusape. other securities and liabilities., to notice and for all other pur­ 8134f3 K.S. Sc Co. Wholesalers (Pvt.) Ltd. poses from the close of business on 3.1.89 Devendra Amratlal Patel and 51, Bond Street, Mount Transfer of the goodwill, fixtures and 6.3.89 Business Broken and Con­ Smita Devenra Patel, trading Pleasant fittings and stock-in-trade, excluding sultants (Pvt.) Ltd., 4th as Mount Pleasant Fashions alt liabilities to Stephanie Mary Floor, Chancellor Esther Reeves House, Samora Machel Avenue, Harare. 8190f3 Devendra Amratlal Patel and 51, Bond Street, Mount Sale of business, including fixtures, 6.3.89 Business Brokers Sc Con­ Smita Devendra l^tel, trading Pleasant, Harare fittings and stock and goodwill, but sultants (Pvt.) Ltd., 4th as Mount Pleasant Fashions excluding book debts and liabilities Floor, Chancellor to Stephanie Mary Esther Reeves House, Samora Machel Avenue, Harare. 8375flO B. C. Sharma, trading as C. K. Stand 391, Rusape Sale of said business Including trading For the purposes of the above- G. T. Harvey Sc Associates Parbhoo &. Co. style, stock-in-trade, fixtures, and mentioned Act, from the date (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O. Box fitting, including cash, book debts, of the last publication of this 123, Rusape. 8579fl7 other securities to B. C. Sharma notice and for all other pur­ (Pvt.) Ltd. The liabilities at date of poses from the close of busi- sale remain with the seller nwsonthe31.3.89

companies act [Chapter m ]


N onci U hereby Kiven. in teirni of section 2! of the Companies Act that i^lication will be made, not less than 14 days from the date of publlca- ti

Number Name Change of naioe to | Agent

2222/88 R. Sc y. Consultants (Pvt.) Limited . . . Ryval (Pvt.l Limited ...... Winterton, Holmes & Htli. 85l2f 149/89 Satnbanyki Productions (Pvt.) Ltd. . . Zimbabwe Great Productions (Pvt.) Ltd. . Ocean Masamba. 8503f 250/78 Mall Buying Services (Private) Limited . . Publishing Sc Advertisement Design (Private) Arthur Young. 8513f Limited 172/85 imaiii Trading (Private) Limited .... Rem Trading (Private) Limited .... Arthur Young. 85161' 1326/88 Cumzini (Private) Ltd...... Cummins Zimbabwe (Private) Limited Coghlan, Welsh and Guest. 8542f 386/58 Gwaanza Ranching Company (Private) Limited Watershed Pharmacy (Private) Limited . . Peter Thomas and Associates (Pvt.) 8620t* Ltd. 390/62 Associated Fire Services (Private) Limited A.F.S. Mining (Private) Limited .... Dunlop Zimbabwe Ltd. 8628f 309/105/50 Marco* Farms (Pvt.) Ltd...... Sharona Park Farm (Pvt.) Ltd...... Beavers & Associates (Pvt.) Ltd. 8638f ■' - *\ 208 ^ ZimbabwIm G azbt^ M arch, 1989

tranC ER OR TRUrasBR AND A8SIGN1XS OnUiMKtini (1) or MGtloii 129 or tiu laolw ney Aet) T t HwMUqb tccooon tad phM af dlwitMMon wKl/f eogtrfentton ia Bie imtpm l or m »m r»Mil m m i n M japMl btkm h»viiw bwn wagnacd onUw dUH iBMitiBMd, aetk* It b H ^ fKw ifcM a dMtaUI k in snm a of prrmmt uailm > «o«ri6iaio)i it ia.aonnt of M t« ooBMMd is tkt tidd tkant. tad tint mtry endiior HtHt to eomribiiM it nquind to pty (brthwilh to tbt trmm at att^nto at t e addnaa nMitiaiMd, Ria nnowit tat ofeidi ha k liablt. foaalTioey Raiidai iofia—Form 13

Date nhoi Dividead being paid Number Name and d eser^on dT estate acommt and/or oomribution Name of trustee Full address of trustee or assignee of estate ccmfirmed befog ooffeeted ot auignee

B.5/87 Oladson Wutete ...... 17.2.89 Dividend being paid G. F. Adie P.O. Box 1746, Bulawayo. 8615f

NOTICES OV TRUSTEES A ral ASSIGNEES (puiauant to the Inwlvency Act) N onet ia hereby given that the liquidatkm em unta and plana of diatribution and/or contribution in the eatatea mentioned below will lie open at the oihcea mentioned for a period of 14 days, or auch longer period ta ia stated, Item the da . mentioned or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be laur, for inspection by cmdUois. laaoinncy Rafiilationa—Form 7 (1952) or 12 (1974)

Dates from Period for Number Name and deeoiption of estate DMcription Offices at which account whidi account whidh account of estate » of account will lie open will lie open will lie open

9/601 Francois Carel P i e n a a r ...... Second and Fina! High Court, Harare 3.3.89 14 days. 8492f Liquidation and Distribution Account


Gen^ai Noilcet Gerurtd Notices Nttmbtr Pagt Number * ftue 94. Road Motor Transportation Act [Cht^ter 262]: Applications 107. Constitution of Zin^abwe: Appointment of Acting Minister . 193 in Connexion with Road Service Permits 187 108. Constitution of Zimbabwe: Appointment of Actinf M**>^sters^. 193 95. Roads Act {Chester 263]: Declaration of District Roads: 109. Pariiament of Zimbabwe: Publication of Bills .... 193 Cbitenderano R unl Coutmil Area . 189 110. Insurance Act, 1987: Lost or Destroyed Life Policies . 193 96. Roads Act [Chapter 263: Declaration of District Road: 111. Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Act {Chapter I73\: Statement of Takawira District (^uncil Area 189 Assets and Liabilities of tlw Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe . 191 97. Roads Act [Chapter 263]: Declaration of Dit4rict Roads: Chirorodziva District Council Area . 190 Statutory Instruments Issued as Supplements to this Gazette 98. Roads Act [Chapter 263]: Declaration of District Road: C^hikomba District Coundl Area 190 Number 99. Roads Act [Chapter 263]: Declaration of District Roads: 31. Audit and Exchequer (Amemiment) R^ulations, 1989 (No. 1). Mberengwa District Council Area 190 32. TariSF of Vehicle Licence and Other Fees (Chiredzi Rural Coundl) 100. Roads Act [Chapter 263]: Dedaration of District Road: Notice, 1969. Manyame District Ccmncil Area . 191 33. Postal and Telecommunication Services (Postal) (Ammdment) By­ 101. Roads Act IcA ^ter 26J): Dedantion of Distrid Road: laws. 1989 (No. 2). Maahambadiou District Coundl Area 191 34. Postal and TelecommunicatioQ Services (Charges) (Amendm^) By­ 102. Roads Act [Chapter 263]: Dedaration of Dirtrict Roads: laws, 1989 (No. 1). Nkayi D iitrid Council Area 191 35. Road Traffic (Speed limit) (A n^dim nt) Regulations, 1989 (bto. 9). 103. Roads Act [Chapter 263]: Dedaration of District Road: 3^. Animal Health (Rabies AreM) Order, 198^9. Mudzi District Council Area . 191 37. Farmers Licensing and Levy (Rate of Levy) - (Oil-seeds) (Suspension) 104. Roads Act [Chaptm- 263]: Declaration of District Road: Notice, 1969. Goromonsi-Kubatana Dietrict (3ouiicB Area 191 38. Farmers Lioenamg and Levy (Rate of Levy) (Soniloar Seed) 105. Roads Act [Chapter 263]: Dedaration of District Roads: (Suspension) Notice, 1989. Mhondoro District Coundl Area 192 39. Control of Goods (Maize-meal' Prices) (Amendment) Order, 1W9 106. Roads Act [Chapter 263]: Dedaration of District Roads: (No. 1). District CcHjndl A m 192 40. Control of Goods (Sugar Prices) (Amendment) Order, 1989 (No. 17).

Printti by the Government Printer, Harare.